Browse Items (1662 total)
This collection consists of the records of Elizabeth Drye from her time in the Domestic Policy Council. Drye was Chief of Staff from February 1996 to August 1997. This series highlights topics relating to tobacco, human radiation experiments, FDA…

This collection consists of records related to news articles mentioning Elizabeth Warren and bankruptcy law, Bankruptcy, Reorganization, and Creditors' Rights Abstracts (BRCRA) electronic newsletters, the proposed 1999 Bankruptcy Reform, Reduction…

This collection contains records related to Senator Elizabeth Warren. The collection consists of correspondence inviting First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to participate in one of Warren's class discussions at Harvard Law School, and Elizabeth…
This collection consists of records concerning the sale and settlement the Elk Hills Petroleum Reserve in 1998. It contains correspondence, emails, news articles, briefing materials and memoranda about the sale. The records discussions regarding the…
This collection consists of records Records relating to Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt Jr. and his service on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Records relating to Zumwalt’s appointment and service on the PFIAB are primarily…
This collection consists of materials related to the suicide bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya on August 7, 1998 and the subsequent August 20, 1998 Operation Infinite Reach airstrikes against…
This collection consists of records regarding the application of the Emoluments Clause, Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the U.S. Constitution. It contains various background material such as congressional records, hearing transcripts, and…
This collection consists of records mentioning the city of Enniskillen or the surrounding County Fermanagh, in southwestern Northern Ireland. Due to this location, the area was regularly involved in the 40 year sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland…

2022-0370-F seg 1.pdf
This collection consists of records related to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),
Executive Order 12898, or Executive Order 13045. Subjects covered in these records include
Federal Register publications regarding NEPA, NEJAC (National…
This collection consists of records related to the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy from White House staffer Janet Anderson. It includes government publications, correspondence, memoranda, and reports.
This collection consists of material regarding communications between Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and the White House dating from June 1997 through January 2001. The collection contains articles, cables, clippings, emails, letters, memoranda,…
This collection consists of the files of Eric Liu, the Deputy Director of Domestic Policy from 1999-2000. It contains notes, memorandums, correspondence, speech drafts and legislative policy plans for the final year of the Clinton administration. It…

The collection consists of the subject files of Eric Massey, who served in the First Lady's Office as Researcher from 1999-2000. This series contains materials relating to the First Lady’s schedule and events, mostly during 1999 and 2000, the First…
This collection consists of records related to events on health care, education, women, and welfare that First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton attended from 1997-1999. The collection consists of correspondence, the First Lady's schedules, fact sheets,…

2020-0917-F Seg 1.pdf
This collection consists of records related to Eric Schmidt that date to his time as the Chairman and CEO of the software company Novell (1997 to 2001). This collection consists of correspondence concerning universal internet access, digital…

2020-0917-F Seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of electronic records concerning correspondence or communication with Eric Schmidt .This collection contains emails concerning Eric Schmidt’s attendance at an informal reception for CEO’s and foreign heads of state at the…
This collection consists of the records of Erika Batcheller from her time in the First Lady’s Office. Batcheller served as Deputy Press Secretary for the First Lady’s Office from 2000-2001, where she promoted initiatives related to women,…
This collection contains records regarding the appointment of Erin Kathleen Bilbray to positions in the Department of Commerce. Topics covered are Bilbray’s work record, experience, and accomplishments and consist of forms, letters, memos, and…
This collection contains records related to the 1993 Independence Referendum for the State of Eritrea. The collection consists of National Security Council Staff and Office files, State Department Cables and White House Emails. The records include an…
This request consists of photographs of President Clinton awarding the National Medal of Arts and Humanities to Ernest J. Gaines at a ceremony at DAR Constitution Hall on December 20, 2000. These photos document the award ceremony and the dinner…
This collection consists of records with any mention of Ernesto Balladares or Manuel Noriega. It contains records form the Automated Records Management System emails of news wire stories, media summaries, news releases, press releases, transcripts of…

This collection consists of records concerning Estonia during the Clinton Administration. A huge portion of the collection is centered around the final withdrawal of Russian troops from the newly independent Estonia (the last remaining contingent of…
This collection consists of records related to the September 28th, 1994 sinking of the car and passenger ferry MV Estonia in the Baltic Sea. The files contain cables about the disaster, including offers from the FBI for victim identification…
This collection contains records maintained by Eugenia Chough. Chough was Assistant Director of the Domestic Policy Council from March 1999 through April 2000. She was a Budget and Policy Analyst with the Department of Health and Human Services from…

This collection contains non-electronic records related to European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). European Security and Defense Policy is now–currently March 2022–called Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) and is a function of the…
This collection consists primarily of email and records from the National Security Council concerning Evelyn Lieberman’s appointment as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy. Prior to her arrival at the Department of State, Evelyn Lieberman…
This collection consists of records concerning Evelyn Lieberman who served as a member of the United States Information Agency (USIA). Lieberman was the Director of Voice of America (VOA) from 1997 to 1998 and Director of the International…
This collection consists of records pertaining to Executive Order 12875, “Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership”. The records include correspondence, note cards, copies of the executive order, talking points, and memoranda.
This collection consists of records pertaining to Executive Order 13083, “Federalism”. The records include correspondence, statements, memoranda, email and copies of Executive Order 13083.
This collection consists of records pertaining to Executive Order 13095, which suspended Executive Order 13083, “Federalism”. The records include correspondence, press releases, press briefings and copies of the Executive Order.
This collection consists of records related to Executive Order 13107 – Implementation of Human Rights Treaties. It includes memos related to the presentation of the executive order and the drafting of same. The majority of memos and e-mail concern…
This collection consists of documents concerning the Sharable Content/Courseware Reference Model (SCORM), Executive Order 13111, and The President’s Task Force on Training Technology. SCORM is a collection of standards and specifications for…
This collection consists of correspondence, reports, email, press releases, Presidential statements, and memoranda concerning Executive Order 13132, “Federalism.”
This collection consists of records related to Executive Order [EO] 12968, Access to Classified Information, which was signed by President Clinton on August 2, 1995 and EO 13087, Further Amendment to EO 11478 Equal Employment Opportunity in the…
This collection consists of records concerning the Clinton Administration’s policies on fair housing. The records include memos, letters, speeches, correspondence, and testimonies. The records include material from the Department of Housing and…
This collection consists of records concerning HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) housing in Beaumont and Vidor, Texas and Moving to Opportunity. The records include a note and memoranda, news articles, and remarks by HUD…
This collection consists of material regarding the televised Farewell Address given from the Oval Office on January 18, 2001, and the President’s Farewell Address to White House staff at Andrews Air Force Base on January 21, 2001. This collection…
This collection consists of records related to fast track authority. The bulk of the responsive records include National Economic Council (NEC) talking points regarding fast track authority, miscellaneous news articles, United States Information…
This collection consists of records from the National Security Council’s Records Management System (RMS). Specifically all records related to the Fast Track trade authority granted to the President under the Trade Act of 1974. This collection…
The White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) Subject File FG006-01 is a sub-category of the FG primary category containing information pertaining to or about the Federal Government Departments and Agencies. FG006-01 pertains exclusively to…
This collection consists of material dealing with the possible appointment of Felix Rohatyn to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. President Clinton considered the idea of nominating him as Vice Chairman of one of America’s most…
This collection consists of material regarding FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] denials for disaster relief for specific states and dates. When a disaster hits a state; rain, snow, floods, tornados, fires, etc., the governor of the state…

This collection consists of oral interview transcripts of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) employees recorded for the Clinton Administration History Project in 2000. Employees were asked to describe how they thought the public perceived the…

This collection consists of records related to emails mentioning Fidel Castro. The bulk of the responsive records consist of news articles and news wire reports, United States Information Agency foreign news media summaries, White House and State…

2019-0160-F seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of records concerning Cuban president Fidel Castro. The electronic records responsive to this request came from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS) and the Tape Restoration Project (TRP). Records to be opened…
This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, and logs highlighting the successful effort of Fife Symington to obtain a pardon from President Clinton before he left office. A Republican, the former Governor of Arizona was a staunch…
This collection consists of films screened at the White House, Camp David, and Air Force One by President Clinton. The collection consists of diary entries and photo search results.
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton’s “Executive Branch Public Financial Disclosure Reports” (SF-278) for the years 1993 through 1998. It contains information on the President’s financial assets, income, gifts,…
This collection consists primarily of information packets, books, and pamphlets from the files of the First Lady’s Office. These records are records that were mailed to and received by the First Lady’s Office early in the Administration, dating…
Within the First Lady’s Office, Speechwriting assisted with the writing and editing of the speeches given by the First Lady at various events and on various trips. This collection highlights topics relating to the arts and humanities, women’s…
This collection includes briefing papers for July 2, 1993 concerning a statement on the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC) Report. Topics also include meeting with the foreign press, the Media Opinion Leaders luncheon, video…

This collection contains records related to Floyd Mayweather, Jr., a highly decorated former professional boxer who competed between 1996 and 2017. The records include correspondence from Floyd Mayweather, Jr., family members, friends, and locals to…
This collection consists of folder title lists created by or for Paul Begala, Bill Burton, Mike McCurry, Rahm Emanuel, Morton Halperin, Harold Ickes, Bruce Lindsey, Cheryl Mills, Jack Quinn, Bruce Reed, Steven Ricchetti, Martha Scott, Craig Smith,…
The collection contains records regarding working lunches between the National Security Advisor (Anthony Lake or Samuel Berger), the Secretary of State (Warren Christopher or Madeleine Albright), and the Secretary of Defense (Les Aspin, William…

2020-0549-F Seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of records related to the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Fourth Amendment states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches…
This collection consists of records regarding relations with France during the Clinton Administration. Despite areas of tension on nuclear testing and economic matters, President Clinton enjoyed a constructing working relationship with French…
This collection consists of the subject file on France from the White House Office of Records Management's (WHORM). The files contain correspondence, speech drafts and schedules, including correspondence between President Clinton and French President…
This collection consists of records of the National Security Council (NSC) related to France; or trips by the President of the United States or by the National Security Advisor to France. Much of this segment is related to the trips of President…
This collection consists of records related to Franco-American relations. As the nature of the FOIA request deals heavily with international relations, a majority of the records are closed for national security reasons. The materials open in the NSC…
This collection consists of materials related to Frank Fountain, a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). It includes letters, email, and cables. Some of the records within this FOIA came from personnel files, which…
This collection consists of records relating to Frank Vera. The records consist of correspondence to, from, or about Frank Vera regarding Vera’s request for help from President Clinton and the Department of Veterans Affairs regarding the possible…
This collection consists of records related to a proposed agreement to eliminate or reduce trade barriers among all countries of Central and South America. This collection contains of Congressional testimony and correspondence between the President…
This collection consists of records related to the Free Trade Area of the Americas. The files include Congressional correspondence and the President’s Trip Book for the 1994 Summit of the Americas conference in Miami, FL. This collection contains…
This collection consists of records relating to the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The FTAA was a proposed agreement to eliminate or reduce the trade barriers among all countries in North America, Central America, South America and the…
This collection consists of records related to a proposed agreement to eliminate or reduce trade barriers among all countries of South and Central America. The proposal failed to gain any support and the signing deadline of January 1, 2005 passed…
Thiscolection consists of electronic records concerning the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).This collection contains press, press clippings, press briefings, transcripts of interviews, memos, draft speeches, internal correspondence, scheduling…
This collection consists the records maintained by Gabrielle Bushman, a White House speech writer from 1995 to 1996. It contains memorandums, speeches, speech drafts, remarks, talking points, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and Ms. Bushman’s…

This collection consists of records related to the appointment of Gary Kenneth King to the Department of Energy. In 1998, King became the Policy Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in…
This collection consists of unclassified electronic records regarding Gary Samore and meetings between US officials and South African delegations between 1992 and 1995 during which the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and missile…
This collection consists of Gaynor McCown’s Domestic Policy Council Printed Materials series of records related to education, children and family welfare, safe and drug free schools, and the budget. This collection consists of memoranda, pamphlets,…
This collection consists of Gaynor McCown’s Domestic Policy Council Subject series of records related to education accomplishments, student loans, state partnerships, safe and drug free schools, budget, youth initiatives, community outreach,…
This collection consists of material related to gays in the military from January 20, 1993 through July 31, 1993. The records include correspondence, reports, memoranda, and email, and deal with the development of the policy that became known as…
This collection consists of records related to the gender gap and voting trends in the Clinton Administration. This collection consists of agendas, articles, briefing papers, drafts, emails, lists, memoranda, press releases, public opinion polls,…
This collection consists of records relating to Gene Sperling and Banking Regulation, Cato Institute, Contract with America, Financial Deregulation, Glass-Steagall, Goldman Sachs, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Heritage Foundation, and James Buchanan. Gene…

This collection consists of Gene Sperling's files related to Japan. Sperling served as Deputy Director of the National Economic Council from 1993 to 1996 and then as NEC Director from 1996 to 2001. This collection includes articles, briefing books,…

This collection consists of Gene Sperling’s textual files related to international financial institutions or IFI. This collection concerns the United States Congress and its financial support for the International Monetary Fund or IMF, the European…
This collection consists of a cable transcript of the March 2, 1993, press conference given by Douglas Newkirk, the assistant United States Trade Representative (USTR), regarding negotiations with China and their rejoining the General Agreement on…

This collection contains records regarding General Michael E. Ryan and the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia from 1996 to 2001. For most of this period, General Ryan served as the 16th Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. The collection…
This collection consists of records related to Michael Ryan and events/subjects related to the Kosovo conflict. General Michael Ryan served as Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force from 1997 to 2001. It contains emails which contain articles,…
This collection consists of records describing the ethnic cleansing that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina around the town of Srebrenica in July 1995. The massacre of 8,000 Bosnian Muslims that occurred in Srebrenica is the largest mass murder in…
This collection consists of records relating to Geoffrey Cowan, Director of Voice of America (VOA). Cowan was appointed in 1994. The records in this collection include correspondence, press releases, wire reports, schedules, invitations and United…
This collection consists of material concerning the appointment of George Perry to the Board of Governor of the Federal Reserve System in early 1994. The collection contains publications, resumes, and statements concerning Perry's appointment and…
This collection consists of photos of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton attending the Women's Gymnastics Artistic final on July 25, 1996 during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, GA. The photos show President…
This collection consists of records from George Stephanopoulos’ files relating to communications and press strategy. Mr. Stephanopoulos began serving as de facto Press Secretary at the White House giving the daily press briefings. Later in 1993,…
This collection consists of unclassified electronic records regarding George Stephanopoulos and events during the Kosovo conflict. Mr. Stephanopoulos served from the outset of the administration in 1993 as communications director and then senior…
This collection consists of records related to information about knives, swords and cutlery that President Clinton received while in office. The records in this collections include White House gift records and an inventory list created from a query…

This collection consists of records related to the term “Gilgamesh.” The records consist of miscellaneous news articles and press notes for President Clinton’s visit to India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan in March 2000. This collection only…
This collection consists of material regarding the Clinton Administration’s handling of the global AIDS crisis. It contains correspondence, memoranda, talking points, drafts, invitations, background material, agendas and minutes, executive orders,…
This collection consists of materials related to White House communication between January 01, 2000 and January 20, 2001 regarding Vice President Gore's campaign for President. It consists of correspondence, memoranda, speech drafts, and schedules…
This collection consists of records related to the 1993 and 1994 Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission meetings concerning U.S.-Russia science, technology, and space cooperation It contains press briefings, press releases, cables, emails, memorandums,…
This collection consists of a video recording of President Clinton and Vice President Gore on August 3, 1993 giving remarks upon signing the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. Representative John Conyers and Senator William Roth make…
This collection consists of photographs of budget meetings at the White House including: President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Sec. Robert Rubin, Sen. Bob Dole, Rep. Newt Gingrich, Rep. Dick Armey, Sen. Tom Daschle, Rep. Richard Gephardt, Leon…
This collection consists of records related to Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Muhammad al-Sadr, a prominent Shi’ite cleric in southern Iraq who became a leader in the opposition to Sadaam Hussein and the Baath Party. This collection contains press…
This collection consists of records related to Guam. These records discuss Guam’s political status, proposed legislation (namely the Guam Commonwealth Act), economic development, tourism, the United States Military’s use of land in Guam,…
This collection consists of records concerning Judge Guido Calabresi, Second Circuit Court of Appeals. This collection consists of forms, reports, statements, memoranda, lists, newspaper articles, resumes, email, and correspondence related to…

This collection contains records regarding Guilford Glazer, prominent American real estate developer and philanthropist. The records include correspondence as well as the schedule and guest list for a state dinner to which Glazer and his wife were…

This collection consists of records related to Guilford Glazer. Guilford Glazer was a prominent American real estate developer and philanthropist. Throughout his life, Glazer was involved with many social and political causes related to the State of…
Photographs of President Clinton signing H.R. Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act (1997 Budget Bill) in the Treaty Room Office on September 30, 1996.
This collection contains materials from the White House staff office of the National Security Council (NSC), from 1994. Records include correspondence, memoranda, newspaper articles, press releases, reports, and talking points. The majority of the…
This collection consists of records related to Haiti from 1993 through 2000 including immigration policy, diplomacy, the 1994 military intervention, and refugee issues. It contains correspondence to and from Congress, correspondence with activists…
This collection contains records regarding Haitian and Cuban migrants and refugees. These records include correspondence, memoranda, reports, briefing and meeting materials, schedules, newspaper articles, and emails.
This collection consists of material dealing with the creation of the Hanford Reach National Monument in the state of Washington on June 8, 2000. This area is a 51-mile long stretch of the Columbia River home to more than forty species of fish,…
This collection consists of records related to the December 1995 military conflict between Eritrea and Yemen over the islands of the Zukar-Hanish archipelago in the Red Sea. It contains National Security Council staff member files, NSC Cables, NSC…

2023-0127-S Seg 1.pdf
This collection consists of records from Harold Ickes, White House Deputy Chief of Staff. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper and magazine articles, invitations, reports, schedules, speeches, press releases, resumes,…

2022-0433-S Ickes Health Care Files.pdf
This collection consists of health care records from the files of Harold Ickes, White House Deputy Chief of Staff. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper and magazine articles, academic reports, schedules, speeches, press…

2023-0127-S seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of records from Harold Ickes, White House Deputy Chief of Staff. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper and magazine articles, invitations, reports, schedules, speeches, press releases, resumes,…

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to Harold James Nicholson. Records opened in this collection include press guidance, talking points, transcripts of television shows, and unclassified records…

This researcher consits of electronic records related to Harold James Nicholson. This collection contains press, news clippings, and press transcripts.
This collection consists of records relating to Harold W. Pote and his service on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Clinton Presidential Records relating to Harold W. Pote consist largely of personnel files relating to Pote’s…
This collection consists of records related to film producer Harvey Weinstein or Miramax. Miramax is a film production and distribution company founded by Bob and Harvey Weinstein. It consists of emails, gift records, guest lists, invitations,…
This collection consists of photographs related to Harvey Weinstein from the Clinton Administration pertaining to events that included Harvey Weinstein with President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and staff. These events include: Democratic…

The photographs processed in this case consist of President Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham, and Chelsea Clinton, and members of a U.S. delegation attending funeral services for King Hassan II of Morocco on July 25, 1999 in Rabat, Morocco.…
This collection consists of records related to Hazel O’Leary, who served as Secretary of the Department of Energy from January 22, 1993 until January 20, 1997. O’Leary was the first female and the first African-American to hold that position. The…

This collection consists largely of the First Lady’s Office files that include memos, background files, and meeting notes concerning the formation and actions of the Health Care Taskforce and working groups. These files include records pertaining…
This collection consists of correspondence between the White House and Congress from July 1993 through December 1993 relating to the Health Care Task Force. The topics covered by this collection are health care form, specifically funding of the new…
The White House Health Care Interdepartmental Working Group was created to gather information on previous health care reform initiatives, generate ideas, and formulate alternative options and present those options for consideration by the Task Force…

2006-0810-F segment 1.pdf
This collection consists of records related to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Health Care Reform Files, 1993-1996. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton served as the Chair of the President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform. The files contain…
This collection consists of records related to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Health Care Reform Files, 1993-1996. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton served as the Chair of the President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform. The files contain…
This collection consists of Ira Magaziner’s Health Care Task Force files including: correspondence, reports, news clippings, press releases, and publications. Ira Magaziner a Senior Advisor to President Clinton for Policy Development was heavily…
This collection consists of records describing the efforts of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to get health care reform through Congress. This collection consists of correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, memos, papers, and reports. A…
The majority of the records in this collection consist of reports, polls, and surveys concerning nearly all aspects of health care; many letters from the public, medical professionals and organizations, and legislators to the Task Force concerning…
This collection consists of records describing the efforts of the Clinton Administration to pass the Health Security Act, which would have reformed the health care system of the United States. This collection contains memoranda, correspondence,…
This collection of the Health Care Task Force records consists of materials from the files of Robert Boorstin, Alice Dunscomb, Richard Veloz and Walter Zelman. The files contain memoranda, correspondence, handwritten notes, reports, charts, graphs,…
This collection consists of the files of the Health Care Task Force (HCTF), focusing on material from Jack Lew and Lynn Margherio. Lew’s records reflect a preoccupation with figures, statistics, and calculations of all sorts. Graphs and charts…
This collection consists of records related to the Health Care Task Force. It contains articles, briefing papers, news clippings, lists, memoranda, notes, presentations, press reports, statements, and talking points from the Staff and Office files of…
This collection consists of records dealing with the attempt of the Clinton Administration to transform the health care system of the United States. The material in Segment 8 focuses on the Staff and Office Files of Arnold Epstein, Charlotte Hayes,…

This collection consists of the first portion of the Health Care Task Force's Delivery Room Central Files, also referred to as the General Files. These alphabetized folders contain records concerning a variety of issues associated with health care…
This collection is the tenth segment of materials related to the Health Care Task Force. It includes the files of Robert Boorstin, Alice Dunscomb and the Health Care Delivery Room Central Files, also referred to as the General Files. The collection…
This collection consists of material regarding the Health Care Task Force (HCTF). It contains the records of staffers Robert Boorstin, Roger Goldblatt, Marjorie Tarmey, Catherine Balsam-Schwaber, Simone Rueschemeyer, and Cindi Tauber. Also included…
This collection is the twelfth segment of materials related to the Health Care Task Force. It includes the files of Robert Boorstin, Alan Hoffman, Marjorie Tarmey, Simone Reuschemeyer, and Susannah Wellford as well as some material from the General…
This collection consists of records regarding the Health Care Task Force. The collection contains memoranda, correspondence, briefing and meeting materials, government publications, newspaper articles, congressional testimony, emails, and fact sheets…
This collection is the fourteenth segment of materials related to the Health Care Task Force. It includes publications and papers. Two of the publications are entitled “Pharmaceutical R&D [Research and Development]: Costs, Risks, and Rewards.” In…
This collection consists of the subject files of Heather Howard from her time in the Domestic Policy Council. Howard was Associate Director for Domestic Policy from 2000 to the end of the Administration who specialized in children and family issues…

This collection consists of speeches, drafts, correspondence, and background research from the files of Heather Hurlburt. Hurlburt worked as Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Clinton; her speechwriting files date from 1999-2001.She…
The collection contains material, excluding press, related to the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative. The search terms used included "HIPC" and "Heavily Indebted Poor Countries." The electronic Clinton Presidential Records to be opened…
This collection consists of records related to the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative. It contains memorandums, reports, talking points, remarks, and news articles. Topics addressed in these records include the justification for and…
This collection consists of material related to unclassified textual holdings related to the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative. The collection includes correspondence regarding budgetary and debt relief issues with HIP and Congress,…
This collection consists of a letter with newspaper clippings from Helen Hamman to President Clinton regarding her father, Don C. Smith, former Director of the Red Cross pre-WWII, and his deathbed confession of a conversation he had with President…
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Henry Diamond. Diamond was a member of the American Conservation Association. Also included are internal White House email concerning President Clinton’s response to a letter…
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Henry Kissinger. It also contains a copy of a speech, news clips, and memoranda. The correspondence contains appreciation and endorsement letters, and a get well letter from…

This collection consists of records related to Department of the Interior and Environmental Protection Agency weekly reports, press material on the American Heritage Rivers Initiative, American Heritage Rivers Interagency Committee and Interagency…

2022-0496-F Seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of records relating to American Heritage Rivers, an initiative aimed to reward communities that protected American rivers. This collection consists of correspondence regarding applications for nomination and designation as an…
This collection consists of records related to the film High Noon. The High Noon is an American Western film that released in 1952. The film earned an estimated $3.4 million at the North American box office. The collection contains interview…
This collection consists of the First Lady’s daily schedule including meetings, trips, speaking engagements and social activities for the eight years of the Clinton Administration.
This collection consists of the First Lady’s daily schedule including meetings, trips, speaking engagements and social activities for the eight years of the Clinton Administration. These are dates for which Patti Solis Doyle did not have schedules,…
This collection consists of records regarding conferences and events attended and hosted by the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton. The key events in this collection consist of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Vital Voices,…
This collection consists of records relating to Hillary Clinton’s New York Senate Campaign. The records included in this collection are draft schedules, press clippings, memos, event attendee lists and email. The collection also consists of records…
This collection contains transcripts, correspondence, general information, and invitations related to a speech given by the First Lady at Forum 2000 in Prague, Czech Republic on October 13, 1998. The event was the second in a series of conferences…
This collection contains transcripts, draft remarks, research material, and e-mails pertaining to remarks by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Sorbonne in Paris, France on June 17, 1999. In her remarks, entitled “Globalization into the New…
These records contain telephone message slips addressed to Hillary Rodham Clinton. The messages are from the general public, doctors, staffers, and congressional leaders and range in date from early 1993 through early 1996.
This collection consists of records related to microcredit and microdevelopment, as well as correspondence between the Clinton White House and microcredit pioneer Muhammad Yunus. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, background…
This collection consist of records from First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's files on NASA or Outer Space. These materials include materials related to community outreach, press releases, and educational events regarding the space program.
This collection consists of a binder containing briefing papers, clippings, diagrams, memoranda, menus, profiles, schedules, statements, and talking points. These records describe the trip of the First Lady to Morocco in the spring of 1999. Of…
This collection consists of early drafts of the First Lady’s remarks to the World Health Organization Forum on Women and Health Security in Beijing, China on September 5, 1995. The collection contains materials used for researching, writing, and…

This collection consists of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s commencement speeches during the Clinton Administration. This collection, which dates from 1993 to 1996, consists of drafts and final versions of commencement speeches, background memos and…
This collection consists of email sent or received from First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s White House email account. Mrs. Clinton sent a very limited number of emails from her White House account as the First Lady. Two email she wrote of note…
This collection consists of records that relate to the Export-Import Bank and their involvement in the HIV/AIDS program for Africa. The records relate to the 2000 G-8 Summit in Okinawa and the Clinton Administration’s efforts to obtain funding for…

This collection contains the records of Holly Smith related to Japan. This collection consists of 1 page and 2 photographs.
This collection consists of records related to the HOPE Scholarship program in Georgia. It contains budget proposals, materials related to the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, the 1998 budget, Hope Scholarship tax credits, the Lifetime Learning tax…
This collection consists of records concerning Iwao Osaki and Hotel Okura in Tokyo, Japan. Iwao Osaki is owner of Hotel Okura. The records in this collection consist of one letter relating to Osaki.
This collection consists of records related to housing rental vouchers, low-income homeownership, the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, and the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. It contains correspondence and background materials…

2020-0557-F seg 1.pdf
The researcher submitted a request for electronic records related to Congressional liaison Howard Paster. The records responsive to this request came from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS). Records to be opened include appointment…

2020-0557-F seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of records related to Howard Paster, Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, who served as the chief congressional relations officer for President Clinton in 1993. In addition to unsolicited letters of…
This collection consists of records related to Howard Zinn. Zinn was an American historian, author, playwright, and social activist who wrote extensively on civil rights, anti-war movements, and the labor history of the United States. This…
This collection consists of records relating to Hugh Rodham, Hillary Clinton’s elder brother. Hugh Rodham was an Assistant Public Defender and investigator working in the public defenders office in Dade County Florida for the Miami Drug Court. He…
This collection consists of records pertaining to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. It includes news articles, press coverage, publications, email, and cables. Topics include Chavez’ candidacy, drug interdiction, flood relief, inaugurations, oil…
This collection consists of photographs from the White House Photograph Office taken on October 3, 1994 in Old Executive Office Building Room 450, where President Clinton accepted the Human Radiation Final Report. Ruth Faden, Hazel O’Leary, and…
This collection consists of records related to the Supreme Court case Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Group of Boston and the related Supreme Court case Boy Scouts of America v. Dale. The responsive emails primarily consist of…
This collection consists of records from a meeting between President Clinton and the Kosovo Albanian leader, Ibrahim Rugova, on May 29, 1998. The collection contains memoranda, scheduling proposals, profile sheets, and routing slips.
This is a video recording of a videotaped message by President Clinton in the Cabinet Room. The President taped remarks that were to be released on January 29, 1998 in reference to the occasion of ID AL-FITR, a three-day Muslim holiday that marks the…
This collection consists of records related to the Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. The Act was designed to improve border control by imposing criminal penalties for racketeering, alien smuggling, the use or creation…

This collection consists of records concerning the Clinton Administration’s immigrant detention policy as implemented through the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the United States Border Patrol, and the U.S. Marshals Service Joint Prisoner…
This collection consists of records related to the Immigration Working Group that primarily date from 1998 to 2000. This collection consists of agendas, backgrounders, correspondence, draft legislation, fact sheets, press releases, reports, and…
This collection consists of materials assigned the subject code ND006 by the White House Office of Records Management (WHORM). This subject code is for matters related to intelligence. These files contain correspondence, drafts of legislation, and…
This collection consists of records related to the Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB). The IOB’s mission was to prepare reports to the President of intelligence activities which the IOB believed to be unlawful, or contrary to Executive Order or…
This collection consists of materials regarding the Intelligence Oversight Board’s June 1996 Report on the Guatemala Review. In response to March 1995 allegations of a connection between the CIA and human rights abuses in Guatemala, President…
This collection consists of records concerning InterAction, a Washington, DC based alliance of 180 non-governmental organizations (NGOs). InterAction’s members focus on peace efforts, human rights, and supporting the poor and venerable around the…
This collection consists of the final ten decisions made by the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP). Specifically related to the process and not the documents that were appealed. Included in this collection are the sanitized…
This collection consists of the list of cases before the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel, 1996-2000. The list produced is a hard copy of the electronic database maintained by the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) on…
This collection was made available via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The FOIA request was for the meeting minutes of the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP). This collection includes the minutes from the regular…

This collection consists of records regarding the Interagency Working Group (IWG) for East Asia and the Pacific from 1993 to 2000. It contains materials regarding IWG meetings, papers, and consultations from the NSC Records Management System files.
This collection consists of records relating to H.R. 1977 – Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996. The act provided appropriations for the Department of the Interior, Department of Energy, the Forest Service…
This collection consists of records related to International Broadcasting. U.S. international broadcasting began to evolve after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. The International Broadcasting Act of 1994 consolidated…
This collection consists of material created or received by members of the Clinton Administration regarding the International Criminal Court (ICC). The collection contains letters, memoranda, papers, press statements and briefings, news articles,…
This collection consists of records relating to the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Interstate Commerece Commision Termination Act of 1995 (H.R. 2539). H.R.2539, abolished the Interstate Commerce Commission and aimed to reform economic…
This collection consists of records related to Ambassador Robert S. Dillon’s “Report to Congress on the Investigation of the Whereabouts of the U.S. Citizens Who Have Been Missing from Cyprus Since 1974.” The report was in response to Public…
This collection consists of photographs related to Hillary Rodham Clinton visiting Youth Shelter Services in Ames, Iowa on February 3, 1996. Hillary Rodham Clinton meet with shelter staff and participated in a discussion group with parents and…
Ira Magaziner served as Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development in the Domestic Policy Council from 1993 to 1998. This collection contains materials relating to domestic and foreign policy topics, including trade and health care…
Electronic Commerce Series: From the records of the Domestic Policy Council, Ira Magaziner’s Electronic Commerce series covers policy considerations relating to Internet and electronic commerce issues. Ira Magaziner served as Senior Advisor to the…
This collection consists of reports, memoranda, correspondence, news clippings, and schedules from the files of Ira Magaziner, Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development. Magaziner assisted in implementing President Clinton’s Health…
This collection consists of records concerning United States relations with Iran in 1993 and in 1995 through 1996. Due to serious differences over human rights and support for terrorist organizations, already strained relations between the U.S. and…
This collection consists of records related to Iran in 1997. Topics include Executive Order 13059, which prohibited certain trade activities with Iran; and the South Pars Gas Deal, a $2 billion dollar foreign investment contract to develop part of an…
This collection consists of records regarding Iraq in 1998. The first segment of this collection includes reports to Congress, Congressional correspondence, as well as United Nations (UN) reports and resolutions. These records concern the use of…
This collection consists of records regarding Iraq and Terrorism from January 1, 1994 through January 20, 2001. The records include letters, reports, press statements and briefings, speeches, news articles, email and Department of State cables. …
This collection consists of records from the office of Irene Bueno, who served as Special Assistant to the President in the Chief of Staff’s Office and on the Domestic Policy Council from 1999 to 2001. Bueno worked on immigration issues during her…
This collection consists of records related to Iridium LLC, a commercial satellite communications system. The records responsive to this request contain email, correspondence, memoranda, handwritten meeting notes, information packets, drafts, and…
This collection contains a list of attendees present at the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles White House Ceremony, September 13, 1993. It contains records printed from the White House Database.
This collection consists of records related to the re-authorization of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency ACT (ISTEA) and the Clinton Administration’s proposed bill to address reauthorization, the National Economic Crossroads…

This collection contains records related to Jack Levitsky and the former Yugoslavia. This collection dates between 1993 and 2000. This collection consists of National Security Council (NSC) staff and office files as well as the NSC’s Records…

This collection contains records regarding Jack Zetkulic and the former Yugoslavia from 1996 to 2001. During this period, Mr. Zetkulic was the Deputy Chief of Mission in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY). The FRY later became Serbia and…

This collection consists of records related to United States Information Agency (USIA) foreign news media summaries. This collection contains emails only.

This collection highlights Lain’s work on Clinton administration education issues including strategies to improve Hispanic student achievement, organizing materials used for education briefings, White House education tours, and her work on the…
This collection consists of records related to President William J. Clinton’s meetings with French President Jacques Chirac on June 14, 1995 where the two discussed Bosnia. A well known and long serving politician, Chirac was elected President of…
This collection consists of one record from the Electronic Daily Diary concerning a phone call made by President Clinton to Rear Admiral Thomas C. Lynch on December 6, 1993. It is a diary entry.
This collection consists of records relating to Dr. James Benito Hall who served as Ambassador of Goodwill, HIV/AIDS. The records consist of correspondence to, from, or about Dr. Hall.
This collection consists of records related to James Brown, the Godfather of Soul (GFOS) that date from 1993 to 2000. This collection consists of correspondence between James Brown and President Clinton on topics such as gift-giving, non-violence,…
This collection consists of records relating to correspondence between President Clinton and movie producer James Cameron. The records include correspondence from President Clinton to James Cameron congratulating him on winning the 1997 Academy Award…
This collection consists of two records related to James D’Andrea. The records are from the Worker and Visitor Entry System (WAVES). The WAVES database was used to manage visitor appointments for entry and exit of White House offices.
This collection consists of records related to Assistant Secretary of State James Dobbins’ involvement in matters relating to NATO and European Security. The records include National Security Council cables.
This collection consists of records related to James Hamilton, who served as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from 1995 to 1997. This collection consists of correspondence and emails relating to Hamilton’s…
This collection consists of records from when James L. Farmer, Jr. received the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 15, 1998. The files contain congressional correspondence and correspondence written by the general public recommending that…
This collection consists of email and records relating to the appointment of James Lynwood Younger Jr. for the position of United States Marshall for the Eastern District of Virginia. Lynwood was appointed to the position in October 2000.
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and James Woolsey. James Woolsey was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under President Clinton from 1993 until 1995. The photographs are from March 16, 1994, and include…
This collection consists of records concerning Jamie Metzel. Metzel served as the Director of Multilateral and Humanitarian Affairs at the National Security Council (NSC) 1997 to 1998 and Senior Coordinator for International Public Information (IPI)…
Janet Napolitano was appointed by President Clinton as the United States Attorney for the District of Arizona in 1993. Napolitano served as U.S. Attorney until 1998 when she resigned to run for Attorney General of the State of Arizona. This…
This collection consists of records related to Janet Yellen, who was Chairperson of the CEA [Council of Economic Advisors] from 1997-1999. It contains memoranda and briefings concerning details such as economic indicators, industrial production,…
This collection consists of records related to Janis Kearney and her hiring as Special Assistant to the President and Records Manager. It contains correspondence, news articles, schedules, telephone memoranda sheets, presidential call logs, day…

This collection consists of records related to the Clinton Administration’s economic plan outline and the timeline for the 1994 budget discussions, as well as emails describing press-related political news summaries from late January 1993. This…

This collection consists of photographs featuring staffer Jay Footlik. Included are the following: photographs on October 20, 1995 of Footlik aboard Air Force One; Stephen Goodin and Footlik talking with President Clinton on May 21, 1996; President…

The collection includes records related to Admiral Jay Johnson and the crises in the former Yugoslavia. It contains an email with a compilation of articles from U.S. news organizations regarding the NATO air strikes in Kosovo. One of these articles…
This collection consists of subject files related to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti. It contains correspondence between President Aristide and President Clinton that is routine in nature such as congratulatory and birthday greeting. The…
This collection consists of records from White House Staff and Office files relating to Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide. It contains a letter from Taylor Branch to President Clinton regarding Branch’s visit with the exiled President…
This collection consists of correspondence, press releases, a statement, a memo, and a news article regarding Dr. Jean Houston. Dr. Houston is an author and principal founder of, “The Foundation for Mind Research,” and “The Human Potential…
This collection contains materials related to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti. In 1990, the Salesian priest won election to the office of President of Haiti at the head of his Organisation Politique “Lavalas.” However, military coup…
The photographs processed in this collection are related to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti. The bulk of the material is leading up to the re-installment of Aristide as President of Haiti and the subsequent Summit of the Americas, with some…
This collection consists of correspondence and email concerning Jeane Dixon. Dixon was a well-known astrologer and psychic. The collection contains a recommendation for Presidential Medal of Freedom from Jeane Dixon, holiday greetings, and email…
This collection contains the files of Jeff Shesol, Presidential Speechwriter. During his time at the White House, he worked on a wide range of topics. His speeches cover International issues such as: global trade, the World Trade Organization, and…

This request was specifically for records related to Jeffrey Bartos. Jeffrey, better known by the name of Jeff, was a volunteer in the Scheduling and Advance Office from May to August 1993. Records released in this collection include administrative…
This collection consists of email correspondence to and from Jeffrey Frankel in 1999. Jeffrey A. Frankel is a macroeconomist who served as Chief Economist on the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) from 1996-1999. Frankel left the CEA in 1999 to serve…
This collection consists of records related to White House AIDS policy development, HIV testing on newborns, Office of National AIDS Policy weekly reports, 1995 White House Conference on HIV and AIDS, the Interdepartmental Task Force on HIV/AIDS,…
This collection consists of records from the files of Jennifer Klein, a senior policy analyst on the Domestic Policy Council and Special Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. Klein also was a health policy assistant to the First Lady. The…
This collection consists of the files of Jennifer Klein. From 1993 through 1999, Jennifer Klein served as a health policy assistant to the First Lady while simultaneously working in the Domestic Policy Council as a senior policy analyst. She later…
This collection consists of files maintained by Jennifer Klein, a domestic policy advisor for First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Office of Policy Development from 1993 to 1999. The collection contains memorandums, correspondence, reports,…

This collection consists of records from Jennifer O'Connor, Special Assistant to White House Deputy Chief of Staff. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspapers and magazine articles, invitations, reports, press releases,…
This collection consists of records relating to Jennifer Ward, the Senior Director of African Affairs and Rwanda from 1993-1994. Records concern the U.S. reaction to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.
Jeremy Ben-Ami served as Chief of Staff to the Domestic Policy Council from 1993 through 1996 and Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy from 1995 through 1997. This collection consists of agendas, drafts, legislation, letters, memos,…
This collection consists of records related to NSC Staffer Jeremy Rosner and NATO enlargement. It contains memoranda, notes, correspondence, talking points, reports, and administrative paperwork.

This collection contains records regarding Jeremy Rosner and the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia from 1997 to 2001. Previously the National Security Council (NSC) Senior Director for Legislative Affairs and a Senior Fellow at the Carnegie…

This collection consists of records related to United States Information Agency (USIA) news summaries from 1997 mentioning Jeremy Rosner. This collection contains emails and electronic records.
This collection consists of photographs of Hillary Rodham Clinton and/or President Clinton with Jerry Hultin, Undersecretary of the Navy. Photographs include: Hillary Rodham Clinton arriving at the Marine Barracks and Navy Yard Museum in Washington,…

FOIA 2023-0675-F is a request for all Clinton Administration White House photographs containing Reverend Jesse Jackson. Reverend Jackson is the founder of Rainbow/PUSH – a combination of two organizations founded by Reverend Jackson being the…
This collection consits of records related to Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr’s appointment as Special Envoy for the President and Secretary of State for Promotion of Democracy in Africa. It consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, emails,…
This collection consists of material regarding correspondence and meetings between President Clinton and Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura. The collection includes records concerning visits of Gov. Ventura to the White House, an event held with Gov.…
This collection consists of records related to meetings between President Clinton and Chinese President Jiang Zemin and records related to trade issues in 1999. It contains subject files, correspondence, legislative materials, talking points,…
This collection consists of the files of Joe Lockhart, Press Secretary for President Clinton from 1998-2000. The records located here include memoranda, correspondence, talking points, lists, statements, and emails. Major topics of interest can be…

This collection contains records related to John Bass and the former Yugoslavia. This collection consists of records from the National Security Council’s Cable, Email, and Records Management System. The collection dates from April 1998 to December…
This collection consists of records from the files of John Beyrle, National Security Council (NSC) Director for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasian Affairs from 1993 through 1996. Beyrle’s responsibilities at the NSC included head of state communications…
This collection contains records related to John C. Dwyer in 1993. Dwyer served as Deputy Director of Presidential Correspondence and Presidential Messages in 1993 and Deputy Associate Attorney General in the Department of Justice from 1993 to 1997.…
This collection consists of memoranda, correspondence, notes, articles, and email regarding John C. Pouland. Pouland served as Regional Administrator of Region 7, General Services Administration from 1995 to 1996. He was reappointed in 1997 and…
This collection consists of news articles and press briefings concerning the security revocation of John M. Deutch. It also includes memoranda regarding meetings on the investigations regarding Deutch’s mishandling of national security information.
This collection consists of records regarding John Deutch and his service as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). Deutch was appointed to the PFIAB by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 and served until 1993. The…
This collection consists of emails containing news articles that mention or quote John DiIulio, news articles written by DiIulio, transcripts from his appearances on television news programs, his commentary on Charitable Choice, and records of…
This collection consists of letters, email and memoranda concerning communication and correspondence between the Florida Governor John Ellis Bush and the White House. The correspondence addresses a number of diverse topics, including Cuban refugee…
This collection consists of Clinton presidential records related to John F. Kennedy, Jr. Though the records date from 1993-1999, they majority of this collection revolves around the 1999 plane crash that killed John F. Kennedy, Jr.; his wife, Carolyn…
This collection consists of photographs from the Clinton administration related to Prime Minister John Howard of Australia. Events include photos of Prime Minister Howard during President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s trip to Australia in…
This collection consists of records related to Australian Prime Minister John Howard. John W. Howard, a member of Australia’s Liberal Party, was elected March 2, 1996 as Prime Minister of Australia and served in that role until electoral defeat in…
This collection consists of records related to Memorandums of Conversation, or memcons, and Telephone Conversations, or telcons, between President Clinton and John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia. The collection contains National Security Council…

This collection contains records related to John K. Menzies and the former Yugoslavia. This collection consists of records from the National Security Council’s Cable, Email, and Records Management System. They include cables related to humanitarian…
This collection consists of records related to media reactions and media summaries from European countries, public affairs documents, press guidance, press briefings, and speech transcripts pertaining to John Kornblum, NATO, and European security. It…
This collection consists of records concerning John Major, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1990 to 1997. The records include telcons, memcons, cables, letters and memorandums. The topics covered include Radio/TV Marti, Haitian Radio Support…

This collection contains records related to John Norris and the former Yugoslavia. This collection consists of records from the National Security Council’s Cable, Email, and Records Management System. They include press releases and presidential…
This collection consists of material pertaining to John Parsons “Jack” Wheeler. Serving as chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund from 1979-1989, Wheeler was instrumental in the 1982 opening of the Vietnam Wall in Washington, D.C. During…
This collection consists of the records of John Podesta, White House Staff Secretary. It consists of letters, memos, reports, publications, pamphlets, newspaper articles, and handwritten notes from the Staff Secretary files of John Podesta from 1993…
This collection consists of records related to the surprise birthday party for White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta’s 50th birthday held in the State Dining Room of the White House, January 8, 1999. This collection consists of email between…
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of John Pollack, who worked for the Speechwriting Office from 1999-2001. The records primarily consist of speeches related to statements about individuals: eulogies, retirements, award winners, etc.…

This collection consists of records related to European Security from the files of John Schmidt in the European Affairs directorate of the National Security Council. It includes a November 1995 cable regarding the Organization for Security and…
This collection consists John Schnur’s Domestic Policy Council files. Schnur served as the Associate Director for Education Policy from 1998-1999. The collection contains records related to education conferences, awards, and events. This collection…

This collection consists of records related to Assistant Secretary of State John Shattuck’s investigations of human rights abuses in Bosnia in 1995. It contains National Security Council (NSC) Cables, Emails, and Records Management System (RMS)…
This collection consists of records related to John Shattuck and the War in Kosovo. John Shattuck served as United States Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor from 1993 through 1998, and was the U.S. Ambassador to the…
This collection consists of records relating to John Shelby Bryan and his service as member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. This collection consist of memos, letters, fax cover sheets, court records, resumes, press releases,…
This collection consists of a memorandum from Secretary of Defense Aspin to President Clinton regarding the selection of a new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff dated from the summer of 1993. This memorandum discusses the biographies of General…
The collection contains letters and press concerning possible nominations for the position of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from within the ranks of the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and Navy. Letters, memoranda, and notes within the…
This collection consists of records related to the Joint Data Exchange Center (JDEC). The JDEC, established in 2000, is a permanent joint military operation between the United States and Russia to share information regarding the launches of ballistic…
This collection consists of records relating to discussion between the United States and Russia to implement a joint missile surveillance system which culminated in the creation of the Joint Data Exchange Center (JDEC) and the Shared Early Warnings…
This collection consists of records related to Operation Sea Signal, Operation Safe Passage, Operation Safe Haven, and Joint Task Force 160. The records in this collection date from approximately January 1993 to August 1996. The records include a…
This collection consists of records related to Mr. Jon Larimore, who operated the Gay and Lesbian Information Bureau (GLIB) for a period of ten years largely during the Clinton administration. It consists of correspondence, drafts, and notes,…
Jonathan Prince served in various capacities during the two terms of the Administration. He was one of President Clinton’s speechwriters, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, and directed the public relations effort related to the fallout from the…
This collection consists of records related to United States relations with Jordan in 1994. The signing of the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel, on October 26, witnessed by President Clinton, was the highlight of the U.S.-Jordan relationship…
This collection consists of speechwriting files of Jordan Tamagni. Tamagni worked as a speechwriter from 1995-1999. The records consist of speech drafts, magazine and newspaper articles, books, handwritten notes, correspondence, and schedules. Speech…
This collection consists of records concerning Jose Cabranes, a possible nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court and Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit during the early years of Clinton’s presidency. Cabranes, who graduated from Yale Law School, was…

This collection consists of the records of Jose Cerda III who served as Special Assistant in the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) in 1993, as Director of Interagency Affairs in the Office of Public and Legislative Affairs in 1994, as…
This collection consists of email created by Jose Cerda III from 1993 until 2001. Jose Cerda III served in many capacities at the White House. He served as Senior Policy Analyst, Special Assistant to the President, and Special Assistant to the…
This collection consists of records concerning Joseph Duffey, Director of the United States Information Agency (USIA), from 1993-1999. The records include correspondence, memoranda, press material and education program information. Topics in this…
This collection consists of correspondence sent to President Clinton from Joseph Stiglitz, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors from 1995 to 1997. Topics of this correspondence include economic reports, retail sales, education, second term…
This collection consists of the records of speechwriter Josh Gottheimer. Gottheimer served as Special Assistant to the Director of Speechwriting in 1998, where he supervised the Speechwriting Office’s internship program, and as Presidential…
This collection consists of the records of Joshua Beck. Beck served as an intern with the Education Division of the White House Domestic Policy Council from July 2000 to December 2000. His records highlight topics relating to education, literacy…
This collection consists of records pertaining to Joycelyn Elders in her position as Surgeon General. President Clinton appointed her the United States Surgeon General in January 1993, making her the first African American and the second woman…
This collection consists of records related to the merger between J.P. Morgan and Chase Manhattan Bank that took place in 2001. The historic transaction occurred because of evolving financial conditions and helped the two storied firms stand up to…
This collection consists of records related to the December 2000 temporary reprieve of the execution of convicted drug-trafficker and murderer, Juan Raul Garza. It contains memoranda, briefing papers, news clippings, notes, presentations, press…
This collection consists of records related to the January 1998 letter sent to the President by U.S. District Court Judge Luis Oberdorfer concerning the disparities in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for possession of powder cocaine vice…
This collection consists of records related to Maryanne Trump Barry who was an attorney for the District of New Jersey and is President Donald Trump’s older sister. President Ronald Reagan nominated Barry to a seat on the United States District…
This collection consists of material dealing with President Clinton’s nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1993 and Stephen Gerald Breyer in 1994 to the United States Supreme Court. The nuts and bolts of the nomination process can be seen in…
This collection consists of records from the White House Counsel’s Office relating to the selection of judicial candidates. President Clinton successfully appointed 66 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals and 305 judges to the United…
This collection consists of the records of Julie Bosland. Bosland served as Assistant Director for Domestic Policy in the Welfare Reform and Tobacco Division of the Domestic Policy Council. This collection covers topics relating to child support,…
This collection contains the records of Julie Fernandes. Ms. Fernandes worked in the White House Domestic Policy Council’s Office as Special Assistant to President Clinton. Her work involved policy development regarding civil rights, race…
This collection consists of records from Julie Mason, who was special assistant to White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry from 1995 to 1997. In May of 1997 she became Deputy Press Secretary for First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was responsible…

FOIA 2023-0519-F is a request for all Clinton Administration White House photographs taken on June 9, 1997 at the White House. The events photographed include President William Jefferson Clinton participating in a scheduling meeting, the President…
This collection consists of records from the speechwriting files of June Shih, a speechwriter for First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton from 1995 to 1997. She assisted in writing weekly columns, speeches, talking points and handled video scripts for the…
This collection consists of June Shih’s Speechwriting files regarding President Clinton's November 8, 1997 Human Rights Campaign speech and also President Clinton's 40th Anniversary of the Desegregation of Central High School remarks on September…
This collection consists of the records of June Shih, Special Assistant to President Clinton and Presidential Speechwriter from 1998 – 2000. The files contain faxes, memorandums, speech drafts, correspondence, reports, and news clippings covering…

This collection contains a copy of Justice Blackmun’s letter to President Clinton informing the President of his intent to retire. Justice Harry Blackmun served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1970 until his…
This collections consists of correspondence between Kaneohe Marine Corps Base in Honolulu, Hawaii and the White House from November 1994 to May 1995. This collection consists of correspondence to the President from Brigadier General Vercauteren, an…

2023-0712-F seg 1.pdf
The researcher submitted a request for electronic records related to Mickey Kantor and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), between the dates of January 20, 1993 and December 8, 1993. The records responsive to this request came from the…

2023-0712-F seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of records relating to Mickey Kantor and “NAFTA” from January 20, 1993, to December 8, 1993. This collection consists of agreements and press releases regarding NAFTA, Mexico, Canada, labor, and the environment. The…
This collection consists of letters that were attached to a letter sent to President Clinton from Karen Binette, Program Director of the TEEN CARE Program in Worcester, Massachusetts, on July 5, 1994. The letters were from 13 teenaged mothers who…

This collection contains files related to Karen D. Ewing who served as the Executive Assistant to the Director of the Office of National Service in 1993 and also Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff in 1993 and 1994. This collection includes…

This collection consists of records related to emails regarding visitor access clearance for appointments with Mark Middleton and Karen D. Ewing in 1994. Karen D. Ewing was Executive Assistant to the Director of the Office of National Service in 1993…
This collection consists of records from Karen Finney, Deputy Press Secretary to First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and Deputy Director of Presidential Scheduling for President Clinton. The files contain faxes, memorandums, correspondence, news…
Karen Guss was a White House Fellow in the Domestic Policy Council, First Lady's Office, from 1994-1995. This series consists of records related to health care issues, education, affirmative action, AIDS, children and families, industrial safety,…
This collection consists of records pertaining to the Kargil War between India and Pakistan in May and July of 1999. It contains press guidance, news articles, media reactions, and congressional correspondence
This collection consists of correspondence from Karl A. Racine. Racine served as Associate White House Counsel from 1997 to 2000. The collection contains of memoranda document requests, and email. Responsive email consists of correspondence…
This collection consists of correspondence between Steven Spielberg, President Clinton, and Hillary Clinton.
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Steven Spielberg or his wife, Kate Capshaw. The collection also contains records of phone calls and meetings between the President and the couple. Also included is a daily…
This collection consists of records related to Kathleen “Katie” McGinty’s personnel and travel files. McGinty served as Deputy Assistant to the President for the environment and then Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality…
This collection consists of records from the files of Kathleen "Katie" McGinty, Director of the White House Office on Environmental Policy, from 1993 thru 1994. It contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, briefing materials, schedules, press…
This collection consists of email correspondence created and received by Kathryn L. Shaw between November 11, 1999 and December 31, 1999. Kathryn L. Shaw was a member of the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) from 1999-2001. The email in this…
Kathryn Way worked as a staff member in the Domestic Policy Council from 1993 to 1994. This collection includes topics relating to welfare reform, U.S. territorial holdings or insular territories, Social Security legislation, legal issues surrounding…
The collection consists of records related to Katie McGinty and the Council on Environmental Quality. These records date from 1993 to 1994, when McGinty served as Deputy Assistant to the President for Environmental Policy and Director of the Office…
This collection consists of records related to the signing of the Memorandum of Security Assurances agreement with Kazakhstan at the Budapest summit of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) on December 5, 1994. The Security…
This collection contains material regarding President Clinton’s granting clemency for Kemba Smith in December 2000. Smith’s case exemplified the enforcement of mandatory sentencing laws for minor drug convictions. This collection primarily…
This series contains records concerning education from the correspondence files of Kendra Brooks, Domestic Policy Council. The files include inbound and outbound correspondence pertaining to class-size reduction, the School Construction Initiative,…
This collection consists of publications related to national and state education goals and standards, funding for education, class-size reduction, school safety, after-school programs, reading reform, teacher quality and preparation, and student…
This collection consists of the Subject Files of Kendra Brooks. The files contain correspondence, reports, articles, memos, and various printed material. Other documents include background information for education events and meetings. The files…
This collection contains memoranda, biographies, news articles, speech drafts, and printed electronic e-mails for remarks by the President at the Kennedy Center Honors Reception, December 3, 2000. The memoranda, biographies, and news articles contain…
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton’s trip to Indianapolis, Indiana on May 14, 1994 for the groundbreaking of the Kennedy Peace Memorial. The records consist of speeches, schedules, thank you letters, and newspaper…
Video recordings of Kenny G performing at various events during the Clinton Administration.

2022-0049-F Seg 1.pdf
This collection consists of records related to Kent Jancarik. This collection consists of email correspondence from Kent Jancarik, to Kent Jancarik, and concerning Kent Jancarik.

2022-0049-F Seg 2.pdf
This collection contains records related to former White House intern Kent Jancarik. The records include correspondence between Kent Jancarik and White House officials, primarily concerning presidential message requests.
This collection contains records regarding the role of Shawn Sullivan in the Kosovo War. Mr. Sullivan was a political adviser to the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) commander. The collection includes three emails that had been sent to Sullivan regarding…
This collection consists of records related to the attempted assassination of Kahlid Mish’al in Amman, Jordan, September 25, 1997. The majority of these records related to this FOIA case are closed for national security reasons. Khalid Mish’al is…
This collection consists of records related to the terrorist bombing of the Al-Khobar Towers housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on June 25, 1996. These records include correspondence, memoranda, emails, press materials, and reports regarding…
This collection consists of records related to two letters from President Clinton to Kim Jong Il in 1999 and 2000. It consists of copies of the letters, internal NSC routing paperwork for the drafts and cover memoranda from NSC Staff members to…
This collection consists of memoranda, memcons, telcons, correspondence, talking points, cables, and emails that highlight the key position King Hussein of Jordan occupied in the Middle East Peace Process during the presidency of Bill Clinton. The…
This collection consists of records regarding Nicholas Biwott’s alleged involvement in Kenya’s Goldenberg affair of the early 1990’s. Goldenberg International Ltd. was accused of receiving as much as $600 million dollars for fictitious diamond…
This collection consists of schedules, background materials, press releases and pool reports related to President Clinton’s daily activities of March 13-14, 1997. It was during this time that President Clinton injured his knee at the home of…
This collection contains material pertaining to President Clinton injuring his knee while staying at professional golfer Greg Norman’s home in Florida. President Clinton’s injury required surgery.
This collections consists of records relating to the Republic of Korea (ROK), commonly called South Korea; and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), commonly called North Korea. This segment contains material from the files of National…
This collection consists of records relating to any National Security Council Deputies Committee or Principals Committee meetings on Kosovo held on June 12, June 13, or June 14, 1999. There was only one Deputies Committee meeting that discussed…
This collection consists of video recordings of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton touring a Kosovar refugee camp near Skopje, Macedonia. The tour was at Stenkovic 1 camp. The Clintons greeted and spoke to Kosovo refugees…

2008-0994-F seg 3.pdf
This collection consists of records related to the conflict and NATO airstrikes in Kosovo in the spring of 1999. The materials include Greg Schulte’s records in the National Security Council’s (NSC) Kosovo Office, Ambassador Christopher Hill’s…
This collection consists of National Security Council Records Management Numbered documents related to the Kosovo Refugee crisis from March of 1998 until June of 1999. The collection contains Congressional correspondence, memoranda between the…
This collection consists of the records of Kristine Gebbie from the National AIDS Policy Office for the years 1993-1994. It contains various correspondence including postcards, newspaper articles, pamphlets, newsletters, handwritten notes, drafts,…

2023-0711-F seg 1.pdf
The researcher submitted a request for electronic records related to Robert Kyle and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), between the dates of January 20, 1993 and December 8, 1993. The records responsive to this request came from the…
This collection consists of records regarding Kyoto Protocol between 1997 and 1998. The collection contains correspondence, memoranda, talking points, statements, news articles, draft discussion papers, questions and answers (Q&As), resolutions, and…
This is a video recording of President Clinton addressing members of Congress, cabinet secretaries, senior staff, school officials, budget office officials, school children, and other guests in the Presidential Hall, of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Old…
This collection consists of records related to Executive Order 12871 on Labor-Management Partnerships. This Executive Order, which President Clinton signed on October 1, 1993, created the National Partnership Council. The Council was comprised of…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Landmark for Peace Memorial in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 14, 1994. The Landmark for Peace Memorial is a memorial sculpture at Dr. Martin Luther…
This collection consists of email correspondence concerning a meeting between President Clinton and Lane Kirkland on December 10, 1993. Email correspondence specifically addresses Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Reform.
This collection consists of material concerning the withdrawn nomination of Lani Guinier as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in 1993. The collection consists of clippings, correspondence, memorandum, press releases, and printed materials.
This collection consists of records related to Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch, or Freedom Watch. It contains memoranda, court records, and press materials, email, press clippings, transcripts of news shows, and transcripts of White House press…
This collection consists of material from White House Staff and Office files with any reference to Larry Ellison, Chief Executive Officer of Oracle. It contains correspondence, testimony, memoranda, newspaper articles, press releases, schedules,…
This collection consists of material from the White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) with any reference to Larry Ellison, Chief Executive Officer of Oracle Inc. It contains correspondence, memoranda, notes, lists, and emails.
This collection consists of photographs of Larry Summers with President Clinton and with economic policy team advisors. The photographs date from 1996-1997, 1999 and 2001. Some of the advisors in the meetings include: Laura Tyson, Janet Yellen, Katie…
This collection consists of emails mentioning the International Monetary Fund (IMF) near Latin America. This collection contains publications such as USIA Early Report, Oxford Analytica, Reuters, and Latin America Advisor. The most responsive…
This collection consists of records related to the Baltic country of Latvia. The records include correspondence, scheduling material, trip books, memoranda, reports, cables, and press materials. The President and First Lady traveled from July 6 - 12,…
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Laura Capps, who served in the Speechwriting Office from 1997-1998. The files include drafts of remarks and speeches primarily covering domestic topics such as memorial dedications and individual…
This collection consists of material regarding Laura Tyson. The files contain memoranda, reports, press releases, testimony, speeches, drafts, graphs, charts, tables, correspondence, talking points, and faxes. For three years (1993-1996) Laura Tyson…
This collection consists of materials from the files of Laura Schiller who served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Speechwriter for First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton from 1997 through 2001. The materials in this collection include…
This collection consists of records related to Laura D’Andrea Tyson and United States Department of Labor. Ms. Tyson worked as Chair of the U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisers from February 1993 until February 1995. She then became…
This collection consists of material concerning Laura Tyson and trade between the United States and Japan. She was one of President Clinton’s most trusted economic advisors, serving on the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) from 1993-1995 and on…
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Laurance Rockefeller. Rockefeller was awarded the Theodore Roosevelt National Park Medal of Honor in 1995.
This collection consists of correspondence from President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton to members of the Laurance Rockefeller family. Included is a condolence letter regarding the death of Mary French Rockefeller.
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton presenting the Roosevelt Medal to Laurance Rockefeller at the National Park Service Awards Ceremony on May 23, 1995. President Clinton presented the Youth Award to James Hannah. Bruce…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s visit to Laurance Rockefeller’s JY Ranch in Jackson, Wyoming, on August 21, 1995. Hillary Clinton walks with the Rockefellers on the ranch grounds.

This collection consists of records regarding Lauren Van Metre and the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. Dr. Van Metre was a program officer in the United States Institute of Peace from 1996 to 2000 and then Acting Deputy Office Director for the…
This collection consists of material regarding the appointment of Laurence Meyer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. President Clinton nominated Meyer to that Board in 1996 and he served as a Governor on the Board from June 1996…

This collection consists of photographs from the Mayors and Law Enforcement Awards event on the South Lawn of the White House on April 14th, 1994. President William Jefferson Clinton delivered a speech and then presented the awards. The collection…
Photographs of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with the League of Women Voters on June 14, 1994.

This collection consists of records related to the emails of Lee M. Sands, Assistant United States Trade Representative for Japan and China. A corresponding request, 2021-0520-F, was for emails related to Deborah Lehr and China. The two requests have…

This collection contains records relating to the Clinton Legacy Project, including articles, briefing books, clippings, correspondence (including memos between White House staff and from White House staff to President Clinton), lists and timelines of…
This collection consists of records related to President Lennart Meri of Estonia 1992-2001. The records in this collection contain memorandum, National Security Council profile sheets, briefing papers, transmittal forms and correspondence. The…

This collection consists of records from Leon Panetta, White House Chief of Staff. This collection consists of letters, books, memos, reports, speeches, schedules, invitations, government publications, newspaper articles, and handwritten notes from…
This collection consists of records related to the daily schedule of Chief of Staff Leon Panetta. The collection contain invitations, correspondence, event briefings, and scheduling memos. The records are concentrated mostly on the time period of…

2023-0789-F seg 1.pdf
This collection contains an invitation to First Lady Hillary Clinton inviting her to the Federalist Society’s Eleventh Annual National Lawyers Convention on October 17-18, 1997, as well brochures and informational materials about the society and…

2023-0789-F seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of records relating to conservative legal activist and vice-president of the Federalist Society, Leonard A. Leo. The collection contains an invitation to First Lady Hillary Clinton inviting her to the Federalist Society’s…
This collection consists of correspondence between President William J. Clinton and Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma from 1994 to January 2001. It includes correspondence between the presidents related to mining accidents, shipping accidents,…
This collection contains letters, memoranda, press releases, and resumes concerning the nomination of Leonie Milhomme Brinkema as United States District Court Judge in the Eastern District of Virginia. President Clinton nominated Brinkema on August…
This collection consists of records relating to Les Aspin and his work as Chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Records relating to Les Aspin and his service on the PFIAB consist of email, memorandum, and administrative…
This collection consists of records related to Les Aspin’s trip to South Korea and date from October and November 1993. Responsive records include press guidance, summaries of public press articles, and administrative paperwork relating to the…

This collection consists of records related to the March 21, 1994 letter to President Clinton from former President Richard Nixon. In early 1994 Nixon traveled to Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and England. Upon his return to the United States Nixon wrote…

This collection contains records related to a letter from the government of Israel to the United States. This letter was in response to a proposal made by President Clinton regarding a way to address the Israel-Palestine conflict. The letter itself…
This collection consists of records related to Lewis A. (Lou) Reed’s performance at the White House State Dinner in honor of Vaclav Havel, President of the Czech Republic, September 16, 1998. The collection contains email between White House Staff…
This collection consists of records concerning the nomination of Lewis A. Kaplan to the District Court for the Southern District of New York in May of 1994. This collection contains correspondence, memoranda, email, and resume materials.
This collection consists of records related to Liberation Theology, Mireya Moscoso, and Panama Safe Haven. It consists solely of emails most of which are in the public domain, such as media reactions and summaries, press briefings, news wire reports,…
The Line Item Veto Act of 1996 passed into law April 9, 1996 became effective January 1, 1997. Clinton used his line item veto power eighty-two times in eleven appropriations bills. Disapproval by Congress and one impermissible cancellation…
This collection consists of records dealing with the fundraising and campaign finance scandals associated with the Lippo Group and three Chinese businessmen—John Huang, Johnny Chung, and Yah Lin “Charlie” Trie. The collection contains…
This collection consists of Lisa Green’s records as the chair of the working group for the Clinton Administration’s New Markets Initiative, and as an adviser on the National Economic Council. The collection highlights topics relating to the New…
This collection consists of records from the files of Lisel Loy, White House Staff Secretary. This collection contains letters, memos, reports, speeches, email, newspaper articles, and handwritten notes from the Staff Secretary files of Lisel Loy…
This collection consists of the files of Lissa Muscatine from First Lady Hillary Clinton’s Press Office. The records cover topics such as health care, women’s rights, the Millennium Council, Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign. The records…
This collection consists of the records of Lissa Muscatine from her time in the First Lady’s Office. Muscatine served as a Presidential Speechwriter, 1993-1995, Special Assistant to the President and Presidential Speechwriter, 1996-1998, and…
This collection consists of records that highlight the First Lady’s speeches given at domestic events and on foreign trips from 1993 to 1997. It contains “Talking it Over” drafts written by the First Lady and edited by Muscatine and other…
This collection consists of records related to Lithuania. Located in Northern Europe on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, Lithuania proclaimed its independence from the Soviet Union on March 11, 1990. Records include letters, memoranda, email,…
This collection consists of the files of Liz Bowyer, a staff assistant in the First Lady's Office and an assistant to the President's speechwriters. It contains copies of the First Lady’s daily schedules, daily background briefings for the First…
This collection consists of records regarding the Loewen Group, Inc.’s arbitration claims against the United States Government under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The collection includes correspondence, emails, memoranda, notes,…
This collection consists of materials relating to Lois Rice, a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). It includes memoranda, resumes, correspondence, email, and press releases. The majority of the records produced…

This collection highlights Anderson's work as Special Assistant to the Press Secretary where she collected material for the Press Secretary’s briefings, including background information on high profile issues with possible responses to press…

2023-0028-F Seg 1.pdf
This collection contains records related to Lorne Michaels, the Canadian-American producer, screenwriter, and comedian, who is best known as the creator and producer of Saturday Night Live, and producer of the Late Night series and The Tonight Show.…

2023-0028-F Seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of electronic records related to Lorne Michaels. This collection contains one record from the White House Database. This record consists of a list of invitations to White House events and a list of White House greetings sent…

This collection contains records regarding Louis Sell and the former Yugoslavia from 1993 to 2001. A career foreign service officer, Mr. Sell served in a variety of European postings that dealt directly with the conflicts in the Balkans, including as…

This collection consists of records related to television news transcripts and electronic newsletters mentioning Louis Sell and Serbia. This collection contains emails and electronic records.
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Lowell Weiss. Lowell Weiss worked as a Special Assistant to the President, Presidential Speechwriter from June 1997 - August 2000. Weiss traveled and wrote speeches for President Clinton on…

This collection consists of records related to all correspondence between Judge Luis F. Oberdorfer of the US District Court for the District of Columbia and President Clinton. It contains cards and letters covering a range of topics from mundane…
This series contains Lyn Hogan's records from her work on the Domestic Policy Council relating to teen pregnancy preventative efforts, the appointment of Dr. Henry Foster as Senior Advisor to the President for Teen Pregnancy and Youth Issues, the…
This collection consists of Lyn Hogan’s records from her work in the Office of Policy Development relating to issues of child care and the child welfare system. There are a significant number of items relating to the child welfare system,…
This collection contains the records of Lynn Margherio. Ms. Margherio worked in the White House Office of Policy Development and was a Senior Policy Analyst with the Domestic Policy Council. The files contain correspondence, handwritten notes,…
This collection consists of records relating to MacArthur DeShazer, who served as Director of African Affairs at the National Security Council during the Clinton Administration, and United States policy towards Rwanda from 1993-1994. Memoranda,…
This collection consists of records from Thomas "Mack" McLarty, White House Chief of Staff and Special Envoy for the Americas. This collection (from the University of Arkansas) consists of letters, briefing books, memos, reports, newspaper articles,…
This collection consists of records concerning Secretary of State Madeline Albright’s trip to Mongolia in May 1998. Secretary Albright’s trip was to affirm the United States’ commitment to further cooperation between the two countries and to…
This collection consists of records from Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's trips to South America in October 1997 and August 2000. These materials include National Security Council cover sheets and Department of State memos explaining which…

This collection includes records related to communications between the White House and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1998 and 1999 regarding the war in Kosovo. It includes State Department cables regarding the formation of a monitoring…
This collections consists of correspondence files and subject files from the records of Maggie Williams, Chief of Staff to the First Lady from 1993 to 1997. In the first segment of correspondence files, the collection contains Ms. Williams' own…
This collections consists of correspondence files and subject files from the records of Maggie Williams, Chief of Staff to the First Lady from 1993 to 1997. In the first segment of correspondence files, the collection contains Ms. Williams' own…

This collection contains materials regarding mail covers. This is an investigative technique in which the postal service records information from the outside of packages or letters and passes it to the law enforcement agency that has requested the…
This collection consists of records related to Assistant Secretary of State Marc Grossman, European Security, and NATO. It includes memorandums, reports, emails and cables. These materials contain press reviews from NATO member countries, NATO summit…
This collection consists of records regarding presidential pardons and executive clemency from September 2000 through January of 2001 and President Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich. The records included are correspondence, memoranda, petitions for…
This collection consists of material regarding Margaret Jane “Dee Dee” Myers (born Margaret Jane Myers. Myers served as White House Press Secretary from January 1993 to December 1994. She was the first woman and the second youngest person to hold…
This collection consists of correspondence, email, memoranda, talking points, and background points of Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and her correspondence with President Clinton. Margaret Thatcher had been out of…
This collection consists of records mentioning former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who left office two years prior to the beginning of the Clinton Administration. The records consist of congressional correspondence, greeting cards,…

This collection consists of records that highlight Margy Waller’s work on Clinton administration initiatives that involved family issues including fatherhood, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), child support, and HUD (Department of…
This collection consists of a letter from “The Project Starlight Coalition” to President Clinton and a response from James A. Dorskind, Special Assistant to the President/Director of Correspondence and Presidential Messages, regarding…
This collection consists of records related to Marisa Lino and Kosovo, UCPMB, LAPMB (acronyms for the Liberation Army of Presevo, Medveda and Bujanovac), Presovo, and Albania. It contains emails and cables with specific subjects mentioned in the…
One of several positions held by Marjorie Tarmey within the Clinton White House was that of Executive Assistant to Ira Magaziner within the Office of Policy Development, part of the First Lady’s Office, during the early years of the Administration.…
This collection consists of cables, memoranda, forms, and email concerning Mark Francis Moynihan. Moynihan served on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from 1997-1999. A sizable portion of this FOIA is composed of the…
This collection primarily consists of White House Communications Director Mark Gearan's correspondence on communication and press strategy. It also contains background materials including articles, correspondence, notes, position papers, press…
This collection consists of records related to Mark Gearan and Kosovo from March 1, 119 to July 1, 2000. Mark Gearan was Director of the Peace Corps from 1995-1999 and held several different positions in the Clinton Administration from 1993-1995. It…

This collection consists of records related to Mark Middleton who served as deputy to Chief of Staff Mack McLarty from 1993 until 1995. This collection consists of records such as correspondence and schedules regarding Middleton's responsibilities…

2019-0820-F Seg 2.pdf
This collection consists of records related to Mark Middleton. This collection consists of email correspondence from Mark Middleton, to Mark Middleton, and concerning Mark Middleton.
This collection consists of speech drafts, press releases, news transcripts, memos, email and cables pertaining to the NASA discovery of the Allan Hills (ALH) Meteorite 84001 meteorite, mentioned by President Clinton in a statement on August 7, 1996.…
This collection contains correspondence, drafts, and lists relating to the Mars Millennium Project and the remarks made by the First Lady at the Mars Millennium Kick-Off, January 14, 1999. Much of the correspondence is in the form of e-mails…
This collection consists of materials from the files of Martin Indyk, the National Security Council's Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs regarding the October 1994 peace treaty between Israel and Jordan. The records include…
Mary Ellen McGuire held the position of Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady and Assistant Director of Research from 1998 to 2000. She was one of the First Lady’s primary researchers working on speeches, issues analyses, event…
This series contains records from Matthew Eng, a White House Intern in 2000. Matthew Eng’s records include articles, publications, reports, a Lexis-Nexis user manual, and handwritten notes relating to background research for various topics…
This collection consists of records relating to Maurice Sonnenberg and his service as member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Records include administrative paperwork relating to Sonnenberg's service. Sonnenberg was the…

This request was for records related to President Clinton’s May 9-12, 1995 trip to Moscow, Russia. On the same trip the President also stopped in Kiev, Ukraine to meet with Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine. President Clinton traveled to Russia…
This collection contains materials related to Medical Savings Accounts, Health Savings Accounts, and high deductible insurance. It consists of press materials, draft papers, legislation, correspondence, and reports. Topics include the Golden Rule…

This collection contains records related to a meeting between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto the day before the G-7 plus 1 Summit in Denver, Colorado on June 19, 1997. Records opened in this collection are from the…

2013-0534-S Verveer.pdf
This collection consists of records related to the files of Melanne Verveer, who served as Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady from January 1993 through May 1997, and then Chief of Staff to the First Lady through the end of the Clinton…
This collection contains records relating to correspondence between Hillary Clinton and Melvin Laird. The material relates to correspondence inviting Mrs. Clinton to attend and give the address at the 1995 Youth Leadership Day.
This collection consists of records that contain the names of the members of the Enrichment Oversight Committee (EOC). It consists of agendas, summary of meetings, notes, correspondence, memoranda, reports, emails, and administrative paperwork. The…
This collection consists of material concerning correspondence between historian Stephen Ambrose and President Clinton regarding the National Park Service's decision to reject George Washington University Professor James Starr's request to exhume the…
This collection consists of records related to Merrick Garland. President Clinton nominated Garland to the United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia seat on September 6, 1995 and Garland began serving in this capacity on March 20,…
This collection consists of records related to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) arbitration case brought by Metalclad Corporation against Mexico. The case, filed before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes…

This collection contains records regarding the Mexican Debt Disclosure Act of 1995. Passed to establish oversight of United States aid during the Mexican Peso Crisis, the Act required regular reports from the President and the Secretary of the…
This collection consists of National Security Council (NSC) records management documents regarding the Mexican Peso Crisis of 1995. In response to the sudden economic downturn of the Mexican economy, President Clinton obtained a $50 million bailout…
This collection consists of White House records related to the Mexican Peso Crisis and bailout of 1995, a financial crisis of worldwide import that occurred during the Clinton administration. It contains memoranda, drafts, press briefings, and…
This collection consists of Michael Cohen’s Domestic Policy Council Subject Files. Cohen served as Special Assistant to the President for Education Policy from 1996 to 1999. This series contains materials relating to education reform, the Goals…

This collection consists of records related to a March 26, 2000 Washington Post op-ed on Kosovo written by Ivo H. Daalder and Michael E. O'Hanlon, as well as television news transcripts mentioning Michael O'Hanlon and Kosovo. This collection contains…
This collection consists of records related to correspondence between the President and Michael Jordan, the famous basketball player. This collection consists of birthday greetings from the President, a condolence letter and thank-you note,…

2013-1078-S, O'Mary, Michael.pdf
Michael O'Mary served as a speechwriter in the First Lady's Office from 1999-2000. This collection consists of topics relating to various events attended by the First Lady, and her speeches and video greetings. Subjects include child care, teen…
This collection consists of Michael Schmidt's records from his work in the Domestic Policy Council from 1993 through 1995. Specific topics include: adult education and job training, transportation issues, zero tolerance for underage drinking,…
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Michael Waldman. Waldman served in the Clinton Administration from 1993-1999. He was responsible for writing and editing nearly 2,000 speeches, which included four State of the Union speeches and…
This collection is a continuation of Segment 1 for the speechwriting files of Michael Waldman.
This collection consists of records related to Micronesia, the Republic of Palau, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. These records discuss economic development, immigration, natural disasters and the presidential declarations and assistance…
The Camp David Summit of the Middle East Peace Process was held July 11-25, 2000 at Naval Support Facility Thurmont, more commonly known as Camp David. This collection includes records from the NSC related directly to the Camp David Summit of the…

This collection contains photographs and videos relating to the Israeli and Palestinian Peace Process, which also includes material relating to Middle East Peace as a topic. President William Jefferson Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton…
The photographs and video processed in this collection are related to the Middle East peace process. Included are items relating to stops in Israel, Masada, Bethlehem, and Gaza City on December 12 through 15, 1998.
This collection contains photographs relating to the Israeli and Palestinian Peace Process, as well as material related to the broader topic of Middle East Peace. The collection includes materials from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s July 1996 White…
This collection contains video recordings relating to the Israeli and Palestinian Peace Process, as well as material related to the broader topic of Middle East Peace. Included are materials relating to arrivals and departures, meetings prior to and…
This collection consists of records related to Mihai Botez, the Romanian Ambassador to the United States from September 1994 until his death in July 1995. It contains cables, emails, and written correspondence regarding Botez, including meetings with…

This collection consists of records related to Mihai Botez, Romanian Ambassador to the United States, 1994-1995. Records include National Security Council (NSC) email regarding logistics for meetings between Botez and NSC staff and condolence…
This collection consists of materials related to Mike Beebe, a former Arkansas State Senator. It includes correspondence, notes, memoranda, email, press releases, and news articles related to topics of interest to Mr. Beebe and those he wished to…
This collection consists of records related to Mike Huckabee, Lieutenant Governor, and subsequently, Governor of Arkansas. The records include correspondence, memos, email, telephone logs, and guest lists. The collection consists largely of…
This collection consists White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry’s files, including memoranda and correspondence regarding press relations/strategy. McCurry served as the White House Press Secretary from 1995 till October of 1998. The collection…
This collection consists of letters from President Clinton to three separate men named Michael Wolf. One is congratulatory letter to Detective Michael Wolf in Los Angeles, California. Another is a thank you note to Michael Wolf in Eisenach, Germany.…
This collection consists of a video recording of President Clinton visiting Mike's City Diner in Boston, MA on January 18, 2000.
This collection is primarily related to the Military Construction Appropriations Act of 1997. This collection contains email records related to legislative updates of the Military Construction Act of 1998. The legislative updates keep track of the…
This collection contains transcripts, remarks, background information, talking points, and speech drafts relating to First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s remarks at the Fifth Millennium Evening, held at the White House on January 25, 1999. President…
This collection contains transcripts, packet samples, press releases, draft comments, and e-mails relating to remarks given at the Eighth Millennium Evening, titled “Informatics Meets Genomics,” on October 12, 1999. President and Mrs. Clinton…
This collection contains e-mails, draft remarks, press releases, articles, invitations, and background information pertaining to remarks by the President and the First Lady at the Millennium Matinee event held at the White House on June 12, 2000.…

This collection contains e-mail related to the Millennium bombing plots in Jordan and the United States. The Millennium bombing plots, or the Year 2000 attack plots, were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks planned to occur on or near January…
This collection consists of records pertaining to security concerns and measures anticipated or taken, for the so-called “Millennium Weekend” which ran from Thursday, December 30, 1999 to Sunday, January 2, 2000. It contains memos and press…

This collection consists of records related to a minimum wage and living wages. It primarily consists of background material, correspondence, and email. The correspondence describes legislative strategy, legislative issues such as the Earned Income…

This collection consists of records related to Miriam Makeba, also known as Mama Africa. Makeba was a world renowned singer and artist from South Africa. Makeba was forced into exile from South Africa and lived the majority of her life in Europe.…

This collection consists of email communication concerning South African singer Miriam Makeba. The most substantive email in this collection consists of correspondence concerning Makeba’s presence at a South African State Dinner at the White House.
Missy Kincaid was an executive assistant to the First Lady in the Old Executive Office Building from 1998 – 2000. Among her duties, Ms. Kincaid tracked and processed requests for the First Lady’s signature on photographs and books including…
This collection consists of material related to Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire from 1965-1997. It contains memoranda, reports, press materials, correspondence, emails, and cables.
This collection consists of messages between Iranian President Khatami and President Clinton in August 1999. These materials include an email regarding a news report about the exchanges of messages between the two leaders.
This collection consists Molly Brostrom’s Domestic Policy Council files. Brostrom served as Senior Policy Analyst in the Domestic Policy Council from April 1995 to January 1997. She worked extensively in the areas such as: homelessness, housing,…
This collection consists of records related to Mondev International, Ltd. v United States, a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) arbitration case brought by Mondev International Ltd. before the International Centre for Settlement of…
This collection consists of email created and received by Monica Lewinsky from both her White House and Pentagon email accounts. Lewinsky's email is predominatnely administrative in nature. This collection also contains email between White House…
This collection consists of material regarding Monica Lewinsky, White House intern in 1995 and 1996. The collection reflects both Lewinsky's employment in the White House as well as the investigation into President Clinton's relationship with…

2024-0578-F seg 1.pdf
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton's speech at Monrovia High School in California on July 22, 1996. The electronic records responsive to this request came from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS). Records to…
This collection consists of records related to the Monsanto Corporation. It contains correspondence between Monsanto Chairman and CEO Robert B. Shapiro and President Clinton regarding opening New York to London air routes, the Product Liability…
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton and his interactions with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons, as well as visits by President Clinton to Salt Lake City, Utah. This collection consists of…

This collection consists of records related to Morton Halperin and a Kosovo panel discussion for the District of Columbia Jewish Community Center. Morton Halperin was Director of the Center for National Security Studies, Senior Vice President of The…

This collection contains records regarding Morton Halperin and the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia from 1997 to 2001. For most of this period, Dr. Halperin was the Director of the Policy Planning Staff in the State Department. The records in this…
This collection consists of records on the release of Hamas leader Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook from U.S. custody and his deportation to Jordan in the spring of 1997. These materials include National Security Council (NSC) press guidance on the legal…
This collection consists of materials regarding Mullah Mohammad Omar, the founder and spiritual leader of the Taliban, and Osama bin Laden. Under Omar’s direction, the Taliban provided sanctuary to al-Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden despite…
This collection consists of records related to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) arbitration cases under Chapter 11 of the agreement. The collection contains National Security Council records of the three arbitration cases that occurred…
This collection consists of records related to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, particularly the involvement of U. S. Special Negotiators John Maresca and Joseph Presel, and State Department employees…
This collection consists of records related to the sharp rise in the number of reported arson attacks on the nation’s houses of worship and the formation of the National Church Arson Task Force (NCATF). It contains correspondence between members of…
This collection consists of records related to the National Church Arson Task Force. It contains the White House Counsel's Office files of Dawn Chirwa, Stephen Neuwirth and Kathleen Wallman that address such topics as the Establishment Clause of the…

This collection consists of profile sheets, correspondence, and press regarding the National Counterintelligence Policy Board's report on unauthorized media leak disclosures from March 1996. The correspondence is between President Clinton and various…
This collection consists of records related to the establishment of the National Economic Council (NEC) in 1993 and its organization. The collection includes copies, drafts, memorandums, and correspondence regarding Executive Order 12835,…
This collection consists of records related to Tony Blair, the United Kingdom, and Britain found within the National Economic Council office. It contains background material, reports and briefing papers.
This collection consists of records dealing with the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). The NFIB represents the interests of small business owners in the United States. This collection consists of memoranda, publications, press…
This collection consists of video recordings from the September 29, 1999 National Medal of Arts and Humanities Ceremony at Constitution Hall. President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton both delivered remarks. Recipients included: Irene Diamond, Aretha…
This collection consists of material dealing with documents addressed to President Clinton from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) containing recommendations for the…