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- Tags: Leon Panetta
White House Photographs from June 7, 1994 & July 27, 1994 & July 31, 1994, through August 3, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio-Visual, Boston, Democratic National Committee, DNC, Ed McMahon, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, golfing, Health Care, health security express, Jogging, Ladies Home Journal, legislation, Leon Panetta, Marine One, Maya Angelou, meetings, New Jersey, Patti LaBelle, Photograph Contact Sheets, Police, President William Jefferson Clinton, Representative Richard Gephardt, Rwanda, Secretary Henry Cisneros, Senator Charles Robb, Senator Edward Kennedy, Senator George Mitchell, Senator Joseph Biden, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Shipbuilding, Socks the cat, Starlight Foundation
White House Photographs from June 23, 1994; June 27, 1994, through June 30, 1994
Tags: Air Force One, Alexis Herman, Alice Rivlin, Audio-Visual, Bill Bradley, David Gergen, David Wilhelm, Dee Dee Myers, Donna Shalal, Eduardo Frei, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Girl Scouts, Harold Ickes, Interns, Ira Magaziner, Jack Gibbons, Jogging, Leon Panetta, Lloyd Cutler, Mack McLarty, Marine One, Mario Cuomo, Melanne Verveer, Molly Raiser, Pat Griffin, Paul Sarbanes, Photograph Contact Sheets, Picnic, President William Jefferson Clinton, Ricki Seidman, Sandy Berger, South Lawn, Stephen Breyer, Tony Lake, Trisha Yearwood, Vice President Albert Gore, Volunteers, Warren Christopher
White House Photographs from January 11, 1994, January 21, 1994, and January 23, 1994 through January 29, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Al Gore, Alan Greenspan, Alexis Herman, Alice Rivlin, Audio-Visual, Bill Clinton, David Gergen, Dee Dee Myers, Dorothy Height, Earthquakes, Federico Pena, George Mitchell, George Stephanopoulos, Harold Ickes, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Ira Magaziner, Jesse Jackson, John Shalikashvili, Laura Tyson, Leon Panetta, Mack McLarty, Oval Office, Photograph Contact Sheets, Radio Address, Ricki Seidman, Roger Altman, State of the Union, Steve Ricchetti, Tony Lake, Warren Christopher, Wendy Smith, William Perry
All photographs from 1/28/95
Tags: Alice Rivlin, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bowman Cutter, Finding Aid, Governor Mel Carnahan, Governor Tom Carper, Leon Panetta, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Representative Jan Meyers, Representative Richard Gephardt, Representative Sam Gibbons, Representative William Clay, Secretary Donna Shalala, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Senator Bob Packwood, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, Senator John Breaux, Thompson Tommy George (1941-, Vice President Albert Gore, Welfare Reform, White House
All photographs from 7/28/94
Tags: Alan Stone, Alexis Herman, Attorney General Janet Reno, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Betty Currie, Bill Clinton, Bob Lyford, Bruce Reed, Carter Wilkie, Department of Justice, Don Baer, Eli Segal, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, General John Shalikashvili, George Stephanopoulos, James Carville, Jonatan Prince, Kate Pflaumer, Lee Brown, Leon Panetta, Lissa Muscatine, Mary Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore, National Mall, National Security Advisor Tony Lake, Paul Begala, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, Secretary William Perry, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Senator Carol Moseley-Braun, Senator Christopher Dodd, Senator David Pryor, Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, Senator Howard Metzenbaum, Senator Jay Rockefeller, Senator Joseph Biden, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Patty Murray, Senator Paul Simon, Senator Tom Daschle, Senator Tom Harkin, Tom Hecht, Vice President Albert Gore, Washington, Washington D.C.
Photographs of President William Jefferson Clinton with Linda Bloodworth-Thomason - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Al Gore, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Capricia Marshall, Chelsea Clinton, Dorothy Rodham, Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore, Finding Aid, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jr., Leon Panetta, Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, Mary Steenburgen, Paul Begala, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Ted Danson
All Photographs Taken on April 20, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Al Gore, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Betty Currie, Bill Clinton, Bob Boorstin, Bob Rubin, Carol Rasco, Chancellor Franz Vranitzky, Christine Varney, Christine Vranitzky, David Gergen, Donna Shalala, Finding Aid, George Mitchell, George Stephanopoulos, Harold Ickes, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jennifer O’Conner, Joycelyn Elders, Jr., Leon Panetta, Mack McLarty, Melanne Verveer, Monika Turk, Nancy Pelosi, Pat Griffin, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Representative Richard Gephardt, Sandy Berger, Swanee Hunt, Tipper Gore, Tony Lake, Veronica Baggins, Warren Christopher