Browse Items (282 total)
- Tags: Bill Clinton
Affirmative Action Speech
Inaugural Ceremony
White House Television Office recording of an Intern Greeting on August 14, 1995 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs of an Intern Greeting on August 14, 1995 - Collection Finding Aid
State Dinners Related to Morocco - Collection Finding Aid
State Dinners Related to Japan - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Amy Rule, Ann Jordan, Ann Stock, Audio-Visual, Betty Bumpers, Bill Clinton, Brooke Shearer, Bruce Babbitt, Carolyn Shelton, Charlene Barshefsky, Chizuko Obuchi, Chris Jennings, Dale Bumpers, Dan Glickman, Daniel Kahikina Akaka, Dave Barram, David Rockefeller, Derry Craig, Donna Shalala, Doris Matsui, Doug Sosnik, Emperor of Japan Akihito (明仁), Empress of Japan Michiko (美智子), Ethel Kennedy, Frank Lautenbuerg, Fred Duval, Gabe Podesta, Gene Sperling, George Stevens, Greg Craig, Harold Varmus, Harry Jaffe, Hattie Babbitt, Henry Shelton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Janet Langhart Cohen, Japan, Jay Rockefeller, Jill Strachan, Jime Steinberg, Joan Barram, Joan Mondale, John Podesta, Keizo Obuchi, Kenneth Liberthal, Kevin Cosgriff, Larry Summers, Laura Tyson, Lynda Carter, Madeleine Albright, Marsha Berry, Mary Mel French, Max Baucus, Melanne Verveer, Melissa Green, Mickey Kantor, Miranda Kaiser, Nancy Clarke, Neil Abercrombie, Patricia Duff, Patsy Mink, Philip Verveer, Photograph Contact Sheets, Rahm Emanuel, Robert Altman, Robert Matsui, Robert Torricelli, Rodney Slater, Sidney Poitier, Stanley Roth, State Dinner, Tom Foley, Van Cliburn, Walter Mondale, Wendy Sherman, William Cohen
White House Photographs from February 3, 1994, through February 9, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Audio-Visual, Bill Clinton, Bowling, C-Span, C. Everett Koop, Charles Robb, David Gergen, George Mitchell, Harris Wofford, Health Care, Hershel Gober, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jogging, Les Aspin, Maine, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Photograph Contact Sheets, Portland (Me.), Radio Address, Socks the cat, Tom Harkin, Tony Lake, Trade Embargo, Vietnam, William Cohen
White House Photographs from January 27, 1994, through January 31, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from January 11, 1994, January 21, 1994, and January 23, 1994 through January 29, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Al Gore, Alan Greenspan, Alexis Herman, Alice Rivlin, Audio-Visual, Bill Clinton, David Gergen, Dee Dee Myers, Dorothy Height, Earthquakes, Federico Pena, George Mitchell, George Stephanopoulos, Harold Ickes, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Ira Magaziner, Jesse Jackson, John Shalikashvili, Laura Tyson, Leon Panetta, Mack McLarty, Oval Office, Photograph Contact Sheets, Radio Address, Ricki Seidman, Roger Altman, State of the Union, Steve Ricchetti, Tony Lake, Warren Christopher, Wendy Smith, William Perry
White House Photographs from January 14, 1994, January 16, 1994, through January 21, 1994, and January 23, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Albert Gore, Audio-Visual, Bill Clinton, Bonnie Raitt, Boris Yeltsin, California, Camp David, Chelsea Clinton, David Gergen, Earthquakes, Finding Aid, Hillary Rodham Clinton, King Hussein, Kremlin, Lloyd Bentsen, Los Angeles, Moscow, Pete Wilson, Photograph Contact Sheets, Queen Noor, Russia, Skiing
World AIDS Day
Tags: AIDS, Bill Clinton, Howard University, Rankin Chapel
AIDS Memorial Quilt
All photos of President Clinton and David Geffen
Tags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Barbara Davis, Barbra Streisand, Barry Diller, Bill Clinton, Chevy Chase, Chicago (the band), David Foster, David Geffen, Diane von Furstenberg, Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Governor Paul Patton, James Brolin, Jason Gould, Jay Leno, Jeff Katzenberg, Kelly Craighead, Kenny G, Lee Solter, Lisa Caputo, Liza Minelli, Maria Shriver, Marvin Davis, Mary Tyler Moore, Maya Angelou, Merv Griffin, Michael Eisner, Molly Clinton, Natalie Cole, Neil Diamon, Paula Poundstone, Peter Weller, Photograph Contact Sheets, Placido Domingo, President Clinton, Quincy Jones, Robin Williams, Roddy McDowell, Roger Clinton, Ron Burkle, Senator Wendell Ford, Sidney Poitier, Steven Spielberg, The Eagles (the band), The Neville Brothers (the band), Tom Hanks, Tommy Caplan, Whitney Houston
President William Jefferson Clinton’s Birthday Party and Mary Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore’s Birthday Party on August 19, 1994
Tags: Attorney General Janet Reno, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Birthdays, Carolyn Huber, David Crosby, David Geffen, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, George Stephanopoulos, Graham Nash, Mary Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Secretary William Perry, Stephen Stills, Vice President Albert Gore
All photographs from 1/28/95
Tags: Alice Rivlin, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bowman Cutter, Finding Aid, Governor Mel Carnahan, Governor Tom Carper, Leon Panetta, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Representative Jan Meyers, Representative Richard Gephardt, Representative Sam Gibbons, Representative William Clay, Secretary Donna Shalala, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Senator Bob Packwood, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, Senator John Breaux, Thompson Tommy George (1941-, Vice President Albert Gore, Welfare Reform, White House
All photographs from 9/26/94
Tags: Ambassador Madeleine Albright, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bob Boorstin, Bob McNeely, Bruce Lindsey, Darren McDew, Dave McCarthy, David Gergen, Dee Dee Myers, Don Baer, Dr. Connie Mariano, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mack McLarty, Marine One, Mike McCurry, Neal Wolin, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Carlos Salinas, President Clinton, President Franjo Tudjman, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Secretary General Kofi Annan, Secretary Warren Christopher, Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Tomi Youngblood, Tony Lake, United Nations, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
All photographs from 7/28/94
Tags: Alan Stone, Alexis Herman, Attorney General Janet Reno, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Betty Currie, Bill Clinton, Bob Lyford, Bruce Reed, Carter Wilkie, Department of Justice, Don Baer, Eli Segal, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, General John Shalikashvili, George Stephanopoulos, James Carville, Jonatan Prince, Kate Pflaumer, Lee Brown, Leon Panetta, Lissa Muscatine, Mary Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore, National Mall, National Security Advisor Tony Lake, Paul Begala, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, Secretary William Perry, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Senator Carol Moseley-Braun, Senator Christopher Dodd, Senator David Pryor, Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, Senator Howard Metzenbaum, Senator Jay Rockefeller, Senator Joseph Biden, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Patty Murray, Senator Paul Simon, Senator Tom Daschle, Senator Tom Harkin, Tom Hecht, Vice President Albert Gore, Washington, Washington D.C.
All photographs from 6/7/94
Tags: Ambassador Pamela Harriman, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bruce Lindsey, David Gergen, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, France, George Stephanopoulos, Jacques Chirac, Jenonne Walker, Mack McLarty, Molly Raiser, Mort Engelberg, Paris, Philippe Seguin, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, President Francois Mitterrand, Prime Minister Edouard Balladur, Secretary Warren Christopher, Simone Veil, Steven Oxman, Tony Lake
All photographs from 5/13/94
Tags: Ambassador Phil Lader, Arkansas Travelers, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Finding Aid, Galludet University, George Stephanopoulos, Harold Ickes, Joel Klein, Lloyd Cutler, Mack McLarty, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Senator Tom Harkin, Vicki Radd, Washington D.C., Wendy Smith, William Perry
All photographs from 4/25/94
Tags: Andrew Shue, Attorney General Janet Reno, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Betty Ford, Bill Clinton, Capricia Marshall, Chief of Staff Mack McLarty, Cindy Crawford, Dave Anderson, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Fort Myer, Frank Daniels, General John Shalikashvili, George Stephanopoulos, Henry Kissinger, Jonathan Prince, Lisa Caputo, Mayor Frank Jordan, Melanne Verveer, Nancy Hernreich, Nancy Reagan, National Security Advisor Tony Lake, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, President George H.W. Bush, President Ronald Reagan, Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers, Rahm Emanuel, Ricki Seidman, Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, Secretary William Perry, Stephen Goodin, Steve Sposato, Vice President Albert Gore, Virginia, Willie Brown
All photographs from 4/21/94
Tags: Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bill Shields, Brad Smith, Cathy Zoi, David Kusnet, Don Baer, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, General John Shalikashvili, George Stephanopoulos, Katie McGinty, Molly Raiser, National Security Advisor Tony Lake, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Sandra McBrayer, Secretary Federico Pena, Secretary Richard Riley, Vice President Albert Gore, Wendy Smith
Spain State Dinner
Tags: Abe Pollin, Ana Maria Martinez, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Dale Chihuly, Dennis Quaid, Diane Keaton, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Janet Murguia, King Juan Carlos I, Meg Ryan, Mickey Ibarra, Photograph Contact Sheets, Placido Domingo, President Clinton, Queen Sofia, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, State Dinner, White House, Whoopi Goldberg
South Africa State Dinners
1998/1999 St. Patrick's Day Luncheons
Tags: Ambassador Phil Lader, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, David Trimble, Finding Aid, Gerry Adams, Ireland, John Hume, Marjorie “Mo” Mowlam, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Prime Minister Bertie Ahern, Representative Newt Gingrich, Representative Richard Gephardt, Seamus Mallon, Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, Senator Patrick Leahy, St. Patrick’s Day, U.S. Capitol, Washington, Washington D.C.
Photographs of Tom Cruise - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Barbara Kinney, Ben Bradlee, Bill Clinton, Bill Richardson, Billy Graham, Finding Aid, George Clooney, Harvey Weinstein, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Joe DiMaggio, John Glenn, Kirk Hanlin, Madeleine Albright, Melanne Verveer, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mira Sorvino, Muhammad Ali, Nicole Kidman, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Sean Connery, Tom Cruise, Walter Isaacson
Photographs of Bill Cosby - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Al Gore, Alec Baldwin, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, Capricia Marshall, Chelsea Clinton, Desmond Tutu, Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore, Finding Aid, Fred Rogers, Henry Kissinger, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jack Valenti, Jr., Kofi Annan, Madeleine Albright, Maggie Williams, Melanne Verveer, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Vernon Jordan
Photographs of President William Jefferson Clinton with Linda Bloodworth-Thomason - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Al Gore, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Capricia Marshall, Chelsea Clinton, Dorothy Rodham, Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore, Finding Aid, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jr., Leon Panetta, Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, Mary Steenburgen, Paul Begala, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Ted Danson
All Photographs Taken on April 20, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Al Gore, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Betty Currie, Bill Clinton, Bob Boorstin, Bob Rubin, Carol Rasco, Chancellor Franz Vranitzky, Christine Varney, Christine Vranitzky, David Gergen, Donna Shalala, Finding Aid, George Mitchell, George Stephanopoulos, Harold Ickes, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jennifer O’Conner, Joycelyn Elders, Jr., Leon Panetta, Mack McLarty, Melanne Verveer, Monika Turk, Nancy Pelosi, Pat Griffin, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Representative Richard Gephardt, Sandy Berger, Swanee Hunt, Tipper Gore, Tony Lake, Veronica Baggins, Warren Christopher
All Photographs Taken on March 24, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Photographs of Kevin Spacey - Collection Finding Aid
Photographs of Events Relating to Princess Diana - Collection Finding Aid
Photographs of the Balkan Peace Agreement Ceremony on December 14, 1995 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Balkan Peace Agreement, Balkan Peninsula, Balkans, Bill Clinton, Bosnia, Croatia, Finding Aid, France, Germany, Helmut Kohl, Jacques Chirac, John Major, Paris, peace, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Richard Holbrooke, Russia, Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic, Spain, United Kingdom, Warren Christopher
Photographs and Video Recordings related to David Copperfield and Ford’s Theatre Events on February 8, 1998 - Collection Finding Aid
All Photographs from 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
President Clinton and President Yeltsin of Russia during the Hyde Park meeting press conference
President Clinton and President Yeltsin of Russia during the Hyde Park meeting press conference
President Clinton and President Yeltsin of Russia during the Hyde Park meeting press conference
President Clinton and President Yeltsin of Russia during the Hyde Park meeting press conference
President Yeltsin of Russia gives President Clinton a shirt
President Clinton greets President Yeltsin of Russia
President Clinton and President Yeltsin of Russia sit in chairs and overlook the mountains on the grounds of the Roosevelt Library
President Clinton and President Yeltsin of Russia during the Hyde Park meeting press conference
President Clinton visits Malcolm X Shabazz High School
Tuskegee Syphilis Study Apology Ceremony
President Clinton at the former site of Mt. Zion AME Church
Tim Forneris
All 1994 photographs
All 1994 photographs
All 1994 photographs
All 1994 photographs
Tags: Arkansas, Belgium, Bill Clinton, Finding Aid, Golf, Interview, meeting, President Clinton, Travel, Ukraine
Photographs Relating to Baseball Events at the White House on September 10, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 14) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 13) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 12) - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Abe Pollin, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Basketball, Bill Clinton, Boston, Buddy, Democratic National Committee, DNC, Edward Kennedy, Finding Aid, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Los Angeles, Marine One, Michael Jordan, Middle East Peace Process, NBA, Photograph Contact Sheets, Shepherdstown, Ted Kennedy, Washington Wizards, West Virginia
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 11) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 10) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 9) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 8) - Collection Finding Aid
U.S.S. Arizona Memorial
U.S.S. Arizona Memorial
U.S.S. Arizona Memorial
U.S.S. Arizona Memorial
U.S.S. Arizona Memorial
Tags: Bill Clinton, Hawaii, Memorial, Military, Pearl Harbor, United States. Navy, WWII
A/V Material of Ambassador Mihail Horia Botez - Collection Finding Aid
A/V Material of Reverend Al Sharpton - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 6) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 5) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 3) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 7) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 4) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 2) - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs of Janet Yellen
Video Recording of a Holiday Event on the South Lawn at the White House
Video Recording of Executive Order 12898 Signing on February 24, 1994 (MT.01719)
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 1)
Tags: AIDS, Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Christmas, Hanukkah, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jason Robards, Kevin Spacey, Lynda Carter, Madeleine Albright, Mary Steenburgen, Mary Tyler Moore, Menorah, Michael Douglas, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, Radio Address, Sean Connery, Seattle, Stevie Wonder, Trees
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 (Segment 42)
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 (Segment 41)
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 (Segment 40)
Photographs of Luncheons and Dinners at the White House – Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 – Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 – Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 – Collection Finding Aid
Address to the People of Guam
Tags: Bill Clinton, Children, Guam
Kosovo Phone Calls
Tags: Bill Clinton, Kosovo, Telephone, White House
Camp Bondsteel
Tags: Bill Clinton, Kosovo, Military, Soldiers
Tuzla Visit
Tags: Bill Clinton, Bosnia, Military, Troops, Tuzla, United States. Air Force
Tuzla Visit
Tags: Bill Clinton, Bosnia, Military, Troops, Tuzla, United States. Air Force
Davos Arrival
Tags: Arrivals, Bill Clinton, Davos, Marine One, Switzerland
U.S. Coast Guard Academy Graduation Ceremony
Tags: Bill Clinton, Coast Guard, Commencement, Connecticut, Graduation, Military
D-Day 50th Anniversary
Tags: Bill Clinton, D-Day, France, Military, Normandy
Philadelphia Freedom Festival & Awards
Tags: Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Philadelphia
Joint Press Conference with President Mandela
President Nelson Mandela State Arrival
White House photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Steve Urkel and the Urkel Air Bill (1993)
President Clinton's Remarks on Emissions Standards for Cars and Sport Utility Vehicles
Pres. Clinton Signing the Safe Drinking Water Act (1996)
Date: August 6,…
Harry Tracy Water Filtration Plant
Tags: Bill Clinton, Environment, Filtration, Water
Earth Day
Tags: Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Environment, Parks, Trails
Path Development Climate Change
Tags: Bill Clinton, Energy, Environment, Houses
Yellowstone National Park
Earth Day
Tags: Bill Clinton, Earth Day, Environment, Washington DC
Earth Day
Tags: Bill Clinton, Environment, Parks, Proclamations, Signing, Trees
Earth Day
Tags: Bill Clinton, Environment, Parks, Signing, Trees
North American International Car Show (Detroit Car Show)
Harry Tracy Water Filtration Plant
Tags: Bill Clinton, Environment, Filtration, Water
Path Development Climate Change
Tags: Bill Clinton, Energy, Environment, Houses
Grand Canyon Proclamation Signing
Tags: Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Proclamation, Signing
World Mine Agreement
Tags: Bill Clinton, Environment, Katie McGinty, Mines, Signing
Safe Drinking Water Act
Tags: Bill Clinton, Children, Environment, Kids, Signing, Water
Yellowstone National Park
Tags: Bill Clinton, Parks, Yellowstone
Grand Teton National Park
Earth Day
Tags: Bill Clinton, Earth Day, Environment, Washington DC
Environmental Justice Signing
Tags: Bill Clinton, Environment, Executive orders, Signing
Earth Day
Tags: Bill Clinton, Environment, speech
Council on Environmental Quality
Environment Initiatives
Tags: Bill Clinton, Environment, Oval Office, Staff, White House
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 – Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 – Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Arkansas, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Barbara Bush, Betty Ford, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Dennis Ross, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Lady Bird Johnson, Madeleine Albright, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, Pine Bluff, Rosalynn Carter, Sandy Berger, White House Historical Association
Photographs related to the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine school shooting - Collection Finding Aid
Photographs and video recordings of the 1997 Presidential Inauguration and related events - Collection Finding Aid
Photographs of the South Lawn Victory Celebration at the White House on November 6th, 1996 - Collection Finding Aid
White House photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, California, Chelsea Clinton, David McCullough, Finding Aid, Jann Wenner, John Podesta, Kentucky, Los Angeles, Louisville, New York, Oakland, Photograph Contact Sheets, Rally, San Francisco, Sandy Berger, Tom Joyner, Voting, White House
Photographs of President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Trip to Rwanda on March 25, 1998 - Collection Finding Aid
Photographs of meetings regarding Bosnia in July and November of 1995 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Al Gore, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Barbara Bush, Bill Clinton, Bosnia, Bosnia War, Finding Aid, Foreign Policy, George H.W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Madeleine Albright, meetings, Oval Office, Photograph Contact Sheets, Richard Holbrooke, Situation Room, Warren Christopher
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Capricia Marshall, Carl Reiner, Chelsea Clinton, Dick Van Dyke, Elton John, Finding Aid, Gene Sperling, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jack Lew, Jeff Shesol, Jerry Seinfeld, John Podesta, King Abdullah, Marine One, Mary Steenburgen, Mary Tyler Moore, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, Rob Reiner, Ted Danson
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Photographs Relating to Movie Critic Roger Ebert - Colllection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Betty Currie, Bill Clinton, Bono, Cicely Tyson, Debt Relief, Edward Kennedy, Finding Aid, Golf, Health Care, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Joe Biden, Joe Lockhart, Larry Summers, Limousine, Madeleine Albright, Nancy Pelosi, Photograph Contact Sheets, Press Briefing Room, Radio Address, Sandy Berger, Socks, Wim Kok
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Boys and Girls Club, Briefing, Bruce Riedel, Chelsea Clinton, China, Finding Aid, Gene Sperling, GSA, Hillary Rodham Clinton, India, Joe Lockhart, John Podesta, Kennedy Center, Madeleine Albright, meeting, Middle East, Oval Office, Permanent Normal Trade Relations, Photograph Contact Sheets, PNTR, Prime Minister, Sandy Berger, senior staff, Strobe Talbott
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bolivia, Chelsea Clinton, Connecticut, Ecuador, Finding Aid, Gustavo Noboa Bejarano, Hate Crimes, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Hugo Banzer Suarez, Madeleine Albright, Marine One, meeting, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, Sandy Berger, senior staff, Wall Street
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Finding Aid, Golf, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Hugh Rodham, Jiang Zemin, Madeleine Albright, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, Richard Holbrooke, Tom Daschle, Tony Blair, Tony Rodham, United Nations, Yasser Arafat
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Television Video Recording of a Pre-Recorded Radio Address and Meet & Greet on February 28, 1997 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs of President Clinton Attending the National Prayer Breakfast for 1994 through 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Al Gore, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Democratic National Convention, Finding Aid, George McGovern, Harry Thomason, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Idaho, Jay Leno, Jesse Jackson, Los Angeles, Madeleine Albright, Marian Wright Edelman, Mary Steenburgen, Muhamed Ali, Photograph Contact Sheets, Roger Clinton, Ted Danson, Wesley Clark
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
President Clinton's Remarks on Goals 2000 (1994)
Tags: Bill Clinton, education, speech, Video Recording
White House Photographs of President Clinton Participating in a Colorado S.A.F.E. Students Discussion and Remarks - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs of President Clinton Participating in Interviews with PBS and National Public Radio - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bill Signings, Bruce Lindsey, China, Christmas, David Gergen, Finding Aid, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jiang Zemin, Jogging, Mack McLarty, Maggie Williams, Olympics, Oprah Winfrey, Photograph Contact Sheets, Socks the cat, Vice President Albert Gore, Washington, Washington D.C.
Millennium Celebration Dinner
Tags: Bill Clinton, John Fogerty, Millennium, Music
Photographs Relating to Thanksgiving Day During the Clinton Administration (1994-2000)
Photographs Relating to Thanksgiving during the Clinton Administration (1994-2000)
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Chris Jennings, Dee Dee Myers, Evan Bayh, Finding Aid, George Stephanopoulos, Health Care, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Glenn, Mack McLarty, Melanne Verveer, NAFTA, Phil Lader, Photograph Contact Sheets, Rahm Emanuel, Rudy Giuliani, Tom Foley, Vice President Albert Gore
Harvey Weinstein Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Queens University
President Clinton and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern in Dublin, Ireland
Tags: Bertie Ahern, Bill Clinton, Computers, Gateway
President Clinton receives a crystal bowl of Shamrocks from Prime Minister John Bruton of Ireland
State Dinner for Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom
Tags: Bill Clinton, Elton John, Music, State Dinner, Stevie Wonder, Tony Blair
State Dinner for Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom
Tags: Bill Clinton, Elton John, Music, State Dinner, Stevie Wonder, Tony Blair
David Trimble
Rev. Billy Graham
Tags: Bill Clinton, Billy Graham, Oval Office
Rev. Billy Graham
Tags: Bill Clinton, Billy Graham, Oval Office
President Clinton's Remarks to the Northern Ireland Assembly (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks to the People of Armagh (1998)
Date: September 3,…
Pres. Clinton at a Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks in Londonderry (1995)
Date: November…
President Clinton's Remarks at the Mackie Plant (1995)
Dedication of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library (1993)
"Keep Hope Alive" Reception
Photographs of President Clinton Meeting with Presidential Vladimir Putin in September 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: American Airlines, APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), Asia, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Boeing, Brady Bill, Clarence Clemons, CNN, Dee Dee Myers, Economics, Fidel Ramos, Finding Aid, George Mitchell, George Stephanopoulos, Georgia--Atlanta, Hank Aaron, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jean Chretien, Jiang Zemin, Mack McLarty, Newt Gingrich, Pacific, Photograph Contact Sheets, Robert Rubin, Sandy Berger, Seattle, Tony Lake, Vice President Albert Gore, Walter Mondale, Warren Christopher
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), Asia, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Boeing, Clarence Clemons, Dee Dee Myers, Economics, Fidel Ramos, Finding Aid, Hillary Rodham Clinton, James Carville, Jean Chretien, Jiang Zemin, Pacific, Photograph Contact Sheets, Sandy Berger, Seattle, Vice President Albert Gore, Walter Mondale, Warren Christopher
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Alexis Herman, Ann Richards, APEC, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Connie Mariano, Finding Aid, Health Care, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Glenn, Jonathan Demme, Mary Steenburgen, Mason Temple, Melanne Verveer, Memphis, NAFTA, Photograph Contact Sheets, Religion, Signing, Socks the cat, Tipper Gore, Tom Hanks, Vice President Gore, William Daley, Yitzhak Rabin
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Betty Monkman, Bill Alman, Bill Clinton, Congress, David Gergen, Dee Dee Myers, Finding Aid, Gary Walters, Gene Sperling, George Stephanopoulos, Golf, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jogging, Kaki Hockersmith, Mike Espy, NAFTA, Photograph Contact Sheets, Radio Address, Rex Scouten, Sandy Berger, Socks the cat, Vice President Gore
Address to the People of Dundalk, Ireland
Tags: Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Dundalk, Ireland
Address to the People of Dundalk, Ireland
Tags: Bill Clinton, Crowd, Dundalk, Ireland
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tom Petty
Tags: Bill Clinton, Jane Petty, Oval Office, Tom Petty
Tom Petty
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Vaclav Havel - Collection Finding Aid
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
President Clinton and Cake - Collection Finding Aid
Art and Humanities Awards Ceremony
Tags: Arts, Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, medal, Music, Ray Charles, South Lawn
Art and Humanities Awards Ceremony
Tags: Arts, Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, medal, Music, Ray Charles, South Lawn
Art and Humanities Awards Ceremony
Tags: Arts, Bill Clinton, Blue Room, medal, Music, Ray Charles
Art and Humanities Awards Ceremony
Tags: Arts, Bill Clinton, Blue Room, medal, Music, Ray Charles
Art and Humanities Awards Ceremony
Tags: Arts, Bill Clinton, Blue Room, medal, Music, Ray Charles
Little Rock Nine Medal Ceremony
Little Rock Nine Medal Ceremony
Little Rock Nine Medal Ceremony
Little Rock Nine Medal Ceremony
Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site Bill Signing Ceremony
Little Rock Central High School Speech Preparation
Little Rock Central High School Speech Preparation
Little Rock Central High School Speech Preparation
40th Anniversary of the Desegregation of Little Rock Central High School
40th Anniversary of the Desegregation of Little Rock Central High School
40th Anniversary of the Desegregation of Little Rock Central High School
40th Anniversary of the Desegregation of Little Rock Central High School
40th Anniversary of the Desegregation of Little Rock Central High School
LR9 Central High Historic Site Bill Signing (1998)
Tags: Bill Clinton, Bill Signing, Bill Signings, Carlotta Walls Lanier, Central High School (Little Rock Ark.), Civil Rights, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Gloria Ray Karlmark, Historic site, Jefferson Thomas, Little Rock Central High School (School), Little Rock Nine, Melba Pattillo Beals, Minnijean Brown, Terrence Roberts, Thelma Mothershed, Video Recording
Little Rock Nine Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony
Q & A With Students Regarding the Brown V. Board of Education Decision
40th Anniv. of Desegregation of Little Rock Central High (1997)
Scheduling Office
Tags: Bill Clinton, Oval Office, Scheduling Office
One America Office
Oval Office Operations
Council of Economic Advisers
Advance Office
Tags: Advance Office, Bill Clinton, Oval Office
Presidential Personnel Office
Special Envoy Office
Office of the Staff Secretary
Management and Administration Office
Public Liaison Office
Tags: Bill Clinton, Oval Office, Public Liaison
Office of the Press Secretary
Office of Science and Technology
Clerks Office
Tags: Bill Clinton, Clerk's Office, Oval Office
Millennium Council
Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Tags: AIDS, Bill Clinton, Oval Office, Sandra Thurman
President Clinton's 54th Birthday Party
Tags: Bill Clinton, Birthdays, Cake, Glen Maes, South Lawn, Staff, White House Mess
President Clinton's 49th Birthday Party
Tags: Bill Clinton, Birthdays, Cowboy, Hats, South Lawn
Independence Day
Home Office
Tags: Bill Clinton, Chappaqua, Chelsea Clinton
Phone Call with Prime Minister Blair
Tags: Bill Clinton, England, London, Telephone, Tony Blair
Foreign Policy Telephone Calls
Telephone Call
Tags: Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak, Oval Office, Telephone
Telephone Call
Waterfront Hall
Waterfront Hall
Belfast Arrival
George Mitchell
Belfast Departure
David Trimble
A boy reaches out to shake President Clintons hand at Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Tags: Bill Clinton, Londonderry, Northern Ireland
President Clinton visits bakery on Falls Road in Belfast, Northern Ireland
President Clinton greets Gerry Adams in East Belfast, Northern Ireland
Violets Fruit Store in the Shankill District, Belfast, Northern Ireland
President Clinton waves at crowds in the Shankill District, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Mackie Plant
Mackie Plant
Buckingham Palace
Tags: Bill Clinton, Buckingham Palace, England, London, United Kingdom
Joint Press Statements
Tags: Bill Clinton, Downing Street, England, John Major, London, United Kingdom
Joint Press Statements
Tags: Bill Clinton, Downing Street, England, John Major, London, United Kingdom
Omagh Bombing
Queens University
Queens University
Queens University
Queens University
Waterfront Hall
Memorial Day
Tags: Arlington, Bill Clinton, Cemetery, Memorial Day, Veterans, Virginia
Memorial Day
Tags: Arlington, Bill Clinton, Cemetery, Memorial Day, Veterans, Virginia
Memorial Day
Tags: Arlington, Bill Clinton, Cemetery, Memorial Day, Veterans, Virginia
Memorial Day
Tags: Arlington, Bill Clinton, Cemetery, Memorial Day, Veterans, Virginia
Memorial Day
Tags: Arlington, Bill Clinton, Cemetery, Memorial Day, Veterans, Virginia
Virginia Kelley
Tags: Bill Clinton, Family, Oval Office, Virginia Kelley
Third High School
Tags: Bill Clinton, Bosnia, Sarajevo, Schools
Stenkovic 1 Refugee Camp
Tags: Bill Clinton, Camps, Children, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Kosovo, Kosvar, Macedonia, Refugees, Stenkovic
Arafat and Netanyahu
Tags: Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Israel, Madeleine Albright, MEPP, Netanyahu, PLO, Yasser Arafat
Music Room
Tags: Bill Clinton, Music, Saxophone
Pre-Inaugural Reception/Departing the White House
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Al Gore, Alan Stone, Anatoliy Zlenko, Andrew Friendly, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Carolyn Huber, Chris Jennings, David Gergen, David Kusnet, Dee Dee Myers, DNC, Finding Aid, Fire Truck, George Stephanopoulos, Greg Lawler, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Howard Paster, Ira Magaziner, James Woolsey, Jim Guy Tucker, Joe Biden, Jogging, Lee Aspin, Mack McLarty, Madeleine Albright, Mark Gearan, Melanne Verveer, NAFTA, NATO, Nicholas Burns, Oval Office, Photograph Contact Sheets, Queen Noor, Sandy Berger, Stephanie Street, Tipper Gore, Tony Lake, Ukraine, Warren Christopher
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: AARP, AFL-CIO, Andrew Friendly, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Barbara Feinman, Bill Clinton, Bruce Lindsey, Carol Rasco, Chris Jennings, Conde Nast, David Gergen, David Lynch, Dee Dee Myers, Finding Aid, George Stephanopoulos, Greg Lawler, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Howard Paster, Ira Magaziner, James Woolsey, Lee Aspin, Lisa Caputo, Louis Stokes, Mack McLarty, Madeleine Albright, Marine One, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Melanne Verveer, Nicholas Burns, Oval Office, Photograph Contact Sheets, Queen Noor, Robert Matsui, Rodney Dangerfield, Sandy Berger, Tony Lake, Warren Christopher
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Cabinet Meeting, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Crown Prince Hassan, David Gergen, David Souter, Diplomatic Credentials, Finding Aid, George Stephanopoulos, Golf, John Paul Stevens, NAFTA, Photograph Contact Sheets, Presidential Science and Technology Medals, Radio Address, Roland Mesnier, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sandra Day O’Connor, Simon Peres, Supreme Court, William Rehnquist
President Clinton Golfing with O.J. Simpson in 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
All Presidential Series Photographs from the Clinton Administration taken from September 27, 1993 and September 29, 1993 through September 30, 1993 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Barbara Bush, Bill Clinton, Bob Rubin, Bruce Babbitt, Carol Browner, Clean Car, Colin Powell, David Gergen, Edward Kennedy, Federico Pena, Finding Aid, George H.W. Bush, Health Care, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Laura Tyson, Maggie Williams, Mickey Kantor, Mike Espy, Photograph Contact Sheets, Ron Brown, Science and Technology Medals, Strobe Talbott, Ted Kennedy, Vice President Gore
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: 1993, Al Gore, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bob Boorstin, David Dreyer, Dee Dee Myers, Finding Aid, George Stephanopoulos, Health Care, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Joan Lunden, Katie Couric, Madeleine Albright, Maggie Williams, Mario Cuomo, Mark Gearan, Melanne Verveer, NAFTA, Nancy Soderberg, Paula Zahn, Photograph Contact Sheets, Photographs, Tipper Gore, Virginia Kelley, Willie Nelson
White House Corrrespondents Dinner
White House Corrrespondents Dinner
David Bowie
Tags: Bill Clinton, David Bowie
David Bowie
Tags: Bill Clinton, David Bowie
White House Historical Association Dinner
Bush Library Dedication
Bush Library Dedication
Tags: Bill Clinton, Bush, Carter, Ceremony, Dedication, Exclusive Fraternity, Ford, Library, Museum, Photograph
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Kickoff
Tags: Agreement, Bill Clinton, Bush, Carter, Exclusive Fraternity, Ford, NAFTA, Photograph, Presidents, Signings, Trade