This collection consists of photographs from movie screenings during Clinton administration. The photographs include various screenings of movies in the Family Theatre, East Room and Camp David during the years of the Clinton administration. The…
This collection consists of materials regarding Mullah Mohammad Omar, the founder and spiritual leader of the Taliban, and Osama bin Laden. Under Omar’s direction, the Taliban provided sanctuary to al-Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden despite…
This collection consists of records related to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) arbitration cases under Chapter 11 of the agreement. The collection contains National Security Council records of the three arbitration cases that occurred…
This collection consists of records related to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, particularly the involvement of U. S. Special Negotiators John Maresca and Joseph Presel, and State Department employees…
This collection consists of records related to the sharp rise in the number of reported arson attacks on the nation’s houses of worship and the formation of the National Church Arson Task Force (NCATF). It contains correspondence between members of…
This collection consists of records related to the National Church Arson Task Force. It contains the White House Counsel's Office files of Dawn Chirwa, Stephen Neuwirth and Kathleen Wallman that address such topics as the Establishment Clause of the…
This collection consists of profile sheets, correspondence, and press regarding the National Counterintelligence Policy Board's report on unauthorized media leak disclosures from March 1996. The correspondence is between President Clinton and various…
This collection consists of records related to the establishment of the National Economic Council (NEC) in 1993 and its organization. The collection includes copies, drafts, memorandums, and correspondence regarding Executive Order 12835,…
This collection consists of records related to Tony Blair, the United Kingdom, and Britain found within the National Economic Council office. It contains background material, reports and briefing papers.
This collection consists of records relating to Executive Order 12898 and 13045, which direct federal agencies to evaluate government programs and regulations that involve potential environmental, health or safety risks that may disproportionately…
This collection consists of records dealing with the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). The NFIB represents the interests of small business owners in the United States. This collection consists of memoranda, publications, press…
This collection consists of video recordings from the September 29, 1999 National Medal of Arts and Humanities Ceremony at Constitution Hall. President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton both delivered remarks. Recipients included: Irene Diamond, Aretha…
This collection consists of material dealing with documents addressed to President Clinton from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) containing recommendations for the…
This collection consists of records related to the National Polar-Orbiting Environment Satellite System or NPOESS. NPOESS was a tri-agency program between the Department of Commerce (specifically the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,…
This collection consists of records on National Security Council (NSC) meetings regarding Al-Qaeda, Afghanistan, or the Taliban, from August 1998 to January 2001. These interagency meetings were in the form of either Principals Committee (PC),…
This collection consists of records regarding public access to National Security Council (NSC) documents. The case of Armstrong v. the Executive Office of the President raised the question of to what extent the records of the NSC are subject to FOIA…
This collection consists of records from the National Security Council and other textual records concerning the Fast Track trade authority granted to the President under the Trade Act of 1974. It contains memoranda, correspondence, briefing papers,…
This collection consists of records related to National Service and AmeriCorps. It contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, schedules, press materials, invitations, legislative drafts, emails, and notes mostly regarding the passage and first year…
This collection consists of records concerning AmeriCorps and national service. This collection contains records from the White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) Subject Files containing memos from Eli Segal on the establishment and…
This collection consists of material regarding the National Small Business Association which provided small business owners with advocacy and public awareness. The collection contains President Clinton’s remarks from the 1993 Small Business…
This collection consists of material concerning the development of Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 49. The PDD, which President Clinton signed on September 14, 1996, outlined the Administration’s policy for space programs emphasizing…
This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 1 contains records from White House staff and office files and the National Security Council. The files contain handwritten notes, memos,…
This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 2 contains email from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS) Email. ARMS Email for this FOIA collection contain the phrases…
This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 3 contains records primarily from the IN (Indian Affairs) Subject File. This collection also includes White House Staff and Office Files.…
This collection consists of records related to ministerial meetings of NATO and the North Atlantic Cooperation Council between 1992 and 1999. The collection contains press releases, NATO communiques, media reaction reports, cables between US State…
This collection consists of material pertaining to the speech given by President Clinton on May 8, 1999 in Del City, Oklahoma following a devastating tornado outbreak. In this speech, President Clinton offers support for the National Weather Service…
This collection consists of records related to the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant (NWIRP) and the National Defense Authorization Act of 1995. NWIRP- Calverton was operated by Northrop Grumman Corporation until February 1996. This collection…
This collection consists of Neera Tanden’s subject files from the Domestic Policy Council. Tanden served as Associate Director for Domestic Policy in the Clinton White House, and Senior Policy Advisor to the First Lady’s staff from December 1997…
This collection consists of Neera Tanden’s subject files from the Office of the First Lady. Subjects covered in this collection include child care, education and literacy, health reform, Title IX, national service, and youth issues such as after…
This collection consists of Neera Tanden’s subject files from the Office of Policy Development. The subject matter of the collection is devoted to the issues concerning the First Lady including tobacco control and cessation, education, women in…
This collection contains records concerning Neng Hsiang Wang’s visits to the White house and Communication with President Clinton. This collection consist of White House Database entry concerning greeting cards sent to Neng Hsiang Wang, and White…
This collection consists of correspondence, reports, and email regarding a crash in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. The origin of the crashed object remains in dispute today. A July 1995 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, “Government…
This collection contains photographs that document the meeting and photo opportunities between the Grand Rabbi, the President, and the First Lady. There are also photos of the Grand Rabbi’s associates with President Clinton, and the Grand Rabbi…
This collection consists of photographs from a meeting with President Clinton and Rep. Newt Gingrich. The meeting took place in the Residence on October 28, 1997. President Clinton was accompanied in the meeting by Erskine Bowles and others.…
This collection consists of material regarding President Clinton's mentions of Newt Gingrich from January 20, 1993 to January 31, 1995. Gingrich served Georgia's 6th District in the House of Representatives from 1979 to 1999, as House Minority Whip…
Nicole Rabner served in the Clinton Administration in both the First Lady’s Office and as FLOTUS’ representative in the Domestic Policy Council, 1995-2000. Subjects covered in the collection include adoption, bankruptcy, brain research, breast…
FOIA 2023-0540-F is a request for all audio/visual records relating to the funeral service and subsequent reception for President Richard Milhous Nixon. The service was held at the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace site in Yorba Linda, California on…
Noa Meyer served as an assistant to the First Lady’s Deputy Chief of Staff Bobbie Greene and then as a researcher for the First Lady’s speechwriting staff, 1997-1999. Subjects covered include adoption, child care, civil rights, domestic violence,…
This collection consists of records concerning the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) during NAFTA negotiations conducted between March and August 1993 by the U.S. Trade Representative, Mickey Kantor. It contains memoranda, cables,…
This collection contains e-mails, draft remarks, background materials, and memoranda pertaining to the President’s remarks in support of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) at the Distinguished American Endorsement Event on November 2,…
This collection was made available via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The FOIA request was for records relating to the Republic of Korea (ROK), commonly called South Korea; and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK),…
This collection consists of photographs on May 19, 1994 of a Commander in Chief’s meeting regarding North Korea. President Clinton met with Secretary of Defense William Perry and senior military commanders to discuss national security and military…
The collection contains records from Nancy Soderberg, National Security Council (NSC) Office of the Staff Director, on the Northern Ireland peace process. These records include correspondence, memoranda, reports, briefing and meeting materials,…
This collection consists of records related to the work of the Office of Scheduling and Advance in preparing for President Clinton’s trip to Northern Ireland in September of 1998. The Office of Scheduling and Advance is responsible for the…
This collection consists of records related to correspondence between President Clinton and those involved in the Northern Ireland Peace Process. The collection contains correspondence with the following individuals: Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams;…
This collection consists of records related to the Irish Peace Process. The collection contains correspondence from Congress and the public, memoranda, cables, and speeches related to the Northern Ireland Peace Process. The collection also contains…
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Congress and memoranda to and from President Clinton on labor standards and minimum wage laws in the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). The files contain…
This collection consists of records related to the United States Nuclear Risk Reduction Center (NRRC) which is a part of the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance (AVC) within the Department of State (DOS) and operates a 24-hour, 365…
This collection consists of National Security Council memoranda, emails, and press regarding the Clinton Administration's review of the Comprehensive Test Ban and the resulting Presidential Review Directive (PRD) 19 and Presidential Decision…
This collection consists of records concerning the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program between 1993 and 1996. The program originated with the 1991 Soviet Threat Reduction Act, co-sponsored by Senators Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar, and…
This collection consists of records related to Orenthal James "O.J." Simpson. The electronic records responsive to this request came from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS) and the Tape Restoration Project (TRP). Records to be opened…
This collection (2024-0529-F Segment 2) consists of records related to OJ. Simpson, a professional football star and actor acquitted of murder in 1995. This collection consists of notes, President Clinton’s remarks and draft remarks on Simpson’s…
This collection consists of records related to meetings with Serbian American businessman Obrad Kesic and Reverend Jesse Jackson in April and May 1999 regarding the NATO bombing campaign in Kosovo. This collection consists of emails, cables,…
This collection consists of the records of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). The OSTP advised, "the President in policy formulation and budget development on all questions in which science and technology are important elements;…
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and family members of the bomb victims, proclamations, a FEMA briefing book, memoranda, speeches, and schedules. Records of note include background material pertaining to militias…
This collection consists of video recordings of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting officials and being briefed by local law enforcement, emergency rescue personnel, and firemen at the State Fairgrounds Arena holding area in…
This collection contains records related to the death of African National Congress National Chairman, Oliver Tambo. Open records include letters of condolence and letters of thanks from President Clinton to members of the U.S. delegation, led by…
This collection consists of records related to the death of Oliver Tambo. RThis collection contains press statements about the delegation sent to attend Tambo’s funeral and transcripts of remarks given at the funeral.
This collection consists of materials related to the Centennial Olympic Park bombing that occurred on July 27, 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia. It includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, speech drafts, and email related to reactions and the aftermath…
This collection consists of records relating to the passing of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. The collection contains talking points, draft language, schedules, meeting attendees and agendas, outreach planning and coordination,…
This collecion consists of records related to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which was signed into law on August 10, 1993. The electronic records responsive to this request came from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS).…
This collection consists of records related to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ONDCP drug policy. The records include news articles discussing the connection between television shows and anti-drug messaging, as well as emails from Domestic Policy…
The Clinton Administration History Project describes in detail the accomplishments of President Clinton and his advisors for the period 1993-2001. The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) was established in 1988 with the signing of the…
This collection consists of memoranda, reports, drafts, publications, handwritten notes, correspondence, talking points, and press releases regarding One America in the 21st Century: The President’s Initiative on Race. One America came into…
This collection consists of records related to Operation GTMO (Guantanamo), a U.S. military humanitarian response to Haitian migrants fleeing the island following the September 1991 military coup. The materials consist of cables coming into the…
This collection consists of records regarding Operation Able Manner. Begun five days before the beginning of the Clinton Administration, the Coast Guard operation achieved the interdiction of over 25,000 Haitian migrants at sea, many of whom were…
This case contains email messages that discuss events, people, and press clips related to “Operation Ceasefire” as well as emails detailing administration achievements related to gun control. This collection consists of emails concerning…
This collection consists of records related to US Border Patrol's San Diego Sector border control plan at Imperial Beach Station called Operation Gatekeeper. The plan was introduced on October 1, 1994 with the purpose of stemming the flow of illegal…
This collection consists of records related to Operation Over the Rainbow. The bulk of the records are emails containing electronic newsletters and news articles. This collection only contains emails.
This collection consists of one record related to Operation Over the Rainbow. One email press compilation in which the successful conclusion of the operation was noted. Operation Over the Rainbow was a multi-agency investigation that brought together…
This collection consists of records concerning Clinton Administration policy and actions regarding American involvement in the Somali civil war. When he took office in 1993, President Clinton inherited the humanitarian crisis in Somalia. Though the…
This collection consists of records related to Operation Safe Haven which was a mission carried out by the United States Government. Operation Safe Haven created camps established in Panama to temporarily house the refugees fleeing from Cuba and…
This collection consists of documents pertaining to Operation Safeguard, a border control initiative implemented by the United States Department of Justice/INS, and the state of Arizona. It contains National Security Council Cables, primarily press…
This collection contains material regarding the sailing events known as Operation Sail 2000 (or OpSail 2000) and its chairman, Charles Robertson. President Clinton attended the celebration of Operation Sail 2000 on July 4th, 2000 in New York Harbor.…
This collection consists of records related to Operation Storm, which many historians describe as the largest European land battle since the Second World War and a decisive victory for Croatia over neighboring Serbia. The Operation officially lasted…
This collection consists of records related to Oprah Winfrey. It includes birthday cards to Ms. Winfrey from President Clinton; requests for the Clintons and White House staff to appear on the “Oprah Winfrey Show;” congratulations sent to Ms.…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and Charlie Robertson, Chairman of OPSAIL 2000, at OPSAIL 2000 on July 4, 2000 in New York Harbor. OPSAIL is a non-profit devoted to sail training and fostering goodwill between nations.…
This collection consists of records related to the Organization of American States (OAS). It contains memorandums, reports, remarks, and letters including correspondence between President Clinton and OAS Secretary Generals, documents related to the…
This collection consists of records related to Staff and Office files from the National Security Council (NSC) regarding the Organization of American States (OAS) and a small number of records from the Confidential Files or CF files related to this…
This collection consists of records related to The Organization of American States (OAS). It contains correspondence, memoranda, speech cards, briefing papers, invitations, papers and reports, resumes, publications, handwritten notes, and letters…
This collection consists of email referencing, Daniel Ortega, Humberto Ortega, and Violetta Chamorro. A majority of email within this collection consists of NSC press briefings, presidential remarks, and news analysis
This collection contains memorandums, letters, and press releases concerning the nomination and confirmation of Ortrie D. Smith for the U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Missouri. Ortrie D. Smith was nominated by President Clinton on…
This collection consists of records dated March 3, 1997 to January 20, 2001 between Richard Clarke, Samuel Berger, and the President referring to Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda, Pakistan, Afghanistan, or the Taliban. The collection contains unclassified…
This collection consists of press releases, executive orders, memoranda, newspaper articles, reports, papers, cables, handwritten notes, and briefing materials highlighting the ongoing effort of the Clinton administration to follow and track Osama…
This collection consists of related to efforts by the American government to locate and capture Usama bin Laden. This is the second segment of this FOIA request to be processed and open. This segment included only electronic records and contains…
This collection consists of records regarding the signing of the Declaration of Principles for Interim Self-Government Arrangements, often referred to as the Oslo Accords, by Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasir Arafat and Israeli…
This collection consists of records pertaining to Kaki Hockersmith and First Lady Hillary Clinton regarding the redecoration of the Oval Office. Kaki Hockersmith was appointed as a member of the Committee for the Preservation of the White House in…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Kaki Hockersmith regarding the redesign of the Oval Office in 1993. The photos include President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton joining interior…
This collection consists of records related to Pakistani support of terrorist operations in Jammu & Kashmir. The majority of the records in this collection are closed due to National Security. This collection contains records from late 1993 to…
This collection consists of National Security Council (NSC) Records Management System (RMS) documents. These RMS documents contain correspondence between President Clinton and members of Congress concerning terrorism and Pakistan. Also included in…
This collection consists of a single cable describing a Pakistani news article concerning a 1996 Taliban announcement to ban the growth of poppy in Afghanistan. The record describes that Interior Minister Babar confirmed that the Taliban poppy ban…
This collection consists of records concerning requests for the prison release or deportation of Khalid Al-Jawary, also known as Khaled El-Jassem. Al-Jawary, a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), was arrested in Italy in 1991 and…
This collection consists of the files of Pam Cicetti, the First Lady’s Executive Assistant, from 1993 through 1997. It includes correspondence to Hillary Clinton from a diverse assortment of friends, regular citizens and celebrities. It also…
This collection consists of email related to the Panama Canal. The bulk of the responsive records include news articles, press guidance, press releases, Congressional committee hearing transcripts, United States Information Agency foreign news media…
This collection consists of records concerning the pardon of Samuel Loring Morison. Morison was a civilian intelligence analyst at the Naval Intelligence Support Center (NISC). He was charged with espionage and theft of government property under the…
This collection consists of records related to the pardon process for James Lake. Mr. Lake was charged with wire fraud, aiding and abetting the making of an illegal corporate campaign contribution, and aiding and abetting the making of an illegal…
This collection contains records relating to the pardon of Patricia “Patty” Hearst Shaw. The records consist of reports, correspondence, and tracking sheets. The materials include letters to the President both in support of the pardon of Patty…
This collection contains records from the White House Counsel’s Office files of Trey Schroeder and Kathleen Wallman regarding the denial of pardon requests in 1996. One of the pardons denied include that of Bobby Joe Mills, Jr.
This collection consists of correspondence, memos, notes, and lists pertaining to pardons and commutations granted and denied by President Clinton for the two years of 1995 and 1996. One specific case concerns Peter MacDonald, Sr., who was denied a…
This collection consists of records related to the executive clemency granted by President Clinton to eleven Puerto Rican FALN (Armed Forces of National Liberation) in September 1999. This segment contains press articles, memo drafts, emails,…
This collection consists of records related to Dr. Pascal Forgione, an educator and school administrator who served as the Commisioner of the National Center for Education Statistics in the U.S. Department of Education from 1994 through 1999. It…
This collection consists of records from the files of Patricia "Patsy" Fleming, Director of the White House National AIDS Policy Office, from 1994 thru 1997. It contains letters, memoranda, reports, speeches, briefing materials, publications, fact…
This collection contains material regarding Patrick Eddington. From 1988 to 1996, Mr. Eddington served as a military image analyst. After leaving government service, he advocated on Gulf War Illness issues and made allegations concerning the exposure…
This collection consists of records related to Patrick Eddington. The bulk of the records are listservs, e-newsletters, news articles, and television news transcripts. Patrick Eddington is a former government military image analyst and author of the…
The collection includes records related to Lieutenant General Patrick M. Hughes and the crises in the former Yugoslavia. It consists of cables date from 1997 to 2001 that mention, reference, or were copied to Lieutenant General Hughes. These…
This collection consists of speech drafts, articles, notes, memoranda and correspondence from the files of Paul Glastris, Speechwriter. Many of the records in this collection were used by Glastris in the composition of President Clinton’s speeches.…
This collection consists of National Security Council cables, emails, and records management system documents pertaining to human rights reports on Rwanda, press guidance, media summaries, news releases, and articles relating to Paul Kagame, Rwanda,…
This collection consists of records regarding American lobbyist Paul Manafort’s dealings with Russia. It contains a National Security Council (NSC) cable detailing a meeting on a super computer deal involving Manafort that would generate business…
This collection consists of the speechwriting records of Paul Orzulak, a speechwriter for President William J. Clinton and National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger in 1999 and 2000. This collection contains clippings, correspondence, email, faxes,…
This collection consists of records related to the President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Subjects covered in these records include National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and PCAST event calendars, PCAST…
The photographs processed in this case from the White House Photograph Office (WHPO) pertain to President Clinton greeting and meeting with music group Pearl Jam in the Oval Office on April 9, 1994. Band members present include Eddie Vedder, Jeff…
This collection consists of correspondence between the White House and the Governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro Rossello. It contains written correspondence with Governor Rossello and spans topics from routine birthday greetings and get well cards to…
This request consists of photographs of President Clinton and Hilary Rodham Clinton presenting a Presidential Medal of Freedom to Peggy Charren on September 29, 1995. Charren founded Action for Children’s Television (ACT) in 1968 in an effort to…
This collection consists of records related to federal Pell grants used to provide educational financial aid for incarcerated prisoners. During the Clinton Administration, the award amount of Pell Grants increased, but the 1994 Violent Crimes Control…
This collection consists of correspondence, draft correspondence, copies of Presidential Public Papers, scheduling request forms, and news articles regarding People to People International’s request for President Clinton to be Honorary Chairman.
This collection consists of records of correspondence related to Bosnia between President Clinton and Secretary of Defense William Perry. The responsive materials consist of routing memorandums regarding reports, correspondence from various Senators…
This collection contains personnel records for Carolyn "Carrie" G. Wofford, Ricki Seidman, and Bethany Little. This collection consists of correspondence, forms, and pledges from these personnel records.
This collection consists of White House press releases from the files of P.J. Crowley. Crowley served as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director of Public Affairs the National Security Council from…
This collection contains records related to Philip S. Goldberg and the former Yugoslavia. This collection consists of records from the National Security Council’s Cable, Email, and Records Management System. The records to be opened include…
This collection contains records related to Philip T. Reeker and the former Yugoslavia. Open records are from the National Security Council’s Cable, Email, and Records Management System. They include press releases, press compilations and reports,…
This collection consists of records related to a December 2000 State Department press release on elections in Serbia. This collection contains emails only.
Photograph of Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Ron Bracco at the National Trust for Historic Preservation Dinner at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC on October 21, 1999.
This collection contains photographs and video recordings of the 1997 Presidential Inauguration and related events including pre-Inaugural galas, preparing for Inauguration, and the Inaugural Balls. The material included ranges from January 17th,…
Photographs of President Clinton meeting Kosovo Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova in 1998 at the White House, meeting with foreign policy team and members of Congress on Kosovo throughout 1998 and 1999. Additional photographs include President Clinton…
The photographs processed in this case relating to President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in Ford's Theatre events on February 8, 1998. These events are a reception at the White House and a program at Ford's Theatre in…
The photographs processed in this segment pertain to Bill Cosby and events he attended during the Clinton administration. The photographs in this case are from events in Kansas City, Missouri, Cape Town, South Africa, Robben Island, South Africa, New…
The photographs processed in this case containing Princess Diana include an event on September 24th, 1996, for breast cancer research at the White House and an event in the Map Room following a Landmines Event on September 6th, 1997. Photographs…
Photograph of Hillary Rodham Clinton posing for a photo with guests at a political fundraiser at the House of the Redeemer in New York on November 2, 1994.
This collection consists of photographs of Clinton Administration staff on November 17, 1995. Of particular focus is Jennifer Palmieri, whom served as Deputy Director of Scheduling & Advance at the White House. Many records responsive to this request…
The photographs processed in this case pertain to Kevin Spacey. Kevin Spacey attended events with President William Jefferson Clinton including a Presidential Unity Fund event on October 20th, 1996, a reception at Ford’s Theatre on March 2nd, 1997,…
This collection consists of all Clinton Administration White House photographs pertaining to luncheons and dinners at the White House. The events include a dinner for African-American Clergy on February 1, 1995, the Greece State Dinner on May 9,…
This collection consists of photographs of President William Jefferson Clinton participating in meetings at the White House on September 30, 1998, including a staff briefing prior to an economic team meeting and a meeting with the economic team.…
This collection consist of photographs of President Clinton participating in meetings and a telephone call pertaining to Bosnia Foreign Policy. The dates of meetings at the White House were July 13, 1995, July 17, 1995 and November 22, 1995.…
This collection consists of photographs from the White House Photograph Office (WHPO) and video recordings from the White House Television Office (WHTV) relating to the 50th Anniversary North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Summit. Included are…
This collection consist of photographs related to the Clinton’s visit to Kigali, Rwanda on March 25, 1998. (All events are from March 25, 1998) Events include: President Clinton’s statement to reporters on the tarmac at Entebbe, Uganda regarding…
Photographs of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton attending "A Hollywood Tribute to the President" in Los Angeles, CA on August 12, 2000. The Clintons deliver remarks at the event.
Photographs of President Clinton meeting with Chairman Eduard Shevardnadze at the White House on March 7, 1994. The meeting participants included: Vice President Gore, Strobe Talbott and Sandy Berger.
This collection consists of photographs from the Clinton administration during the year 2000. The photographs include President Clinton meeting with President Vladimir Putin of Russia in New York on September 6th and 7th, 2000. The meetings occurred…
Photographs of President Clinton visiting Seattle, WA and attending International trade events, meeting with Non-governmental organizations (NGO) labor and environmental leaders,China trade ministers and meeting with staff at the Four Seasons Hotel…
The photographs processed in this segment pertain to Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and events she attended during the Clinton administration. The photographs in this case are from events in Little Rock, Arkansas, Chicago, Illinois and at the White House…
This collection consists of photographs of President William Jefferson Clinton participating in meetings at the White House with former Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin of Russia on May 3rd, 1999. Prior to the meeting the President is briefed by…
The photographs processed in this case relate to the signing of the Balkan Peace Agreement at the Quai D’Orsay (Foreign Ministry) in Paris, France on December 14, 1995. Principals at the signing include: President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia,…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, and Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore participating in the victory ceremonies. The President greets individuals in the crowd including…
The photographs processed in this segment pertain to Tom Cruise and events he attended during the Clinton administration. The photographs in this case are from events in New York, New York and Bratislva, Slovakia from 1996 and 1998.
This collection contains photographs from the White House Photograph Office (WHPO) of memorial services and events relating to the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Columbine School Shooting. The Oklahoma City Bombing related material includes an event…
Contains photographs of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton hosting a Baseball Reception and Picnic at the White House on September 10, 1994. Photographs include the Clintons greeting guests in the Diplomatic Reception Room and on the South…
This collection consists of photographs pertaining to Hillary Rodham Clinton's trip to Hickam AFB, Flight to Guam, events in Beijing & Huairou, China in September, 1995. Photographs included in this collection are Hillary Rodham Clinton adressing and…
This collection consist of photographs of President Clinton participating in an interview with Ebert in the Roosevelt Room at the White House in 1999. Other events on the same photograph contact sheets that pertain to President Clinton and Roger…
The photographs processed in this case pertain to President Clinton receiving gifts during official business as President of the United States of America. Photographs include diplomatic and general gift presentations throughout the years of the…
This collection contains photographs of Thanksgiving holiday activities of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton celebrating Thanksgiving at Camp David during the years 1994 through 2000.
This collection consists of photographs related to First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s trip to South Asia from March 1995 through April 1995. Hillary Rodham Clinton travels with Chelsea Clinton, staff specifically, Lissa Muscatine, Lisa Caputo,…
FOIA 2021-0774-F is a request for all photographs containing the 1995 National Football League (NFL) season Super Bowl XXX champion Dallas Cowboys NFL team. The Dallas Cowboys attended a ceremony at the White House to congratulate the team’s…
FOIA 2021-0773-F is a request for all photographs containing the 1993 National Football League (NFL) season Super Bowl XXVII champion Dallas Cowboys NFL team. The Dallas Cowboys attended a ceremony at the White House to congratulate the team’s…
FOIA 2021-0269-F is a request for all photographs containing John Travolta. John Joseph Travolta is an American actor. John Travolta was a guest at various events including the 1995 National Italian American Foundation dinner and a Leadership…
FOIA 2021-0260-F is a request for all photographs containing Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey produced and hosted the daytime talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show. In addition to her daytime talk show, Oprah has appeared in films, various television shows,…
FOIA 2021-0265-F is a request for all photographs containing Richard Dreyfuss. Richard Dreyfuss is an actor and writer who founded The Dreyfuss Civic Initiative.
FOIA 2020-0566-F is a request for all audio-visual materials relating to the President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). PCAST is a council that advises the President of the United States on science and technology and is…
The collection consists of records related to Assistant Secretary of State Phyllis E. Oakley and the crises in the former Yugoslavia. Included is an April 1997 cable from Assistant Secretary Oakley to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees…
This collection consists of records related to correspondence from conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly to the President. This collection consists of a letter sent by Schlafly to the President suggesting a tax-cut and a letter objecting to the…
This collection consists of records related to Piyush “Bobby” Jindal, who served as the Governor of the State of Louisiana (2008 – 2016). In 1998, Jindal was appointed at the request of Senator John Breaux (LA) to the director of the Bipartisan…
This collection consists of records related to a telephone conversation between President Clinton and Ryutaro Hashimoto, Prime Minister of Japan. Open records include press guidance, talking points, and emails relating to scheduling.
The collection contains material on a telephone call that took place between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto on November 7, 1996. The records in this collection include an NSC email that discusses adding a…
The collection contains records on a telephone call that took place between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto on December 16, 1997. Initially, December 15 had been proposed as the date of the call, but scheduling issues…
The collection contains records on a telephone call that took place between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto on June 16, 1998. The records in this collection consist of planning and logistial communications for the…
This collection consists of records related to a June 23, 1998 telephone conversation between President Clinton and Ryutaro Hashimoto, Prime Minister of Japan. Open records include emails related to scheduling of the phone call. President Clinton…
This collection contains material regarding a bilateral meeting between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto while both were attending the G-7 Summit in Lyons, France on June 27, 1996. The records processed for this…
The collection contains records concerning an Oval Office meeting that took place between President Clinton and former Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto on January 25, 2000. As this was a private meeting, the National Security Council did not…
The collection contains records on a telephone call that took place between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto on December 9, 1997 discuss the ongoing climate change negotiations in Kyoto. The records in this collection…
This collection consists of records related to a telephone conversation between President Clinton and Ryutaro Hashimoto, Prime Minister of Japan. In December of 1996 Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru (MRTA)–or Tupac Amaru–raided the Japanese…
The collection contains records on a telephone call that took place between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto on March 19, 1997. The records in this collection consist of scheduling, logistical, and briefing materials…
This collection consists of records related to a June 23, 1998 telephone conversation between President Clinton and Ryutaro Hashimoto, Prime Minister of Japan. Open records include emails related to scheduling of the phone call. The collection also…
This collection consists of records related to law enforcement or police in schools and school resource officers. The bulk of the records pertain to Department of Education news clips and news regarding school safety, the 1998 White House Conference…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton addressing the prayer breakfast on September 11, 1998, for various religious leaders on the State Floor in the East Room. Dr. Gerald Mann gave the blessing and Rev. Dr. James Forbes gave…
This collection consists of records regarding Cesar Gaviria Trujillo, President of Colombia from August 1990 to August 1994. It primarily contains cable reporting, textual correspondence, and email correspondence related to interaction between…
This collection consists of photographs from the Clinton administration taken from during throughout the administration (1993-2000). The Photographs include President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and many others at various events that featured the…
The photographs and video recordings processed in this case from the White House Photograph Office (WHPO) and video recordings from the White House Television Office (WHTV) related to President Clinton and President Demirel of Turkey during the…
This collection consists of printed electronic daily diary records and photo archive entries that document phone calls and meetings between President Clinton and Stanley Greenberg between January 20, 1993 and January 31, 1995.
This collection consists of photographs related to President Clinton meeting and golfing with O.J. Simpson, Mike Haynes, Allen Paulson and Tim Moher on March 30, 1994 at Del Mar Country Club in Rancho Santa Fe, California
This collection consists of a detailed report of phone calls to or from President Clinton for each day between January 20, 1996 and February 10, 1996. The logs detail the date, time, location, and participants of the phone calls. In this specific…
This collection consists of documents relating to President Clinton’s trips to Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina in South America in October 1997 and to Chile for the Summit of the Americas (SOA) in April 1998. Records include agendas, briefing…
This collection documents President Clinton’s visits to the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. as recorded in the then White House's record keeping databases, the Electronic Daily Diary and the Photo Archive System. The following dates were…
This collection consists of photographs and a video of the “Greasy Greens” from President Clinton’s surprise birthday party on the South Lawn of the White House on August 19, 1999.
This collection consists of records related to “Middle Class Bill of Rights” tax relief, talking points, speech drafts, press briefings, and news media summaries of the President’s speech.This collection contains memoranda, letters, and emails.
This collection consists of records relating to President Clinton’s visit to ILC Technology, Inc. in Sunnyvale, CA. ILC Technology Inc. is in the design, development, manufacture, and marketing of specialized lights and lasers for medicine,…
This collection consists of records concerning a Camp David visit from Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso and his wife on June 7, 1998. No official transcript of conversation between Presidents Cardoso and Clinton exists, but it was…
This collection consists of records from Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso's visits to the U.S., from April 1995 thru May 1999. These materials include National Security Council cover sheets, memos regarding the distribution of memcons,…
This collection consists of records from Brazilian President Itamar Franco's December 1994 visit to attend the Summit of the Americas in Miami. These materials include National Security Council cover sheets and a memo to the National Security…
This collection consists of records related to a phone call between President Clinton and former President Jimmy Carter on May 21, 1994 to discuss China. The collection contains correspondence between the two presidents referencing the call.
This collection consists of records regarding the relationship between President Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan (also known as the Republic of China or the ROC) and President Clinton. There were no official state visits by President Lee during the Clinton…
This collection contains records related to correspondence between President Clinton and President Mohammad Khatami of Iran. Khatami was elected in 1997 and remained President of Iran through 2005. Records include National Security Council profiles…
This collection consists of records related to correspondence between President Clinton and President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan. The correspondence covers economic, environmental, and nuclear matters. The collection also includes routine…
This collection consists of correspondence between President William J. Clinton and Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk from 1993 and 1994. This includes one letter introducing William Case of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, one letter…
The photographs processed in this segment pertain to the August 19, 1994, birthday events at the White House for President William Jefferson Clinton and Second Lady Mary Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore. Material includes President Clinton greeting guests…
This collection consists of records related to the President’s visit to the Bronx in December 1997. The collection contains gift records, letters, memoranda, email, press releases, schedules, and speeches. Topics include community housing and…
This collection consists of materials related to The President's Interagency Council on Women that was created in August 1995 following the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. The Council's agenda was to move the United…
This collection consists of records concerning the President’s Working Group of Financial Markets. This Working Group was revived in the Clinton Administration as a means to enhance coordination among technical experts in the U.S. Department of the…
This collection consists of records regarding the President and First Lady’s trip to the United Kingdom and Ireland from November 29, 1995 to December 2, 1995. It contains the advance planning materials for the trip, including delegation lists,…
This collection consists of records related to a classified report by the PCAST regarding the security of nuclear materials in the former Soviet Union. The collection includes memoranda, emails correspondence, charts, notes, agendas, and press…
This collection contains records relating to the President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) from 1993 to 2001, including briefing papers, correspondence, executive orders, reports, scheduling materials, and statement of…
This collection consists of correspondence from Congress on issues related to PFIAB investigations or operations. Under President Clinton the PFIAB carried out some very high level investigations of the intelligence community. These included:…
This collection consists of records related to Presidential Decision Directive 25 (PDD-25), an executive order signed in May 1994 that defined US policy on reforming multilateral peacekeeping operations and the US relationship with the United Nations…
This collection consists of records related to Presidential Decision Directive 26 (PDD/NSC-26), “United States Policy on the Arctic and Antarctic Regions.” The files provide a broad view of the development of Arctic and Antarctic policy during…
This collection consists of records related to Records on Presidential Decision Directive 68 (PDD68) concerning International Public Information (IPI). The collection consists primarily of the records of the National Security Council. The files…
This collection consists of National Security Council records related to Presidential Decision Directive, National Science and Technology Council 6 (PDD/NSTC-6), “U.S. Global Positioning System Policy.” The records in this collection date from…
This collection consists of records related to the implementation of the National Security Council's Presidential Decision Directives (PDD) #1 and #2, signed by the President during his first days in office. These PDDs revised and renamed the…
This collection consists of the hardcopy daily diary of the Presidential Diarist, Ellen McCathran, from 1993 to 2000. It contains the daily activity schedules of President Clinton, noting times of phone calls, meetings, and events for each day.
This collections contains the entries from the Presidential Diary for one day, December 22, 2000 regarding the visit of Rabbi David Twersky. The diarist was Ellen McCathran. The records consist of schedules, press releases, the President’s weekly…
This collection consists of sample dates, from January 1993 to December 2000 from the Presidential Daily Diary. Presidential Diarist, Ellen McCathran, recorded the activities of President Clinton including meetings, phone calls, social events, trips,…
This collection consists of Presidential Diary entries for the following dates: May 18 & 20, 1994; June 16, 1994 and December 16, 1998. Presidential Diarist Ellen McCathran logged the events of the President’s day, including meetings, phone calls…
This collection consists of records related to Presidential Fast Track Trade Authority, which is the common name for the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). It contains memoranda, correspondence, emails, briefing papers, handwritten notes, lists,…
This collection consists of information concerning all gifts given to President Clinton between August 19-26, 1996. These dates coincided with a trip that the President took to Wyoming. During these eight days the Gift Office recorded 124 gifts for…
This collection consists of records relating to specific presidential schedules and presidential handwriting. The files contain presidential schedules, correspondence, memoranda, notes, news articles, and speech cards. The correspondence contains…
This collection consists of memoranda of conversation (memcons) and memoranda of telephone conversation (telcons) between the President and various foreign heads of state from January 1993 to January 2001. It includes memcons, telcons, as well as…
This collection consists of records relating to presidential pardons and clemencies. The United States Constitution grants the power to pardon or commute sentences to all sitting U.S. Presidents. President Clinton pardoned, commuted or rescinded the…
This collection consists of material related to President Clinton’s use of executive clemency, which includes both pardons and commutations of sentence. The collection contains correspondence, reports, and tables regarding the DOJ's recommendation…
This collection consists of records related to presidential pardons and commutations of sentences. This collection consists of correspondence, reports, and tables asking President Clinton to grant or deny executive clemency for particular…
This collection consists of the final segment of records related to “all pardon applications and/or pardon grants considered or executed by President William J. Clinton.” This collection consists of email communication concerning presidential…
This collection consists of records, including email, related to Presidential Review Directives (PRD) or Presidential Decision Directives (PDD) corresponding to the former Yugoslavia or Bosnia and Herzegovina. Records in this collection include…
This collection consists of presidential schedules for October 3- 4, 1993 and November 15-17, 1995. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, newspaper articles, and four presidential schedules. The topics covered include the…
This collection consists of clippings, correspondence, emails, memorandum, published materials, and statements concerning Presidential signing statements. These Presidential signing statements were filed within the Counsel's Office and include…
This collection consists of material concerning Presidential succession or disability events and how and when the 25th Amendment is implemented. The Staff and Office files contain reports, briefing materials, correspondence, and press materials…
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton’s visit to Vietnam, November 16-19, 2000. President Clinton was the first U.S. President to officially visit Hanoi since the withdrawal of American combat troops in 1975. It contains…
This collection consists of records relating to all foreign and domestic trips made by President Clinton. The records contain a list of all foreign and domestic trips made by the President and a few schedules from January 2001.
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton's trip to dedicate his birthplace home in Hope, Arkansas as a National Historic Site. President Clinton also visited Texarkana and Little Rock, Arkansas on the same trip, from March…
This collection consists of documents relating to the history and ownership of the presidential yacht Sequoia, in particular the efforts of a private citizens’ group called the Presidential Yacht Trust to recover the Sequoia from the Norfolk…
This collection consists of original copies of White House Press Briefings, arranged chronologically. This series includes press briefings issued by the White House from January 1993 through January 2001.
This collection consists of White House Press Releases arranged alphabetically by subject. This series includes press releases issued by the White House from January 1993 through January 2001.
This collection consists of original copies of White House Press Releases, arranged chronologically. This series includes every press release issued by the White House from January 1993 through January 2001.
This collection contains records concerning Diana, Princess of Wales, This collection consists of correspondence, notes, memoranda and scheduling documentation related to Diana, Princess of Wales' 1996 White House visit and her 1997 White House visit…
This collection consists of schedules, press releases, manifests, pool reports, and background materials concerning President Clinton’s official and semi-official meetings with Her Royal Highness (HRH) Princess Margaret of England. On April 6, 1994…
This collection consists of photographs taken April 4, 1996 of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton meeting with Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret of England at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The Clintons and…
This collection consists of records related to the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a Washington conservative foreign policy institute founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan in 1997. It contains a well-publicized letter from William…
This collection consists of records related to Proposition 209, a California ballet proposition passed on November 5, 1996, which amended the California constitution to prohibit “preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of…
This collection consists of records related to public opinion polling and public opinion mail and email concerning issues of health care; the Brady Bill; gun control; welfare; the Welfare to Work social program; gay marriage; Bosnia; and Haiti. This…
This collection consists of files concerning public opinion polls and the methods employed in conducting such surveys on a regular and consistent basis. Topics covered included the public’s perception of the guilt or innocence of O.J. Simpson and…
This collection consists of records from the files of R. Nicholas Burns, NSC Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasian Affairs Senior Director. The collection contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, briefing and meeting materials, schedules, newspaper…
This collection consists of records from R. Paul Richard, White House Deputy Staff Secretary. This collection consists of letters, briefing books, invitations, memos, reports, speeches, schedules, newspaper articles, and handwritten notes from the…
This collection consists of records related to missives sent by Rabbi Menachem Genack to both President Clinton and Ann Lewis, Director of White House Communications. The collection consists of cover letters and missives authored by Rabbi Genack,…
This collection consists of video recordings of two weekly radio address tapings on October 9, 1993 and October 23, 1993. Processed under the case was only material responsive to the second date on the 23rd; no material was located from the 9th
This collection consists of materials related to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) and the move of Radio Free Europe from Munich to Prague in 1995. It includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches, email, and cables detailing the move…
This collection consists of records related to Radio Marti. Radio Marti, the U.S. government’s broadcasting service to Cuba, first aired on May 20, 1985 as a result of the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act of 1983. Television broadcasting to Cuba, TV…
This collection consists of records related to Rafael “Rafi” Eitan. It contains emails and cables with most of the responsive records including material already in the public domain, such as United States Information Agency (USIA) foreign news…
This collection contains records regarding Rafe Pomerance and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands from 1997 to 2001. Mr. Pomerance joined the State Department in 1993 as Deputy Assistant of State for Environment and Development. He over saw the…
This collection includes records related to Raffi Gregorian and the crises in the former Yugoslavia. It consists of National Security Council (NSC) Cable and Email correspondence related to Mr. Gregorian’s work as Special Advisor to the President…
This collection consists of emails sent to or from Rahm Emanuel referencing Kosovo, Macedonia, or Yugoslavia. Most of these records include material in the public domain, such as press releases. The press releases primarily pertain to official…
This collection consists of records pertaining to Rahm Emanuel, a close adviser to President Clinton on a wide variety of subjects. Emanuel worked on the issues of education, crime, NAFTA, and health care. The material in this collection includes…
This collection consists of records pertaining to Rahm Emanuel, a close advisor to President Clinton on a wide variety of subjects. Emanuel worked on the issues of education, crime, NAFTA, and health care. The material in this collection includes…
This collection contains correspondence between Reverend Jessie L. Jackson of the National Rainbow Coalition and members of the Clinton White House staff. Topics in this collection include discussions on social justice; speeches and sermons; event…
This collection consists of records related to the Ramsar Convention or Ramsar Treaty. Specific items in this collection include environmental e-newsletters, President Clinton’s March 1998 remarks to environmentalists in Botswana, emails preparing…
This collection consists of records related to Randall Kennedy. Specific topics covered in this collection include various events Kennedy was invited to speak at or be a panelist, correspondence between President Clinton and Kennedy regarding input…
This collection consists of records related to Randy W. Deitering's work on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). The collections consists of administrative materials including emails, forms, memorandum, and time sheets.
This collection consists of a single thank you letter to Raymond Myles from President Clinton. The letter thanks Myles for performing at President Clinton’s 50th birthday party. Myles was a New Orleans-based gospel singer.
This collection consists of one record from the Electronic Daily Diary concerning a phone call made by President Clinton to Rear Admiral Thomas C. Lynch on December 6, 1993. It is a diary entry.
This collection consists of records from three topical areas: Records Management System, PRS Records; Holiday and New Year Greetings, and Petitions. The collection dates 1993-2000 but primarily is between 1993 and 1994. Approximately half of the…
This collection consists of records related to the White House Photo Office. It consists of correspondence, memoranda, forms, notes, envelopes, photos, faxes, greeting cards, and note cards used for sorting the requests. The photo requests are…
This collection consists of records from the files of the White House Office of Staff Secretary, Chron Files. This collection consists of letters, memos, reports, speeches, press releases, briefing and trip books, publications, schedules and…
This collection consists of records related to climate change from the White House Staff and Office files. It contains handwritten notes, meeting notes, reports, drafts of reports, economic models and their peer reviews, background materials,…
This collection consists of photographs of Hillary Clinton addressing the Redbook Magazine Awards luncheon on June 2, 1998, in the East Room of the White House. Kate White, Editor of Redbook, introduced each honoree at the luncheon. Hillary Clinton…
This collection contains records regarding actor Christopher Reeve’s May 15, 1996, meeting with President and First Lady Clinton. Following his horseback-riding accident in 1995, Christopher Reeve devoted much of his time to raising public…
This collection consists of records related to Christopher Reeve’s meeting at the White House with President Clinton and the First Lady on May 15, 1996. There is also a transcript of President Clinton mentioning this meeting with Christopher Reeve…
This collection consists of records relating to Robert Reich and “NAFTA” from January 20, 1993, to December 8, 1993. This collection consists of memos from Labor Secretary Robert Reich to President Clinton regarding meeting with business leaders…
This collection consists of records sent to or by Robert Reich concerning the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), between January 20 and December 8, 1993. The electronic records responsive to this request came from the Automated Records…
This collection consists of memoranda, correspondence, newspaper articles, press releases, and reports focusing on the relationship between President Clinton’s Reinventing Government Initiative and the delivery of health services to veterans. The…
This collection consists of records related to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) of 1993. It contains memos from members of Congress to the President, official reports of the Senate and House on the RFRA, correspondence with concerned…
This collection consists of records related to federal commission certificates and replacement commissions. The bulk of the records are White House staff discussing requests for commission certificates. This collection only contains emails.
This collection consists of records related to White House Personnel reports for 1995 through 2000. Section 6 of Public Law 103-270 requires that on July 1 of each year the President submit a report to the Senate and the House of Representatives…
This collection contains records related to Reverend Al Sharpton. This collection consists of internal correspondence between White House staffers, WAVES requests, WHODB entries, and event invitations.
This collection consists of correspondence, meetings, and phone calls between President Clinton and the Reverend Billy Graham. The topics of correspondence and conversations included congratulations (to President Clinton on his re-election in 1996),…
This collection consists of photographs of Hilary Clinton and Billy Graham together at: the National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton on February 4, 1993; the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace for the Funeral of Richard Nixon on April 27,…
This collection consists of records relating to Richard Blumenthal. Richard Blumenthal served as the 23rd Connecticut Attorney General from January 1991 until January 2011; during this time, President Clinton approved the nomination of Blumenthal to…
This collection consists of records dealing with Richard Clarke, who served on the National Security Council during the Clinton Administration, and United States policy towards Rwanda from 1993-1994. Memoranda, papers, talking, points, agendas,…
This collection consists of memoranda, letters, reports, emails, cables and press statements concerning various aspects of European security structures from 1993 through 2000, and include topics such as NATO, the North Atlantic Council, the…
This collection consists of records concerning Richard M. Nixon, the 37th President of the United States. During the first year of the Clinton Administration, President Nixon offered the new President foreign policy advice and observations from his…
This collection consists of photographs of the First Family meeting Former President Richard Nixon in the White House residence on Mar 8, 1993. Included are photographs of Former Presidents Bush, Carter, and Ford with President Clinton at a “NAFTA…
This collection consists of records related to Richard Morningstar. President Clinton announced April 6, 1995 that Richard L. Morningstar was going to be his Special Advisor to the President and to the Secretary of State on Assistance to the Newly…
This collection consists of records related to Richard “Dick” Morris and Kosovo, specifically transcripts of his appearances on television news shows. Richard Samuel “Dick” Morris is a political consultant who has been an advisor to President…
This collection includes Ambassador Richard Schifter’s files concerning Poland from his time serving in the Counselor’s Office on the National Security Council. It contains memorandums, correspondence, reports, papers, and press material…
This collection includes Ambassador Richard Schifter’s files concerning Russia from his time serving in the Counselor’s Office on the National Security Council. It contains correspondence, articles, and reports regarding Western business,…
This collection includes Ambassador Richard Schifter’s files concerning Ukraine from his time serving in the Counselor’s Office on the National Security Council. It contains briefing materials for a meeting on November 22, 1994 between President…
This collection consists of records related to Richard Sheppard Arnold’s consideration for two U.S. Supreme Court vacancies and Attorney General of the United States. Arnold was a well-respected Judge for the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth…
This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, forms, resumes, news articles, and email concerning the successful nomination of Richard Stearns to the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. President Clinton nominated…
This collection consists of records related to Richard Trumka. Trumka was President of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) from 1982 to 1995. Trumka served as Secretary-Treasurer of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial…
This collection consists of records related to the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994. The Act permitted an adequately capitalized and managed bank holding company to acquire existing out-of-State banks. These records…
This collection consists of records concerning the “Ring Around Serbia.” The “Ring Around Serbia” refers to a ring of FM transmitters that were placed in countries bordering Serbia in an effort to counter the state-controlled media of…
This collection consists of records related to drugs, crime, justice in minority communities, racial attitudes and relations, legislation pertaining to cocaine mandatory minimum sentencing, Office on the President’s Initiative for One America…
This collection consists of the Chron Files of Robert Bell, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Defense Policy and Arms Control, National Security Council (NSC). The files contain records related…
This collection consists of records related to the Chronological Files of Robert Bell, National Security Council Director for Defense Policy and Arms Control. This segment runs from January 1995 to February 1998. It consists of memoranda and…
This collection consists of articles, briefing papers, email, forms, letters, and memoranda. These records discuss Robert C. Galloway and his nomination to the U.S Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in 1999. In addition to materials concerning…
This collection consists of unclassified electronic records regarding Robert Einhorn and meetings between US officials and South African delegations between 1992 and 1995 during which the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and missile…
This collection consists of memoranda, press releases, forms, correspondence, articles, cables, and email concerning Robert Hermann. Hermann was a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). A considerable amount of this…
This collection consists of records related to Robert “Bob” Novick and China, specifically regarding the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). This colleciion contains internal correspondence,…
This collection consists of records dealing with Robert (Bob) Boorstin, National Security Council (NSC) speechwriter for President Clinton from 1994-1995. He wrote drafts of speeches Clinton delivered on issues relating to Haiti, the Baltic States,…
This collection consists of records concerning Robert Penn Kemble who served as Deputy Director and Acting Director of the United States Information Agency (USIA). The records include memos, background files, and correspondence. The correspondence is…
This collection consists of photographs of Robert Rubin with President Clinton and with Economic Policy Team Advisors during the Clinton Administration
This collection contains records sent to the White House from Robert J. Shapiro of the Progressive Policy Institute during President Clinton’s first term in office. Shapiro would later serve as President Clinton’s Under Secretary of Commerce for…
This collection consists of White House Diary System and Worker and Visitor Entry System (WAVES) logs marking visits to the White House by Robert Torricelli, U.S. Representative for the state of New Jersey (1983-1996) and U.S. Senator (1997-2003).…
This collection consists of email correspondence to and from Robert Z. Lawrence. Robert Z. Lawrence served on the Council of Economic Advisors from 1999-2001. As a member of the CEA, he worked on many issues concerning international and domestic…
This collection consists of material relating to Rod J. Rosenstein, who President Trump nominated to be Deputy Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice in January 2017. It contains correspondence, reports, faxes, court orders and motions,…
This collection consists of files relating to the roll call votes of members of Congress. The records, though sparse, do highlight the voting records of three Senators—John Ashcroft of Missouri, Jon Kyl of Arizona, and Trent Lott of…
This collection consists of records related to Ron Burkle. Burkle is a billionaire business magnate, Democratic supporter, and fundraiser who gave money to both President Clinton's 1992 and 1996 presidential and Hillary Rodhan Clinton's senate…
This collection consists of records related to a wide variety of domestic policy topics Ron Klain was involved with while serving as Chief of Staff to Vice President Al Gore from 1995-1999. Major subjects covered in these emails include the…
This collection contains textual records from Ron Klain. This collection consists of textual records that date from 1993 to 1999, and include Klain’s correspondence to President Clinton and White House staff, draft correspondence, message logs, and…
This collection consists of records related to the Rose Gottemoeller, National Security Council Director for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasian Affairs from 1993 to 1994. The collection contains materials from the multiple inter-agency working groups that…
This collection consists of documents regarding Roy Neel, who served as Deputy Chief of Staff in 1993 and Chief of Staff for Vice President Al Gore in 1993. The collection contains briefing books, correspondence, depositions, legislative analysis,…
This collection consists of records related to emails sent by Roy M. Neel in 1993. The bulk of the emails pertain to White House travel and advance. Roy M. Neel was a longtime staffer for Al Gore who became Chief of Staff to the Vice President in…
The researcher submitted a request for electronic records related to Robert “Bob” Rubin and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), between the dates of January 20, 1993 and December 8, 1993. The records responsive to this request came…
This collection consists of records related to Robert Rubin and “NAFTA” from January 20, 1993 to December 8, 1993. The collection consists of memos from Rubin to President Clinton regarding newspaper articles on NAFTA and also regarding Labor…
This collection contains textual records relating to Robert Rubin and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) from January 20, 1993 to December 8, 1993. Robert, who was more often called Bob, was Assistant to the President for Economic Policy…
This collection consists of Ruby Shamir’s First Lady’s Office Subject File series. Shamir served as Policy Advisor and Assistant to the Chief of Staff in the First Lady’s Office. Previously, she served as Assistant Director for Domestic Policy…
This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, and faxes dealing with the relationship between media mogul Rupert Murdoch and President Clinton. Topics covered include Murdoch’s favorable comments about Clinton’s 1996 State of the Union…
This collection consists of records related to policy and responses to Rush Limbaugh and/or Conservative Radio. The records include correspondence about talk radio, invitations for the Clinton Administration to be on talk radio shows, press clippings…
This collection consists of records dating from 1994 to 2000 related to an agreement between the U.S. and Russia regarding sales of Russian military equipment to Iran. This agreement with Russia was simply called the Aide Memoire and was signed on…
Records in this collection include correspondence, reports, papers, memos, and press releases. The records of Susan Rice document the role she played in shaping the policy of the Clinton Administration relating to the carnage that erupted in Rwanda…
This collection consists of records related to Nancy Soderberg, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1993 to 1997, and Rwanda. The records include reports, papers, memos, correspondence, handwritten notes and maps. The…
This collection consists of files from Sandy Berger, President Clinton’s National Security Advisor, related to Rwanda from 1993 to 1994. The records include cables, email, and memoranda. The cables relate to Africa, Germany, Daily Press Briefings,…
This collection consists of records related to genocide in Rwanda in 1994. This collection describes attitudes on intervention in Rwanda in 1994, humanitarian relief efforts, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and President Clinton's…
This collection contains President Clinton’s response to Congressman Christopher H. Smith’s letter concerning the involvement of US forces in Rwanda and Zaire. The collection also contains memoranda from White House staff to President Clinton…
This collection consists of correspondence between the White House and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) related to Rwanda and dating from April 7, 1994 to October 31, 1994. The collection contains correspondence authored by Kewisi Mfume (CBC…
This collection consists of records related to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) arbitration case brought by S.D. Myers, Inc. against the Government of Canada in 1998. The case, S.D. Myers, Inc. v. The Government of Canada, was a NAFTA…
This collection consists of files maintained by Sabrina Corlette, a White House speechwriter from 1995 to 1997. It contains memorandums, speeches, speech drafts, remarks, talking points, correspondence, and newspaper articles. These materials relate…
This collection consists of records related to the Franco-British Summit held in St. Malo, France on 3 and 4 December 1998. The collection contains press releases, communiques, media reaction reports, cables between US State Department officials and…
This collection consists of records related to the Student Loan Marketing Association, also known as Sallie Mae. It contains emails, letters, reports, notes, memoranda, and news articles.
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Samir Afridi. Afridi served as Speechwriter and Special Assistant to the President from September 1999 to January 2001. The speeches he worked on covered domestic policy issues such as:…
This collection consists of records related to Sammy Sosa’s attendance as a special guest at the January 1999 State of the Union address. This collection only contains emails.
This collection contains correspondence between Samuel Berger, President Clinton’s National Security Advisor, and John Sawers, Prime Minister Blair’s Foreign Policy Advisor, from June 10-15, 1999. The majority of the records remain closed for…
This collection consists of material regarding designation of the Sammy L. Davis Federal Building in Saint Louis, Missouri in October 1996. Samuel L. Davis was a Vietnam veteran and recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. The collection…
This collection consists of records related to Sandra Kristoff and the War in Kosovo. Sandra Kristoff served as the Director for Asian Affairs for the National Economic Council from 1993 – 1994, then as the Senior Director for Asia-Pacific Economic…
This collection consists of records concerning Sandra L. Lynch’s nomination to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in January 1995. This collection contains forms, letters, and resumes concerning Lynch’s professional career.…
This collection consists of email concerning national and international HIV/AIDS policy sent and received by Sandra Thurman. Related subjects found within this collection consist of needle exchange, AIDS awareness events, and Sub-Saharan Africa.…
This collection consists of records related to Sandra Thurman, who served as the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy Office from 1997 until 2001. It consists of correspondence and supporting material describing efforts to combat AIDS on…
This collection consists of Sandra Tijerina's records from the First Lady’s Press Office. The collection contains news clippings about the First Lady’s May 1997 trip to Mexico City and newspapers and magazines articles with the search term…
This collection consists of materials related to Sanford "Sandy" Ungar, Director of Voice of America (VOA) from 1999-2001. It includes correspondence, email, and cables related to Ungar's work with VOA including conferences, personnel matters, and…
Bianchi served as an assistant director for Health Policy in the Office of Policy Development, a part of the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) in 1997. She later moved to the Office of the Vice President as the Senior Health Care advisor to Al Gore. She…
This collection consists of the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) records of Sarah Lucas, who worked for the DPC from 2000-2001 as both the DPC Office Manager and the Assistant Director of the Crime and Drug Policy team. The collection consists primarily…
This collection contains correspondence between President Clinton and Sarah McClendon, a Senior White House reporter. The records include newsletters, notes, and memos between White House staff regarding drafts of letters from the President to Sarah…
This collection consists of records related to Saudi Arabia in 1993, the bombing of the Office of the Program Manager – Saudi Arabian National Guard in Riyadh in 1995, and the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers complex in Dhahran. This collection…
This collection consists of records related to “school discipline.” This collection contains correspondence, both internal to the White House & with external stakeholders; weekly reports; press and press releases; talking points and press…
This collection consists of material related to school discipline policies, including clippings, correspondence, diagrams, notes, remarks, reports, resumes, and routing information which primarily date from 1993 to 1999. Correspondence is between the…
This collection consists of records relating to the presence of police officers in American schools through various anti-drug and school safety programs. This collection contains correspondence and invitations from police officers assigned to…
This collection consists of records relating to internal White House memoranda or correspondence with the Department of Education concerning the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994. The files contain memoranda, correspondence, press releases,…
This is a video recording of President Clinton and Vice President Gore presenting Presidential Science and Technology medals on September 30, 1993 to award winners on the South grounds of the White House. President Clinton and Vice President Gore…
This collection consists of records related to Sean “Puffy” Combs or any of the stage names he was known as from 1993-2001. Responsive material in this collection mostly concerns the 1999-2000 MTV Millennium event and other public events Combs…
This collection (2024-0546-F Segment 2) consists of records related to Sean “Puffy” Combs. This collection consists of a letter from President Clinton to Combs on his birthday.
This collection consists of records of Sean Maloney, White House Staff Secretary. It consists of letters, memos, reports, email, briefing papers, newspaper and magazine articles, handwritten notes, and proclamations from the Staff Secretary files…
This collection consists of charts, seating plans, memoranda, correspondence, reports, schematic diagrams, and press releases. Perhaps the most meaningful records are several seating plans for a Medicare event that occurred in March 1993.
This collection contains records related to memorandum of conversation, talking points, or briefing papers for meetings between Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Russian politicians. Open records include transcripts and emails related to an…
This collection consists of records relating to David Boren, who served as Governor of Oklahoma 1975-1979, and U.S. Senator from Oklahoma between 1979 and 1994. Records in this collection include correspondence from Senator Boren and other senators…
This collection consists of material regarding Ted Kennedy, who served as a Democratic Senator from Massachusetts from 1962 to 2009. The collection primarily contains correspondence between President Clinton and the Senator along with related…
This collection was made available via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The FOIA request was for all records related to Jesse Helms. In this first segment a significant majority of the records are congressional correspondence with…
This collection consists of records related to Senator Jesse Helms. It consists of memoranda, notes, reports, congressional and presidential correspondence, emails, faxes, briefing papers, press guidance, resumes, and lists
This collection conists of records related to Jesse Helms. This is the third and final segment of this collection and is wide ranging, touching on topics such as human rights, Women’s rights, and chemical and nuclear weapons. Much of this…
This collection consists of SF-86 forms and other administrative paperwork concerning the background investigations for Sidney Blumenthal, Douglas Sosnik, and George Stephanopoulos. It consists of administrative paperwork related to the completion of…
This collection consists of records related to american businessman Sheldon Adelson. It contains a photocopy of a Presidential inscription to Adelson on a copy of the book Between Hope and History, a letter to the Jerusalem College of Technology on…
This collection contains correspondence from President Clinton to Shirley MacLaine, dated April 26, 1994 and April 20, 1995, wishing MacLaine a Happy Birthday. There is also a memo from the Office of Records Management, dated May 8, 1995, regarding…
This collection consists of 5 photographs of President Clinton meeting Shirley MacLaine and her guests at the National Medal of Arts and Humanities Dinner at the White House on December 20, 2000.
This collection consists of the records of Shirley Sagawa from her time in the First Lady’s Office. Sagawa was Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady from October 1998 to January 2001. This series highlights…
This collection consists of records related to Sidney Blumenthal and the war in Kosovo. Sidney Blumenthal was a senior advisor to President Clinton from 1997 through 2000. This collection consists of email records pertaining to staff reminders for…
This collection consists of records relating to Dr. Sidney Drell. Dr. Drell was a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory board (PFIAB) and a 2000 winner of the Enrico Fermi Award. The records relate to Dr. Drell's appointment to…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton meeting with his National Security and Foreign Policy advisors in the Situation Room on August 12, 1998. The President is briefed by his National Security team. There are also photographs…
This collection constists of email concerning socialism. This collection contains press, press clippings, press briefings, transcripts of interviews, memos, draft speeches, internal correspondence, foreign media summaries, list servs and newsletters,…
During the UN peacekeeping operations in Somalia it was essential that the United States share intelligence information in order to protect the safety and operational security of UN forces. Almost all the records related to this collection deal with…
This collection contains materials relating to the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. President Clinton nominated Judge Sotomayor to the position in 1997, and she was confirmed by the Senate in…
This collection consists of records related to the Republic of South Africa and the transition to a non-racial democracy. Additionally, the collection also contains records related to nuclear non-proliferation and South African nuclear programs.…
The photographs processed in this case pertain to three State Dinners related to South Africa. President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton hosted a State Dinner at the White House for President Mandela and Ms. Mandela-Hlongwane of South…
This collection consists of records from 1992 to 1995 related to meetings between US government representatives and delegations from South Africa during which the dismantling of its Space Launch Vehicle (SLV) program was discussed. It contains…
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance is a wilderness preservation organization in the United States based in Salt Lake City, Utah. The organization formed in 1983 and is a partner in the Utah Wilderness Coalition, a coalition of organizations nationwide…
The photographs processed in this case pertain to President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton hosting a State Dinner in the State Dining Room of the White House for King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia of Spain on February 23, 2000.
This collection consists of photographs on June 9, 2000 and includes nine photographs of President Clinton meeting with Gene Sperling, Jeff Shesol, Karen Tramontano, and others in the Oval Office regarding preparation for an upcoming speech at…
This collection consists of audio tapes, transcripts and correspondence concerning taped conversations with President Clinton created for the use of White House speechwriters. It contains audio cassette tapes containing recordings of President…
This collection consists of speech drafts, press releases, memos, correspondence, email, and cables related records pertaining to the speech given by President Clinton at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Belfast, Northern Ireland on November…
This collection consists of a systematically processed group of records kept by the Office of Speechwriting. The General Files were a collaborative collection created by members of the Office of Speechwriting staff, including interns, in order to…
This collection consists of the files of the Speechwriting Office, and includes background and research material relating to various domestic policy topics. The General Files of Speechwriting is a collection of subject material not attributable to…
This collection consists of records relating to communications between President Clinton and his spirtiual advisors. The records consist of correspondence, news articles, notes, cards, and memorandum.
This collection consists of records related to an international dispute over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. It contains National Security Council cables and emails concerning White House press briefings, trade issues with China, and Most…
This collection consists of records relating to the St. Patrick’s Day receptions hosted by President Clinton for the years 1998, 1999, and 2000. The records contain the names of people who were invited and/or attended the St. Patrick’s Day White…
This collection consists of records from Phil Caplan, White House Staff Secretary. This collection consists of letters, briefing books, memos, reports, speeches, schedules, invitations, government publications, newspaper articles, and handwritten…
This collection consists of correspondence from members of the military and the legislature as well as medical professionals in Washington State and California recommending Stanley Flemming to the position of Surgeon General in early 1995. Flemming…
This collection consists of materials relating to Stanley Shuman, a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). It includes memoranda, resumes, correspondence, email, forms, and press releases. A considerable amount of…
This collection consists of Clinton Administration photographs from the Clinton administration from the September 16, 1998 State Dinner at the White House for President Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic. Present are President Vaclav Havel & his wife…
This collection consists of the guest list for the State Dinner for Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The State Dinner was held on September 17, 2000.
The photographs processed in this case relate to State Dinners of Japan. The request includes State Dinners held at the White House, and State Dinners for the United States held in Japan. Under the Clinton administration there were two State Dinners…
The photographs processed in this case contain two State Dinners related to Morocco. The Clintons hosted the State Dinners at the White House. The first State Dinner for Morocco was on March 15, 1995, and the second was on June 20, 2000. For the 1995…
This collection consists of correspondence from and concerning Illinois State Senator Barack Obama. The collection consists of written correspondence, emailed correspondence, and White House visitor access records. The topics included in this…
This collection consists of records relating to Stefanie Sanford and her work on a 1997 Cabinet Retreat, the President’s Summit for America’s Future, and Hot Issues Memos. These records are largely concerned with the creation of Hot Issues Memos…
This collection contains records from the National Security Council related to Stephen Flanagan and enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This collection includes memorandum, letters, cables, emails, and administrative…
This collection contains records of Stephen Flanagan related to Russia. Flanagan was Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of the Central and Eastern Europe directorate of the National Security Council (NSC). In this role…
This collection consists of memoranda, press releases, forms, correspondence, articles, cables, and email concerning Stephen Friedman. Friedman was appointed to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) in 1999. A considerable…
This collection contains letters and drafts of letters between President Clinton and Stephen Hawking relating to the White House Millennium Lectures. The collection also includes biographical information on Stephen Hawking and a copy of a lecture…
This collection consists of records concerning Assistant, Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs, Stephen A. Oxman. This collection contains compilations of foreign media stories, Assistant Secretary Oxman’s testimony before the…
This collection consists of records from the files of Stephen Warnath, Senior Policy Analyst in the Domestic Policy Council. The Civil Rights Series includes material pertaining to the Civil Rights Working Group and topics such as affirmative action,…
This collection consists of records from Steve Cohen in the First Lady’s Press Office. Cohen spent two years in the White House press office as an aide to Dee Dee Myers and George Stephanopoulos and over three years as First Lady Hillary Rodham…
This collection contains photographs of Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs. Events photographed include the State Dinner for President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro of Italy on April 2, 1996, the State Dinner for President Jiang Zemin of China on October 29,…
This collection consists of records related to correspondence between President Clinton and Mr. Steve Jobs, CEO and founder of Apple, Inc. The collection includes of various communications including unsolicited recommendations from Mr. Jobs for the…
This collection consists of one email message related to Pulaski County Coroner Steve Nawojczyk. The one email message sent to Lori Krause is a article about the "Clinton Body Count" conspiracy theory. Pulaski County Coroner Steve…
This collection consists of specific folders from the files of Steve Ricchetti. It contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, press releases, newspaper articles, notes, and faxes. The collection deals primarily with the administration’s attempt…
This collection consists of correspondence and position papers sent to President Clinton from Dr. Steven Greer, Director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). Also included is correspondence from a National Aeronautics…
This collection consists of the records produced and maintained by Stephen Pifer, who served in the National Security Council’s (NSC) Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasian Affairs Directorate from 1994 through 1997. These files contain memorandums,…
This researcher submitted a FOIA request for records concerning Stockton, California. The following terms were used to conduct the search: "Stockton, CA" and "Stockton, California." Records to be opened include correspondence, invitations, maps,…
This collection consists of emails related to the Department of Justice (DOJ) weekly summaries, DOJ community safety program details, a DOJ SACSI conference in Indianapolis, Operation Reach in the Middle District of North Carolina, and the 1999…
This collection consists of records related to Strobe Talbott, Kosovo, and the former Yugoslavia. The bulk of the records are United States Information Agency (USIA) foreign news media summaries, television news transcripts, and press releases.…
This collection contains records regarding Strobe Talbott and the former Yugoslavia from 1997 to 2001. As Deputy Secretary, Mr. Talbott was heavily involved in the diplomatic efforts surrounding the resolution of the conflicts in the region. The…
This collection consists of material pertaining to indirect student loans, guaranteed student loans, and Stafford Loans. It contains correspondence, reports, newspaper articles, and emails.
This collection consists of records pertaining to indirect loans, guaranteed student loans, and Stafford Loans. It contains correspondence, reports, newspaper articles, appendixes, and emails.
This collection consists of materials related to the country of Sudan in the first half of 1996. The United States had designated Sudan a state sponsor of terrorism. The closing of the Embassy in Khartoum, United Nations Security Council Resolutions…
This collection consists of material related to President Clinton's June 24, 1994 visit to St. Louis, Missouri for the Summer of Safety Program. The collection contains correspondence and scheduling materials for the Summer of Safety event, President…
This collection consists of National Security Council (NSC) records management documents regarding the first Summit of the Americas meeting in Miami, Florida on December 9 through 11, 1994. It contains memoranda regarding summit preparations, policy…
This collection consists of National Security Council (NSC) records management documents regarding the second Summit of the Americas meeting in Santiago, Chile on April 18 and 19, 1998. It contains memoranda, reports, and papers regarding preparation…
This collection consists of records related to the 1998 Santiago Summit for the Americas. It contains correspondence between the White House, Congress, and various associations regarding discussion issues at this Summit. Also included are drafts of a…
This collection consists of records related to the Supreme Court's decision in Barnett Bank vs. Bill Nelson, Florida Insurance Commissioner, et al. This responsive records in this collection consist of new articles.
This collection consists of records related to the consideration and/or nomination of Supreme Court Justices. When President Clinton took office, it had been 26 years since a Democratic President had appointed someone to the Supreme Court. President…
Records in this collection include correspondence, reports, papers, memos, emails, and agendas. All records are from the NSC Records Management System numbered documents series and are associated with Susan Rice and Rwanda from 1995 thru 1998. A…
This collection consists of records on Sven Kraemer, a long-time advisor to several American Presidents. The materials include records of visitors to the White House and cables on restructuring governmental organizations.
This collection consist of records regarding sweat shop abuses and administration efforts to combat them. It includes articles, cables, drafts, emails, letters, lists, memos, notes, press releases, proposed legislation, reports, schedules, speech…
This collection consists of material dealing with Sydney, Australia’s bid to host the 2000 Summer Olympic Games. Other cities involved in the competition for this coveted prize included Manchester, England, Istanbul, Turkey, and Berlin, Germany.…
This collection consists of records related to the Clinton Administration’s response to the 1998-1999 Kosovo War and subsequent humanitarian concerns. Specific material mentioned in the emails includes OMB discussion of tax benefits for U.S.…
This collection consists of Sylvia Mathew’s emails that mention Kosovo, South Serbia or Presevo Valley. From 1998 through January 2001, Sylvia Mathews was the Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
This collection contains records pertaining to the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) database. The SAVE database system was created with passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 in order to verify alien…
This collection contains records related to Taiwan's membership in the World Trade Organization as the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, also known as Chinese Taipei. The records consist of emails between National…
This collection consists of records related to the March 23, 1996 Presidential election held in the Republic of China. It includes records from March 1, 1996 to April 1, 1996. Open records include press guidance and National Security Council…
This collection consists of records related to Chinese missile test firings in the Taiwan Straits by the People's Republic of China in 1995 and 1996. The collection contains memorandums between members of the National Security Council staff, policy…
This collection consists of correspondence from the general public or interested groups regarding teenage pregnancy. The collection focuses on correspondence addressing teen pregnancy that was sent to the White House from the general public and…
This collection consists of records related to any telephone conversation between President of Mexico Carlos Salinas de Gortari and President Clinton between August 1994 and May 1995. It contains memoranda, correspondence, and briefing papers related…
This collection consists of electronic records related to the 10 Point Coalition, or TenPoint Coalition. This collection contains press and news articles, internal correspondence between White House staffers, and conference planning materials.
This collection contains records regarding the Ten Point Coalition, an ecumenical organization founded by a group of Black clergymen in Boston in 1992 to help reduce gang-related violence among at-risk youth. The records include invitations to…
This collection consists of records relating to Terence R. McAuliffe. Terence McAuliffe served as the Clinton campaign’s chief fundraiser and the national co-chairman of the re-election campaign in 1996. He was the co-chairman of the 1996 inaugural…
This collection consists of records relating to Oklahoma City police officer Terrance Yeakey, who was one of the first on the scene following the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995. Records in this…
This collection consists of records related to Terrance Yeakey. This collection contains one email record of an Associated Press article concerning Yeakey's death.
This collection consists of records dealing with terrorist attacks during the Clinton Administration and the counterterrorism policies put in place in response to those attacks. These records include press briefings following the attack on the USS…
This collection consists of records dealing with terrorist attacks during the Clinton Administration and the counterterrorism policies put in place in response to those attacks. These records contain studies, legislative materials, memorandums, and…
This is the second segment of a collection consisting of records dealing with terrorist attacks during the Clinton Administration and the counterterrorism policies put in place in response to those attacks. The collection contains records from the…
This collection consists of records from the files of Terry Edmonds from the Office of Speechwriting. Edmonds was the first African American Chief Speechwriter in a presidential administration. Topics in this collection include race relations,…
This collection consists of records related to correspondence between Terry McAuliffe and President Clinton. The collection contains letters, invitations, and personal correspondence. The personal correspondence includes Christmas and birthday…
This collection contains records concerning Brigadier General Terry Schwalier, U. S. Air Force (USAF), who served as the commanding officer of the Khobar Towers housing complex at the time of its bombing. The material consists almost entirely of…
This collection consists of records related to the February 1995 visit of Thabo Mbeki, Deputy President of South Africa. It contains briefing books, State Department cables, emails, and policy papers about the Gore-Mbeki commission
This collection consists of email correspondence concerning speech drafts and final transcripts of Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation Ceremony. It contains daily schedules referencing the Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation Ceremony.
The email in this collection discuss: the 1996 Farm Bill, Agricultural Market Transition Act (AMTA), USDA announcements of prevailing world market price of cotton and rice and the resulting marketing loan gains and loan deficiency payment rates…
This collection consists of records dealing with the Association of 2,221 Negro Volunteers, World War II soldiers, who are considered the first unit involved in the integration of the American military. The integration occurred in December 1944…
This collection consists of records from the WHORM Subject File collection, specifically the PP005-01 subject code associated with the First Lady. It contains correspondence, news media, emails, letters, and memos regarding thank-you notes or…
This collection centers on the role of the Clinton Administration in the negotiations leading up to the Good Friday Agreement. The Good Friday Agreement (less commonly known as the Belfast Agreement) was made up of two inter-related documents, both…
This collection consists of electronic mail messages concerning The Onion, an American newspaper company that publishes satirical news stories. In 1996, The Onion began publishing its satire on the internet. The emails in the FOIA case contains…
This collection contains the records of The President's Commission on the Celebration of Women in American History, established by President Clinton by Executive Order 13090 on June 28, 1998. The Commission was to make recommendations to the…
This collection consist of records concerning a December 21, 1994 meeting President Clinton held with Secretary of Defense William Perry and others to receive a briefing from Vice President Albert Gore Jr. on the status of NATO expansion negotiations…
This collection consists of records from the Executive Office of the President, including the President’s schedule for the event and his remarks, the timeline for the ceremony and the invitation list to the Ceremony in Recognition of the Survivors…
This collection consists of records relating to Tom Freedman. Tom Freedman was Special Assistant to President Clinton for Policy Planning and then became a Senior Advisor to the President. In 1996 he was Chief of Staff for Political Strategy during…
This collection consists of the speechwriting records of Thomas Rosshirt, Director of Speechwriting in the National Security Council. Rosshirt prepared speeches for President William J. Clinton and National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger between…
The collection includes records related to Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson and the crises in the former Yugoslavia. It consists of cables regarding international response to the conflict in Kosovo, especially on the part of the European Union and the…
This collection consists of records related to Tim Connolly, the Department of Defense’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Operation and Low Intensity Conflict from August 1993 to April 1996. It contains biographical materials, from,…
Photographs of President Clinton meeting and greeting Tim Forneris, employee of the St. Louis Cardinals Major League Baseball Club, and his family on the tarmac of Orlando International Airport on September 9, 1998.
This collection consists of records regarding Mr. Tim Forneris’ meeting with President Clinton in September 1998. The collection consists of correspondence and a news article on Forneris retrieving the 62nd home run baseball hit by Mark McGwire and…
This collection consists of records relating to Timothy J. Russert. The collection contains correspondence from Tim Russert to members of the White House staff and from White House staffers to Tim Russert. In addition there are email regarding Tim…
This collection consists of records from the files of Todd Stern, White House Staff Secretary. This collection consists of letters, memos, reports, speeches, publications, email, newspaper articles, and handwritten notes from the Staff Secretary…
This collection consists of records from the files of Todd Stern, White House Staff Secretary. This collection consists of letters, memos, reports, press releases, briefing books, publications, email, newspaper articles, and handwritten notes from…
This collection consists of email sent to Todd Stern concerning the issue of climate change during the Clinton Administration. Todd Stern served as Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary in the White House from 1993 to 1999. In that capacity,…
This collection consists of email created by Todd Stern regarding of climate. Todd Stern served as Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary in the White House from 1993 through 1999. The emails consist of memos and correspondence concerning the…
This collection consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence from the White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) system for files received and sent by Todd Stern, a close advisor to President Clinton, in the final years of Clinton’s…
This collection consists of emails sent and received by Todd Summers from August of 1997 through December 31, 1998. The bulk of the emails concern administrative matters, HIV/AIDS policy, needle exchange programs, interagency policy discussions,…
This collection consists of the records of Todd Summers, Deputy Director of the White House National AIDS Policy Office, from 1997 thru 2000. It contains letters, email, memos, press releases, agendas, newspaper articles, reports, publications,…
This is an audio recording of an interview of President Clinton by Tom Brokaw of MSNBC; the interview took place in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on July 15, 1996. The interview was a live interview for MSNBC’s show “Internight”. The…
This collection consists of email records related to Tom Donilon and the war in Kosovo. The emails are dated between April 30, 1999 and August 5, 1999 and consist mostly of press releases. During the Clinton Administration, Donilon was Assistant…
This collection consists of records related to Ambassador Simons and his work as Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union. The collection dates from January 1993 to July 1995 and does not cover…
This collection consists of records concerning Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2001. The records include speeches, cables, correspondence, email, and memoranda. A variety of topics are covered including, but not limited…
This collection consists of records related to the First Lady's youngest brother Tony Rodham. It contains correspondence concerning the May 28, 1994 White House wedding of Mr. Rodham and Nicole Boxer, yearly birthday greetings from the President, and…
This collection consists of printed email concerning the tracking of incoming and outgoing correspondence from members of the United States Congress. A daily email was sent out to the White House staff with a list of who wrote the White House and on…
This collection consists of records related to trade and Nicaragua. It contains National Security Council (NSC) Cables and Emails from 1993 to 2001. These records include Trade Act and Trade Estimate reports, as well as an email conversation…
This collection consists of electronic records dating from 1993 to 2000 related to trade relations between Panama and the United States. The collection includes cables and e-mails the transmit Department of State Trade Act reports, agenda,…
This collection consists of records related to the construction of President Clinton's Transition Team into the White House from August 1992 to February 1993. It contains Office of Personnel Management transition guidance for both 1993 and 1996, and…
This collection consists of electronic records related to the "trilateral commission." It contains news wire stories, media summaries, press releases, transcripts of press briefings, internal White House correspondence, and a collection of…
This collection contains records related to the Trotter Group. This collection consists of paper and email correspondence primarily focused on scheduling and requests for meetings between President Clinton and the Trotter Group, as well as talking…
This collection consists of records related to Lee Tunghui, President of the Republic of China (ROC), commonly known as Taiwan, from 1988 to 2000. The collections consists of National Security Council cables containing press clippings which mention…
This collection contains photographs relating to an event held at the White House on May 16, 1997, where President William Jefferson Clinton issued an apology to the survivors of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. The collection includes photo-ops…
This collection consists of records related to an Export-Import Bank guarantee on a project for Russian-owned Tyumen Oil. This collection consists of memoranda, briefing materials, emails, and cables. Most of these regard a commercial dispute with…
This collection consists of records related to media reactions, media summaries, and news releases regarding the U.K. - U.S.A. and the Five Eyes intelligence sharing agreement. It contains cables, emails, talking points, and press materials.
This collection consists of records related to U.S. relations with Cuba. This collection consists of Inter-Agency Working Group Meeting agendas, background material, correspondence, executive orders, legislative summaries, internal White House…
This collection consists of Congressional correspondence regarding Russia from the National Security Council Records Management System numbers documents. It includes correspondence to President Clinton or the National Security Advisor from Senators…
This collection consists of Congressional correspondence regarding Vietnam from the National Security Council Records Management System numbered documents. It includes correspondence to President Clinton or the National Security Advisor from Senators…
In 1991, a Haitian military regime overthrew the elected President, Jean-Bertrand Arisitide. The US military intended to forcibly remove this regime in 1994 via Operation Uphold Democracy. As US armed forces prepared to engage in this Operation in…
This collection consists of records related to U.S. intervention in Haiti, specifically during Operation Uphold democracy. This second segment of the collection primarily comprises electronic records (cables and e-mails) and records management…
Alfonso Lopez was indicted by a grand jury of violating the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990, which forbids “any individual knowingly to possess a firearm within 1000 feet of a school zone,” 18 U.S.C. 922(q). Lopez argued that the Section 922(q)…
This collection consists of emails and other correspondence regarding President Clinton’s official public statement on the Supreme Court decision, news articles and news briefs, published law reviews and legal briefs, the administration’s…
This collection consists of records from the files of White House Counsel's Office, regarding the consideration and appointment of nominees to the U.S. Courts of Appeals. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings,…
This collection contains records concerning an incident on U.S.S. George Washington during President Clinton’s June 5, 1994 visit to Normandy. The incident involved the disappearance of several towels and bathrobes from the ship. The collection…
This collection consists of letters, correspondence tracking forms, memos, reports, email and cables relating to UFO’s or extraterrestrial beings. A majority of the collection are documents which were sent to the White House by Steven M. Greer, the…
This collection consists of correspondence regarding unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrials. Edgar Mitchell is a signatory on some of the correspondence to President Clinton from the Project Starlight Coalition.
This collection contains records on UFO’s and flying saucers from the files of Secretary of Defense William Cohen. The NSC Cables contain two documents sent by Secretary of Defense William Cohen. Both involve Department of Defense press briefings…
This collection consists of correspondence from “The Project Starlight Coalition” to President Clinton and a response from James A. Dorskind, Special Assistant to the President/Director of Correspondence and Presidential Messages, regarding…
This collection contains records on UFO’s from the files of National Security Advisor Anthony Lake. The NSC Email System contains two documents, both forwards of news articles in which UFO’s are mentioned, sent to the National Security Advisor as…