NRCC (Nuclear Risk Reduction Center) – Collection Finding Aid
Dublin Core
NRCC (Nuclear Risk Reduction Center) – Collection Finding Aid
This collection consists of records related to the United States Nuclear Risk Reduction Center (NRRC) which is a part of the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance (AVC) within the Department of State (DOS) and operates a 24-hour, 365 days a year watch center in Washington, D.C. The function of the center is to exchange information required by arms control treaties and security-building agreements between the United States and all foreign governments that are signatories to the treaties and agreements. The collection contains NSC cables which include inspection notifications, exchanges of data regarding strategic offensive arms, prior notifications of major military exercises or military unit restructuring, and a host of other treaty-required communications. The collection also includes a small number of NSC Emails that reference the NRRC.
Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online. For access to the collection please visit the Clinton Library's research room.
William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum
“NRCC (Nuclear Risk Reduction Center) – Collection Finding Aid,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 3, 2025,