Browse Items (21 total)
- Tags: Washington D.C.
Vital Voices
AIDS Memorial Quilt
All photographs from 7/28/94
Tags: Alan Stone, Alexis Herman, Attorney General Janet Reno, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Betty Currie, Bill Clinton, Bob Lyford, Bruce Reed, Carter Wilkie, Department of Justice, Don Baer, Eli Segal, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, General John Shalikashvili, George Stephanopoulos, James Carville, Jonatan Prince, Kate Pflaumer, Lee Brown, Leon Panetta, Lissa Muscatine, Mary Elizabeth “Tipper” Gore, National Mall, National Security Advisor Tony Lake, Paul Begala, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, Secretary William Perry, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Senator Carol Moseley-Braun, Senator Christopher Dodd, Senator David Pryor, Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, Senator Howard Metzenbaum, Senator Jay Rockefeller, Senator Joseph Biden, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Patty Murray, Senator Paul Simon, Senator Tom Daschle, Senator Tom Harkin, Tom Hecht, Vice President Albert Gore, Washington, Washington D.C.
All photographs from 5/13/94
Tags: Ambassador Phil Lader, Arkansas Travelers, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Finding Aid, Galludet University, George Stephanopoulos, Harold Ickes, Joel Klein, Lloyd Cutler, Mack McLarty, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Senator Tom Harkin, Vicki Radd, Washington D.C., Wendy Smith, William Perry
1998/1999 St. Patrick's Day Luncheons
Tags: Ambassador Phil Lader, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, David Trimble, Finding Aid, Gerry Adams, Ireland, John Hume, Marjorie “Mo” Mowlam, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Prime Minister Bertie Ahern, Representative Newt Gingrich, Representative Richard Gephardt, Seamus Mallon, Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, Senator Patrick Leahy, St. Patrick’s Day, U.S. Capitol, Washington, Washington D.C.
Video of a Reception for the Africa Prize for Leadership for the Sustainable End of Hunger - Collection Finding Aid
Photographs and Video Recordings related to David Copperfield and Ford’s Theatre Events on February 8, 1998 - Collection Finding Aid
President Clinton delivers his final State of the Union address
Steve Urkel and the Urkel Air Bill (1993)
1993 White House Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bill Signings, Bruce Lindsey, China, Christmas, David Gergen, Finding Aid, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jiang Zemin, Jogging, Mack McLarty, Maggie Williams, Olympics, Oprah Winfrey, Photograph Contact Sheets, Socks the cat, Vice President Albert Gore, Washington, Washington D.C.
President Clinton receives a crystal bowl of shamrocks from Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynolds
Tags: Roosevelt Room, Washington, Washington D.C.