Senator Jesse Helms - Collection Finding Aid
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Senator Jesse Helms - Collection Finding Aid
This collection was made available via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The FOIA request was for all records related to Jesse Helms. In this first segment a significant majority of the records are congressional correspondence with President William Jefferson Clinton and members of his staff. The collection is wide ranging collection touching on topics such as human rights, Women’s rights, and Theatre Missile Defense. It discusses China, Burma, Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran among others. Trade Issues with Russia, China, and Japan figure prominently in the records of this collection. Present also are issues related to the recognition of Taiwan. While this is correspondence to or from Senator Jesse Helms, many of his letters included additional signatories. The collection features letters to or from a significant majority of the Senators from the 103rd to 106th Congress. Some of those included for example are: Trent Lott, Joseph Biden, John Glenn, Orin Hatch, Olympia Snowe, Daniel Akaka, Christopher Dodd, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Bob Dole, and others. Likewise a large number of members of the House of Representatives are also included. As chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Benjamin A. Gilman also figures prominently in these records.
William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum
“Senator Jesse Helms - Collection Finding Aid,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed February 7, 2025,