Photographs related to the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine school shooting - Collection Finding Aid
Dublin Core
Photographs related to the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine school shooting - Collection Finding Aid
This collection contains photographs from the White House Photograph Office (WHPO) of memorial services and events relating to the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Columbine School Shooting. The Oklahoma City Bombing related material includes an event on April 5th, 1996 of President William Jefferson Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton visiting the former site of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building where they lay a plaque and deliver remarks, and an event on April 19th, 2000, of President William Jefferson deliverin remarks at the Oklahoma City Memorial. The Columbine School Shooting related material is of an event on May 20th, 1999 of President William Jefferson Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton attending a memorial service for the Columbine High School community in Littleton, Colorado
Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online. For access to the collection please visit the Clinton Library's research room.
William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum
“Photographs related to the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine school shooting - Collection Finding Aid,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 28, 2025,