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  • Collection: Finding Aids - Collection Descriptions & Inventories
This collection consists of photos from the White House Photograph Office of President Clinton and Vice President Gore posing with Abdurahman Alamoudi at an Ethnic Leadership Day event held in the Old Executive Office Building on June 14, 1996.
This collection consists of email concerning national and international HIV/AIDS policy sent and received by Sandra Thurman. Related subjects found within this collection consist of needle exchange, AIDS awareness events, and Sub-Saharan Africa.…
This collection consists of email, the majority of which were forwards and mass circulated to a wide variety of recipients. The majority of the email concern the publication of Carroll Case’s book The Slaughter: An American Atrocity. Case’s book…
This collection consists of records on the 2000 Millennium attack plots and the subsequent after action review by the federal government. These materials include National Security Council cover sheets, report summaries, budgetary requests, and memos…
This collection consists of material regarding the 2000 Presidential Election recount of votes in Florida. The records include speeches, memoranda, transcripts, and email demonstrating the White House's efforts to chart a course of neutrality during…
This collection consists of material concerning the transition from the administration of President William Jefferson Clinton to that of George Walker Bush in January 2001. The disputed results from the November 7, 2000 election in the state of…
This collection contains materials from the National Security Council. The collection consists of a number of specific documents concerning Usama bin Laden and the initial terrorist assaults of al-Qaeda against the United States. These documents are…
This collection consists of records relating to Admiral Bobby Ray Inman and his work as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Inman was a well respected and long-term member of the United States intelligence community by…
Miscellaneous Series: This series contains records regarding the President’s Initiative on Race (PIR). The series includes files from the Executive Director, Judith Winston. The records include correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, and…
Meetings Series: This series contains records regarding the Advisory Board’s meetings. The meetings were open to the public and held in Denver, Colorado; San Jose, California; Akron, Ohio; Fairfax, Virginia; and Phoenix, Arizona. The series…
Reports Series: This series is divided into two sub-series, Reports Drafts and Weekly Reports to POTUS. The Reports Drafts sub-series contains drafts of the “Report of the Advisory Board of the President’s Initiative on Race.” The Weekly…
PR/Media Series: This collection consists of the federal records of the President’s Advisory Board on Race. The PR/Media Series includes speeches and talking points for presentations, media requests, press releases, press packages, transcripts from…

Correspondence Series: This collection consists of the federal records of the President’s Advisory Board on Race. The Advisory Board was established in June 1997 by Executive Order 13050 as part of President Clinton’s Initiative on Race (PIR).…
Programs and Forums Series: This collection consists of the federal records of the President’s Advisory Board on Race. The Programs and Forums Series includes correspondence, memorandums, background materials, organization brochures, and notes…
Created in 1998, the Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States (PACHA, aka PCHA) was charged with investigating what happened to the assets of victims of the Holocaust that ended up in the possession of the United…
This collection consists of records related to The United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, part of the United States Information Agency (USIA). The Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy merged with the Department of State in October…
This collection consists of records concerning the White House’s review of federal affirmative action programs and policy. The review was led by George Stephanopoulos and Christopher Edley. The review was mandated by President Clinton in March of…
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Samir Afridi. Afridi served as Speechwriter and Special Assistant to the President from September 1999 to January 2001. The speeches he worked on covered domestic policy issues such as:…
This collection consists of records concerning Secretary of State Madeline Albright’s trip to Mongolia in May 1998. Secretary Albright’s trip was to affirm the United States’ commitment to further cooperation between the two countries and to…
This collection consists of records from Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's trips to South America in October 1997 and August 2000. These materials include National Security Council cover sheets and Department of State memos explaining which…
This collection contains the records of Anthony "Tony" Lake as they relate to Rwanda. The records consist of letters, memos, news articles, emails, and cables. Among these correspondence are letters reporting to Congress on the level of the United…
This collection consists of records relating to Anthony S. Harrington and his service on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Records relating to Harrington’s appointment and service on the PFIAB are primarily personnel files and…
This collection consists of records relating to the announcement by President Clinton and Prime Minister of Singapore Goh, at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2000 Leaders’ Meeting, that the United States and Singapore would begin…
This collection consists of records related to Crescenio Arcos’ service on PFIAB (Presidential Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board). The records relate to Arcos’ appointment and vetting process. The records in this collection contain emails,…
This collection consists of email and cables concerning “Area 51.” “Area 51” is an unofficial title that often refers to an area in southern Nevada containing United States Air Force (USAF) facilities. The USAF does not recognize owning or…
This collection contains materials related to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti. In 1990, the Salesian priest won election to the office of President of Haiti at the head of his Organisation Politique “Lavalas.” However, military coup…
This collection includes materials relating to Viktor Bout (or Butt), a suspected international arms smuggler, the so-called “Merchant of Death.” The records include cables and email regarding travel by members of the National Security Council…
This collection consists of records related to Richard Sheppard Arnold’s consideration for two U.S. Supreme Court vacancies and Attorney General of the United States. Arnold was a well-respected Judge for the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth…
This collection consists of records relating to communications between President William Jefferson Clinton, Kim Young-sam, President of the Republic of Korea, and Ryutaro Hashimoto, Prime Minister of Japan, concerning the Asian Economic Crisis. The…
This collection consists of records related to the assassination investigation of President John F. Kennedy. The John F. Kennedy Records Collection Act was passed by Congress in 1992 in response to widespread doubt by the American public surrounding…
This collection consists of records of Donald Baer. Baer was Assistant to the President and White House Director of Strategic Planning and Communications. He worked at the White House from 1994-1998 as Chief Speechwriter/Director of Speechwriting and…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton during the Balkan Peace Agreement meetings in Paris, France on December 14, 1995. The photographs document President Clinton, Secretary Warren Christopher, and Ambassador Richard Holbrooke…
This collection contains memorandums, letters, and press releases concerning the nomination and confirmation of Carl J. Barbier to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Carl J. Barbier was nominated by President Clinton on…
The Oakland Army Base operated from 1941 to 1999, during that time it played a vital role in shipping war material to the pacific theatre of operations. It was closed as part of the 1995 round of the Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC).…
This collection consists of materials related to Mike Beebe, a former Arkansas State Senator. It includes correspondence, notes, memoranda, email, press releases, and news articles related to topics of interest to Mr. Beebe and those he wished to…
This collection consists of records concerning the nomination, confirmation, and tenure of US Attorney Alan Bersin. President Clinton appointed Bersin as US Attorney for the Southern District of California in 1993. Bersin served in this position for…
This collection consists of cables, correspondence, email, memoranda, speeches, talking points, and tracking sheets concerning the Bilderberg Group, its conferences and events in which the President, First Lady, and White House staff were connected.…
This collection consists of press releases, executive orders, memoranda, newspaper articles, reports, papers, cables, handwritten notes, and briefing materials highlighting the ongoing effort of the Clinton administration to follow and track Osama…
This collection consists of records concerning Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2001. The records include speeches, cables, correspondence, email, and memoranda. A variety of topics are covered including, but not limited…
This collection contains Antony Blinken’s files from the National Security Council (NSC), Speechwriting Directorate. Blinken served as the chief foreign policy speechwriter in the NSC Speechwriting Directorate from 1994-1998. His materials contain…
This collection contains notes, memoranda, talking points, lists, schedules, and background information pertaining to research files and speech drafts for remarks by the President at Awards Ceremony for Blue Ribbon Schools, October 28, 1999. The…
This collection consists of records relating to Richard Blumenthal. Richard Blumenthal served as the 23rd Connecticut Attorney General from January 1991 until January 2011; during this time, President Clinton approved the nomination of Blumenthal to…
This collection consists of records dealing with Robert (Bob) Boorstin, National Security Council (NSC) speechwriter for President Clinton from 1994-1995. He wrote drafts of speeches Clinton delivered on issues relating to Haiti, the Baltic States,…
This collection consists of video recordings and photographs of Brooksley Born and her guest Alex Bennett walking through the receiving line at the State Dinner for Hungary on June 8, 1999. President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, President Goncz…
This collection consists of the records of Julie Bosland. Bosland served as Assistant Director for Domestic Policy in the Welfare Reform and Tobacco Division of the Domestic Policy Council. This collection covers topics relating to child support,…
This collection consists of records related to Viktor Bout (or Butt). The records include cables, email, and other documents related to notifications of upcoming NSC meetings regarding Bout and mention of a New York Times article about the suspected…
This collection includes materials relating to Viktor Bout (or Butt). The records include cables, email, and other documents related to upcoming meetings related to Bout, copies of United Nations resolutions which Bout is believed to have violated,…
This collection contains material regarding the Boys and Girls Nation ceremony held at the White House on July 18, 1996. The records include publications, correspondence, speech drafts, notes, email and schedules.
This collection consists of records concerning Brenden Melley, a member of the staff of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from 1998 to 2001. As part of his duties, Melley visited military sites and prepared PFIAB reports.…
This collection contains letters, memoranda, press releases, and resumes concerning the nomination of Leonie Milhomme Brinkema as United States District Court Judge in the Eastern District of Virginia. President Clinton nominated Brinkema on August…
This is an audio recording of an interview of President Clinton by Tom Brokaw of MSNBC; the interview took place in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on July 15, 1996. The interview was a live interview for MSNBC’s show “Internight”. The…
This series contains records concerning education from the correspondence files of Kendra Brooks, Domestic Policy Council. The files include inbound and outbound correspondence pertaining to class-size reduction, the School Construction Initiative,…
This collection consists of publications related to national and state education goals and standards, funding for education, class-size reduction, school safety, after-school programs, reading reform, teacher quality and preparation, and student…
This collection consists of the Subject Files of Kendra Brooks. The files contain correspondence, reports, articles, memos, and various printed material. Other documents include background information for education events and meetings. The files…
This collection consists Molly Brostrom’s Domestic Policy Council files. Brostrom served as Senior Policy Analyst in the Domestic Policy Council from April 1995 to January 1997. She worked extensively in the areas such as: homelessness, housing,…
This collection includes records related to the February 24, 1996 incident involving the Cuban military and three planes of the Florida group, Brothers to the Rescue, also known as Hermanos al Rescate. The collection dates primarily between January…
This collection consists of articles, drafts of a letter from President Clinton to Mr. Buckley in response to an article Mr. Buckley wrote concerning the Kyoto Protocol, also cables and email relating to articles written by Mr. Buckley or comments…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton addressing the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH) on January 21, 2000. Event speakers included, Dr. David Baltimore, President of CALTECH, and Gordon Moore, Chairman Emeritus and…
This collection consists of records relating to correspondence between President Clinton and movie producer James Cameron. The records include correspondence from President Clinton to James Cameron congratulating him on winning the 1997 Academy Award…
This collection consists of records concerning a Camp David visit from Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso and his wife on June 7, 1998. No official transcript of conversation between Presidents Cardoso and Clinton exists, but it was…
This collection consists of records from Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso's visits to the U.S., from April 1995 thru May 1999. These materials include National Security Council cover sheets, memos regarding the distribution of memcons,…
This collection consists of correspondence, talking points, drafts of correspondence, guest lists, articles, email, cables, publications, speeches, and executive summaries concerning relations between the Clinton Administration and Catholics. The…
This is a video recording of President Clinton's remarks during an interview with CBS Radio on December 11, 1999. The President was interviewed by Mark Knoller and Peter Maer of CBS Radio. The interview took place at an office within the Wyndham…
This collection consists of materials related to the nomination and later withdrawal of Anthony Lake to be Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). In addition, records relate to the nomination of George Tenet to be the DCI after Lake withdrew his…
This request consists of photographs of President Clinton and Hilary Rodham Clinton presenting a Presidential Medal of Freedom to Peggy Charren on September 29, 1995. Charren founded Action for Children’s Television (ACT) in 1968 in an effort to…
This collection consists of materials related to President Clinton’s trip to Chautauqua, New York, in early October 1996. The records include plane manifests, schedules, correspondence, and memoranda relating to the activities of the President and…
This collection consists of material from the Presidential Diary relating to the retreat to Chautauqua, New York, in preparation for a debate with Senator Robert Dole. The records include schedules, call logs, remarks, press briefings, and press…
This collection consists of records from Secretary of State Warren Christopher's trip to South American in February and March 1996. These materials include cables of the Secretary's speeches during his trip and news reports on the Secretary's…
This collection consists of records related to Citicorp's merger with the Travelers Group. The collection also concerns Citicorp and Traveler’s mutual support for H.R. 10, the Financial Services Act of 1998. Citicorp and Travelers Group merged on…
This collection consists of records related to Public Law 100-383, the Civil Liberties Act of 1988. The records include drafts and the final version of the apology letter from President Bill Clinton to Japanese Americans held in internment during…
This collection consists of records related to General Wesley Clark, Supreme Allied Commander of Europe (SACEUR) NATO from 1997-2000. The topics covered in this FOIA include Clark’s appointment as SACEUR, the White House Fellows program of which…
This collection consists of records from the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA). The CEA provided the President with economic analysis and advice on the development and implementation of domestic and international economic policy issues. This series…
The records of the Clinton Administration History Project consist of the histories of 32 agencies or departments within the Executive Branch. These papers describe in detail the accomplishments of President Clinton and his advisors for the period…
This collection consists of the First Lady’s daily schedule including meetings, trips, speaking engagements and social activities for the eight years of the Clinton Administration.
This collection consists of the First Lady’s daily schedule including meetings, trips, speaking engagements and social activities for the eight years of the Clinton Administration. These are dates for which Patti Solis Doyle did not have schedules,…
This collection consists of records regarding conferences and events attended and hosted by the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton. The key events in this collection consist of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Vital Voices,…
This collection consists of records relating to Hillary Clinton’s New York Senate Campaign. The records included in this collection are draft schedules, press clippings, memos, event attendee lists and email. The collection also consists of records…
This collection contains transcripts, correspondence, general information, and invitations related to a speech given by the First Lady at Forum 2000 in Prague, Czech Republic on October 13, 1998. The event was the second in a series of conferences…
This collection contains transcripts, draft remarks, research material, and e-mails pertaining to remarks by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Sorbonne in Paris, France on June 17, 1999. In her remarks, entitled “Globalization into the New…
These records contain telephone message slips addressed to Hillary Rodham Clinton. The messages are from the general public, doctors, staffers, and congressional leaders and range in date from early 1993 through early 1996.
This collection consists of records related to microcredit and microdevelopment, as well as correspondence between the Clinton White House and microcredit pioneer Muhammad Yunus. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, background…
This collection consist of records from First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's files on NASA or Outer Space. These materials include materials related to community outreach, press releases, and educational events regarding the space program.
This collection consists of a binder containing briefing papers, clippings, diagrams, memoranda, menus, profiles, schedules, statements, and talking points. These records describe the trip of the First Lady to Morocco in the spring of 1999. Of…
This collection consists of Michael Cohen’s Domestic Policy Council Subject Files. Cohen served as Special Assistant to the President for Education Policy from 1996 to 1999. This series contains materials relating to education reform, the Goals…
This collection consists of the federal records of the President’s Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry. The commission, created by Executive Order 13017, advised the President on changes occurring in the health…
This collection consists of records relating to the Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the U.S. Intelligence Community; more often referred to as simply the Aspin-Brown Commission. The Commission was authorized in 1994 following an October…
These records describe the Clinton Administration’s proposal to apply federal immigration and minimum wage laws to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI); and also the CNMI’s circumvention of US garment duties and quotas. Records…
This collection consists of a binder titled “Communication Conspiracy” from the staff and office files of Jane Sherburne from the Counsel’s Office. The binder mostly consists of news articles and summaries. These records describe the means by…
This collection consists of material regarding the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Agencies Act (CALEA). CALEA, or House Resolution 4922, was sponsored by Representative Don Edwards of California and co-sponsored by Representative Henry…
In July 1993, President Clinton asked banking regulators to reform the Community Reinvestment Act. The reform helped increase lending and extended basic banking services to the inner cities and to distressed rural communities. In 1998 the Clinton…
This collection consists of letters of condolence from President Clinton and one letter of condolence from the First Lady to the surviving families of those who died along with the Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, in the crash of a United States Air…
This collection consists of records concerning the White House Conference on Culture and Diplomacy, which took place on November 28, 2000. The White House Conference on Culture grew out of the reorganization of the United States Information Agency…
This collection consists of box and folder title list inventories for all Council of Environmental Quality records. Some of the topics of the folder and box titles include Earth Day, the Forest Summit, wetlands, the ecosystem, endangered species,…
This collection consists of the federal records of The President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD). The PCSD, a federal advisory commission, was composed of members from the public and private sectors who represented industrial,…
This collection consists of records relating to Geoffrey Cowan, Director of Voice of America (VOA). Cowan was appointed in 1994. The records in this collection include correspondence, press releases, wire reports, schedules, invitations and United…
This collection consists of reports, brochures, press packets, news articles, and video tapes related to the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP). The President’s Commission was established in July 1996, by…
This collection consists of records related to Admiral William Crowe’s service on PFIAB (Presidential Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board). Crowe served as Chairman of PFIAB from 1993-1994. The records related to Crowe’s appointment and vetting…

This collection consists of White House press releases from the files of P.J. Crowley. Crowley served as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director of Public Affairs the National Security Council from…
This collection consists of records of Carolyn Curiel. Curiel joined the White House Executive Office as a speechwriter to President Bill Clinton in 1993. The records consist of copies of speeches and speech drafts, talking points, memoranda,…
This collection consists of two records related to James D’Andrea. The records are from the Worker and Visitor Entry System (WAVES). The WAVES database was used to manage visitor appointments for entry and exit of White House offices.
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and the Davids family.
This collection consists of records concerning the security status of the Department of Energy and the national laboratories. With the signing and issuance of Presidential Decision Directive-61 (PDD-61), President Clinton ordered that certain steps…
This collection consists of news articles and press briefings concerning the security revocation of John M. Deutch. It also includes memoranda regarding meetings on the investigations regarding Deutch’s mishandling of national security information.
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Henry Diamond. Diamond was a member of the American Conservation Association. Also included are internal White House email concerning President Clinton’s response to a letter…
This is a video recording of President Clinton making remarks for the Direct Selling Association. President Clinton delivered a video message for this organization on September 23, 1996 from the White House.
This collection consists of email, press releases, daily briefings, weekly reports, and legislative reports, concerning American’s with Disabilities. Topics include the Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities, the Franklin…
This collection consists of records concerning Donald Steinberg, Senior Director for African Affairs on the National Security Council, and the policy of the Clinton Administration towards Rwanda from 1993 to 1994. These records include reports,…
This collection consists of records relating to Dr. Sidney Drell. Dr. Drell was a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory board (PFIAB) and a 2000 winner of the Enrico Fermi Award. The records relate to Dr. Drell's appointment to…
This collection consists of email, cables, and reports of the aftermath from November 9, 1998, when a Colombian Air Force plane that landed in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, was discovered to contain over 700 separate packets of cocaine. Many of the cables…
This collection consists of records concerning Joseph Duffey, Director of the United States Information Agency (USIA), from 1993-1999. The records include correspondence, memoranda, press material and education program information. Topics in this…
This collection consists of records concerning the White House Easter Egg Roll held on the South Lawn of the White House since 1878. This collection specifically concerns the 1998 Easter Egg Roll that was broadcast over the Internet. The records…
This collection consists of records from the files of Terry Edmonds from the Office of Speechwriting. Edmonds was the first African American Chief Speechwriter in a presidential administration. Topics in this collection include race relations,…
This collection consists of photographs of Wade Edwards at the Voice of American National Endowment for the Humanities National Essay winner’s reception at the White House March 13, 1996. The photographs detail Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Wade…
This collection consists of records pertaining to Joycelyn Elders in her position as Surgeon General. President Clinton appointed her the United States Surgeon General in January 1993, making her the first African American and the second woman…
This collection consists of records Records relating to Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt Jr. and his service on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Records relating to Zumwalt’s appointment and service on the PFIAB are primarily…
This collection consists of materials related to the suicide bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya on August 7, 1998 and the subsequent August 20, 1998 Operation Infinite Reach airstrikes against…
This series contains records from Matthew Eng, a White House Intern in 2000. Matthew Eng’s records include articles, publications, reports, a Lexis-Nexis user manual, and handwritten notes relating to background research for various topics…
This collection consists of records pertaining to Executive Order 12875, “Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership”. The records include correspondence, note cards, copies of the executive order, talking points, and memoranda.
This collection consists of records pertaining to Executive Order 13083, “Federalism”. The records include correspondence, statements, memoranda, email and copies of Executive Order 13083.
This collection consists of records pertaining to Executive Order 13095, which suspended Executive Order 13083, “Federalism”. The records include correspondence, press releases, press briefings and copies of the Executive Order.
This collection consists of documents concerning the Sharable Content/Courseware Reference Model (SCORM), Executive Order 13111, and The President’s Task Force on Training Technology. SCORM is a collection of standards and specifications for…
This collection consists of correspondence, reports, email, press releases, Presidential statements, and memoranda concerning Executive Order 13132, “Federalism.”
This collection consists of records concerning the Clinton Administration’s policies on fair housing. The records include memos, letters, speeches, correspondence, and testimonies. The records include material from the Department of Housing and…
This collection consists of records concerning HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) housing in Beaumont and Vidor, Texas and Moving to Opportunity. The records include a note and memoranda, news articles, and remarks by HUD…
This collection consists of material regarding the televised Farewell Address given from the Oval Office on January 18, 2001, and the President’s Farewell Address to White House staff at Andrews Air Force Base on January 21, 2001. This collection…
This collection consists of records from when James L. Farmer, Jr. received the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 15, 1998. The files contain congressional correspondence and correspondence written by the general public recommending that…
Within the First Lady’s Office, Speechwriting assisted with the writing and editing of the speeches given by the First Lady at various events and on various trips. This collection highlights topics relating to the arts and humanities, women’s…
This collection includes briefing papers for July 2, 1993 concerning a statement on the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC) Report. Topics also include meeting with the foreign press, the Media Opinion Leaders luncheon, video…
This collection consists of correspondence from members of the military and the legislature as well as medical professionals in Washington State and California recommending Stanley Flemming to the position of Surgeon General in early 1995. Flemming…

This collection consists of photographs featuring staffer Jay Footlik. Included are the following: photographs on October 20, 1995 of Footlik aboard Air Force One; Stephen Goodin and Footlik talking with President Clinton on May 21, 1996; President…
This collection consists of correspondence, memorandums, tracking sheets, subpoenas and articles related to the death of Vincent Foster on July 20, 1993. Foster’s death was the subject of multiple investigations. Included in this collection are…
This collection consists of records regarding relations with France during the Clinton Administration. Despite areas of tension on nuclear testing and economic matters, President Clinton enjoyed a constructing working relationship with French…
This collection consists of the subject file on France from the White House Office of Records Management's (WHORM). The files contain correspondence, speech drafts and schedules, including correspondence between President Clinton and French President…
This collection consists of records from Brazilian President Itamar Franco's December 1994 visit to attend the Summit of the Americas in Miami. These materials include National Security Council cover sheets and a memo to the National Security…
This collection consists of materials related to Frank Fountain, a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). It includes letters, email, and cables. Some of the records within this FOIA came from personnel files, which…
This collection consists of memoranda, press releases, forms, correspondence, articles, cables, and email concerning Stephen Friedman. Friedman was appointed to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) in 1999. A considerable…
This request consists of photographs of President Clinton awarding the National Medal of Arts and Humanities to Ernest J. Gaines at a ceremony at DAR Constitution Hall on December 20, 2000. These photos document the award ceremony and the dinner…
This collection consists of a letter from “The Project Starlight Coalition” to President Clinton and a response from James A. Dorskind, Special Assistant to the President/Director of Correspondence and Presidential Messages, regarding…
This collection consists of articles, briefing papers, email, forms, letters, and memoranda. These records discuss Robert C. Galloway and his nomination to the U.S Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in 1999. In addition to materials concerning…
This collection consists of material related to gays in the military from January 20, 1993 through July 31, 1993. The records include correspondence, reports, memoranda, and email, and deal with the development of the policy that became known as…
This collection consists of records related to missives sent by Rabbi Menachem Genack to both President Clinton and Ann Lewis, Director of White House Communications. The collection consists of cover letters and missives authored by Rabbi Genack,…
This collection consists of a cable transcript of the March 2, 1993, press conference given by Douglas Newkirk, the assistant United States Trade Representative (USTR), regarding negotiations with China and their rejoining the General Agreement on…
This collection consists of records describing the ethnic cleansing that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina around the town of Srebrenica in July 1995. The massacre of 8,000 Bosnian Muslims that occurred in Srebrenica is the largest mass murder in…
This collection consists of photographs from a meeting with President Clinton and Rep. Newt Gingrich. The meeting took place in the Residence on October 28, 1997. President Clinton was accompanied in the meeting by Erskine Bowles and others.…
This collection consists of speech drafts, articles, notes, memoranda and correspondence from the files of Paul Glastris, Speechwriter. Many of the records in this collection were used by Glastris in the composition of President Clinton’s speeches.…
This collection consists of materials related to White House communication between January 01, 2000 and January 20, 2001 regarding Vice President Gore's campaign for President. It consists of correspondence, memoranda, speech drafts, and schedules…
This collection consists of a video recording of President Clinton and Vice President Gore on August 3, 1993 giving remarks upon signing the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. Representative John Conyers and Senator William Roth make…
This collection consists of photographs of budget meetings at the White House including: President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Sec. Robert Rubin, Sen. Bob Dole, Rep. Newt Gingrich, Rep. Dick Armey, Sen. Tom Daschle, Rep. Richard Gephardt, Leon…
This is a video recording pertaining to President Clinton’s meeting with the Beth Medrash Govoha organization (a Haredi yeshiva) at the St. Regis Hotel in New York on March 11, 1996. President Clinton is presented with a special book on behalf of…
This collection consists of correspondence, meetings, and phone calls between President Clinton and the Reverend Billy Graham. The topics of correspondence and conversations included congratulations (to President Clinton on his re-election in 1996),…

This collection consists of photographs of Hilary Clinton and Billy Graham together at: the National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton on February 4, 1993; the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace for the Funeral of Richard Nixon on April 27,…
This collection consists of Lisa Green’s records as the chair of the working group for the Clinton Administration’s New Markets Initiative, and as an adviser on the National Economic Council. The collection highlights topics relating to the New…
This collection consists of photographs of Alan Greenspan with President Clinton and with Economic Policy Team Advisors during the Clinton Administration
This collection consists of correspondence and position papers sent to President Clinton from Dr. Steven Greer, Director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). Also included is correspondence from a National Aeronautics…
This collection consists of records related to Guam. These records discuss Guam’s political status, proposed legislation (namely the Guam Commonwealth Act), economic development, tourism, the United States Military’s use of land in Guam,…
This collection consists of material concerning the withdrawn nomination of Lani Guinier as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in 1993. The collection consists of clippings, correspondence, memorandum, press releases, and printed materials.
This collection contains materials from the White House staff office of the National Security Council (NSC), from 1994. Records include correspondence, memoranda, newspaper articles, press releases, reports, and talking points. The majority of the…
This collection consists of records relating to Dr. James Benito Hall who served as Ambassador of Goodwill, HIV/AIDS. The records consist of correspondence to, from, or about Dr. Hall.
This collection consists of memoranda, correspondence, reports, forms, notes, articles, and printed electronic email, regarding William A. (“Bill”) Halter. Bill Halter served as Senior Advisor in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) from…
This collection consists of a letter with newspaper clippings from Helen Hamman to President Clinton regarding her father, Don C. Smith, former Director of the Red Cross pre-WWII, and his deathbed confession of a conversation he had with President…
This collection consists of records relating to Harold W. Pote and his service on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Clinton Presidential Records relating to Harold W. Pote consist largely of personnel files relating to Pote’s…
This collection contains letters and drafts of letters between President Clinton and Stephen Hawking relating to the White House Millennium Lectures. The collection also includes biographical information on Stephen Hawking and a copy of a lecture…

This collection consists largely of the First Lady’s Office files that include memos, background files, and meeting notes concerning the formation and actions of the Health Care Taskforce and working groups. These files include records pertaining…
This collection consists of correspondence between the White House and Congress from July 1993 through December 1993 relating to the Health Care Task Force. The topics covered by this collection are health care form, specifically funding of the new…
The White House Health Care Interdepartmental Working Group was created to gather information on previous health care reform initiatives, generate ideas, and formulate alternative options and present those options for consideration by the Task Force…

2006-0810-F segment 1.pdf
This collection consists of records related to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Health Care Reform Files, 1993-1996. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton served as the Chair of the President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform. The files contain…
This collection consists of records related to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Health Care Reform Files, 1993-1996. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton served as the Chair of the President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform. The files contain…
This collection consists of Ira Magaziner’s Health Care Task Force files including: correspondence, reports, news clippings, press releases, and publications. Ira Magaziner a Senior Advisor to President Clinton for Policy Development was heavily…
This collection consists of records describing the efforts of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to get health care reform through Congress. This collection consists of correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, memos, papers, and reports. A…
The majority of the records in this collection consist of reports, polls, and surveys concerning nearly all aspects of health care; many letters from the public, medical professionals and organizations, and legislators to the Task Force concerning…
This collection consists of records describing the efforts of the Clinton Administration to pass the Health Security Act, which would have reformed the health care system of the United States. This collection contains memoranda, correspondence,…
This collection of the Health Care Task Force records consists of materials from the files of Robert Boorstin, Alice Dunscomb, Richard Veloz and Walter Zelman. The files contain memoranda, correspondence, handwritten notes, reports, charts, graphs,…
This collection consists of the files of the Health Care Task Force (HCTF), focusing on material from Jack Lew and Lynn Margherio. Lew’s records reflect a preoccupation with figures, statistics, and calculations of all sorts. Graphs and charts…
This collection consists of records regarding Alexis Herman in her position as Secretary of Labor. Herman, the 23rd Secretary of Labor, served the Clinton Administration from May 1997 to January 2001. This collection contains emails, memoranda, press…
This collection consists of memoranda, press releases, forms, correspondence, articles, cables, and email concerning Robert Hermann. Hermann was a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). A considerable amount of this…
This collection consists of records that relate to the Export-Import Bank and their involvement in the HIV/AIDS program for Africa. The records relate to the 2000 G-8 Summit in Okinawa and the Clinton Administration’s efforts to obtain funding for…
This series contains Lyn Hogan's records from her work on the Domestic Policy Council relating to teen pregnancy preventative efforts, the appointment of Dr. Henry Foster as Senior Advisor to the President for Teen Pregnancy and Youth Issues, the…
This collection consists of Lyn Hogan’s records from her work in the Office of Policy Development relating to issues of child care and the child welfare system. There are a significant number of items relating to the child welfare system,…
This collection consists of records concerning Iwao Osaki and Hotel Okura in Tokyo, Japan. Iwao Osaki is owner of Hotel Okura. The records in this collection consist of one letter relating to Osaki.
This collection consists of correspondence, press releases, a statement, a memo, and a news article regarding Dr. Jean Houston. Dr. Houston is an author and principal founder of, “The Foundation for Mind Research,” and “The Human Potential…
This collection consists of records related to Mike Huckabee, Lieutenant Governor, and subsequently, Governor of Arkansas. The records include correspondence, memos, email, telephone logs, and guest lists. The collection consists largely of…
This collection consists of photographs of Hillary Rodham Clinton and/or President Clinton with Jerry Hultin, Undersecretary of the Navy. Photographs include: Hillary Rodham Clinton arriving at the Marine Barracks and Navy Yard Museum in Washington,…

This collection consists of speeches, drafts, correspondence, and background research from the files of Heather Hurlburt. Hurlburt worked as Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Clinton; her speechwriting files date from 1999-2001.She…
This is a video recording of a videotaped message by President Clinton in the Cabinet Room. The President taped remarks that were to be released on January 29, 1998 in reference to the occasion of ID AL-FITR, a three-day Muslim holiday that marks the…
This collection consists of records related to the Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. The Act was designed to improve border control by imposing criminal penalties for racketeering, alien smuggling, the use or creation…

This collection consists of records concerning the Clinton Administration’s immigrant detention policy as implemented through the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the United States Border Patrol, and the U.S. Marshals Service Joint Prisoner…
This collection consists of materials assigned the subject code ND006 by the White House Office of Records Management (WHORM). This subject code is for matters related to intelligence. These files contain correspondence, drafts of legislation, and…
This collection consists of records related to the Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB). The IOB’s mission was to prepare reports to the President of intelligence activities which the IOB believed to be unlawful, or contrary to Executive Order or…
This collection consists of materials regarding the Intelligence Oversight Board’s June 1996 Report on the Guatemala Review. In response to March 1995 allegations of a connection between the CIA and human rights abuses in Guatemala, President…
This collection consists of the list of cases before the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel, 1996-2000. The list produced is a hard copy of the electronic database maintained by the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) on…
This collection consists of records related to International Broadcasting. U.S. international broadcasting began to evolve after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. The International Broadcasting Act of 1994 consolidated…
This collection consists of reports, memoranda, correspondence, news clippings, and schedules from the files of Ira Magaziner, Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development. Magaziner assisted in implementing President Clinton’s Health…
This collection consists of records concerning United States relations with Iran in 1993 and in 1995 through 1996. Due to serious differences over human rights and support for terrorist organizations, already strained relations between the U.S. and…
This collection consists of records related to Iridium LLC, a commercial satellite communications system. The records responsive to this request contain email, correspondence, memoranda, handwritten meeting notes, information packets, drafts, and…
This collection contains records from the files of Chris Jennings’ related to the Health Security Act. The records include memoranda, correspondence, reports, press releases, briefing papers, statistical data, graphs, legislative drafts,…
This collection consists of Chris Jennings’ Subject Files series. The collection contains memoranda, correspondence, graphs, statistical data, reports, press releases, briefing papers, handwritten notes, newspaper and magazine clippings, and…
This collection consists of records related to Chris Jennings’ travel, speaking engagements, and meetings. This collection contains correspondence, faxes, invitations, email, travel voucher and reimbursement forms, invoices, and receipts from…
This collection consists of records regarding John Deutch and his service as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). Deutch was appointed to the PFIAB by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 and served until 1993. The…
This collection consists of records relating to John Shelby Bryan and his service as member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. This collection consist of memos, letters, fax cover sheets, court records, resumes, press releases,…
This collection consists of a memorandum from Secretary of Defense Aspin to President Clinton regarding the selection of a new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff dated from the summer of 1993. This memorandum discusses the biographies of General…
This collection consists of records related to United States relations with Jordan in 1994. The signing of the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel, on October 26, witnessed by President Clinton, was the highlight of the U.S.-Jordan relationship…
This collection consists of material dealing with President Clinton’s nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1993 and Stephen Gerald Breyer in 1994 to the United States Supreme Court. The nuts and bolts of the nomination process can be seen in…
This collection consists of correspondence between Steven Spielberg, President Clinton, and Hillary Clinton.
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Steven Spielberg or his wife, Kate Capshaw. The collection also contains records of phone calls and meetings between the President and the couple. Also included is a daily…
This collection consists of a draft birthday message to Christopher “Chris” Kelly from President Clinton. Kelly served as a senior policy advisor in the Domestic Policy Council and in the Department of Education during the Clinton Administration.
This collection consists of records concerning Robert Penn Kemble who served as Deputy Director and Acting Director of the United States Information Agency (USIA). The records include memos, background files, and correspondence. The correspondence is…
This collection contains memoranda, biographies, news articles, speech drafts, and printed electronic e-mails for remarks by the President at the Kennedy Center Honors Reception, December 3, 2000. The memoranda, biographies, and news articles contain…
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton’s trip to Indianapolis, Indiana on May 14, 1994 for the groundbreaking of the Kennedy Peace Memorial. The records consist of speeches, schedules, thank you letters, and newspaper…
This collection consists of messages between Iranian President Khatami and President Clinton in August 1999. These materials include an email regarding a news report about the exchanges of messages between the two leaders.
This collection consists of records related to the terrorist bombing of the Al-Khobar Towers housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on June 25, 1996. These records include correspondence, memoranda, emails, press materials, and reports regarding…
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Henry Kissinger. It also contains a copy of a speech, news clips, and memoranda. The correspondence contains appreciation and endorsement letters, and a get well letter from…
This collection consists of schedules, background materials, press releases and pool reports related to President Clinton’s daily activities of March 13-14, 1997. It was during this time that President Clinton injured his knee at the home of…
This collection contains material pertaining to President Clinton injuring his knee while staying at professional golfer Greg Norman’s home in Florida. President Clinton’s injury required surgery.
This collection consists of records relating to any National Security Council Deputies Committee or Principals Committee meetings on Kosovo held on June 12, June 13, or June 14, 1999. There was only one Deputies Committee meeting that discussed…
This collection consists of video recordings of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton touring a Kosovar refugee camp near Skopje, Macedonia. The tour was at Stenkovic 1 camp. The Clintons greeted and spoke to Kosovo refugees…
This collection consists of records on Sven Kraemer, a long-time advisor to several American Presidents. The materials include records of visitors to the White House and cables on restructuring governmental organizations.
This collection contains the files of David Kusnet, Presidential Speechwriter and includes some papers of Liz Bowyer, Staff Assistant. The collections consists of drafts of the 1993 inaugural address, speeches on health care, economics, and other…
This collection consists of records related to Executive Order 12871 on Labor-Management Partnerships. This Executive Order, which President Clinton signed on October 1, 1993, created the National Partnership Council. The Council was comprised of…
This collection contains records relating to correspondence between Hillary Clinton and Melvin Laird. The material relates to correspondence inviting Mrs. Clinton to attend and give the address at the 1995 Youth Leadership Day.
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Landmark for Peace Memorial in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 14, 1994. The Landmark for Peace Memorial is a memorial sculpture at Dr. Martin Luther…
This collection consists of records relating to Les Aspin and his work as Chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Records relating to Les Aspin and his service on the PFIAB consist of email, memorandum, and administrative…
This collection consists of email created and received by Monica Lewinsky from both her White House and Pentagon email accounts. Lewinsky's email is predominatnely administrative in nature. This collection also contains email between White House…
This collection consists of material concerning correspondence between historian Stephen Ambrose and President Clinton regarding the National Park Service's decision to reject George Washington University Professor James Starr's request to exhume the…
This collection consists primarily of email and records from the National Security Council concerning Evelyn Lieberman’s appointment as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy. Prior to her arrival at the Department of State, Evelyn Lieberman…
This collection consists of records concerning Evelyn Lieberman who served as a member of the United States Information Agency (USIA). Lieberman was the Director of Voice of America (VOA) from 1997 to 1998 and Director of the International…
This collection consists of correspondence and memoranda concerning the pardon of Cheryl Ada Elizabeth Little on October 20, 2000.
This collection consists of the files of Joe Lockhart, Press Secretary for President Clinton from 1998-2000. The records located here include memoranda, correspondence, talking points, lists, statements, and emails. Major topics of interest can be…
This collection consists of records regarding the Loewen Group, Inc.’s arbitration claims against the United States Government under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The collection includes correspondence, emails, memoranda, notes,…
This collection consists of materials relating to Lois Rice, a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). It includes memoranda, resumes, correspondence, email, and press releases. The majority of the records produced…
This collection consists of the records of David Lussier from his time in the Domestic Policy Council. Lussier was a White House Fellow in 2000 who worked with education issues relating to school violence, Hispanic education, after-school programs,…
This collection consists of records concerning Sandra L. Lynch’s nomination to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in January 1995. This collection contains forms, letters, and resumes concerning Lynch’s professional career.…
This collection contains correspondence from President Clinton to Shirley MacLaine, dated April 26, 1994 and April 20, 1995, wishing MacLaine a Happy Birthday. There is also a memo from the Office of Records Management, dated May 8, 1995, regarding…
This collection consists of 5 photographs of President Clinton meeting Shirley MacLaine and her guests at the National Medal of Arts and Humanities Dinner at the White House on December 20, 2000.
Electronic Commerce Series: From the records of the Domestic Policy Council, Ira Magaziner’s Electronic Commerce series covers policy considerations relating to Internet and electronic commerce issues. Ira Magaziner served as Senior Advisor to the…
This collection consists of records concerning John Major, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1990 to 1997. The records include telcons, memcons, cables, letters and memorandums. The topics covered include Radio/TV Marti, Haitian Radio Support…
This collection consists of cables, memoranda, forms, and email concerning Mark Francis Moynihan. Moynihan served on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from 1997-1999. A sizable portion of this FOIA is composed of the…
This collection consists of speech drafts, press releases, news transcripts, memos, email and cables pertaining to the NASA discovery of the Allan Hills (ALH) Meteorite 84001 meteorite, mentioned by President Clinton in a statement on August 7, 1996.…
This collection contains correspondence, drafts, and lists relating to the Mars Millennium Project and the remarks made by the First Lady at the Mars Millennium Kick-Off, January 14, 1999. Much of the correspondence is in the form of e-mails…
This collection consists of records on the release of Hamas leader Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook from U.S. custody and his deportation to Jordan in the spring of 1997. These materials include National Security Council (NSC) press guidance on the legal…
This collection consists of records relating to Maurice Sonnenberg and his service as member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Records include administrative paperwork relating to Sonnenberg's service. Sonnenberg was the…
This collection consists of the records of Cathy Mays from her time in the Domestic Policy Council. Mays was a Staff Assistant from 1993-1996 and an Executive Assistant from 1997-2000. Cathy Mays’ records include reports, briefing materials…
This collection contains correspondence between President Clinton and Sarah McClendon, a Senior White House reporter. The records include newsletters, notes, and memos between White House staff regarding drafts of letters from the President to Sarah…
This collection consists of Gaynor McCown’s Domestic Policy Council Subject series of records related to education accomplishments, student loans, state partnerships, safe and drug free schools, budget, youth initiatives, community outreach,…
This collection consists of Gaynor McCown’s Domestic Policy Council Printed Materials series of records related to education, children and family welfare, safe and drug free schools, and the budget. This collection consists of memoranda, pamphlets,…
This collection consists of records related to President Lennart Meri of Estonia 1992-2001. The records in this collection contain memorandum, National Security Council profile sheets, briefing papers, transmittal forms and correspondence. The…
This collection consists of records concerning Jamie Metzel. Metzel served as the Director of Multilateral and Humanitarian Affairs at the National Security Council (NSC) 1997 to 1998 and Senior Coordinator for International Public Information (IPI)…
This collection consists of records related to Cynthia A. Metzler and the Department of Labor. In the first Clinton Administration, Cynthia Metzler served as acting Deputy Secretary of Labor, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Administration &…
This collection consists of records related to Micronesia, the Republic of Palau, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. These records discuss economic development, immigration, natural disasters and the presidential declarations and assistance…
The Camp David Summit of the Middle East Peace Process was held July 11-25, 2000 at Naval Support Facility Thurmont, more commonly known as Camp David. This collection includes records from the NSC related directly to the Camp David Summit of the…
This collection consists of a video recording of President Clinton visiting Mike's City Diner in Boston, MA on January 18, 2000.
This collection is primarily related to the Military Construction Appropriations Act of 1997. This collection contains email records related to legislative updates of the Military Construction Act of 1998. The legislative updates keep track of the…
This collection contains transcripts, remarks, background information, talking points, and speech drafts relating to First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s remarks at the Fifth Millennium Evening, held at the White House on January 25, 1999. President…
This collection contains transcripts, packet samples, press releases, draft comments, and e-mails relating to remarks given at the Eighth Millennium Evening, titled “Informatics Meets Genomics,” on October 12, 1999. President and Mrs. Clinton…
This collection contains e-mails, draft remarks, press releases, articles, invitations, and background information pertaining to remarks by the President and the First Lady at the Millennium Matinee event held at the White House on June 12, 2000.…
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton and his interactions with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons, as well as visits by President Clinton to Salt Lake City, Utah. This collection consists of…
This collection consists of photographs of advisor Dick Morris from the years 1995 and 1996. The photographs come from meetings, briefings, and receiving lines involving advisor Dick Morris, President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Hillary Rodham…
This collection consists of records related to events on health care, education, women, and welfare that First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton attended from 1997-1999. The collection consists of correspondence, the First Lady's schedules, fact sheets,…
This collection consists of the files of Lissa Muscatine from First Lady Hillary Clinton’s Press Office. The records cover topics such as health care, women’s rights, the Millennium Council, Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign. The records…
This collection consists of a single thank you letter to Raymond Myles from President Clinton. The letter thanks Myles for performing at President Clinton’s 50th birthday party. Myles was a New Orleans-based gospel singer.
Janet Napolitano was appointed by President Clinton as the United States Attorney for the District of Arizona in 1993. Napolitano served as U.S. Attorney until 1998 when she resigned to run for Attorney General of the State of Arizona. This…
This collection consists of video recordings from the September 29, 1999 National Medal of Arts and Humanities Ceremony at Constitution Hall. President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton both delivered remarks. Recipients included: Irene Diamond, Aretha…
This collection consists of records related to the National Polar-Orbiting Environment Satellite System or NPOESS. NPOESS was a tri-agency program between the Department of Commerce (specifically the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,…
This collection consists of records on National Security Council (NSC) meetings regarding Al-Qaeda, Afghanistan, or the Taliban, from August 1998 to January 2001. These interagency meetings were in the form of either Principals Committee (PC),…
This collection consists of records regarding public access to National Security Council (NSC) documents. The case of Armstrong v. the Executive Office of the President raised the question of to what extent the records of the NSC are subject to FOIA…
This collection consists of material concerning the development of Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 49. The PDD, which President Clinton signed on September 14, 1996, outlined the Administration’s policy for space programs emphasizing…
This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 1 contains records from White House staff and office files and the National Security Council. The files contain handwritten notes, memos,…
This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 2 contains email from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS) Email. ARMS Email for this FOIA collection contain the phrases…
This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 3 contains records primarily from the IN (Indian Affairs) Subject File. This collection also includes White House Staff and Office Files.…
This collection consists of material pertaining to the speech given by President Clinton on May 8, 1999 in Del City, Oklahoma following a devastating tornado outbreak. In this speech, President Clinton offers support for the National Weather Service…
This collection consists of records related to the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant (NWIRP) and the National Defense Authorization Act of 1995. NWIRP- Calverton was operated by Northrop Grumman Corporation until February 1996. This collection…
This collection contains photographs that document the meeting and photo opportunities between the Grand Rabbi, the President, and the First Lady. There are also photos of the Grand Rabbi’s associates with President Clinton, and the Grand Rabbi…

This collection consists of records concerning Richard M. Nixon, the 37th President of the United States. During the first year of the Clinton Administration, President Nixon offered the new President foreign policy advice and observations from his…
This collection contains e-mails, draft remarks, background materials, and memoranda pertaining to the President’s remarks in support of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) at the Distinguished American Endorsement Event on November 2,…

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This collection consists of photographs on May 19, 1994 of a Commander in Chief’s meeting regarding North Korea. President Clinton met with Secretary of Defense William Perry and senior military commanders to discuss national security and military…
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Congress and memoranda to and from President Clinton on labor standards and minimum wage laws in the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). The files contain…
This collection consists of National Security Council memoranda, emails, and press regarding the Clinton Administration's review of the Comprehensive Test Ban and the resulting Presidential Review Directive (PRD) 19 and Presidential Decision…
This collection consists of records related to Hazel O’Leary, who served as Secretary of the Department of Energy from January 22, 1993 until January 20, 1997. O’Leary was the first female and the first African-American to hold that position. The…
This collections contains President Clinton’s Oath of Office which he took on January 21, 1993.
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and family members of the bomb victims, proclamations, a FEMA briefing book, memoranda, speeches, and schedules. Records of note include background material pertaining to militias…
This collection consists of video recordings of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting officials and being briefed by local law enforcement, emergency rescue personnel, and firemen at the State Fairgrounds Arena holding area in…
This collection consists of materials related to the Centennial Olympic Park bombing that occurred on July 27, 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia. It includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, speech drafts, and email related to reactions and the aftermath…
This collection consists of records regarding Operation Able Manner. Begun five days before the beginning of the Clinton Administration, the Coast Guard operation achieved the interdiction of over 25,000 Haitian migrants at sea, many of whom were…
This collection consists of records related to US Border Patrol's San Diego Sector border control plan at Imperial Beach Station called Operation Gatekeeper. The plan was introduced on October 1, 1994 with the purpose of stemming the flow of illegal…
This collection consists of records related to Operation Safe Haven which was a mission carried out by the United States Government. Operation Safe Haven created camps established in Panama to temporarily house the refugees fleeing from Cuba and…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and Charlie Robertson, Chairman of OPSAIL 2000, at OPSAIL 2000 on July 4, 2000 in New York Harbor. OPSAIL is a non-profit devoted to sail training and fostering goodwill between nations.…
This collection consists of the speechwriting records of Paul Orzulak, a speechwriter for President William J. Clinton and National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger in 1999 and 2000. This collection contains clippings, correspondence, email, faxes,…
This collection consists of records regarding the signing of the Declaration of Principles for Interim Self-Government Arrangements, often referred to as the Oslo Accords, by Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasir Arafat and Israeli…
This collection consists of records pertaining to Kaki Hockersmith and First Lady Hillary Clinton regarding the redecoration of the Oval Office. Kaki Hockersmith was appointed as a member of the Committee for the Preservation of the White House in…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Kaki Hockersmith regarding the redesign of the Oval Office in 1993. The photos include President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton joining interior…
This collection consists of records concerning requests for the prison release or deportation of Khalid Al-Jawary, also known as Khaled El-Jassem. Al-Jawary, a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), was arrested in Italy in 1991 and…
This collection contains records from the White House Counsel’s Office files of Trey Schroeder and Kathleen Wallman regarding the denial of pardon requests in 1996. One of the pardons denied include that of Bobby Joe Mills, Jr.
This collection consists of records concerning the pardon of Samuel Loring Morison. Morison was a civilian intelligence analyst at the Naval Intelligence Support Center (NISC). He was charged with espionage and theft of government property under the…
This collection consists of correspondence, memos, notes, and lists pertaining to pardons and commutations granted and denied by President Clinton for the two years of 1995 and 1996. One specific case concerns Peter MacDonald, Sr., who was denied a…
This collection consists of correspondence, draft correspondence, copies of Presidential Public Papers, scheduling request forms, and news articles regarding People to People International’s request for President Clinton to be Honorary Chairman.
This collection consists of photos of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton attending the Women's Gymnastics Artistic final on July 25, 1996 during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, GA. The photos show President…
This collection consists of memoranda, correspondence, notes, articles, and email regarding John C. Pouland. Pouland served as Regional Administrator of Region 7, General Services Administration from 1995 to 1996. He was reappointed in 1997 and…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton addressing the prayer breakfast on September 11, 1998, for various religious leaders on the State Floor in the East Room. Dr. Gerald Mann gave the blessing and Rev. Dr. James Forbes gave…
This collection consists of photographs and a video of the “Greasy Greens” from President Clinton’s surprise birthday party on the South Lawn of the White House on August 19, 1999.
This collection consists of correspondence from Congress on issues related to PFIAB investigations or operations. Under President Clinton the PFIAB carried out some very high level investigations of the intelligence community. These included:…
This collection consists of records related to Records on Presidential Decision Directive 68 (PDD68) concerning International Public Information (IPI). The collection consists primarily of the records of the National Security Council. The files…
This collections contains the entries from the Presidential Diary for one day, December 22, 2000 regarding the visit of Rabbi David Twersky. The diarist was Ellen McCathran. The records consist of schedules, press releases, the President’s weekly…
This collection consists of sample dates, from January 1993 to December 2000 from the Presidential Daily Diary. Presidential Diarist, Ellen McCathran, recorded the activities of President Clinton including meetings, phone calls, social events, trips,…
This collection consists of information concerning all gifts given to President Clinton between August 19-26, 1996. These dates coincided with a trip that the President took to Wyoming. During these eight days the Gift Office recorded 124 gifts for…
This collection consists of records relating to specific presidential schedules and presidential handwriting. The files contain presidential schedules, correspondence, memoranda, notes, news articles, and speech cards. The correspondence contains…
This collection consists of presidential schedules for October 3- 4, 1993 and November 15-17, 1995. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, newspaper articles, and four presidential schedules. The topics covered include the…
This collection consists of clippings, correspondence, emails, memorandum, published materials, and statements concerning Presidential signing statements. These Presidential signing statements were filed within the Counsel's Office and include…
This collection consists of records relating to all foreign and domestic trips made by President Clinton. The records contain a list of all foreign and domestic trips made by the President and a few schedules from January 2001.
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton's trip to dedicate his birthplace home in Hope, Arkansas as a National Historic Site. President Clinton also visited Texarkana and Little Rock, Arkansas on the same trip, from March…
This collection consists of documents relating to the history and ownership of the presidential yacht Sequoia, in particular the efforts of a private citizens’ group called the Presidential Yacht Trust to recover the Sequoia from the Norfolk…
This collection consists of records concerning the President’s Working Group of Financial Markets. This Working Group was revived in the Clinton Administration as a means to enhance coordination among technical experts in the U.S. Department of the…
This collection consists of original copies of White House Press Briefings, arranged chronologically. This series includes press briefings issued by the White House from January 1993 through January 2001.
This collection consists of White House Press Releases arranged alphabetically by subject. This series includes press releases issued by the White House from January 1993 through January 2001.
This collection consists of original copies of White House Press Releases, arranged chronologically. This series includes every press release issued by the White House from January 1993 through January 2001.
Jonathan Prince served in various capacities during the two terms of the Administration. He was one of President Clinton’s speechwriters, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, and directed the public relations effort related to the fallout from the…
This collection consists of schedules, press releases, manifests, pool reports, and background materials concerning President Clinton’s official and semi-official meetings with Her Royal Highness (HRH) Princess Margaret of England. On April 6, 1994…
This collection consists of photographs taken April 4, 1996 of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton meeting with Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret of England at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The Clintons and…
This collection consists of records related to Proposition 209, a California ballet proposition passed on November 5, 1996, which amended the California constitution to prohibit “preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of…
This collection consists of records related to public opinion polling and public opinion mail and email concerning issues of health care; the Brady Bill; gun control; welfare; the Welfare to Work social program; gay marriage; Bosnia; and Haiti. This…
This collection consists of records related to the 1995 Quebec Referendum on Sovereignty. The Referendum asked Québécois voters whether Quebec should secede from Canada and become an independent state. This collection consists of cables,…
This collection consists of materials related to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) and the move of Radio Free Europe from Munich to Prague in 1995. It includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches, email, and cables detailing the move…
This collection consists of records related to Radio Marti. Radio Marti, the U.S. government’s broadcasting service to Cuba, first aired on May 20, 1985 as a result of the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act of 1983. Television broadcasting to Cuba, TV…
This collection consists of Carol Rasco’s Correspondence series containing records related to topics such as health care, welfare reform, housing, employment, persons with disabilities, immigrant benefits, education, women and children, and senior…
This collection consists of Carol Rasco’s Issue Papers series in the Domestic Policy Council. The collection consists of records relating to affirmative action, health care and reform, Medicare/Medicaid, immigration, disability, children, families…
This collection consists of Carol Rasco’s Meetings, Trips, Events series, in the Domestic Policy Council. The records include memos, letters, reports, schedules, itineraries, meeting notes, flyers and pamphlets. The series highlights the topics of…
This collection consists of Carol Rasco’s Miscellaneous series in the Domestic Policy Council. The collection consists of records relating to health care, welfare reform, housing, employment, persons with disabilities, education, women and…
This collection consists of Carol Rasco’s Regrets/Invitations series containing records detailing the numerous requests for Rasco’s participation in and attendance at various events, parties, speaking engagements, and her regrets primarily due to…
This collection consists of Carol Rasco’s Subject series, in the Domestic Policy Council. Records in this series reflect the wide range of domestic policy issues handled by Rasco and her staff. Issues include: health care, education, violence and…
This collection consists of photographs of Hillary Clinton addressing the Redbook Magazine Awards luncheon on June 2, 1998, in the East Room of the White House. Kate White, Editor of Redbook, introduced each honoree at the luncheon. Hillary Clinton…
Crime Series: The collection includes material pertaining to the Omnibus Crime Act of 1994, costs and financing of the 1994 Act, Congressional conference drafts of the 1994 Act, and results of the 1994 Act; the 100,000 COPS program; various gun…
Education Series: The files include material pertaining to national standards and testing; the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the 1999 efforts to reauthorize the Act; 100,000 teachers and class size; charter schools and vouchers;…
Subject File Series: This collection consists of records from the files of Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy in the Domestic Policy Council. The Subject File Series covers the years 1993-2001, and includes records regarding…
Welfare Reform Series: President Clinton established an interagency group, the White House Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support, and Independence (1993-1994), in order to carry out his campaign promise “to end welfare as we know it.”…
This collection consists of memoranda, correspondence, newspaper articles, press releases, and reports focusing on the relationship between President Clinton’s Reinventing Government Initiative and the delivery of health services to veterans. The…
This collection consists of the Subject File series for Cynthia Rice in the Domestic Policy Council. Representative files include records pertaining to childcare enhancement, child support enforcement with an emphasis on computerized state collection…
This collection consists of the Subject File series for Cynthia Rice in the Domestic Policy Council. Representative files include records pertaining to childcare enhancement, child support enforcement with an emphasis on computerized state collection…
This collection consists of records regarding presidential pardons and executive clemency from September 2000 through January of 2001 and President Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich. The records included are correspondence, memoranda, petitions for…
Anna Richter served as a staffer in the Domestic Policy Council of the White House towards the end of the Clinton Administration, helping to coordinate domestic policy events for the President and Vice-President. Her records cover a variety of…
This collection consists of records related to the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994. The Act permitted an adequately capitalized and managed bank holding company to acquire existing out-of-State banks. These records…
This collection consists of records concerning the “Ring Around Serbia.” The “Ring Around Serbia” refers to a ring of FM transmitters that were placed in countries bordering Serbia in an effort to counter the state-controlled media of…
This collection contains memoranda, polling information, background material, and email pertaining to Senator Robb’s Virginia Victory Rally on October 3, 1994. The memoranda relate to the rally and the fundraising dinner on October 3, 1994. The…
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Laurance Rockefeller. Rockefeller was awarded the Theodore Roosevelt National Park Medal of Honor in 1995.
This collection consists of correspondence from President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton to members of the Laurance Rockefeller family. Included is a condolence letter regarding the death of Mary French Rockefeller.
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton presenting the Roosevelt Medal to Laurance Rockefeller at the National Park Service Awards Ceremony on May 23, 1995. President Clinton presented the Youth Award to James Hannah. Bruce…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s visit to Laurance Rockefeller’s JY Ranch in Jackson, Wyoming, on August 21, 1995. Hillary Clinton walks with the Rockefellers on the ranch grounds.
This collection consists of the speechwriting records of Thomas Rosshirt, Director of Speechwriting in the National Security Council. Rosshirt prepared speeches for President William J. Clinton and National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger between…
This collection consists of correspondence, reports, and email regarding a crash in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. The origin of the crashed object remains in dispute today. A July 1995 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, “Government…
This collection consists of Andrew Rotherham’s Education series in the Domestic Policy Council. It contains records related to class size reduction, test preparation, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, charter schools, the digital divide,…
This collection consists of Andrew Rotherham’s Events series in the Domestic Policy Council. It contains records related to education events and the corresponding background materials. The collection consists of reports, memoranda, email,…
This collection consists of Andrew Rotherham’s Subject series in the Domestic Policy Council. It contains records related to research materials for education issues relating to funding for IDEA [Individuals with Disabilities Education Act], failing…
This collection consists of photographs of Robert Rubin with President Clinton and with Economic Policy Team Advisors during the Clinton Administration
This collection consists of records relating to Timothy J. Russert. The collection contains correspondence from Tim Russert to members of the White House staff and from White House staffers to Tim Russert. In addition there are email regarding Tim…
Records in this collection include correspondence, reports, papers, memos, and press releases. The records of Susan Rice document the role she played in shaping the policy of the Clinton Administration relating to the carnage that erupted in Rwanda…
This collection consists of records related to Nancy Soderberg, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1993 to 1997, and Rwanda. The records include reports, papers, memos, correspondence, handwritten notes and maps. The…
This collection consists of files from Sandy Berger, President Clinton’s National Security Advisor, related to Rwanda from 1993 to 1994. The records include cables, email, and memoranda. The cables relate to Africa, Germany, Daily Press Briefings,…
This collection consists of records related to genocide in Rwanda in 1994. This collection describes attitudes on intervention in Rwanda in 1994, humanitarian relief efforts, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and President Clinton's…
This collection contains President Clinton’s response to Congressman Christopher H. Smith’s letter concerning the involvement of US forces in Rwanda and Zaire. The collection also contains memoranda from White House staff to President Clinton…
This collection consists of materials regarding American astronomer Carl Sagan. Credited with popularizing science and astronomy, Sagan promoted the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence and published a novel, "Contact." These files contain…
This collection contains correspondence between Samuel Berger, President Clinton’s National Security Advisor, and John Sawers, Prime Minister Blair’s Foreign Policy Advisor, from June 10-15, 1999. The majority of the records remain closed for…
This collection consists of materials related to Sanford "Sandy" Ungar, Director of Voice of America (VOA) from 1999-2001. It includes correspondence, email, and cables related to Ungar's work with VOA including conferences, personnel matters, and…
This collection consists of records relating to Stefanie Sanford and her work on a 1997 Cabinet Retreat, the President’s Summit for America’s Future, and Hot Issues Memos. These records are largely concerned with the creation of Hot Issues Memos…
This collection consists John Schnur’s Domestic Policy Council files. Schnur served as the Associate Director for Education Policy from 1998-1999. The collection contains records related to education conferences, awards, and events. This collection…
This collection consists of records relating to internal White House memoranda or correspondence with the Department of Education concerning the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994. The files contain memoranda, correspondence, press releases,…
This collection contains records concerning Brigadier General Terry Schwalier, U. S. Air Force (USAF), who served as the commanding officer of the Khobar Towers housing complex at the time of its bombing. The material consists almost entirely of…
This is a video recording of President Clinton and Vice President Gore presenting Presidential Science and Technology medals on September 30, 1993 to award winners on the South grounds of the White House. President Clinton and Vice President Gore…
This collection consists of an email from Patricia F. Lewis to Mary Ellen Glynn and Virginia M. Terzano regarding the Sci-Fi Channel at Camp David.
This collection consists of email between staff regarding Daniel Seals’ application for an internship. Seals was granted a Presidential Management Internship in 1997, during which he served as an aide to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce and as…
This collection consists of charts, seating plans, memoranda, correspondence, reports, schematic diagrams, and press releases. Perhaps the most meaningful records are several seating plans for a Medicare event that occurred in March 1993.
This series contains records including memoranda, articles, outlines, publications, speeches, and handwritten notes relating to background research and drafts for the White House History Project, which was later named the Clinton Administration…
This collection consists of Ruby Shamir’s First Lady’s Office Subject File series. Shamir served as Policy Advisor and Assistant to the Chief of Staff in the First Lady’s Office. Previously, she served as Assistant Director for Domestic Policy…
This collection contains the files of Jeff Shesol, Presidential Speechwriter. During his time at the White House, he worked on a wide range of topics. His speeches cover International issues such as: global trade, the World Trade Organization, and…
David Shipley served as Senior Presidential Speechwriter from 1995-1997, Shipley prepared speeches for both President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton on domestic policy issues. This collection consists of clippings, emails, faxes,…

This collection consists of photographs of an event on October 7, 1993, with Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Carly Simon in the receiving line at the Presidential Arts Medal ceremony and dinner at the White House. There are also photos from March 19,…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton meeting with his National Security and Foreign Policy advisors in the Situation Room on August 12, 1998. The President is briefed by his National Security team. There are also photographs…
This collection contains material regarding President Clinton’s granting clemency for Kemba Smith in December 2000. Smith’s case exemplified the enforcement of mandatory sentencing laws for minor drug convictions. This collection primarily…
This collection contains memorandums, letters, and press releases concerning the nomination and confirmation of Ortrie D. Smith for the U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Missouri. Ortrie D. Smith was nominated by President Clinton on…
During the UN peacekeeping operations in Somalia it was essential that the United States share intelligence information in order to protect the safety and operational security of UN forces. Almost all the records related to this collection deal with…
This collection contains materials relating to the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. President Clinton nominated Judge Sotomayor to the position in 1997, and she was confirmed by the Senate in…
This collection consists of records related to Andy Spahn, former Head of Corporate Affairs and Communications for DreamWorks. This collection contains correspondence, photos, faxes, memos, and email concerning Spahn.
This collection consists of photographs on June 9, 2000 and includes nine photographs of President Clinton meeting with Gene Sperling, Jeff Shesol, Karen Tramontano, and others in the Oval Office regarding preparation for an upcoming speech at…
This collection consists of speech drafts, press releases, memos, correspondence, email, and cables related records pertaining to the speech given by President Clinton at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Belfast, Northern Ireland on November…
This collection consists of records relating to communications between President Clinton and his spirtiual advisors. The records consist of correspondence, news articles, notes, cards, and memorandum.
This collection consists of records relating to the St. Patrick’s Day receptions hosted by President Clinton for the years 1998, 1999, and 2000. The records contain the names of people who were invited and/or attended the St. Patrick’s Day White…
This collection consists of materials relating to Stanley Shuman, a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). It includes memoranda, resumes, correspondence, email, forms, and press releases. A considerable amount of…
This collection consists of video recording of the State Dinner held for President Nelson Mandela of South Africa on October 4, 1994.
This collection consists of the guest list for the State Dinner for Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The State Dinner was held on September 17, 2000.
This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, forms, resumes, news articles, and email concerning the successful nomination of Richard Stearns to the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. President Clinton nominated…
This collection consists of materials related to the country of Sudan in the first half of 1996. The United States had designated Sudan a state sponsor of terrorism. The closing of the Embassy in Khartoum, United Nations Security Council Resolutions…
This collection consists of photographs of Larry Summers with President Clinton and with economic policy team advisors. The photographs date from 1996-1997, 1999 and 2001. Some of the advisors in the meetings include: Laura Tyson, Janet Yellen, Katie…
This collection consists of records related to the Supreme Court's decision in Barnett Bank vs. Bill Nelson, Florida Insurance Commissioner, et al. This responsive records in this collection consist of new articles.
Records in this collection include correspondence, reports, papers, memos, emails, and agendas. All records are from the NSC Records Management System numbered documents series and are associated with Susan Rice and Rwanda from 1995 thru 1998. A…
This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, and logs highlighting the successful effort of Fife Symington to obtain a pardon from President Clinton before he left office. A Republican, the former Governor of Arizona was a staunch…
This collection contains records pertaining to the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) database. The SAVE database system was created with passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 in order to verify alien…
This collection consists of speechwriting files of Jordan Tamagni. Tamagni worked as a speechwriter from 1995-1999. The records consist of speech drafts, magazine and newspaper articles, books, handwritten notes, correspondence, and schedules. Speech…
This collection consists of Neera Tanden’s subject files from the Office of Policy Development. The subject matter of the collection is devoted to the issues concerning the First Lady including tobacco control and cessation, education, women in…
This collection consists of Neera Tanden’s subject files from the Domestic Policy Council. Tanden served as Associate Director for Domestic Policy in the Clinton White House, and Senior Policy Advisor to the First Lady’s staff from December 1997…
This collection consists of Neera Tanden’s subject files from the Office of the First Lady. Subjects covered in this collection include child care, education and literacy, health reform, Title IX, national service, and youth issues such as after…
One of several positions held by Marjorie Tarmey within the Clinton White House was that of Executive Assistant to Ira Magaziner within the Office of Policy Development, part of the First Lady’s Office, during the early years of the Administration.…
This collection consists of logs or entries of telephone calls made and received by President Clinton from January 20, 1993 to January 5, 2001.
This collection consists of records dealing with terrorist attacks during the Clinton Administration and the counterterrorism policies put in place in response to those attacks. These records include press briefings following the attack on the USS…
This collection consists of correspondence, email, memoranda, talking points, and background points of Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and her correspondence with President Clinton. Margaret Thatcher had been out of…
This collection centers on the role of the Clinton Administration in the negotiations leading up to the Good Friday Agreement. The Good Friday Agreement (less commonly known as the Belfast Agreement) was made up of two inter-related documents, both…
This collection consists of White House Diary System and Worker and Visitor Entry System (WAVES) logs marking visits to the White House by Robert Torricelli, U.S. Representative for the state of New Jersey (1983-1996) and U.S. Senator (1997-2003).…
This collection consists of records from the Executive Office of the President, including the President’s schedule for the event and his remarks, the timeline for the ceremony and the invitation list to the Ceremony in Recognition of the Survivors…
This collection consists of letters, correspondence tracking forms, memos, reports, email and cables relating to UFO’s or extraterrestrial beings. A majority of the collection are documents which were sent to the White House by Steven M. Greer, the…
This collection consists of correspondence regarding unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrials. Edgar Mitchell is a signatory on some of the correspondence to President Clinton from the Project Starlight Coalition.
This collection consists of email to and from John Podesta regarding the television show, “The X-Files,” and Area 51.
This collection contains records on UFO’s and flying saucers from the files of Secretary of Defense William Cohen. The NSC Cables contain two documents sent by Secretary of Defense William Cohen. Both involve Department of Defense press briefings…
This collection consists of correspondence from “The Project Starlight Coalition” to President Clinton and a response from James A. Dorskind, Special Assistant to the President/Director of Correspondence and Presidential Messages, regarding…
This collection contains records on UFO’s from the files of National Security Advisor Anthony Lake. The NSC Email System contains two documents, both forwards of news articles in which UFO’s are mentioned, sent to the National Security Advisor as…
This collection consists of UFO related records from the files of Joe Lockhart, White House Press Secretary. This collection contains printed email containing transcripts from various news shows. Also included are Remarks by the President to the…
This collection consists of email that pertain to Mike McCurry and mentions of UFO’s. It contains a memo emailed from Mark Neschis to Mike McCurry, Ann Lewis and Rahm Emanuel dated July 2, 1998, regarding the weekend television schedule for July…
This collection consists of records related to the film Contact. The film, released on July 1, 1997, is a science fiction film about the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Program. The screenplay was co-written by Carl Sagan and Ann…
This collection consists of email in reference to Joe Firmage. Joseph Firmage is an internet entrepreneur, and well known for his belief in extraterrestrial intelligence.
This collection consists of material regarding the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, adopted by the General Assembly on May 21, 1997. It is the only treaty governing shared fresh…
This collection consists of records related to the appointments of the following federal judges in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Marjorie Rendell, Bruce Kauffman, Petrese Tucker, Mary McLaughlin, Berke Schiller, and Richard Surrick. The…
This collection consists of records regarding the reorganization of the United States Information Agency (USIA), which culminated in 1999 with its demise as an independent agency. The functions of the USIA were subsumed by the BBG (Broadcasting Board…
This collection consists of two video recordings containing a photo-op of President Clinton and the U.S. Wrestling team in the Oval office. The President greeted the wrestlers and team officials. The team presented several gifts to the President,…
This collection consists of material regarding correspondence and meetings between President Clinton and Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura. The collection includes records concerning visits of Gov. Ventura to the White House, an event held with Gov.…
This collection consists of records relating to Frank Vera. The records consist of correspondence to, from, or about Frank Vera regarding Vera’s request for help from President Clinton and the Department of Veterans Affairs regarding the possible…
This collection consists of documents concerning the Voice of America (VOA). VOA broadcasts reach 100 million regular listeners in English and 52 other languages. This collection contains materials from several agencies and individuals, including the…
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Michael Waldman. Waldman served in the Clinton Administration from 1993-1999. He was responsible for writing and editing nearly 2,000 speeches, which included four State of the Union speeches and…
This collection is a continuation of Segment 1 for the speechwriting files of Michael Waldman.
This collection consists of records relating to Jennifer Ward, the Senior Director of African Affairs and Rwanda from 1993-1994. Records concern the U.S. reaction to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.
This collection consists of records from the files of Stephen Warnath, Senior Policy Analyst in the Domestic Policy Council. The Civil Rights Series includes material pertaining to the Civil Rights Working Group and topics such as affirmative action,…
This collection contains records relating to Senator Warren B. Rudman and his service as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Rudman was appointed by President William Jefferson Clinton to the President’s Foreign…
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Lowell Weiss. Lowell Weiss worked as a Special Assistant to the President, Presidential Speechwriter from June 1997 - August 2000. Weiss traveled and wrote speeches for President Clinton on…
This collection contains invitations and brochures inviting the President and the First Lady to attend the convention, “When Cosmic Cultures Meet,” hosted by Human Potential Foundation on May 27-29, 1995.
This collection consists of records relating to the White House Fellowship Program. The White House Fellowship Program gives presidentially-appointed individuals the opportunity to serve for one year as full-time employees of the Federal Government;…
This collection consists of records related to White House Fellows directors Brooke Shearer and Jacqueline Jordan Blumenthal. This collections contains resumes, memoranda, handwritten notes, briefing papers, and correspondence.
This collection consists of records relating to remarks made by President Clinton to White House Fellows, White House Fellow Alumni, or Commissioners of the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships. The records of this collection are…
This collection consists of records relating to Nancy Bekavac and Marjorie Craig Benton both of whom served as Chair of the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships. The records contain correspondence between the President and Nancy…
This collection consists of emails relating to White House Fellows and the White House Fellow Program from September 1, 2000 to January 19, 2001. The body of documents also includes a catalogue of the 2000-2001 White House Fellows, which contains…
This collection consists of speech note cards for a September 29, 1993 speech by President Clinton regarding renovations at the White House.
This collection contains correspondence, personnel forms, publications, memos, articles, and press materials concerning procedures and policies during the transition of the Bush Presidency at the end of the Clinton Administration. The collection…
This collection consists of records regarding the termination and dismissal on May 19, 1993 of seven White House Travel Office employees: Billy Ray Dale, Gary Wright, John Dreylinger, Ralph Maughan, John McSweeney, Barnaby Brasseaux, and Robert Van…
This collection consists of records pertaining to the investigation of Whitewater Development Corporation and Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan. The records focus on Whitewater, Madison Guaranty, Vincent Foster, and the White House Travel Office…
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Edward (“Ted”) Widmer. Widmer served as Speechwriter (mainly on foreign policy) to President Clinton from 1997-2000. He composed remarks for subjects dealing with such countries as China,…
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Carter Wilkie. Wilkie served as a White House speechwriter for the first two years of the first Clinton Administration. The records in this collection primarily date from 1993 and 1994 and…
This collection consists of correspondence, press releases and reports, speeches, trip planning information, daily schedules, and public remarks concerning the Winfield House, the U.S. Ambassador’s residence in London. During his presidency,…
This collection consists of photographs relating to President Clinton and Winfield House in London, England Winfield House is the residence of the U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom.
This collection consists of records related to Oprah Winfrey. It includes birthday cards to Ms. Winfrey from President Clinton; requests for the Clintons and White House staff to appear on the “Oprah Winfrey Show;” congratulations sent to Ms.…
This collection consists of letters from President Clinton to three separate men named Michael Wolf. One is congratulatory letter to Detective Michael Wolf in Los Angeles, California. Another is a thank you note to Michael Wolf in Eisenach, Germany.…
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and James Woolsey. James Woolsey was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under President Clinton from 1993 until 1995. The photographs are from March 16, 1994, and include…
This collection consists of a video recording of President Clinton concerning the 1998 World Cup. The video recording contains footage of President Clinton recording taped remarks on June 18, 1998 concerning the U.S. versus Iran World Cup soccer…
This collection consists of records concerning WORLDNET, a television service which is one of the elements making up the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB). WORLDNET offers a variety of programming dealing with American life and United States…
This collection includes scheduling documents, press guidance, and other records regarding telephone calls that took place between President Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin on June 13 and 14, 1999. Many of the documents regarding the…
This collection consists of email and records relating to the appointment of James Lynwood Younger Jr. for the position of United States Marshall for the Eastern District of Virginia. Lynwood was appointed to the position in October 2000.
This collection consists of records relating to remarks by the President at the 200th Birthday Celebration of Youngstown, Ohio on July 4, 1996. The records include correspondence, memoranda, publications, schedules, and speeches.
This collection consists of National Security Council records concerning the nation of Zimbabwe from 1995 to 1997. Throughout the Clinton Administration, Zimbabwe enjoyed a working relationship with the United States which included many high level…

This series contains records relating to teacher recruitment, class sizes, progress made in education during the Clinton Administration, Hispanics in U.S. schools, internet filtering, and education appropriations. The records include memoranda,…
This collection consists of materials related to The President's Interagency Council on Women that was created in August 1995 following the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. The Council's agenda was to move the United…
This is a video recording of President Clinton addressing members of Congress, cabinet secretaries, senior staff, school officials, budget office officials, school children, and other guests in the Presidential Hall, of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Old…
This collection consists of printed electronic daily diary records and photo archive entries that document phone calls and meetings between President Clinton and Stanley Greenberg between January 20, 1993 and January 31, 1995.

This collection consists of records related to Asa Hutchinson, Congressman from Arkansas’s Third Congressional District. Records in this collection include: email, television and print news transcripts, house proceedings transcripts, impeachment…
This collection consists of records relating to Ann Z. Caracristi's service on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). Caracristi was a well respected and long-time employee of the National Security Agency. She is credited with…
The Line Item Veto Act of 1996 passed into law April 9, 1996 became effective January 1, 1997. Clinton used his line item veto power eighty-two times in eleven appropriations bills. Disapproval by Congress and one impermissible cancellation…
Bruce Reed's Tobacco Series covers all facets of his involvement with bringing tobacco companies to a settlement with state and federal governments. The records include agendas, articles, briefing books, letters, legislation, memos, schedules, speech…
This collection consists of the subject files of Heather Howard from her time in the Domestic Policy Council. Howard was Associate Director for Domestic Policy from 2000 to the end of the Administration who specialized in children and family issues…
This collection consists of the subject files of Dorothy Karayannis Craft from her time in the Domestic Policy Council. Craft was Executive Assistant to the Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy from 1995 to 1997. This series of…
This collection consists of records related to health care appropriations and legislation from October 1999 to December 2000. This collection consists of reports, memoranda, draft legislation, resumes, the First Lady’s schedules, articles, and…

In 1991, a Haitian military regime overthrew the elected President, Jean-Bertrand Arisitide. The US military intended to forcibly remove this regime in 1994 via Operation Uphold Democracy. As US armed forces prepared to engage in this Operation in…

This collection consists of records related to Randy W. Deitering's work on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). The collections consists of administrative materials including emails, forms, memorandum, and time sheets.

This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, and faxes dealing with the relationship between media mogul Rupert Murdoch and President Clinton. Topics covered include Murdoch’s favorable comments about Clinton’s 1996 State of the Union…

This collection consists of oral interview transcripts of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) employees recorded for the Clinton Administration History Project in 2000. Employees were asked to describe how they thought the public perceived the…

This collection consists of records related to Saudi Arabia in 1993, the bombing of the Office of the Program Manager – Saudi Arabian National Guard in Riyadh in 1995, and the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers complex in Dhahran. This collection…

Christopher Hitchens (1949 – 2011) was an English American author and journalist for The New Statesman, The Nation, Vanity Fair, and Slate. This collection consists of records that relate to Christopher Hitchens. Specifically, email may be best…

This collection consists of records of appointments for entry into the White House, and logs of entry and exit into and out of White House access points for Vincent Foster from January 19, 1993 through June 5, 1993.

This collection consists of profile sheets, correspondence, and press regarding the National Counterintelligence Policy Board's report on unauthorized media leak disclosures from March 1996. The correspondence is between President Clinton and various…

This collection consists of a detailed report of phone calls to or from President Clinton for each day between January 20, 1996 and February 10, 1996. The logs detail the date, time, location, and participants of the phone calls. In this specific…
Nicole Rabner served in the Clinton Administration in both the First Lady’s Office and as FLOTUS’ representative in the Domestic Policy Council, 1995-2000. Subjects covered in the collection include adoption, bankruptcy, brain research, breast…
This collection consists of the records of Shirley Sagawa from her time in the First Lady’s Office. Sagawa was Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady from October 1998 to January 2001. This series highlights…
Anne Bartley worked as a staff member in the First Lady’s Office from 1993 to 1995. This collection highlights topics relating to gender equality, White House personnel matters, health care, nonprofit agencies, the arts and humanities, Romania, and…
Mary Ellen McGuire held the position of Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady and Assistant Director of Research from 1998 to 2000. She was one of the First Lady’s primary researchers working on speeches, issues analyses, event…
Bethany Little served as an education adviser within the Domestic Policy Council for both President Clinton and Vice-President Gore. This collection highlights topics relating to education and Clinton Administration educational initiatives, literacy,…
This collection consists of the records of Anne O’Leary from her time in the Domestic Policy Counci from September 1999 to January 2001. This series highlights topics relating to domestic policy issues including: children and media/television…
Kathryn Way worked as a staff member in the Domestic Policy Council from 1993 to 1994. This collection includes topics relating to welfare reform, U.S. territorial holdings or insular territories, Social Security legislation, legal issues surrounding…
This collection consists of Michael Schmidt's records from his work in the Domestic Policy Council from 1993 through 1995. Specific topics include: adult education and job training, transportation issues, zero tolerance for underage drinking,…
This collection consists of Brian Burke's records from his work in the Domestic Policy Council. Specific topics include: Midwest flood plain management; environmental regulations; the U.S. Forest Service; the National Science and Technology Council;…

2013-1078-S, O'Mary, Michael.pdf
Michael O'Mary served as a speechwriter in the First Lady's Office from 1999-2000. This collection consists of topics relating to various events attended by the First Lady, and her speeches and video greetings. Subjects include child care, teen…
This collection consists of Sandra Tijerina's records from the First Lady’s Press Office. The collection contains news clippings about the First Lady’s May 1997 trip to Mexico City and newspapers and magazines articles with the search term…

This collection consists of records related to the death of Amy Biehl, a 26 year old native of California who was killed on August 25, 1993 in the Guguletu Township outside of Cape Town, South Africa. Included are letters, public statements, and…
This collection consists of records related to an Export-Import Bank guarantee on a project for Russian-owned Tyumen Oil. This collection consists of memoranda, briefing materials, emails, and cables. Most of these regard a commercial dispute with…
The White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy (WHCCAMP) was established by EO 13147 on March 7, 2000 for a two-year period in response to a growing public use of and interest in alternatives to standard medical care.…
This collection consists of the records of Devorah Adler from her time in the Domestic Policy Council. Adler was Assistant Director for Health Policy from 1998 to the end of the Clinton Administration. This series highlights health care topics…
Deanne Benos worked as an Associate Director in the Domestic Policy Council from September 1999 to 2001. Her area of expertise was in law enforcement, gun control, crime prevention and related topics. She worked closely with Department of Justice…
Karen Guss was a White House Fellow in the Domestic Policy Council, First Lady's Office, from 1994-1995. This series consists of records related to health care issues, education, affirmative action, AIDS, children and families, industrial safety,…
Noa Meyer served as an assistant to the First Lady’s Deputy Chief of Staff Bobbie Greene and then as a researcher for the First Lady’s speechwriting staff, 1997-1999. Subjects covered include adoption, child care, civil rights, domestic violence,…

President Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) into law on September 21, 1996. The Act declared that no state shall be required to recognize a same-gender marriage performed in another state. DOMA also defined marriage as only between a…
This collection contains records regarding the appointment of Erin Kathleen Bilbray to positions in the Department of Commerce. Topics covered are Bilbray’s work record, experience, and accomplishments and consist of forms, letters, memos, and…
This collection consists of records related to the March 23, 1996 Presidential election held in the Republic of China. It includes records from March 1, 1996 to April 1, 1996. Open records include press guidance and National Security Council…
This collection consists of records related to Ambassador Robert S. Dillon’s “Report to Congress on the Investigation of the Whereabouts of the U.S. Citizens Who Have Been Missing from Cyprus Since 1974.” The report was in response to Public…
Ira Magaziner served as Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development in the Domestic Policy Council from 1993 to 1998. This collection contains materials relating to domestic and foreign policy topics, including trade and health care…
This collection consists of memoranda, memcons, telcons, correspondence, talking points, cables, and emails that highlight the key position King Hussein of Jordan occupied in the Middle East Peace Process during the presidency of Bill Clinton. The…
This collection consists of records relating to MacArthur DeShazer, who served as Director of African Affairs at the National Security Council during the Clinton Administration, and United States policy towards Rwanda from 1993-1994. Memoranda,…
This collection consists of records dealing with Richard Clarke, who served on the National Security Council during the Clinton Administration, and United States policy towards Rwanda from 1993-1994. Memoranda, papers, talking, points, agendas,…
This collection consists of records dated March 3, 1997 to January 20, 2001 between Richard Clarke, Samuel Berger, and the President referring to Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda, Pakistan, Afghanistan, or the Taliban. The collection contains unclassified…
This collection consists of records created for incoming National Security Council (NSC) Advisor, Condalezza Rice. The records include email regarding briefings and the transition process, memorandum regarding NSC offices, and NSC Press Guidance.
This collection contains records related to correspondence between President Clinton and President Mohammad Khatami of Iran. Khatami was elected in 1997 and remained President of Iran through 2005. Records include National Security Council profiles…
This collection consists of records related to meetings with Serbian American businessman Obrad Kesic and Reverend Jesse Jackson in April and May 1999 regarding the NATO bombing campaign in Kosovo. This collection consists of emails, cables,…
This collection consists of records related to Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Muhammad al-Sadr, a prominent Shi’ite cleric in southern Iraq who became a leader in the opposition to Sadaam Hussein and the Baath Party. This collection contains press…