Edward (“Ted”) Widmer - NSC Speechwriter - Collection Finding Aid
Dublin Core
Edward (“Ted”) Widmer - NSC Speechwriter - Collection Finding Aid
This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Edward (“Ted”) Widmer. Widmer served as Speechwriter (mainly on foreign policy) to President Clinton from 1997-2000. He composed remarks for subjects dealing with such countries as China, Russia, Senegal, Argentina, Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Turkey, Mexico, and Great Britain. The records in this collection include speech drafts, memoranda, reports, papers, handwritten notes, background materials, and schedules. Widmer’s scrawl can be found on napkins, note cards, and the back of other documents; extensive revisions by President Clinton are sprinkled throughout the material.
William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum
“Edward (“Ted”) Widmer - NSC Speechwriter - Collection Finding Aid,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 6, 2025, https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/items/show/36419.