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- First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (62)
- President Clinton (60)
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- Health Care Task Force Records (4160)
- Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets (1994)
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- Elena Kagan (1777)
- Finding Aids - Collection Descriptions & Inventories (1700)
- Health Care Reform (1167)
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- Carol Rasco - Meetings, Trips, and Events Series (772)
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- Bruce Reed - Welfare Reform Series (478)
- Lowell Weiss (464)
- Speechwriting Office - Robert Boorstin (449)
- Ira Magaziner - Health Care Reform (429)
- Previously Restricted Documents (388)
- Neera Tanden - Subject Series (379)
- Chris Jennings - Subject Series (346)
- Jeff Shesol (337)
- Carolyn Curiel (300)
- Lissa Muscatine - Press Office (295)
- First Lady's Work on Children’s Issues and Women’s Rights (290)
- David Kusnet (269)
- Bosnian Declassified Records (267)
- Speechwriting Office - Antony Blinken (267)
- Bruce Reed - Subject File Series (266)
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24509 results
- Eric Morse - Subject Files - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to events on health care, education, women, and welfare that First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton attended from 1997-1999. The collection consists of correspondence, the First Lady's schedules, fact sheets
- Randall Kennedy - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to Randall Kennedy. Specific topics covered in this collection include various events Kennedy was invited to speak at or be a panelist, correspondence between President Clinton and Kennedy regarding input
- The First Lady’s Incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1999-2001 – Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records from the WHORM Subject File collection, specifically the PP005-01 subject code associated with the First Lady. It contains correspondence, news media, emails, letters, and memos regarding thank-you notes
- Lissa Muscatine, Speechwriting – Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records that highlight the First Lady’s speeches given at domestic events and on foreign trips from 1993 to 1997. It contains “Talking it Over” drafts written by the First Lady and edited by Muscatine and other members
- Kristine Gebbie from the National AIDS Policy Office, 1993-1994 - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of the records of Kristine Gebbie from the National AIDS Policy Office for the years 1993-1994. It contains various correspondence including postcards, newspaper articles, pamphlets, newsletters, handwritten notes, drafts
- Records of White House Staff Secretary, Chron Files - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records from the files of the White House Office of Staff Secretary, Chron Files. This collection consists of letters, memos, reports, speeches, press releases, briefing and trip books, publications, schedules
- Latin America and IMF - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of emails mentioning the International Monetary Fund (IMF) near Latin America. This collection contains publications such as USIA Early Report, Oxford Analytica, Reuters, and Latin America Advisor. The most responsive
- Fast Track Authority - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to fast track authority. The bulk of the responsive records include National Economic Council (NEC) talking points regarding fast track authority, miscellaneous news articles, United States Information
- Carlos Menem - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of emails mentioning Carlos Menem. This collection contains United States Information Agency foreign news media summaries, Argentinian news media summaries, miscellaneous news clippings, and electronic newsletters
- Steve Jobs - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to correspondence between President Clinton and Mr. Steve Jobs, CEO and founder of Apple, Inc. The collection includes of various communications including unsolicited recommendations from Mr. Jobs
- Rose Gottemoeller - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to the Rose Gottemoeller, National Security Council Director for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasian Affairs from 1993 to 1994. The collection contains materials from the multiple inter-agency working groups
- White House Internship Program - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of material dealing with the White House Internship Program for the years 1996-1997. The collection contains applications, transcripts, correspondence, resumes, lists, charts, memoranda, newspaper articles, and notes
- Hanford Reach National Monument - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of material dealing with the creation of the Hanford Reach National Monument in the state of Washington on June 8, 2000. This area is a 51-mile long stretch of the Columbia River home to more than forty species of fish
- Katie McGinty - Collection Finding Aid
- The collection consists of records related to Katie McGinty and the Council on Environmental Quality. These records date from 1993 to 1994, when McGinty served as Deputy Assistant to the President for Environmental Policy and Director of the Office
- Eritrea - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records related to the 1993 Independence Referendum for the State of Eritrea. The collection consists of National Security Council Staff and Office files, State Department Cables and White House Emails. The records include
- Dan Collins - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains the records of Daniel “Dan” Collins who served as Associate Director of Research in the Office of Communications from 1995-1996. The collection consists of prepared analyses and background research for Presidential speeches
- Venezuela - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of unclassified material pertaining to Venezuelan diplomatic relations. Most of the records here deal with trips President Clinton, the First Lady, and Thomas (Mack) McLarty made to Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile
- Deep Water Royalty Relief Act - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of material relating to the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Deep Water Royalty Relief Act (DWRRA) from January 20, 1993 through Jul 15, 1996. The legislation was passed in November 1995, with its guiding principles remaining
- Vernonia School District v. Acton - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to the court case, Vernonia School District vs. Acton. This case adressed the constitutionality of the Oregon school board’s policy to randomly drug test student athletes. This collection contains
- Vice President Al Gore - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records from the electronic daily diary between November 6, 2000 - December 14, 2000 featuring Vice President Al Gore. This collection contains diary entries that note the date, time, and place where phone calls
- Fast Track Authority NSC RMS Files - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records from the National Security Council’s Records Management System (RMS). Specifically all records related to the Fast Track trade authority granted to the President under the Trade Act of 1974. This collection
- Pell Grants – Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to federal Pell grants used to provide educational financial aid for incarcerated prisoners. During the Clinton Administration, the award amount of Pell Grants increased, but the 1994 Violent Crimes
- National Security Council records regarding Fast Track Authority - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records from the National Security Council and other textual records concerning the Fast Track trade authority granted to the President under the Trade Act of 1974. It contains memoranda, correspondence, briefing papers
- David Rockefeller - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of textual material regarding David Rockefeller. During the Clinton Administration both David Rockefeller, Sr. (1915-2017) and David Rockefeller, Jr. (b. 1941) corresponded with the President and members of his staff
- Uruguay Round Negotiations of GATT, 1993 – Collection Finding Aid.
- This collection consists of records related to Japan-U.S. trade negotiations concerning rice and the negotiations between the U.S., Japan, Canada, and the EU over the General Agreements on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) Agreements on Trade in Goods
- Julie Fernandes - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains the records of Julie Fernandes. Ms. Fernandes worked in the White House Domestic Policy Council’s Office as Special Assistant to President Clinton. Her work involved policy development regarding civil rights, race relations
- Cecilia Rouse - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of material pertaining to Cecilia Rouse. She served on the National Economic Council (NEC) under President Clinton from 1998-1999. Her particular area of expertise was obtaining H-1B visas (temporary work permits
- John Parsons "Jack" Wheeler - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of material pertaining to John Parsons “Jack” Wheeler. Serving as chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund from 1979-1989, Wheeler was instrumental in the 1982 opening of the Vietnam Wall in Washington, D.C. During
- Margaret Jane "Dee Dee" Myers - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of material regarding Margaret Jane “Dee Dee” Myers (born Margaret Jane Myers. Myers served as White House Press Secretary from January 1993 to December 1994. She was the first woman and the second youngest person to hold
- ISTEA and NEXTEA - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to the re-authorization of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency ACT (ISTEA) and the Clinton Administration’s proposed bill to address reauthorization, the National Economic Crossroads
- Corrspondence with Douglas Coe - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton or Hillary Clinton and Douglas Coe and the associated records regarding the correspondence. Douglas (Doug) Coe was a very prominent evangelical leader and was associate director
Arthur Fletcher, Mary Frances Berry, Bobby Doctor, and Stuart Ishimaru - Collection Finding Aid
- Arthur Fletcher, Mary Frances Berry, Bobby Doctor, and Stuart Ishimaru - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records concerning Arthur Fletcher, Mary Frances Berry, Bobby Doctor, and Stuart Ishimaru during the years of the Clinton administration. The four individuals served on the United States Civil Rights Commission (USCCR
- Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records concerning the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program between 1993 and 1996. The program originated with the 1991 Soviet Threat Reduction Act, co-sponsored by Senators Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar
- Enniskillen and County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records mentioning the city of Enniskillen or the surrounding County Fermanagh, in southwestern Northern Ireland. Due to this location, the area was regularly involved in the 40 year sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland
- Saint Malo Summit - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to the Franco-British Summit held in St. Malo, France on 3 and 4 December 1998. The collection contains press releases, communiques, media reaction reports, cables between US State Department officials
- Jennifer Klein - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of files maintained by Jennifer Klein, a domestic policy advisor for First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Office of Policy Development from 1993 to 1999. The collection contains memorandums, correspondence, reports
- Spratly Islands - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to an international dispute over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. It contains National Security Council cables and emails concerning White House press briefings, trade issues with China
- Estonia Ferry Disaster - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to the September 28th, 1994 sinking of the car and passenger ferry MV Estonia in the Baltic Sea. The files contain cables about the disaster, including offers from the FBI for victim identification
- El Salvador - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to the July 1993 report from Secretary of State Warren Christopher on how the Reagan-era State Department managed the human rights situation and reported the conditions of Human Rights practices in El
- Tuskegee Experiment - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains photographs relating to an event held at the White House on May 16, 1997, where President William Jefferson Clinton issued an apology to the survivors of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. The collection includes photo-ops
- National Monuments - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of material dealing with documents addressed to President Clinton from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) containing recommendations
- Steven Pifer - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of the records produced and maintained by Stephen Pifer, who served in the National Security Council’s (NSC) Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasian Affairs Directorate from 1994 through 1997. These files contain memorandums
- John Pollack - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of the speechwriting files of John Pollack, who worked for the Speechwriting Office from 1999-2001. The records primarily consist of speeches related to statements about individuals: eulogies, retirements, award winners, etc
- Sarah Lucas - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) records of Sarah Lucas, who worked for the DPC from 2000-2001 as both the DPC Office Manager and the Assistant Director of the Crime and Drug Policy team. The collection consists
- Laura Capps - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of the speechwriting files of Laura Capps, who served in the Speechwriting Office from 1997-1998. The files include drafts of remarks and speeches primarily covering domestic topics such as memorial dedications
- Thomas Freedman - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records relating to Tom Freedman. Tom Freedman was Special Assistant to President Clinton for Policy Planning and then became a Senior Advisor to the President. In 1996 he was Chief of Staff for Political Strategy during
- John Beyrle - Collection Finding aid
- This collection consists of records from the files of John Beyrle, National Security Council (NSC) Director for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasian Affairs from 1993 through 1996. Beyrle’s responsibilities at the NSC included head of state communications
- Warren Tsuneishi - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to Warren Tsuneishi. Tsuneishi was one of the greeters to meet President and Mrs. Clinton when they arrived at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. He was also present at the ceremony where
- High Noon - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to the film High Noon. The High Noon is an American Western film that released in 1952. The film earned an estimated $3.4 million at the North American box office. The collection contains interview
- Dennis Sculimbrene - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of material related to Dennis M. Sculimbrene, a senior FBI Special Agent at the Clinton White House (1993-1995) who filed a 1999 lawsuit alleging that the White House maintained files on him in violation of the Privacy Act
- Mike McCurry - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry’s files, including memoranda and correspondence regarding press relations/strategy. McCurry served as the White House Press Secretary from 1995 till October of 1998. The collection
- 26 U.S. Code 6103(g) - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to 26 U.S. Code § 6103 (g) of the Internal Revenue Code. Code § 6103 controls the disclosure of tax returns and tax return information collected under the Internal Revenue Code. The records contain
- Hugo Chavez - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records pertaining to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. It includes news articles, press coverage, publications, email, and cables. Topics include Chavez’ candidacy, drug interdiction, flood relief, inaugurations, oil
- Charles Kupchan and Kosovo – Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records from the National Security Council cables, emails, and records management system that pertain to a United States Information Agency daily Kosovo report that provided updates on media coverage and other USIA
- AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) – Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, often stylized as ACT UP or ACTUP. It contains emails and other correspondence concerning news releases, news articles, and online newsletters regarding ACT UP
- Lewis "Lou" Reed - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to Lewis A. (Lou) Reed’s performance at the White House State Dinner in honor of Vaclav Havel, President of the Czech Republic, September 16, 1998. The collection contains email between White House Staff
- Strobe Talbott - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to Strobe Talbott, Kosovo, and the former Yugoslavia. The bulk of the records are United States Information Agency (USIA) foreign news media summaries, television news transcripts, and press releases
- KFOR Political Adviser Shawn Sullivan and Kosovo - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records regarding the role of Shawn Sullivan in the Kosovo War. Mr. Sullivan was a political adviser to the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) commander. The collection includes three emails that had been sent to Sullivan
- Ambassador Peter Galbraith and Yugoslavia - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records regarding Ambassador Peter Galbraith and the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia from 1996 to 2001. Ambassador Galbraith served as the United States Ambassador to Croatia from 1993 to 1998, and was a co-mediator
- Ambassador Morton Abramowitz and Yugoslavia - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists for records regarding Ambassador Morton Abramowitz and the Former Yugoslavia. Having retired from a 30 year long State Department career in 1991, Ambassador Abramowitz was an influential and respected voice in public
- Richard Schifter and Ukraine - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection includes Ambassador Richard Schifter’s files concerning Ukraine from his time serving in the Counselor’s Office on the National Security Council. It contains briefing materials for a meeting on November 22, 1994 between President
- Tom Simons - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to Ambassador Simons and his work as Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union. The collection dates from January 1993 to July 1995 and does not cover
- U.S Relations with Cuba – Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to U.S. relations with Cuba. This collection consists of Inter-Agency Working Group Meeting agendas, background material, correspondence, executive orders, legislative summaries, internal White House
- ONDCP-Admin History - Collection Finding Aid
- of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. Items responsive to this FOIA request were submitted to the White House by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) in support of their chapter of the history. Open records in this collection include a review
- ONDCP & Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ONDCP drug policy. The records include news articles discussing the connection between television shows and anti-drug messaging, as well as emails from Domestic Policy
- President Lee Teng-hui - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records regarding the relationship between President Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan (also known as the Republic of China or the ROC) and President Clinton. There were no official state visits by President Lee during the Clinton
- Jean Bertrand Aristide - White House Office of Records Management - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of subject files related to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti. It contains correspondence between President Aristide and President Clinton that is routine in nature such as congratulatory and birthday greeting
- U.S. Intervention in Haiti, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to U.S. intervention in Haiti, specifically during Operation Uphold democracy. This second segment of the collection primarily comprises electronic records (cables and e-mails) and records management
- Detention of asylum seekers on Wake Island - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains material regarding the Clinton Administration’s use of Wake Island an a detention location for asylum seekers. Claimed by the United States as a territory since 1899, Wake Island is a 5 square mile coral atoll in the Pacific
- Strobe Talbott and Yugoslavia - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records regarding Strobe Talbott and the former Yugoslavia from 1997 to 2001. As Deputy Secretary, Mr. Talbott was heavily involved in the diplomatic efforts surrounding the resolution of the conflicts in the region
- General Michael E. Ryan and Yugoslavia - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records regarding General Michael E. Ryan and the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia from 1996 to 2001. For most of this period, General Ryan served as the 16th Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. The collection
- Ambassador John C. Kornblum and Yugoslavia - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records regarding Ambassador John C. Kornblum and the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia from 1997 to 2001. During this period, Ambassador Kornblum served as the United States Ambassador to Germany. Previously, he had been
- William Cohen and Yugoslavia - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records related to William Cohen and the former Yugoslavia. Open records are from Staff & Office files, ARMS emails, and the National Security Council’s Cable, Email, and Records Management System. The records include
- Jeremy Rosner and Yugoslavia - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records regarding Jeremy Rosner and the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia from 1997 to 2001. Previously the National Security Council (NSC) Senior Director for Legislative Affairs and a Senior Fellow at the Carnegie
- Louis Sell and Yugoslavia - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records regarding Louis Sell and the former Yugoslavia from 1993 to 2001. A career foreign service officer, Mr. Sell served in a variety of European postings that dealt directly with the conflicts in the Balkans, including
- Kosovo Refugee Crisis - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of National Security Council Records Management Numbered documents related to the Kosovo Refugee crisis from March of 1998 until June of 1999. The collection contains Congressional correspondence, memoranda between
- Leonard Leo - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records relating to conservative legal activist and vice-president of the Federalist Society, Leonard A. Leo. The collection contains an invitation to First Lady Hillary Clinton inviting her to the Federalist Society’s
- Rubin and NAFTA - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to Robert Rubin and “NAFTA” from January 20, 1993 to December 8, 1993. The collection consists of memos from Rubin to President Clinton regarding newspaper articles on NAFTA and also regarding Labor
- Operation Ceasefire - Collection Finding Aid
- This case contains email messages that discuss events, people, and press clips related to “Operation Ceasefire” as well as emails detailing administration achievements related to gun control. This collection consists of emails concerning President
- 1996 SOTU - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records relating to the 1996 State of the Union Address. The collection contains information and statistics submitted by various government departments and working groups, suggested themes, research materials, lists
- Howard Paster - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to Howard Paster, Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, who served as the chief congressional relations officer for President Clinton in 1993. In addition to unsolicited letters
- Omnibus Budget Bill - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records relating to the passing of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. The collection contains talking points, draft language, schedules, meeting attendees and agendas, outreach planning and coordination
- School Resource Officers - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records relating to the presence of police officers in American schools through various anti-drug and school safety programs. This collection contains correspondence and invitations from police officers assigned
- Harold Ickes, White House Deputy Chief of Staff - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records from Harold Ickes, White House Deputy Chief of Staff. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper and magazine articles, invitations, reports, schedules, speeches, press releases, resumes
Jennifer O'Connor, Special Assistant to White House Deputy Chief of Staff - Collection Finding Aid
- Jennifer O'Connor, Special Assistant to White House Deputy Chief of Staff - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records from Jennifer O'Connor, Special Assistant to White House Deputy Chief of Staff. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspapers and magazine articles, invitations, reports, press releases
- Kosovo - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to the conflict and NATO airstrikes in Kosovo in the spring of 1999. The materials include Greg Schulte’s records in the National Security Council’s (NSC) Kosovo Office, Ambassador Christopher Hill’s
- Cermis gondola accident - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records related to the crash between a U.S. military aircraft and a cable car on Alpe Cermis, near the Italian town of Cavalese on February 3, 1998. The collection consists of correspondence, press materials, cables
- National Environmental Policy Act - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records relating to Executive Order 12898 and 13045, which direct federal agencies to evaluate government programs and regulations that involve potential environmental, health or safety risks that may disproportionately
- White House website - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection (2023-0597-F Segment 2) consists of records related to the Clinton Administration's first White House Website which was developed in 1994. This collection consists of correspondence, contractor proposals, proposed layouts, strategy
- O.J. Simpson - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection (2024-0529-F Segment 2) consists of records related to OJ. Simpson, a professional football star and actor acquitted of murder in 1995. This collection consists of notes, President Clinton’s remarks and draft remarks on Simpson’s
- attorney; Monica Dugot of the New York State Holocaust Claims Processing Office; Stephen Weil of the Center for Museum Studies at the Smithsonian Institution; Dr. Vivian Mann of The Jewish Museum; Efroyim Grossberger of the Committee for the Search
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- . , • Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. • . . " ~ - . . '.". ' , . .. ' . • . . . The 1997
- , and why (like MFA&A for art). Need para. on which agencies were responsible for which asset groups; was there search arid seizure arid was it systematic or ad hoc; other than for art, was there a plan for handling gold or FA when found (is this FED?); how
- P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE: October 17,1996 - Texas A&M Trip Mtg. 2010-0198-S dbl708 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
Financial Assets Papers [5]
- the EinsatzstabReichsleiter Rosenberg (charged with stealing cultural artifacts from ideological enemies, especially Jews and Freemasons) under Hitler's authorization on January 29, 1940, the Nazis endeavored to collect and store Jewish materials for future anthropological
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Art/Cultural - Reports [1]
- War II and thought to have been lost or destroyed) This i~ in one sense extraordinary, that invaluable collections such as Priam's Treasure, now in Russia,2 or the Quedlinburg relics recently returned to Gennany by the Texas heirs of the American
- in the Cabinet Room. ( 1 page) 01107/1998 P5 002. email Oasis Manager to Joshua Gotbaum, Mickey Ibarra, etc. at 12:05:32.74. Subject: Document Request Reminder. (13 pages) 01107/1998 P5 \'-\:lD \ / " COLLECTION: I Clinton Presidential Records Automated
VBA History Project - Compensation & Pension - Functional Requirements "Document," Virtual VBA
- ..................................................................................................................................................~ .. DOCUMENT CREATION'AND MANIPULATION .............................................................................................. 9.5 DOCUMENT SEARCHING AND RETRIEVAL
- SUBJECTrfiTLE S.TART II/ABM Treaty DATE (1 page) RESTRICTION ca. 10/1995 P1/b(l) .;,. '• COLLECTION: Clinton PresidentiaLRecords National Security Council Anthony Blinken. (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 33~2 FOLDER TITLE: UNGA-Yeltsin Bi-lat 200
Ronald Reagan [Binder] [1]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0467-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Presidential Commission
- there in. On checking with Shickman we learned that he acquired the painting in the late 60~ from ... Baron von Poellnitz. So you can see why we are concerned. I'll spare you the more tedious details, but one outstanding fact is that in the Goering collection
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-1726-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Race Book March 5, 1999] [3]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
JRSO Documents
- . Military. 2. Inventory lists of cultural objects shipped to the JRSO in New York. 3. Inventory list of cultural objects transferred f!om the Munich collection point to the Jewish Cultural Reconstruction. 4. Correspondence between theJRSO, JCR
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. 'I ~; • , ,·,neE_GMt S¥& fIlrtTI ,. W'N' PMi'M 4 MM MH3 Maternal and Child Health Bureau
H [1]
- (6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Correspondence) OAlBox Number: 8507 FOLDER TITLE: H [J) 20 10-0 198-S kc342 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information
Blair [3]
- ). 002h.paper re: China Issues (2,pages) 01/28/1998 · P1/b(l). 002i. paper re: Landmines- The Demining 2010Initiative (2 pages). · 01128/1998 P1/b(1) 002e. paper re: Russia-Iran Missile Cooperation (1 page) . 002f. paper COLLECTION: Clinton
Garrison Keillor [2]
- FOIA Number: 2006-1726-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Libraries - Correspondence
- at the town of Offenbach, Germany to serve as a collecting point for books and cultural property that had been looted by the Nazis from Jewish and other communities throughout Europe. Ultimately, some three million books passed .through Offenbach as the Anny
- FOIA Number: 2006-0468-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Draft Papers [1]
- \ I " .\ . U.S. CONTROL OF NON-GOLD FINANCIAL ASSETS IN EUROPE Dr. McMurray Fourth Comprehensive Draft February 25, 2000 Introduction Overview Early Collection Guidelines Sources of Loot : The Foreign Exchange Depository
Welfare Reform [5]
- Support Eilforcemen!, by increasing paternity estabbshiDent at birth, improving the collection system, requiring absent parents to take responsibility for their children, and perhaps testing some form of child support insurance. 1 !.TrausitiQnal Time
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- participation. The PRWORA does not prohibit States from making extensive use of activities such as job search or education and training, but sharply limits when they are countable toward the Act's participation rates. A State may conclude that an inconsistency
- of the cert: The notice shall also I hold of its right to a telephone number of tJ fice "(a toll-Cree numl where collect calls wi] households outside t area), and, if possible, person to contact for mation. It there is an ga.nlzatlon available t leg8.i
Statement on Floods in VA
- FOJA Number: 2006-0461-F FOIA MAR~tc~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0466-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0467-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Hurricane Mitch [2]
- on Mitch (2 pages) 11111/1998 RESTRICTION. PI/b(I) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Ted Widmer (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 2189 FOLDER TITLE: Hurricane Mitch [2] 2006-0471-F . 1565 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
- South Africa - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to the Republic of South Africa and the transition to a non-racial democracy. Additionally, the collection also contains records related to nuclear non-proliferation and South African nuclear programs
- Records of the National Security Council, Records Management Office – Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records from three topical areas: Records Management System, PRS Records; Holiday and New Year Greetings, and Petitions. The collection dates 1993-2000 but primarily is between 1993 and 1994. Approximately half
- Stephen Flanagan and NATO enlargement - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection contains records from the National Security Council related to Stephen Flanagan and enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This collection includes memorandum, letters, cables, emails, and administrative
- a parent who wants to work to support her children. This does not necessarily mean the individual will receive a WORK slot; assistance might be provided during a period of job search, or in retUrn for community service. or under some other terms. SuI
- justice to Holocaust victims. We cannot restore life nor rewrite history; But we can make thd ledger slightly less out of balance by devoting our time, energy and resources to the search fir answers, the return of property and the payment ofjust claims
- Enforcement . Division searched vessels for violations of customs laws. Foreign Funds,Cof!.trol Units reblated foreign-owned property in the·Unit~ States and inspected all gold, diamonds, art and staLpsbr~Ught by ship and airplane passengers int6 th~United
Working Papers
- and training activities including job search, educational activities, and on-tlJt>.job training. Project Matclt, operating in Chicago, illinois, offered guidance and counselling, and linked participants to vital services o!'rered in !he community to ensure
- there was a total of 1,500,000 crime investigations including 700,000 crime scene searches, 600,000 collections of evidence, and 500,000 investigations. The conviction rate is 80 percent without plea bargaining. Mr. Nicolas H. Vezard made a special presentation
Elena Kagan Law Review 6 [6]
- breaking "the precious rule of silence" in law. Chase, supra note 87, at 47. He remarks: "The day may come when race will no longer be an issue, but that will be after the process of restructuring our collective unconscious is completed - after the seeds
- , described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of paragraph (4), the State collections base for the fiscal year; and n(ii) with respect to the performance measures described in subparagraphs (0) and (E) of paragraph (4), '75 percent of the State
Policy Papers [3]
- cases are included in this survey. They embody I some of the most critical factors I process. I an~ • issues involved in the claims filing and adjudication ' i Analysis 1 The data collected allo~ed an analysis of the following factors: value
- Scrolls 323 C. Ceremonial Objects 325 D. Frankfurt Jewish Museum Collection 328 ,E. Torah Scrolls 330 JRSO Paintings 332 First Shipment: 1949 332 IV. A 1. 334 Shipment to Israel 338 4. • The Sale
Welfare - FLSA etc [7]
- but not to exceed $25 in the aggregate per month. (e) The operating agency may allow a job search period, prior to making workfare assignments, of up to thirty days following a determination of eligibility. (0 DISQUALIFICATION.-An individual or a household may
- A Holocaust Assets in the United States 1 ii From: Kenneth Klothen, Executive Direcl 1L_ - - I Re: t Discussions with Libi~ary of Congress Regarding Looted Books in its Collection 1 ! I I Date: October 12, 1999 I Commission staff have foUdwed up
Fathers-Employment [3]
- , ' . ., ' ". ,'. .:.' ."'" ", " .' support ~nforcement system itself contains disince'ntives' fo; th~sefathersto find work and. make, . . ,~ ",' , " ,'. child support payments. This system has traditionally focused on !ncre~sing child support ~ . , collections, with, little
- FOIA Number: 2006-0463-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative m~rker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- Military GO\'etDment in both Gc:nnany arid Austria to aid in the collection and storing of these S books: M . i " In~, according to Reuben PeiS5, "the MissronJS8ided the military authorities in screenl~g captu~d :. . _', • I f • , i dOOU
- Molm1r) (Cserepfalvi, Budapest, 1994), p. 522. 2 Rendeletek Tara (Collection of Regulations) 1944, vol 1. pp . 447-456. in: Vertes: Magyarorszagi zsid6tllrvenyek (Anti-Jewish Laws in Hungary), pp. 284 - 293 3 A registration form copy in: MZSML T. 65. 1085
GI Bill
- FOIA Number: 2006-0461-F FOIA This is. not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~[R This is not a. textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton .Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Chuck Ruff
- ,.. ------ -------- ~---------------------------. ; 1 + L' FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA This is ll10t a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
G-7 Communiqué
- FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Radd, Vicki
- FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0466-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Gay/Lesbian Issues
- FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
[Hastings Center]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
HC – ’94 Memorial Day Recess
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2013-0028-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
NATO Expansion
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Baldridge Awards 2/4/99
- FOIA Number: 2006-0470-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- NLWJC - KAGAN WHORM - BOX 001 - FOLDER 023 FG006-21 227186SS FOIA Number: Kagan FOIA MARKE:R This is not a textual record. This is used as an . administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group
- and food stamps, less any child support collected by the state, divided by the minimum wage. Although this draft legislation appeals to a bipartisan group of governors (Governors Carper and Chiles like it), it is not attracting much support in the House
- FOIA Number: 2006-0467-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- will stand with yo~R@\IMI.ftEl ftn:~,.,;r. . , That is what you would do for us -what you have done for us. Already, we have dispatched a Search and Rescue team to the area- one of the two teams that came here in August. And once again, the world has been
- because the methods of data collection in this area employed by the various agencies and private companies are inconsistent. Each of these entitles uses different definitions for people who make their living from home, making aggregating the various sets
Welfare - Devolution
- . help cushion them? r-'J mother with two young children could be· ;'Poo; peopl~ tend to be concen~ forced to get a job in one county; but allowed , trated m certain areas of states that ~ to stay home and collect benefits if she moved don't have
- would not be renewed. This would leave over 1,300 very-low and low-income residents, most of whom are elderly women or single mothers, facing a very difficult search for affordable shelter. In addition, no funds are provided for rental assistance
- 1,300 very-low and low-income residents, most of whom are elderly women or single mothers, to face a very difficult search for affordable shelter. In addition, no funds are provided for rental assistance in newly-constructed farm labor and other rental
Health Reform-Cancer
- Introduction As a country, we must fight cancer on all fronts; through prevention,. through treatment, and through the continuing search for scientific breakthroughs and cures. Fortunately, we live in a wonderful time, when our knowledge of cancer
Russia - Emigration
- and other political files, name archives are still considered the countless people, not all of them necproperty of agencies like the intelli- essarily collaborators. gence service or the· Foreign MinisThe Yale University collection of try, and Russian
- C05 962110 Approved. for Release CIA Historical Collections Division AR 70-14 1 OCT2013 The Director of Central Intelligence Washington. D.C. 20505 .SEC-RET~ ER 95-5283/1 24 October 1995 MEMORANDUM: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy
- CO5 917 08 0 Approved for Release CIA Historical Collections Division AR 0-14100T2013 b DCI .,. National Intelligence Council Prospects for UNPROFOR Withdrawal From Bosnia Summary We judge the probability of a complete withdrawal of UNPROFOR
- . Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. F. - - Unitod States Environmental Protection Office
- it would cbntinue its probe by clearing uPlthe role the played by Army "monuments and fine artk officers" who formulated the policy on the Gold Train, interviewing surviving U.S. trbops who were in Austria and searching Hungarian records , for any
- WITHIDRAWAL SHEET ~linton Library Collection: Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the U.S. Administrative Files . Archivist: JGP OAlBox: 40395 File Folder: March 16, 1999 - First Commission Meeting "' Date: 3/24/04 I
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET .Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council, Carol Rasco OAlBox: OA 10160 File Folder: . Missing Children-Morgan Nick 1. Schedule Schedule of the President, 12 p (partial) PI National security classified information
- Outside the US Zone ofOccuEation Hebrew University The American Joint Distribution Committee {AIDC} , , B. . J~wish C. Ceremonial Objects Ceremonial Silver and Torah Scrolls D. Frankfurt Jewish Museum Collection E. Torah Scrolls IV. JRSO Paintings
Plan (March 1994)
- . ..-.-. ------~·tssue arises ~ around what is expected to be a small number of people who continue to be unable to find unsubsidized employment after placement in a job wlot and private sector job search. Some argue that they should be placed in community service
Testimony [4]
- work I don't want to go through that. Two months later, then he gets Seeing somebody els~. Then he ain't got no money or ass~ts for you to collect: 1 ' When you're single it's better. They treat you so much 'better when you're not married, you know
Family Support Act of 1988
- not seen. Choose ONE number: 8 Which do you desire? I: Search for any word or phrase in the text 2: Preview a list of items found thus far 3: Preview the outline -- from which you may select items 4: Disp]ay the outline as a report (52 lines) 5: Display
- . report Re: Anthony Stephen Harrington (7 002. memo COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office ONBox Number: CF 1510 FOLDER TITLE: [Appointees] Harrington, Anthony [Member, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board] [1
- : Addresses [partial] (1 page) 09/3011996. P61b(6) 003. letter Carol Rasco to Jay Fox; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 10/1611996 P61b(6) 004. letter Carol Rasco to Vincent Blancato; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 10/1611996 P61b(6) COLLECTION
- ) ,,'\,,;, "":'~ .... COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office First Lady's Press Office (Lissa Muscatine) 0Ail3?X Number: 23212 FOLDER TITLE: FLOTUS Press Releases 9199--Current [Binder] : [April '00] 2011-0415-S msl17 , RESTRICTION CODES
- Service and the NCIC. The program analyst will track the progress of all cases utilizing the CSETS database. 4. When the program analyst has collected all available case data, and assembled that data in a case file, they will forward the CSMAIT Center
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Books (Papers) [3]
- Nazi'research institut6s. 4 The U.S. Military Government seized these books and other cultural materials and stored ther» in various military collecting points such as Offenbach I ' ' I , I \ I Letter to General J. H. Hil'dring, Assistant Secretary
Stem Cells
- FOIA Number: 2006-0470-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~[CER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. . Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0470-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office OA/Box Number: CF 1458 FOLDER TITLE: [Appointees] Arcos, Cresencio Kara Ellis 2006-1001-F ke1359 RESTRICTION CODES . Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act
Books (Papers) [2]
- the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Section of the First U.S. Army controlled these materials and routed them to a collection center near Frankfurt, the Offenbach Archival Depot, .for processing. According to an agreement among the victorious Allied
OVP - NPR History
- challenged government and industry to finish it within 90 days. The site launched on schedule in September 2000. FirstGov introduces a single point-of~entry to one of the largest and most useful collection of web pages in the wodd, It allows users to search
- to' and loaded on to convoys of truck~ Jor transportation to where they were subsequently secured in the vaults of a Those Allied MFA&A personnel tasked with esta collection points had to start with little or nothing in resources. The first priority
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
S [8]
- . draft Rasco to McKay Stangler (l page) 11I0611996 Personal Misfile 007c. draft Rasco to McKay Stangler (1 page) 1110611996 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Correspondence) ONBQX Number
- collections taking off ice', parents e111d 'P~e8.idlint III 10:27 No.004 P.04 top priority. 'Since r.l:i nton has oracked dow~ on non-~ayin9 IiJtrengthened cnlld. lupport: anforcement l , resul.ting in record child support. col1BctionJL f.::hlllJ
Lobbying Reform - Reports
- WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library UOCUMENl' so. ,\:'IlBTypg I),\TI~ SUitlECTfrlTLE Listing of Agency Priv
- 10019 Tel.: 1-800-662-7708 or (212) 344--0610 c. Swiss Contact Bureau on l.ooted Art The Swiss Federal Office of Culture has opened a contact bureau on looted art that processes inquiries which affect the federal collections and offers information
- ' l{ b FAX: .. "f)tI-?7r'~ 1'05''1. I I -jt'- ~-Io 1~ , , . P.01/04 i -:' > . Tracking 'fold Train' graft 1 Retired banker on tr,ail of Holocaust treasures I M~'~ N"~b.. " '11 FEEDBACK Page 1 of 4 SEARCH ABOUT US SITE MAP i
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F ·.FOIA This is not .a textual-record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff.· Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Williams, Cecil [2]
- for $25,000 to make up for no collection that day. . Glide Memorials helping hands: Services reach out to community Reverend's son: Albert Williams, left, who runs the church's food program, talks with Bill Harlan. "I think Cecil is able to see a need
- FOIA Number: 2006-0466-F . FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records \ Subgroup/Office
Misc. Speechwriting Memos
- 't''; ., :r, FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a te.xtual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup
HC – POTUS Speech/Elements
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885- FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Wikler, Daniel, PhD
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Invitations [Regrets]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- . " ......._ _ _ _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._IIIIIIiII_ _ _...._ _ __ "', ,'." Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full Pllblication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. Kennedy Krieger
Diabetes [3]
- Progrnm Directors (ASTCDPD) conducted a national survey of state and territorial health agef!cies; this survey updates a similar survey that collected data for FY 1989 (3,11 ). This report summarilOs the survey findings for 1994, which indicate
- in areas with high social payoffs, such as basic skills. • Social science research l1)c govemment should fund additional social science research and data collection in ureas such as privacy, impact ofinlormmlon technology on productivity, etc
- in this area oflaw. Under the ~ decision, workers cannot be required, consistent with the National Labor Relations Act, to pay agency fees for union activities that are not germane to collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records Marker
- to shape my first administration. He chaired our vice presidential search committee, and I'd say he came up witp a pretty good recommendation. (Laughter.) The American people have him to thank for my selection of Al Gore and the subsequent development
Press Talking Points
- di.scn~linn. some young motbers completjng education programs m,l}, also receive limited extension.. , .Job search first. New participants will immediately be oricnt~ ro the workplac~, -lntet;rutlon with mainstream education and traIning programs
- in areas with high social payoffs, such as basic skills. • Social science research l1)c govemment should fund additional social science research and data collection in ureas such as privacy, impact ofinlormmlon technology on productivity, etc
- training for police officers and prosecutors regurding the intricacies of cyberstalking investigations and prosecutions. The lmining includes understanding bow chal rooms operate. how to obtain and preserve electronic evidence, and how to dntft search
Art Papers
- Withdrawal/Redactiol1 Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT ~o. AND TYPE I DATE SUBJECTfTlTLE re: Mimara Case - Erroneous Restitution to Yugoslavia (30 pages) 001. report 02/01100 RESTRICTION Pl/b(l) U nc.J Ot b~· COLLECTION: presidentiL
- WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. report SUBJECTffITLE DATE Federal Parent Locater Service Security White Paper (12 pages) 06/08/99 RESTRICTION b(2) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
- I FOIA Number: 2006-0466-F FOIA MARKER I This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
New Hope Project
- inner urban are.. in ~lw.ukec, Wisconsin. The program has four key components: • the guaranteed access to a job: through non-subsidized private or non-profit employment, or if the participant cannot find a job after an eight week job search
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Long Term Care [4]
- by the 8 indiv~dual 9 request the search QI,nd exchange of criminal, 10 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 authorizing the facility t6 !ecords; It (III) provide in person a'copy of the, individual's' fingerprints; and U(IV) provide any other identification
- limits, then from the county. For more information contact the county or city office in your area. You may also try gQlrjgJQ.your state Home Page, locating their "SEARCH" feature and typing in "business license" or "county information", ......1
Republicans [5]
- entillement to welfare that has resulted in average stays of 13 years. ./' To most people, if you are collecting a welfare check, that means you are "on welfare." But in counting months on welfare, the Clinton bill has 5C;vcl1Il specific Cl(l;c:ptions
- de scribed the hardware configuration for the Physician Practice Group (PPG), a billing and collection agency serving the Medical College ofGeor gia in Augusta. About 300,000 pa tients annually are treated by the college's 310-member, mUlti-spe
- 1993 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
- Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online. For access to the collection please visit the Clinton Library's research room.
- 1993 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
- Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online. For access to the collection please visit the Clinton Library's research room.
- 1993 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
- Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online. For access to the collection please visit the Clinton Library's research room.
- Christopher Reeve - Collection Finding Aid
- Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online. For access to the collection please visit the Clinton Library's research room.
- Chris Jennings - Domestic Policy Council - General Files - Collection Finding Aid
- Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online. For access to the collection please visit the Clinton Library's research room.
- Cutter and NAFTA - Collection Finding Aid
- Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online. For access to the collection please visit the Clinton Library's research room.
Financial Assets Team [2]
- , Nazi regime. This Chapter' 'documents the ~eans em~IOyed by ~.s.tactical troops and military goverrunent :offic~rs to I . . collect, store, tabulate, arid secure the recovered assets in preparation for their eventual release 'from U.S. clistody
- brief mention of the ,Salzburg Gold Coin Collection. ' 2. Additional Staff Gene and Ken stated that new staff would be coming on board soon. An agent from the FBI will soon be detailed to the ~ommission as welL This person is trained in forensic
- designed its registration sy"stem for its at-school network so that it does not collect personally identifying infonnation and seeks partners with responsible privacy policies. In addition, ZapMe! carefully screens all sponsor messages, which alternate
Welfare-Work Regulation [1]
- employment-related service for someone not working or receiving cash and have this not count toward work requirements or time limits. • • (9) child care/transportation for someone doing applicant job search -- if not working, it's not clear where
Waivers [1]
- has dropped by 1.3 million since 1 took office in January 1993. Food stamp r01ls arc down. So are teen pregnancy rates. What numbers are up? Child support collections, which have jumped 40% ,.. and the number of people who are required to work
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Korea [1]
- ; re: Press Conference on June 9 (1 page) 06/08/1998 RESTRICTION Pl/b(l ), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Ted Widmer (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 2190 FOLDER TITLE: Korea.[l] 2006-0471-F . 1578 RESTRICTION
K [2]
- it the problems are to be successfully addressed. If it takes a meeting of all these principals in one place, subject to public scrutiny, to hammer out some make sense solutions to our collective problems, that should be done. Average working people expect some
Miscellaneous Correspondence
- .' Subarl. art collection remained on exhibit BoW'*Ver, in throughout mast: of the period Of Hitler's Third. Reich. 1943, tbe director of the 1Il\lseurn at'X'aDged. to have the Jacopo de' Barbar~ l1O'Wed to the nearby caetle knOwn as Scbl08
Teacher Recruitment
- ways they could all cooperate better. . ·Everyone collectively agreed that the serBy ""...... nllD P~lc. floP vice we are providing now is not good Troubleshooting: Slater, left. carty. and enough," Slater said afterward. Garvey discuss plans
- FOIA Number: 2006-0467-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- World War~ . ' I' I \V,ant to take this opp~rtunity' [6 thank you for giving the Presidential Commission this historical opportunity to elucidate the rble of the GQvemment in the collection and disposal of heirless and other assets that beloneed
Medicare Fraud, 12/98 [2]
- announcing a package f legislation--elements of which Congress has failed to act on before-that can save Medic $2 billion over five years. First, new legislation will allow us to selectl (J~( new contractors whotamong other things, will collect overpayments
- FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- eligible persons are being served; to allow AFDC-UP parents- job search aad employment 10 coum towards JOBS participation; aad to remove the probibition on using established unfilled positions fur work experience placements. - A!l of March I, 1994
Legislative, Part II (Specs)
- servias, at kosI 2 01 the following servicts: group and ludivitlual job search, oMIIt job tJ:ainillg (0111. work ~uppltme1UOIicn J?I'Ograms and community work experiefl~ programs. 7he definition 01• • •ctory panlc/palion in the JOBS program wilt
- taken frol11 syna~ogues, private collections and lIehrew mshhltions , duriJig the Nllzi rule and held hy the "Rosen Ii herg Institute lor the Investigation of IheJewish i Questiou" iu its ..3Jeadquarters in ··Frankfurt. i Sea rdlers are still
- ) education for those with no high school diploma; (3) job search ~nd job readiness aSsistance in excess of 6 weeks (current law: the first 6 weeks always count as work); and (4) vocational educational training in exce~s of 12 months (currentlaw: the first
Selma 3/5/00 [1]
- r FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. T·his is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton . Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group:· Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton. Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- will be voted on in November. Proponents said that they collected the 1.2 signatures to qualify for the ballot rather easily. One recent poll shows 68% are in favor of the initiative. Another one shows that 54% are in favor, 32% oppose. A tobacco tax ballot
- of the debtor, or to establish a schedule for payment of such support (including any arrearages); or "(B) of the collection of alimony, maintenance, or support from property that is not property of the estate; ", (bl Streamlined Filing procedure for Support
[Resumes] [3]
- Rasco to Amanda Wilson re thank you (partial) (l page) 06/19/1995 P61b(6) 005b..resume Amanda Wilson (partial) (l page) , nd P61b(6) 005c. envelope Amanda Wilson to Rasco (partial) (l page) 06/1511995 P61b(6) pag~s) COLLECTION: Clinton
- ..----------------------- - - - - - - - FOIA Number: 2006-1726-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton
Lithuania - Reports [1]
- recovers, but shall continue the proceedings against the other defendants. However, if individual proceedings obstruct est~blishment of the truth, the entire proceedings sh~ll be stayed. The search for the hiding defendant shall be announced by a court
[R and D Associates] [2]
- Sofer; re: Report of Activities, November 1-13, 1999 (2 pages) ca., Nov. 1999 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the U.S. Art & Cultural Property Theft OA/Box Number: 40480 FOLDER
- justifications granted by the AG after notice and comment, and with safeguards of training, data collection, and sunset review. While I don't feel strongly abot which of these POTUS does, I tend to favor the last option. And I think a principled discussion of why
- , ' Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization, To sec the full publication please search online or' visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room, i" - ... W·.··'E· , " _'*MR'M 4- E!iiiMI' • , v
Library of Congress [3]
- by 'the O'ffeil-· . , . ,. '" b""ch 'Collecting Poin~G 1':' :the Director, this, he ad quar'cers ,in matters·'. ',: pertainmg'to'the
Real People [2]
- to Alba Somoza; re: New School (1 page) 10/06/1993 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Paul Glastris OA/Box Number: 19211 FOLDER TITLE: Real People [2] 2006-0463-F . 1308 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OAlBox: OA 8422 File Folder: Welfare Reform State Profiles [2] Archivist: RDS Date: 10/8/04 RESTRICTION DOCUMENT NO. 8, TYPE I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. profile profile
Fathers-Bayh Bill
- which show that child support collections have increased by 80 percent during this Adniinistration, to a record $14.4 billion i'n 1998, and that the 'out-of-wedlock ,birth rate has declined by' six percent fro~ its peak in 1994
Money [1]
- for various provisions, national expenditure and collections data were used to develop the cost estimates for the different I provisions. State specific data was used when it was the .only data available about the effeCts I of a specific provision. I I
Organ Donations [3]
- is the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. ' Title: Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. 124 Description
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 012 - Folder 002 Crime - Technology WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 01124/1998 Phone No. (Partial) (I page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
- : [Russian Nagomo-Karabakh Negotiator] (2 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Cables Jan 1993 - Dec 1994 ([Karabakh..]) OA/Box Number: 505000 FOLDER TITLE: [07/23/1993 - 07/31/1993] 2010-0346-F ke2125 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
Arkansas [4]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Welfare Reform
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~[C~R This is not a textual record. This is used! as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Waivers - Mississippi
- of the Work First Demonstration on po 12, you contin1.:\e to state that you want to pass all child support collected through to the participating custodial parent, even in t'b.ose cases where you are convertinq benefits to waqesfor training jobs. Under section
Recommendation Letters [1]
- ) 02/0311994 P61b(6) I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Correspondence) ONBox Number: 8508 FOLDER TITLE: Recommendation Letters [I] 20 I 0-01 98-S RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act • [44 U.S.C
UNGA '94 - NSC Memos
- on the UNGA Speech (3 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 422 FOLDER TITLE: UNGA '94 - NSC Memos 2006-0460-F . 2580 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- important lessons from its implementation: 'First, we1fare-to-work programs are effective in increasing the employment and earnings of welfare recipients and producing savings for the government. Programs emphasizing job search or employing a mixed service
Radio Address 3/6/93
- FOIA Number: 2006-0461-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
5/93 Re-Employment Training
- FOIA Number: 2006-0466-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- to search for the social peace that has been unknown in its history. " Argueta's novel of poet-rebels, brother-traitors and young women wandering in a forest of wolves is an invaluable memento of that exception0 al past. I ZHE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW
- /1995 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General FGOI7-03 OA/Box Number: 21817 FOLDER TITLE: 134696ss 2011-0376-F ds360 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l PI · P2 P3 P4 National
- FOIA Number: 2006-0461-F FOIA MA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- t,o claimrestitutable ' object~. The Jewish miss1.on may visit sri:y: public' or private coll'ection of cultural objects in Germany to search forsuch'opjeots., On its behalf, the American commanders are to seize'all ' public collections in Germany
NATO Summit
- FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0470-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Resumes for Speechwriters
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
Speechwriter Resumes
- FOIA Number: 2006-0465-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- NLWJC - KAGAN WHORM - BOX 001 - FOLDER 010 FEOI0-0l 122012 FOIA Number: Kagan FOIA MARKE:R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group
Race Book March 5, 1999] [4]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- Health Care Task Force - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records related to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Health Care Reform Files, 1993-1996. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton served as the Chair of the President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform. The files contain
- pages Access Collection is open to all researchers. Access to Clinton Presidential Records is governed by the Presidential Records Act (PRA) (44 USC 2201) and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 USC 552, as amended) and therefore records may
[Unfoldered] [16]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0770-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Ruby Ridge [2]
- RESTRICTION P5 (5 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Elena Kagan ONBox Number: 8249 FOLDER TITLE: Ruby Ridge [2] 2009-1006-F bmll RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act
- in 1942, ha.d charted guidelines to deal with the fate of art in the path of war. But no one had reckoned with the wholesale rape, pillaging, and ~ppropriation oftreasuresibyth~ Nazis-from State collections, private collections, both . Jewish and non
Kusnet Correspondence [2]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0465-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- reporting improves patient safety. Before we expand data collection activities we need to analyze existing state systems to detennine the most effective use of finite resources. . "The AMA appreciates President Clinton's statement of support
American Cities Update ’96
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~[C~R This is not a. textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. . \ Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0225-F FOIA This is not a textual .record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: Records
Communications Strategy Plan
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
Good Society
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
[Facing Toward Governments Nongovernmental Organizations and Scientific and Technical Advice]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- , collectively through organizations li*e the Interfaith Impact. I know what the President means when he talks about dynamic partnerships, because we are living in a time When more than ever we need'such ' partnerships. When we m~stcome together to work toward
- Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter SUBJECTfflTLE To Carol Rasco from Uwe E. DATE Rein~ardt (partial, p. 1) (1 page) 09/30/93 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
- Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Cindy Brownstein to Barbara Woolley re meeting attendees' information (partial) (1 page) 11/25/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
- counseling, are provided to help disadvantaged students complete postsecondary education. The most important 6f these programs for Latinos are Talent Search and Upward Bound. Unfortunately, Latino youth are underrepresented N Cl It in these programs
- The bill weakens state accountability for protecting children's safety, by hampering data collection and enforcement of critical child ,protections. For example, the bill repeals the • 8. requirement that children be' in licensed foster homes
- of State, Washington, D.C.; re: Suggested Themes for Presidential Statements & Remarks in Haiti ( 5 pages) 03/21/1995 RESTRICTION P1/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) · OA/Box Number
- page) RESTRICTION 06/10/1988 .: P6/b(6) / . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 3383 · FOLDER TITLE: Lake/Drew Memorial Rernakrs, 8/21/95 2006-0459-F rs400
1994 Bill [2]
- . Ultimately. time limits will restrict most AFDC recipients to a lifetime maximum of 24 months of cash assistance. . . • Job search first. Participants who are job-ready will immediately be oriented to the workpJace. Anyone offered a job w}1I be required
S & L's [Savings & Loan]
- RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 416 FOLDER TITLE: S&L's [Savings & Loan] 2006-0460-F . 1707 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C
- FOIA Number: 2006-0470-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Health - Cities
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
OASIS [Office of Administration System for Information Services] Reference Manual [Binder] [2]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- ~ Page 1 of 30 1M 1 4Z;:;;: .. links _ .. Search =tt"M!Wl4 ; he Commission on Jewish T Assets in Sweden at the Time of the Second World War Summary of the Final Report The great tragedy' of the Holocaust consists in millions of people having lost
- ; in Houston, 65 percent; in Los Angeles, 50 percent. Collecting Data and Supporting Research. The Department of Education and the National Center for Educational statistics will seek to acquire more ' . information to increase awareness of education
- heirless and unidentifiable Jewish cultural objects stored at Collecting Points in Germany on February 15, 1949. 16 This was an innovative solutiori to the problem that the victims had no country. OMGUS defined heirless Jewish property as property
Welfare Reform (1994) [2]
- ) subsidization of child care; 2) provision of health insurance; 3) establishment of paternity when children are born and. automatic collection of child support through the tax system; and 4) investment in training and education programs. Sawhill believes
- throughout the world while also handling direct distribution in the United States.41 1. Sorting, Identifying and Cataloging The process of sorting and identii)ring books and other archival materials in the U.S. collecting points was extremely important
- . 3) In'the search for efficiency and effectiveness, merging the two Departments would be c~unterproductive by making a mega-bureaucracy with most functions unrelated. These three reasons are discussed separately below. 1) The missions
- a high of 99.9% to a low of 75.3%. Four To compare 'changes in between-group differences (groups "a" and "b") states (California, Indiana, New. York, and South Dakota) did not collect over time (years "1" and "2"), we approximate the standard error
- FOIA Number: 2008-0700-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Pool Spray on Budget 9-28-00
- FOIA Number: 2008-0700-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
George Wash. Carver
- FOIA Number: 2006-0470-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. . Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
KS: New Economic Material
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
Budget Remarks 10/25/99 [1]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an .administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0470-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Elena Kagan Law Review 8 [1]
- Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: Counsel Office Series/Staff Member: Sarah Wilson Subseries: OAIID Number: 14686 FolderID: Folder Title: Elena Kagan Law Review 8 [I] Stack: Row: Section
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Guns - Talking Points
- next month will be inconclusive on what many econo· mist. consider to be a looming financial bomb . shell: the impact of rapidly rising Internet pur· chases on state and local sales tax collections. "We think the majority report is going
- FOIA Number: 2006-0467-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- , Primary 'Greeters (partial) (1 page) 08/15/1995 002. form Veterans Questionaire,.VJ Day Events (p~al) (1 page) ca. 08/1995 · . P6/b(6) 003. list Presidential Arrival, Hickham Base Ops (partial) (1 page)· 08/15/1995 P6/b(6) P6/b~6) '. COLLECTION
Mainstream Forum [2]
- docision.) ~- We do .D.Qt support an extension for higher education although we do encourage and fund education and training in conjunction with work during the two' year ' period of ; • Job .Search: We believe that job search must begin immediately
- the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. j, ~ .. ',' ' , ' . . ' .. f' : " " :1
Meeting 7/18/97
- of , .Jood:f~coverY crltfcatto each·ofthe three food recoverYsteps:ptiblkaWiibness; ,: •" d6nate~collect;: saIety'; ,tiansport; sort; prep1l!e,and distri"-ute;' nt.itritioti~ capaCity; barri~ts;redtice'dependency; and recipients: After the video is showai
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Thank You [3]
- (partial) (I page) 02/20/1993 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Correspondence) OAlBox Number: 8508 FOLDER TITLE: Thank You [3] 20 I0-0 198-S kc404 RESTRICTION CODES Freedom of Information Act - [5
- Readout] (5 pages) Re: [Turkey-Azerbaijan Relations] (4 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Cables Jan 1993 - Dec 1994 ([N-K...]) OA/Box Number: 505000 FOLDER TITLE: [04/03/1993 - 04/30/1993] 2010-0346-F ke2152 RESTRICTION CODES
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presi~ential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- at these things, the main reason people decide to work from 62 to 65, in many cases, is health care. Q (Off mike.) SEN. GRAMM: No, I'm talking about trying to take the best of both systems. I'm talking about a mandatory system where we would collect it through
Human Genome
- genome freely available when it is finished, probably this summer. Celera plans to patent some genes,but its principal business plan is~to operate a database ofthe human and other genomes, charging fees for use of the . programs that search and analyze
- page) . ca. 04/1995 . RESTRICTION b(2), P6/b(6) '· COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records . National Security Council Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 3383 FOLDER TITLE: Cardoso Visit-Tqast, 4/20/95 2006-0459-F rs398 RESTRICTION
Legislative Specs
- !:!! HSP Technical Comments -- continued 6. 1@004 DRAFT -- December 2, 1994 -- page 2 Sec. 103(g) -- statute at 482 (g)(2) seems to require job search of all individuals, not just the phased-in; specs at 9(a) and 9(b) indicate that the requirement
[Millennium] [1]
- . It is manifest that upon countless, important, public issues there is no collective will and nothing in the mind of the aver:age man except blank indifference, that an electoral system simply places power in the hands of the .most ~1/12/1998 20:04 . +44-1855
Real People [1]
- I FOIA Number: 2006-0463-F I FOIA MAR~ER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- . email Sebastian Saviano to Gene Sofer; re: Staffing (partial) (1 page) I COLLECTION: I Presidential Advisory commislion on Holocaust Assets in the U.S. Art & Cultural Property Theft i OAiBox Number: 40398 I FOLDER TITLE: [Email From Sebastian
[Legal Issues]
- the fact that the true owner lacked resources, knowledge, and the experience to carry on a creditable search for an extended period of time. The appellate court determined the issue in favor of the bona fid.e purchaser. It held that the original owner's
- identified as having been looted by the Nazis. 6 Richard T. Howard, Deputy Chief for Cultural Restitution, OMGUS, Property Division, "Report Upon Separation," Nov. 18, 1948, NACP, RG 260, Ardelia Hall Collection, File: Final Reports, Box 712 [119203
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- President Gore re: HUD (1 page) 11/05/98 P5 002d. letter To Vice President Gore from Olympia Snowe re: ,HUD (2 pages) 10/30/98 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Cabinet Affairs Marshall, Jr., Thurgood ONEo, Number: 19078 FOLDER TITLE: HUD
- Child Immunization Initiative. o • By acting to increase child support collections so that single parents and their children can get the finan'cial support they need and are owed. o . By increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit to give working
Blair [1]
- Jefferson Clinton State Dinller Toast to Pri~e· Minister Tony Blair- The White House- Washington, D.C. (partial) (1 page) 02/05/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records· · National Security Council Ted Widmer (Speechwriting
- to pay the amount owed, HUD will pay the lender the amount of the shortfall. The Federal Housing Administration, which is part of HUD, collects an insurance premium from all borrowers to provide this coverage. The size of reverse mortgage loans
- . J. Moniz. Ann. Phys. 120 (1979) 205. 34. Pions and Isobars in Nuclei - An Overview E. J. Moniz. in Meson-Nuclear Physics - 1979. E. Hungerford. editor,(~erican Institute of Physics. 1979). . 35. Isobar Propagation in Nuclei and Collective Effects . E
- spacecraft and an American spacecraft are preparing to link in orbit some 240 miles above the earth. From Jericho to Belfast, ancient enemies are searching for peace. On every continent nations are struggling to embrace democracy, freedom and prosperity. New
- Parliament (partial) (1 page) 11/08/1995 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton President~al Records National Security Council ·.Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 3382 FOLDER TITLE: · Ireland-Parliament Remarks, 12/1/95 2006"0459-F · rs409
Beijing +5 [binder] [2]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0198-F-4 FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- should be author ized to secure, on a volunteer basis, the services of qualified persons to advise on the project and to furnish information required for carrying it out, and to collect for the use of the armed forces the valuable preliminary work
- . collecting points was extremely important and difficult. Among the Hebraic materials were large amounts of Rabbinic literature, including a number ofrare manuscripts, as well ~ works which I I had become especially scarce after the war. 43 OMGUS had
- , such as· initiating palt!rnity proceedings. This base!i on the comprehensive national new ~it'e reporling system contained in the' President's welfare r,eform bill. If enacted, this national system would increase child !':upporr,. collections
Art/Cultural - Reports [4]
- of collective stat~ action , ~ould provide the surest, most efficient and most . . consistent way under internatio~allaw to resolve claims relating to art works looted or stolen during World War II. Such an approach is particularly appropriate now
[Helen's Files #4] [1]
- page I 1 '. \ There are lists of looted art, e.g., the Linz collection lis'i, Goering collection list, that will document th'at a work was 'unlawfully confiscated. It has been suggest~d 'that these lists be merged and updated. OSI started to do
- . "Commissioners wanUo know if Austria got off easy." . a , " Some Notes from Documents on "Yugoslavia." , , HICOG, Office ofEconomic Affairs, PropertY Division, Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point to HICOG, Chief, Property Division, "Status ofCollecting
- FOIA Number: 2008-0700-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: . Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Electronic Commerce [3]
- and sell the goods and services that we use everyday. Already, thousands of new businesses are setting up shop on the Internet. Soon, you'll be able to buy almost anything online. You'll be able to search for the best price in the world almost instantly
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Militias [3]
- · for minor funds, collecting valuables (first of all art works of art and jewels) from the apartments of arrested Jews. The members of the SEK financed their high-flying lifestyles by selling a part of the valuables; the rest was transferred
Editorial Board Letters
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- One America - Collection Finding Aid
- View all digitized documents in this collection.
- Clinton Presidential Library 1200 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 Inventory for FOIA Request 2009-0541-F Records on the President’s Initiative on Race Extent 502 folders, approximately 35,092 pages Access Collection is open to all
Algeria [4]
- : [Algerian Islamists] (3 pages) 04/25/1996 Pl/b(l) 012. cable Re: [FIS Leader] (2 pages) 04/17/1996 Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Multilateral & Humanitarian Affairs (Busby, Scott) OA/Box Number: 1889
- FOIA Number: 2006-1726-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Encryption bill
- resumed in the afternoon even as American officials conference clashed with Chinese police Thursday over the shuttled from city to city in the war-tom land that once was issue of free speech at the conference. Yugoslavia searching for a peaceful settlement
- FOIA Number: 2006-1726-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administradve marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Articles - May 2000 [1]
- % of Jewish property could supposedly have been moved to some other country. This might have been done for purposes of tax concealment, or out of business considerations, or in search of refuge in time of trouble. Junz, however, marked two countries, namely
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
M [2]
- Merritt (partial) .(1 page) nd P6/b(6) 004a. letter Dan McDonald to PUfUS re AIDS pandemic (partial) (1 page) 0511211994 P6/b(6) 004b. letter Dan McDonald to POTUS re AIDS pandemic (partial) (1 page) 0511211994 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
- . Clinton Presidential Library Staff. This marker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton
Kagan - Forms [1]
- 1998 (AO-IO) (4 pages) OS/2411999 P6/b(6) 006. fonn SSN (Partial), Address (Partial), Phone No. (Partial), and Personal (Partial) (7 pages) n.d. P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Sarah Wilson OAiBox Number: 14688
- Rush T Description: A fast paced trivia quiz game show. Questions have a pop culture twist. Hoyle Board Games E Description: A collection of classic board games such as checkers, chess, battleship and chutes and ladders. Kuba K-A Description
Nuclear Smuggling
- to the department store, but the fumes a~ parently were not caused by nerve gas or anything nearly so lethal The 24 people who were treated In hospitals suffered from bumln8 throats, •coughing and irritsted eyes. · Pollee officers searched the store
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-1726-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Cninton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- , many Americans face the challenge of longer unemployment spells, unetl1ployment, or are in search of a first job. In order for the United States to con tinue to grow stronger economically, we must make the transilion to higher-value-added products
- , the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data I sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. • • t Organizations and individuals desiring to submit comments on i
- ~tions have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Room. How to Help Every Child Become a Reader CLINTON
Fathers-1997 [2]
- as an administrative marker by the William 1. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. This marker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search
- re: Captain Scott F. O'Grady [partial] (1 page) ca. 06/1995 P6tb(6) ) , : COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Anthony Blinkeri (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 3379 · FOLDER TITLE: O'Grady Ceremony, June 12, 1995
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET ,Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA 8422 OAiBox: FHe Folder: Welfare Reform Information Binder, 5118194 Dale: 9123104 SUB,JECT/TrrLE. DOCUMENT NO. & TYPE I. list 2. profile Archivist: RDS
Initiative of the Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence, 4/12/93 [1]
- that takes effect in stages: first, by mak ing work pay, eliminating work disincentives, and strengthening child support enforce ment; second, by giving people on welfare up to two years of education, training, and job search assistance; and finally
[12/02/1997 – 12/03/1997]
- Party (2 pages) 12/03/1997 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] WHO ([Kagan]) ONBox Number: 500000 FOLDER TITLE: [12/0211997 - 12/0311997] 2009-1006-F jm46 RESTRICTION
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- & Diagnosis (2 pages) 08/26/1992 Personal Misfile 002j. appendix re: Data on Uninsured, Cost, & Public Health (1 page) 08/26/1992 Personal Misfile 002k. appendix re: Case Examples (1 page) 08/26/1992 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidenti~l
Waivers [2]
- ::.g with new strategies to ensure that both parents contribute to the economic well-being of their children. For exa~plef several states are experimenting with "pass through'· arrangements that allow fa:nilies to collect a :arger percentage of child
Art in USA Depots [2]
- : WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the U.S. Art & Cultural Property Theft Archivist: JGP OAiBox: 40418 File Folder: Art in USA Depots' [2] Date: 4/21/04 SUBJECTITITLE RESTRICTIO
- July'13,1999 To: Ken Klothen', Gene Sofer, Helen Junz, Marc Masurovsky, Jonathan Petropoulus • From: Sarah M. Robinson , Document Coding Options I recommend that all docu,ments collect during the course of the Commission's research effort
- as a search for the truth. He then called on several individuals for some preliminary remarks. Israel Singer, Gen~ral Secretary of the World Jewish Congress, reported on the progress of similar commissions .in other countries, including Norway, Switzerland
Health Contacts: Health
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
[President's Report on Race]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
Roberts Commission
- commitrees for carrying it out, and to collect for the use appOmted by the two other nations. of the armed forces the valuable preliminary On June 21, 1943, the Honorable Mr. work already done by individuals in_compi! Cordell Hull,SecretaryofState,wrote
- a JOBS program to assist needy families with employment; a child support enforcement program to assist needy families with the collection of child support from absent parents; and child welfare, adoption assistance and foster care programs to protect
D.C. Literacy [1]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0463-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Restitution - Chapter 7 [5]
- materials in the U.S. collecting points was extremely important and difficult. Among the Hebraic materials were large amounts of Rabbinic literature; including a number of rare manuscripts, as well as works which' had become especially scarce after the war
1994 Bill [1]
- sernces. Stales must also offer. in aMiJion to the aforementioned service:, at II!llJt 2 a/Ibe/ol/owing strvices; group and lndlvldUlllJob search, on-the job training (OJ1), work supplementation programs and community work experience programs. Y.WwJ
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
Welfare Reform [4]
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council, Carol Rasco OA 7455' OAiBox: File Folder: Welfare Reform [4] DOCUf0 EN , ,l.' NO; & TYPE Archivist: rfw Date: 4/20/04 1. Memo From Carol Rasco to Bruce Reed; Kathi Way
- '? FOIA Number: 2006-0466-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- 28th. This 'tmean we have to use it all day, ' just that we have' it " , I ' reservet1 at this point beca:us~ it' ~ . easier to , . shorten a reservation than to len~then one. I The Collective Opinion Over I(COOH), I believe, ~s that we should meet
Health - Interest Groups [4]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Korea [3]
- ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Ted Widmer (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 2190 FOLDER TITLE: Korea (3] 2006-0471-F . 1580 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Reeords Act ·144 U.S.C. l204(a)] National Security Classified
- , ' ..' " ISSUES FOR tHE MEEtING , ' , of' The Forum. has defined its mission to foster coordination, collabOfatlon and ihtegr~tion Federal collection ofdata on child and family issueS and Fedetalreporting ofchild fa~hi1y, conditions. We belieVe
MGIB [Mongomery GI Bill]
- for 1998-99) and current dollars. The inflation ad justmelll' promotes accurate interpretation of trends, control ling for the vaiiable purchasing power of the dollar ove~ time. Limitations ofthe Data Collection This survey covers only direct aid
- not reduce the indirect business tax offset (the 25%) . Implementing the proposal would be a little complicated, but feasible. There is a mismatch between the state and Federal approaches: State excise taxes are collected from distributors, whereas
- times. . "/c:6:..~ tIN Oc,;.. 4e-.. ;;.., .. to rC""CeW''O'''' t,l?IltVf] ~601a." -p""", lea- ~,.~ •. ~'-1t".,. ",.-{. /t fII/.N'S """,fIl'7: ilSs:d S ....... This docume'1•••tai•• the crilic~gs of the Commission regiading the collection
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F(2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Crime/Police Use of Force
- Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE To Chris Jennings re: Diabetes Funds (partial) (1 page) 10/12/99 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office
- Espinsoa (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Ruby Shamir (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 20365 FOLDER TITLE: Admin/Intern 2012-0565-S ryl227 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
General [2]
- the Federal Parent Locator Service. HHS has scheduled training conferences and set up joint working groups with the states'. One change of interest is that states will no longer be required to pass the first $50 of monthly support collections to the family
Insurance - Reports [2]
- identirs the place of a publication. • - , - Publications have not been sc~nned in their ~ntirety for the purpose of digitization, To see the fulil publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidehtial Library's Research Room
- costs and acceptable risks. Likewise, allocation of fire department resources among the major functions (suppression, paramedic, prevention, education, inspection. data collection, community relations, and regional coordination) was usually neither
- FOIA Number: 2006-1726-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This its used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Talking Points [2]
- . We estimate that it would increase collections to families by $700 million over 5 years and $2.5 billion over 10 years. • Rolding a lioense is a privilege, not a right. The country has an interest in seeing that the license holder is law-abiding
- weeks ofjob search applies to the fiscaJ year and not to a lifetime limitation: the ability of stales operating under 'Waivers to use their work definitions in calculating the participation rates; the pro-ration of the penalty for failure to meet the t
- ) 12/30/97 P5 002.memo Charles C. Ruff to All Executive Office of President Staff re: Document Request (2 pages) 12/30/97 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Kendra Brooks. (Correspondence) OA!Box Number: 17898
Race Initiatives
- Initiative Proposals (4 pages) 10/18197 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Cynthia Rice (Subject Files) OAiBox Number: 15431 FOLDER TITLE: Race Initiatives rx58 RESTRICTION CODES I'residential Records Act - [44 U.S.C
- FOIA Number: 2008-0700-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Texas Performance Review
- ,,-_; Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digilization. To sec the I~III publication please search online 01" visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room . w* '.me", h,W' Wi • M • VOLUME 1 · '. : .. :,1
- FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- ) ( 1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 3382 FOLDER TITLE:' Ireland-Derry Speech, 11/30/95 2006-0459-F rs407 RESTRiCT~ON CODES
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MAR~~~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Health Security Letters
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an admmistrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- Detective authority. The German Detective authorities at Cobu have done their best and. have found quite a number of pieces by searches, on the Burg Lauenstein. However mainly not the above mentioned collection pieces were found but general displaced
[Work of Research Teams] [1]
- research by systematically examin'ing two archival collections in the National Archives (College Park): the first" Record Group eRG) 239, is the 'docUmentation of the Roberts Commission (American Commission for the ,Protection and Salvage of Artistic
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~~R . ' This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Sub'
- of this service was $615,795, which E3quates to a collection rate of $18 for every dollar spent. As of September 1999, total debt owed VA was reduced to $3.3 billion, down from $3.7 billion in September 1998. During this same period, delinquent debt was reduced
- , the marking of people with the yellow Star of David, the collection of the Jews in ghettos and camps had never been performed so rapidly as in the spring of 1944, soon after the Germans occupied Hungary. Jews in Germany had to pin the Star of David
- I t} '· FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR This is nota textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: . · Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- : Richmond, Va. 17 MEMORANDUM To: From:' School Safety Re~o' orking Group . . ' Kellie 1. Dressler , . . . Program Manager, search and Program Planning Division, OJJDP Date: September,4, 1998 . SUBJECT Draft ofAnnual Report on School Crime
Unequal Justice
- FOIA Number: 2006-0461-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
- ) 1112111995 P6/b(6) ca. 08/1995 P6/b(6) ' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential. Records National Security Council Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 3382 FOLDER TITLE: Ireland-Belfast Speech, 11130/95 , 2006-0459-F rs405 RESTRICTION CODES
Speechwriter Search [2]
- Speechwriter Search [2]
- ---------------- FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~~LR This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. '.'· '·· Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records
- List 04/04/9412:20 (I page) 04/0411994 P61b(6) 013. form Rasco Call List 04/04/94 12:30 (I page) 04/0411994 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Miscellaneous) OAlBox Number: 7529 FOLDER TITLE
- Security Table of Contents • Executive Summary • Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 SSI Payment Accuracy I 9 Chapter 3 'Continuing Disability Reviews 19 Chapter 4 SSl Program Fraud 23 Chapter 5 Debt Collection 29 Conclusion Appendices
- , was far more difficult. Complete and identifiable library collections of books aid man~scripts could readily be returned, but on what basis should the thousands of . uhidentified books be distributed? Could owners or heirs in fact be found for some
- . . This marker identifiesthe place of a publication. . Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room
Los Alamos Event 2/3/98
- . Christopher R. Cherry for his contribution in the search of Theodore Kaczynski's residence in · Lincoln, Montana, in Apd.l of this year .. Tile expertise and professionalism exhibited by Mr. Cherry are the standards that have been the hallmark of Sandia
- ] (9 pages) 09/17/1993 Pl/b(l) 011. cable Re: [Latest Ceasefire Agreement] (6 pages) 09/18/1993 Pl/b(l) 012. cable Re: [Turkey] (5 pages) 09/18/1993 Pl/b(l) 006. cable 007. cable COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Cables Jan 1993
Czech Gold Paper
- the Order ofthe Protectorate Government No.1 36/1 940 Sb. z. a n. {'Collection of Laws and Regulations'} of June 4, 1940 regarding the Legal Status of Jews in the Public Life and other regulations issued by the Protectorate government. Instrumental
1994 Bill [3]
- get jobs quickly-in weeks or months-after assistance with job search and job pr~paration, Others will spend time tn education and training services as needed, TItle program wUl be closely coordinated with existing malnstream education
Message Group
- FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Task Force [4/26/00]
- FOIA Number: 2006-0470-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- Lippincott re: Banner for JDF press event (partial) (J page) 06104/99 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Ruby Shamir (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 20365 FOLDER TITLE: Health/Juvenile Diabetes 6-99 Event [2J 2012-0565
- ... '. Stack:· v '. Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Robert Boorstin to Daniel Benjamin et al; re: POTUS UN Speech (1 page) 06/2111995 RESTRICTION P1/b(1) · ·.:.. '· .. COLLECTION
- . This l11arker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. "_W'·"i
House Ways and Means [2]
- Federal .and State agencies to locate absent parents and collect child support from them. In order to accomplish .these purposes, sections 625-626 of the bill would expand the existing authority of the IRS to disclose tax return information to child
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- , with an average of 17.5 hours, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate
- NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 040 - Folder 012 Race-Race Initiative - Advisory Board Meetings [2] language of diversity that will build trust and dialogue. Searching for a new language of diversity. The changing face of America has serious implications
- FOIA Number: 2006-0198-F-4 FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Articles - September 2000
- the! German government :;>:.' leaving only the tax case., had paid them $2.7qtmillion for the ~ Details of the settlement were p'ro- entire collection" (The remaining ,~ vided by Don Lan, a taxi lawyer in artworks were ndt nlentioned in the 2; , " Dallas who
- ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Office of Policy Development Neera Tanden (First Lady's Issues) OA/Box Number: 20164 .FOLDER TITLE: ' [Parental Unemployment Insurance and Paid Family Leave] [4] [Loose] 20 12-003 8-S kc639 RESTRICTION CODES
- from 15,000 in work experience proqrams now. In addition, another 873,000 recipients. in the year 2000 • 3 will be in time-limited education or traininq'proqrams leading to employment. And by that time, federal child support collections will have
- have flexibil!ty in desi.grrlng and running their own UI systems. With some variation ·in implementation, the States determine UI eligibility with three general tests: (1) involuntary separation from work; (2) ongoing work search; and (3) availability
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F (2) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
Flat Tax
- by aU businesses at each stage of production. They can be collected in pan from businesses and in pan from wage-eamers by aUowing businesses CO deduct wages and taxing them at the individualleve!. They can be collected wholly from individuals
- FOIA Number: 2006-1 726-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- Health Care Task Force - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of records describing the efforts of the Clinton Administration to pass the Health Security Act, which would have reformed the health care system of the United States. This collection contains memoranda, correspondence
- Collection is open to all researchers. Access to Clinton Presidential Records is governed by the Presidential Records Act (PRA) (44 USC 2201) and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 USC 552, as amended) and therefore records may be restricted in whole
- FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- for the collection of information is estiinated to average 1,000 hours for each response and we estimate there approximate!v 25 respondents. The collection will include time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
- Cynthia Rice - Subject Files Series - Domestic Policy Council - Collection Finding Aid
- View all digitized documents in this collection.
- Collection is open to all researchers. Access to Clinton Presidential Records is governed by the Presidential Records Act (PRA) (44 USC 2201) and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 USC 552, as amended) and therefore records may be restricted in whole
- . Jewish Ceremonial Silver and Torah Scrolls C. Ceremonial Objects D. Frankfurt Jewish Museum Collection 328 E. Torah Scrolls 330 JRSO Paintings. 332 First Shipment: 1949 332 IV. . A. 1. 325 ! 333 Appraisal of Paintings: 2. f
- FOIA Number: 2006-0469-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
- by the Federal Republic of Germany.39 Unfortunately considerable portions of the total of Jewish heirless property had still not been located among both public and private collections in Germany and much remained to be done. 40 As the war ended, no Allied
- FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin