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621 results
- It is proof that, as Vice President AI Gore has said, "economic development and sustainable developmen~ are now inseparable parts ofa whole." . . '- 8 The United States strongly supports your view that trade is a critical part of sustainable development. I
- on In 1995 Sustainable Development Convene Experts Meeting Undetermined Undetermined Finance projects lOB, MIF, World Bank. PAHO, IAF, Business Council Undetermined Establish networks of officials Undetermined Undetermined Discuss progress Bolivia
- and The National Council of La Raza .· IV. Guar·anteeing Sustainable Development and Conserving Our Natural Environment for Future Generations "Conclusions of the Inter-American Meeting of National' Councils for Sustainable Development" by the ·Earth council
NSC - 1995 Calendar
- . •· UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT USE ONLY - -- PLANNING DOCUrVfENT April. 24, 1995 NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS CALENDAR Apr 10-28 Apr 14-_24 ECOSOC Commission on Sustainable Development, Third ·Session, New York Visit of Deputy Secretary of Energy White
1994 Principals Schedules
- open Harvard (Huntington) 10/23 V-POTUS opportunity for speech on Middle East Philadelphia Jewish Foundation 10/24-25 V-POTUS open (probably on sustainable development in Central America) Tegucigalpa- Central ·American conference on peace
- foreign policy. Our emphasis on economic growth, democracy, and sustainable development are shared throughout the hemisphere. · The Summit of the Americas is part of President Clinton's strategy for our economy -- creating jobs and growth through exports
- initiatives grouped in four broad categories: strengthening democracy, promoting prosperity through. economic integration~ and free trade, eradicating poverty and discrimination, and guaranteeing sustainable development and the conservation ofour natural
- As Prepared For Delivery Remarks to the Council of the Americas Secretary of State Warren Christopher Chairman Avery, President Briggs, Chairman Rockefeller: It is indeed an honor to have the cha~ce to speak to distinguished members of the Council
- look at the fact that population has doubled ... in 40 years, it is clear that we need a comprehensive approach to the world's future. We call it ... sustainable development ... " President Clinton Remarks to the National Academy of Sciences June 29
- at the U.N. Conference on the Environment and Development, the President should convene an interagency task force, under the direction of the Council on Environmental Quality, to explore and define the U.s. role in promoting sustainable development
- in Sustainable Development (10) Previous Inter~American Summits (11) Fact Sheets -- Country :Qata . Orga.nization of American States -- Inter-American Development Bank (12) Summit Sites and Host Committee (13) Speeches -- President's Announcement of the Summit
- that the political and economic progress of recent years endures--these are the next generation of development challenges that all our nations face. :JI .... Remarks . For The Vice President . . .At The Central American Summit For Sustainable Development Managua
- and respect for human rights. To pursue the goal of sustainable. development, we are maintaining current levels of development assistance despite serious cuts in foreign aid budgets elsewhere. We are providing broad relief to African nations burdened
- by 1997. As part of the USIA.request, we are seeking $34 million for the National Endowment for Democracy. Since its creation under President Reagan, the NED has played a critical role in fostering democratic development around the world. Its programs have
- President Clinton's Trip to Naples, Italy for the Economic Summit-July 1994 [1]
- (1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to Naples, Italy for the Economic Summit- July 1994 [1] 2006-0460-F . 1727 RESTRICTION
Africa - Key Speeches
- but expanding various types of assistance to Africa.· The June 26 to 2 7 conference was called by President Clinton to help his administration develop strategies for crisis relief and prevention in Africa as well as to help the continent cope
- assume that you have what you need on Rwanda-- and that the President will just need an update on developments tomorrow. Don BUSINESS TIES: Too frequently look at Africa in terms of problems to be addressed rather than opportunities to be pursued. . Some
- Strong Intelligence Capabilities ... 33 The Environment and Sustainable Development ... 35 Promoting Prosperity at Home ... 36 . Enhancing Americ~n Competitiveness ... 36 Partnership with Business and Labor ... 37 Enhancing Access to Foreign Markets
- in real terms for the rest of the decade. African Development Bank President Babacar Ndiaye dismissed pessimism and despair over Africa's realistic prospects for sustainable growth as "an affront that ill becomes the aspirations an
100 Days' - Executive Orders
- under GATT that places U.S. health and environmental measures in jeopardy. -GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: ASSIGN THE VICE PRESIDENT A LEADERSHIP ROLE The President should announce a firm commitment to UNCED follow-up at the international and domestic
- , ladies and democracy and support sustainable gentlemen: It is a great honor development around the world. In each to address a group as distinof these arenas, we are called upon to guished as the Japan Association of lead. The character of our leadership
Resources - Language
- affairs budget also.~enefits Americans ~irectlyl it creates jobstby opening foreign markets and·p~?~~ting U.S. ~ exports;· it pro otes sustainable development and ~protectiGB the environm _nt; it pumps .more than $6 billion into our . l.l " r ·. . ~J
- to be discussed include: economic integration and trade liberalization, strengthening democratic institutions, and assuring sustainable development. Spouses' Program, hosted by the First Lady. Morning through lunch. Biltmore Hotel. First Lady Hillary Rodham
- and the GATT, contained communism and kept the United States and our allies strong and free. Sustaining that bipartisan consensus is. a core personal commitment for me as Secretary of State. President Clinton and I are determined that a Democratic President
NSC - '95 Accomplishments
- the secondary boycott of Israel Initiated efforts to create· a Middle East development bank PROMOTING STABILITY AND DEMILITARIZATION IN RUSSIA AND THE NEW INDEPENDENT STATES (NIS) PROMISE: To support the democratic reform efforts of President Yeltsin POLICY
- to published reports, Kaplan's article was circulated to the top staff of the White House and National Security Council, and both President Clinton and Vice President Gore have read and cited the article. (Interestingly, the Administration's top Africanists
Doctrine - Democracy
- sustained efforts and tbe political skills of chief U.5. delegate Madeleine Albright have produced a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing "the use of all necessary means"-that is, force-to achieve this end. · But they need troops as weD as legitimacy
NSC - 1995 Goals
- instability throughout Mrica, moving beyond humanitarian relief efforts to promote a relief-recovery-sustainable development continuum. L i . Ensure adequate resources for Development Fund for Mrica - · Launch Greater Horn of Mrica initiative to address
- President Clinton's Trip to Naples, Italy for the Economic Summit-July 1994 [2]
- the multilateral development b~ to con~n~ maki,ng progress in promoting local participation and incorporating environmental considerations into their programmes. 3. We suppon lhc work o£ the Commission on Sustainable Developm"'~t in reviewing progress
- of the Clinton Administration. That is why President Clinton chose to invite the first President of a democratic Namibia, Sam Nujoma, as the first African head of state to be received at his White House. Sustaining Africa's Capacity for Development
- weapons. European Security: We .launched the Partnership for Peace to strengthen European security. After only ten months, 21 nations have joined. Economy/Trade: We are making sustained progress in meeting one of the principal goals of my Presidency
UNGA '94 - Receptions, etc.
- toward development and democracy~ The United States has been and will continue to be a partner in Africa's success story. 9 We are your partners in developing Africa's economies, promoting sustainable development, and creating self-sufficiency. We
- President Clinton's Trip to San Francisco for the 50th Anniversary of the UN Charter, June 25-26, 1994
- Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to San Francisco for the 50 the Anniversary of the UN Charter June 25-26, 1994 2006-0460-F . 1733 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
- . In addition, the Summit will focus on two other areas. - To build democracy and solidify civil society, the nations will agree to joint action to combat drugs, corruption and money laundering. - The Summit will reach agreements on sustainable development
- governments into a peace ~etween people§. Governments can make the peace. Governments can create the climate !or· economic growth. But only the people of the private.sector can marshall the resources necessary for sustained growth and development. only
- companies and jobs for American workers. They lay the groundwork for sustainable development and accountable government -- two objectives that have eluded too much of the world for too long. And not incidentally, our assistance programs save lives. Our
- presidency of theE roPean Union.iodevelop more fully our common agenda.· By the end of the year~ we . · ould have developed a broad-ranging transatlantic agenda for th~ new century ~- an age da for CO#Unon economic and political action to expand . democracy
- Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTffiTLE Meeghan Prunty to Bob Boorstin; re: War (-Like) Room for Health Care (2 pages) 04/07/1993 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council
Haiti - Chronology
- of. President (Jean:.Bertrand) di~ded a di-aftprepa~ed by. the StateDePartnient imd·the .·. ·stide continues· to pose an unl!sual' and extraordiriary . National Security Council and 'wrote version that -hewed' .:_ , . c1o8ely ~o p(>sitioi:J.s he outlin~d, earli
- of the President for Summit of the Americas- Sunday, December 11, 1994 (partial) (1 page) · 12/07/1994 . b(7)(E) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 422 FOLDER TITLE: Summit
- assistance. Q ) Ma~ Execulive Secretary kJJ:U.If~.D OFF ICIJ\L USE LIMITED OFFICIAL USE UN- SECURITY COUNCIL ·SUMMIT ·- NEW · YORK·· January 30-31, 1995. In the January 1994 Moscow Declaration, President~ Clinton and Yeltsin supported the convening
- . memo DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Timothy E. Wirth to Mark Gearan & Eileen Clausen; re: President's Speech at the National Academy of Sciences Dinner (2 pages) 06/24/1994 RESTRICTION P5 :· COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council
7/94 Trip - Message Memos
- democratic government, and sustainable development. The OECD, too, both through expansion of its membership and its study of new issue~, has moved to ensure its continuing relevance in the new economic system. FinaJly~ the G-7, with its include
- attention in an effort to mobilize resources before a famine occurs, b) regionalize the problem for donors and nations of the greater Horn with a view towards long-term sustainable development. • Lead a UN intervention to Somalia that began in 1992
- Economic Conference of the President & Vice President - Briefing Papers on Select Administration Policies [4]
- , four of which received enhanced grants. The Community 'Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act • • In 1994, the President's Comrhunity Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act became law, the first step to fulfilling his pledge
- . A Focus on Sustainable Development and the Environment The President will ask the G-7 to add its weight each year to the support both of important policy directions for sustainable development and the environment, but also for specific, concrete actions
- Economic Conference of the President & Vice President - Briefing Papers on Select Administration Policies [5]
- Valley and Joshua Tree National Monuments, both of which now become National Parks. Building Sustainable Fisheries. President Clinton responded rapidly to developing fisheries crises in New England and the Pacific Northwest. , To help communities
- express deep appreciation and thanks to our Indonesian hosts. President Soeharto, Minister Alatas, Minist~r Hartarto, and their colleaquos have done a superb job in preparing the ambitious agenda for this meeting an~ in sustaining the 'momentum achieved
- . Without education, basic health care will never take hold. Ignored, each of these challenges will continue to divide people from one another. Economic equity and sustainable development demand that we muster the will and find the way to solve
- . .. ' · · . ·· .. · . _ , . .. . . .. : - - · . ,. . . ·o ,Technology cooperation will play a critical. role. in fostering e~vironmentally · · sustainable development throughout the Westerri Herilisphere. Environmentally 5ound ' · technologies·conserve natural,iesOurc~s whi·l~ promoting economic
Benin - Background
- . By the end, the decisions taken included the dismissal of the government (Kerekou was allowed to remain in a weakened presidency until elections), the creation of an interim council to write a constitution and schedule national elections, and the e
- initiati~es, contribute to international cooperation, sustain development, ·and coordinate policy on critical i~sues). o In parallel, the two countries will negotiate a maritime boundary in the Beaufort Sea. MOU on Parks Agreement o The United States
- President Clinton's Trip to Bonn & Berlin, Germany - July 1994 [2]
- with Chancellor Kohl (2 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION. Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to Bonn & Berlin, Germany- July 1994 [2] 2006
- _:tier of troops and armor lillSsia ·can keep in the troubled Caucasus re: gion.. Negotiated with the Soviet MOSCOW, .May 3 - Less than a Union and designed to reduce the week before President Clinton's ar- · American domestic politics. iisk of a Warsaw
- for the new economy; to commit to sustainable development; and to continue the economic, political and security·integration ofthe new democracies into the family of free nations.· ·The central fact of our ti~e is this: even as we speak, powerful forces
Defense Conversion
- · development of · defense technology. Moving toward this restructuring, the President endorsed changing the name of the Defense Advanced. Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to its original designation, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA
Mideast - Camp David Papers
- , •••• ·~- · ·. . .~~ ~-·~'/:~. . .~,:,:h.. jiMMY ~· CARTER dkncr ~fohamed Anwar El-Sadat, Mar. 26 Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty Rem~~rks of President Carter, President Anwar al-Satlat of Egypt, and Prime Minister Menahem Begin of Israel at the Signing Ceremony. March 26, 1979 l
- and encouraging development on the continent in the wake of the last elections. In every country I visited, I was questioned by Presidents, journalists and political leaders about recent congressional comments about cutting aid to Africa. While acknowledging
East Asia - Clinton Strategy
- , the Pacific Council on International Policy. Unlike most Eastern policy-formulating organizations, the council will have as its focus the Pacific Rim-the western parts of North, Central and South America and the nations of Asia. Billing itself as nonpartisan
- . source of:fwpe and still make money" in. the fre,e enterprise system/' (September 2 3, 1994) / ·Actions to Date Du;ing the 1992 ca~pa.igil, President Clirit~n 'p~omised. to create. a n~tional . netWork of community development b'anks to provide· access
- Foreign Policy - Domestic Developments
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F. FOIA ·MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an · administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. ' ' . I Folder Title: Foreign Policy- Domestic Developments Staff Office-Individual
- tt MARION M. DAWSON President Dearfield Associates, Inc. Greenwich, CT THERESA BARTON Professor of Social Sciences United States Military Academy West Point, NY t* JOSEPH S. NYE, JR. Chair National Intelligence Council Central Intelligence Agency
Canada - Quotes/Facts
- ~ing to nego£iate creation of an Arctic Council (a government forum of eight Arctic countries to strengthen circumpolar initiatives, contribute to international cooperation, sustain development, and coordinate policy on critical issues). In parallel
- Task Force on Violence) ~ TAB R Memos from White House Advisors Bill Gal~ton / Gene Sperling TAB S ~ TAB T Bruce Reed/ David Kusnet TAB Council of Economic Advisors TAB X Rick Allen (National Service) -rJ. TAB v Susan Brophy ~: TAB U
- that significant cuts in programs that benefit Africa will undermine our ability to promote sustainable development, increase U.S. exports and prevent deadly conflicts. . President Clinton is committed to fighting the proposed cuts in foreign assistance. We welcome
- The Trip of the President to Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, & Berlin - July 5-12, 1994 [2]
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential LibrarY Staff. · Folder Title: The Trip ofthe President to Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, & Berlin- ~uly 5-12, 1994
Clinton Doctrine - Articles
- NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECT/TITLE re: Thoughts for Your Breakfast Tomorrow (3 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 415 FOLDER TITLE: Clinton
- consulates abroad encouraging the printization of their and the reduction of more than 1.000 economies. This too is a prudent employees at the State Department. investment. . President Clinton is now threatening Important long-term development.· to veto
- The President's State Visit to Jakarta, November 13-16, 1994 [2]
- ) ., COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: The President's State Visit to Jakarta- November 13-16, 1994 [2[ .: ' 2006-0460-F . 1732 RESTRICTION CODES --1
- Security eliminate it entirely. . Council. Together we are already As North Korea carries out its supporting reform in Russia, peace in obligations under the Framework, it can begin to develop more normal the Middle East, and stability in Haiti
UNGA '94 - Later Drafts
- (1 page) 001. memo 09/2511994 · RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 422 FOLDER TITLE: UNGA '94 - Later Drafts 2006-0460-F . 2578. RESTRICTION CODES
- President Clinton's Trip to Port-au-Prince, Haiti - March 31, 1995 - Briefing Book [2]
- ) ., COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President
- also express deep appreciation and thanks ·to our Indonesian hosts. President Soeharto, Minister Alatas, Minister Hartarto, and their colleagues have done a superb job in preparing the ambitious agenda for this meeting and in sustaining the momentum
Africa - Foreign Aid
- , "Not one country receiving foreign aid has succeeded in developing sustained economic growth" "The attack, which began about 6:30a.m., marked the ftrSt such violence in Monrovia since rebel Charles Taylor tried to seize the capital during an assault from
Truman Doctrine
- This is the text of identical letters addressed to: the following appointees to the Advisory COmmiuec: K. T. Keller, President, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; Marion B. Folsom, Vice: Chairman, Btisiness Advisory Council for the Dep:utment of COmmerce
APEC '94 - Themes/Objectives
- Release would violate a Federal statute ((a)(3) of the PRA) 1 P4 Release.would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
Africa - Democracy
- as major impedimems to economic and social development. Political developmem programs have responded by supporting free elections, human rights programs, freedom of information, civic education, trade union and business organizations, and free markets. Thus
UNGA '94 - Outline
- · .· · . · · ~ ._ -sustainable ·development · _ . . trutp is this: 'open and competitive commer_ce Will enric~ us. -It. spurs uus .to inilovate. It ·forces compete: It connects us with new customers. It promotes globasi growth.· ' "! • • threats: tran~ition graf
Foreign Policy - 1996 Ideas
- -transparent or weak governments more often than not become corrupt governments. Economic freedom cannot be ordained by a beneficent ruler, it must be constructed from the ground up. Only a comprehensive approach to development can achieve sustainable economic
- Economic Conference of the President & Vice President - Briefing Papers on Select Administration Policies [1]
- Council, the National Security . Council, the National Perlormance Review; and the Office of the Vice President as well as several' people from the departments, contributed serious time drafting and editing sections. The Office of Management and Budget did
- anniversary Aug. 1) *Warsaw Ghetto monument. TBA ECONOMIC EVENT with Lane Kirkland, tentatively at the Polish-American auilding Crafts Training.Center. TBA PRESIDENT MEETS with Prime Minister Jan .Krzysztof Bielecki, Council of Ministers Building or Pawelak
- , as in the opinion of the Security Council enable it to begin the exercise of its responsibilities under Article 42, the parties to the four-nation declaration, signed at Moscow, Oct. 30, 1943, and France, shall, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 5
- . ways and means of economic freedom. This is a great challenge.;_and an century economy, for Russia to sustain enormous opportunity-for young and develop its immense resources, there is no other way. people. You can change the economic landscape
- , at . . . President Clinton's initiative, 'the 1eaqers of the APEC (. ~conomies reached copsensus on greater. trade and . . . . investment within the region without: closing· it off to the rest· of the world. we·interid to sustain the momentum
OMB 'Vision' - Drafts [2]
- office. Thus, President Clinton is the first President in inodern .times required to eonsiruet and submit to Con.gress a complete .budget in the. first few weeks of his Administration. I! as a· result of developing this, budget document in such a short
Africa - Key Articles
- , on which African countries would be put forward as candidates for seats on the Security Council or the presidency of the General Assembly; only rarely did disagreemeni:s on such matters surface publicly. At one point, in Lagos in 1980, the OAU adopted
Bosnia - Current Guidance
- neither the President nor our people want to see. So the wisest immediate course is this: support the RRF, support UNPROFOR's efforts to deal more firmly with Serb actions and work for a peaceful settlement. SrebreniCa and Zepa What has happened
- page) 06/2111992 Personal Misfile 003. memo Kroger to Goverrior Clinton & Staff; re: B_ill Clinton's Budget Savings Proposals (7 pages) 06/2111992 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin
UNGA '94 - State Memos
- DEVELOPMENT August ·19 ,· 1994 Office of the E'(ecutivc Secretariat Mr. William H. Itoh Executive Secretary· National Security Council The White House Dear Mr. Itoh: Enclosed is the requested speech material for the President's address to the United Nations
- NO. AND TYPE 001. speech DATE SUBJECTffiTLE re: Samuel Berger, Deputy National Security Advisor to the President- Remarks on Haiti- National Defense University (extensive edits by Richard Clarke) ( 10 pages) 01/3111995 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
- and enforcement. The President has submitted CCW to the Senate for advice and consent to ratification. Ratification will strengthen our leadership in negotiating these changes. • Finally, until we can develop and negotiate a multilateral control regime, we have
Book/Plan - Draft [4]
- our opponents have thrown in their hand. We should support institutions such as the new European Bank for reconstruction and development, whose mission is to rebuild the societies of central and eastern Europe. Finally, just as President Kennedy
- Library · DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Stephen Cohen to Robert Boorstin; re: President's Speech (partial) (2 pages) RE;STRICTION 06/01/1995 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin
Human Rights - Language
- Speech - Human Rights, Democracy and Economic Development (4 pages) 09/30/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 422 FOLDER TITLE: Human Rights - Language
- Through APEC, we can also address shared concerns that transcend trade -- such as the need to protect the environment and to build a strong foundation for sustainable development in Asia. And through APEC, we can coordinate efforts to contain
Brazil - Background
- larger than Cardoso Russia's. ~e results, but he in effect acknowlFor the first time in almost a 1edged his defeat by saying his party decade of civilian rule, Brazilians ~ould not ask for any positions in the By JAMES BROOKE believe that their president
- Emperor Haile Selassie and then against President Mengistu Haile Mariam's Soviet-backed Dergue. A guerilla force took on one of Africa's biggest and best armies and deVeloped into a full-scale conventional army, fighting battles from frontline trenches
Haiti - Post-Return
- of defense in fighting pleading by both the Government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide crime" remains the interim Haitian and by United Nations officials, all of police for~eo·aAa intemational police whom have expressed concern that ·monitors
- Mediation as a World Role for the United States v ':~~:/ Amitai Etzioni GRADUALLY, AND TO some extent inadvertently, the United States has been developing a new role in the post-cold war world. The new role is low key and compatible with the need
- time today on the next steps the region must take in order to make growth and development both sustained- and fair. o Prosperity will not be advanced unless all citizens are educated and healthy; the poor as well as the rich. o Prosperity
- SECURITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: President's July Trip to Germany: A Proposal to Illustrate the German-American Democratic Heritage The German Historical Museum recently purchased a rare original American document -- a 1776 printing of the Declaration
- - Boorstin · Original OA/ID Number: 423 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 5 3 v President's Remarks to the American Business Community Sources Senior Commercial Officer Dale Slaght (7) (095) 956-4255 Context This event would highlight
Haiti, 3/31/95 - Briefings
- of the National Palace. He will meet with President Aristide and members of the Haitian government and other Haitian leaders. He will participate in the transition ceremony that I mentioned. He will meet with the provisional Electoral Council ,that' is responsible
- their suggested language this p.m •• 3) I heard secoud liand.that Tim Wirth will be pushing for stuff on sustainable development, drugs, terrorism and the environment. I did some of that. Drugs is hard because the UN role there is peripheral--they compile a report
Zambia - Background
- . Since his election, President Chiluba has established trade links with South Africa ahd recognized Israel. .. Zambia· is a leading mem be~ of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). The country has received development assistance from a number of Western
Haiti - White Paper
- ·~trnentfirst made by President Bush ·. ., · . ·relations with their neighbors to. deVelop·. ' . . and therHeaffiimed by, Presi~ent C~ton~. ' . Jree markets that ~ffer ~onomic opportuniw' ; Indeed, only a few· days after the_coup,_then:.. · , and promote trade
Canada, 2/95 - Parliament
- : President William Jefferson Clinton- Address to the Canadian Parliament.- Ottawa, Canada (with extensive edits by POTUS) (12 pages) 02/23/1995 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin
Book/Plan - Draft [3]
- Department of Labor and he appointed the first union members to the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission. As President, I will even the scales in the way the NLRB decides cases in order to create a level playing field and restore ithe historic balance
UNGA '94 - Early Drafts
- , 6 pm PRESIDENT \VILLIAI\1 .JEFFERSON CLINTON ADDIU~SS TO TilE UNITED NATIONS (;ENERAL ASSEMBLY NEW YORK SEPTEMBER 26, 1994 First, let me congratulate you, Mr. President, on your election as President of the 49th General Assembly. I want to assure
Russia - U.S. Policy
- that to be a democratic president one has to govern democratically. (After all, even Hitler was elected democratically! -- though obviously I draw no further analogy between Yeltsin and Hitler.) Yet there are some serious concerns to be registered in this regard: the role
North Korea - U.S. Strategy
- and allow international monitoring of its nuclear program, President Clinton would return the issue to the UN Security Council for further action. The United States is well aware that talks can become a v~hicle for delay - and enters these negotiations
- The Trip of the President to Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, & Berlin - July 5-12, 1994 [1]
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marke~ by the Clinton }>residential ·. Library Staff. Folder Title: The Trip ofthe President to Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, & Berlin- July 5-12
- to Haiti. Will be hos~ing the Summit of the Americas, first gathering in thirty years of .the democra.tic ·nations of our hemisphere. · HAITI· Background The UN, Security Council voted_on Sunday-- 12 to 0 with ·two ~bstent{ons -- to allo~ nece~sary means
- abroad, and in developing ' innovative uses of those forces, it had done nothing to promote our security at home. . . ... ~ \ The Vision . '. ·- As a candidate for President, Bill Clinton articulc~ted a clear vision fo~ reversing these trends
SOTU 1994 - Accomplishments
- the most comprehensive restructuring of foreign aid since the Kennedy Administration, leaving behind Cold War baggage and promoting economic growth, democracy, peace, sustainable development and humanitarian relief. Committed to maintaining assistance
FY 1995 Budget - Message
- environment and excessive population growth with a program to promote sustainable development. We are fundamentally reforming and restructuring our international cooperation programs, giving an entirely new post-Cold War structure to our efforts by rewriting
Bosnia Veto, 7/24/95
- Original OAIID Number: 424 ) . Row:· Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 6 1 v .· . . . THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release Statement by the President I am announcing today my decision to veto legislation
APEC '94 - Schedule
- for the President's Trip to Indonesia & the Philippines (5 pages) 10/04/1994 RESTRICTION Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speecliwriting) OA/Box Number: 422 FOLDER TITLE: APEC '94 - Schedule 2006-0460-F
Book/Plan - Draft [2]
- America's economic leadership. Yet, America is -2- the only major developed country in the world where real compensation has gone down since 1987 (Exhibit 9). In fact, the presidency of George Bush has produced less economic growth than any post World War
- [Anthony] Lake - Council on Foreign Relations, 9/12/94 [1]
- . I I : .~ Case Number: 2006-0460~F .FOIA·. ·MARKER · This is not a textual record. This· is used as an aqministrative, marker by the 91inton Presidential . Library Staff.. . . ' ~ . ,• Folder Title: '. [Anthony] Lake- Council
Mozambique - Background
- for CARE. Mozambicans from President Joaquim Chissano down to the resettled peasants and dormant warriors describe a universal weariness of war. Foreign donors and diplomats speak of Mozambique with an optimism that surprises them, as a place where
- ) n.d. P6/b(6) 002. memo Bill Galston to Don Baer et al; re: State of the Union Outline (6 pages) 0110811995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU
- : Speechwriting- Boorstin Original OAIID Numb~r: 424 Row: Section: Shelf:· !Position: Stack: 48 ~- 6 1 v 6/23/95, 6 pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON COMMEMORATION OF THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SIGNING OF THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER SAN
- /Mideast .. : Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting- Boorstin Original OAIID Number: 423 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 6 5 3 v .... ·I . . THE PREShJE~T HAS SEEN 517/95 12 p.m. . .· . .·PRESIDENT WILLIAM.JEFFERSON CLINTON
Foreign Policy - Critiques
- troublrs. Hut the country had a president-Harry Truman-who was. On President Truman's first watch1945 to 1941!-the U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb. faced down Soviet expansionism in the Rrrlin airlift. instituted the 1\!arshalll'lan. and still had thr
- and protect it. 7 That money and attention were the result ot' trying to close a highly political "readiness gap." President Clinton acted as had his predecessors who were politically vulnerable to charges of allowing bomber and missile gaps to develop
SOTU 1994 - Draft #6
- to their region's success and security. .. d'fi':i't This year we will do even more to provide support for democratic renewal, human rights and sustainable development around the world. In Haiti, we will continue to press for the restoration of democracy
Baltic States - Background
- . RESTRICTION Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 415 FOLDER TITLE: Baltic States - Background 2006-0460-F . 1655 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204
UNGA '94 - NSC Memos
- on the UNGA Speech (3 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 422 FOLDER TITLE: UNGA '94 - NSC Memos 2006-0460-F . 2580 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
Mandela Speeches
- ::J8W3 .. NI::JJI~.::li::J HlnOS WO~.::l 00:£:1 17661-£0-lJO OCT e:3 • 94 11: Z6AI·t INTERCOtofTII£1-tTAL ""'. tfr~A P.:3.-''9 ,' . ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, NELSON MANDELA. TO THE UiN GENERAL ASSE.,BL Y · N
1994 POTUS Economic Report
- -Individual: Speechwriting-Boorstin Original OAIID Number: 413 Row: 48' . Section: 6 Shelf Position: Stack: 2 2 v . I .. ) MGA~rvv ~~~~~ Economic Report of the President \1 -\~~\\\\ To the Congress of the United States ~ . I . 0.· b
- RECORD . . .• . Herbert Stein, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers under Richard Nixon . and Gerald Ford said the plan is "probably the most far-reaching· effort ever
- stemmed from decisions. made on this Issue have been s1gned." He _/Mr. Yeltsln's spokesman; SergeL . . ,Ne~s ·, · the differences stem cancel the sale of reactors to Iran, as . ~P8 ~sio~to Rufsla s bo{ders w~uld · by the National security· Council, later
- .. ' Staff Office-Individual: · Speechwriting- Boorstin .. Original.OAIID Number: - 423 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 48 ~ 5 3 Stack: v 5/30/95 10 p.m. DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON' AIR
Haiti - Communications Plan
- . RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 421 FOLDER TITLE: Haiti - Communications Plan 2006-0460-F . 2570 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204
- . . "We found that the more partnenhipa we . devel~ped._the greater the community involvement With the hospital," says Miaisha· Mitchell. ~n: Vice President for Cor.pora~e· Co~unity_ Oew:l~pm~t. · "We w,ere able to develop relauonlhi~ WI~ public housing
- Canada/U.S. - Previous President's Speeches
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA ·MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as, an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title: Canada/U.S.- Previous President's Speeches Staff Office-Individual
West Africa - Background
- in Abidjan. Among them: moving faster on privatization, improving health and education and developing an industrial base that allows sustainable growth. The 'Ivory coast also will have to fix things such as its railway. Long the pride of wesi Africa
- another, and the weight of the seized ~aterials has climbed effii.nettslJ fro:~unces into pounds) powers without even investing in expensive development President Clinton has pressed acti':'ely for stepped-up cooperation ceoperatioJwith : {G-7 , eartners
- , and a ... .. ~ -- -- - - .. -- ...... . ·---- ----------------------------- --- .. -----------------·--------- -- - - ... - -------- - - -- ------- -------- 3 which only four nations -- Botswana, the Gambia, Mauritius and Senegal -- tolerated opposing . ~ ~ .(LfJIUtA political parties-- President Kerekoufalled a "national conference" to settle Benin's political differences and chart its future. Africa
Ethiopia - Background
- Emperor Haile Selassie, as President of the Crown Council. [The present Emperor, the son of the late Haile Selassie, is currently in the Washington DC area, and is partially immobilised • continually widening gap between the number of people living off
China - Deng's Death
- intended to pull them out of any of those towns. . . . .. He said he planned on presenting options to the Security Council in the next few days, depending on advice from aides. These included peace enforcement, a sustainable air strike, and redeployment
Haiti - Talking Points
- matters about Aristide is that he was freely elected, and that once elected, he was trying, with some success, to improve the lot of the Haitian people. He represents a favorable trend, and must do what we can to encourage developments that are moving
Russia - Economy
- ) n.d. Pl/b(l) .! COLLECTION: . Clinton Presidential Records ·. National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 415 FOLDER TITLE: Russia - Economy 2006-0460-F 1660 Presidential Records Act -(44 U.S.C. 2204(a)( RESTRICTION
Iran - Background
- as refugees across Europe, describe a .. liberation.. movement gone wrong . With the help of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. who some suspect nourishes the Mujahedeen Khalq as a bargaining chip with Iran. Mr. Rajavi has sustained the illusion of strength
- . their' children .. As President; he signed the Family Preservation .. ahd Family Support A.ct. This legislation authorizes $1 billion to help states to . develop a continuum of services, i~cluding: . . ' . a J _ .• .Help forpa·rents of all backgrounds
- RESTRICTION 001. memo From Robert Boorstin; re: UN Speech Draft (partial) (l'page) 06/22/1995 P6/b(6) 002. speech draft re: President William Jefferson Clinton- Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the United Nations Charter- San
NATO Future
- to oppose and deter an expansionist Russia should it develop, while avoiding actions that unduly increase the likelihood that · it will. Most Central European and former Soviet nations also face alternative paths: toward Western values and practices o·r
Southern Africa - Background
- to develop an economy shattered by civil conflict and external aggression. In Angola, talks aimed at bringing an end to the civil war may be within reach of success, according to Mr Boutros Boutros Ghali, United Nations secretary-general. Should Mr Jonas
UNGA '94 - Draft #1
- TO' THE UNITED NATIONS' GENERAL ASSEMBLY • ' NEWYORK .. , I . SEPTEMBER 26, 1994 . ~/ • ~· ''' ., . - _·I . ., . .. . " First, let me congratuhite you, Mr. President, :on your election as P~esident. of the .49th • j • •. I • ·~ ' .~ •\ . ~ ' I
- : Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council · Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 424 FOLDER TITLE: UN 50th [Anniversary], 6/26/95- Drafts [4] 20Q6cQ460-F . 1813 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- (44. U.S.C. 2204
- ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------c----------------------------------------------~ Withdrawal/RedactioJ Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 1. speech draft l DATE SUBJECTri'ITLE re: President Willaim Jefferson Clinton- Nixon Center AddressWashington, D.C
Balanced Budget Amendment
- ) of the PRAI Release would violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAl PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
Russia - Political Crime
- campaign· help from the International Mone,. middle class. Russians themselves donations, or illegally; through tary Fund, to persuade the president h3V'e a rapidly developing sense of bribes-but they, remain distinct to cancel such privileges. Henceforth
Haiti - History [1]
- Palau's "colonial" War II. When the compact status. effect at 1:01 p.m. Oct. 1, lau's days as the last U.N. Now the United Nations has a territory were over, and bit of a dilemma: what to do with Palauan government celeits obsolete Trusteeship Council
SOTU 1994 - Foreign Policy
- -- democratic heroes who put their lives on the line for freedom -- I told them America is committed to their region's success and security. This year we will do even more to provide support for democratic renewal, human,rights and sustainable development around
- , Jr. to POTUS; . Union (partial) (4 pages) DATE ~e: Suggestions for State of the 01109/1995 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records ··National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE
- [Anthony] Lake - Council on Foreign Relations, 9/12/94 [2]
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F -· .FOIA
- , and for their children." peaceful uses to developing counMs. Albright called the treaty "a "People were much closer _to nu- . tries. very important legacy" and said When the conference opened last . President Clinton had made the trea- dear devastation as seen m H1rosht
SOTU 1994 - Draft #3
- DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Todd Stem to Dreyer, Boorstin; re: State of the Union- Draft 3 (2 pages) 01115/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 419 FOLDER
- ~rg.qid,an9,We~,poll ~or; !ship Council, a gnmp you chi!rr~d until you ran for president But . the DL~. ~e asked whether 1t·was most lffiportant to. make "gov~· !you ~hose_ rot' to ptiisueit iri.l993, arid few be~eve you Will d(!liv-.. eiiuiJ.e~t.sfilaUer
- P1/b{1) '· COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Richard Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU 1995- National Security Inserts 2006-0460-F . 1742 RESTRICTION CODES . Presidential Records Act- [44
- . Socialist chairman Tomiichi Murayama promptly declared, "' would like to give credit to the decision of the prime minister, and we would like to take a positive position toward the establishment of a new regime." The developments suggested that by quitting
OMB 'Vision' - Drafts [3]
- Council o~lic Service . . . In addition, the President. has isSued an executive order requiring the elimination of .more .than 200 . · now operating throughout the .. USDA/Rural Electrlftcation .Administration. The Administration proposes to maintairi
- ' ' ' .. ) Staff Office-Individual: " · Speech\vriting- Boorstin . ... ' Original OAIID Number: 423 Row: Section: Shelf: 48 ~ 5 ,• ., Position: Stack: 3 v 5/25/95 7 p.m. PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON AIR FORCE ACADEMY COMMENCEMENT COLORADO
- biggest genpohucal event smce the ~ Russian, crypto-Communist and end of World War II, no one had. crypto-totalitarian" _ gain the upruble. People hke Mrs. Lebedeva voted in planned for it-:- least. of all Russia's per hand. . · July for a . new President
7/94 Trip - Transcripts
- sti-ugPresi4e~t Clinton .. Good afte~10on, la_gle to consoljdate ,democracy throughput the. dies and .ge':ltl\"rnen·. ·Last year I. ryad th~ ·· form·er Communist bloc. ·I ~m·· grateful to . pleasureof. meeting these three Presidents, President Havel
Economic Program [1]
- ) BUDGET FUNCSELECTED STIMULUS OPTIONS TION AUTHORITY OUTLAYS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (500) 450 Rural Development Administration: Wastewater loan level. ....... , Subsidy level. ............................................................... . 71
- will result in a $1,700 a year · pay raise for American families over the· next. decade. 2 . An Economic Boost In .the 1994. Economic Report oi the president, the Council· of Economic Advisors concluded that implementing the agreemE:!nt would increase annual
Poland - Background Reading
- :Z6, 1995 THE PRESIDENT After Delivering His Hard-Hitter, Clinton Goes on D~(e'!-se By DOUGLAS JEHL Special to~ New Yortl. Times. . KUTZTOWN, Pa., Jan. 25 - The day after he outlined his new vision of ·government, President Clinton found himself
- SUBJECT: U.S. Immigration P~i~~ and its Workforce~ts I. The Problems In assessing immigration policy, three labor market issues are paramount: (1) There is concern that the large number of immigrants during a sustained period of high unemployment may
Angola - Background
- process. \Western donors and running iough-' Savimbi added that he was preshod.O'o'er .African geilerals. But he.· pared to meet with Angolan President and his movement are now at an Jose Eduardo dos Santos, 52. "But dos ebti. (Without" quite putting
China - Background
- - or even an intelligent response- in the political world. California Gov. Pete Wils~m promised he wouldn't run for president, but he is. George Bush promised he wouldn't raise taxes, then he did. Inside baseball. The larger malady is that the press has
Immigration - Key [Points]
- of the budgets submitted by Mr. Reagan during his eight years as president was larger than budgm approved by the Congress: Granted. there were some differences over domestic and defense priorities. but the fact remains that neither the Demo.cratic Congress nor
Foreign Policy - Morality
- of President Jules Grevy, it was disclosed, peddled the Legion of Honor out of the Elysee; the would-be developers of the Panama Canal thoughtfully placed a sizable number of parliamentary deputies on their payrolL In the United States rife corruption tarnished
- . A commencement speaker is· like the body a~ an Irish wake. Everyone says nice things about you,. but you're neither expected nor encouraged to say very much. So I ·promise not to bore you--at least not intentionally. And I will try to control the habit, developed
UNGA '94 - Outside Memos
- . to POTUS; re: UNGA '94 Address (partial) (1 page) 09/23/1994 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 422 FOLDER TITLE: .. UNGA '94 ~·Outside Memos 2006-0460-F
- 1, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM DONSIA STRONG Domestic Policy Council Staff SUBJECT Immigration Issues I. Governor Wilson has proposed that your Administration take three specific actions to combat illegal immigration: Amend
Haiti - Human Rights Reports
- ..... ' ' ,· , ·\ ... ·a ' ' ' .• ' '' ·, I . ' ' ' ·, .· •. \ .: ' 'I . '. ) ': • ' ' ,):- ... ,· ·THE· MosT 'RgcENT H~Gti PROBILE - ·., '. ~ ~ • f • • . , r· ··cAsE:s , _ . , - - ' . ·~ · . . ,.The August 28·. assassination of ·President Aristide's
Germany - Post-Unification
- , . there are already strong anti-Polish senserious lring'term policy for sustaining December, give him that chance. : ..:.· '.. '- ·..timents •. especially in Berlin and the forMr. Genscher . has thus· far tieen ' ·. mer GDR, where they have been stimu
- emphasis on policy councils and the Cabinet, the President w1ll reach beyond the White House for policy development and ideas. ? Through Vice President Gore's leadership, environmental policy will be coordinated by the Office of Environmental Policy
- . private sector investment in Ukraine. Focus on OPIC review of promising projects now underway, recent opening- of the West Nis Enterprise Fund office in Kiev. Underscore value of trade and investment, beyond assistance, to sustain development of Ukraine's
- of accomplishment. It also promises to establish an agenda for action that will help to accelerate positive trends throughout the hemisphere toward democra~y. prosperity.and sustainable . development. All of the 34leaders who will gather in Miami head
- 7/94 Trip - Baltic Presidents Meeting
- . paper SUBJECTffiTLE DATE re: Meeting with the Three Baltic Presidents (4 pages) n:d. RESTRICTION Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 421 FOLDER TITLE: 7/94 Trip
- with the leaders of the Southern African Development Community. This distinguished group included your Minister of Mines and Energy, Andimba Toiva ya Toiva. It was reassuring just to look around the room. I .saw President Masire (mah-SIH-ree) of Botswana, who has
- build greater economic opportunities. We resolved to promote sustainable development so that our descendants will enjoy the same natural riches that we have. We have reaffirmed our commitment . . . . -w -ft.trn!,V"" . to make our individual trade
- - \. Boorstin Original OA/ID Nuinber: 422 Row:· Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 5 2 v 1 10/27/94, 1 am PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON STATEMENT FOLLOWING MEETING WITH PRESIDENT ASAD DAMASCUS, SYRIA OCTOBER 27,1994 I am glad to have had
- march. , The second encouraging change in Africa is the increased movement toward market economies and sustainable development. The past decade has seen the demise of statist economic systems around the world for one simple, nonideological reason
- : Briefing Materials for the President's Trip to Canada, February 23-24, 1995 (2 pages) 01124/1995 RESTRICTION P1/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 423 FOLDER TITLE
- a meeting with Wirth and the President from one country contributed to that country's decision to reverse itself and support the U.R position. Delegates from other countries, expecting a singular focus on development at the Conference, remarked at the dogged
- · att~nding, tne ·summit . aie expected· to · address chaliengeeL facing· the. regi0n·. · · . 1 ' .... ' .. eliminating barri,ers · ..' '\ to trade··. and, economic ·integ.ration . ·· · .·assuring· sustainable development .
Transition - Structure
- 11 =9 • President•s Drug Advisory .Council • Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation • President•s Commission on White House Fellowships = 6 • President•s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board • President•s Intelligence Oversight Board
- to achieve sustainable development. Because a strong private sector is the best engine for growth, we must ensure that the banks always support that sector and never compete with it. Third, we will take a good, hard look at the United Nations
- , and establishment of the U.S.Haiti Business Development Council. -- We've accomplished a great deal in Haiti to date, but there is a great deal left to do. --One of the major messages.the President will carry on his trip is the critical importance that economic
- trade area of the Americas will produce more jobs, higher incomes and greater opportunities for all of our people. From here we're going to a working lunch, where we'll discuss issues affecting sustainable development. Our final session this afternoon
- a back-to-school speech at a university where he can develop the notion. of LINKAGES between DOMESTIC POLICY and FOREIGN POLICY. All throughout September, the President and his top foreign policy team should be stressing LEADERSHIP--the importance
Cluster Leaders
- of President-Elect Bill Clinton's Transition Organization (2 pages) 1111992 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 416 · FOLDER TITLE: Cluster leaders 2006-0460-F
- and collectively defending democratic governments. Fostering mutual prosperity through increased trade and investment. }>romoting sustainable development by protecting the environment and fighting poverty. • For the people of the United States, the Summit will help
- the Great Depression with the unprecedented innovations of the New Deal. What he said then applies to those who would turn America's back on the developing world. This is what Roosevelt said: "Governments can err. Presidents do make mistakes
- collectively and improve our·_ governance; second, how to pro'f!\ote·economic growth while aavancing a· strategy ot sustainable development that protects the envir-onment .and . ·~ . ' . ·, ~ alleviates poverty. Tq .help to detine'Gur agenda, wa
Heads of State
- . - 24 Italy His Excellency Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, President of the Italian Republic, Rome. Dear Mr. President: His Excellency Lamberto Dini, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic, Rome. Dear Mr. Prime Minister: Her Excellency
White House - Structure [2]
- Policy * o Deputy Assistant to the President for Policy Wilensky, Gail R. OEOB Development . * o Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Kolb. Charles E. M. WH Policy * o Special Assistant to the President and Executive Hill, J. French OEOB
- Economic Conference of the President & Vice President - Briefing Papers on Select Administration Policies [6]
- future. · . . . ! . · .· . • t~rritory and · . I I . Promoting defense reinvestment to encourage the development of an integrated I defense and civilian industrial base. I .. I . President Clinton and his Administration alre~dy have made
- Nancy Soderberg, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Carol Lancaster, Deputy Administrator, United States · Agency for International Development (USAID) Edward Brynn, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
- Bill' Clinton for President because he will put our gover:~ment back on track," said California developer Kathryn jrhompson. "Bill Clinton knows only an economically strong America can preserve[ world peace and promote expanding markets. Bill Clinton
Bhutto Visit - Gore Remarks
- Original OAIID Number:. 423 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 48 ~ 5 3 ·Stack: v. Remarks by Vice President AI Gore at the Dinner in Honor of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto State Department April 11, 1995 / Acknowledgments To Be Provided by Advance
- ' . \ ·>, ., .I I ,- 2 - I .\. I . . :- · . secondly}. w-e ·re.aff~rm~d _our. c~mmitment .. to c~~tinuing· :to w6rk.together-to ~trengtheh 6~~ democracies and to promote· - · · .·.·-sustainable development. -- to· promqte education and health care
- . This is the beginning of our efforts to go beyond immediate relief operations and promote recovery and sustainable development. At the same time, we have continued to respond to humanitarian crises in Rwanda, Liberia, Angola, Sudan and elsewhere. The United States has
- the United Nations Security Council. . "' 7 Finally, President Kim and I reviewed a wide range of economic issues, including those that we will take up at · the meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Osaka this fall. Ahd we talked
Africa - Horn Initiative
- this year. "I think that the concepts of sustainable development and food security are attractive," says Philip Johnston, president and CEO of CARE and a member of the delegation. "But when you begin to. articulate what it will take, it becomes a very long
Riga/Berlin Video Scripts
- the final soldier During the many decades of occupation, it was not possible, of course, for an American President to visit the Baltics. that we are in a-different ~nd come. ,--- m6te Now hopeful eta, that time has I was_delighted to a~cept Pre~ident
- . The $5.2 b.illion. in sustainable development funds that we re·q.uesting also includ~s $1.35 billion for· USAID programs and voluntary contributions to:international organizations promoting economic growth. Of that amount, $1.12 billion will go toward_
- to be discussed at the conference will be the promotion of sustainable development, responses to internal conflicts, support for democracy and human rights, and enhancing bilateral trade and investmeht ties. The President is expected to address the conference
- MEMORANDUM FOR STEVE SILVERMAN FROM: KATHERINE ARCHULETA ,~ / DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF~ SUBJECT: HAITIAN MARITIME SERVICE Below are remarks that the President may want to use regarding. the u.s. Coast Guard's role in the development of a Haitian · Maritime
- highway using the five principles spelled out by the Vice President; Facilitate the exchange of technology; and Advance environmental protection. This commonality is not of course coincidental. It reflects the dynamics of economic development as well
- The President's State Visit to Jakarta, November 13-16, 1994 [1]
- · Bin Moharnad (2 pages) n.d. P1/b(1) 006f. briefing paper re: Meeting with Mexican President Salinas (1 page) n.d. P1/b(1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records .National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418
- of Jordan. and Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Mr Yitzhak Rabin of Israel, met in Washington today at the invitation of President William J. Clinton of the United States of America. This initiative of President William J. Clinton constitutes
- President Clinton's Trip to Naples, Italy for the Economic Summit-July 1994 [4]
- ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Peacekeeping) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to Naples, Italy for the Economic Summit- July 1994 [4] 2006-0460-F . 1730 RESTRICTION CODES
- that the President considers duplicative or unnecessarily bureaucratic? SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: I think there are a number of agencies who · may have outlived their usefulness. One of them, for example, is UNCTAD, the U.N. Conference· on Trade and Development
- President Clinton's Trip to Riga, Latvia & Warsaw, Poland - July 1994 [1]
- Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to Riga, Latvia & Warsaw, Poland- July 1994 [1] 2006-0460-F . 1721 RESTRICTION CODES Presidentiai Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom
- President Clinton's Trip to Bonn & Berlin, Germany - July 1994 [3]
- · National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to Bonn & Berlin, Germany- July 1994 [3] 2006-0460-F . 1726 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - (44 U.S.C. 2204(a)J Freedom
Strategy - Attacks
- BushjQuayle for the first time since Herbert Hoover . . ( 3) .That the Republicans have given ~ericans the slowest job growth and the slowest income growth since the Great Depression. 4. On the Vice President's Council on Competitiveness, Dan Quayle did
- strength, including people, infrastructure, and technology development; and Reducing the deficit through over 150 specific program cuts. Foi the past twelve years, the deficit went up while investment in people went down. The President's plan will flip
- Grounded in America's Fundamental Interests Secretary of State Warren Christopher University of Indiana, Bloomington March -29, 1995 Good afternoon. I would like to thank President Brand for that warm welcome, and Indiana University for inviting me
Foreign Aid - "New Types"
- Corp., or OPIC, have widespread, as. Sen. Helms, chairman of done It all along. But more groups, riding the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the wave of "sustainable development," tries to let private organizations dispense are moving
- President Clinton's Trip to Naples, Italy for the Economic Summit-July 1994 [3]
- : Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to Naples, Italy for the Economic Summit- July 1994 [3] 2006-0460-F 1729 0 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
- - . caribbei.IL . . . . ~,;;.,t ctinion Bnnoimdng · ··tiOna themSelves.. ;Mclat important, . · . . !I Itis tlW·firs~ver hemispheric . . rhe summit of the Amfltk:as~ . these efforts need to be sustainable aummit'of solely democratically~. ·. Mardi 11, 1994
Egypt - Background
- loans. The program here, tied to specific development projects, · is the largest since the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after World War II. Altruism was not a major moti· vation. The unabashedly political purposeS were to reward Egypt for becoming
AIPAC, 5/7/95 - Drafts
- people · who enter the work force every year in Eg~pt, President Mubarak and I have created a Presidents Council -- because the di~contented young are a breeding ground for extremism, which can threaten all we have achieved. Along the same lines, we
- abandonment? A paradox, perhaps, but paradoxes have been a commonplace i.n the development of legislative programming."' It seems almost inevitable that the presidency will continue to gain and retain prerogatives and responsibilities in the federal sys· tern
- Clinton; re: Interview in Moscow with Radio Nadezhda (3 pages) 05/02/1995 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 423 FOLDER TITLE: Russia, 5/95- Moscow Stae
Taiwan - Background
- in that cou.~l.r)· ." n, '""t to the Uruted States this . wee~ of PreSident Lee Teng-hui, who has been attendtng alumni even:s at ComeU Uruverstty and was scheduled to depart yesterday, has been mterpreted m Tatwan as a major step lll the t5land·s
Human Rights - Proclamations
- COUNCIL SUBJECT: Helsinki Human Rights Day proclamation Senate Joint Resolution 195 designates August 1, 1994 as "Helsinki Human Rights Day." It authorizes and requests the President to issue a proclamation reasserting America's commitment to full
- ------------ ... -~--..__._...._ ) - ------- - -..,. ----'--:---------------···-··-·--· -· ..... OUTLINE PRESIDENTIAL. INTRODUCTION: President's vision for what he wanted to do, why he has stuck with it, what he has accomplished and what he is proposing going forward. This section will include accomplishments lists (major legislation and budget
Russia, 5/95 - Roll-Out Plan
- : ColumnistsMeeting with the President (partial) (1 page) 04/2711995 P6/b(6) ooi list re: Columnists Meeting with the President (partial) (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton.Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA
- -- (NEW) Atlantic Council Directors -· SecDef will probably talk about NATO . enlargement. · · · · · · · li. Apri124 ~-Arnled ForoesCommuclcation and Electronic Association-- secriefwill probably talk about engagenient with Russia and Nunn-Lugar
- President Clinton's Trip to Riga, Latvia & Warsaw, Poland - July 1994 [2]
- . P1/b(1) I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to Riga, Latvia & Warsaw, Poland- July 1994 [2] 2006-0460-F . 1722 RESTRICTION
- September, at my request, Vice.President Gore came to Cairo and met :with President Mubarak. At the end of those meetings, the Uni~ed States atid Egypt announced the beginnings of a n~w Partnership for Economic Growth and Development. .. - 2 - I know
- President Clinton's Trip to Bonn & Berlin, Germany - July 1994 [1]
- Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to Bonn & Berlin, Germany - July 1994 [I] 2006-0460-F . 1724 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - (44 U.S.C. 2204(a)J PI National Security
Russia/U.S. - Opinion Polls
- and economic reforms or trying to bolster President Yeltsin. Two recent polls show a majority of Americans continue to support economic aid to Russia. The Chicago Council survey (10/94) asked whether U.S. "economic aid" to Russia sho~ld be "increased, decreased
- and to pursue sustainable development. ! o Already the Western Hemisp~ere is our most important export market, with 1993 exports of over $180 billion -- 38 bercent of all U.S. sales abroad. About three million U.S. jobs are linked to these expohs. I I Sixty
- a sanctions resolution in the Security Council, and to counter any hostile reaction. And the North Koreans knew it. After Kim Il Sung made a commitment to freeze North Korea's nuclear program if the United States would agree to resume talks, President Clinton
- : Language in POTUS VFW Speech (p.artial) ( 1 page) 03/03/1995 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records !National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 423 FOLDER TITLE: Veterans Administration
Clusters - Staff
- : Transition Cluster Groups (I page) 111I8/I992 Personal Misfile OOib.list re: Cluster - International Trade & Development/Economic (I page) I11I8/1992 ·Personal Misfile OOic. list re: Cluster- State/National Security/Defense/Intelligence/Arms Control
Transition Resumes - Hired
- NO. AND TYPE do I a. resume SUBJECTffiTLE DATE re: Jennifer Smith (partial) (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton President{al Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 416 FOLDER TITLE: Transition
- of,· seeing the energy issue only through · the· -- (inaudible. ) ·. · · · . · . _ . .. . . ' ~ ; . ,· . ·T~~ VICE PRESIDENT:. Well, sustainable. development. encompasses both the. economy and. the ' environment. I I m going to, ,have . · · .__ . to go
- -Individual: Speechwriting- Boorstin '·. Original OA/ID Number: 422 Row: 48 Section:· ·~ Shelf: Position: Stack: 5 2 v ;. ... 1 PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON ADDRESS TO THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY NEW YORK. SEPTEMBER 26, 1994
- action-- Presidential memoranda or E.O.'s on redirecting R&D spending, procurement reforms etc. -- all things the President promised in the campaign, but not proposed by Commerce. council on Aging Appointments HHS reports that, as a result of recent
- and never deserved. Abstaining: Brazil, China The President: There were 12 votes in favour, none against and 2 abstentions. The draft resolution has been adopted as resolution 940 (1994). I shall now call on those members of the Council who wish to make
- essential role in world affairs. Let us hope that wise . ' heads will ultipJ.ately prevail. · . ,. . Remarks by Richard Schifter, Special Assistant to the President and Counselor, ·National Security Council, at the Annual Meeting of the American Jewish
- program, President Clinton would return the issue to the UN Security Council for .. further action. The United States is well aware. that talks can become a vehlcle for delay - and enters these negotiations without illusions. ·The second path holds
- is implementing a $20 billion defense~ reinvestment and conversion plan to help hard hit workers, communities, and businesses. The President also directed the Administration to · speed the transfer of base property for economic development, provide transition
- Case_N umber: 2006-0460-F . . ' ' FOIA ·.MARKER . . . •· ' " This is not a textual record. This is used as an · administrative marker by the. Clinton Preside~tial Library Staff. ·· " Folder Title: .. ' GOP National Security Speeches
Aristide Speeches
- with. the humanitarian, economic, and technical assistance needed to spur development and strengthen democracy. We've worked very closely with President Aristide and his economic advisers ·""- and I must say he has gathered together a very talented and experienced group
UNGA '94 - Economic Memos
- of my first year and a half as the President of the United States I · have become convinced both that we all know in our hearts that the changes through which the world economy is hurtling require a new and·reenergized vision; and we all believe
- day, quietly and cost.: effectively- to strengthen our national security and make Americans safer. . and material ability to develop nuclear weapons, if they decided to do so. • We believe that more than two dozen countries-- many hostile to us- have
Counter-Terrorism, 8/3/95
- President Clinton welcomes the arrest and return to the United States today of a suspect charged in the World Trade Center bombing. The United States is determined to bring to justice those who perpetrate terrorism directed against Americans. The President
- development. President Yeltsin and I have always attached great importance to scientific and technological collaboration. Today, I have issued a statement announcing the establishment of a civilian research and development foundation, to be funded initially
Defense Cuts/Jobs
- Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 413 FOLDER TITLE: Defense Cuts/Jobs 2006-0460-F . 1643 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom of Information Act- [5 U.S.C. 552(b)) PI P2 P3 P4 b(l
G-7 Halifax - Briefings
- DAN TARULLO, AND UNDERSECRETARY LARRY SUMMERS The Briefing Room 11:15 A.M. EDT MR. MCCURRY: Good morning, everybody. As you know, next week, Thursday, ·President Clinton will depart for Halifax for his third G-7 summit since he has been President
7/94 Trip - Press Reviews
- plays in Peoria. Latvia loves President Clinton." (NYDN, 7-7) Similarly, George pondon'wrote in The San Diego Union-Tribune, ;'Facing the largest crowd of his presidency,. Clinton drew long and . sustained cheers" when he·said Russian troops must l~ave
Economic Stimulus Package
- .COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 413 FOLDER TITLE:. Economic Stimulus Package 2006-0460-F . 1640 RESTRICTION CODES Preside'ntial Records Act- (44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom
- CHRISTOPHER AND SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY BOB RUBIN World Trade and Convention Center Halifax, Nova Scotia 6:05 P . .M. (L) MR. MCCURRY: Good evening, everybody. I think as you know, President Clint·on and Prime Minister Murayama just concluded a 90-minute
- that the private sector is capable of developing many new ways to reduce costs, including new coordinated arrangements between insurers, businesses, and workers. The· President believes government programs shoulq learn from such.private sector innovations
- . The banks must further weave environmental considerations into the fabric of economic policy, so that development is sustainable, allowing growth to be. sustained. Middle East Development Bank (if decided) The Middle East. peace process is one of the most
- intentions. He'll be reminding President Y eltsin that none of the G-7 countries feel that it's safe to cooperate with Iran on nuclear matters. To put it simply, Iran has no legitimate basis for trying to develop a nuclear reactor progr-am. We hope that over
- to the President Senior Director for Speechwriting, National Security Council ( Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 002. letter DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Strobe Talbott to Bob Boorstin; re: Moscow State Univerity Speech (4 pages) 05
- and Mr. Diallo of the CounCil. The connections between our groups run deep; two . I . . of Mr. J?iallo's childr~~are ~Students at Lincoln University, one ~f my na~ion's inost . I ,~_,-:.>";0' . prestigious ~-y black universities, and its president
- opportunities for our people today. So the third goal of our Summit is to bring our nations together to pursue sustainable development. Our common effort to eradicate polio --banished from our hemisphere since 1991 -shows what cooperation can bring. Now we must
Strategy - Talking Points
- : Talking Points for Atlanta TV Show (3 pages) 06/2111992 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 416 FOLDER TITLE: Strategy - Talking Points 2006
Reagan Transition
- 001. memo SUBJECTrfiTLE DATE Matt Mahaffie to John Hart; re: Reagan Transition of 1980-81 (7 pages) 10/02/1992 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox
- . . :. .. '. '.- ., I . I ' I .1 ' ' \ ' . '. , .. •••• . ' . '~ ' ~- .' ,· .. \·, . ,' . ;, .I I ' .• .: ". ·,-· PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON . REMARKS QN IRAQ .AND HAITI ·,' ; THE.,WHITE1HOUSE · ..... . OCTOBER 16~ 1994
Bush Transition
- . . Reports that uBush doesn't know what to do with Quayle." Quayle considers more activist role as President of Senate, using gavel to tactical advantage. Quayle named to head National Space Council. Top V.P. staff Jobs still unfilled, December 3 Mitchell
- was on the need for a sustained core message -which is hard enough in a campaign, but demands special discipline in the Presidency, because the Executive Branch ·consists cif thousands of potentially newsworthy events daily, plus there's :a temptation to try
Estonia - Background
- pages) n.d. Pl/b(l) 002. paper re: Paldiski Naval Base (1 page) n.d. Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 415 FOLDER TITLE: Estonia - Background 2006-0460-F
Immigration - Legislation
- . As an interagency task citizens," said Sen. j. james Exon (0-Neb.). who debate force develops long-term plans for a Corigressional immigration policy traditionally . failed in an effort to enact an absolute ban on benlegislative. initiative, the president is was set
- Fouad to Don Baer; re: Israeli Speech (partial) (1 page) 10/20/1994 P6/b( 6) 002. cable American Embassy; Tel Aviv to National Security Council, the White House & Secretary of State, Washington, D.C.; re: Scenesetter for President's Visit to Israel
- to report on progress toward~achieving the goals; o Develop voluntary academic standards and assessments that are meaningful, challenging, and appropriate for all students through the National .Education standards and Improvement Council;
- under the National Security .Council. And the · National ) president coilllllissioned an independent study on the·Joint Security Conimi.ssion arid a report on the tunes. affair tw th~ ·ci~ Inspector General. '(' ,· I
- government show, we must attack our problems with renewed energy every day. - ~d{LThe third goal of our Summit is to bring our nations together to pursue sustainable /) fii\J)1' development. Democracy meanfmore than ending political brutality; it means
Bush - Health Care
- trom costly state-imposali mandatQs and ~remium taxes. · excassive state o The President' e plan ensures that States will develop packages of basic banatits, and will guarante9 that similar businesses buyinq sirt\ila:f insurance polieias pay
- : Arranging POTUS to Speak Before American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors (partial) (1 page) 001. fax j i 0411211995 . RESTRICTION P6/b(6) ~ I I I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin
Book/Plan - Draft [1]
- that doesn't work and doesn't care. Foi 12 years, too many politicians in both parties have looked out for themselves with perks, privileges, and pay raises while hard-wo~king Americans got the shaft. When I'm President, this betrayal of democracy will end
- . - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REVISED PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON REMARKSONTHEEVEOFPRESIDENT ARISTIDE'S REfU.RN TO H ..L\ITI THE WHITE HOUSE OCTOBER 14, 1994 [Acknowledgments: President Aristide, families of those serving in Haiti] Three years ago, the international
- reduces the deficit as a percent of. GOP from 5.4% of GOP in fiscal year 1993 to 2.7% of GOP in fiscal year 1997. STIMULUS To sustain and strengthen the recovery and create additional jobs now, the President has proposed an economic stimulus plan
- Speechwriting Office; re: Use of Truman Quote for the President's Speech Before the Canadian Parliament ( 1 page) · 02/16/1995 P1/b(1) 002. paper re: Comments on Quebec (2 pages) n.d. P1/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security
- ~es, USAF (Ret)Vietnam 1969, Air Force Chief of Staff 1974-78, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff 1978-1982 (partial) (1 page) 07/1111995 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) r COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin
- support an interim date for developed and newly industrialized countries. C; SECURE AGREEMENT FOR A BLUEPRINT FOR ACHIEVING FREE AND OPEN TRADE AND INVESTMENT Another key objective is to establish a process for achieving free and open trade
Haiti - Core Statement
- democratic government, i~cl_udi~g .intensive diplomatic efforts and target~d eco_n()mic sanctions: . All havefruled. In -'July, ·:the .• . , :UN Security Council approved Resolution 940, which authorizes the use.of~l n~cessary '· means to rerto~e the military
Economic Program [2]
- lower office not only promotes but also prepares a politician for higher office, Reagan's path to the presidency is clearly deficient. He skipped those formative experiences that take. place mainly in legislatures~ity councils, · ~:: state . assemblies
China - New Economy
- !ty to trans· were. People with families are seeperlor!ty," President Jiang, echoing [that any such "safety net': system form its state-owned industrial secing their livelihoods disappear and the conservative Urie, said while on . t·w!ll develop fast
- Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 416 · FOLDER TITLE: Health Care- Campaign Memos [1] 2006-0460-F . 1700 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act- [5 U.S.C
Rwanda Statement, 7/22/94
- 100 missions. On May 10, the Vice President met with the United Nations Secretary General and the head of the Organization of African Unity in an effort to expand the UN peacekeeping force in · Rwanda. The following week, the Security Council approved
- Company is the largest consumer·goods investor in Russia. E. Neville /sde/1 is senior vice president of The Coca-Co/a Company and president of the company's Europe Group. He is a member of the U.S. -Russia Business Council's Board of Directors, and he
- of nations. The tepid response from the United Nations Security Council was late and inadequate. A mere statement from that month's president, rather than a resolution from the full Council, it bent over backwards to remove all mention of Jews and Israel from
"Plan" - Drafts
- · · development. I believe that all children can learn. But it takes real commitment and incentives, not just promises. As President, I · would: • Fully fund the Head Start program to guarantee that preschool children have the nutrition and health care they need
Bhutto Visit - Background
- Affairs at the National Security Council, to take some questions to follow up on the presentations you've just heard from the President and the Prime Minister following their very successful bilateral chat this morning. Q Will the President sign
- of genuine partnership, we will increase our chances at prosperity. And if together we can confront our common challenges in the environment, in health and educat.ion to provide for long-term, sustainable development, both our prosperity and our freedom
SOTU 1994 - POTUS Meetings
- ·.: . . . ••.. ... ·. . ',::.···. _· . . : : . .. ' ·, ' . . :. -~ •' • ' ~ •• ' . ' . . ~ • ·. ~· • ' . THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary Internal Transcript. January 4, 1994 TRANSCRIPT OF STATE OF THE UNION PREPARATORY MEETING The Oval Office 4:00 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Okay, what are we going to do? MR. LADER: Your reactions
Banking - Reforms
- Charles Manat and Institute for Strategy Development president Karen Shaw advocate tougher standards for community investment by· banks, analysts said.< · But they also favor nationwide banking powers, an issue that splits the industry with most small town
Africa - Democratization
- to learn how they, too, can after prodding from 'the World Bank. which disarm and develop. The world's poorest told Ugandan President Yoweri Musevem ·countries will spend $118 billion this year in 1991 it wanted to stop the military from on their armies
Speeches - Foreign Policy
- : Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwritmg) ·· ONBox Number: 420 FOLDER TITLE: Speeches- Foreign· Policy 2006-0460-F . 1750 Presid~ntial Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) RESTRICTION CODES Pl National Security
China - Security/Stability
- of higher education areas, or are stars in science, music · have been upon California," said : or sports, or a variety of factors that Robert H. Atwell, president of the . have little to do either with grades American Council on Education, or race. which
7/94 Trip - Message Meetings
- ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: I •m going to talk :;\1ery briefly about the President's visit to Riga, Latvia., next Wedne~ciay, and then say a few words about another stop on the trip for whi~h· I ha~e responsibility ~- it's the· bilateral .with President Yeltsin
- .. --:...:· ... . ·-··-- ·~::.::~-- . ··.:::... . . ... ·- ... - . . . .;- .... P005 : . CalifOrnia Leading, Economists' Statement page 1 Arthur Rlaustcin Irma Adelman College of Agricultural Economy U.C. Berkeley Former Chair President's National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity Lecturer George Akerlof U. C
SOTU 1994 - Draft #9
- America is committed to their region's success and security. This year we will do even more to provide support for democratic renewal, human rights and sustainable development around the world. Now that Nelson Mandela and President DeKlerk have joined
- Economic Conference of the President & Vice President - Briefing Papers on Select Administration Policies [2]
- their family. But those who are able but not willing to work, . .,· should not be eligible· for welfare. • In June. of 1993; Preside~t Cli~ton formed a Working Group~to develop ~welfare reform pla'n. The ~orking Group actively sought input from State
[Richard] Gephardt - Trade
- ·, and .our people's · · needs ~-and· we sho~ld just accep~ that,· and en
Health Care - Campaign Memos
- ,'.• . .· " ' , .Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA .MARKER l. ) '' I . . . ,. . This is. not a textual-record.:. This is used as an . . administrative marker by the Clinto~ Preside~tial Library Staff. . .. .. Folder Title: Health Care
- ~ of the Presidents of, 'tl,tc Latin :\merican , / ! Republics and the. Prime Min'ister of Trinidad· and I
- we'll have another moment where things may be different if the moment changes. Structural change. S. Recognize the Leadership - Should address maturity of the governments. In only 10 years, the LA presidents have been able to put their countries in a hot
- P1/b(1), P5 002b. talking points re: Points to be Made for Meeting with Prime MinisterTorniichi Murayama (3 pages) 06/15/1995 Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security CounCil Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number
- : Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 421 FOLDER TITLE: 7/94 Trip - Riga Embassy Staff 2006-0460-F 1765 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -(44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom
- ., for .clause brought the Court into disre- violating the Gun-Free School Zones pute and under sustained· political Act by carrying a concealed .38-caliattack. ber pistol and five bullets to school. "It seems fair to ask whether the The appellate court
Terrorism - Initiatives
- mandatory sentence for this offe.nse. It increases the penalty for arson or explosive crimes against property. Efforts to Combat International Terrorism ~ The bill urges the President to establish a White House office to coordinate U.S. counterterrorism
Argentina - Background
- on Page BS) * * * * Chevron hopes to sell its real estate of the market's trading practices. development businesses, a move that Nasdaq President Joseph Hardiman some outside developers believe could and other Nasdaq officials said the raise several
- King- dom. But then Argentina got in ahead of France, and for some reason Uruguay was sixth . The U.S. was SSth. after Nicaragua, so that President Truman, who was on band to make the final address to the The Charier .(right) n~d lnteri,;. A~ment
- violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
- them, and given a chance to develop self-discipline and skills: • National Aoprenticeship Program. As President, I will bring business, labor and education leaders together to develop a national apprenticeship system that offers non college-bound
- Apprenticeshjo Program. As President, I will bring business, labor and education leaders together to develop a national apprenticeship system that offers non college-bound students trainir;tg in valuable skills, with the promise of good jobs when they graduate
Haiti - History
- a gallery for self-taught· Haitian artists. Al·~·Jugh guided in technical matters, the artists·:;Jny of whom displayed highly original styles•tre allowed to develop largely along their own :!tes . The Centre d'Art enabled painters such as :·~i!ome Obin
Soros Foundation
- Number: . 415 ' Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 6 3 1 v The White House Washington D.C. Dear Mr. President: I take the liberty of writing to you in connection with your forthcoming visit to Russia. As you know I have a foundation
Strategy - Drafts [1]
- - A National Economic Strategy for America (partial) ( 1 page) :RESTRICTION 06/23/1992 ; P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 416 FOLDER TITLE: Strategy - Drafts [ 1] 2006
- . . . . Aditftfonal Points on Investment· .lnd Jobs :· · . • . ·. ' . . . , • I , ; , . . . . .. ·. ' ' . 'From .(he Council of Economu;Advisors 1994 report to .t/'le President: . . .. " · • ·.. '.'It so~etimes argu~ that outward qir~ investment 'e
UNGA '94 - UN Mission Memos
- ,,, • - !'',\ ) · .. Don Baer, Special Assistant, .to tbe President- To: ' )' ' ' . ,_· ·, ' I' \ ',' l: ' ·, . . I.·, '. . . • ·. ., Re: Fo llowp , to conversation _wi tb .Amb. Albright re: Preside~t ~ s .. Speech to. the urii ted Nations :G·eneral
- . acid Japan's .Crown Prince Akihito gave ead of the mor~{ costly sulf~t:ic Presid~nt Eisenhower .a brilliantly ·and eliminated. the need t9 use colored suk .screen : today as· ~ rlc · en~rgy or ·.other energy token· ,of Jrlendship from hiS fathE!I\ 1cies
- }rlsCongre&s· will be . When President Clinton was in · · · . active in bringing the&e linkages to life.· · 1 to position themselves as·moderate~ . . The continuing development 0~ Mosco\r two.weeks ago, the principal · · reasonable 'centrists.· democratic
- Affairs~ National Security Council (456-2947) Bob Boorstin Special Assistant to the President for. Policy Coordination (456-7151) Don Steinte!';J S~ecial Assistant to the ?re~ident for Foreign Affairs (456-2947) James McGreoor Office of Policy Guidance
SOTU 1994 - Cabinet Requests
- Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: Sotu 1994 - Cabinet Requests 2006-0460-F . 2558 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act- [5
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F · FOIA ··MARKER This is not a textual reco~d.. This is. used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presid~~tial Library Staff. Folder Title: APEC '94 - Manila Cemetery - Outside Drafts .. . Staff Office-Individual
- ,be ' ' ·, ... the 'mechi:u1isin in association· :with' the u.s. -south 'African Business·.' I 1Deve~opment Council·; 'previously announced by_ Secretary Btow:q and.. . I. Minister Trevor_Manuel, wi~l .also _inechanism.f_or assi~'!:i~g in ·· · the· development of business
Infrastructure - Analysis
- unemployment, taken from the February 1992 Economic Report ofthe President, put together by the Council of Economic Advisors, Table B-30, p. 333, and from the August 1992 issue of Economic Indicators, also from the Council of Economic Advisors, p. 12.. Why
Narcotics - Strategy
- after devaluing the peso in late December. · Clint Stack, president of International Development Systems Inc., a Washington, D.C.,consulting firm, said the owners of most maquiladora plants will still be paying the same costs for.the fabric made and cut
Nonproliferation - Test Ban
- to the igfried Hecker watched contentnuclear- arJ?S• including their .own. It is al- · West Wing of the White House, aware that edly as President Clinton pressed !'l~st certain that the ~aty will be renewed he stood nearly alone in the Clinton adminis. dow
Peru - Background
- fearsome Shining Path guerrilla movement, President Alberto Fujimori is tbe front-runner; with an even chance of obtaining the 50% of the vote he needs to win re-election outright in the first round. analysts say. Still, in the past two weeks, polls have
- : Speechwriting- Boorstin Original OA/ID Number: 424 Row: Section: Shelf 48 6 6 - Position: Stack: 1 v Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 1. speech draft DATE SUBJECT/TITLE re: President William Jefferson Clinton
- 94, paid for by user fees. Recommendation We believe that this proposal should be approved and announced by the President. An appropriate response to the IG report needs to be developed. E. Carrier Consultant Program This ad hoc program, which
- in the security arrang~ments that the parties negotiate. Specific·discussions on what fcrm that participation may take have not yet begun, but our commitment is firm. And just as we have acted this past year to fulfill the President's pledge·to sustain and enhance
Strategy - Job Generation
- National Security Council Robert Boors tin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 416 ·FOLDER TITLE: Strategy- Job Generation 2006-0460-F . 1713 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act- [5 U.S.C. 552(b)J Pt
- around us or nearly a century. We m~st ~ \ \J:Jv ~~?f'n1h 1 ~ · y--- · __.-- eflared-ro sustain~ aREi enh ce it, ,ro;Illaintain our partnership and -t~ :: .. 2/19/95, 7 pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON ADDRESS TO THE CANADIAN PARLIAMENT
- : Original OA/ID Number: 423 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 5 3 v - -----------------------------------.. i• D \ 2/23/95, 6 pm .. ... .. ---·•,:'.. PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON STATEMENT AT PRESS CONFERENCE WITII
- . ~· ....-: '' ''•, .. ·1 .... .. ' , . '.J I "' ' . ·,' . '.,. .. :rl .. THE WHITE· ri'OUSE . ' I '' ' \ ·office of the Pr~s-~ .Secr~ta,r¥, I ~ 6 , · 19 9.4 r · For. Immediate Release s.eptem}:)er ... · REMARKS BY THE PRES·IDENT THE VICE. PRESIDENT I
POW / MIA - Key Statements
- to the President and Senior Dire~tor for Asiah Affairs in the National Security Council, at the White House. General John Admire is Director for Plans a.nd Policy, in the office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. General Thomas Needham is Commander
- to Iran ':Is not entirely connect- for environmental reasons. But no But a western-led consortium that officials have avoided disclosing deed to finances," said Uham AliyeV, a one doubts thai Turkey, which has is spending $7 billion to develop the , had
Korea - Background
- of the Serbian Civic Council. "They leave because they have the hardest time of all. They were abandoned by the Serbs who left previously ... (and) they were .not as protected (legally) as Muslims and Croats." Like many Sarajevo Serbs, Zivkovic holds
SOTU 1994 - Draft #7
- OAIID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: ~osition: 48 6 4 ~ Stack: v THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM TO THE PRESIDENT From: David Dreyer Re: LATEST State of the Union (Draft 7) Da: January 23, 1994 Summary Saturday morning, Bob
Liberia - Background
- on Christ· mas. Eve 1989, seeking to overthrow the sovemment of President Samuel D'?e;. the country has been torn aslillder. The descendants of the i\riieiicans who long dominated Liberia' largely have fled. Doe is dead, sla:iJi in 1990 by a splinter group
Strategic Memo
- /23/1992 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speech\vriting) OA/Box Number: 413 FOLDER TITLE: Strategic Memo 2006-0460-F . 1626 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- (44 U.S.C
Russia - Yeltsin
- President Hosni Mubarak. His evidence, he said, was that the two Beit Lid bombers had spent their last night in an Israeli village called Dahaniya. "I have the right to ask, which car took these two guys wearing false Israeli military clothes and having
SOTU 1994 - Health Memos
- (partial) (I page) 01122/1994 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU 1994 - Health Memos 2006-0460-F . 1736 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
Edgar Bronfman - Background
- Natiuns Security Council mainUin sanctions only in the explosive Middle East but against the brdal .adicaJ regime of haqi throughout the we-rid. Tbe radical dictator Sadd1m Hussein, be showed Islamic rulers of lrar:. have developed a similar resolve
Haiti - Biographies
- ) 02/25/1993 P1/b(1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: · 421 ·FOLDER TITLE: Haiti- Biographies ··'' 2006-0460-F 1758 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- (44
- Council for _to carry out the agreement, they were · firm action. ···-·;·~- ... :.. ............... · ,. __ i Immigration reformers fearful of '2% solution' ·.:. f1 \ ,\lt bough President Clinton's ini- ti:ltive \Vt.ts praised ~IS u first step
[Anthony] Lake - Transcripts
- : ANTHONY LAKE National. Security Adv.iser to President Clinton ANDREIKOZVREV Russian Foreign Minister MODERATOR: . Tim Russert - NBC NEWS ROUNDTABLE GUESTS: Special Edition - '94 Highlights, '95 Predictions This Is a rush transcript provided
- Berlin Wall - Previous Presidents
- '' ·case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA. MARKER•· . This_is not.a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential · Library Staff.. . : Folder Title: " . Berlin Wall - Previous .Presidents . ,, . ' I
- Nick Burns to Bob Boorstin; re: Riga Speech (3 pages) 06/2111994 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National SecUrity Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 421 FOLDER TITLE: 7/94 Trip- Riga Drafts/Notes 2006-0460-F . 1766
- Presidential Records NationaL Security Council . Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 416 FOLDER TITLE: Transition - Ethics Background 2006-0460-F . 1691 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential. Records Act- (44 U.S.C. 2204(a)J Freedom of Information Act
- of· succesl;lful political and economic reforms; Russia_as a democracy, a reliable neighbour and a full partner in the peaceful development of Europe and A~ia. This clear idea of where we want to be is important. What is more important is how we get there: how
- President Aristide of Haiti, plan to attend the Summit of the Americas, the first such hemispheric gathering in almost three decades. The Summit of the Americas will pay close attention to laying the roots for democracy and sustainable development
NATO/Europe - Background
- , fuexpansion that are likely to precede year, but Poland, Hungary and the Q.;) ture American presidents will be obliged by m- the admission of new members. Czech Republic generally are re;,.. ternational treaty to consider an attack on WarUnder article five
SOTU 1994 - Draft #5
- and sustainable development around the world. In Haiti, we will continue to press for the restoration of democracy. And as we build a more constructive relationship with China, we will insist on clear signs of improvement in that nation's record on human rights
Peacekeeping - H.R. 872
- declined sharply with the U.S. public since !990, when Congress insisted President Bush first seek Security Council authorization before it would support the Gulf War. And . although the world body has had some . genuine successes in recent years- includ
Sudan - Background
- always has southerners. The government has been a poor man's war. kept the war· and accompanying The war, charges of human rights charges of human rights violations off violations and diplomatic ostracism the U.N. Security Council agenda. Within rebel
SOTU 1994 - Draft #8
- /ID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: tposition: Stack: 48 ~ 4 2 v - -- - - - -- ----------- - - - President William Jefferson Clinton Address Before A Joint Session of Congress On The State of the Union: DRAFT EIGHT (01-24-94 at a) Janua
Islam - Western Nations
- esteem. Islam (1) "Islamic fundamentalism" is NOT ranked among the most serious threats facing the U.S. -- The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations survey, conducted by Gallup last October, asked respondents to rate the importance of eight different
- monarch presiding over a liberal democracy. Nevertheless, the controversy over the emperor's status as a divine being continues, largely because of his role as the chief priest of Shinto, the native religion, which is still practiced in secularized rituals
Macedonia - Background
- . mats and Macedonian leaders say. Greece has imposed a blockade on Macedonia; its northern neighbor, in a dispute that centers on who has the right to use the name. But the greatest threat to· peace, diplomats and analysts say, Is President Slobodan
Haiti - History [2]
- ' .· : . ', : .·: Case Number:· 2006-0460-F . ...., FOIA MARKER.· This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presid~ntial , · LibrarY Staff. · . I .. . Folder Title: Haiti- History [2
- Boorstin & Anyone Else Interested (2 pages} 11109/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 422 FOLDER TITLE: Georgetown- 11110/94 -Inserts 2006-0460-F . 2576 I
SOTU 1994 - POTUS #1 Draft
- on the line for freedom -I told them America is committed to their region's success and security. This year we will do even more to provide support for democratic renewal, human rights and sustainable development around the world. We will continue standing
Iran - U.S. Policy
- -it ranks eighth, the State Department says. Potential U.S. investment, such as the recent Conoco deal with Iran. Houston-based Conoco proposed developing oil and gas projects for Iran in the Persian Gulf through a European subsidiary, a deal thlit did
Refugees - Background
- -97-1993 09:39 Fm1 REFlEEES I~Tict-A_ 1-212-989--9048 TO p. B2 RERJGEES INTERNAnONAL Lionel A. Rosenblatt Edocation: 1965- IWvard College. A.B., evm laude 1965-66- Stanford University Law School Cummt Position: President, Refugees
Carbon Tax
- to Lane Bailey; re: Senator Rockefeller's Speech (2 pages) · 09/20/1992 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National SecuritY Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 416 FOLDER TITLE: Carbon Tax 2006
Burundi - Background
- runiormongers say the TutsiRwanda's bloodShed erupted afanarchy, a 17 ,000-member ardomi!lated army is about to de- my-Burundi's most powerful inter the Hutu presidents of both pose the country's Hutu presithat nation and Burundi died in an stitution-is its sole
- ~TION 001. email Sean Darragh to Anthony Lake; re: Fact Sheet for President's UNGA Speech (2 pages) 09/23/1994 P1/b(l) 002. email Neal Wolin to Richard Clarke et al; re: UNGA Speech·_. International Criine ( 1 page) 02/20/1994 p 1/b( 1
- . ·.by the ,peace talks. the economic reces- shadow of its predecessor, mau:tiY to. · sentiment. the. country. and therefore· · sion, and the poor condition of inter~Arab: . the lower number oflslainists il"' this house·,, .they were unabie to. develop much
Hussein/Rabin - Background
- River Jordan -served as the dividing line, now the focus of development .-. \ l Fouad Ajami President should say something about King Hussein's grandfather -Rabin the soldier of peace aware of the journey that you've had and the weight that you've
Gulf War Illnesses
- (partial) (1 page) 03/05/1995 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 423 FOLDER TITLE: Gulf War Illnesses 2006-0460~F . 1801 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
100 Days' - Outside Advice
- for New Administration [2 copies] (2 pages) 12/14/1992 003. list I I i P6/b(6) I· I I 1. iI .I . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Rob.ert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 413 FOLDER TITLE: '1 00 Days
- every day, is run office, he pulled out a .around. putting out fires, .and .. . pencil. ·. - . . · the~ is ·no long·tenn.planning. · ~This" is all we have," said _ So much is improvisation out of : 'council presid~nt Ariselme Re
- .-. . .. ·:.;- .. :- Staff Office-Individual: - · Speechwrit!ng- Boorstin .. ' : -.. -. ' -·· / Original OA/ID Num~er: 421. Row: Section: ·Shelf: ... 48 6 5 .. . Position: 1 -Stack: V-· . July 24, 1994, 11 pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON
- SATTERFIELD PLEASE PASS IMMEDIATELY TO SPEECHWRITERS (BOORSTIN AND DAN.) FROM: MARTIN INDYK SUBJECT:. OUTLINE FOR PRESIDENT'S SPEECH TO AIPAC Note: .the aipac audience eats only red meat (kosher too). Dole and Gingrich will have only fed their appetite. I
Europe - CSCE Background
- with the muscle to enforce its decisions. The U.S. and Europe should use the North Atlantic Cooperation Council as a framework for existing and prospective regional-security organizations, to institutionalize a strong, continent-wide security system. Introduction
Turkey - Background
- , President Saddam Hussem. . Like the waters ~ursing through the Bosporus, Istanbul's 20-milelong ~el that se~tes Europe .and ~· Turkey is in the throes of competing currents. .A fast top current tugs westward, "!"Jth Turkey's plans to form a custo~s union
- Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. draft · DATE SUBJECTffiTLE re: President William Jefferson Clinton- Address to Nixon Cente~ Washington, D.C.- March 1, 1995 (partial) (1 page) 02/24/1995 RESTRICTION . P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
Immigration - 7/19/93 Event
- !fiTLE DATE David Gergen to POTUS and VPOTUS; re: Immigration (2 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) 07/24/1993 RESTRICTION P5 r OA!Box Number: 414 FOLDER TITLE: Immigration
- estimat~ the savings at $280 nulbon) ·· . '· · Electric utilities pay a fee for eaeh kilowatt hour. of nuclear geneiatcd electricity . they sell. The resultj,ng Nuclear Waste Fund develops storage and pepnanent · disposal facilities for high-level
Job Creation - Background
- to help free enterprise flourish, put our people back to work and learn again how to compete. Bill Clinton Plltting People First: A National Economic Strategy for America EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Analysis of voter surveys indicates, President-elect Clinton
- the penurious neglect of the president. The principles when have guided the governors in developing· the Making America Work Project should be a part of that national 'i 13 ·• agenda of unity. For example, I would argue tha:t the national 14 interest
Strategy - Drafts [2]
- hr:: th·~ c L.l... ·~'· c ~ ~. fundarnental idea that guides my Presidency every day .. It is tilne ---- it is long pi:5t time--:· to closet he book on the 1980s. At the beginning of that decade, Vie launched f.JI!l. econornic expe.riment 'The theory
Russia - Reagan, 1988
- ·or why ·. you: ... ':. So\·iet citizens · ,\·ho. wish b~· right to emi.grate, should nil( be .abfe to do so. And there . Note: The President~ add·r~ss ··was recorded . are· other· issues:. the; recognition of .those on· May· in the . Library at ti1e White
- are leading a coalition authority of the United Nations -- but are prepared to act alone if we must. The result of the President's decisive action has been not only the near-resolution of the current crisis, but a new injupction by the Security Council
Latvia - Background
- . Pllb(l) 002. paper re: Skrunda Radar Site- Dismantlement Assistance (1 page) n.d. Pl/b(l) I .. COLLEGTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 415 FOLDER TITLE: Latvia - Background
Immigration - Asylum System
- Set ;·King' Dr :~ s earn Up Loan for 'flinton Touts Proposal Brown. Home ·ro Assist Middle Oass '. ' ,, Probe Geared EPA to Fund f;or_nmerce Chief Associated Press Invoking the memory of the Rev. ,Martin Luther King Jr., President tClinton said
- of consultation among NATO .. . members on the further development· of PFP' 'and on NATO's. 'future expansion to Europe'~ new democracies. ··.· .·· '· As the President noted, th.e decision to admit new . members. to NATO will require the agreement of all 16
Gulf Emirates - Background
- into under severe pressure. And such pressures around at the edges," says Henry Conn, a an armed camp was a grim reminder that have subsided at many companies. Corpo- vice president of A.T. Kearney Inc. and head this tiny island has recently been the site
- developed since the Communism fell and with it, the rigid border controls. They are being' moved in many ways, among them freight-hauling trucks, the ceilings of trains and ship containers. What worries law· enforcement officials most is that international
Cuba - U.S. Migration Policy
- on Foster Could Mean Trouble. for G. O.P. Candidates \ By JERRY GRAY WASHINGTON, May 3- For the ever-expanding field of candidates who would be President, the nomina" tion of Dr. Henry W. Foster Jr. to be Surgeon General has become one of the first
Nixon Center, 3/1/95
- ~ developing,a more honest 1996_ ~residential candidate broadly lions on hOw the president can use ~labonship·'"that does· not paper over to cntique the administration's for· ~.S. fortes in additional pea~· unportant policy cti!ferences with an eign policies
- . notes · SUBJECTffiTLE DATE re: Handwritten Notes - U Mass. (partial) ( 1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P6/b(6) i ! COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records. . National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 420 FOLDER TITLE
Banking - Consumers
- ca:q.not repay this loan, as is likely, then taxpayers will have to make up the difference. In all likelihood, an explicit taxpayer bailout for the banks will follow the 1992 election. The next president must grapple with the complete breakdown of banking
- . On 13 August 1961 the East Germans sealed all but seven of the crossing points between the Soviet Sector and West Berlin, and 28 miles of barbed-wire and barriers went. up across the city. Construction of the Berlin Wall had begun. President John F
- · · Yeitsin, elected president in 1991, at fir~t ·tanks and· fighters: for the insecure military; . .r~se~t w~a~ they v1ew as, Allied prpqastina~ kept his distance from such questions~ Russi~ . to show its might; and a protest parade of an- non ill ope:nmg
India -Background
- by corruption scandals. Asian Neighbors Still Ahead To many, the changes· have been an awakening from a bad dream. "We had been been careering down the wrong road for 35 years," said S.L. Rao, director general of the National Council for Applied Economic
Japan - Emperor Visit, 6/94
- Hirohito might have put it, was not necessarily developing to Japan's advantage. Japan's leaders have never failed to mold the Emperor to fit the current needs of the state-' Hirohito was transformed from a uniformed military leader on a white horse
Nuclear Smuggling
- DemeThe men were arrested today trios, a 40-year-old apparel importer after a yearlong sting operation in who lives in Long Island City, which United States Customs Queens; Renos Kourtides, 55, the agents posed as Iraqi ·Foreign former president
South Korea - Background
- are less than eager Speaker, to lead ~ trans1?on team dealing to see the annex buildings go. Also, one of with' the H~use s physical space. Even the Newtonian reforms already enactedformer President Ford favors the proposal. . extending to Congress
Central Asia - Background
- . The Uzbek President,·lslam Karimov, who recently called a Soviet-style election to keep himself in office until the year 2000, has abolished free opposition, imprisoned rivals and banished opponents. But many Western politicians prefer him to his neighbor
- -Individual: Speechwriting- Bo6rstin .. .r, Original OAIID Number: 421 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 I.e· 5 1 v ~ ~; · 7I6/94, 6 p.m. PRESIDENT WILLIAMJ. CLINTON REMARKS TO THE SEJM [POLISH PARLIAMENT] WARSAW,POLAND JULY7, 1994 2
Economic Sanctions
- to change policy, the evidence shows that sanctions do work. The resolve of the Security Council moved Saddam Hussein to allow the UN to destroy weapons and establish a system for monitoring Iraqi weapons production. Muammar Qaddafi seems to have reduced
- - 9/18/94 -. ' ' .. ·.· .- ·' Staff Office-Individual: .r, Speechwriting- Bo~rstin •· . . I ' Original OAIID Number: 421 Row: 48 Section: ·Shelf: '6 ' 5 C' Position: 1 .Stack: v 9/18/94, 9 p.m. PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON
North Korea - Background
- Original OA/ID Number: 415 Row: Section: ·Shelf: Position: 48 ~ 1 3 Stack: .V "Did the president of the U.S. or the U.N. Security Council even think Respect Has·Eluded Kim 11 Sung By T. R. Reid ·--FanipSena fU} -, SEOUL-One of joseph Stalin's
- ·of the eco~omic _. -_ development efforLwould be a·new Middle East-Bimk, (c)'J994, Lo_s Ang~les Tiines=. . ·- . .. _ · :r~r coc)J>eiation arid Development institution that would . AMMAN,- JorcUm. Presid_ent. Clinton, rejecting a vie.W held~ : ' include ~tb
OMB 'Vision' - Drafts [1]
- , .we must answer the call. President Bill Clinton January 20, 1993 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 17, 1993 A ~tAJ tfl,~tthoq TO THE CONGRESS' P' THE J UN~D STAfS: 'lb accompany my ad ss to the Joint Se sion of the Congress, I am submitting
Deficit Reduction - Options
- with the government's other spending priorities. Michael J. Boskin, chairman of President Bush's Council of Eco· nomic Advisen;, warned in 198ti that ua confrontation between. workers and retiree~ will arise !involving trillions of dollars! that will creilte
Plan - Tax Attacks
- A FUTURE OF GROWTH VS. A FUTURE OF TAXES Today: Plesident Bush, campaigning ·~rom dawn 'till well after dusk, takes hls message of ress ·taxes, less spenc:f109 and RKM"e growth to New Jersey. • The President continues his :_ agg-essive campaign
- and slogans of independence, the actual goals of most appear to be more limited - some form of home rule, including the power to limit the russification of their languages and cultures, and greater freedom to develop their economies. The three republics
Immigration - Press Guidance
- : The President says he 'sympathizes' with the govern~ybut favors 'a different tack: He reveals that the Actn¥istration is looking at the use of ID cards. By DAVID LAUTER and jOHN BRODER. TIMES STAFF wRITERS OAKLA:-;D- ~aking his first public comments on Gov
Berlin Wall - Background
- . W4ltlr511orfrr durusste N. wEB• s 0 MIL.E;EI 0 J(M 10 10 l ·~ ( \ .. ·-.:1·:·,\ ..... .. :·.. : 24 THE. TANK CRISIS: "MR .. PRESIDENT, WE'RE NOT WORRIED ABOUT OUR. NERVES" Vi Checkpoint Charlie, West Berlin, Friday, October 27, 1961 · The opening
Congress - Foreign Policy
- associate here at Carnegie. ·He served as a special assistant to President Clinton as counselor and senior legislative director of the NSC. . He was a principle speech writer as well. He has his roots in the Democratic Leadership Council and the Progressive
- -Individual: Speechwriting- Boorstin ' Original OAIID Number: 423 . Row: Section: Shelf: 48 ~ 5 .Position: 3 Stack: v --- 5/8/95, 5 pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON ADDRESS TO THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY MAY 10, 1995
Georgetown, 11/10/94 - Event
- , School of Foreign Service Panelists: Mr. Brian Henderson, F72, Senior Vice President, Merrill Lynch International; 1\fr. Nemir A. Klrdar, President and CEO of INVESTCORP, Chainnan CCAS Advisory Council and member SFS Board of Visitors; Mr. Wolfgang
Korean War Memorial, 7/95
- was to develop in the next few years. The years immediately after the war were quiet ones for the armed forces, as men and women were demobilized and the defense budget slashed. But these years did produce a new reserve component, the Air National Guard
- -Individual: Speechwriting-Boorstin . 'j• ,. \ Original OAIID Number: 413 '- \ Row: Section: Shelf: 48 ~ 2 · Position: 2 Stack: v Clinton's BTU Tax To Drain Energy From Families And The Economy By Paul G. Merski President Clinton has long since
- Research Room. Felruary 10, 1993 No.60 President Clinton's Tax(ing) AgendaA Charter for America, Inc.? Although President Clinton's tax proposals have not been formally presented to the Congress, some of the things he may be considering are set forth
SOTU 1994 - Draft #2
- OAIID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 4 2 v President William Jefferson Clinton ~ CeALl i Y SKlN Al'tD t"MIR ~ PltODr1CI~· Address Before a Joint Session of Congress State of the Union: DRAFT TWO January 25, 1994 Mr
- delegations.- I ! INTERGOV:· ! I I POL./LIAISON: MESSAGE: AARP and other seniors' groups. Get Nat'l Council of Sr. Citizens & others to speak out in favor if don't touc4 COlAs. . we .. ' I ; ! ACTION: i ., I I February 5, 1993 I ECONOMIC
Deficit Budget Options
- ·, ;,""' '· ,. ;!• .·# 1994-98 Total N.A. N.A. Total N.A. N.A. -85.9 -6.8 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. -163.4 -20.4 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. -----~---- ------c----------------------------- ,.. ,. CENTER ON BUDGET .~~i. .~ AND POLICY PRIORITIES . December 28, 1992 President-Elect
Mideast - Quotes
- P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: · 421 · -FOLDER TITLE: Mideast_ Quotes 2006-0460-F . 1761 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204
VFW, 3/6/95 - Late Drafts
- Original OAIID Number: 423 I . ' Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~· 5 3 v . ...... ~; I I I FINAL DRAFT 3/J/95, 6 pm . .. •. ··.: ' .•.•;-'~ 'l.; . • _ PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON REMARKS TO THE VETERANS
Russia - Youth/Opinion
- before the war in Chechnya began, the young,people had little confidence in Russia's political leaders, includitig President Yeltsin. None of the leaders has much of a following among the~. Panelists regret that the "real leaders" Russia needs-- "men like
Immigration - Legislation
- horae of f~deral lawmakers re- efflcienq, deccease the critrinal ~Ming to politic'.al pr-~sore by n'crant popalation, and spur ee"..o- ~· Joi'Omisina k· Rood tbe amgressioo- noric dEvelopment in Mexico ia an at ~r wiln immi&ration-o3ntrol effort to slow
- : THE PATIENT'S PERSPECTIVE I A Briefing Note-Karen Davis, President I JULY 1995 I The nation's health care system is undergoing revolutionary changes as it seeks to meet a growing public and private demand for less costly and more effective services. Despite
- Regional Council tourist coordinator A~~on Greenberg believes t·o.urism in the region is a huge untapped. reservoir. of economic potential, one which can happily ·co-exist · · · with agricult~re. . Plans exist to develop the Eilot/Timna area to ~xploit
- 'a" ' . ,, M_RR 04 I 95 11: l7Pi'l WHITE· HOUSE 5!TL!AT·I,ON ROOM :, F'.3 . ·:·'. I'' '' ~ .' 'I ''3!4/.9.5; g p:i:n ·' . ,:• ' .. ' • I ' \• 't. ' I ( ' ' . PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON-- - ;REMARKS TO T:tm VETERANS'OF FQREIG~ WARs
Berlin Wall - Eyewitness
- ., cia/ assistant to the president /i1r,- . · West Berliners were there. hootnational-security affairs ·· ing and jeering. · ~o one knew exactlv what There were amazing escapes. Khrushchev's ambitions '~·ere. At. There \\·as an under~round net· Vienna he
- : Speechwriting-Boorstin Original OAIID Number: 415 . ' Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 48 ~ 3 1 Stack: v THE IMPACT OF THE UNITED STATES ON SOVIET EMIGRATION POLICY Address by Richard Schifter, Special Assistant to the President and Counse·lor
- . on ·. population ' and development, .where.a:n· . • ' ' ·. . . . . ... . . ' _J overwhelming ·rnajo;r:i ty of nations agreed to work toget.her on'. •• f ' ' ' ,' I • • ·- • . .\ ' • • . •' . ~ \ . . ' ~ • voluntary· family pla:iming
Ad Council Materials
- Ad Council Materials
- Council's Campaigns \~ . • I Head Start developing Lord Dentsu & Partners Promotes Head Start and volunteerism at Head Start programs. Healthy Start current Grey Advertising Aims to decrease infant mortality-encourages prenatal care & offers help
- Organization, the President worked for a pledge from the G-7.leaders'to establish the new trade organization by the end of the year. On the international information superhighway, the President gave strong support to international efforts to develop common
Helms Bill, 7/25/95
- be organized, and undermines the ability of the President to advance U.S. interests abroad. • S. 908 would abolish the Agency for International Development (USAID), the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (AC,::DA) and the U.S. Information Agency (USIA
- . One year ago, President Yeltsin and I established a Joint Commission, under the leadership of Vice-President Gore and Prime Minister \ \ '~ Chernomyrdin, to develop concrete projects for energy and space cooperation. expectations. That Commission
New Direction - Georgia
- : Speechwriting-Boorstin · Original OAIID Number: . 413 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 lc· 2 2 v ~ EFFECT OF THE PRESIDENTS PLAN ON GEORGIA SPENDING CUTS: . + The budget phases out Small Business Development Centers in Georgia, saving $1.9
7/94 Trip - Walesa Bilateral
- one.another. ·In both these developments _ _; the economic'developments and the sect1rit-y: developments. -- are due in no small part to the steadfast and courageous leadership that President Walesa has dispfayed for so ·many· years. · · · · · · · · · opport
- Report A Message from the President of OP!C An lnnovativ: Approach to~ Global Market 2 4 6 8 The Changing Face of Infrastructure Development Power Telecommunications Transportation & Distribution Natural Resources OPIC's Global Market 1994 Projects
Ukraine, 5/95 - Dinner Toast
- - Boorstin Original· OA/ID Number: 423 ,. Row: 48 . Section: I Position: 5 ~ Shelf: . 3 Stack: v :...-,' ., ."'! THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Kiev, Ukraine) For Immediate Release May 11, 1995 REMARKS BY PRESIDENT CLINTON
- is essential to a secure and integrated Europe. That is why the Clinton Administration has made intensified engagement with Ukraine a pivotal part of our overall European security strategy. Newly elected President Leonid Kuchma has accepted President
- ----------------------------------~----------------.--------- REVIEWED BY: •'I' ----------------------~ DATE: Perot .insert on foreign policy President Clinton believes that for America to be strong at home, it must be strong abroad. He has fought to preserve the tradition of active American leadership
- REMARKS BY PRESIDENT KUCHMA OF UKRAINE AND PRESIDENT CLINTON UPON ARRIVAL Marinskiiy Palace Courtyard Kiev, Ukraine 3:22P.M. (L) PRESIDENT KUCHMA: Welcome to Kiev, the heart of Ukraine and her capital. Welcome to the time on our Dnipro Hills where
- that will promote trade, technology transfer and human· res~ucre development -- to the benefit · of Egypt and the entire region ..· In closing, I w~nt to thank President and Mrs. Mubarak· for their warm and gracious reception. Hillary and I look·· forWard
Human Rights - Initiatives
- note from KCK thanking you for the meeting. · H __ ......··-·· August 9, \994 Mr. George Stcphanopoulos Senior Advisor to the Prosidenl Ex~utivc Office of the President Washington. DC 20500 Dear Mr. Stephanopou!oa: We wont to thank you for taking
- -Individual: Speechwriting- Boorstin Original OAIID Number: 424 Section: Row: 48 .- Shelf: Position: Stack: ~ 6 1' v THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETARY the ~ uvl President
- :' Speechwriting-Boorstin Original OA/ID Number: 415 Row: Section: Shelf: 48 ~ 3 · Position: 1 Stack: v TALKING POINTS ON URUGUAY ROUND . 09/29/94 COMMITMENT TO MOVE FORWARD: • As you know, the President views the Uruguay Round as critical to his
Foreign Aid - History
- twentieth century, it ,, was not until after World War II that an economic development program financed entirely by was instituted. th~ federal government The Marshall Plan, as the Euro~ean Recovery Program (ED) was more commonly known, involved
Resources - Talking Points
- Office-Individual: .. Speechwriting- Boorstin - . ' OriginaJ OAIID Number: 424 Row: Section: Shelf: . Position: .. Stack: 48 ~ 6 1 v . I q 6/29/95 9 a.m. PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON STATEMENT ON SENATE BILL 908 THE WHITE
- : Speechwriting- Boorstin I Original OA/ID Number: 422 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 6 5 2 v ·- 11/12/94, 12 pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON.CLINTON REMARKS AT PRESS CONFERENCE WITH PRESIDENT FIDEL RAMOS OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES
- on developing economic, trade and commercial links . 0 . , . Finally, the President's stop in Kiev will serve to demonstrate that U.S. policy approaches .Ukrain~ and all of I
- is Interested about building a beautiful environment through development of women and children. We also have taken this as our task. We feel much satisfaction in showing off our efforts. We welcome First Lady Hillary Clinton, the president's daughter Chelsea
Asia - Four Tigers
- tough fiSCal measures to slow the rise of Japan's gross domestic product. Govin its heaVY debt. Moody's Investors Serv- ernment and business consider steady ice Inc. recently put canada's debt. rating growth in consumption essential to sustain on review
Africa - Debt
- / THROUGH: ROBERT C. FROM: HELEN WALSH SUBJECT: Update on African Development Ban~ tit) Treasury would appreciate it if you woul·d raise with tt~ at-"11'1': African leaders as possible the importance of reforming the African Development Bctn~Secretary
New Direction - Wisconsin
- : WASHINGTON February 24, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR BOB BOORSTIN FROM: DAVID LAN! SUBJECT: BUDGET IMPACT ON WISCONSIN I've spoken with Eric Berman and Barry Anderson (OMB) about the impact of the President's proposals on Wisconsin. OMB has now prepared a 77
- lurope. Chancellor Kohl and President Clintori took special note· that President Delors will leave office before the next scheduled U.S.-EU Summit. They praised his.extraordinary contributions to the development Qf a strong, democratic, and dynamic
- Economic Conference of the President & Vice President - Briefing Papers on Select Administration Policies [3]
- , the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Trade and Development Agency; -- meet-on a regular basis to develop and coordinate strategies for American. companies: seeking help.· And top Administration officials,· starting with the President and his
- : . Speechwriting- Boorstin . ' ' Original OA/ID Number: 423 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 5 3 v /") ~- c.-~ PRESIDENT'S REMARKS U.S.-MEXICO INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP Monday, May 15, 11:30 am Roosevelt Room • (Acknowledgements: Rep. Jim
- the White House, and excellent negotiators as well as experts on the delegations to both PrepComs and conferences. A well-defined BOARD OF DIRECfORS: Marjorie Fine Knowles, Chairperson; Joan B. Dunlop, President; Byllye Avery; Carol Bellamy; Ellen Chesler
Defense Cuts - Base Closings
- Original OA/ID Number: 413 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 k> 2 2 Kr THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, DC 20301·1000 To·.~qy\ f·-~ ~. MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Defense Reinvestment and Base Closures To support your
Hussein/Rabin - Congress
- , including water, border demarcation, Jordan Valley development, tourism, economic and commercial relations. Secretary Christopher has met with Rabin and Peres on the outlines of a joint "Washington Declaration" which Rabin and Hussein would sign following
- Original OA/ID Number: 422 Row: 48 . Section: · Shelf: 5 Position: Stack: 2 v THE PRESIDENT SENATE PRAYER BREAKFAST UNITED STATES CAPITOL OCTOBER 5, 1994 • Yesterday I had the honor of welcoming to Washington South Africa's President Nelson
- /94 Trip - Riga Leaders Meeting. ' ' '. Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting- Boorstin · ·' ' .·. Original OA/ID Number:· ' 421 Row: Section:· Shelf: 48 6 ! 5 .. ·. Position: 1 '' Stack:· v ' \ ' revised 7/6/94 PRESIDENT
Budget Bill, 5/23/95
- : Speechwriting- Boorstin ' Original OAIID Nnmber: 423 I I l Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 k> 5 3 . v ......... ··.·' , STATEMENT BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON ON RESOURCE BILLS MAY23, 1995 J I want to· talk with you today about
Investments - Options
- Transportation - o~er $3:0 billion- full funding :of the highYJay bilr o Environment- over .$3.0 ' billion . . o, Rural Development $700 million ·,· . o Energy -,over $1.0 billion , . o Technology- over.$6.0 billion. o Housing~ Community Development Block Gial)ts
- ' ' ' ' ' > ', ', \ L '.' ., .,•'. I' ·•.· • ,o/231~,- I0:3().pJn. ,,. · ., ,. . .1· ,. , i , / _:;:, i .: ., '' . . '·. PRESIDENT wiLLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON,··: REMARKS TO.PARTICIPANTS IN THE CASABLANCA ECONOMIC SUMMIT. : . - ·. · ":TilE WHITE HOUSE
World Bank - Critiques
- at the conscrvalive Cato Institute and co·editor of "Perpetuating Pm·erty," a new book dt·· ploring th1· Bank's development reeord. The hest thing to do, he said. is "abolish it altogether." And lawmak.-;rs are resisting President Clinton's request lor big increases
Unilateral Actions - Summary
- . No. "· President"7Elect . ' > . . .. . . . 214 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002-4999 (202) 546-4400 January 18, 1993 WHY YOU WERE RIGHT IN CALLING FOR A LINE-ITEM VETO I strongly support the line-item veto, because I think it's one
- \ .. '· . .. ·!· .. ' Staff Office-Individual: .. ·... ... ' Speechwriting- Boorstin · .. ' . ,. • ! ' ' Original OAIID Number: 421 .. ' . Row:··· 48 .. 6 ·' .,. Shelf: Position: Stack: 5 Section: 1 v ... _. July 5, 4 PM President William J
- together, I am convinced that my country.andyours will continue to develop a deep· and abiding relationship that serves our mutual interests. We look·forward to working with your new President and Parliamentto find new ways to strengthen the friendship
- By KARE:" ELLIOTI HoUSE , The Clinton administration reverses course and condones the visit of Taiwan's president to· America. s·peaker Newt Gin· grich advocates diplomatic recognition of Taiwan and then reverses field. Another . GOP congressman proposes
BTU Tax - Background
- and building contractors and engineers •Producers of energy efficient equipment •Producers of alternative fuel cars and equipment · •Researchers developing new technologies. · ,.., RESEARCH ASSIGNMENTS FRIDAY I 2l19/93 DEADLINE: 2:00pm TODAY o Scroll/Charts
- and sustainable" conferenCe in Bogota. At · . trade accord,- the reason the swrurut development. · ·.. ,· · · · :. · : . '· · ing, -Latin American governments ..·was convened· in th~' first p~ce and ·-:Although differences between the ' · preSsed
- - Boorstin .. Original OAIID Number: .. 423 Row: Section: Shelf: Position:· Stack: 48 6 ' 5 3 tv 7 ' ~~ . FINAL·. . ' . . PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON · WORLD JEWISH CO-NGRESS DINNER HONORING EDGAR BRONFMAN, ·sR..· NEW YORK CITY
- CONFERENCES OF PRESIDENT CLINTON, PRIME MINISTER RABIN OF ISRAEL AND KING HUSSEIN OF JORDAN The East Room 4:15 P.M. EDT PRESIDENT CLINTON: Good afternoon. I am happy to once again welcome King Hussein and Prime Minister Rabin. In the last two days history has
- ~ Boorstin · Original OA/ID Number: 423 Row: Section: Shelf: · Position: 48 ~ 5 3 · v· \ 4/30/95, 10 am PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON REMARKS AT WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS DINNER HONORING EDGAR BRONFMAN, SR. NEW YORK CITY APRIL 30, 1995
- OF .NETHERLANDS AND PRESIDENT PRESS CbN· I .. ,\ '' . THE. WHITE HOUSE . , . . '.·I Offic$ 'of the 'Pr~ss Sec.retary • . ' I . ,' ~ .. ' ' . For' ·Immediate Release·· February 2 8, -r9.9 5 ' " .. PRESS CONFERENCE; BY THE PRESIDENT ' AND PRIME
Military - G.I. Bill
- to college 3.5 million attended other schools 1.4 million received on-the-job training 700.000 received farm training _ ~-~~----\,, 51VINGALLOWANCE. a $SO -a-mont h 1tving allowance. ·. Lmgle veterans recetved ol!' . into law by President HOME FINANCING
- ' •' .. ~:· ; ' '. Staff Office-Individual: ; . . Speechwriting- Boorstin ·;· .. Original OA/ID.Number: 422 .. ' . Section: Row: 48 .· Shelf: Position: Stack: ~ 5 2 v .· : .. ·· ~ . 11!15/94 1 p.m. PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON ·ADDRESS
Asia - U.S. Aid
- economic develop· US$320,000 will be given to the Jncio nesia:r creasingly ambitious political and eco- ment and providing humanitarian assist- Legal Aid Institute, one of the grmq s lead nomic agenda. ance. The emphasis on the environment ing the push
Indonesia - Background
- developments are possible onlY . because the government long a~ d~Cided \ to create a high degree of economiC liberal· ization and equity. President SuhartO has red heavily on the guidance of techno~~~ts - many trained in the U.s. -; to ~teer the economY
- : Speechwriting-Boorstin... Original OA/ID ·Number: : 419 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 48 ~ 4 2 Stack:. ' v z, . -..._,~} .. JRN 139 '95 15:37 YRNKELOVICH P.2 : MEMORANDUM 1/9195 President Clinton To: Daniel Yankelovich From: Subject:· State
South Africa - Background
- domestic economy and the what some might think a mission impossi- parlous state of· much of Africa. Though · offer more African-friendly technology," ble: to sell sophisticated satellite-tele- President .Nelson Mandela has declared he says. In Aquazur's
VFW, 3/6/95 - Notes/Themes
- ' ' SUBJECT: VFW SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS PLAN . Monday, March 6, 1995 . Context· The President's speech on Monday is one in a series in which he lays out' his fundamental belief that we must be. engaged in the world tq ~aintain a strong : America. The speech
Perks - Memos
- AND AGENCIES AND EMPLOYEES OF THE EXECUTIVE'"OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ··SUBJECT: Government Fiscal Responsibility · and Reducing Perquisites To promote Government fiscal ~esponsibility by cutting the perquisites and excesses of Government office