Browse Items (62 total)
- Tags: Air Force One
White House Photographs from June 7, 1994 & July 27, 1994 & July 31, 1994, through August 3, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio-Visual, Boston, Democratic National Committee, DNC, Ed McMahon, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, golfing, Health Care, health security express, Jogging, Ladies Home Journal, legislation, Leon Panetta, Marine One, Maya Angelou, meetings, New Jersey, Patti LaBelle, Photograph Contact Sheets, Police, President William Jefferson Clinton, Representative Richard Gephardt, Rwanda, Secretary Henry Cisneros, Senator Charles Robb, Senator Edward Kennedy, Senator George Mitchell, Senator Joseph Biden, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Shipbuilding, Socks the cat, Starlight Foundation
White House Photographs from July 29, 1994, through July 31, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 18, 1994 & July 25, 1994, through July 26, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 21, 1994, through July 25, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 15, 1994 through July 19, 1994
White House Photographs from July 11, 1994, through July 12, 1994
Tags: Air Force One, Audio-Visual, Beethoven Haus, Berlin Brigade, Bonn, Brandenburg Gate, Capricia Marshall, Chelsea Clinton, Dorothy Rodham, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Hannelore Kohl, Helmut Kohl, Jacques Delors, Marine One, Neue Synagogue, Photograph Contact Sheets, President William Jefferson Clinton, Ramstein Air Force Base, Reichstag, Richard Holbrooke, Roman Herzog, Rudolf Schauping, U.S. Embassy, U.S. Marines, Villa Hammerschmidt
White House Photographs from July 9, 1994 through July 11, 1994
White House Photographs from July 5, 1994, through July 7, 1994
Tags: Air Force One, Andrew Friendly, Audio-Visual, Chelsea Clinton, Danuta Walesa, David Gergen, Dee Dee Myers, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, George Stephanopoulos, Guntis Ulmanis, Italy, Latvia, Lech Walesa, Mark Gearan, Nicholas Burns, Photograph Contact Sheets, Poland, Police, President William Jefferson Clinton, Ricki Seidman, Riga, South Lawn, Tony Lake, U.S. Marines, Valdis Birkavs, Warsaw
White House Photographs from June 30, 1994 through July 5, 1994
White House Photographs from June 23, 1994; June 27, 1994, through June 30, 1994
Tags: Air Force One, Alexis Herman, Alice Rivlin, Audio-Visual, Bill Bradley, David Gergen, David Wilhelm, Dee Dee Myers, Donna Shalal, Eduardo Frei, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Girl Scouts, Harold Ickes, Interns, Ira Magaziner, Jack Gibbons, Jogging, Leon Panetta, Lloyd Cutler, Mack McLarty, Marine One, Mario Cuomo, Melanne Verveer, Molly Raiser, Pat Griffin, Paul Sarbanes, Photograph Contact Sheets, Picnic, President William Jefferson Clinton, Ricki Seidman, Sandy Berger, South Lawn, Stephen Breyer, Tony Lake, Trisha Yearwood, Vice President Albert Gore, Volunteers, Warren Christopher
White House Photographs from May 7, 1994 and June 23, 1994 through June 27, 1994
1994 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
1994 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Advisors, Air Force One, Audio-Visual, Briefing, Brown V. Board, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Marine One, meeting, Oval Office, Photograph Contact Sheets, President William Jefferson Clinton, Prime Minister Narashimha Rao, UCLA, University of California in Los Angeles, Vice President Albert Gore
1994 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
1994 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
1994 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Alexander Haig, Andrew Shue, Audio-Visual, Brent Scowcroft, California, Casper Weinberger, Cindy Crawford, Dee Dee Myers, El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, George McGovern, George Stephanopoulos, Henry Wrinkler, Jogging, Kate Capshaw, Los Angeles, Nixon Funeral, Photograph Contact Sheets, President William Jefferson Clinton, Sally Field, Scripps College, Steven Spielberg, Tom Brokaw, Vice President Albert Gore, Whoopi Goldberg
1994 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
1994 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
1994 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
1994 Photographs - White House Photographs from March 24, 1994, through March 26, 1994 & March 28, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio-Visual, David Gergen, Eli Segal, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jogging, Laura Tyson, Marsha Scott, Photograph Contact Sheets, Pope Air Force Base, President William Jefferson Clinton, Robert Rubin, Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, Socks the cat, Stephanie Streett, Vice President Albert Gore
1994 Photographs - White House Photographs from March 14, 1994, through March 15, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio-Visual, Denver, Detroit Diesel, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Fort Drum, General John Shalikashvili, Health Care, National Guard, New Hampshire, Photograph Contact Sheets, President William Jefferson Clinton, Senator Edward Kennedy, Senior Citizens, St. Louis, Town Hall Meetings, University of Colorado, Veterans
White House Photographs for February 28, 1994, through March 3, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Albert Gore, Attorney General Janet Reno, Audio-Visual, Basketball, Brooklyn, Dee Dee Myers, Finding Aid, Harry Smith, Health Care, Hillary Rodham Clinton, James Carville, Japan, Marine One, New York, Paul Begala, Paula Zahn, Photograph Contact Sheets, Pittsburgh, Police, Prime Minister John Major, Reinventing Government, Socks the cat, University of Arkansas, William Jefferson Clinton
White House Photographs for February 7 1994, February 25 through February 26, 1994, and February 28, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs for February 14, 1994 & February 22, 1994, through February 26, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Albert Gore, Audio-Visual, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Finding Aid, George Stephanopoulos, Health Care, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Interviews, Marine One, National Security Council, Photograph Contact Sheets, Police, Press Conference, Representative John Lewis, Robert Rubin, Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, Secretary Ron Brown, Secretary Warren Christopher, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator Edward Kennedy, Senator George Mitchell, Soccer, Tipper Gore, University of Virginia, WETA, William Jefferson Clinton
White House Photographs for February 18, 1994 through February 22, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from February 15, 1994, through February 21, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from February 13, 1994, through February 16, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from February 6, 1994, through February 8, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Al Gore, Ann Richards, Audio Visual, Dee Dee Myers, Finding Aid, General Motors, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Houston, Johnson Space Center, Louisiana, Marine One, Photograph Contact Sheets, Sandy Berger, Tony Lake, Warren Christopher, White House Bowling Alley, William Jefferson Clinton
White House Photographs from January 14, 1994, January 16, 1994, through January 21, 1994, and January 23, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Albert Gore, Audio-Visual, Bill Clinton, Bonnie Raitt, Boris Yeltsin, California, Camp David, Chelsea Clinton, David Gergen, Earthquakes, Finding Aid, Hillary Rodham Clinton, King Hussein, Kremlin, Lloyd Bentsen, Los Angeles, Moscow, Pete Wilson, Photograph Contact Sheets, Queen Noor, Russia, Skiing
All Photographs from 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton arrive at Entebbe Airport
Tags: Africa, Air Force One, airports, Arrivals, uganda, Uganda-Entebbe
White House Photographs from December 1, 1999 through January 31, 2000 (Segment 1)
Tags: AIDS, Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Christmas, Hanukkah, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jason Robards, Kevin Spacey, Lynda Carter, Madeleine Albright, Mary Steenburgen, Mary Tyler Moore, Menorah, Michael Douglas, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, Radio Address, Sean Connery, Seattle, Stevie Wonder, Trees
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 – Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 – Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 – Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Arkansas, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Barbara Bush, Betty Ford, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Dennis Ross, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Lady Bird Johnson, Madeleine Albright, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, Pine Bluff, Rosalynn Carter, Sandy Berger, White House Historical Association
White House photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, California, Chelsea Clinton, David McCullough, Finding Aid, Jann Wenner, John Podesta, Kentucky, Los Angeles, Louisville, New York, Oakland, Photograph Contact Sheets, Rally, San Francisco, Sandy Berger, Tom Joyner, Voting, White House
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Andrews Air Force Base, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Barney Frank, Briefing, Bruce Riedel, Congress, Diplomatic Credentials, Finding Aid, foreign trip, Golf, Hillary Clinton, Hosni Mubarak, Jake Siewert, John Lewis, Madeleine Albright, PGA, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Sandy Berger, senior staff, Ted Kennedy, U.S.S. Cole, Yasser Arafat
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Betty Currie, Bill Clinton, Bono, Cicely Tyson, Debt Relief, Edward Kennedy, Finding Aid, Golf, Health Care, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Joe Biden, Joe Lockhart, Larry Summers, Limousine, Madeleine Albright, Nancy Pelosi, Photograph Contact Sheets, Press Briefing Room, Radio Address, Sandy Berger, Socks, Wim Kok
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Boys and Girls Club, Briefing, Bruce Riedel, Chelsea Clinton, China, Finding Aid, Gene Sperling, GSA, Hillary Rodham Clinton, India, Joe Lockhart, John Podesta, Kennedy Center, Madeleine Albright, meeting, Middle East, Oval Office, Permanent Normal Trade Relations, Photograph Contact Sheets, PNTR, Prime Minister, Sandy Berger, senior staff, Strobe Talbott
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Bolivia, Chelsea Clinton, Connecticut, Ecuador, Finding Aid, Gustavo Noboa Bejarano, Hate Crimes, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Hugo Banzer Suarez, Madeleine Albright, Marine One, meeting, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, Sandy Berger, senior staff, Wall Street
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Finding Aid, Golf, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Hugh Rodham, Jiang Zemin, Madeleine Albright, New York, Photograph Contact Sheets, Richard Holbrooke, Tom Daschle, Tony Blair, Tony Rodham, United Nations, Yasser Arafat
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
White House Photographs from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Air Force One, Al Gore, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Democratic National Convention, Finding Aid, George McGovern, Harry Thomason, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Idaho, Jay Leno, Jesse Jackson, Los Angeles, Madeleine Albright, Marian Wright Edelman, Mary Steenburgen, Muhamed Ali, Photograph Contact Sheets, Roger Clinton, Ted Danson, Wesley Clark