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- Tags: Lloyd Cutler
White House Photographs from June 23, 1994; June 27, 1994, through June 30, 1994
Tags: Air Force One, Alexis Herman, Alice Rivlin, Audio-Visual, Bill Bradley, David Gergen, David Wilhelm, Dee Dee Myers, Donna Shalal, Eduardo Frei, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Girl Scouts, Harold Ickes, Interns, Ira Magaziner, Jack Gibbons, Jogging, Leon Panetta, Lloyd Cutler, Mack McLarty, Marine One, Mario Cuomo, Melanne Verveer, Molly Raiser, New Finding Aid, Pat Griffin, Paul Sarbanes, Photograph Contact Sheets, Picnic, President William Jefferson Clinton, Ricki Seidman, Sandy Berger, South Lawn, Stephen Breyer, Tony Lake, Trisha Yearwood, Vice President Albert Gore, Volunteers, Warren Christopher
1994 Photographs - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Audio-Visual, education, Edward Kennedy, Finding Aid, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Healthcare, Janet Reno, Joel Klein, John Kerry, Lloyd Cutler, Marian Wright Edelman, NAACP, Police, President William Jefferson Clinton, Saxophone, Stephen Breyer, Tags: Photograph Contact Sheets, Tipper Gore, Vice President Albert Gore
White House Photographs for March 3, 1994, through March 8, 1994 - Collection Finding Aid
Tags: Albert Gore, Audio-Visual, Bernard Nussbaum, Callie Shell, Chairman Eduard Shevardnadze, Chelsea Clinton, D.C., District of Columbia, Finding Aid, Habitat for Humanity, Health Care, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jogging, Lloyd Cutler, Marine One, National Mall, Oksana Baiul, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Leonid Kravchuk, Radio Address, Ralph Alswang, Robert Rubin, Secretary Donna Shalala, Secretary Robert Reich, Secretary Warren Christopher, Senator Christopher Dodd, Senator George Mitchell, Socks the cat, Theatre, Ukraine, Viktor Petrenko, Washington, William Jefferson Clinton
All photographs from 5/13/94
Tags: Ambassador Phil Lader, Arkansas Travelers, Audio Visual, Audio-visual materials, Bill Clinton, Finding Aid, Galludet University, George Stephanopoulos, Harold Ickes, Joel Klein, Lloyd Cutler, Mack McLarty, Photograph Contact Sheets, President Clinton, Senator Tom Harkin, Vicki Radd, Washington D.C., Wendy Smith, William Perry