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21907 results
WTO [World Trade Organization] Seattle Agenda - DLC Gala 10/13/99 - DLC Gala (WTO) 10/13/99 [2]
- with international environmental organizations. 1·../ . ~.finally, we should ensure. that our efforts include developing countries, and strengthen embrgmg democracies. In Seattle and beyond, let us be guided by the vision of President Frarlidin Roosevelt, who said
- , ,Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. " Guest Speakers • Ramsay Selden, Chairperson, Technical Planning Group on NAEP Reporting Shirley Malcolm, Chairperson" TechnicC!-l Planning Group on Nationwide Content Standards Criteria Development Clyde
- Presidential Records National Security Council Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OAJBox Number: 3380 FOLDER TITLE: South Africa-Address to Pariiament, 3/27/98 2006-0459-F rs371 Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C .. 2204(a)) Pl P2 P3 P4 RESTRICTION CODES r
- ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Elena Kagan OAIBox Number: 11998 FOLDER TITLE: 0-3 [Conference]- Announcements [2] 2009-1 006-F ke685 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C 2204(a») PI National Security
[China] [Folder 1] [1]
- Presidential Records National Security Council Speechwriting (Paul Orzulak) ONBox Number: 4022 FOLDER TITLE: [China] [Folder I] [I] 2008-0702-F 'm200 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act- 15 U.S.C. 552(b
France [2]
- NO. AND TYPE OOlg. talking points SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Points to be Made for Meeting with President Francois Mitterrand (7 pages) ca. 03/09/1993 RESTRICTION Pl/b(l), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Press (Philip J
1995 Weekly Reports [7]
- , DC. • . BUD - Deputy Secretary Cuomo addresses the winter conference of Council of State Community Development Agencies. . , . ' ONDCP - Drug Speech: Dr. Lee Brown travels to Alexandria, LA, and addresses . the National Babtist Convention
- Commencement 6/5/98 - Research and Development
- •l1flf011rmation AgeL 'A One ot'the most important roles for government in sustaining the Information Revolution is to invest in long-term research and development, particularly at our world-Class universities. Many of the most important innovations that are now
- facilities~ promote sustainable agriculture, conduct environmental education seminars~ and . ' preserve and, restore mltional forests. I The rural development projects will engage generally older participants, who are college graduates and professional
4/97 – Summit of Service [1]
- Reagan. Gen. Colin Powell will serve as General Chairman. Henry Cisneros, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will serve as Vice Chairman. In announcing the Summit, President Clinton said, "Much of the work of America cannot be done
AIDS - Policy [3]
- .)roprlate metnod to maintain a sustained effort to develop a vficclne I to' ~ JI . ADAPWorking ~o"pJW.E. Arnold Z'1C;OOAVI 01i3 RUSH TO: Bruce Reed, While House, Ocmestic Policy FAX: 456-2878 FROM ADAP Working Group! WE Arnold PAGES (INCLUDING
- that significant cuts in programs that benefit Africa will undermine our ability to promote sustainable development, increase U.S. exports and prevent deadly conflicts. . President Clinton is committed to fighting the proposed cuts in foreign assistance. We welcome
- Task Force on Violence) ~ TAB R Memos from White House Advisors Bill Gal~ton / Gene Sperling TAB S ~ TAB T Bruce Reed/ David Kusnet TAB Council of Economic Advisors TAB X Rick Allen (National Service) -rJ. TAB v Susan Brophy ~: TAB U
Race/Unity Materials
- statute ((a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S
Health Care - Q&A
- for the President. We can no longer lolcratc a nation th4lt has 10 million uninsured childl'~n. As we develop bipartisan legislation to address this unacceptable probl~m. we must assume a certain financing source tbat helps pay for cbildren'$ health insurancc. Qut
- The Trip of the President to Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, & Berlin - July 5-12, 1994 [2]
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential LibrarY Staff. · Folder Title: The Trip ofthe President to Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, & Berlin- ~uly 5-12, 1994
[08/13/1998 – 08/14/1998]
- ) The Council shall advise agencies of priority areas for investment in food safety and ensure that federal agencies annually develop a coordinated federal food safety budget that sustains and strengthens existing capacities, eliminates duplication, and ensures
- . Prior to becoming ODe President, Mr. Shriver served in the New Haven School system as Director of the Social Development Project, overseeing all school prevention programs for substance abuse. pregnancy, AIDS and violence. He has recently launched
Breast Cancer-Breast Cancer
- over the Internet and on the principle that underserved women could benefit from this Information. the Information Action Council developed the Bl'idglng the Gap Initiative. Through a competitive procurement process in lhe third quarter ofFY97
- ******* Remarks of J. Brian Atwood The Council on Foreign Relations "Development and a Dangerous World" Washington, D.C. September 10, 1998 10)1 J . ' /("'~ ~c},;6tK' ,_A'&tf( . (t£ ,,.![~ ... sft:-~rJ. ·uf · utJt:.A . ,-:-N..A'e ~=-· (3C
- are emphasized in the four key principles enunciated for the EZ/EZ initiative: economic opportunity; sustainable community development; community-based partnerships; and strategic vision for change. Innovative Federalism and Governmental Reform: The EZ/EC
Las Vegas May 22-23 - San Francisco May 23-24, 1996: San Francisco May 23-24 AIDS Conference [1]
- Senior aovernment· omclals and members of the President's Advisory CoUncil will be on-lwId to paitidpate In workshop briefinp with manbers of the San Fnl.neisco/Oakiand community on cUrrent actions related to the epidemic. Participants will take part
- ermancement program, interactive videoconferencing for small business development, and webpage design. Fairnet, Inc. 1215 Cowles Street Year 1 Award: $141,799 Fairbanks, AK 99701 FairNet (Electronic Community Network), the Literacy Council of Alaska
- [Council on Foreign Relations - 9/14/99]
- Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTAITH.E RESTRICTION 001. memo Gene Sperling to the President; RE: Speech to the Council on Foreign Relations (I page) 09/12/1998 P5 002. draft Speech Draft; RE: International Economy Council
NGA Summit June 6, 1995 [1]
- , and emphasize the importance of a community-based approach to the development o~ eff~tive programs. Remarks by President Clinton Overview Presentations Goyernor Dean will discuss the role of states in the development and implementation of state and···· local
- the ability to pursue more comprehensive strategies forchildren,and families. Several' different Administration initiatives -- including the Department o f ' ' Education's Working GroupoQ Coordinated Services, the President's Prevention Council, HUD's Campus
- OF AGRICULTURE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON. D.C.. 20250 June 12, 1996 MEMORANDUMI FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: SECRETARYGLICKMAN SUBJECT: Update on Commodity Market Developments Although the price run-ups we witnessed from mid-April through rriid
- . Rasco Director Domestic Policy Council 2nd Floor, West Wing The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Ms. Rasco: Les Ramirez asked me to send you these materials pertaining to concerns about U.S. policy on .the rights of indigenous peoples
Lake - Wye Center 12/15/95
- ; prevented crisis from spilling over into financial markets of other developing countries. President did this despite polls running 85-15 against. Right for Mexico, right for America. 5) To preserve, promote and defend democracy, which in turn enhances our
- Education Development Group. Ltd. November 3, 1993 Ander~.on The Anderson CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 9'~OUD Mr. Mlcnael M. Arnold Director at Investor Relations AFL·CIO Investment Trusts Mr RalDn Barrow Retired President Jobs tor Delaware Graduates
Potential Events/Info
- Cemetery. In addition to offering congratulations on your appointment, I also want to draw your attention to an invitation recently extended by CASE President Peter Buchanan to the President to address the Council for the Advancement and Support
- statute l(a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial" or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S
FOIA 2009-0013-F - APEC 2000
- . Additional background of interest includes the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) draft report, Fred Bergsten's Independent Experts report to leaders, and the President's speech from last year's APEC. Deputies Meeting A Deputies meeting is neededwell
- : J. Brian International Development SUBJECT: State of the Union Address Atwoo~dministrator, U.S. Agency for This year's State of the Union provides the President with an excellent opportunity to stress the relevance of our foreign assistance
- confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified information |(bXl
Georgia Trip [2]
- DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. schedule SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Schedule for the President Wednesday, February 5, 1997 (partial) (1 page) 02/05/97 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council· Michael Cohen (Subject
- 00000000460E00000942020000001D000000531400000000000000000000000053140000000000 Autom£llcd Records Manage~3nt System Hex-Dump ConveiSion January 13, 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: GENE SPERLING SUBJECT: EdleyMemo Chris's attached memo stresses two areas in economic opportunity and development where he feels
- policy advisor at the White House. In this role, Carol directs the President's Domestic Policy Council, which consists of Cabinet Secretaries and heads of domestic agencies, and is· responsible for helping to shape; implement and articulate
United Nations [3]
- DATE Anthony Lake to President William J. Clinton re: Your Meeting with Secretary General Boutros-Ghali (2 pages) 02/22/1993 RESTRICTION Pl/b(l), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Press (Philip J. (PJ) Crowley
- . ., " iM Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records Marker i i. This is not a presidential record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William 1. Clinton Presid,entiai Library Staff. This marker identifies the place
- close working relationship with DPC/NEC >over > >the last several weeks has facilitated the development of any race > "policy" > > or budget initiatives and that any such ideas will be incorporated in the > > ideas memos the policy councils are drafting
- Telephone 202/ 842 -0 706 Fax (20 2 ) 789 -266 7 Kurt A. Furst Direc tor, Wa shington Office March 3, 1993 Ira Magaziner Senior Adviser to the President for Policy Development Presidential Health Care Reform Task Force The White House Washington, D.C
Empowerment Zones [1]
- agencies, chaired by the Vice President and vice-chaired by Carol Rasco and Bob Rubin. At the first mee~ing of the Board, on February 2, 1994, the Vice President charged the staff with developing an interagency consultation process. A draft memorandum
Middle East Ceremony 9/28/95
- : Speechwriting-Widmer, Edward Ori.2"inal OA/ID Number: 2189 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 48 6 7 2 Stack: v The President's Trip to China: U.S. Policy and Strategy U.S. Stakes in Relationship with China and its Evolution • Way China evolves
- priorities. o At their first Summit, early in our term, the Presidents agreed that enhanced bilateral trade and investment and technological cooperation was the only way to move to a sustainable economic future in Russia, and to cement even closer ties. o
Clinton Doctrine - Articles
- NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECT/TITLE re: Thoughts for Your Breakfast Tomorrow (3 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 415 FOLDER TITLE: Clinton
- $Sponse modet U1iJ.lzing assessment. research. development and evaluation desIgns. ACTlve:PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Assodation at School Admfnls1.ratara New Jersey Association cf School Administrators NJ'Urban School Superintendents - President
[International Women] [2]
- the world. Little wonder that the Summit's major agenda items are: Enhancing social integration; alleviating poverty and expanding productive employment. The theme of sustainable development that .is key to the summit's concern is more than a global issue
- that will support state and local efforts to develop benchmarks and to implement the steps necessary to achieve them The Summit will begin at 1:00 p.m. on June 6 and end at 11:30 a.m. on June 7. In addition to the President, the NGA has also invited several other
[11/20/1997 – 11/21/1997]
- a cost from communities both in terms of the environment and quality of life. These issues have been highlighted by the President's Council on Sustainable Development report, President Clinton's executive order on locating federal properties in central
- rails, and.simple overcrowding can make for bad vacations. deteriorating roa'd beds, . . . The President is din.;cti?g Secretary Babbitt. in cooperation with Secretary Pena, t~ develop a plan for a comprehensive effort to improve public
[Memos and Reports] [9]
- with respect to inter.gency dis.grelL-ents concerning the environmental implications of proposed federal . . , " 'I ~' IOng~range I activities, policies, legislation, rules and other matters; and (6) to assist the President in developing environmental
FACA Documents [1]
- and Budget, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and three White House advisers. President Clinton charged this body with the task of "listen[ing] to all parties" and then "prepar[ing] health care reform legislation to be submitted to Congress
Event - Ideas
- Unifonn Report - which will continue to show large decreases in crime -- the President could ~'J_P{~ ~ give a major policy speech on how this Administration's efforts have helped to fuel the j'ongest ~ f'Jr sustained drop in violent crime in nearly 40
Empowerment Zones [2]
- is "to strengthen the leila's economy throu"gh ·a :ries of regional educati~ilal onferences and ''through Jmmunity-based works)iops oil .sues and topics vital to. creal~ 1g and sustaining comm·unity nd economic development · · One program goal is •to strengthen
- , solve problems, find common ground, develop relations further in cooper ative spirit. New dialogues on environment & sustainable development, regional and UN issues will offe r new areas of cooperation. u Presidents agreed to meet to exchange views
APEC [1]
- Benjamin· . . . Attached please find a draft of the remarks at the Manila cemetery. Please call me with any · comments at6-2404 (voice mail6-7289). · Thanks. . ----------------------------- li/8/94, 11 ,p.m. PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON
- INSTITUTION Under Phase II oftl1is program, FINCA's strategic objectives are to; . , 1, Create a model, operationally self-sustaining local subsidiary of FINCA International serving Kosovo by October 2002, 2. Develop a locally managed institution. 3
- ) for Demonstration Transportation Systems in 3 Parks (April 22, 1996) On Earth Day 1996, President Clinton asked the Secretary of the Interior and .the Secretary of Transportation to develop a plan to enhance resource protection and the quality of the visitor
- align · · ourselves .with. yearning. ·· ' ' . . ·' ,, \ I' ' MORE '· ). ··'· ., . \ (. ' ' .• ·"', .· .(. .. · '/ ,_.' \. '. ' j 5 - , . 'If we do· not\nurture .our' people ·and our planet· through sustainable 'development
- National Council of Senior Citizens Medicare, Medicaid [1]
- ." That was President Lyndon B. Johnson at the signing of the Medicare legislation in July 1965. 2) Prt:sident Lyndon Baines Johnson, June 1966, just before the implementation of the Medicare program, speaking to the National Council of Senior Citizens. 11 Medical care
- for conservation and renewable energy research, The Department also sustains cuts of over $8 billion in the President's $703 billion deficit reduction program for 1994-1998, The bulk of the cuts-$4,5 billion--come in defense programs, a reduction made possible
SRB Iraq Speech 2/13/98
- ) 0211111998 Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 3378 FOLDER TITLE: SRB Iraq Speech, 2113/98 2006-0459-F rs369 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 U.S.C. 2204
- Clinton proposed a bold reinvention of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the first comprehensive restructuring of the agency in a generation. · At the time, the· President set out core principles that have since guided HUD's aggressive
- Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of · p~rsonal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
- \ i ft "uun ! Commentary: The O f f i c e o f AIDS Research (OAR) Advisoryi iL L.i • i lr\L Council, the N a t i o n a l Task Force on AIDS Drug Development, t h e P r e s i d e n t i a l HIV/AIDS Advisory Council and other advisory bodies w i l l
- of polluted sites for development. Under the continued leadership of the Vice President, we propose to triple the number of empowerment zones, to give business incentives t
- this strategic approaeh applies ttl the principal security ehallenges that America (aces in the 19905. None is more important than helping Russia demilitarize. privatize, invigr3te its economy. and develop representative political inst!tut-ions, President
- on President Ointon's community economic . development efforts, Ohio will subsidize employment primarily in Administration designated · · · , Enterprise Zones. Ohio~ making work pay. Ohio's waiver permits the state to increase automobile asset limitS
- Administration (~TIA): (a} scrve~ through the Secretary ofC(1rnmcrce as the principal adviser to the President or:. domestic and international communicatiollS rind information policY-lllnking; (b) promotes affort.1able accc~s to telecommunicalions servicC's
- on developments on a possible CEO education event with the President, since it was first raised at the Friday White House strategy meeting a little over a week ago. I would like to get your reactions to this memo by Tuesday morning. since I've got some meetings
- they sought help. In response to the 1993 BRAC round, the Clinton Administration developed a bold program to revitalize base closure communities. ) • • On July 2, 1993, President Clinton announced his "Five-Part Plan to Revitalize Base Closure Communities
- consulates abroad encouraging the printization of their and the reduction of more than 1.000 economies. This too is a prudent employees at the State Department. investment. . President Clinton is now threatening Important long-term development.· to veto
- Service Corps of Retired Exe.c:utive volunteers and approximately 1,000 small bus~ ness development c:entetloeations? • assumed a leadership role in the President's . Welfare-to·Work Initiative by encouraging entrepreneurship and linking small businesses
- of Education, Secretary ofHo alth and Human Services, Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, Secretary of tho , Treasury, the Ch,ir of the National Council on Disability, and the Chair of the President's COl nmittee on Emplo:lment of People
Testing 2 pager - old
- grade in reading and the 8th grade in math. The NAEP math standards are highly . consistent with the national·math standards developed by the National Council ofTeachers of ,Mathematics (NCTM), ~hich are used extensively by virtually every state
Disability-BRIDGE I [1]
- and federal programs in the delivery of services to. adults with disabilities and their achievement of self-sustaining employment and economic independence. Allowable activities include: • Planning, development . and implementation of cooperative agreements
- 00 I.. talking points re: Welcoming Remarks at the EAPC [Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council] Plenary (3 pages) · 03/31/1999 P1/b(l) 002 .. talking points re: POTUS the EAPC Plenary (5 pages) 04/21/1999 · P1/b(1) 003. paper re
- consistent enforcement of reemployment requirements. * * * * * (Do Not Distiibute Outside Executive:'Office of the president) This Statement of Administration Policy was developed by the Legislative Reference Division (Brown), in consultation
- Force of the President's Council on Sustainable Development, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NGSI,..), 'the National Conference of Mayors, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), PPFA, NARAL, NFPRHA, CEDPA, and the Communications Network
- Granholm Mayor Dennis Archer Wayne County Executive Edward McNamara Representative Kwame Kilpatrick City Council President Gil Hill William Halling, President, Detroit Economic Club Detroit Airport Representative TBD January 8, 1999 (12:13am) Friday
Vital Voices
- and disintegrating social networks in developing countries, Central Europe, and the former Soviet Union. North America is a growing destination point for trafficking victims. U.S. Government Response The President's Interagency Council on Women established a senior
- The President's State Visit to Jakarta, November 13-16, 1994 [2]
- ) ., COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: The President's State Visit to Jakarta- November 13-16, 1994 [2[ .: ' 2006-0460-F . 1732 RESTRICTION CODES --1
ESEA-Lieberman Bill
- development activities for teachers in core academic subjects to ensure that teachers have content knowledge in the subjects they teach; 2) developing and providing assistance to LEAs and schools for· sustained, high-quality professionals development
- . but it was a costly. band-aide approach':' more patchwork. than policy. 16 So this year, to help avcrt costly. drastic. inefficient mcasures in the future, President Clmton wants to develop a farm safety netlthat protects farmers in times of crisis. that is non
Early Achievements [2]
- by the President Approved january 14 Approved March 12 H.J. Res. 77 I Public Law 102-1 Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution S. 379 I Public Law 102-10 :\ational and Community Sen·ice Technical Amendments Act of 1991 Approved january
NEC – Empowerment Zones [2]
- the selections. We have developed a process for implementing this consultation process and arc submitting it 10 you now for your review, II. BACKGROUND The Board is comprised of the heads of 15 federal agencies, chaired by the Vice President and vicc-dmirc-d
CHI [Chicago] 8/3/1999
- organizations, community groups, private citizens. Vice-President Gore has done a tremendous job of bringing our religious and service organizations together in his Coalition to Sustain Success. And in 1997, my good friend Eli Segal agreed to help rally
Goals 2000 Act [4]
- studen18 meet Stnte content 8tAndardll and State IItudent performance RlRndard~; (3) 8ubmit to the President nominationa for appointment ,to the National Education SlRndarda and Improvement Council ill nccprdAnce with 8ubsections (b) and «:) ofseclion 212
- Security eliminate it entirely. . Council. Together we are already As North Korea carries out its supporting reform in Russia, peace in obligations under the Framework, it can begin to develop more normal the Middle East, and stability in Haiti
- philanthropic and environmental organization, and $775,000 from the National Geographic Society's Exploration Council. Starting in 1999, the Sustainable Seas Expeditions will visit each of the 12 national marine sanctuaries, which are administered
- NSC [National Security Council] [1]
- the President in defending against threats to U.S. national interes~s in SubSaharan Africa and in carrying out his policy of promoting democr~cy, good governance, trade ~d investment, and sustainable development in Mrica. By I ·. .. ' 3 supporting 'economic
- Employment policies of corporations Sol HUJwitz President Committee for Economic Development I Role of Public Sector Employment Discussion Leader: I I Richard Nathan Provost, Rockefeller College state University of New York at Albany I 4 90
Iraq Op-ed [1]
- and 30 ofresolution 1284 (1999) and paragraph 5 ofresolution 1281 (1999), Security Council, March 24, 2000 · MR. PRESIDENT, THE COUNCIL HAS THREE GOALS BEFORE US TODAY:. TO REVIEW THE SANCTIONS ON IRAQ, TO EXAMINE THE STATE.OF I~Q'S OIL PRODUCTION
- the Secretary of the T~easury, succeeding ~loyd Bentsen, he was the President's National Economic Adviser. and the head of the National Economic Council, a position now occupied by Laura ·Tyson, who was the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors. \ One
- at the North Atlantic Council meeting at Washingt
[The Formula for Success: A Business Leader's Guide to Supporting Math and Science Achievement]
- reforms that:'hre based on reliable research and elTective practices, and:~tliat include an emphasis 011 hasic academics and par~hlal involvement. A key feature of the program is encouraging schools [0 examine successful, externally developed models lor
- This Mandatory Declassification Review contains conversations (memcons and telcons) between President Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, from 1997 through 2000. Topics of discussion include Northern Ireland, Iraq
- Minister Tony Blair (U) PARTICIPANTS: The President William Crowe, Ambassador to the UK Samuel R. Berger, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Mary Ann Peters, Director for European Affairs, National Security Council (Notetaker
FY 97 Budget [1]
- to evaluate the effectiveness of educational efforts to change behavior. Education. Based on research findings from the National Institutes of Health, the. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
- NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 051 - Foider-OOI Race-Race Initiative Policy: General [1] '97 NOV 11 AMl1:30 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 1I-1~-Cfl Copied November II, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: ~gC1.Vl vas BRUCE REED ELENA KAGAN SUBJECT
[Women and Human Rights] [2]
- the Secretary detennines necessary to ensure the development and operation of same gender classes) any statutory or regulatory requirement of title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Prohibits discrimination or preferences .in Federal employment
- ; re: Core Themes for Ongoing United States Engagement with Russia (2 pages) 09/09/1999 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Ted Widmer (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 2191 FOLDER TITLE: Russia 2006-0471-F 1600
- . Dear Mr. 9, 1996 "P^S" 20500 President: I am writing to renew my request that you issue an executive order e s t a b l i s h i n g as off limits for o i l and gas development a l l Federal waters off the shores of California from Mexico
- Seattle Fred President and Chief Executive Officer Executive Dire"ctor "TRADEC, Incorporated Lane Tom President and Chief Executive Officer American Indian Trade &" Development Council Northwest Fruit Exporters Seattle' Mathison Wenatchee
UNGA '94 - Later Drafts
- (1 page) 001. memo 09/2511994 · RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 422 FOLDER TITLE: UNGA '94 - Later Drafts 2006-0460-F . 2578. RESTRICTION CODES
Foreign Policy & Disability
- the lows and ic:teaa. we ct.nlh crI ham& WIIh h The United. . . tnb ID r.:.srw a stable domoa ca1ie warW IIy promoting bOGdobasecl cqviJaLle, and sustainable clewloprnent ·ects and proeIcans Ih~ the Developing WorfcL It I, the .......... ofthcw UClHd
AIDS 1994 [6]
- of inter-agency activities and development of the President's budget recommendations related to AIDS programs. Elizabc,h Jeppson, Ph.D. Bethesda, MD Rolando JimenczwMercado, MPHE S(wluan Bonita Judon I look forward to continuing to work with your office
- Dept. of Commerce - Minority Development Business Agency [3]
- powerful is • to develop the economic institutions that will allow us to compete in the global economy. Equally as important, the United States cannot sustain its unprecedented economic . growth without more, and stronger, minority-owned businesses. We
- through partnership councils. I 52201 f ede....1 R.eYslec Vol. 58. Presidential Documents No. 19Z Wedoesaay. October 6. 199) --- -------- .. Title J - Executive Order 12871 of October 1. 1993 The President Labor-Management Partnerships
- I,'" .' Regional Community Building F~rums: A·· Sum.mary .Report DOT Safety Council V.S. Department of Transportation Washington, D~C. May 2000 REGIONAL COMMUNITY BUILDING FORUMS: A SUMMARY REPORT Executive Summary Under the direction
- activit\' . o " Telecommunications 'poiicies shouid promote grearer linkages "and ~lot stand in the \vay of their development. A policy of fighting . . ,echnological progress will not be sustainable over the long-term ~- . . t, the ii,l1kages
- of the Federal share of O&C receipts above the estimate of receipts in the President's Budget would be returned to BLM to invest in forest management and forest development work. This funding and the dedication'of our people have enabled the BLM to make
[Health Care Reform] [3]
- to our economy that the President's plan calls for further guarantees— an iron-clad national budget. Short-Term Cost Controls: While this system is established, health care providers will be called upon to hold down increases in their rates. If providers
- Center for Education Statistics, supra note , at Table ... 32 33 Council ofEconornic Advisers, Economic Report of the President (February 1998), pp. 134-35. 34 35 DRAFT/August 28, 1998/SJ 75 descent. 36 Second, segregation remains a problem both
- Environmental Justice data- and studies; and developing interagency model projects that show cooperation among agencies. 2 • ". •. By April 11, 1995, the Working Group must report to the President, . through the Deputy Assistant to the President
- , and the extent of their collective co~mitment and on-going partnerships to implement the plan over time the extent to which the state and loccil government will eliminate unnecessary state and local barriers to sustainable' economiC development and safe
Women's Health [1]
- , Audrey Tayse Hiynes Deputy Assistant to the President and Director, Office for Women's Initiatives and Outreach cc: End. Lucia Guilliand, Mrs. Gore's Office Barbara Wooley, Office of Public Liaison Chris Jennings, Domestic Policy Council Sara Bianchi
- with, officials ,of the, Jefferson, County, (Arkansas) Industrial Development Commission. stan, Jeremy and ,Kathi will meet with a.representative of the" federal interagency coordinating council to discuss eligibility. and service inteqration. '. Steve Warnath
Domestic Violence
- or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) ofthe PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6
Race and Health [6]
- in several ways. In July, the President will participate in a nationally televised dialogue on race on PBS, with Jim Lehrer. In October, there will be a national research conference convened by the National Research Council. That conference will examine past
- 2010-1083-S - Lyn Hogan, Domestic Policy Council
- ) Carol Rasco et a!. to President Clinton re: Teen Pregnancy Initiative (partial, pages 1-3 in whole) (3 pages) 001. list 07/21/1995 PS COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Lyn Hogan · OA/Box Number: 11027 FOLDER TITLE
[10/21/1997 – 10/22/1997]
- =Thomas L. Freedman/OU=OPD/O=EOP READ: UNKNOWN @ EOP. [ OPD 1 ) TEXT: I have an idea I would like to pursue. I'm still obsessed by the fact that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has millions to lend or grant to Latin American countries
- meetings on October 5 and 6 in New York at the Ad Council to develop our message and enlist cooperation with other like-minded . organizations and media. The meetings were attended by several television executives including representatives from NBC, CBS
- New Opportunity EITC [ Earned Income Tax Credit] - DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 1/12/00 - New Opportunity Speech EITC Rollout 1/12/00 [1]
- --~--~~~~~~----------~------------~-----=--~--~~--~~~--Fo r Immediate Release January 12, 2000 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Dorothy Betts Marvin Theatre George Washington University Washington, D.C. 1:45 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Well, first of all, I think we
- . letter Douglas I vison to Rasco re message for POTUS (partial) (I page) 1111311995 P61b(6) 005. letter Linda Hay Crawford to Rasco re POTUS signature (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
National Education Summit
- . Public Advocate Mark Green (D) trails with $1.3 million. Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer has $1.15 million. City Council Speaker Peter Vallone (D) has just under $700,000, and City Councilman Ken Fisher (D), former City Councilman Sal Albanese (D
D [2]
- . newsletter· re Health Care Reform (partial) (1 page) 12/07/1993 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Correspondence) OAlBox Number: 8507 FOLDER TITLE: D [2] 2010-0198-S kc332 RESTRICTION CODES
- to sustain repression and their way of life. 13 " WHAT SHOULD BE U.S. POlley ON HAITIAN REFUGEES? The decision of President Clinton to continue automatic repatriation and to blockade Haiti to stop boat people .is indeed illegal and immoral
Childhood Disability [2]
- at the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, the 1990 Parent to Parent National Conference, Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation and the National Association of State Directors of Special Education. ' Presently
- schoolwide reforms such as those developed by the New American Schools Development Corporation. "'vI Ii , c. 'Class Size Reduction: The most popular element of your education agenda -- class size -- is worth a separate, concerted rollout. We believe
- Civil Rights Minority Entrepreneur Development
- ' also subsidized private groups, such as the National Minority Supplier Development Council, rhiCh in turn have encouraged minority business sef-aside programs . . throughout the corporate sector. • • Federal tlrgeted procurement programs have been
- council role. steil Advisory council recommendations due by end of year. Proposal by 9/3 Sawhill chairing . group on prevention and participating on task force. OMB staff attending working group meetings. Met witb President 6/18. continue development
- will attend the Regional Rural Forum in California; ort April 26-28, he is scheduled to travel to Los Angeles and San Francisco, California to attend meetings with the President's Council for Sustainable Development, to meet with the Urban Resources
Issues Updates 4-99 [1]
- jobs the highest number ofjobs ever created under asingle President. These are overwhelmingly good jobs: according to a study by the Council of Economic Advisers and the U.S. Department of Lahor, 81 percent of all new jobs are located in industry
- -development aircraft; I sent a more detailed memo to the 'President last week Otl this. HEALTH CARE REFORM . . ' . .. . . , Three positive news articles on how th~ President's health care reform would improve health care for military dependents have
- sustainable agricultural ·I and rural development programs that inc;ease food production and stimulate economic growth to meet human demands, 1 without threatening the natural resource base. tWinrock also strengthens institutions and policies, and develops
- . • On September 9, Under Secretary Watkins will address a hunger briefing at the Kellogg Foundation in Battle. Creek, ML • On Sept. 9, Under Secretary Woteki will attend a meeting of the President's Interagency Council on Women. • On September 10, Under
- Council i's working with countries at'ound the world to develop projects that emphasize preservation of cultural and natural resources,encQurage tourism and the imaginative use of technology, and engage all the world's children to.crea~e a positive vision
Urban Policy [1]
- . . , . . .. ' ' , , _ . : ..-, ',,':~ r'"., .'., . . , We propose that the President 'challenge communities to create neighborhoods that offer safety andopponunitieSfor young people -- :i" other. words, to, build a ~youth development infrastru?ture~ in disti~sed cqminuni~ies'to
- Opportunity, expect this Women's Hispanic, council to provide the focal point for employees and management to discuss issues of ~ommon concern and to develop proposals to solve problems affecting employees. 12 ~ E. To provide consistency
- be coordinated by the National Economic Council. which could report to the President in Fail 1993, 2 " . DEFENSE REDUCTION OPTIONS This section presents two options for implementing the national security program that President-Elect Clinton proposed during
- and other U~N. officials of'-piNoo.•- public Interest NGOshave noted, the involvement ofNGOs in is es.sential to their credibility. making decisions on the environment. Even governments, eager for the cachet sustainable development. human rights ot greater
- attend (or who you will send in your place). We look forward to working cooperatively with you in this effort to develop and implement policies that are key to the President's economic message for preparing America to meet today1s challenges and to seize
- Issue Archives The Asian Currency Crisis and the IMF Issues Library WHO STANDS> WHERE? Index ' Organization by Issue Glossary In Support of IMF Funding Comm ents Interact The President "The N; B is needed to ensure that sufficient 'V resourc es
- Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose eonfidential advise between the President and his advisors, or between 'iUch advisors la)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would
- ! . Weekly Report 1L· I fl!J1I! KEY DEPARTMENT NEWS • The fu:sident's Council on Sustainable Development This week I parocipated in the inaugural meeting of the President's Council on Sustainable Development. The meeting focused on the council's
- reform. Therefore, I have forwarded your letter to the appropriate office for review. Thank you again for your letter. Regards, _A(~ Ira c. Magaziner Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development ICM:cad June 14, 1994 Hubbell, S. Ph.D Copy
- but of citizens around the world regardless of gender. I thank her for her leadership, her courage, and most of all, her friendship. And I am delighted that she has agreed to serve as the new chair for the President's Interagency Council on Women. We all know
- talks with MERCOSUR. i ,i ,I ,I , • , ,I The point is that 95 percent of the world's cOJ;lsumers live outside our ! I boundaries, and 85 percent of t,hem reside in developing countries. Our ability to create jobs and sustain our living standard
HRC Trip to the United Nations Fourth World Conference of Women - Beijing, China 9/5/95 - 9/6/95 [4]
- ~Ghali and other U.N. officials o('"PJNCO.•- public lntere4tt NGOs ~ have noted, the involvement ofNGOa in ia essential to their credibility. making decisions on the environment, Even governments, eager for the cachet sustainable development. human rights
- of the Administ~ation's CHIP outreach efforts is a national ad campaign. Most experts think that a major reason why over 4 million uninsured children do not enroll in Medicaid is because of a lack of awarenesJ. Thus, a sustained, multi-media campaign to raise
Test Talking Points [1]
- Grade Mathematics I . The President, in his State of the Union Addressl proposed a new national educati.on initiative to develop and make available voluntar~' national tests for 4th grade students in reading and 8th grade students in mathematics
- literacy development. I I I • The American Academy of Pediatrics recog nized that reading and books were an integral partof a healthy childhood. They established the encouragement of literacy as a "standard of care" for all children, and are taking
- ) P3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA)· PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
- the agencies to work with the policy councils in the policymaJdng process. The councils coordinate interagency activities, facilitate priority-setting, and monitor the implementation onhe President's program, Perfohnance agreements should be drafted so
- Press at 800-624-6242.· Great Transitions. The 1995 concluding report of the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Copies available from the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development at 202-429-7979
- enunciated for the EZ/EZ initiative: economic opportunity; sustainable community development; community-based partnerships; and strategic vision for change. Innovative Federalism and Governmental Reform: The EZ/EC initiative takes a challenge-grant approach
[09/04/1998] [1]
- strategy for implementation. A brief status report on what we have initiated follows. Higher Education: With staff support from the American Council on Education, a core group of college and university presidents is working to establish a broader coalition
Trip: Conway, Arkansas Eighth Governor's Conference on Leadership Keynote Address May 19-20, 1996
- advisory panel !o the NCCJ president. Michele Matzat , Michele Matzat. director of Student Development and Leadership at Hendrix College; manages the campus Center, coordinates the Orientation Program, oversees services for registered student organizations
- and others have called for developing more equitable and expeditious ways to improve teacher quality, reward good teachers and get low performing teachers out of the classroom. Specifically, in his May 16th speech at Graceland College, the Vice President
Vital Voices 1995
- to sustainable development world wide. These funders ?' have found that given the tools of opportunity -- access to credit, political participation and legal rights -- women make good decisions about their lives (they don't need to be told how many children
- , victimized, offered drugs, or exposed to drug trafficking. Developing Principles on Which To Build Strategies , 2. I' . Identifying Elements' of Effective Strategies' 'Strengthening Families,'and Creatill'g Safe Passages for Youhi . , (Moderated
- 2 . . . .N:etwoats -National Research CoUncil's Computer·Science and Technology Board Some MIT Activities: Established the Robert Metcalfe Professorship Fund in 1986, and today · Dean Rosalind Williams is Metcalfe Professor of Writing. Development
- distributed NFRC's motion for division of argument, with a note suggesting that we did not need to respond. However, one of the appellants (Native Forest Council) has responded to NFRC's request by suggesting that NPRC could be awarded some of our time. We do
[Education - Volume 2] [8]
- of this has already begun. The U.S. Department of Education is funding an effort by the MAA, the AMS, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, as well as other CBMS learned societies to develop over the next several years voluntary standards
- entity, the National Physician Resources Council (NPRC). The responsibilities, as we see them, of the National Physician Resources Commission are set forth on page S of the attached AAMC position statement. In addition, line 16 begins, "The total number
- Pacific Basin Economic Council 5/20/96
- Council 5/20/96 - Staff Office-Individual:· Speechwriting-Blinken Original OAIID Number: 3387 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 1 2 v ''· 05/20/96 3 PM PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON KEYNOTE ADDRESS TO THE PACIFIC BASIN
- . sustains $20' million for, the International Child Labor: In his 1999 Labor Organization's (ILO's) multilateral tech Budget, the President proposed to increase nical assistance prograID to help developing the U.S.'s annual support for ~he
- President's Council on Counter Narcotics Mtg. May 28, 1996
- - The future ofU:S. counter-:drug,programs ,.," Closing Remarks , " , • AGENDA CONTINUED PAGE 2 - Director McCaffrey summary of actions/responses - The President gives ~emarks 1:00 pm -1 :30 pm Post Council Press Conference , In the White House Press
- Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 307681SS
- . The Republican bill, like your proposal, focuses on supporting sustained, high-quality professional development and improving alternative routes to teacher certification. The bill, however, turns your class size initiative into little more than an PHOTOCOPY WJC
- round, the President and Vice President would challenge communities to develop their own comprehensive strategic plans for revitalization, with the input of residents and a wide array of community partners. We would invest in those communities
- with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Clarice Kestenbaum, MD, President, American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Ronald F. Levant, Ph.D., Board of Directors, American Psychological Ass'ociation Harold James McGrady, Jr., MD, Council
- West Chester, PA Carol Urban Kingston, PA David Lockhardt Statewide President Pennsylvania State Council of Senior Citizens Allentown, PA Marshall Rozzi Executive V.P. USHealthcare, Inc. Blue Bell, PA Tanya Raggio, M.D. Director Healthy Start Pittsburgh
Truman Library 10/25/95
- , it is that every American President since his time -- including my two distinguished predecessors who join us this evening -has followed in his footsteps ... and carried forward America's leadership in the world. Today, the tradition of sustained American
- Reorganization In response to the September I, 1997, release of the final report of the Commission on Immigration Refonn (eIR), the President directed the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) to review the CIR report and recommend ways to improve and streamline Federal
- to promote the development and use of effective low-cost health technologies and their concrete application to solve health problems. These technologies will help achieve sustainable development and greater equity. Our roundtable will be part of the events
ESEA-Prospectus [1]
- . The Teaching to High Standards initiative in Title II would help move challenging educational standards into every classroom by providing teachers with sustained and intensive high-quality professional development in core academic subjects, supporting new
Genetic Screening [3]
- Acknowledgments: Dr. Earl Richardson, President; Judge Harry Cole, board chair; Governor Glendening; Mayor Schmoke; elected officials - including city council, which voted to ban cigarette billboards near schools; Reps. Elijah Cummings, Ben Cardin; Sens. Sarbanes
- Leland Initiative connects continent to the world . The goal of U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) Leland Initiative is to supplement and improve sustainable development in Africa through the use and exchange df electronic information
- or several states). These groups have been slow to develop or plan joint projects (though some steps, such as a Visegrad free trade agreement, have been taken). Some of the problem is lack of technical resources and some is lack cif sustained political
- January 23, 1998 [Acknowledgnlents: Sen. Bingaman, others] . ' ,: . ... As President Clint~n has repeated again and again, the only v,fay we can sustain our standard of living at horne -- ak four percent of the world population -- is to sell our goods
- Reform Board of Trustees Mr. and Mrs. Clive S. Cummis, Esq. (Ann) Chairman and President, Sills Cummis Zuckerman Radin Tischman Epstein & Gross Hon. Glyn T. Davies; Executive Secretary, The National Security Council Mrs. Jacqueline Davies
Native Americans
- requested that we focus on economic development initiatives, As the result of the President's suggestion, the Domestic Policy' Council's (DPC) Working Group on American Indians and Alaska Natives started planning the Economic Development Conference, which
- ------- - - - - PRESIDENT''S CORNER http://www .naacp. org/about/history .html him at Northern hotels and restaurants, and I voiced my protest. Dr. Moskowitz, with his broad knowledge of conditions among New York's helpless immigrants, aided us in properly interpreting
- and the new. Tomorrow, working with Prime Minister Gonzalez in his capacity as the European Council's president, we will launch a new era for our Trans Atlantic partnership. Spain is playing a leading role in bringing our partnership into the 21st Century
- . The Goals Panel is charged with monitoring and assessing progress toward achievement of the National Education Goals; issuing an annual report to the President, the Governors and the Nation; and overseeing the development of the National Education Standards
- ~stic Policy Council what is seen by some as a , simple statement of' purpose':. All. children shall be empowered to develop, to their fullest potential. You and I know that the 'only way children can do so ,is if each of us as human beings are given
- . It will increase the frequency and scope of consultations on issues of common concern, including promoting democracy and effective government in the hemisphere, human rights, sustainable development, science and technology, education, arms control and international
- Communications Workers of America Council of Jewish Federations- Washington Action Office Easter Seals Generations United Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. Jewish Council for Public Affairs Legal Action Center Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, ELCA Lutheran
- under this p will form the basis for sound State and local decisions about in st ing in, sustaining, and expanding uses of technology in edu cation; ~ "STATEMENT OF PURPOSE "SEC.~. To help all students to develop technical and higher-order
[08/02/1998 – 08/04/1998]
- FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED MICKEY IBARRA ELENA KAGAN LYNN CUTLER SUBJECT: NATIVE AMERICAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE On Thursday, April 6, you will attend a conference at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the White House
- the possibilities of such cooperation. CIA also hopes to impress upon President Chirac the advantages of working with the US in the development of electrcH>ptical imaging capabilities because of the US' extraordinary lead in this technology
- of participants in addition to the three heads of governments follows here in the original.] The following statement is made by the Prime Minister of Great Britain, the President of the United States of America, and the Chairman of the Council of People's
- of providing sustained professional development for teachers in the Eisenhower proglllm by permitting the funds to be used es an unfocused, unaccountable block grant b Impact House President's Appropriations FYI998 FYI999 Request Committee FY1999
- Council on Freign Relations I . New York, NY . 1 October 19, 1999 Good afternoon, and th.ank you all for coming~ When I last visited the Council on Foreign Relations, we had just begun preparation for the WTO's Ministerial Conference in Seattle
China [3]
- & Toast (1 page) 10/27/1997 P1/b(l) 002. email Eric Schwartz to Vinca LaFleur; re: Schwartz's Two· Cents- Draft Jiang Arrival & Toast (1 page) 10/2711997 P1/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Ted Widmer
- "-\"'.:-.-" ':_-"_':: . - ..... j.'---' Nan H. Rich fV1arch. 18, 1996 1 Dear 2~: As you may know, Ihave ~etently been install.ed a's NationaIPr~side~t of the National' Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) :' On: Thwsday, March 28, Carol Rasc,o, Assistant to President Clinton
- people. This biennial report to the Congress brings together numerous elements of our integrated investment agenda to promote scientific research, catalyze technological innovation, sustain a sound business environment for research and development
[Empowerment Zones] [1]
- ;\ The Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers .......................... Laura Tyson The Director of the Office of Management and Budget.. .............. Leon Panetta 11 others as may be designated by the President 1 I L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -L
- will be controversiaL . AGENCY WOnK ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES President's Council on Sustainable Development I will participate in the final principals meeting at the April 27th meeting of the President's Council on Sustainable Dev~lopment. This meeting win look
- President Clinton's Trip to Port-au-Prince, Haiti - March 31, 1995 - Briefing Book [2]
- ) ., COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President
AIDS 1994 [3]
- you will provide Patsy. cc: Patsy Fleming c .. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the :Press Secretary For Immediate Release August 2, 1994 Statement by the Press Secretary President Clinton today appointed Patricia S
- of these orders address important campaign commitments which the President made to increase fuel efficiency in the automobile sector, while reducing poUution and the Federal Government's energy bill. We expect to forward a recommendation next week. o Development
- Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS Final review continues of nearly 200 applicants. The goal is to recommend 21 people, and 10 alternatives to the President by January 10, 1994. The charter has received preliminary approval from White House Counsel. Washington
AME Church Speech DC 12/7/97
- jurisdictions, not D.C. Now that the president has suppomd some reform will he tali< about how the city's local govem~ent ought to be changed? More council members. less powerful mayor? City manager? "He'll take credit for the bail-out plan, but what we need
- ..~->________ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONSICOMMENTS4· STRENGTHENING THE GLOBAL ECONOMY The President and Secretary Rubin have worked with their counteJparts ftom developed and emerging-market nations to extend their strategy to meet the challenges of the global economy. lni
- for Community Development Policy SUBJECT: Treasury Initiatives to be Announced at the BusinessLINC Roundtable SUMMARY:. On June 5, 1998, Vice-President Gore announced the BusinessLINC initiative to encourage large businesses to mentor small businesses
White House Fellows
- National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse Chicago, Illinois Marjorie Benton, Chair Chair of the Board Council on Foundations Washington, DC James E. Bostic, Jr. Jeri A. Eckhart (1985-86) President Eckhart & Company McLean, Virginia (1989-90
Race - Initiative [3]
- THRU: ERSKINE BOWLES SYLVIA MATTHEWS SUBJECT: PRESIDENT'S INlTlATIVE ON RACE WEEKLY REPORT - OCTOBER 11 - 17 ADVISORY BOARD ACTIVITIES American Council on Education Confere.nce. Miami. FL. The Reverend Johnson Cook and Governor Winter spoke to 1500
Chicago Drafts/Notes
- worldwide If the market is going to be truly global, then it is in our interest that workers right to organize become global as well It is in the interest of developing nations, as well. Next week, I will be the first American president to address
1993 Urban Task Force
- to develop a strategy for long-term economic growth in California, not only for _ the State's sake, but for the Nation's future. • This is, in part, an opportunity for the President to discuss how the Administration's policies have helped both the state
- of Education in FY 2000. Joel Packer, CEF President, moderator William Dauster, Deputy Assistant to the President, National Economic Council Meredith Medley, Legislative Assistant, Senator Bill Frist (R-TN) Joan Huffer, Legislative Assistant, Senator
- A. "20 Million Jobs: January 1993 - November 1999" In December 1999, the Council of Economic Advisers llnd the Department's Office of the Chief Efonomist issued a report entitled "20 Million Jobs: January 1993 - November 1999." , The report
Bosnia Roll-Out
- on the part of the White House Offices of Communications, Press, Media Affairs, Public Liaison, Intergovernmental Affairs, the National Security Council, the Department of State, Department of Defense, USUN, and USIA and has been in development over the course
Ben Barber
- violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) oftbe PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or betwee
- (.AM - / -- p g a f ^^T\ OBJECTIVE: Obtain input from and communicate w i t h a broad range of individuals and organizations regarding the President's Initiative on Race, with respect to specific issues as developed by the working groups as well
- violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAr PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
Clinton Speech [1]
- on the issue of sustainable communities on the President's Council on Sustainable Development. But even if we address our economic and environmental problems, lasting security will be elusive if we fail to address basic questions of equity across space and time
- Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-At Risk [2]
- • NATIONAL.SEXOFFENDERREGISTRY .. Pursuantto P.L.lOS-119 GRANT PROGRAM INFORMATION .The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) administers this discretionary grant program, which supports the President's goal of establishing an effective national · registry of sex offenders. The FY
- years) in current hiring trends. Agencies will need time to develop and implement new initiatives to effectively recruit and hire people with disabilities. OPM and the Human Resources Management Council will also need time to coordinate recruiting
Goals 2000 [3]
- performance; adult literacy; and safe, disciplined, and drug-free schools. The Act adds two new goals that encourage parental participation and improved professional development for teachers. • These goals are what President Bush, the nation's Governors
Econ. Statement 10/2/98
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17194 FolderlD: Folder Title: Economic Statement 10/2/98 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: S 92 2 7 Position: Draft 10/1/98 10:30pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS
Cybersecurity Remarks [3]
- ___ ·--~-**** * * * * * * * ****-----~-----------------------------~-~-~----~-------------------~--~----***~ ****------~-------~------~----------------------------~---~~---~------------**** SEND TO: ORZULAK, PAUL DEPT. OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF POLICY SUPPO~T 451 7TH ST. SW - ROOM 10132 WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 20410 . r Page 1 of 10 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release September
- ""Dan Development NO. 125 WashIngton. D.C. 20410-8000 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY ~OR HOUSING-FEOERAl HOUSING COMMISSIONER OCT - 6 1994 Mr. Danny D. Ghorbani President Association for Regulatory Reform . 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W
- - - - - - - _ . - - - - - _.._---_._--_. . ''')0. ... , .'. Co-p'-(" c.J ~(.~ GUJeAl....L ~J//:L PO~· -;z: b
AIDS [4]
- 1996, mid prepared the first federal biomedical research plan for HIVIAIDS in 1997. In May 1997, President Clinton announced a comprehensive AIDS vaccine research initiative designed to lead to the development ofan AIDS vaccine within 10 years
- in the region, especially current members of the UN Security Council. Obviously, the Balkans (and the FRY in particular) would be a special focus for public diplomacy effort. We should stress the same themes that we employ elsewhere (see below), but emphasize
S. 908 Veto Threat June 1995
- to exercise American leadership abroad and conduct foreign policy. The bill is a ·J?em-a·:u=.k!a:~.J.:e' recipe r incoherence develop~ent of both policy-and programs. The President s said that this bill and the American Overseas Interests Act passed
- Asian Pacific Economic Council members and... a landmark agreement omong 34 Western Hemisphere nolions to create the world's largest free-trade zone. · Rememeber President CliMon'sfamous campaign slogan, "'It's the economy, stupid." Cll111on hlls
- to the President for Policy Development ICM:bak Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE OOlb. note SUBJECT/TITLE DATE G. Faber to Ira Magaziner [partial] (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
- that that will accelerate as India feels more comfortable. Q Is there a danger that all the talk of nuclear proliferation, of the turmoil in the region, will overshadow economic development issues and other matters, particularly in India, that the President will be dealing
- also express deep appreciation and thanks ·to our Indonesian hosts. President Soeharto, Minister Alatas, Minister Hartarto, and their colleagues have done a superb job in preparing the ambitious agenda for this meeting and in sustaining the momentum
- E X E CUT I V E o OFF ICE 31~Jan-1995 F THE PRE SID E N T 11:27am TO: - (See FROM: Julie E. Demeo' 'Domestic Policy Council SUBJECT: B~low) DPC Staff Meeting Kent Amos, President of the Urban Family Institute, will be the guest
- carbon, and Global Climate Change and Tropical Ecosystems-2000 discusses the roles of rapid development and population growth in climate. X. WEEKEND CONTACT. Eric Olsen 10 April 12, 2000 MEMORANDUM }'OR THE PRESIDENT THROUGH: THE HONORABLE JOHN
- and Responsibility: Set national goals for youth development and economic integration. Create a national, non governmental entity to pursue these goals and attract private-sector capital for local . youth development partnerships. Use the Ounce of Prevention Council
Africa - Foreign Aid
- , "Not one country receiving foreign aid has succeeded in developing sustained economic growth" "The attack, which began about 6:30a.m., marked the ftrSt such violence in Monrovia since rebel Charles Taylor tried to seize the capital during an assault from
- .' Su~porting Women and Families . President Clinton's Accomplishments and Agenda .. "Until all women have an equal opportunity to develop their. fulCpotentiai and to make contributions' that are accepted and welcomed by our society, our freedom
- , or the speed and breadth ofglobal economic integration. later histnrians may well come to consider the economic developments of the period as the most significant. Thanks, in large part, to the strong leadership of Secretaries Lloyd Bentsen and Robert Rubin
- and Sustaining the Process of Building Capacity and'Long.terin Development Partnerships ala111evels in the Most-Distressed Communities "Initial Sponsors: ' . Wmthrop RockefeUer Foundation.' .. " University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Services W. K. Kellogg
0-3 Conference [5]
- : Exploration of Current Scientific Research on Brain Development and Its Applications for Parents and Caregivers The East Room Moderator: 10:45-11: IS am Dr. David Hamburg, MD, President, Carnegie Corporation of New York Overview ofrecent discoveries
- for grantees that want to help , nonprofits develop the organizational capacity to sustain and expand successful programs. i One idea to promote the type of giving that mimics "venture capital" giving is to allow a tax credit (greater than the current
California [Ron K.] Unz Initiative - Bilingual Education: California Bilingual Ballot Initiative [2]
- . April 14, 1998 Mr. Michael Cohen Special Assistant to the President Domestic Policy Council Dear Mr. Cohen, It has come to my attention that President Clinton is considering laking a position against the California initiative, Proposition 227. I had
- : (202) 785-0296 PHILIP E. CASSIDY Executive Director RICHARD M. ROSENBERG Vice Chairman January 3, 1995 The Honorable Carol Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy DomestiC Policy Council The White House Washington, DC 20500 Dear Ms
- scxual·ori~tllal.i· 11· ! .,·.:au.,c America necdsyou. And if I become the President' of the Unit~.:d Sl:•ll'·.:' 1· t · • my country to Jinq the best and most gifted and most knQwlcdgc
Truman Doctrine
- This is the text of identical letters addressed to: the following appointees to the Advisory COmmiuec: K. T. Keller, President, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; Marion B. Folsom, Vice: Chairman, Btisiness Advisory Council for the Dep:utment of COmmerce
Ford's Theater 6/13/99
Arts & Humanities 9/21/94
- Development of the Minority Business Development Agency at the Department of Commerce. Previously he was chairman and principal owner of the Johnson Bronze Co. in 1970-1981; president and chairman of the OIC Corp., Wadsworth, Ohio, in 1967-1970; managing
APEC '94 - Themes/Objectives
- Release would violate a Federal statute ((a)(3) of the PRA) 1 P4 Release.would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
SOTU, 1999 [2]
- violate a Federal statute ((a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would diselose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) ofthe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
- -based 'ik;,; ' information can help to guide practitioners' . •-· · ·. · Tli~ Commission is pleased that the President has .. actions and the· development and implementation ):~;: ~cted to ensure accountability in Federal public of manage~ent policies
[08/06/1997 – 08/07/1997]
- a new policy development and coordination mechanism at the Domestic Policy Council -- an "Office for Immigration Policy". It cites as a possible model the NSC's Office of Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. . 3) Creating New Offices
- . They are: • • • • Watershed Health and Restoration Development of a Long-Term Forest Roads Policy Sustainable Forest Management Recreation low He resides with his wife and daughter in Northern Virginia. Education 10/8/1999
- of Management and Budget FROM: The President Subject: Youth Violence Council Violence by youth and against youth is an issue that deeply concerns us all. Youth violence can be thought of as a juvenile crime issue, as a mental health issue, and as a school
G-7 Background
- DELL'OVO, Informal dinner hosted by the Italian President of the Council of Ministers. Saturday, July 9, 1994 9a-12n G-7 PLENARY SESSION, PALAZZO REALE, Naples (Heads only/Economic) 1p-2:30p WORKING LUNCH (heads only) probably at HOTEL VESUVIO 3p-4p G-7
Lyon Trip/G7 [2]
- said to President Clinton, you have to get your countries budget deficit down, the situation you've been in over the last several years is not sustainable, it threatens world economic growth. And we've done just that. And I think we can MORE go
Workforce Briefing Book [1]
- 2. Nursing Schools i ^ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY V. Appendix Tab 1 Council on Graduate Medical Education Council on Graduate Medical Education (COGME) Third Report: Improving Access to Health Care Through Physician Workforce Reform. Health Resources
- grade reading and 8th grade math to make sure our children master the basics. Every 4th grader should be · able to read; every 8th grader should know basic math and algebra. To help make sure they do, the President is pledging the development of national
- . CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY ~--- 1 3 Attachments Tab I Memorandum to the President Tab A Talking Points Tab B Executive Summary Tab C Memo from John Deutch Tab II Press Statement CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL .. WASHINGTON. D.C
Regulatory Reform-press
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 028 - Folder 005 Regulatory Reform-press ,1 i THE WALL STREET JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, APRU. 24,1996 What the President Signed' If Republicans scored a victory in- crafted this provision, says it "allows side the Beltway
- that received favorable media attention, Newspaper· articles on the event are attached. Presidentts Council on Sustainable Development M ooday. I win attend a meeting of the Energy and Transportation Task Force of the President's Council on Sustainable
- partners to work together in a sustained effort. (initial investment $10 million in FY2000) , In this way, ~e can assure every child a neal!hy, alcoho!~free adolescence, 9/1 DBC-t?-S8 16,24 PROM. Presid~nt's * 10. PAGE Underage Drinking
Ideas [2]
- report by PCAST (President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology) on educational technology; will recommend increasing funding for ed tech research and development • Develop initiatives in teacher training ana content, possibly linked
- President C1inton'~ leadership and the passion ofRon Brown and hard work of!vfickey Kantor, we have developed commercial' diplomacy to better coordinate it with our foreign policy. Both Ron and Mickey believed passionately that increasing trooe
Africa - Democracy
- as major impedimems to economic and social development. Political developmem programs have responded by supporting free elections, human rights programs, freedom of information, civic education, trade union and business organizations, and free markets. Thus
Child Care
- of information to develop 5 DRAFT· the research agenda April 9, 2001 The member agencies shall assess the need for continuation of the Task Force or its functions, and make recommendations to the President. 6 -----------------·-·· PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION
Los Angeles [1]
- . Nonetheless, we need to lay down some markers between now and Aprili the President should not be accused of doing nothing, when he has a lot of initiatives. We have two major hits: the enterprise zone/community development bank proposal (which may be finished
- Native American Working Group; and assists the Under Secretary for Rural Development with the work of the Domestic Policy Council Working Group on American Indians and Alaska Natives. 3. Improved Working Relations with Indian Tribes The Farm Service
- Center ^ur^am, ^ortl| QLarolim 27710 QUlsnalht •HtalHi AfisirB ( October 12 1993 ffieltplpnf (919) 684-2255 |fnt»hml» (919) 684-8074 Arnold Epstein, M.D. Executive Office of the President Domestic Policy Advisor for Health Care The White House 1600
- for adolescents should be more widely available. Through a Domestic Council or Domestic assistant, the President-elect could direct relevant federal agencies to develop a comprehensive plan for K-12 health education. This group would base its recommendations
- , President Clinton, speaking to students at American University', laid out vision for U.S. global economic leadership including reducing the deficit, expanding trade, enhancing global economic coordination, promoting developing country growth, and supporting
- to the President's. initiative to develop these (ests, both among Republicans and Democrats. While I personally oppuse federal in.volvement in developing individualiZed tests, the reallssuc: here is that lhe developmen[ of individualized. nalional tests is roo
- another. In fact, in the timethat I've served as your President, . , I've had the honor of ,speaking to you several times. In those three years, our country has, grown progressively stronger. Our eC9n~my is thriving. We have the lowest. coinbined
- sUbstantive expertise and experience, they are responsible for developing regulations and assuring that the regulations are consistent with applicable law, the President's priorities, and the principles set forth in this Executive order. (b) The Office
UNGA '94 - Outline
- · .· · . · · ~ ._ -sustainable ·development · _ . . trutp is this: 'open and competitive commer_ce Will enric~ us. -It. spurs uus .to inilovate. It ·forces compete: It connects us with new customers. It promotes globasi growth.· ' "! • • threats: tran~ition graf
FY 99 Budget [1]
- to give the CDFI Fund authorization to launch small business capital enhancement program to back state-run loan loss reserve funds that permit banks to make more difficult small business loans. . 2. Sustainable Development. -Environmental Activity Bonds
- by the President in May, I am writing to ask for your assistance in securing the immediate release ofthis funding under the U,S, Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program so that these recovery efforts may
- -9770 AUG 19 '96 11:35 FROM ICHU TO 12024566218 PAGE.006/007 FOR IMMEDIATE RET.EASE Contact: Mark Karlin, President of the Illinois Council Against Handgun violence (D) 312/522-3665 (N) 708/256-4309 (P) 800/SKY PAGE, PIN # 573-3060 Dan Kotowski
After School-Coordination
- for providers Increased public awareness of the need for out-of-school care Resource development to sustain the project's goals MOST plays a critical and extremely constructive role in coordinating after-school efforts in Boston. MOST's activities include
- PreSident said. , The·Reverend'Iesse Jackson an.d President Clinton's Domestic Policy Council Director, . Carol RaSco. will join the Vice President at the all-day conferenCe. The conference, will ' . include men' and women's forums; entertainment
- upon request. ·2 . -: · ; I 1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COUNCIL .ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WASHINGTON. D.C. 20503 .:':; .. ..., ·-·. -- June 20, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR T'HE PRESIDENT ~ ~t'A · ...... ~\>~ r\· From: Kathleen A. McGinty
- HUD [Housing and Urban Development]
- , the Administr.:ation is proposing to continue and enhance a number ofinnov-.itive prcgtams. The President's New Markets Initiative addresses urban feviraJization in three ways: through core economic development progratm. which have proven to be s.uccessfUl
- ON ECONOMIC GROWTH Presidential Hall · Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building 1:25 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you, Secretary Herman and Council of Economic Advisors Chairman Martin Baily and especially, thank you, Marvin
- . The President also supports extending these same protections to Medicare beneficiaries. This legislation is supported by 45 health care organizations including: the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, the National. Council of Senior
- coutse of action in the short time available, options were developed and refined through an interagency process involving senior staff. Impetus for the review was provided by the Vice President '·s manda t.e to· put public affairs on .a fast track
- , and bureaucratic hurdles frustrated local officials when they sought help. In response to the 1993 BRAC round, the Clinton Administration developed a bold program to revitalize base closure communities. On July 2, 1993, President Clinton announced his "Five-Part
1996 Weekly Reports [3]
- and I .convened the Domestic Policy Council on Tuesday to discuss the implementation of the President's June 21, 1996 memorandum on federal family friendly work arran'gements. The memorandum . directs each agency to review their personnel practices
- (Co-Director, Advocacy Institute) Chase N . Peterson (President-Emeritus, University of Utah) Grethe B. Peterson (University of Utah) Terry Pinkard (Georgetown University) David Popenoe (Rutgers University) Lonnie C. Rich (City Council Member
[08/25/1998 – 08/26/1998]
- and toddlers; x% are minorities. Administration goal: serve 1 million children by 2002, including doubling the number of infants and toddlers. The Child Care and Development Fund ($2,071 million in FY 1998) in subsidies to over 1 million children. President's
Foreign Policy - 1996 Ideas
- -transparent or weak governments more often than not become corrupt governments. Economic freedom cannot be ordained by a beneficent ruler, it must be constructed from the ground up. Only a comprehensive approach to development can achieve sustainable economic
- , 1993, Previously he was the Dean of Agriculture at Purdue University, a position he held since 1987. f:. noted edu~ator, lecturer, and author on international agric~lltura(policy, Thompson has worJ
- COI.LECTION, Clin(Qn President!;!! Records' Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed (SubJect File) OArum Number 21206 FOLDER TITLE: NutJonal Service-Summit Pl r~61 JU~'1'RICTION CODES :Fn..."th'nI"r Iufnonatitm Ad • 15 U.!i.{:, SSI{b)) I'! NHtiO!llI! wooly
- . Tel: (202) 833-8990, fax: (202) 833-8988, E-Mail: usnsa-oea({ Americals Commitment The United Nations Women Is Conference· Women 2000 • Beijing Plus Five The President's Interagency Council on Women February 17, 2000 Agenda 2:00PM-3
- the issues raised by the enclosed materials with you and the President's Task Force. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to explore the matter further. I can be reached at Education Development Center, Inc., 55 Chapel Street, Newton
- WTO [World Trade Organization]: Additional Pres. [President] Clinton Remarks
- of Industrial Organizations M E C i m v E COUNCIL 615 Sbfloanth Stical, N.W. Washington, D C 20006
M [9]
- EducatiOn Council. r t Sarah has been a member in good standing of the Indiana Society for Social Work Administrators in Health Cate since 1978. Sarah has been the President-Elect, Rresident, Past President, aisoard Member and Social Work Director
- cdocation, Republican budget proposals included eUiS of more than a third to the nation's science and lechnology budget. cuts tbilt would have decim;ued QUl" nation's ability 10 perform world-class research. develop new technologies I() sustain economic
- SHl.leture. and an increase in focus on workload manugcment, resulting in many field office Managers unable or unwilling to grant mueh time for the long {enn investment of workforce development at the expense of short term workload product The unfortunate
Cisneros, Henry
- to the Republican cuts. Attachment cc: Vice President Gore Leon Panetta George Stephanopoulos Ha:t;old Ickes Don Baer Erskine Bowles Kitty Higgins Bill Curry ' .. U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington. D.C. 20410-4000 OFFICE
Regrets July 1995 [7]
- ·,. ,· ·-' .I -- ---- ----~ ...1.----- 1 l l Ms. Caro[ 9(gsco · .9lssiStant .to tlie President. · · 1Jomestic Po[icy Council %e Wliite !Jlouse 1600 Pennsy[vania Ylvenue, ~W. Washington, 1JC 20500 . . .,. ;,.ru~~~.1 ;t.ll ... n•....n.t MEETING REQUEST
- ). Cclcbrczze, Chairman of the CounciL Durinu his rcrnarks he referred to HE\V's Commissioner of \Velfarc, Ellen Winston, member of the executive committee of the President's Council on Aging, and to Wilbur). Cohen, 1\ssistant Secretory of Health, Education
- , Environmental Protection Agency — Kevin Cover, Assistant Secretary, Indian Affairs, Department of the Interio -Theodore Strong, Member, Presidential Committee on Sustainable Justice Development • Jeanette Takamura, Assistant Secretary, for Aging, Department
- Initiative. A sub-contract was granted to the Greater Little Rock Chamber of Commerce to develop this demand reduction program through small businesses in Little Rock. In early 1992 the President's Drug Advisory Council launched a national program called
State Drafts
- annouticed the . Partnership for Economic Growth and beginning~ Development~ of a new - ~ - I know the Vice President looks forward to returning to Cairo again in early 1995 to inaugtirate hig~-level economic dialogue under the Partnership. re~eiving
- teaching hospitals :with t4ea own provider number and to develop recommendations for , ,implementation of such f"manc~g as part of the President's 'FY 1999 budget request to Congress. Suc!! support, would be a major step toward , leveling
- bipartisan support for S&T research funding makes this an ideal time for the President to reinforce the nation's commitment to sustained federal funding for basic science. Examples of bipartisan support for S & T research can be found in the attached appendix
World AIDS Day [2]
- . This program provides new life-prolonging drugs to people with HIV and AIDS. In addition, President Clinton and Vice President Gore convened the National Task Force on AIDS Drug Development, and removed dozens of bureaucratic obstacles to the effective
- . 20410.0001 January 4, 1995· MEMORANDUM FOR: THROUGH: FROM:· SUBJECT; The President Leon B. ~etta . Henxy ~r . :. - National Homeownership Strategy \ . Since November s, when you directed me to develop an unprecedented public-private partnership
Thank You [3]
- received national recognition. Since 1984 the National Council on Disability, the congressional Task Force on the Rights and Empowerment of Americans with Disabilities, and the President's Committee on Employment of Persons with Disabilities bave consulted
Detroit Trip File [1]
- mobilize local people, includ ing neighborhood youth. Leadership development is a central element ofeffec tive community development and youth service." The YouthBuild Directors' Council, composed of the Directors of seven YouthBuild sites meeting
North Carolina Trip [2]
- are required to teach more students more content and skills at . higher levels to meet the needs of higher performing students. Additional professional development, classroom resources, and instructional support are essential to sustain the changes in schools
- Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, Inc. 5-5-93 10:30
- , 1993 Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic policy The White House Washington, D.C. ~0500 Dear Carol: Thanks so very much for taking the time to meet with representatives of the Massachusetts Biotechnology 'Council last Wednesday. I
Elena Kagan News 1 [1]
- of how best to allocate surpluses. Before I turn over to Janet Yellen I do want to comment that there are many, many people who have been part of this budget team. The President created a National Economic Council six years ago to make sure that we
- of how best to alloca~e surpluses. Before I turn over to Janet Yellen I do want to comment that there are many, many people who have been part of this budget team. The President created a National Economic Council six years ago to make sure that we
- .' ';. WELFARE REFORM HIGHLIGHTS Asset Development and Microe'nterprise . . The President's welfare reform plan takes. several steps to assist people- on welfare who are trying to become independent by starting their own business and to help low income
- of the Working Group on American Indians and A.laska Natives titled, Two Years After the President s Meeting With Tribal Leaders: J +. + Education + Energy + Health and Human Services + Housing and Urban Development + Interior + Justice + Labor
- will require both the vision and the courage President Nixon, Secretary Kissinger, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou brought to Shanghai a quarter century ago. Today, the vision is to develop a new relationship between two great powers. Today, the courage requires
Beijing Issues
- · of Catholics suppo:rt contraceptive family planning. They recognize that global access to 'contraception and ' the empowerment of wmyen are central ingredients in achieving sustainable development ap.d J:noderating population growth in our world. · As 'the. ad
- with an additional $12 million in private sector capital to establish a new community development bank. ' : '1 TBECO~E~OWERMENTBOARD In 1993, President Clinton created the Community Enterprise Board, now renamed the Community Empowerment Board (CEB), to encourage
- Start and Early Start. • November 1997: Cong. McGovern lobbied successfully to secur~. $114 million in additional funding (above the request made by President Clinton) for key early childhood development and child care programs as part of the fiscal
- of the history of Ukraine, and -with great flair. with saxophcne solos. It the. cultural and religious developments was pure delight! . ;;;[ !\ . thlll the guides were telling him abo.ut I · I.was witfl'the president afterWards, think that says a lot tOO
- designation would prohibit mining and could include other restrictions, such as limits on off-road vehicle use. Clinton plans to make an "environmental announcement" at the Grand Canyon on Tuesday, said Elliot Diringer of the president's Council
5/93 Microloans [1]
- -sustaining community and economic development institutions, expanded home ownership and affordable housing diversity, and entrepreneurial firms and new enterprise located in communities throughout the country • reward study, high achievement and hard work
- increases opportunities for affordable housing development by the private sector. Empowerment Zones: The President's Empowerment Zone proposal represents a new approach to the problems of distressed urban and rural communities. It gives local communities
- topic is the President's Food Safety Initiative and the President's Council on Food Safety. • On May 20, Under Secretary Watkins will address the Child and Adult Care Food Program annual conference in Atlanta, GA. 6 Africa~America
- .... CHICAGO,' Aug. 3-President · spend this' money to develop ·Clinton hailed welfare recipients as hwnancapacity of our people." . · pOtentially industrious workers who . Clinton Inadehis remarks at a can be,"good for the bottom line
- YellSin's environmental advisor Yablokov and Environmental Minister Danilov-Danilyan highlighted areas of cooperation on radiation health effects. climate change and nuclear safety. We also discussed developing advisory councils comprised of industry
- *153* The Media Institute 1000 Potomac St. NW, · Ste. 204 · Washington,· DC 20007 Ph: (202)298-7512 Patrick D. Maines, President Description:· Encourages and promotes the development of knowledge and understanding of American media ·and communications
Path 5/4/98
- are working with builders and their suppliers to develop and test new technologies, and they're working with state and local officials to streamline regulations. In fact, the Los Angeles City Council just passed a resolution to help speed PATH projects
- (b)(3) of tbe FOIA( P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information (a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S
- Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Juvenile Justice Conference
- and support the development of healthy children and safe communities. In taking on the challenge, we are armed with a tremendous body of knowledge on how to treat juveniles in the justice system and how to prevent delinquency in the first place. We've learned
- . Today, President Clinton is leading an ellbrt to make researchers' findings available andaccessiblc to all Americans, based on his conviction that we all have a stake in our children's healthy development and learning. On April 17, 1997, Presiclent
- Economic Conference of the President & Vice President - Briefing Papers on Select Administration Policies [1]
- Council, the National Security . Council, the National Perlormance Review; and the Office of the Vice President as well as several' people from the departments, contributed serious time drafting and editing sections. The Office of Management and Budget did
- [National Council of the Churches of Christ]
- of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14450 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [National Council of the Churches of Christ] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 4 2 2 06/02/97 M N 18:22 FAX 212
- a sustainable supply of timber. Neither objective is fully achievable given the present condition of the existing road system. The risks inherent in building new roads in presently roadless areas threaten environmental, social, and economic values. Development
Enterprise Zones [2]
- . and are empOwered to develop self-sustaining institutions in which they have an ownership stake certification of insurance availability and elimination of all redfining § , I of esp, and enforceability of commltments~ to enable targeted area to become an integral
- . Robert Rubin, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy National Economic Council Ms. Carol Rasco, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy National Economic Council FROM: William V. Bill Alexander Tel: 202/783-1800 P6/b(6) Tel: (private) Fax
10/93 Kerrey Commission
- . [The National Economic .council shall advise tae President of its recommendations with respect to the Report of the Commission.] (b) The Commission shall decide by a [three-fifths) vote which recommendations to include in the Report. At the request of any
- States Barriers to Community Plan/Network Development Managed Competition or Managed Cooperation Anti-Trust and Other Laws That Inhibit Network Development Workforce Development , Practitioners For Rural Areas Scope of Practice Trade-offs Between
- address this problem, the Vice President asked OPM to develop a model plan to increase representation of adults with disabilities in the federal workforce and report back to him by March 1, 1999. This plan, which; will be used as a model that can
Beijing Plus Five
- the Participation of Women in Political and Economic Decision-Making: • Please move Vital Voices so that it appears first under this category. . I 06/15/99 TUE 10:35 FAX 202 647 5337 _,_,_, Ann Lewis PICW ~001 The President's Interagency Council on Women
- THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF DOMESTIC POLICY CAROL t-i. RASCO Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy To: Draft response for POTUS and forward to CHR ' b y : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Draft response for CHR
- ) '. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: California Trip September 21-24, 1995 [2] 20 10-0 198-S ry914 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c
- are suggesting that the crisis could add one half, even one percentage point of GDP to the United States current account deficit this year. Consider the implications of a sustained crisis for California, where about half of last year's exports went to Asia
Economy Pool Spray 11/3/98
- , Ga. 30303-2426. 800-422-7385. In Washington, the U.S. Agency for International Development announced that it was providing $3.5 million in emergency assistance as a first step in recovery efforts. "We'll be looking at what e se we can do," President
- assistance for small Noting that businesses faced numerous forms asking for similar information, the Kansas State Rural Development Council of the. National Rural Development Pirrtnership (NRDP) worked together with federal and state agencies to create
- V, ... 11' . . < { ,. TALKING POINTS FOR CAROL H. RASCO TOWN HALL MEETING· 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. ROOM 450 NOTE.: It is our expectation that the Vice-President will be here for this session. He is scheduled to be with us.from 2:30 p.m
- much to the United states and to American culture. I . . I r . I see every day at the WhiteHouse the values of hard work, love of family, and respect for hu~an dignity that are hallmarks of the Philippine people. Among the President's most dedicated
- Lake, Anthony [Lake Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations, "Enlargement: Purpose and Practice," December 14, 1993]
- the victims ofthe earthquake in India .. And that is why we are placing greater emphasis on sustainable development and the protection of~he environment. . . At the sam'e ·time, we must be mindful of the )imits and the nature. of Humanitarian intervention
- Force Members (partial) (I page) 08/08/95 P6/b(6) 008. letter To Carol Rasco from Kenneth L. Carder (partial) (I page) 08/04/95 P61b(6) 009. letter To President Clinton from meeting participant (partial) (2 pages) 08/08/95 P61b(6) 010. fax
- to ensure that America's heritage is sustained for future generations. Throughout the trip, the First lLady will promote the goals ofthe White House Millennium Council's "Save America's Trbasures" initiative, a program dedicated to protecting the nation's
- Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Child Care After School [2]
- CRIME AND After-School ,Crime or Chie1, Knoxville, Till R. Gil Kerllkowska Commissioner, Sutfalo, NY Talmadga N. Moore Chlot. Fl.Waytlll. IN Charles A. Moose RESOURCE COUNCIL Barbara T. Bowman, M.A. After-School Programs: President. Ericlcson
- New Markets 7/99 Remarks by Johnson [Lyndon] on Development [2]
- . The Federal government should not stand aloof from their efforts. The governor of Ohio has advised me that his State which was originally tendered an invitation by the Council of , Appalachian · Governors and the President's Appalachian Regional Commission
10/93 California
- '5'202 514 8639 DOJ-OPD U.S. Department of Justice Office, of Polley Development Washinh>ton, lJ.C. )0:):10 ( i I I ( I· October l, 1993 1v1EMORANDU!V1 TO: JOHN EMERSON JONATHAN PRINCE FROM: MARK D. FABIANI Senior Counsel, Offke of Policy
- will attend a fundraiser in California for Congressman Richard Lehman. . DEPUTY SECRETARY'S SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK Deputy Secretary Rc,minger will join Vice President Gore at the Presidential Management Council's Customer Service Group meeting on June 28
- munugcment, resulting in many field office Managers unahlc'or unwilling to grant much time for the long term investment of workforce development al the expense of short term workload product. The unfortunate and unforc~ecn re~ult of this shortsighted course
- or confldential commercial or flnancial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) ofthe PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion
NEC – Empowerment Zones [1]
- ' of your economic plan and yo~r Presidency may depend on it. Il. BACKGROUND Shortly you took office, Bob Rubin and Carol Rasco asked Gene Sper"ing and Bruce Reed to set- up a joint l\'EC>DPC interagency working group on community development
[Dept. of the Interior] [1]
- ..... ,..... ,.......... " ......... ". " ..... " .." .. "." ..... ".... ".., ..... ", .. "., ................. " .... ,.... 15 fn....asive species ............" ... ""." ..,,, ....,,.. ',,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........... ,,..... ................................................................. 15 President's Exetulive Order on Recreational Fisheries
- . BERGER ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITYAFFAIRS REMARKS BEFORE AMERICAN MUSLIM COUNCIL WASHINGJ:ON, D.C. MAY 7,1999 I'm delighted to speak before the American Muslim Council, and to discuss with you our vital · relationship with the Muslim
- • Agency program areas • ' Labor Force Development/Job Continuum • Welfare Refonn • Bmwnfields • Sustainable Development • Franchising' .CRA • Fannie Mae Freddie Mac • Infoqp3tion dissemination to agencies on current status of zones • Re-establish ties
- noticed about the Depression 'was that my grandfather's house was lost, about to be sold for taxes'. 16 The New Deal sharpest yearly decline ever in hog prices. In the spring of 1932 Milo Reno, the former president of the Iowa Farmers' Union, launched
- -level corrective actions and the prohibition on taking certain actions before the State has developed the assessments required by §1111 (Gregg #1) pp. 110 through 110-20: adds new Subpart 3 (Child Centered Program) to Part A (Gregg #2) pp. 146 through
- Pennsylvania [Health Care] Costs Containment Council [3]
- by other states. RATING HOSPITAL EFFECTIVENESS Thc council has developed two types of reports which can aid purchasers. Thc council also produces an annual statewide hospital financial report and special customized reports on request. Hospitals arc
- , Administrator Browner, Administrator :Bow.les; .Leon Panetta, Bob Rubin, Katie McGinty, Joan Baggett, Mark Gearan, Carol Rasco. ,Subject; Office of Forestry and Economic Development. USDA,' Forest Service. 1994. Implementing the President's Forest Plan 1994
Health Reform-Asthma [3]
- Attorney General Department of Justice Honorable Janet Yellen Chair. CounCil of Economic Advisors Honorable Andrew Cuomo Secretary Department of Housing and Urban Development · Honorable Neal Lane Director · Office.of Science and Technology Policy
- the ball furthe than anyone else, but there wa nobody waiting to Jinish it off." The challenge now is to "develop a more coherent vision," he said. "It's a challenge that leadership has to spend more time working on." Rep. Mar.k E. Souder, Indiana
- : What was your goal with that Council? 00:01:31:09 A: Well it was really a ... it came as a proclamation from the President of the United States for each department to really celebrate the millennium. And I stay that Secretary Glickman
[04/18/1997] [2]
- a simple message, one supported in great detail by a report being issued today by the President's Council of Economic Advisors. If we, as a nation, commit ourselves now to modest investments in the sound development of our children, including especially
- anniversary Aug. 1) *Warsaw Ghetto monument. TBA ECONOMIC EVENT with Lane Kirkland, tentatively at the Polish-American auilding Crafts Training.Center. TBA PRESIDENT MEETS with Prime Minister Jan .Krzysztof Bielecki, Council of Ministers Building or Pawelak
- -- Proposals to encourage region-wide coordination, especially in areas such as welfare-to-work, transportation, environment and education: Lead OMB, CEQ with extensive DOC, DOT, and HUD participation. Sustainable Development -- Brownfields is the best example
- • Zoe Baird President The John and Mary R. Markle Foundation James Barr Ill President and CEO TDS Telecom Asa Briggs Former Chancellor Britain's Open University and Member House of Lords Peggy Conlon President · The Advertising Council Elizabeth Daley
- is signed.) THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. END 5:50 P.M. EDT d THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the For Pres~ Secretary Release November 30, 1998 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT CONFERENCE TO SUPPORT MIDDLE EAST PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT The ·State Department 10:48
- Company Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Corporate Vice President United Parcel Service Washington, D.C. The Hon. Joseph I. Uebennan U.S. Senate and Chairman Democratic Leadership Council The Hon. Robert L. Livingston Chairman, Appropriations U.S. House
[11/19/1998 – 11/20/1998]
- issue, which I think will be adequate for a report to the President on this issue. The only other immediate issue to me appears to be related to the Labor Department's amicus, which we already sent in last week and recent developments would
Ideas [1]
- , Picker admits that this approoch is "'very Clintonesque," He points' to , ft:derally subsidiz.ed midnight basket~ · ball as a successful exampk of norm · . The President's small, approach to "get'ting kids off '.' dOt; street Ilt night, providing posi
- Fund 14. Budget Development and Enforcement 15. Quality Management and Improvement 16. Information Systems and Administrative Simplification 17. j ^ ^ ^ Creating a New Health Workforce {_ %^ 1 : DETERMINED TO BE AN ADMINISTRATIVE MARKIN
[Hudson Opinion, June 1993]
- of the elements of such a program that would help both the patient and the physician: • Pay injured patients more quickly through voluntary alternatives to trial. Mr. Quayle. 44th vice president of the U.S.. is now chaim\an of the Competitiveness Center
- Council CC: . CC: Elizabeth E. Drye Carol H. Rasco for CHR calendar THE PRE SID E N T E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F T HE PRE SID E N T 22-Aug-1996 01:12pm TO: (See Below) FROM: Margaret Pugh Office of the Vice President SUBJECT: CEB: Cabinet
- Teams should identify and apply for . potential funding to sustain community level teen pregnancy prevention efforts through traditional and nontraditional funding sources, volunteerism, policy development, and legislative action. • By December 1997
- a proposal for the President's FY2001 budget request that entails a u.S. contribution toa multilateral trust fund addressed to the tropical disease vaccine development cause, perhaps combined with whatever HIVI Aids vehicle we find, and maybe other things
- of the Union Themes/Issues (partial) (1 page) 01108/1996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 3387 FOLDER TITLE: Speech Theme Memos/State of Union [1] 2006
AIDS 1993 [3]
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET CI inton Li brary Collection: Domestic Policy Council, Carol Rasco OAlBox: OA 7680 File Folder: AIDS 1993 (3J Archivist: rfw Date: 3/19/04 1. Memo To Steve from Sandra C. Massenburg re: attendance for Nov. 8 meeting, 1P
- . Felicia Stewart, Deputy Assistant 'Secretary fo·r Population Affairs at HHS. I have also attached an· article by the Council on' Scientific Affairs of the· American Medical Association on the same subject. Dr. Ross vses this article to support her claim
- sector; to teach youth to take responsibility for their own lives; and to sustain the program through community ownership and partnership. including ties to the workforce investment system and local youth council. Youth Offender Grants Congress has
Teacher Education
- to be people of color, are more likely to be male, are transitioning in~o teaching from an occupation outside the field of education, have pri'or teaching-related experience, and are attending college part-time. : Dr. Feistritzer is president ofthe National
- Development, Edison Electric Institute, and the U.S. Energy Association) is being held in Tucson, Arizona. The Russian delegation, led by Anatoly I. Saranovsky, Vice President of .RAO EES Rossii. (Po",.r and· Electrification Systems of Russia), consists of 85
- hope to become." Hillary Rodham Clinton ·~·· - WHITE HOUSE MILLENNIUM COUNCIL Honor the P~JSt-Imagine the Future WHITE HOUSE MILLENNIUM COUNCIL The President and Mrs. Clinton created the White House Millennium Council in 1997 to give every
[Portugal] [1]
- and to take appropriate actions to assist African countries. We welcome the work done in the UN Security Council during the January 2000 U.S. Presidency. In theC~iro Declaration and Action Plan of April 2000; the ' EU and African leaders pledged
5/93 Microloans [2]
- currently served by WSEP The Economic Development Council for the Peoria Area 124 SW Adams Street. Suite 300 Peoria, IL 61602 Contact: Martin M1ni (309)676-7500 Service Area: Peoria, Tazwell and Woodford count1es The Neighborhood Institute and Women's Self
- a range of actions and established the President's Council as the coordinating body for domestic and international policy; and 3) It adopted a three-part strategy consisting of: 0 prevention, 0 prosecm;jon and enforcement against traffickers, and 0
Earth Day
- to communicate nationwide his educational vision. Mack, with this idea in mind, I visited with one of our leading sponsors, EDS, to solicit their assistance in developing some suggestions on how the President and the Administration could utilize this educational
- Haney Mr. Haney is a property developer and manager from Chattanooga. He has worked closely with Senator Sasser and Vice President Gore. He is a member of the National Finance Board. 5. Senator Harlan. Mathews Senator Mathews served out the two years
- the requested bill language concerning the number of CEQ council members. Department of Housing and Urban Development The overallleve1 of funding provided by both the House and Senate versions of the bill for the Department cif Housing and UIban Development (HUD
Child Immunization 12/11/00
- , about 90% of children have received key vaccines appropriate for their ages. The figure declines to 78% by age 5, when more immunizations are required. The president is ordering the Agriculture Department and the federal Centers for Disease Control
[New Economy] [3]
- promotes sustainable development. This includes ensuring that trade liberalization takes account of environmental effects and complements policies to ensure clean air, clean water, and protection of our natural heritage, while promoting growth. Trade
[The Kidney Group]
- WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DOL form SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE 07125/1994 FedEx shipment 2202203054 (partial) (l page) RESTRICTION P6fb(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
- States has stopped and been the leader in stopping bcing part of the problem. We are the ones who. in fact, have developed systems which do not injure innocent individuals. Nonetheless, the President went forward beyond our systems which we have speru
- for all of us. I hope you will work with the President to make health security a reality for all Americans. Regards, j crvy---- Ira c. Magaziner Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development ICM:cae Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library
[05/18/1999] [1]
- commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
- plans: She rattles orr a list or new ventures slated for the area. A "Pathmark store. A . Murray's Meat Market A recreation center. A hom.e for senior citizens. A police station. · One day two years ago, Ringgold marched into City Council president John
- with funds under this Part. • Coordination. Requires the Administration to assist states in developing effective methods for the transfer of student records within and among states. It further requires that the Administration. working with the stiltes
Legislative Language [4]
- PREGNANCY PREVENTION GRANTS. tI(a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to encourage and provide financial assistance for the development of intensive and sustained school-linked and school-based pregnancy prevention programs for adolescents in areas
- , President Clinton has dramatically increased funding in critical areas, such as education and training, children, the environment, health care, and research and development. Indeed, investments in key education and training programs have nearly doubled since
Digital Divide
- The White House Conference on the New Economy Agenda" April 5, 2000 . 9:00 a.m. Opening Remarks East Room President William Jefferson Clinton 9:15 a.m. Panel I East Room Is the New Economy Rewriting Rules on Productivity and the Business Cycle
- and the scourge of AIDS to promoting sustainable development-- Japan is there. From cleaning up the environment here on earth to exploring the heavens above-- Japan is there. People around the world are better off for your commitment to leadership. Today
Ideas - Welfare
- President's Coalition to Sustain Success. One idea: to host with SBA a half day conference in which the POTUS and VPOTUS could speak via satellite to groups of small business, non-profit, and religious leaders across the country. JanuaryFebruary Welfare
NGA Winter Meeting, 1995
- -ill: II I · II ' I " I Withdrawal/Redaction ,Sheet Clinton Library RESTRICTION DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJ ECTrfI TLE DATE .001. memo To Bev Goodwin from Charles Unseld re: Colorado Summit on Smart Growth and Development (partial) (1
- Demonstrations in Math ($2 million). For National Activities, the Pass back provides for five activities which are consistent with the President's commitments, including the new Middle School Teacher Training ($30 million) and Software Development ($5 million
Takings [2]
- NL WJC- Kagan Counsel- Box 014 - Folder 005 Takings [2] EO 12628 Title 3-The President Executive Ordera Sec. 2. This Order shall be effective immediately, THE WHITE HOUSE. March 8.1988, of private property rights provided by the Fifth
- ---.,.....,.,,w' ·-'''"'T!;·•:...,•~~ •......,,.. ~ o~' .. _.4.-;. ·-------~-- or_t Honorable Carol Rasco Assistant to the President Domestic Policy Council Old Executive Office Building ,The White House ~':Wasltington, DC 20500 lnl:llli i l il;ldi 111li il I I
- of Labor, Education, and Housing and Urban Development. A youth council wIll be established under the Local Board in each local area to improve coordination among programs and youth~serving organizations, conduct strategic pJanning for youth programs
Fast Track 8/97
- . President, some opponents of the Chemical Weapons Convention are arguing that, indeed, it would let the fox into the henhouse; that is to say, a country, perhaps Iran, a signatory, would gain access to our development techniques for making chemical weapons
Children's Health [3]
- of the final1997 FBI Unifonn Report -- which will continue to show large decreases in crime -- the President give a major policyispeech on how this Administration's efforts have helped to fuel the longest "\ ~ sustained drop in violent crime in nearly 40 years
- ) The Potential of School-Linked Centers to Promote Adolescent Health and Development. Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development Working Paper Washington. DC. 24 Farrell. G . Simkin. L.S. & Ross. T. (1986) £wj/«atio>i of the New York State School Health
- that, to date, the contractor had reviewed only five plans of the 11 systems behind schedule. Despite uneven progress, agencies are now focusing their efforts on developing solid contingency plans and continuity ofbusiness plans. As the President's Council
- Outside Executive Office of the President) ! This draft position was developed by LRD (connie Bowers) 'in consultation with HRD (Barry White). The Department· of Education (Riddle), OIRA (Chenok), GC (Damus), and White House Legislative Affairs (Fernandez
- and asks for DoD's plan to do so. • The President approved a 1995 interagency report that reviewed the Federal lab structure within DoD, NASA and DoE and that recommended that DoD develop a downsizing plan for their labs. Financial DoD's budget
- of national or. regional significance. • Dis~ance I.learning, Telemedicine Loans And Grants Announced: On Oct. 21, Vice President Gore joined Secretary Glickman in New Orleans, LA to announce $10.2 million in rural development loans and grants for distance
March 1993 HSA [2]
- presidency. 1 cannot guarantee that this momentum will be sustained, nor that itlwill ensure the passage of the health care plan. But 1 feel that the likelihood of passage may well diminish as time passes. I We will be in abetter position to\know our chances
Parenting Education
- federal agencies ·to discuss a Presidential Council, and asking the President and Mrs. Clinton · to make statements about the_ importance of parenting education in such forums ~sour summer 1996 National Parenting Instructors Association conference
Mexico - Press Conference
- . This reflects the cooperation and the goodwill of our governments to create a border whose communities are joined by friendship and cooperation, not by conflict. We want appropriate, just and harmonious development. The visit of President Clinton
Northern Ireland [1]
- /14/1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Ted Widmer (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 2191 FOLDER TITLE: Northern Ireland [1] 2006-04 71-F . 1596 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)J
- become aware of the increased choices that a college education can provide. The Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development completed ten years of study in 1996. Great Transitions: Preparing Adolescents for a New Century, one of the Council's many research
- that are not in the long-range modernization plans ofthe Department of Defense. .• Similarly, the conunitte. addod $lA-billion for ~ ~ and development (R&D) items. while iat1i!lg to provide $0.9 billiOll for R& D projects %
- stuck in my craw, as a policeman who had just been gunned down. So when the President said this was no time for decent people to stand on the sidelines, I knew he was right. I reached out to the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and volunteered
- federal departments and agencies on the initiative for the past 18 months through the Community Enterprise Board (CEB). The CEB r which is chaired by Vice President Gore has been instrumental in organizing and implementing the project. l -- more
ESEA-Prospectus [2]
- academic standards as all other children; ) • Improves the quality of professional development and teacher education programs supported by the E,SEA to help LEP students progress toward high academic standards; • Requires programs to administer annual
KS: From Janeda [1]
- new lives in peacetime.... Through the GI Bill, 7.8 million veterans received educational benefits, which included schooling at some of the best private universities; and some 8.5 million received an unemployment provision to sustain them until
- Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 270388SS
- ). But they remain under intense pressure to find revenue for a tax cut, and they can hardly sustain the argument that it's better to use Social Security and the surplus than tax tobacco. ~. Tobacco -- House and Senate Legislative Activity: When the House returns
- shipwrecked on the shore. econom~- without getting carried out to sea or I And, more broadly, we need to sustain the will to make tJe tough decisions today that will. protect our interests tomorrow- whether helping develop\I new energy supplies
- President's NPR. The renewal of FEMA was guided in large part by tl1e principles developed by NPR, FEMA directly participated in the NPR effort in the f(lIowing ways: . • I"&\1A Report: FEMA prepared a companion document to the NPR Report that detailed the new
- , as in the opinion of the Security Council enable it to begin the exercise of its responsibilities under Article 42, the parties to the four-nation declaration, signed at Moscow, Oct. 30, 1943, and France, shall, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 5
- , see the WithdrawallRedaction Sheet at the front of the folder. I , I COLLECTION: President!:!; Rcconb D\)m~ti.;; Policy Council Brw.:e Reed (St:.bjcct Fi:c) OAf!1ox ,\,It:r.locr: 2120: I C!)[jttl~ ! I FOLDER TITl.E: Chl~d C;IfC·ZeHl ttl
[11/11/1998 – 12/08/1998]
- , February 28, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR ERSKINE BOWLES FROM: BRUCE REED SUBJECT: DOMESTIC POLICY COUNCIL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The central mission of the Domestic Policy Council is to advance the President's domestic agenda. The following memo outlines our
- years from now people will believe that the Internet has been a development that brought us closer together and not pushed us further apart. As the President announced in his pool spray, the Kaiser Foundation, in partnership with the Ad Council, is going
- - . i j . ~ j \ , . j j j j j j j j j j j .. (...op'cd penh Wale;{ vna,Yj January 8, 1999 Memorandum to the President From: AI From SUbject; The State cfthe I"eccl Spn[,vt.9 COs .Utllen and'Y""" l;O.t·Two .Years r
- Health Review As President Clinton said today, the Administrations preliminary analysis will be conducted by four interdepartmental review panels. Each panel will include representatives from the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) and the Department of Health
- . Allied Control Council Law No.1, Sept. 20, 1945; Law No.2: Oct. 10, 1945; "Proclamation No.3, Oct. 20,1945; Law No; 4;' Oct. 30, 1945. ~ 'J "I ,~' , J, {i ._, , ' '15. Dire~tiveon Austria, approved by the State~War-NavyCoordinating Committee
- Economic Forum speech in Davos; Phone No. (Partial) [page 10] (14 pages) 01/00/99 RESTRICTION P5, P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Speechwriting (Thomas Rosshirt) OA/Box Number: 4020 FOLDER TITLE: Davos 2008
Foreign Policy
- broadly understood. The challenge will be to use the media's focus on foreign policy to develop a common refrain or message that can be woven into all of the President's appearances. Regardless of the specific issue, the President's public presentation
- the driving idea behind the White House Millenniwn Council that the President and I have established. Most of us, if you are like me, are having a hard time getting used to writing the nwnbers 1999 and have been doing a lot of changing eights into nines
- , NW (Slrnw Neighborhood) 10:00 a.m.' 12;1Q p.m. . Gene Sperling Melanne Verveer Bruce Reed I. PURPOSE , To announce that seven DC college presidents have responded to your America Reads challenge by' committing to partner with District public
- "'''' lyi for two additional terms. The council was actively iINolviid':jJ!' t~'I'e$haPin9 1'Ilental bealth service deli.very in caliro~nia. l ' ! :::il1 :1 I~ I . j I . • 1 ,!!. o Served as PreSident: ot thll california Psychological A$sociation
- [Domestic Policy Council - Health Care Accomplishments of the Clinton Administration]
- to ignore. President Clinton assembled a strong health policy team led by Vice President Gore, First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and Tipper Gore. They formed a dose and productive working relationship with the Domestic Policy Council. National Economic
- -1998 14:23:31.00 SUBJECT: options memo on President's report on race TO: Elena Kagan READ:UNKNOWN CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD ] } TO: "Christopher Edley, Jr." READ: UNKNOWN
Political Attacks [4]
- in the field. A copy of the draft history standards is attached. People who have concerns about any of the emerging standards should direct them to the groups developing them. Error: The National Education Standards and Improvement Council (NESIC
- the Secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, Labor, and Commerce Departments, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and three White House advisers. President
Grambling, 5/23/99 [4]
- ." He urged private employers to develop more on-site day-care programs for the children of employees and to expand telecommuting and other work options to give working parents more flexibility in managing their time. The study, prepared by the Council
- Council on For [Foreign] Rels. [Relations] [1]
- to be more excited and it changes every day. No one day is the same. I wake up every morning not knowing what's going to happen. (Laughter.) THE PRESIDENT: It is like our job. (Laughter.) Q I'm competing with maybe hundreds of thousands of developers
- , ,:,' ,,,' .. I::' ( • I I ADDRESS BY l-flLLARY RODHAM CLINTON THE FIRST LAdy OF THE UNITED STATES I TIlE UNIYERSITY OF ZURICH JA~ruARY 31, 1998 I . , I Thank you very much. President Cotti; ,Governor Busehor; Rector Schmid
America Reads Radio Address
- . , ........ , , , . President Clinton's . ,', "Am.erica Reads'" Challenge .August 27, 1996 , " ~, .' ·President Clinton's "America Rea~s" Challenge, PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION I. . I-Pale New Initiative Summary , ll. 4-Page Detailed
- Executive Director Time Dollar Network Miami Beach, Florida Ed Peddie President and CEO Health Care, Inc. Gainesville, Florida Ramona Shedroff Legislative Director Florida State Council of Senior Citizens Tallahassee. Florida 8 Arlene Swartzman Bookswap
Budget 1997
- are Sustainable and Workable. The President's budget cuts non-defense discretionary spending by 9 percent in real terms over five years, while protecting investments in the President's priorities. The spending path is reduced slowly and steadily. Built on Solid
KS: New Economic Material
- . President Clinton has consistently followed this three-part strategy-reducing and finally eliminating chronic budget deficits-making education and training, and research and development top priorities of his second term-and re-establishing America's
- . ways and means of economic freedom. This is a great challenge.;_and an century economy, for Russia to sustain enormous opportunity-for young and develop its immense resources, there is no other way. people. You can change the economic landscape
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Carolyn Curiel Subseries: 10993 OAIID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: HUD - Accomp. In Clinton Admin. Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 5 7 1 "1: • S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
[03/13/1998 – 03/17/1998]
- /O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN TO: Gordon P. Agress ( CN=Gordon P. Agress/OU=OMB/O=EOP @ EOP [ OMB 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: The President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS will be meeting at the Madison Hotel from Sunday, March 15 - Wednesday, March
- , at . . . President Clinton's initiative, 'the 1eaqers of the APEC (. ~conomies reached copsensus on greater. trade and . . . . investment within the region without: closing· it off to the rest· of the world. we·interid to sustain the momentum
[Working Group Draft] [2]
- in corporate alliances if the assessments are nondiscriminatory in nature. • Permit states to develop all-payer hospital rates or all-payer rate setting. States also may require all payers, including health benefit plans in corporate alliances, to reimburse
- Radio Address Homeless Grants 12/19/98 - HUD [Housing and Urban Development]/Homeless Grants
- (HR 1827 — PL 100-71) signed by the president in July provided just $355 million for homeless aid funding and the fiscal 1988 appropriations bill for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (PL 100-202) contained just $187 million. For fiscal
Physician Income [2]
- ) The Council is composed of 15 members appointed by the President and its members must be broadly representative of the population of the United States. Members must include individuals representing the interests of: governmental and corporate purchasers
- Saddam's ability to develop WMD, and lash out at his neighbors. But our policy comes with a price tag: constant vigilance, occasional tension with our allies over tactics and the patience to accept that there may be no near term endgame. --Keys
Trinity Forum
- copy of letter sent to the President today. Debl Siler 5210 L YNGATE COURT, SUITE B 7CJ3.764-1070 BURKE, VIRGINIA 22015-1631 FAX 703-.764-0993 • ~-r--r-g.;~-r-Q,.-u7~~-- . --·\··- -· THE TRINITY -.. FORUM ' -· August 7, 1995
- development, substance abuse, health and disability benefits, international c;ooperation, and discrimination. ' . , Third GoaUPurpose The third purpose of the Conference is for the President to demonstrate his ongoing leadership on HIV and AIDS, calling
- ---------THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary Embargoed For ReleaseUntil10:06 A.M. EDT Saturday, July 5, 1997 RADIO ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATION The Oval Office THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. We come together this weekend to celebrate Independence
Race-Book [3]
- within reason, with penciled-in dates to drive it forward. 2 : (B) NECIDPClO:HB roles - Should we rely primarily on the policy councils and their usual proccssl:S to develop the "workplan for the nation", or should the book process drive the work
- grantS to public or nonprofit private entities and to enter into contracts with public or private entities and individuals to assist in developing and' making available family planning and population growth information (including educational materials
- positive development, the Committee voted to include additional funding for the President's Food Safety Initiative. However, the level of House support remains below the President's funding request. The House began consideration of the bill on July 16
- . Reports of Council on Long Range Planning and Development I A. B. C. Study of Organizational Structure (F) Specialty Society Admission to the House of Delegates (Resolutions 607 and 613, 1-92) (F) Demographic Analyses of AMA Leadership (Informational
[10/17/1997 – 10/19/1997]
- secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly
Detroit Trip File [4]
- of the long-deserted Wash bllrnWire factory oll'tllf' F111tBrivc' -:- options indudc 8 hotel, marina complex and technology park - and an analysls'of lhe beslways to develop La Marqueta, the.sprawling Latino m'arket in East Harlem. ::,i
- for your -·ongoing contributions to this process throughout the year -- and alscr- for your part1cipat_iol') in this important meeting· this week. · The,:President believes very strongly that we .must sustain scientific, biomedical, and behavioral resea~ch
- partners, environmental and crade- policies must be integrated in suppon of sustainable development. The advice of. the majority of the ACTPN .:as expressed in the foregoing' pages of the:ie. Recommenda.!ion.s on APEe ("the Report"), fails to take
[Education and Labor]
- of the measure the Committee considered more than 90 amendments and adopted 51 amendments (40 sponsored by Democratic Members, 11 sponsored by Republican Members). The committee-reported b i l l builds upon the l e g i s l a t i o n submitted by President Clinton
- do, let me tell you a little about"what I do. 1 DOMESTIC POLICY COUNCIL • As Assistant to the President for Domestic .Policy in the White House, I chair the Domestic Policy Council which coordinates Administration efforts to develop
- interest and request to meet. Regards, Ira C. Magaziner Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development ICM:yg ,.. - . OU29/9J ' 19: J:> ·o·;:u;.: JJl ~I A::l "t::.. vv.a. I' klnko•s· the copy center WASHINGTON CIRCLE 2000 Pennsylvania
[12/23/1997 – 12/29/1997]
- ) P3 Release would violate a Federal statute (a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disdose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information (a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
- . and Environment, Defendant-Appellee, NORTHWEST FOREST RESOURCE COUNCIL, Defendant-Intervenor-Appellant. Appeals from the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington William L. Dwyer, District Judge, Presiding Argued and Submitted December 4
- ENTREPRENEURIAL GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN OUR INNER CITIES Washington. O.C. - Vke President Gore announ~cd today a new partnership between the federal government and America's business community to encourage lurge businesses to work with smull
- the gallery space. WEST MAIN STREET REVITALIZATION BARBARA HOFFMAN Barbara Hoffman is the President of Hoffman Associates, a real estate development firm she founded in 1982, which specializes in rehabilita ting 88BB urban commercial buildings
- with the Environmental side agrrement negotiated by the Adminslration promole sustainable development and strengthen the advancemeni and enforcement of environmental laws in all three signatory countries. The agreement· discourages countries from relaxing environmental
- Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Ann Lewis to President Clinton, re: Women in Afghanistan (1 page) 7/23/1999 P5 6722/1999 P6fo{6) c:OOL.St~st:;at;e-;m;;::eiiintr----'·~w~· O
- ) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed
[Health Care – Misc.] [1]
- Bailey, President .......•.••.•..•.•........•••.. .'. .. . . . . . . . . .. Health Care Leadership Council • Carson E. Beadle, Managing Director •..... . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. William M. Mercer, Incorporated • Charles
Sweeney, Charles P.
- that provided the foundation for sustained economic growth. We are not just riding a cyclical recov~ry. -- we ~blished a new long-term ~ection that will continue to strengthen our economy for years to come. · This President has made tough decisions. We slashed
Binder: Nigeria [3]
- Secretary (Kampala, Uganda) For Immediate Release March 25, 1998 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO GENOCIDE SURVIVORS, ASSISTANCE WORKERS, AND U.S. AND RWANDA GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Kigali Airport Kigali, Rwanda 12:25 P.M. I (L) THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mr
[After-School Programs]
- Records Domestic Policy Council Andrew Rotherham (Education) ONBox Number: 21294 FOLDER TITLE: [After-School Programs] 20 I 1-0103-S rcl59 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom ofInformation Act· [5 U.S.C. 552(b)J PI
- funding priorities and planning for the development of an American Network of Parks and Open Space. INTRODUCTION Thirty years ago this year, in a remarkable bipartisan effort, Congress and the President created the Land and Water Conservation
Title V [1]
- Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Suqject Files) ONBox Number: 13364 FOLDER TITLE: Title V [I] 2012-0160-S ryl224 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 V.S.C 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act -15 V.S.C 552(b)1 PI P2 P3 P4 b(l
- Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Child Care After School [1]
- . Bartlett Sheriff, LA County. CA William Bratton Fmr. Commiss'r., NYC . Sam A. Cabral • President, lnt'l Union of Police Ass'ns. AFL·CIO Dean M. Esserman NATIONAL CRIME AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION RESOURCE COUNCIL Chief. Metro North, NY Thomas C