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21907 results

  • [Dept. of Transportation - Miss. Delta Tourism Development "Forum," Oct. "18-20," 2000 - Final
  • a Regional Brochure 2) Include Tourism and Business as Part of Transportation Infrastructure Planning Process a. Establish an Inclusive, Comprehensive and Sustainable Planning Process b. Reconvene the Delta Transportation Consortium 3) Develop Regional
  • TO ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY. President Clinton will visit Shiprock, NM where he will speak to the Navajo Nation at the local Boys and Girls Club. The President will focus on access to technology as a vehicle for economic development to help bring employment
  • Dept. of Commerce - Minority Development Business Agency [2]
  • 1999, MBDA is definjng its program strategy through goalS and objectives that promote Job creation, economic growth and sustainable development for the growing minority business popu!ation in the United States. These goa!s are 1997 1. Minority
  • and sustainable forest ,,::;;;'; , management; and (2) bilateral;~regional, and multilateral cooperation, continued technical "~" .. assistance to pelp countries develop 'envirohmentally 'sound national forest management policies and· ( " 1
  • . In response to the report's recommendations, Vice President Gore, in February of 1998, announced the development of the Administration's Hispanic Education Action Plan, which is designed to helpLatino youngsters master the basics of reading and math; help them
  • National Space Council Office of Administration Office of Federal Procurement Policy Office of Management and Budget Office of National Drug Control Policy Office of Policy Development Office of Science and Technology Policy Office of the u.s. Trade
  • exports, which constitute about 8 percent of our oil imports. President Clinton is personally committed to promoting sustainable development in Africa, as evidenced by his support for proposed legislation in our Congress, the African Growth and Opportunity
  • BVM (Chicago, II.) Worcester County Ecumenical Council (Central MA) World Vision Relief and Development Wyoming Church Coalition OF CHILDREN'S SABBATHS Oa. 14-16,1994 Dear Faithful Friend of Children: Thank you for joining the third annual National
  • Corporation will discuss the issues facing rural Americans and opportunities which are available. (5 min) '. JOB CREATION 10:05 a.m. Lonnie M. Edenfield, Jr., the Executive Director of the Cordele/Crisp County Industrial Development Council will discuss
  • Community Preservation and Development Corporation
  • of communities into strong, sustainable networks of resources working with and depending on each other. Acting in many roles, CPDC offers its knowledge and experience to all stakeholders in community building. C re-develops deteriorating properties using
  • to assist Fighting Back Planning Teams in the development of Fighting Back activities. Neighborhood Youth Council The Youth Council will playa vital role in determining the focus of neighborhood's activities for children, adolescents, and young adults
  • This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 1 contains records from White House staff and office files and the National Security Council. The files contain handwritten notes, memos
  • agencies and individuals, including the National Security Council. During his two terms in office President Clinton made every effort to improve the quality of life for American Indians. He became the first Chief Executive since James Monroe to meet
  • will elect f!;'om among its members a Speaker. ~~e Speaker w~ll preside over the meetings of the Council, a~~inister the Council and ~ts committees, decide on the agar-da of each eJecting, ar.od lay before the Council proposals for voting a~d declare
  • House Official Residence of the Vice President Special Assistance to the President ·council of Economic Advisors Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Environmental Quality Office of Wage and Price Stability Office of Policy Development
  • . • The President's Interagency Council on Women, chaired by the Secretary of State, leads the development and coordination of the USG's domestic and international policy on this issue. • The Council chairs an interagency working group that includes the Departments
  • , with; the option of disapprovin(t such standards and cntena not later than 90 days after receipt from such Council. 20 USC 5822. President, .' SEC. 202.. NATIONAL EDUCATION GOALS PANEL. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.-There is established in the executive branch
  • sustained material adverse employment effects in the United States, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of Enerrn:, shall recommend, and .the President may take, appropriate action concerning exports of this oil, which may include
  • vital interests. Th8t leadership is only possible if we provide adequate resources to sustain our diplomacy and the.programs it promotes; an impoverished foreign policy will undermine America's role. The President's budget request of$19.3 b
  • Cynthia Rice - Subject Files Series - Domestic Policy Council - Collection Finding Aid
  • This collection consists of the Subject File series for Cynthia Rice in the Domestic Policy Council. Representative files include records pertaining to childcare enhancement, child support enforcement with an emphasis on computerized state
  • Clinton Presidential Library 1200 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 Inventory for Systematic Processing 2009-1414-S Records of Cynthia Rice, Subject Files, Domestic Policy Council Extent 816 folders, approximately 45,280 pages Access
  • . NW Suite 10&0 Wutllngton, DC 20004-1107 1202) 2'72·2004 VftieA 12021 272·2074 TT 1202J 272-2022 Fa. • NATIONAL COUNCIL ON DISABILITY An indepem1e~zt federal agmcy U'orking with the President and Hze Congress to illcret7~e t!re inclusio,r
  • Council on Sustainable Development ROSE GARDEN Remarks: David Kusnet Staff Contact: Katie McGinty OPEN PRESS 4:45 pm5:00 pm MEETING OVAL OFFICE Staff Contact: Mack McLarty 5:00 pm6:00 pm MEETING OVAL OFFICE Staff Contact: John Gibbons BC AND HRC RON
  • . A Focus on Sustainable Development and the Environment The President will ask the G-7 to add its weight each year to the support both of important policy directions for sustainable development and the environment, but also for specific, concrete actions
Urban Issues (Item)
  • discussed below, will have similarly concentrated impacts in urban areas. · A. dapital Access and Community Development. In the first year of the Clinton Presidency, the Administration focused heavily on the issue of access to capital for underserved
  • by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in conjunction wit the Sept. 30 Advisory Board meeting.) The message would be that, consistent with the President's "mend it, don't end it" position, coleges and universities may use affirmative aciton but only
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 236689SS
  • i . ~ ~c:'0 2' 9 s.-~ • r G:r en (p -jl \ . THE WHITE HOUSE '97 SEP 27 PM1=55 WASHINGTON THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN '\-~9-ql September 26, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THEP~ENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Food
  • and Urban Development's office of university partnerships. Contact: Jack Foley, Executive Assistant to the President Clark University Worcester, MA (508) 793-7320 ENDORSEMENTS of HIGH HOPES ~ ~ 58 Organizations and Associations 302 College and University
[01/19/1999] (Item)
  • and ParkinsonD!,s, and developing vaccines for tuberculosis, malaria, and AIDS. protecting Patients through a Strong, Enforceable Patients Bill of Rights once again, the President is calling on Congress to pass a strong federally enforceable patientsD!, bill
  • Ann O’Leary - Domestic Policy Council - Collection Finding Aid
  • , child abuse, S.749 ”Early Learning Trust Fund Act”, children’s mental health issues; education, including head start, school violence, class size reeducation, school leadership, and teacher quality; social security, food stamps, White House Council
  • Clinton Presidential Library 1200 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 Inventory for Systematic Processing 2013-0436-S Records of Ann O’Leary, Domestic Policy Council Extent 807 folders, approximately 72,181 pages Access Collection is open
  • of Transportation Eileen B. Claussen Special Assistant to the President for Global Environmental Affairs Senior Director for Global Environment National Security Council Bowman Cutter Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Everett Ehrlich Special
  • Thursday, December 12, 1996 11:30am POTUS Drug Policy Council
  • meeting of the President's Drug Policy Council. The 11 :30-12:30 session will be the second meeting of. the Council. You win recall that during the Council's initial m:eeting on the 2Rth of May, members brieted,on how lhey were implementirig
  • and organizations regarding the President's Initiative on Race, with respect to specific issues as developed by the working groups as well as the progress nfthe Initiative, WORK PLAN: Engage Corporate America in the Initiative I. With Bob Thomas as the lead
  • and the usc of Resource Advisory Councils (RACs) in the development of these standards. 70 The Secretary was particularly concerned to develop improved standards and guidelines for livestock grazing, which is the most common traditional use of public lands
  • level. \ In September 1993, President-Clinton signed Executive Order 12871 "Labor­ Management Partnerships. In response to the Executive order, representatives of VA and VA's five major unions began discussion in November 1993, to develop a framework
  • commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
AIDS [11] (Item)
  • of Appeals Councilman Lawrence Bell, President, Baltimore City Council Mrs. Shirely Marcus-Allen, University Regent Mrs. Anne C. Boucher, University Regent Ms. Gwendolyn Burrell, University Regent Mrs. Frances Draper, University Regent Mr. Dallas R. Evans
  • to the report's recommendations, Vice President Gore, in February of 1998, announced the development of the Administration's Hispanic Education Action Plan, which is designed to help Latino youngsters master the basics of reading and math; help them learn English
  • at. the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) are not alone in recognizing this imperative, The President!s Management COlUlCil, the National Partnership Council, members of Congress, : the Hwnan Resources Management Council, the Chief Financia) Officers Council
  • , economic development, and community policing, to name but a few, to complement these proposed Enterprise Community program activities by providing safe neighborhoods and the physical investment needed to provide a solid foundation for sustainable community
  • the ban. Building Sustainable Communities • Encouraging Smart Growth. Launched a nationwide Livable Communities initiative -spearheaded by Vice President Gore -- to help communities across America grow in ways that ensure a high quality of life and strong
  • [HHS – Memorandums for the President, 1999] [1]
  • white children in overall immunization rates. The President has c.omm.itted the nation to an ambitious goal to etintinat. the disparities (or six indicators ofhealth sUttus by the year 2010. Improving !he heal~, ofminority populations while sustaining
  • American Council [2]
  • with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. statement SUBJECTrfiTLE DATE re: Draft President William Jefferson Clinton remarks to the Council
  • including faithbased groups, schools and other community-based organizations will work with local law enforcement to develop similar programs targeted at youth violence and public safety. The President's comprehensive anti-gang and juvenile crime strategy
NSC (Item)
  • traffickers-- and to stem the flow of illegal arms into and out of the United States. The State Department has developed initiatives the President could announce as a comprehensive strategy to advance that goal. They are ready to go and do not require new
  • community needs to hear with regard to research are: • Finding a cure and developing a safe and effective vaccine are national priorities that have the full support of the President. • The AdminIstration, at the highest levels, will take steps to remove
[Hamm, Peter] (Item)
  • the formation of the President's Council on Sustainable Development. The 25 charter members of that commission come from government, industry, labor and the civil rights and environmental communities. Secretary Babbitt is a member, as (lre Commerce Secretary Ron
  • the Secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, Labor, and Commerce Departments, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and three White House advisers. President
  • initiated briefings on this proposal with the President's Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the Office of Management and Budget (OM B) in early August 1998 and followed lip with further White House staff briefings. Though PAR was bold and well
  • in the President's budget proposal for the next seven years, matching capital and other assistance will be provided to create and expand community development banks and financial institutions. (Community Development Banks and Financial Institutions Fund) Made the Low
  • Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Justice Salutes Kids Coalition, 5 Goals
  • Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14957 FOLDER TITLE: Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Justice Salutes Kids Coalition, 5 Goals 20 11-0688-S kc634 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204
  • teachers would work with small groups of children, developing their cognitive and social skills through sustained attention and education. In addition. the panicipants would provide services to parents -- literacy training. parenting education, etc
  • Interagency Council on the Homeless Meeting; 5-24-95 [1]
  • -0001 May 16,1995 Mrs. Tipper Gore Office of the Vice President Old Executive Office Building, Room 200 Washington,-DC, 20501 ' ,' ... ' Dear Mrs. Gore: The next meeting of the Interagency Council on the Hom~less is schedul~d for Wednesday, May
  • "IS. Th,~sc trends. both the promising and the menacing developments afike, had an obvious bearing on U.S. interests. The United States often repeated its commitment to the sovereignty and independence of the posl~Soviet states, but it also had a stake
  • of this event, please see the President's press schedule.' '; , ### THE WHITE HOUSE: Office of the First .Lady FOR IMMEDIATERELEASR March 12, 1999 CONTACT: White House Millennium Council 202/456-2000 Live Cybercast and SateUite Feed The Sixth
  • ,ribes the work of the USDA Policy Advisory Board and s4mmarizes the activities of USDA re RC&D. Sustainable Development "Promoting Sustainable Development," by Adela Backiel, Office of the Chief Economist, U.S .. Department of Agriculture. 13
  • ))) John R. KRUSE; Kruse for Council Committee; Thomas E . Brinkman, Jr.; and Mark W. Miller, PlaintifTs-AppeUees, v. CITY OF CINCINNATT; Roxanne Quails, Councilmember and Mayor of the City of Cincinnati; Dwight Tillery, Councilmember, Tyrone Yates
  • Tamagni PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON RADIO ADDRESS ON POLICE MISCONDUCT THE WHITE HOUSE March 12, 1999 Good morning. I am joined here at the White House today by representatives from law enforcement and civil rights groups to talk about what we must do
  • care endeavors, the commission will study and, where appropriate, develop recommendations for the president on: 1) consumer protection: 2) quality measures; and 3) access and availability of treatment and services, especially to the underserved
  • physical and me~tal health services. Before working at Teen Health Cpnnection, Ziegler was the Foundation Director for Mecklenburg Council on Adolescent Pregnancy and LFounder and Vice President of:A~o~escerit Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of North
  • and an export strategy and advocacy program. Strengthening Macroeconomic Coordination. Improve our capacity to prevent and mitigate international financial crises. Providing for Energy Security. Promoting Sustainable Development Abroad. · Emerging Democracies
  • [Housing and Urban Development] [3]
  • APAR1MENT BUILDINGS IS SIGNED INTO LAW BY PRESIDENT CUNTON A bill to reduce the number of apartment units held in inventory by the U.S, Department of Housing and Urban Development sailed through Congress and was signed into law yesterday by President
  • Economic Conference of the President & Vice President - Briefing Papers on Select Administration Policies [5]
  • Valley and Joshua Tree National Monuments, both of which now become National Parks. Building Sustainable Fisheries. President Clinton responded rapidly to developing fisheries crises in New England and the Pacific Northwest. , To help communities
  • a Federal statute l(a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information !(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors
  • , along with other designated Administration officials serving on the Task Force.) The event will be open to the general public. PURPOSE: Executive- Order #13078 charges the Task Force with developing and recommending to the President a federal policy
  • and development . .The major components of the new alternative model are: parent involvement; high expectations and standards; community based; sustainable relationships with mentors, staff, and community; builds on resource~ of community institutions, churches
[11/20/1998] (Item)
  • , 1998 456-7035 Contact: (202) VICE PRESIDENT GORE ANNOUNCES $273 MILLION IN WELFARE-TO-WORK COMPETITIVE GRANTS Event Marks the Sixth Meeting ofHis Welfare to Work Coalition to Sustain Success WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Vice President Gore announced today
  • P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Elena Kagan ONEox Number: 14370 FOLDER TITLE: Race - Race Initiative Repon and Hard Questions [2] 2009-1006-F jm21 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - ]44 U.S.c. 2204
  • Officer The Charles A. Dana Foundation Ellen Galinsky, MS . President Families and Work Institute Deborah Phillips, PhD Director Board on Children and Families of the National Research Council Irving B. Harris Chairman The Harris Foundation Michael H
  • to violence is comprehensive mental health services to help them process the violence; a sustained relationship with a caring, pro-social adult role model; protection from further risk of harm; and legal intervention. The Child Development - Community Policing
Kumar, Martha (Item)
  • that gap. If successful communications policies can be developed, why wouldn't every President simply choose those that would bring him the greatest political and policy gain? An analysis of the Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations demonstrates
  • regional development strategies. It could complement efforts by the President's Council on Sustainable Development to help regional coalitions in many metropolitan areas manage growth and address other issues requiring regional cooperation. EXPANDING
  • express deep appreciation and thanks to our Indonesian hosts. President Soeharto, Minister Alatas, Minist~r Hartarto, and their colleaquos have done a superb job in preparing the ambitious agenda for this meeting an~ in sustaining the 'momentum achieved
  • disinvestment and suburban sprawl are, in many respects, two sides of the same coin. These issues have been highlighted by the report of President's Council on Sustainable Development. In a recent directive, the Vice President asked for an interagency report
  • [DPC Working Group – Council on Homelessness] [1]
  • background information on the,new working group. We look forward to seeing you on December 16. ~.~ 1sneros Secretary of Housing and Urban Development / Attachments Carol a co Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Full Council Meeting
  • and support a sustained effort to reduce teen pregnancy in the United States. The National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Council will be made up of prominent leaders from all sectors of society, including the entertainment, business, religious, civic, education
  • chicks to give them the same level of salmonella resistance that develops in an older bird. The balance of the Secretary's remarks amplified the President's food safety initiative. • Secretary tours Disaster Areas: On March 13,· Secretary Glickman
  • Head Start: Early Childhood Development
  • . " Former President George Bush Development (CED) recommends that tne nation expand the Head "We know that the Hearl Stan program works. It allows Start program until every eligible disadvan1aged youth to stan elementary school on a level child has
  • • , The Council is working with the State Departme~t Special Repres~ntative on International Religious Freedom, Bob Seiple to develop n network with prominent Muslim activists and intellectuals as well as women's organizations and associations to better inform U.S
  • countries into the danger of being further impoverished or marginalized form the development process. · Mr. President, The world's people all share the earnest aspiration to have peace, stability, justice and cooperation to create a favorable environment
  • disappointed by the House and Senate's underfunding of two essential programs to protect the environment and foster sustainable development. The President's budget requests $22 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association'S (NOAA's) Clean Water
  • L Sterling is director of the SC State Development Board. Previously, he was group vice president fcir economic development at the Fort Worth, Texas Chamber of Commeree. 1992 COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF THE SOUTH I
RU-486 (Item)
  • the company would send (or at least publicize). There is some "buzz" among pro-choice and women's groups about this issue so there is a chance developments will leak before the deal is finished or the letter is formally sent. Clinton Presid~ntial Records
  • the Carnegie Corporation•srecent pair of r ports (Starting Points [1994] and Years of Promise [1996]), 1 the cover article of a current Time ("H A Child's Brain Develops" [February 3, 1997]),2 and the President's recently-established Early Chi dhood Initiative
  • without a political agreement and security package. At the same time. 1he North Atlantic Council approved thc Concept of Operations and the Operations Plan for Allied Harbor, the NATO humanitarian effort in Albania. On 7 April, actlng President of Cyprus
  • in Communitiy Development Financial Corporations that invest and lend to communi:Jy residents. Universities can sit on the boards of these CDCs. . Amenca Reads· '\ • As I'm sure you are aware, President Clinton annoUnced his America Reads challenge
Nonprofits (Item)
  • with government, I thought that you might like to see the enclosed copy 01 Building the Future Together. 11 was developed by Great Britain's Labour Party and now guides the work of the Voluntary and , Community Unit of the Home Office. My hope is thaI it might
  • . The United States also was a founding member ot'the multinational Somh Asia Task Force established to signal continued internal concern over missile and nuclear developments in the region. Al the same time, it made serious and sustained bilateral efforts
  • Fernando “Tuto” Quiroga Ramirez, the nominations and appointments of former ambassadors to Bolivia - Curtis Warren Kamman and Donna Hrinak - and information about the Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development that was held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROVIDER.-The term 'eligible professional development provider' means a provider of professional development in reading instruction to teachers that is based on scientifically based reading research, 1 " :"y "(2) FAMILY LITE, RACY
  • , 1994. President Clinton successfully challenged gun interests to ban 19 specific types of deadly assault weapons while 'simultaneously protecting hunters rights by exempting over 650 hunting rifles. • . Community Development Banking and Financial
  • language concerning the number of CEQ council members. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Administration notes that the overall level of funding provided by the Committee for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is generally
  • between women and will serve as a model for future conferences in other regions. Vital Voices of the Americas Conference Fall1998 (location TBD) • The Inter-American Development Bank, USAID, The President's Interagency Council on Women and U.S. and Latin
  • challenges faced. It increased the annual programmatic budget for democracy promotion from about $300 million in FY 1993 (0 over $700 million in FY 2000, and integrated these democracy programs with USA10's other efforts: to foster sustainable development Jt
  • . Jansson The Milwaukee Foundation James I. Luck The Columbus Foundation ADVISORY DIRECTORS o National Technical Assistance Conference Series: open to all Coalition partnerships, not just grant or award recipients Kathryn A. Agard Council
  • . Without education, basic health care will never take hold. Ignored, each of these challenges will continue to divide people from one another. Economic equity and sustainable development demand that we muster the will and find the way to solve
  • Developing policy that offers opportunity to all who work for it. From education empowerment zones to stepping up enforcement to stop discrimination in housing, President Clinton is developing and implementing policies that help all Americans make the most
  • Domestic Policy Council [1]
  • in the White House: the Domestic Policy Council While domestic policy has been an important function for any Presidency, Presidents have gone about making it in vastly different ways. Early Presidents relied on a cabinet system, and the executive departments
Education (Item)
  • for individual development accounts: The welfare law ^ gives Treasury the authority to develop rules that will enable states to help poor people set up savings accounts, which will fulfill one of the President's campaign promises from 1992. Along with our
  • A Supplement to the President's Fiscal Year 1994 Budget Office of Science and Technology Policy Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology COMMITTEE ON EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (CEES) Chairman: Frederick M
  • . lilt is always ~tnb to see peOple working together for a better, stronger community. That's what the President's initiative is all about - developing stronger communities that can better meet the needs of children and families. II Rasco will be joined
  • . * * * * * * * * (DO Not Distribute outside Executive Office of the President) This draft position was developed by LRD (Connie Bowers) in consultation with HR (Barry White/Bayla White). The Departments of Education (Hansen), Labor (Morin), Justice (Taylor
  • the counterprolilcration initiative. By issuing a concept plan, the CJCS subsequently provided 75 guitlance to the CINes for developing thcir own concept plans for the countcrprolifcration mission, CuunterproUferation Council A DoD Directive 01i Couf1terprolifcratiofl
  • , .' .( '1 PRESIDENT'S COMMIITEE ON THE ARTS AND THE HUMANlTlES llOO Pennsylvania Avenue. N.W. Suite 526 Washington. D.C. 20506, (202) 682-5409 Fax (202) 682;.5668 \ Learning at Youth-based Organizations: A Case for the Arts \ i
  • " CQuncilOiLIiJ.dian Education :The National Advisory Council On Indian Education· consists of 1 1, " II :pr,':.,esidentially appointed members who advise the President on the F.edera programs which ate serving Indian students or from which Indian student i a*e
  • [The President's Summit for America's Future (Binder)]
  • witii tiic Presidents and General Powell to discuss how tiicy can play a sustained leadership role in achieving the national goal; • working sessions of community and state delegations on Monday afternoon and Tuesday moming which will result in outcome
  • administrations responded to disasters in Bangladesh, Armenia, Chernobyl and Somalia. That is why this Administration so quickly assisted the victims of the earthquake in India. And that is why we are placing greater emphasis on sustainable development
  • Introductions: Dan Bicz, Commissioner of Community Development Welcome: Anthony Masiello, Mayor of Buffalo Greeting: Carol Rasco, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Featuring: Phoenix Mission, Medodi Kwa Nongoma Musical Ensemble Reverend Leshy
  • . .. ' · · . ·· .. · . _ , . .. . . .. : - - · . ,. . . ·o ,Technology cooperation will play a critical. role. in fostering e~vironmentally · · sustainable development throughout the Westerri Herilisphere. Environmentally 5ound ' · technologies·conserve natural,iesOurc~s whi·l~ promoting economic
  • will develop a comprehensive strategic plan for federal food safety activities and ensure that federal agencies annually develop coordinated food safety budgets. This Council builds upon the President's food safety initiative and his recent establishment ofthe
OVP - Economy (Item)
  • a!'ld commercia , . ." "I r·' ., . , .. . Lan;.' Fanne'r is president of,?~ffied Rurm Services. Inc of GreenviUe, Mississippi, 8 for· profit subchapter S cofporation:established to increase/advise rural cO!'l1ffiunity development . • " , I
  • variety of teacbeIS, ttainc:rs, educatOtS, nw1urclS. and other public servants. .. W. should consider whether President Clinton CQuld use his bully pulpit (and make available the existing resources of our government) to c:all on the private SC(:;tor
  • , and drug-free schools. The Act adds two new goals that encourage parental participation and improved professional development for teachers. • These goals are symbolic expressions of what the President, the nation's Governors, and now the U.S. Congress
AIDS 1993 [9] (Item)
  • Council and the CabInet, with the endorsement and support of the President. • The Presigent and the National AIDS Policy Coordinator have. ~ilounced the Work­ force Education Initiative for Federal employees (see attached l~emos from POTUS and KG
  • 7/2/96 NCSC [National Council of Senior Citizens] Chicago, IL [1]
  • motorcade en route the Hyatt Hotel [drive time: 10 minutes] 11IE PRESIDENT arrives the Hyatt Hotel Greeters: • el JWy I, Ill% !1:22pm Representative Dick Durbin Representative Ed Pastor Steve Protulis, Executive Director, National Council of Senior
  • Garden at the White House. Remarks on the President's Council on Sustainable Development June 14, 1993 Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for being here. It has been a year since the Earth summit in Rio. I think you might be interested
  • . NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING HOSTED BY THE DOMESTIC POLICY COUNCIL 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, i996. OEOB Room 472 1:30 - 3 :00 p.m. AGENDA 1:30 Car'ol H. Rasco, AssIstant to the President for D()mestic Policy 1:35-2:00 Don
  • Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Juvenile [Justice] After School [Programs]
  • BartCh'ilton. Department of Agriculture . Gary Guzy, Environmental Protection Agency Douglas Tsao. Environmental Protection Agency · Jan no Lieber, Department ofT ransportation .Jeanne Nelson, President's Crime Prevention Council Chris Lehane, Department
  • Aliye. of Azerbaijan I win meet with President Aliyev in New York. We wiU be discussing his recent decision to develop multiple pipelines to export oil developad from the Caspian Sea. I recognize that President Clinton is also meeting with President
  • . For your information, I am forwarding a notice for an interagency meeting we are hosting at CEQ next week to discuss the metropolitan initiative of the President's Council on Sustainable Development. The purpose of the initiative is to create partnerships
  • History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 6:00 Rural Development
  • 264 P04 APR 06 '94; 10:32 ,. • Rural Development Administration (RDA) structured and worked with a number of: other federa1 departments in the implementation of the President's Pacific Northwest : Econol1l:ic Adjustment plan and in the creation
  • [DPC Working Group – Council on Homelessness] [2]
  • this replication. The task before the provider community today is to develop and sustain a wide range of residential and housing opportunities for those individuals who may need them. 3. Creating a service system separate from the mainstream programs
  • of existing knowledge and best practices, but the development of new approaches. The President's budget proposes a total of$150 million over five years for grants to up to 3D communities, chosen through a competitive grant process coordinated by the Centers
  • the beauty and the natural bounty that sustains us and the generations yet to come. Happy holidays, and thanks for listening. Final 04/21/00 2:45pm Heather Hurlburt PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON EARTH DAY RADIO ADDRESS THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, DC April
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 13362 FOLDER TITLE: Indian Education Executive Order [2] 2012-0160-S ry1218 RESTRICTION CODES Prcsidential Records Act 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom
  • by the National Education Standards and ]mprovement Council, with the option of disapprovinlJ such standards and criteria not later than 90 days after receipt from such Council. 20 usc 5822. President. , ~. 202. , NATIONAL EDUCATION GOALS PANEL
  • llline victims and their families, and enhanced the political and economic stability of nations affected by land mines. The Humrmitari
  • Consolidation: The b~l1 would also direct th~ President's Prevention Council, chaired by the Vice President, to study all federal cri1me prevention programs, to determine where further cons~lidation is possible. TERRORISM I . The bill would contain a number
  • is essential to growth in developing countries, but it is not sufficient for growth in developing countries. Sustained growth requires inv~stment in human capital, education, health care, technology, infrastructure. Particularly in an economy that runs more
America Reads (Item)
  • as Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. As the President's chief domestic policy advisor, Carol directed the President's Domestic Policy Council, which consists of Cabinet Secretaries and heads of domestic agencies. The Domestic Policy Council
  • fied by the National Education Standards and Improvement Council (NESIC)? ' Background: The Goals Panel has exerted leadership in developing high standards for curricu­ • , lar content, student performance and assessments that are aligned
  • Service to other federal agencies. I understand you are holding a hearing on these recommendations today. The President has directed the Domestic Policy Council to coordinate with those agencies that would most likely be affected by a restructuring
  • history. He Is a member 01 the President's Management CounCil, the Amtrak Board of Directors, the Partnership for a New Generation 01 Vehicles, and the Deputies' Committees of the National Security Council and the National Economic Council. He serves
Beijing (Item)
  • Critical Areas of Concern America's Commitment lllri The United Nations ~ Women's Conference Women 2000 • Beijing Plus Five The Ptes:idenfs lntE>.rageft(:y Council on Wotnei\ Women 2000: Beijing p'Jus Five 12 Critical Areas of Concern Poverty Develop
  • , Texas Betty Ahlgren, RN Staff Nurse Bellevue, Washington Richard Barr, MHA President, Presbyterian Health Care Services Albuquerque, New Mexico David Blumenthal, MD Chief, Health Policy Research & Development, Massachusetts General Hospital, Internist
  • to provide a sound education to all of our children, Th.e President's· . Hispanic education initiative will offer Latino students a better chance to develop their full academic potential so they can contribute th~ _full force of their talent
  • for in the United States by the National Council of Teachers , of Mathematics (NCTM) standards, as well as the National. Science Education Standards developed by the National Academy of Sciences and the Benchmarks 'for Science Literacy developed by the American
Agriculture (Item)
  • 758. - Wushillgton AFGE LI)c,'I13354 ~ Kansas AHnchmcnt: E!!CIosurc: cc: I Union Official Sig.nature j1agc Union Co6rdioat!O!1 Council Letter I , 1\1 Gore ,:'Vicc President - W,\shington, D.C, DUll G!ickl'naJ.l, Sccretmy or J\gncu!tUlc
  • , Inc.; Vice Chair, President's Export Council Lynn Curler, Senior Vice President, The Kamber Group / Felice D. Gaer, Direccor, Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights of the American Jewish Committee Adrienne Germain, Vice
  • with improvements in HIDTA management specifically authorized 5), Greater demand~reduction responsibilities given to the Counter~Drug Technology Assessment Center (CTAC) 6) Statutory authority for the President!s Council on Counter-Narcotics 7) Increased reporting
  • DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] Speech 10/27/97 [2]
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. draft SUBJECI/ITTLE DATE President William J. Clinton "A New Social Compact for a New Economy" Remarks to the Democratic leadership Council (25 pages) 10/26/97 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION
  • presidency of the EU-15 and the G.:8. UK epitomizes the virtues of the Euro-Atlantic Community -membership and active participation in European security and beyond in the EU, NATO, G8, OSCE, WEU and the UN Security Council, open economy, open society
  • . By the end, the decisions taken included the dismissal of the government (Kerekou was allowed to remain in a weakened presidency until elections), the creation of an interim council to write a constitution and schedule national elections, and the e
  • :·· NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION AMERICA'S UNTAPI'ED MARKETS AGENDA DRAFT - As of December 29, 1998 Background: FoHowing a series ofrneetings between White House~ Cabinet Officials, and the Reverend Jesse Jackson, President Clinton directed his National Economic Council (NEe
  • Assembly. Worked cooperatively and successfully with members of Senate and House committees. • With the Secretaries of Education and Health and Human Resources developed the Council on Child Care and Early Childhood Programs. The new "umbrella" agency
  • as a failure -- it's that si~ple. If we can create a job base in these distressed communities, then we can buHd outwar~s and develop the self-sustaining institutions that provide vital social services like child Care faciHties, health clinics, better schools
  • are the highlights of the Administration's . .. IDVIAIDS-related actions taken since January 20, 1993. . . AIDS Advisory Council. The President has· created a 30-member Presidential Advisory Council on IllV and AIDS_ to provide him· and his Administration
  • --· . ) I{~ I{OMjW2? Patricia Loera, Esq. HEC Co-Chair, National Association for Bilingual Education ! Roberto Rodriguez HEC Co-Chair National Council of La Raza On behalf of: . ASPIRA Association, Inc. Council of the Great CitySchools Hispanic
  • . These announcements are a win-win for the Feds, the states, and our clean water plan. SEPTEMBER President's Council on Sustainable Development - This meeting will be hosted by the Heinz Family Foundation in Pittsburgh. This meeting would provide an excellent forum
  • to improve the lives of women and girls in a wide range of areas; At the. June 2000 meeting, as chair of the President's interagency Council on Wome·n, now-Se~r'etary of State Albright will outline significant progress in six of the severt areas
Antipoverty (Item)
  • . In this line, the Working Group. might • Authorize the national demonstration of Individual Development Accounts that President Clinton endorsed during the campaign. Americans may escape poverty the same way they achieve wealth -- through asset development
  • ACCOMPLISHMENTS Community Enterprise Board -- This board is responsible for implementing OBRA Empowerment Zone provisions. Chaired by the Vice President, the Board recently created a subcommittee on American Indian Economic Development to help develop
  • Domestic Policy Council - Documentary Annex II [5]
  • . ,...' " THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ,.~/ April 11,1997 MEMORANDUM FOR TIlE PRESIDENT FROM: ., Bruce Reed Melanne VcrVeer Elena Kagan SUBJECT:' While House Conference on Early Childhood Development aru! Learning As you know, on Thursday
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet . Clinton Library DATE SUBJECTffITLE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. report External Activites (partial) (l page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy ,Council Carol Rasco
  • and Means'; and the Senate Finance Committee. The budget resolution was subsequently passed with ~ome" modifications , but i t encoI;l\passesthe heart of the President's., long...term'plan to restore sustainable growth. to the American
  • will develop with the Israelis and Palestinians, and in consultation with the UN Secretary General, a "committee of fact­ finding on the events of the past several weeks a~d how to prevent their recurrence." The President also called for a "pathway back
  • Community Development Dinner 4-14-93 7:30 p.m.
  • Board & CEO Northern Slates Power Company SOL HURWITZ President Committee for Economic Development ANNA FAITH JONES President The Boston Foundation JAMES A, JOSEPH President & CEO Council on Foundations THOMAS W LAMBETH Executive Director Z, Smith
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: Policy Development OA/ID Number: 15421 FolderlD: Folder Title: Women - Accomplishments Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 60 2 6 2
  • piece of the school reform effort requires a great deal of planning time and intense, sustained staff development. Schools often hick the expertise and resources needed-to provide and guide this important endeavor. The development of a sound 5
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [3]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [3] ·I Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • than it did in 1998, creating jobs for Africans and Americans. That's why we are working with African nations to develop the institutions to sustain future growth, from efficient telecommunications to the financial sector. And that~ ~hy ; ri;"ust
  • who have a strong interest in the teenage pregnancy problem. Planning the National Campaign: November, 1995 through January, 1996 The President asked Dr. Isabel Sawhill to develop specific plans for a national campaign to reduce teenage pregnancy
  • [Academy for Education Development Annual Report 1991-1992]
  • : Chairman Emeritus of the Board. International Council for Educational Development Cassandra A. Pyle: Executive Director. Council for International Exchange of Scholars Frank H.T. Rhodes: President, Cornell Universitv Rita M. Rodriguez: Director. Export
  • between law enforcement, schools, and community groups to develop innovative approaches to reduce crime on or near school grounds. Annual Report on School Safety In his December 6, 1997 radio address, President Clinton called on the Attorney General
  • housing more available and mortgages more affordable. We've worked hard to build up other services that are important to economic development, especially in education. And I want to say another word about one of the Vice President's favorite projects
  • iimctions for the agencies represented on the invasive Species Council. The first optioll would . provide more tlexibiJity si1!oe • Presidenlially-estehlished advisory committ.. bas fewer Jimiu, but . the President may not wish to give tbe advisory committee
  • that "the women's movement in this country has raised questions about the role of World Bank, IMF and other international organizations in development.... The Western organizations are busy with those issues which can only undermine our society and nation." In Latin
  • in the report by the President to the American people. President's Report to the American People: Following the town hall meetings and conference, a report "from the President to the American People" would be developed for you. Participants: The report would
  • "No matter where you live in the world - no matter ifyou live in urban, suburban or roral America - transportation is the tie that binds. " Secretary Slater, July 1997 In 1993, President Clinton and Vice President Gore committed to rebuild America
  • ~. President of MIT; Alexander d' Arbeloff, [DAR-bel-off] Chairman of the Corp.; Dr. Paul~. Honorary Chairman of the Corp.; members of the Corporation; members of the faculty; Geoffrey Coram, President of Graduate Student Council; Senior Class President Salman
  • -606-2784 Council of American Building Officials Dick Kuchnicki 5203 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22041 703-931-4533 703-3 79-1546 Council of State Community Development Agencies John Sidor Executive Director 444 North Capitol St., NW, Suite 224
  • or exceed" the state model. The state established a: Standards and Assessment Development and Implementation Council that spent two years developing a model set Page 9 of state content standards with the input of 14,000 citizens throughout Colorado
  • statute J(a)(J) of the PRAJ Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S
  • with those of our coalition partners, have worked closely with President Aristide to train ) the police and improve security; promote reconciliation and secure human rights for all Haitians; jump start the economy and put the international development
  • . The President's agenda envisions government as a partner for people and for communities that need a boost to do better -- much the way your local councils give people the tools they need to take responsibility for their lives and move ahead. And we are making
  • comprehensive restructuring of foreign aid since the Kennedy Administration, leaving behind Cold War baggage and promoting economic growth, democracy, peace, sustainable development and humanitarian relief. President Clinton unveiled his welfare reform plan
  • !'WlUU to working on this great event SCHEDULING REQUEST April 211, 1998 Bruce Reed. Assistant to the President for Dommc Policy Eli Sevi Aptil28. 1998 Detailed below"'" three requests lor M.y 27'>. (1) Rose Carden ceremony with the Pn
  • Lake - Chicago Council on Foreign Relations 5/24/96
  • -Individual: - Speechwriting-Blinken .' Original OA/ID Number: 3385 Row: Section: Shelf: 48 ~ 11 Position: '3 . Stack: v i. 5/22/96 ,:., ANTHONY LAKE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY REMARKS TO THE CHICAGO COUNCIL ON FOREIGN
  • Council )45 Eas: 4('!11 .sl~CC!. SUilt;700, New Yorl-t, ~y !OO~7-3)62' 1212\ (,97·1226' FAX 12~2:) 61)7·22'i-K '. Barbara B. Blum President Foundation for Child Development Geoffrey Canada Executive Director Rheedlen Centers for Families
  • it is consistent with the Budget and Financial Plan. • The Authority may submit recommendations to the Mayor, the Council, the President, and Congre ss on actions the District or Federal govern ments may take to ensure the District 's compli ance with a Budget
  • , and Chester Finn.' . . . The purpose of the council was to provide an independent review of the . .' qu~ity of model national and ,state academic standards being developed by ,professional organizations in each discipline. These standards would be . submitted
  • I AUG f U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY • WASH!NGTQN,O,C.2041o-0001 August 9, 1995 ~,- t\;~ cy to () \ '1L 0 '-'~, , .. , c.:"'~ A,,J V . .;."r~'7'!' r MEMORANDUM FOR: President Bill Clinton FROM
  • President The First Lady -1- Wednesday, June 16, 2010 2:24 PM D:\TEXnEQPAYBRF.610.XT Mrs. Gore Senator Barbara Boxer Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton Dr. Dorothy Height, President Emeritus of the National Council of Negro Women(Janet Yellen and Deputy
  • PIR [President's Initiative on Race] - Background [1]
  • Board considers the following elements as the most critical in developing a meaningful long-term strategy to advance race relations in the 21st Century: The creation of the President's Council for One America. This year's effort has been vital in laying
  • initiati~es, contribute to international cooperation, sustain development, ·and coordinate policy on critical i~sues). o In parallel, the two countries will negotiate a maritime boundary in the Beaufort Sea. MOU on Parks Agreement o The United States
  • OECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development] Climate Change Plans [1]
  • OECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development] Climate Change Plans [2]
  • OECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development] Climate Change Plans [3]
  • OECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development] Climate Change Plans [4]
  • UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] – Climate Change
  • -- compassionate, massive and sustained, backed by the will and resources of the most powerful nation on this earth -- can shape a future that is compatible with the historic ideals of American society," concluded the Kerner Commission, convened by President Lyndon
Race (Item)
  • ) develop the President's view on the matter by reference to the Vision presented in Chapter 4; (iii) sketch the practical implications for . public policies and private practices- with some of those implications detailed in later chapters of the book. · C
  • (703) 556-0001 • • .1 .1 PRESIDENT CLiNTON WiLL PRAISE WELFARE TO WORK SUCCESS i AND URGE SUSTAINED PUBLIC AND PRIVATE EFFORTS' May 27,1998 will Today, President Clinton celebrate'the success6fthe Welfare to Work
  • to the international visitors program, electronic media, and other information programs. USIA can play an enhanced role in promoting U.S. economic concerns as well as supporting the development of market-oriented democracies." Mr. Willard A. wo·rkman, Vice President
  • ofthe Year, Dumbarton Middle School Ms. Alex Pruner, President, Maryland Association of Student Councils Ron Pfeiffer, Assistant Maryland State Superindent for School and Community Outreach Edward F. Mitchell, Immediate Past Presiden~ Maryland Chamb~r
  • slowing our economic development. Cutting the deficit isn't enough. We must invest Jn research, education, and children to sustain our economic growth and create good jobs. We know the return to society from such S&T investments are extraordinary
  • Berger - Council on Foreign Relations Peacekeeping Conference 4/18/95
  • -developing· sit'uations at the UN by requiring congressional a1..1t.horization before ·airy security Council· vote that affects ·U.s. Armed Forces· or funds.:" ... · ' l • ' - .. Negotiations at ·the SecurityGouncil,are a fast moving target; often
  • , a signing could take place as early as April 17 or as late as mia-May. 2. State School Officers: Last month the Council of Chief State School Officers presented the Vice President with an endorsement of your testing initiative. We are working with chief
  • ; and ~, establishtnent Qf, a system to monitor foreign access to Japan's public works market. _ ......_. " In light of' these developments, I' intend to 'recOInmend~·to, ,th~ President that the implementation of sanctions,· scheduled totaki:' effect on N6vember 1
Bosnia [1] (Item)
  • elections for all levels of government. Turnout above 70 percent. Established Joint Presidency, Council of Ministers, Supreme Court, Standing Com~ittee on Military Matters, Civil Aviation Authority, and Central Bank and integrated financial institutions. 4
  • chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, Dr. Tyson spotted me across the room and came round to tell me that family preservation was very important to the President. I replied that I knew this, and was accordingly for it. But then something rebelled
  • into the "'" curriculum •.me as a fac~or in !ong-ternt pJannipg for technology (3134(4)), Local educational ­ tc~r.nology plan provisions for the TLCf (3135) require districts to ensure ongoing, sustained professional development for teacheis and other education personnel
  • Policy Council President's Crime Prevention Council Community Empowennent Board Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children, Youth and Families Center for Disease Control and Prevention Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Center
  • , Bosnia, and the Persian Gulf Democratic Chile served on the UN Security CounciL Democratic Chile has taken the initiative to attack corruption and crime across the Americas. Our President Thomas Jefferson once said the strongest government is one
  • organizations in over 20 countries. The President's sustained commitment to economic engagement with Africa has opened economies on both sides of the Atlantic to pr~vate sector trade and investment, offering opportunities to Americans arid increasing Africa's
  • leadership, her courage, and most of all, her friendship. And I am delighted that she has agreed to serve as the new chair for the President's Interagency Council on Women. ( We all know that there _are countless responsibilities facing our new Secretary
  • Trustees, including the Forest Service, are developing a Restoration Plan, and funds are dispensed by the Court appointed FederalTrustee Council. The Forest Service has spent approximately $14 million for restoration and assessment and additional
  • for study. In the 1997 Balanced Budget Act, Congress established two new commissions to address several Medicare issues, including the need to develop alternative financing for GME and the GME reimbursement needs of children's hospitals. Why does more need
  • the developing world. This investment is part of a comprehensive plan for action that will meet the Administration's commitment in this area, as described in the President's September speech to the U.N. General Assembly. "AIDS and other infectious diseases
  • of Marketing Vice President Human Resources CEO' COO President CEO Special Partner Chairman & CEO Executive VP Strategic' & Business Development President Partner President President CEO & Chairman Chairman & President President & Co-CEO PreSident & CEO CEO CEO
  • [Council of Economic Advisors] [8]
  • " , Remarks by.Laura D'Andrea Tyson Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers before the Committee on the Budget United States Senate Tuesday, February 7, 1995 Mr. Chainnan. before I gel started, I want to thank you and the Committee
  • , these monarchs of the forest will still stand tall - rooted strong in the web of nature that sustains us all. Thank you very much. [sign proclamation] • 14 Final 04/14/00 10:30pm Heather Hurlburt PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON ANNOUNCEMENT OF GIANT SEQUOIA
  • President Clinton's Trip to Bonn & Berlin, Germany - July 1994 [2]
  • with Chancellor Kohl (2 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION. Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 418 FOLDER TITLE: President Clinton's Trip to Bonn & Berlin, Germany- July 1994 [2] 2006
  • 10 1 ,. 04/1"6/99 FRI 13:28 FAX 202 647 5337 PICW ~001 rlrvl~ v~~~ The President's Interagency Council on Women First Lady Hillary Hodham Clinlon Hont~rary Chair TO: • Secretary()[ State Madeleine K. 1\lbrighL Chair • Secretary of Heallh
  • in Haiti, and noted that it might be necessary to have a "reconfigured" mission, and consequently a restated UNSC mandate. When he was asked to confirm that he would agree to a new UN military mission, President Aristide asked what its "reconfigured
  • Budget requested $17 milliorl',fpr the D.C. Resident Tuition Assistance Program (aka D.C. College Access), an initiative first proposed by the President in FY 20.0.0. to equalize postsecondary education opportunities for students from the District
  • Proposal: Changes and ~dditions to Current Law • Focuses funding on professional development that has been shown to be successful in raising student achievement and that is sustained over time. Allows 10% of reforms to be spent on the development
  • is opposed to the latest diaft(July~21).1 ' .. ! " \, , f. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 21 .... Jul-1994 lO:lOam TO: Frances E. Walden FROM: Jose Cerda, III Domestic Policy Council SUBJECT: Weekly Report TO: Kathi Jose WK: July 14
  • Youth Violence/Ad Council Event Aug. 17, 1999
  • ], President of Children NOW. . Now. let me introduce the new President and Chief . Executive Officer of the Advertising Council, Peggy ': '. . Conlon. ### - 1­ FIRST LADY HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON REMA,RKS AT CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE EVENT TUESDAY
  • and economic development; investing in basic infrastructure; and building strong, healthy communities. This morning, the Vice President presented our new package of more than $20 million for Delta economic development: loans and grants for small business
  • Microenterprise-Microenterprise Development as an Economic Adjustment Strategy [1]
  • UNIVERSITY Microenterprise Development as an Economic Adjustment Strategy Vlll 0 • Self-employment by itself does not sustain most of microentrepreneurs' households. We found in most cases that self-employment is used in conjunction with other income
  • · NATIONAL SECU1IlTr COUliClL hIIdIc. o ,.."p.a. ,.."p. ... '..; &=c. 101. (a) There is hereby established a cotmeil to be known as the Natio~ Security-Council (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Council"). . . The President of the United
Net Aid (Item)
  • and !\OCielic:s. F.vco ~o. there remain f()rmidable const 1·airus l.ln sustainable development in such an:as a."t rhe environment. disease prevention. literacy and priva£e developmem. New rechnologies make information more acce5Siblc, rransfcrablc l:md m
  • and the United States. The President and the Prime Minister consulted together on the general international situation, giving special attention to disarmament and to the problems of Berlin and Bizerte. The two leaders reviewed recent developments in Africa
  • Policy Council and Specia!Assistantto the First Lady 5) Collaborative Request- Ms. Brenda A. Leath. Persons in Attendance ~. ~ · 'r '; National Consortium for Africa~ American .'Children ()'{CAAC). Inc. .. . • Ms. Brenda A. Leath, President & CEQ • Dr
  • by USDA's Nutrition Poster Design and Development Project, jointly sponsored by USDA, the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, and the Design Program of the National Endowment for the Arts. • USDA Wnrks To Link Girls To The Land: Partners
  • to the three heads of governments follows . here in the original.} . . The following statement is made by the Prime Minister of Great Britain, the President of the United States of America, and the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union
  • , the President called the "gathering crisis" of global warming "our overriding envirorunental challenge." The Lab is in the forefront of delivering on the President's commitment to address that challenge, without harming the economy, by developing energy
  • of the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, Administrator of the Small Business Administration, and the Chairperson of the National Council on Disability. Workforce Investment Act of 1998 On August 7, the President signed the Workforce
  • means that this conflict will be "Americanized" sooner or later.' Our previous strategy -- give primary responsibility tothe Europeans, help the Bosnians rhetorically and hope the parties will choose peace -- is no longer sustainable. With a stronger
  • is in a control period, the Mayor shall develop and submit to the Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority (the "Authority") and District Council a Budget and Financial Plan for the applicable Fiscal Year and the next three Fiscal Years
  • SUBJECT: September 27, 1994 , MEMORANDUM FORi DOMESTIC POLICY COUNCIL, FROM: Carol H. Rasco, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy SUBJECT: Meeting Agenda - October 24, 1994 As 'you are aware, the second Monday in October is a federal
  • DoD T eiemedicine rUbrary Investors Conference NHlI Tested Disney Celebratioo Sustainable Development Volunteer Pr~ram *CoreFuM~ KooJ) HII Busir~s ~ A~r$ IEEE Koop Health Newai< r,o,. " FIRST LADY HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON THE KOOP FOUNDATION
  • developments. Possible Announcements for Conference The conference itself would be likely to generate media interest. However, several additional announcements could be considered. First, the President could issue a directive or an executive order on food
  • Council The White House Washington DC 20500 1 THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF DOMESTIC POLICY CAROL H. RASCO Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy To: Draft response for POTUS and forward to CHR b y : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Draft response
  • Ghana - Rawlings, February 24, 1999 [POTUS Press Conference Statement with President Jerry Rawlings of Ghana] [2]
  • trade, investment, development ~nd good government. I II Finally, President Rawlings and pledged to work together in a variety of ways to deepen · !I democracy and, just as importantly, to fulfill the promise of democracy by helping Mricans build
W [1] (Item)
  • if a strong, viable, sustainable plan for economic development is embraced by the local community. J hope you will review these ideas-and certainly if you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please share these with me. This is such a wonderful
  • for individual tests to the current plan, or do we give it more general authority to develop individual tests in the subject areas and grade levels of its choosing (though it m9st begin with current plan)? The. President (1) will not want to go back to Congress
  • by sustaining my veto and upholding th~ oil import conservation fee. JIMMY CARTER The White House, June 5, 1980. NOTE: On June 5, the House of Representatives voted to override the President's veto, and on June 6, the Senate also voted to override the veto
  • growth, and much capital in search of good investment opportunities, many urban and rural areas of the country have not participated in the capital investment that has spurred job growth and economic development elsewhere at home and abroad. President
  • who·should be Secretary of State, a handful of people who were Secretary of State, and at least one person -- typically the Council's President -- who thinks he is Secretary of State. This group brings that image vividly to life. And that comment probably
  • _:tier of troops and armor lillSsia ·can keep in the troubled Caucasus re: gion.. Negotiated with the Soviet MOSCOW, .May 3 - Less than a Union and designed to reduce the week before President Clinton's ar- · American domestic politics. iisk of a Warsaw
  • to the Corporation as it develops a national recruitment and outreach strategy to -in the words of the President- "make national service look like America. " It is therefore central to our success as an agency that Americans not view national and community service
  • these standards are met." The Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill the President signed on November 13, 1997, fully funds ($16 million) the Administration's voluntary national testing program and allows for development and pilot testing of the first-ever
  • for the new economy; to commit to sustainable development; and to continue the economic, political and security·integration ofthe new democracies into the family of free nations.· ·The central fact of our ti~e is this: even as we speak, powerful forces
  • SECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL Subject: Request for a meeting between National Security Advisor Lake and Rwandan President Pasteur Bizimungu The State Department requests that National Security Advisor Lake meet with Rwandan President Pasteur
  • Background - Early Childhood Development [2]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: First Lady's Press Office Subseries: Lissa Muscatine: Subject Files . OA/ID Number: 20080 FolderiD: Folder Title: BACKGROUND -EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT [2] Stack: Row: Section: ·shelf: Position: s
  • , or have begun discussion of how to address this issue; OPM'.s efforts continue to generate new ,ideas on employment practices and support from senior agency executives; including the President's Management Council. The 27 agencies submitting reports
  • International Representative International Brotherhood of Teamsters Robert Georgine President Building Trades Council AJan Reuther Legislative Director UAW PANEL 11; 6:55 - 7:55 Qmsmnei Cathy Hurwitt Legislative Director Citizen Action Carol Reagan Director
  • ===== ==========""""""========'=========---=-.~"",=""=,, For Immediate Release January 27,2000 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 9:18 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice'President, members of Congress, honored guests, my fellow Americans: We
  • , and community empowerment proposals such as Community Development Financial Institutions and Empowerment Zones. The heart of the President's strategy is a comprehensive effort to invest in the skills and education of our people throughout their lives
  • .'''.,'_' .;.' . ,','.:' .. ~ -= wrJL\..~ USDA Celebrating the Millennium .1 ',': THE ""HITE HOUSE MILLENNIUM COUNCIL cordially invites you to join FIRST LADY HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON THE HO~ORABLE DAN GLICKMAN Secretary of Agricultur~ on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 2:30 pm
  • develop and use deadly chemical and biological weapons. And despite the appeals from the U.N. Security Council and the Arab world, Iraq has once again refused to reverse its course. · Iraq has spumed the U.N., it has spurned diplomacy, it has spurned all
  • in the release or possibly b. a part of the public service advertising etior! to follow up on the publication. • In April (May, Juft.) the President could announce a set of principles around public school choice. These priilciples would be developed
Mexico (Item)
  • crisis and is working to ensure that the economic gains are consolidated and that growth is sustained so all Mexicans share in and benefit from the country's progress. President Zedillo has also focused during his term on instituting a number of reforms
  • you do every day to improve the lives of the people of our nation and around the world. I'd also like to thank Dr. Hitt and the members of the President's Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS for their work on this critical issue and for suggesting that we
  • that we will follow our usua.l process within the NEC/Ope for policy development which involves- calling for initial work through a deputies' council of the NEe/DPe followed by a Principals' meeting of the two groups and/or a_n interagency working group
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Ted Widmer (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number:· 2189 FOLDER TITLE: European Union (EU) [2] 2006-0471-F ' 1558 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act c [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom
  • · development of · defense technology. Moving toward this restructuring, the President endorsed changing the name of the Defense Advanced. Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to its original designation, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA
Environment (Item)
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10132 FolderiD: Folder Title: Environment Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 5 2 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WASHINGTON, D.C
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on France from the White House Office of Records Management Subject Files. Material includes memos and talking points from Secretary of Treasury Robert Rubin to President Clinton, regarding
  • to involve a broad group of countries. French Agenda for IMF Reform President Chirac may raise French proposals to transform the IMF's Interim Committee into a Council that would provide the IMF with greater "political" guidance. We do not support the French
  • successful welfare reform .. To that end the .President has asked the Domestic Policy Council, '. which I direct, to coordinate the implementation .of . , " the new law. Becau~~of it's importance to
  • rhar people think the set-asides for minorities arc the only ones," says Smith, whose company graduated from S(a) nearly a decade ago. He also served as chairman of President George Bush's Commission on Minority 194 Business Development. "We're
  • are also a valuabfe vehic·le. fo~ prq~oting sustainable· ,development in the Philippines 'because they giv~a citizens the opportunity to-help strengthen.partnerships.between th~ public and private sectors. N.Gos·are assisting labor, government and private
  • ' potential profitability and Cc'-' ", flow sufficient to attract equity capital to che program. and 4} maintain a structure for oversight of the program. The council will be chaired by Patricia M. Cloherty, president of Patricof and Company Inc
  • Council on For [Foreign] Rels. [Relations] [2]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 14458 FolderlD: Folder Title: Council on For [Foreign] Rels [Relations] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 4 5 1 STATEMENT OF DEPUTY
  • Education Center South Texas Health Research Center Audie Murphy Veterans Administradon System Hidalgo County Health Department Holy Family Services Birthing Center, Weslaco Knapp Medical Center, Weslaco Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council Center
  • to develop plans to hire welfare recipients. All of the Cabinet agencies, as well as over 100 non-Cabinet agencies and departments, have submitted hiring plans to the President through the Office of the Vice President. To date, the Cabinet agencies estimate
  • with key representatives from agencies and outside catalysts: , (1) integrated community reinvention strategy and federal role (2) sustainable development (:1) lessons from success stories on the ground Agency drafts of contributions, cooperation
  • DPC [Domestic Policy Council] - Accomplishments
  • a President's Council on Food Safety to develop a comprehensive food safety strategic plan for federal agencies, Welfare Reform and Community Empowerment: Largest Drop in the Welfare Rolls in History 5.7 Million People Are Off Welfare Today Compared to 1992
White House (Item)
  • working with Bill Galston and Bonnie to develop a proposal for an effective, President's Campaign for Young People against Teen Pregnancy and for the rewards of learning, work, and family. The Putting Children First Proposal is one important building block
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 232515SS
  • for allocating the new program's competitive grants, which will total about $350 million in FY 1998. The Vice President will make these announcements at his second quarterly meeting with the Welfare to Work Coalition to Sustain Success, the group of civic
  • the life. of the projects. In each Challenge Grant community a consortium of schools, businesses, libraries, museums and community organizations are matching the grant with substantial commitments for equipment, software development, technical support
  • , Security Council representatives I ' . , ~ ' of. • l . .st,~te ~nd leaders .. from JC!piin·~ ..Ro~ahia~ Lebano~~ and I .) . .. .Azerbaijan . ~among' 6the'rs. ' :The 'President· reaffi r~ed hi's:' ' .. . I ' ., ·,c. ·: '. confidence
  • of infonnation. Governments, international institutions and NGOs - all of us must join forces to fight this scourge. On a wider front and in order to attain this objective, detennined efforts to achieve equitable, sustainable economic development, peace
  • ,and implementation than the agenda-setting process " per se. These efforts include public relations campaigns, research, staff development and the like. • DRAFT FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ONLY·· 12 • NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS, wi th references
  • director and council co-chair." "A universal goal throughout has been bringing services to people, and into communities. 'It had to be a bottom-up approach, where we developed program around people and their needs,' said Marvin Petty, a coordinating council
Girl Power (Item)
  • youth across the country. The "Girl Power!"- P.L.A.Y. CORPS partnership announced today will help to put into action the findings of a report by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports released in March 1997 by HHS and the "Girl Power
  • the exercise of agency rulemaking directly only through bicameral legislation with presentment to the President as required in Articles I and II of the Constitution. However, there are other effective measures at Congress's disposal with which to affect agency
  • Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Asthma and the Environment
  • of Economic Advisors Honorable Andrew Cuomo Secretary Department of Housing and Urban Development Honorable Neal Lane, Director Office of Science and Technology Policy Honorable Gene Sperling Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Honorable Bill
  • additional resources would also be needed to support the defense strategy. To meet these challenges. President Climon's FY 2000 defense budget proposed the first sustained increase in defense spending in 15 years. making avmlable additional resources
  • Warren Christopher (1993-1997) launched his Strategic ~anagcrncnt Initiative (SMI), in response to Vice President Gore's >fational Performance Review c:.I.lIing for the reinvention of government. The Secretary's initiative included major management
  • to develop a plan to defend its cyberspace. The President in Presidential Decision Directive 63 (PDD-63) directed its development. Designating it as "Version 1.0" acknowledges that the Plan is in the early stages of development and remains a work in progress
  • , The Brookings Institution Associate Professor of Economics, Georgetown University Senior Staff Economist, President's Council of Economic Advisors ('89-'90) Cooper. Kathleen E, Irving, TX Chief Economist, Exxon Corporation (since 1990) Former Executive
  • ECDC [Early Childhood Development Conference] Final Report
  • , and in the process they are illuminating early brain development-a phenomenon of such elegance, complexity, and precision that it surely ranks as one of the wqrld ~ s great wonders. Today, President Clintpn is making researchers''fmdingS usable and practical for all
  • developed by the National Education Standards and Improvement Council for the certification of State content standards, State student performance stand· ards. State assessments, and State opportunity-to-learn standards; and ' . . (B) voluntary national
  • C. Magaziner Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development ICM:ms Phillip L. Horowitz, M.D. Allen L. Markowicz, M.D. June 28, 1993 Diplomates of the American Board of Internal Medicine ugi) Mr. Ira Magaziner Ass1stant to the President
  • ) 02/0311994 P61b(6) I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Correspondence) ONBox Number: 8508 FOLDER TITLE: Recommendation Letters [I] 20 I 0-01 98-S RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act • [44 U.S.C
  • America to compete and lead in the new realities of the 21st century requires new institutions as well as new policies. Fifty years ago--in the aftermath of the Second World War--President Truman created the National Security Council to ensure a coherent
  • ~cellence, .corrective policy actions, and plans for program development and funding. Helping Students Finish Co]]ege. This year the President has proposed new College Completion Challenge Grants to help reduce the college drop-out rate, with pre-freshman
  • the industry leaders to come back to the White House to re,;')ort once they nave developed their rating systems and I look forward to the work that they will do." On December 19,1996, the President, in a lNhite House briefing with the Vice President immediately
  • program with funds saved al: the district level to pay for much of its electncalupgrados. \ Professional development needs ar:e increasing geometrically. Sc.hools must provide adequate pl"Ofessional dtlvelopment to holp teachers leilrn how to use
[09/04/1998] (Item)
  • the American Council on Education, a core group of college and university presidents is working to establish a broader coalition that will lead a coordinated campaign to educate the public about the value of diversity in higher education and to share campus
  • of Scheduling, OVP FROM: Kathleen McGinty, Chair, Council On Environmental Quality REQUEST: For the President to celebrate Earth Day by joining volunteers working to restore a stretch of the Appalachian Trail in Harper's Ferry, WV. BACKGROUND: Message
  • 103-322, signed 9/13/94), September 23 Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund Created Meeting an early campaign commitment, the President signed legislation creating the CDFI Fund to support both specialized financial institutions
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 034 - Folder 004 Immigration - Section 245i '.' JAN 14'98 1D: ,. 15:54 No.009 P.O l""""""',\YAH _
  • of the Domestic Policy Council Mary Beth Cahill Assistant to the President and Director of Public Liaison REQUEST: Speak to national, 2,000 person Welfare to Work Convention sponsored by the Welfare to Work Partnership This is an opportunity to highlight
Jeremy Rosner (Item)
  • to the President in charge of legislative affairs on the staff of the National Security Council from 1993-94. He is the author of The New Tug-of-War: Congress, the Executive Branch, and National Security. ch I f Jeremy D. Rosner + additional states
Workforce [2] (Item)
  • , then another mechanism for rationalizing the number of GME networks must be developed. Therefore, COGME recommends that: the new Council determine the minimum number of consortium GME positions required as part of the waiver process. B. Allocation of Residency
  • -- these are all programs that contribute to this Administration's overall efforts to prepare and protect all children and youth, to prevent problems through early intervention and sustained targeted supports. . The President is committed to making our streets
  • their problems, and is sustainable OVEr time, the Office of Nationaltorug Control Policy (ONDCP) developed thiS monograph. commun'ty~oriented OeveloPitg a approach to policing is nOt an easy process. It requires major changes In a police dePartment's
  • above Govt see above Govt see above Govt see· above Govt see above Govt see. above President of the Council for Equality of Opportunity L. Vreven Cabinet, Ministry of .Foreign Affairs Reginald.Moreel~· Secretary of State for Development Aid
  • . etc. These teams were expected to produce recommendations for tangible improvements on the government's services to the public. The President also directed agencies to create their own internal reinvention teams lhat could work with NPR to develop
Fathers-HHS (Item)
  • of Health's Natcher Conference Center in Bethesda Maryland. More than 300 federal staff members attended, and Vice President AI Gore gave the keynote address. DHHS played a key role in organizing the conference and in developing and participating in the 15
  • DPC [Domestic Policy Council] - Pillar Project
  • the passage of welfare reform, recent discoveries about early childhood development, and increased understanding of the difficulties of balancing work and family -- the issue of child care is ready to burst onto the national scene, and the President and First
Testing [1] (Item)
  • Progress. In order to help inform Congressional deliberations, the committee bill directs NAGB to develop and present to the authorizing committees and the President a plan for implementation and use of the national tests. In developing this plan, NAGB
  • , the Vice President's office and the Education Department to develop the strongest possible proposal to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, with the objective of transmitting it to Congress by March 1. While there is still much to be done
  • in. developing, producing and distributing the PSAs to help bridge the digital divide. As stated above, the Kaiser Family Foundation, represented by President and CEO Drew Altman, will develop, produce and distribute public service announcements to help motivate
  • - has been elected and reo.elected to the White House. Hard Work That incredible record didn't just happen. It's due to New Democrats' hard work, under President Clin· ton's leadership. to modernize our party. We developed bold innovations that expanded
  • was jomed by Governor Rowland, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Carol Ra,sco, members of the Connecticut congressional delegation, and other . federal, state and local officials on a tour
  • the Council of Chief State School Officers, is working with more than 30 states to develop high-quality performance assessments of knowledge and skills for beginning teachers. Theseteacher standards are related directly to academic standards for students
  • sector should lead Internet technical standards development. • A number of international business groups, including the Transatlantic Business Dialogue, the U.S./Japan Business Council, the International Chamber of Commerce, the Global Information
  • 1, 1997, release of the final report of the Commission on Immigration Reform (CIR), the President directed the Domestic Policy Council (OPC) to review the CIR report and recommend ways to improve and streamline Federal immigration policy development
  • to the President, re: Response to the Aspin-Brown Commission Report (4 pages) c'a. 04/1996 P5 OO!c. memo John Deutch to the President, re: Intelligence Community Response to the Aspin-Brown Commission and Recommendatiosn for an Administration Initiative (6
  • poised to approve the African Growth and Opportunity Act--one of the principal pillars of the President's strategy to deepen the partnership between our two regions and stimulate investment, economic development, and poverty reduction in Afiica. e
  • Systematic 2010-0198-S - Carol Rasco, Domestic Policy Council
  • Clinton Library DOCUMENT AND TYPE NO. 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrnTLE To Leon Panetta from Patsy Fleming re: conference call with President's Advisory Council on HlY and AIDS (3 pages) 02/06/96 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • . President returns to podium to thank participants and close event. Enyantu Ifenne, M.D. Country Director, CEDPA-Nigeria Lagos, Nigeria Dr. Enyantu Ifenne is the Country Director for The Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA)-Nigeria. She
  • to the President 'for Domestic Policy r ;E x ' E CUJT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 13-Dec-1995 11!50pm iTO: FAX (9 -1- 801- 532,- 6456, Leonard, Don) : FROM: Carol H. Rasco Domestic ~olicy Council CC: : SUBJECT: Julie E. Demeo
  • ; making sewer systems less effective, and creating health and environmental hazards. The Central AR Resource Conservation and Development Council will oversee the construction of these drainage projects. • Secretary Travels to Germany, Russia
  • Partner The Tau Group C O M M U N I T Y PROGRAMS Chair. Reed V. Tuckson. M.D. President Charles R. Drew Univereity Michael O'Donnell, Publisher American Journal of Health Promotion Pamela Bailey, President Health Care Leadership Council Co-Chair
  • will introduce the President; and Some of the local organizations receiving the new Welfare -to-Work grants, including the Private Industry Councils from Detroit, Los Angeles County, Philadelphia, and San Francisco, the Corporation for Ohio Applachian Development
Pillars [1] (Item)
  • rtnerships TIMELINE Proposed by the President's Council on Sustainable Development in Jan. 1997. McArthur Foundation to recommend policies late fal11997. Adm. initiative could be announced in early 1998. BENEFITS CoSTS/FEASIBILITY POLITICAL RAMIFICATIONS
  • of Housing and Urban Development. The vouchers will be used to help families move closer to a new job, reduce a long commute, or secure more stable housing so they can perform better on the job. The President's budget will also increase Access to Jobs
  • agency to report back with a plan to advance this issue. '~ -Th\c; ~ \JCJ-
  • governments; • develop links with the Vice-President's Empowerment Board; • develop support strategies with MAC for their staffs in the region; • brief the Monday Management Group and the State Rural Development Councils of the National Initiative
  • this accountability" It \~,dll be signed by the Mayor. The President Pro Tem of City Council and signed or affinncd by the Ch.air of the Financial Responsibility Authority. The City Council and the Authority will be asked to formally approve the MOU before
  • -235 t Anne L. Peretz, L.LC.S.W. "President I I I I I , . STRIVE EAST HARLEM EMPLOYMENT SERVICE INC. 1820 Lexington A venue . New York, NY 10029 (212) 360-1100 ADVISORY BOARD John F. Akers Gaye Y. Brisbon East Harlem Employment Service opened
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAJ b(l) National security classified information ((b)(l) of the FOIAJ b(2) Release would
  • Education-Community Development
  • ,. Dear Mr. President: I am writing to share with you exciting news from my home-Harlem-which has significant implications for economic development in inner-cities across America. I know that you will share in my joy and enthusiasm given your outstanding
  • by the President to evaluate the nominees for this Award. Since its establishment, the National Medal of Science has been awarded to 362 distinguished scientists and engineers whose careers spanned decades of research and development. The recipients from 1962
  • you will continue to share your though~s with us. Sincerely, ( Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President fo~ Domestic Policy CHR:ram THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April·19, 1995 Cheryl Gibson Smith Downtown Child Development Center, Inc. 200 The Healy
  • -,-nurturing, and stimulation that they require for healthy development. In his 1995 report of the President of the Carnegie Corporation, Mr. Hamburg outlined strategies for strengthening families, and for utilizing external influences, skills, and services
  • plan, I President Clinton is d'recting the Wh{te House National Economid Council, Office on Env'ronmental policy, and Office of Science I and Technology Policy 0 develop measures within one year that I will significantly red ce greenhouse gas emissions
  • you. 1:&~· Michael Cass~r1y Executive Din::c[or Council of the Great Hugh Price President . NationaJ Urban League ona Edelin . President National Urban Coalition .1 Bob Chase, Prcsidem National Education Associadon Sandra Feldman
  • beyond typical. I would suggest adding Patricia FiIi-Krushel, the President of ABC Daytime Programs, and Ruth Wooden, President of The Advertising Council, among others, to the media sub committee. . . . Secondly, Jane Fonda and I will agree to host
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [5]
  • to President Clinton [partial] (1 page) 2/12/1997 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Nicole Rabner (Domestic Policy Council) OA/Box Number: 15633 FOLDER TITLE: Early Childhood Development Conference Background [loose
  • to the Supreme Court, for example, that the provision authorizing the President to cancel limited tax benefits is on less firm historical footing than is the cancellation of a typical appropriation, and is constitutionally sustainable only because that power
  • , •••• ·~- · ·. . .~~ ~-·~'/:~. . .~,:,:h.. jiMMY ~· CARTER dkncr ~fohamed Anwar El-Sadat, Mar. 26 Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty Rem~~rks of President Carter, President Anwar al-Satlat of Egypt, and Prime Minister Menahem Begin of Israel at the Signing Ceremony. March 26, 1979 l
  • cies ;lie sharing personnel. coordinat­ ing plans. developing interagency guidance, and exploring other ways to . improve ecosystem management and public services. The President's Forest Plan creates ecologically and physiographic ally defined provinces
  • and encouraging development on the continent in the wake of the last elections. In every country I visited, I was questioned by Presidents, journalists and political leaders about recent congressional comments about cutting aid to Africa. While acknowledging
  • to increase its population base at a rate higher than any other' industrialized nation. The President's Council on Sustainable I?evelopment reports that if current Dlortality, fertility, and immigration patterns persist, it is possible that the population
  • UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Department of Special Education College of Education G315 Norman Hall PO Box 117050 Gainesville, FL 32611-7050 (904) 392-0701 Fax: (904) 392-2655 August 21,1998 Mr. Michael Cohen, White House Domestic Policy Council Old
  • of policy is the Infonu.tion Infrastructure Task Force (IITF), chaired by Secretary Brown. Our N( I Advisory Council wants to meet with the President on January 30th to release their final report. We agree with most of the recommendations, and plan to rclea
  • of policy is the Infonu.tion Infrastructure Task Force (IITF), chaired by Secretary Brown. Our N( I Advisory Council wants to meet with the President on January 30th to release their final report. We agree with most of the recommendations, and plan to rclea
  • for w r i t i n g . ' . Sincerely, , " Christopher C. Jennings Special Assistant, to the President for Health Policy Development cc: Ms. Debbie Chang -II FORUM II THE PUBLIC ~~INSTITUTE 1215 17th Street, N.W.• Washington, DC 20036 • 202547-2470
  • must . meet. the chal~enge Of h~rness~ng 'that wid~ s~eep arHl directing .the en~rgies of.the-united,'··action to' ' ' ' I ' ' ·. •. , ' . ·, ' relieve Poverty arid hunger, sustain-development, control
  • President, a drop of26 percent. In April, the President asked the Vice President to head the federal welfare to work effort. The Vice President also heads the Welfare to Work Coalitionto Sustain Success -- a partnership of civic and religious groups
  • Germany. Before this directive was discussed in the Control Council, President Truman, Prime Minister AttIee, and Generalissimo Stalin met at Potsdam and issued a communique setting forth agreed policies for the control of Germany. This communique was made
  • have shared your letter with Bruce Reed who recently became the head . of the President's Domestic Policy Council. Sincerely, 1 Robert E. Rubin cc: Erskine Bowles c-'J!~~
  • statute [(a)(J) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S
  • of racial minority groups and others traditionally underrepresented in the profession. • Other factors relating to specific specialties and training programs In developing its recommendations, the Council seeks the views of professional medical
  • 125 CHAPTER THREE: WATER A:>ID SCIEl"CE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Changing Times, New Approaches Between 1993 and 2001, the Bureau of Reclamatton underwent the most tlramatic change in its history. The change resulted from President Clinton's federal
  • and Publishing Director, Ladies' Home Journal Elizabeth J. Coleman, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO, Maidenform, Inc.: Vice Chair, President's Export Council Lynn Cutler, Senior Vice President, The Kamber Group Felice D. Gaer, Director, Jacob Blausteen
Welfare [2] (Item)
  • : The Vice President created the Welfare to Work Coalition to Sustain Success; a coalition of civic groups committed to helping former ~elfare recipients stay in the wb:rkforce and succeed. Tailoring their services to meet welfare recipients needs
  • and cannot vote for the President on the island. Due to the economic and social challenges within their community, various debates have developed throughout Puerto Rico's history concerning the political status it maintains with the United States. Today, 2.7
  • families out of ",n\/po""v· • Sustain services for those . school diplomas but lack
  • Refugee Office are all aw~ that the President's InleJ."agCD~;y Council is working to brir1g this issne to the altention of the public and that you serve as the honorary Chair of the l.ntcragency Council. We were mo~t pleased that it was established
  • that sustains their standard of living. 4 DRAFT 2/14 - 2PM The President's G. I. Bill for America's Workers will put more resources and information directly in these workers' hands and his Hope Scholarships proposal will open community college opportunities
  • 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. memo Bruce Reed to President Clinton, re: Tobacco Legislative Strategy (3 pages) 2/6/1997 P5 002. memo Ellen Cooper to WH Speechwriters
  • , and DOJ. This work will go into the final President's Report and will influence and inform the development of policy di~cussed below. , ...-.. ""."'"' ..... " ........ , ' .. 2 Interagency Policy Development Process The DPC has established four major
  • to innovate. · ,. Sources of Innovative Advantage: Sector Snapshots The Council's R&D Advisory Committee examined global developments in five· industry sectors with a view towards current competitiveness trends, innovation needs and 'priorities. and strengths
[03/18/1998] (Item)
  • the following demands of the African-American Consultants to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention African-American Initiative. These demands along with the Council endorsement will be transmitted to the President and the Secretary of Health and Human
  • the prosper~ty, freedom. and influence America has developed, is President clinton's greatest challenge. I . I would be an asset to your staff legally and politically. I _ . I have a strong desir1e to engage in public service. Following' law school, I
  • education experts and policymakers for the president to choose from for a new N ation­ al Education Standards and.Iinprovement Council (NESIC). The goals panel will review the criteria NESIC sets to evaluate proposals for content, student performance
  • , :, ~ 1 ~~~n" .-t. ~ {)l- " r"I.w ( A central pan of the President's school improvement agenda is vigorous support for community and state efforts to set very high standards in American education. Indeed, there is nothing more important in American
  • of facilitating this, and to revitalize civil society, can be found in citizen service, and particularly, Service Learning, as a national strategy for youth development (see Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, 1989). It is a strategy defined largely
  • , sustained increase i~ defe:ose ·spending. In keepi:19 with his p::'ecge to wcri< '.... ith rd:"itary leaders to add.::ess the nation's defer;se needs, :1:e President has determined that additional resocrces are necessary ;r,ai:"':tai:1 military readiness
  • in Sustainable Development Florence, Italy - October 4-7; 1999 . . , . I Thematic Working Group 4- Culture and National Millennium Commissions . Fortezza da Basso : Palazzina Lorenese Bronzino Room October 6, 1999 '' Culture and the N ational.Millennium
  • this work in the faith community, and today's meeting represents an opportunity for the President Clinton to announce the results of that work. The President will announce the following commitments: r -;::::::...._. American Muslim Council will train
  • Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence [2]
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 23930 FOLDER TITLE: Youth Development/Afterschool!Violence [2] 20 11-0688-S kc621 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- J44 U.S.C. 2204(a)l
  • communlcatlonl between and luppller•. • • U.S. eutomsk." heve recently the United Stat.. Council fo. Automotive Raeurch ':0 develop benet Ie. for electric c.... reduce emlnlon•• Improve ta'etY. end enhance computet·alded de,lgn. The Michigan-baud
  • communlcatlonl between and luppller•. • • U.S. eutomsk." heve recently the United Stat.. Council fo. Automotive Raeurch ':0 develop benet Ie. for electric c.... reduce emlnlon•• Improve ta'etY. end enhance computet·alded de,lgn. The Michigan-baud
  • if the assessments are nondiscriminatory in nature • Permit states to develop all-payer hospital rates or all-payer rate-setting. States also are permitted to require all payers, including health benefit plans in corporate alliances, to reimburse essential
  • in nature • Permit states to develop all-payer hospital rates or all-payer rate-setting. States also are permitted to require all payers, including health benefit plans in corporate alliances, to reimburse essential community providers. 52 WORKING GROUP
  • to National Se~i.rrity Advisor et al. re: Bosnia Statement ( 1 page) 12/17/1997 Pl/b(1) 001b. POTUSStatement on Bosnia (6 pages) 12/17/1997 Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records . National Security Council Anthony Blinken
  • of the U.S.-Haiti Business Development Council, a group that will help companies in both nations do business with the other. · There is already evidence that the Haitian private sector is getting back on its feet: • Thirty-two companies that make finished
[09/18/1998] (Item)
  • @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN CC: Cathy R. Mays READ: UNKNOWN ( CN=Cathy R. Mays/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) David R. Goodfriend ( CN=David R. Goodfriend/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Because of the President's travel/weekend schedule
Indians (Item)
  • 215-HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT .. Edward J. Murphy. Jr. (202) 708·1793 217-JUSTICE .. Kent Markus (202) 514-2141 ' 330.t.ABOR .. Robert A. ShapIro· (202) 219-8201 429-Natlona' EGOnomlc Council- Sonyl8 Matthews· (202) 458-2174. 2S7-0ffice of National
  • George Anderson Russ Zajtchuk First Lady DHHS. Secretary DHHS Health Policy, White House First Lady's Office OSTP, White House Domestic Policy, White House · National Econ~mic Council Office of the Vice President National Econo~ic Council (Chair) Tipper
  • laws have adopted developments in private sector personnel practices and' reflected a'continuing public interest in fairness and efficiency for the civil service. Part of tile responsibility of the President 'and of OPM is to admiIllster a civil service
  • Communications Commission should adopt an "e-rate" under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that would make a basic level of internet access free to schools; o Mitchell Kapor, who served on the President's National Information · Infrastructure Advisory Council
  • COUNCIL GALA NtA.~tM~\ ~ 0 \\~tn\_ {h.;)Cufl/" ~SIIQRIHN\~r WASHINGTON, DC October 13, 1999 ( fx utt.t' 1'- iN ~ &
  • Health - National Health Policy Council
  • National Health Policy Council August 11, 1995 * First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton The White House Washington, DC 20500 Dear Hillary, Thank you for your efforts to ensure the success of the Regulatory Reform event on July 11th. It was a tremendous event
  • will be different because ofthis President and this commission in January of next year and twenty years from now (2 days). Commission/Council: Discuss the vehicle's name. Presidential decision: Engage the President in the decision process which requires review
APEC [2] (Item)
  • RE: Indonesia (6 pages) 001. memo Berger to Lake; 002. briefing paper NIC [National Intelligence Council]; Development (10 pages) RE: Democracy and RESTRICTION 10/2711994 P1/b(l),' P5 10/07/1994 P1/b(1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • , and many parents give insufficient nUInbcr of children under three confront one attention to their children's mtellectual or more major risk factors: development. Teachers report that one in o Inadequate prenatal care. Nearly a quarter of three
  • legislation that accomplishes four of the President's main e-commerce ·legislative objectives: • The Internet Tax F~eedom Act places a three-year moratorium on new and discriminatory taxes on Internet commerce and creates a commission to develop a uniform
  • bill in either Hou1se. . I I This year alone, Congress earmarked more than $13 billion for everyday, garden-variety, pork. As President, I would cut every one of the projects on the folloJing list and use the money to protect Social Security
  • jtrnup f p LEXIS-NEXIS member of the Rccd RKcvicr pic group Page 3 Public Papers of the Presidents Thank you, and God bless you a l l . NOTE: The President spoke a t 8:22 p.m. a t the u n i v e r s i t y baseball f i e l d . I n h i s remarks, he r e
  • to move aggressively to achieve permanent disposal of bad assets. ~: Developments in China coUld also have important repercussions on the region's growth. The Chinese authorities have accorded highest economic priority to sustaining GDP growth and job
  • , the President would take part in the announcement of the formation of the national campaign and personally congratulate the prominent Americans who have agreed to serve on the leadership council. This event could be at the White House or at a local school
  • . Site of care identifiers Two alternatives exist to provide a unique identifier for the location at which care took place. The Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC) has developed a system for assigning a site identifier that corresponds
  • to institutions. The President also instructed his Administration , I . , . . to work with Senators Jeffords and Kennedy to develop a workable Work Incentives . Improvement Adt, which would 'give people with disabilities the option to seek employment and retain
  • support from the American Council on Education, a core group of college and university presidents is working to establish a broader coalition that will lead a coordinated campaign to educate the public about the value of diversity in higher education
S [2] (Item)
  • Policy Council to be in touch with you to hold the meeting you have requested. Thank you so much for the informative packet of information and I know you will hear from Bruce or Kathi soon. (1;;: Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President
  • [Education - White House/Higher Education Diversity Initiative Meeting at ACE, 4/8/98] [American Council on Education]
  • and Universities Cedric W. Dempsey, President, National Collegiate Athletic Association Gwendolyn Jordan Dungy, Executive Director, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators . . Judith Eaton, President, Council on Higher Education Accreditation
  • OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON. D.C. 20410-0001 November 27, 1996 TO: Don Baer FROM : He SUBJECT: Initial Thoughts Concerning President Clinton's Historic Legacy The fact that President Clinton is the last American President
  • exports of U.S. agricultural commodities and to foster broad-based sustainable development in recipient countries .. Developing countries eligible for the program have a shortage of foreign exchange earnings and are unable to meet all their food needs
  • A. Fernandes/OPD/EOP Subject: Strategic Plan on Native American economic development Attached is a draft of the strategic plan on Native American economic development that was required as the result of the President's memorandum at the economic development
  • Academy of Sciences) to produce inlercensal poverty data for small geographic areas and certain age cohorts being developed by the Bureau of the Census. The Secretary shall contract with the NAS within 30 davs after en.'lctment. The NAS shall submit
  • not a voting member ofthe Council) attends Coun­ til activities in the absence of the Director. Deputies may also participate in CoUncil Task Forces and other activities as appropriate. E The Council's chief of staff is its President who discharges
  • of the President's Interagencx Council on Women, will participate. ' Page 2 9:30- 10:30 AM Women 2000 Economic Empowerment Forum U.S. Custom House (One Bowling Green- near Battery Par~), State Streetentrance Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers will give remarks. 10
  • , the Pacific Council on International Policy. Unlike most Eastern policy-formulating organizations, the council will have as its focus the Pacific Rim-the western parts of North, Central and South America and the nations of Asia. Billing itself as nonpartisan
FY01 Budget (Item)
  • would assess improvements in educational outcomes that result from the Fund. , [not yet edited] , , lfead Start: Head Start, one ofthe President's 'highest priorities, is America's premier early childhood development program: It supports working families
  • INITIATIVES President's Council on Sustainable Development I will be in Chattanooga, Tennessee, next Wednesday and Thursday as a member of the President's Council on Sustainable Development. The Energy and Transportation Task Force of the Council will adopt
  • for the development of Watershed Restoration Action Strategies by state,federaland other stakeholders that define the measures needed to restore the health of problem watersheds, New funding proposed in the President's FY 1999 budget will be targeted to problem
  • economic development, investing in tribal S9hools, and enhancing the well-being of families. At last year's first-ever W1:lite House Conference on Economic Development in Indian Country, the President announced! several important initiatives to boost
B [2] (Item)
  • about your SuperSchool with us. We will keep Ameritech in mind as we continue to develop our policies and programs. s;;;erelY , wil'ki;. ~~~ Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy cc: Carol Rasco () i_fe· ---nC -; ~0. _~ ~W"~ ,:...1
  • disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute
  • OF THE PRESIDENT COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503 MEMORANDUM FOR DON BAER~ March 25, 1997 From: Kathleen A. McGinty Subject: Service examples in PI !adelphia for the radio address I I Philadel~hia As we discussed yesterday, the Urban
  • , letters of warning, administrative actions, criminal actions, and civil actions. Presidential Initiative On Community Development • USDA Provides Money For Economic Diversification Under The ·President's Northwest Forest Plan: On April 28, rural
  • Sirianni.' Our work· has been eririchedby sustained conunemary from m3ny, including especially Richard aattistoni, Benjamin Barber, Melissa Bass, Steven Clift, David Cohen, Mary Dietz, E.J. Dionne, 'Edwin Fogebnan. Alan Isaacmml. Juan JacksO
  • of the President's suggestion, the Domestic Policy Council's (DPC) Working Group on American Indians and Alaska Natives s~ed planning the Economic Development Conference, which was held on August 6. ' At the conference, the President directed the Department
  • Elijah Cummings Speaker Casper Taylor, Maryland House of Delegates State Senator Thomas V. Mike Miller, President, Maryland Senate Chief Judge Robert Bell, MD Court of Appeals Councilman Lawrence Bell, President, Baltimore City Council Mrs. Shirely
  • with actions heretofore or hereafter taken by the Control. Council of Germany or any central authority established by it. The initiative, must be taken by the German authorities, the duty is theirs. a. Executive Functions. .The Minister President and his
  • Microenterprise-Microenterprise Development as an Economic Adjustment Strategy [2]
  • Adjustment Strategy 115 The economic context within which West Company has always worked continues to be a challenge. West must work together with other economic development actors to bring environmentally sustainable businesses into the county . Finally
  • :54P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, Senator Glenn, Senator DeWine, distinguished members of our administration involved in science and technology and research and development; to our honorees, their friends and other
  • in mathematics, reading and writing using achievement levels developed by the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB), and 3) . the degree of NAEP alignment with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards, the advisability
Labor Issues (Item)
  • that a veto likely would not be sustainable. Accordingly, the only viable option is option 2~ which would involve the Vice President IS saying that the Administration believes flex time legislation should be linked to family leave expansion
  • teachers for problems that start outside school walls. "It takes a community effort," said union president Thomas Reece. "If you don't have a safe place to go after school and nobody to go to for security other than gangs, education reform isn't going
  • Schools, Eisenhower Professional Development, Charter Schools, 21st Century Learning Centers, and educational research, statistics, and assessment. We urge the Committee to fully fund these activities at the levels requested in the President's FY 1998
  • Domestic Policy Council - Documentary Annex II [3]
  • energy assistance programs, • President Ointon has Slated that to restore our cities and encourage rural economic development, we must create a partnership at aU Jevels, committed to excellence and community service. The federal government must get
  • . Representatives from six states will meet to discuss food stamp payment accuracy strategies. ACTING SECRETARY'S SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK Today, I am participated in the annual meeting of the President's Council on Sustainable Development in Chattanooga, Tennessee
  • is responsible for developing and implementing secure and efficient methods to manage rhe federal government's cash flows. Note: The information in this release is a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure, as defined in the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure
  • Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: Health Care Meeting: Long Tenn Care Alan Solomont 25 Jan. 19953:00 - 4:00 pm 20 I0-0 198-S ry821 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)] Freedom
  • ••• ' .' ',' w;5 '. '. '., '~:~~: the President (or lntergo;emmental Affairs .'.' ~ ,. ..: ~l)1JL'. As~istanno th~ Presiden(~()r Do,!,estic Policy ALIO ~ .( 1\ ~ John Emerson . . .'. . . • . . ' :.~~~ . ) ' , ,~ '. DeputY, Assistantfor'int~r,govern~ent~:,~ff
  • negatively impacts the State of Arkansas. Furthermore, I tielieve it may be indicativ~ of a prejudice against rural states and a faulty policy of how these grants 'are funded. On September 1, 1990, Crowley's Ridge Development Council (CRDC) was awarded
  • on September 17 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. At this meeting, we will discuss the development of a decision memorandum to the President that wiil propose an annu'al report on the condition of children. The meeting will be held in my conference room, Room 415F
  • , peer group and consulting, strategic alliances; and development of suppliers and new sales channels. President Clinton's New Market's Initiative includes the expansion of BusinessLINC. TODAY, THE PRESIDENT ~ND VICE PRESIDENT ARE ANNOUNCING A NEW
  • Ambassador Madeleine Albright announced seven commitments to advance the lives of women and girls by the US government in a wide range of areas. At the June 2000 meeting, as chair of the President's interagency Council on Women, now-Secretary of State
  • with representatives of The President's Council: on Sustainable Development to ,discuss including The' Bioplex in the 1995-1996 program. : 4) Advise of other programs' which could advance project development, and arrange introduction for Jack McNulty and Derrill
  • organ.iurlom. ror their eJ~nist', and we contl'2Cfcti wirh the Washington BU$iness Group on+lealth 10 learn the best practlca of large employm with expencnce in ofkring (hest' benefits.. We ah.a develop«! the President', Ex«ucive Orner 1;124 ofJune 4. 1999
  • democracy i s now being challenged or threatened, and the whole challenge o f sustainable development as i t r e l a t e s t o trade w i t h the United States occupied us and I t h i n k gave us an agenda t h a t the President said would make the — would
  • . source of:fwpe and still make money" in. the fre,e enterprise system/' (September 2 3, 1994) / ·Actions to Date Du;ing the 1992 ca~pa.igil, President Clirit~n 'p~omised. to create. a n~tional . netWork of community development b'anks to provide· access
  • '. LOpez President' Vice President Erik Paulino · Director of Development Robert Rodriguez · Director of Finance Doris Peria Sonia Torres Senior Bookkeeper ·Assistant Bookkeeper· . Yvette Martinez Events Coordinator Jose .Linares Immigration
  • Declassified Documents concerning National Security Council (NSC)
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains the Summary of Conclusions for the Principals and Deputies Committee (PC/DC) meetings of the National Security Council (NSC). The topics covered include Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Iraq from 1994 thru
  • COUNCIL WASHINGTON. D.C. 20506 Summary of Conclusions of Meeting of the NSC Deputies Committee DATE: May 10, 1994 LOCATION: Situation Room TIME: 5:30 - 6:30pm SUBJECT: Summary oj Conclusions of Deputies Committee Meeting on Haiti fi) PARTICIPANTS
  • be sustained over time by a set of campus-~ide values that become embedded in the institution's culture. Tile Issues The following comments, intended to present a variety of viev
  • 002. paper re: draft DPC weekly on Lieberman (2 pages) n.d. P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Andrew Rotherham (Education) ONBox Number: 21294 FOLDER TITLE: Lieberman's Education Bill 2011-0103-S rc645
  • DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] Retreat (McLarty) 4/30/94
  • Leadership Coundl Retreat New Orleans, Louisiana Saturday, April 30, 1994 It is great to be back in this wonderful town with so many old friends. I am glad to see that for all the fame and glory the DLC bas enjoyed for electing a President and transforming
  • ) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6
  • in this task, and he is announcing these specifi~. eleme::o.ts of his Millennium Initiative: • A new , purchase and deliver existing vaccines in poor , countri-es. As Vice President Gore tOld the U. N. Security Council. the Adrnini
  • recommendations to the President and the Congress on (..'Oordination of overall policy and development of objectlve~ and priorities for all Federal juvenile delinquency programs and activiti,~s. Members of the Coordinating Council 1Ire listed above. The nine
  • Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Prevention, Convening, Etc.
  • ----has written a lot on this topic and was part of Carnegie effort) Very well known. tl!'oundation x Ruby Takanishi (Asian) President, F oun.dation for Child Development ·(was staff head of Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development) x Doug Nelson
  • management. More than 1.5 million people helped to shape the outcome of the roadless More than 1.5 million from all 50 states participated in the public process that guided development of the roadlcss rule. • • . Over 7 congressional hearings
  • the National Cancer Institute to speed development of national clinical trials systems. And he has urged Congress to pass his proposal to cover the cost of those trials for Medicare beneficiaries who need them most. This is the kind of comprehensive, sustained
  • for sustainable economic development. 8 I PROMISE STATUS LATEST POLICY/RESULT ECONOMY AND JOBS: Raise the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation. PROPOSED President Clinton has proposed raising the minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.15 in two equal steps
  • Directorate works closely with certain nonprofit groups that embrace the concepts of«'disaster resistance." "sustainability," and "livability." Over the past four years, FEMA has developed agreements with the American Society of Floodplain Managers
  • and ,South next week. ' Mike will travel to Seattle to make a presentation to ,the American Indian Trade and" Development Council Conference on Economic Development. He will be discus"sing Administration Native,American policy initiatives. Mike will meet
  • ,; Bosnia; Taiwan Straits. • Developing a Smart, Sensible National Missile Defense Program. President Clinton is taking the right steps to defend America with a strong, realistic National Missile Defense program. To defend against existing threats-- short
  • new regulations th(:lt improve the . safety of fruit and vegetable juices~ and created a President's Council on Food Safety to develop a safety strategic plan for federal agencies. comprehensive food , Environmt!tlft Cleanest Environment in a Quarter
  • Swartz: President, Swartz and Associates - Chair : Eric Schwartz: Director? Human Rights, Refugees and Humani­ , tanan Affairs, NationaJ Secunty Council . l : Donsia Strong: Senior Policy Analyst Dgwegjc RoJje)' C9''PGiI • 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Rock Creek
  • Voter": President's Veto Sustained .......................................... pg 21 ADA Summit Conference ... ;................................................................... pg 21 Final Voc Ed Regs Cause Concern
  • every 4th grader in reading and every 8th grader inmath to make sure these standards are met. President Clinton, State of the Union Address, February 4, 1997 STRONG SCHOOLS WITH CLEAR STANDARDS OF ACHIEVEMENT AND, DISCIPLINE ARE ESSENTIAL TO OUR
  • And Resources Coordinating Council on Juve~ile Justice and Delinqu~ncy Prevention recommendation , 'to develop a Management Information System on Federal· 'youth violence reduction ' . , ·activities. ' Educationl-goO-USALEARN, on-line information, and Web page
  • Carolyn Gatz - Office of Policy Development - Collection Finding Aid
  • This collection contains the files of Carolyn Gatz, who worked in the Office of Policy Development in 1993. The Office of Policy Development was responsible for advising and assisting the President in the formulation, coordination
  • policy. In January, 1993, President Clinton created the National Economic Council, carved out of the Office of Policy Development. In August 1993, he completed the split by creating the Domestic Policy Council. After the split, Carolyn Gatz went on to act
  • Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 7262 FOLDER TITLE: Tribal Leaders Mtg. 4-29-94 [2] rwl78 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act· [5 U.s.C. 552(b
  • Dept. of Commerce - Minority Development Business Agency [6]
  • , at the Washington Convention Center. I met with you on September 7, to discuss Urban Policies. • Business Development Specialist Janice Dessaso met with the' President of the National Minority 'Supplier Development Council to discuss the development of a public
  • Organization's 35 Years Of Service To Small Business 1998 98-109 12116198 98-108 12114198 Vice President Gore Announces New Public/Private Pannership to Encourage Entrepreneurial Gro\\'th and Economic Development in Our Inn~r Cities SBA Boosts Efforts
  • Foundation; Justin Timberlake of the band N'Sync; Peter Hart, Founder, Peter Hart Research Associates; and Dorothy Johnson, President Council of Michigan Foundations. The second panel, "New Philanthropy in the New Millennium" will feature three panelists who
  • with representatives of Roussel to discuss··: issues. In March 1993, Secretary Shalala wrote to the president of Hoechst urging him to eliminate all corpo~ate barriers to introduction of RU 486 in the United .States. ' Roussel Uclaf identified the· Population Council
  • Interagency Action Team organized under the guidance of the National Performance Review to partner with Oregon to further develop the Oregon Option. o Representatives from Domestic Policy Council, Office of Management and Budget, and seven agencies
  • .] The question on all these issues: do they clutter or help? Should the President's time commitment and public attachment be limited (i.e. signing the crime bill) or developed into a fullscale initiative? The problem: The problem is pretty simple: neither
Economic (Item)
  • . TREASURY--Bosnia Troops Tax Relief: The House Ways and Means Committee will likely mark up legislation this week that provides tax relief for armed forces personnel in Bosnia. The Administration supports legislation that would grant the President authority
  • Foreign Policy - Domestic Developments
  • Case Number: 2006-0460-F. FOIA ·MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an · administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. ' ' . I Folder Title: Foreign Policy- Domestic Developments Staff Office-Individual
[10/22/1997] (Item)
  • =WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Booklets outlining the President's Climate Change proposal can be picked up either in the Staff Secretary's office or the NEe (2FL/WW). Page 8 of8 ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1
  • the coordinated development,' review, and approyal of legislative'proposal'sneeded' to, carry , , out the President's leg1islative program. ,• Help 'agencies develop draft bills that are , consistent with and that carry out ",t.qe presi~ent 's policy
  • , wife ufChlneac/Amcrlcan human rights activilt lbrry Wu~ Anlta Grad in DU Commls.~oner for Juatico and Homo A.Cl'airs; Ilclga Konrad, Austrian Minister tbr Women's Affairs; Cyla Wleaenthalt wife of Simon Wlesenthal; Zdenka Oa&t. President and CliO
  • tt MARION M. DAWSON President Dearfield Associates, Inc. Greenwich, CT THERESA BARTON Professor of Social Sciences United States Military Academy West Point, NY t* JOSEPH S. NYE, JR. Chair National Intelligence Council Central Intelligence Agency
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((aX6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified information ((bXI) of the FOIA) b(2) Release would
New Markets (Item)
  • and Community Renewal initiative. This announcement is the outcome of the commitment President Clinton and Speaker Hastert made in Chicago last Nov. to develop a bipartisan legislative initiative on New Markets and revitalizing impoverished communities this year
  • on the measures lies within the control of providers and that adequate risk adjustment occurs. NATIONAL QUALITY ADVISORY COUNCIL An advisory council under the National Health Board, appointed by the President consists of 15 members including representatives
  • Ramirez, President, 2000 Partnership, Los Angeles Private Sector Tom Tauke, Executive Vice President, Government Mfairs, NYNEX Association Leaders · Mark Abramson, President, Council for Excellence in Government John Parr, President, National Civic League
  • grade reading and 8th grade math to make sure our children master the basics. Every 4th grader should be able to read; every 8th grader should know basic math and algebra. To help make sure they do, the President is pledging the development of national
  • President's Interagency Council on Women Meeting June 13, 1996
  • E X E C UT I V E OFF ICE o F T, H E PRE S ',I DEN T 12-Jun-1996 04:21pm TO: Jill Pizzuto' FROM: Deborah L. Fine Domestic Policy Council CC: Elizabe~h SUBJECT: President's Interagency Council on Women E. Drye BACKGROUND
  • Lewis Sylvia Mathews Doris Matsui Andrew Mayock Cheryl Mills Minyon Moore Janet Murgia Bob Nash John Podesta Bruce Reed Richard Socarides Doug Sosnick Tracey Thornton Melanne Verveer Ann Walker Rob Weiner March 25, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT
  • ? ~~· • • • • ' :. . ) • . ·.• . :. :'It . • . . . '• . . . . . • ·. •• • .... ' .. :.·: · ....:: .. · ··. ·: ·· ·. conducted in I..os Angeles lind two ·hCpatitia Avaccn;e atudie8 we canducted in.North aJid soilih~: Dakota. :·. ,· There are six institutionalteview boards (lRBs) that review reaearc:h protocols tlui.tire develop iri the vm:ious components of CDC
  • THE PRESIDENT HAS m.N tf-N-n SPECIAL ANALYStS • f The Payoff to Investing in Young Children I . Experiences from concep~ion through the first three years ofHre affect early brain­ , building. activity, educatioilal attainment, learning
  • . " . PROFESSIONAL EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, Office of Management and Budget, EXPERIENCE Washington, DC. January 1990 - present. Policy Analyst: Analyze regulations and supporting economic analyses developed by the Environ­ mental Protection Agency
  • ~ing to nego£iate creation of an Arctic Council (a government forum of eight Arctic countries to strengthen circumpolar initiatives, contribute to international cooperation, sustain development, and coordinate policy on critical issues). In parallel
  • government model employer. This action will enable the federal government to benefit from a broader pool ofjob:applicants and help sustain the nation?s record economic growth by bringing more people with disabilities into the work force. The President
  • TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS TALKING POINTS FOR REMARKS ON AFRICA COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS WASHINGTON, D.C. APRIL 13, 1998 INTRODUCTION: • Most remarkable fact of all- before POTUS trip, no American President had ever undertaken comprehensive
  • Baldridge Awards 2/4/99 - Baldridge - Policy and Economic Report of the President
  • can meet all of these challenges successfully, if we clearly understand the new developments in our world. Most importantly, we should understand that in the past year, the balance of risks in our global economy has changed. Sustainable growth is now
  • would like us to take. Note: The Vice President will be speaking on June 20 on sustainable development, concentrating on Brownfields. Secretary Slater will be speaking on June 21 on the way in which ISTEA impacts welfare to work. Secretary Herman
  • Tom Amontree said, "We will not be pushed into a hasty decision." Robertson, appointed in 1987 by .the Re~gon administration, had been rumored to be on t:he way out since President Clinton took offic·e. have accused the Forest Service of permitting
  • in welfare-related policies (contractors for JOBS, JTPA, ~tc.). , , National Alliance for Business Corporation for Enterprise Development National Private Industry Council These groups have had a voicein'the ,process thus far and we should continue
  • since he has been president and refused to take responsibility for any problem which has developed here at home since he became president. (Applause.) I agree with him about one thing. The choice in"this election is clear. For 20 years, going across
  • , communities, and other institutions-the 1 • Pe,~~'~ylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, the Pen~sylyania School Study Council, and the Pe;~6'~ylvania State University announce the 1998 Pe:rI~sYlvania Workforce Development Summit: A w~ikii1g Conference
  • A. Housing Privatization .................................................. 21 B. Child Development Centers .......................................... 22 C. Compensating Military Personnel for Housing Costs .......... 24 Civil Military Initiatives
  • .,. The President accepts the January 29, 1996 invitation from the C~uncil of Jewish Federations to meeting wjl~ the Council in Washington on March 7 ON THE CONDITION that the Council express n' willingness before the event to be responsive to a call
  • New Ideas - DPC [Domestic Policy Council] FY01 [2]
  • if they don't. Clean Energy Abroad - A $250 million program, based on the recommendations of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, to promote clean energy technologies in developing countries through research, development, and export
  • ·James Gagnon to Eric Schwartz re: Proposed' Outline for ASEAN Breakfast (1 page) 11/12/1997 RESTRICTION P1/b(1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records · National Security Council Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OA!Box Number: 3389 FOLDER TITLE
[04/07/1997] (Item)
  • COMMISSION Question: What will this commission hope to accomplish? Answer: The President is calling on the commission to develop a "consumer bill of rights." He wants it to particularly focus on consumer appeals and grievance rights. He has also asked
  • , the Secretary of State, and the National Security Adviser- I have ordered a strong, sustained series of air strikes against Iraq. They are designed to degrade Saddam's capacity to develop and deliver weapons of mass destruction and to degrade his ability
  • , Law & Development and the Women's Human Rights Award 1996 Recipients Asma M. Abdel Halim Researcher Khartoum, Sudan (Currently in US) Nancy Duff Campbell Co-President, National Womens Law Center Washington, DC 5454 Wisconsin Avenue, Chevy Chase
  • to the President Cecelia Rouse Special Assistant to the President. FROM: KentMcGuir~ Assistant Secretary for Educational Research and Improvement SUBJECT: Education Research At the close oflast week's meeting, I promised to send you infonnation
  • for Excellence in Government Center for : National Policy, Overseas Development Council, International Management and Development Institute (Jerusalem), American Jewish Committee, and the UJA Federation of Greater Washington, and was chairman of the Feinberg