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1189 results

Cloning - G8 (Item)
  • Cloning - G8
  • Declassified Documents Concerning the G8 Summit, May 1998
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on President Clinton's attendance at the G8 Summit in May 1998 in the United Kingdom. Materials include a paper entitled "Economic Crisis Affecting Asian Political Environment.
  • Education-G-8 Meeting
  • G-8 Summit 1999 [1]
  • G-8 Summit 1999 [2]
  • G-8 Summit 1999 [3]
  • G-8 Summit 1999 [4]
G-8 Proposal (Item)
  • G-8 Proposal
  • :~vtrnEC01YIPL£n: TRANSi\USSION.PLEAS£ CALL (202)'401·0430 .' . /' , .. '" . /V N .{ , , ' . ~ MAR.28'2000 15:34 202 401 2508 ED/INTERNATIONAL #1353 P. 002/006 EducationlIiI.vestmg in. Human Capital 'Briefing for April 5·6 G·8 Sherpa MI~ctiog
  • economic i s s u e s / g l o b a l i z a t i o n immediately b e f o r e t h e Cologne G-8 summit, which o f f e r s a t i m e l y and t o p i c a l hook f o r h i s U n i v e r s i t y o f Chicago remarks. We t h i n k i t would be e s p e c i a l l y u s
  • Declassified Documents Concerning the G-8 Summit, June 19-22, 1997
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains the President's briefing book for his trip to the G-8 Summit in Denver, Colorado on June 19-22, 1997. Materials include memoranda, background papers, schedules, and talking points.
  • Declassified Documents Concerning the G-8 Summit, June 18-20, 1999
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains the President's briefing book for his trip to the G-8 Summit in Colonge, Germany on June 18-20, 1999. Materials include memoranda, background papers, and talking points.
  • at the Lincoln Center in NY. Cabinet Daily Activities, June 16-20 page-l USTR Event: Ambassador Barshefsky will attend the G-8 meeting in Denver. SBA Remarks: Administrator Alvarez will address the National Federation of Independent Business. FEMA Remarks
  • ') ---%; ~ I_ ,.-//) ~ 6
  • G8 Communique Conference
  • currently being undertaken and 11 planned by G-8 countries and others. The G8 are committed to increased 12 resources for these purposes, and we encourage all other interested countries to 13 join us. 14 28. We recognize the continuing need
  • of the Prime Minister of Japan to meet in Okinawa (Kyushu) on 21-23 July next year. 6/20/99 Press release 20.06.99 G 8 - S t a t e m e n t on Regional I s s u e s Kosovo We welcome the decisive steps already taken and now
  • G-8 Proposal
  • ? -.. 16 February, 1999 - .' Revised outline of G-8 Education Proposal. General approach:. The human capital theme at Cologne should be explicitly linked to the summit's central focus on building a new financialarchitecture for the 21 stcentury
  • concerning meetings amongst themselves and various counter-parts. The emails also includes brief mentions of welfare reform, livability, education policy and initiatives, and the G8 and NATO summits.
  • -18-00 12:58AM; Page 1 Facsimile Cover Sheet White House Advance Office Kyushu-Okinawa G-8 Summit Trip Code 34 To: PAVLFrom: ~yOC_ ]3lMl
  • :"•. 8U1B~.tbJlt"ib.'.~iGD.I".t.I',e4'tb ~u.~'O~l.: JWI~_i 1. , t ~4 "ijj'tato:" , . 1 8 1 ' 9 :OfItO..~AUtOiio·~cm,'3as9 lOon ..: .i~~~Ja"'\b:_. III,,' "', ' , . ", , . G8 345692 "(?£:~~~;L . ;,;, ·.1 .1I ! i 1 1 345693 . ~. / {; aO
  • presidency of the EU-15 and the G.:8. UK epitomizes the virtues of the Euro-Atlantic Community -membership and active participation in European security and beyond in the EU, NATO, G8, OSCE, WEU and the UN Security Council, open economy, open society
  • ) *For usage_. see thefyricoflocalsumnlitsong 1.0. Chura jima, Uchina CBoautiful i~-;land of' OkinawA) · 11. Washita shima1 Uchina (Our island, Okinawa) *For usage, see tlw lyric of local sllmmit song Local Slogans for l.he G8 Summit: 12. Seka.i no me
  • -OKINAWA RELATIONSHIP Challenges for President Clinton in Okinawa by Charles E. Morrison and Butch V. DelaCruz July 2000 EAST-WEST CENTER Building an Asia Pacific Community 1 'i \ THE TRIP'S DIPLOMATIC SIGNIFICANCE This year's Group of Eight (G-8
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains the briefing books for President Clinton's trips to Germany for bilateral meetings with Chancellor Helmut Kohl and to England for the G-8 and U.S.-EU Summits, May 12-18, 1998. Included are memoranda
  • be willing to consider an executive position with another country. But I'm really hoping to remain ~ithin the G-8. a Now, I've been getting a lot of tips on writing resume. Mostly from my staff inembers. [proudly:] You know, they really seemto be up
  • Thurman. I ! ~ , I ! Summary or an H7 v.ccine development propo••J for the May 1998 G-8 ",eetlng, , , Birmingham, United Kingdom . I" . "Preventing the transmission ofHflI info-crion and the development ofAIDS is an ~I"gent global public
  • Legislation Developing Countries Digital Economy Working Group Digital Signatures Domain Names [1] Domain Names [2] Domain Names- Gordon Cook General Cables [1] General Cables [2] Germany G-7 G-8 HRC- Harvard Speech [June 4, 1998] IT Workforce Intellectual
  • will work with Susan Rice to determine other participants. G-8 briefing: Dan Tarullo will brief them on the G-8, especially concerning Africa issues that may arise. Caribbean Summit follow up: Danvers will determine who their point of contact
  • This collection consists of records that relate to the Export-Import Bank and their involvement in the HIV/AIDS program for Africa. The records relate to the 2000 G-8 Summit in Okinawa and the Clinton Administration’s efforts to obtain funding
  • for pharmaceuticals. Records opened in this collection relate to the 2000 G-8 summit in Okinawa and the Clinton administrations’ efforts to obtain funding for the African debt relief, specifically the Cologne Initiative and the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC
  • pilot program to improve student enrollment, attendance, and performance in poor countries. 2) Endorsement by the G-8 of key interna,tional "Education for All" goals, including the principle that no country with a strong national action plan to achieve
Haiti (Item)
  • \--~~~::~;::~ ·>:.: -~ - ~- ~:~;. .··. ·..-:_-~. . ;~-_. _-, .·:~·- :·_·.: ·. -· :_ ~: >·._·:_ ·: ~ .· .·· ··. · ·~?:::.- .-~ ... ::·u :-~·.-:, Delpodrat~·. f~omr,1~~icflig:aA :l,says·c:::inv~sion~; ·i;s{: moral:l¥. i:wJ::png ~ ;\;q~ot:·.:}r· ., . ::-:·\~ .:..';.. ·:·::::-;' ,, ..:. .> ' .. :··, .. -. .·•. :. ·_\: :· . :-.::',_~~:·1:;,;.i;~t.:.:-a~~l,ei;.'·'.st_;,G8,#.:a:hy
  • the IFis and the G8, the US has been a leader in ling for higher environm.ental standards. At the IFis, we have pressed World Bank to maintain global . env1ronment objectives as part of its corporate strategy. You will recall the mention of clean energy
Drugs (Item)
  • _ The overall U.S. goal concerning international counternarcotics cooperation and the United ·Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs {UNGASS) is to send a strong message that the G8 will continue a vigorous fight against international production
  • . they hav(i .11 fair opportunity to use their ~killQ in hiqh-w~g8.'high-~kill johe. We oannot expect ".:,. , -O~-1996 . " 19: 58. TO: 27,2 '. FROM: SCHROEDER,' . '. S. WARNATH t. P.4/5· \" worki.nq fllmi, ,pri t.o improve tludr ooonomio otat.UG
  • .1t~s6n6i.' ' :, .: . ' 1 i A magyarorszt&qi zai~blS6.9nak a g8.zda,sigi61etben bat8'lt8tt val~s'90S szerep6t ; 'n6hAny sz6.r'.z' statisztikai : adat .:n;,ll' 'i":;":I," :; diJ' ,.:,!.'; ;~., ~1~T~ ;~, ~.;~;:: ,...~~,.~ : ,: :'il
  • Schools] [1] 015 015 015 015 015 015 015 016 016 016 016 [Education - Year Round Schools] [2] Alcohol Advertising from the Internet AmeriCorps Committee on Human Resources 1997 Annual Meeting Conf. of Mayors Crime Boston Directory [1] Directory [2] G8
  • ~ ~.;'2 '~c:\ ~ \'-1. securities . Shares. issued by Reporter :::~, \ I. :;-T1 es_ 1n~te.eats1n an ! .... \.. ~:{~;, g 1 .~ g "". 8 \' lli ,',I a: .. 5.996 "P.nnJerty incl....'llded inprop~tyreported inr:ReportWoe 08857 ..' (see above
  • ... "' ~ t- >0 ~ -~ 0\ -~-·a-. .... ,.... (J'I (S) ['- Q ... ...~- ...g: .... ~ ~ ....8:: ~ ~ [;) ... ... 0\ .... -0\ 0\ 0 ,.... ~ ~ ... g:: ~ 0\ 0'1 oD II\ :1) ~ !;j ~ 0\ 0\ 0\ ........ .... Peroorrt of ol birth~ 1IJ11t
  • and of the relevant international lending agencies and would from that base be able to urge the regional recipients to cooperate as well. G8~lFIBElf'fI1tL ".A:?' ~ ..-.~~ ..... . , ", ~lN~N~~~T~'4lt;. ~ . CONFIBElU'fI1lL ~L . The Board should not. have
  • ..Share .C.t the .. . ' . . ~. .. .. ... ..,::1 I' .-- ,Il;·n. '"'''¥''C'':''''' . ,'" . ~'I':~' I" l t.. . . . u. .' monetary g"1~;~~~~t81e~~~:,G8~~Ji'}fie loot ed couatr1ea the··~;.~~.I!.'.T~ie~.·~!:·:;s\b.'f.aS81~~iiri~~I:th.:.e." . .. . , II
  • me provide you with some l;>ackground on what is happening at the intern~tionallevel. Last year, President Clinton and the leaders of the G-8 countries during their annual Summit meeting held a · discussion and 'issued acom.niunique on food safety
  • at the 1996 G-S Moscow Nuclear Safety and Securi~y Scmmit. We rea.!fiL"m Otl1. intentions to continue to "Work closely with other countries, in partioular other G~8 leaders, who have provided strong support over past years for init.iation ami ill".plcmentation
  • embryos. NBAC's cloning report is to be released Saturday, though the Washington Post reported on a leaked draft today. Jack!Elena also recommend that the U.S. support a modified version of a French proposal for a cloning paragraph in the G-8 communique
Environment (Item)
  • /compliance. *To achieve prior two goals, must use leader-level diplomatic opportunities·including Santiago Summit, Birmingham Summit, POTUS Africa trip, other POTUS foreign travel, VP foreign travel and VP Binational Commissions. 3 *At Birmingham, gain G-8
  • Chattanooga, TN 615-265-3420 615-756-6141 Mayhem in the AM Jeff Styles/Bill Lockhart LIVE talk show interview. KCMO , ~ Kansas City ",> 816-~-5555 G 8"f6~576-768T") "lfrearock'sarurCo., ,~ (le ? , CPaul Fredrocks, Wendy Garr]IDlohn Hart, Richard Mock
  • . This week in Washington and next week at the G-8 and US-EU Summits in Europe, we will take more steps toward building a better world- deepening the partnership between the United States and Italy ... equipping all our people to succeed in the global economy
  • objectives. Mobilizing other donors. The Administration should raise the AIDS profile among the G-8 nations, and consider recommending their engagement in an AIDS debt swap program. While the French have pushed for a "therapeutic solidarity fund," mobilizing
  • :52.277.;:~ 34.;" 1::;'6.­ --------.---.--~-----~I.-:~L-:--l,175,85,()~- 6,692,C13.- 12,690,800.­ :G8,':1:GS.- ~)68L[)lO~- ----------- --- -------- --,---------- -----------810,000.-; :::,4:86,()(,().~L'ota1 ad V~\n ce payulent s • i. N.umber of None
  • Insuranoe Co. Lt4~ ) 1\ ;00.-­ 1.000.­ ~ ~ ~~ I"PannOnia ll Bu:ngr:1'ia.n Re-insurance Co. Ltd., ' 'i2 :Hationa.l I ':; ~. ~I , ,!< iii g 8; g:: ~ 1'l.9~4.- General Insurance 00., . 80...... 1.38 1.000.­ \ ~ Y ______ Lei
  • . bltlUtm. $t,I/lIel, Oel/hfa, OS x. 82 om, 0.. 11~l'l , t~ SA~ . «»;t, ~ ~. If\l1!r.~Ns , o.l1!4-.vaIJ ;G,8 J: 90 om, no 11(11'. 101 t ' 1.7.' S~INQa, ~.N'eDN: Spnder­ %"1t.1; ~n ~ ait ;,ft, Gel! JiDttm.D4OS' ArVlNCliE.Il
  • .' '~"' ~:~~,. . :J
  • employed as a deSigner in the office of Lite andF ortue _Iannes. He alsC) has a80n who resides in Chile J S.A. ~t of . . I .BlWNSC~G· 8 books are kept by' J. AARON FUCHS In Room 4409 and 4408. is 'belleyed thatllr. FUCH's office .is; connected
  • . !)lese vould be shipped ~ver ' via. South Amerlca. PaJ1ll8!lt8f~1' Svlel it... vere h8Ddl.a, th~oughC'red1i Suia.e ot Bev l:ork .Cli7 tOl" tr8B 8I1ileioa to atm.evafor the &ceOUJlt ot .LAKBIRCID or for a. Swies cOIlp&ay known' al . G.8
  • '": ~ . ''S.t;jrl~ l?li:~.t!ilt~I~'%~i~;19~. ~pring ont- Flan~E.lirhl2~ !1.9!U1·: ..,lSt~,q~;11"~~t~· .. ; .. 'WOOi(}i.~,'I!l~'t~., m,.,x .~$.::,~jt~~;vt~....JiQJ..I.i wi.t.1.4 ;f:,·.• :rt1m~ &. g~8~ (t',.~v. . . tlli~ltJ D.~'t~~:'·, '. .' '. om',11 . :b.m
  • downwind of 3-5 urban areas to increase exposure information that can be correlated with asthma surveillance data. 2 I $1.5 M included for Regional implementation plus $.5 M for G 8 Implementation requested by the Office of International Activities. 2
  • MINISTER OF PAKISTAN ADDRESSED TO G-8 LEADERS. Excellency, The G-8 countries, individually and collectively, must play a positive role for helping resolve the crisis and averting conflict and bringing about a de-escalation in tensions between India
  • .,'aiid l'eterre4 ;,.th~·~~O(;iimJ;ate:r:'G8 to .the .1'>oltt.'l~.:l De~;t_li1i:;::it
April 1996HSA (Item)
  • . \ A == Fram &epatate JOT revenue estimate. \ \ I . i . ' Un_sa atherw/sa IndICated, the amounts pl'O'tided have. bien \ntlmated by sraff using the a",dele Information and is subject ta ""g8. !.. . " , . , THE WHITE HO.U5E WASH I NGTOiN April 3
  • ... UnillM ........ or• Wortct .,.. , 1'lle •.. ........,., • w.r .,.._ PMp~e . G8 ...... . , ~ ......... o.nltlty The proceeding 1aldng place It ground leYel wiH be dilcribed by another vam•s child (tpMklng from the podium) . ' ·.. Chief of Army
  • , 1/22/97 Events-POTUS Speech to NGA Education Summit, 3/27/96 [1-2] Box 91 Failing Schools FY 2000 General (Education) [1-2] Goals 2000 G-8 Proposal Higher Education Act Hispanic Education Home Schooling HOPE Scholarships [Hope and Opportunity
  • ' ',,,!'~" ': \.;' " ,:'. ',' '" "OJ,. ,., " a.Seite ,/ . '~~.-
  • " . . , ! : . after the. Conterenc'e. '. ,;: ""~ ,,('. ' '\ ,\ ~ . ~. I .' Allied Contralin G8~9Y. I '~uadripartite ~uthor~ties inGe~ny, MoscOW', nor the Mo~tary the Restitution ot 8n~ jur~Sdiction .had ""er Gold,' though the ,Qtiadpiperti te body
  • ~. . E:or"' Bicztcr. '""'0 / U:; . / . 81." • 27.32. 1';/0./ I'\ )';;' 2 ~ li, J :dr, J c.h£'J~n zst~ l1c ir rich: ':' 1' . .-.':' '" . . .. _" 1· 2. ~'~. , .. Ii ~' G,~8 r', CJ1: U :::~ ; •, (--I 'J -' ' ." , ' 0(' . i -'al.l: KJ
  • .) .'1 - .Dre1 bstktmlllplna_n mit Kenen, Qel/Lw4, x 89. o. ~fJn (1h1eok­ se1te 04) . .'. ; 796 •. A~Z: w~r. 18114"oape' 8114 wS.,4mll) ;.oU/oan.vns, .' G8 x 1.04, no 'tre. .
  • ":' , },,,:,,,::.:.:\'~:::,:>.,;' .' ," 0" ,l.!.;,·.',':,·.: •. ... ' l .::. ";'''>:'''': , : ':}iHt '·L-~--~~~""""~~~~·f'.·. IIp'&g,8' . , '.," . , '. "':'" . " .. ': . S,p.b~hd,.c&rpet; ~75x39'5 from Buxh·elm. Se.,t\'bov·s· . .'. ~.".; , ": " .. ; Pez.slf1.n c
  • ·'6)are heid~ tor restitution to .lll1ed countries, 20 'are P1"OPft"yot US o:lt1MnlJ(La' 'S9) and 47 belieV1lld. probabJ.., 1"G8't;ltu_bl.e are still unc:1er 1Dve~gation. , ' . , ~. ~s ,and pr1Jits .: . . ·268 are identifIed. as taw 59 propen
  • · corpus de])endl'.;:nt upon tbe de"lth of Hob'3rt Eu?;c OPTlenh2il'1 -:)rior to hI s thLrtieth bh'1;hrl~ly and a180 depenclent U})011 hi. s m[;: ... rj,~g8 pr'ior to his, ,tj·1jr·ti­ 13th birthclfry :md '1i s failllre the r,": af tor t'J ;3Tll)oi.n:\;, b
  • action concerni. thEi Cha.teau'~ncien Priour8 d'Lnseremme. This mlst88u ·].lfld alreadirbeen . visited . 1 Jan 45 '. . .... .. 12.- . - 66 ­ ' 31D999 and a :paper stating ~.·G 8 ~".ot tc;, bo CCQ'i),'ji by- 8.IIY ,·.llicc1 i:li,l5.t8ry
Cloning (Item)
  • though the Washington POS! reported on • leaked draft today, lacklElena also recommend that the U,S. support a modified version ofa French proposa1 for a cloning paragraph in the G-8 communique. , ' I , NBAC ReportiLegisl.lion. NBAC concludes
  • ' , oompla1"t., lndloat. that s.rvices .".aluate 1;ht!t Stat_' 15 piovra.m a.nd " a~a not ba~nv provided, ~•.vl11 G8~rt~in p::oble:u to nelp Ste.te8 oorraot tJ'IQh the vause. for the . . bell"ve tbl.. cpproaoh will ald StAtoa in .arly'14ant1r1catlon
  • U.S. actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and, • "greening" international finance has been an important priority for the U.S. not only at the World Bank, but also at the G8, the IMF, and the WTO. a Suggested points: , • the World Bank and IMF
  • lNalUl.,.,. ..ble &.Del ...,Je too . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ca~· .'; fiD psrCn& 01 .... 10&1& 90lame .. 1111811\ . In )'IIIE'etRtap MI'J:n,. t.bJa wW n;re. .t to 1M .... or· G8 ..... tba . ~ J8IIdIIII','.secr.u1'll' nbeldS.. pal' to • n JIlII'CIlDt
M [8] (Item)
  • riatiOilal , . . '~i:;. :Two of your stDtegic goais -- #1 and #3 .- have an ~t ie1ev8nce' to the AIDS epidemic; ifbe, firstreIates ~ the motivation of youth to rejeCt ~g8., One very,important reason to ' ~void drug abuse IS to prevent contracting HIV
  • .01: tti~:~e.t~rlvo: ll'l~ltvtd'l'lQ.' i"6s14qte.of' Qn.._SDid to ·.bO'pre~~_ ~"elatma.. If' provided' 1b'hbtoma'l'OD in atali G8.·to th8· .... ot,
  • Stuart Eldon. G8 SuITV11ilCoordi1ator Th. Presideftl pnx:eedstoThifdFloor~llaisgreetedbyPTine Minisler TooyBlai". Tht Presid. nt andolher leaders pn:x;eed r.$ide Hail Foot" and meeling .."M 5:15 PM STAFF MANIFESTED FOR THE OPENING RECEPTION MUST
  • [OA/ID 10450] Cloning Contacts [OA/ID 10450] Cloning Documents [OA/ID 10450] Cloning Event [OA/ID 10450] Cloning - Final Materials [OA/ID 10450] Cloning - G8 [OA/ID 10450] Cloning Legislation [OA/ID 10450] Cloning - NBAC [National Bioethics Advisory
  • ;:",,:~.". ;.~ .:~~ i \ , \. L ! . .... - .: - , . I I !:;}'":.,::r:"4::,lj" aj>t,;)~ ~:~~'3 S':s.rt ot ,ne;;.J:'ia'tic':':;'!l,J' iS3"..lsd a :2::~J~:e~~ ~Y>"':~~~:;J .a::Yl':,n.g ot:1'3r ~:·:.:'::G8. blo:~·sd Ger:n.a.:l. :.l;)Set3. It ·;V~S '::J~ti>-:r
  • ) an analysis may indicate that smokers save the government money (by dying before their eligible for Medicare). Let me know if you want me to explore in greater depth and with more precision. h-1 X G 8 -'2?f7 ( fI '1 (J - rn.d /s rltrw;-1 ) March 11, 1997
  • States Department of Agriculture] [Binder] [5] [OA/ID 3395] International Economic Affairs Duncan, John G-8: G-7 Environmental and Biotech Issues (October 1999, Dresden Sherpa) [OA/ID 2861] 2013-0836-F 6 Clinton Presidential
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Sorbonne in Paris, France on June 17, 1999. Mrs. Clinton accompanied the President on his 1999 summer trip to Europe for the G-8 Summit, following NATO involvement in the Kosovo crisis. In her remarks, entitled “Globalization
  • • •.. .,.:;:.c,:: i~ .C:.·· ~ C ()I~ ~"'£ ~.1. art. .. l S ,,'CI.I',G 8. . ,.I.,. .;', ... " '. .' , ,..'. -, ' 21 "...rny GJ?rJ'~~pi, rlorlliment's :type' to I:::., Cs,,
  • 1946. Item B is made up ot 2 cases of fo Itlm c. 19 case of sate-keeping de oaita. is broken down as follows 1 1 big 33 , 1 ,aekage 3 bers 1 54 :2 45 8 iga ourreBoy and co1a. ~~g8. 3 begs Item D cOllsists of metal •• gold ' bars gold
  • ~, :ha;e.':·a~'r.eed·: f~loiri ::'t'he \be:gi!i±:i':L'lg' .. . . ~ lin': ...... -~;()n:punfidi;i~·;th~,.p6~',*.:tibn .df .tlie'.:I~dtaH,Sl:':~h; ~n6m,ft*q~s:iion~~/. . ... M~ller J;e 'j' W':Utiite'd"S'ta teG.:v. n'Ka),>·ll~· U~S'o,\ [3.75
  • AT THE NAlrCY. ,.•1. A, RG ;;Ma Entry _,h,-;r:~~~_ File n~~~~~ Box -,COlcmel, (;$C. ~-Q;99. __v.-two milita2'1 aD!l ol'ri11D pel".,.".;t. a4 _UV-ftw . GeDllltl clel'1eal ..,1",.... 'Ae l'8qUire4 by the Mtva of op.rati(G8 tbe> c1vl11aD p-erllClmlel 1Delu4
  • hec~vy sacrl f' these res t rlC t· ss . J in general as Swiss frf.lncs will no longer be made avai~able for Germany for the execution of their contractual Obl~g8.­ tions towards Swiss persons and entities. Yours sincerely si.::;. W.1~.Rappal'd 07/06
  • incumbent upon the proper courts and authorities of the country in which the aryanization occurred.(G8) Other reasons for rejecting claims included th.e absence of certificate numbers; when securities never left occupied country or were never
Analysis [22] (Item)
  • -of ,the"new ",' ,,', ,~~*.c.B.t:~.Th"iDct~a~~. i,4 ~~~~r~~l!ii1. 'fur, th~ 'di-iig ::b,,'~n:efit in" i~g8 'woUld ,be, '.'. ", '.;. " , -, ". ,;' t. : " ,:. '.:! • • .. ,' "II,. ," " ',' ' -"'-.' . '-.: - " , :,', "t . . fU:toB
  • !"'~''''~I''''''~"''"_I''''''''''''' .« 031iISS'n~3G .. h,.J I;" ! r .' l' . ,'p' . "~ Vi).1~g8; ,~tr~e~\se:p1a 92
  • : »> m "'"'", \ .,," '~he :~,E!n~~ 'Y'~~f.o,y :r:~g8:~4~g:i·~~·~,.,;d:i~P,~S~1 ,~t' euo~, '~i:Qil11~, :1,~" :~~~~S'8e~' in .:r· ,of, wh~eh I (I), " 12'. ' Adm1:n,:t!'lt,ratf,,:e ~Emi?!~~ '~o,. ,~3''-~, ;~~p., ~,~;::~~~:~d' 15 ~ept~ber\, ,19~', e
  • in the last several years? G5) Why do tropical cyclones occur primarily in the summer and autumn? G6) What determines. the movement of tropical cyclones? G7) Why doesn't the South Atlantic Ocean experience tropical cyclones? G8) Does an active June and July
Austria [4] (Item)
  • 160 un 187 229 ..239 248 C.MonoB outs' the wings of Cupido, peper upon wood, h.0.43. w. 0.30 . Copy of' painting by Anton van ]);fat G8.y(.e~low8 inn, oak vtOod, h. 0.26,w. 0.37 '.. Adrie.en BrQUWer . Pa~santsdano~.bef'ore an 1nn. o~nTas
9907090 (Item)
  • by the notables of international community including USA, China, Russia, Germany, UK, France and Japan and their groups like P-5, G-8 and EU made no reference to Kashmiri peoples right of self-determination nor did any of these documents accept Kashmiris
  • [OA/ID 18525] Florida Affirmative Action [OA/ID 18524] Florida Desegregation/Civil Rights [OA/ID 18524] Florida School Vouchers [OA/ID 18526] Friday Trip Delaware [OA/ID 18523] Box 9 G-8 Summit 1999 [1] [OA/ID 18522] G-8 Summit 1999 [2] [OA/ID 18522] G
Crime Rate (Item)
  • .'S'M l» 5' ~ I'D Pl" 0 D. 1J' ...... C '< ~ "" .I ~5' • Pl :::t, I),l C ' ::.-.? /0 a 1:!1 0 :>< 'C' g I'D e. 8 E! ~ 0 8..::! ..... .::! ;;! ~ s ~ 8 ::l 8 ,&;': ~. ~ g .... 8 g 3. '
  • sustainable world system going forward. To this end, have been conferring closely with Tony Blair ~ head of G7. We are jointly calling on G7 finance ministers (G8 plus 8 largest emerging market economies?) to prepare report for the Heads by the end of the year
  • and others) had come very close to reaching an agreement with the E.U. on key outstanding issues between industrialized countries. Environmental Standards for ECAs. The 2001 G-8 Summit is the deadline for development of common environmental standards for G-8
  • concern, A NATO-Russia Permanent loint Council was established in Brussels. June 19-20, 1997: The G-8 Economic Summit in Denvcr was the first in which Russia participated as an equal. Russia was admitted to the "Paris Club" of creditor nations . .July 8
  • -Media-Qay---~a ~ov_~~~-g~ of _QkJ!1C!W.9JY1£lrathon, route_d_tbr_o_l)gh___l5__cldt2_1·la •----=Media-Interest 1n Kadena's support of G-8 • --US News and World Report (magazine) visit OTHER • --E-6 sent to cover the Singapore Air Show for PACOM • --E-6
  • w'ith, GT0[!;Or STH':~~~EEt ~ Party, He Wfl.S not h. Unive:,'sity Gro.duate, but ";Vaf:i simply l.l.nerCiployee in the rcbi!VGs , ,Service, a iVeTVval'~unb8ane()::;to,l ter, or Bureau cl1ief. IF :'uly 19h.3 he obt~ined from' the G8.uleiterof,,;1 Gst
  • , I 24 here, but I like to talk briefly about the complaint I 25 filed just yesterday for a severely disabled G8-3 employee I I i I 1 I , 127 I I I i JEANETTE D. MARBLE C8R 2711186 (916) , 661-i22V5 I I 1 from the National
  • ·.S1faats : eDlii1de~"~'eii: .:·Ptqs:j;::;lmp,drtaiiit: a,etiivltie,s:. LOalt '():f~
  • ',:: ' . ::' ..:',; .. ,( " ,,'~':" , , \"'" : ':' '", .'" ·I.·\~f:~~r·,d:;:~:p;l~\():ed,::pe\:~()n~.,ar'~.:\~S~~d i:~·~,I1;c'l?SUr;~,2 ..... _ ,';t:n~:~~:n~~r~~I~~t~~~~:~~m~H«~:·(~;~~~a'tt~'~f:~g8::£~is'_ '. 'C.' (l) . Displstfe:d nat~,onais ,of, ,anY'-J:ls,t,ion:-sjtill a·t war with . " . Associ.~ted
Japan (Item)
  • ••••••• y~ no G8 ........ BDIICA'r.l 011/AfliJ c:OUe ge . 7ol:a1 ... •••••••••••.••• i e . ~
  • , Scruggs, who had earned a graduate degree in psychological counseling, incorporated the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund to raise money for a national memorial. The money would g8 I District of Columbia come from the people, a sign that ambivalence over
  • advance relations between the .fwo and our own security and economic interests at the same time. Trips to Europe for the G8 Summit, Africa and China will follow. - 7 And in between trips, we will continue to manage everything from NATO enlargement
  • writing about Ida Wells Barnett. (ql~) G8 t t ~ 5b83 Marie Wilson . Having campaigned on issues such as reproductrve choice~ child care, and economic empowerment, Marie Wilson .has served in the grass roots ranks of the WOlhen's movementJdr over 30 years
  • ,nCC=-' .= ... ==~ E~~~2u 'OCI'lQ)Q) , -~O>~ cdcd....,_Q) ..... oauu~ Q).c.c ov :;-g8.:"~ ~~~ ~~~~=. ~ 0. ov ~ bO ,S~~,,~ ~0~~"C ~~=CI'lc ~!~~~ ~8~~" uuS~~ • 'C ~~M ».c"''''' _ 0.- cd '"
  • them with civil liability protections. Conferring civil liability protections snlY on signa- , tory tobacco product manufacturers is vital to the proposed regulatory Plan to reduce youth smoking. -13- The Constitution does Mar-H-g8 17:54 w...e
  • targeted commitments to children and adolescents. 0. 03-G8-94 11:54AM FROM OASPA NEWS DIV TO 94562878 P007/009 5 Our one billion dollar Family Preservation and Support program puts money into prevention, into education, and into intensive home
  • . hereto (Annex. B)" u)on Coc{.:;letion of regulB.r !::Ollthl:- ins)G·ctio.n of e. Ins l::B ct ion rl.e l)Ort Shee V; is those iten~s rG)Oi"G8 It is) however ~ not int to i.n.s )ect list/cd. On tll~ contr;:~r:';1. J
  • .e f¥\, r~~ent~'';~V9iWd "". ne30t$.Qt~ii~' fJe~tle~ts' tilth' ·tbe 'aum~. ~rDmellt. The A\1Bt,rlaDs' tj&y.··'beeli· a~Pt~ ,to,.g8~ ,~ c~~~,.·frc;ml' . tbe· Ru1iIantSDsfo~,:'theAuS~prOpe~ ,.Men vS8
Beijing List (Item)
  • Linda Tarr-~~elan, pr~sident, Cent~r for Polity ~lter~atives dnd'co~founder, Homen'~ Economic Agcnd~ Campai~n ' . I. Lael ' ' I I • ~L~g8~l, Socl~1 Change Inte'rnDtio~nl, lnnge:tanding involvement in women IS human rights·, . women
  • .: lb.e, pt"G8~lb.dbl~U' La. '"asoa. aQ_. 'ar,:.'h " ,", :, ',' ' ' ,", ' .. ;:, " ,,' . . ,"', .', '. '" . l!I.O't~d ·'tkat.t4.o. '.: 'Bri.1li1lJit. prt04o:r'l~l.'tO. do••. l'W1 . . utU " ,', "., .... '. \iflt'_ ~ete••• '. tci
  • ,' .. : .., ;... .:;,>:"",. "'''' '. "',"i cOlltfnt.~' Prelt:J,il1:~""~'llv.,.t1~~;i9.n· wa,s ~ ,~~r~~,e
  • - 0 83 93 Oct 1 - 8 31 93 Oct 8 1 -0 93 Sep 24-26 93 Sep 13-15 93 Sep 10-12 93 A g 23-25 u 93 A g 8 1 u -0 93 Jul 1 - 1 92 93 Jul 9 1 -1 93 Jun 2 - 0 93 93 Jun 1 - 1 82 93 Jun 5 6 93 M y 21-23 a 93 M y 10-12 a 93 Apr 22-24 93 M r 29-31 a 93 M r 12-14
  • of Freedom Presentation to Sen George Mitchell 18 Israel: Rabin Center Event 19 Hold for Press Conf Afghanistan: Meeting w/ Feminist Majority Foundation Steinberg: In Germany for G-8 Sherpa Mtgs Browner: In China 20 Steinberg: In Germany for G-8 Sherpa Mtgs
  • formed a caucus of all the women permanent representatives to the United Nations. We were not a big group-- we called ourselves the G-8. But we were determined that there be a War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and because so many
  • ::...:>~ I •0 ?::-..£) '. .r.' ..:> [~?! =1 I :;""'~";"-;_._--:-:-~' ~ I .tl. A. .j § :- ~ Ul 1 : ~: ' '< \ -.i_ '. • _.'; g\ g, 8 t. ~ ~ . :,.p.,rMeJlel " .•t~ ~. 'f' __ .":""_._----' eM."143lfua· ..... .... .. ' '... " '2
Labor Unions (Item)
  • .+/- 10 MIN. ·CHICAGO LOOP . ...... ta.pS ' .. .. ..' i.'. ~ ':i .. ~ j l I . . .·t. -· ~----~-~---· ~ .. r. ........ .. . ,,...---·--·-..,. "' z!1: ..... · , ~· . 1.''• .. : . ,· . . :l . .. . / g! . 8 • o: 0 .. •• ...... (.!) I
Mainstream (Item)
  • BILUON P 3/6 P."3^6 AUG 22 '94 . 03:42PM BCBSPi O R G 8. Extend OBRA-93 Provisloiu on Part B Pnmium Collecdoni. OBRA 93 ^qbllflhed the Part B premiunrcgHections at 25% oTprogram cogta.~irhia proposaTexlendTthe collection ct these premiums. SAVltf Gs
  • DETERMINED TO BE AN ADMrNISTRATIVE MARKING lNITIAlS:~ DATE: m ~!~:~~~g ~g~ 8/ Irj.J. ( --a.. C
  • ~ ..... -------------- -------------· ....... ----------- .. -------- .. -----------lOG-80 DOOE -CO I M-~B . NSAE -en PRS-99 TRS£-.1!9 G-8£J ACDA-OB ACOE- 00 DOH -CO SRPP-M IE OE -08 · INR-89 NSCE -BO OES·S! CIAE-0C os-aa 10-1!0 O.IC-e2 P-SG c1o-ao SP-IJG T-eo /OlW USI(-O~ EPA£ -BO -------------- ----r 11482& 1718271 OCT :97
  • of HIPC proceeds depends crucially on .meeting our existing commitments to these aid programs. We will work with other G-8 .. finance and development ministries to refine this proposaL 'A conservative .estimatesuggests that ifbasic health care including
  • to take away from the G-7 political discussion concrete -- is there something concrete he wants? And is this a step toward making it the G-8? SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: I think Yeltsin wants a couple of things. Clearly, he pleased
Hatch Act (Item)
  • foreign embassies) and conduct consultations with policy makers and experts in capitals. Washington must also ensure that the proposal is supported in upcoming events, including the OECD and Quad Ministerials, the G8 meeting and the US-EU Summit. • USTR
AIDS-Vaccine (Item)
  • , including plans relative to the June G8 Summit in Denver. 141 004 05/23/97 051-2'1197 FRI 18:00 FAX 202 632 1096 WED 11: 44 FAX 202 986 1345 AIDS AltlOJl . ..". " - c .. ullcil AIDS POLICY AAC/AAF MlI.y20,1997 ._ lbe Honorable Bill Clinton
  • the goal of the new Digital Opportunity Task Force, or DOT Force, which America proposed and the G-8 has embraced. Conclusion I said earlier that our shared values _will only be realized by stepping up to our shared responsibility. Leaders- who set
  • also initiated an international financing plan and a multilateral framework f-or cooperation by the G-8 200 I Genoa Summit, In September J996, the United States, Russia, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (lAEA) created the Trilateral Initiative
  • ', and around the world, about 'something called globalization. and the dfamatic changes that it is bringing,. , Yesterday in Geneva, my husband talked about globall~ation during a speech to the,Inte11ational Uibor Organization. The' leaders of the G-8 nations
  • with the G-.8 and Russia to ferret out terrorists before they act, facilitate the capture of wanted terrorists, and improve border controls so that terrorists can no longer move freely. We have strengthened funding; personnel, and training for our law
  • :// 1 27-29, 1996 for the G-7 and G-8 economic conferences also included bilateral and trilateral meetings with various heads of state. The May 26-27, 1998 trip was to attend the signing of the NATO-Russia Founding Act. Clinton’s last trip to France
[04/16/1998] (Item)
  • ................,. ',,"' '. ' . ""'.\ ..:
  • " C G8.nac.1ian' Collie1' , (Du..n si:lulx) 811[,1'88 '" , C"ellul,io,n ColoniH.l .i·:.i1'wc.ys .J.Ylc. S11 (~'~~; S i I "?I'~' DQ[n.}.J';i,orl of CE'.~l(::cJ:'," 3~o QlH)r)GC ;', (}oJ.d Bor.:.ds J?rovj.nce JJoc.:.n :1922 , 1894· ' C
Denver Summit (Item)
  • RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Tanya E. Martin ( CN=Tanya E. Martin/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:17-FEB-1999 15:06:13.00 SUBJECT: G-8 Paper TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN
  • Blair, to raise these tough issues to the top of the global agenda. They have been a serious part of the dialogue at the most recent G-8 ·summits. Together, we are building a new development agenda for a new century. Today, I want to explore and expand
  • Republics. , designated foreign national In the pat- . (11) . Any' buslnessorgarilzation, or­ ent orpaterit· application (such as ',a g8.n1zed under the laws of. or haVing Its right to recclve royalties) shall not con- principal place of busineSs In. any
  • ha'ifG Dot 'baeD 'ftIe~ a~pt '.n ieolated oe&G8:!, unlesl IIl0tl0D· picture f:UJlUJ ~ eonsiderad doeWHenta.. !no 'OrriCG he.s , "eeW a sub8tantial UlG'U!Jt ot metion p!~Uf''' fllBa proriwsli o.m0d b,J GermaDJ' C1" :~rmrm natioulso In moat inl!JtaDces
  • :pa.yment.· ~~::loon': a.8~~, .' pract.ica\)].e?·-t.b.;fea:~e~,. ~.~:ver6 ••~. ,,~,.wUl :neeQ·,·~~:'g8.~e' ~':~~~~;:~ ..... . adequate' cash' in band 'on"'tne PrOjeot to we re1'1.ihds": to' those . '.' . l ibraries' .o~tiiiie,'iaep~81t8d 'more than
  • , " " ". 14/04/98 yes Bulgaria " 182 : " 79 188 3/8/9S6 ' 80 28.,.sep-~8 2S..sep",g8 'j /, ~, , na h~lr~ '" ' ' no heirs trsfrfor 2nd payment 2017J9S0JB Shalom 195 10-Aug~8 i '135 02-Sep.98 " " 'I 300 OS-Nav-9S I " 135 18.,Jan-99 , ,I 90 12,;Apr"',99
Analysis [9] (Item)
  • I I FROM: Bob PalUeel •• 395-4871 7_1_~--I..9_··~_ DATE; _ _ _ '.g8. '. TIME: S:tJ5 ----.-=---1-,8. !:t.. " . lent (including tranlmlttal,heet); _ _ _......:~:..:.... _~_ _ _ _ __ COMMENTS:' " ' , . . ' , . ~d I .fitJ:)ck;r
  • of Holocaust victims located outside Germany would be transferred to the ACC control, the organization ~;~:t~ve questions concerning restitution in Gennany. It specific gjgclIssi8ft Qf I=i'stjtptipp at the AJljwifbc.trQI CQYA~1l hacHi£.it g8@~ bJ;QJJ~t up
  • .. R~co:x::cndations ~re'lir;Hed, to collC'.boratio! , , ' , , ' , It:ldivid', it bOi!!.g8.ssur::ed th3.t the Cxci'.l.sion ,of e::oEl¥ p
Brady Bill (Item)
  • put the issue ofHIV/ AIDS and developing countries on the agenda for the annual G8 summit, made it a key part of our relationship with the European Union, and campaigned hard for debt relief, mobilizing billions of dollars for the fight against AIDS
  • Number: This is your account number shown in Box #3 of the UB82. Use this number whenever you call the hospital about vour bill. ; 73 N m of employee of the insured person a e Note: #G8 and #70 may be found on your insurance card. - - Provider
  • ; ~he,new ,preSIdent ofthe.we~t Texas SocIety of HOSPItal PharmaCIsts,' to; at leas~sorn~·or'theJ,r'me~ti~g8:an:~i>ro~~8 here m~e; · Oc~ 13th, .... .': .:' ··TTP~SC HeEilt~~t st~dio,.w~c::h coul~ b~'broadcast live to pha:i:1
  • _... ) ,_ ;..· ·t .. _· .. .-,. ;t~~-~}~~;: ,· r;~ij~ ~ .;C·... 1 •. : ' ; ,;~ll~:in tP:i~ ·po~t -G8~d ~;·· . ~~~~#;~:;~~;A~zt.~:,~fJ::~:!;~;~~~~%m~:{ ;~:r
  • '>-, '-,) ',j. , ,.,' 333~G8 1,1 " 333Hfi9 X081 :r . S31\1H::llllf lYNOLl.'iN3H~1'i03"i'\OOlld311 v, , • ' r ---:-i:-;~~{ fJ j.J. ft" ~ . ---~~' I: , . DIVISION OF ,= I I oj(; - JwLcC&::c...) I) ' !UNICATlONS AND RECORDS iiTELEGRAPH BRANCH
  • !,g8:l:¢::,=~.hf.i:L1-:~Ee=:~ad'-:-t(y .,1 ;'Q.J:-:90~1n~",:,,_) ot;her- Pl.'Op;Z.L,t·S:;:~(3.hJ. di2f:Lcul tY':-_.-- -- - ():'R7;~nB~(r-Cr;;.:::::-tict&:rm1nat.ion . --=-t.:ma ---.. . . . _._-...,. P ,:,,,,, CfH::'n . . ., ·i;,;
  • ' , - ---------------­ ,­ . ,,' .... o . j. . " :',.. I' J:; : ''', ':" "'., ';. 'i949; , ',' of. ;,4~s~teh,n('j~ :\~'§i[da ":/July,:,'om·~eAme:Jican/' '" : .'. , , ) : , . , : 1 , . . ~niC.!lq,~~;: llO
  • , .' 777 U.~.AR~Y ~ ;{ ::0 ,/I1~~Ll U~J!:'CTi.:O'1 , ·3,. .:;,1.:''£':;;1, T l~~.~~ K.:.:.~ ';1;J.i:.F, i·'v.Ll;:. ti----t ll.f. 'fit' 1 Er&lnz~g8~ertif1E.~t ' , !'~X';E .... /' /1,(: f,r- Oesterreichischc ;:~.:hr.J b:::':: Recbtsb!lr
  • and UK on behe:it of occ'uptjlng powers make point demarche to spare poiritirigout to',p;pe:~n.:,tha.t ACC is expected shortly to issue de.cree vest;ii!:g8.l:l G~ri!ian
  • not) affect rLrtits of Pola.nd an,a Dan?, j"' in this re-. ,i g8,ro.., ,!! " t to You fo~nd Id 1:>ot in Germany (urtel "'418 , NOV;,' 1 '5 c. ,
  • , clIlL us at 7031729-4677 or g8!!}6J6. NALe (62$2). Where you get covered cafe • Cov~reti provlden You can get clire from any "covered provider" or "eovered facility" How much we pay -lind you pay - depends on Ihe type of covered provider Of facili
  • afternoon. As you know, this was a very important day in which President Yeltsinjoined us as a full partner in the G-8 for political discussions. And we followed that meeting with a bilateral meeting, continuing our good personal relationship which made some
  • cooperation with Japan, both bilaterally and in multilateral fora such as the G-8, OECD, WTO, the Bosnia Peace Implementation Council, the multilateral steering board on Middle st Peace, the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization, and a host
  • , biomass, .solar and other applied technologies .to reduce emissions, improve a~r ~nd~water qua~ity and conserv~ scarce natural resources. Mindful of the recent declaration of the G-8 environment mi'nisters at Leeds, we will together address the risks:posed
  • Belgrade v i s i t work t o narrow d i s t a n c e Russia and NATO (Secstate c a l l s t o Ivanov, Chernomyrdin, coordinated w i t h Quint c a l l s t o same); • G-8 P o l d i r s discussions t o determine whether a G-8 M i n i s t e r i a l w i l l advance
  • .~·:::~,;.\7;;i.2:·· , . ." ..... . . . . .,J....>..~, '-'l;:.';'·Th1r~a h" (sel~It&1-nt:t1\!g8 tl'OJIlt\',the 'Wal'JIaU....1 tfch&Zttz;, . ' .. ,; "';::":"'!'
  • '" 166. . .Carp·ao:cI0 167'.' St,~," ~g8:tha Tlepo]Jo. . .' '.Tl'ie ~~ugh taman Ch.ardI~ ,158. .; i "' • .;RIlle Babbe 'Hals 169. . ,,'; ", " 170 0 Hals . 1'1,2. I Kalt • ~ : , . ,,,,,,~, • , , I , i ~. . ".r
  • .' " trance, there I had ard, where I g8:te .was again opened a J lttJe. to the gate of the After some t the me b:,"ck t9,llt~,lc:~entrance. ,There I.T:e­ arr:Lval of 'prisoners who came from Br:Leg ,maine
  • ,;~1'\;;)~~G]:t~gul~tioM" Ti tl~1o;..510, . cli~g8 1}·;.' I ... ..··.frO···.·· .'. .... . ·l)i.~8,:qj()~·il'>/ " < .' ,' ••~. >'•. . .•. ' ,'. .•. . . . . . . . . . ,'., " . . . . . .' . ! ,i 'O:tf1:C.i
  • -fifth were employed in· the G8-13 through GS-15 grade range. were ernp~oyed A little over 6 percent of White women in the SES. Sla.cks: Men. Black men comprised 5,3 percent of all errployees in GS and SES pO$itio~s. They surpassed this rate ~n
  • .to, spe-ci'iil:,pema'$:sd.on;~ ',frOr(f bth~r/,.:tes:i:¢len:~s":(~:":S.u¢g,::,8!6,co~ts-',~y;' onlY1:>G :, '.' .dobited£er' ~:r'an$ferl3 . . tOji,other:"Regutar .A6c:oU1fl;:trs,;,~~'t:0r':;.tfu~~:~paYmen~~;g!:f!+.~~$i time.te re­ qUlirerrients"'in Sweden
  • ~'" , -:;-::'1. J '-: ", • -;;:;::~ i.-.-.____ ~~l A.~.C,.IIVE!:.'.~!i ~ " ~ "-",,,,-~---h.l ~'1!' '1\,,. .... '11'r.~~,lon~~ r Q , '-'V-',! '~:,\; _"-----rby~ -.. LI. 2Go Ar4e1,'~ H'g II .~- ,.;.~~ , -I ~- ~I !::1 "&H l1.'I?f"pt Altu3 o~G 8
  • ,/"'\, ' ',. _. _~_s_,-~,~\_. . , -......o....c'", ~ -C"'-' "T:F~300""':B :If{'" 3 TFR-030G...0.,.;2 4' ~~30.o ...D 5 TFli.~30Q~ 6 TFB.-300~F ? Tll'B.-300...G 8 ,TFR...3d0.,.;H 9 TFR...300-I ,\' . ': ::::':.~:.~::'~-~'"' , . , .. ,. " A ", RG
  • and the President that they wduld be returning home. ,And we can take heart this evening frpm the fact that today, Russia. agreed with us on the fundamental conditions that Milosevic must meet in order to end this conflict. ' The G-8 stood together in saying
  • driving ithe U.S. economy (e.g .. the Internet, the World Wide Web) are the result of U.S. government investments in . information technology. ' I I Thanks to the leadership of then@:_eru:a~Mi®:0'ne,:;an[~~g8'i~tli~otl ~8J~'~f,"Gfrrmif'a r!l.€.e!t
  • : Subject: Al Hunt I just talked to Ai Hunt. The topics he plans to cover include: • ARMS Email System Page 2 of 2 Tobacco Taxes G-8 swmnit Budget Trade Social Security Medicare He will also probably pop in a question about the Fed and the stock market
  • areas to increase .. exposure information that can be correlated with asthma SUlVeiJlanee data. 2 OPPTS S.SM Bu:~r:9!l!m $.51'1 $1.5 M lncludl!d for R.eglanal implementatian plus $.$ M l'ar G 8 Implementation requested by the Office of lntt
  • , presiding over both the EU-15 and the G-8-and the new leadership of Tony Blair and Robin Cook give us a real chance to move beyond past disputes. We look forward to a productive first semester. We are also encouraged by the new partnership displayed
  • by going forward with its efforts to deregulate key economic sectors. We made real progress on our enhanced deregulation initiative earlier this year at the G-8 summit. It is cruCial that we make further progress by the time the Prime Minister and I meet
  • to meet on the margins of the SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Summit in Colombo in late July. We, along with our partners in the P-5 and G-8 have called for a resumption of the high-level dialogue between these two countries
  • drdJ,Kuro~lHl(j hll?,g~)8 nioht .' wf!l~lg'~.n.· urt~brig(m ~o11 e.l0 VOIl. di~~U . hLi(:hf.ton i:'f;)J..lIli()'llnl:;(I~!.l.lg ~trrnf.ichst t;d,ctll"lfl;~r(!!ll :.~tuf'3 n,harhlag€ l tl. mH) it f.b~!":1g de!,. . ti\llC i:ll
  • settlement in Afghanistan. Russia was part of Group of Eight Industrialized Nations (G-8) efforts to encourage ,ltates to become purty 10 the t 2 UN international counterterrorism conventions and to improve measures to block the financing of terrorism
  • , seeking to strengthen all the international economic institutions that produce stability and prosperity. I was just in Birmingham, England, where the leaders of the G-8 discussed ways to strengtehn the international financial architecture so that private
  • deters aggression." The standoff also could mar what many Okinawans had hoped would be an international debut for their island - the G-8 summit next July of the world's leading industrialized nations. This seaside city of 55,000 will host the summit
  • =Tanya E. Martin/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 17-FEB-1999 15:06:13.00 SUBJECT: G-8 Paper TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Jonathan H. Schnur ( CN=Jonathan H. Schnur/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1
[04/16/1998] (Item)
  • citizens. The United States has the presidency of the G-8 in 1997. In 1998, Britain has the presidency both of the European Union and the G-8. We have agreed today to a common agenda and a shared determination to identify what action needs to be taken
  • ) CREATOR: Elena Kagan ( CN;Elena Kagan/OU;OPD/O;EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 12-JUN-1997 08:'54:58.00 SUBJECT: AIDS vaccine and the G-8 TO: Christopher C. Jennings READ:UNKNOWN- ( CN;Christopher C. Jennings/OU;OPD/O;EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) TEXT
  • the issues affecting our two countries in a spirit of true friendship. I look forward to taking the next steps in that friendship when the partners of the G-8 come to Okinawa next month. I know how muchPrime Minister Obuchi was looking forward to hosting
  • ~ ,.. ~ ~ ~ .. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ft _ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ : : = = : : = : : : : : : :. g g g g .8 g g g- g 2 g g g g ........ o ", ! • , ~ .. '! !' ' " !! 07/06/94 15:58' . .. . NO.OO5 PaC 11 (SATELLITE) .. 202 456 7029 . ) c n Q 9 Q
  • the Searetar.r: G8'ftSl"al.,to l:ubm1tc'tc)'t.he. COmmissioner• . a ~rarldum. report,· on the .statue of the :CommisSion os:wor.ic and action ,which ~. , i ' , '1 ~ to be talc_" , ' ",,' '' .' ., , '." ,< .,,':; ";,;.' ': ~ : -i
  • ,:: ..SECURITY . •. ;,: ·EDib~SSi·,g8·.J)e~tch'No·o~26~~:of Jlprll.'2~B 1950~·... .: " Transmittal o:t ~fiS receipt.s· fr. ,th~' ,~ROm.e ,'r~~oii " '. :~, 'ElTR* ." ,:~ , :" . ::. ' , N. • ' .', A,· 'DOR
  • of the dialogue at the most recent G-8 0 Sent ~y: NSCBELFAS1'; Page 5/12 · want to explore and expand that vision. 1 want to be clear-eyed aboul the 'hallc:nges before us; and equally candid about the solutions. Underlying them all is this basic belief
  • /TITLE DATE RESTRICTION ! 00 lm. draft Blair Visit Schedule (3 pages) 02/03/1998 P5 00 In. email G-8 and U.S. Cooperation on Law Enforcement (1 page) 02/0211998 P11b([), P5 OOio. draft Talking Points, Meeting with Prin1e Minister Blair (1 page
  • over both the EU-15 and the G-8, and we . ~~>~ ·.·.; . . l~ok forward to a productive f~ter. ~we could not agree more with the sentiment expressed by Prime Minister Blair: "strong in Europe, strong with the US. There is no choice between the two
  • of the Americas. May 12-14, 199K Gennany Berlin, Potsdam, Frankfurt, Eisenach Met with Chancellor Kohl, commemorated 50th anniversaf)' of the Berlin Airlift. May 14-IX, United Kingdom Binningham, Weston· Under·Lizard, London Attended G-8 Economic Summit
  • the international -- MR. TARULLO: The post-summit discussion with the international organization heads, yes. Q Will there be any discussion of Russia coming into G -- make it G-8, as a permanent partner? MR. TARULLO: Well, I think what has already happened
  • .. .' ," .'. . ForvI8.rd I ~46,498~52 . EXDenses c.!>,larips Fr€ i ght Prt?P8iri Pdv.,i-t,1 8i1"3­ Un8mploymentlns. p()st.~gt? 250.:72 1,079.117 Insurance "Rent 258.70 G8 ~j:'S Light, Fue1'~ ~~ter Tr~vallinf & Tr?nl~}~rtRtion Office Su~~li~s ' Collection &E'X
  • ' by;~;agreem®kor,;.\bYltolferatiori:i:;6f~law:;;r,:y :;:;i,: '~>,.;".>,." -."j~, gt,r;:(; • /V,,,;.¢\;;\:~'.;1\· .", :,y.,;:,.;: ; . '01\18s \kjff/al:p~~p'eri~j;,';;j:o~tfi~~~,t;;'e~:,:,:ig1it8 ::'iQ.dd~dJ..:(22)\ J;
  • c.mteI' B1.da 1a\ LeaeebD1d sr G8 of PJd1J"- 11. CW 5th .1.'1' 6' 29th," Car ",. IllS " O/f, B10 ~ Ilo SIll M S " 7 6 I " I , iMmol.u.z.e PIW 8 , 1)011. ,I ',' c.Jat1.,... Uc Jep lilt, Itlad.f , " , 4-3/8 ~ 19JO 4 i' r I it , 01t;r
  • ), the Secretary - 9 ­ . may; at the request of the Governor and the state educational agency, treat such panel G8 meeting the requirements of this title if the Secretary determines tlult there h4s been statewide involvement of educators, parents, students
  • 97: Jun-99 Cha~g8 June 98 June 97 'to June ,to June ' 99 99 321.2 353.1 376.5' 383.9 8S.0~ 18.5% 8.7'% " 28.9% 4,969.3,4,980.9 4.986.55.064.9 -114.11' .3.8% 1.7% ,-2.2% 1,454.9 1.460.0 1,41i9 1,465.0 1.521.2 66.3' -2.5% ' 7.3%' . 4;6% 946.6 941.4
Regulation (Item)
  • 'c:tftca tl o:n f op e:hsm:.. )'civn of' i ndlvid coun'i:;r:l.e c> i s tc t c,k" p l ~;,. ce 0111.y e. t s ur~h 'im€) as eflch c o", t:>."y hft ", e el:!! le ···.c·d pro gr-mn of aa t i s f a c­ m t or elimi nating G8:(,ll~I,.rl ec ono' r c n .rJ
  • ) exercising leadership within the OECD, G8, and WTO to establish common principles and favorable terms for clean energy technologies in ECA guidelines and through WTO policies. (3) CLOSING THE SKILLS GAP The key component of the Skills Gap initiative
  • of :-ue~~"lderer in 14e.y 19~1. 'He we.s born in 1J&r~ in 1687, caJllEl to the United S~ ...":r; _.1 191"- a:'.d·waIJ lW.turalizecl. i:1 1922. He 111 a butc.'ler. InveaU­ g8.t~~n of the lIubJect in his :1l1i.;hborh;)od a!lc. ::"hce of emp10¥ll'.f!!:t '.~SI
  • Under Age 65: By Income as a Percent of Poverty . . . Person Under Age 65, in Married-couple with Children Families: By Income as a Percent of Poverty G7 Persons Under Age 65, in Married-couple, No Children Families: By Income as a Percent of Poverty G8
  • term, applying the lessons of these experiences to build a stronger, more sustainable world system going forward. To this end, have been conferring closely with Tony Blair - head of G7. We are jointly calling on G7 finance ministers (G8 plus 8 largest
Curfews (Item)
  • Provisions of Juvenile Curfew· Ordinances i~ Seven JurisdJctlons 1 • " , . : . • ~ ; ',J' • . . Jurisdiction' ; , . ':';, ". . 'A,g8 (years) II'~' ::: ~~ :,,'; , ·'.'Dallas,TX:'. '.'~ ':, ", ..'~~.,:~,: Under 17 't i·~'::'·'~I:;~I~;AZ·",I
Klaas [1] (Item)
  • . , ,:,;,She Said 'the Marc Klaa8;~Oujll­ diltion forOOdfen .is' . wOlking. oR aeating a of tips w.hich ',.W,ill be 'distribilied through Safeway Stores andChevron g8s s~onsl ,_ series' ,< ,~J~'~biuary, 1995, .~~. f~~4t~ bon
  • a reduction of about 10 percent in G8-14's, 15's and 8ES positions. We will be making staff reductions beginning in FY1994 and continuing to FY 1998 to meet the 7500 staff. year reduction target. As noted previously, we will work with the employee union's
  • .:NeceSsmy.. ~ .~ must enco~g8 a~ Phen! of .ttUSt, openness~ camaraderie. and ecnfidenlfaBty. ' They often itidude directed d~ of personat and ~ tOpia. 'Stuc::l£nUi are encouraged to express their' own values; to'~ the so~o' thOse values., and to u
  • the period of validity of Federal Decision so many . I further assets of the same owner are registered that the continuation of the 'proceedi~g8 becomes justified, the Registrationl Office will so order. The property assets already delivered to the Federal
  • feel'that lometimabetore \he,' end attha year we should g8.th8r together,tA1l of our loose ends and come bRck with a cleaJ:'loW out ~vfll'lwall requea' for A deflaienq Bppropr.1atloJl to C!U'17 U15 througb--a~'IIJIum1Dg that should prove
Investments (Item)
  • Nhh ' be~~.• 18 ....G8. . .,-'1oMJ,1.,. .,ovul'. '_"0.'".(_. ' 4. ~1i,."......w" ....a.f... ' ...' ....,... ·to 'USA . ' "»1) M4 wtll. " ,..,.,., ...,te..._ f8~•. t... ~l-.J WAD 0:';. Do_'t.o. OMtRI., ,,,8dDcles. ,.,lpla'delheft8• •.'$;1 , ot
  • Extent reviewed: • Lit S"1/3 -(P I' \' Notes & Comments (Including cross reference notations) I Copies made: YES or G8) SY'i'~ '1:> ~/~~ I , " ' II &
  • and ron for four days, beginniog March 30. It will be attended by selected security managers from electrIc power, petroleum and g8S. industries. o (G. Coplon, OE~21. 6-1311) DISASTER PBEI'JIRIlDl!ESS CONFERENCE. The Electr,lc Power Research Institute
Section A (Item)
  • companies are.: Assets in' billions Percent of stock in EAB and EAC g~8:h&e~:'~:'e'~:~~~~f:a~,~Sk t3rgest-__':-~~~"M:'::::=::: ::~:: ::C; :~:::r:: :::::::: ~.::: $24.5 20.4 +20 +20 SocIete ,Banq"l!.: BelgiLlm's largest
  • that .child's use of the family's membership card. l6530 V~:"''TURA BOULEVARD ~ MIITE 400 ~ ENCINO. C-:\UFORNlA 91436 ·THL 818~385·1 500- FAX g !8-385~0567 , .' The Honorable William J. Clinton June 15 1999 Page 2 j This popular
  • t Bodies 4. S t r u c t u r e o f Employer Participation 5. Coverage o f LowIncome P o p u l a t i o n 6. Short-Term Cost Controls 7. P u b l i c F i n a n c i n g 8. Long Term Care 9. Insurance Reform 2 FEB. 15 By 2/10: 3 4 Schedule 5 6 MAR
  • . H e a l t h care spending has doubled s i n c e 1980 and now c l a i m s n e a r l y 14% o f our n a t i o n a l o u t p u t . Nonetheless, about 36 m i l l i o n A m e r i c a n s — i n c l u d i n g 8 m i l l i o n c h i l d r e n — h a v e no h e
  • c u r i t y #G-8 Medicare #G-9 HMOs and PPOs #G-10 S o c i a l S e c u r i t y P a y r o l l Tax #G-11 Retirement B e n e f i t s #G-12 Value o f B e n e f i t s #G-13 H e a l t h Insurance, 1990 #G-13(a) H e a l t h Insurance, 1990, ( C a l i f o r
  • In Europe 5 Pakistan Tells Clinton That Nuke Test Decision Still Not Final 6 Clinton Tries To Convince Allies To Place Sanctions On India 4 Clinton Appeals For Peaceful Solution, Role For Indonesian People 5 Clinton To Try To Get G-8 To Denounce India's Nuke
  • guideline integrated summary would be "significant burden" for sponsors — Merck T&G-8 • California pharmacist scope of practice expanded to managed care setting; new law takes effect Jan. 1 • TennCare prior approval process unsatisfactory to majority
  • is done and I hope business leaders wilt urge government leaders through entities like the G-8 and the IMF and others, to try to move towards some kind'ofconsensus abouthbw we need to address these issues that·the market has presented us with. . ' I gov
  • - ~~::r.~or' .&3~ro5'O'J:fg. .gg-gI3' Ctol' a ~ §.!!!, ;! g. ~ ~ Ii g.-6 .,,!4 ~ ~ g §'!.'l '!>''''»3 (;l ~ 'C f) ~ r; ~ ~ ;;; § ....; g~.@ ." ::3' g ~ E g _ g ~ 8. ~ g-qg, -l ffi ~ ~r m ' ~'" (JQ ~ ~~11> I» .., -, ~(JQ g ~» ,!i2::;:' ." iil s- ~ ~ ~ g
  • in the next several weeks, as well as during the visit of the EC Development Commissioner, to identify elements that could have value added a~d complement efforts underway in the G-8 and other fora. Ideas discussed so far include joint ~ctions that foster 1
  • .. G-7 and Russia Important steps were taken in Naples to promote stronger · int~gration of Russia and Ukraine with the West. Yeltsin is now a full partner in the G-8 political dialogue. Russian participati6n strengthens reformers in.Moscow, lends
  • education. 7· . ,. g (8) There is sublta.U~ . . e\i.dence tha.t women ! ..• and &irla who patti.c~ . in · ·~a~ better hAait.h tb.a:n wo~e~ end girls -9 ,.. ph.vEical and emotional 10 . who do not p&rticipat.e, and particip&tion
  • to Africa to underscore U,S, support for the transition to democracy in Nigeria and the peace process in Burundi. The administration obtained rull funding for the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Country hliliutive (HIPe) launched at the G~8 Summit at Cologne
  • and years ahead. In this regard, President Yeltsin and I affirmed the trend that has been established of deepening Russia's integration into the work of leading industrial democracies. To continue this trend toward a G-8, I invited President Yeltsin
  • this progress possible. Together, the ~~lt.&Ll, ~c United States and the European Union are building on the iegac~ 8hfl:e Mttrsfl:tHl g~8«: strengthening our partnership for democracy and prosperity as we confront the challenges of .... ow..=~·~. next.A
  • ? become the G-8? D6 you expect the G~7 to A: • Russia has been increasing its participation in our annual summits for a number of years. This year, for the first time, President Yeltsin will be present from the beginning of the Summit
  • : t: U a~o tZl- 0 u "'. ..... 0 TABLE II. Banks-This amount includes gold bullion
  • ', '. '~~:.'~' . ~•. '. M$:'i M i-4 g.. .::r: ' ::r .. ~'g -8 " .t.:J ....~ , y. ',' .. .~, .•. ·.'s . . . (;i ~ ;a.,-,II ....•2:. t-:1. '.~ . ·bJ·· ·····H ~. ' .~. . (:S ~ "~f ..~ .~: .. Q '~ .. " '1, ~ [' " "-' .". . ·8 ,~ . . ~' .' ·H 0' .' fi
  • M.O.K. OST" which worked as a! separate fermation independently 0'1' "Abwehr OST" at KIEL, (See Appx.,·tp,), si:nce 1 Jul 44.. W. s superier effr was Captain Wiechmann ef KcloK.eldegebiet HAMDpp,G. 8. 0'1' the Ge:nnO.n IntelliGence Service. " ~r
  • reception as Yeltsin at previous summits and about Russia's desire for "full" membership in the G-8. BACKGROUND CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY 39928426.FIN Page 3 of 9 Long Hot Summer. Putin's arrival in Okinawa coincides roughly with the end of his
  • "non­ cooperative" jurisdictions. Ne otiations toward Unite' . transnatio tal ,2!B'@lized crime continue to show promise. The G-8 j tice ministers issued an important communique covering financial crime issues. And pra tical law enforcement
[06/12/1997] (Item)
  • =Richard Socarides/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:12-JUN-1997 08:28:12.00 SUBJECT: AIDS vaccine and the G-8 TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Bruce N. Reed ( CN=Bruce N. Reed/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP
  • ,Contact Representa1ive, G8-962 series. As wel~ the GS-105' SerieS includes positions that 'involve managing,· supervising, or' performing work concerned with the admin:isttation or operation of nationsJ social insurance and .needs-b8Sed benefit 'programs
  • ,;:;t H:·,~G8~t~··N::~'~t.t".1 .liSc~t~\, ; Waltar, .Leihbueohcre1 . ·:r.:~·~: :,;.,!,;,:::.,,: J'~," .
  • ).$ ~,. lO't,O.J,.:s . b q ,loc ~l ~Dq ·C~:l·OT·O ~ " . / ./ Tcj;7·~-U·Pn.· ~. .. : "u' ... "'"' .."-! ......... "',' "" ..... , . ,. ,.I.... "'~- / r', \>­ .' ') I1j}'\{ . 'C -rl, y. l~ .1 f!' l2~' bf.:\G8· )~ .3, i, fol¢'" of '~q~E
  • • HOPGLf rUloLllJ3frOu .v1PTCP I{OnJq TUQTCS'.p6 OI. G8 1
  • , :.$\.. ,.. : ' \. . "" . " , \ :~., '~~~ii lI1.,~11',.~:~ .lo.'th~' .o~k~o;t '.rt. P.l,.~'l"s ~":~:~:' 4'~f'-4~p,~~:~f!t'?~t •. ',0 ,••~,:. ':c>,t:.;a:::i~' .1" ... .8'',tor',~ll ,~rJ't, t., ,the I ,6~~.19t.~r.~ t ,a!Q:\1,thd ab;ro.a4:, ,'" 111','11:, '~1
  • · Asia - G.8 Other - 0 .. 1 .. 3·5 .. _.. 0.6 Otb.~r Obl~. wtt,n A• .rlca ... Jflpaa Total *+ 29.2 +2'-'.0 ..1,1., • . . 0.' ' iii' ' , ~?28328 REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES,: 1».v1a101) .r ilo".tary Rel.are - 2
  • b-.:1J!§~J:illJ,D'hLU~\b~;J.HD"!,~!}!t'~1:..27. Pk;\.s,~ sf.:nd illt 1Ii.).l1l~~ of yt,)~H dde~~iJikm \s represtmU\~iv{; to LInda Lil.1.:i.i (202) 48::1·2608, fax (202,l ,~g8·2696 at the Muse"in'; if)qi'HI,Km~t'!l of Si;;ih: /lJ,'n:.:i
Cancer [2] (Item)
Customs (Item)
  • departure permit. (Signed) W. R. Johnson -vVRJ-esb I /, \EPROOUCEO AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES JaeJl .k6 MIL JvnI'JSON: for' YOUl' infor'maLion. Further r~f'erunoEil is mwie to the .!!~!.~-!!~A~J:,:g8 whioh arri vad on the SSDONALD MoKAY
  • priorities: - first, greater openness and transparency. A key part of strengthening the global financial system must be the implementation of codes of good practice. This year's G8 Summit in Birmingham agreed that we must press ahead with the development
Papers [1] (Item)
  • of death or serious bodily harm by adding a penalty of up to 10 years, 3) requires the death penalty for a smuggler who causes aeath, and 4) prov~des a penalty of up to 5 years if a parson knowingly hires a smuggled alien. 9 I{) G8-04-S3 12: 15PM
  • ; NATO; The G8 ,including financial architecture; Tongas Management Plan; The Census; Israel; ChinaIMFN; Renewal of the Haze Rule and Ireland. We ask that you review your list of challenges (which may include some of the ones listed above) and within
  • ' IruIi.via (" DEMOCllATlC GOVERNoas , AND KEY STAn' TOI KatIe WheIu 6;(t(1.'TIV£ COMMrIT2~ DouIllIdIanIsoD ~G8!ItDtI Cap!~ Se_ of War; .I ,·itaWa CGnaaaiad_ SIa$,tCIY . GOIYcmor HO'IIVd Dean .SR~(lfV~1 )lecember 12. UN ' Cin'Hl1lDl
  • of' the lat..'U80.' antS early 1910& to control (!'owth .1np~o,z:o_>.pendlng. wal larg_lyc:1Z:01Veft by .,,,"\el' \la.otpzov1dertaxes, , . ... . 1.y.~&g8".d.Z'al_'toh1n9 d~llU8. . ,\.. worJc .and.,Congra.i't.fforta -'.- the Ul~o"qb ttll
  • :~(~'~=~~hi=',""';" :~:''11tittfJit:t:6n G8~h~t ·Ci)Ur1e:r.seiMe-a~:am-r.· :il~:~~~ph~m~:1!.'··' ' .. ·~nts(:_ae· " " ' - ; ' , ..... ,,' '. '.' . "," r .. , ..... 7 ~ , '." . , :";'~,' . ., ' " .," , , , . ~l . .', ~" '.' 1
  • , . , i' f' 115424 'f ~d Vtt 4jk&M : , : .~ twfri-( I~5 2C) , I I I , 1, I J e g ') / y io k a n y v • . Kesztil t Hopfgartenben 1945.eViil aprilis ho 22-en. J slen vannak al uliro ttak: :.. ldegjelent G8.lambos Gyula m.kir
  • . (.Report 4) ZEHTRAL AUl?'fll'-\.G8'I'SLLE DEN lIAGU3 , i klthority Ntf~ ~~\i>~1 By' ~.'\ HAM Date ~ I f-1 H /5 . REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES _ ._---"-" -_.-'---'" ._- .__._-_. ':""".-' .....__. . ~-·-··· ; (. F' I,· .... I' FDRt).,oS
New Jersey (Item)
  • , , .' 2" You wl1i~"pernll t propeJ::ty t,('ar.i.:i:tf'e'l':r-ad undex'. to bE: removecl f:t'om G8!'many and Aust!.' ia o:r. t~0. 10'3 :301d 'thel'Edn if' OO'q'TIlent can bG nJl.atr ia. In [;tCcey)table :f'm('~~l gn
  • Corner, rocking a@ r!>lling. . partments of youth services and probation. sively planned over the last weeks t.O' d~: "Don't front me, I won't front you~" Stew~ · The heavies hayi(~9gtej~·.tbe Qr
  • )(2)(K» is amended- 20 21 (1) by inserting "legal," after "auction market- . mg, " j 22 (2) by striking "if" and inserting "only if'; and 23 (3) by striking "practicable" and inserting "the 24 most practicable". 25 (e) RTC NOTICE TO G8
  • . ' 10-1-96 Indians want to know if we can/will act now or later if we'll have someone in WH talke to them who hasn't (G8, Harold Ickes or 80snick or Alexis?) Leon/JQuinn do you know about this - I got hit on it last week - Be What is our present
  • infO~'d,thatthe C:,~8e,~a't1o,n~\I~~ had: a •• ep~e~:'th~,se, :~ooo'im:t,s. , nChad~n, the $outh~rioan;ut1l1i?Y !3ystem eontrqlled,:by, , "Sotlna:" was orlg~ally. tOJ;-med f~r the'l·purpose ot clo~ilig G8~'. t:: Nati;;lCitr
  • decline significantly over the ant decade. as CSRS employees retire or leave Federalservite for other reaSODS. Active Participants ~MOO.-------------------~--, ~>OO+- ______________________ 1m ~ 1991 1994 19!IS 1996 1m 1()g8 lfJl1'5 2000 un 1-~CSkS
Iraq [2] (Item)
  • . Personal record misfile defined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. Draft 6/16/97 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS ON THE MEETING OF THE SUMMIT OF THE EIGHT DENVER, COLORADO Acknowledgments Denver G-8
  • of a specific technology. Approve_ Disapprove _ Group of Eight Statement on Cloning France has proposed a paragraph for inclusion in the G-8 communique embracing national and intrenational bans on "reproductive human cloning." Germany will support
  • message, themes, goals, objectives and deliverables. Having this substantial meeting now will avoid overload at the end of the month when you already have several other important matters, including the Vietnam Deputies and the G-8 Sherpa meeting in Paris
  • has stated clearly that it seeks to bridge gulfs within the EU, and between the EU and the United States. The UK has a double responsibility this year, presiding over both the EU-15 and the G-8-and the new leadership of Tony Blair and Robin Cook give
  • PROPOSALS ON G-8 o o • Pleased Boris is full partner on global political issues. Suggest we retain this arrangement for Halifax. Between now and then, our Sherpas should continue to work with Russian Sherpa to sustain our commitment to Russian economies
  • these celebrations days, of course, with everybody we discussed Halifax. I and Russia, of course, concerned about our role in the G-7 or in the G-8. That is why this morning, at 9:00 a.rri., I had a meeting with thePrime Minister of Canada, Mr. Chretien, who will act
  • '. , :--.-,-"".- , "-;-:'-1; ..-" ,,\. O,,;,t.;yjlli .... --·-/1 /' I~ It, ~t [I: ~y L '~I'Li \'--_~._.L l' I I t '1 I It I " I , .• n ., I Y I J. J. , "&11.1 ' lIidlll.. 1 a . I J.i , G· " ,8 .,9 , 10 11 12 18 ~. I' ,1' 16 18 It :to 11
  • :, > -~. \ Material: ~5 w ,lj 0::: ". .u.nd ,:" .0' ~ ~ f3 g 8, Arrival Condman 0' " a.: ~ :. .,;~. ,> ~! ' , DeporC:~t. \ . ?;" .... -: • .'. . PHOTO'" ", o II~ FOR OFFICE USE: . - 'Claim No. Other 'Photos: Neg. No. ',Bibliog
  • .~,~. .: ~'.', d; .,,: 29., ·.~rtc~;Ga.1!1~~,'53JMtt"j1~e,.... 10. sa, ·Ifiw Wk. "c-~ 11..9 -»~.s 7eA, ~/ 71 ~,u. /9,11' tp.. JJ~' ~~ll{8.'J:G8lIrlerr' ai/;';Qi'If1iel:~"~G;_.8' . 3Jri' aB,t'-kopdRt.·, . • .' JJei'¥eJ'i'«l, lfedorke . j2~j _J.~ltJ·~rsch
  • ..y .; all; Uld wn:pns, irurl.u:anaa1 . . s "iD K.l.ch1qan, Liu aru:l Blllilll · baa t:b.ey cava:. . . mea at oaly 20' of; OY'C' is can· et'fo l..c:laq te%11 oeze &!14 oaly 141 of ~ &g'8 &5-71 can at cri lo1'lfl taz:m · OIU
  • 89 8381 - : · !""-,..... .. .c :::E 84 78 83 88 ,..... 82 1- 1-- 1-- 1-- -·· 1--. 1--:: 1-- r- -··:' 1- 1- ,....- ...... --.. CGr3 ' 1- & B " !l' -8rn !I 88 1-- a; B ·g -8 rnrn ~i .... O.
  • and more p r e d i c t a b l e r a t e i n the f u t u r e than you are now p r o j e c t i n g . 8. I f you are a company w i t h an o l d e r workforce, your costs are l i k e l y t o go down. I f you have a younger workforce, your costs may go up. 9
  • .:;. R l··:· N G8· R ·o· 0 K· ', ··: ·'·· .:·. \ .~ ,., .. ·• •': ··N. 0 R. T. U W E S T I ' . .:.:". . .;·· r "Sp¢cialists Treating Akoholism And Other Drug Dependencies" .·' '/' . .. . . ' .': ). .,.. ...· ·I _ ' ', '. "f
  • Ownership #G-5 C h i l d Care #G-6 P a r e n t a l Leave #G-7 S o c i a l S e c u r i t y #G-8 Medicare #G-9 HMOs and PPOs #G-10 S o c i a l S e c u r i t y P a y r o l l Tax #G-11 Retirement B e n e f i t s #G-12 Value o f B e n e f i t s #G-13 Health
  • to see Prime Minister Hashimoto for an extended period in Birmingham, in England at the G-8 meeting before I go to China. I would not like to wait that long. I'd like to have the chance to really sit down and visit with him and see what, if anything else
  • : 3943 FOLDER TITLE: Okinawa [G-8 Conference]: Health Van Zbinden 2006-0947-F vz1228 RESTRICTION Presidential Records Act - (44 V.S.c. 2204(a)} PI P2 P3 P4 National Security Classified Information (a)(l) oftbe PRA] Relating to the appointment
  • African nations, freeing governments to invest those resources in health, education and other development priorities. The U.S. also forged an agreement among G-8 industrialized countries to provide additional debt relief by expandin HIPC, the Heavily
  • direct hand in helping consolidate and expand the nascent reform movement. The chief vehicle for the new policy is the much touted "growth and opportunity" programme which is being considered by congress. Launched by Clinton just ahead of the G-8 summit
  • : Kinney Zalesna · Date: lelephooe Number : 202/514-2927 ' Building, Room Number, etc. MAIN JUSTICE~ ROOM COND4E~S . . . . .. 5 I ';g. --~~~ ./~8 _.~-------------- 5"233 .. (NOTE: If lhe receiver did'aot ml-..:· the a>trect DUJDber a( pages
  • with the Russian leadership, but with democracy activists and independent journali~)ts, and business peopie, In Europe, she met regularly with her G"8 counterparts; and during the Kosovo campaign intensively with her counterparts in the contact group. 8
  • the U,S. government and within the Department of State. IIP was asked, for example, to produce the official U,S. government website for the Denver Summit of the Eight. for other G~8 summits, and for the Seattle mjntslenal meering of the World Trade
  • ? .... '.. .: , .. " , ' . ' . -' I (;(I We:..bJ vI . fer Z" T4'~ J\ '~"' ," /-4" .i, Ix'/' ,.~' CIn""\M v "11 P,.02J.02· .. J . ." . . " '. '.' " 'pre/II-.. ~"''''7 ' ovtt,...,~ '.;.- We ~ '.cJ--, ~~TALKING POIN~S RE: CCD WHITE HOUSE/AiEETI~G: 8/f'?4 " ~ to' r~J
  • ~ , . -, " , .::~\~~ .""'_'.' " , ." • ",';1' ' .' '. ' 0 ' • ,~b~.>C~~l1.abankS), ~ne~ud~tb.fI()UJ!r.~t;(" ::'", (£i.lld~polal ' aQ;c0m+t~) '1:161.s 'be91.1eo~pal"f)d1il1th. ,ttu9,:~e;sp.~t\ioli;\ . ' ,.lye 'Dank s:tatel~tS.,: ···A.lfl.;ehe(jlt~:'iuld·bau 'clU'f,~g~8,'¥Jiil
  • . Military budget E. Urge full payment to UN and IMF. F. Upcoming Trips. 1. To Africa; urge passage of Africa Trade and Investment Bill. 2. To Summit of Americas in Chile 3. To G-8 in Birmingham. 4. To India and Pakistan 5. To China V. BUILDING A MORE
  • ...,.B: The Clinton Administration proposed the Denver Democracy Initiative to encourage good governance and the rule of law, civic education and civil society around the world. The Denver Initiative resulted in the G-8 Working Group on Democracy
Blair [2] (Item)
  • Agenda- UK Priorities (2 pages) 01/28/1998 P1/b(1) 002j. paper re: Asian Financial Crisis (1 page) 01/28/1998 Pl/b(1) 002k. paper re: G-8 Birmingham Summit- Jobs, Crime, Global Economic Issues (2 pages) 01/28/1998 P1/b(1) ' COLLECTION: Clinton
  • , at the Group of Elght (G-8) meeting in Bonn, the Wesl and Russia announced agreement over the basic strategy to resolve the connict. Bombing of the Chinese Embassy On 7 May, NATO planes accidentally hit the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, killing 3 and woullding
  • ,-. . '. to "P' '0 ,;.' 'a.. Dr.Avnr 1 f;;szl';vl f'S za­ ~~gban hevernok a ~nGgonban,te~ki~a~zn~l~sra ne~ fekte~tek
  • -;':i:t~ t.I \;,.;; illctJl~;r; EUll':qk I:llegfl 1.:; ly'taltwi t{~ G8. t 18. tj we E:141"he't 0I!.t.:k. ~" , lU..ntho v8tlen "J ...,."... . , ' k:or'll'l;:.~ny:::;uti vonalon» v:.tlur:cul.t u . (:u" ~.Did0::::~erve~etek k0z­
Clinton -FDR (Item)
  • , and faculty associate of the Center oflnternational Studies, Princeton University. He was an SSRC/MacArthur Foundation FeUow in International Peace and Security Studies from •g8s-8g. He is the author of Empires, coeditor with Arthur Day of EsuWuitm anJ
Illinois (Item)
  • IF . COVERAGE yNDER uiGB DEDUCTIBLE . MEDicAL 10~::~iiri si.~G8-~F~~;~Ali-eni~::; cav~ n~;~ ~ated · · · . U:Qder . a eer~ maldngi ~ · ~ii.trjbutian .. ,·. . ·, .· .. 8s · .tified -health Ian: m: ·icCordanee ·.With .tbis:subsection in - · c:OVered under
Heroes (Item)
Guns [2] (Item)
[03/05/1999] (Item)
  • ;::­ - zjT\ .. o· . z ";::if"" 3':6 ~, ~ W ~- 1nlS voucnw.a ana corr9CttO ,ne beSt or my k"o""ledge and belief. and 1hat,paymenT Cor crediT has not oeel' , lece;,,1';;! me.~fI9n Bille. per diem claimed is bnQd 01'1 the ~v8",g8 con or lOdging Incurred du
  • . We are looking forward to G8 initiatives on communicable diseases and poverty at the upcoming Summit in Okinawa. Today, at the EU-US Summit, we agreed to join forces and look at new mechanisms and partnerships for finding responses and solutions
B [8] (Item)
  • ~.;~ '. _-:---_-:--:_____--=-____ 1 ~~ , , .-,.'~-~-------...,__-..:.--. "~':,-:-, ';!j / ArkanlillS Early Childhood Com~i::lsioll 1UJ ~..ast Capitol, Suite 106 ~ Little Rock, Arkansas 7220'1' (SOt) 682-4891 PIlX (SOl) G8~\4897 . ~Jt ~f. I ,.;,;,.1_ _ _ P.Ol
  • . AUERBACH'., vie"P01nt with' . "spe.ot to property ot persons who _!"II fortunate enougb to be able to leave G8:rmaD,}" ~ thereby escape ,t' concem1ng Annex 10 is a letter from C1v1l1an Agency Head, Munich, ~h. cuatodlanahip ot Or. AUERBACH
  • ~'l·oundft.. Jewleh; ;>:'en"V.i'~onmant.,;: : ~~,.it i8 ~he'; hope;~,~,., they. ." "", >'.j,:;' ~, , ;:~:r;,:(, Only bi \?&Y:i;they in a' smal(IAitreeud .,~he 11" , t}lil.8 "in;~: ~rded :to~~5~;1'Y sao rit1:oeaad,ttieJrau rte'~g8 .8"S 'J• .,. adr
  • ,:, , . ,>'., ' ,;:?':,""~:::' ,:>":·;:.'.":.:f..~.'(".
  • 't1'ol Co~).ncil forC7errn~my., '. ': ,.~, r '., ,~~.l, .~ -in ~ : .~. b. · f l l n c tions covered'b~r thefollo,,'Jing, Sect~one,of this ,G.irecti 'I:e: ' rej! the' :"G8')onsnUi 'of 12th, Ar~:lY ,Or01.1.T) until ?on 8,re othkr
  • ,sle. erhaJ.ten zu hallen und war Uberz8Ui:!t.,d8.SS ten lhnan 1m Laufe dar Ze1t das balbr1n b en \Verde,wa.n loh brauoha und l.chhabe Illtch,f1.1~erd.1~g8 nach cinar Uudulclprobe, nloht. getauecht. loh mueatft roi t lten .;..eut.en setlr vors1chtlg und
  • "r~ fB !ltrnill"ed, at floor fVJqIUld, ....der flour Buo.iir!ptfof> OlmtNet, m Sf'BIOf' OONl!iVI!INOI!l, bg DUN If BRAD87'lil!ll!l7'., aml enlplol/e08, lor I/our C3)CluJliV6 ....e G8 a" 'al" If>, ,t6t,,",,11I1,.0 tile admsaMlitll 01 !l.ralltlno oredit
  • (ifrOm '. '. will gotQc the '1telcbSl$ank.:,:.'£:r~$te'e', ,1f.~a,;' 'qil-. . les,s. ~rtis l~. eonslrl.e+ed ~O" be';IlA1~r-~90~f1 •.(,:" q~.l1e-r .. ," " ,1temEJ()t th~$Jsame: caJ;G8?rY ,wh:ieb,;,:,m$y; 'b.eteWa,I.';'1i,09tY'' er,e nos~ 5,\1
  • ... __ ~_ .. __ ... , ...... "~,., ...... , ....... ,~" ·~I"'I,..u auf l]lY' n:~nen D :i. to: ,t:~ £) ~' s t {: t i .~~ 'l~ e:, c!. j~ 0 j ,-j. ~3 ~ :'i. t::;1~ AI. ~1 G8~reitcn t, eX's in He, 314 'k{";' f
  • ,: otFranoe . . : . ' . ;.! . . Uridet':~heauth~rltY' or the Tr~a1ris With the EneJn1 Aot,' as' ~amende'dj . _c~tiv~ . O; . 9193, aa ~nded, 9788. and 9989, and pursuant to law)) after ..~vest;g8:tA9n, .it is . h~reby 1'oWld a.nd determined: '1