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  • SOTU - Research/Groups
  • . paper SUBJECTffiTLE DATE re: Summary- State-of-the-Union Research. (4 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) . ONBox Number: 419 I FOLDER TITLE: SOTU
  • SOTU 1995 - Inside Memos
  • A. Baer & Gabrielle M. Buslunan; re: Random SOTU Thoughts (1 page) 01123/1995 P5 002. memo Todd Stern to Don Baer; re: State of the Union- January 18 Draft (2 pages) 01119/1995 P5 003. memo Bill Galston to George Stephanopoulos et al; re: State
  • SOTU 1994 - Miscellaneous Points
  • was pleased (and surprised) at the Renaissance Weekend when you suggested I send you a few ideas for how you might state the importance of religion for our common life in the context of the State of the Union address. The fact that you made the suggestion
  • SOTU 1994 - Cabinet Requests
  • Rivlin to John Podesta eta!; re: State of the Union Address (4 pages) 01/04/1994 RESTRICTION PS COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: Sotu 1994 - Cabinet
  • SOTU 1995 - Outlines/Language
  • ) n.d. P6/b(6) 002. memo Bill Galston to Don Baer et al; re: State of the Union Outline (6 pages) 0110811995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU
  • SOTU 1994 - Draft #3
  • to Dreyer, Boorstin; re: State of the Union- Draft 3 (2 pages) 01/15/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Cotincil Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU 1994- Draft #3 2006-0460-F
  • SOTU 1995 - Rob [Boorstin] Memos
  • . .· To . .... Distribution ·FROM:· · Bob Boqrstin :. ··RE· · "·'State of the Union··. DATE: . ·.January 21, 199.4. ,... I .. I' ·.·. ,. ' . ' ,r :· . 'l' I > I . I• '', \ .. ,. .. ' .. i· ) . '·s6fore ixoc~ed pa~t the pointof!lo return, iieefobliged
  • SOTU 1995 - National Security Inserts
  • ; re: NPT & State of the Union [2 copies] (2 pages) 01123/1995 RESTRICTION P1/b(1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Na~ional Security Council Richard Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU 1995- National Securjty
  • SOTU 1994 - Rob [Boorstin] Drafts
  • : Speech':"fi ting-Boorstin Original OAIID Number: 419 .Row': 48 Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 4 2 v President William Jefferson Clinton "Renewing the American Spirit" Address Before a Joint Session of Congress State of the Union: DRAFT. TWO
  • SOTU 1994 - Theme Memos
  • Retreat (5 pages) Ol/0411994 P5 002. memo Todd Stem to Gergen, Dreyer, Boorstin; re: State of the Union (2 pages) Ol/06/1994 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419
  • SOTU 1994 - Previous SOTU's
  • . " Case Number: 2006_;0460-F ' ~- ' .MARKER . . This is not a textual- re.cord. This is used as an administrative marker by the Glinto~ Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title: SOTU 1994 - Previous SOTU's .• " " Staff Office-Individual
  • SOTU 1994 - Health Memos
  • To FLOTUS; re: Country's Health Care Problems (2 pages) 02/2111993 P6/b(6) 002. memo John Podesta to David Dreyer & Bob Boorstin; re: State of the Union/Health Care Positioning (1 page) 01123/1994 P5 003. memo Jason to Bob; re: State of the Union
  • SOTU 1995 - Draft #6
  • /ID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ ~ 2 v . - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- »reai4ent Williaa Jeffezaoa Clinton state of the union • 44 re•• Joint seaaion of co
  • SOTU 1994 - Draft #4
  • : Speechwriting-Boorstin ' ' ·Original OAIID Number: . 419 .. ., Row: Section:· Shelf:· 48 k5 4 ·Position: Stack: 2 v 1/2~/94 To: David Dreyer, Bob Boorstin From: David Kusnet Re: Comments on the fourth draft of the State of the Union These are my
  • SOTU 1994 - Outlines
  • of religion for our common life in the context of the State of the Union address. The fact that you made the suggestion (whether or not you find a way to use my thoughts) signals the tremendous openness of this AdministratiOn to the voice of the people. · I
  • SOTU 1994 - Draft #8
  • /ID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: tposition: Stack: 48 ~ 4 2 v - -- - - - -- ----------- - - - President William Jefferson Clinton Address Before A Joint Session of Congress On The State of the Union: DRAFT EIGHT (01-24-94 at a) Janua
  • SOTU 1994 - Draft #9
  • and of the future of 31 our own children. We must, as the Scripture says, "renew a right spirit among us." Tonight, we are summoned to answer a question as old as the Republic itself. What is·the State of the Union? It is strong. But, with your help
  • SOTU 1994 - Draft #6
  • . Document will be reviewed upon request. Sat., Jan. 23, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR DAVID DREYER BOB BOORSTIN FROM: David Gergen Subj: State of the Union, Draft #6 Suggestions: Opener-- Would restore Tip O'Neill beginning ... we need something warmer
  • SOTU 1994 - POTUS #2 Draft
  • of the Union: POTUS 2 January 25, 1994 4:52 P.M Mr. Speaker, Mr. President,. Members of the 103rd Congress, my fellow Americans: As we gather to review the State of the Union, I recall the memory of the giant who presided in this Chamber with such force
  • SOTU 1995 - Draft #5
  • to stand and be recognized for making the State of our Union strong and proud and full of hope. Each of them has chosen to embrace the opportunities of their time and to " take responsibility for themselves and the i r country~ - ~t a time r--- ~hen
  • SOTU 1995 - Draft #1
  • no to wasteful apanding. [action?] '!liB. mnr BCOIIOJIY ·These, ·and many other things, are what we have done to improve the state of our Union. But I know, for too aany Americana, the State of our Union is not yet good enough. Jobs are much easier to get
  • SOTU 1995 - Meetings
  • : .. . ; . Case Number: 2006-0460-F " FOIA MARKER '" . . ' " " ' ' . ·". . This is not a textual record. This is ~sed as.· a~ administrative marker ·by the -Clinton Presidential -L~brary Staff... ' . ._ ' ' .~ ' Folder Title: SOTU
  • SOTU 1994 - POTUS Meetings
  • ·.: . . . ••.. ... ·. . ',::.···. _· . . : : . .. ' ·, ' . . :. -~ •' • ' ~ •• ' . ' . . ~ • ·. ~· • ' . THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary Internal Transcript. January 4, 1994 TRANSCRIPT OF STATE OF THE UNION PREPARATORY MEETING The Oval Office 4:00 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Okay, what are we going to do? MR. LADER: Your reactions
  • SOTU 1994 - Draft #7
  • OAIID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: ~osition: 48 6 4 ~ Stack: v THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM TO THE PRESIDENT From: David Dreyer Re: LATEST State of the Union (Draft 7) Da: January 23, 1994 Summary Saturday morning, Bob
  • SOTU 1994 - Draft #5
  • OAIID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 4 2 v President William Jefferson Clinton Address Before A Joint Session of Congress State of the Union: DRAFT FIVE(01-21-94) January 25, 1994 Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Members
  • SOTU 1994 - Accomplishments
  • . remarks DATE SUBJECTffiTLE re: Material to Insert into the State of the Union Address Related to the National Performance Review (partial) (1 page) · 01/05/1994 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: ·Clinton Presidential Records National SecuritY Council
  • SOTU 1995 - "Final" Draft
  • well aware many of you are applauding the person sitting behind me ..... Be patient. You can hear the Vice President speak another day. ~inal draft (6pm) President Williaa Jefferson Clinton state of the Union Address Joint Session of congress
  • SOTU 1994 - POTUS #1 Draft
  • Original OAIID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 4 2 v .. President Willia. Jefferson Clinton Address Before A Joint Session of Congress On The State of the Union: PO'l'US ~ January 25, ~994 Mr. Speaker, Mr. President
  • SOTU 1995 - Draft #2
  • that these young people here toniqht have dedicated themselves to build. And I donot intend to lose. THB BB1r ECOBOJIY These, and many other thinqs, are what we have dona to improve. the state of our Union. But I know, for. too many Americans, the State of our
  • SOTU 1995 - Campaign/Lobby Reform Inserts
  • Case Number: 2006.:.0460-F )' '• MARKER. · This is not a textual recO:rd.. This is used as an· administrative marker by the Cli~ton Presidential· Library Staff.· ·· .. · ; Folder Title: . SOTU 1995 - Campaign/Lo~by Reform Inserts Staff Offic
  • SOTU 1994 - Draft #1
  • OAIID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: !Position: Stack: 48 ~ 4 2 v ~, President William Jefferson Clinton Address Before a Joint Session of~~on~~ess State of the Union: DRAFT ~~AN 8 AfQ: January 25, 1994 25 Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President
  • SOTU 1994 - Draft #2
  • OAIID Number: 419 Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 ~ 4 2 v President William Jefferson Clinton ~ CeALl i Y SKlN Al'tD t"MIR ~ PltODr1CI~· Address Before a Joint Session of Congress State of the Union: DRAFT TWO January 25, 1994 Mr
  • SOTU 1994 - Budget FY 1995
  • .. , Case Number: 2006-0460-F ·" FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an ·_ · administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential · · Library Staff. Folder Title: . ' .. ·. / - . , SOTU 1994 - Budget FY 1995
  • State of the Union - Commentary
  • : State of the Union-. Commentary Staff Office-Individual:.· Speechwriting-Boorstin Original OAIID Number:· 413 . Section: · Shelf: Row: 2. 48 '( Position: Stack: 2 v Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001
  • SOTU 1994 - General Notes
  • Case Number: 2006:..0460-F ·FOIA MARKER . . . . •. - . r ' This is not. a textual- re
  • SOTU 1994 - Economic Accomplishments
  • ~--~----~-----~---------. Case Number: 2006-0460:-F FOIA-· ·MARKER .• .This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative ~arker by the Clinfon Presidential Library .staff. 'I . Folder Title: 0'1 '· SOTU 1994 - Economic Accm
  • SOTU 1995 - Draft #4
  • Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIJA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an · administrative marker· by the Chntbn Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title: .. SOTU 1995- Draft #4 ' Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting-Boorstin
  • SOTU 1994 - Foreign Policy
  • ., ... " .• Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting -Boorstin ., ., I .. ' ., . Original OAIID Number: 419 Row: .. 48 . ' ' .,• . . Section: ~ 4 Position: Shelf: I :.,_. Stack: 2 v STATE OF THE UNION: NATIONAL SECURITY SECTION DRAFT
  • 1995 State of the Union - Background [6]
  • Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKER · This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative· marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff.. Folder Title: 1995 State of the Union-. Background [6] ' · . •·. Staff Office-Individual
  • 1994 - State of the Union - Ideas & Suggestions
  • Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA ·MARKER· This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. ' ' Folder Title: 1994- State of the Union- Ideas & Suggestions Staff Office-Individual
  • SOTU 1994 - Crime Section
  • .. . Case Number: . . 2006-0460~F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This -is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential . · Li~rary Staff. · · · " Folder Title: " SOTU 1994 - Crime Section .. '· "I
  • SOTU 1994 - Tip O'Neill [Death]
  • Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKE.R . .· . . This is not a t~xtual record. This is· used as an · administrative marker bythe Clinton.Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title:. "· SOTU 1994- Tip O'Neill [Death] ' '•. '' ; ·Staff Office
  • • . •• ._ . ~ . ; : I Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DO.CUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Eli Segal to David Kusnet; re: State of the Union/National Service (2 pages) 02/05/1993 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • 1995 State of the Union - Background [5]
  • Case Number: 2006..,0460-F FOIA· MARKER This is not ·a textual record.. ·This is· used as an · administrative inarker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff.. Folder Title: 1995 State ~fthe Union- Background [5] ' . . ,. ' Staff Office
  • to make America prosper and feel secure again. At an earlier time of trouble and turbulence, when John Kennedy spoke to the Nation in his first State of the Union Address. he pledged hi~elf and his administration to "the continuous encouragement
  • 1995 State of the Union - Background [4]
  • •. ' Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA ·.MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential ., Library Staff. Folder Title: 1995 State ofthe Union- Background [4] ,. ( Staff Office-Individual
  • SOTU 1994 - Economic Agenda
  • security for every American family. 9 January 6, 1993 TO: FR: RE: Bob Jason Paul Ideas on top economic statistics/phrases for State ofthe Union Lewin report The first independent analysis of our health care plan, by officials of the Reagan and Bush
  • SOTU 1993 - As Delivered
  • . ''· '· · Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA .MARKER . - This is not a textual record. This. is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential. _·Library Staff. Folder Title: ·" SOTU 1993 - As De~ivered
  • "Fireside Chat" -- The first of eight radio reports to the nation during his first term. JFK January 30, 1961 Pres. Kennedy delivered his first State of the Union message to Congress. February 2, 1961 Special message on the economy sent to Congress. Reagan
  • 1995 State of the Union - Background [3]
  • I .. case Number: 2006-0460-F .MARKER . . . .·· . . ·' . This 'is nota·te.xtual record. This is·used as:ari administrative .marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. .. Folder Title: . •." ·• ·. 1995 State of the Union
  • '··. .:..· .,., ... June 1995 EXCERPTS FROM PRESIDENTIAL SPEECHES ON ARMS CONTROL President Clinton has highlighted national security issues in many of his major speeches this year, beginning with the State of the Union Address .. The Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
  • . -·. . '-announced in his State of the Union address; and redouble our efforts to·stop nuclear smuggling ' and nuclear.,.related. crimes' through stepp~d-up 'cooperation. with our allies and .others. '. . ' . ' ,• · • We will ~~gotiate legally-binding measures
  • wind. (Laughter.) I think I'll finish the 1 State of the Union Address. (Laughter and applause.) You know, before I showed up here, I was home watching the NCAA basketball tournament, like a lot of you. And I'm learning a lot about things in Washington
  • 1995 State of the Union - Background [2]
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTffiTLE RESTRICTION 001. memo Benjamin Barber to POTUS & Don Baer; re: Inviting Suggestions for the State of the Union (partial) (1 page) 01105/1995 P6/b(6) 002
  • · STATE UNIVERSITY AT NORTHRIDGE HCllliCii~lil~"C""Ssiiin--J · Ir~. ·AnniiCof CA" Eiiiihqliiilcesd [State of the Union Speech Prep ___ _l · L.=~---------- [__ __ ~·-·----·---~-~ -~~~~n~llnt~ IWEL~ AKE h> Homt:huiiJers with President Sncgur
  • the State of the Union speech and a detailed action plan for the Treaty's extension in the March 1st Nixon Center speech; raised the issue with almost every relevant White House visitor, wrote and telephoned many of his counterparts). • The determined
  • SOTU 1994 - Health Drafts
  • ·'' . Case Number: 2006~0460-F . FOIA; . .·. . . ·MARKER This is not ·a textual record. ·This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential L_ibrary Staff. . . . · . ·. Folder Title: '" SOTU 1994 - Health Drafts
  • SOTU 1995 - Draft #3
  • Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title: SOTU 1995- Draft #3 Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting-Boorstin Original
  • . Otrvilh.• at National Prews CJ\1b 25 State of the Union Address (TF.NTATIVE) 27 26 ~ublican National Commit«le bfWns rr~to pid: new Alb!Wtt & 'Mutmn · conlinnatinn vo~- Senate Foreign Relations dainnan- St. LOuis ICOP, 4th Qlr (1st estimate
  • to prevent crime as well as catch criminals. President Clinton State of the Union Address, 1/25/94 • •• . Shortly after taking office, in March of 1993, the Pre~ident had an unexpected opportunity to lat.mch a small beginning to his plan: he won funding
  • military our nation has ever had. And I. have pledged that as long as I am Presiden.t, they will remain the best equipped, the best trained and the best prepared fighting. force on the face of the Earth." 4 [State of the Union, January, 1994
  • , industry tri, a political-science professor at San and technology, and they lobby the Eur(}. Francisco State University. pean Union for money. The language groups control education and culture. Errant Predictions Brussels now is the site of the EU's
  • and gentlemen: . I am greatly honored to address you today. This is the first Parliament that I've spoken to since my State of the Union Address before our Congress last month. 2 And I want to thank you for not rescinding my invitation . when you learned
  • that I've spoken to · since my State of the Union Address before our Congress last month. And I thank you for not rescinding my invitation when you learned that I plan to deliver the second half of that speech today. I want to thank Prime Minister
  • , and crime intensifY. But the Iarger ·fact remains that with the State of the Union address now behind Clinton, the spotlight and the ·. •initiative instantly ·shift back to a Repu'tllican Congressional majoritY confident in its .direction and remarksbly
  • and contain health care costs for families, businesses and Federal, "State and local governments. ·The President has asked Democrats and Republicans in Congress -- in both a letter to the Congressional Leadership in December 1994 and the State of the Union
  • our nat:ion has ever had. And I have pledged that as long as I am President, they will remain the best equipped, the best trained, and the best prepared fighting forhe on the face of the Earth. " • 1 · · President ·Clinton State of the Union I January
  • system o~ w• can force ourselves to swallett a euZ'• worse t.han tba cU.saaa•. u President George Bush ~efo~ State of the Union Addreas January 28, 1992 Lava11!;q thA t1aying Field tgr small !usin••t•• o Until now, small businesses have been
  • terrorism with th~ initiative the President - ·· ·announced in his State of the Union address, and redo~ble our .effort;·~o st.op ·nuclear. . s_muggling·and. m.iclear'-rehited cri_mes _through stepped-:-up ~ooperation with our allies an~ · · others
  • and CVN-76 the USS RONALD REAGAN. BACKGROUND: On Tuesday, the ~resident was poised to announce in his State of the Union address that CVN-..,75 and·CVN-76 would be named, respectively, the USS HARRY S. TRUMAN. and the USS. RONALD REAGAN. He chose
  • . President .Cli~ton State of the Union Address Janua~y 24, 1995 . • · There is near universal·consensus that the present welfare system is' broken. The public disdain is clear in polls and _talk shows alike. And the harshest critics of all
  • on Presidential decisions ...••.••••.•.•••.•.•.••••.••••••.•.•. Feb. 5 Agency appeals due to OMB •••••.•••••••••••...• Feb. 9 All appeals resolved .•••.••••• ~··············Feb. 12 summary document (50 to 100 pages) to GPO •••• Feb. 16 state of the Union
  • can begin warhead removal immediately and ahead of schedule. President Clinton said in the State of the - - - - - - - - - - · · ··--- 3 Union Address, America also will lead the charge to extend indefinitely the Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • to purchase insurance. I believe it does meet the objective that I set out in the State of the Union Address, and I would ign it. hat about the second part of the question, Mr. President? Doesn't it make the fact tht you havenwidicated support for a less
  • Conventions .. 8 Background By the end of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union had amassed huge arsenals of nuclear weapons. The end of the East-West conflict brought a chance to make deep cuts in these forces. But the collapse of the Soviet
  • movement is destroyed, once it is harnessed to the chariot of the state, once trade union leaders are nominated by the head of the state, once meetings such as this become formalities, endorsing the purposes of the state, the trade union movement
  • 1995 State of the Union - Background [1]
  • . COLOMBIA: A BoQota dally criticized President Clinton's State of the Union address last week, complaining that the president completely ignored the issue of drugs. · ECUADOR: Centrist Expreso of Guayaquil was in the call-for-firmer-action camp: "It is vital
  • not to pursue but to relinquish the nuclear option. · The result of years of negotiations in the 1960's when the United States and the Soviet Union were locked in an arms re:::e, a space race and intense competition for the loyalty of the newly independent
  • ago, in his final State of the Union address, President Truman captured the abiding n~ture of our national purpose: "Circumstances change," he said, "and current questions take on different forms, new complications, year by year. But underneath
  • have reached the most critical phase of the war. The greatest victory of the last year was, of course, the successful breach on June 6, 1944, of the German " impregnable" sea 486 q '{.)i I26. Annual M essage on the State of the Union wall of Europe
  • the situation in Bosnia (June 93) Russia and the U.S. reach an agreement to sharply reduce their nuclear arsenals (Jan 93) . President Bush's state of the union address (Feb 92) Charges that the White House Chief of Staff used military airplanes and government
  • boycott -of Jsrael _and .the esta~lis.hment of .ties between ·.. Israel·. and an increasing number ··o~ its ·Arab 'neighbors. o > ' I ' . _. :And we· >I ~ .., . ' I, . . ' first State of the Union address., I pledged to ,_. strengthen
  • into twice that length, the longest . speech a President has. ever delivered as a State of the Union Message. Even before it was over, Ad· ministration officials acknowledged . today, it became the subject of dark humor on the floor of the House
  • of the peace which we are establishing. The charter provides that the body of the Security Council will. include five great powers as permanent members; the Soviet Union, the United States of America, Great Britain, france and China. The decision
  • :lD opening there for the Soviet Union or the United States, he responded, •A routt.s Jnu jt SPubt~itt J'1111atllt bitn Ju pl4isir. "' (loosely translated: •Both are most welcome to have a lot of fun there.") ' As things stand today, the most we could
  • either to·come up with "an effective alternative" or stop fmding fault. His address was-intended to catalogue the administration's foreign policy plans in advance of Tuesday's State of the Union speech by President Clinton, who is expected to concentrate
  • program. (Obey's office) • George Bush bragged in the State of the Union that the new surface transportation bill provide more than $150 billion for construction and maintenance of the nation's roads; actual funding levels in the President's budget fall
  • pays 30 times· as much. I President Bush never submitted the $500 increase in personal exemptions for children he promised in this year's State of the Union address. His subsequent 7-point economic recovery plan included no middle-class tax relief. We