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19416 results

  • in the capacity of true collective bargaining. I of8 6/22/2000 12:27 PM Document ial%20scholar%20%5D%5D%5D&x=Advanced&2.0 There have been fewer strikes since January 1961 than in any other 3-year period since
  • Abortion-Family Planning Meeting 1/22/99 [1]
  • with the high~st rate of 10 million pregnancies that occur throughout the world each year, ..... ~...........,..... and 22% end in' abortion, according to a new report by The Alan ·es (where average desired family size is small), of the 28 "'J:
  • Letter Writers 8/5 Conference Call with HRC
  • : Health Care Task Force Series/Staff Member: Wellford Subseries: OA/ID Number: 3643 FolderlD: Folder Title: Letter Writers 8/5 Conference Call with HRC Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 56 3 11 3 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton
  • RELATING TO DETERMINATION OF 20 STANDARDIZED AMOUNTS.-Section 1 8 8 6 ( d ) ( 2 ) ( C ) ( i ) (42 U.S.C. 21 1 3 9 5 w w ( d ) ( 2 ) ( C ) ( i ) ) i s amended by adding a t t h e end t h e 22 following: 23 account any r e d u c t i o n s i n t h e
Scheduling (Item)
  • Conference Call w/ Governors' Staff Oth Cabinet - Satlt. Feeds Shalala Release Report Call January S M T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 S 7 14 21 28 M T W 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30
  • were released in full or released in part. Those documents released with redactions have been restricted under Section 1.4 (c) of E.O. 13526. -SECRET UNAMIR II 5 AUGUST 1994 DECLASSIFIED PER E.0.13526 8/18/15" xm CLINTON LIBRAJRY PHOTOCOPY
  • Infrastructure .......... "........................................................ . 176 -11 -5 -5 -44 5 -37 -17 -11 -22 -35 -16 -20 -20 -20 -27 NOTE: S.nat. would provide add'i $8 M rrom DOJ Working Capital Fund. DOJ: General Legal Activities
  • Infrastructure .......... "........................................................ . 176 -11 -5 -5 -44 5 -37 -17 -11 -22 -35 -16 -20 -20 -20 -27 NOTE: S.nat. would provide add'i $8 M rrom DOJ Working Capital Fund. DOJ: General Legal Activities
  • - --. --- _.. _ -..... -ANY ILlicIT DRUG -- -- -... a: w a. 22 -~ -.. - ~- . . .. -- -- . -- - ..... - 20 ~ 15 "'~NYilLICIT DRUG ~THER o I 75 I , 77 ~HAN ~A~IJ,UA,N~ 79 '81 '83 , '85 . -- HL . 1-:; I I '87 USE IN PAST 30 DAYS I , '89 I I '91 L J
  • on Softwood Lumber February 20,19~)6 96-18 Clinton Administration to appeal WTO Panel Report on Reformulated Gasoline ' February 22, 19!~6 96-19 Statement by Ambassador.Kantor February 28, 19~~6 96-20 USTR Kantor Cites Unprecedented U.S. export
  • statistically significant differences within each group at P
  • 15 1 20 2 3 19 2 25 12 16 8 10 15 0 FWMm. i i"""""" 14 18 14 61 20 20 21 77 26 22 29 96 126 : 175 PROJECTED CHANGES IN MEDICAID SPENDING (billionsof dollars) Calendar Year Baseline Spending 1994 WW^F:';- 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
  • AND HOUSEHOLD SPENDING ON HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS In Billions of Dollars, Nominal 25 ^20 Without Reform .E 15 i 10 £ 8 With Reform g a co 0 — Without Reform — With Reform 1990 $2.7 $2.7 1991 $3.2 $3.2 1992 $3.6 $3.6 1993 $4.2 $4.2 1994 S4 8 $48
  • prescription drugs $0 $10 $10 $0 X /^$634^ ) X X $1 8 X $48 X . $95 X $20 $1,343 $263 $120 • $10 $0 $0 $294 $155 $466 Total Spending FINANCING Medicare Cuts Medicaid Cuts Conrad Auto Insurance Offset Medicaid Transfer Other Spending Reductions
  • Rlllot Jemal Singleton 1 1 1 Jas9n Sender!sm o Opp. 17 fiS:A H 0.0 0.0 G-1 0:0 36 Q.O 20 18 10 18 6 8 Q..Q 0 0 0 0 0 o-o·. 22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 o-o 0.0 0.0 ·e 0.' 0.0 8 0 0 24-28 12-14 33 o-o 0.0 0.0 0· ·0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
  • /1996 – 05/22/1996] [05/23/1996 – 05/29/1996] [05/29/1996 – 05/31/1996] [06/02/1996 – 06/20/1996] 2007-0625-F -3- Box 2 Clinton Presidential Records: Automated Records Management System [Email] (continued) WHO [OA/ID
  • THESE TOTALS -13- . (11/20/95 -11:12 O202 659 3716 1012/015 C M O CAUSE O MN 1993-94 , TOP 50 SENATE - DISBURSEMENTS CANDIDATE 1 2 3 4 5 *6 7 8 9 10 *11 ,12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 *28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 *42 43
  • This request consists of photographs of President Clinton awarding the National Medal of Arts and Humanities to Ernest J. Gaines at a ceremony at DAR Constitution Hall on December 20, 2000. These photos document the award ceremony and the dinner
  • Clinton Presidential Library 1200 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 Inventory for FOIA Request 2009-0774-F AV Photographs of Ernest J. Gaines being honored with a National Medal of Arts and Humanities on December 20, 2000 at DAR
  • found as it related to a personal appearance by President Clinton: 10/20/1993, 09/28/1994, 02/08/1996, 04/30/1997, 03/03/1999, 09/24/1999, 02/04/2000, and 02/10/2000. The records include printouts from the Electronic Daily Diary and the Photo Archive
  • Databases Extent 8 folders, approximately 30 pages Access Collection is open to all researchers. Access to Clinton Presidential Records is governed by the Presidential Records Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. Chapter 22, as amended) and the Freedom of Information Act
  • /cIassicallanguages Art and music 1988 1998 29% 22 19 20 13 6 38% 29 30 29 18 8 1988 1998 Academic goals are rising Certificate program Associate degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Doctoral/related degree Other Undecided 1% 2% 2 2 30 23 31 27 23 18 1 21 19
  • of­ magazlnes~ volumlnus pampn+et.materlal, a very detalle~ +lte­ rature ana collectlon of cllpplngs' from newspapers regardLQg the affair Dreyfus, about 20D Heomew manuscrlpts and 30 , ma.nuscripts in other languages, about 20 incunabula. , , 2
  • ~ales E6 Be-- 04/21196 a£"fe:t: ad ttrtder 8~aeeei9A the righ~e ~d!",19~n; ~005 CEQ 5'202 456 1414 20:34 'lrt aRQ (e) .... ---oAr· f)urcha:eer R't1"r3' enforce .Q established in this paragraph ~Q~~~3iR a~Beitate p~ larithi.u tl:J.e ;n
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT!TITLE DATE 001. email Alan Kreczko to MacArthur DeShazer et al; re: Rwanda Officials (I page) 07/22/1994 P5 002a. email Donald Steinberg to Nancy Soderberg; re: Rwanda
  • .' ~·:.~· 18 18. 1 ') 20~ ';1~ £> 'I 22~ .. .1J8.09 1.2U.lO iT; 20. 3 no 9 2.l.~1 111.89 19:' 1 l.7~ \ 9 n. .20; 5 1': 9 0;, 20; 17• • lO~ '1 H~ 0 t6. !) u~ 12'.90 9 U;; 8 :ll:: lo.S.03 t ;'0: 6 IB~:;J IB~h !IISO.60 142.48 n:u
Backup Copies (Item)
  • to postsecondary education, further learning, 'and first jobs in high-skill, high­ 20 wage careers; 21 "(8) students in the United States can achieve challenging academic and technical 22 skills, and may learn better and retain more, when they learn
  • —EXCLUSIONS 20 SEC. 1141. EXCLUSIONS. 21 (a) MEDICAL NECESSITY.—The comprehensive bene- 22 fit package does not include— 23 24 (1) an item or service that is not medically necessary or appropriate; or •HR 3600 IH / .8 17S7 IS Title I, Subtitle B 91 1
Room Requests (Item)
  • $ 0.25 '''j." EA. $ 0.75 1 EA. 1 EA. $ 0.75 $ 0.90 $ 0.70 1 1 EA. 2 EA. ea. 1 ea. 1 ea. :2 2 $ l.~O $ 1..20 $ 1.00 $ o~i5' . . ,NDV-08-1999 13:10 WH I TE HOUSE MESS"· P.004. NON FOOP ITEMS 12 oz. PLASTIC
Charles Ruff (Item)
  • P's First Set of Interrogatories and Second Set of Requests for Production 9/8/93 P's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel Answers to Interrogatories and Production of Documents 3/22/94 Affidavit of Kent Maslerson 3/22/94 Verified Second Amendment
  • 8 /s/tl, Northcut:.t et:. a.l 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ........ "' .. 18 .;.. ..., 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 ~ . .~~ ;\;. ,. , ... \. jrob09 4 AR DEPT. ED ASST DIR Fax:5016824487 Ju 17 '96 10
  • &-" laud•••p. I .Pa,at*'fIC'.atlU lit. · (Bothot the•• are .ppronll8tell' 20- x 30". . '!1187 81'. on .rdboard 01' paper • .._\84 . .' . ,.BDt.OII caD.yao) '. . /'l',·;I'ooiI.n box Inlaid ..! th str,aw;', ,,,' x S- x 6" .. :!-:t'f'~8·'··'Y"',boto
  • [07/02/1993-07/22/1993]
  • ] (8 pages) 07/14/1993 RESTRICTION Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Cables Jan 1993 - Dec 1994 ([N-K...]) OA/Box Number: 505000 FOLDER TITLE: [07/02/1993 - 07/22/1993] 2010-0346-F ke2156 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
AFL-CIO (Item)
  • Atlanta Women 28 12 5 6 5 36 10 7 12 3 2 22 , 1 7 7 8 6 President Clinton has worked for tougher trade policies to force Japan and other countries to open their markets to American products. All Participants 28 Cleveland Men 16 3 5 Cleveland
  • reasooably calculated to meet the overoll goals of the TANF program, as well as m any sute was autooril.l:d to use federal funds under current Tilles lV~A and IV-F. Slates receiving; TANF funding must maintain 8 JV-D progmm meeting (eden
  • that the proportion of negative stories and broadcasts about Clinton and healthcare jumped significantly, from \3% critical pieces in the week of Sept. 22-27 to 29%o critical Sept.29-Oct3, and in the high 20 percentile for the next six weeks. Major News Events Health
  • All Photographs from the Clinton Administration taken from January 19, 1993 through January 20, 1993; January 26, 1993 through January 29, 1993 - Collection Finding Aid
  • The photographs processed in segment 8 were created from January 19, 1993 through January 20, 1993 and January 26 through 29, 1993. The segment contains photographs pertaining to: arrivals, departures, meetings, ceremonies, press briefings
  • Clinton Presidential Library 1200 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 Inventory for FOIA Request 2006-1135-F AV (segment 8) (1993, P00300-P00399) All photographs from the Clinton administration taken on January 19, 20, 26-29, 1993
  • .(partial) (1 page) 04/20/2000 P6/b(6) 016. email Jenni R. Engebretsen to Bridger E. McGaw, Stephen N. Boyd, Christine L. Anderson, etc. at 19:26:09.00. Subject: 6/22 POTUS FINAL. (partial) (4 pages) 06/21/2000 P6/b(6), b(7)(C), b(7)(E), b(7)(F) 0 17
  • ] Child Immunization 12/11/00 [OA/ID 21113] Church of God in Christ Bishops’ Convention, Washington, DC 9/20/00 [OA/ID 21113] Church of God in Christ Convention 9/20/00 [OA/ID 21113] Medal of Freedom, East Room, 8/9/00 [1] [OA/ID 21113] Medal of Freedom
  • 20. Metzger, ,J¥Ioise ,: Paris ,21. ~nier, P;Lerre:. ,'.,', 22. Nordau, r~x l Paris", '., 23.P~~qu1erf.r,~Charpentier • .Ancien'~leve la Sooi~t~ Ph~'lomatl;:~ue) ,Bordeaux .', .., , . ... 24,. Re~nach, Jpseph:, ., 'j , de ,~x)~g
  • of Freedom Presentation to Sen George Mitchell 18 Israel: Rabin Center Event 19 Hold for Press Conf Afghanistan: Meeting w/ Feminist Majority Foundation Steinberg: In Germany for G-8 Sherpa Mtgs Browner: In China 20 Steinberg: In Germany for G-8 Sherpa Mtgs
  • 9, 1995, for Health Care Association of New York, p.6. 20) New Yo;r:k Times,· September 23, 1995. 21) White House Press Release, 3Uly 28, 1995. 22) HOP: HMIS. 23) HOP: HM'I9. 24) HOlH IDIIS. [;107 ., ' .November 1, 1995 REMARKS
  • researchers. Access to Clinton Presidential Records is governed by the Presidential Records Act (PRA) (44 USC Chapter 22 as amended) and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 USC 552, as amended) and therefore records may be restricted in whole or in part
  • A. /R, Record .at A 1 RE: UNGA Draft 6/22 (UNCLASSIFIED] Monday, September 23, 1996 8:36AM Just one last quibble -- the official English translation has dropped the "h" from From: Blinken, Antony J. To: @NSA - Natl Security Advisor; @EXECSEC- Executive
  • and Work Institute 4-20-93 8:00 a.m. 040 102178 4591 102178-001 National Education Goals Panel Lincoln, NE 4-20/21-93 [1] 040 102178 4591 102178-002 National Education Goals Panel Lincoln, NE 4-20/21-93 [2] 040 102178 4591 102178-003 Betsey Wright Amb. John
  • 829, Apr 2" E1~IlT.F.L 17.35, . , Apr 26~ EMB'!"1::;I. '20)4 t.~ 11) and alt&rmtiw 4!7Uggested by BrHi lU'Uicceptable for following reasons! FC a.:o , (7)8 to Br'USsels) As ind:i.oatOO. 1n llli:P.rEL 1781,/kay 1'1, J)llpt view 15
  • Rights,Reparation Memorandum 20, Subcommittee 6, April 10, 1944, NACP, RG 59, Entry 250/46/22/6, Box 49, File StatelNotfer [320633]. I . I WORKING DRAFT - NOT FOR CIRCULATION ,. 6 ~. question may wish to make adjustments fqr"this circumstance
  • 15 13 11 13 11 11 11 11 13 15 18 11 14 10 11 19 16 13 11 12 6 13 14 8 10 14 7 • • : r - - . - r - . - : - ^ - r , ^ ...JiTr:,.„, 22 8 n/a 23 14 15 14 14 18 13 17 15 15 17 13 15 14 22 16 18 17 19 17 12 19 15 19 13 14 14 16 18 15 12 13 15 13 13 19
  • - -94 01- -03- -94 01 -03 -94 02 -24 -94 01 -12 -94 01 -28 -94 02 -16 -94 TBL FAX 02 -05 -94 LET 03 -07 -94 Q&A 02 -08 -94 03 -10 -94 03 -21 -94 MEM 03 -18 -94 RV 03 -10 -94 MEM 05 -17 -93 05 -06 -93 MEM 05 -18 -93 LET 05 -22 -93 Press any keyt o
  • Hinojosa 6. Senator Bingaman 7. AFT Teacher (Tom Gammon) 8. NEA Teacher (Lily Eskelsen) 9. Principal (Migdania Vega) 10. Superintendent (Anthony Amato) 11. Chief State School Officer (David Driscoll) 12. HEC Representative (Delia Pompa) 13. Higher Education
  • in small towns and rural communities across the country. 00:22:06:26 Because that's where I have found some of the greatest ideas, the newest innovative ideas come from in terms of how we can better serve the rural communities of our country. 00:22:20:03
  • Maintenance of Effort '6 Conrad 1. Substitute Wage Act 2. Partial substitute titles I &, II of bill 3. Childhood SSI 4. Work amendment S. Teenage"Mothers 8 . D'Amato 7 . 1. Anti-fraud Graham 1. Grant distribution formula 2. ProhibitioJ;l
  • ) and inserting "; and"; and (C) by inserting after paragraph (45) the 20 21 following: 22 "(46) unless the State has enacted a law ex· 23 • empting itself from the application of this para­ 24 graph, provide that­ __ m 29 1 H(Al except as provided
  • , the 5,QOO state futmers .,.,'ho stlll produte muon must drench thcir fides with chemicals up to 20 times each year. For decades, the federal government has studied the [x)1l weevil, hoping to de­ stroy iI, 10 the [ate 19705, researchers un­ veiled a fivt
  • South Texas Trip McAllen & San Antonio March 20-22, 1996 [1]
  • ! COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: South Texas Trip McAllen & San Antonio March 20-22, 1996 [I] 2010-0198-F ryl003 RESTRICTION CODES Prcsidential Records
  • [01/22/1999-12/19/2000]
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. cable re: Pakistan. (4 pages) 01/22/1999 Pl/b(l) 002. cable re: Pakistan. (3 pages) 03/04/1999 Pl/b(l) 003. cable re: Pakistan. (2
  • "and" at the end (3) in paragraph (7), by striking out the period at the 17 thereof; 18 19 end thereof and insert ing in 1 ieu thereof a semicolon and "and"; 20 and 21 22 (4) (11) by adding at the end thereof paragraphs (8) through to read as follows
  • . Total 1.021 960 1.981 43 13 66 66 II 78 16 8 22 38 20 58 28 42 70 10 7 18 2· 69 88 158 • • • • • 0.22 0.21 0.43' 0.09 0.03 0.11 0.18 0.03 0.21 0.13 0.05 0.18 0.00 0.30 0.30 0.17 009 0.28 0.12 018 029 0.72 0.37 1.08 0.19 0.13 0.32 0.04 0.02 0.01
  • )(C) (relating to not investigational and 20 safety and effectiveness.) (1)(B) and 21 (ii) BIOLOGICALS.—A biological that 22 has been found to be safe and effective 23 under section 351 of the Pubhc Health 24 Service Act is deemed to meet
  • [01/18/1997 – 01/22/1997]
  • ] personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRA] b(7) Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed b(8) Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of purposes l
  • Care Reform (7 pages) 10/25/1993 P5 001b. fax cover sheet Jeff Gutman to Stephen Neuwirth [partial] (1 page) -Hl/22/1992 P61b(6) 001c. memo David J. Andmon to Stophen Nouwij "" R"ponso to the House .I Conunittee on Government Operation's Letter
  • President Sandra Feldman, I am writing to invite you to speak at this year's AFT Government Relations Conference at the Hyatt Rcgency Holel, Capitol Hill, October 20-22, 1999. The cont"erence hOSIS about 250 of AFf's key political aCljyist~ from across
  • 8 A 1 2 3 4 '5 6 7 8' 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 c D E F GET INITIATIVES 12/10 Agency/Policy Area 12/15 Discussion Discussion CEQ Costal Salmon Lands and Livability Clean
  • for guards at Rhine Main because of security requirements for Berlin lift. 17 July thru 24 July The following shipments were delivered to Pan American Airways: on 19 July Shipments 31 & 32; on 20 July Shipment 33; on 21 July Shipments 34 & 35; on 22 July
  • Reagan('ao) Bush Clinton 11/2 11/4 11/8 11/3 Agrlcuhure 12/20 12/23 12/13 Commerce. 12/20 12/11 12/8 Defense 12/21 12/11 12/16 Education. n/a· 1/8 11/20 Energy 12/23(subcablnet) 12/23 1/12 HHS 12/23(HEW} 12/11. 12/22 HUO 12
  • Standard Form 1012, Travel Voucher XD5AOl39 from WDC to Little Rock AR and ret,Q6/18-06120/95 (partial) (I page) nd P61b(61 OOlc. form Standard Form 1012, Travel Voucher XD5AOl39 from WDC to Little Rock AR and ret, 061\8-06/20/95 (partial) (1 page
406506 (Item)
  • -00 HE W H I T E HOUSE WASH I N G T O N '0OMRR2PH8: March 2, 2000 Mr. President: As you know, Andy Tobias asked that you consider speaking out against Proposition 22 in California. You asked that we take a look at his request in the context of DOMA
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 1/22/97 - 7/14/97 [Binder]: [Women's Roundtable, Harare (close) 3/22/1997]
  • Shushkevich of Belarus. Also included are the briefing memoranda and talking points for a meeting between the two leaders on July 22, 1993.
  • The Mandatory Declassification Review contains letters, diplomatic telegrams, and cables between President William J. Clinton and Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of Poland, between December 22, 1995 and December 31, 1999.
  • These Clinton Presidential Records were declassified in response to a Mandatory Declassification Review request for recors related to an April 22, 1999 telephone conversation between President William J. Clinton and British Prime Minister, Tony
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains an untranslated January 22, 1993 letter between President Clinton and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich.
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains a White House cable regarding the President's trip to Bosnia-Herzegovina on December 22, 1997 and a National Security Council email from L. June Bartlett regarding the official delegation list
  • the period between December 22, 1995 and December 31, 1999.
Earth Day (Item)
  • President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore work on a stone wall work station with volunteers during an Earth Day Event at the Appalachian National Scenic Trail in Harpers Ferry on April 22, 1998
  • Slatkin (b)(6) 57S757 11:18 AM JoeValasquez (bK6i.....J 0 1997 Lolus Dewlopmcnt Corp. 7/17/97 al 11:47 AM Clinton Library Photocopy p„,3 Cal!s List 5/8 - 5/30/97 ' H u 13 SL.0R2 u ••1 a S 10 U 15 16 17 'V 18 19 22 2J i'J 2b 26 27 28 rs 30pi
  • • ;ZJaJl.LalV/tI Al~041n~ ; 1 ........ ~~ 031d1SS91~3a ·.w~ "'N1I_ __ 107896 " .:!!" > , ~~., , ",
  • now and it"s lS lonely. ". I insane, said, "Well, demonstra~o~s 16 ! and said, cminously. :8 to the message pick.c!ng 22 ~~ r haven t event in. gett~ng hac ~ore kind of maybe I'm losing my edge. New, as for the demons:ra:ors
  • 26 - Daley: Keynote, Remarks at U.S.~China Business Council Forecast 2000 Conference ·- I 13 20 - Podesta: Mtg. w/ CEO Members of the CSPP (POTUS drop-by) 8 I I 114 115 21 22 28 29- POTUS AddreSSE;!S WEF - POTUS hosts CEO Reception
Navajo-Hopi (Item)
  • eliaJb1e ~o fami. , . ill 0Edcc: 1br d1ute Mm- to l"tIDam snWeata 17 of tlD:" 18 ,un, IGbject to . . ttnDs aM t:aDltitW.s of the AI> 19 ,~~ 20 Zl 22. liaP. Partmor&ed lada for & pmod. at 75 (4) . . VDit.e4 Statu N'lmnwledps ncpe$ (A) t&e
  • . . . ' • S M July 1995 T W T F S' 10 11 12 13 12 3 4 5 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 ',,', ·7 M 2 5 8 9 June 1995 F . S 1 • S May 1995 T W T 3 4 1 6 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 31 23 24
  • 20 service volunteer; 21 (2) the term "nonprofit organization" means 22 any organization described in section 501(c) of the 23 Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from tax 24 under section 501(a) of such Code; .HR 911 IH . "~- ;' 8
  • the details. UN50 Charter Video Script. Ver. 3 June /8, 1995 5 I JUN-20-1995 20:45 P.007/026 .• Midway through the conference, the Allies proclaimed victory in Europe. But work on the Charter continued as the war went on in the Pacific. At the end
  • and rhodium; 12 gold pars (smelted at DEGUSSA 9/22/44); 1 bag gold; large number of silver trays, dishes, etc.; 5 boxes of Iprecious stones Cr bar approx 1.000 kg; 1 gold approx 400 grams; $10 US pieces-- $530; $20 US gold pieces--$6920; 41 gold Bolivars
  • '" 7., l.2tS 20,U' 14.041 15,5'3 5,"0 7~n' •• us 5,.41 l.nO 1,'" '1,82i 17,471 U,t80 '" :z~l'O '1. UI 1,521 2,1%0 2.iOZ 1,0'81 n.") 1.0(' 22,0" •• 4S0 m ...... ..... 13.832 1.ISO u,n, -.... "'lIanrsn,.VUlA lI1Wl'1'O IUCO
  • , and California’s Proposition 22. The collection consists of clippings, emails, letters, memoranda, notes, press releases, and talking points concerning DOMA, same sex marriage, and domestic partnerships.
  • Marriage [8] [OA/ID 9532] Oetken, Paul DOMA [Defense of Marriage Act] / California Proposition 22 [OA/ID 40298] Wallman, Kathleen Gay Marriages [OA/ID CF 849] Domestic Policy Council Ben-Ami, Jeremy Subject Files Gay Marriage [OA/ID 103144
Cache Tables (Item)
  • ..,4­ FED 2A 4125141 2B 4125141 Halle. Germany between 22 bags currency 515 and 6122 (per G 5 Report) FED ~Germany between 2 chests currecny and gold 515 and 6122 (per G 5 Report) FED 20 4125141 Halle, Germany between 7 bags currency
  • (A) by striking "voluntary national oppor­ 20 tunity-to-Iearn standards,"; and (B) by striking "described 21 In section 22 213(f)". 23 (8) Section 304(a)(2) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 24 5884(a)(2» is amended­ .S lSOI IS 8 1 (A) in subparagraph
Assets (Item)
  • Abortion-Family Planning Meeting 1/22/99 [2]
  • I 19. Reverend Carlton Veazey, President Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice 20. Beverly Malone, President American Nurses Association 21. Dr. Renee Jenkins, Professor of Pediatrics Howard University, ,American Academy of Pediatrics 22
  • CARE - WEEK OF OCTOBER 18 - 22 MONOAY 10/18 TUESDAY 10/19 WEDNESDAY 10/20 Community Technical Breakfast* RIGO Fonim y-poTus In NY TODAY Show In Chicago for heatth care event and a fiind-raiser FIRST LADY East Room Breast Cancer Event Koop
  • (6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domistic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14953 FOLDER TITLE: Child Care-WIC [Women, Infants and Children] [Folder 2] 20 I 1-0688-S kc562 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • Elian Gonzalez 4/22/00
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 17510 OA/ID Number: FoldcriD: 'Folder Title: Elian Gonzalez 4/22/00 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 3 Draft 4/22/00 9:40am Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON
  • 100 44 15 22 20 15 29 23 23 10 5 1863 182 101 98 43 32 19 26 26 52 27 27 10 8 1 1948 203 135 143 68 39 27 12 22 68 42 32 20 13 2199 213 170 156 110 47 27 26 46 80 65 53 12 17 2 5 4 I 1 1 1 6 5 5 1 4 a 5 8 2 7 2 8 6 12 5 4 3 4 4 2 4 8 3 2 1 4
  • % -10% -11% -12% -14% -14% -15% -16% -19% 3 5 4 4 12 4 9 7 3 22 11 10 10 33 54 21 8 7 25 11 15 23 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38% 37% 17% 28% 28% 43% 15% 12% 10% 6% 14% 7% 12% 5% -5% 14% -10% -8% 13% -2% 4% 7% 5% -2% -9% -5% -14% -9% -20% -8
  • % of minority adults, compared with 8 of white adults. % NATIONAL COMPARATIVE SURVEY OF MINORITY HEALTH CARE The Commonwealth Fund March 20, 1995 Based on a survey conducted Tor The Commonwealth Fund by Louis Harris and Associates, Inc., between May 13, 1994
  • September 20, 1983 Great human advances/National education agenda May 30, 1984 U.S. role in the world/ Technological and scientific advancements, human creativity May 22, 1985 Foreign affairs: World Peace Tuskegee University May 10, 1987 Minority
  • in the Report of the House of Representatives Conunittee on the Judiciary, H..R. No. 103-387, November 20, 1993. The relevant comments, found on pages 5 and 2 Id.I003 'EJu"'~ ,I- .. : ~/22/96 .', THl.l 11: 18 FAX 202 514 9112 I; ",Qt:,",U'UI.:. JI,Jr
  • that an individual may purchase any health plan or health insurance and may not be required to enroll under, or make payment for, any health plan or health insurance DEFEATED BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 16 TO 27 DEFEATED 3a SCOTT amendment (verbal) to Fawell [FAWELL
  • e r o f f i c e r s as i t c o n s i d e r s necessary or 20 a p p r o p r i a t e . 21 (8) A majority of the members of an HIPC c o n s t i t u t e a quorum 22 f o r t h e t r a n s a c t i o n o f business a t a meeting o f the HIPC. 23 m a j o r
  • on which the Commission submits its final report under se1tion 3. . 112 STAr. 616 June 23, 1998 HOLOCAUST ASSETS ACT, 1998 , I, , . , P.L. 105-186 SEC. 8. MlSCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. I 22 USC 1621 note. (a) INAPPLICABILITY OF FACA· The Federal
  • at the end the follow­ 17 ing part: 18 "PART G-SERVICES PROVIDED THROUGH RELIGIOUS 19 ORGANIZATIONS 20 "SEC. 581. APPLICABILITY TO DESIGNATED PROGRAMS. 21 "(a) DESIGNA'l'ED PROGRAMS.-Subject to sub­ 22 section (b), this part applies to, each program
  • % 2 80% 472 20% 10% 76 16 38% 294% 8 -5% 289 18 ·55% 13 492% -43% 8 48 -47% -74% 23 -52% 14 261 71% -51% 137 -38% 77 22 442% 64 -17% -40% 63 20465% 2 -4%' 3 -56% 2 -80% 6 - 207 -19% 354% 45 -18% 944 -35% 37 1 873% -49% 83 194% ,7 -6% 70 -30% 104 ,69
  • Records Management System (ARMS) Email WHO [OA/ID 500000] [National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System, NPOESS] [01/22/1996 – 07/15/1998] [08/20/1998 – 10/27/1999] [10/28/1998 – 05/27/1999] [06/02/1999 – 09/18/2000] CEA [OA/ID 950000] [National
  • /19 KASSEBAUM BURNS DANFORTH Glickman McCurdy HRC/MV/CJ re: Baslcare co-sponsers 5/20 GRASSLEY LQ cable 1V Show 5/20 Hilliard. Bachus SE GENERAL 5/20 Andrews CJ GENERAL 5/21 Lewis JH Georgia Roundtable 5/22 Mfume MIKULSKI HRC/MV
Safe Schools (Item)
  • High School Durbam. NC · .Norwood Middle School 0 0 Cincinnati Norwood Middle School' .. 0 0 Cincinnati 0 0 North High School Salem.., OR 0 0 Highland ElementaIy School ~NE 0 0 Shippensburg High School Shippensburg, PA 8 Weapon .22 caliber handgun
  • -03/14/1996] 2013-1117-F -2- [03/14/1996-03/15/1996] [03/16/1996-03/18/1996] [03/18/1996-03/20/1996] [03/20/1996-03/22/1996] [03/22/1996-03/25/1996] [03/25/1996] [03/25/1996-03/28/1996] [03/28/1996-03/30/1996] NSC
  • National Association of State Boards of Education 3-22-93 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  • March 20, 1993 I ~arol Rasco Bill Galston Your forthcoming speech to the National Association of State Boards of Education TO: FROM: SUBJ: I I ;You know this area a't least as well as I do. In my own speeches iand presentations durIng
[07/22/1997] (Item)
  • [07/22/1997]
  • NLWJC - KAGAN EMAILS RECEIVED ARMS - BOX 063 - FOLDER -008 [07/22/1997] ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Laura Emmett ( CN=Laura Emmett/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:22-JUL-1997 09:21
  • Managemen't Agen,:;y (FEMA) and the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) in the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS).8 NOMS combines federal and non-federal medical resources into a unified response that is designed to meet peacetime disaster needs as well
  • .-The amount of 22 23 shall be the amount· that bears the same 25' the amount specified in paragraph (2) f1 26 year grant to be made ~ a State under this part for a 24 8 as the population of the State (as latioD to SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 70~1
  • to the 6 urban zones, 20% to the rural zones, and 20% to the 100 communities, TItle XX provides for block grants on a range of social programs and, as currently administered, is not targeted toward economic development. ll. ISSUES We can successfully
[06/22/1998] (Item)
  • [06/22/1998]
  • -JUN-1998 10:26:11.00 SUBJECT: Education TO: Elena Kagan ( CN;Elena Kagan/OU;OPD/O;EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: ---------------------- Forwarded by Bruce N. Reed/OPD/EOP on 06/22/98 10:26 AM --------------------------- Karen Tramontano 06/20
  • SEIDMAN E TO: Michael T. Schmidt READ:20-MAR-1996 15:55:10.91 SCHMIDT_MT TO: Alice E. Shuffield READ:22-MAR-1996 21:29:12.93 SHUFFIELD A TO: Jennifer M. O'Connor READ:20-MAR-1996 16:25:07.80 OCONNOR J TO: Elena Kagan READ:20-MAR-1996 15:33:49.86
Harkin (Item)
  • of dis- 20 eases and disorders, a process to protect our Na- 21 tion's blood supply from the HTV virus, progress 22 against cardiovasculor disease including heart attack 23 and stroke, and new strategies for the early detec- 24 tion
  • economy."8 The Gold Declaration (22 February 1944) The Allies received reports that the Axis continued to pour investments, technical personnel, and gold shipments into the neutral countries, especially Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal during
  • CA, 05122-05127/96 (partial) (I page) nd P6!b(6) OIOb. itinerary AmEx Travel for Rasco from Washington DC to Las Vegas NV to San Francisco CA, 22 - 27 May 96 (partial) (1 page) 05/21/1996 P6!b(6) 001. form ..., ) \ . COLLECTION: Clinton
  • .for a:ateke,aping, tor depos1 t in the ·C,9mmerclal Nat.lonal Bank.. 'While lnBrutlwe d1dnot eng_S! 1.S'll1buslne'al81. ,,:\,.,. :,. ' I bad bave .000aa1oD. tomee~ Ml'. Ad;(i~ph01tr• .Q; .,.,t;; :S.o'Q~lo,.·'where· I·thereaf,ter'l'"emoiTed t~8.ll8actlons
  • UNGA '97 Toast 9/22/97
  • we always act in concert to achieve the harmony the UN founders dreamed of. .1::10T __ _ NEW YOR SEP-20-199 9-~1 997 8: :22AM P.2 FROM PROTOCOL liN .. l'lJOOl u.u · No.4 . Protocol and .- 18 Stp:ernber 19~ . Heads of SJ.Ue yes H. E. Mr
  • #855 #875 NOVEMBER departs arrives departs arrives National 7:20 Memphis 8:44 Memphis 9:30 10:17 L.R. a.m. a.m.• a.m. a.m. departs arrives departs arrives National 12:50 p.m. Memphis 2:10 p.m. Memphis 3:00 p.m. L.R. 3:46 p.m. i Jj I I I
  • Bernterode, Germany Bitterfeld, Germany Buchenwald, Germany Dachau, Germa:ny Delitsch, Germany . 6, '6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10. 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 , 16 16 17 17 18 19. 19 19 19 20 20 20 21·, , 21
  • ) TO: Bruce R. Lindsey READ:26-MAR-1996 17:05:09.02 LINDSEY B ) (WHO) TO: Cheryl D. Mills READ:20-MAR-1996 15:17:21.38 MILLS C TO: Miriam R. Nemetz READ:20-MAR-1996 15:04:32.98 NEMETZ M ) (WHO) TO: Stephen R. Neuwirth READ:20-MAR-1996 17:22:35.42
  • motion to clarify 1B and enforce judgment "pending further orders on the same or 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 t~e sal~s The Cowboy, Nita, were enjoined for violations of Pub. L. No. These six sales were more subject of plaintiffs' October
  • Master Set, Folder 8 303129-303286 [2]
  • > ".,' ., .; '" , ': .. ,~'; ... ,'-" . >: ':", U i: IJ U\i).)! r I ~ U ~~~'l~~,~~.\"~~f:'(!I'IiI~:I~I'UII."rI"nIVC" - •. , A'Jtrrj;i~ , 8, ~llt NtJ'A_~a,a~4J41 .- ~Z60 gb~ L\~ Jtt1J7 7'S.Q11 t=€b . ..~ JOBImI IXCBAJiGI DIPQI1!
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 1/22/97 - 7/14/97 [Binder]: [Kuwandzana Polyclinic, Harare 3/22/1997]
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION· • u.s. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (Remarks at the Kuwa4zana Polyclinic--Harare--03/22/97) Thank you very much for tpat comprehensive description of all of the various elements that make up the family planning
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 1/22/97 - 7/14/97 [Binder]: [Zambuko Trust, Harare 3/22/1997]
  • " I PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION u.s. First (Remarks at the La~y i Hillary Rodham Clinton Z~uko Trust--Harare--03/22/97) I am very happy to be here with all of you and to hear some of the stories of your subcess. The work that opportunities
  • SPONSORS House ofRe resentatives.,. November07, 1997 · 18. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS (House ofRepresentatlves- Septem er 03, 1997) 19. Daily Digest- Wednesday, October 21, 1998 20 . Daily Digest - Thursday, October 8, 1998 21. Daily Digest- Wednesday, October 7
  • Church of God in Christ Convention 9/20/00
  • a short visit by the President. Needless to say, a meeting with the bishops of this powerful denomination is important in a number of ways. DATE AND TIME: September 18, 19, 20, 21 or 22, .2000 DURATION: One hour LOCATION: Washington, DC
  • [(b)(6) of the FOIAI b(7) Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA) b(8) Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions (b)(8) of the FOIA) b(9) Release would
  • RESTRICTION 001. memo From Robert Boorstin; re: UN Speech Draft (partial) (l'page) 06/22/1995 P6/b(6) 002. speech draft re: President William Jefferson Clinton- Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the United Nations Charter- San
  • $310,000,000 f01; tlw Goals 2000: 19 Educate America Act and $122,500,000 for· the School-toI 20 . Work Oppm1unities Act Shall become available on July 1, 21 1996, and remain available thl'Ollg-h September 30, 1997: 22 Provided, That notwithsta;tding section
  • are moreIikely (21 percent) than men (8 percent) to have part.;.time jobs, which accounts for part ofthe 'difference in hours worked by men and women in the labor force~' It appea'rs l that employees are working longer hours today than . .employees 20
  • ..,:,~ _____ •..-,--.~.,..,_~ ~ "..., . 0:. ', '.:' ... :. "' .-;----_ " .' .' 26-MAY,'OO(PRI) 15:50 THE BEAUPORT TEL:0171 589 2834 CLAREMQNTMcKENNACOLLEGE III ~I - ~O a/Hutory c::;,. I~ Od)l ~ oeL~.Il;( J&l"'~+'k,., j PL~ F~W ":l.D ~ ... 3:}.-1 - S""4 ~ 8 '30
  • 18 10 33 48 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 0 0 0 3,273 227 1,508 2,327 2,262 287 2 5 36 22 1,902 95 49 365 8 121 26 57 613 84 58 82 118 133 3 3 0 0 0 0 19 9 0 0 13,184 11,952 1,073 4,995 7,910 7,358 776 11 24 105 128 6,596 364 165 1,607 44 507 100 172 2,167 313
  • and .exchange arrangements' suggested at Havana ·oonferenoe - 8/i2/40.............................. a) Treasury notifies State Department of -8/13/40........................... b) Minister of Finanoe oonsidering - 8/20/40, See Book ~, page 45 21,184
  • areas for the parties' military forces, the Principals decided to reexamine the issue of a 20-km heavyweapons-free zone, while reaffirming their approval of a 4-km all-weapons-free zone along the inter-entity boundary (see summary of conclusions
  • Erichsen READ:26-AUG-1996 09:20:59.19 ERICHSEN P ) TO: Mark D. Fabiani READ:19-AUG-1996 13:10:06.70 FABIANI M ) TO: David Fein READ:22-AUG-1996 09:38:37.89 FEIN D ) (WHO) TO: Edward F. Hughes READ:21-AUG-1996 11:00:33.43 HUGHES E) TO: Rochester M
  • ° Extension - 30° Abduction - 40° to 50° Adduction - 20° to 30° Internal Rotation - 35° to 45° External Rotation - 35° to 45° Knee Range Of Motion: Goniometer/Visual Analysis Hexion -135° to 150° Extension - 0 Copyright® Data Management Ventures, Inc. 8
  • ] [06/01/1995 – 06/09/1995] [OA/ID 510000] [06/14/1995 – 06/30/1995] [OA/ID 510000] Box 9 [07/01/1995 – 07/19/1995] [OA/ID 510000] [07/20/1995 – 07/31/1995] [OA/ID 510000] [08/01/1995 – 08/22/1995] [OA/ID 510000] [08/23/1995 – 08/31/1995] [OA/ID 510000
  • OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES I Report: D (A-93) Subject: Equal Reimbursement for Rural and Urban Physicians and Hospitals (Resolution 129, 1-92) Presented by: Raymond Scalettar, MD, Chair Referred to: I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
  • percent ofthe children born to unmarried teenagers who dropped out of high school are poor. In contrast, just 8 percent of children born to married high school graduates aged 20 or older are poor. In his 1995 State ofthe Union Address, President Clinton
  • , andreformpremium estimates from The Urban Institute's TRIM2 model. SOURCE: ASPE 13 B. STATE MEDICAID SPENDING UNDER THE HEALTH SECURITY ACT New York Medicaid Growth: 1997 - 2000 * (Assuming State Alliances Formed in 1997) $23 $22 - $21 - g$20 - •S$1G
  • ) by amending 20 -21 , 22· ~ "(a) .subsection (a)' to :read as follows-­ PRIORITIES.--In approving applications under this title the Siecretary" shall give 'priority to appllcants-­ .'1 (1) 23 that h'av~ the greatest need for assistance, based 24
  • the right to sue their HMO for malpractice. 70% support (50% strongly + 20% somewhat) 25% oppose (17% strongly + 8% somewhat) Horserace: Vote Oem: 76/22, Vote GOP: 60/36, Don't Know: 75/13 Gender: Male: 74/20, Female: 67/30 Age: 35: 77/19 29
Kennedy Mark (Item)
  • will reconvene a half hour after the Senate goes out of session, for a ihree hour period. (Friday, May 20 markup will only be held from 8:00 am - 12:00 noon.) MEMORANDUM TO: Distribution May 9, 1994 FR: Chris J. RE: Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee
  • OF TIlE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY _ _.. D.C. 20!03 April 30, 1997 The Honorable Newt Gingricll Speaker U.s. House ofRepreseotatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Speaker: The purpose in writing to you today is to present
  • , the commission shall from time to time determine the voting age population from the best readily available sources of information. CANDIDACY SEC. 8. Rules for Candidacy 85200. (a) Prior to the solicitation or receipt of any contribution or loan, an individual
  • ) of the FOIA} b(S) Release would disclose information concerning the financial institutions [(b)(8) of the FOIA} b(9) Release would disclose geological or geophysical concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIA] National Security Chissificd Information [(a)(1
  • ......... -.. ...... ""~~ 10 . ------ - -- o 1990 1991 11992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 )998 1999 2000 2001 12002 , Cash Balance. 10 10 11 12 Obligations e Income 8 9 11 15 19 23 29 35 41 - 14 17 18 18 21 21 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 •••• 14 15 17 17 15 21 22 23 23 24 24 25
  • unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA| b(7) Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes 1(b)(7) of the FOIA] b(8) Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions [(b)(8
  • . $lO,OfJ{). (8) More than $1O,(}()() bul not more than $20,O()(}. (C) More than $!!O,()(}{) but not m(lre than SSO,OOO. (D) More than $50.()(}{) but not more than $l()()J){)(). "\' , "~? , .-- . .~ ~ f!¥;ls~;lj~l (tl) fied to carry Ollt
  • ) 01/22/1996 P6/b(6) 011a. letter Jerome B. Malevick to POTUS; re: H.R. 1833 (partial) (1 page) 01/20/1996 P6/b(6) 01 lb. envelope Malevick to POTUS (partial) (1 page) 01/22/1996 P6/b(6) 012a. letter Madeline Riehl to POTUS; re: Senseless
Oceans (Item)
  • ' ' ,- JOriginal OA/ID Number: 2191 i Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 48 6 8 1 v 5/5/98 1:30PM PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON VIDEO REMARKS FOR U.S. PAVILION AT WORLD EXPO TAPED MAY 8,1998 Welcome to the United States Pavilion of the World
  • /ID 620000] [10/16/1998 – 10/20/1998] [OA/ID 620000] [10/21/1998 – 10/22/1998] [OA/ID 620000] [10/23/1998 – 10/27/1998] [OA/ID 620000] [10/27/1998 – 10/30/1998] [OA/ID 620000] [10/30/1998] [OA/ID 620000] [11/02/1998 – 11/06/1998] [OA/ID 620000] [11/10
  • hearing unciII' 21 lUbJIctIon (e), the Scmtar)' detennines that there Is • reasonable probability that 22 collJllllll)tion orebe articles Chat IN the sublect of III oRier uMer subsection (b) 2 P. 6/8 FROM:ALISON PERKINS AUG-29-1997 10:31 TO:ELENA
  • High school graduates College graduates Race/ethnicity (K-12) 20 Middle 19: 1 Other I 28 Elementary (1996-97) • (1993-94) 12% 19% (By state definition) 91 65 78 Grade 8 42% 44 • Sources of funding Number of schools with Title I
JCR/JRSO [3] (Item)
  • (= Prinz Eugenstr. 20-22" A 1040 Wien. Austria) tel.: +50 165 2408; fax: +50 1652230 P6/(b)(6) Congress office Bureau PAOG-Amsterdam, C. H. Walta, ' Tafelbergweg 25,1105 Be Amsterdam. The Netherlands tel.: +31 205664801;;fax +31.20.6963228
  • 16 5 16 20 31 27 4 22 16 4 The U.S. Congress [17] May 1992 2 [18] The Republican Party March 1993 . 8 23 27 [19] Bill Clinton March 1993 26 30 15 12 14 3 January 1993 December 1992 May 1992 33 31 15 9 7 5 26 34 18
  • for middle income people than the rich or poor." [CBO, 5/94, pp. 17, 20] | INSURANCE COMPANIES REMAIN IN CHARGE: • Insurance companies can still deny coverage of pre-existing conditions for up to six months, or in some cases up to a full year.[Dole Plan, p
  • , and notice of tho 19 victim's rights. 20 ''SECTION 2. The several States, with respect to a 11 proceeding in a State forum, mel the Congress, with re· 22 spect to a proceeding in a Umtcci States forum, shall have 23 the pO\\~er to implement further
  • the American Dream 17 17 17 The American Dream-Dead or Alive? 18 Optimism in America's Future 19 America: Still Number One? 20 Intergenerational Deterioration 21 Be All That You Can Be 22 Job Satisfaction 23 24 25 Achieving the American Dream
  • Welfare Reform Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday, August 22, 1996
  • ) 07/3111986 P6fb(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TIlLE: Welfare Reform Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday, August 22, 1996 20 I 0-0 198-S dbl686
  • .·. -335 80 17 0 112 187 196 77 .0 0 -19 210 149 64 84 11 22 3 206 223 163 29,152 .30,69'2. 71 ,443 7,873 1,01. o 8i1~9 232 1,97"' 1 16,0S9 3,645 4,44-6 't. (; . :1 : ·j 1,67s2,7BG 1,177 66 88 11 ·24-8 339 257 23 1 79 198 100 1,720 2
  • Medicare Reform - Extend Solvency [8]
  • testimony suggests that the only solution is reducing Medicare spending. Yet, the Medicare actuaries have estimated that spending growth would have to be held to 2.8 percent per beneficiary for 20 straight years to protect Medicare through 2020 -- and 2020
  • .~ . .. II' , JO~' wlwyer: . ··C0~.TA"INER, . 1i'd~in . n tin:boiX. .~l~;e+·:i(;pPRAISALNO • . D:kTE~\.:.J0.:8·~:46. ' ... LQCAutroN ··;9: gU:A!~TITY; l' FrenqhFra'ncs: '1'0 'gold pieces' . ' 22 FrerichFr.ancs ·20: gold .pieces.' . 1 Austriari"Crown
  • )" and inserting 19 . ' "i85lE(f)". 20 (5) S e c t i o n 1 8 6 6 ( f ) ( 2 ) ( E ) (42 U.S.C. 1 3 9 5 C C ( f ) ( 2 ) ( E ) ) 21 i s amended by s t r i k i n g "1876(b)" and inserting "1851A(a)". 22 (6) Section 1882(g)(1) i s amended— 23 24 (A) by s t r
  • . . 30 8) Friedrich Wilhelm IV date, "Fc'.l" Y2'f:ei'bliche J:'ei It ·11 i:n ~G.C SCiel1.C o£ a~rtsH, of' 1840~ , 1 piece ,. ';j) Wilhelm 1., of 1888,Konigsberg 7,1 4) Fried:cich 'Nilhelm ~eim~ " II 31 22 6,3 41 139,2 41,0 42 30 31
  • Savings Major Medical 20th Percentile 70th Percentile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 23 30 39 43 51 63 65 76 92 91 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 1 12 2 12 1 16 3 15 1 20 3 19 2 25 10 15 0 12 16 8 14 18 14 20 20 21 26 22 29 Subsidy Savings Due
  • on August 22, 1996, vests in the Attorney General the authority to designate the kinds of government-funded community programs, services or assistance that are necessary for protection of life or safety and for which all aliens will continue to be eligible
  • ______.:.. _______ ..:~ __ ~ ______________________________~ ________________ _ , ,:~ ..•. 1 s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' __ (8\n111t) ~ It ; I ' II 4. Type of business (Instruction 2A) ,_.,­ __________________________________________________________ _ ~.;. 5. Combined
  • would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA] b(7) Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA] b(8) Release would disclose information concerning the regulation
  • Extent 323 Folders, approximately 12,400 pages Access Collection is open to all researchers. Access to Clinton Presidential Records is governed by the Presidential Records Act (PRA) (44 USC 22) and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 USC 552
  • Health Care Mtg. w/Exec. Dir & Policy People 22 Dec. '94 2-3:00
  • of Mayors National Association of Counties National Conference of State Legislatures I)ATEtrIME: Thursday, December 22 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: Your office AGENDAtrALKING POINTS: ... ... ... Introductions Thank them for coming
Serbia Suit (Item)
  • shifting role as a Russian momentous talks with Stalin at Te, native, refugee, ally, cold war foe . heran and Yalta, died on Sept. 20 at . and, in 1990, visitor invited home in his home in Fort Belvoir, Va. He- was an era of democracy and reconcilia85
  • 18 cm ,', "Landscape with Church and Figures" gold­ fraL18, .'Was removed to the Central Collett­ ing Point during.this month item No 8· - 1 oil-painting, 17th century, 22 x 17 em, .' . .IIMalc Half -:-lpngth Picture U brown frame - 1 ()i.l
  • Citation itlformation for the Morgenthau Plan will be added. . ' 09:27 22/02/00 8 , General of the U.S., not the Allied, forces. Subject to any agreed policies of the, Allied Control counciI181~is~nhower was ordered as fO;IOWS: . ' ... 1) Ydu
  • they were seized by F,rench troops. The following assets were seized in ~uch a w~y in St. Ant~nx/ 31 cases wlth marklngs of gold I '\ /) Printed by: .~\f' \ Page: .2 ' v' 0> , . Sat Oct 02 11:22:20 1999 2 3 8 2 cases cases cases cases Re
  • [04/22/1998 – 04/23/1998]
  • NLWJC - KAGAN EMAILS RECEIVED ARMS - BOX 027 - FOLDER -009 [04/22/1998 - 0412311998] WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email SUBJECTrrITLE DATE from Mona Mohib to Sandra Thurman et al subject Girl's Night
  • by Dan Glickman) THURSDAY, APRIL 20 7:30 - 8:15 Senior Staff, COS 9:00 - 9:30 Jeremy Ben-Ami 9:30 - 9:45 DPC Conference Call NOTE: Rural Forum in Georgia (Chaired by Dan Glickman, and with Congo Sanford Bishop); 9:30 12:30, Ft Valley State
  • to, any individual or group on the basis ofrace, sex, color, e~city, or l1anonal ori~ in the operation ofpublic employment, public eaucanon, or public contraCting. 19 20 21 CAL. CONST. art. 1, § 31(a).1 22 23 24 25 It is important to note
  • been previously convicted of a Federal J9 20 crime relating to tobacco. including the taxation thereof; 21 (8) that such person has, within five years prior to the date of 22 application. been previously convicted of any felony under Federal
  • [09/15/1996 – 09/22/1996]
  • . Apfel READ: NOT READ APFEL K ) Autoforward to: Remote Addresse TO: Elena Kagan READ:17-SEP-1996 20:54:15.94 KAGAN E TO: Diana M. Fortuna READ:17-SEP-1996 19:45:21.57 FORTUNA D CC: Carol H. Rasco READ:17-SEP-1996 22:34:13.12 RASCO C Stephen C
  • as to what action should be taken 6/24/40 -10/18/40 Digest of Customs and Related Laws Preparation of a complete digest assigned to General Counsel's office (Mr. Nevius) Digest of Customs and Related Laws (Espionage) 5/4/34 to 8/22/40 Search of staterooms
  • NLWJC - KAGAN EMAILS CREATED ARMS - BOX 004 - FOLDER 003 [8/15/1997 - 9/10/1997] Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email SUBJECTffITLE DATE Elena Kagan to Maria Echaveste; RE: Dinner (I page) 09/09/1997
  • Boutros-Ghali of the United Nations (4 pages) ca. 02/22/1993 RESTRICTION Pl/b(l), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Press (Philip J. (PJ) Crowley) OA/Box Number: 3102 FOLDER TITLE: United Nations [3] 2011-0516-8
  • ~ent). compared to those who had not (22 percent). . Perc,ent Who Believe Eaeb of the Fonowing Is One; . of the Most Important Reasons for the Rising CostofBealth Care '. , i ' 24% 20% 10% 0% Fl'9ud and Abuse In the . Health Cam System
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13659 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: Greenberg Economic Message Memo Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 8 1 GREENBERG RESEARCH INC 71 n GREENBERG r-h RESEARCH
  • DPC Program Staff Mtg. Pre-mtg. for Reg. Reform on Food & Drug 4:30 - 6:00pm 8 Feb. 1995
  • ) OAlBox Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: DPC Program Staff Mtg. Pre-Mtg. for Reg. Reform on FQod & Drug 4:30 - 6:00 pm 8 Feb. 1995 I .20 I0-0 198-S , ry823 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act -15 U.S.c
  • I I Changes in Number of Poor People and Food Stamp Participation, 1995-1997 . 0 °/o -.---- -~~-.. -5°/o-+- _ _
  • . July I, 1954, 19 F.R. 3985,68 Stat. 1279; Aug. 9, 1955. c. 645, §§ 1,.2, 69 Stat. 562; Sept. 6, 1966, Pub. L. 89-554, § 8(a), 80 Stat. 656, 657.) 11 'I' 22 § 1622 FOREIGN RElATIONS Ch. 21 Ch. 21, INTERNATIONAL CLAIMS Annual SubmissIon
  • Applicants Distribution Above and Below Average GPA and LSAT AveGPA (3.42) Ave GPA (3.42) 50% 16% 18% 4% Ave LSAT (160.48) 14% Ave LSAT (160.48) 70% 20% 9% White Atr.Amer. (1823 apps) (244 apps) AveGPA (3.42) Ave GPA (3.42) 22% 15% 23
  • system, while only 47% 40% 30% 19% think it would be minor. In 20% addition, almost half (47%) think 10% managed competition would be 0% 11% favor oppose major better same minor worse an improvement over the current system, while 22% think
  • Family "j-m 13 Two-Parent Family with children 2 14 Workinq Medicare Beneficiary .is- Total People •>6 Total PTE's Employed (Should equal line 2) 20 hours '^ • A :•• -.m 10 Single Person 23 6 4 23 1.5 1.5 « .•.•:^ • 18 8 'Mm wnrk^liL-L
  • $; 20 Ollt sect;ion 65UG (c) 1999 thro-wgh.2003. ".{2) ALLOCATION OF APPROPRINT'TON's.- ... ~1 22 lNOTJ£: lreg.isl.at1ve la.nguag• i.s cu.r~e!!tly hf:slng clra.fited 24 25 8/Z 'd 'W . 'SN I~SVH: WO'cid NI~1~ 'f - uz:m n:sT 866T-8T-AVW
  • 21, beginning on line 10, strike "class of family enrollment under this Act" and insert " 'class of family enrollment' ". Page 21, lines 13, 17, 20, and 22, insert "enroUment or" before "class". Page 22, beginning on line 1, strike "term 'family
  • . Less than 1 in 20 completed 4 years or more of college. 1970 Bachelor's degree or higher 1990 1980 1970 Figure 8. Our educational attainment varies among different Hispanic groups. Although about half of the Hispanic population received a high
  • constitute loot. Item 21d 8 bags of coins from NSDAP office of Salzburg, Austria. 335 silver coins (14365-14407) , Item 2le . 3 boxes of,currency belonging to POWs from camp in Memmingen, GE. 20 silver coins. 1 silver pocket watch weighing 25 grams
  • % Dem $723,880 $711,554 1993-94 Opn $447,509 Note: does not Include $14,000 in candidate loans which have been repaid 1993-94 TOP 50 SENATE - RECEIPTS CANDIDATE RANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *10 *11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 *28 29 30
Costs [1] (Item)
  • Demonstrations., 8 Defer r' , C Defer 'I' , r A Child S~pport Assllrailce Demonstrations 8 ' " Limit and Cap (SA Demos C Defer' 1·!.1 30 ,3D o o o o iJ o 'Q o ,0 0 100 50 0 iJ '0 0 l~ - 30, -25 .' 20 ,0 ' ' . 0 , . 0 , 200 -", 50 ' '0 ii
  • /Deputies Committee] Meetings on Bosnia, March 1995 [8] [OA/ID 696] PC/DC [Principals Committee/Deputies Committee] Meetings on Bosnia, April 1995 [1] [OA/ID 696] PC/DC [Principals Committee/Deputies Committee] Meetings on Bosnia, April 1995 [2] [OA/ID 696
  • . Coverage: Employer and individual mandate with special rules for small business A. All employers with more than 20 employees would be required to pay S percent of O the average premium for a qualified standard health plan, employees would be required to pay
  • \ = " -"' ~ - .:;-. 3 ~ ct­ ~ c;, ';­ " ~ ~ • " ~ ~ ~ ....,~"'\ t: '" ~ o :> • " a y­ -+ §~ ~ ~ .. ~ '., g ?O ~ 6' I a " r-' "" -.(. If ~j, .!l i ..... " i I , • ! o· i J ~ 0 ': 0 8 ~ ~ n • " ~ '. ," . ~ rv ~ ~ 07~14/91
  • from Rasco to Panettaet al re Travel Itinerary: November 14-21 (partial) (1 page) 11/13/1996 P6/b(6) 003. memo from Rasco to Panetta et al re Travel Itinerary: October 22-28 (partial) (1 page) 10/2111996 P6/b(6) 004, memo from Rasco
  • 620000] [05/18/2000 – 06/21/2000] [OA/ID 620000] [07/13/2000 – 07/28/2000] [OA/ID 620000] [08/02/2000 – 08/21/2000] [OA/ID 620000] [08/22/2000 – 08/30/2000] [OA/ID 620000] Box 8 Clinton Presidential Records: NSC Cables, Emails, and Records Management
  • Preedman, B H, Mr 22 LOOMIS, Hermon A. See Wilks, (Mrs) M A LOOMIS, Robert H.. See Clark Unlv N 20 LOOMIS Institute. PO Grubbs made headmaster, D 3,22:4 LOOMS. See Textiles, US (gen) par D 19 LOOP Causeway (NY). See Bridges LOOS, Alfred R. See: NYS-Depts
  • conferences. Those meetings will assess the key issues for women on o regional basis and ultimately provide Geneva Irene Hoskins, Chair NGO Committee on the Status of Women 20 chemin Valerie CH 1292 Chambesy, Switzerland Tel.: 41-22/758-1176, Fax: 758.0805
  • into the COD1n1~;sion' 8 account ~t the Fedoral Reaerve Bank New York by the insurers in res;,.eot of thJ.s loss. or On the, other band, thore is included in the 8UiOunt shown in the above table aa having been oredited to the aooount of the three Govern­ Ulents
  • 19 DAN GLICKMAN, in his capacity as Secretary of Agriculture, BRUCE BABBITT, in his capacity as Secretary of the Interior, ) } } ) } ) ) } } 20 Defendants, 21 22 23 OREGON NAT. RES. COUNCIL, et al., Defendants-Intervenors DEFENDANTS' MOTION
  • Policy=Blue, Service=Green, .Miscellaneous DomesticNalues=Black Chicago Bulls Event Ron Brown Memorial 6 7 8 INetan:y'ahuMeeting Chretien Visit Powell Swnmit Meeting Drop-By 13 14 15 College Scholarship Announcement 20 21 Jackie Robinson 50th
  • / 5 8/ 6 8/ 9 8/ 10 8/ 11 91 1 91 4 911 91 11 . 91 16 91 17 91 18 91 20 91 22 91 23 91 24 Ways and Means Sub-Committee on Health Health Care Staff Meeting - White House Preventive Health Meeting - White House Private Meeting with Senator John
  • /Creation" Referred to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pennsylvania Delegation Reference Committee E (Ulrich F. Danckers, MD, Chair) Whereas, There are many "therapists" in a variety of disciplines
  • * Education * Govt. Spending * Taxes * Welfam * *Less than 1 percent 43 9 26 1 2 3 * * * * * 42 11 20 * 5 * * * * * * 34 13 21 * 5 6 * * * * * 35 8 18 * 4 4 10 3 * * * issue bonds without taxpayer authority. As shown on Table 3, Independents were more
  • 604 ',1 SO% -8% (399} ~8% ~16% 104) 8% (0,91 is% 101 3S% 64% 2,657 '3.157 675 20% 1.5,228 15,455 2,419 33% 3,158 23% .52 20% 17,124 2,400 '2.985 6,542 6,929 2.431 3,035 ' 6,544 7,037 ! ·17% 1,25 n -11% . 145 ·2% \390
Gold Train (Item)
  • Arty, "Plan for the Unloading and Storing of the Contents of the "HungarianTrain," in the Military Government Warehouse, Salzburg," Jul. 8, 1945, NACP, RG 260, USACA, Property Control Branch, Werfen Tr'l-in, Entry 113, Box 20 [119277-119278]. . 7 MenlO
  • Adding 20% Lab Copay Eliminating Preventive Copays Rationalizing NurSing Home Copays **Home Health or Index Deductible· ISAVINGS. ',zc. ..' ··~;.At:8;; ; ';. ITOTAl .........•.. ,. SURPLUS FOR TRUST FUND SOLVENCY ,~6:2:> ,,;;.:;r4'~8:t:, ,.~:'-:6.2
  • 2 3 3 4 7 • • e" . . . . . . . 8 , '. , 0. . . . . . . . . . ~ 9 110 I I i10. I ;11 ~ 12 :13 :14 :14 ,15 '16 :18 APPENDIX Exhibit A .. AdminiatrativeExpensee and .Means of Financing for the Period April '21
  • , it is ordered thafsections 1, 2 and 3 of Executive Order No. 10587 of January 13, 1955 (20 F.R. 361) are amended to read as follows: ! "SECTION 1. TheiJew'ishRestitution Successor Organization, a char­ it.a.ble membership organization incorporated under the laws
  • vtd against tobacco plan that would stop 3,000 kids/day from smoking z < vtd in favor of flag burning o cr w ~ < ~ a. . ' . . ... ~ '" .. w . against balanced budget amend 0% 20% 40% The Mellman p, 02 FEB-26-98 THU 13:22 T H
  • J Due from Assay Office and others of gold and silver deposited for account of customers Recapitulation 1 Date 4/22/42 5/4/42 5112/42 5/14/42 ·5/20/42 5/21142 5/26/42 6/8/42 6112/42 3/29/43 4/6/43 9117/43 9/24/43 10/21143 1111/43 1116143
  • of the other two types of plans (DO NOT READ) Don't Know (DO NOT READ) Refused -8- 1CR Survey Research Group 20. Would you be willing to pay $12 a month in additional premium for prescription drug coverage? 59.8% 1 40.2% 2 D R Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don't
  • __ ._ .. 88 .. New Jersey_ North Carolina Illinois Tennessee _ __ 36 __ . 40 20 Georgia _._____________ 22 .. __ .. __ .:-86 Kansas ____ _____ ... _ 34 ....... Maine .. ___ Distrid of Columbia ___ 18 South Dakota .60 New Hampshire_
  • . 56-66A-816, Box looted Gold: Netherlands Vol. I [A44]; and Schmidt to Files, 4 April 1947, RG 56, Acc. 56-66A-816, Box 2, looted Gold: Netherlands Vol. I [A45]. 273 Schwartz to Schmidt, 8 May 1947, RG 56, Acc. 70A-6232, Box 22, Negotiations
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Samir Afridi Subseries: 21112 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Asian Pa. [Pacific] Heritage Month, Rose Garden 5/25/00 [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 4 10 3 05/22/2000 MON 18:07 FAX
  • .. .................. ~ .................................................. 6 ' 8. 9. Trying Juveniles as Adults in Federal Court~ .......................................... ~ ..................................7 Federal Sentencing Guidelines
  • [Ellen McCathran - Presidential Daily Diary - Hardcopy 5/5/96; 5/16/96; 5/24/96; 5/27/96; 6/5/96; 6/13/96; 6/16/96; 7/2/96; 7/19/96; 7/21/96; 7/31/96; 8/3/96; 8/5/96; 8/16/96; 9/4/96; 9/17/96; 9/20/96; 6/28/96; 10/2/96; 10/14/96; 10/21/96; 10/22/96
  • Hardcopy 5/5/96; 5/16/96; 5/24/96; 5/27/96; 6/5/96; 6/13/96; 6/16/96; 7/2/96; 7/19/96; 7/21/96; 7/31/96; 8/3/96; 8/5/96; 8/16/96; 9/4/96; 9/17/96; 9/20/96; 9/28/96; 10/2/96; 10/14/96; 10/21/96; 10/22/96; 11/2/96; 11/20/96; 11/21/96; 12/10/96; 12/11/96; 12
Amtrak [4] (Item)
  • (a) or (b) of this title" 19 and inserting in lieu thereof "discontinuing 20' service over a route"; and 21 (C) by inserting "or assume" after "agree 22 23 (2) in subsection (a)(2), by striking "section 24' 24704 or 24i07(a) or (b) of this title
  • .. )' • 4 Qll!O v1:1'i~;: , ;:8 , L.Qa~b Q!,P NJlQUJrrg! , \ \ .) .\ LI..,T ~lr ":N:D»r.J'lD'IJf'D PAOO'INGS ~nOU.D AT US~HlI-DJfPGT '.. ' . .' SA.t.ZBURO. r~ ~~.~ ~~tz::tM~~Z;-.'. ("\ ". ' .... NuM'~ .....u..s~~ . aOR~~AlU) . 1
  • banking 7/14-8/5: Groups phonebanks: local banks across the state- Labor 7/14-8/5: Groups phonebanks: 1,500 providers 7/20: AFSCME phonebank for rally 7/22: APA phonebank to follow up on 7/18 mailing 7/25: AFL-CIO phone banks this week 8/8-8/10: HCRP/CA
  • This collection consists of records related to Hazel O’Leary, who served as Secretary of the Department of Energy from January 22, 1993 until January 20, 1997. O’Leary was the first female and the first African-American to hold that position
  • of the Department of Energy. O’Leary was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on January 22, 1993 making her the first female and the first African-American to hold that position. She served until the end of President Clinton’s first term (January 20, 1997
  • History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 3:00 Food Safety Inspection Service [8]
  • accounts for less than 7 percent o~ Hudson Food's sales, the company said. Glickman said fewer than 20 people are known to have gotten sick from . . the tainted meat. 81 ,. PAGE The "We continue Charl~stonGazette, to·~onitor August 22, 1997
Polls [1] (Item)
  • 33 J4 19 1988 1%) 19'XJ 1992 (%) (%) 38 33 31 J2 41 32 22 J3 21 26 44 40 1,845 40 2.056 J4 1.702 43 1,889 42 2.172 (%) (%) (%) 29 25 )1 21 49 55 51 58 10 3 9 3 7 2 10 1 10 9 9 8 8. CBSfNYT, NBC/AP, NBCIWSJ
  • . Other Liberated areas -- May 29, 1945 (Documents Pertaining to Foreign Funds Control, September 1946, p. 22 & p. 59) 7. Second step: fall 1945 all freezing was removed-new dollars were free dollars for trade, business transaction, commercial
  • . 15. · 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Philadelphia, P A Chicago, IL Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, CA St. Louis, MO Pittsburgh, P A Baltimore, MD Hartford, CT Buffalo, NY Milwaukee, WI Cleveland, OH Sioux Falls, SD Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA
  • for , certification and licensure. • High- and Low- Poverty Districts. Of the 34 states' reporting comparisons between high­ poverty districts, 20 indicated that their school districts had a higher percentage of teachers with waivers. .. ~eacher Ii Degree
  • an alliance may reject a health plan is i f its premium is more than 20 percent higher than the average of the other plans in the area. Alliances may not conduct a bidding process to select and limit the number of fee-for-service plans offered. Alliances
  • graph by the Secretary (so long as access to such ·19 treatment is reasonably available, as determined by 20 21 the Secretary) I and . H (ii) demonstrates in such manner. as the sec-. J 22 retary requires, including at a continuing disabilitzj
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Foreward to "Strangers in the Senate" Draft]
  • about a quarter of whom percent of statewide women of color. Women now occupy 22 off~ces and 20 percent of the seats in state. ,i legislatures. The mayors!of 18 percent of our cities are women. And nowadays, women vote at a higher rate than men
  • . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ·24. 25. 26. 27.. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Review conducted Montana June 13-17,1994 Delaware June 26-30, 1995 . Georgia Aug 28-Sept 1, 1995 Virginia Sept
  • 13 29.7 17 3 8.9 UO 251.4 I964-7J 1974-»3 TOTAL N Rate' N M J3 ' 11 : ' I I 40.6 95.7 20.3 52.2 20.3 23.2 0.0 5.8 43J 29.0 46.4 5.8 31.9 60.9 89.9 40.6 23.2 14.5 66.7 46.4 246.6 16 41.3 32 82J 11 28.4 20 51.6 8 20.6 6 15.5 0 0.0 3 7.7 4 10.3
  • . Washington, D ..C. 20005 (202) 638-0008 ·' 0 January 18-21, 1995 o·January 25~28, 1995 · 0 February 1-4, 1995 ¥ 0 Fet?ruary 8-11, 1995 0 February 15-18, 1995 0 February 22-25, 1995 0 March 1-4, 1995 March 15-18, 1995 o I Congressional Youth Leadership
  • percent from 1993. . ··. ,··; __;;a;~~. .Youth Population -Ages 15 Through 20 · Jqtal PQpul~tiQn vs. Li.censed Drivers ·. • • ~ •;( • • • Licensed Drivers · II ._..__,_ '22.f). 0c.,: . ~.' . . o· . . ·. ,. ·-· ·--~ ?)·t
  • , Italy, 5:30 PM. 68. The President's News Conference, Palazzo Reale, Naples Italy, 6:20 PM. (April 20, 1994) (April 22, 1994) (May 8' 1994) (May 19' 1994) (May 26' 1994) (June 2, 1994) (June 16, 1994) (June 22, 1994) (July 6, 1994) (July 8, 1994
  • April' 22-26, 1996 , 8. Utah Sept 19-22, 1995 9. Connecticut May 20-24, 1996 10. Wyoming June 24-28, 1996 11 . Mississippi Sept 9-12, 1996 12. Louisiana Aug'ust 12-16, 1996 13. New Hampshire June 3-7, 1996 14. Idaho April 8-10, 1997 15. , Colorado June
  • ) 20. I certify the'travel herein' was reviewed and determ'ined "~4.~.;-.",,".ftl Funds Manager's C~rtification (Signature! OA FORM 22 REVISED JUNE 1994 cost specified above _ 1. Original (Return with voucherl 4. Teleticketing Office 3
  • TV Show 5/20 Hilliard. Bachus SE GENERAL 5/20 Andrews CJ GENERAL 5/21 Lewis JH Georgia Roundtable 5/22 Mfume MIKULSKI HRC/MV Baltimore Health Care Event I I 5/22 Hamburg JS Health Care Town Hall Meeting 5/24 Maloney JL Health
  • Bosnia Trip - Embassy Remarks 12/22/97
  • Case Number: 2006-0459,.F FOIA .MARKER .. . This is not a textual record. ·This is used as an administrative marker by the· Clinton Presidential ·Library Staff. · .. ·Folder Title: Bosnia Trip-Embassy Remarks 12/22/97 ' •. Staff Office
  • 18 0 Lachmann 1 Geqrg, 8 Bandlerstr., Berlin. 19. Landau,GrigQrAdolfowitsch~ Be lin!""'Schmargendorf" 20 Marcus, J .R" ;. "" . 21. Sozialistische IIol1J.tshcfte,·Redaktion, Berlin. 22~ Peruts, Me, ~erlih 230 Rothschild, Edith, 65 Chauseostr
  • ] .roof} December SU.Mo TuWe 1 234 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 . 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 --­ 8:00AM 9:00AM 97aEl AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 1996 Th Fr Sa 567 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 January 1997 Su Mo TuWe Th FrSa 5 6 Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Day Planner Report
  • the Endangered Species Act 2 19. March 8, 1995 BIA re-organization 20. February 6, 1996 Federal land ownership by public land management agencies 21. February 26,1996 Impact of budget cuts and government shutdowns on the enforcement
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. cable re: Defense Intelligence Summary. (10 pages) 11/02/1998 P\fb(\) 002. cable re: ISID Officer. (4 pages) 11/20/1998 Pl/b(l) 003
  • ~ country, the national interest of the United States requires tbat such person be . treated as a national of '8 designated enell\Y country (German1)a.."_ __ , All tt"lormlncu...,. and all IIclioa r.qulr... a.y low. Includift., a!,proprial. can.ultalion
  • may claim otherwise, CBO states the effect of the plan on the rate of expected job creation "would likely be very limited." [CBO p. 18] In contrast, the Dole plan barely reduces the number of uninsured, leaving over 20 million Americans in working
  • be to improve the regulatory process, not to create unproductive paper record requirements or opportunities for litigation. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON December 20, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR THE REGULATORY POLICY ADVISORS TO THE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR
  • My been suggested that about 75.000 new. young. persistent criminal predators are added to our population every year. When I was at the Justice Department in the early '80s, we funded projects in 20 cities where police. prosecutors. schools
  • ) 19 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(w». 20 (d) DEVEWPMENT SERVICES.-The term' "development services" means 21 activities conducted by a community development fmancial institution that promote ·22 community development
  • 3 :2 , rn '2116 Ii I 2 2 163 112 5 4 o 1\ 30 S '111 22 3 11 2 2 ASHER.CO. FLOYOCO. 2 3 1 I 1 o o o 222 138 .3.2 7 3 3 2 I 1: o I 91 8 5
  • Briefings and Resumes for Staff Interviews May 22, 1996
  • , Events) ONBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Briefings and Resumes for Staff Interviews May 22, 1996 20 \ 0-0 \98-S dbl656 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C 2204(a)[ PI National Security Classified Information [(a)(l) ofthe PRA) P2
  • ,..,. partloiFations. • •• rage 6-F-2. " tiGDFaya.nt. La...uit. aDd JotioM I eDd5 S. . page 16-8-1. , - J»-"',~ ,~ 1"/.").t,J, Y"Y' 'Yq 4'117'/.." 41 ... Foreir;D Depar!aeDt '( ott1o. aDd Brano• • ) , ( ""-"", S. . .Gheclu1•• at page 20 tor ol.... itiecl
[01/22/1999] (Item)
  • [01/22/1999]
  • . York, 398 F.2d 582 (6th Cir. 1968). ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 2 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Karin Kullman ( CN=Karin Kullman/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:22-JAN-1999 13:20:11.00 SUBJECT: Update on Monday's WTW
  • Speech Watch Party - White House Multi Morning Show Tapings Health Care Rally - South Lawn - White House Congressional Meetings Health Care Meeting - White House 10/ 5 10/8 10/13 10/15 10/18 10/19 10/ 20 10/21 10/22 10/25 10/ 27 10/ 28 10/ 29 11/1
General [1] (Item)
  • budget discussion - Goal: decision in budget context on paying for or not; then decision to proceed administratively or legislatively. 8. SSI Children - Issue being discussed now in budget context - Decision by 1 2/22 9. Cuban/Haitian - Goal: include
Polls [1] (Item)
  • ...................................:.38 . 27 22 10 3 65 32 19 Unequal educational opportunity for all students. .......................................................... 29 28 23 18 3 57 41 20 A lack of academic standards for promotion and graduation
  • Case Studies - Chapter 8 [4]
  • belonged to individual private owners 6r museums. 8 Even today, with the benefit of the considerable documentation compiled by Allied investigators, and in the wake of the cataloguing efforts undertaken at the ;. collecting points, it is sometimes difficult
  • of the peace agreement? Who decides whether IFOR is responsible for handling a, violation? (Q3, 3A, 4, 27) " The IFOR commande is to implement ilitar aspect and ensure compliance of the peace agreement, in particular, withdrawal of forces to their respective
  • [01/22/1993-03/02/1993]
  • NO. AND TYPE 004. cable SUBJECT/TITLE DATE 01/29/1993 Re: [Readout of Visit] (8 pages) RESTRICTION Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Cables Jan 1993 -Dec 1994 ([N-K...]) OA/Box Number: 5050000 FOLDER TITLE: [01/22/1993 - 03/02/1993
  • is Outpatient Contractor Name: EL CENTRO HUMAN SERVICES Address: 1001 SOUTH GOODRICH BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 Page: 7 -iulied: 02/22/94 REPORT 5 Page: 8 The Ryan White Comprehensive Aids Resources Emergency Act of 1990 TITLE I - HTV Emergency
  • , NC. • On January 19, Under Secretary Watkins will address the National Youth Sports Program annual meeting in Orlando, FL. • On January 20-22, Under Secretary Dunn will speak at the International Poultry Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia
  • a semiautomatic as­ 18 sault weapon not otherwise lawfully possessed on the 19 date of the enactment of this subSeCtion. 20 "(2) If a person charged with violating paragraph (1) 21 asserts that paragraph (1) does not apply to such person 22 because
  • included in Inventory S~hwerin Gestapo3 - dis~overed byCIC Detachment #8 actingo~ confidential information 1 gold bar approx. 1,000 kgs. ' 1 gold bar approx.400 grams $10 US gold·pieces =$, 530 $20 US gold pieces = $6920 41 gold Bolivars ' 447
Senate Labor (Item)
  • a clearinghouse to maintain 19 and disseminate information on community 20 health advisor programs (and similar programs) 21 in the State, including information on develop- 22 ing and operating such programs, on training 23 individuals to participate
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Donations to Children's Hospitals and Charities - Washington, D.C. 12/20/1996]
  • . 7:30pm7:40pm LIVE INTERVIEW WITII BOB COSTAS OF NBC SPORTS 8:00pm Depart the Georgia Dome 8:20pm Arrive Dobbins Air Force Base 8:30pm Depart Dobbins Air Force Base 10:00 pm Arrive Andrews Air Force Base 10:20 pm Arrive White House
  • tystetn reform, the Clinton proposal, and the AMA's health 4 tynsra nform activities. This report ts presented for information as the House of Delegates 5 considers various health system reform issues. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U IS 16 It It 19 20 21 22 23 24
  • unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(b)(6) of the FOIAI b(7) Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes J(b)(7) of the FOIAI b(8) Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions l(b)(8
  • a 0097 of Vl. repOrt wh1A ·'",lfo".... B~" Depoel'ory wlll'~··Du. ~ovelia« . th.lrac)Uoa,ruc'loa~. "h~eh repor' rill bo._'o deh.n tIl8CO.'.'. 'of aaaul the \Jc)x•• d.U.....r.~~. ee. 3/22/48 DiaiJen.· Ckm\.r. "aa'.reGD ';('3h ':Rl~8(3
  • ,. 17. 1.0'lZI o1l/om;rras. :5«$ x 66". no. tr_ 18. ~ QB:U1,"1l-tooth" .$JlVu.49 :at '10 om, no f:rrOl!'ll8. 19.: La~1n ,...llow bet.b1ng sult on tho; short, (til/oanvas, 64.' It C$6., no, traM 20. ~: Ptliuant. withu 1n a 10l"8
  • and to continue to issue .the 1-20 forms to qualified applic~n~ at its, Capitol Hill Campus. (Dl)~ ~~~p~ ~~.():T~ ~ ~ ~,~,
  • to a Determination of the Director of the ".Officeof Alien Property, Department of Justice, datedSeptember 20, 194:8 :iib9it " and which shall constitute a discharge of the indebtedness . represented by the claim to the extent of' the amount received and no more'p
  • : ^3 WORKING GROUP DRAFT PRIVILEGED AND-eONFIDENTIAL TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 18. Academic Health Centers 19. Health Research Initiatives 20. Public Health Initiatives 21. Long-Term Care 22. Malpractice Reform 23. Antitrust Reform 24
  • ; 1989; The Tulane Hyllabalog, 3/8/68; 3/15/68; 3/22/68) Newt avoided Vietnam mintary service •• says he •should have gon~ over. • In the 1960's,. the draft-aged Gingrich avoided service in Vietnam by accepting deferments available as a father
  • /Conf.l/20 (rev.) -pae;e 8 [) Earch 1950 to the military authorities of occupation as the civil population of occupie~ territories. tllG 3. The authoritins of the oecupyinG State shall take all tho nocossarJ steps for the preservation of any monur.lents
  • Council ' File Inventory Sheet: Carol Rasco. 1- . ' General Files Box #6135' NARA #4380 , Date: '95 3/20/95 3/20/95 3/21/9~ 3/21/95 3/11/95 3/22/95 ,3/22/95 . 3/24/95 . , 3/24/95 3/24/95 3/27/95 3/28/95 , 3/29/95 4/6/95 4/6/95, 4/6/95 4/6/95 4/6/95 ' 4
  • ) -----------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 .38 39 '--· . At the 1992 Interim Meeting, the House adopted two Board of Trustees reports o~ the "negotiations" issue--Report 00, "Health Access
  • -Day in Balkan Resistance and Collab­ oration. August 1, 1944. 8 pp. 14 The Role ofCommunism in 117 pp. '­ Balkans. September 12, 1944. 15 Macedonia and the Federation Movement in the Balkans. Dece:mber 6, i944. 20 pp. . 16 The Danube River and its
  • [12/8/1995 – 02/26/1996]
  • ]) ONBox Number: 250000 FOLDER TITLE: [12/08/1995 - 02126/1996] 2009-l006-F wr13 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - (44 U.S.c. 2204(a)( Freedom of Information Act - (5 U.S.c. 552(b») PI National Security Classified Information (8)(1
  • Kaiser Family: Summary of Major Health Care Reform Legislation (As of December 22, 1993)
  • /Sen. Nickles) Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid (12/22/93) CRITERIA: 1. General Approach 2. Coverage 3. Scope of Coverage Pools 4. Benefits 5. Federal Costs 6. Effect on Overall National Health Costs 7. Federal Financing 8. Premiums, Cost
  • remalnhvSOhomlnoIUnrOatofloiylorCatafoqrS • Leotum a d Seminars not designatedforO B credit, f u d n M on • 8^e«itifleato100lHwnofoontinuiA8m«dM b the ptyiiciafrlcaraar to b effuthn looming e p r e o * y o K eJn e . sduoation todWdwd «MeritoriaiiB»' leartta^ Ej^orieneet
  • ; please check local listings. NPR will simulcast the live sessions. • Saturday, January 20, 8:00p.m. ET- LIVE coverage of the Republican Presidential candidates' appearance before the Convention (3 hours) • Sunday, January 21, 10:00 a.m. ET- LIVE coverage
Vermont (Item)
  • OVERNOR Mootpeilier 05609 T . 8: W: HOWARD DEAN, M.D. Governor Far.: (802) 8^ 8 8 TDL1: (802) 8: 3346 : -ii DATE: TO: FROM: NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THISj TRANSMITTAL SHEET: 1.1 COMMENTS: " T W S !*> (p^D \1 I T Prtnt«d on Recycled Pwper
  • , will rise to $7,500 a year by 1996. The amount Chrysler spends on employee health benefits per car will rise to $1600 if nothing is done. Medicare and Medicaid will represent 20% of the budget by 1997 instead of its current 8%. · • The current health care
  • . Jan 12 h"" Jan II Jan ]5 Jan ]4 Jan 16 '~n , 1 i Jan 17 ~::,;:;:; ~ Jim 18 , Jan 19 1~ Jan 20 "! ~i, Jan 22 Jan 21 Jan 23 , i, !I Jan 24 ['. I , Jan 25 I Jan 26 , ooE!~~7Ar." \ i Jan 29 Jan 30 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 12
  • CHR Schedules [8]
  • , (conference is from May 17-19). NOTE: HTR in Quebec 5/17-5/21. SATURDAY, MAY 20 NOTE: HTR in Quebec 5/17-5/21. SUNDAY, MAY 21 NOTE: HTR in Quebec 5/17-5/21.. \ MONDAY, MAY 22 • • 7:30 - 8:15 Senior Staff, COS 9:15 10:00 DPC Staff Meeting 12
  • Challenger Open Seat Other P a r t y Net Receipts Net Disbursements 104 $186.1 52 89.4 87.6 17 27 8 63.5 21.3 4.6 61.4 21.6 4.6 51 96.7 92.9 15 30 6 55.2 33.4 8.1 Number o f Candidates 52.1 33.3 7.5 1 0 $180.5 0 House Democrat Incumbent
  • : 8 M FO PB OS 8 2 - 4 24P RM WA A 1 9573 0 4641 P0 02 KEWX8 A D ASSOCIATION PLANS M The proposal generally grandfathers certified association plans (CAPs) that have been in existence for three years prior to enactment and i t grandfathers the M W
  • . 8. , ..... ll'~ 11. 12. 13.. 14. 1,. 16. 17. . ·18. 19. . 20. 2i '.>2. . ... 23' 24. 25. 26. 27. 28ii 29. 301 . ',"8a 1 aa of 1 sa 1 1 1 about 1600, Picture a lady Inv.No. 3333 German lath
  • one x:" ~:l::,'l~t C?i'" was ~h:i.'!;nJzd for May\.: )::.':'8 ~ mAD OMG 31 M3.Y. 46 GREATER HESSE Monthly H.eport 20 May 46 - Conferenco with r~laj6r Peter S. ~Canous, QMC, ·OQMG, \iashington D.C II Subject: Books· and photographs des­ cribing
  • one x:" ~:l::,'l~t C?i'" was ~h:i.'!;nJzd for May\.: )::.':'8 ~ mAD OMG 31 M3.Y. 46 GREATER HESSE Monthly H.eport 20 May 46 - Conferenco with r~laj6r Peter S. ~Canous, QMC, ·OQMG, \iashington D.C II Subject: Books· and photographs des­ cribing
  • 436 426 426 474 409 409· 66 12 12 4· 4 20 10 3 12 8 31 4 7 15 15' 28 10 16 4. 5 13 10 18 133 153 151 59 35 3 22 142 ,15 20 55 19 150 57 11 13 40 27 134 91 1'3 22 3 640 591
  • % in MiL, 15% in Los Angeles, 8% in Boston); I 121 I I I I • THE COMMONWEALTH f1JND PATIENT EXPERIENCES WITH MANAGED CARE JULY 19, 199~ •• • coverage of preventive care (22% in Miami, 19% in Los Angeles, 14% in Boston); • reasonableness of fees (28
  • . April SMTWTFS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Weekly Planner April 13 - 19, 1997 Sunday 13 Monday 14 3:00 PM HRC roundtable with reporters Tuesday 15 Wednesday 16 Thursday 10:00 AM CPSC recall
[04/22/1999] (Item)
  • [04/22/1999]
  • ~~-- - _ ~t ~e ~ rkt.t.\.rU1-{2t-v _~ or __ IM~ -et:i '1. - ~~~ -- wKe.. v...TilLl '-) fo ~ . MON 20:43 FAX 202 456 0753 01/22/96 CEQ 1/22/96 TONGASS TIMBER RIDER o The Tongass rider would restrict the Forest Service from completing the revision
  • 17 h. Lack of parental involvement 60 25 13 i. Poor quality teachers 29 54 46 39 23 3 43 22 5 37 23 8 . Student use of or illegal drugs k. Poor school administration 1. Inequality in funding among school districts 32 I I 19AI 20A
Modelling (Item)
  • ImoIM T1IJ( I 2,9; I 0 0 0 0 .. '" , 0 '"a . 1,105 0 '" 4 42 $$.840 $0 $. 0 0 0 7,458 1,728 r,1l1l9 0 0 • '" .., '''' ... 0 0 $18,~8 • 0 0 a a $18,362 $H!,704 ,. . -------.j>@'IUiderrt'...alJdget-----­ '0 $4.(20 30 .0
  • % 51% 47% 4CJOA. 46% Both NIA 200A. N/A 21% 1CJOA. 20% ABC News Dippprove 4CJOA. 21% 42% 71% GOP WPost/ABC News WPost/ABC News Yes 58% 56% 11/18/95 11/19/95 11/13/95 11/8/95 1112/95 Anorove Position on budget issues comes closer to Iour own
  • said to contain jewelry and securities 1 sack said to contain tabernacle of Russian Orthodox ChUrch *If REMOvED FOR 9 .;; RESTITUTION 22 July ~"1 43 bars said to be silver 8 ;! 'f! .... .. , 96 bags said to contain coi.r;us 3 packagea
  • poverty thresholds described in , section "(2) for furnishing cost sharing assistance 20 under section 1953 during 1996. 21 "(c) DESIGNATION OF STATE AGENCY.—A State 22 may designate any appropriate State agency to administer 23 the program
  • Departure Statement Prescription Drugs & Tobacco 6/22/00
  • and we'll have a chance for more questions next week. Thank you. END : Message Sent To: 10:18A.M.EDT Final 06/22/00 8:45am Edmonds/ Shesol PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON . DEPARTURE STATEMENT,ON . ·. MEDICARE PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFIT . ' .AND TOBACCO
  • % 10 9 S 1£ 11 as 22 30 33 23 iff 22 20 - 1 7 H^van'e heard «nou3h DK/JfA i 2 4. Is year opinion o£ &«var«odAl Sharpton favorable, unfavorable you heard enough about hi«? wjic Favorable Hia 49k AS C9 10 39 Mixed 26 19 34 40
  • Doctor died Doctor Retired/Closed Practice Wasn't Satisfied Just Wanted to Change Medical Reasons Other Dont know 22% (n=183) 7 February 1£ (n=177) 18% 20 14 16 15 14 7 13 10 7 3 2 1 rVa n/a n/a n/a 7 1 4 15 rVa rVa n/a n/a 19 3 3 3 14 n/a 8 17 n
  • American Physicians Lawsuit HCTF (Health Care Task Force); March 22, 1994
  • Foundation at the Founda~on Center (attached hereto as Exhibit 20). 22. That Declarant copied from the published and public Summer 1993 Health Affairs, the pages attached hereto as Exhibit 21, listing the editorial board, from the Foundation Center. 23
  • Payroll ($1,000) to m S N BY: ET 5-20-91 : 8 0 A ; :0N I ben ^ Jet - 202 690 7383;# 2/22 pU EXPANDING INSURANCE COVERAGE WITHOUT A MANDATE Prepared for: THE HEALTH CARE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Prepared by: LEWIN-VHI, INC. May 18,1994 Lewin-VHI
  • 1993-02-22, BTF Memorandum re Deputies Committee Meeting on the Former
  • C05916745 S "ET pproved for Release CIA Historical ollections Division AR 70-14 1OCT2013 EURA-5007/93 22 February 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Deputies Committee Meeting on the Former Yugoslavia, 22 February 1993 1. The meeting
  • 1995-03-07, BTF Memorandum re Deputies Committee Meeting February 22, 1995
  • C05955861 eet Approved for Release CIA Historical Collections Division AR 70-14 10CT2013 7 March 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Deputies' Committee Meeting on 22 February 1995 1. The attendees included:. Berger, Vershbow, Kerrick
  • to Clinton Presidential Records is governed by the Presidential Records Act (PRA) (44 USC 22) and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 USC 552 as amended) and therefore records may be restricted in whole or in part in accordance with legal exemptions
  • 08122/96 THU 00:32 ~002 F.~X " Date: From: Subject: Thursday, August 22, 1996 10:08 am CRM04 (DELACRUZ) Fax Number Needed I l l l fax you a copy of the Arkansas statute. In essence it says a convicted felon does not have his firearnis
  • MRI e 56 183 43 13 11 4 64% 31 82 22 % 7 4 2 1 52 227 55 14 11 5 69% 41 173 10% 12 8 5 15 48 197 57 14 15 7 Individuals Hand-Offs Locations 45% RESPIRATORY CARE Nebulizer Bronchoscopy 65% LABORATORY Hematology
  • . Department·of Commerce Office of tne Gene ak counsel Room 5870 14th ~ Constitutio Washington, DC 20 Victor Marrero phone: (212) 415-42"18 fax: (212) .415-4299 US Mission to the 799 United Nations New York, NY 1001 NW 94566244;# 5/ll 11:14.; . 8-22
  • and Bylaws REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES I Report: A (A-93) Subject: Presented by: I Raymond S c a l e t t a r , MD, Chair Referred t o : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 AMA Bylaws
  • to 20 any officer or employee of the Federal. Government, 21 (3) No State, local edllcational agency, or 22 school may use national tests for student promotion, 23 24 2S Oclober 30,1997 (1Q:00 8.m.) be required to report, the tracking
  • of United States currenc~ to Mexico prohibited). Issued August 14, 1942; revoked January 22, 1946 (7 F. R. 6417, 11 F. R. 794). See Press Releases Nos. 39, 43, and 60. General License No.3 (payments of checks and drafts drawn'or issued prior to April 8, 1940
  • against employer-dominated "(\()rnpany unions". 17 (b) PURPOS)!1S.- . ·'1'he PUJ'Pose of this AlIt is- )8 19 (1) til protect )1l{,titimatH Ernploy!'R, Involvement programs against 20 21 govI~rnmcJlta.l intcrferenell; (2) til preserve existing
  • Mo TuWe Th Fr Sa I 1 '2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6, 7 8 9 10 15 f1Sl17 22~24 29 30 31 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27'28 29 30 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 2627 28 . January Su Mo TuWe 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28
  • : ! . I " I I I 155% ¥ I 0% 20% 40% 60%, . 80% 100% Percent of Students Receiving Free or Reduced Price Lunch Poverty and Perform;~nce Page 8 P. 07/09 FAX NO. APR-19-2000 WED 01:13 PM .chart 2.6 W,hQ Excels in Elem~nlil!Y...A.r1
  • price gouging. 8. Page 22 9. Page 22 Institute a single claim form and ban underwriting practices that waste billions. Replace expensive and complex financial forms and accounting procedures with a simplified, streamlined billing system. 10. Page
  • of ~t.nlldards or perfcH'w,:l.TW(! Jf~vd:s, 20 and for test use; 2r 22 (n) have fi Il.alallthority uvel' the appl'oprifl.t(~- Hess of' all t(~st it(~l'lIs;' t~IIS\lI'(' 23 ( I I) 24 t(~~1s
AIDS [1] (Item)
  • BY:CDC Atl3nt3 USA ,:: " ".; " 2-20-61 -- - - - --­ ~ - ---- --- -- ~.~'U ===- --­ :"11 • = ------- - = =-­ CDC =-==-=== 5 == ,,,, c;",1nc tOs:I o':t'l.lC eo>1'QDI. 2:50AM, ~-- == ,,'1)~'MNT,~ - ==-­ -- ­ ­ =--~ -::-= -, = .. I
  • Cable, Email, and Records Management System (continued) [01/06/1999-03/11/1999] [OA/ID 530000] Box 8 [03/12/1999-07/02/1999] [OA/ID 530000] [07/06/1999-08/20/1999] [OA/ID 530000] [08/23/1999-09/30/1999] [OA/ID 530000] [09/30/1999-11/04/1999] [OA/ID
  • to ,Gover'nor's ' Mansion. $huttle for Cabinet and senior staff leaves Hyatt at '5:45", enroute to'Gdvernor's residence', with a ETA of 6:15pm., NOTE: 6 :30 '- . 8: 00 ,Recept~on' at Governor' Zell Miller's residence. NOTE: 8: 00' pm 8 :3a - '10: i 5" POTUS
  • effort in return for more :: . It is at the heart of our best educa.tion :o . i: opportunity. 18 1: 19 li 20 l I: 'I take. respon,sibility for our future. !; common commitment to solving these problems. r. 21 22 II il J, The American
  • and substance abuse and Fetal Alcohol Effects Syndrome prevention and education programs. j 1 8 Explanations 1. This proposed amendment ·is consistent with the Department's Goals 2000 proposal. In addition, it would increase program accountability by re
  • (PMDF V5.0-4#6879) id ; Thu, 22 Jan 1998 12:16:25 -0500 (EST) Received: from ( by PMDF.EOP.GOV (PMDF V5.0-4 #6879) id ; Thu, 22 Jan 1998 12:16:20 -0500 (EST
  • : " ' 20,' 21 11(9) after paragraph, (8) the SCREENING OF NURSING FACILITY W.ORKERS.:­ "(.~) 'BACKGROUND CHECKS ON APPLICANTS .-Subject to 22 . , subparagraph (B) (iiJ ., bef9re hiring an individual ~ a 23 rHirsing, facility "shall:­ . 2 4 " (i
  • ~ with the Supreme Court's jurisprudence. It thus contravenes the cardinal principle of constitutional law that the Supreme Court poss.esses the ultimate authority to define the meaning of the Constitution. Marbury v. Madison,S U.S.' (1 Cranch) 137, 177-78 (1803). 8
  • 211 1:30 - 3:30 Patsy Fleming/Group Jackson Place/Eisenhower Room Staff on vacation: SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 SUNDAY,· AUGUST 21 Staff on vacation: (till nOon Sunday) MONDAY, AUGUST 22 7:30 - 8:15 Staff Meeting, COS Office 8:15 - 8:45 WH Senior
  • 03/22/04 16:20 tt202 808 4255 BRITISH EMB WASH III 0011007 FAX COVER SHEET FOR UNCLASSIFIED MESSAGES ONLY liriush Embassy Wa.
  • Act (3 .pages). . 001. speech ' 05/22/1997 RESTRICTION P5 > COLLECTION: . Clinton Presidential Records: National Security Council Anthony Blinken (SpeechWI"iting) • OA/Box Number:' . 3388 . FOLDER TITLE:: NATO-Russia Sign~ng 6/27/97 2006-0459-F
  • l Tisch. mit, lW.. asen, or~ 8.tS, 'Al~u. u.JJd flru,n~ V01'j:J.a.ll&, . M01.J{AR (;l./'Hol_, 17 x 11.0 em,o. j.iSbm. en i 657. Ll~7JJJi i4AYZR. l.'t-.ale 111lde with angels and men:.1n blaCk dress, oil/o~.t 20 ~5 x2e om. ;nO' fr._ UAX
  • medical costs in their health insurance group. A~suming they choose an average cost plan, Alec's parents will ray 20.% of the premium for a family plan, $872 a year, or $73, a month, (2~ov+- To ( ~c.GL' 132 Health Security· Plan Issues of Concern
  • § 511.2050, , Title' 8-Alien. and Nation,a'!,y ~R7:16: 38740; 3886O,3880R. 311016. 3893&. 38041. :1II04ti. :111019. :1'9092. 311041. 311043. 30100.391711, SIll 00. ~020&, 302711. 30208. 80310,' 30374. 30386. "Brooklyn J';':U~on Cnnl,~Hltly
  • : PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (NOTES READ RECEIPT) CREATOR: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:22-JUN-1998 16:20:18.00 SUBJECT: RECEIVED: Reminder--comments on LRM MNB 191 are due. TO: Melissa N. Benton ( CN=Melissa N. Benton/OU
  • ," Journal of the American Medical Association 271, no. 19 (1994): 1512-1519. 7. E. McCaughey, "No Exit: What the Clinton Health Care Plan Will Do for You," The Neu; Republic (7 February 1994): 21-25. 8. Congressional Budget Office, The Potential Impact
  • . '; ,l,haJ trilllStC?r{:D.~.lif~:,~, Mr...PI?le" was, ,ft, ,:22-y~!U':o!d ·FO~~ge:':',8~I:I:l~te, " with pl;ms to pecomea dOCfDr.=t3Ut(n" , the tlme'it, rook $ a.J1,Uler'yshelJ ~ ,to his:main lOpic.' ", "', ,:-:',C":, ' :' ,expJode.. ,the yo~ 'soJdJer
  • the other set with t,Llrquoise and rose diamonds, totc,l ".;eir;ht 11 11,20 18 c[:lrats gold medallion v:ith the inscription: tI Ha,ns :3teiner, 20/8/15 '!i II 5 lil- carats gold brooch set 'l' p'earl and diamond II 2,80 care,ts gold ring set Fith
  • ' 5,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3.1'10,762.17 821,500.00 '),)17.3"1 , 4,~~8'I l8l,622..40 68.20 475,935.57 322,08'7.S6 68,,20 432,700.00 33,600.00 5,000,000.00 1,OOO,ooJ. 00 3,170,762.17 821,500.00 , Total (it) l:llo'lID net on Coneo' 'dated Statement
  • [01/22/1998-01/30/1998]
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE 001. cable Re: Secretary's Morning Summary for 1/22/1998 (13 pages) 01/22/1998 Pl/b(l) 002. cable Re: [Algeria Situation] (3 pages) 01/22/1998
  • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .26 27 28 29 30 ." 101 102 105 91 108 90 100 120 :111 77 114 99 102 88 ' 86 126 118 .121 117 163 109 109 108 .91 91 149 ,105 103 95 179 Dan Hamburg yvally Her~ler Vic Fazio John T
  • DATES/ EVENTS African-American June 5, 1968 June 12, 1967 June 13, 1967 July 2 July 20, 1995 July 27, 1967 July 28, 1868 August 11, 1965 August 25, 1963 September 22, 1863 October 14, 1964 October 16, 1995 November 22, 1963 December 5, 1955 December 20
  • [Economic Information, 8/96]
  • . Charts on the Economy Under President Clinton July 22, 1996 7-12 Key Facts On The Economy Under President Clinton July 22, 1996 A STRONG ECONOMIC RECORD TO BUILD ON PROMISES K E P T : Cut the deficit in half, create 8 million new jobs, grow
  • AGENDA November 22, 1994 . State-Flexibility (Non-ERISA) and HHS Initiatives I. Introduction U. HHS Health Reform Initiatives • Consumer Information • PBS • HCFA III. State-Flexibility!Medicaid Options • Expanding Coverage IV. Republican
  • , etc. NUNN Health Care Event - CSIS - Dirksen Building, DC American Academy of Pediatrics Meeting - White House 6/ 30 11 1 11 2 7/13 1115 11 19 11 22 11 26 11 29 8/ 3 8/ 5 8/ 6 8/ 9 8/ 10 8/ 11 91 1 91 4 911 91 11 91 16 91 17 91 18 91 20 91 22 91
  • for Employed Beneficiaries Income Tested Premiums Savings to Reach Global Budget Targets 0 0 0 0 2 -9 -20 -33 -48 -27 -108 0 0 0 17 13 0 0 -8 -2 18 14 -12 19 15 -13 0 -5 21 16 -14 -3 -37 22 17 -15 -4 -51 55 42 -32 -7 -42 97 74 -61 -14
  • Aquar.ll. beschfH.11gt.,15 x 24 em, watercolor, da:m:8&od, 15 ." 24 am, .\'i1th' ;t~ame . mud gJ.$S8, (rev. 81 de 339) ..' .' '·695 •. BARA1~SKI.K LASZLO; :Farl am~nt::tD Budapest ._nira"1ng, d ama&ed.·· 22, x 30.· .lth r~amo Ilnd a.lass, .. . (:feV
Analysis [10] (Item)
  • - No mandate 1 - CR - Matldate 14·7%1 ' 17.6% ' ­ 16.6% 14.1"'1·. '16.6% .' 14.1% 14~1% . '1.4.1% . I I Notes:·' 4.0% '4.0% , '15:~kl ' 18~7% 3.9% "16.6% 16.6% 19.1% 8:0% ' ',19.1'*>1 16.0% , 16.1% "20.2% 22~7% 22.7~~ 16.0% 8,0
  • [07/21/1997 – 07/22/1997]
  • ) 07/2 III 997 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] OPO ([Kagan]) ONBox Number: 250000 FOLDER TITLE: [07/21/\997-07/22/\997] 2009-1006-F bm28 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • . ··=~ .: ~ .. : . SOUTHWEST TREASURES TOUR · May 19-22, 1999 Draft Schedule.#13 . WEDNESDAY,MAY19 9:10am10:30am Federal Grants Announcement White House . 11:00am.:. · • Scu~pture Event •· ·{ · . ~ ~· ·~· ~ National Gallery of Art· . ~· A"i
  • ) Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(b)(6) of the FOIA| b(7) Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes 1(b)(7) of the FOIA] b(8) Release would disclose information concerning
  • P6/b(6) receipt eOLLECTION: , Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8504 ];'OLDER'TITLE: '1993-1994 Paid Travel Expenses [2] 20 I0-0 J98-S kcl27 '~STRICTION Presidential
  • districts); 0.25 grams (one district); 10 grams (two districts); 20 grams (one district); 25 grams (two districts); 75 grams (one district); 100 grams (six districts); 250 grams (two districts); and 500 grams (one district). The remaining 24 districts did
  • ----------~-- ., . ·l', '' .... I '~ . ..\ ' . ·: ·. . ' 1;., ' June 8, 1998. · · · UNVEILING OF HOUSE DEMOCRATIC CHILD CARE LEGISLATION ' . '· . . ~ Date: Time: Location:· From: I. Tuesday, Jurie 9, i99S 1:35- 2:35 p_ni ·, . ·,:· ;. 334 Cannon House
  • nd 4 E.g. on the 22 of June the Salg6tarjan Chevra Kadisa or the GyllngyOs Izraelite Charitable Men's Association in : MZSML I 7/5. On the dissolution of associations: MZSML II7 and 1/8 S ibid. 6 MOL M.K. 6/100 in: Vertes op. cit. pp. 325-327. 3
  • . DISPOSITION , Pat Gar~ett-."",: . -, , C\.apitol " ,ton ." 3 ~-:l'0' , ,Room '1172 , . - 8-~ ~r isinto~~-~nd to vis~t ith . befo sh oes home --.........--,~:-:---t-..... She is here for School' Work' Convention., ' . 8:20
  • "Tal 8 456-6:212 690-7596 5:14-437:2 :2:19-7659 &22-0073 5315-&667 :20&-695& 40:1-2098 70&-:2476 7:20-5437 366-799:2 48:2-3:109 586-7644 :2&0-0:279 3915-388& 395-&947 496-2&7& 456-:2878 606-49:28 456-7739 3915-670& I 63:2-~096 FaOM DATE PAGES (.:1
  • green; 1864-65 , " .'. 7' L V 9 25 yellow, good to fme ,....------...--....... -----...--........--...--..... (6b" . . , 20) 6'5.00 19{1>8-13 10k blue, bistr
  • 116430.3 22572.4 135786.4 49147.1 37447.9 1739800.1 1572128.1 701226.5 fl''344753.7 62330.2 82530.8 30514.4 125519.6 24230.6 146960.9 54061.4 39864.5 ~ 7__ 8 =1 PERSOau HEALTH CARE Total Private Total Total Insuxance Oct-of Pocket
  • he sware was no rnn. ........ ~--- ...~ • e Is. 40:3 to our father Abraham, .. 8 .,All 36 And there was one Anna; Mal.3:1 m Lev. 12:2 74 That ·he would grant unto Ya prophetess, the. daughter of Matt.I1:JO country shepherds us, that we being delivered
  • ' "'. cb . ,0') . ---'l . ?ij 22 . . . ,. Ms. Madeline Will 4019 Oliver Street Chevy Chase, Phone Number rrJ 301~654~0070 301-654-0074 1703-519-3808 124 202-456~2249 202-456-2878 25 1703-519-3808 8 ,23 703-5 19 y3800 Parent Network
  • ........... ;.............. : ................ 70-80 0048 Maintenance of British Troops in Austria. C.S. USA (June 20, 1946) 2 pp. , ,.,. , 0050 . Summary of February 1946 Rep9rt ofthe U.S. Commissioner,U,S. Zone, Austria. . . ' . CAD WD (June 24,1946) 8 pp. , 0058 Summary of the'March
  • ($475) $0 $0 $767 ($115) $0 II. Individual HI. Medicaid IV. Uninsured V. TOTAL 5 Total 1995 Medicaid Changes in Cost Estimated Cost Changes With Reform Discounts 6 $447 $162 $223 $20 $226 $66 $96 ($8) $2 $853 $380 $0 $8
  • . . '. '. . tJ sermon.s ., 16. ' J.. Welll' >'iel!fig~~us . Sermons · .' . 'I . ..... ' ,'-,t,~;-~;;" 20 .. '. Se11cho.t':'ElOc,9rd'ing to oustoms of Flo$s " . -, '~' d,~~;i~ 'jt ':.~,:i.~. :~,11~f::' 21. 22. . . . . " It· ,M l:t·.4~~.~~~.,~:c
  • ~,";'"'-i _ ~ '~ 27.sep 45 ,~t;;, 72 .. 4,' , (r}~.,' .~ .' • • f. t'O~ \~ 5,") '~, , '-I~;_:' iN', _ 8 :'5~ '~ "iL.I ­ . 1 bag coU1a 15 baga German coina 20 package. securitie_ JIf!?) . ~ichlilbafik~Scliwein1'urt • ::'::~~}.~~~j
  • 13 22 31 42 52 63 75 89 Savings using 6% 0 0 10 22 36 52 69 87 107 128 152 Year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Cum. savings at 8% 0 0 6 20 41 73 115 167 230 306 394 Cum. savings at 6% 0 0 10 33 69 120 189 276 383 511 663
  • 4,596 87 8 5 78 2,856 4,329 56 32 769 32,751 4,147 37 3 489 24,131 31 4 8 62 3,501 52 11 5 87 2,245 16 1 0 81 1,517 40 0 16 18 239 43 3 0 32 1,118 Pacific Is· lander 19 20 21 36,266 25,062 14,059 18 6 11 83 9,979 41 22 6 137 5,709 16 8
  • -6161 KATHY KERR, 603-271-4872 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. WELCOME Casey Hoffinan, President Judge Ross, OCSE 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Plenary Session: Federal Policy and Legislative Overview
  • 3.4}22 95li IJ2b 371.1 1.324 1,279 342 2.9!1:1 7JI 6&l !1,148 ll,44l 4/iftl • 20 117 StU.-.J.tmy-; .. As,.~ Life Sd. Hllll·;n E'-"'*ily II .;J' IS 24 32 56 3 3 u 2ll 42 Ul lnd . .!.. Lal>or &.1. TOTAL !iTATUIORY TOTAL
  • in areas Vvith high concentra-, tions uf low-income families; 18 (2) children from low-income families; and 19 (8) children living in sparsely populated areas. 20 (b) CALCULATION OF ENROLLMENTS.-' 21 (1) L"J' GENERAL.-The calculation of relative
  • . itinerary.: , ,,< •• , • , \ , THURSDAY, MARCH 23 ,', Depart, Was:q.ington National airport 'on.tiSAir flight, #921, enrouteto Charleston, SC 8:45 am ,< . 10: 20 am ,7 :~10 pm ,8: 27 pm '., ':Arrive iriCharl,eston,. S9
  • the ~ ahaD lI,ot be a con,clition for raeeiviDg av 20 Feder&l timda: PftMtJatJ~, That within 90 ~ a.r;.er 21 the data of arLII:ltmaDt of. ~ Aat. tho BOU'd ,hall 'I'ttfIew 22 the utional test dsvelopmant IDDtraBt in etFect 011 the 23 date of ~ of thia Ad
  • conference in Sacramento, California on Friday aftemoon, 3:30 pm to 4: 15 pm, September 22, 1995. ,i This is a one day conference, starting at 8:30 am and ending with the closing general session at 4:1!5 pm. , . J , , . 'I ,:'- . ' , ' , ' We
  • SPONSOR.-The term "large group 19 sponsor" means an eligible sponsor that elects, in a 20 form and manner specified by the Secretary of Labor, 21 consistent with this subpart, to be treated as a large 22 group sponsor under this t i t l e
  • , Croatia . " 19. Mrs. Ljerka Alajgeg Ministry of Fqreign Affairs Trg. N. S. Zrinjskog 7-8 Zagreb, Croatia : . I 20. Dr. Josip Kolanovic Croatian 'State Archives Marulicev trg. 21 Zagreb, Croatia 21. Mission d'etudes ;./ ;surla
  • Clinton, October 8, 1997 [loose] [OA/ID 11940] Lexis-Nexis Awareness Search Hillary Clinton, October 15, 1997 [loose] [OA/ID 11940] Lexis-Nexis Awareness Search Hillary Clinton, October 22, 1997 [loose] [OA/ID 11940] Lexis-Nexis Awareness Search Hillary
  • AG 5-26 mid-July OVERDUE as of 6/21 6/30 notes x , ; . partial draft; for th. 8 Becher Case AES 6-21 Becher plunderer CF,6-20 for Ch. 8 to go on US forces as Custodians of Art MER 5-26 yes (, yes yes .. . 06/23/00 J 1:25 AM
  • on situation for week ending November 9, 1940.•.....................•.......... - CChUe See Latin America China See War Condition. - DDefensl, National Health of United States workers discussed at Cabinet ­ 11/8/40
  • ·';·Fliial'iohii{,:t:rit.·,sl:Efittltiid· 8~ R~!GHT' BUILD, grau!> argeniz9djbY;Fer'eniIiJt;rA.l~{~:;:;; 9. 10. ll. RE3ULTS OF INV.S3.TIG[~TIONt TO date, con;L'·i'rlilati rca id enc.e '.' in ,snffiAcR/lNN.' \11·~.h5;i~EiQcl,~?c:.:lllJi)k'i?'; ACTION
  • FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F; 20 FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
112905 (Item)
  • ACCEPT V H DE DECLINE ' i o^j s January M T W T F S 2 9 1 16 5 22 23 29 30 1 g 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 January 29 - February 04,1995 Calendar for George Stephanopoulos Dinner with Sec. Reich j . with Jeffrey
  • . 50. New York Times. 2/20/89. 51. New York Times. 2/20/89. 52. Common Cause Report, 4/92. 53. Houston Chronicle. 8/21/92; Common Cause Report, 4/92. 54. Common Cause Report, 4/92. 55. Los Angeles Times, 7/6/92. 56. Seattle Times. 5/26/92. 57. St
  • response is requested, Please have your staff contact [*], Grant Coordinating Officer, at [*] if you have any questions, Sincerely, [*] Governor's Authorized Representative 8-20 Figure 8·2:' State Request to Draw Down Administrative Costs
  • qoinq to. l ~mean, 'Ito what dif;erence does 15 days make? It makes all the difference us and very llttle differenoe to them. . SHRIVER: At this point, the Fullers' $30,000 'worth. of m'ed1cal bills rUN 22 '94 P.20 03:49PM e, 'so far are accrued
AIDS 1993 [4] (Item)
  • 12,065 6,992 ( 1) ( 0) ( 0) ( 3) (15) (23) (22) (15) ( 9) ( 5) ( 3) ( 2) ( 1) ("!o) 7 6 8 57 222 334 359 279 180 88 51 16 35 ( 0) ( 0) ( 0) ( 3) (14) (20) (22) (17) (11 ) ( 5) ( 3) ( 1) ( 2) B 1 9 21 92 132 98 61 31 13 10 7 2 1,642 (100) 485 (100
  • Financial Agency or banks designated by the military government." Seb. Policy Paper 2, p. 8. Feb. 22, 1944: Gold declaration. Morgenthau says that US would not recognize the trans r of titles to looted gold and would not buy gold from coun es with ties
  • not specified in the bill but proposed by states. TITLE I. Initiatives to Move Welfare Recipients into the Work Force Sec. 101·, 'Supports State pilots 'to condition AFDC benefits for Single parents under 20 years of age with at least one dependent child
  • , Siemens trains apprentices in 20 countries, and has one of the largest corporate apprenticeship programs in Europe, graduating 05.11.94 12:30 PM CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY ON SIEMENS APPRENTICESHIP & TRAINING V IFWS Page 2 roughly 2,500 trainees each year
Xerox (Item)
  • and other Medical Professionals 1.17 Location of Provider 1.07 HealthLinks Range of Choice of Hospitals Abt -19- « 8 u u m m m u m m m m m m m m Dissatisfaction Depends on a Risk Factor's Importance and Prevalence Abt -20- m
  • : 4, 21 16. D e n t a l Care Document #s: 1, 4, 19, 21, 31, 33, 40 17. Health Education 18. Investigational Treatments Document #s: 12, 3 8 19. Cost S h a r i n g Document #s: 3, 6, 7, 20, 23, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 39A 20. Exclusions
  • states, and 20 community-based groups - including 12 competitive grantees announced by the Vice President last November -- are targeting their Welfare­ . to-Work funds to serve non-custodial fathers. The Administration's proposal, which is reflected
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001a. memo Neel Lattimore, Re: Clearance for Reporters (4 pages) 09/22/1993 P6/b(6) 001b. memo Catherine Berger, Good Morning America, to Neel Lattimore
  • 212(n)(2)(A) of' uLe Im- 16 uiigratjon and Natiouality &'t (8 U_S.C. 1182(nW~)(A)) 17 ill amended18 (1) in the second. sen~nc.e, by striking tJ~e pe- 19 20 thB'!: '!:he See-etary ttl~,Y only file INCh" ... eompll1i:n~ re-. 21 spec.1:Wg 22
  • ) .:' , ' o13b. itinerary invoice/itinerary fr?m American Express for 23 Mar 9r' and 22 Sep 96 (partial) ( 1 page):! , . I '.03118/1996 014. memo from Rasco to Panetta et al re Travel Itinerary; March 20-23, 1996 (partial) ( 1 page) , 03119/1996 P6
  • · paragraph ( 1) -with . . 20 ' kn.own 7 likely, or suspected health risks . 21 . 22 2~ . to •.' childi-cn; ''(8) Cl.·eate a scieutifically peel.· l'eviewed list. nf · . safer-for-children · omlUellded by substances and products rec
  • 08-22-200002:45PM FROM IFAR I, I TO 913017136221 P:01 Ir4TERN ATIONAL FO, UNDA~IoN FOR ART RESEARtCH FARi " ".' .,I 5 ~ 0 F 1FT H ( AV E N U E • SUIT E 1234: • ,I NEW YO R K , NY 1 0'11 0 . DAiTE:.1h-'_-~"-L.I:l..l.po~_ _ 2,~_'~'l
  • ]. '­ Q; 163 Hoffman to Covey, 8 Aug 1945, RG 131, entry NN3-131-94-001, box 384, fldr: Safehaven Project (Not Processed) Aug 11 - 30, 1945 [C47]. 164 State telegram, london to Secretary of State, 20 Aug 1945, RG 131, entry NN3-l31-94­ 001, box 384, fldr
  • Letter Writers Conference Call 8/15/94
  • 11:44:14 00:09 17:11:41 00:34 1 7 1 2 1 3 00:32 23:12:1? 00:12 22-21:29 00:04 22:20:30 00:07 22:29:30 00.20 22*29:54 00:24 22:29:59 00--es 22-30:13 00:04 22:24-39 00:21 12:30:11 00>13 12:34:39 00:00 16.46'00 00'30 1 8 - 2 3 : 07 I0>e2 I B ' Z S ' l S
  • BY Fischer TAG E'OR~ NO_=22;;;,;5_7~8~____ INVENTORY BY SHIP NO 1 Maj'or Reed and SECURITY oCapt wer CONTAINER NO C - 515 RECORDEDFr e:......;e;.....m~~..;;...G;;;.;;r~eeOONTAINER __ FORM NO . 6218 -~o~thr-e-r-a-s-s""'ets CLASSIFICATIoN¢rap metal
  • ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: I r e n e Bueno ( CN=Irene Bueno/OU=OPD/0=EOP [ OPD ] ) CREATION DATE/TIME:13-OCT-1999 22:16:56.00 SUBJECT: Re: Defense o f M a r r i a g e a c t TO: Cathy.St.Denis
  • research. ! 1955, NACP, RG 84, Entry 2113N, Box 4 [206701-702]. J.A. Watson to TGC Commissioners, July 22, 1955, NACP, RG 84, Entry 2113N, Box 4 {206699-700]. . 8 U.S. and Allied Efforts to Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden
  • 24 FEB'OO 15:22 No.Oll P.02 , ~1. u4gneA ~a~va1i !" Hiatorlan. H-1026 Budapest Lepka u ~cQ, 14 .' Tel/Faxl / 3p-J. / 20~l!-o52. : . ,~" f' ( " Budapest, Februar.y 3, 2000. , I ., , In Qocordancewlth our personal. disoussion
  • of title- 37 , united States " Code); or , ~uty i~ ~ 18 fl (3) res'ided I 19 section 12(9) of thi8' I 20 "(b) on Indian lan,ds~ as defined in ~ct. , BASIC SUPPORTOPIIYMElITS,--(1) From the amount .~. 22 ) un d erI . . sec;:~.o~ .13{~. f
  • ........................................................................... Page 1 2 8 11 12 20 30 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Cases: Alabama v. Pugh, 438 U.S. 781 (1978) ......................... 25 Atascadero State Hosp. v. Scanlon, 473 U.S. 234 (1985
  • on SATURDAY, MAY 20 NOTE: HTR in Quebec 5/17-5/21. SUNDAY, MAY 21 NOTE: HTR in Quebec 5/17-5/21. MONDAY, MAY 22 7:30 - ·8:15 Senior Staff, COS 9:15 - 10:00 OPC Staff Meeting 12:00 - 1:00 Welfare Meeting, OEOB 211, contact: Bruce Reed. 2:30
  • (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF HI-C NONIMMIGRANT CAT- 19 EGORY.20 21 (1) IN GENEl!.AL_-Section lOl(a)(15)(R)(i) (8 U.S.C. llOl(a)(15)(H)(i» is amended- 22 (A) by inserting "and other than services 23 described in clause (e)" after "subparagraph 24 sou lEi ' (0
  • , 1993 - Jan 18 .Tan 17 .lull DOE·SR 19 Jan 20 Jan 21 ~. Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 29 Jan 30 DP &a!f@ '&ard on RTF i,,,uc$ Board Of! Spc-ciai .Top.cI/SR Jan 25 Jan 24 . -,­ ., - - " ,,­ , , ,'
Childcare-GSA (Item)
  • &~ - Q£f tM=) .N ctuiJtd \Itt's ttJ)1 ~ y\t.C\4l. OMB/LRD/ESGG .:;,_. C.J.... , ,...,.., ID:202-395-3109 ~ :SEP 05'97· 9:51 ~~..A. J.. No.006P~02 U(a.-Ct To ame~d Section 616 ofthe Act ofDeceinber 22. 1987 (40 U.S.C. 490b
[07/22/1998] (Item)
  • [07/22/1998]
  • 8 2 NJ 2 - .. _­ '" ' . eWnl, Cowdlouie - _ . . ~'-'--"--~ken-~tv f-ll --Aut 22-Aug ... _ ...... _­ . ____.._. . T8A -_.... '-lOA ... . _. __..__ .. ___. _.•--c 18A 1&\ ~ NoN Hone None 10-A.lg . ---.~ .. ~~-. .... w.a
  • [10/21/1997 – 10/22/1997]
  • on 10/20/97 10:03 AM --------------------------- Sylvia M. Mathews 10/17/97 07:48:22 PM Record Type: Record To: Mickey Ibarra/WHO/EOP cc: bcc: Subject: Re: Public Schools The only question I have about having a meeting now is has enough work been done
  • AND €ONnDENTIAL TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 18. Acidemic Health Centers 19 Health Research Initiatives 20 Public Health Initiatives 21 Long-Term Care 22 Malpractice Reform 23 Antitrust Reform 24 Fraud and Abuse 25 Programs For Underserved
  • -1995 10:22:36.43 RUBIN S (WHO) CC: Odetta S. Walker READ:26-JUL-1995 09:20:30.27 WALKER 0 (WHO) TEXT: There will be a Choice/abortion meeting on Thursday, July 27 at 5:00 p.m. in OEOB 180. Please RSVP by E-Mail to @ VanPraagh_I Thank You
  • conduct a study of a representative: sample of 7 local educational agenc~es to determine whether and how 8 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act lunend9 ments of 1997 (Public Law 105-17) affect the ability of lOlD7/98 16:41 '5'202 22
  • projection 185 206 223 240 260 280 303 327 353 381 412 6% growth projection 185 206 218 232 245 260 276 292 310 328 348 Year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Savings using 8% 0 0 6 13 22 31 42 52 63 75 89 Savings using 6% 0 0 10 22
  • (;ilting' o!'22.,AUgust 1946cORC/M(46). 43, No. 46'2., to return tho matter to th~ Finance Directorate, who,in con;" s.ultation "ith the J.. egal Directorate, was to study.this question further, o oncurr0ntly with. that, of' foreign ,currencies found
  • Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 00 1a. letter Ira C. Magaziner to Frank and Andrea Timmons [partial] (1 page) 11/22/1993 P6/b(6) 001 b. letter Draft letter from Ira C. Magaziner to Frank and Andrea Timmons [partial
Surveys (Item)
  • and capital punishment executions 220 66 61 47 31 25 22 11 11 8 6 5 3 1 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 The survey measures rape, robbery, assault, burglary, personal and household larceny and motor vehicle theft. not measure murder, ~~dnapping It does
  • $kavartO,,::~t.ten ,","' '. - ;, . ,:','" " 4.";Re11gi6u~':'SeJ.'mOn~ ,,' . .Pa88~h,':,sa" '(M~*t hand.vlI'ttlng) probabq lSth',,~ Part· I of 3. . " " , . ;: :'... .1::~;.:".' 8. . M. R.iuzlatol 'LaJ'~ Thtio'.·~·(,barl4wr1t:ten cow,. .~9th
  • -.' ,. 239 1 .0, EJ.( ,22 , . .IS 4. .2 1 q ,EJ.( . 0 (,) Pii'H :1 ' " i ~'8 13 ;.' . I'. . . .• 22~.1 .1 0 2 • OEM ~ ,",' H' E-I. ~ (iii .5 Ag~:~' i, 1945 ' , . --"'-,-' I.... ,--. . . ,,~, ::;; I-- ' 64 :2 o FIJ:l
  • been working on for the last week or so. I would like to have a conversation with you at your earliest convience. Thanks. '·· ·' .::-" .• I WEEK ONE FOR Reagan JFK Clinton Mar. a, 1933 January 25, 1961 '· January 20, 1981 First Press
  • ), 24312, and" and inserting in "eu thereof --_. +718 19 TITLE IV-USE OF RAILROAD FACILITIES ,-_... - ---- C---~-~~~~~8~C~~.!~I:~I!:_~~~TA.~f~~~~ ~.~-:~) 21 (a) AMENDI\IENT,-Chapter 281 of title 49, United 22 States Code, is amended by adding
  • of the Republic of Chile M. Correa 9119/951 , u~/ 1 :J/ ::;~::;, HJ: .io 282 234 797 3 09:15/95 09:22 'B'202 2J-I 797J EMB OF BULGIW.-I.SH .. EM. !=l.~ ~ sy 0 F ·T H E REP. u 8 ~;. c .o:F s·u"L GAR' A 162i,~s'rRE£r N.W. WI\SHINGTON D.C. :" ~-·.. : . 20008
  • 2113M, Box 8 [206446-447]. 21 Draft Cable, E.J. Cassoday (OMGUS) to Chief of Staff, United States Army, February 2, 1948, NACP, RG 260, F[ED, Box 444 [200965-967]. I I 22 Telegram Dorr to State, January 21, 1948, NACP, RG 59, Lot 70D516, Legal Advisor
Comp time (Item)
  • 22 23 24 2S _ ... 'L.I a re8&Oua.w1 'oci perl _A _ _ _ No.... ~_ UUI.I(.Ulg L.... .... t,. requellI. ,ii'the use of the ~PCID8Atmy time doea Dot UoIldul)" ~_ be. INN,) II ~ + . u.,c..e.., ' ~. t.w. ~ "(8) F.orp.eaottbia°IUbsaatloDU u
  • Council. 31 August Remarks at the Summer of Service Forum, on National Service, College Park, MD, 22 Septomber Address to a Joint Se~ion of Congress, on Health Care Reform, 8 October Remarks by the President on,Health Care and Violence in America
  • . form COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1995 Paid Travel Expenses [5] 2010-0198-8 kcl19 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C
  • for Cheryl Miriam Feldman Halpern (partial) ( 1 page) ca. 1993 P6/b(6) 017a. form Duplicate of 009 (partial) ( 1 page) 08/20/93 P6/b(6) 017b.·resume Viviane M. Warren (partial) (2 pages) . n.d. P6/b(6) 0 17c. letter Warren to Thomas Shea re
  • with respect to the items or services 1 7 which are the subject of the claim, the plan may deny 1 8 payment in the case of - 1 9 ( i ) a change in health plan coverage such 20 that the item or service would no longer be 2 1 covered by the plan, or 22
  • of impairment under 4 S N B J e o Telecopier 7 2 ; 1 2 - 4 ! 3 2 P ; ET Y X r x 01 -59 :7M - 22 35 6 4 ; 8 0 9 18* 7 Medicaid and state-funded programs. Mr. Chairman, as a result of your leadership, the long term care demonstrations called for in the 1992
  • 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 2£> 2e 27 30 31 W - 6 7 •T F- 1 2 3 4. 8 . 28 29 T 9 10 11 S 26 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 12: 21 22 23 24 ,25 27 28 '29 % I I 7/199 j August 1993 Sunday 15 Monday 16 Tuesday 17
  • on the status of the Superconducting Super Collider, the technical evaluation ·and status of the 8-factorylproposals, and the fiscal year 1994 budget. (Bill Hess. ER-20. 301/903-3713) • Scientific andJftchnolo.QY Assembly go Reseireh at the Superconductinq
  • This collection consists of printed electronic daily diary records and photo archive entries that document phone calls and meetings between President Clinton and Stanley Greenberg between January 20, 1993 and January 31, 1995.
  • Clinton Presidential Library 1200 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 Inventory for FOIA Request 2006-0182-F Meetings and phone calls between President Clinton and Stanley Greenberg between January 20, 1993 and January 31, 1995 Extent 2
  • heavily defined by the so-call~d $20 million fundraising entrance fee. - Your announcement of your own organizational plans will force the issue of what restrictions you are willing to put on your own fundraisihg. Next year, the need to raise tens
  • 400000 27500 1260000 ':J::Jfl~ 0% 8% 13% 8% 5% 17')(, 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 25% 14% 14% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 20% 25% 100% 100% 12% 16% 11% 0% 100% 0% 100"..6 0% 100% 9% 14% 100% 14% Unit of Svc Limitations Total Cost Per Visit Individual
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 9/21/93 - 11/22/93 [Binder]: [Democratic Senate Committee Council Dinner 11/8/1993]
  • , , Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. transcript DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Remarks by the First Lady Democratic Senate Committee Council Dinner (8 pages) 11108/1993 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13643 FolderlD: Folder Title: 1st 100 Days - GOP Congress Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 3 2 THE WHITE HOUSE WASH I NGTON March 22, 1995 MEMORANDUM
  • Clinton Presidential Library 1200 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 Inventory for FOIA Request 2013-0664-F Barbra Streisand Extent 3 folders, 22 pages Access Collection is open to all researchers. Access to Clinton Presidential Records
  • .. . " ',' , ! Article .' 1 3 4 5 6 ,7 8 9 10 12 " 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23, • 1 , ' Descrl.ptl.on N° , 2 SafeCustodf;,ltem N;e>· 12 ' t • 1 diamond necklace' with Breep. stones ' 1 picture Of'H1:mmlerwit~, silver frame , fe1igree
  • causes infection naturally, a conclusion reached by world renown researchers. During the week of September 20, 1998, at the most recent USDA and CIQ bilateral meeting, the U.S. once again requested approval from China for the importation of U.S. dried
  • to the SNB were reduced so competition developed between creditor groups for scarce 1clearing funds. 25 The Swiss clearing authorities (SVSt and EVD) 20 21 22 23 24 25 Between 1931 and 1945, Switzerland concluded such foreign currency agreements
  • 12-22-1 995 12: 4.8Ptvl FROM CATHOLl C-CHAR I TI ES 703 54.9 6280 P.2 Catholic Charities USA December 22, 1995 The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton .1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President, Catholic
  • LE 416740 [Guam] [OA/ID 15569] Dec 23 2000 [Guam] [OA/ID 22056] Jul 29 1998 [Guam] [OA/ID 15581] Nov 22 2000 [Guam] [OA/ID 22055] Oct 27 1998 [Guam] [OA/ID 15582] Communications Guam [OA/ID 11831] Guam Trip 11/23/98 [OA/ID 19983] Correspondence Dickey
  • address (partial) (1 page) 07/20/1993 P6/b(6) 00 1c. letter Kennedy to McKnight; RE: Home address (partial) (1 page) 07/20/1993 P6/b(6) 002. memo Cheryl Mills to Tim Flynn; RE: Presidential Gifts (2 pages) 04/22/1994 PS 003a. letter Kennedy
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Arrival in Romania 7/1/1996]
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Departure from Warsaw 7/3/1996]
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Arrival in Bratislava, Slovakia 7/6/1996]
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Arrival in Hungary 7/6/1996]
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Departure from Finland 7/11/1996]
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Response to Welfare Question 11/21/1996]
  • Meeting with Timothy Walsh and Possible POTUS drop-by 22 March 1995 1:15 - 1:45pm [2]
  • Division of Undergraduate Education and Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education Closing Dates: Preproposals: November 1, 1993 Formal Proposals: March 22, 1994 Planning Grants for Centers: November 1, 1993 or March 22, 1994 National
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 1/22/97 - 7/14/97 [Binder]: [Vital Voices Speech - Vienna, Austria 7/11/1997]
  • ()~•. . , .. , 0li ' :ticer' pe:r:S~. .' ' . ·13.cj)1ri 8 ." ". :5 JU' 46' (Barge) ',.' '. ·520Joai!Jf)~.' . 1~ ..lUg ,46 ( Trl:1ok .l.oa~) . ',',' .,.'.: ·22 oases '. 30 Aug'46 . . (~ru.oktoadl.· ..... Rel~gi.ousO~jeot.s I, 3 '.. '~ . , , I
  • or DISCLOSURE.— 19 (1) IN GENERAL.—Eveiy disclosure of protected 20 health information by a health information trustee 21 shall be limited to the minimum amount of informa- 22 tion necessary to accomphsh the purpose for which 23 the information
  • 7,944 3,235 1,596 3,153 1,638 1,516 378 6,424 7,001 1,116 401 3,300 5,434 4,460 2,935 305 -12°1 21% 30% 21% 20% ~ 8% 30% 10% 16% 26% 11% 22% 20% 25% 30% 32% 18% 24% Difference Pen;ent .; -stnalfi( Loss l.Inder Senate Reduction Reduction unltea
Immigration (Item)
  • DOCUMENT: December 15, 1994 QUESTION ID: USGALLUP.94DC02, Q23E LANGUAGE: ENGUSH ORGANIZATION: GALLUP ORGANIZATION LOAD-DATE-MDC: December 27, 1994 Very closely - 26% Fairly closely - 32 Not too closely- 22 Not at all closely - 20 Don't know - * POPULATION
  • .. '~' . ndin&...aids/adulles/folder1a_b.html , Folder List Date(s) 4 Acheson; Dean 940-1941 Ackerson, Garret G. ' I ' ,6 i Adenauer, Konrad 7 Adler, Julius Ochs 8 Airey, Terence S. 9 Albert, Heinrich F
  • Hispanic Other 848 85 18 42 85% 10 1 3 247 281 174 87 48 40 34 42 22 17 26% 25 18 10 6 4 3 4 2 2 236 582 92 84 24% 58 9 9 95 161 322 157 81 45 51 $36,550 $30,460 12% 17 32 15 8 4 4 Occupation Services/labor Professional/managerial Retired/disabled
  • Hawaii ............................ 20 Nevada ........................ 1, 12 Vermont. ..................... 10, 22 Idaho ................................ 8 New Hampshire ................ 11 Virginia .................... 1, 8, 10 Illinois
  • HRC Health Care Book 8: Health Reform [1]
  • insurance in numerous speeches, book, and columns (2/24/98, 8/5/97,5/20/97) ' Consumer Product Safety Event (5/12/00) Meeting on the safe use of prescription drugs for children with behavioral and emotional .problems (3/20/2000); follow up column (3/22/2000
  • and of the Chi!'!LSpecdi,Agem,:19i5-28, includin'g a-general file, 1916-28, with a il1icrofilm 'c~p>y of the index '(2i rolls), Records of ;he Foreign Permits'Qffi~e,' 1918-20.. Re~~~(ls of the ---......... ' .," .... ­ Office of the Solicitor regarding United
  • 17 18 24 25 31 July T W F 1 8 5 6 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 2 1 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Wednesday 8:00AM 10:00AM 2:00PM 3:30PM T S 7 14 21 28 August M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 3 1 S 4 11 18 25
  • ) 002. form OA Form 22, Rasco Travel Authorization TA000559-2, Washington DC to Albany NY to Boston MA 07/0 I - 07/03/1996 (partial) (I page) 0711911996 P61b(6) , 003. form OA Form 22, Rasco Travel Authorization TA000559, Washington DC to Boston
  • cai;e (described in section 1117). : (8) Home health care (described in section 1118). (9) Extended care services (described in section 17 18 19 nefit pack- 20 ervices (as 21 ng require- 22 bed in part 23 naftfealth 24 25 (10) Ambulance
  • I don't think the 00:q8:22:20 issue of civil rights ever carne up once or, they did, it was in a very non-major way. 00:08:31:10 LQ: You presided over one of the largest settlements the government has ever made on an issue like that. Could
  • [12/10/1994-12/22/1994]
  • : Clinton Presidential Records NSC Cables Jan 1993 - Dec 1994 ([Karabakh...]) OA/Box Number: 505000 FOLDER TITLE: [12/01/1994- 12/22/1994] 2010-0346-F ke2150 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act - |S
  • for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA] b(8) Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions l(b)(8) of the FOIA] b(9) Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9
  • Working Draft [Health Care Plan, 8/6/93] [1]
  • C ^ ^ C ^ . . 00032 WORKING GROUP DRAFT PRIVILEGED AND GQBEHEBXESIZ TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 18. Academic Health Centers 19. Health Research Initiatives 20. Public Health Initiatives 21. Long-Term Care 22. Malpractice Reform 23
[Policy] (Item)
  • UD11UIIbered. Vi. . . as 109.11 0.10 ae .10 .CopeDbagen &8 1.-.11 as 100. !ftI.e ~. a~.. 22.• PrabA &8 78, Be1gN\4e ... 29. War..:vas l'n.• . J:theu .... 33, repeated to LODd01l tor iDt--.ticm 8 • •2, : , &8 515. \ CAlPPERY (f) aepetition
  • FLOTUS Press Releases 8/97-12/98 [Binder]: [November 1998]
  • NGA Lead Governors Roosevelt Room 8 Dec. 1994 3:30 - 5:00
  • /b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 5857, FOLDER TITLE: NGA Lead Governors Roosevelt Room 8 Dec. 19943:30 - 5:00 20 I0-0 198-S ry814 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • Disability Policy review Full Group Mtg. 22 Feb. 1995 2-3:30pm
  • ENERAl SERViceS AOMINIS'tRATION 02/21/95 .. 20:39 1410021002 " THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON NATIONAL DISABILITY'POLICY REVIEW Meeting of the Review Team February 22, 1995 Room 248, Old Executive Office Building AGENDA Welcome
  • . GontributioIlS that the Office, of Personnel 19 Mallagcmcllt deierli'lines arc )lecessaIJ1 io (~Over a~ costs 20 in excess of beneficialJ'I' coniribut.ionsunder paragraph (2)~ 21 H(2) The' eontribution required from an enrolled cov­ ,22 cred beneficiary
  • DEIWBIMJBIWP/Al 8/26 Invited to Issue Group Meeting 10/14 but did not show up, Attended CC mtg. 4/1 Conference: Oct 20-22 NYC D. Dawson Phase II DEJMJS and African American org. 317194 MJB and child care adv. 411/94 --------- Suite 510 Washington. DC 20006
  • ' -._--_...... ............. ..'-', -:.,. ------_... ­ .. ~> ... '.Oi.,; ~~ :··:~~ftiti>·; 3A/HOI/V1VNOILVN3HJ.lVQ3:l1lO0Ild31l ' DECLASSifiED Auit:9rirj '. : AI./VO"f!O;J B'/~ NARA Date~ BJh1b1t No. 15 RePort Datedl, 1/_/44 .. '" Slp~ ag Otf1carl.8,J ~armeG;y !1tla.Trea.aury . .tati.... 1a
  • Summary of Cabinet Weekly Reports: September 20-27, 1996 through November 8-14, 1996
  • Gabinet Weekly Report, September 20 - September 27. page 8 " , . " :,~ . , I e .. e' e e IA 3-Strikes:,' «>n Sept~mber 11 ,il) his nin,th felonyconviGtion, Michael Eirtfe1dt was foUnd guilty for' crimes relating to the robbery
  • O’Mary, Michael HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]/Council of Jewish Federations 4/16/97 [OA/ID 10842] HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]/Americorps Drop-By 4/20/97 [OA/ID 10842] Video Briefings [4/22/1997] [OA/ID 10840] HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]/CARE [Cooperative
Michel/Lott (Item)
  • NUMBER (18) Malpractice reform 9 (19) Workforce supply: Graduate medical education 9 (20) Workforce supply: Other issues 9 (21) Medicare and health alliances 9 (22) Other changes to the Medicare program 10 (23) Other changes to the Medicaid
  • Times National Desk article (5/12/93) GAO report found that 90% of lobbying disclosuresfilrdwere incomplete "Lobbying Bill Would Plug Holes.." CQ 1/22/94 2. Number Associated with Lobbying: NY Times National Desk article (5/12/93) 80,000 people
Crime-Miranda (Item)
  • , there RENO: GENERAL We have 17 reviewed it carefully and have determined that the 18 Supreme 19 constitutionally, based since it has applied it to 20 the States, as well. 21 other administrations preceding 22 have 23 would 24 determination
  • . i r:.··':· I I Speeches and Remarks of! the First Lady Hillary Rod ham Clinton I I Working Women /. R~marks for "Beyond Beijing: Acting on Commitments to the World's Women" '1 , . World Bimk Washington D.C. November 8, 1995 I 1 1'ranscribed
138842 (Item)
  • . Packard 12. Baker (Bill) 13. Riggs 14. Bono 15. Seastamd 16. Moorhead 17. McKeon 18. Royce 19. Kim 20. Barrett 21. Doc Hastings 22. Dunn 23. Cremeans 24. Cunningham 25. Canady 26. Istook 27. Bunning 28. Hefley 29
  • Kozponti ~ita1szovetkezet 1 db jegyzek Magyar 01asz Bank R.T.Budapest I ,F , \ . - -- I 18. U darabsz 3672/946 19. 3274/946 20. 21. III; 131.784/9 4 12. 22. IV. 24. v. dorsz~ SZ8.m Tar Mel1sklet dbsz. Pesti Hazai Elso Takarekpenzt. 1
  • economy. AACCLA is the most active and influential voice for American business operating in the region today. As the umbrella group for 22 American Chambers of Commerce in 20 Latin Networking the Americas to Enhance Trade and Investment NOV 03 "94 19=54
Korea [5] (Item)
  • , subcontractors or suppliers. l 0SC:69S17C:0c6 01 8NI308 ~~ 170:60 866! 0£ lJO 11/04/98 22:02 1!'202 395 9515 ' com.Pac Trd.Inv. KOREA AUTOS- AWIN/WIN D.EAL FOR THE UNITED STATES AND KOREA On October 20, the United States and the Republic bfKorea
  • DG:Amer. Assn HI Ed 21 22 SG:AFSCME Wshp/Natl 13 - 16 17 SG:CWL Tsk Free : " I:.SATURDAY I .' . 23 18 SG:US Student Assn Conf 24 KW-APWA 25 19 KW:Natl Cnd of Jew. Wmn (Chicago) 20 8:30 am. DG @Ntl Conf.on Pub Polley /lmpact onAmerFam 26
  • -' , 1,497 ..... ' l. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ,21 .. 22 23 24 25 26 2.7 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3'1 36 39 40 41 42,. 33~644.- , 1,668 0- ' 10,510,,15,052..... 42,85'1.2;633.3,608.6,657.25'629, . 6~045.- 2,.386.- 1~145