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  • Prosperity 2:00pm2:30 pm Press Event (Class Photo) 3:00pm5:00 pm Leaders' Third Private Working Session Theme #3: Sustainable Development 5:00pm5:30 pm Departure 7:30pm8:30 pm Major Cultural Event · 9:00pm10:30 pm Reception and Official Dinner
  • million will be combined with grants from the U.S. Bco~omic· ': Development Administration and the [bi-lateral] Rio Grande Vattey Empowennent a ; sustainable financing package for environmental cleanup in ~ercedes
Tech Money (Item)
  • and development and the approach of the Congressional majority.· President Clinton, in his balanced budge~ maintains his commitment to investment in research and development (R&D), ~eluding pragmatic partnerships with the private sector that stimulate investment
  • LEADERSHIP. The President convened this first hemispheric Summit in a generation -- and the first ever hosted in the United States. The basic Summit themes -- democracy, free markets, job creation through trade, security through sustainable development
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10137 FolderiD: Folder Title: Overall Strategy Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 7 1 •• EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY
Legacy Memos (Item)
  • and the work of the President's Council on Sustainable Development, have laid the foundation. Building on this work, we can envision a new kind of federal government that works in partnership with local government, the private sector and civic organizations
  • Early Childhood Development
  • clearly shows us that in the course of a lifetime the vast majority of a person's growth and development takes place in the first three years, historically, we as a nation have devoted the fewest resources to that time period. PRESIDENT You also might
Weekly Reader (Item)
  • MIDDLETOWN CT 06457-9291 203-638-2400 A K-Ill Education Company July 14, 1995 DonBaer Director of Speechwriting The White House Dear Don: Attached is a copy of the president's message as it will appear in our citizenship handbook. We took two liberties
  • -25 V-POTUS open (probably on sustainable development in Central America) Tegucigalpa- Central American conference on peace and development week of 10/24 or 10/31 Christopher Middle East peace process (scene setter for Morocco conference) open
  • . As part of NPR, the President's Management Council has begun an e~fort. to identify ways to reduce the number of federal facilities around the country, by closing field offices, regional offices, etc. We could formalize this arrangement and give
  • would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would
  • America and US. A decade ago, we focused on fighting insurgency, managing tensions. Today cooperating on fighting poverty, promoting prosperity, strengthening democracy and sustainable development. Picture: Class photo with President Clinton and Central
NSC (Item)
  • traffickers-- and to stem the flow of illegal arms into and out of the United States. The State Department has developed initiatives the President could announce as a comprehensive strategy to advance that goal. They are ready to go and do not require new
  • in the President's budget proposal for the next seven years, matching capital and other assistance will be provided to create and expand community development banks and financial institutions. (Community Development Banks and Financial Institutions Fund) Made the Low
Kumar, Martha (Item)
  • that gap. If successful communications policies can be developed, why wouldn't every President simply choose those that would bring him the greatest political and policy gain? An analysis of the Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations demonstrates
  • L Sterling is director of the SC State Development Board. Previously, he was group vice president fcir economic development at the Fort Worth, Texas Chamber of Commeree. 1992 COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF THE SOUTH I
  • Developing policy that offers opportunity to all who work for it. From education empowerment zones to stepping up enforcement to stop discrimination in housing, President Clinton is developing and implementing policies that help all Americans make the most
  • [The President's Summit for America's Future (Binder)]
  • witii tiic Presidents and General Powell to discuss how tiicy can play a sustained leadership role in achieving the national goal; • working sessions of community and state delegations on Monday afternoon and Tuesday moming which will result in outcome
  • , a signing could take place as early as April 17 or as late as mia-May. 2. State School Officers: Last month the Council of Chief State School Officers presented the Vice President with an endorsement of your testing initiative. We are working with chief
  • , and community empowerment proposals such as Community Development Financial Institutions and Empowerment Zones. The heart of the President's strategy is a comprehensive effort to invest in the skills and education of our people throughout their lives
Mexico (Item)
  • crisis and is working to ensure that the economic gains are consolidated and that growth is sustained so all Mexicans share in and benefit from the country's progress. President Zedillo has also focused during his term on instituting a number of reforms
Environment (Item)
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10132 FolderiD: Folder Title: Environment Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 5 2 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WASHINGTON, D.C
Jeremy Rosner (Item)
  • to the President in charge of legislative affairs on the staff of the National Security Council from 1993-94. He is the author of The New Tug-of-War: Congress, the Executive Branch, and National Security. ch I f Jeremy D. Rosner + additional states
APEC [2] (Item)
  • RE: Indonesia (6 pages) 001. memo Berger to Lake; 002. briefing paper NIC [National Intelligence Council]; Development (10 pages) RE: Democracy and RESTRICTION 10/2711994 P1/b(l),' P5 10/07/1994 P1/b(1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • , the President would take part in the announcement of the formation of the national campaign and personally congratulate the prominent Americans who have agreed to serve on the leadership council. This event could be at the White House or at a local school
  • OF THE PRESIDENT COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503 MEMORANDUM FOR DON BAER~ March 25, 1997 From: Kathleen A. McGinty Subject: Service examples in PI !adelphia for the radio address I I Philadel~hia As we discussed yesterday, the Urban
  • DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] Retreat (McLarty) 4/30/94
  • Leadership Coundl Retreat New Orleans, Louisiana Saturday, April 30, 1994 It is great to be back in this wonderful town with so many old friends. I am glad to see that for all the fame and glory the DLC bas enjoyed for electing a President and transforming
  • , wife ufChlneac/Amcrlcan human rights activilt lbrry Wu~ Anlta Grad in DU Commls.~oner for Juatico and Homo A.Cl'airs; Ilclga Konrad, Austrian Minister tbr Women's Affairs; Cyla Wleaenthalt wife of Simon Wlesenthal; Zdenka Oa&t. President and CliO
  • statute ((a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S
  • Cemetery. In addition to offering congratulations on your appointment, I also want to draw your attention to an invitation recently extended by CASE President Peter Buchanan to the President to address the Council for the Advancement and Support
APEC [1] (Item)
  • Benjamin· . . . Attached please find a draft of the remarks at the Manila cemetery. Please call me with any · comments at6-2404 (voice mail6-7289). · Thanks. . ----------------------------- li/8/94, 11 ,p.m. PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON
Cisneros (Item)
  • Clinton proposed a bold reinvention of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the first comprehensive restructuring of the agency in a generation. · At the time, the· President set out core principles that have since guided HUD's aggressive
  • on the part of the White House Offices of Communications, Press, Media Affairs, Public Liaison, Intergovernmental Affairs, the National Security Council, the Department of State, Department of Defense, USUN, and USIA and has been in development over the course
Ben Barber (Item)
  • violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) oftbe PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or betwee
Trade (Item)
  • Asian Pacific Economic Council members and... a landmark agreement omong 34 Western Hemisphere nolions to create the world's largest free-trade zone. · Rememeber President CliMon'sfamous campaign slogan, "'It's the economy, stupid." Cll111on hlls
  • DELL'OVO, Informal dinner hosted by the Italian President of the Council of Ministers. Saturday, July 9, 1994 9a-12n G-7 PLENARY SESSION, PALAZZO REALE, Naples (Heads only/Economic) 1p-2:30p WORKING LUNCH (heads only) probably at HOTEL VESUVIO 3p-4p G-7
  • said to President Clinton, you have to get your countries budget deficit down, the situation you've been in over the last several years is not sustainable, it threatens world economic growth. And we've done just that. And I think we can MORE go
State Drafts (Item)
  • annouticed the . Partnership for Economic Growth and beginning~ Development~ of a new - ~ - I know the Vice President looks forward to returning to Cairo again in early 1995 to inaugtirate hig~-level economic dialogue under the Partnership. re~eiving
  • bipartisan support for S&T research funding makes this an ideal time for the President to reinforce the nation's commitment to sustained federal funding for basic science. Examples of bipartisan support for S & T research can be found in the attached appendix
  • . 20410.0001 January 4, 1995· MEMORANDUM FOR: THROUGH: FROM:· SUBJECT; The President Leon B. ~etta . Henxy ~r . :. - National Homeownership Strategy \ . Since November s, when you directed me to develop an unprecedented public-private partnership
  • the ball furthe than anyone else, but there wa nobody waiting to Jinish it off." The challenge now is to "develop a more coherent vision," he said. "It's a challenge that leadership has to spend more time working on." Rep. Mar.k E. Souder, Indiana
Earth Day (Item)
  • to communicate nationwide his educational vision. Mack, with this idea in mind, I visited with one of our leading sponsors, EDS, to solicit their assistance in developing some suggestions on how the President and the Administration could utilize this educational
HUD (Item)
  • plans: She rattles orr a list or new ventures slated for the area. A "Pathmark store. A . Murray's Meat Market A recreation center. A hom.e for senior citizens. A police station. · One day two years ago, Ringgold marched into City Council president John
  • broadly understood. The challenge will be to use the media's focus on foreign policy to develop a common refrain or message that can be woven into all of the President's appearances. Regardless of the specific issue, the President's public presentation
Trinity Forum (Item)
  • copy of letter sent to the President today. Debl Siler 5210 L YNGATE COURT, SUITE B 7CJ3.764-1070 BURKE, VIRGINIA 22015-1631 FAX 703-.764-0993 • ~-r--r-g.;~-r-Q,.-u7~~-- . --·\··- -· THE TRINITY -.. FORUM ' -· August 7, 1995
Denver Summit (Item)
  • research. • Create global network to track and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases. Protecting Our Shared Environment • Facilitate the transfer of environmentally sound technologies; • Promote child survival and sustainable development by promoting
  • . Argentine President Carl~s Menem has ~uggested fonning a U.N;I based rapid response corps for humanitarial) crises: The United States supports this conception -- and I urge the Security Council at its January [TK] meeting to move quickly · to solve
  • for Foreign Affairs To The World Affairs Council of Washington D.C. August 16, 1994 It has been nearly two years since Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States, and the transition between Administrations is now completed. Our transition in many
Radio ? (Item)
  • or confidential commercial or financial information J(a)(4) ofthe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors JaXS) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion
  • ) ofthe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advlee between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal prlvaey [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National
  • and religious conflict through democracy and the rule of law, spurring economic development through transparency and civil order, sustaining the independent media against gangsterism and corruption, etc. Just my two cents worth
  • statute [(a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S
  • American Council on Education - 2/14/95
  • --- --~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February a, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT BAER~ FROM: DON SUBJECT: American Council of Education Speech As you know, on February 14, you are scheduled to speak to the American Council on Education convention in San
Budget [2] (Item)
  • would violate a Federal statute ((a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) ofthe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • Is Involved In the Summit? · President Clinton and the former Presidents will serve as honoray co-chairmen of the Summit. General Colin Powell will serve as General Chairman of the Summit. Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Henry Cisneros
Nixon [2] (Item)
  • over nineteen cabinet sessions and twenty-six meetings of the National Security Council (NSC). Following his stroke, President Eisenhower worked out a plan with Nixon, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, and Attorney General William Rogers to create
Homeownership (Item)
  • Housing Finance Agencies Center for Neighborhood Technology Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Corporation for National Service Council of American Building Officials Council of State Community Development Agencies The Enterprise Foundation
Education [1] (Item)
  • with bipartisan support, helps states and communities improve schools, based on the results of local decision making. States that participate in Goals 2000 receive seed money to help launch and sustain ongoing school improvement efforts to raise standards
  • to sustain the material well-being underpinning liberal societies and to promise avenues of development to Third World states with markets that are currently limited by low income.•• To this should be added mutually beneficial measures designed to improve
  • . As a member of President Eisenhower's 1953 Task Force on Housing, he was credited_ with ~ringing the phiase "urban renewal" into the nation's vocabulary. During this same period, Rouse developed the indoor•shopping mall to give the suburbs their own Main
  • address (partial) (1 page) 03/15/1997 P6/b(6) 006. memo Guy Smith to The President; RE: CIA Nomination (1 page) 02/28/1997 P2, P6/b(6) 007. memo Tara Sonenshine to Sandy Berger; RE: Tranistion Update (2 pages) 03/13/1997 P5 008. memo Donald
  • , where we are not divided by age or gender Remarks to the National Council on A., or race or region or walk of life, and where · gmg there is sense of fairness and a strong sense Aprtl28, 1994 of the future. . . When I ran for President, I did it because
  • ON THE ECONOMY UNDER PRESIDENT CLINTON April 12, 1996 * * * * * * What "Clinton Crunch" ??? What A Difference 4 Years Makes Cutting Taxes 8.5 Million New Jobs Cutting Spending and Balancing the Budget America's Economy Is Back On Top-- #1 in the World
Bosnia [2] (Item)
  • [(a)(J) of tbe PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of tbe PRA) PS Release would diselose confidential advice between tbe President and bls advisors, or between sucb advisors [a)(S) oftbe
  • sacrificed while their husbands have served. They have acquired education and developed part-time careers and have supported the family emotionally and financially ... an almost totally overlooked segment who the President might praise ... Don, as a national
  • ; President Jimmy Carter, whose vision of hemispherical development gives great energy to our efforts and has been a consistent theme of his for many, many years · now; and President Ford who has argued as fiercely for expanded trade and for this agreement
Clinton -FDR (Item)
  • would violate a Federal statute ((a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial Information ((a)(4) ofthe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6
  • , sustainable development; to promote more accountable government -(applause) -- and to foster a fair distribution of the fruits of growth among an increasingly restive world population -- (applause) -- where over one billion people still exist on barely
Nixon [3] (Item)
  • in the same manner in which President Kennedy dedicated his at the beginning of his administration, to that part of the world, Latin America, that has started with the late President a great movement in its development. "I thank him on behalf of all
  • Hitler. We've got to rebuild our political life together before demagogues and racists and those who pander to the worst in us bring this country down. People once looked to our President and Congress to bring us together, solve problems, and make
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRAJ b(l) National security classified Information ((b)(l) of the FOIAJ b(2
  • are obviously guanlian of a critical and inspiring part of.the White House. Attached is a copy of my suggestions sent to the President following the breakfast. If it were taken further, you would ~ a key to the success of the idea. With wannest regards
Ben Barber (Item)
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) ofthe PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAJ b(l) National security classified Information [(b)(l) of the FOIA) b(2) Release would
Nixon [1] (Item)
  • ) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA[ PS Release would disclose confidential advic:e between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA[ P6
  • the President and his advisors. or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified Information [(b)(l) of the FOIA) b(2) Release would
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained In donor's deed of gift. PRM
Civil Rights (Item)
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: Civil Rights Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 , 1965 civil Rights Timeline 1/8 President Johnson calls an end to all barriers
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU-OMB Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 EXECUTIVE OmCE OF· THE PRESIDENT Washington, D. C. FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DATE
Welfare (Item)
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subserles: OA/ID Number: 10135 FolderiD: Folder Title: Welfare Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 6 2 DLC May 8, 1996 Dear Don, I enjoyed meeting you at the Democratic Leadership Council's
Bosnia [1] (Item)
  • ) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a dearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National
  • EuWalesa and lives on the the Security our country's l 155 sustainable development ~1 around the crippling our society, limiting persoqal freeworld. We will ask Congress to ratify the new dom, and .frayin.g the ties that bind us: GATI ~rd. We
  • or finaneiallnformation ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a elearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA
  • or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a dearly unwarranted invasion
Bosnia (Item)
  • [(a)(3) ofthe PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidendal commercial or finandallnformatlon [(a)(4) ofthe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) ofthe PRA
  • or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified Information ((b)(l
Bosnia 2 (Item)
  • Information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA[ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA
  • Columbia University in the City of New York I New York, N. Y. 10027 DEPARTMENT Or H.STORV January 6, M.I. 1995 Dear Mr. Presidant: I appreciate the opportunity to offer eome thoughts about your impending State of the; Union Address, which
  • ) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6
  • \ Office of the Press Secretary (Denver, Colorado) For Immediate Release January 16, 1995 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT MARTIN LUTHER KING COMMEMORATIVE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Amphitheater Denver, Colorado 12:34 P.M. MST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you
  • Remarks to the Democratic Leadership Council (8 pages) 05/02/1992 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Communications DonBaer ONBox Number: 10131 FOLDER TITLE: Acceptance Speeches 2006-0458-F db2l31 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
Labor Speech (Item)
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAJID Number: 10135 FolderiD: Folder Title: Labour Speech Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 6 2 LEADERSHIP * FAMILY *OPPORTUNITY* COMMON GROUND President Clinton's vision
  • of the Presidents We must make sure of meeting the problems which we failed to meet after the first World War. Present laws give considerable stability to farm prices for 1947 and 1948, and these 2 years must be utilized to maintain and develop markets for our
Common Ground (Item)
  • secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(aX4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [aXS) ofthe PRA) P6 Release would constitute a dearly unwarranted
Good Speeches (Item)
  • along with them? Are we better off refining and mending our affirmative action programs as the President suggests - to preserve them, to focus them and to sustain support for them - or should we just toss them all away and pretend that we've already
  • of IntemadOnal Business Diplomacy, School of Foreign Service ~· Panelists: Brlaa Headerson, rn, Senior Vice President, Merrill Lynch Intequtional; Mr. Nemir A. Klrdar, President and CEO of Advtsory CounCil and member SFS Boanl of Vi~tors; Mr. WoltpJII Scbiirer
  • deftOIDinatloas in.ctuctifts: Rev. Mssr- Debail Sehnurr, OenenJ Secnltary ot the CathoUc ~ lteY. Dr. Joan Brown Ounpbell, Gaaral Secretary of' the National Couadl of Churches; and Rabbi Mark Wmer. President ottbe-Natioual Council ofSYIIBIOaues. We ptan to release
Medicaid (Item)
  • for Citizens with Disabilities Justice For All Family Voices Three statements were signed with the following organizations: AIDS Action Council AIDS Policy Center for Children, Youth, and Families American Counseling Association American Medical Student
  • information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) ofthe PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA
  • interest groups to control the political process; abou~ the reality that only a growing private sector economy can sustain adequate levels of public services for urgent social needs. It also taught me that in too many cases, the business community was far
Articles (Item)
  • been $700 instead of $1,()()0. auention of even President Clln· Months after McGill's death at ton, who last month directed the age 9S In 1988, Broc:kamp dissecretary of the Treasury to recovered the cashed IRS check view the pertinent tax law and among
  • whom you're supporting in his quest for the Repu):)lic:an nomination for president next year, has made quite an: issue o~- of renouncing his own earlier aff~rmative action polici.,,~n the last couple of months. Did you talk to Governor Wilson before
Farrakhan (Item)
  • their wrong." "We are being torn apart, and we can't gloss it over with nice speeches, my dear Mr. President. • • Power has made America arrogant. Power and wealth has made America spiritually blind. And the power and the arrogance of America makes you refuse
  • of the Pr.ess Secretary (Santa Monic~;.~alifornia) .... \ • For Immediate Release J,anuary 16, 1995 REMARKS BY tHE PRESIDENT TO COMMUNITY RESIDENTS AT .MARTIN LUTHER KING BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Community Build, Inc. Los Angeles, C~lifornia 5:41 P.M. PST
  • and the bilateral events planned for the President's ~une trip to Italy, the United Kingdom and France should sustain and build on the momentum his January trip created. The President's principal objectives should be to: o Reinforce the American commitment
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAJ · b(l) National security classified Information [(b)(l) of the FOIAJ b(:Z) Release
  • COUNCIL SUBJECT: Information Papers and Proposed Speeches for the President Per your request, attached are information papers and draft speeches for President Clinton's trip to Europe. Attachments TABLE OF CONTENTS ITALY A. Nettuno Cemetery
  • ) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) ofthe PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security
  • ) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. bio RE: Dates of birth, home address, and telephone number (partial) (1 page) 12/18/1995 P6/b(6) 002. memo Benjamin Barber to President Clinton; RE: January 7
  • success story. We are your partners in developing Africa's economies, promoting sustainable development, and creating self-sufficiency. We are advocating debt relief for countries that are reforming their economies. We are assisting 1 efforts at conflict
  • DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY 95 SEP WASHINGTON, D.C. 20410-0001 Y"'- s ~ p5. 1 u • I• . September 6, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: . President Bill Clinton . FROM: .. Henry G. Cisneros/~ ~ Attached is a chart which describes possible initiatives
  • VIDEO FOR THE NIIAC """" J2vcR_p I' Ulf~ Mt;- -- The President will provide closing remarks for a ten-minute videotape about ( educational technology, produced by Disney and AT&T for the National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council. ~ ~c;.p
OSTP Speech (Item)
  • : JACK GIBBON{J/. SUBJECT: POTUS Speech on Science and Technology, October 18, 1995 As you know, the President is scheduled to deliver a major S&T policy address in ~~~·t',n with the awarding of the Presidential Medals of Science and Technology on 8
Health Care (Item)
  • . • Grants to States to Expand Childrens' Coverage. The President's budget provides $750 million a year ($3.75 billion over five years) to States to develop innovative programs to provide coverage to children. • Investments in Medicaid to Expand Coverage
  • teaching children how to operate a eomputer; it is the capstone of the four pillars that the President has announced: (computers, connections, teacher development & educational software) and~ with those pillars, it serves as the fulcrum with which our
  • and increase security for ordinary middle-class Americans, and sustain job growth. Wednesday's Conference will feature POTUS, VPOTUS, and members of the Clinton economic/domestic policy team at a roundtable composed of selected participa·nts from the Little
  • and Rollout I am very pleased that you are attempting to establish a structure and process to maximize our efforts to get out the President's message. I fully support establishing a coordinated process to communicate the policies we develop to the widest
  • KATJ.liE LEE QI~~ORD the President at his convenience. FRANK GIFFORD 90BMoCRATH 'Ihe Telethon is on Sunday, April 6th from ]0:00am- 3:00pm at the Manhattan Center Studios located on 8th Avenue and 34th Street. PRESIDENTS COUNCIL MAX FRIED NATAUF
  • of them will be involved in school violence or drug abuse prevention through community policing initiatives. The President's Crime Prevention Council -- The Crime Bill established the Council to coordinate the administration of federal crime prevention
McLarty, Mack (Item)
  • Available COMMITTEE/CONFERENCE REPORT NUMBERS: 11-14-95 Reported by the Committee on Judiciary. H. Rept. 104-336. RELATED LEGISLATION: No Information Available - ~------------------' THE PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL ON PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS Apr'il. 16
APEC Trip (Item)
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10135 FolderiD: Folder Title: APECTrip Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 6 2 --. ~""~ ---~JLc .-- c:--- Trip of the President to Australia, Philippines
  • (;---... - -- Long Beach. California C-17 Event (Economy/American Leadership): At McDonnell Douglas facility, President will announce next order of new C-17s. --Meeting with Hashimoto (American Leadership): President will have low-key meeting with Japanese prime
  • * The President will focus HUD's mission on· economic development for communities and transitions to economic independence for needy families. * His plan will: -- Enable mayors and governors to attack problems more comprehensively; -- Give the private sector
  • to showcase the President's goal of creating a nationwide network of conmmnity development banks, strengthening and defense of the Conmnmity Reinvestment Act, and the President's proposed new tax credit for equity investments in CDFis, anno\Ulced in Oticago
  • President Trip to Latvia, Poland - July 6-12, 1994
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: 10131 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: President Trip to Latvia, Poland- July 6-12, 1994 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 The Trip of the President to Latvia, Poland
  • of the National Cancer Program. In working with the President's Cancer Panel, NCI Director Richard Klausner has developed a plan to create a National Cancer Council, a group that will represent a full range of public and private sector constituents with interest
Youth Summit (Item)
  • the needs of young children, illustrate the presence of successful programs that are responding to those needs, and emphasize the importance of a community-based approach to the development of effective programs. Remarks by President Clinton Overview
Jack Kemp (Item)
  • that included several major tax changes pushed by the Democrats, President Bush actually vetoed the legislation and his veto waa sustained. The key difference between Kemp'~ approach and President Clinton's is that Kemp relies almost exclusively on capital gains
Dr. Foster (Item)
  • to the President on Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Youth Development is tentatively scheduled for next Tuesday, pending Dr. Foster's availability and touching base with Bob Nash regarding the Surgeon General. The announcement will be done as a press release
  • to develop a message schedule 'to reinforce the State of the Union themes between now apd April 15 -- a period which includes the bulk of the Republican primary season (until.March 26) and runs up to the President's Japan/Russia trip. These recommendations
  • Fimess, and Sports in the Ame~ilh,_~,c~~tury . ' . . ·. .:·_- ./!~-~ :-~ --~ :< .:~ . .. . · . ._,. . ...:....: __ . . ~ . - :_ . : ·, ·.- - .. -- . Produced by ~: ;- . . . . · .::};f;,~C.:_,·," "~· The President's Council
  • of report from President's Interagency Council on Women's Business Enterprise. Some of the interviews included: CBS Radio Network, AP Broadcast, Monitor Radio, Mutual Radio, L.A. Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal. Continuing with extensive media
Crime (Item)
  • , president of the Potomac Gardens Residents Council. "It's easy to observe; everything is in one block of quadrants." Lucy Murray, a spokeswoman for the D.C. Department of Public and Assisted Housing, said that the fencing system along with the surveillance
  • or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would diselose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors(a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
Cisneros (Item)
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: Cisneros Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 DEPARTMENT OF" HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, D. C. 20410 THE SECRETARY
Women (Item)
  • readers saw the very positive piece on the President in The Partners/lip -- a business newsletter published through the Interagency Committee on Women's Enterprise and National Women's Business Council following the President's participation in our January
  • workforce as a share of the total non-farm workforce is now the smallest share since 1933! As a result of sustained job growth, the unemployment rate has fallen from over 7 percent when the President took office to 5.6 percent today-- the 15th straight
  • of commencement addresses and other speeches this month, the President will address themes of responsibility an~ community. You may find those themes useful as you prepare your own speeches for this time of year. The key to these speeches will be to encourage
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRAJ b(l) National security
  • DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] Speech
  • . memo SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Don Baer to the President; RE: DLC Speech (11 pages) 1111111995 RESTRICTION PS COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Communications DonBaer ONBox Number: 10132 FOLDER TITLE: DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] Speech
  • with families about putting them to work and dealing with the strains in their lives. 4. Series of Serious Economic Speeches: He is ~pable of giving economic speeches beyond what any President before him has ever done. If he gave a couple of nightime economic
  • with the democracies of the region have never been stronger. As their economies and democratic institutions develop, these countries are becoming welcome trade partners and dependable mends. • Two years ago President Clinton initiated the Partnership for Peace (PFP
  • to the President Director of Communications The White House Washington DC 20502 Dear Don: As a longtime member of the DNC's Business Council and a member of the Clinton-Gore Re-Election Committee's Finance Board, I am writing on behalf of my good friend John Walsh
  • -- the "Angel Capital Electronic Network," (ACE-NET), an internet means of venture capital financing for fast-growth small businesses -- as an opportunity for the Vice President to demonstrate * the Administration's REGO achievements, * its innovations
  • with athletes, the host community, for~ign leaders, other visitors, etc. I How do we associate the President with the good news of the Games early on? • I Develop themes to be used by the President, VP, jand other Members of the Administration, e.g. "working
  • Life Insurance KARL BEROLZHEIMER, ESQ. Ross & Hardies JEFF BLATNICK President's Council on Physical Fitness JOHN BRANDL Former MN State Senator WILLIAM E. BROCK The Brock Group, Ltd. RICHARD CHAIT Unlv of Maryland WILLIAM D'ANTONIO The Catholic
  • campaign was a calculated tum from the "non presidential" persona that Nixon had developed. "Looking to the future," speechwriter Raymond Price · memoed the President a week after the mid-term, "my recommendations would all center on developing
Message Group (Item)
  • of a visit by the President to sign an agreement developed jointly with OSHA - )o lower lead levels -aniongworkcri aftheir -- - ~ plants nationwide. o lht«lett Drip Casting. (Colchester, VT natr Burlington) Altcmat:ively, while the President is at the NGA
LATINO Issues (Item)
  • Council of La Raza's annual convention yes· terday about reasons Latinos should re-elect President Clinton. The luncheoo cr~Y!d of about 3,000 erupted In applause several tlmes as he outlined Clinton's stance on Issues of Importance to the Hispanic
July 4th (Item)
  • $68,000 for Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) . • A Department of Energy "Visions" program has helped Valmeyer rebuild in a way that encourages sustainable development. This is in contrast to the rebuilding after Hurricane Andrew (Florida
Faces of Hope (Item)
  • been the White House liaison to the Faces of Hope since 1993 and the Research office has been actively in contact with most of the Faces over the last three years. Additionally, we keep the President. informed of all developments regarding the Faces
Enviro-Event (Item)
  • ~gether .people who·live near contamiriated land, · · businesses that want to get land cleaned up, community leaders, inve~ors, lenders and . developers. ·· · · • Tax.lncentive: Iri his State of the Union Address last month, President Clinton expanded
Message Ideas (Item)
  • Elena. Ideas from last week AIDS Vaccine: We are still vetting the proposal for the President to issue a challenge on developing an AIDS vaccine. We will know within a week or two how the scientific community would greet this challenge. Race Commission
McCurry (Item)
  • violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA[ would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Relea,se would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
Education (Item)
  • approved by Congress. The ADA itself took four years to develop and pass, but it was adopted with bi·panisan support. That"s an important fact to remember. When President Bush signed the ADA into law, he offered an insight that is as true today
Education [2] (Item)
  • SUBJECTfi'ITLE DATE Laura Tyson to the President; RE: Educational Infrastructure and Offsets (4 pages) 07/05/1996 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Communications DonBaer ONBox Number: 10136 FOLDER TITLE: Education [2] 2006-0458-F
  • for the middle class and poor children to fund tax cuts for the wealthy, and the leading role President Clinton has played in opposing the rescissions.] Suggested Talking Points: • . • I'm pleased to be here. It's good to see so many people whom I've known
AmeriCorps (Item)
  • .~~La..Jl' '~ f't(R.\t " .t-L _._.._ - -. • t-_ ~~ " .\... f ,~ -. 'c.(., h "... I)...~ ~0· - • COMMON THREAD P.o. Box io31 Portsmouth, NH 03802-1031 Phone/Fax: 603-430-7983 August 12, 1995 Eli Segal President Corporation for National
  • legislation unveiled -- will leverage $20 billion to help communities and states rebuild America's schools. Later this month: • Early Childhood Development Conference at the White House on April17; • President speaks to issues of teacher education at events
  • [Response to the President's Initiative on Race (Binder)] [3]
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 13424 FolderiD: Folder Title: [Response to the President's Initiative on Race (Binder)] [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 8 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet
  • rhe impact of work-family stress on the lives and health of his young p-cttientc;. [V fi ALORA i!P . ;w~ WASHINGTON. Vice President of the Kellogg Foundation. Author 6 books. hundreds of articles, expert on family and yc1uth development
Polls (Item)
  • commercial or finaneiallnformatlon ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) ofthe PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal
  • Hope from Homes THE ENTERPRISE FOUNDATION Community Development Heros JAMES W. ROUSE FOUNDER·CHAIRNAN F. BARTON HARVEY Ill CHAIRMAN ill CEO EDWARD l. QUINN Loretta Smith Community Building In Pattnership, Inc. Baltimore, MD SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT
  • disclose eonfidentlal advlee between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of. the PRA) P6 Release would eonstitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified
  • Release would violate a Federal statute ((a)(3) ofthe PRAJ P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial Information ((a)(4) ofthe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • GOP's Assault on the President's Record on Women
  • : The first woman chairman of the Republican National Committee: Mary Louise Smith of Iowa. In 1975: The first woman appointed Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development: Carla A. Hills by President Gerald Ford. In 1978: The first woman
  • [Response to the President's Initiative on Race (Binder)] [1]
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: 13424 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: [Response to the President's Initiative on Race (Binder)] [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 8 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton
  • ((a)(4) of the PRAJ P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a elearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA) b(l
  • first year', and a half as the President of the United States I have become· convinced .both that we all know in our hearts·· that the changes through which the world economy is hurtling require a new and reenergized viSion; and we all believe
  • tn.fto.t Inventory Media Requests/ Responses Scheduling Proposals Message Ideas Health Care Earth Day File Lecture Series Proposals Early Childhood Development Environmental Ideas Campaign Finance Reform Welfare Reform Potential Events/Info Service Summit
  • must do a. MCBOR: emphasis on education, family, tax-break targeted to future and to empowerment b. Welfare reform: a drag on all of us if we do not fix it. (Need to develop this.) c. Health care reform: See President's remarks c. Foreign Policy 1. Two
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National security classified information ((b)(1
  • family. Since the meeting with the President, Katrina has worked at HUD. She is currently trying to form an alumni group of the private industry council (PIC), a local program that helped her find her job. Katrina hopes this group will serve as a role
Budget [1] (Item)
  • and millions of migratory birds. The Senate reconciliation bill included a few more environmental protections than the House. A Baucus amendment to strike from the Senate bill the provision authorizing oil and gas development in ANWR was tabled on a mostly
  • [Response to the President's Initiative on Race (Binder)] [2]
  • writing on behalf of the CITY OF YORK.PA.'s effort to be a selected site and the to host a President's Town Meeting to discuss race relations. My. name is Wm. Lee Smallwood. I am President of the York City Council, it's senior member with sixteen years
  • . Speaker, Mr. President, honored guests, members of cdngress, ladies and gentlemen: It is an honor for me to stand before you, the representatives of the great American nation, on this historic occasion. We have now become partners in shaping the future
  • of endangered plants and animals, and making room for sustained economic development. As Secretary Babbitt says, this project is the "stuff of history." All of the members of the San Diego community -- big and small landowners, environmentalists, builders
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |aXS) ofthe PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • Council. I . Subject to confirmation by the Senate, the President will appoint an Administrator of the new corporation. The President will also appoint members of the new Advisory Council. A single insurance fuhd for the new creditenhancement activities
  • , and they initiated a new Partnership for Economic Growth and Development. President Mubarak and I will soon issue a joint statement summarizing all the hard work that has gone into this project, which will benefit Egypt and the entire region. In closing, I want
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13424 FolderlD: Folder Title: [State of the Union, Feb. 4, 1997 (Binder)] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 90 2 8 2 Draft 2/1/97 PRESIDENT 'WILLIAM J. CLINTON
  • . More information is available. Attached: 5. THE ECONOMY UNDER PRESIDENT CLINTON Prepared by: National Economic Council Contact: Theo Lubke, 6-5374 Updated: March 29 One page per state providing state economic conditions, Administration Format
Trotter Group (Item)
  • : TROTTER GROUP ROUNDTABLE Attached is the last group of columns by the Trotter Group roundtable participants on their November 1st meeting with the President. Overall, the meeting produced 25 local and syndicated columns which were mostly favorable
  • and an aberration, why does LBJ seem to have done such a good job sustaining a mandate 1between election and inauguration? My opinion is that while h~ ~.ade .few concrete annuncements. he did three things very , 11 1 i .1: . successfully: I ~ ' I I
Israel (Item)
  • RESTRICTION 001. telegram RE: Suggested Themes for the President's Public Remarks in Israel (2 pages) 03/12/1996 P1/b(1) 002. schedule RE: Home telephone numbers (partial) ( 1 page) 03/13/1996 P6/b(6) 003. schedule RE: Home telephone numbers (partial
  • -business-as-usual. Now we must show them that we understand their message. Together we have already begun to change the way we do the people's business. Working together, we are on the way to enacting a line-item veto, so that this President -- and future
NATO Summit (Item)
  • . At the beginning of your second Adniinistration,.the Swedes are equivalently supportive partners globally -- in Bosnia, on the UN Security Council, and in implementing the Hebron Agreement. You would be the first sjttin& President eyer to yisit Sweden. The Swedes
  • in Jackson, T.N that is operated DY churches throughout the city and services children from the l1 pUblic housing projects in the city. When I was checking the article with one of the project's organi2ers, he tioned that President Clinton and Vice President
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10133 FolderiD: Folder Title: Remarks by the POTUS Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 5 3 FINAL PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON REMARKS TO MILITARY PERSONNEL
  • violate a Federal statute ((a)(J) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or finandallnformation ((a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would diselose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • , and they led these qroups, five here, ten there, fifteen there, many of these men, Colonel Dawson was one of the first, the President's qoinq to be meetinq him, Colonel.Dawson was pne of the first, but by no means a lot of them are just nameless to us today
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10140 FolderiD: Folder Title: Crime Bill Signing Ceremony Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 8 1 ' • .1. August 11, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM
  • National Security Council Political Affairs Press and Media Affairs Public Liaison Scheduling and Advance Secret Service Social Office Office of the Vice President Office of the First Lady Office of Mrs. Gore Office of Mack McLarty -- -- -- ' I
Organization (Item)
  • • CALIFORNIA -- Rainer Mueller, of Oceanside, California, had a 13-year old son, Eric, who was president of his class, an honor student, captain of his soccer team, and a little league all-star. Eric died in 1993 after eating half of a hamburger
  • ) of the PRA) P4 Release would dlselose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6
  • in the October 1992 issue of the magazine, two months after a similar interview with then-President Bush was published. The 1992 interview centered on the cost of health insurance, international competition and trade (see attached interview), along with other
  • of obstructionists made it impossible for the decrees of the Court to be carried out, both the ·law and the national. interest demanded that the President take action. Here is the sequence of events in the development of the Little Rock school case. In May of 1955
  • [Response to the President's Initiative on Race (Binder)] [4]
  • : Estrus Tucker, President & CEO tele 817-534·7186 fax 817·534·2290 Liberation Community, Inc. is a 12 year old non-profit community development corporation specializing in affordable housing development, mortgage services, consumer credit counseling
  • Games during_ the first hundred years. . . . . Three of_these, Lake Place 1932, Squaw Valley 1960, and Lake Placid-1980were : .·. held in the United States; The next Olympic Winter Games in the US will be Salt Lake City 2002,· however, President
  • with announcements of key new initiatives. o Illustrate commitment of Cabinet and other key officials and highlight the administration's record and accomplishments. o Highlight the President's desire to spark a collective national response to this challenge
  • FOR EVELYN LIEBERMAN V1l- FROM: VICTORIA L. RADD SUBJECT: GEORGE PLIMPTON FOLLOW-UP (1) As we've discussed, because of its coverage of the Olympic bombing, Sports Illustrated will not be publishing George Plimpton's article on the President
  • and voluntarily to address problems as serious as inflation, unemployment, trade, and economic development in a spirit of cooperation and solidar· ity. Other milestones lie ahead. Later this week, in Germany, we and our NATO allies will discuss measures for our
  • & witb a Presidtat who nJects.the.traditioDal but outmoded wisdom that defined and liJnitecl the relatioDsbip between bus.ilas and the federal govenmeut for iDaDy yean - a President with W'hom I have worked to build a . Dew appnNidl to the relatioDsbip
USDA (Item)
  • OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20250-QIOO ,---\' )~~.''lju JUN 7 1996 Donald Baer Assistant to the President and Coordinator of Strategic Planning and Communications 196 Old Executive Office Building 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C
  • President of Ecumenical Development Initiative Mr. Donald Baer Special Assistant to the President for Policy Coordination From: Jill Hanauer Enclosed please fmd the most recent material regarding The Interfaith Alliance. I am happy to report that we
Tobacco (Item)
  • out 011 the campaign trail. The Republican presidential candidate's ppsitions on tobaa:o bave oome under fire from every angle! the science of it, the regulation of it and the money tbat flows from it. The sbarpest attidt came today from Vice President
  • MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Doug Sosnik SUBJECT: Weekly Report 1996 PRESIDENTIAL NEWS New Hampshire. An American Research Group poll released this week reports that you have a 59% approval/34% disapproval ratio among New Hampshire Democrats. A clip
  • Vice-President
  • for International Development (AID) 17 Alameda, California 41 fn Air Force 17, 19 American President Lines S1 Antonucci, Robert V. 58 Anny 11 Atlanta 30, 38, Baltimore 26 Bean, L.L. 19, 25, 31fn Belzoni, Ms. 12 Blue Pages 322 Bobrowicz, Gregory 41 fn Bodde, David
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10136 FolderiD: Folder Title: Gang Suppression Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 6 3 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT U~- ~ ccs ~ .s~~s·va 1~ 'Uccj'f'f>J. b-urk
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors )a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy )(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security
Mandela (Item)
  • of ht cc. Fond of the symbolic gesture, Nelson Mandela plays ·up his dreams but never plays down to his countrymen from his chair to greet everyone who approaches him.) His patrician nature is on display most prominently in his dealings with President
  • , Indiana) For Immediate Release May 14, 1994 RADIO ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATION Mt. Helm Missionary Baptist Church Indianapolis, Indiana 9:06 A.M. COT THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week we're reminded once again that miracles are born
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: 10140 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: ASNE [American Society ofNewspaper Editors] 4/13/94 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 8 1 I The President of the united states
  • ((a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S
  • as A-G, and as Governor. B. I have always practiced affirmative action, but practiced it in a way that never compromised on quality, never gave an inch on merit, and always focused on finding the best person for the job. c. As President, I hold firm
  • -----------------------------------------------------------~-- Attached you will find the Report on Technology & Communications which was prepared for the Leader. This Report was developed in conjunction with the multi-media presentation on Communication & Technology which was viewed by the Caucus and others two weeks
Japan (Item)
  • . Ideally this would involve both Cabinet officers and the President and would combine e,·ents in a number of different sectors. 'Vhile the over riding message is the benefits of trade, there are a number of important themes to develop. * The pnmary theme
Tax Reform (Item)
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a elearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified Information [(b)(l) ofthe FOIA
  • 001. memo SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Mack McLarty and Ron Klain to the President and Vice President; RE: Operations during the Olympics (6 pages) 06/2111996 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Communications DonBaer ONBox Number
  • . · · Whenever possible, engage the Re~lglous Right In fights over specific Issue positions rather than general values, and force Its leaders to ·defend their most ext~eme positions. Progressives can win on the Issues, especially when they develop a competing
  • run by Charles Haynes should be the venue (see attached letter). Follow-up- Mickey will touch base with Linda Lader, Flo, Melanne and agency contacts to generate options for visits in each city. Sector ChaUenges Issue - Following up on the President's
  • --r ·- - - - ·- - ·- FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA This is not a textual 'record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidenti:al Library Staff. I Collection/Record Group: Clinton Preside~tial Records
King, Josh (Item)
  • disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified
  • Committee - even though the committee is currently investigating alleged improprieties by Gingrich and bis political organizations relating to his college course •ReMWing Americtlll avUizfJlion. • Fred Wertheimer, president of Common Cause, said Gingrich's
  • _ _----.L___...2.._1.......!....----'----'---1..:..........:.1 I ' I i I I I' i i I I I I !• I JUNE 21, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR KATHY ROIH FROM: MAX KOLTCN RE: SUMMARY OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S TRIP TO BERLIN (1963) Key Points of JFK' s Berlin
  • . PODESTA Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary FYI • - --.;;,.-- SECRETARY OF LABOR WASHINGTON OCT MEMORANDUM TO THE PRESIDENT 9~ ocr 3 P s : 27 h--- From: Robert B. Reich Subject: Remarks at Ted Kennedy Event September 29, 1994
Truman (Item)
  • - [241] Oct. 15 Public Papers of the Presidents gress and it embodies the Democratic principles of which I am speaking. It sets up a kind of economic signal room-the Council of Economic Advisers-in which the danger signals flash when things start to go
  • NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffiTLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. memo Linda Lader to the President; RE: National Prayer Breakfast [partial] (1 page) 0113111995 P5 002. fax Lader to Baer; RE: Home address and telephone number (partial) ( 1 page) 01/30/1995 P6/b(6
  • is. The President 1het1 resumed :ord.] to observe that the I 5 min· lp, but at 9 o'clock, in Mr. n Monday morning, we plan, pray that we will have the for you. If you will be ready ll be a briefing there. .st few weeks, I have deter: would have a voting rights •n
  • discrimination within that particular school, but may not use evidence of discrimination within the state school system generally as a basis for an affirmative action program. • The reasoning of the Hopwood decision conflicts with the President's policy
  • NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTfi'ITLE Linda Lader to the President; RE: National Prayer Breakfast [partial] (1 page) 01/31/1995 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Communications DonBaer OA/Box Number: 10139 FOLDER TITLE
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) ofthe PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security classified Information ((b)(l) of the FOIA) b(l) Release would
  • "politics as usual," against congress, and especially, against President Clinton. Voters' primary concerns about President Clinton were that he had move too far to the left, and that he is- meffective as a leader. The Voters Didn't Move Right, They Think
  • Mrs. Gore's 'participation, and. the President's letter, .in a very positive light. I called Sol Levine at CNN and he is asking Atlanta to give him a dub. of the headline news story that ran over the weekend. I should know more tomorrow. I called Steve
Interior (Item)
  • on a la~er scale t.o these principles in places like: Pacific where the President's rarest Pla:a. was the states of Washington, oregon and Califoruia and with local c~i~ies in ~he Cascades, ~o provioe a sustainable ttmber harvest, to p~o~ect
  • OF THE VICE PRESIDENT Domestic Policy Office Old Executive Office Building Washington, D.C. 20501 Phone:202/456-6222 Fax:202/456-6231 FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET 11, 1996 DATE: July TO: Don Baer, WH Communications Kathy Wallman, WH Counsel David Fein~ WH
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified information ((b)(l
  • [The President's Initiative on Race Akron Town Meeting Summary and Follow Up December 11, 1997 (Binder)]
  • are divided. (He is part Italian, American Indian and white,) Richard Erickson Akron Regional Development Board, President and CEO, He believes that all races need to work together, and the challenge is making sure that everyone has the basic, technical
  • (916) 441-2444 (916) 441-2444 (310) 268-2444 Kaiser Family Foundation: Matt James Vice President. Communications & Media Programs Tina Hoff Communications Program Officer NEW STUDY FINDS INCREASE IN SEXUAL CONTENT ON TV'S FAMILY HOUR Children Now
  • 'flee president far lfllln. •JIIbll lleawy atwtna "refl«ttllle fact IIIII CPAI 1ft 9trJ adhr polltkiiiJ and 1ft ftfJ agrmlft In l f t l l wllere Iller lllte 1 llllkr." lie clenlel tllltlmRD!IInll raped llwmalkrn to put lllel8 lr(al rellrf In racllllllf r
History (Item)
  • in Jerusalem. 3) Pope's discourses with the Armenian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Patr1archs. 4) Pope's to the Patriarch of Constantinople. I o 5) Pope's Reply to the Israeli President's welcome. 6) An article on the similarities
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) ofthe PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) ofthe PRA| b(l) National security
  • Information ((a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA( P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRAJ
  • upon lobbyists paid by special interests to develop a bill to lessen environmental and safety protection. The New York Times called it an extraordinary "embrace [of] legislative outsiders with extensive interests in the.outcome." 4 • Keeping a List
  • director gave his success there -- one year before he was elected class president). 0 Steve Scott, Track Olympic trials: June 15-23 Scott, 40, the American record-holder in the mile since setting the mark in 1982, is trying H ~for the Olympics again two
  • authority figures who said he wasn't good enough (e.g., his Air Force Academy ring is engraved "A snowball's chance.. ," the odds the admissions director gave his success there-- one year before he was elected class president). 0 Steve Scott, Track Olympic
  • on Sustainable Development in reviewing progress in the implementation of the. Rio process. We look forward c.o the m panfcular implementation of the Conventions already concluded, th~ on biological diversity and climale-cbangc · and in Ulfs respect we
Immigration (Item)
  • ) with the re~ources necessary 'for an enforcement strategy that will inake a difference. · quiCkly and sustain itself over· time. The Administration focused immigratlo11 cc;:>ntrol ·effo.rts first on the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexican border. Years of neglect had left
Tech Corps (Item)
  • conversation. We're working with Gene Sperling on this- he's leading an effort to develop a series of events for the President on educational technology, and we expect that having the President launch the Tech Corps will be a big part of this effort. Ed
  • -.--,- -. " Reinventing Government A New Federal-State Pat·tnet·ship The Clinton Administt·ation Has Fot·ged A New Pat·tnet·ship with States and Local Governments. Giving States Flexibility. President Clinton has given 25 states -- more than quadrupling the previous
  • and Urban Development, Justice, Labor, Treasury, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy are co-sponsoring this event which will highlight effective youth violence prevention programs from around the nation. The President could attend and give
Citizenship (Item)
  • , which began in its most recent fonn with the President's Georgetown address on July 6. My argument is simple: the President should be doing more than reminding Americans what is right about America -- he should be reinforcing what he and his
  • sales from federal lands will again be embroiled in legal challenges · COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS • The most distressed communities would lose access to more than $88 million in Federal support that would ultimately leverage hundreds
  • tltem.slck.,. President Ointon August 3, 1996 Signed Safe Drinking Water Law The President signed into law n~w. strengthened safe drinking water protections to ensure that American families have clea;t, safe tap water. This law makes more infonnation public
  • relations amstel1 1011 PN amsterdam telephone (020) 552.9111 fax (020) 624 55 50 AMSTERDAM: FACTS AND FIGURES 1. General Information In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Amsterdam developed into the most important city of The Netherlands. After
  • \~~~~ ,c, In order to develop a coordinated strategy of amplifying the President's message please submit a draft plan for your agency that promotes the President's accomplishments and challenges between now and August. To assist in your planning we have
John Podesta (Item)
  • : the President at an awards ceremony, adding to this the idea (supported by Larry Summers and me) of a major trade I global economy speech at the event. Ifwe can make a big, new statement on our second term trade policies, this would be good. Otherwise
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: 10132 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Sched. Requests (POTUS) Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 5 2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ted Danson President Casey Coates Danson Vice
  • . This package bears no relation to the President's Welfare to Work Initiative and is not related to the budget proposals that are being developed to fulfill the President's commitment to amend certain elements of the welfare reform bill. HHS plans to provide
Television (Item)
  • --~--------------- ------ .. , The President July 25, 1996 Page 2 developed under the guidance of Jack Valenti; it would signal programs of special value during broadcasts, as part of program listings in newspapers and guides, and in advertising and promotional materials. At your meeting
Labor Unions (Item)
  • Officer August 14, 1996 Don Baer Assistant to the President - Strategic Planning The White House Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. Baer: This is a follow-up on my previous correspondence as well as that from the leadership of UAW #2006 to Mr. Ickes regarding
  • upon the rights of others. No other president has taken such a step. President Clinton, along with Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; and Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., also took the lead in passing the most important civil rights bill for religion in history
  • of the B-2 potentially becomes important on two fronts. First, President Clinton's chances to win California are improved if the election revolves around domestic issues, but the President needs to develop his credentials on national defense. Second, since
Family Leave (Item)
  • Kamarck, Jim King of OPM) think this could be a good Presidential announcement-- highlighting the President's concern over a key family issue-the tension between work and time -- and demonstrating executive action. The downside, of course, is this could
  • systems have changed and diversified over time. At the same time, it is a ~iu@cant milestone for emerging biotecbnolgg-. industrie§ that are harnessing genome data to develop products to improve human health, repair damage to the environment, and create
  • /environmental (?) Further testing to be done on above issues Develop questions for testing answers A. DB/VR to draft broader questions expected to be asked of the President in upcoming weeks B. For example: "What have you learned from your three and one-half
  • , it certainly sounds that way. THE PRESIDENT: At the least, it may give us some indication of how the development of Earth and Mars diverged, because one of the things these scientists believe is that our planets were very much alike for several hundred.million
  • will be handicapped. Fifth, the interpretation and application of the First Amendment today touches on some of the deepest and most revolutionary developments in contemporary thought. A genemdon ago lt was common to draw a deep dichotomy between science and religion
  • ) of the PRA) P3 Release would violate a Federal statute ((a)(3) ofthe PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial Information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) ofthe PRA) b(l) National security
  • of the Los Angeles Jewish Journal. She attended one of the President's coffees last Friday. I think she has some good ideas. ····Sara· ·~ - ·--·- --·--·· --- - Fax from: Marlene Adler Marks Fax #310 4567686 Phone: 310 4563816 Memo to: Sara Ehrman, DNC
  • and redevelopment· Expand the Action Agenda more broadly . Leverage public-private partnerships Help states develop pl~s for clean up programs The Brownfields conference could be a peg for a speech by the President or Vice President that touts the success
  • · : ,'. . . David L. Dodson '· fXECUriVE VICE PlfSIDENr .· ; _ · i 1- ' '. .' . ' . ' TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1996 - Clinton offers a way to get beyond high school first 12 are today." The president has got that. right And he CHAPEL HILL is especially
  • on this epldeml
  • for a Presidential or Vice Presidential event. The announcement.-- which could be made between June 24 and June 28 --follows up on acti()ns called for by the President during an event last Aug\Jst in Baltimore where the President signed the Pollution Disclosure
  • raise taxes on me; people always in Washington, they always take care of the rich. But there was always a story line. And I'm just telling you -Q The story there were two story lines -- '84. One was less government THE PRESIDENT: Q morning
  • SUBJECTfi"ITLE RESTRICTION 001. memo Jack Quinn and David Fein to the President; RE: Proposed Constitutional Amendment for Crime Victims (8 pages) 06/07/1996 P5 002. draft Draft memo; RE: Proposed Constitutional Amendment for Crime Victims (9 pages
Media Event (Item)
  • Tamagni Media Event Planning January 24, 1996 Bill wanted me to ask you to include him in any meeting regarding the media event announced by the President in the SOTU. Thanks. By the way, the Neophytes & Novices club thinks that last night was a stunning
  • Assault on the President's Record on Women Zlata Letter Vice-President I ! . FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F FOIA MAR~~[R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10138 FolderiD: Folder Title: Oval Office Address Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 7 2 . .. TALKING POINTS ON PRESIDENT CLINTON'S OVAL OFFICE ADDRESS PERSONAL
  • of the Americas speech December 8, 1994 ------------:------------------------~------------------·.;. ___------ Attached please find draft of the President's "Scene Setter" speech for the Summit of the · Americas .. He is scheduled to speak tomorrow-- Friday
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subserles: OA/ID Number: 10139 FolderiD: Folder Title: Lunch w/Boutros-Ghali Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 7 3 PRESIDENT WILLIAM JE~~ERSOB CLIBTOB LUNCH HOSTED BY UBSYG BOUTROS-GBALI
Newman, Bruce (Item)
  • ) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or finan~lallnformation [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security
Values Speech (Item)
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10135 ·FolderiD: Folder Title: Values Speech Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 6 2 •' THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN to-3o-"tS enforced by trade sanctions
  • D Day Schedules/Logistics/Travel Plans for D Day Trip Including Logistics for President's Remarks a Nutteno Cemetery and Utah Beach
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10140 FolderiD: Folder Title: D Day Schedules/Logistics/Travel Plans for D Day Trip including Logistics for President's Remarks at Nutteno Cemetery and Utah Beach Stack: Row: Section
Message (Item)
  • -- and going mushy. The Senate has promised to schedule final debate on CWC when it returns from recess and to vote by September 14. A strong administration push in the weeks leading up to the vote could make the difference -- and give us a treaty the President
Angus King (Item)
  • no longer believe they will spend the resr their career at the same company. Instead of that kind of assurance, they are looking fo / opportunities to develop portable skills, to ensure a new kind of career security . Positive opinion of co-workers. Most
  • ) of the PRA) P3 Release would violate a Federal statute ((a)(3) ofthe PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financ:lal information ((a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
Fannie Mae (Item)
  • the tone and substance of this article unfairly impugn the integrity of Franklin Raines and Fannie Mae. They are unworthy of both Mr. Glassman and the Post. · The implication of the article is that Fannie Mae used its power to convince the President
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: 10132 OAIID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Gay/Lesbian Issues Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 5 2 ------;-.-- March 26, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Re: ctL
  • ago 100,000 likely GOP voters. Beyon Gramm's demanding, among other thing~. that the iclentity and general positions. vo ers in the MINOR MEMOS: Former Vice President company cease or slow its subcontractfirst Rrimary state "don't know m ch about
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security
Arena Stage (Item)
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified Information ((b)(l) of the FOIA) b(2
Health Care (Item)
  • ~scu~Os ...._ ~· can best serve their customers. Their report, ~ic~ President Gore will review, will ~:lp us understand how changes in the health care system are ,fecting America's families. M. t( c. • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 17, 1996
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) r6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security
  • of the Press Secretary Internal Transcript June 15, 1994 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION FUNDRAISER The Sheraton Carlton Hotel Washington, D.C. THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Senator Harkin, Governor Bayh. Thank you for your
  • FOIA Number: 2006-0458-F This is not a record. This is used as an I administrative by the William J. Clinton Preside~tial Library Staff. I I I I Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: . 1
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subserles: OA/ID Number: 10139 FolderiD: Folder Title: Radio Address (Crime) 4/15/94 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 7 3 The President of the United States Radio Address Roosevelt Room
  • I D E N T 19-Dec-1995 04:45pm TO: TO: TO: TO: Donald A. Baer Steven A. Cohen Evelyn s. Lieberman Teresa Wildman FROM: Barry J. Toiv Office of the Chief of Staff SUBJECT: Issues Convention What is the state of play with the President doing
  • violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or finaneiallnformation [(a)(4) ofthe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • in socially acceptable groups, develop school pride, and attain a sense ofbelongins. Attached is a copy of our school unifonn policy and procedures, recemly adopted by the Board of Education. Thank you for your support. Jesse L. Gonzales Superintendent
  • . They agreed too that improvements in relations with ~e countries of Eastern Europe would help to contribute to peace and security and that a common allied policy would contribute to this end. · The President and the Chancellor also discussed the serious
  • by acclamation. Do I hear a second? (A chorus of seconds) (Applause) A videotape introducing Senator Albert Gore was shown ,/ I have a second. GOVERNOR RICHARDS: Ladies and gentlemen, the next Vice President of the United States, Senator Al Gore. All
  • into four at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. - 3 - our reinventing government initiative, led by Vice President . Gore, has already helped shrink bureaucracy and freed up money to pay down the deficit and invest in our people. Already
G.I. Bill (Item)
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10139 FolderiD: Folder Title: G.I. Bill Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 7 3 FOR VICE PRESIDENT GORE VITAL INFORMATION ON THE WORLD WAR II GI BILL IT WAS SIGNED
Immigration (Item)
  • heard yesterday that you wanted some immigration language to work with for the State of the Union. I hope that this is helpful. I am also attaching the President's Report on Immigration and some other material that may provide you with other ideas
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10133 FolderiD: Folder Title: Memos to POTUS '95 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 5 3 .. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 16, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT
Peter Kouler (Item)
  • :·.'·" ': . ... '.:. . ' .. ·'' . ··. . : •' ~ .~ ~~.· .... : '':- . ..'· ,;,• ':. Committee for Roosevelt History Month 1250 24th St., NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 (202) 857-7810 Fax: (202) 467-2781 Honorary Chairmen Albert Gore, Sr. President Ronald Reagan Draft for Presidential Proclamation Peter B. Kovler Chalnnan CommlUee
  • care. Contrary to erroneous reports in today's press, the President fully intends to continue to fight for the enactment of comprehensive health care reform this year, and we fully expect the Congress to continue its consideration of health care when
California (Item)
  • . iDiliatiYe. Council Praicknt Jobn Ferraro. whose dislzict includes LANI's North Hollywood arts~· saidlheefforts ~i \ grow into asubslauli\·e ()ODlmUDity . GsUN VAllEY d .... Cenlcrl'tlnn ;.lw interNcction of Sunland Boult>var anu.-,
Education [3] (Item)
  • programs. The House has voted, however, to cut Safe and Drug-Free spending by 55 percent to a level of $194.6 million. President Clinton has requested an increase in FY96 to $500 million for the violence and drug prevention effort. The Education Department
  • sports, claiming that their triumphs and efforts make her take stock ·of how lucky she is. ' • ' I I, \':,1• I I In addition to her basketball career, Katy is capitalizing on the exploding popularity of women's basketball by developing a series
  • ((a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or flnanelallnformatlon )(a)(4) ofthe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S
  • : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10133 FolderiD: Folder Title: General Petition- Jerry Brown 3/10/95 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 5 3 ,_ ---~- JERRY BROWN '·· ott FOR PRESIDENT H 800
  • and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly. " -President John F. Kennedy What is the American Dream? How can a nation as diverse as the United States--
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a dearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security
  • in this current period. The central question for the Democrats (and for the President) is how to defme the Republican conttact without it seeming like just partisan bickering, and both the President and. the Democrats ill Congress have to work to get into the game
  • . ''We're proud to be a partner in this exciting undertaking," said Ervin S. Duggan, PBS president and CEO. ''The NIC has the potential to help encourage deliberative discourse at a key point in the campaign season. It will also demonstrate, in a profound
Mentoring (Item)
  • demanded and ultimately received an explicit prohibition on the use of Goals 2000 funds for developing and implementing "high stakes n tests--that is, tests used to determine promotion or graduation. The President could call for the repeal
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(l) National security classified information [(b)(l) of the FOIA) b(l) Release would
AmeriCorps (Item)
  • [(a)(3) of the PRA[ P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S
Downsizing (Item)
  • and officer. Not thet he 111rvlved three lasted five ,un and even at comthe very promise of tomorrow, ewa as the bank mergers only to be told, upon panles that are dolnB welL President proclaims In bla State of die Ualon . retumtng from a family vacation
  • is the low level of public support Consumer Senti- .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Figure 3: Approval Ratings ment modeled after the national Index developed at 90 the University of 80 Michigan. Re70
  • \~ . -' . .· ...... t '·ft ; ..""'~PT~+,. .. . · ·.· .. .. '·,.;, ·... ·.·· ...~·~ .:··:···.·.:.:···:. ' '. .. .. United States EnvlrOnme.itai.Protedion Ag,f!ncy u.s.. Depart~ of.Ho\l!iling and Urban Development · Office of the 'Secretaly
  • focus on feeling angry, how to develop a safety plan, how the court system works, etc. The American Psychological Association released a study this summer documenting the terrible impact on children who witness violence between their parents. o Propose
  • as counseling, job development, and relocation assistance. • Novella Jlawls dropped out of school in ninth grade to stay home and care for her one-year old daughter. In November 1994, after being out of school for two years, she enrolled at the Career Academy