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8 results

  • and of the relevant international lending agencies and would from that base be able to urge the regional recipients to cooperate as well. G8~lFIBElf'fI1tL ".A:?' ~ ..-.~~ ..... . , ", ~lN~N~~~T~'4lt;. ~ . CONFIBElU'fI1lL ~L . The Board should not. have
  • Belgrade v i s i t work t o narrow d i s t a n c e Russia and NATO (Secstate c a l l s t o Ivanov, Chernomyrdin, coordinated w i t h Quint c a l l s t o same); • G-8 P o l d i r s discussions t o determine whether a G-8 M i n i s t e r i a l w i l l advance
  • reception as Yeltsin at previous summits and about Russia's desire for "full" membership in the G-8. BACKGROUND CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY 39928426.FIN Page 3 of 9 Long Hot Summer. Putin's arrival in Okinawa coincides roughly with the end of his
  • c o v i e ' • i n t r a n s i g e n c e leaves us no a l t e r n a t i v e . /Hope t h a t Russia docs not p u t i t s e l f i n p o o i t i o n t h a t i o o l a t p o i t from r e s t o f G-8.•Need t o make this--clear i n p u b l i c statements