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  • pilot program to improve student enrollment, attendance, and performance in poor countries. 2) Endorsement by the G-8 of key interna,tional "Education for All" goals, including the principle that no country with a strong national action plan to achieve
  • me provide you with some l;>ackground on what is happening at the intern~tionallevel. Last year, President Clinton and the leaders of the G-8 countries during their annual Summit meeting held a · discussion and 'issued acom.niunique on food safety
  • at the 1996 G-S Moscow Nuclear Safety and Securi~y Scmmit. We rea.!fiL"m Otl1. intentions to continue to "Work closely with other countries, in partioular other G~8 leaders, who have provided strong support over past years for init.iation ami ill".plcmentation
  • concern, A NATO-Russia Permanent loint Council was established in Brussels. June 19-20, 1997: The G-8 Economic Summit in Denvcr was the first in which Russia participated as an equal. Russia was admitted to the "Paris Club" of creditor nations . .July 8
  • , I 24 here, but I like to talk briefly about the complaint I 25 filed just yesterday for a severely disabled G8-3 employee I I i I 1 I , 127 I I I i JEANETTE D. MARBLE C8R 2711186 (916) , 661-i22V5 I I 1 from the National
  • also initiated an international financing plan and a multilateral framework f-or cooperation by the G-8 200 I Genoa Summit, In September J996, the United States, Russia, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (lAEA) created the Trilateral Initiative
  • , clIlL us at 7031729-4677 or g8!!}6J6. NALe (62$2). Where you get covered cafe • Cov~reti provlden You can get clire from any "covered provider" or "eovered facility" How much we pay -lind you pay - depends on Ihe type of covered provider Of facili
  • -fifth were employed in· the G8-13 through GS-15 grade range. were ernp~oyed A little over 6 percent of White women in the SES. Sla.cks: Men. Black men comprised 5,3 percent of all errployees in GS and SES pO$itio~s. They surpassed this rate ~n
  • settlement in Afghanistan. Russia was part of Group of Eight Industrialized Nations (G-8) efforts to encourage ,ltates to become purty 10 the t 2 UN international counterterrorism conventions and to improve measures to block the financing of terrorism
  • ~ ,.. ~ ~ ~ .. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ft _ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ : : = = : : = : : : : : : :. g g g g .8 g g g- g 2 g g g g ........ o ", ! • , ~ .. '! !' ' " !! 07/06/94 15:58' . .. . NO.OO5 PaC 11 (SATELLITE) .. 202 456 7029 . ) c n Q 9 Q
  • of the Americas. May 12-14, 199K Gennany Berlin, Potsdam, Frankfurt, Eisenach Met with Chancellor Kohl, commemorated 50th anniversaf)' of the Berlin Airlift. May 14-IX, United Kingdom Binningham, Weston· Under·Lizard, London Attended G-8 Economic Summit
  • a reduction of about 10 percent in G8-14's, 15's and 8ES positions. We will be making staff reductions beginning in FY1994 and continuing to FY 1998 to meet the 7500 staff. year reduction target. As noted previously, we will work with the employee union's
  • and ron for four days, beginniog March 30. It will be attended by selected security managers from electrIc power, petroleum and g8S. industries. o (G. Coplon, OE~21. 6-1311) DISASTER PBEI'JIRIlDl!ESS CONFERENCE. The Electr,lc Power Research Institute
  • to Africa to underscore U,S, support for the transition to democracy in Nigeria and the peace process in Burundi. The administration obtained rull funding for the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Country hliliutive (HIPe) launched at the G~8 Summit at Cologne
  • "non­ cooperative" jurisdictions. Ne otiations toward Unite' . transnatio tal ,2!B'@lized crime continue to show promise. The G-8 j tice ministers issued an important communique covering financial crime issues. And pra tical law enforcement
  • ,Contact Representa1ive, G8-962 series. As wel~ the GS-105' SerieS includes positions that 'involve managing,· supervising, or' performing work concerned with the admin:isttation or operation of nationsJ social insurance and .needs-b8Sed benefit 'programs
  • decline significantly over the ant decade. as CSRS employees retire or leave Federalservite for other reaSODS. Active Participants ~MOO.-------------------~--, ~>OO+- ______________________ 1m ~ 1991 1994 19!IS 1996 1m 1()g8 lfJl1'5 2000 un 1-~CSkS
  • with the Russian leadership, but with democracy activists and independent journali~)ts, and business peopie, In Europe, she met regularly with her G"8 counterparts; and during the Kosovo campaign intensively with her counterparts in the contact group. 8
  • the U,S. government and within the Department of State. IIP was asked, for example, to produce the official U,S. government website for the Denver Summit of the Eight. for other G~8 summits, and for the Seattle mjntslenal meering of the World Trade
  • , at the Group of Elght (G-8) meeting in Bonn, the Wesl and Russia announced agreement over the basic strategy to resolve the connict. Bombing of the Chinese Embassy On 7 May, NATO planes accidentally hit the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, killing 3 and woullding
  • ~< ;;~,~,~'~.~-"J \tfBndl~g8~;, , , , Multlmodal -U1o Skilts Training -Academic Tutoring CommunIty ·Life Skills Training -CuJtutal EnriChment ·Leadership Training .Physical and Mental Heal'!h Services -'.·"\."''''W., -.", ,"'''''".l,i1 " ....,- . , l1j:4-;;"t
  • programs. We will work with other G-8 finimc:e and development. ministrieS to refine ~ proposal. ' • A cODServative estimate suggests ·that if basic health care. including immuniZation were· . made broadly available. up to 2 ,million child'ren's'1ives
OVP - Privacy (Item)
  • ~£~"~;~~ ~C;_~.~n ~'~:;O>;::.T;~-':: ''''r;;~:'rS:'' ?'_,,:';nt>'::.:,::;,:..,:-;-,!f-., ~~~v' ~~2~~~g~~~~ ~'~~~ ~,~~~ 6~~£g 8:'i~~ iiS!..~Qo ""''',' ~~ .. _ ~3~ i~~~g " ~~~ ,!"",-:,,,, n,.~", ~ ;:-~3;;:" !~!l". ;;c£'3",i%~,,>;;;~ :::O~~c
  • together under the Montreal Process Working Group to endorse a comprehensive sct of "criteria and indicators" of sustainable forest management. By the end of 2000, over 150 countries were beginnlng to implement such criteria and indicators. In 1998, the G~8
  • 90,9 90.0 91.0 92.0 91.4 92.2 92.S 91.6 91.9 90.6 90.8 90.6 8!l.fI ASJI fl9,4 RAJi .O,R 57.4 56.2 56,7 f:ifi.6 55,5 g8.S 5fUi 59,6 60.4 62.4 62.0 66.3 66.6 68.9 67.4 70.7 70.L 65.1 66.7 64.7 65,0 .0,3 fiG.4 67.0
  • of negotiations on this matter in February, delegates from the G-8 crafted compromise lailguage to accommodate G-77 concerns. The operative language is as follows: "consistent with its fundam:entallegal principles, and without prejudice to any other article
  • Clinton and then-Prime Minister Hashimoto at the Denver G-8 Summit in I 1997. It is a slightly dull name for a very exciting and fundamentally impoi:tant medium for decisions: effecting Japan's transition to a new economic model. at home
  • , and respect for human rights." US AID played a leadership role in G-8 preparation. and as a result international priority was given to basic education and infonnation technology, US,,\lD was instrumental in the Education for All initiative and activities
  • ., ". .,,' '" -., ." .' .', , . ',. .. " . ,_ ' . ' " • '.', '. , '. ,'Jaster IlIm, U .$, trad. a I whole-,Whlle eKpOru CO Ihello'orld 11"' '" a huJihy t'If.c G".8,per~ " 'U.S. eltports to North Amcti~ ",era lip 11.& percCnl dllr:m, thc,ftnl six monchl,of til. year
  • thru 1996 while the balance of the G-7 --:- now G-8 countries -- have had near zero job growth over the same period. 'So it is hardly surprising that OUf uAemployment rate of 5.2% ' J in March, matching its lowest level in eight years. Trade has played
  • assistance programs and self­ sufficiency, with Ii particular focus on the international school meals program that the President.' announced at the G-8 Surrimit. .Third, to address existing and potential future agriculture:and . general trade issue:s
  • . In addition, Chancellor Kohl may raise the issue of bringing Russia fully into the G-8 and thereby eliminating the G-7 cOlYlpletely. I am going to try to reach Sandy Berger separately to reinforce with him the importance we attach to preserving the integrity
  • , w lle possible, c?uld be p:oblematic, . and explamed that we could walt until March or even Apnl to make a fmal decislOn, by which time the G-8 issue might be behind us. . ' ~\f L . . , l,I'
  • ) Trust Fund to support the participation of regional development banks and other international financial institution~"in enhanced HlPC init:ati~e. This'initiative a. key o'utcome of th~ Cologne G..8 Summit and has broad inteinational support as well
  • dll Pii ~ I' E . i - • pq iii f J•i ' ' f,,! ;; ~ If !1 I r-Il " dl~ , --s· ~id iih ! • • • ! ~ ~ 1;1 · I ~ ~ §: .Ii II ~ ~ ,g 8 J , §. , : ~ ~ ,1 t J ... 1, ... hPI lUif ;!p • 1!13 j' d. I -I 1 qji .~ ~ • I §:g . !• , "- •,. I
  • , reform its banking system, and open and deregulate its economy. And in trade we must remain true to our principles and the pledges made at the Asia­ Europe Meeting arid the G-8 summit last year, by preserving our open tparkets and sharing the' burden
  • visit to Japan was in preparation for the 0-7 meeting in Tokyo in I 993. In the years between that event and this week's G-8 meeting, we may have devoted more time and resources to the relationship with Japan than to any other. That reflects thb
  • induQtri~& vill prooper. lIm oonfidGnt that ~han the oigital Revolution hita vill~g~8 in Nbmibia. or ~h$ bush in AUGtralia, it will have tbA i~print of Amarioa. But thay wil~ not eliminate t~e prob19m~ that co~e from change. That#s my th~rd point
  • .• :i'.! ~ 0 'r: t: ~.'1l1 " ' A .... p="i !a.,5,~~~~ OJ lo.c: "'V]O~ .,:;: ~"2,,!' .. ""OIl ~-l _t!- '_ "Ii".. ;.c: ~ rs ~" 3",g§~'''8 ... f~ ·P·l~~P (l~ .~. oj o, :t: .;> 1:: i c:..~:;ts",vS
  • , analyzing, ;llld controlling insthllncnts r~tcd highest (Table 1)" In each of these industries, C;(ports accounted for roughly 25 percent or more of G.8. firms' tolal shipments. Ranked 011 the basis orimpon shares, leather products, apparel, arid