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595 results

  • Director Lee Brown
  • Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks on the Swearing-In of National Drug Control Policy Director Lee Brown 7/1/1993
  • Office of National Drug Control Policy Confirmation Briefing Book: Dr. Lee P. Brown – May 1993 [binder]
  • Congressional Profiles written for the Cabinet: Brown, Lee (Drug Czar)
Schedules (Item)
  • ~i9iii11M~eiingQn:Cri.,*X6:~pffi)·.'···'·········· .................................. . Reno: Speak to Natl Conference on Criminal History Reno: Media ROWldtable for New England Ldrshp Day Tn~rs
  • ;", . ',,' •Attendees: DO) John SchmIdt; DOE Under.Sec. Marshall Sml1;MB Steve Redburn, Karen Pittman, S ery (Lee Brown out of town/will send designee) , Shalala's office will phone back; Reich's office will phone back 4:00p--5:00p NEC Budget Meeting, RooseveltRoom
  • . . Robert Sussman for Administrator Carol Browner 'Director Leon Panetta 'Laura Tyson 'Robert Rubin 'Eli Segal 'Ira Magaziner 'Lee Brown Kristine Gebbie *NOTE: The Domestic Policy Program Staff will also attend as observers ATTACHMENT #2 THE WHITE HOUSE
  • Secretary Robert Reich ^ 3 5 WCBS, New Yo* ^ WBZ, Boston CBS Radio Network AP Radio Network UVb 6 Administrator Carol Browner Florida Radio Network WCOA, Pensacola VANZrMianu 1. 2 ' 3. Dr. Lee Brown 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. African Radio Network
  • Meeting: Lee Brown 5-17-94 4:00-4:15
  • April 28, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO CAROL RASCO FROM: LEE P. BROWN RE: LUNCHEON MEETING WITH PRIVATE SECTOR REPRESENTATIVES I have been asked by a select group of leaders from the private sector to meet with members of the Domestic Policy Council with drug
  • Vliet (V-LET), CAbtz~ Chair; Alvah Chapman, CADCA Founding Chair; Lee Brown; Lori Plank, Trooper Ed Plank's widow; Patricia Gilbert, Jeff Gardner's mother; Colonel David Mitchell, head of the Maryland State Troopers] Thank you, Ms. Plank for the gift
  • Director Lee Brown July 1, 1993 **Proclamation 6619 - National Domestic Violence Awareness Month 1993 & 1994** Notice on Chemical and Biological Weapons Proliferation November 12, 1993 Letter to Congressional Leaders on Chemical and Biological weapons
  • Peter Scher 395-6850 . 395-3390 ONDCP Dir Lee Brown Robert Wasserman ·395-6732 395-6708 209 8th fl . I I , ·I ~$(~ SCHEDULERS as of 1131195 DEPT SECRETARY SCHEDULER PHONE FAX ROOM State Warren Christopher Linda Dewan Martha Corrales
  • can assist in this initiative, either personally or as a department. ' " I I look forward to seeing you on Monday evening. Thank you. I I ! TH E WH ITE HOUS E WASH I NGTON March 3, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR DIRECTOR LEE BROWN FROM: carol~asco
Drugs (Item)
  • is there a surge in stories on the impact of drugs on society (most notably, the Detroit case where a mother sold her child to pay off a crack debt), but there are two key events that are going to push the drug issue front and center. I. On December 11, Lee Brown
  • Seminar on ,"The Future of Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Programs" in the ARKLA Room, Ross ,Hall at UALR . 11:15 Dr. Lee Brown arrives inLR (will be met at the airPort by Joe Hill) and directed to', .University Theater Debby Nye will·take
  • we loo~ forward to meeting •• " ,.;:" • J , , . ~ . ' "~ " 1 • . "~ " , ,,~. ;:';', 1, ' ' • ~ "":. .' " ,,' _ I '. ".' . . ~ .­ , , .' , TO: Dr. Lee Brown Dr. Joycelyn Elders I you. ,:: Thank '·'r
  • Brown - sending Hershel Grober Administrator Carol Browner Director Alice Rivlin Director Lee Brown ? Administrator Phil Lader Laura Tyson John Gibbons - sending Kathy Woteki , Jack Quinn Joe Stiglitz Eli Segal - ~ Susan Stroud Ira Magaziner Patricia
  • and to h1ighlight. the work that is being done in Delaware, and Maryland a~nd Virginia and really what it represents . t hroughout the .country. I I am so pleased that Dr. Lee Brown who is the Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control·Policy·has
  • the economic package vote. PRESS Interviewed with the NEW YORK TIMES and MEDICAL NEWS. WEEK IN REVIEW Met with representatives of Georgia Pacific and the National Organization of Rare Diseases (NORD), and with Lee Brown prior to his confirmation hearings. Spoke
  • /l.o':;(L~ Conunerce: Open I-stop-shops HHS/Ed: High School Drug Use Study 'Tuesday II I WeLee Brown. Sleny Hoyer: HIDTA announcement Thursday 31 ···1 I Eriday 41 I Reno. Cisneros. B
Drugs (Item)
  • (Drugs offer to LEE top issue for BROWN Americans) iLEEBROWN Retirement ' 18 19 HATCH HEAR· INGS onyouth drug use NICKELODEON " Interview 25 26 17 " 0 24 31 November 95 SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
  • to begin in the House and Senate. Lee Brown and the Attorney General are already planning to speak. • A phone call to Governor William Weld to ask his help in winning bipartisan support in Washington for the measures be proposed last week in Massachusetts
  • to their community, they will beghf to build a·renewed pens~of community and a renewed sense: of hope and confidence that'individuals can make a difference in addres~ing complex.problems. The. philosophy fundamentally is an expansion of Lee Brown's emphasis community
  • with board members from Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime (TASC) to discuss criminal justice drug treatme~t and health care. Also, I met with reps from all the Drug- Control Agencies to discuss Lee Brown's proposed reauthorization. The proposal
  • Magazine Conference Call—Overview McLarty, Altman * Latin American Magazine Conference Call—Trade Substance Kantor, Cutter * African-American Radio Interview Ron Brown * African-American Print Conference Call or Roundtable Ron Brown and Lee Brown iI
  • At your request, and under Rahm Emanuel's direction, a small group of White House staff met to begin discussing how to approach the Russian Guns Issue. o Lee Brown Letter A draft letter from the President notifying the nation's Governo~s and Mayors about
  • Administration (GSA) Warehouse in Franconia, Virginia Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with officials from the American Hospital Association in the West Wing Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Dr. Lee Brown and DARE representatives including police, law
  • , President Clinton talking on the telephone in the Oval Office to media from Oregon and Washington, Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in a satellite feed in the OEOB to an event in Missouri, President Clinton addressing a swearing-in ceremony for Lee Brown
  • Office President Clinton meeting with VP Gore, John Emerson and Bruce Lindsey in the Oval Office President Clinton announcing the appointment of Lee Brown as “Drug Czar” in the Rose Garden President Clinton greeting Vince Foster
  • , #3 shorten appeals, #4 100,000 more police. * The public preference is I (1) prosecute and punish and ( 2) wage a war of prevention. * (*Troubling sidebar raised by the President). Lee Brown will soon issue a report indicating that ·drug use is back
Drugs (Item)
  • a policy framework for U.S. international drug control efforts as part of the Administration's over-all counter-drug policy. The President designated Director Lee Brown of the Office of National Drug Control Policy as responsible for oversight and direction
  • OPEN PRESS Off-stage announcement of Lee Brown, accompanied by Jim Burke Marni Vliet and Alva Chapman. Off-stage announcement of the President, accompanied by Lorrie Plank and Jim Copple. Jim Burke makes welcoming remarks and introduces Lee Brown. Lee
  • , DC. • . BUD - Deputy Secretary Cuomo addresses the winter conference of Council of State Community Development Agencies. . , . ' ONDCP - Drug Speech: Dr. Lee Brown travels to Alexandria, LA, and addresses . the National Babtist Convention
  • COMMENTS Warren Christopher Lloyd Bentsen Mike Espy Mickey Kantor Robert Reich Henry Cisneros Hazel O'Leary Leon Panetta L 'P6/(b)(6)'V'''V' Alice Rivlin Joe Stiglitz Laura Tyson Lee Brown •IS Phil Lader John Deutch Roger Johnson Shirley Chater
  • is proud of the service of Hazel O'Leary and Jesse Brown in his cabinet -- and before them, Ron Brown, Lee Brown and Mike Espy. There are more African Americans working in the White House than at any time in history. And two African Americans-- Alma Brown
U (Item)
  • principles on welfare. Furthermore, it is guaranteed prominent play in the Washington Post because of the Virginia Waiver. DRUGS ? . I have been working with Director Lee Brown on his . statements about Darryl Strawberry and the Yankees. I briefed him
  • SrJ#ib W.Gl~.AWlW
  • with Mayors and Police Chiefs to talk .about crime, and met with the State Department to discuss gun importation. Jose Cerda, Bruce Reed, and I met with Lee Brown and ONDCP to go over the drug We also attended a meeting with HHS, Justice and other
  • . Lee Brown will also highlight the proposal in a speech. Cabinet Events Feb 2B Secretary Bentsen will visit the 5th Police Precinct in Washingto1\. DC, and view some of the weapons they have confiscated on the streets of DC. 2 .;: ":~t!~F
  • • On Thursday, January 6, the AG, Lee Brown, and Louis Freeh will do a town meeting on crime at an Anacostia Church; on Friday, January 7, Jesse Jackson will host a "crime summit" with Bill Cosby, various cabinet members and many other guests. On Thursday
  • Abuse at Columbia University. He was Secretary ,of Health, . ·E.ducationand Welfare under the Carter Administration and a close advisor to President Lyndon Johnson: III. . PARTICIPANTS·' ,The President Jim. Burke . Joe Califano, Dr. Lee Brown
  • in getting a commitment from Lee Brown as well as Messrs. Edleman, Bilchik and ModzerE~ski. I have' had a lot of good feedback on their participation. I certainly enjoyed the time I . had with Lee Brown. Carol, we are proud to have people such as you
Drugs (Item)
  • to the source countries where illegal drugs are produced. 02109/94 01:04 ~202 456 7028 DOM. POL IaI 003/004 TALKING POINTS ON 1994 DRUG STRATEGY . • . ! Today, the President and Lee Brown unveiled the Adrilinistration's 1994 Drug Strategy
  • worked with Justice~ as well as a group of Drug Court judges- to draft a much more flexible grant program, which Representative Schumer has asked to introduce on the Administration's behalf. We hope to have Lee Brown introduce the new drug court
  • inventive forms of what Al Capone once called "the legitimate rackets." And our nation, so long immune from the terrorism that has plagued the world, now faces that threat, too. With Attorney General Janet Reno, Drug Policy Coordinator Lee Brown, and now, we
  • until1974. Mr. Arcos has a B.A. degree from the University of Texas at Austin and an M.A. from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Sponsor(s):Cong. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Office of Presidential Personnel, Mayor Lee Brown (D-TX), National
  • :00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. I. Opening Remarks .•••••••••••••••••••••••.• President Clinton 2:10 p.m. II. Program Updates A. Office of the National Drug Control Policy ••••• Lee Brown B. Office of the AIDS Policy Coordinator ••••• Kristine Gebbie 2:35 p.m
  • , Shalala, and Riley; Director Lee Brown; Director Rivlin; and Kitty Higgins. . The Vice President will make welcoming remarks and facilitate the meeting. He will also introduce Karen Pittman as the Director. Below is an agenda for how the remainder
  • ), President Clinton and VP Gore addressing the press outside on the OEOB steps, President Clinton and VP Gore participating in a Rose Garden swearing-in ceremony for Lee Brown as Drug Policy advisor, Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in a satellite feed
  • Sheila Anthony carl stern Eleanor Acheson Others Leon Panetta, OMS Peter Edelman, HHS Lee Brown, ONDCP Madeline Kunin, Education Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO; AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTffITLE To Howard
  • Frank Pallone Martin Meehan , Carolyn Maloney Lucille Roybal-Allard Thomas Allen Bernard Sanders , ' Nita Lowey , i John Olver I Elizabeth Furse I Jose Serrano Barbara Lee Sherrod Brown Lloyd Doggett Thomas Barrett Nancy Pelosil Thomas Manton
  • to implement the religious harassment guidelines is expected to be taken up by the House as early as Thursday (June 23) of this week. ­ ONDCP Director Lee Brown and I will host a luncheon meeting between members of the Domestice Policy Council with drug abuse
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON May 30, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: Attorney General Janet Reno Secretary Robert Reich Secretary Donna Shalala Secretary Richard Riley Director Alice Rivlin Jack Quinn Director Lee Brown Karen Pittman Sheryll Cashin FROM
  • and DPC will complete the list of possible' options by Friday. -An executive order was signed clarifying Lee Brown's budget responsibilities in developing a drug budget and .his role in implementing our new international drug control policy. THE WEEK AHEAD
  • . SUBJECT: Weekly Report for February 10, 1994 KEY DEPARTMENTAL NEWS On Thursday, Lee Brown will testify on the Drug Strategy before the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Treasury and Postal Service Appropriations Subcommittee. THE WEEK AHEAD
  • bill. This should include police chiefs, national police reps, gun control advocates, Hill members, the AG, Lee Brown, Mayors, Governors, etc. VI. Miscellaneous Some.other things to consider: adding regular crime briefings to the President (AG, Lee
  • , Secretary Pena, Secretary Riley, Dr. Lee Brown, and Administrator Bowles, will all travel on behalf of Health Care Reform. o National Media - We are working closely with White House Press Office to bring national spotlight to the Barnstorming Days. We have
  • McKernan and Ken Smith, President for the Jobs for America's Graduates Program and CEO of International Management and Development Group. I met with Director Lee Brown in a strategy session for White House and ONDCP communications. I met with White House
  • in the form~tion of a religious leaders summit for Dr. Lee Brown's office. I I I Suzan sat in with the President and Vice Pr~sident last Thursday on their meeting with media industry leader~ regarding combating violence. I I Kathi and Suzan spoke with youth
  • ------~~~. ~~--------~;» HON. -----?U-F'l--=------,::;.-r HON~ JESSE BROWN BRUCE BABBITT HON. HENRY CISNEROS HON. JANET RENO HON. LEE BROWN JACK QUINN JOE STIGLITZ--------/~r-~----------~~HON. LAURA TYSON KRISTINE GEBBIE ALICIA MUNNELL·-------oftAItc~----------~)_~HON
  • also have to do it -- we have to have drug treatment and education available to everyone, and especially those who are in prison who are coming out. We have a Drug Cza.r now in Lee Brown, who was the Police Chief of Atlanta, of Houston, of New York, who
  • know that it is important to be tough as well as caring. ( . . \Vhat we are trying to do today is to start ~ our C:overnment on a course that ~ffers the . ·· promise of real results to the Amencan people. When I asked Lee Brown to come and be head
  • to discuss this issue with you and your colleagues further. Alan I. Les! Director cc: Lee Brown Samuel Berger Richard Feinberg Robert Rnorstin Mark Gearan Philip Lcc Harold Varmus THE WHITE HOUSE W A S H IN GTO N September 20, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR MACK
  • problem in America as soon as possible. In attendance could be Speaker Gingrich, Senator Dole, Lee Brown and William Bennett. , The purpose ofthis event wouldbe tq "showcase" three important messages: First- that as a country we have' made enormous
  • ; Dick Gregory, entertainer and activist; Lane Kirkland, president AFL-C10i Andrew Young, former U.S. Ambassador to the united Nations; Bill LUCY, President, AFSCME; Lee Brown, u.s. Druq czar; Jesse L. Jackson, Shadow Senator, District ot Columbia
  • ) on high standards tied to the state test. The school makes use of volunteer tutors, technology, and has a strong focus on parent involvement. III. PARTICIPANTS - The President Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Mayor Lee Brown Secretary Riley TBD IV. AUDIENCE 3,500
  • . The announcement will be major news in Colorado due to the size of the contract and the 'controversy aSsociated with this site. • ' DoEd -- School Violence: On April 4, Secretary Riley and Dr. Lee Brown travel to Chicago for a town meeting on school violence
  • " ARRI.VALS DEPARTURES Friday, June 16 Rosalyn Miller (lO:OOam) Sunday. June 18 Carol H.Rasco (3:00pm) Peter Edelman (late evening) Bill Modzeleski (late evening) Monday, . June 19 Monday. June 19 Lee Brown (11:00 am) Shay
  • a vacancy? MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: Who? Q Lee Brown. Q Ron Brown. Q Les Brown. Q James Brown. (Laughter.) (Laughter.) MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: The President — Helen, I think we're getting way ahead of ourselves. He j u s t announced the man who i s
  • . The Administration will work with Congress to convert closed military bases and other appropriate facilities into a system of boot camps. Director of the Offlce of National Drug Control Policy Lee Brown and Attorney General Janet Reno will work to ensure that we use
  • defined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. MEMORANDUM FOR MACK MCLARTY, THE WHITE HOUSE FROM: CAROL RASC~~ SUBJECT: Weekly Report for August 18 KEY DEPARTMENTAL NEWS Lee Brown will appear on Face
Crime (Item)
  • THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much, Sheriff Kelly. He spoke so well I hardly want to say anything. (Laughter.) Chief Viverette, thank you very much for your work and for coming here and for what you said. I thank Attorney General Reno and Lee Brown
  • this is a serious problem, not a simple one. Druq strategy We'll never control crime until we control drug abuse. Last week, Drug Policy Director Lee Brown and I announced our strategy to control drug abuse and drug trafficking. It focuses on the worst part
  • ] b(8) Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions ](b)(8) of the FOIAI b(9) Release would disclose geological or geophysical information . concerning wells ](b)(9) of the FOIA] I~JUi!2 3 CHRISTINA LEE BROWN
  • office) .CDBFI Bill Signing Event: Agriculture Department Meeting: Lee Brown . DPC Meeting (Roosevelt Room) Assn. of Matenial a;nd Child Health Programs DPC Meeting PACT Meeting National Parent Network ori Disabilities Oregon Benchmarks
  • 13. 1995 ~. APR-20-95 THU 16:08 CHRISTINA LEE BROWN 5028958242 . . I I " Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Rosalyn Miller .Company: Phone: . . Fax: From: Christina Lee Brown Company: Phone: Fax: Date: 04/20/95 Pages including
  • and cops Golden Apple (student produced PSAs) Pack of Lies EVC (tobacco advertising) Ad Lab- Renee Hobbs Linda Bergsma'- Media Advocacy 2:30 - 2:50 Dr. Lee Brown, Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy,E~ecutive Office of the President 2:50
  • want to also say that, you kriow, I think I have more administration members who h
  • Dr. Lee Brown 21 XIX. Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown 21 XX. National AIDS Policy Director Kristine Gebbie 22 XXI. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt 23 XXII. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol Browner 23 President
  • Henry Cisneros 19 XVI. Education Secretary Richard Riley 19-20 XVII. Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy 20 XVIII. Office of National Drug Control Policy Dr. Lee Brown 21 XIX. Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown 21 XX. National AIDS Policy
  • Senate (T) (F) Biden None Hollings (also Riley) House (T) PENDING (O) PENDING SECRETARY JESSE BROWN Senate (T) None DR. LEE BROWN Senate (T) Nunn (F) None House (T) None (F) None House (T) PENDING (O) Gejdenson (CT) Brown (FL) Gutierrez (IL
  • and the Director of the Office of National Service- Eli Segal, the Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development- Ira Magaziner, the Director of National Drug Control Policy- Lee Brown, and finally the National AIDS Policy Coordinator- Christine
  • \() ",: ., The .' \.,-:" Honorable Carol H. Rasco ),: ~~(r~\'.".q;. - The Honorable Robert Rubin- V)~S "1,: d'"'' ,(,:KtM.i,..iI\-, - The Honoralbe Eli Segal- AID \\', (U~p·L. - The Honorable Lee Brown No ", ,,' ~ $.(J1'fJ ~:\S.Q.A!\..J ()i~/~Jt,0\...; ,I FAX
  • that takes the money we save from reducing the federal bureaucracy and sets it aside for the purpose of fighting crime. Earlier today, Lee Brown and r announced our new Drug Control Strategy, which expands drug treatment programs that will keep hardcore
  • that we can generate even more investments and create more jobs. In addition to that, my program will help to make your streets safer. You have here, I know, Commissioner Lee Brown from New York, and Commissioner Bell from Atlanta, two of the nations most
  • , Jesse Brown, Frank Raines, our new Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the first African American ever to hold that position. I'm grateful for those who went before them in our Cabinet·- of course, Ron Brown, but also Lee Brown and Mike Espy
  • ---........the~rgetown School of Foreign Service, Travis Mohr, a fifteen year-old BK amputee ~ ~ from Pennsylvania who holds the national record for the 100-meter backstroke and will be at .'k the White House ceremony, Lee Brown, a BK amputee from Texas who plays
Cop Czar (Item)
  • by drugs and other crimes. '. , 1 ' .. . ., COMMENTS ON VIEWS AND RECORD Has supported Clinton Administration initiatives: Joined Lee: Brown at May 1994 St. • Louis event to support assault weapon ban. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 3, 1994
  • DEA heads, Jack Lawn and Robert Bonner, former ONDCP Directors, Gov. Martinez and Lee Brown, as well as former Attorneys General Bell and Ben Civiletti. c. ,Outreach to Organizations OUtside the Government A central component of the longer-term
  • level members. They will be responsible for keeping the Secretary advised of the Working Gr9uP'S efforts. THE WHITE HOl,)SE WASHINGTON August 10, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR: Lloyd Bentsen, Secretary of Treasury, Erskine B. Bowles, Administrator of SBA Lee
  • I. Height . and the unveiling of the Dorothy I. ,Height Lifetime Achievement Award Masters of Ceremonies Roscoe Lee Browne Robert Guillaume ··Monday, April 24, 1995 6:30PM . The GreatHall National Library of Congress Cultural Diversity, Public
Returned Mail (Item)
  • valuable information to contribute. I have shared your letter with staff members of the Domestic Policy Council and Lee Brown, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Again, thank you for writing. Sincerely, ~4J.~ Carol H. Rasco Assistant
  • in history.- :· There are more. African Aniericans -- .45 to be.- exact" ..;,_ serving in the White House:. than at any tim~~ in the. history of our nation. . . -And we see _-cabinet members like Ron Brown, Lee Brown, Jesse B_rown, and _one· of your· honorees
  • . . . . ,On December 13, the Attorney General will h~ld a press conf.reneeannounoinq the settlement ot mort9age lending discrimination casa. She will also, attend c press conference with Dr. Lee Brown on model state dru9 proq~ams. 0.... December 14', the A1:torney
  • Reno , Shay Bilchik Secretary Rob~rt Reich is sending Doug Ross Secretary Donna Shalala Peter Edelman Secretary Henry Cisneros George 'Lattimer ,Secretary Richard Riley is sending ,Michele Cavataio (COS's deputy) Director,Lee BroWn is sending
  • at the Mid South Summer School (MSSS) on Alcohol and other Substance Abuse; ,I will be joined on Monday by Dr. Lee Brown and representatives from Justice, HHS and Education. MSSS has participants from over 25 states and is downlinked in the 48 continguous
  • and education 'available, to , everyone, and, espec1ally those who are in prison, who are cO.,ing out. We have, a Druq Czar ~ow in Lee Brown, who Was thePoli,ce Chie,~ of Atlanta, of Houston, of, New York, whou~derstands these things. And when the Congress comes
Speeches [3] (Item)
  • Department Chaplain, appointed in 1990 by former Commissioner Lee P. Brown and Mayor David N. Dinkins. Under her 1eadership the church was revitalized. growing from an active membership of 60 to more than 1,000 persons in two differ­ ent congregations
  • in our Cabinet -- of course, Ron Brown, but also Lee Brown and Mike Espy. l'm grateful for the difference of people like Deval Pntrick und Jim Joseph and Rodney Slater make. I'm grateful that for the first time ever there are three top assistants
  • . [Acknowledgments: VP, AG Reno, Lee Brown, Chtef Brann, Chief Viverette, and Sheriff Kelly for the D;ltroduction] Approx. 22 Members of Congress; will be recognized by the VP I . I I . 1 .I I We passed the Cr~e Bill last year with I I support from both pa
  • and unwanted peer pressure of any kind. I I I . PARTICXPAflTS Lee Brown, D i r e c t o r , O f f i c e o f National Drug Control Policy Jim Hoag, President, Bayliner David Hasbrouck, D.A.R.E. C a l i f o r n i a Board Glenn Levant, Executive D i r e c t o r
  • : April 22, 1993 As you know, there is no clear consensus for the Police Corps. While some strong supporters remain committed to the Police Corps, like Adam Walinsky and Lee Brown, there remains substantial discomfort among police unions and many police
  • ............................. Lee Brown The Administrator of the Small Business Administration ............ Erskine Bowles The Assistant to the President for Dom~stic Policy Vice-Chair .. Carol Rasc'~ The Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Vice-Chair. Roberta Rubi
  • Cities Against Drugs.'~ The conference will include mayors from across the country, federal' officials (including Lee Brown and. Donna Shalala), and other anti-drug advocates such as Jim Burke and Joe Califano. Conference . participants will sign
  • ARRIVE COMMENTS S:,{ LEE BROWN Give e.imilar introduction as iniLli:ll comments to youth. , " , ' , . ' , We are Ct.muuctlnq a speak ou-c with youth the Miami araa 0.3 part'of the preparotion for the Stl"ategy i:ll::i well as a preliminary
  • Conyers and Ed Lewis, the publisher of Essence, both of whom care deeply about this issue. From the public sector, I would see inviting thoughtful leaders like Mayor Lee Brown, as well as mayors and police Chiefs from cities like Boston, Charleston and San
  • to discuss crime bill implementation and how to proceed on looking for a "cops czar" to administer the community policing initiative. Jose also met with ONDCP Chief of Staff, Bob Wasserman, to discuss the "Cops .Czar. " Lee Brown wants input
  • :' Safe. Disciplined. & Drug-Free Schools ' I U.S. Secretary of Health andJuly 20, 19,93. Guests: U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno; Human ServIces II I I, Donna Shalala; Dr. Lee Brown, Director :of the Office of National Drug Control P~licy;' Peter
  • -- of course, Ron Brown, but also Lee Brown and Mike Espy. I'm grateful for the difference of people like Deval Patrick and Jim Joseph and Rodney Slater make. I'm grateful that for the first time ever there are three top assistants to the President in the White
  • - a forerunner to community policing developed by Lee Brown. He will introduce you. Awards program. At the conclusion of your remarks, you will present approximately 90 police officers from across the country with certificates of commendation. Attorney General
Religion (Item)
  • to everyone and especially those who are in prison who are coming out. \Ve have a drug czar now in Lee Brown, who was the police chief of Atlanta, of Houston, of New York, who understands these things. And when the Congress comes back next year we
  • from Ricki Seidman informing us that the President's schedule will not permit him to address our National Leadership Forum V scheduled for Oct 27-29. This came to us after being informed by Dr. Lee Brown and others within ONDCP and HHS that this event
  • and others to actually solve problems and prevent crimes from happening in the first place. -2Community policing works. But as is evident from Lee Brown's experience in Houston and New York, community policing has spread slowly, on a city-by-city basis. Its
  • to brlflg them to scale nationally. • Hearing a variety of knowledgeable speakers including Attorney General Janet Reno, Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Dr. Lee Brown, and Children's Defense Fund President Marian Wright Edelman. As you
  • with 44 U.S.C. 220](3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. i, I ! I : I '. :; , .. • .+ • ; , QCOpy PHOTERVATION PRES TOM COLLIER 4/29/51 ~ BRUCE BABBITT'LLOYD BENTSEN- 622-0049 JESSE BROWN- 535-8900 JANE LEE BROWN
  • ~qa-'1aO" FAX (9755-0299,Secretary cisneros) FAX (9586-440l,Secretary O'Leary) FAX (9401-0596,secretary Riley) PAX (9273-4B77,Secretary J.Brown) FAX (939S-3888,Director Rivlin) FAX (9395-6708,Director Lee Brown) FAX (9565-2781, Elli Segal, President
  • Community College. I"want to say a special hello to my colleague Dr. Lee Brown who recently retired as President's Clinton's director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy,and who is joining us today from Houston. The SAFE Streets Campaign
  • - The Prelidenl and SenalorjohnGlenn lour theShuttle MayOT Lee Brown makes bricf welcoming remarks and introducI!!I Represcnlative Nick Lampson. - ThcPre;d~nl makesremarks,worksaropelineand departs 1:05 1:10 pmpm VOLUNTEER PHOTOGRAPHS
  • JEFFERSON CLINTON THE WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON HIV AND AIDS THE WHITE HOUSE DECEMBER 6, 1995 (Acknowledgements: Patsy Fleming; Secretary Shalala; Secretary Cisneros; Drug Czar Lee Brown; Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell; Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke; Scott Hitt
  • Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, San Diego Stockton. Savannah, Atlanta. . , t , 103/03/95; 14:41 141006 f DoEd: : Secretary Riley visits Heinz Jr. High School in SE Washington., D.C. 9 with I ' Dr. Lee Brown and Attorney General Reno (31 1). Secretary
  • , the Director needs direct access to the heads of all departments as well as to the President. President Clinton gives this status and access to Lee Brown. The President has repeatedly emphasized a -"no use'" drug policy because of -tJle devastating impact
  • Cardin; Attorney General Reno; Drug Czar Lee Brown. -2- Lee Brown has done an outstanding job working with high schools to reduce drugs and violence. Just yesterday, he kicked-off a back-to-school "stay drug free" public service announcement campaign
  • , , OTHER COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT INITIATIVES Empowerment principles ,~ ." .. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 10, 1993 MEMOAANDu!( FOR: Lloyd Bentsen, Secretary of Treasury Erskine B. Bowles, ~nistrator of SSA Lee Brown, Director of ONDCP
  • policing. And as perhaps — I know you know that the foremost proponent of community policing, perhaps the expert in the nation, i s Dr. Lee Patrick Brown MORE - 12 - that you've now tapped to head up your drug effort. And he i s somebody who understands
  • . Ronald H. Brown (Alma) Hon. (Dr.) Lee P. Brown Director, Office of National Drug .Control Policy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cervera (Janet) House of Blues Hon. (Mayor) & Mrs. Martin J. Chavez (Margret) Mayor of Albuquerque • STATE DINNER (MEXICO) TUESDAY
  • . Riley: Fmr. Sec. Bentson and wife B.A.; Reps. Jackson Lee, Bentsen, Greene, Lampson; Mayor Brown: Fmr. Mayor Lanier: religious leaders; Marlen Whitley, student body Pres. U T. Austin; Natalie Merrill, student body Pres. U of Houston; LaShaunda Ennett
Violence [1] (Item)
  • by individual )'OUDg people who were pledging to be drug-free. The signed ribbons were presented to Drug Czar Lee Brown in a special a:remony on Capi~l Hill bst Fall. - Red Ribbon Activities include rallies, parades, youth events, fairs, school assemblies
  • Administration officials, including Carol Rasco, Secretary Shalala, Secretary Riley, Secretary Cisneros, Secretary Glickman, Lee Brown and Attorney General Reno, to participate in the Summit. Governor Dean has made it very clear that he would welcome
  • -Crime/violence costs to health care system Announcement of long-term drug strategy (Lee Brown) (Coordinate with health care message) W 02/02/94: T 02/03/94: National Prayer Breakfast with Mother Teresa F 02/04/94: POTUS has lunch with with African
Speeches [1] (Item)
  • members who have been active in this outfit than previous presidents. (Laughter.) Your ex-president, Lee Brown, is now our Drug Czar. Your ex-vice president, Tom Constantine, is n9w our DEA Administrator. (Applause.) The head of the U.S. Marshal Service
  • (ujvocmes. religious lenders. edu('Jlte'lrs, and parents from every state. Conference speakers incluue U.S. Attorney C~neral Janet Reno, Ohio Governor George Voinovich, flirec:tor of the Office uf Natiomd Drug Control Policy Lee Brown. Rep. Robert Matsui (O
  • current and former police officials including Lee Brown to get their opinion regarding what to do about the accusations being made by minority communities against some police departments. We also met with Hugh Price of the Urban League and spoke by phone
  • an unprecedented, response of more than 500,000 cOmments. ' OFFlCE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTR()L POLICY Director Brown's Last Day: January 14 is the official date of Lee Brown's resignation. • White House Conference ,on Youth Violence and Drugs: The White House
  • office) CDBFI Bill Signing Event: Agriculture Department Meeting: Lee Brown DPC Meeting (Roosevelt Room) . Assn. of Maternal and Child Health Programs­ DPC Meeting PACT Meeting National Parent Network on Disabilities Oregon Benchmarks Meeting So. Regional
  • Department Meeting: Lee Brown DPC Meeting (Roosevelt Room) Assn. of Maternal and Child Health Programs DPC Meeting PACT Meeting National Parent Network on Disabilities Oregon Benchmarks Meeting So. Regional Project on Infant Mortality Larry
  • drugs is no more 'reflected than in his effort to put the , ., . .: ") \ ' • I,' : _ _ \ r best possible people' on his' anti-drug team -- Lee Brown, a, 'forni'er Major City Police " .~ , , . , I , \ ,.. I 'J " ., . \ , Chief
  • Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United ~!: /~ ~ (l!Nljt~ glvrltllirtK~; ...... ~ Dr. Lee Brown, Director Office of National Drug Control Policy Derek Thomas. Kansas City Chiefs Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation
  • to the President 4:15 - 4:45 p.m. Drug Abuse/Crime Briefing Speaker: Lee Brown Director, Office of Drug Control Policy [Return to hotel/get ready for reception] 6:30 p.m. - Florida Holiday Reception The White· House' · .' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON
  • "ui offenders to give a speech to a police academy. Drugs: This .wee:k we finally made some progress in the Administrations visibili'ty. We were able to get Lee Brown on NBC with his attack on legal1zation as advocated by Hollywood. In addition
  • . Secretary Pena and Lee Brown have expressed an interest. Any thoughts? Any recommended participants? BELGIUM (50th Anniversary of Liberation of Belgium): Sept. 3-4. State is recommending a 3-4 person delegation headed by Gen. Shali, who served in Belgium
  • ~went before them' in our Cabinet ~..;., of course, Ron ,Brown" but also Lee Brown , and, M:tke Espy. 1 1 m, grCitefulfpr the' difference of, ,peopl'e like De,v:al' Patrick and, Jim Joseph,and Rodney Slater niake~Tlm grateful that for the first time
  • commitments from the Secretaries about their attending these workshops, with the exceptions of Secretaries Espy and Cisneros, and ONDCP Director Lee Brown and Attorney General Janet Reno, who may be going to Los Angeles and Cleveland respectively. My
  • insured individualS'1 Private sector participants include GTE, PepsiCo and AT&T. • Marijuana Initiative: On! July 19, Lee Brown, and Secretary Shalala will keynote the first National Conference on Mkijuana Use and launch a national initiative to prevent
  • of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee along party lines. action. It is'pending floor Four Cabinet officials (Reno, Riley, Reich, and Lee , " Brown) wrote to the Senator expressing their concerns with this legislation. An~ther bill that would
  • , Lee Brown wou ld l'k e 2 m1nutes to re f er to ·1 national drug policy. ~n pl~a~'e - Finally asl· FYI, note that Sec.; Bruce Babbitt ,will be chairing a DPe .. Working Group onl" Native American Issues and I ask for your cooperation
  • Czar Lee Brown; Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell; Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke; Scott Hitt; distinguished guests.] Let me. first welcome each of you to this historic, firstever White House Conference on HIV and AIDS. ( · I welcome you and I thank you
  • : Member: Espy Indiana Long, Sharp or Roemer Principal: Member: Browner Open Principal: Member: Lee Brown Open November 13, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR MAGGIE WILLIAMS, MELANNE VERVEER AND PATTI SOLIS FROM: Mike Lux SUBJECT: AFSCME Scheduling Requests
  • -drug plan, proposing expanded treatment for hard-core cocaine and heroin abusers as its major priority. Although White House drug policy director Lee P. Brown did not announce any new funding for treatment programs, the drug plan promised
  • and leadership in Latin America will build upon the success that his predecessor, Lee Brown, contributed in dismantling the Cali Drug Cartel. General McCaffrey's skills and background make him perfectly suited for this position ~ a proven military leader who
  • , energetic and independent," Clinton said. "He will be both good and tough—good for the FBI and tough on criminals." Clinton said that Freeh, working with Atty. Gen. Janet Reno and rlrug policy director Lee Brown, would give the administration "a street-smart
  • . That's why t o d a y , a t my d i r e c t i o n , Dr. Lee Brown i s i n C a l i f o r n i a u r g i n g h i g h s c h o o l coaches t o adopt drug t e s t i n g o f t h e i r a t h l e t e s , i n o r d e r t o reduce drug use among t e e n s . These two
  • ance to build up profit organizatioi Government has in trying to put that will work on programs, as wel ferent direction, on the drug froni Lee Brown to be But I'm also that building the and having ever) way to ever get You know, we'v themselves
  • . The Administration will work with Congress to convert closed milita."), bases and other appropriate facilities into a system of boot camps. Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy Lee Brown and Attorney General Janet Reno will work to ensure that we
Curfews (Item)
  • with your Governor; with the Attorney General; Janet Reno; and with our nation's Diug Czar, Dr. Lee Brown; with the National Family Partnership Chair, Carol Reeves; wi th the members of the family who did a lo,t to inspire what we're doing here today
[02/28/1997] (Item)
  • of the Arkansas Governor's School to be held at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas. On Monday and Tuesday I will be leading classes/s~ssions at the Mid-South Summer School (MSSS) on Alcohol and other Substance Abuse; I will be joined on Monday by Dr. Lee Brown
  • (con tinued) , (VP' s Ceremonial office). 1:15 - 1:45 Meetin 7730, 2:00 - 2:45 Drug Communication Strategy: Rahm,Ricia McMahon, Bob Wasserman, Lee Brown, Kitty Higgins, Rasco, Reed, Cerda (room TBD) . 3:00 - 3:30 Governors meeting: Carahan
  • fro~ the b9qinninQ 01 . _ ... IiI.S. Jonet" your admi"istr.tion • --, ~. ~ '\D:e~ Ct~ p~ oOvu, ~ ~ t-t, I\!Mp~ ~~3\\I{S lA4- OY) ib ~ ~tu-el, ~r' q~~ , ~f7c twC
  • that you will be coordinating the President's'White House Leadership Conference on Youth Drug Use and Violence. As you may remember, as president of the ABA, I had the privilege of working with you, Lee BroWn and other Administration officials on this issue
  • HOUSE FilE COpy WASH I NGTON November 2, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR CABINET MEMBERS FROM: LEE P. BROWN Director . Office of National Drug Control Policy CAROL RASCO Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy SUBJECT: White House Leadership
  • leaders like Mayor Lee Brown, as well as mayors and police chiefs from cities like Boston, Charieston and San Diego that seem to have figured out how public safety and civil liberties can peacefully co-exist. I dashed this off in something of a hurry
Crime [1] (Item)
B [3] (Item)
  • IN ANNOUNCEMENT OF LEE BROWN AS DIRECTOR OF OFFICE OF DRUG CONTROL POLICY The Rose Garden 12:30 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Please be seated. I want to thank the members of the Cabinet who are here and the members
  • FROM: RICIA McMAHON~\ EDWARD H. JURITH £Hd' RE: SUGGESTIONS FOR INCLUSION IN THE PRESIDENT'S STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS In response to your memo of December 22, 1993, the following are suggestions of Dr. Lee Brown, Director of the Office of National
Urban Issues (Item)
Violence (Item)
  • are coming OUt. . P We have a drug czar now in Lee Brown,who. C?d to do the right thing in this life by them. So I sa.y· to you, we have to make a partnerwas the po Iice c I1ief of At Ianta, of Houston, · · ship, all the Government Agencies, all the . of New
  • police officer. · Like so many of the best ideas, community policing was spawned in the laboratories of experimentation on the streets of our cities an~ towns. Then Commissioner Lee Brown of New York, now my drug director, sent some 3,000 additional
  • ' I'm going to come up with plenty of budget cuts. But we shouldn't cut the money that Lee Brown and people all over America need for drug prevention, drug equcation, drug treatment, things to lower the problem of drugs so we can lower the crime rate
  • ;. ~- ; President William J. Clinton Radio Address to the Nation Februaryll, 1995 . 1 .. I v· Good morning. Today I've asked Attorney General Reno and Drug Control Director Lee Brown to join me here at the White House. I want to discuss the crime and drugs
  • support and moves people i n t o the work place. I hope you w i l l support the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n t i d r u g strategy. I know t h a t Lee Brown was here. And I see Jim Burke over here. I should l e t him come and give a speech f o r i t
  • Bernie Nussbaum Lee Brown Leon Panetta Bill Daley Howard Paster Rahm Emanuel John Podesta Mark Gearan Jack Quinn Kristine Gebbie Carol Rasco David Gergen Bob Rubin Jack Gibbons Eli Segal Marcia Hale Ricki Seidman Alexis Herman George
Strategy (Item)
  • and is very well respected by the other agency representatives. I will continue to attend all meetings that I am made aware of on this issue. 8)Lee Brown is planning a summit of religious leaders on the drug and violence issue and his office has asked that I
  • by: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FYI Action Joan Baggett DeeDee Myers Lee Brown Bernie Nussbaum R.ahm Emanuel Leon Panetta Mark: Gearan John Podesta David Gergen Jack Quinn Jack Gibbons Carol Rasco Pat Griffin Bob Rubin Marcia Hale Ricki Seidman Alexis Herman George
  • Action FYI loan Baggett Leon Panetta Bill Daley Howard Paster Rahm Emanuel lohnPodesta Mark Gearan lack Quinn Kristine Gebbie Carol Rasco David Gergen Bob Rubin lack Gibbons o Bernie Nussbaum Lee Brown Eli Segal Marcia Hale Ricki
  • and 11ressed thousands of people into ~reed labor to assist the military . .. -· Worried that beroln use is growing . on urban streets.· however, Lee P. . Brown, .direetor.· of lhe ·White .House ··Office ..on ,.Drug ,Control Policy, is · ' leading ·a push
  • Greenberg in Columbia, South Carolina, and Chief Lee Brown in New York, became known as "community policing." The idea w~s to have cops "walk the beat:" patrol: local communities, get to know the residents., and get involved with the neighborhood. An old
  • a n t i d r u g s t r a t e g y . I know t h a t Lee Brown was here. And I see Jim Burke over here. I should l e t him come and give a speech f o r i t . But we have a s i g n i f i c a n t increase i n funds t o help us deal w i t h drug problem areas
  • ^ SUBJECT: Weekly Report 6/16 - 6/22 KEY DEPARTMENTAL NEWS Swearing i n f o r Dr. Lee Brown w i l l be J u l y 1 s t . On June 29 t h e Welfare S i m p l i f i c a t i o n and C o o r d i n a t i o n A d v i s o r y Committee, o r g a n i z e d l e g i s l
  • . • -'I //. . CABINET TRA VEL: NON-MEMBER EVENTS o o ///. Secretary Shalala - San Francisco, CA: Speech to Seniors at Glide Memorial Church on 2/21/94. Director Lee Brown — San Francisco, CA: press availability. Visited the Neighborhood OTHER
  • Blumenthal er College i n New York. Dinner & L e c t u r e a t Hunt- o S e c r e t a r y R i l e y - Senator Bingaman. H e a l t h Care Event i n New Mexico. o A d m i n i s t r a t o r Brown - Congressman Towns. New York. o Dr. Lee Brown - Congressman
  • included: Mrs. Gore, Janet Reno, Lee Brown, Dee Dee Myers, and John Cox, the man who rode on the Health Security Express Bus t o u r . You interviewed w i t h Michael once during the campaign and once i n the KABC Los Angeles studios d u r i n g t h e A d
  • , Albuquerque NM 87122. CONFERENCE SELECTION MONDAY Lee P. Brown, Director Office ofNational Drug Control Policy 'The theme 0/this year's conference series will be Implementation 0/ the Drug Strategy in a Time 0/ Change. ' Your participation has never been
  • to bring cocaine into the Uruted States. His service and leadership in Latiri' America will build upon the success that his predecessor. Lee Brown. contributed in dismantling the Cali Drug Canel. General McCaffrey's skills and background make him perfectly
  • /94 P5 2. Memo From Lee P. Brown for V.P., Carol Rasco, Bob Rubin re: Community Empowerment Initiatives, 2p 8/30/93 P5 3. Fax cover From Paul Richard For Bruce Lindsey, Ip 9/93 P5 4. Memo From V.P., Carol Rasco, Bob Rubin for POTUS re
  • ) . Reed J (RI) Boucher R(VA) Jackson-Lee S (TX) Reynolds 101 (IL) Brown C (FL) Jefferson W (LA) Brown G (CA) BrownS (OH) Bryant J (TX) Cardin B (MO) ClayW (MO) Clayton E (NC) Clyburn J (SC) Coleman R (TX) Collins B (MI) Collins C (IL) . Conyers J (MI
  • , the first African American ever to hold that position. I'm grateful for those who went before them in our Cabinet ~ of course, Ron Brown, but also Lee Brown and Mike Espy. I'm grateful for the difference of people like Deval Patrick and Jim Joseph and Rodney
  • to the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Officers. Director Lee Brown will also address the group this weekend. In addition, between today and Tuesday, Secretaries Reich and Cisneros are conducting interviews with major newspaper editorial boards
  • Shirley-Ann Jackson Member · Nu.clear Requla tory ·.commission # 3~1/415-1820 Fax 301/415-3504 ·1 Lee P. Brown Director Off~ce of Nat'l Druq Control Policy RM 800 # 202/395-6756 Fax 202/395-6_100 Lorraine Green Deputy Director OPM RM 5518 # 202/606-1001
Good Speeches (Item)
  • is the executive director o~ the Multi-Ethnic Center NY, and the first ,''female NYC Police Depart.ment Chaplain. appointed in 1990 by former 'Commissioner Lee P. Brown and Mayor Dllvia N. Dinkine. , Unde,.. her leadership the church was revi-ti8.'1zed. growing
  • and Print Conference Call . Secretary Ron Brown, Lee Brown / * Hispanic Radio Interviews and Print Phone Calls: Secretaries Cisneros and Pena * Environmental Press: Administrator Browner * Op-ed by Secretary available to be placed OTHER (Final round
Race/OJ [1] (Item)
  • Liaison, Alexis Herman. And, of course my cabinet members who are with us tonight: Ron Brown, Lee Brown, .Jesse Brown, and, of course, Hazel O'Leary. We have a great Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights -- Deval Patrick. I have just nominated
  • ., Suite 500 Houston, TX 77098-3111 (713) 520-5134/(713) 520-0155 fax i Forum Location: Houstori Independent School District (exact location' to be detennined) i Firm Name and Contact: to be detennined i Explanation: Housto~ Mayor Lee Brown has
  • , · both of whom care deeply about this issue. From the public sector, l would see inviting thoughtful leaders like Mayor Lee Brown, as well as mayors and police chiefs from cities like Boston, Charteston and · San Diego that seem to have figured out how
August Wilson (Item)
  • Larry Fishburne and Roscoe Lee Browne. The work in progress used to be called "Moon Going Down." Now it has Guitar in the title, maybe "Guitar Serenade" or ''Seven Guitars." Maybe it won't end up being called that at all. It started out being an all-male
  • . The 49 political appointme.nts, including two people who did not even work on drug-related issues, cost American taxpayers up to $2.6 million. [Orlando Sentinel, 6!28!92] On April 28, 1993, President Clinton nominated Dr. Lee Brown to serve as its new
  • to evel)·one and especially those who are in prison who are coming out. We have a drug czar now in Lee Brown, who was the police chief of Atlanta, .-. of Houston, of New York, who understands these things. And when the Congress comes back next year, we
  • State Senator Eddie Lucio cannot attend but wants tickets HOUSTON Mayor Lee Brown (D), Given 20 tickets (I have yet to receive Sheila Jackson Lee's local elected official requests) I will revise this list t o m ' w to reflect any changes or additions
  • in Columbia, South Carolina, and Chief Lee Brown in New York, became known as "community policing." The idea was to have cops "walk the beat:" patrol local communities, get to know the residents, and get involved with the neighborhood. An old-fashioned idea
  • Amatai Etzion Mayor Daley Mayor Shanon Sayles Belton Mayor Sharpe James Mayor Sharpe James Lee Brown David Dinkins Doug Wilder Gov. Roemer Steve Grossman Mayor Daley Ed ucators/Schola rs Educators/Scholars Educators/Scholars Educators/Scholars Educators
  • -In of National Drug Control Policy D i r e c t o r Lee Brown Remarks and an Exchange w i t h Reporters i n the Oval O f f i c e 7/2 Remarks Announcing the Defense Conversion Plan and an Exchange w i t h Reporters 7/3 The President's Radio Address 7/4
Police Hiring (Item)
  • and sets it aside for the purpose of fighting crime. Earlier today, Lee Brown and I announced our new Drug Control Strategy, which expands drug treatment programs that will keep hardcore addicts off the street. Two items in our budget this year got bigger
Violence [2] (Item)
  • Commissioner of New York City, our new Drug Director, Lee Brown, put more police on the streets in every precinct and crime fell consistently for the first time in more than 30 years. In Los Angeles, Police Chief Willie Williams temporarily increased police
[03/11/1999] (Item)
  • and Clyburn? Chuck thinks we should invite; Ben was willing to hold-out. Mayors? None currently on list. Chuck thought yes; Ben suggested Lee Brown. Page 2 of2 · •ARMS Email System Finally, if we add 2 or 3 more civil rights/congressional types, or 2 more
  • , ') ) \ .' '---/ The Honorable Laura Tyson Chairwoman· National Economic Council 2nd floorlWest Wing The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 The Honorable Lee Brown Director -Officeof National Drug Policy Eighth Floor' , 750 17th Street, N.W: Washington~ D.C. 20500
  • are extremely busy. Therefore, let me call your attention to several meal functions where we might introduce you to the over 1000 coalition leaders that have registered for the Forum. Friday, November 12, Lee Brown is scheduled to speak at our Breakfast
  • O'Donnell - West Wing/2nd Floor) Assistant to the President for Economic Policy The White House Washington, DC' 2~500 Lee Brown, Director (ATTENTION: Virlena Cooper-Briscoe - Room 815) Office of National Drug Control Policy 75.0 17th Street Wa~hington, DC
  • · police le~ders ·like Chief Rue ben .-Greenberg ih Colul!lbia, South, Carolina, and Chief Lee Brown in· New York, became kriown as "community policing." The idea'was to have cops "walk thebeat:" patrol ~-·local ~otnmunities, get to know the residents
  • of the Environmental Protection Agency Carol Browner United States Trade Representative Mickey Kantor Chairperson of the Council of Economic Advisors Laura Tyson Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy Dr. Lee Brown United States Information Agency
  • Policy Dr. Lee Brown. United States Information Agency Director Joe Duffy On Saturday, December 10, several Cabinet members will meet with business, government, and community leaders from around the United States at the Hotel Inter-Continental
  • Mickey Kantor Chairperson of the Council of Economic Advisors Laura Tyson Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy Dr. Lee Brown United States Information Agency Director Joe Du'ffy On Saturday, December 10, several Cabinet members w i l
  • (Roosevelt Room) 5-9-94 5:30 6:30 [OAIID 5261] Meeting: Lee Brown 5-17-94 4:00-4:15 [OAIID 5261] , Pine Bluff/Little Rock (Bioplex) September 7-9 1994: 8 Sept. 1009 Speech, Little LR [OAIID 5261] Pine ~luff/Little Rock (Bioplex) September 7-91994: LRiPine
  • ] – Health Care Reform [2] [OA/ID 3632] Director Lee Brown [OA/ID 3633] Emergency Rooms Across the Country Proposal [empty] [OA/ID 3632] Employer Responsibility Week Ideas [OA/ID 3632] Erskine Bowles [1] [OA/ID 3633] Erskine Bowles [2] [OA/ID 3633] Fax Data
  • forms of what Al Capone once called "the legitimate rackets." And our nation, so long immune from the terrorism that has plagued the world, now faces that threat, too. With Attorney General Janet Reno, Drug Policy Coordinator Lee Brown, and now, we hope
  • , Mich.; Picture 24, JULIAN C. DIXON, U.S. Representative, 32nd District, Calif.; Picture 25, DENNIS ARCHER, Mayor, Detroit; Picture 26, LEE P. BROWN, Mayor; Houston; Picture 27, DONNA CHRISTIAN-CHRISTENSEN, Congressional Delegate, Virgin Islands; Picture
Articles (Item)
  • -1121 Response needed by: Date: COS Ofice Contact: Bill Burton, Policy & Staff Director Action FYI Action Joan Baggett Bemie Nussbaum Lee Brown Leon Panetta Bill Daley Howard Paster Rahm Emanuel John Podesta Mark Gearan Jack Quinn Kristine
[Unfoldered] (Item)
  • of National Drug Control Policy Dr. Lee Brown 21 XIX. Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown 21 XX. National AIDS Policy Director Kristine Gebbie 22 XXI. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt 23 XXII. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol
  • Community Policing/Cop on the Beat grants. As policing experts such as Rana and Lee Brown have argued, community policing is a philosophy. To implement community policing, police department's don't necessarily need more cops, or radios, or bikes, etc
  • Shalala; Secretary Cisneros; Drug Czar Lee Brown; Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell; Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke; Scott Hitt; distinguished guests.] Let me first welcome each of you to this historic, first-ever White House Conference on HIV and AIDS. I welcome
  • . And if you bring a gun to school, don't expect much sympathy-because you are not playing by the rules. 8 But we need to do more. This is why Attorney General Janet Reno and Doctor Lee Brown, our nation's Drug Czar, will join me in the coming months
  • Michael Jackson from KABC Radio i n Los Angeles. One day, l a s t week, Michael conducted h i s show from our r a d i o s t u d i o at the White House. Guests who were on w i t h Michael included: Mrs. Gore, Janet Reno, Lee Brown, Dee Dee Myers, and John
  • coalition that has achieved significant successes over the last two years against narcotraffickers attempting to bring cocaine into the United States. His service and leadership in Latin America· will build upon the success that his predecessor, Lee Brown
  • . million.,,:' amount of reported crime. '" The nation must \ . Burglaries declined 6'70, to about 2.S million. • Appearances Tuesday by find ways to achieve large crime reductions that ' drug czar Lee Brown and are permarient'" . . FREEH: 'Large re
Statistics (Item)
Urban Policy (Item)
  • Th~ a~tached . .. ,...... ( ; memorandum was distributed individually to: Attorney General Reno Secretary Bentsen Secretary Reich Administrator Browner Director Lee Brown Chairperson Laura Tyson cc: Paul Weinstein Mike Stegman THE WHITE
  • in donor's deed of gift. PRM. Personal record misfile defined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. CfAC.... ;12-13-95; 11:48; SENT. BY:ONOCP HIDTABriefing List Lee Brown Director, ONDCP US Attorney Kendall
  • Janet Reno i n a moment -- Secretary Lloyd Bentsen , and Director Lee Brown. and enforcement officials who are present , if I may. Ron Noble , Assistant Secretary for Enforcement in the Treasury Department ; Guy Caputo , Director of the Secret Service
  • and Robert Bonner, former ONDCP Directors, GoV;. Martinez and Lee Brown, as well as former Attorneys General Bell and Ben Civiletti. C. Outreach to Organizations Outside the Government A central component of the longer-term strategy to build support
  • coalitions ... '-,j' ­ Houston Crackdown in Houston, Texas watching at the Houston Community . . College. I also want to say a special hello to my colieague Dr. Lee Brown who· " recently retired as President's Clinton's director of the Offite of National
  • , Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy, and Director of the Office on Drug Policy Lee Brown, The documental')' will air in fall 1994, Other media events and interviews are described in the Presidentia11nitiatives section under NAFfA, THE WEEK AHEAD • Meetjp
  • : " . ·Dinner • .· .. j . The Honorable Donna Shalala,. Secretary Department -of Health and Human Services ·.Introduction by Judge Wilmont.Sweeney of Alameda County Superior Court · Dr~ Lee the- P. Brown, Director · Office of National Drug Control P
  • OMB-3 WHO-11 USTR-5 NAME PHONE ROOM BUILDING Briscoe, James M . Britton, Gail Broadway, Jamuna Brooks, Janet K. Brophy, Susan Brower, Paul W. Brown, Allan E. Brown, Charlotte R. Brown, Christopher N . Brown, James A. Brown, Lee P. Brown, Ruby M
  • was short on specifics, the President's senior drug policy aide, Lee P. Brown, defended n as a blueprint of the Administration's intentions that would be refined in a new drug budget next February. In a 31-page report that Mr. Brown released today
  • a strong drug Moreover, t h i s e l e v a t i o n w i l l f a c i l i t a t e more As a f i r s t step, t h i s 6 Lee P. Brown D i r e c t o r , O f f i c e of National Drug Control P o l i c y 6 This document w i l l be followed i n February 1994
  • , and I w i l l work hard to leverage t h i s money so that we can generate even more investments and create more jobs. In addition to that, my program w i l l help to make your s t r e e t s safer. You have here, I know. Commissioner Lee Brown from New
  • , urging them to pursue rigorous courses when they enter high sctlOOl. • The U.S. Department of Education will honor its Education Heroes including: Oakland resident Oral Lee Brown, who twelve yeats ago made a commitment to a class of first graders
College [1] (Item)
  • at the Swearing-in of National Drug Control Policy Director Lee Brown 51. Public Papers of the Presidents, April 28, 1993, 29 Weekly Comp. Pres. Doc. 703, 2555 words, Remarks Announcing the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Exchange
  • and ONDCP Director Lee Brown attended the opening of the new DC Drug Court, thefirstsuch court funded by the Clinton Administration. The crime bill currently before Congress includes $1.2 billion over the next three years for even more "Drug Court" programs
  • rackets." And our nation - so long immune from the terrorism that has plagued the world - now faces that threat, too. With Attorney General Janet Reno, Drug Policy Coordinator Lee Brown, and now, we hope, FBI Director Louis Freeh, our administration has
  • P o l i c y D i r e c t o r Lee Brown. 226 DSOB. 2:00 p.m.. House Banking, Finance and Urban A f f a i r s Economic Growth and C r e d i t Formation Subcommittee hearing on t h e P r e s i d e n t ' s budget and r e a u t h o r i z a t i o n r e q
Crime [2] (Item)
  • city that will be awarded a policing grant.! The 3 " I President could also announce that he is forming a President's Council on Comrnt.inity Policing, made up of leading police chiefs (including Lee Brown) and representat~ves of major police
  • in USA Today. (Re: NAFTA Anniversary Summit) Secretary Lloyd Bentsen ' * Afidcan-American Radio Interview and Print Conference Call Secretary Ron Brown, Lee Brown * Hispanic Radio Interviews and Print Phone Calls: Secretaries Cisneros and Pena
  • officials. I know: for example, that Lee Brown cares deeply aboUt this issue. In fact, he staged a conference on thIs very topIc a couple of y'ears ago. , Mr. Presldent- we stand ready to help you moVe this bait downfield, I I I I I o I NATIONAL
  • with Education to "glamorizing" of drugs by the Secretary Richard W. Riley and Lee entertainment industry. P.:Brown, director of the office of the survey of nearly 50,000 stu- National Drug Control Policy, dents from 420 public and private praised teen-agers who
  • can we help teenagers stay healthy? Moderators: , Secretary Donna Shalala, HS. Department of Health & Human Services Rep. Sheilalackson Lee (D-TX) , Panelists:' Sarah S. Brown, Th~ Natio~al Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Brandi Chapple
Olympics [2] (Item)
  • of an American Baptist congregation In I t s 200-year history. She I s the executive director of the Multi-Ethnic Center NY, and the f i r s t female NYC Police Department Chaplain, appointed In 1990 by former Commissioner Lee P. Brown and Mayor David N. Dinkins
Drugs (Item)
  • in Washjngton, D~C- Joining Lloyd Jo'bnston, the principal investigator of the Monitoring the .Fu:ture study, will be Donna E. Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Richard W. Riley, Secretary of Education, · a.T'ld Lee P. Brown, Director
  • states, 93 percent of those p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n the program believe i t i s g i v i n g them the s k i l l s they need t o r e s i s t drugs, gangs/violence and unwanted peer pressure of any kind. I I I . PARTICIPANTS Lee Brown, D i r e c t o r
  • added that the case was closed and no further action was contemplated. Lee P. Brown, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy at the White, said legalization was "a formula for selfdestruction" and would infiict "terrifying
  • ' Honorable Willia~ O. Studernan Honorable Carol M, Browner Honorable James' L. Witt' Honorable' Roger Johnson Honorable Daniel S. Goldin Honorable'Neal L~n~ , Honorable,Lee P. Brown, Honorable J~mes,~. ,King Honorable~hil~p Lader Honorabl~ Michael Kantor
  • Lucille Roybal-Allard Thomas Allen Bernard Sanders Nita Lowey John Olver" Elizabeth Furse Jose Serrano Barbara Lee" Sherrod Brown Lloyd Doggett· Thomas Barr~tt Nancy Pelosi Thomas Manton Donna Christian-Green Office of Congressman George Miller 141007
  • it to . related crime, they probably. can arate cases in recent years, the For hIS part, Lee P. Brown, the .' . -Court has' a:ppro~ed drug teSts for 'departing· director of the White f . - - - - - - certain employees where there was a House Office of National Drug
NAFTA [3] (Item)
  • alarming but $491.6 million in the currenl budget. decline, drug use may be on the upi inconclusive. The strengthening of the For his part, Lee P. Brown, the Presswing. j rise, they said, suggested that a treng ident's chief drug policy adviser, said had
  • n t r o l P o l i c y D i r e c t o r Lee Brown and o t h e r s discuss t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ' s d r u g p o l i c y . Foreign Press Center, N a t i o n a l Press Club. TV NEWS HEADLINES i HEALTH CARE REFORM TODAY WIRE REPORTS i i
  • those who a r e i n p r i s o n who are coming out. We have a Drug Czar now i n Lee Brown, who was t h e P o l i c e C h i e f o f A t l a n t a , o f Houston, o f New York, who understands these t h i n g s . And when t h e Congress comes back next year
  • , and e s p e c i a l l y those who are i n p r i s o n who are coming out. We have a Drug Czar now i n Lee Brown, who was the P o l i c e C h i e f o f A t l a n t a , o f Houston, o f New York, who understands these t h i n g s . And when t h e Congress
  • , the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Medal, and the Strike/Flight Medal. Marjorie Lee Browne 1914-1979 Mathematician/Statistician, Educator Browne was bom September 9, 1914 in Memphis, Tennessee. She received a B.S. in mathematics from Howard
  • now i n Lee Brown, who was t h e P o l i c e C h i e f o f A t l a n t a , o f Houston, o f New York, who understands these t h i n g s . And when t h e Congress comes back next year we w i l l be moving f o r w a r d on t h a t . We need t h i s crime
Newsclips (Item)
  • from our being at odds. Again, we look forward to meeting with you, and to a mutually' satisfying dialogue. Very Truly Yours, &e~~~5~ Richard J. Fe~an Executive Director cc. Mr. Thomas Cochran, U.S. Conference of Mayors Honorable Lee Brown Honorable
  • and coordination lie at the beort of community policing, It is much more powerfpl in reducln, dru, problems in the 'ong run than the isolated efforts 0( ttvditional drug enforcement. -Dr. Lee Brown. Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy Crime and drvg
  • , , . .... .. ... 1, .f. '. , . ....: .. - .. ' ~"',~ .January 1995 , Lee P. .Brown~ Dir~ctor .. ,\ l. ' Executive Olfie, ~fthe President Olfice ofNational Drug Control Policy Washington, D. C· 20500 . 1" . .. RESPONDING TO DRUG
  • were impressive enough; even more important were the intelligent remarks and exceptional attentiveness that residents brought to these important issues. · My guests, U.S. Attorney Eric Holder and Drug Czar Lee Brown, were enormously impressed
  • of Immigration and Naturalization under President Jimmy Carter and now an education·adviser to Mayor Lee P. Brown of Houston. ':t "Now with this new law, they don't ~ feel that way," Mr. Castillo contin~ ued. "You won't feel like you've bec:o trayed your birth
  • W. Washington Executive Director Berkshire Farms Center Urban Development The HOtlOrab1e Henry G. Cisneros Secreta171 Office of National Drug Control Policy Lee P. Brown, Ph.D. Director Corporation for National Service Eli J. Segal Chief
  • of Representatives. The Office of Management and Budget has advised that there is no objection to tha presentation of this proposal to the Congress, and that Its enactment would be in accord with the program of the President. sincel1~ Lee P. Brown Director
AIDS [7] (Item)
  • Jonathan Orszag Cecilia E. Rouse Karen Tramontano Elena Kagan Robert G. Damus Rodney G. Bent Nancy E. Schwartz Louisa Koch Donna M. Rivelli Sarah S. Lee Jennifer E. Brown Christopher D. Carroll Jon D. Haveman Randolph M. Lyon Laurence R. Jacobson Daniel J
  • for the Cabinet: Bowles, Erskine (SBA) [OA/ID 3669] Congressional Profiles written for the Cabinet: Brown, Jesse (VA) [OA/ID 3669] Congressional Profiles written for the Cabinet: Brown, Lee (Drug Czar) [OA/ID 3669] Congressional Profiles written for the Cabinet
  • lasted about 90 minutes. They t a l k e d about a number of t h i n g s . The President, as you know, introduced Lee Brown — Secretary Brown. They t a l k e d some about r e c o n c i l i a t i o n . The Vice President gave an extensive review of the n
  • Lee Brown to t e s t i f y . 10 a.m. Familes USA Executive Director Ron Pollack holds news conference to expose covert plan by health insurance industry to defeat President Clinton's health care reform propsoals. 10 a.m. Senate Finance Committee
  • y C o r r e c t i o n a l C e n t e r , Upper M a r l b o r o , M a r y l a n d . He was accompanied by: A l b e r t Gore J r . , V i c e P r e s i d e n t Lee P. Brown, D i r e c t o r o f t h e N a t i o n a l Drug C o n t r o l P o l i c y 15480
  • was bom in Fresno, California, to Dr. Lee P. Brown and Yvonne Carolyn Brown. He is a graduate of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, where he received his bachelor's degree in political science. He then entered Garrett-Evangehcal Theological Seminary
  • of Mayors. Secretary Pena and Rep. Gephardt are scheduled t o speak a t 8:00 a.m.. Attorney General Reno and Drug Policy Coordinator Lee Brown a t 10:30 a.m. Secretary Ron Brown a t 12:00 noon. Secretaries Reich, R i l e y , cisneros and Shalala at 1:30 p.m
  • What America's Users Spend· on Illegal Drugs, 1988-1993 Executive Office of the President Office of National Drug Control Policy lee P. Brown, Director Spring 1995 WHAT AMERICA'S USERS SPEND ON ILLEGAL DRUGS, 1988-1993 William Rhodes Paul
  • Rubin, Lee Mayer, Brown & Piatt Rubin, Robert, Hon. Council for Foreign Rel. X 10/06/99 13:16 FAX No Name Title Rubinstein, David Carlyle Group X Ruff, Charles Covington & Burling X Russo, Wong, Ella DOC SAITO, Kunihiko, His Excellency
  • G. Bent Nancy E. Schwartz Louisa Koch Donna M. Rivelli Sarah S. Lee Jennifer E. Brown Christopher D. Carroll Jon D. Haveman Randolph M. Lyon Laurence R. Jacobson Daniel J. Chenok Janet R. Forsgren James C. Murr LRM ID: MNB199 SUBJECT: REVISED LABOR
  • could restrict the importation of munitions from .Russia and other countries .....""1.1~!:"'";,1·.,: - - - - _ . .LU·-. consistent with the arguments made by the Administration's law enforcement officials (i.e., py 3 Louis Freeh, Ron Noble, Lee Brown
  • Committee) P6/b(6) Diane Dalmasse Deborah Lisi-Baker . TomPombar. Peter Judd Baird Charles Zeph Nancy Becker Kennedy (Podesta) Ann Delorz from Tony Podesta's (393-lOlO) Jennifer Nord (Uizio) Donna Pignatelli (S. Brown) Jason Lee (Commerce
  • to Will and Sarah Farish and to my old friend, Lee Brown-give them a job to do, and it gets done. And I am just delighted to be here with all three of them. Spring in the Bluegrass State, racing at Churchill Downs, and voting for Mitch McConnell-it doesn't get much
  • "with few clear victories." Williams reported that one-fourth of a l l prisoners in the U.S. are being held for drug-related crimes. (NBC) In an interview with Tom Brokaw, White House drug policy director Lee Brown said the Administration has emphasized
  • she said was "constitutionally permissible." u gSSSS WAFFLE :: ; 1 IRAQ BOSNIA SOMALIA HAITI > > : 1 Drug-Policy Testimony White House drug-policy director Lee Brown presented the President's national drug strategy to the Senate Judiciary
Rohypnol [1] (Item)
  • Rohypnol seizures in at least 13 states but says its distribution and abuse has been concentrated in Texas and Florida, where some law enforcement officials say the pills threaten to become' 'the Quaaludes of the '90s." Lee P. Brown, the White House drug
  • e l d , Pentagon. 11:00 a.m. Dr. Lee Brown, D i r e c t o r o f the White House O f f i c e o f N a t i o n a l Drug C o n t r o l P o l i c y , j o i n s S e c r e t a r i e s Shalala and R i l e y t o release the l a t e s t r e s u l t s o f t
  • THAT... • The Clinton folks are dcue to persuading former N w York police e commissioner Lee Brown to b c m eo e the n w drug policy director. While e Brown has resisted the appointment for s m time, he's said to be on the o e verge of accepting. And while the budget
  • with hazardous sub- gy constructiqn projects. The magaiine said Ramos held a ·; "In the new Congress, my test will stances has or is likely to have occurred." said Philip R. dinner party at his home in Sao Paolo ::be: Does an idea expand middle-class Lee
  • . House Democratic Leader Gephardt speaks on r a i s i n g l i v i n g standards. Sponsored by the Economic Policy I n s t i t u t e . National Press Club. 9:15 a.m. Federal Drug Control Policy Coordinator Lee Brown addresses the International Narcotics
  • J a n e t Reno, A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l Lee P. Brown, D i r e c t o r o f t h e N a t i o n a l Drug C o n t r o l P o l i c y Rahm I . Emanuel, A s s i s t a n t a n d D i r e c t o r of Special P r o j e c t s 11:01 The P r e s i d e n t p
  • Measuring Heroin Availability in Three Cities .. " . " ., I ·. · '. .· . Executive Office of the President ,. Office of National Drug Control Policy Lee P. Brown, Director November 1994
  • be "the same thing Agnculture See Mike Espy; Office of we do every month ui bringing our Naflonal Drug Control Policy Director Lee Brown. 2128 Raybum House Office own domestic university reactor fuel BWg back to Savannah River." flummwmit Opantfent— 2 p.m
  • . 10 a.m. Attorney General Janet Reno i s scheduled t o t e s t i f y a t Senate Commerce Committee hearing on violence i n t e l e v i s i o n programs l i k e MTV's "Beavis and Butthead." 10:30 National Drug Control P o l i c y D i r e c t o r Lee
  • of the Administration's over-all counter-drug policy. The President designated Director Lee Brown of the Office of National Drug Control Policy as responsible for oversight and direction for a l l counter-drug policies, in coordination with the National Security Council
Iraq [1] (Item)
  • Orszag Cecilia E. Rouse Karen Tramontano Elena Kagan Robert G. Damus Rodney G. Bent Nancy E. Schwartz Louisa Koch Donna M. Rivelli Sarah S. Lee Jennifer E. Brown Christopher D. Carroll Jon D. Haveman Randolph M. Lyon Laurence R. Jacobson Daniel J. Chenok
  • ~NI_P@OPD . Monday August 7,1995 Monday August 7,1995 e 5:30p-6:30p Hold: Group Meeting: Higgins/Sosnik Ward Room contact: lZ, . These meetings will not be one-on-one; rather "groups" of whomever can attend Attendees for this meeting: Dir. Jamie Lee