Photograph Contact Sheets from April 16, 27-29, 1993

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Photograph Contact Sheets from April 16, 27-29, 1993


Photographs from April 16, 1993 are as follows:
Hillary Rodham Clinton arriving and greeting staff, children and guests at the Indian Health Care Clinic in Billings, Montana
Photographs from April 27, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton addressing a Rose Garden ceremony for the University of North Carolina Men’s Basketball team and the Texas Tech University Women’s Basketball team (Both teams won the NCAA championships)
President Clinton meeting with Congressional leaders and senior staff regarding Bosnia in the State Dining Room
President Clinton addressing the National Realtors Association at the Sheraton Washington Hotel
President Clinton stopping by the National Endowment for Democracy at the Capital Hilton
President Clinton attending “A Salute to Joe Moakley” reception at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington, DC
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton walking and jogging around the White House track
Photographs from April 28, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton greeting friends from Arkansas in the Oval Office
President Clinton meeting with Dee Dee Myers, Carol Rasco, Mark Gearan and George Stephanopoulos in the Oval Office
President Clinton meeting with VP Gore, John Emerson and Bruce Lindsey in the Oval Office
President Clinton announcing the appointment of Lee Brown as “Drug Czar” in the Rose Garden
President Clinton greeting Vince Foster in the Rose Garden
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting and meeting with Webb Hubbell, Bernard Nussbaum, Dee Dee Myers, Sec. Warren Christopher, Sec. Les Aspin and others in the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting friends from Arkansas in the Oval Office
White House staffers meeting with Arab Diplomats in the Roosevelt Room
President Clinton meeting with Carol Rasco and John Hart in the Oval Office
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with the Democratic Governors Health Care group, Carol Rasco, Ira Magaziner and Judy Feder in the State Dining Room
President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and VP Gore meeting with Congress discussing health care issues in the Residence
President Clinton greeting the Friedkin family in the Outer Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Shawn Friedkin in the Map Room
Photographs from April 29, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton meeting with the House Ways and Means Committee and senior staff in the Roosevelt Room
Mack McLarty greeting and meeting with friends in the West Wing
Betty Currie sitting at her desk in the Outer Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting and meeting with Catholic Bishops in Room 472 of Old Executive Office Building (OEOB)
King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain arriving at the North Portico
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting the King and Queen and touring the White House
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with the King and Queen in the Yellow Oval Room
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton escorting the King and Queen on their departure from the North Portico
President Clinton greeting American friends of the Lubavitch Rabbi in the Oval Office
Steve Rabinowitz talking with the Rabbis on the North Grounds near the West Wing
President Clinton greeting Helen Dickey and others in the West Garden Room
President Clinton meeting with Gen. Colin Powell, Sec. Les Aspin, and Tony Lake in the Oval Office
Socks the cat sitting on the Presidential Seal rug on the Oval Office floor
Socks the cat sitting on the Oval Office desk
President Clinton walking down the South Lawn sidewalk with Ricki Seidman and Bernard Nussbaum
President Clinton arriving at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno tour and greet staff at the Justice Department
President Clinton having lunch and meeting with DOJ employees in the cafeteria
President Clinton announcing his nominations for Associate Attorneys General at the Justice Department
President Clinton greeting Kathy and Lonnie McNatt in the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting Arkansas State Senator Cliff Hoofman in the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting George and Effi Frazier in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting board members of the Commission on National and Community Service in the Residence
Hillary Rodham Clinton addressing the 1993 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Elementary Education Science and Math Teaching in the Rose Garden
President Clinton meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Cabinet Room
President Clinton talking with Andrew Friendly and Kelly Craighead on the State Floor
President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Tipper Gore posing for a group photograph with the Health Care Task Force Cluster Group in the East Room
President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Tipper Gore addressing a reception on the South Lawn for the Health Care Task Force workers

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White House Photograph Office, “Photograph Contact Sheets from April 16, 27-29, 1993,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 10, 2025,