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388 results

  • information (I page) 07/31/1997 P2 006. list re: Search terms with vetting information (I page) 07/17/1997 P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Mike O'Connor OAlBox Number: 13637 FOLDER TITLE: Metzler, Cynthia A. Jamie Metrailer
  • terms with vetting information (1 page) 01/06/1999 P2 002. list re: Search terms with vetting information (1 page) 01/06/1999 P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Jane Schaffner DAlBo, Number: 18866 FOLDER TITLE: Zumwalt
  • : Cowan ( 1 page) 04/11/1994 P5 128 '/:21 012. report RE: Cowan ( 1 page) 02/04/1994 P5 '/3D COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Joseph Pascale; Stacy Reynolds (FG006~04) OA/Box Number: 3775 FOLDER TITLE: Cowan, Geoffrey
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel Office Debra Premysier OA/Box Number: 16762 · FOLDER TITLE: Crowe, William J. (Adm.) [2] 2006-0998-F . zz2 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act- 15 U.S.C
  • Advisory Board. (1 page) 11/06/1998 P6/b(6) 015a. memo Duplicate of011a. (1 page) 12/2911998 P2,P5 015b. memo Duplicate of011b. (1 page) 03/30/1993 P2,P5 016. report Search Tenns. [Pages 1 and 16] (2 pages) 05/05/1999 P2,P5 COLLECTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. A~ID TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. memo Nancy Bekavac. (1 page) 04/20/1993 P2,P5 002. report Lexis-Nexis Report. (9 pages) 04/15/1993 P2,P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . [partial] (2 pages), 10/05/1993 P5 003. memo For the President from Susan Brophy. Subject: Photo with Rep. Louis Stokes and Mayor David Lynch.. (2 pages) 10/05/1993 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Executive Office of the President OA/Box
  • /1993 015b.memo~---T~o~:~R~on~a~ld~KEiarnin~~--~-------------------------oo~5/~24,4/~1~99~3r-~P2~P~6) From: Bill Lerach (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bernard Nussbaum OA/Box Number: CF 32 FOLDER TITLE: Court Search
  • : Meeting with Human Rights Activists Regarding JOB (3 pages) 10/26/1995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Inter-American Affairs OA/Box Number: 763 FOLDER TITLE: Guatemala, 1995 [2] 2006-1 025-F kc323 RESTRICTION
  • ] (1 page) 03/27/1996 P6/b(6) \3 '-{ \ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] WHO ([Lewinsky]) ONBox Number: 500000 FOLDER TITLE: [03/22/1996 - 03/29/1996] 2006-0319-F ab664 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Duplicate of003. (2 pages) Ol/0211996 P2,P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office . Jane Schaffner OA/Box Number: 18879 FOLDER TITLE: Sonnenberg, Maurice Jamie Metrailer 2006-1011-F · 'm442 RESTRICTION C()DES Presidential Records
  • 'I I I I II I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffiTLE 00 I. letter DATE [POTUS Fonn Letter on Human Rights in Guatemala] (I page) RESTRICTION 04/28/1995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • ·. · . -The FBI's EXecutive Agencies Dissemination Subunit.~EADS) (known colloquially as t::he "Name-Check Unit '1 ) will process name-check requests, i.e., those which only require a file search of existing FBI recordlil accessible from FB.I Headquarters, or which
  • in the Cabinet Room. ( 1 page) 01107/1998 P5 002. email Oasis Manager to Joshua Gotbaum, Mickey Ibarra, etc. at 12:05:32.74. Subject: Document Request Reminder. (13 pages) 01107/1998 P5 \'-\:lD \ / " COLLECTION: I Clinton Presidential Records Automated
  • . report Re: Anthony Stephen Harrington (7 002. memo COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office ONBox Number: CF 1510 FOLDER TITLE: [Appointees] Harrington, Anthony [Member, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board] [1
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office OA/Box Number: CF 1458 FOLDER TITLE: [Appointees] Arcos, Cresencio Kara Ellis 2006-1001-F ke1359 RESTRICTION CODES . Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act
  • /1995 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General FGOI7-03 OA/Box Number: 21817 FOLDER TITLE: 134696ss 2011-0376-F ds360 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l PI · P2 P3 P4 National
  • President Gore re: HUD (1 page) 11/05/98 P5 002d. letter To Vice President Gore from Olympia Snowe re: ,HUD (2 pages) 10/30/98 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Cabinet Affairs Marshall, Jr., Thurgood ONEo, Number: 19078 FOLDER TITLE: HUD
  • ) 12/30/97 P5 002.memo Charles C. Ruff to All Executive Office of President Staff re: Document Request (2 pages) 12/30/97 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Kendra Brooks. (Correspondence) OA!Box Number: 17898
  • P6/b( 6) Oil. form [Taxpayer Authorization for Disclosure of Return Information] (I page) 04/27/1993 P6/b(6) 012. notice [State of California Notice ofTax Change] (I page) 05/22/1992 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's
  • by the President for Alfalfa Club Dinner] [page 5 only] (1 page) n.d. P5 President William J. Clinton, Remarks for Alfalfa Club Dinner, January 25, 1997 (8 pages) 01/2411997 / P5 P5 · .003. draft ·-COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting
  • . Jetter Sonia 'Sotomayor to Jonathan Yaiowsk:y; re: -Preparation o'f Forms (2 pages) · 01 . -6211"t11tc8Jf1'11'1199rr7r----rlpn-z-,P 6r:-r/,.,b(~6-)- 003. form Addendwn to Personal Data Questionnaire- _draft (24 pages)_ ca. 1997 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • of Personal Data Questionnaire (3 pages) n.d. P6/b(6) 003. paper re: Search request (I page) II /02/1995 P2,P5 1s1=+ COLLECTION: CJ in tori Presidential Records Counsel's Office Doug Band ONBox Number: 11465 FOLDER TITLE: CA 3 • Majorie Rendell
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Clinton Library DOCUMENT AND TYPE NO. 001. memo DATE SUBJECTfTITLE Phil Caplan to Sheet porus, re: Recent Information Items (3 pages) 7/22/1998 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject
  • Funding (I page) nd P5 scr 002b. draft To: Beth Nolan 11/22/00 P5 uv 12/1/00 P5 Lei From: Randolph 003a. draft D. Moss (5 pages) Memorandum of Understanding (14 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Chief of Staff John Podesta
  • Beers to Berger, re: Your Briefmg on China by DOE (1 page) 07/28/1997 P1/b(1) 011. notes [Handwritten Notes] (2 pages) 08/02/1997 P1/b(l) 012. notes [Handwritten Notes] ·(1 page) 08/0411997 P1/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • To President Clinton from Samuel Berger and Stephanie Streett. Subject: Themes for your trip Vietnam I Discussion of key issues (11 pages) · 002. notes 11/06/2000 . Y\·\ ~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Speechwriting
  • . email Janet Stearns toMarvinKrislov; RE: Happy New Years (1 page) ..Q.l,lOJ/] 994 5S"J P6/b(6) ·coLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Greg Smith OA/Box Number: · 23 826 FOLDER TI'ILE: OIC-2- Whitewater- Related ARMS Searches
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffiTLE 001. draft DATE re: Notes for Presidential statement (Annotations) (2 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION P5 CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • of October 21 (6 pages) 10/22/1993 P5 .I . ·7 3~ COLLECTION: I . . Clinton Presidential Records I Counsel's OfficeI . Cerf, Chris and Divali, Vicki OA/Box Number: I 10495 . Rr FOLDER TITLE:I Mooting with . Cling" _ 12/93 Kelly Hendren 2006-0225-F
  • to Meredith Cabe et a!. re: EER (1 page) 03/04/1999 P5 From Melinda Bates to Meredith Cabe eta!. re: EER web (1 page) 03/09/1999 P5 Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 01/19/2000 P6/b(6) DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE · · 002c. email 003. email COLLECTION: Clinton
  • '-i~Gj . oo6..®te -~~~,.,...--·.,;. OOT:;note,. ~?~~f-!,P"'.'!.""'""" ~~s-1-- \ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File General PU001-07 OA/Box Number: 12155 ·.'-' FOLDER TITLE: 100531SS Whitney Ross 2006-0646-F wr848
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. -AND TYPE RESTRICTION DATE SUBJECTffiTLE Todd Stem, Helen Howell to POTUS Re: Secretary Shalala's Memo re: Health Coverage Needs of Young Adults (3 pages) 5/21/96 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library SUBJECTffiTLE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE Retrospectives on Health Reform: Update (5 pages) OOLmemo 04/17/1995 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Melanne
  • No. (partial) (3 pages) RESTRICTION 10/30/1995 P5 10/30/1995 P5, P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails MSMail - Record (Sept 94 - Sept 97) ([Quebec and referD OAIBox Number: 590000 FOLDER TITLE: [10/30/1995] Jamie Metrailer 2007
  • All This? (1 page) n.d. P5 tooCe 004. report Re: Sources (7 pages) n.d. P5 l oOI COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Jane Sherburne OA/Box Number: CF 426] FOLDER TITLE: [Binder] Communication Conspiracy [1] Rhonda Young
  • & Pincus Green (1 page) 12/19/2000 P5 f/03 r-zDL{ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Meredith Cabe OA/Box Number: 24942 FOLDER TITLE: Rich, Marc & Pincus Green [5] Jimmie Purvis 2006-0222-F . 309 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • ' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File-General IN OA/Box Number: 23340 FOLDER TITLE: 136725 Jimmie Purvis 2006-0197 -F . 534 RESTRICTION CODES, Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)J Freedom of Information Act- [5 U.S.C. 552(b
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT AND TYPE NO. 001. memo DATE SUB.JECTrrITLE To: Carol H. Rasco from Bruce N. Reed re: Read before 5:30 DPC mtg. (l page) 05/09/94 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • (partial) (2 pages) P6/b(6) 02/1311993 P5, P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speech writing David Kusnet OA!Box Number: 4284 FOLDER TITLE: A: Economic Related Speeches I Info [2] 2006-0465-F vzl336 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • : SES appointment (partial) (1 page) .-l-2/26/1995 Pef.BE-6} 002. articles Lexis Nexis annotated articles (date range 1986- 1995) (28pages) 1986-1995 PS 89~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Reynolds, Stacy OA/Box Number
  • on Public Diplomacy (PAS) (21 pages) . 05/12/1997 P2,P5 DATE RESTRICTION Lf ;(_ 1 Lfd.-( LfR 1 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Mike O'Connor OA/Box Number: 13631 FOLDER TITLE: Hank Brown (U.S. Advisory Commission ori Public
  • ~, UC>ctS-- Za46 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Records Management ([Access and NSC Records]) ONBox Number: 3913 FOLDER TITLE: 9420372 Kelly Hendren 2008-0978-F kh48S RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- (44 U.S.C. 2204(a)J
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Shelli Peterson OA/Box Number: 13462 FOLDER TITLE: Whitewater Production- Truman Arnold and Arnold Co's.: Memoranda Debbie Bush 2006-0320-F db2044 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44
  • ) RESTRICTION 101'1~. 08/19/1995 P5 08/19/1995 P5 (~(/! 12/19/1995 P5 1)-q CJ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Anthony Blinken (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 3384 FOLDER TITLE: POTUS-Cuba Statement-8119/94 Rob Seibert
  • to Daniel Sreebny re: White House Activities for Ramadan ( 1 page) 10/25/1999 P5 001c. email Daniel Sreebny to Robert.A. Wood re: White House Activities for Ramadan ( 1 page) 10/24/1999 P5 COLLECTION: · . Clinton Presi£1ential Records ARMS WHO 1999/07
  • WithdraWal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE SUBJECTffiTLE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 10/1111995 Memorandum for the record; RE: Package (3 pages) 001. memo RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General
  • : January 7 meeting (2 pages) 12/21/1995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Communications Don Baer ONBox Number: 13425 FOLDER TITLE: ["Assessing the Condition of American Democracy" Jan. 7, 1996 (Binder)] [I] Debbie Bush 2006-0458-F dbl266
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffiTLE . James Castello to Harold Ickes, Don Baer; RE: Commencement Address (1 page) 001. memo COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Communications DonBaer ONBox Number
  • RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Cheryl Mills OA/Box Number: 24594 FOLDER TITLE: [Binder] Trial Prep [Whitewater matter] Debbie Bush 2006-0320-F db2028 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204
  • . Pokaski (partial) (I page) 03/23/1993 P6/b(6) 007: memo John Carey to John Emerson re: Vetting Process for Supreme Court Nominees (I page) 03/23/1993 P5 Beth to Ron re: Club Membership (I page) 07/19/1993. P5 · 008. note lc,Lt8l b(6) COLLECTION
  • Veto. (4 pages) n.d. P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Paul Weinstein OA/Box Number: 18471 FOLDER TITLE: Line Item Veto [2] Van Zbinden 2007-0624-F vzl244 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Matt Miller to Bob Boorstin; re: The Political Case for Greater Boldness on the Deficit (3 copies] (3 pages) 02/06/1993 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECfrriTLE 00 I. letter DATE Martin D. Ginsburg to Michael S. Berman re: Honorable Ruth (3 pages) 07/0111993 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. note SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Note from Sandy [Berger] to John Podesta. [Handwritten note on two post-it notes] (I page) 12/01/1997 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. Sheet DATE SUBJECTffITLE RESTRICTION AND TYPE 001. email 10/18/2000 From Jeffrey D Goldstein To Julie T Hosland (2 pages) P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • to Paul Oetken; RE: Follow-up (1 page) 11129/2000 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records White House Office of Records Management Alpha Project OA/Box Number: 18591 FOLDER TITLE: Michael D. Place - Catholic Health Association- DC BebbieBush 2007
  • , re: First Lady as Honorary President of Vital Voices (3 pages) n.d. P5 1 ! COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject Files - GENERAL PP005-0l ONBox Number: 17804 FOLDER TITLE: .I' 308453 Whitney Ross 2006-0198-F wr809 RESTRICTION
  • /21/1997 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 20358 FOLDER TITLE: Service Kim Coryat 2012-0057-S kc655 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom
  • ) n.d. P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Speechwriting (Laura Schiller: Events, Awards, Lectures, 1/99-3/99) DAlBo, Number: 24625 FOLDER TITLE: Millennium Eveniog-I/25/99 Kara Ellis 2006-0504-F ke22 RESTRICTION CODES
  • /1999 P5 002b. speech I I I .I I I -I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Record's National Security Council Ted Widmer (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 2188 FOLDER TITLE: Africa- Ministerial- 3/16/99 Jimmie Purvis 2006-0471-F CODES Presidential
  • ) 005. notes, Background Notes, Inter-Agency Working G'roup Radio-TV re: International Broadcasting Bureau (partial) ,0 page) 02/02/95 P2, P5, b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Halperin (Democracy Human Rights
  • to Abner J. Mikva (3 pages) 06/14/1995 P5 003. form RE: Copy of a canceled check (1 page) 12/24/1992 P6/b(6) 004. note Loretta Lynch; RE: Telephone number [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office
  • with DOJ and INS. (2 pages) 02/25/2000 P5 Irene Bueno to Eric P. Liu at 12:06:20.00. Subject: INS Criminal Aliens numbers- Heads up. (2 pages) 03/02/2000 P5 DOJ summary. (4 pages) n.d. P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records
  • ) · 003. form Candidate Information Summary [SSN Redaction] (partial) ID# 239301SS (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) 004. form· Candidate Information Summary [SSN Redaction] (partial) ID# 256065SS (1 page) 06/0911997 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • to the President on Force Protection (4 pages) ca. 09/1996 P1/b(l) 003.memo Draft memo, re: Command Failhres Leading Up To Khobar Towers Bombing (4 pages) 09/1996 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Defense Policy - Steven
  • P4/b(4), P5 010. Itinerary Travel Voucher (partial) (1 page) 2/96 P6/b(6) 01 I. Itineral!': Travel Voucher (partial) (1 page) 1/10/96 P6/b(6) 012. Itinerary Travel Voucher (partial) (1 page) 1/10/96 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • : Political Reform Commission- Next steps (3 pages) 06/2911995 06/12/1995 ~cotiv l.n..c._ ... ....,_... \ .....,_1"\ '~ ,_ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Michael Waldman OA/Box Number: 13643 FOLDER TITLE: MW [Michael Waldman
  • ) n.d. P6/b(6) 002. form Bill Burton to Alexis Herman, Howard Paster, Marsha Scott "From the Office of the Chief of Staff' (I page) 09/17/1993 P5 tlo$6 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File General MEOOI OA/Box Number: 17718
  • re: Whistleblower Protection Provision_ in Defense Authorization Bill (3 pages). 05/21/1999 P5 COLLECTION:· Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council . Legal Advisor - Mary Derosa OA/Box Number: 3391 FOLDER TITLE: -China Nuclear/CI
  • 008. memo ··.. . . . . . ·Robert E. Rubin to POTUS ie: Economic issues for State Visit of · Jiang Zem in (2 pages) ': . 009. notes .· . . ·. 010; notes COLLECTION:· Clinton Presidential Records Clinton Administration Histo;y Project OA/Box
  • Society ofNewspapers Editors speech (4 pages) 04/03/1995 P5 003. memo Working Group to President Clinton. Subject: Communications plan (4 pages) . 03/3111995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting David Shipley OA!Box Number: I
  • · 10/2111993 RESTRICTION P5 . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office CliffSloim OA/Box Number: 4658 FOLDER TITLE: Gays in the Military- Meinhold #1 [2] Kelly Hendren 2006-0227-F khS79 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • , Office of Academic Programs Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affaisrs United States Information Agency (NC-SES). (partial) (I page) 03/20/1997 P2, P5, b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Presidential Personnel Sam Williams OA/Box Number
  • Institute for Staff Development. (3 pages) 07/07/1999 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting JeffShesol OA!Box Number: CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY 19945 FOLDER TITLE: New Markets I- Anaheim- NAF [National Academy Foundation] 7/8/99
  • Sonenshine re: Check List (2 pages) 01/08/1997 P5 008. email Wendy Gray to Moffett re: FW: CIA [partial] [CIA Act] (2 pages) 01/08/1997 P3/b(3) COLLECTION: I Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emailsl :. MSMail-Record (Sept 94-Sept 97) ([Lake and DCI
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Speechwriting (Thomas Rosshirt) OA/Box Number: 4021 FOLDER TITLE: America Council [2] Jamie Metrailer 2008-0703-F 'm618 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204
  • concerning Intelligence Oversight Board report] (I page) 04/1811996 P5 004b. memo Memorandum for the President from Jack Quinn. Subject: Executive Privilege and the lOB Report. (7 pages) 04/18/1996 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM
  • and Stephen Neuwirth from David J. Anderson. Re: Issues relating to the Document Disclosure Provision of the Federal Advisory Commi~ee Act. (1 0 pages) . 3~3(7 33Cf 33q JJ~ 3lf'3 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Miriam Nemetz OA
  • Working Group; RE: Thematic Structure [duplicate of003] (1 page) 0711911995 P5 005. memo Michael waldman to Budget Working Group; RE: Thematic Structure [duplicate of003] (1 page) 07/19/1995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting
  • :'::'\ ©·"in . ". ~flt~"~ rt. ·-- 005. paper L\\""l-s- D~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council LynHogan ONBox Number: II 027 FOLDER TITLE: Teen Pregnancy: National Campaign 2 [2] RacheaJ· Carter 2010-1083-S · rc451 RESTRICTION CODES
  • 002. note From David Beier [Concerning the Human Genome Project] (1 page) 03/08/2000 P5 003. memo Memorandum for the President from Neal Lane. Subject: Gene . Patents. (2 pages) 02111/2000 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • /b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Lowell Weiss OA/Box Number: 17192 · FOLDER TITLE: AFL-CIO [2] Whitney Ross 2006-0470-F wr572 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom of Information Act
  • Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. draft DATE SUBJECTrfiTLE Letter, Allen P. Stayman to Vice President Gore re: Northern Mariana Islands Covenant Implementation Act {16 page9 RESTRICTION PS 2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library 001. agenda RESTRICTION DATE SUBJECT/TITLE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 11/10/1998 handwritten meeting notes (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed (Admin
  • Structures (11 pages) 02/08/1991 Pl/b(l), P5 l91 al COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Transnational Threats (Richard Clarke) OA/Box Number: 3786 FOLDER TITLE: Terrorism [3] Kelly Hendren 2006-1164-F kh832 RESTRICTION
  • WITHDRAWAl SHEET Clinton Library Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA 18945 OA/Box: File Folder: Privatization [3] Collection: Archivist: RDS Date: 4/26/04 POTUS meeting with labor union leaders, 2p 3/28/97 CLINTON LIB P5 I PHOTOCOPY
  • . schedule COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Faxes) OA!Box Number: 16777 FOLDER TITLE: Faxes- DPC December 1999 [Binder] [I]· Racheal Carter 2011-0747.-S rc329 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44
  • Session (9 pages) 09/2211994 P5 003. briefing paper RE: Chemical Weapons Convention ( 1 page) 09/22/1994 P1/b(1) 004. briefing paper RE: Arms Control Non-Governmental Organizations Session (4 pages) 09/2211994 P5
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Tom Epstein to Rahm Emanuel; re: Immigration (2 pages) 05/27/1993 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Health Care Task Force
  • page) · 001. note 07/2111995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speech writing David Shipley OA/Box Number: 10706 ··~· FOLDER TITLE: Boys Nation [4] Jamie Metrailer· 2006-.1734-F "m280 RESTRICTION CODES Freedom of Information Act- [5
  • /22/98 P5 007. report Bankruptcy Issue (2 pages) ca. June,_ 1998 P5 008. report Bankruptcy Issue (I page) ca. June, 1988 P5 · 004. niemo COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Cynthia Rice (Subject Files) OA/Box
  • . Subject: Re: POTUS Sarajevo trip. (2 pages) 07/0911999 P5 005. email Juan Garcia to John B. Buxton at 11:48:28.00. Subject: RE: Vieques. (4 pages) 10/19/1999 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System OPD
  • ofYeshi Haile [partial] (1 page). ca. 1997 P6/b(6) 012. profile Biographic profile of Haile Woldense Ogbu [partial] (1 page) ca. 1997 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council African Affairs (Barks-Ruggles, Erica
  • . letter Beth Nolan to Orrin Hatch re: Elena Kagan (3 pages) 04125/2000 P2,P5 6~1 £?3/3\ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Eric Angel ONBox Number: 18280 FOLDER TITLE: Elena Kagan - D.C. Circuit Kelly Hendren 20Q9:JQ06-F
  • Conference on Climate Change (17 pages) 003. draft 10/4/1997 Gene Sperling to President Clinton, re: Climate Change Work Plan (5 pages) 001. memo 10/6/1997 0f P5 4 0-~q CLINTON LiBRARY PHOTOCOPY COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwnting
  • to Gabrielle M. Bushman and Kristin Leight at 17:51:05.26. Subject: Speech Prep-- Transcript #6. (3 pages) 01/23/1996 P5 (pO~~ (.00~\ (pO'J.,?, COLLECTION: r Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] WHO ([Oklahoma Bombing
  • w/attach Chris Jennings, Steve Edelstein 4/20/93 P5 003. briefing paper Ten Senate Targets (15 pages) nd P5 Re: House Targeting Strategy (19 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Health
  • Itf J COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails MSMaii-Record (Sept 94-Sept 97) ([Intelligence Oversight Board ... ]) OA/Box Number: 590000 FOLDER TITLE: (02/1 0/1997-02/25/ 1997] 2006-0996-F eh491 . RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • : Migrants and CNMI (1 page) 04/1611999 P5 C?05C\. re: Migrants and CNMI (1 page) 04/16/1999 P5 eoo53 D~· (1 page) 1, COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General FG001-01 OA/Box Number: 21801 FOLDER TITLE: 301543SS Jamie
  • /30/1993 P5 l_t3tfCf COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwritirig Carter Wilkie OA/Box Number: 4273 FOLDER TITLE: State ofthe Union 1994 [I] 2008-0699-F 'm494 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom
  • WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA 19842 OA/Box: File Folder: Wisconsin [1] 1. memo 2. memo 3. &4. memo Archivist: RDS Date: 5/12/04 Elena Kagan to Jack Quinn and Kathy Wallman re: Wisconsin
  • pages) August 17, 1996 .8/22/96 RESTRICTION P5 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Michael Waldman OA!Box Number: 14461 FOLDER TITLE: [Convention Drafts] [I] 2006-0469-F sb86 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44
  • /06/1995 P5 43~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Beth Nolan OA/Box Number: 23482 FOLDER TITLE: Whitewater~ General, 1995 [2] Debbie Bush 2006-0320-F db777 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204
  • Speech Draft; RE: Olympic Dinner (8 pages) 05/0111996 P5 Speech Draft; RE: White House Correspondents Association (14 05/0411996 P5 pages) 002. draft 003. draft pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Michael Waldman ONBox
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library · DOCliMENT NO. ANil TYPE 0 I. briefing paper DATE SUBJECrrnTI-E Political Pros and Cons of Supporting Premium Support (I page) nd RESTRICTION PS COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • ) to Larry Summers & W es McGrew re: Brazil (LOI) ( 1 page) 11112/98 P1/b(l) lA (\C.l Ql~S · 004. report re: Brazil- LOI (Letter oflntent) (11 pages) 11112/98 P1/b(l) C..c.) COLLECTION: Clinton Administration History Project OA/Box Number: 24126
  • . / COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speech writing Michael Waldman ONBox Number: 13643 FOLDER TITLE: [Lobbying] 2006-0469-F dbl433 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act- IS U.S.C. 552(b)l PI
  • : Anticipated Walter Dellinger to Constitutional and Legal Challenges to tlle President's Health Care Reform Initiative (5 pages) 09/1§11993 P5 th~ ~orce, COLLECTION: I Clinton Presidential Records I First Lady's Office Melanne Verve6r (Subject Files: H) I
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office ... Melanne Verveer (Subject File) OA/Box Number:. 20.029 FOLDER TITLE: International Culture Conference Jimmie Purvis 2006-020 1-F 252 RESTRICTION CODES '· Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C
  • Guidelines (7 pages) 5/2511994 P5 005. memo Donsia Strong to Katherine Darwin re: EEOC (I page) 6/711994 P5 q6 D {) g(fbl $6?)~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Stephen Wamath (Civil Rights) OA/Box Number: 9592 FOLDER
  • 002. list Requests to attend the health care conference (1 page) RESTRICTION ca. 02/09/1993 P6fl?(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records · First Lady's Office Prun Cicetti (Health Care Materials, 1993 - 1994) ONBox Number: 12500 FOLDER TITLE
  • ': I : , I ' :: I II Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. entire folder SUBJECTffiTLE DATE List; RE: WW [Whitewater] Doc. Index (149 pages) 04/23/1996 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Speech (1 page) 05/05/1992 Personal Misfile 002b. speech Governor Bill Clinton Remarks to the Democratic Leadership Council (8 pages) 0510711992 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records · Communications DonBaer OA/Box Number
  • Phase II- Public Affairs- State/USIA (8 pages) 03/06/1995 P5 010. memo Morton H. Halperin to Alice Rivlin & Elaine Karmack; re: NPR Phase II- Public Affairs- State/USIA (8pages) 03/07/1995 P5 DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE RESTRICTION COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . memo Photocopy. Memorandum for Melanne Verveer. From Walter Dellinger, Department of Justice. [Re: Health Care Task Force). (I page) 09/27/1993 P5 J... c;-s D~ !{go Of. t9gl Ov,f COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office
  • 12/13/1 'J'JS P6/b(6) ca. 12/1995 P5 c--..OU-1~-~oO~..-Umu;ellmwo,__ __..Ehtme 0 II. draft "Ng (Partial) (I page) Letter from the Counsel's Office re: communication (2 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Elena
  • Reed, et al. to'· Reform (6 pages) 003. memo 46 () ~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Michael Waldman OA/Box Number: 13641 FOLDER TITLE: Political Reform Memos Debbie Bush 2006-0469-F db2194 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • J¥js-~ l/! S1 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bruce Lindsey OA/Box Number: 24795 FOLDER TITLE: Gays in the Military [ 1] Kelly Hendren 2006-0227-F kh577 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- (44 U.S.C. 2204(a)J PI
  • /15/1993 P5 003c. resume DOB (Partial) (1 page) 03/15/1993 .I P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General FGOOl-02 OA/B6x Number: 21801 FOLDER TITLE: 007422SS CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY Jamie Metrailer 2006-0193
  • /1997 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles OA/Box Number: 12885 FOLDER TITLE: Guam 2006-0193-F 'm572 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- !44 U.S.C. 2204(a)J Freedom of Information Act- J5
  • -------------------------·---------------- Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. paper SUBJECTffiTLE DATE RE: Additional comments (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC
  • . P6/b(6) (.c>OO ~ o~. l£>00~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Correspondence ONBox Number: 6750 FOLDER TilLE: Redecoration Items - Kaki '93 Debbie Bush 2007-0686-F db1436 RESTRICTION CODES · Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204
  • (6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File-General HUOIO ONBox Number: 23366 FOLDER TITLE: 312786 Debbie Bush 2011-0075-F db2322 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom of Information Act- [5
  • ) Samuel Berger to POTUS; re: New York Times Article on bin Ladin 04/2 8/1999 P 1/b( I ) OOid. memo (2 pages) 002. note Handwritten note from POTUS to Sandy Berger regarding a 9/14/99 New York Times article (I page) P5 141-b COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . Mike Huckabee to President Clinton. [partial] (1 page) 05/10/1999 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM - Subject File - General HO ONBox Number: 17710 FOLDER TITLE: [305116] Adam Bergfeld 2006-0318-F ab614 RESTRICTION CODES
  • address, Home phone. [partial] (1 page) 07/1311994 +- Pq/b(6) P6/b(6) PS COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM- Subject File- General FG233 ONBox Number: 21862 FOLDER TITLE: 130888SS Van Zbinden 20 I 0-0767 -F vz524 . I RESTRICTION CODES
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCl 1 ME~Tl'\0, ,\'>jDT\PE Eric Schwartz to Nancy Soderberg ct al. re: Suggested Hwmm Right> Monito~ (2pages) f"'·r--t ..... \ 010 email 12108/\993 P2, P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT ANDTVPE NO. 001. email DATE SUBJECTffITLE Erica Barks-Ruggles to Gayle E. Smith page) re: guest lists [partial] (I 01/12/99 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Bruce Reed to Diane lkemiyashiro re: RGA (I page) 02/07/1996 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General WE
  • ] (1 page) 03/1711994 P6/b(6) COLLECTION:. Clinton Presidential Records WHORM- Subject File- General FG233 ONBox Number: 21862 FOLDER TITLE: 132550SS Van Zbinden 2010-0767-F vz525 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204
  • DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Su~jectFile-General PR003 OA/Box Number: 13990 FOLDER TITLE: 252766 Debbie Bush 2006-0309-F db669 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet · DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email Clinton Library SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Kathleen Whalen to Maureen Lewis, re: Letter Request from one of the President's friends (1 page) 3/15/1997 RESTRICTION P5 .·COLLECTION
  • civil rights nominees (1 page) 06/03/1993 P2, P6/b(6) Peter Edelman to Bernard Nussbaum. Subject: Nomination ofLani . Guinier (I page) 06/02/1993 P5 06/03/1993 P6/b(6) 005. letter I ' ! Address (Partial) (I page) 006. letter . i COLLECTION
  • Shuman to PFIAB (1 page) 01/1711995 P2,P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General PE002 OAiBox Number: 12430 FOLDER TITLE: 165588 Jimmie Purvis 2006-10 J 3-F jp1407 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Ad - (44 V.S.c
  • of Aviation Security Measures in Asia [Federal Aviation Act] (3 pages) 08/25/1995 . PI/b(l), P3/b(3) 003~ Federico Pena to the White House Chief of Staffre: DOT Security (2 . pages) 08/08/1995 · OOlc. memo memo P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • . . : Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 1 SUBJECTffiTLE DATE To Froilan Tenorio from President Clinton. Subject: CNMI officials (1 page) 10/13/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Re: [Screening process] (I page) ca. 07/1994 P5 (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Multilateral & Humanitarian Affairs (Schwartz, Eric) OAIBox Number: 3416 FOLDER TITLE: Haiti-Safe Haven, 1994-1995 [7
  • (1 page) n.d. P5 002b. paper LOS Convention (1 page) n.d. P5 Charles Allen to Legislative Affairs, re: LOS/POTUS Oceans Con£ (1 page) 5/29/1998 P5 . 002c. email J. ?' VI u\v/ (.9 \ \( COLLECTION: Clintqn Presidential Records
  • (partial) (1 page) 06/24/2000 P6/b(6) OOle. memo Chuck Brain to the President re: Senator Biden (partial) (I page) 06/23/2000 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Heather Howard (Subject Files) OA!Box Number
  • bill (2 pages) 03/1411996 PS [c;/ 80 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting David Shipley ONBox Number: 12006 FOLDER TITLE: Terrorism Radio Attack Jamie Metrailer 2006-1734-F 'm397 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet rClinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. draft SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Qraft letter to President and Mrs. Meri (I page) 07/28/1996 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General
  • : UNPROFOR (3 pages) n.d. P1/b(l) I P1/b(l), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Multilateral & Humanitarian Affairs- Jamie Metzl OA/Box Number: 1346 ·FOLDER TITLE: [IPI - Miscellaneous IV] [ 1] Jimmie Purvis 2006
  • 011. note Re: JFK Appeal (1 page) n.d. P1/b(l), P5 0103 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Access Management (William Leary) OA/Box Number: 3642 FOLDER TITLE: [Assassination Records Review Board Reply to the FBI
  • . draft Talking Points for Telephone Conversation with Senator Rudman. Record ID: 9901924. (I page) 03118/1999 PS · 003. briefing paper COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Access Management (William Leary) ONBox Number
  • (7 pages) P5 n.d. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Speechwriting (Thomas Rosshirt) OA/Box Number: 4020 FOLDER TITLE: [Memorial Day] (3] Jamie Metrailer. 2008-0703-F 'm621 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Cynthia A. Rice to Diana Fortuna at 18:12:52.00. Subject: Re: FYI here's omb comments on Justice letter. (partial) {I page) 001. email 04/08/1997 COLLECTION
  • 001b. report re: Authority of the President to Use Force in Haiti (2 pages) ca. 09/1994 P5 lel 'ID\ 001c. memo Alan Kreczko to Lake re: Authority of the President to Use Force in Haiti (1 page) 09/12/1994 P5 I- ~~~3 COLLECTION: I Clinton
  • (2· p 1/b(l) ' ... COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Donald Steinberg· (Afr~can ~ffairs) OA/Box Number: 633 .· . · .·,1 FOLDER TITLE: Rwanda, Jan.-July 1994 [8]. Jimmie Purvis 2006-0218-F 885 RESTRICTION CODES
  • ~6/b({j) DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE ... · r-t40 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Colinsel's. Office Meredith Cabe OA!Box Number: 23501 FOLDER TITLE: October 2000 Clemency - POTUS Memoranda [Cheryl Little] Kelly Hendren 2006-0371-F kh318
  • President re: Weekly Report ( l page) 08/04/2000 P5 ' c;2117J COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bruce Lindsey OA/Box Number: 20650 FOLDER TITLE: Kemba Smith- Pardons I Clemency Requests: Kemba Smith [I] 2010-0452-F 'm9
  • : direct lending (partial) (1 page) n.d. P6!b(6) 002b. note re: personal backgrounds (4 pages) n.d. P6/b(6) 003. paper re: Direct Lending (1 page) n.d. P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Dorothy Karayannis Craft
  • WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the U.S.Art & Cultural Property Theft Archivist: JGP 40421 OA/Box: File Folder: Legislation Date: 4/23/04 DOCUMENT NO. & TYPE I. Memo
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library . DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email SUBJECTffiTLE ' DATE Glyn Davies to Kristen Cicio et al. re: Update from London!Bradtke. (2 pages) 09/04/1997 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library . DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email SUBJECTffiTLE ' DATE Glyn Davies to Kristen Cicio et al. re: Update from London!Bradtke. (2 pages) 09/04/1997 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Article on PFLP (1 page) · 003. memo 11115/1995 08/2511994 P5 yo~i Holleman to Associate Attorney General; RE: PFLP Litigation (2 pages) 08/24/1994 P5 ~-. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File-General JL003 OA/Box Number
  • and Miriam Mason [partial] (1 page) 04/11/94 P6/b(6) L\~"1-~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General ME CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY OA/Box Number: 23559 FOLDER TITLE: 074832 Kelly Hendren 2006-0489-F kh260 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo ·DATE SUBJECTfi'ITLE Jerry M. Hultin to POTUS; re: Student Loan Marketing Association (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File-General 02
  • note "all staff contact" (I page) n.d. P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Chief of Staff Jennifer O'Connor OA/Box Number: 6139 FOLDER TITLE: Joycelyn Elders 20 I0-0449-F ds373 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Clinton Library DOCUMENT AND TYPE NO. 001. memo Sheet DATE SUBJECTITITLE 09/02/1993 Michael Kantor to POTUS; reo NAFTA Calls (I page) RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File-General
  • ] (l page) 12/29/1997 P6/b(6) 009. email Joseph P. Lockhart to Lawrence J. Haas at 17:02:32.00. Subject: [none] (l page) 03/11/1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] WHO ([Creator: Joe
  • [partial] (1 page) 07/1811996 P6/b(6) 005b. list Child Welfare Discussions; RE: dates of birth [partial] (1 page) 01/1811996 P6/b(6) 006. paper Chat Sessions; RE: phone numbers [partial] ( 1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • : HUD (1 page) 11/05/98 P5 002d. letter To Vice President Gore from Olympia Snowe re: ;HUD (2 pages) 10/30/98 . c.oo3~ P5 -
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTffiTLE K.reczko, Alan J. to Lake; Anthony re: Rwanda Drawdown (2 pages) 001. email 07/28/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: · Clinton Presidential Records . NSCEmails
  • to Gergen, Dreyer, Boorstin; re: State of the Union (2 pages) 01/06/1994 P5 vl93 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU 1994 - Theme Memos Jimmie Purvis
  • . email Alan Kreczko to Donald Steinberg re: Genocid (I page) 05/26/1994 P5 018. cable Theory and Practice in the Security Council: Haiti, Georgia, Rwanda (3 pages) 05/28/1994 Pl/b(l) Coo?-8 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National
  • : Bosnia Strategy (4 pages) 07/1211995 PI/b(I), P5 P5 ) (.p00 3 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Nancy Soderberg (Staff Director). ONBox Number: 1402 FOLDER TITLE: Bosnia, July 1995 [I] Jimmie Purvis 2006-0647-F
  • pages) 04/05/1996 P5 00 !d. list Informal Summary of Individual Borwn Proposals (6 pages) ca. 04/1996 P5 00 I e. talking Talking Points (I page) ca. 04/1996 P5 Gl33 points COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTffiTLE re: Proposed Executive Order entitled "Labor Management Partnerships" (1 page) 10/0111993 . ~-- '; P5 (oDOl . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • page) 07/1711998 Pl/b(l), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Samuel Berger (National Security Advisor) ONBox Number: 1485 FOLDER TITLE: SRB Emails & Notes, I/98-7/98 [2] Jimmie Purvis 2006-0191-F . 235
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTrfiTLE Reed, Bruce & Echaveste, Maria to the President re: White House Conference on Hate Crimes (partial] (3 pages) 11106/1997 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email SUBJECTffiTLE From Jeffrey D Goldstein To JulieT Bosland (2 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Julie Bosland OA/Box Number: 21677
  • re: Situation in Rwanda/Burundi (1 page) 08/18/1994 Pl/b(l). 009. report re: Situation in R wanda/Bunindi ' ( 1 page). 08/17/1994 Pl/b(l) 010. list re:. Points to be Made for n.d. Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presideritial'Records National
  • ~: ··:'•4. .- ~ ~-' ;./ :\,,:,: :.•'. ·'· '·'' I I I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Su~ject File-General FGOOl-08 ONBox Number: 21790 FOLDER TITLE: 0716.53SS CLINTON LIBRARY P~OTOCOPY Debbie Bush 2008-0732-F .. . , db2751 I
  • . (3 pages) 07/0211999 P2, P6/b(6) to .. 009. email· . COLLECTION: .· Clintori Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] WHO ([Janet Napolitano]) OA/Box Number: 500000 FOLDER TITLE: [11/09/1993- 11/20/2000] 2010-0683-F
  • . memo Personal Data Statement Questionnaire. (3 pages) 04/16/1993 P6/b(6) 009d. form SF-86. (12 pages) 04/17/1993 P6/b(6) GIO\ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Jane Schaffuer OA/Box Number: CF 1636 FOLDER TITLE
  • /b(l) 008. email Baker to National Security Advisor re: Marzook Update (1 page) 03/31/1997 P1/b(l), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Legal Advisor (Alan Kreczko) OA!Box Number: 2600 FOLDER TITLE: Marzook
  • ,o3\ "i" COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails MSMail-Non-Record (Sept 94-Sept 97) (f Asp in Brovro Commission1) ONBox Number: 605000 FOLDER TITLE: [02/1611996- 0711111996] Kara Ellis 2006-1023-F ke793 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • pages) n.d. P5 I 006. talking poirits I re: Alejandre et al v. Republic of Cuba (Partial) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Recq;ds Counsel's Office 0912211999 P5 CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY OA!Box Number: 20839 FOLDER TITLE: Brothers
  • 30 ~5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Chris Cerf OA/Box Number: 5370 FOLDER TITLE: Travel - Thomason; Martens Debbie Bush 2006-0946-F db2505 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) PI National
  • Wage (5 pages) 004. memo Gene Sperling to The President; RE: Minimum Wage (5 pages) 005. memo Gene Sperling to The President; RE: Minimum Wage (5 pages) 006. memo Gene Sperling to The President; RE: Minimum Wage (5 pages). COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Rodham Clinton and Ira Magaziner from Amy Lee Stewart (14 pages) 06/14/93 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Policy Develoment Magaziner, Ira (Subject Files) DAiBox Number: 10019 FOLDER TITLE: Comments to Draft Plan [5] Rhonda
  • (lhpn:arng'l""e)T---------'-- 2/24/1999 P6/b(6} n.d. P5 006. notes · UN Strategy (4 pages) c2rt3 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Chief of Staff Ann Lewis OA/Box Number: 16429 FOLDER TITLE: Bijing Plus Five Whitney Ross 2006-0 198-F wr774
  • P1/b(1) 011. email WHSR [originated- American Embassy, London] to Bandler, Donald K. et al. re: Northern Ireland: U.S. Game Plan Funding the Peace Process (5 pages) 03/27/1998 P1/b(1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security
  • Samuel Berger to John Podesta, re: Meeting with Ambassador Rohatyn (3 pages) 04/07/2000 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council European Affairs (Blinken, Anthony) OAJBox Number: 3506 FOLDER TITLE: France - Berger Meeting
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT/TITLE DATE For George Stephanopoulos from David Kusnet. Subject: Very Fast Thoughts on the Administration's ... (2 pages) 12/10/1993 P5 0>0o0 COLLECTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Maria Marquez re: Radio Martil (4 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Sub_ject File-General FG298-01 OA!Box
  • in Haiti (1 page) 09/12/1994 PS - l~q I Iel 't~ 1~or 3 .r-.. .. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Records Management ([Haiti and Lake]) OA!Box Number: 213 FOLDER TITLE: 9407276 Rob Seibert 2006-0187-F rsl97 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet ·Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECf!fiTLE 07/13/2000 re: Conference Call with Hector Garza (3 pages) 001. note RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY Clinton Presidential Records
  • COLLECTION:! Clinton Presidential Records Automated Re6ords Management System [Email] I OPD ([Andrer "Andy" Spahn]) OA/Box Number [250000] FOLDER TITLE: I [01117/1999- 06/14/1999] Adam Bergfeld 2013-0017-F abl019 REST~ICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • . talking points Talking Points (1 page) ca. 04/1996 P5 . . Rand Beers to Anthony Lake, re: Meeting with Harold Brown and W airen Rudman (2 pages) 02/14/1996 P1/b(1) 003. memo COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council lntel
  • {+ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Presidential Personnel OA/Box Number: 14599 FOLDER TITLE: Board for International Broadcasting (B~B)/BBG [Broadcasting Board of Governors] [1] Rob Seibert 2006-0202-F rs137 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • . 1>5 :005 .. statement re: Explanation of proposal (6 pages) n.d. P5 09/22/1999 P5 :oo6. talking points · re: Alejandre eta! v. Republic of Cuba (Partiai) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office OA/Box Number: 20839
  • Information, (partial) 01 page) n.d. P6/b(6) 003. note RE: Big 7 ConsultatioJ (1 page) n.d. P5 001. memo 002a. list 002b. list 002f. list I . I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General (FG006-01) OA/Box Number: 18033
  • Policy POD (1 page) 02/28/1996 Pl/b(l), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Defense Policy (Seaton, James) OA/Box Number: 1179 FOLDER TITLE: National Space Policy (95-96 IWG [Interagency Working Group] [1] 2008-0830
  • . Record ID: 9504762. (2 pages) 07/0111995 Pl/b(l) 003. handwritten notes [re: BRAC Meeting] (3 pages) 06/30/1995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Defense Policy (Robert Bell) ONBox Numbes; 1588 FOLDER TITLE
  • to the President, re: Funding Haiti Migration/Safe Haven Operations (4 pages) ca. 1994 PS Jamie Gorelick to Sandy Berger, re: [Fund] (I page) 07/17/1994 P5 lt>o:l,~ • ~· COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Multilateral
  • , incomplete copy (I page) ca. 01/24/1993 Pl/b(l), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Press (Philip J. (PJ) Crowley) OAJBox Number: 3104 FOLDER TITLE: Department of Defense [5] Kelly Hendren 2011-0516-S kh606 RESTRICTION
  • ) 2/18/1997 P2, P5, b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] Default ([National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System, NPOESS]) OA/Box Number: 1100000 FOLDER TITLE: [1/23/1997- 9/5/1997
  • . form Presidential Acknowledgement Letter, re: Deixler [partial] (1 page) 4/21/2000 P6/b(6) 012. form Presidential Acknowledgement Letter, re: Quicksilver [partial] (1 page) 4/21/2000 P6/b(6) Lt~~0 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • P5 Rudman, Warren B. to the President re: [PFIAB Report on Security and Counterintelligence Problems at the Department of Energy] (2 pages) 06/30/2000 P5 •.:Q lM:hJetter Dvr }o 1tt-k Y~\S Ll~ \(0 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National
  • . .. ~ -.... .. ~ Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email DATE SUBJECT/TITLE 08/0111995 Edwards, Joan to Kreczko, Alan J. re: 5497 Request for Prison· Release (4 pages) RESTRICTION P5 I i COLLECTION
  • ) 0611511995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records . National Security Council African Affairs (Steinberg, James/Rice, Susari/DeShazer, McArthur/McCormick, Shawn) ONBox Number: 872 FOLDER TITLE: Zimbabwe 1995 2006-0457-F kelliO RESTRICTION CODES
  • R. Berger Assistan to the President for National Security Affairs at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. (13 pages) 09/29/2000 0~9D P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records· Speechwriting . _ .. - Heather Hurlburt, John Pollack
  • ·COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System (Email) OPD 1993/01 - 1998/12 ONB.ox Number: 250000 FOLDERTITLE: [4/14/94- 1 i/14/94] Rhonda Young 2006-0 184-F r 328 RESTRICTION CODES Presidentiaf Records Act- ]44 U.S.C. 2204
  • Affirmative Presentation. (2 pages) n.d. Pl/b(I), P5 010. note James Baker to Samuel Berger. (I page) 1995 Pl/b(l) 0 II. note Handwritten note. [partial] (I page) 01/17/1995 b(7)(C), b(7)(D), b(7)(E) JS3~ Dl 5 55 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • (Partial) Phone No. (Partial) (I page) 03/03/1995 P6/b(6) I" COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General FG006-0I OA/Box Number: 100742 FOLDER TITLE: 117262 2006-0651-F bm458 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144
  • :00.00. Subject: Comments on . homeless plan. (4 pages) 02/17/1994 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System fEmaill OPD (rDisabi1itiesl) OA/Box Number: 250000 FOLDER TITLE: (03/30/1993- 0211711994] Adam Bergfeld
  • to Records Management at 12:39:26.00. Subject: Official USSS WAVES Request- Records Management Document. [partial] (1 page) 07/09/1997 P6/b(6) 012. email 016. email Fer~son- COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System
  • ) 01/06/2000 P5 (p 007. briefmg paper re: Legislative option Flatow and BTTR case (3 pages) 01/28/2000 Ps ?..03.1 -~tf ~StD. 9 OvpJ-S?-0 {,r~ o~o35 0~03~ 0?-.017 o9.oj8 '15~ D~o39 0 -65 6153 t)')...o''"\' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails Exchange-Record (Sept 97-Jan 01) ([Camp David]) OA/Box Number: 620000 FOLDER TITLE: [08/11/2000-08117 /2000] Van Zbinden 2008-0729-F vz1595 'RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- !44 U.S.C. 2204
  • to John Podesta, re: Meeting with Ambassador Rohatyn (3 pages) 04/07/2000 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council European Affairs (Biinken, Anthony) ONBox Number: 3506 FOLDER TITLE: France- Berger.Meeting with Felix
  • : Strategy for Dealing with ... Record 10: 9706663 (5 pages) 10/06/1997 P5 004. memo To Janet Reno from Robert Litt. Subject: President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP). (6 pages) 05/18/1997 P5 ~&sl} COLLECTION: Clinton
  • (2 pages) 003. email Judson Bruns to Michael Hammer et al pages) re: Draft Chili Package (2 RESTRICTION 11/14/2000 P1/b(l) 11/17/2000 P5 (L3 Cff). 11/22/2000 P5 (o?/1J COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Erriails Exchange-Non
  • P5 006a. draft re: Regulatory Review Reform (5 pages) 03/26/1993 P5 006b. list re: Principles of Regulatory Review (1 page) 03/26/1993 P5 Coo8G COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Chief of Staff Bill Burton· OA/Box Number: 2780 FOLDER
  • United States Engagement with Russia (2 pages) 09/09/1999 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Ted Widmer (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 2191 FOLDER TITLE: Russia Jimmie Purvis 2006-0471-F . 1600 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Meeting (I page) 10116/1995 P1/b(l) I 002k.·gr· COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Nation~! Security Council I Legal tdvisor (Baker, James) 1 OA/Bo~ Number: 3277 FOLDER TITLE: [Close~ Folder Title] Kara Ellis 2006-1171-F kel314 I
  • Records (7 pages) ca. 03/2000 P5 COLLECTION:\ Clinton Presidential Records National Secu~~ity Council Legal Advisor (Derosa, Mary) ONBox Number: 4057 I FOLDER TITLE: Transition lssu~s [I] 2008-00 15-F kel581 RESTRICTION CODES I Presidential Records r
  • : Funding Haiti Migration/Safe Haven Operations (4 pages) Jamie Gorelick to Sandy Berger, re: [Fund] (I page) y-.,·1w ·COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Multilateral & Humanitarian Affairs (Schwartz, Eric) OA/Box Number
  • RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File-General JLOOI-01 ONBox Number: 23375 FOLDER TITLE: l67128SS Jimmie Purvis 2012-0020-F . 2916 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom
  • : Appointees (2 pages) 01/16/01 P2, b(6) 005. fax To: John Podesta From: Diane Rossi Re: Agency Designee {I page) 01/12/01 P2, b(6) 006. fax To: John Podesta From: Lawrence H. Summers Re: Designation {I page) 01/12/01 P2, b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • /09/1998 COLLECTION: ClintouPrcsidentialRecords National Security Council NSC Records Management (PRS-Presidential Records [''VOA ']) OA/Bcx Nwnber: 3265 FOLDER TITLE: 9804959 RESTRICTIOl\" CODES Pn:oldentlaiReoordsA
  • to Members of Congress Concerning China's Trade Status] (1 page) 11129/1999 P5 Y~\C(I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Records Management rHutcbinson near As a ... 1 OA/Box Number: 2758 FOLDER TITLE: 990873 Eric Holzer 2006-0 185-F eh579
  • /1995 P5 007b. talking points reo Bildt Talking Points (2 pages) 12/04/1995 P5 008. paper reo War Crimes (2 pages) 02/10/1996 Pllb(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Matt Lorin (DemocracylHuman ONBox Number
  • ) 10/18/2000 Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Gayle Smith et al (African Affairs) OA/Box Number: 3061 FOLDER TITLE: Byrne -Victor Butt Jimmie Purvis 2006-0684-F . 1829 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • (6) COLLECTION: . Clinton Presidential Records ·Cabinet Affairs 'Kitty Higgins ,ONBox Number: 8996 F~LDER TITLE: Box I, Folded: [Affirmative Action- March 20, I995 to May, 22, 1996] [I] Whitney Ross 2008-0308-F wr485 RESTRICTION CODES Pre
  • : Update (2 pages) 05/26/1998 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails Exchange-Non-Record (Mar 97- Jan 01) ([Bilderberg]) OA/Box Number: 630000 FOLDER TITLE: [06/02/ 1997 - II /04/ 1999] 2008-0637-F ds372 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • ; RE: Tony Lewis Article on PFLP (1 page) 08/25/1994 P5 003. memo Holleman to Associate Attorney General; RE: PFLP Litigation (2 pages) 08/24/1994 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Su~ject File-General JL003 OA/Box Number: 17969
  • P5 008. email Wendy Gray to Moffett re: FW: CIA [partial] [CIA Act] (2 pages) 01/08/1997 P3/b(3) (fl173 f..P l/ ~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails MSMail~Record (Sept 94-Sept 97) ([Lake and DCI and Nominat. .. ]) OA!Box
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library . DOCUMENT NO.. · AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECT!fiTLE · n.d. JFF.pdf (3 pages) ~OfY P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Health Care Task Force Lynn Margherio ONBox Number: 48 ].2 FOLDER
  • (1 page) 05/29/2000 P5 007a. email Andrew Weiss to Mark Medish; re: RFE/RL (1 page) 05/29/2000 P5 007b. email Andrew Weiss to Mark Medish; re: RFE/RL (2 pages) 05/29/2000 P5 COLLECTION:. Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails . Exchange
  • Team Meeting Memo (2 pages) 09/14/.1994 P1/b(1) 012. email From Murphy; re: Situation Room Morning Summary (2 pages) 09/16/1994 P1/b(1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails A1-Non-Record (Apr 94-Sept 94) ([Rwanda & Soderberg]) OA
  • : Preseidential Advisory Board for Cuban Broadcasting. (3 pages) 03/26/1997 P5. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails MSMail-Record (Sept94-Sept97) ([Geoffrey Cowan]) OA/Box Number: 590,000 FOLDER TITLE: [0 1/02/1997 - 03/26/1997] Debbie Bush
  • of the Union (6 pages) 12/12/1999 P5 002. paper re: Working Ideas for State ofthe Union (6 pages) n.d. L(l~3 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Andrew Rotherham (Education) OA/Box Number: 21293 FOLDER TITLE: State ofthe
  • (6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] WHO ([Tim Russert]) ONBox Number: 500000 FOLDER TITLE: [06/28/1993-0711811995] Bevin Maloney 2008-1237-F bmll9 RESTRICTION CODES Freedom
  • 005. email Newell L. Highsmith to James E. Baker; re: Rwanda (1 page) 03/17/1998 . P5 C.ODL?(o COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Derosa (Legal Advisor) OA!Box Number: 2952 FOLDER TITLE: Voice of America [1
  • Wilhelm to Lori Moore re: Critical Infrastructure Meeting (3 I I pages) 006. email Joseph Sestak to Robert Bell re: Critical Infrastructure Meeting (3 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails MSMail~Record (Sept 94-Sept 97
  • . Subject: speech stuff. (partial) (1 page) 01/07/2000 P61b(6) OIl. email Sandra Thurman to Charles W. Burson at 17:36:47.00. Subject: per our discussion. (3 pages) 07/28/2000 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records
  • (NMI-I) (2 pages) ca. November, 1998 PS 003. briefing paper Meeting with Governor Pedro Tenorio (I-NMI) (4 pages) 11/20/98 ul3 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bridget McGovern and Brad Winter OA/Box Number: 18562
  • ~ 4\\ (, D~hc...h..~ 00£.... COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Speechwriting (Paul Orzulak) OA/Box Number: 4022 ··'.· FOLDER TITLE: [Miscellaneous Materials and Dartmouth] [1] Jamie Metrailer 2008-0702-F 'm218
  • (partial) {lpage) nd. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: ClintonPresiclentiaiRecords WHORM-SuQfect File-General sc OA/BoxNwnber. 14023 FOLDER TITLE: 004!03SS Jimnrl~ RESTRICTION CODES Preoldenda!RetordoAci·(44U.S.C.2204(a)] 1'1 National Seeurlty Cluoified l
  • Broadcasting (3 pages) 09/01/93 P5 008. memo Ernest Wilson to Rosner re: Hill and Others (1 page) n.d. P1/b(1), P5 009. memo Ernest Wilson to Wiedemann re: Radio Free Asia (1 page) 10/25/93 P1/b(1) Co051 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • . resume RE: Ambassador Timothy L. Towell (partial) (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) \ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Alpha File Mack McLarty OA!Box Number: I 0206 FOLDER TITLE: [247747] [1] Debbie Bush 2006-0209-F db81 RESTRICTION CODES
  • /1997 · Pllb(O 00 1c. letter Letter, Bermudan Prime Minister Pamela Gordon to POTUS (2 pages) 06/17/1997 P1/b(1) P5 J COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Records Management PRS-Presidential Records ([Blair]) OA/Box Number: 163 I FOLDER
  • ) (4 pages) 11/17/1999 P6/b(6) 1111711999 PS 002. memo . Neal Lane to John Podesta re: Possible Joint U.S.-U.K. Statement of the Human Genome Project (3 pages) (g 32.7 COLLECTION: Cliriton· Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris
  • /94 P5 002. memo Emanuel, Griffin and Ron Klain to POTUS re: General Update on Crime Bill Conference, Rule, and Final Passage (partial) (2 pages) 07/08/94 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed (Crime
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffiTLE · 001. memo For the President From David Watkins re: Presidential Yacht Sequoia (1 page).· 11101/93 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: · Clinton Presidential
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Access Management (William Leary) OA/Box Number: 3641 FOLDER TITLE: Kennedy Records Review Board [3] Kelly Hendren 2006-0528:F kh535 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C
  • ~ 00 I. note To Kathi Whalen from Meredith Cabe. Subject: FACA. 002. draft (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Kathleen Whalen OA/Box Number: CF 817 FOLDER TITLE: PFIAB 2006-0995-F vz818 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Burke and Bonnie Campbell from Debbie . Fine re: Meeting on Domestic Violence and Custody Issues (partial) (1 page) 06/05/96 P6/b(6) CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records. Domestic Policy Council Cynthia Rice (Subject
  • . resume Personal. [partial] (1 page) 1993 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office ONBox Number: CF 1563 FOLDER TITLE: [Appointees] Pote, Harold [I] Van Zbinden 2006-1 002-F vz363 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • . Robinson at I 0:50:34.45. Subject: Confirmation: Appt.Request for Emanuel, Rham I. (partia}) (I page) 11/0711995 P6/b(6), b(7)(C), b(7)(F) \~IL COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] WHO ([Bersin]) OA/Box
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. email SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Robert Tyrer to John Podesta and Dawn Smalls re: no subject (partial) (2 pages) 07/08/1999 RESTRICTION P5, b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • to the Republic ofPalau (1 page) n.d. P2, P5 003. profile re: Nomination of Ambassador to the Republic of Palau (3 pages) 04/00/1995 P2, P5, P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Su~ject Fl.le-General F0002 CLINTON LIBRARY .PHOTOCOPY ' OA
  • ) 05/3111994 Pl/b(l) 006c. notes re: Handwritten Notes - Rwanda- UNDPKO (6 pages) 05/3111994 Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Susan Rice (Global Affairs) ONBox Number: 356 FOLDER TITLE: Rwanda (Continued
  • to the President, re: Meeting with Secretary Cohen and General Shlikashvili (3 pages) OOlb. memo 07/3011997 ca. 07/1997 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Defense Policy -Bell OA/Box Number: 3587 FOLDER TITLE: Khobar Towers
  • Ricchetti at I 0:12:00.00. Subject: Briefing on Russia · and Somalia to Congress today. (I page) 10/05/1993 P5 004. email Roderick VonLipsey to Fax at 15:35:00.00. Subject: Foreign/Security Policy Meme (2 pages) 10/25/1993 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • page) 9/2211998 PS 002. note For Gene Sperling, re: meeting with Citicorp and Travelers (2pages) n.d. PS '[() L-6 lJ {)o ·Io'"Lr ?u~
  • to Walt Slocombe re: Visit of Senior Vietnamese Colonels (1 page) 02/14/97 P5, P6/b(6) 003g. memo Ann Mills Griffiths to Walt Slocombe re: Visit of Senior Vietnamese Colonels (1 page) 02/14/97 P5, P6/b(6) (oD\8 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • to Diana Fortuna at 09:07:35.94. Subject: Evelyn. (partial) (2 pages) 05/23/1996 P5, P6/b(6) Go8'8 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Emaill OPD ([Disabilitiesl) ONBox Number: 250000 FOLDER TITLE: [05/15/1996
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Firs~ Lady's Office Melanne Verveer (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: I 0254 FOLDER TITLE: :Beijing: General Participants-Publications-Briefmgs [I] Rich Sheridan 2006-1301-F ms!O RESTRICTION CODES Free~om Presidential
  • to Alan Kreczko, re: ortiz update 5:15 pm (2 pages) 04/22/1996 003. email William Danvers to Jane Baker, et al., re: Bosnia-lran call list (4 pages) 04/22/1996 P5 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails MSMail - Record (Sept 94 - Sept
  • 006. memo Anthony Lake and Patrick Griffin to President Clinton (1 page) 07/12/1995 P5 ~3t3 u3Ji COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Defense Policy (Robert Bell) OA/Box Number:. 1588 FOLDER TITLE: BRAC-95 [Base
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. paper SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Gun Litigation (4 pages) n.d. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Anna Richter OA/Box Number: 23735 FOLDER TITLE: Gun
  • I ' I , iI I Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library Me!Jlorandum for the President from Helen Howell. Subject-Recent Inormation Items. (3 pages) 001. memo COLLECTION: DATE SUBJECTffiTLE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE RESTRICTION 09/22/1996
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. DATE SUBJECT!IITLE RESTRICTION AND TYPE 001. paper· re: Recapturing the Initiative (Jerry M. Hultin) (5 pages) 12/1994 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File
  • ! Cutb Lynn G. Cmlet tCI Mat]ori~ 'Janney~~ at0S:20:0R.OO.Subject.R~:I 06·58:00. SnbJC'd I was told (lpar,e) 02/16/2000 P5 02/]8.'2001) COLLECTION: C:lintrln Pres1de11tial Record< Alllornal~J I
  • pages) ·5ft9-Q-9s..-.--P¥16Fr1Phio(r-n6rt-)-- 008. note Les Aspin 278. (2 pages) 4/1995 _QJL0.:7/199 5 lO 13v.. P3.43~3~, bE+~EG~ ~(3) . 02/14/1995 P3/b(3) P3Po(3), b(i)(C) P5 l 0 ILf ./ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's
  • and Elizabeth R Newman at 21:19:04:00. Subject: Out of the office 5/5~5/11. (partial) (2 pages) 06/02/2000 P2 ~OlD'\ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System !'Emaill OPD ([Richard Blumenthall) OA/Box Number: 500000
  • . Rasco at 15:33:00.00. Subject: nsc/haitians. (2 pages) 05/03/1994 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] OPD ([Clinton and Haitian Refugee]) OA/Box Number: 250000 FOLDER TITLE: [04/14/1994- 05/03/1994
  • ) c. 6/1998 P6/b(6) 004. note Home Phone Numbers. [partial] (1 page) 6/1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: ·Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting JeffShesol OA/Box Number: CLINTON LIBRA-RY PHOTOCOPY 18762 FOLDER TITLE: [Commencement 6/5/98 MIT
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM Subject File-General Fl OA/Box Number: 21844 FOLDER TITLE: 302191SS 20 I 0-0673-F ds369 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l . . Freedom of Information Act- IS U.S.C. 552(b)J . PI
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library SUBJECTffiTLE DATE RESTRICTION John Holum to POTUS; re: Nixon Center Speech (I page) DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 02/28/1995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert
  • ) Oil. email Erica Barks-Ruggles to Glyn Davies, re: Kenya/Tanzania Video (I page) 08/13/1998 P5 012. email Erica Barks-Ruggles toM. Kay Joshi, re: Next of Kin POTUS letters (I page) 08/17/1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • for Iraq (I page) 1/27/1998 Pl/b(l), P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails Exchange-Record (Sept 97- Jan 01) ([Worldnet]) ONBox Number: 620000 FOLDER TITLE: [09/ 19/1997 - 0 I /29/ 1998] 2006-0205-F . 1250 RESTRICTION CODES
  • 7-3S COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Chief of Staff Bill Burton OA/Box Number: 277'5 FOLDER TITLE: [Correspondence with Cabinet- Housing and Urban Development] {2] 2006-0220-F rv506 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- (44 U.S.C
  • $ 002. email attachment Robert Raben to Speaker Dennis Hastert (4 pages) 0610612000 P5 I 4UL ~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] OPD ([Welfare Residence and Immigration Responsibility Act]) OA/Box
  • Democracy in the Global Economy: An Opening Dialogne, HRC handwritten notes (8 pages) 09/21/1998 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Speechwriting (Laura Schiller: Meetings, Speeches, Events 10/98 - 12/98) OA/Box Number: 24612
  • Howes Re: Millennium Evening Invitees (I page) 09/05/1999 P5 003. email Sarah Howes Re: 10 min. for question help [partial] (I page) 10/041/1999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System rEmaill WHO
  • '· Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Lihrary DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE Bill Richardson to The President; Causus ( 1 page) DATE RE:. Congressional Hispanic 09116/1993 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • 003. memo From Chris Jennings & Steve Richetti; re: Congressional Update/Strategy for Health Reform (8 pages) 04/14/1993 P5 004. draft memo re: Health on the Hill (8 pages) 04/05/1993 P5 i?to].~~Ji~p!o YA:~?-- COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • for Renomination of Tom Harvey to the Board ofthe United States Institute of Peace (2 pages) 06/21/1993 P2, P5 003. fax "Gabby" Hartnett to Christine Varney; re: Health Care for Persian GulfVeterans (1 page) 05/27/1993 P5, b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. Sheet DATE SUBJECTfflTLE RESTRICTION AND TYPE 001. email 01/14/2000 From Mary L Smith To Samir Afridi (I page) P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speech writing Samir Afridi OAIBox
  • \. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Defense Policy (D. Brian Peterman) OA/Box Number: 2370 FOLDER TITLE: Rudman Bevin Maloney 2006-1 000-F bm227 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S. C. 2204(a)] PI P2 P3 P4
  • ·. Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Lloyd S. Etheredge to Thomas A. Kalil re: Your 04/i 9 Presentation. (2pages) · 05/25/1999 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Muscatine. (Partial) (1 page) 08/08/2000 P6/b(6) 008. list Telephone contact list. (Partial) (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office First Ladys }>ress Office (Lissa Muscatine) ONBox Number: 21396 FOLDER
  • Jefferson Clinton, re: unresolved iss.ue (2 pages) 10/2111999 9 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council African Affairs (Smith, Gayle/Sanders, Robin/Barks-Ruggles, Erica/Prendergast, John) OA/Box Number: 2855 FOLDER
  • /1994 P5 003. memo Tom Wolanin to Bill Galston re: Sallie Mae privatization (2pages) 01/2711995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Coi.mcil Gaynor McCown (Subject Files) OAJBox Number: 7321. FOLDER TITLE: Sallie Mae [1
  • To Nancy Hernreich from Hal Hunnicutt re: Henry Cisneros (1 page) 05/12/94 P5, P6/b(6) 001. note To Carol Rasco from N.H. re: HUD (1 page) 002. list Re: HUD-New Hampshir{:! 003. fax 004. note 006. letter 008. fax 0 page) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Economic Counicl Trade Policy Meeting (4 pages) 11/30/2000 ((.Q.IO P5 {(Q.t( COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Economic Council William Kissenger OA/Box Number: 24549 FOLDER TITLE: Singapore FTA 2009-00 13-F r 1521 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library ... ''··, DOCUMENT NO. ·AND TYPE oo 1. briefing paper/. SUBJECTffiTLE DATE . Q&A on Economic Policy Matters [partial] (3 pages) RESTRICTION n.d . P5 \ .c COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • '-'~ '2,- COLLECTION: · Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File-General LE002 OA/Box Number: 23401 FOLDER TITLE: 124494 Van Zbinden 2007-0624-F vzll91 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S. C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Council of Economic Advisers Jason Seligman OA/Box Number: 23924 FOLDER TITLE: Financial Mkts Work Group (2)-CFTC/Treasury Amendment 20 I 0-0673-F r5 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l
  • page) 02/17/1999 P5, P6/b(6) 003. email Gov by Gov issue (I page) . .02/17/1999 P5, P6/b(6) 004. email Gov by Gov issue (I page) 02/17/1999 P5, P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records A~tomated Records Management System [ARMS] WHO
  • (6) 011. form Presidential Acknowledgement Letter, re: Deixler [partial] (1 page) 4/2112000 P6/b(6) 012. form Presidenti(\1 Acknowledgement Letter, re: Quicksilver [partial] (1 page) 4/2112000 P6/b(6) \.
  • Affinnative Action paper (I page) 8/1/1995 P5 lc9 q COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records · Chief of Staff George Stephanopoulos ONBox Number: 5682 FOLDER TITLE: Affinnative Action [2] 2008-0308-F wr446 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT!TITLE DATE Peter Rendlet to Sylvia Mathews re: Options for Petitioning the Supreme Court on Prop 209. (2 pages) 09/11/1997 RESTRICTION P5 j;JJ~ COLLECTION
  • : [federal statutes] that Census officials keep covered census information confidential- (12 pages) · 05/18/99 RESTRICTION P5 CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY- COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Cynthia Rice (Subject Files) ONBox
  • Edits USA AcctsA/14/99. (1 page) 04/13/1999 Co l8£o P5 . CLINTON LIBRARY PBO'fOCffi'¥ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting JeffShesol OA/Box Number: 19945 FOLDER TITLE: Hugh Sidney Interview 3/31/99 Van Zbinden 2006-0467-F
  • ) 003. email attachment Confidential Kosovo Communications Strategy. (3 pages) 004. email attachment Confidential Kosovo Communications RESTRICTION [none] P5 [none] P5 [none] P5 [none] P5 ...,. Str~tegy. (3 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • on the Presidential Election (1 page) ca. 12/2000 P5 OOlc. draft Statement on Election Results (5 pages) 12/14/2000 P5 COLLECTION: 411 Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Pollack, John ([Election]) OAIBox Number: 19908 FOLDER TITLE: Election Comments
  • of October 21 (6 pages) 10/22/1993. P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Cerf, Chris and Divoll, Vicki OA/Box Number: 10495 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting with Rep. Clinger- 12/93 Kelly Hendren 2006-0225-F kh256 RESTRICTION CODES
  • to President; RE: Options for addressing the religion/school prayer (1 page) 05/27/1995 P5 George Stephanopoulos to the President; RE: Options for Addressing Religion/School Prayer (6 pages) 05/2611995 P5 \: COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Podesta et al; re: State of the Union Address (4 pages) 01/04/1994 P5 llg1 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: Sotu 1994 - Cabinet Requests Jimmie Purvis
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email SUBJECTffITLE DATE James Seaton to Joseph Sestak; re: Downing - Comrruind Failures (6 pages) 09/18/1996 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC
  • Millison. Subject: 7296-Killian TPS. (4 pages) 10/05/1995 Pllb(l) \, 1'. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails MSMail-Record (Sept 94-Sept 97) {[Les Aspinl) ONBox Number: 590000 FOLDER TITLE:. [05/22/1995-1 0/0511995] Van Zbinden 2006
  • . resume John Shelby Bryan [partial] (I page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Presidential Personnel ONBox Number: 19104 FOLDER TITLE: Bryan, John Shelby 2006-1 005-F wr638 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 lJ.S.C
  • ', ,. 003. talking points Against Mike Parker (I page) n.d. P5 004. bio Ronnie Musgrove (1 pagy} n.d. P5 005. bio Jerry Young (2 pages) n.d. P5 006. schedule POTUS 10/24/1999 [partial] (1 page) 10/24/1999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Wilkie to Mark (I page) 09/07/1993 P5 004. letter Carter Wilkie to David Dreyer (I page) 09/1611993 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Carter Wilkie OA/Box Number: 4273 FOLDER TITLE: Piece on JFK for Life Magazine Jamie
  • & Repatriation (2 pages) 07/19/1994 Pl/b(J), P5 009. paper re: New Measure to Encourage Political Reconciliation in Rwanda (I page) 07/1911994 Pllb(l), P5 010. paper re: Rwanda (2 pages) 07/19/1994 Pllb(l) ) U>l8~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • on Medicare Reform (6 pages) 08/0111999 011. email Christine A Stanek to Barbara D Woolley at 13:00:00.00. Subject: BBA Meeting (2 pages) 11/06/1999 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System fEmaill WHO CrCatb.olics
  • re: Guam Commonwealth bill and Special Representative (4 pages) 0311511993 PS 003c. resume DOB. (Partial) (1 page) 03/15/1993 P6/b(6) . 0311511993 G tJ... 'l ~ o~....p ~')_qq P6/b(6) (.p 'd- C} ~ D~ COLLECTION: ·.· · Clmtcin Presidential
  • Summary (3 pages) 04/28/1995 P5, P6/b(6) 003. memo G. Stephanopoulos and C. Edley to President Clinton, re: Affirmative Action Policy Issues (10 pages) 4/1911995 P5 C? /a_-:::{-1$ g lf1 ~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office
  • ) 05/05/1997 P5 II '0 D COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bill Marshall OA/Box Number: 20350 FOLDER TITLE: Line Item [5] 2007-0624-F vzl214 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom
  • Securities Litigation Reform [with handwritten comments and notes] (2 pages) 1211211995 P5 I lt 'J.~ 003. draft Draft Statement n.d. P5 ~~~3 fo~ H.R. I 058 Securities Litigation Reform. (2 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's
  • Larry M. Lawrence re: position (2 pages) 11/19/1992 P2 0~~ 005b. resume re: Larry M. Lawrence (2 pages) 06/27/1995 P2 q&3 eels COLLECTION:. Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Elena Kagan OA!Box Number: 8291 FOLDER TITLE: Lawrence
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTrriTLE DATE For Distribution from Bruce Reed and Steve Silverman. Subject: Summit Task Forces. (4 pages) 03/03/1997 RESTRICTION P2, P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • Broadcast Media Developments (9 pages) Secretary of State) Washington, D.c: to American Embassy, Sarajevo; re: Response to IMC on Cross-Border Broadcasts (4 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Cables January 1999-December 2000 (["Ring Around
  • /17/1993 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Photo Archive System fStanley Greenberg 1 OA/Box Number: 170000 FOLDER TITLE: [January 20, 1993- January 31, 1995] ·· Dana Simmons 2006-0182-F ds106 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • from Benjamin Barber (5 pages) 03/19/97 P5 001 c. speech Speech draft (2 pages) nd P5 •• COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Terry Edmonds OA/Box Number: 10986 FOLDER TITLE: Summit on America's Future Philadelphia, P A [9
  • : letter . '1o COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Miscellaneous) OA/Box Number:· 11218 FOLDER TITLE: CHR Memos to the President Kim Coryat 201 0-0198-S kc251 EESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECT/TITLE 03/22/1993 _To Hillary Rodham Clinton From Chris Jennings (4 pages) RESTRICTION P5 \ CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet I' VOl Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTffiTLE DATE RESTRICTION Appellate Memorandum in the Matter of Meinhold v. U.S. Department ofDefense (9 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Osius to Leandro Aragoncillo, re: [For Leon's meeting] (4 pages) 11/09/2000 Pl/b(l) Jtf~o COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Ernails Exchange- Record (Sept 97- Jan 0 I) ([Transition ... ]) · ONBox Number: 620000 FOLDER TITLE: [11/08/2000
  • Memorandum to the President (3 pages) 02/22/1999 P5 YA~~ fb?_., DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE _ __,~~ ~OO:Fmem'8:J I fA Co~ ~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Policy Development Lisa Green OA/Box Number: 20587 FOLDER TITLE: (Community Reinvestment
  • Campaign Finance Reform [partial] (1 page) 01/3li1997 PS l s~t. 002. email Elena Kagan to Ron Klain re Friday Night (1 page) 02/04/1997 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System (Email) OPD ([From
  • I ' "' I : ' I I I ' ' I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. notes SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Meeting notes, re: Affirmative Action (3 pages) RESTRICTION P5 6/5/1995 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Siberell to June Bartlett, Brooks Bash, Robert Bradtke, et al at 002. email 05/23/2000 06/16/2000 P5 Lot (p 4: 17 PM. Subject: Package 32~8. (5 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Pr9sidential Records ·NSC Emails I Exchange-Record (Sept 97-Jan 01) ([John
  • ), b(7)(F) Subject: re:re: [none] (2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System rEmail] WHO ([Farewell Address 1) OAIBox Number: 500000 FOLDER TITLE: [01/17/2001 - 01/18/2001] Adam Bergfeld 2008-0941-F ab833
  • : immigration. (1 page) 02/13/1995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records ·Management System [Email] OPD ([Operation Gatekeeper]) OA/Box Number: 250000 FOLDER TITLE: [09/22/1994 - 07 /08/) 996] 2011-0376-F xx2 RESTRICTION CODES
  • SRB China remarks to Business Roundtable (l page) 02/08/2000 P5 002b. statement re: Draft National Security Advisor Samuel Business Roundtable on China (8 pages) 02/08/2000 P5 E. Berger remarks to the COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • 002. memo w/attach Chris Jennings, Steve Edelstein Re: Meeting with Senator Kerrey ( 19 pages) 5/27/93 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Health S_ecurity Act) ONBox· Number: 23 754 FOLDER TITLE
  • Chris Jennings, Steve Edelstein to Hillary Clinton Re: Meeting with Chairman Dingell (5 pages) 8/9/93 P5 005. memo Chris Jennings, Steve Edelsten to Hillary Clinton Re: Congressman Waxman (3 pages) 8110/93 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • : Cuba Speech (draft 5) ( 4 pages) 09/1611994 Pllb(J) · 006. email 007. email COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails A I -Record (Jan 93 -Sept 94) ([Immigration and Naturalization]) OA/Box Number: 570000 · FOLDER TITLE: . [02/23/ 1993
  • (1) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Co~cil Legal Advisor (Baker, James) OA!Box Number: 3277 FOLDER TITLE: [Closed Folder Title] . Kara Ellis 2006-1171-F kel314 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S. C. 2204
  • the CNMI (7 pages) 001. memo DATE 02/26/99 RESTRICTION PS COLLECTION! 1 Clinton Presidential Records Intergovernm~ntal Affairs Jeffrey Farrow OA/Box Numbbr: 24092 I FOLDER TITLE: . I .. Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) I [1
  • /1611997 P5 004c. memo Memo for the Attorney General from the Solicitor General. Subject: NTEU Line Item Veto Case. (4 pages) 12/15/1997 P5 [>~ 0 -f. I t>lle l 0( ~ !01'1 to~o COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles
  • Requests (2 pages) : 004a. memo . 004b. appendix Re: Petitions for Pardon (12 pages) 'bur ~.14'{. .All.f~ _g l4b COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Trey Schroeder ONBox Number: CF 872 FOLDER TITLE: Pardons [First Person FOIA
  • Clinton, re: Long Term Planriing (11 pages) 00 1, schedule 2/8/2000 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File-General FGOOl-07 OA!Box Number: FOLDER TITLE: 417139 Whitney Ross 2007-1287-F wr631 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • WITHDRAWAL SHEET . Clinton library Collection: Domestic Polic:y Council Magaziner, Ira- Electronic Commerce OA/Box:· · OA 13114/Box 16 Archivist: mpw File Folder: Domain Names [5] ~emo 2) Notes Date: 5/27/2004 ·To: Magaziner, From: Kelly, RE
  • from Benjamin Barber (5 pages) 03/19/97 P5 001 c. speech Speech draft (2 pages) nd P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Terry Edmonds OAIBox Number: 10986 FOLDER TITLE: Summit on America's future Philadelphia, PA [9] Rhonda
  • ] (2 pages) 06/08/1998 P5 I I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails Exchange-Record (Sept 97-Jan 01) (fCardoso and Camp Davidl) OA/Box Number: 620000 FOLDER TITLE: [06/05/1998- 06/08/1998] Kara Ellis 2006-0526cF ke290 RESTRICTION
  • DeCamp at 14:17. Subject: This Report Looks Good to Me. (10 pages) 10114/2000 RESTRICTION P2, P5, b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Automated Records Management System [Email] WHO ([James Lynwood Younger]) OA/Box Number: 500000 FOLDER
  • Miyazawa, Prime Minister of Japan (2 pages) 02/0611993 P1/b(1) 002. paper Public Affairs Strategy (5 pages) 05/27/1993 P5 003. paper Proposed Public Affairs Strategy, draft (6 pages) ca. 05/2711993 P5 \, 1'. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Magaziner re: AAPS Case (l page) 12/09/95 P6/b(6) 004. deposition Deposition re: Travel Office {10 pages) 01110196 P2,P5 eood..D COLLECTION:. Clinton Presidential Records Policy Development Ira Magaziner (Su~ject Files) 'ONBox Number: 10006 FOLDER
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT!TITLE DATE Tom Karrto John Holum re: Potential Challenge (17 pages) 01/10/1993 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security
  • /1996 P5 (4 pages) U:>DC)' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records NSC Emails MSMa11-Record (Sept 94-Sept 97) ([Warren Rudman and PFIAB .. ]) OA/Box Number: 590000 FOLDER TITLE: [02/0211995-04/18/1996) Bevin Maloney 2006-1000-F bml55 RESTRICTION
  • . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Near East and South Asian Affairs (Grumman, Stephen) ONBox Number: 723 · FOLDER TITLE: Implementing the E.O. [Executive Order] on Iran [1] I Kara Ellis 2009-1438-F ke1674 RESTRICTION CODES
  • to the Office of the AAG. (2 pages) 06/10/1999 P5 (o 1\3 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Bethany Little OA/Box Number: 18526 FOLDER TITLE: Gore Conference Adam Bergfeld 2006-0226-F ab865 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Stephen R. Neuwirth (Subject File) ONBox Number: 378 FOLDER TITLE: Se~ole Tribe [1] Jimmie Purvis c - - - - - - - - - - ____________ 2Q.06-0197-F . 199 RESTRICTION CODES . Presidentia] Records Act
  • pages) 7/14/1995 P5 DOCUMENT NO. RESTRICTION AND TYPE 003. memo (., ~ CJ l-7 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM-Subject File-General FGOOI-'07 QA!Box Number: 21793 . FOLDER TITLE: 290770SS . Whitney Ross 2008-03Q8-F wr500
  • : Domestic and International Counterterrorism Program Issues (3 pages) 09/12/95 -Plte07 004. memo Morris, Dick to Panetta, Leon et al. re: [FBI Guidelines] (1 page) 10/06/1994 P5 s~ 1 ... sg'~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Chief of Staff
  • l Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Joel to Jeff, re: Race-Conscious Remedies (2 pages) 1/9/1995 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel Office Jeff
  • General; RE: Helms v. Picard (25 pages) 03/05/1999 P5 51"2. IS 1'S COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Elena Kagan OA/Box Number: 14360 FOLDER TITLE: Education- Helms v. Picard [2] Debbie Bush 2009-1 006-F db1532
  • with Senator Tom Harkin (2 pages) 12/15/93 PS COLLECTION:. Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Health Security Act) OA/Box Number: 23754 FOLDER TITLE: December 1993 HSA [ 1] Gary Foulk n 13 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • Dellinger. Subject: Proposed language from Department Justice on Guam Commonwealth legislation (4 pages) 06/2911994 P5 [LCf;D of COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bill Marshall OA/Box Number: . 20350 FOLDER TITLE: Guam
  • and in Support of Defendants' Motion for Summary · Judgement. (32 pages) RESTRICTION 02/25/1997 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Trey Schroeder OA/Box Number: 11601 FOLDER TITLE: Line Item Veto [3] Van Zbinden 2007-0624-F nl23s
  • Brief for the Petitioner (23 pages) 10/08/1996 PS rfL s 0 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office .Elena Kagan ONBox Number: 8285 FOLDER TITLE: Paula Jones Reply Brief (1] Debbie Bush · 2009- I 006-F ' dbl563 RESTRICTION CODES
  • /13/1997 P5 004. paper re: overview of proposals (13 pages) n.d. P5 Ltt '6o Lt l ~·1 1) 1 67[)1..,_, COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Cathy Mays ONBox Number: 18517 FOLDER TITLE: Correspondence and Memos
  • Remarks By The First Lady (23 pages) RESTRICTION P5 -... -~:-:. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office First Lady's Press Office (Lissa Muscatine) OA/Box Number: 20106 FOLDER TITLE: FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 1/18/93- 9/20/93
  • Duplicate of010. (1 page) 03/27/1995 P5 t073 -0'--'f? I D 6( - Dvfd DU? 2 l f;0•'g -Cl,o COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Doug Letter ONBox Number: 8292 FOLDER TITLE: Line Item Veto [Folder 1] [1] Van Zbinden 2007-0624-F
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Douglas Letter & Barbara Biddle to Walter Zelman & Paul Starr; re: Legal Issues Concerning Health Care Reform ( 13 pages) 03/1811993 COLLECTION
  • to some problems, Dut, in the 21" Century, the President provides the national leadership m:cessary to move things forward on many level~ and to focus us collectively on the new challenges. Here are a few suggestions I am aware of: COPY Educatiou. You
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet 1 DOCUMENT NO. ANDTYPE i Clinton Library · . SUBJECffTITLE DATE RESTRICTION I 00 I. transcript . .I Internal Transcript ( 12 pages) 08/0211994 P5 I . ' CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY l .,' ...' . COLLECTION
  • ... [CSRSDISA. WPD] (3 pages) 0111997 P5 tllfL 008. memo MemorandumRE NTEU v. U.S. (D.D.C., Civ. No. 1:97CV02399) (10 pages) 11/19/1997 P5 J 143 009. memo Summary of CSRS/FERS Provision. (4 pages) 12/04/1997 P5· pt..tY COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Ways and Means Health Subcommittee (3 pages) 6/29/93 P5 003. memo Chris J.ennings to Hillary Clinton Re: Meeting with Senator John Chafee. (2 pages) 6/30/93 P5 COLLECTION:. Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings
  • : Guam Commonwealth (4 pages) 12/30/1996 P5 (12_$ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bruce Lindsey OA!Box Number: 19518 FOLDER TITLE: Guam [1] Jamie Metrailer 2006-0 193-F 'm137 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44
  • States (7 pages) 11/02/1999 PI/b(l), P5 c2- I I \ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Peter Rundlet OA/Box Number: 23666 FOLDER TITLE: Loewen (NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Arbitration) [2] 20 I 0-0021-F 'm471
  • to Resolve Interagency Litigation Strategy Dispute in Loewen NAFTA Arbitration (6 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bill Marshall . OA/Box Number: 18426 FOLDER TITLE: Loewen 20 I 0-0021-F rvl522 RESTRICTION CODES
  • ! .;,. ~~to~ 4t1--\ Lt \ ~)_ ~ \ -=t-~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council David Sewell ONBox Number: 20725 FOLDER TITLE: Miscellaneous Memos from Bruce Reed to President Clinton Racheal Carter 201 0-1111-S rc456 RESTRICTION CODES
  • ,% 03121'?.000 OIO.emml COLLECTION: Clinton NSC: Pr~sic!cntial Rccood~ F.mail~ f\damllergfeld 2006-0226-r RES fRICTION CODES l'r.,i
  • '{~\ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Travel Office Tammy .Mayberry· . ONBox Number: 23610 FOLDER TITLE: HRC Exploratory Campaign Travel Memos Adam Bergfeld 2006-0224-F ab734 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] PI National
  • re Deutch Investigation .pages) n.d. P5 i ~ . r2. B2... s~ COLLECTION: Clinton Pre~idential Records . I NSC Recorfis Management rDeutch and PFIAB or Foreign lntelli~encel ONBox Nu~ber: 3965 I FOLDER TITLE: 0003228 Jimmie Purvis 2006-1 004-F
  • General. Subject: NTEU Line Item Veto Case. (4 pages) 12115/1997 P5 Duy 11 s I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bill Marshall OA/Box Number: 20350 FOLDER TITLE: Cancellation of Dollar Amount of Discretionary Budget Authority
  • on Exedtive Privilege. (3 pages) 10117/1994 P5 002. memo Michael Small to File. Subject: Foreign! Relations Authorizations Act, Fy 1994 and 1995/ Presidential Signing Statement. (9 pages) 05/06/1994 P5 COLLECTION! ~~:~~~~~r~;~~:tial Records Cliff
  • ) 11115/2000 P5 OOla. email J~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records ARMS' WHO 2000/10-2001/01 ([Lieberman]) OA/Box Number: 900,000 FOLDER TITLE: [11115/2000-11/21/2000] Richard Stalcup 2006-0 199-F rx85 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTrfiTLE 001. executive order Master Edited Copy, David Goodfriend, Executive Order 13111 (9 pages) DATE ND RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records WHORM
  • General. Subject: NTEU Line Item Veto Case. (4 pages) 12/15/1997 P5 Ill~ 004. memo The President's Cancellation of the Dollar Amount. .. (26 pages) 12116/1997 P5 \ \ l'l ~ubject: Memo from Charles COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • /1997 P5 002c. memo Gene Sperling to The President re: Treasury's Proposed Financial Servivces Modernization Legislation (14 pages) ca. 03/1997 P5, 002d. summary Summary of Treasury Proposal (2 pages) ca. 03/1997 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Appeal Brief in A.APs. ·(4 pages) 04/0711993 P5 383 Talking Poirits on Wall Street Journal Editorial. (2 pages) n.d. P5 3~4 · Photocopy. Talking Points on Health Care Task Force Case. (2 pages) 008. note 009. memo ·010. note ( COLLECTION
  • of Points and Authorities ill Support of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss. [2nd draft of day, incomplete copy] (8 pages) 01116/1997 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Trey Schroeder OA/Box Number: 11601 FOLDER TITLE: Line Item Veto
  • /28/1995 COLLECTION: Clinton Presi~ential Records ! Commuruica 10138 ·Immigration Debbie Bush 2006-0458-F CODES Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom of Information Act- [5 U.S.C. 552(b)) Classified Information [(a)(l) of the PRA] to Federal office
  • pages) OOlb. draft 09/09/1996 08/07/1996 P5 .£J_~ko'VLLA COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Elena Kagan OA/Box Number: 8285 FOLDER TITLE: Paula Jones 8th Circuit Merit Brief [1] Debbie Bush 2009-1006-F dbl559 RESTRICTION
  • . (32 pages) 02/18/1997 P5 11~3 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bill Marshall OA/Box Number: 20350 FOLDER TITLE: Line Item [4] Van Zbinden 2007-0624-F vz1213 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- (44 U.S.C
  • pages) DATE 0511997 ,l RESTRICTION PS COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Trey Schroeder · OA/Box Number: 11601 FOLDER TITLE: [Line Item Veto] [5] . Van Zbinden 2007-0624-F vz1227 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • of Certiorari (34 pages) 05/10/1996 P5 ;23~ 003. draft, Clinton vs. Jones; RE: Petition for. a Writ of Certiorari (29 pages) 05/13/1996 P5 {)35 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records .Counsel's Office Elena Kagan OA/Box Number: 8285 FOLDER TITLE
  • in Support of Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. (34 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Counsel's Office Bruce Lindsey OA/Box Number: 19521 FOLDER TITLE: Line Item Veto 2007-0624-F vzl209 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C