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2035 results
G7 Summit 6/20
- G7 Summit 6/20
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10138 FolderiD: Folder Title: 07 Summit 6/20 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 7 2 ~---==~-~- -~- S_~.~--- G 7
Lyon Trip/G7 [1]
- Lyon Trip/G7 [1]
- LYON FR~NCE ST~FF OFFICE 36501 --- P.005 ---------- - ~ .I ' G-7 COMMUNICATIONS Wednesday Travel Domestic departure statement Thursday CNN Interview ( Goals of G-7 .-- ~-~ ,.. jl-tMr~ ~r-J---~ Friday _----~ r'lxvs -&l- ~ Economic Statement
- : Speechwriting-Blinken ,Original OAIID Number: 3379 Row: 8 Section: Shelf: Position: 9 3 , Stack: v ... ·; ... -. 6/14/95 7 p.m. PRESIDENT-WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON UEPARTURE STATEMENT FOR THE G-7 MEETING IN HALIFAX ANDREWSAFB JUNE 15, 1995
7/94 Trip - Speech Schedule
- ' . ,· ' l Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting- Boorstin I \ .i ... '. Original :oA!ID Number: 421 I .. Row:· Section: ·Shelf: 48 6 ' .· ' 5 . Position: 1 Stack: v SPEECHES FOR THE G-7 TRIP WASHINGTON D.C. Departure Statement Michael
- G-7 Halifax - Departure [Statement]
- . Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential · Library Staff. Folder Title: G-7 Halifax - Departure [Statement] ' . Staff Office-Individual: Speechwri
- This Mandatory Declassification Review contains the memorandum of conversation (memcon) between President William J. Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin from the G7 Summit in Tokyo on July 14, 1993.
- This Mandatory Declassification Review contains the memorandum of conversation (memcon) between President William J. Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin from the G7 Summit in Birmingham, England on May 17, 1998.
- This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on President Clinton's meeting with Russian President Boris Yeltsin in Tokyo in July 1993 for the G7 Summit. Materials include reports on various leaders who attended the Summit.
- G-7 1994 [Press Book Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, Berlin] [Binder] [1]
- G-7 1994 [Press Book Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, Berlin] [Binder] [2]
- G-7 Trip - Latvia, Poland, Italy, Germany 7/5-12/94 [1]
- G-7 Trip - Latvia, Poland, Italy, Germany 7/5-12/94 [2]
- G-7 Trip - Latvia, Poland, Italy, Germany 7/5-12/94 [3]
- G-7 Trip - Latvia, Poland, Italy, Germany 7/5-12/94 [4]
- G-7 Trip - Latvia, Poland, Italy, Germany 7/5-12/94 [1]
- G-7 Trip - Latvia, Poland, Italy, Germany 7/5-12/94 [2]
- G-7 Trip - Latvia, Poland, Italy, Germany 7/5-12/94 [3]
- G-7 1994, Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, Berlin [Binder] [1]
- G-7 1994, Riga, Warsaw, Naples, Bonn, Berlin [Binder] [2]
- G-7/Comments
- quarters of total G-7 growth. Our exports are rising faster than any of our partners. And our expansion accounts for all the jobs growth in the G7. For ten years at summits such as this, our ballooning budget deficit had been a national embarrassment. Today
- G-7 Jobs Conference: News Clippings
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: News Clippings Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 83/85/94 8?:48 U:S. DEPT. OF LABORA->gH/D COLLINS 881
Lyon Trip/G7 [2]
- Lyon Trip/G7 [2]
- . What I'll try to do is take about 10 minutes to walk you through the different pieces of the Lyon summit and then take any questions you may have. The Lyon Summit will be divided into basically three parts, the first of which is the traditional G-7
- ; and, perhaps even more importantly, relative to its chief industrial competitors — Canada, France, Germany (data for Germany is for western Germany only), Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom (a group of nations that is also known as the "Group of 7" or "G-7
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Interview Schedules
- l look l i k e i n the future. A d d i t i o n a l background: The r e p o r t e r has had extensive conversations with G7, European counterparts and i s preparing a small a r t i c l e f o r t h i s week on the "rumblings" of the G-7 m i n i s t e r
G-7 Jobs Conference [1]
- G-7 Jobs Conference [1]
- ., I well··in.·tha c;loba.1 economy. But they are your friends and neighbors, and there are millions of them like them not only here, but in everyone of the G-7 nations here represented. We are here to help them find new ways to create new jobs, better
7/94 Trip - Message Meetings
- on July 10, immediately following the G-7 Summit. My colleagues will follow with brief introductory remarks and. then we'll be glad.totake your questions. · The President's visit to Riga is the first time an. American president has ever visited a Baltic
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Press Logistics Release
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Press Logistics Release Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 7 2 •B3/Bfc*94 14:14 U.S. DEPT. D LABOR/->WH/D
POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech [1]
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech [1]
POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech [2]
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech [2]
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches
POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches: Korea Toast
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches: Korea Toast
- to the President The US Proposal on Tietmeyer US Proposal on Regulation Process note that went to G-7 Summary Note Summary of Barry Eichengreen's Toward a New Intemational Financial Architecture DISTRIBUTION: Janet Yellen, CEA Stu Eizenstat, DOS Jim Steinberg
- this summer); (2) to make the case that the United States and Europe have a global responsibility to provide "stability" between the euro and the dollar and to gain U.S. agreement for greater G-7 cooperation on exchange rates; and (3) to present the euro
- - Boorstin Original OA/ID Number: 421 ;,. Row: 48 ' Section:.. . Shelf: Position: ~ 1 5 ·. .·· '• ..... '··· .. . Stack: v I ' !'.,'\' J·uly 5; 9 AM President William J. Clinton Statement Upon Departure for the G-7 Trip Mellon Auditorium
- , 7B, 7C: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. • IvClflSdRES FILED O E SZ A T C M H ™ V R I F TA H E I S Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference
- E SZ A T C M N S V R IF T A H E T . I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing
- /3W7 134^ Box 7A, 7B, 7C: ; KLflSdRES FILED Q E SZ A T C M N S V R IF TA H E T I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs
G-7 Background
- G-7 Background
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10140 FolderiD: Folder Title: G-7 Background Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 8 1 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet · DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE Clinton Library
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Talking Points
- cars in state-of-the-art factories. TALKING POINTS G-7 JOBS CONFERENCE Last July at the G-7 Summit i n Tokyo, the President i n v i t e d finance, labor, i n d u s t r y and economic M i n i s t e r s of the G7 i n d u s t r i a l i z e d nations t o
7/94 Trip - Press Reviews
- . Expectations A. Potential foreig~ policy boost . B. G-7 preview ''1. Other stops C. Comparisons to D-Day, last year's G-7 III. Concerns about Russia · ·· ·A..Latvia · .L Baltic independence . 2.' Acceptance of Russians B. Poland. , 1. NATO, security · 2. U.S
- This Mandatory Declassification Review contains the briefing book for President Clinton's trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia for the G-7 Economic Summit. Included are memoranda, talking points, briefing papers, and schedules.
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech: [Information Book]
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech: Korea General Background Notes
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech: Korea National Assembly Materials [1]
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech: Korea National Assembly Materials [2]
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech: Korea National Assembly Materials [3]
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, National Assembly Speech: Korea National Assembly Materials [4]
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches: Korea After Dinner Remarks
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches: Korea Arrival Statement
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches: Korea Departure Statement
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches: Korea Press Statement
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches: Korea Speech to US Business Leaders
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches: Korea Speech to US Embassy Staff
- POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files - G-7 Trip - Korea, Other Speeches: Korea Speech to US Troops
- President's Trip to Riga, Latvia; Warsaw, Poland; Naples, Italy (For G-7 Summit); Bonn and Berlin, Germany (July 5-12, 1994) [Folder 1] [1]
- President's Trip to Riga, Latvia; Warsaw, Poland; Naples, Italy (For G-7 Summit); Bonn and Berlin, Germany (July 5-12, 1994) [Folder 1] [2]
- President's Trip to Riga, Latvia; Warsaw, Poland; Naples, Italy (For G-7 Summit); Bonn and Berlin, Germany (July 5-12, 1994) [Folder 1] [3]
- President's Trip to Riga, Latvia; Warsaw, Poland; Naples, Italy (For G-7 Summit); Bonn and Berlin, Germany (July 5-12, 1994) [Folder 1] [4]
- President's Trip to Riga, Latvia; Warsaw, Poland; Naples, Italy (For G-7 Summit); Bonn and Berlin, Germany (July 5-12, 1994) [Folder 2] [1]
- President's Trip to Riga, Latvia; Warsaw, Poland; Naples, Italy (For G-7 Summit); Bonn and Berlin, Germany (July 5-12, 1994) [Folder 2] [2]
- Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks with President Jacques Chirac of France on the G-7 Response to Terrorism and an Exchange with Reporters in Lyon 6/27/1996
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Speech Outlines
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Speech Outlines L Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 92 Stack: 3 7 2 PROPOSED OUTLINE FOR DETROIT 0-7 S P E E C H
[Driver's License]
- Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder Reemployment Act 1994 (book) BoxllA, 11B: Be* H - 6^ a , 3 4
- , hard struggle. But when we work together against terrorism -- abroad, at home and in all the places that link us -- we get results. At last month's G-7 summit in Lyon, I proposed a series of concrete measures to intensify our fight against terror
- , literacy, D-Day, the G-7 Summit, education, and the National Day of Prayer. There is material that relates to a few of the President‟s trips, radio addresses, downsizing, Free Air Time, interview requests, senate and congressional races, Latino Outreach
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Foreign Press Outreach - USIA
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Foreign Press Outreach - USIA Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 FOIA Number: 2006-0208-F
- , briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder Reemployment Act 1994 (book) Box 11A, 11B: 6 ^ 12- , 3 4 S *Cd)$JRES FILED O E
- , but of a cut-off ofESF aut~' . . We've structured the details of the three key components of our proposed package as follows: . . ,~ ~egislative provisions conditioning tll~ availability offunds on u.s. certification that the G-7 lias publicly agreed to work
- . ·[As I noted in Moscow, countries around the world admire and respect the · extraordinarily peaceful transformation that has taken place in Russia. In this context, the events in Chechnya stand out as a tragic aberration.] My G-7 colleagues and I made
- on financial architecture in Room 231 at 4:00 pm, Monday, December 14. Secretary Rubin's Memo to the President The US Proposal on Tietmeyer US Proposal on Regulation Process note that went to G-7 Summary Note Summary of Barry Eichengreen's Toward a New
- President William Jefferson Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, White House Staff, and others for the time period processed. Of particular focus is a trip to the G-7 Summit in Naples, Italy.
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Meeting Agendas
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Meeting Agendas Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 G-7 JOBS CONFERENCE MESSAGE MEETING February
- to increase transparency and has played a lead role in the G-7 in helping move forward efforts to strengthen the internationalfinancialarchitecture. t Treasury has already informed them that you may call on them. The central question you should ask is how we
- include transatlantic relations, the upcoming G-7 meeting in Halifax, and Bosnia.
- G-7 Naples: G-7 Themes and Goals
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: G-7 Themes and Goals Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 G-7 EMPLOYMENT THEMES AND GOALS The New Path to Global
- find creative ways to protect those countries that right now have strong economic policies yet face financial pressures not of their own making. 18 This past weekend, Sec Rubin and Chmn Greenspan have worked with their G-7 counterparts to find new
[Economic Information, 8/96]
- MACROECONOMIC TRENDS IN MAJOR WORLD ECONOMIES U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration Office of the Chief Economist July 16, 1996 HIGHLIGHTS Forecasters are optimistic about the G-7 outlook for the second half of 1996, but growth
Africa Background [5]
- . (Summaries ofiFI and debt programs also are at Tab A.) Broadening the Consensus -- The G-7 Summit process has 'been useful to create a consensus among other donor countries around our approach to Africa. G-7 members agree, for example, on the need for African
- initiative, a variety of international groups are now developing recommendations on how to reduce the risk of future financial crises, including the G-22 process, the G-7, and the IMF. These efforts were on a path to produce some initial recommendations
Okinawa Speech [4]
- . The briefers are Jim Steinberg, Deputy National Security Advisor; and Lael Brainard, Deputy National Economic Advisor. First up is Lael. MS. BRAINARD: The President is departing Wednesday for his 8th G-7/G-8 meeting. And before I go into the schedule I'll give
- and perhaps complete that great mission. Last week, on his third trip to Europe this year, the President matched his words from Normandy with concrete deeds. From Latvia to Poland, from the G-7 summit in Naples to Germany, the President carried a broad package
- 7/94 Trip - Post-G-7 Statement
- . ··. Case Number: 2006.;;0460-F FOIA, MARKER .\ This is not a textual record. This is. used as an ·administrative 111arke~ by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff.. · . .. '. Folder Title.: •. 7/94 Trip - Pos~ .G~ 7 Statement I
- a nuclear device. We still support the sanctions policy and continue to impllent it. However, the sanctions have become increasingly ineffective since some G7 pa.rt:D.ers no longer vote to oppose the loans on these grounds, which has allowed some ofthe loans
Communications Meeting
- .) POTUS Trip to Latin America (May 6-14) The President is traveling to Latin America and is expected to include envirorunental events as part of his itinerary. G-7 Summit (June 20-22) u.S. is hosting the G-7 Summit in Denver, which will include
Denver Summit
- ) 619-6140 41% 47 12 • ., • OPINION ANALYSIS U.S. INFORMATION AGENCY, WASHINGTON DC 20547 May 19, 1997 M-82-97 Japan on the World Stage Public's Economic Worries At Home May Be a Constraint Japanese Prime Minister Hashimoto takes to the G-7
- of the G...:.7,.· though,· inqe~d; · there is· one. G7';7 p(irtn_er who· is ... As.ian nation .. : Still,. many .>of· 't·he ,i$sues concern tile E;ur6pean and . Transatlantic rel~tionship. So we· deal 1 wi,th. Canada then. · · ' ;. ... an ' ' . i
- Clinton - Tokyo G7 Preview, San Francisco 7/5/93
- when I ·Ieave, to I11 spite of all the cutbacks, this budget Tokyo to the G-7 summit. This will strength-_ does invest more, in Head Start, in immup.i~ eh_ my hand, the progress we are making on · .zations,- iii_ family. p~eservation
- G-7 Jobs Conference Detroit, Michigan - March 14-15, 1994 [Binder] [2]
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13649 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference Detroit, Michigan - March 14-15, 1994 [Binder] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 5 2 Clinton
- G-7 Naples: Open Markets 2000
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: Open Markets 2000 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 07-05-1994 37:07 202 395 3390 DEPUTY USTR p. 2 0 OPEN
- G-7 Halifax - Russia Bilateral
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by_ the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title: G-7 Halifax - Russia Bilateral ' . Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting
Sherpa Guidance
- developments on these issues as well as relevant G-7/8 meetings and correspondence since theColoqne Summit. Attached for your information are copies of the agenda for the January Sherpa meeting as well as the draft elements. for discussion in Okinawa. Given
G-7 Naples: Speech Related
- G-7 Naples: Speech Related
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: Speech Related Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 7 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT
- G-7 Naples: Speech Assignments
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: Speech Assignments Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 SPEECHES FOR THE G-7 TRIP WASHINGTON D.C. Departure
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Message
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Message Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 7 2 February 22, 1994 1 MEMORANDUM FOR CIRCULATION
- international crime a centerpiece of last year's UNGA and the G-7. If you agree-- and assuming the bills pass muster with Danvers -- we would work with Clarke and WH Communications to craft a scheduling proposal. STATEMENT ON FOREIGN POLICY We live
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Labor Dept. Drafts
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Labor Dept. Drafts Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 POLICY/DQL ID:202219692d F E B 1 8 . 9 4
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Sherpa Papers
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Sherpa Papers Stack: Row: Section: s 92 3 Shelf: Position: 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
Denver - Economy Facts
- percent ~ half that for the whole G-7 (2.5 percent). |source: OIICD. 6/97] Today. In 1997, the OECD projects U.S. growth of 3.6 percent ~ the fastest of any G-7 economy. The private-sector has grown by 3.5 percent per year since President Clinton took O f
Labor - Juvenile Justice
- to the President -Ia . rtp /~ /} I ((I ,?J..9( R)a, MJ ~ ~~t Willi.... tu", R"'1~~~: ! V
- to clean up our own backyard before we lectured our trading partners about changes in policy. But now we're in a different position. When I go to the G-7 meeting in July in Tokyo the United States w i l l be a success story i n the making. For starters, we
- . of the G-7 combined has seen a net job loss of around .300,000.. \ Among the G-7, only Canada comes close in showing the rates of job growth that we have enjoyed in the United States. Much of Europe has seen job losses over this period and continues
Econ. Statement 10/2/98
- to help the international community respond to the challenges posed by the current crisis. First of all, my Secretary of the Treasury will be meeting with the IMF and our G-7 colleagues to develop powerful new w y gtfpn^thpn the financialcapacitv
- banks (which account for a large portion of Korea's short term debt) were involved in high level discussions in Tokyo with Mr. Kyong shik Lee, Governor of the Bank of Korea. No Capital Inflows under the Bailout The bail-out (to be financed by G7
- G-7 Summit - Key Issues, 7/94
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F · .FOIA .MARKER This is not a textual record ... This is ·used as an ·. administrative inarker by the. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title: G-7 Summit -Key Issues - 7/94 · •'·· " '· .. Staff Office
- was pleased to join with the G-7 leaders in setting an agenda for this effort in the extraordinary statement we issued in October. But this is a task for many countries. I hope when 1 meet with my colleagues in Cologne, and going forward, that we
- of the everchanging modem global economy. And it is a challenge that will be a focus of this weekend's meetings of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, next week's meeting of the group of G-7 and emerging market economies, and next week's Annual Meetings
G-7 Naples: Meeting Notes
- G-7 Naples: Meeting Notes
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: Meeting Notes Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 MAUJIJ*. 4- IJ^&JBA—VJL r MM-CuMtsfa*^* ... Mr
- . · It is appropriate that the G-7 conference is being held in Naples -- named for the Greek phrase "New. City." We are faced with a time when the nations of this world need to work together for our common good .. As Vergil said "We can't all do everything
- . Photographs from July 8, 1993 are as follows: President Clinton participating in the G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit Plenary Session at Akasaka Palace Hillary Rodham Clinton visiting the Meguro Incineration Plant with G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit spouses 2006-1135-F
- This collection contains material regarding a bilateral meeting between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto while both were attending the G-7 Summit in Lyons, France on June 27, 1996. The records processed
- markets, the International Development Association, and the 1995 G-7 Summit in Halifax.
- This collection contains records related to a meeting between President Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto the day before the G-7 plus 1 Summit in Denver, Colorado on June 19, 1997. Records opened in this collection are from
- This Mandatory Declassification Review contains President Clinton’s briefing book for the Economic Summit in Tokyo, Japan on July 6-10, 1993. Included are memoranda, talking points, and briefing papers for meetings with five of the G-7 leaders
- explanation of the monitoring system for the G-7 Board members to alleviate current fears. Meeting With Arminio Fraga Ministry of Finance Thursday, February 4, 1999 The meeting with Arminie was productive and yielded a much more coherent understanding
- G-7 Jobs Conference 3/14-3/15 '94 (Detroit, MI)
- ' ,: . ",. .-'
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Foreign Media Coverage
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Foreign Media Coverage Stack: Row: s 92 Section: Shelf: Position: 7 2 THE WHITE HOUSE WAS H I N GTO N March 2 1
Clinton Speech [1]
- ^^^ e I ft I S • /nf £ Cne —7 6n£ -i?— one • ^4 It one- t he- i +• C I f - -1 ^ -4- \youj~ m R - \ 321 to our- e CL.r- G7 5 "7 or\a. ^ 7 m . 5 Come -h - 0^ i r M \ 7 \ ^ i *4Ldher. ^ ^4-4 G7 1 one- , -V'^'^'.i
- to reduce the risks of such events and manage them more effectively when they do occur - we need, in Secretary Rubin's words, an international financial architecture as "modem as the markets". President Clinton began this effort four years ago at a G-7
7/94 Trip - Core Message
- . " ., . . .. .. ·,· .. Staff Office-Individual: '.- Speechwriting:.. B·oorstin .. I .. .- Original OAIID Number: 421 .. Row: 48 . Shelf: .. Section: ~.·- ' 5 Position: ., Stack: 1 v MAJOR MESSAGE OPPORTUNITIES-- G-7 TRIP Day One: Washington/Departure Speech
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Fact Sheet
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Fact Sheet Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 fi3/#/S4 B6:Z3 U.S. DEPT. OF LABDR/->UH/D
- industrial countries; passage of increased funding for the IMF, and agreement by the G7 leaders on President Clinton's call for stronger IMF efforts to contain contagion; the Asian Growth and Recovery Initiative to promote necessary financial restructuring
G-7 Halifax, 6/95 - Themes
- G-7 Halifax, 6/95 - Themes
- r-------------------------- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA·· MARKER This is not a textual record. ·This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential · Library Staff. Folder Title: G-7 Halifax, 6/95 - Themes ' Staff Office
Debt Relief [1]
- the Initiative called for. But, in t~e final analysis, our resources are limited and we must.~ ·target them where they can do the. most good.. . · . · . . ' BACKGROUND Status of Cologne Debt Initiative Implementation. At the G-7/G-8 Summit last year, leaders
Human Rights Day 12/10/96
- . • At the G-7 summit in Lyon last summer, the President announced a $5 million program to support of women in Bosnia, emphasizing training, legal assistance, and micro-enterprise projects. • The President appointed a Senior Coordinator for International
- G-7 Departure Statement 6/26/96
- Case Number: 2006-0459-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title: G-7 Departure Statement 6/26/96 f-------------~------,-----·~~···-------------1
- beginning. At the upcoming G-7 summit in Halifax, which we're very much looking forward to, we will be working to ensure that our international trading institutions advance the cause of trade liberalization in ways that produce tangible gains for the people
Japan [3]
- k w e ' l l be wanting t o put t h i s i n the broader context — as the President d i d a l l through the meeting — o f the e f f e c t o f the closed Japanese markets not only on the United States but on the other G-7 t r a d i n g p a r t n e r s
- G-7 Jobs Conference: GATT Cards
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: GATT Cards Stack: Row: Section: s 92 3 Shelf: i7 Position: 2 lirugjrt R^GPT) 1994 What is the Uruguay Round
- more open trade, Japan's markets are still relatively closed to our goods (and to those of other nations, as well). Japan imports far fewer manufactured goods for its size than do the other G-7 countries. From 1980-1992, Japan's manufactured imports
FOIA 2009-0013-F - APEC 2000
- many of the G/7-G/8 themes here and perhaps attempt to advance them in important areas). The Deputies will need to ensure that these themes are consistent with- and indeed supportive of -the final priorities and deliverables for APEC 2000 and to offer
- is an important investment in our ' own future and in the world we will inhabit in the 21st century. At the Cologne Economic Summit'meeting~ the G-7 nations agreed to further strengthen the development impact ofiDPC by p~viding faster, deeper, and broader debt
- first meeting of what was then the G-7 in Tokyo, every other nation insisted that America put its house in order. They were right. We did. Now we must continue to maintain our own economic strategy. Europe must pursue the policies that will spur growth
- be extremely critic~! of our failure to meet our commitments to IDA and. the other multilateral development banks. and our inability to commit to participating in the next IDA replenishment. He may note G-7 commitments ~ade in Halifax to support IDA
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Treasury Economic Policy
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Treasury Economic Policy Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 NATIONAL S E C U R I T Y C O U N C I L 0
- G-7 Naples: G-7 Core Message Meeting
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: G-7 Core Message Meeting Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT
- , HIPC implementation in foreign countries, and HIPC negotiations with foreign countries (namely via G-7 meetings). The collection also contains articles, briefing papers, fact sheets, notes, presentation papers, press releases, remarks, reports
- SUBJECTffiTLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. memo Anthony Lake & Robert Rubin to POTUS; re: Your Trip to Italy for the G-7 Summit (2 pages) 07/04/1994 P1/b(1) 002. memo Anthony Lake & Robert Rubin to POTUS; re: Your Trip to Italy for the G-7 Summit (7 pages) 07
- [OA/ID 3381] Letter to Bosnian Olympic Team 6/20/96 [OA/ID 3381] Saudi Terror Attack 6/25/96 [OA/ID 3381] Box 23 G-7 Departure Statement 6/26/96 [OA/ID 3381] G-7 Trip – Perouges Background [OA/ID 3381] Perouges Speech [OA/ID 3381] G-7 Press Statement
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Background Material
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Background Material Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 03/04/94 15:15 © 2 0 2 523 8699
G-7 Press Statement
- G-7 Press Statement
- l. Case Number:. 2006-0459~F FOIA MARKER '•J . 'This is not a textual record. ·This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. I Folder Title: G-7 Press Statement Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Meeting Notes
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Meeting Notes Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 7 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT
G-7 Naples: Speech Drafts
- G-7 Naples: Speech Drafts
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: Speech Drafts Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 92 3 7 2 President William J . Clinton Statement Upon Departure for the G
- .~ . .', . . . .' . . .' . November 3, 1997 6.30 p.m .. . . ': Draft G-7Statement on Developments in Financial Markets . ". " , . ' , , . . . ' ~ '. " .. '. " . ." ' , " . G~ 7 Finance Ministers ~nd Central Bank. Governors have been monitoring recen~ market
Related Speeches
- for restoring this theater and for doing so much else for downtown historical-[ap- plause]. - I am delighted that the ministers of the G-7 nations and representatives of the European Union have come here to America's industrial heartland for this important
- ^ Box 7A, 7B, 7C: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. ; .lvCLflSJRES FILED O E SZ ATTACHIilElfTSL V R IE Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference
- in the major industrialized economies, including interest rate reduct~ons by the U.S. and other industrial countries; passage of increased funding for the IMF, and agreement by the G 7 leaders on President Clinton's call for stronger IMF efforts to contain
J: G-7 Jobs Conference
- J: G-7 Jobs Conference
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: David Kusnet Subseries: OA/ID Number: 4284 FolderlD: Folder Title: J. G-7 Jobs Conference Stack: Row: S 91 Section: Shelf: Position: 9 3 February 11, 1994 To: Brad DeLong Bill Dickens 5'-' is? 3, Larry Katz
- , coordination between American and host staff, arrangements for the G-7 summit, and material from the First Lady’s Office in the form of trip 2011-1037-F 1 books, informational packets, and planning documents. In addition
- G-7 Jobs Conference Detroit, Michigan - March 14-15, 1994 [Binder] [1]
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13649 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference Detroit, Michigan - March 14-15, 1994 [Binder] [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 92 3 5 2 DETTOIT, MC I A • M R
Elections [Memos]
- Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder Reemployment Act 1994 (book) BoxllA,llB: I. II. III. IV. FEC
- ...--" I "~ . t.JJ.. . .......-. . ... ~. . , (.3 . c. .t f' . , t 50' tt (. '17 .. t£g '-- '(.7 . ~ ~.,a ... ~' ... .(.71 '. ... .~ ... "~' b7~ t:.7J . ,-I ,~, : '?fl:'.,·:·· . , .:- ":. I, > ~, .... t:7
- might usefully address his behavior. And they finally had a discussion about reform of the G-7 process. They had an informal discussion about that. I think both gentlemen are interested in more give-and-take, more informality. We'll be talking, I think
- /AD 2687] North Korea [OA/ID 3361] Rosner, Jeremy North Korea [OA/ID 3] POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files – G-7 Trip – Korea, National Assembly Speech [1] [OA/ID 9] POTUS [President of the United States] Speech Files – G-7 Trip
- Secretary (Cologne, Germany) .. June 18, 1999 For Immediate Release FACT SHEET The Cologne Debt Initiative The G-7 leaders have endorsed ~ new Initiative to enable Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) to.receive deeper, broader and faster debt relief
G-7 Jobs Conference: General
- G-7 Jobs Conference: General
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: General Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUM ENT
G-7 Naples: Travel Advisory
- G-7 Naples: Travel Advisory
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: Travel Advisory Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 16, 1994 MEMORANDUM
- G-7 Naples: Latvian Visa Application
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: Latvian Visa Application Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMKNT
7/94 Trip - Schedules
- Saturday. July 9 . ·tba. 9:QS-9: 10 9:15-1:00 1:30-3:00 . · 3:30-4:30 'Jog . Photo Op G-7 Mtg. (Heads Only) Palazzo Reale Working Lunch Location tba · G-7 Mtg. (Rea~ and Ministers) · 4:30-5:00. 5:00 6:00-7:00 7:00-8:00 8:30-11:30 RON Palazzo Reale G-7
- Christopher, Tony Lake and others on board Air Force One during flight to Japan, President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton arriving in Tokyo for the G-7 Economic Summit, President Clinton participating in a press availability with Prime Minister Kiichi
G8 Communique Conference
- Architecture 3 Koln Debt Initiative 7 Nuclear Safety/Ukraine 9 G 7 - Statement 1' 2 World Economy 3 1. 4 challenges. However, we note with satisfaction the improvement in market confidence 5 and in the prospects for growth of the world
- or stopping it later, and much more harshly. In this'regard J it'is worth remembering that very long-run projections show a rising debt/GOP ratio. B. lnprQying Our Ability to Coordinate Macroeconomic Policies the G7 Our efforts to coordinate
7/94 Trip - Message Memos
- Joan Spero to Tom Donilon & Jody Greenstone; re: G-7 SummitWhat's Our Message (1 page) 06/16/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 421 FOLDER TITLE: 7
- , JAPAN, AND THE G-7 SUMMIT JULY 6-10, 1993 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: Tuesday, July 6, 1993 Arrival from San Francisco Bilateral Discussion with Prime Minister Miyazawa of Japan Reception for Japanese Opinion Leaders J Wednesday, July 7, 1993 Bilateral Discussion
- , which you faced up to in the United States. You have 50 percent more consumption per head than France and Germany because they have not liberalized shopping hours, and 50 percent more computer work. If possible, we should make the G-7 the forum
- of debt to e.~ports to 150%. ( ~ ... .. ... HIPC debt reliefis provided to a country to allow it to meet a debt sustaio.ability target of 2.00-250% of preseiJ:t value (PV) of debt/exports. The G7 generally support lowering the target to a flat 200
- new jobs, while the rest of the G-7 combined has seen a net job loss of around :300,000. Among the 0-7, only Canada comes close in showing the mtes of job growth that we have enjoyed in the United States. Much of Europe has seen job losses over
- Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder Reemployment Act 1994 (book) 6^ BoxllA,llB: -NOOSJRES
[NAFTA Signing]
- C M N S V R IF TA H E T I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC
- /t~~s I ~)1 , / .) U v 6-'' 71 reverse side is available for additiona notation space . \ AK/;Slrt/~ L 4//(P1#v4(;~V'/1~ ~ . _f>
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Contact Lists
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Contact Lists Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: s 92 3 7 Position: Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMKNT
Trade: Clips
- economic and trade advisers returned from the Naples summit of the G-7 industrial nations with their tails between their legs. Their ill-thoughtout-and insufficiently advanced proposal for launching a new round of international trade negotiations
G-7 Halifax - Briefings
- G-7 Halifax - Briefings
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA .MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by th~ Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title: G-7 Halifax - Briefings Staff Office-Individual: · Speechwriting- Boorstin
G-7 Halifax, 6/95 - Schedule
- G-7 Halifax, 6/95 - Schedule
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA .MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an · administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Folder Title: G-7 Halifax, 6/95 - Schedule . ·. Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting
- :.::Bri~j~i.Dg:-,:. to be held in the LRoQsev.elt Room.aL..S:30 .. pm. Please let me know if you plan on attending. Thanks, Liz 6-2572 I. M Welcome (Russian Elect'ions, G-7 Meeting) Burnings 1997 Budget/~ppropriations Congressional Schedul~ Political
UNGA '94 - Economic Memos
- economic cooperation between the world's largest economies- the leaders of these nations created the G-7. While there is always. a gap between expectations and execution - and the inevitable retrospectives will point to lapses and problems
Misc. G-7
- Misc. G-7
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10140 FolderiD: Folder Title: Misc. G-7 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 8 1 SPEECHES FOR THE G-7 TRIP WASHINGTON D.C. Departure Statement Michael Waldman RIGA
- in strengthening their financial systems to insure against financial sector crises like the one in Thailand. As we have seen, these crises can be very costly domestically, and can have contagion effects in regional and international markets. At Lyon the G-7
Documents from Hungary [1]
- ' '~.n c snoita r 0 \r Ilt e f~ f~ II V 5~ :.; G .7.,0.. t,~'l· cS . i L:J~ ide ~:;e il hn. tQ 8a(;01«(;'I' ko zre ~ll ko {I (~S Po n'q lkU 1 nyer.ien 1:.'.7..·.·cl' ... . . " I • ze I,:; i f:;p:~n a t:h;~~t v1se16kkel
- grown faster than that of all other G-7 countries· over the past three years, reversing the trend of the 1980s and early 1990s during which other countries' standard of living grew more rapidly than ours." I~ :rAlJ 113 01' ln£j J!jc;UnOIVIl OI',Dl!iK
Debt Relief [2]
- -- are nodding your heads "yes" as I say this. If you believe it, we must work together to achieve it. These efforts must be part of a broader approach that ensures the integrity and openness of emerging economies. Last Saturday, the G-7 finance ministers
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Agenda
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference Agenda Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 7 2 G-7 JOBS CONFERENCE D e t r o i t , M i c h i g
- :// 1 27-29, 1996 for the G-7 and G-8 economic conferences also included bilateral and trilateral meetings with various heads of state. The May 26-27, 1998 trip was to attend the signing of the NATO-Russia Founding Act. Clinton’s last trip to France
G-7 Jobs Conference [2]
- G-7 Jobs Conference [2]
- Policy Council I Carol ~Rasco (Miscellaneous) ONBox Number: 8510 I FOLDER TITLE: I G-7 Jobs Conference [2] 2010-0198-S kc737 Presidenti~1 Records Act (44 U.S.c. 2204(a)) RESTRICTION CODES PI NationL Seeurity Classified Information [(a)(1) of the PRAI
APEC - Tokyo
- - Visit to Proctor & Gamble Akashi Manufacturing Plant - Kyoto ID Tokyoa - Lunch with Japanese Economic Organizations - possible major address site -DIET - American Chamber of Commerce in Japan - offering to host event similar to G7 visit - Visit
- in the Tea Room for 34 Heads and food service? Do notetakers join them for coffee/tea? - Are we strictly adhering to the Blake Island model (Head plus one) or G7 model (where Heads have staff support and access to information retrieval on site)? What happens
- w 44 OU co z b p N , « N cd d ,ce A O G7 V] A " a o ay C b O F, rn 00 to C U z Zi " " y C U C O; z O { h y z y a w° o .s c; y : a .1 , a a a b0 1 H + u] N p; v v x + P. A vi + fsI + w
- . · • PRESIDENTIAL INTERVENTION FOREIGN POLICY, RUSSIAN ECONOMY SUNDAY MORNING OBJECTIVES Include President Yeltsin in discussions of common political/security challenges, including major regional crises (North Korea, Bosnia), garnering Russian support for a G-7
- in Japan i s Horrible but Japanese are not Bothered Peter Jennings Naqoya 1:45 CBS Evening News 14 G-7 Leaders Gather; Clinton, Miyazawa Meet Dan Rather Tokyo 1:25 15 Mississippi Flooding S t i l l Worsening Connie Chung New York 0:40 16 Flood
G-7 Schedule
- G-7 Schedule
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10140 FolderiD: Folder Title: G-7 Schedule Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 8 1 ·: Time change from Washington DC I Latvia + 7 hours I Poland + 6 hours I
- being heard in federal court) f:i.:.;r»5";:;-::- ... Clinton Library Photocopy /j? Laura K. Capps 08/25/97 02:47:30 PM Record Type: To: Record Michael Waldman/WHO/EOP cc: Subject: US voting trends compared to other G7 countries Forwarded
- G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference "Script"
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 13656 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference: Conference "Script" Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 7 2 (13/09/94 ' 12:25 © El 002 m U3-ijy-y
[Defrosting Program] [6]
- in -.. .,.' ',I :< 1 the, u:.~8;dh '~ .. .," ~" . ., i,. ,,' ;.. ,.~.' Z~f;i~h;;..Febr:uarY;d.:, !1947~:, . . ~ ~ ,;" ~;).~~, : ~.~: ,;'" .,' -'.:~, ~;'" '.r ~ ". ' , . . : ,,~ :,' :. , "', .." '. '~ .4~1~i~i~~h.;f:~::\g7
Foreign Policy
- . 8. 9. ewe signing ceremony. Hashimoto Bilateral. OAS Speech. Latin American Trip. West Point Speech. NATO-Russia Charter Signing. 50th Anniversary of the Marshall Plan. Denver G-7 Summit. NATO Summit in Madrid. Mechanisms: • • • • • • • • Color
- recommendations on how to reduce the risk of future financial crises, including the G-22 process, the G-7, and the IMF. These efforts were on a path to produce some initial recommendations by early next month. The recent turn in the crisis calls for expanding
- (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder Reemployment Act 1994 (book) Box 11A, 11B: I. II. III. IV. «~ FEC
- G-7 Halifax - Japan Bilateral - Background
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKER. This is not a textual record. This is used as an administr~tive marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff Folder Title: G-7 Halifax- Japan Bilateral -Background I ". Staff Office-Individual
- any questions about the specifics of REA). POSSIBLE TALKING POINTS. You know the basic economic plan and message better than anyone. With that as a given, you may wish to consider two points of departure for your remarks: 1. The concern of all the G-7
- Clinton's insistence, the G-7 nations agreed at their July summit in Naples to provide Ukraine with more than $4 billion from the international firiancial institutions over two years as long as that nation carries out a program of fundamental economic
- TO THE AMERICAN COMMUNITY NAPLES AIRPORT. JULY 10, 1994 [Acknowl·edgements: . Ambassador Bartholomew] We've had quite a weekend in Naples. I spent my time in meetings with the other members of the G-7 community, while Hillary and Chelsea got to go to Pompeii
- a concerted strategy against terrorism and international crime on three fronts: (i) abroad, by working more closely with our friends and allies (UN, Sharm el Sheik, G-7, Paris, FBI training centers) and alone when necessary (Iran-Libya Sanctions Act); (ii
- G-7 Naples: CEE [Central and Eastern Europe]
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: CEE [Central and Eastern Europe] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 SUGGESTED REMARKS AT THE CENTRAL
- on difficult problems such as Haiti and Bosnia. 3. Build on success of G-7 trip by hammering home themes of job security, Asia focus, European integration, Russia policy and non-proliferation. ~~~~~----------~--------~------~--~ .. .._ . ., AUGUST 1994
- at the annual summit of the leaders of the G-7 industrial nations that begins tomorrow in Halifax. I'd like now to turn to those issues. Halifax marks another step in our effort to build the structures for the global economy of the 21st century. In the face
- and the:refore; it probably 'will hEf passed jn substantially the same form as agreed, toby the National Council.'" ' .. , ' ... ~~For -Amb.;tas~~:, the '::./ H,. /1YJlt1., '. j / ",' / / , , ~, / l,L~t.."./( g7 arren P. B umbe Secretary
- t o t h e G7's c o o p e r a t i v e program w i t h B r a z i l t o s u s t a i n t h e r a i n f o r e s t s . And we w i l l h e l p B r a z i l t o p u t 2 1 s t c e n t u r y t e c h n o l o g y i n t o t h i s e f f o r t , i n c l u d i n g r
AIDS - Vaccine
- Relief 5fl9tn "The '/AVI slrongl/supports your calif an urgCnf increased and time-bound eiJorf to develop Or soft and effic{;v(! Ii/V vaccines. We a/sfJ applaud your plans to call jor fhe leaders ofthe G-7 cuuntries and Russia 10 join the U,S
- had been, I gather, at a ministerial meeting in Lille before this, or when did he enter the theatre of-- MR. MCCURRY: It was within the last several days, if my recollection is correct. He was at the G-7 ministerial meeting in Lille up until
Nat'l Referendum Initiative
- . IV. V. VI. VII. • tvClflSdRES FILED O E SZ A T C M m « V R IE TA H E S Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program
- : I. II. III. IV. V. GATT G7 Naples Summit of the Americas POTUS Economic Plan 1993 Base Closings Box 17: I. II. III. 6 ^ i?-.ftOOSORES FILED O E SZ A T C M N S V R I E TA H E T I 13 - I 0o* |t| -IvCLflSdflES FILED O E SZ A T C M f V R I F TA H E
Regulatory Reform [1]
- .) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder VII. Reemployment Act 1994 (book) BoxllA,llB: I. FEC Binder II. Center for New Democratic Binder III. POTUS Records (Binder) IV. CFR Binder
- .) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder Reemployment Act 1994 (book) BoxllA, I I B : 6 ^ ii- ,34S -.ftCiOSJRES FILED O E SZ A T C M N S V R I E TA H E T I. II. III. IV. FEC
- ~ 13447"°^ Box 7A, 7B, 7C: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. ilCflSdRES FILED O E SZ A T C M IT V R IF TA H E S f Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs
- FILED O E SZ A T C M TR V R IF TA H Ef L I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing
- /3k if} Box 7A, 7B, 7C: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. ; .lvClflSdRES FILED O E SZ A T C M H S V R IE TA H E T . Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs
- G-7 Halifax - Scenesetter Language
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. ·This is used as an administrative marker by the ~linton Presidential , Library Staff. Folder Title: G-7 Halifax - Scene setter Language J Staff Office-Individual: Speechwriting
- "Key Policy Challenges for the G-7" Address by Dr. Joseph Stiglitz to the Institute of International Finance Washington, DC Sunday, October 8, 1995 Introduction ° Thank you very much for inviting me to address this distinguished group
- .;.·· •. •. . •. ; . J'imEf " ,1945', . ,c6n~.· '. .:, ., ' ..>: , . '..... ' ',Shbr:t-ha~l :,~~~~~:~r&:n~lioit:i.ShiiAa~~:d; O'rl,a.16C~l:b~'Br~.•. by.S1tlEF:"G7!5.~ " "":. "'J . ,~oilg7~~i,r.6ia:j;·~,~~~~r;tor~~~.z'a~tQ~;:w~.i}-,.',~~ . . ,. .~'i~};i'ar: :'tb
- of the others in the G7 - how damaging and disruptive exchange market turbulence can be. I have therefore thought hard about ideas put forward for direct action to control it. 1 do not dismiss them lightly. But I am convinced they are a false solution
- ] The Reemployment Act of 1994 Product/Materials [OA/ID 13649] Book [Binder] [2] G-7 Jobs Conference Detroit, Michigan – March 14-15, [OA/ID 13649] 1994 [Binder] [1] G-7 Jobs Conference Detroit, Michigan – March 14-15, [OA/ID 13649] 1994 [Binder] [2] G-7 Jobs
- 7/94 Trip - G-7 Japan Bilateral
- . . ·,. ~. .. '• ',·· CaseNumber: 2006-04.60-F . . FOIA·. MARKER. This is nofa textual record.. This is used a~ an· administr'ative marker by. the .Clinton Pr~sidential . ·Library Shiff. · .. Folder Title:· : 7/94 Trip - G-7 Japan
Canada, 2/95 - Embassy Staff
- it. Well, I'm glad I found my way here to see this wonderful city. I look forward to seeing another part of this beautiful country- and many of you- when I visit Halifax in June for the G-7 meeting. ' . 4 . I 1 I I 2119/95, 4 p.m. PRESIDENT WILLIAM
- /1994 Pl/b(l), P5 001c. memo Christopher to the President; RE: The G-7 Summit in Naples (3 pages) 06/27/1994 Pl/b(l), P5 00Id. memo Lloyd Bentsen to the President; RE: Russian Economic Reform (4 pages) 06/14/1994 P5 00le. report RE: U.S
- Sheik, G-7, Paris, FBI training centers) and alone when necessary (Iran-Libya Sanctions Act); (ii) at home by giving law enforcement the most powerful counter-terrorism tools available (anti-terror legislation; International Crime Control Act); (iii
Health Care Scheduling
- will have ended June by marking the conclusion of committee action and by applauding the unprecedented momentum for health care reform. Congress enters their recess and the President travels abroad for the G-7. Cabinet and Administration officials
- , U. C. ~'O~JOO g ~ i \ "'0 :s: 9 g ~ ~ , 7;'? :' : .J . '.' '. "1& *' « 6726150,------.J« i1:'>. r;al'ul Hasc:u'tto the f're!.~tBeHt 1 Of Uome5 tic nff•. til'!:) I he ldhi te HOU!5f! lun r q I•• 1.111 •••• 1.',11.,,11
- , I'm glad I found my way here to see this wonderful city. I .look forward to seeing another part of this beautiful country - and many of you - when I visit HCO!lifax in June for the G-7 meeting. 2
- . 'And we are ' _, ••· . I bringing the great institutions of global' cooperation into the 21st century. From renewing the United Nations to revitalizing the G-7 -- w~ch France will host in Lyon later this year-·- France and America are partners
- G-7 Halifax - Japan Bilateral
- Case Number: 2006-0460-F FOIA. MARKER This. is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the Clinton Presidential Library Staff. - Folder Title: G-7 Halifax - Japan Bilateral Staff Office-Individual: ,. Speechwriting
Perouges Speech
- , judgment and flexibility in the face of )w-~"'~~~t-~i-bVJ.~+~~,~~ change ·just ag yet~ ha¥e. :r-ogether, J'b& oh8J98& a.. .. --- -·-·· ------- 6 That's what this G-7 meeting is all about. Working together, we can keep the world economy growing so
Strategic Focus
- , while developing your recommendations, please account for those commitments that have already been made and will occupy the President's time (e.g. APEC, G7). Also, distinguish what is in the budget already and what is not, so that we can differentiate
June Message Schedule
- , Nashville (private sector flex-time proposal; pregnancy food stamps) -- M. Verveer, S. Harris June 26 Evening departure for G-7 Economic Summit July 2 Speech to National Council of Senior Citizens ?? July 3 Speech to NEA Convention (interest rate
- of strong achievement with extraordinary job growth and ·strorig . . . . lry.vestment and exports. We have worked to bring down the budget deficit and now have the . . . . lowest among all the G-7 countries. And with· our new budget proposal, we
- be leaders in the great crusade of the post-cold-war era to foster Qemocracy, security and free market economies throughout the_world. Chancellor Kohl and. I have just come from a meeting with the leaders of the other G-7 industrial nations and with President
- ' u.s. ,. ·Roo~S'TrtJ : " . Benjamin Air. Force Academy Blinken : ., .. JUNE ' . .. " .. ,. 8 (Th) .. • ·•.,; 17. (Sa) 19 (Mn) .. Zedillo Arrival Toast Press Conference G - 7 .: " ' ... I HALIFAX ' .. ·' ~ 26 (Mn) UN 50th
- border services and simplify travel, trade and tourism. We also reviewed plans for the gathering of the G-7 industrial nations~which the Prime Minister will host in Halifax in June, and I look- forward to our meetings in Nova Scotia
7/94 Trip - POTUS Briefings
- DATE re: Handwritten Notes- POTUS G-7 Briefing (6 pages) 06/23/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) ONBox Number: 421 FOLDER TITLE: 7/94 Trip- POTUS Briefings 2006
- between our foreign and economic teams. Dan has repr sented the United States around the world as we have negotiated trade agr ements. as Assistant Secretary of State, as my repre~entative to the G.:.7 and as eputy. Diredor ·of the NEC. as . ' 12/13
- this city and all.ofNova Scotia are so beloved by American tourists. Unfortunately we spend a lot oftime locked in meeting rooms at these G-7 gatherings .:._ but I look forward to seeing the sights when they give me time off. In our meeting today; Prime
DAV Terrorism Insert 7/28/96
- action, from Sharm el Sheik to the G-7 Summit in Lyon to the Terrorism Conference I called in Paris this week. We've expanded the role of the FBI here at home and opened counter-terrorism training centers abroad: We've increased the 2 funding
- . At the planned London Conference, to be held sometime in December, a structure will be established to coordinate these civilian efforts, with the G-7 plus Russia and the OIC Presidency likely to serve as the steering group. A "High Representative" (possibly Carl
- to that of the other G-7 nations (or G-8 if we choose to include Russia), which we can reference as "the other major industrialized nations" -- aI/ have relatively similar urban patterns, relatively large populations, and similar distribution of wealth: U.S., Canada
- , how difficult it must be to summon . -~~~~~~ the energy to wage peace as aggressively as So many of you have lost mothers ' ,. ' 12/20/1997 1212a,g7 15:58 SAT l~;JQ PAGE SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL 2028824534 FAX 202 456 9370 ~sc 02 Commun1cat1ons
- comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder VII. Reemployment Act 1994 (book) BoxllA, I I B : I. FEC Binder II. Center for New Democratic Binder III. POTUS Records (Binder) IV. CFR Binder Box 12A, 12B: •.MXOSJRES
- '> . (:'516) ($710) G$7) em) (S491) (533) em ~J) (SII) (SZ1) ($6Ol (S181) ($4S) ($101) ($d4) (S284) $0 ($101) {$14) ($19) ($103) ($a4) ($'7)
- , senior citizens, the 1994 G-7 jobs conference, rural policy, national drug control policy, and state health and welfare waivers. This collection consists of memos, letters, weekly reports, speeches and background material, schedules, itineraries, press
- , housing, employment, persons with disabilities, education, women and children, senior citizens, the 1994 G-7 jobs conference, rural policy, national drug control policy, and state health and welfare waivers . The records include memos, letters, weekly
- /09199 P5 Robert E. Rubin to POTUS re: The Economic Agenda for the Lyons G-7 Summit (4 pages) 06/24/96 P5 001. memo Robert E. Rubin to POTUS re: Your Dinner with German Chancellor Kohl (2 pages) 002. briefing paper re: Russian Financial Issues
[HSA] Senator Biden
- . \ I I w. hope that you will agree that th~ PHA's proposal is sLmply not a viable solution to the probiem of high drug prices and reject its request for an exemption from antitrust prosecution. \ I Sincerely, I i i G7~~~ Oavid. Pryor Chairman
- American/G7-African Development Bank using the same representation at the summit. Calling itself the Bahr Dar approach of long-term investment with a financial formugroup, some 15 factions argued against the accreditation la that [involves] patient capital
- the heavy seas o·f reform. There is a harbour at the end of this voyage. The Russian economy could develop so as to allow its immense natural resources to be properly and productively. exploited. We and our partners in Europe and .in the .G7 will go
National Guard Speech 9/3/96
- to the fight against terror -- as we did at the G7 and the Summit of the Peacemakers. And we are increasing the isolation of those who sponsor terrorism by maintaining and strengthening sanctions against Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Sudan. Second, here at home, we
- ~iatives designed to contain the global financial crisis G-7 agrees to explore new IMF contingent line of credit for countries vulnerable to contagion. World Bank develops an emergency lending vehicle, with higher interest rates and shorter repayment
- for TIME by Michael L. Abramson NEWS SPOTLIGHT DIGEST JULY 4 -10 NATION G-7 Summit At the Tokyo meeting of the leaders of the seven major industrial democracies, Bill Clinton acted the parts of statesman and campaigner in equal measure. While
- FUJI TELEVIStiON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Asia General Q: Will you discuss China at the Denver summit? Will other members of the G-7 s1.1pport your engagement policy? A: • The emergence of China as a major political and economic power
- When I attended my first G-7 in Tokyo three years ago, the United States was not in a strong position to lead. Our partners said: instead of telling us what to do, you should get your own house in order. They were right. When I took office, America's
G-7 Communiqué
- G-7 Communiqué
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10140 FolderiD: Folder Title: G-7 Communique Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 8 1 ' ... " ' June, 18- 19 1994. Final text JOBS AND GROWTH 1. A year ago
- Support Projects, Balkans Public Diplomacy Group, Peace in the Middle East, General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the economy, the G-7 Summit, Northern Ireland Peace Agreement, and the START treaties. There is also information regarding
- Ireland, Africa, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, and The Falkands. The topics included peace in the Middle East, GATT, the economy, the G-7 Summit, Northern Ireland Peace Agreement, and the START treaties. System of Arrangement Records
- with President Menem at the White House, President Clinton participating in a Roosevelt Room briefing with Sec. Warren Christopher, Robert Rubin, Tony Lake, Marcia Hale, David Gergen and others for the G-7 Economic Summit in Tokyo, President Clinton and Kenny G
G-7 Naples: Old Speeches
- G-7 Naples: Old Speeches
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13656 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Naples: Old Speeches Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 7 2 1270 July 6 I Administration of William]. Clinton, 1993
- ~~ ~ . ~ /-""-(g .~. £7",)4 -.------~ ~ r=--o _._, .-~ 0'0' fs, MAR 1 3 2000 March 9, 2000 Mr. Kenneth Klothen Executive Director Presidential Advisory Commission On Holocaust Assets in the United States th 901 15 Street NW - Suite 350 Washington, DC 20005
- /95 7/9/96 G-7 Jobs Conference, 3/14/94 DPC Weekly Key Initiatives 1996 Weekly Reports Kaiser Commission on the Future'of Medicaid, 11/13-14/95 Briefing Book on the Impact of dramatic oil Price Decrease, 12/7/93, (;N~R~ FIliD a~ ATfA(}lf.&,HS ~ ~Sio
G-7 Jobs Conference [3]
- G-7 Jobs Conference [3]
- for women in the prime working ages geclined in all G-7 countries. The non-employment rate links unemployment and inactivity:, it is the sum of the inactive and the unemployed divided by the working-age population. The non-employment rate is a broader
- not endure another . winter. Some Deputies speculated the timing was calculated to ensure Bosnia received high visibility at the G-7 Summit. 4. There was considerable discussion among the Deputies about what action to take regarding this offensive
- this to happen anyhow. O A US aid assessment team will go out to Bosnia later this month. o The G-7 states have agreed to look favorably at debt reduction of 50-100%. [ Estimates of reconstruction needs are $4 billion over 3 years for the territory
- Food and Drug Administration Foreign Aid Foreign Policy France G-7 Summits Generalized System of Preferences Georgia Germany Greece Guam Guatemala Gulf War Gun Control Haiti Box 9 Haiti Hawaii Hazardous Wastes Health Care – 1994 Health Care – 1994
Economy Pool Spray 11/3/98
- outlined a set of specific actions to spur global growth. In the weeks since, we've been working with our G-7 partners and with those in the emerging markets to make significant progress toward that goal. Think what's happened in the last month. Japan has
- . Now that the Cold War is over, we have the freedom and the resources to fight for rising living standards, falling trade barriers, more jobs, more exports and more opportunity. . 1 \ ' My hand was strengthened at the G-7 meeting because I could
- of the problem is that the supporters of Serbs in Russia are his opponents. They limit his room for maneuver. ~ The President: I agree. We are doing what we can through G-7 aid and through bilateral aid packages. We will ask Congress and our G-7 partners
- of the problem is that the supporters of Serbs in Russia are his opponents. They limit his room for maneuver. ~ The President: I agree. We are doing what we can through G-7 aid and through bilateral aid packages. We will ask Congress and our G-7 partners
- . Photographs from July 9, 1993 are as follows: Hillary Rodham Clinton traveling by train and visiting the Zeni Arai Shrine in Japan President Clinton and G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit Leaders posing with Russian President Boris Yeltsin for a class photo in Tokyo1
- closely with my FinancialArchitecture Task Force. Many ·of the Working .Group's recommendations· are incorporated in the financial architecture · documents that will be distributed during the Bank-Fund and G-7 meetings this coming weekend. ; . Potential
- and technical cooperation, to be headed by Vice President Albert Gore and Pnme Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin was fonned. The Commission held its first meeting August 31 ~Scptember 2, and met at least once a year thereafter, 2 Apl'il12-15,1993: G-7 Foreign
- East to ' . keeping the.peace in Haiti, we are working to help spr~ad tolerance and civility. From expanding NATO to revitalizing the G-7 -- which Canada will host in Halifax this June -- we are preparing the world's major organizations to meet new
- , Italy, and Germany July 6 - 12, 1994 SPEECHES FOR THE G-7 TRIP WASHINGTON D.C. Departure statement Bob Boorstin Arrival Ceremony Nit ~SiEJftiftfJ Geremeft¥- ~~ Baltic Pres. Press ~~Cultural/Political ·Freedom Plaza Embassy Staff Statement
France [1]
- the G-7 meeting to s& held i n T^kyo next month, to t a l k , too, about the problems of s e c u r i t y md s t a b i l i t y i n Europe and some planning, or some pj.epararion:perhaps, f o r the NATO Summit to take place next, r a i . l . .-ou know
- . Washington Post G. New York Times H. C h r i s t i a n Science Monitor III. Bosnian P o l i c y A. Boston Globe B. Washington Post IV. Supercollider/Space S t a t i o n A. Washington Post B. P l a i n Dealer C. Chicago Tribune V. G-7 Summit A. Los Angeles
- ; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder Reemployment Act 1994 (book) BoxllA, 11B: 6 ^ 12. , 3 4 S '.ftOOSJRES FILED O E SZ A T C M N S V R I F TA H E T I. II. III. IV. FEC Binder Center for New
- C l i n t o n Folder H: Inaugural Address - Misc. rough d r a f t s o f address - Suggestions from celebreties/notables - Final draft Folder I : G.I. B i l l - History of Folder J: 1994 G7 Jobs Conference - D r a f t s o f Sherpa background paper
- M N S V R I E TA H E T I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC
- - Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder Reemployment Act 1994 (book) BoxllA, 11B: 134^ ^ 1994
- . VI. VII. Affirmative Action (articles, briefing book, etc.) NAFTA (briefing books, speeches, etc.) Speech transcripts; SOA, POTUS comments G-7 Jobs conference Education training program, briefing book FEC binder Reemployment Act 1994 (book) Box 11A
- : " g ..,' , ·,·· .. '~'.'. ···7 .......... :. 'C. . ana are 1 egal~E3rid,~r " : .' All :these ~diverse . ,. e,.~~rtivet'ppropez1Y' ~;.·U"'"HV',·,
- G-7 Jobs Conference Detroit, Michigan - March 14-15, 1994 [Binder] [3]
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13649 FolderlD: Folder Title: G-7 Jobs Conference Detroit, Michigan - March 14-15, 1994 [Binder] [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 5 2 Clinton
- will contribute another $10 million to the G-7's cooperative program with Brazil to sustain the Rainforest. 8 And we will help Brazil put 21st century technology into this effort -- including research conducted by Brazilians in space. The fires burning
- in the major industrialized economies, including interest rate reductions by the U.S. and other industrial countries; passage of increased funding for the IMF, and agreement by the G7 leaders on President Clinton's call for stronger IMF efforts to contain
Making Work Pay
- 1820 1820 11107 11107 S803 S803 ".080 11.080 11.187 ".'87 ",253 ",253 ".3«1 I1.G7 . I1.G7 ".513 "'.1113 11.Il00 ''.Il00 '1,1183 .,0 .,0 1588 1588 11111 "5' ".811 .1.883 $9117 $9117 S857 S857 1130 1130 11.558 ".883 ".083 11.083 1m 1m 1100
Yugoslavia (former) [5]
- recovery in Europe and create of growth around the world. I have worked quite hard on t h i s in the l a s t several MORE - 2 - weeks. Just a few days ago I met with the finance ministers and the central bankers from the G-7 countries. And I said to them
- of means to react in those circumstances. I would like to know what you have discussed in that regard. And to President Clinton, since the United States and the G-7 countries seems to continue to be in no position to increase of capital of the I M F . how
- : Speechwriting- Boorstin Original OAIID Number: 424 Row: Section: Shelf: Position:.· Stack: 48 6 6 1 v ,, ~111c A!tJtroiJht!}ton G-7 fof/fund t() ~res~u~ ailing 11ations
- discussed in that regard. And to President Clinton, since the United States and the G-7 countries seems to continue to be in no position to increase of capital of the IMF, how can the G-7 countries achieve that objective without providing the money
- to convince the Europeans that i t ' s time for a worldwide trade agreement. And nearly everyone who has analyzed what we agreed to about the time of the G-7 on the GATT Round, the new trade agreement, concludes that i t w i l l add hundreds of thousands
[05/16/1996 – 04/02/1998]
- n by Russia i n t h e business o f t h e G7. There i s some work t h a t t h e G-7 does, p a r t i c u l a r l y on t h e economic s i d e t h a t i t w i l l p r o b a b l y c o n t i n u e t o do alone. But f o r t h e most p a r t we welcome
"Message" Memos
- Ickes, Harold Foreign Policy G7 Summit Long Range Media Long Range Planning I "D. Bde( Radio Address Political Reform Oval Office Address OP-ED Pieces Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Luntz Medicare "Message" Memos Message Group REGO Religion Republican
Transitions Meeting 10-27-94
- ••,3 4.645 ' 2 . 1 1 7 103 725· 464 II ,.1.5". . ; 1!14 " . 746 42" 11 1.oa7 194. 62 '."a2 4,604' 213. 1.570" i '60 208 ' 1,,688 11:881 .194' 9.&25 50 " PIlD.'I:O aco ' IUIO:OE :tSLI\NI) , l.35O ," ' '45' ' US 4.255. 304 G7 4.'" :rlWID
- ,etSIS~.Hmg7."'G'l2:~'er®,t~i;Vhe:s~;ff;:a,;p>~0
- •oogntz•d tl\a the judiotaey ia not to uaurp the Ccnet:l.tut:lona ly mandated con z~ol that the- ccsn;:reaa 1ne1 Prea1dant hole! over the military. 1aa a..JL., Qr1ptf y. Wi1lpugbi;W, 34!5 u.s. at G7 ( "vud;ea are not an . BZ't. gLv reeponaib:lltt
- ~ .· ':~w~ fut_ure: We u~g7. ~epre~en:t~ti~e.~a~,es-, ' ·.· tion has involved .fhe relationsh~p between. tmza~s to·,part m these _negotzatwns; ~. ·.an· : Egyptian-Israeli ' treaty '· arid , the. . . :We '.an~ ready to .work, wi_th ·any ·who · •. broader
- on the visit other than what you said last night? MRS. CLINTON: Well; 1 am just giateful that the Emperor and Empress who ente~tained us at the Imperial.Palace when we attended the G7 meeting :last July could be here in the united states for a lengthy visit
- area Q (~2 Croatia Trebinje * Bihac UN-declared "Safe Area" 40 o * erers -o ivJ4314 ocret SC 0039 g7-~ Albania 40 Miles iv_______________ ROO0a9) 12.9 C00389760 Secret UM NOFO ORCON -NOCONTRACT Bosnia: Serb Ethnic Cleansing Summary
- . The United States has consistently led the international effort to support economic reform in Ukraine. Last year, we convinced the G-7 to pledge over $4 billion for that country. In October, Ukraine's government launched a courageous program of market reform
- Hillary Rodham ClintOn~and G-7 'Spouses will, Castle st. Elmo and the villa Pignatelli.,! -MORE " , , \ / I "'. , i PAGE' 3 OF' 4 'FIRST LADY ,HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'S SCHEDULE' , SA:rURDAY, ,JULY 9, 1994 : NAPLES', ITALY
- for collective efforts to improve our lot-- either through the G-7, the IFis or other fora. So they're really different. The one press overlap that we'll want to encourage is the likely · endorsement by the Bank/Fund meetings of the Mexican package. Thanks, Helen
- with the world beyond our borders. From making p~ace in the Middle East to 3 keeping the peace in Haiti, we are working to help spread tolerance and civility. From expanding · NATO to revitalizing the G-7 -- which Canada will host in Halifax this June -- we
- ·that strengthen our core community and benefit American workers and businesses. At the Tokyo G-7 summit in July, the President made clear that we place the same strong emphasis on improving our economic ties with Japan that we do on maintaining our security
- ...., 0) (1) .,.' • , \ z o Q) en ,.• •• (1) a. • • • en f"+ • • • • • •• •• •• •• • L ____ L______L ________ '__ (1) _ '< Q) a.. (C • • u.s. compares well with G-7 in R&D as of % GOP 1995 - and provides half of total $ G-7 R&D
- Bentsen and Espy wiil testify, We were unable to get an announcement date prior to your leaving for the G- 7 lrip hul were able to get Riegle 10 move his hearing to this afternoon in order to accomodate you. ThIS event is the culmination of months
Netanyahu Visit 7/9/96
- Sheik and G-7 . summits. 2. Let me conclude by ating something I told Prime Minister Netanyahu when we rst met in 1992. I said then that I didn't believe the Unit States could make peace on behalf of Israel. Israel and its Arab neighbors must make
- urgently from developed countries are transfers of technology and know-how, and help in developing human capital, Mubarak said. The issue of a new financial architecture has dominated discussions among G-7 countries in the past year since the Asian
- people i n back. Q What was she asking? (Laughter.) Q I s he s c a l i n g down h i s expectations o f what he's going t o get out o f the G-7 given the d i f f i c u l t y you're having w i t h the trade agreements, the Russian a i d package? I mean
- Trip - Berlin Citizens Greetings [OA/ID 421] 7/94 Trip - Berlin Arrival Statement [OA/ID 421] 7/94 Trip - Italy Departure [Statement] [OA/ID 421] 7/94 Trip - Italy Arrival Statement [OA/ID 421] 7/94 Trip - G-7 Japan Bilateral [OA/ID 421] 2006-0460-F
- the integrity and openness of emerging . . economies. Last Saturday, the G-7 finance ministers outlined specific safeguards for Russia and called for comprehensive review by the World Bank and IMF to make sure funds are used appropriately in high-risk
- ~njfactu~ed Japan imports relativelY/fewer goods than any other G-7 cCluntry. Japan I s· imports of manufactured goods as a percent of GDP stand at aboutl 3.1 perpertt, as, compared with 6.9 percent for the u.s. and 7.4 percentfo~ the:G-7 .nations
- Speeches FDR Memorial G-7 Communique G-7 Schedule G-7 Background G7I Comments Misc. G-7 Galludet 5/13/94 Georgetown 11110 Speech ----------:JHrr-"""3·o-·-gs--g:s9No . oo3 P . o1 THE W~ ITE HOUSE WASHINGTON J~nuary 27, 1995 MEMORANDUM
Currie, Betty
- Gengrich - New Hampshire Dartmouth College commencement Rescue of Captain Scott - Thanking Armed Forces White House conference on Small Business Memorial Services for Les Aspin Congressional Meeting - Photo op/Remarks Departure for G-7 in Halifax Press
U.N. General Assembly
- economic cooperation between the world's largest econ~mies- the leaders of these nationS created the G-7. While there 'is always a gap·between expectations· amd execution- and the · inevitable retrospectives will point' to lapses and problems wifh
- a reception for G-7 representatives at Blair House President Clinton greeting George and Effi Frazier in the Oval Office President Clinton participating in the announcing of his Associate Attorneys General outside the Department of Justice
Goals 2000
- r Tuesday, February 15 and Tuesday, March 15 (same date as the close of the D e t r o i t G-7 Summit). . ? Major address on education t h a t r e f l e c t s h i s long and t i r e l e s s commitment t o reform. Schedule a t American Univ
[Michael Waldman]
- tasks include: chief policy aide on campaign finance reform; communications director, NAFTA "war room,'' Summit of the Americas, and G-7 Jobs Conference; presidential speechwriter; coordinator of WH lobbying efTorts on the Reemployment Act; extensive
Denver Summit
- TARULLO THROUGH: BILL ANTHOLIS FROM: ANTONY BLINKEN AND DAVID LEAVY SUBJECT: DENVER SUMMIT OF EIGHT COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Strategy: As always, we can expect some i n t e r n a t i o n a l i s s u e t o impact t h e G-7 agenda. W i t h t h a t i n mind
- rapidly -- expanding by 8,5 million net new jobs. Based on comparable data, employment growth has been stronger in the United States than in any of our G-7 partners. Two-thirds (68 percent) of the net growth in full-time employment between Februarv 1994
- for terrorists. Now they have become partners in the_world-wide campaign against terrorism. We _are also working· clos.ely with our G -7 partners,·· allies and other governm~nts on the recent bombing attacks. Recent Bombings A~ I have said repeatedly, I
- that Ukraine has made strides to reform its markets and its political system, and we will help them keep reform on track. We've already done a lot, leading the G-7 last summer to pledge $4 billion for Ukraine and making sure that commitment becomes' reality
- -Sheikh~to the anti-terror agreements we reac~ed with our G-7 partners and . . ' .· ~~~~.u_t~~-. -· . . . Russia last mont~ Our Intelligence services have been . sharing more information with other· nations than ever - so we can stop terrorists before
1995-12-26, Office of European Affairs Report re EU-Bosnia Groping for the Initiative in Peace
- _____ C05915979 q-et e EU delegates will join representatives from the G-7, Russia, and the Organization of Islamic Conference to oversee reconstruction lanning and administration as part of the steering committee. ...But Divisions Remain Nonetheless, internal
- states almost certainly would seek the participation of other G-7 countries and of international financial institutions in funding economic reconstruction in the Balkans. The Europeans would want to spread the financing burden so that it does not foil
- States Department of Agriculture] [Binder] [5] [OA/ID 3395] International Economic Affairs Duncan, John G-8: G-7 Environmental and Biotech Issues (October 1999, Dresden Sherpa) [OA/ID 2861] 2013-0836-F 6 Clinton Presidential
- . [Department] of: Communications/Issues [OA/ID 2158] G-7 Foreign Journalists [OA/ID 1511] Press Conference Information [OA/ID 2659] Press Dinners/Ethics [OA/ID 4281] Speech Strategies [OA/ID 4281] Violence/Media [OA/ID 2806] Violence/Media: Violence: Anti
NSC - '95 Accomplishments
- ofNIS in Defense Department appropriations bills • • • • for FY94 and 95 Helped negotiate a G-7 agreement with Ukraine on action program for shutdown 9f · Chernobyl Helped achieve G-7 agreement on $4 billion financial assistance package to Ukraine
- intentions. He'll be reminding President Y eltsin that none of the G-7 countries feel that it's safe to cooperate with Iran on nuclear matters. To put it simply, Iran has no legitimate basis for trying to develop a nuclear reactor progr-am. We hope that over
- Christopher's Trip (2 pages) ca. . Pl/b(l) 001c. talking points Secretary Christopher's Middle East Trip (1 page) 03/02/1993 00Id. report ca. 03/02/1993 G-7 Finance Ministers' Meeting (1 page) Pl/b(l), P5 Pl/b(l) ca. Lloyd Bentsen to President William
- : Secre.~ary Chris~opher As the G-7 concluded at Halifax two weeks ago, we need to cake a ha.rd look at all existing UN agencies. We also need to be ·resolute in taking the next step: eliminating those which are no longer relevant or useful, whatever
OVP - Economy
- policies with our G7 in part because we !~ave. brought little. credibility to the negotiating table. Our G7 partners hav" repeatedly expressed anxiety about our Federal budget deficits and their drain on global capital markets and interest rates
- , ADDRESS; / / J A S *rsy / ^ o&^y — ties -2 3 O T ^ -frt^fttJ&fL • / f ^ g / / ClTY:^g7^^>STATE: ZIP: TELEPHONE: 7 3 5 ^ 2 ^ 7 ^ S S/ - FAX: CONTACT: ~?Z/£0 ^ tfj^txM—^ 1. Do you currently provide health insurance for your employees? Y Sc
- /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001a. memo Robert Rubin to the President; RE: Update on Your International Financial Initiatives (2 pages) 01/12/1997 P5 001b. report RE: Report From G7 Finance
- Green, 112 Guyot, 115 Hamilton, E2 llcnry, E4 Henry House, F2 . llibben Apartments, 09 Holder, E2 · · Hoyt, H2 Jadwin Gym, J7 Jadwin llall, US Jolinc, E2 Jones, G4 Laughlin, EJ Lenz Tennis Center, G7 Little, E3 Lockhart, E3 Lourie+ Love, G5 Lowrie House
Chaters and Desegregation
- charter sc~ols - Children's Charter, S~hool J.K. Haynes Elementa:y, and the Commun1ty for Apprent1ceship Learning - were approved and opened in 1~g7 by the school board without either informing the plaintiff parties or obtaining Court approval
- in the last several years? G5) Why do tropical cyclones occur primarily in the summer and autumn? G6) What determines. the movement of tropical cyclones? G7) Why doesn't the South Atlantic Ocean experience tropical cyclones? G8) Does an active June and July
Elena Kagan Law Review 5 [8]
- Report from the High Level Expert Group on the Social and Societal Aspects of the Information Society: Building the European Information Society for Us All (1996). See also Address by Al Gore, Vice-President of the United States, G7 Ministerial Conference
[Zeldin, Ilene] [2]
- , but we have all the brains!" Fifty years later, the money bag is missing. But if anyone finds it, the address to return it to is: U.S. Treasury Department, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C. I want to talk about the dollar, about the upcoming G-7
France [2]
- Christopher) Background Papers French I n t e r n a l Politics The French Economy France and Europe Economic Policy Coordination Among the G-7 Uruguay Round of M u l t i l a t e r a l Trade Negotiations Airbus Vietnam Other Regional and Global Issues
[League of Cities Research]
- liberalizanities when the Summit of the Eight— tions, and other economic reforms, Clinthe G-7 nations plus Russia—convenes ton will be able to point to the record on June 20 in Denver. Indeed, this time of the U. S. in the 1990s and urge them Clinton is riding
- the international financial institutions~ ·· The United States and our ·G-7 allies have stopped Iranla~ . . purchase of weapons from our nations ... ·.·.. . . . . ' . . ' 18 · We have. re[usedto cooperate. with Iran. on. sensitive ·. matt~rs
[TFR-300 - Code Charts]
- others... " ~, G.~. 7 Vlhere the Type of National is 7 - ' 8 Where the T ype of Nationa.l is all other persons ~ . . . 1'+ - ' ~-~~ /)"'\.~', Q.1tizenshjp GJ'PllJ2 Cod.~ 1 Citizens of country of residence 2 Citizens of the U.S
- for Implementing the Uruguay Round • Countries Participating in the Round • Contracting Parties to the GATT (with dates of accession) • GATT and Development Subsidies • G-7 Summit - Background Information on Trade (GATT Secretariat) PRESS RELEASES - USTR December
- Recess Independence Day 5 Congressional Recess 6 10 11 13 12 7 8 9 Congressional Congressional Congressional Recess Recess Recess G-7 Summit. Italy G-7 Summit, Italy G-7 Summit, Italy Trip Trip Trip 14 15 16 G-7 Summit, Italy G-7 Summit
GW Speech Drafts 8/5/96
- Nations General Assembly, this spring at the historic summit of peacemakers in Sharm el-Sheik, and most recently at the G-:-7 Summit in Lyon and the follow-on conference we called for in Paris. The point of these efforts isn't to talk, but to act. And we
- , by giving our law enforcement the most powerful counterterrorism tools available ... and third, by improving security in our airports and on our airplanes. Last week in Paris, with America's leadership, the G-7 nations and Russia agreed on a sweeping set
- to, state visits, the G-7, Northern Ireland, and the European Union. There is also information regarding schedules, appointments and foreign travel. The majority of this FOIA case is currently withheld under PRA and FOIA restrictions.
- Economic Affairs Sherman Boone Blair Visit [U.K.] [1] [OA/ID 1233] Blair Visit [U.K.] [2] [OA/ID 1233] John Duncan G-7-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction-Prime Minister Blair [OA/ID 2861] Box 3 Clinton Presidential Records: NSC Cable, Email
- at us now. When we go to the G-7 meeting in July, we'll be a success story in the making, an example for our partners. For starters, we have a responsible budget plan, one that for the first time ever, reduces the deficit that has been ballooning
- 84 1 2 3 305"5 g·7 ..s s.. ~ie_J ~ t ClSt1A'l Pob.i!n- /=(-rGC:J6-d--1 '9~ MAV "L"L PM"L:l:jq THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGTON May 21,1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: 'Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Education
- goods imported by Japan amounted to only 3.1 percent of GNP -- a level less than half the 6.9 percent 'share for the United states and the 7~4 percent average share for the G-7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the united states and the united
- ... in another $350 million to help eliminate nuclear weapons ... in an expanding political dialogue between our nations. We led· efforts in the world' financial institutions to commit $2.7 billion and urge_d our G-7 partners to provide even more· and we
- nuclear weapons;· in' .. leading the'world's financia,l institutionsto commit $2.7 pillion for· . I ' • ·--.-,. ';·... ,·., ' .•· .·· .',; ·• I Ukraine's. future; and urging our. partners-in the G-7 to do even more. We will, continue to work
NSC - 1995 Calendar
- and Investment in Ireland ·Participation at Memorial Day Services Washington· m~ Iii ~- : :;{; ~ . :. . !~ ,~- , - ::~!:; .~i[ : -:.' ; Vi , Arlington Cemetery USAF_Academy Cornrnencement Colorado Springs, CO *June 16-18 ./ G-7 Summit Halifax, Nova
- solutions which can be helpful in the United States and throughout the G-7 countries. We have to figure out how to unlock the doors for people who are left behind in this new global economy. I want to say a special word of appreciation that the other
- for contamination, more effedtively. J ' • " I ' , ' 'That'isalso,the' pr~ncipal reason'why the President just recently joined the leaders of the G-7, and Russia and Ukraine at the summit I mentioned aimoment ago, called the, summit' on, Nuclear Safety
- foreign policy. I used to detest acronyms. But lately, I've developed ·a.n affection· for a few:. G-7, N~FTA, APEC. Now, I am · hopeful that we dm soon add GATT to the list. Last night's breakthrough with the EU puts a Uruguay Round .agreement within reach
- fo'r th,at new. Pacific community racy. ,. . .and the role the United. States' intends to . It is a great honorfor me to be here today' 'play. i opportunity just ~·few days' with·, my-, wife, with the United States Sec-· · ago at the G-7. su
Foreign Aid - "New Types"
- big ind.ustrialized countries "won't control t.he IMF in 20 years: he's looking ahead to that period." Camdessus' Tactics Irritate Big Questions on the Table When leaders of the world's seven His G-7 Bosses, but They largest industrial economies
- , protection, ·conservation and presentation of national parks and national historic sites. G-7 Environmental Ministers o The United States Government supports the regular exchange of views on the shared Bnvironmental priorities of industrialized countries
- fragile G-7 agreement to stay at same pace] In addition, I have asked our Congress for enough debt relief funding this year to wipe out all bilateral concessional debt for the fastest-reforming poor nations. In total, our budget request this year would
- The Presi~ent ~ill tra·vel to Naples for the G-7 Summit·.· In . disc~siiohs ~ith ~ur .G~7 partners, ~e ~ill discuss the current . . challeng~s of growth and jobs, pa;i"tnershipwith Russia, trade anci other issues~ w~ will stress .renewal: a·aew gi6bal
- of the o~her G-7 nations, that we will substantially increase Russia's role in our annual meeting, now to be called the Summit ofthe 8, in Denver this June. Here in Helsinki, we have proved once again that we can work together to resolve our differences
- percent more than Hispanic men who bad not completed high schoot 10 contrast. in 1979111is same premium was a mud! smaller G7 percent for college completion. (Over thc same period the premium for college education for all mer. in the work force rose
Economy - Talking Points
- induded at the top a very good G-7 One pager that Laura Tyson, Larry Summers. David Sherman did On why the US is leading world growth. The materials !therefore include: • One Pager'On US Economy allhe G-7: • Message Points: a talking point document
1994 Letters L-Z [2]
- Retirees Minorities Medicaid Other I. managed 3. c h o i c e care of 5. a m e r i c a n G 7. physiclan/plan 4. f r a u d / w a s t e overGees 6. d e n t a l i n c r e a c e d c o c t s / t a x e s t_o c o n c u m e r 9. med i c a r e II
- of Italy, Japan, and Canada. Attended G-7 Economic Summit Meeting and met \vith President Yc\tsin. July 10-12, 1994 Germany Bonn, Oggersheim, Serlm Met with Chancellor Kohl and German politiealleaciers. Delivered a public address at the Brandenburg Gate
- tO be effective. In the . leadership 'Position in .the G-7 and the· ·. ·. President ;y'eltsin agrees-tha~ we . i~ngrun, these-programs will provide · international fin&ncial institutions to. made a good start in 1993; in terms of. . the fundament&J building blOcks
- Library Catalog . I " \, Call Number ISBN Subjects Organizations LC Card Number Title Published Description General Note Subjects LC Card Number JX5313.G7 B75 1998 0-903359-75-8 (Pbk) i Click any linked term to display more records indexed
- ;. ,32, 32A 58 1'& r*pll plGace reter to. ('1~G7&) Dear Sir: &cd'erace 1e ~ to 10'. lotkr of ~ 18, 1944, 1:'~b.ti."'G to cor tab. tranMc'ioDe 1.mNtlY1q nati~nal$O ,ofblockBtt ccrm\rhB wh~ are wt&biD foreip CDttntrleD wilt. 81re notblooDi. eoploe ot
[Germany - Vesting] [2]
- leqderl;! and co:J..~por.:a:t;:ors wi3~~~~m,~~~: ,'" :', g" assets to and through,neutral'oountries in order' to c,Rnp'~..i:M-r~,~, ,,' to perpetuate their influence".power, and ability to pa:a:n:':fut~~;fa.,g7"· i ' grandizement and iriofld .domi~tion
- to be persistent in our efforts to change Japan. I favor devoting major portions of the G7 summit in England and the 50* anniversary of the WTO in Geneva to bring about change in the systemic problems of the Japanese economy. We have to move beyond jawboning
- of us, so we called ourselves,the G7. (Laughter.) But she was there as a part of ,the United Nations system and was responsible for a lot of women's issues. She has now taken over - (End of side one of tape.) ! I I I (Begin side two, in progress
- LEGISLATURES TRANSMITTAL SHEET,FOR' TELECOPIES TIME DATE TO__~~~~~~~~__~____________________________ FROM__~~~__~~~~~~~~~~__~____________ NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING COVER_ TELEFAX NUMBER (. ACCOUNTING CODE Lf5lp .... ~g7 t t.f 3:b I INSTRUCTIONS
- ·•• 8 Blinken, Antony J. From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Eisenhower, James J. @NSA - Natl Security Advisor; @SPEECH - NSC Speechwriters Clarke, Richard A. RE:GW speech Saturday, August 03, 1996 12:49PM I like the structure and tone. On G7 stuff, you
- ourselves the G7. (Laughter.) iBut she was there as a part of the United Nations system and was responsible for a lot of women's issue·s. She has now taken over-(End of side: one of tape.) (Begin side ~wo, in progress.) I think that from my discussions
- '11ational fora (e.g. G·7, WP·3, and the IMF)-the "Who ainswers the ~hone?" qU~stion. Th IS . .. be d fi .. I ed'l h " " . I d' I'd question cannot e mtlve y answer untl t e inS are jSe ecte In nu 4 1998, although it may be appropriate 10 raise
- : House" breakthrough on Geneva in December agriculture 1991. The text fulfilled Quad achieve market every part of the Punta Jul 93 Tokyo: access breakthrough at G7 del Este mandate, with summit one exception - it did not most negotiations end contain
- citizens/Our G- 7 partners embraced that plan. Still, I felt we can do more. So in September, I announced that we would completely write off all of the debts owed to us by the countries that qualify for the G-7 program, as many as 27 ~ African countries
- of jobs. · Technology-based industries ·in mamifacturing and services accounted directly for between. one-quarter and one~ third of G7 output growth between ·1980 and 1995. But their economy-wide impact is most notably ·felt through the diffusion· . of new
- s t i a n Science Monitor F. Dallas Morning News G. Birmingham News , 47 47 48 48 49 50 51 51 52 52 53 Analysis: I. Tokyo Summit: The e d i t o r i a l s concerning the G-7 summit described the outcome and President C l i n t o n ' s performance
- to be auspicious in a couple ofrespect . ~the.!:ill. is expected to issue a report on non-c:ooperative jurisdictions, the DECD II issue a re rt on i COmpetition pJoject, and the G-7 FiIi"'ancial Stability orum will conclude a re ort that will ~s, inter ~I la, tee
- will consider how to move toward NATO's expansion to Europe's new democracies and how to adapt the international institutions to serve us for the next 50 years." At the President's initiative, we and our G-7 partners will chart a strategy in Halifax this June
Overall Strategy
- and is expected. to include environmental events as part of his itinerary. G-7 Summit (June 20-22) U.S. is hosting the G-7 Summit in Denver, which will include a discussion of environmental lSSUeS. Outdoor Writers Association Conference (June 22-26
Trade: Framework - Text
- industrialized nations, as well). Japan imports far fewer manufactured goods for its size than do the other G-7 countries. From 1980-1992, Japan's manufactured imports averaged 3.1% of GNP, less than half the 6.6% average for the other industrialized countries
- these celebrations days, of course, with everybody we discussed Halifax. I and Russia, of course, concerned about our role in the G-7 or in the G-8. That is why this morning, at 9:00 a.rri., I had a meeting with thePrime Minister of Canada, Mr. Chretien, who will act
- and our G-7 allies have stopped Iranian purchase of weapons from our nations. We have refused to cooperate with Iran on sensitive matters such as nuclear energy and have tightened trade restrictions on items that might be used to construct weapons. We
Russia [5]
- pm t h i s afternoon, President C l i n t o n spoke w i t h Russian President Boris Y e l t s i n f o r 30 minutes. The two leaders exchanged views on issues t o be discussed a t the G-7 Summit i n Tokyo. President C l i n t o n described G-7 e f f o
Japan [4]
- p ? A: - The Prime M i n i s t e r and I i n t e n d t o meet once each year (beyond the G-7 summit process) t o d i s c u s s b i l a t e r a l issues. I t h i n k t h a t demonstrates the p e r s o n a l commitment we have t o t h i s r e l a t
- as a percentage of national income is now as low as it was in 1979. And as a percentage of GDP, the deficit is now projected to be lower than any of our G-7 trading partners. We're not just cutting the deficit. We're cutting the size of government. Thanks
SOTU 1994 - Theme Memos
- were serious about putting our house in order, and gave the President leverage on issues ranging from macroeconomic coordination to trade barrier reduction, e.g. successful G-7 meeting in 4 Japan, successful APEC conference, and successful conclusion
- own. In a month, President Mitterrand and I will join the other G-7 leaders in Naples, where we will meet with President Yeltsin. We look forward to this opportunity to reiterate our support for political and economic reform in Russia. Despite
- paper RE: IMF (International Monetary Fund) (3 pages) n.d. Pl/b(l) 00Iv. briefing paper RE: U.S. Bilateral Assistance to Russia (3 pages) n.d. Pl/b(l) 00Iw. chart RE: G-7 Assistance to Russia (1 page) n.d. Pl/b(l) COLLECTION: Clinton
- ), Training voucher deal JUNE Early Re-invention initiative: destruction of regulations House Banking: Whitewater Middle The Budget Resolution Medicare Education/training Long-term care Late The Budget Fight JULY Early G-7 Meetings Middle Late AUGUST
Pillar File
- Presidency.p - rcn**. OsC fit***' f- "UAjzliOt QL — ?x*-rt-facto— : • Sci-t f**t£ ' AJCUJL -
Guns - Settlement
- In ~m' "'" tho S"'''' Edn~tion md Lwoc Co=;tt" prodn", , b,Ott "~htt i!!!....s{..,. fP~'!'V ~~ ~ ~ " ~'YfJ '."" g ,7.:::::", Rq,"bh'~' Immm R.r.= _ " " Td
France - Embassy
- in 1994 for the sot~t Anniversary of the Nonnandy Landings~ in I 996 for the G-7 Meeting in Lyon; and in 1997 for the signing of the OECD anti-bribery convention. Mrs. Clinton visited Paris and Correze in 1998 at the invitation of Bernadette Chirac
- research on disease~ that affect developing nations; , • A new tax credit for sales of vaccines for infectious diseases to accelerate their invention and production; • A call to our G-7 partners to join our efforts to ensure a.future market
- countries builds on one of the primary achievement of last year's G-7/G-8, Summit, the Cologne Debt Initiative, which will triple the scale of debt relief available to countries undertaking economic reforms and committing to devote the resources freed
- that this ·Administration was an early and strong supporter of South Africa. We were the first country to help by providing a $600 million, three-year trade and investment package. And I asked my colleagues in the G-7 to do the same. This week, in my meetings with President
Principals Schedules - 1995
- preview Sllilli~it of the Ame~icas follow-Up 'July 31 Strategic Engagement in Asia (on way to S.outheast As i~ for ASEP-.N PMC) G..:;:7) Other Proposals for Spring and Summer: Non-Proliferation Progress speech ·America Desk/Economic Diplomacy
- more peaceful neighbors, but are better trading partners." From South Africa to Russia, from Chile to China, we have been using a range of American diplomatic and economic resources to promote the world-wide growth of democracy. For example, my G-7
- in Asia has been twice that of the G-7 countries and this means ever expanding markets to those with the best products and. most attractive services. Increasingly, those goods and services are American. One-third of our exports now fiow here, supporting
- NAFTA --which increased I 3 transborder trade by 13 percent last year ... -ivhy both our nations have vigorous export promotion strategies ... why we'll be working together in Halifax this June to revitalize the G-7. And that's why we will sign a new
UNGA Speech - Big Type
- of plutonium no bigger than a soda can is enough· to make an atomic bomb. I 20 Building on efforts already underway with the states of the former Soviet Union and with our G-7 partners, we will seek to better account for, store and safeguard materials
- a soda can is enough to make an atomic bomb. Building on efforts already underway wi~h the states of the former Soviet Union and with our G-7 partners, we will seek to better account for, store and safeguard.materials with mass destructive power. We
- nations, including 13 Arab nations for the first time condemned terrorism in Israel and · anywhere else it occurs iri the Middle East and throughout the world; at the G-7 Summit in Lyon; and the recently held follow-on conference we called for in Paris
- tha~ombined. • Economic performance has restored American leadership and credibility. Four years ago, foreign leaders would come to G-7 and give lectures to US on need for economic discipline. Now, with U.S. economy ranked most competitive three
- 21 I"'JI:) ol... " .~~~~Z~i 20 •....!)o • /v~. -C
- ~ ~~ • Toul's 1 VO --~·--- L. L ... ·8 18 24-26 PER.~Y - .. J. ... ..:....1 '-' June POTGS 8 17-19 26 Mexican President Zedilto visit G-7 UN 50th F..nni-....-ersary (F.LL DATES TS!\'TATI\S) 5 18 29 Air Force Senior Leadership
- their limited production toward domestic, often wartime, needs. -Top Seret. 71 .1 J RI 0O f f~H "n C. GI- G-" 7"A iv \ - - C05960842 Outlook Serbian PresidentMilosevic has little incentive to further restrictsupport to the BSA or reduce
- ;: nISoC e-c..~&"t';U..( pJ~>OIVkt,. C:::OItye.~~Jl~,t" q~ IN»If)~t>~ ,Nt+n~1tL.£ SC;fi'J
- of overall Function 150 spending priorities. Status of International Negotiations International Development Association. Your G-7 Deputies briefing provides a fairly complete picture of the IDA-II . eplenishmf~nt negotiations. Our very clear position
- , we focussed on three operational issues. First, Strobe raised the apparent Franco-German effort to give Russia ftill membership in the G-7 in Lyon, saying he suspected that Kohl was driving the process. He suggested that Stat],. 77 Treasury and NSC
- Berger, Christine Varney, Marcia Hale, Dee Dee Myers, Leon Fuerth, Bruce Lindsey, Mack McLarty, Mark Gearan, David Gergen, George Stephanopoulos and Tony Lake in the Oval Office, President Clinton participating in a briefing for the upcoming G-7 Tokyo
- Wing, President Clinton meeting with foreign press in the Oval Office and the Roosevelt Room, Carol Rasco and family visiting the Cabinet Room, President Clinton talking on the telephone regarding the upcoming G-7 economic summit, Hillary Rodham Clinton
- talking points concerning Africa that President Clinton carried to the 20th G-7 meeting in Naples, Italy in July 1994. In the instance of the NSC Records Management System the U.S. response in the aftermath of the estimated 500,000 deaths in Rwanda
Germany [2]
- progress at the G-7 summit in Tokyo. -30- THE WHITE HOUSE O f f i c e o f the Press Secretary For Immediate Release May 24, 1993 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN PHOTO OPPORTUNITY WITH PRESIDENT RICHARD VON WEIZSACKER OF GERMANY The Oval O f f i c e 4:05
- letters and memos related to how foreign governments planned to observe the millennium. The Speechwriting files of Michael Waldman contain memos related to the Foreign Press Outreach for the G-7 Jobs Conference, a copy of a USIA foreign press center
Learning Challenge
- information on the event this afternoon. It would be great if you could' attend -- not only because I enjoy your company and because you are a one of the chairs of the ETR, but also because your co-chair Bob Rubin will be at the G-7 at this time and therefore
- of the United States and the United Nations. · · The reform theme is one that you will recall from Halifax, where the G-7 leaders called for substantial U.N. reform. We see a tracl
APEC - Communications Plan
- and structures for the post-Cold War period (NAFTA, PFP, expanded G-7, APEC, etc.). We should portray Jakarta as evidence of the President's willingnes~ to follow-through·on commitments made in Seattle last November when he said, "working as partners we have
- their backyard. A. The EU and its members account for over 70% of the $80 billion-plus in total G-7 commitments to the NIS (as of January). G-7 members agree that no one country or institution should shoulder the burden alone on aid to Russia and the NIS. Only
- to other G·7 Deputies. Infonning Congress We would keep key staffers generally informed about our intentions and progress. 2124/97 j quota-st.rgy . \ PROPOSED POLICY AGENDA FOR THE WF . The ~ has undertaken a number of important reforms over
[05/20/1996 – 08/27/1996]
- Subject: RE: Cardoso Visit [UNCLASSIFIED] TO Feinberg, Richard E. CARBONCOPY NO CC's on THIS MESSAGE TEXT BODY goncalves thought probably general issue although possibly the G-7 rainforest proposal, which i will get you details on today •R3/(b)(3
- i n u t e s b e f o r e e a t i n g ( 7 ) . C o f f e e , t e a , pop, c h o c o l a t e — maximum of 5 s e r v i n g s p e r day ( t o t a l ) ( 8 ) . No a l c o h o l , d o p e , o r s m o k i n g . Smoking d e p l e t e s oxygen a v a i l a b l e