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37 results

Trade (Item)
  • in the two fastest growing regions of the world. * New markets are being forged open. The U.S.-Japan auto and auto parts agreement gave u.s. manufacturers real access for the first time ever -- to the second largest auto market in the world. ENHANCED U.S
Labor Unions (Item)
  • Administration's economic policies -- restoring growth, igniting investor confidence, opening up new markets -creating economic opportunity and jobs for America's forgotten middle class. BACKGROUND While most attention is focussed on computers and other high
Values Speech (Item)
  • consecutive years of lower deficits • Low unemployment and low inflation: the lowest combined rate in 27 years ...... · • Aggressive trade policies have opened new markets for American goods • High wage jobs through education: Direct Student lending
  • ~ority is to open new markets and help launch a new Partnership for Prosperity. We have an opportunity to -,, build on the momentum ofNAFTA and GATT-- to create a free trade area that stretches from Alaska to Argentina. We should be specific and concrete
  • ~tunities. 10 But retreat is not an .. • option. With both parties working tQCJether, we have opened new markets, increased American exports and created new high-paying jobs hera at home. New trade with Mexico and canada under NAPTA has created mora
  • . The President has opened new markets to U.S. exports to create ~igh-wage jobs in the United States while monitoring and enforcing our trade agreements to ensure our trading partners are living up to their obligations: A RECORD OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: Created Over 1
  • . And, by supporting reforms in the former Soviet Union, we help to destroy missiles once aimed at us and to create new markets for our goods. Here at home, for the past fifteen months, we have restarted the engines of upward mobility. I want anyone who is part of what
  • Stephanopoulos __ 1 Don Baer /'' ~ l"'U'""" Rahm Emanuel ~ _B~ Vicki Radd ~~~~ FYI, attached is the first installment of our fact sheets. I'd suggest we put them on the internet ASAP. They include: A Record of Leadership Opening New Markets to Creat.e Jobs
  • new markets and expanding trade, which we must do to create exportrelated jobs .. .increase our prosperity... and keep the American dream alive. But we can only do that if America leads. In the years ahead, America must uphold its leadership
Labor Speech (Item)
  • : three consecutive years of lower deficits • Low unemployment and low inflation: the lowest combined rate in 27 years * Aggressive trade policies have opened new markets for American goods "' High wage jobs through education; Dir~t Student lending, rhe
  • working smarter and learning more, from entrepreneurs taking more risks and going after new markets, and from corporations designing better products and taking a longer view. We're going to reward work, expand opportunity, empower people, and we are going
  • , and this year he submitted to Congress the first genuine balanced budget in 17 years. 2. Opening new markets to create jobs for American worken. More than 1 million new export-related jobs have been created under the Clinton Administration. 3. Investing in our
  • to know, tell me if NAFTA is going to pass so we can become part of this great new market. more, hundreds of millions more of American consumers for our • products. ·· · It's. rio ·secret that.there is· division within ·both. tlie
  • dramatically in these last. two years; ened new markets; 'relaxed a lot of our controls on our own products so hey can be sold overseas in the aftermath of the Cold War. We have kept the world' s· strongest, m:ost .mobile, most flexible.· defense. .we' worked
  • business innovation can contribute significantly to an enterprise's success. The spectrum of profitable business behaviors is far broader than many of us dare to imagine. We see this in the California banker who pioneered a lucrative new market for home
  • for wages our.people can't live on will chip away at our position. When there is a lot of growth you can be developing new technologies, new activities, and new ma~kets. That is our only option. We also, therefore, must create those new markets. That means
APEC [1] (Item)
APEC [2] (Item)
HUD (Item)
Polls (Item)
  • said in the campaign he would focus on the economy like a laser beam. He cut the deficit and opened new markets and that led to 8.4 million new jobs, and now he is proposing a national campaign to send every student to college so they will have the best
  • than the opportunities. But retreat is not an 10 option. With both parties working together, we have opened new markets, increased American exports and created new high-paying jobs hare at bOlla. New trade with Mexico and canada under NAPTA has
  • peace and in today's Russia public opinion counts for much more than it used to, From the American point of view, a prosperous Russia will be an important new market and a stable Russia can be a positive element in the stability of both Europe and Asia
  • is to look inward, and protect what we already have. ours is to look forward -- to open new markets, prepare our people to compete, to restore our social fabric -- to save and invest so we can win. We believe that now that the world .looks more like America
  • for a lifetime from dramatic expansions in Head Start to permanent retraining programs for displaced adults. We are looking for new markets for our products and services with new trade agreements and new opportunities to sell our best efforts here·around
  • of a global compaagr, And Morgan deariy suffered no your workplace antfm someone lasting psychic damage. In fact te ttet's hurt by radam a d tten help because it helps tte company move Into new markets more effecthvly. said aAenvard tivat he wisiied tte ttet