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- Text (5386)
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5386 results
- to the President’s Interagency Task Force on Nonprofits and Government, legislative correspondence, Bruce Reed memoranda to the President on various topics including welfare reform, crime, education, AIDS, violence, Habeas reform, National Service, lobby reform
- correspondence, Bruce Reed memoranda to the President on various topics including welfare reform, crime, education, AIDS, violence, Habeas reform, National Service, lobby reform, tobacco, reinventing government, publications, and document request forms from 1994
Republicans [2]
- Assistant REPUBLICANS AND WELFARE REFORM Wasbington, D.C, -- The Ful! Education and Labor Committee will hear testimony today from Rep. Rick Santorum and Rep. Tom Delay, members of the Republican Welfare Reform Task Force, on H.R. 3500, the Republican
- - Background - Maryland Education Efforts - Your ·Education Challenge - Maryland Welfare Reform Efforts - Remarks . Maryland BackU'ound - Political Background - Economic I-Pager - cabinet Affairs Issues - Crime I-Pager Distributed .Separately I
- with handwritten note (2 pages) 07/25/1996 P5 003. draft Sppech Draft; RE: Remarks on Welfare Reform [pages 1-3 and 7-13] (10 pages) 07/31/1996 P5 004. draft Speech Draft; RE: Welfare Reform Bill Signing [page 10] (I page) 08/22/1996 P5 005. draft
Signing [4]
- of the .nureber of years over which s;'.e receives it. Th:..s rr;eans a woman ;night move on and off we:fare for 10 yea~s without accumu':'ating a total :ive years of assistance. Positive Features of the Welfare Reform Legislation • The welfare legislation
Costs [1]
- 06/13/94 11: 57 DHHS/ASPE/HSP 'it202 690 6562 ~002 SUMMARY OF ADMINISTRATION'S WELFARE REFORM COST ESTlMATIlS On bllUom) Five-Year Federal Ctlsts TransitIonal Assistance Followed by Work Additional Education, Trainilli and Placement Spending
Performance Bonus
- performance bonuses? Answer: Yes. This high performance bonus will provide states with a powerful incentive to move even more people from \vclfare to work. The President fought hard for such a bonus during the welfare reform debate. In fact, the PresIdent
Child Care-Welfare
- Address: [email protected] ··welfare Information Network .Issue Notes Policy Issues As more states focus attention on the well-being of children under welfare reform, they inevitably will examine ways to ensure that all children meet ~he "ready
CHR Speeches '96 [2]
- .... 27 Our children must have something to hope for. And so do we. Ie 28 WELFARE REFORM . The hope of the President and his Administration is .. for truly successful wel,fare reform. To that end the President has asked the D,omestic Policy
- recipients with the greatest challengeS? . " , A: First and most important, we do expect states to make 'full use of their TANF funds (or to make considered decisions to save these funds for a rainy day) as they put their welfare reform programs in full
- , Monsanto, UPS, Burger King, and United Airlines -- form the Partnership'S Board of Directors. Since signing the welfare law last August, the President has launched an aggressive campaign to challenge both the public and private sector to help welfare reform
Welfare - Family Cap Policy
- NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 060 - Folder-007 Welfare - Family Cap Policy Welfare Reform Q&A on Family Cap June 9,1998 Q: A Rutgers' University report shows that New Jersey's family cap is increasing abortions among women on welfare. What
Welfare Reform [5]
- Welfare Reform [5]
- RAfT MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Alice M. Rivlin SUBJECT: Welfare Reform -- Conference Issues Earlier this week, the Senate passed by 87 to 12 a welfare reform bill that represents a significant improvement over the bill the House
Wage Supplementation
- -_--'-_+'-___.:.-._..J... _ _ __ 3 ., ,):, Date 'l\pj![Q~eJl , '.:;: i " ".' ~ c..R..Q d..:tp fiJ ~ 'I'«:.
Letters (General)
- . Martinez: I Thank you for your letter regarding the President'.s efforts on welfare reform. I appreciate your enclosing the outline for Urban Services Malls, Inc. I have forwarded your proposals on to Bruce Reed, the Assistant to the President
- [Welfare Reform Legislation] [5]
- ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Issue Papers) ONBox Number: 8506 FOLDER TITLE: [Welfare Reform Legislation] [5] 2010-0198-S kc228 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom
Waivers [1]
- . , More Tlian itiiTf tlie Nation Enacting Welfare Reform Uiider UieClintoo Administration· .. -- ~, The Clinlotl Adrninisuali.Qtt lJa.$ appr9ved 33 demonstrations in 29 SlaIeS, launching welfare refOttn for thousaruls of mmilies in more . than
- Welfare Reform Working Group Bearin; Tentative Avenaa Wednesday, August 11, 1193 ~ath.rine Dunham Tbeatre Iloom 21i35 lenn.4y-~iD9 community College 6800 W.ntwo~th Avenue Chicago, Illinois SESSION I MODERATOR: David Ellwood
Immigration [1]
- director of health 1 ,DouglasJ:" Beshatov, ,resident 'on :Welfare, reform.", " " ' , arid welfare stUdi~s at the coriseiVa~' ,:: . " . scholar, aune"Arher.i~aI1 Enterp~is!L, Able,bOdiei:l,ad.ults ,~l'\Ve·aJso pro~~.'tive Ca(o Institute was mo'si
- for children on public assistance. Federal government would reimburse states for costs of supporting such families. Talking Points • States already have great flexibility to support these families in an appropriate way. Under welfare reform, states have
Focus Groups
- . ' ,,' ,..' , , . ' , ' --~---~~-----------~~-~-------~~-~~--------~--------~--~--------~ The Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family support and Independence is participating in a series of focus groups with women receiving.publlc assistance. These focus group meetings are sponsored by the Foundation for Child Development and will be conducted
Guiliani Lawsuit
- to the INS. ,27. .. .., THE OOEW SIAnrns On August 22. 1996. ~"Personal Respo1lSib.ffity and Work Oppo&luuhy Act of 1996 (.. the Welfare Reform Act") was signed into law. -7- · 1.0/18/9!l '6'202 514 9368 16: 34 28. 141 009 ODAG SectiOn. 434
- .':,.'., ,." t·.'·, •\1:.' . ,'. ,';-0" ',,~. ',' . t.' .,. ': .. " .' . ·w: \;.~ . .,' , '. ,.' " " >"t'" ·'\', . , .',~ .. .,'."" , , ;.j:, " • ',',I , ~;:-. : · ... More Than Half the Nation Enacting Welfare Reform Under
- and promote parental responsibility. While we continue to wait for the Congress to pass comprehensive welfare reform that promotes work and protects children, I am directing the Department of Health and Human Services to issue new regulations which [2]
- The Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy would like to thank the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Charles Stuare Mott foundations for their support of the Center's research and policy work on the place-based nature of welfare reform
Waivers - Virginia
- /POLlCY&EURLURTION WH/K; WRY TO P.02/19 , V:irqinia Welfare Reform. Demonstration DRAJ'T: 9/22/93 WAIVBRTBRKS AND CONDITIONS VIRGINIA Welfare Reform project SECTION 1: i 1.0 GENERAL ISSUES The D~partment of Health and Human Services
- in the history and minority unemployment the lowest ever recorded. You all know, and I think Tom referred to this, that 0ith the ~elfat~ waivers that we granted the states, followed by the Welfare Reform Act ,-i-D 1996, your initiatives have led us to the lowest
Q and A [3]
Poverty Study [2]
- after you signed welfare reform into law. AcCording to the new numbers, 10,258,000 people were on welfare in July; a 27 percent drop from the 14,115,000 on the rolls when you took office. Since January 1993, a total of 49 out of 50 sta~es have
[08/08/1997 – 08/11/1997]
- : Melissa Green ( CN=Melissa Green/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: The weekly Welfare Reform Strategy Meeting for Tuesday, August 12, is CANCELLED. ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 4 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Cynthia
- State and local governments, These provisions had nothing to do with the real goal of welfare reform, which is to move people from welfare to work. • The budget agreement restores S51 and Medicaid eligibility for disabled legal immigrants who entered
- the federal/state role. 2. Our record demonstrates this: Unfunded Mandates Bill COPs program CHIP program Welfare reform 3, Last year we met in this room and you presented the following goals: Transportation Finance - Govs Schafer and Patton made this case
- Welfare Reform State Profiles [2]
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OAlBox: OA 8422 File Folder: Welfare Reform State Profiles [2] Archivist: RDS Date: 10/8/04 RESTRICTION DOCUMENT NO. 8, TYPE I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. profile profile
1994 Bill [2]
- placement. and child support collection. REACIllNG THE NEXT GENERATION Preventing teen pregnancy and out~of~wedlock births is a critical part of welfare reform, Each year. 200,000 teenagers aged 17 and younger have children. Their chiidren are more likely
1995 Weekly Reports [6]
- -rH E WH ITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 20, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANETTA RascoC)t~ From: Carol H. Subject: Weekly Report - January 13-20, 1995 UPDATE ON KEY INITIATIVES Welfare Reform o Working Session -- Planning for the working session
- State Profiles for Welfare Reform Working Session, 1/28/95 [2]
- administrative czpcri.8tll. lDcIudoa (I) Social Includee all rofu;ceel ftltn.nts, and Amerasian immisranta enrolled in ORBA1.mded employment lICtViccs in FY 1993. State PolicV Governor Engler has been very involved in the national welfare reform debate
- WORKING GROUP ON WELFARE REFORM, FAMILY SUPPORT AND INDEPENDENCE MEMORANDUM TO: David T. Ellwood Mary Jo Bane Bruce Reed FROM: Jim Hickman RE: outreach to Welfare Reform Columnists DATE: March 21, 1994
- ; Margaret Pugh SUBJECT: Invited California State Officials for Welfare Reform );:vent OCtober 7 • 8 " cc: Jeremy Benami Per your request, attached are lists of elected officials invited to our two interqovernmental outreach events. The Thursday
General [2]
- Jeffrey A. Farkas Matthew D. McKearn Cynthia M. Smith FAX (94827153,JUDY CHESSER) [email protected]@INET FAX (97033052454,YVETTE JACKSON) FAX (96222633,GLEN ROSSELLI) [email protected]@INET WELFARE REFORM INTERAGENCY MEETING AGENDA September 19
Teen Pregnancy [1]
- this principle, including abstinence-based curricula, welfare reforms that discourage early parenting and require young mothers to live at home and stay in school, and tough new child support enforcement provisions that drive home the responsibility of parenthood
Welfare Reform [2]
- Welfare Reform [2]
- on welfare reform in the coming week or the week of November 21 at the latest; it should be done before Sec. Shalala leaves November 22 for Israel as she won't return until after December 1 when she is scheduled to be in Paris for an AIDS meeting. The purpose
Costs [2]
- _ OMB FOOM 4 Rev, .Mgt • Republican Welfare Reform Bill HR. 3500 A comparison of preliminary HHS and CBO pricing (in millions of dollars) TiUe and Ses:tion FY94 FY98 FY95 JOS No Additional Benefits for New Children CI3O' HHS AFDC
[Welfare Reform Binder] [2]
- [Welfare Reform Binder] [2]
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 038 - Folder 008 [Welfare Reform Binder] [2] PROVISION SECTION 370 Denial of Passport 371 International Support Enforcement 375 Tribes 391 Grants to States for Access and Visitation Programs Child Support
- ..TH _ND HU....... SeRYICES CONTACT: HHS Press office FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, May 26, 1995 C2D2) 690-6343 STATEMENT OF SECRE'rARY SIlALALA SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE WELFARE REFORM BILL "I am pleased ,that the legislation eliminate
1995 Weekly Reports [1]
- .~ .. " ,. • MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANEITA Carol From: Subject: H. Rasco .(~ Weekly Report - April 28 through May 5, 1995 UPDATE ON KEY INITIATIVES Welfare Reform o Bruce Reed worked with Daschle's stafion primary Democratic alternative
Newsclips [3]
- down and make you pay.'1 In his weekly radio address, Clinton said license suspension is the major element missing from the GOP welfare reform plan in Congress. If all of the billions of dollars in unpaid child support payments were made, Clinton said
Family Cap
- mothers who have additional children while on welfare receive an automatic increase in welfare benefits. But in 1992, black Democratic Assemblyman Wayne Bryant won passage in the New Jersey legislature of an innovative welfare reform known as the "family
[Welfare Reform Binder] [1]
- [Welfare Reform Binder] [1]
- NL W JC - Kagan Counsel - Box 038 - Folder 007 [Welfare Reform Binder] [1] October 7, 1996 TO: Jeremy Elena Keith FROM: Diana Attached is a binder of info for states on welfare reform that NGA/NCSL/APWA distributed at their conference last
- .~_/_011 . ,I July 16. 1996 , TO: Chris Jennings NancywAnn Min FROM: Jack ROOler SUBJECT: Medicaid Eligibility Under Welfare Reform I have attached the latest draft HHS suggestions for legislati~e changes. and yesterday's ver;'on of Senate
- Welfare Reform Legislation in Senate, 103rd & 104th Congress [2]
- period regarding the use of the component databaeoo of the National Welfare Reform Information clearinghoues {astablished under title VI of this Act) by State and Federal agencies. Requires the Director to determine whether Federal agencies have used
Welfare - FLSA
- with the !'lnions and the burUu, era!s and the liberals. Is Irying to undermine and de· slroy welfare reform," GIngrich said Aug. 22 during the Midwest Republican Leadership Conference In Indianapolis. House Republicans tried. but failed. to add lang.qge . 10
- State Profiles for Welfare Reform Working Session, 1/28/95 [1]
- .-. ,. I I ! I "Velf~re Reform , State Profiles. ~ for tile I Working Session on Welfare Reform I January 28, 1995 i , , II ~ CONTENTS II California Delaware florida Georgia Louisiana Kansas Marylaod Massachusetts Michigan
- Welfare Reform and Health Care Reform - Shalala’s Briefing Materials for Ways and Means Testimony, 1/10/95 [3]
- that bill at the opentg of the 103rd Congress. He is sharply critical of the HMO industry. Moreover, ,e has feuded publicly with the AMA t AHA. the pharmaceutical manufacturers r and • the insurance industry . WElFARE REFORM ISSUES/PRIORITIES
Ideas [1]
- overall: (1) Welfare caseloads have fallen .below 8 million (doLn 43% since he took office and 35 % since he signed the welfare reform bill) (2) 10,000 companies have joined the Welfare-to-Work Partnership, (3) The federal government has met our goal
Legislative Strategy [5]
- . Hirhler '. , " " ' kEYmMs ',:, WELFARE REFORM '12.18.95 *it'MediCaid: Restore coverage **SSI:'R'est6re Sen'atestructute (and add $) *Child welfare: Strike foster care block grant , F()od st~irips: *'EUn\iriate cap' , Restore House EBT option
- of Massachusetts' major welfare reform overhaul lase year. However, , the Clinton Administration, which, under current ,law. must approve state changes to welfare programs, rejected the MaGsachuset.~s waiver ~o implement a strict two year t.ime limit
Charitable Choice
- and welfare reform, along with status of discussions with House staff, ~ faithSideXSide_050500. " Here's a note Cliff Kellogg sent Gene summqrizing the major issues ~ • . faith0508-CCsumm.d And, I'll bring over a hard copy of marked up version of bill
Child Care Ideas
- market. Tht'risk for low-wage workers who lack child care for their children i!'i obviou!';: without someOlK', to wa.tch the ~hlIdren,
- cases is. not an adequate measure of welfare reform;! success, it ,.,/ is one inru.cator that politica,U leaders an,d the public 'currently rely upon. :' ' , Th~re ins~fficient na~e of welfare ~selo~&in is !scarce information -- and debate
- and Virginia accountiryg for half the total (17 and 12 respectively), ~ 11. Welfare Reform - Work Participation Rates: We just received (but have not ye published), the first work participation statistics from the welfare reform law. The data ow 36
- for the program, but the Republican House appropriated no funds and the Democratic Senate included $50 million. 11. Welfare Reform - Urban Caseloads: You recently asked us whether we could do more to strengthen welfare-to-work efforts in cities with relatively
Welfare Reform [3]
- Welfare Reform [3]
- Network: A resource site, including information and links to national organizations working in child and family policy, welfare reform, health policy and economic research. .. ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education
- :. . .. " '. ' . ' . ' ..,' . Wlthm~. fu anticipation of the. . . " 1) As Presidentof the NGA from July 1986-1987, Govemor Cli.ntonmade welfare reform one of . · his top priorities. Why was the issue soirrtpottarit to him? What' sorts of background '~Ajoik did
- Welfare Reform Legislation in Senate, 103rd & 104th Congress [1]
- 3/13/95 WELFARE REFORM LEGISLAnON IN THE SENATE 103rd arid 104th CONGRESS SE:>iATE WELFARE REFORM HILLS 1. Summary of Welfare Reform Legislation introduced in 103rd and 100tl> Congress 1000h Coomss 2. S. 246, Welfare Reforms
Side-by-Side [2]
- on Summary of Welfare Reform ProposalS: The fOllowing Is the response of Out agency to your request for views on the above-captioned subject _ _ Concu, ___ No Objedion ___ No Comment _ _ _ Stse p!oposed edits on pages _ _ __ _ _ OtMr
Issue Groups
- dilemma with the Make Work Pay agenda is that a great deal of this work requires the cooperation of other institutional actors (e.g., Treasury); or requires action on policies that go beyond welfare reform (e.g~, minimum wage); or requires a level
- Miller GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM To: Rahm Emanuel, Assistant to the President and Director of Pol ical Affairs From:' Governor Zell Date: June 14, 1993 Miller.~~- U I have discussed with Secretary Shalala's office our state's welfare reform waiver
- Working Session on Welfare Reform, 1/28/95 [1]
- WORKING SESSION ON WELFARE REFORM January 28, 1995 Blair House Logistical information about Blair House meeting 1 Agenda 2 Background information on welfare programs, demographic trends, and related issues Materials provided
Money [2]
- ! 1998 i imm Current ACF FY '95 Baseline 2012 Federal 1976 1364 1416 State 3428 Total 3340 ,2047, 1441 3488 2081 1469 3550 5Year· 1999 2117 1495 3612 Cost Estimate Based on Welfare Reform at Cl,Jrrent Match Rates 3891 4980 Federal 1976 2732 3278
- of the participation rate requirements would force the State to operate its program in a manner inconsistent with the approach the State was taking under its waiver-based welfare reform initiative. For example, many States had used the waiver process to broaden
Rollout Documents [1]
- on these, n be 'reached on 690-6221. Thanks. ~qO -l H 7 05/04/94 14:13 U202 {)frO 5673 -_._.. Welfare Reform Working Group Talking Points: REPUBLICAN PLANS May 3, 1994 ;'There are aU kinds of proposals out there. 'know that the Republican welfare
Wisconsin [5]
- , too slow lfJ~vJ\SG ~H~ MI~WAUKEE JOURN~~ ;ui"IQay, May 1 t 1994 Ointon's welfare reform initiative must be bolder, state official says sis i:l 1\\tO COUTl\ies St:trtini next Ja!\"ary. Thomps.on I'uu nQt uld whether be plans to ~patl.d the J
Letters [5]
- :~Chellelll\er Face of Hope ~ . , COpy IN WELFARE REFORM (GENERAL LTRS) THE WHITE HOUSE 1 WASI:IINGTON November 29, 1993 , I Ms. Scheherazade St. Martin 1000 Cabro Court Novato, California ! 94947 Dear Ms. St. Martin: I Thank you for your
- misfile defined in accordance with 44 U.S.c. .2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGTON . November 13, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION FROM: SUBJECT: Latlra Tyson --Carol Rasco Welfare Reform Prepatory
Welfare-Statistics [1]
- @&a0924.wpa Page Welfare Reform Q&A on 1998 Census Income and Poverty Numbers September 24, 1998 Q: A: What do these new numbers tell us about the impact of welfare reform? While it is still early to see the full effects of welfare reform, the evidence
- [Welfare Reform Legislation] [3]
- Carol Rasco (Issue Papers) ON Box Number: 8506 FOLDER TITLE: [Welfare Reform Legislation) [3) 2010-0198-8 kc227 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. SS2(b)] PI National Security
Plan (February 1994) [3]
- y,,--, ) '. WELFARE REFORM ISSUE PAPER Prepared for February 26, !994 Meeting of the Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence " t t, -eoNFlDlij>l:fJ,l,L DRAFT-For Discussion Only 1WJ WELFARE REFORM ISSUE
- ., DOMENICI. Will 'the seriator most recent welfare reform .proPosal. Certainly, we do not'enoourage 'so11o-' yield for just 30 secon,ds? " : Likewise. the 'reform, whiCh we try it-Ing people.tojoin the SSI Program.' .. Mr. HARKIN: Yes. ' :.. , . bring about
- ! *~, PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION COVER STORY GmlNG THERE For Many Working-Poor Families, a Car Is the Key to Upward Mobility By' MARGY WALLER ANO'MARK·ALAN HUGHES 'The 1996 federal welfare reform)aw issued a clear marching order to Americans on public
- , Cynthia M.. Smith/OMB/EOP, Jill M. Pizzuto/OMB/EOP Subject:Justice Comments on Welfare Tech Amendments LRD will be passing back comments to Justice on their draft letter on HR1048, the Welfare Reform Technical Amendments of 1997. Justice has indicated
Costs [1]
- ,/ . , 141 002 DHHS/ASPE/HSP '5'202 690 6562 11: 57 "QJ/13/94 : SUMMARY OF 'ADMINISTRATION'S WELFARE ,REFORM COST ESTIMATES (In billlons) ':', Fije.;.Year .~., ._ Federal Costs , , ~:r~a~it!~?a.IAssis"~n~. ~~!I~~~ bY,"Wor~, ..:-;.,:;
- on Welfare Reform Efforts DATE: D~cember 7, 1993 --------------~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-----------------------~~~~~~-------- As part of the' Working Group's on-going communication strategy, we are planning to schedule welfare reform briefings with key academic
Urban Strat. [Strategy]
- Proposals and For Appropriations · Community Revitalization Tax Credit or Brownfields Redevelopment Tax credit or Capital Gains-based 2nd Round of Empowerment Zones EITC Minimum Wage Welfare Reform or Targeted Capital Gains Relief In the President's
- . the WSJ Trent Lott's Beef With McCam Click Grabbing Haiku Contest Crossword Puzzle: Love, Political Style MSN links The real Ashley Judd How to tone your tush E-Mail This Article ^ S i g n U p for Free E-Mail Auto-Delivery "I supported welfare reforms
- . Yesterday we took a step forward by giving the American people a welfare reform bill that, though not perfect, offers our best chance to move people from dependence to independence while giving them a real opportunity to succeed at work and at home. I am
Speech Themes
- Room speech, you will talk about our efforts to honor work and help those who are taking responsibility for their lives and their families, and take stock of the implementation of the welfare reform law you signed two years ago. You will announce
[1996 Radio Scripts]
- balloon the deficit, Raise interest rates. Harm the economy. President Clinton's plan: Tax cuts for families. College tuition tax credits. Health insurance you don't lose changing jobs. Welfare reform. Growth. President Clinton meeting our challenges. Dole
- This collection covers the years 1993-2001 and includes topics such as administration accomplishments, book drafts, cabinet retreats, health care, welfare reform, housing, employment, persons with disabilities, and “POTUS Has Seen” records
- 2001. His hand was visible in the implementation of the Clinton Administration’s domestic policies, especially in the areas of welfare reform, crime, education, and tobacco. The Admin series includes such topics as administration accomplishments, book
- more ~olice on the streets, just like the mayor did here in Houston. Welfare reform that's actually going to work. And health ~are reform. I mean,le've done so much, we haven't had. time to stop and tell you ~ll about it. So you need to telll your
- in the "Editor's Notebookl! section of the same edition. too, want to applaud your commitment towards 'children. I Particularly now, as decisions in Congress are being made regarding the budget, welfare reform and other issues that will help define our country's
Welfare - WE - 211769SS
- FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED ELENA KAGAN SUBJECT: WELFARE REFORM -- PRIVATIZATION AND MINIMUM WAGE We must soon provide guidance on two welfare reform issues ofimportance both to States and labor unions: (1) whether states can privatize certain
- a strong """I attack on the House action. Because the Senate adopted an identical .08 amendment by a 62-32 . . vote;we·pelieve •.we,stand a decent shot of ultimately prevaiIingon this issue;·' ~,,,-.""" ,,-, -' , 9. Welfare Reform -- Federal Hiring
- "beyond the box" to address the operational challenges and opportunities facing our respective programs. Adequately"funding IV-D operations, " timely and successful implementation of welfare reform provisions, on-going automated systems challenges
- by the Clinton administration, was a key provision of the child support enforcement reforms contained in the 1996 welfare reform law. Under the program, the nation's 6.4 million employers report information on newly hir~d employees to the state child
1995 Weekly Reports [3]
- ,: H.Rasc~ : Weekly Report· - 'March 17-24, 19.95 ·'UPDATE ON ',KEY· .INITIATIVES '~I ' Welfare 'Reform o .Hbuse.-- House action on.welfare reform aominated the week.', Bruce Reed worked with Housemi:m6crats' to coordiriate strategy on flo.or debate
- provision of the Welfare Reform Act which pro-voides that, notwithstanding any other provisions of Federal, state or local law, no State or local government entity may be prolnbited, or in any way restricted, from sending to or receiving from the INS
- are experimenting with public funding should be able to do so. But we have a rare chance to enact broad and bipartisan reform - reform that does not include public funding - and we can't lose sight of that mission. WELFARE REFORM LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS Question
- on July 7. Senate Finance and House Ways and Means have scheduled hearings on welfare reform for next week. Bruce, Kathi and Jeremy will continue to work with HHS on testimony and Q&A for those hearings. I . Jose, Paul Weinstein and I will attend
Welfare Reform [1]
- Welfare Reform [1]
- Rasco to find me somebody from our state who had been'in one of our' welfare reform programs and had gone to. work. She found Lillie Harden and Lillie .showed up at the program. And I was conducting this meeting and I committed a mistake that they always
- [Welfare Reform Legislation] [7]
- Papers) OAlBox Number: 8506 FOLDER TITLE: [Welfare Reform Legislation] [7] 2010-0198-S kc229 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] PI P2 P3 P4 b(1) National security
- and second termi 2. Possible youth-related budget initiatives in the FY97 budget, 3. Strategies that better utilize existing programs, use existing waiver authority, and build on legislative changes that will increase local flexibility (welfare
- : Welfare Reform Conference Call with Former Governor Lamm Women's Caucus Dinner: Citronelle Restaurant' Interdepartment Task Force on HIV/AIDS Health Care Meeting: Long-Term Care (Alan Solomont) State of the Union Address: Radio Calls NGA Winter Meeting
- Introductions, if necessary. o Give overview of, the health care process we are now undertaking. o Briefly touch on. the other key priorities of this Administration for the 104tp Congress, i.e. welfare reform, deficit reduction, etc. o Open it up
- priorities for next year, i.e. welfare reform, etc. 2. Comment on the new health care team headed by you and Bob Rubin. . \ i' ' 3. Describe how we plan to proceed on health care. i.e. meetings with allies and key health players before any decisions
- and parents to do what programs cannot--because governments don't raise children, people do, I The President's welfare reform plan is designed to reinforce these fundamental values. It rewards work over welfare. It signals that people should not have
Republican Statements
- children Qut~of-wedlock. I have talked with many of you about welfare reform since I came to the Senate. I have been consistent in my belief that unless we address the root cause of welfare dependency- ille9itirnaoy~-then any attempt at genuine reform
Governors (GOP)
- Wlth Congresslonalleadersbip In Identifying areas of concern m welfare reform. Your offices have been responsive., and Dw::nerOUS state concerns , have been resolved in the process. However, sjgnificant issues remain. that have not yet been addressed. I
Mission statement
- justice policy. and law reform proposals; and provides 1~1 analysis on a wide range oflegjsllltive and policy initiatives, such as eampai&n fman~ regulation, &bonion law, and welfare reform. In performing all of these functions, the with fine-tuned
- to this FOIA request consist of email related to the Systematic Alien Verification of Entitlements (SAVE) database, specifically as it relates to welfare reform. System of Arrangement Records that are responsive to this FOIA request were found
Congressional Budget Office
- • The Administration used data from the SWIM program to estimate the effects of our welfare reform initiative on the AFDC caseload. We believe that we have created a program with participation standards and rules that will enable it to achieve results comparable
- The Wh ite House Washington AGENDA White House Briefing on Welfare Reform and Transportation Tuesday, May 20,1997 Room 450,10:30 a.1n. ******** WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Rodney Slater Secretary of Transportation REMARKS ACCESS TO JOBS
- Depame, ~ ·of Human Services I I / f. ,j G~y . . / DATE: May \~3/ 1994 SUBJ: Comments on Democratic Leadership Council (DLC)'Welfare Reform Plan Per your request, we have reviewed the DLC welfare reform paper and would offer you the following
Senate Democrats
- ..¥elfare reform bill. -30-30-30 • THE WHITE HOUSE W"SHtNOTON september 6, 1995 Dear Mr. Leader: I am glad the Senate has finally come to this important debate on welfare 'reform. The American people have waited a long time for this. We owe
Women's Issues
- reinforce his support amana women. He h811taked out three O.O.P.Ialtladv'ea on which he wllllmlsbt be firm: welfare reform (women are more affected and more put orr than men by the RepubUcan onslauaht),lhe rePeal of the 1111ult weap. ons ban (womea are lea
- Presidential themes (community, opportunity, and responsibility) and in furtherance of key commitments such as, for instance, reforming welfare, reforming government, and empowering families through opportunity. In addition to shaping policy and message
- . There is one other act of service that I urge you to consid,er, and it is one that will do an enormous amount to help our children. Now that we have enacted landmark welfare reform, requiring the responsibility of work, the rest of us have a responsibility
- allover . each other. We must seek change that takes us. forward, not back. " .'j.. .That is why we cannot allow a debate over welfare reform to. turn into a.war against th. poor. Tbat'is why we cannot permit welfare reform to become a~ excuse
POTUS Traveling States
- written to the 2 'j. Department to express concern that access to care and quality of services would diminish under the proposed waiver. The request must be approved or disapproved by June 26, 1994, • HHS - Welfare Reform: Kansas has developed
- ) • Welfare Strategy Group -. Meets weekly to strategize about welfare reform issues and coordinate policy. Chaired by DPC, with membership from OMB, NEC, CEA, Intergovernmental Affairs, Public Liaison, Cabinet Affairs, Legislative Affairs, HHS, and DOL
- an additional $5 million for U.S. Attorneys to increase firearms prosecutions. 5. Welfare Reform/Community Empowerment -- Implementation of FY 1999 Initiatives: To complement your announcement last week of welfare-to-work initiatives in the FY 2000 budget
- . Welfare Reform -- Exempting Workfare from FICA Taxes: The IRS and the Department of Treasury's Tax Policy Division have prepared a draft notice stating that workfare positions are not subject to FICA taxes. As you recall, Democratic and Republican
- states the opportunity to proII).ote responsible fatherhood by providing employment and training to . noncustodial parents of children on welfare, and increasing child support collections. • As part of welfare reform, the D~pa:rtment of Health and Human
- Fortuna Re: Welfare Reform and the Internet Project The following is a proposal to give welfare offices around the country access to the World Wide Web and the Internet in order to access valuable information on employment, child care resources
Economic Development Issues
- that they "would encourage poor Americans to set money aside in special savings accounts that they can use for a home, their education, their training or starting a small business." To that end, your 1994 Welfare Reform proposal included an IDA proposal
- §lrionKauffman Founda:-, tion. The Kauffman Foundation is a 'rising star in the foundat~on world and has been very supportive of oUr effot'ts .in welfare reform, chi l'dren and fami ly poliCy,. etc.. 'They 'have been very supportive of me personally, largely due
- our work is based. " c Pres. Clinton: 5 major goals outlined for the cabinet/staff at-' , the Camp David Retreat 1. ·2. 3. /7.. 4. Economic package Health Care Reform National Service Welfare Reform ~R-',-, :Jil,:j..i¥\nAa.J'lftC""'c~erf
- :initiatives including its education initiatives, national -service, and welfare reform? 8. Why is this a priority? Why is it more responsive to people's needs then the co~tract with America? .. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHI NGTON tT~ f"\ee~-S l5e...\~ ; f
Investments - Options
- Credit Mortgage Revenue Bond Technology Environmental Technology HEALTH CARE AIDS, Women's and Public Health REWARDING WORK Expand EITC Expand Welfare Reform MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUT OPTION B-NO MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUT $55.9 (a) Notes: (a) Includes
- Public Forum on Welfare Reform Briefing Book, 9/9/93
- The Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence PUBLIC FORUM ON WELFARE REFORM BRIEFING BOOK Cranford. NJ September 9,1993 . I Table of Contents • OVERVIEW , THURSDAY PUBLIC FORUM MORNING SIlSSION " THURSDAY PUBLIC
New Mexico
- to design its program. determine the conditions of eligibility, and determine the types and amounts of assistance that it will provide. Congress and the Administration both believ'ad that increased State flexibility was an essential element of welfare reform
- share of AFDC is just $1200_ per child per year. _ liThia report clearly shows that the Repl.lblican,welfare reform plan will no~ only increase family breakup" it will dramatically increase costs for states and. local taxpayers,"1$Aiift5&+i'- said
[English Only] Meetings
- , TELEPHONE 202 296-2300 FACSIMILE 202296-2318 E-MAIL HN5598@HANDSNET,ORG The Consortium is holding its first Community Partners Network , Conference on September 20 - 21
Republicans [3]
- , , I' .. Analysis of House Ways and Means Republican Welfare Reform Proposal Attached is a section-by-s.ection, in-depth analysis of the ' Republican proposal drafted by Ron Haskins. cost estimates of nost of the p~ovisions. Also attached
Child Support
- to work. These responsible fatherhood proposals are· a critical next step in welfare reform, and will build upon the Adniinistration's efforts to help low-income famllies succeed in the workforce and help even more long-term welfare recipients go to work
NGA [2]
- the unfinished business of our country-- to balance our budget, renew our democracy, and finish the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic growth by investing in our people, expanding our exports, cutting our deficits
- needed for p/u Today(5/22/1996 9:59a) Page: . ROMANI_P@OPD Tuesday May 28, 1996 Tuesday May 28, 1996 **COURTDATE: 4:15 P.M. TODAY** FLY TO CHICAGO IN EVENING . REQUEST rCONFERENCE CALL re: Welfare Reform wi Pat LewislWH Media Affairs 1* approx. 30
- , statistical or quanlitalive analysis cannot adequately capture the social and indivldu3l value of helping families and communities move from depen:ieru:'e to woik. The President remains committed 10 enacting welfare reform that moves people from . welfure
Education and Training
- QUESTIONS ABOUT THE IMPACT OF . THE CAP ON EDUCAnON AND TRAINING iN WELFARE REFORM Prepar~dby " n the Center for Law and Social Policy, July 1998 i ~~, , 1), What is really happening in thejstates? , :>- ' 'I State policies regarding access
- make work pay. We ought to raise the minimum wage. It's the right thing to do. Welfare reform. Real welfare reform moves people from dependence to independence -- from a welfare check to a paycheck. The Democratic approach to welfare reform achieves
WJC Speech Edits
- right by their children. Congress and I are now at work on ·~welfare reform ~. I look forward to their passing, and my signing into law, a bipartisan bill that stands a real chance of ending welfare as we know it.. 2 ~~~LV:-.0UJ' ~
- both do more REGO events and events that highlight his commitment to political reform. Welfare Reform - The issue continues to be the single most popular item on the President's agenda. We should be regularly reinforcing the President's commitment
- between the big~ government liberalism of Bill Clinton •R Democrats and Rermhlican policies of smalle.r government-- of lower taxes, less spending and fewer regulations~ of genuine welfare reform and Jegalrefurm; uf ~ \:riminill justice system that blames
[08/29/1996 – 09/10/1996]
- ON IMPLEMENTATION WELFARE REFORM WORKING GROUP AGENDA September 3, 1996 1. II. III. IV. V. Review of Schedule of External Contacts Review of Issues List Review of Work Products due to Implementation Subgroup Discussion of NGA/NCSL/APWA September meeting Next
- policy makers that addresses the potential impact of welfare reform on children. As the enclosed outline indicates, we'd like to get at such issues as the implications of time-limited welfare for children and the potential for addressing the developmental
- of Welfare Reform. Providing the States with a tool to quickly implement a State program for legal inmligrants would align with the President's conuni,tment to "soften the blow" of \ tht: impact of welfare reform on this group. Advocacy groups and the retail
- receiving disability and health benefits when welfare reform became law were able to continue receiving assistance, even if they were too disabled to prove their date of entry into the U. S. This change protected an estimated 3,400 elderly and severely
- and who's paying for it? Answer: The Commission will cost an estimated $1.8 million over the next year and be paid for by the Department of Health and Human Services. The members of the Commission will not be paid. WELFARE REFORM: FOOD STAMP WORK
- for it will go down next year: the Governor's budget requested $61.5 million for the program, but the Republican House appropriated no funds and the Democratic Senate included $50 million. 11. Welfare Reform- Urban Caseloads: You recently asked us whether we
S [1]
- in accordal1ce with 44 V.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 3, 1996 Ms. Patricia Steinitz Dear Ms. Steinitz: Thank you for your recent letter con'ceming welfare reform. Your comments
- [Welfare Reform Legislation] [4]
- ¢ -: . i J~N-25-1995 09:22 TO FROM 94562878 P.02 " Workin9 Session on welfare Reform ;Loqistics Whel'e: The Blair House Entrance at 100 Jackson Place Washington, DC Access to Blalr House for all participants is at this entranc. only security
- Self Sufficiency Project. I appreciate your taking the time to share the report with us. I will pass it to the Working Group on Welfare Reform, and Family Support, and Independence at the Department of Health and Human Services. Sincerely
Reinventing Government
- of the CEA I S ongoi'ng' interest in worker participation, 'alfd my"worJ:c with- welfare 'reform, I made a visit to Merced County·Human Services when r California for the Welfare Reform hearings.- The attached memo desoribes what we might learn from
Plan (April 1994)
- I, D4/12/94 12:55 5'202 690 73SJ !tHS OS ASPE 41SF .. --... BRUCE REED ~OO2l010 ~~I\~~ DRAFT April 12, 199412:35 pm ¥n' ME.>.iO TO THE PRESIDENT RE; WELFARE REFOR,\1 CQST PACKAGES We have constructed 2 core options for welfare reform, O
- Welfare Reform legislation over I million legal immigrants will lose food stamp benefits at the end of their current period of certification. Some individuals will lose benefits as soon as October 1. Alllcgal immigrants that don't meet one of the law's
- . • President's Initiative on Welfare Reform: • Food Stamp Waivers Approved: During the period from January 6-13, USDA approved requests from IL and CT to extend and modifY their current waivers of the work provisions of the Food Stamp Act, which USDA may grant
1994 Bill [4]
- >.'$ poll :>nows.llow. ever, !hat only 1 in 6 Americllns would judge welfare reform a success if il CUI lhe rolls by 25 percent or Jess by the year 2000. Futly a Ihird of re~pondenls want a bigger Ctltback, ~ying they will judge hi5. work a success if Ihe
Polls [1]
- Much has been written and said about welfare reform. To learn more about Americans' views on this issue and to understand the reasoning behind their thinking, Public Agenda recently undertook a survey on welfare reform. The result of this research
Child Care
- \ .. WELFARE REFORM AND CHILD CARE QUALITY Background As child care is discussed in the context of welfare reform, one issue continues to surface: How can we insure that infants, toddlers, and preschool and school-age children receive quality [1]
- and Receive Food Stamps: If we want people to leave welfare and go to work, we need to make sure they can get to work. Because lack of reliable transportation is a major barrier to families finding and keeping a job, the welfare reform law of 1996 allowed
- for their own lives in return. That's what the New Covenant is all about. Creating opportunity and demanding responsibility is exactly what we have to do to reform the broken welfare system. Last year, I sent Congress the most comprehensive welfare reform plan
1995 Weekly Reports [4]
- . March 3, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANETTA . A\ ~ . From: Carol H. Rasco~ Subject: . Weekly Report - February 23 through March 2, 1995 UPDATE ON KEY I .INITI~TIVES I I I Welfare Reform I ain o Child Support The·President signed executive
- [Welfare Reform Republican Bill] [2]
- . Chainnan: This letter expresses the Administration's views .on the Chainnan's mark for welfare reform le.5islation under consideration by the. House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources. Tile Administration shares the corririlitment
- in the audience. You should be aware that your address is OPEN TO THE PRESS. Michael suggested some areas of interest to the state legislators which you may want to address. They are welfare reform, health care reform, immigration issues, the National Performance
Costs [2]
- ,I" '._, ,, .... ~ ~,"'~',,' ,;; , ... ' .'~'~." ~ - " , , ." Welfare reform cost es'timates . ,. F~nanc;mg,options
- \\{ith this t~ansmission~ , please·phone 226-3400. Democratic Staff. 56:4 FHOB.) 1/12 JUI..-26-S6 13.34 FROM. PAGE. TALKJ:N'G POINTS FOR WELFARE REFORM CONFERENCE o 0' . Yesterday' we passed unanimously the motion'to instruct confereeS
- INC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 515SECONDSTREETNE WASHINGTON DC 20002 TEL 202 547-5200 FAX 202 544· 7020 PUBLIC POLLING UPDATE WELFARE REFORM Greenberg Research March 10, 1995 Americans overwhelmingly support major changes and less spending in the welfare
[09/06/1996 – 09/13/1996]
- . This is the version WITH CHR corrections -- should be final draft unless you all make a few more changes in your 10:30 meeting. PRINTER FONT 12 - POINT- ROMAN Draft NGA/NCSL/APWA CONFERENCE ON WELFARE REFORM Carol H. Rasco September 9, 1996 Thank you, I thank NGA
[11/13/1996 – 11/25/1996]
- :55.93 CC: Stephen C. Warnath READ:14-NOV-1996 10:38:30.44 WARNATH S (OPD) CC: Wendy A. Taylor READ:NOT READ TAYLOR W ) Autoforward to: Remote Address TEXT: To clarify the topics for Friday's 12:30 meeting on a variety of welfare reform topics
- of human tissue, the FDA's .sixth reinvention effort as part of the Clinton Administration's Reinventing Government Initiative. ' . " Uti11.::> I il..::>ril. -9 MOVING FORWARD ON THE. PROMISE OF WELFARE REFORM. Largest Caseload Decline ill History
- Welfare Reform Waiver Activities [1]
- the statu~ of the Administration for Children and Famililas (ACF) section' 1115 welfare reform demonstrations as well as some of the common characteristics that have emerged from their approval and implementation. ' BACKGROUJID The Clinton Administration
Personal Responsibility Act
- the 'general effective date' and the 'special effective date' inte!al:t. OTHER PROVISIONS: Other aspects of the proposed welfare reform legislation have impUcations for nutrition progxam•• o Section 107 would permit States to deny housing assistance
Wisconsin (W-2) [4]
- YOU READ IT? I have read a 9reat deal about the Wisconsin Wo.rks plan. I like what I see and look forwa·rd to- receiving the rest of the welfare reform plan. DID YOU ENDORSE IT SA~AY TO PREEMPT DOLE7 I would rather set aside the politics
- outcomes and performance. a departure from the payment accuracy systems of the past, is providing state agenci~s 'with new tools to periodically assess and refine their welfare reform strategies. Hall of the States 444 North Capito! Street Washington, DC
- -A~ ~-----------------------~~~--- :: '. ': ',', . , , ". -- ri) " ' ',' ", " ~'welfare Reform Talking Points . . , ,0 A broken system. When President Clinton ran for president four years ago, he pledged to'end welfare as we know it. Since taking office, President Clinton has done everything in his
- : ending welfare as we know it" . Governor Carper .On May 8, 1995, Delaware becomes the 28th state to receive a welfare reform waiver from the Clinton Administration, allowing the state to test innovative welfare reform strategies. Continuing OUI commitment
- ; but has attempted to do so with an entirely new structured and styled DPC. PLANNING FOR THE DPC Welfare reform, Health Affordable Education... Care for all, Prevention, issues that these are the Crime the Clinton Campaign were founded
- signarute page) . (See . , ! 04/30/96 13:44 I4J 004/007 r:i '/ U~ IS d; 4 ft SENT BY:Xerox Teleeopier 7020- 4-29-86. S:'~PM Assemblymember Antonio Viuaraigosa .,~~Asscmblymcmbcl" Sheila Kuehl : . i :\ 3 Welfare Reform Talking Pt)inta "I
- Mr. Reed: :Due to the lack of input afforded the Tohono O'odham Nation into the Administration's current Welfare Reform pac~age, the Tohono O'odham Nation feels compelled to make public their concerns. I The Tohono O'odham Nation requests
Mainstream Forum [2]
- Mainstream Forum Welfare Reform Working Group 1 Timc-Lim.wd 'rransitional Assisiam;c.... , ... , , . , ....... , ......... 1 .. ... '~- ,~ II"Make Work Pay...... : ' , ... , ... , ........ : .. , ... , .. ,':'.... ' ... 3 III Putting
- Welfare Reform (EOB Room 211) 3-2-94 4:00-6:00 pm
- r7~ ,I .. DETERMINED TO BE AN ADMINISTRATIVE ~G Per E.O. 12958 as amended. S;c. 3.2 (c) Inhws: ~ Date: 8 - 14- D S i WELFARE REFORM ISSUE PAPER Prepared for February 26, 1994 Meeting of the Working Group on .. . . I . Welfare Reform, Family
Plan (March 1994)
- not available for people who conscientiously played by the rules and tried to find work, assistance would be continued through another job slot, a workfare assiqnment 1 or training linked with ~ork. Sanctions and protections, If the welfare reform plan
Events [1]
- three million since,you signed welfare reform mto law. Finally, you will announce the first WeIfare-to-Work .l competitive grants and highlight Congressional .action .on your . , weWire-to-work transpprtion proposal
[11/14/1996 – 12/05/1996]
- ) Autoforward to: Remote Address (WHO) (OMB) Autoforward to: Remote Address (OMB) (OMB) (WHO) (OPD) TEXT: To clarify the topics for Friday's 12:30 meeting on a variety of welfare reform topics, the agenda items are: 1. "Allor none": this is the question
1995 Weekly Reports [2]
- September 15, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANETTA Rasco~ From: Carol H. Subject: Weekly Report - September 8-15, 1995 " , UPDATE ON KEY INITIATIVES Welfare Reform Bruce Reed worked' with Senate Democrats on key amendments to the Senate bill
[Miscellaneous Letters] [4]
- lawfully residing in the United States from SSI, AFDC, , Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We ! urge you to vigorously oppose this unconscionable proposal. It is unacceptable to take away benefits from the most
Means – Testing Definitions
- , Secretary, S Nelson A. Diaz, General Counsel, C SUBJECT: Effect of Immigration Provisions of Welfare Reform Legislation and the Immigration Act on HUD Programs This_memorandum reflects DGC's efforts to coordinate with the Department of Justice and other
- 8/22/96 Welfare Reform Signing
- : Speechwriting Series/StaffMember: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10987 OA/ID Number:' FolderiD: Folder Title: 8/22/96 Welfare Reform Signing Stack: Row: Section: s ·o 0 Shelf: o· Position: 0 ' ' THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary August
Issue Group Papers [2]
- / CHILD CARE AND WELFARE REFORM In considering child care in the context of an overall welfare reform strategy, many issues must be addressed. We have compiled' potential strategies to achieve the following broad , objectives: • Simplify
- and recommendations of the APWA Task Force on Self-Sufficiency. The major recommendations identified in the report, Responsibility, Work, Pride: The Values of Welfare Reform, called for: • an agreement of mutual responsibility between the government
CSE (1996 Act)
- of the National Women's Law Center. "Child support has been held hostage to welfare reform for too long. It is time to end this long delay and pass this legislation now," said Campbell. Currently: only 38 percent of the 9.9 million custodial mothers caring
- as to comment on welfare reform and in particular the status of Medicaid under the anticipated welfare reform bill. There is no way as I stand here at this moment on August 23 in Orlando, Florida to tell you what might happen to health 7 care reform. As I
1995 Weekly Reports [5]
- Report - 12/24/94 through 1/6/95 UPDATE ON KEY INITIATIVES Welfare Reform o Working Session -- Final discussions are continuing about the date and format for the working session on welfare. We n~ed to reach final re~olution within the next few days so
Galston Clips
- limit on welfare thought that might be true even on the contra- benefits, and opinion is. almost unanimous in versial subject of welfare reform. They commis- favoring tougher measUres to collect child sup-' 'Sioned a bipartisan group of pollsters
- Testimony and Statements on Welfare Reform [2]
Governors Association
- , a lower deficit, low inflation, a smaller federal government doing much more. We're doing things that make government work for ordinary people --valuing work and family with things like the family leave law; our initiatives .in welfare reform; tax credits
- worked OUI among Oovhncrll. Congress, and the' adminjStr4~lon during last year's welfAre ,reforni' deliberations. We l1!1k for >'ollr. continued stJppol'I'of the framework (or welfare reform enDetCld Jasl year and ~rge )Iou to oppose Ih
- This series includes books, pamphlets, reports and other such bound material covering topics such as budget, health care, welfare reform, housing, National Performance Review, employment, persons with disabilities, and teen pregnancies.
- , DPC from 1997 thru 2001. His hand was visible in the implementation of the Clinton Administration’s domestic policies, especially in the areas of welfare reform, crime, education, and tobacco. The Publications series includes books, pamphlets, reports
- , and are ready to support their children. He has supported policies that embody this principle, including abstinence-based curricula, welfare reforms that discourage early parenting and require young mothers to live at home and stay in school, and tough new child
- , and legtslators:· y;ou could addrt:ss tssues relatmg to the Administration·~- poli'cy 'initiatives that· Jo9fs· on Ja1n,ili~s an,d yo.ung children with sp.e~iai reft:rence .to health care and welfare reform> the.n!authorizat'i'on o(IDEA. and other disability
Welfare-Statistics [2]
- regarding the effects of the PRWORA and state and local welfare reform efforts on dependency and deprivation. Together, these research efforts should provide us with a rich array of information which no one approach could generate alone. We hope
- Your Talk: "Synergy of Health' Care Reform and Welfare Reform" ,...' .' , OPENING RECOGNITIONS: , .4 ,. • ',. It, is a pleasure'to share thfs dial:; with such " distinguished figures in the field of rehabilitation as David Daugherty
- 07/2'8/94 ,:- 16 :-55 ~002 DHHS/ASPE/HSP ''5'202 690 6562 , . ,! " , BACKGR,DUNDER , p~ II LY ~ ~ ill ~ if ,I July 27, 19~4 The Matsui Welfar~ Reform 'Bill:' Status ,Quo Plus by 1Jyn A.. Hogan .,, When President Clinton unveiled
- to give you more say in your own affairs. We have now given 29 a total of 33 waivers from federal r~les to enact their'own welfare reform oroposals. In the last tvJO and a half yea::s, more states have received waivers than in the previous 12
House Democrats
- similarities between these efforts. Child ~upport Is an Integral part of real welfare reform . . : ' , DEMOCRATS proposed that child support be a part of welfare reform from 'day one. From our perspective, a comprehensive child support enforcement package
Caseload [2]
- . In the 10 months from August 1996 when he signed welfare reform into law through June 1997 (the numbers released today), welfare rolls have declined by 1.7 million to just under 10,5 million. For the first time since 1969, less than 4 percent ofthe U.S
- [Welfare Reform Research] [1]
- (Issue Papers) OAlBox Number: 8506 FOLDERTITLE: [Welfare Reform Research] [I] 20 I0-0 J98-S kc23 I RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act· [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] PI National Security Classified
Waivers [2]
- state partners to implement the new welfare reform legislation and achieve our goals of moving families from welfare to work, pro=oting parental responsibility, and protecting children. o The nQV laqislation provides states with broad new flexibility
- as part of the welfare reform bill, this change in the subparagraph on. "Federal Medical Assistance Percentage" establishes the Medicaid match rate on September 30, 1996 for each State as the rate that will be the Federal medical assistance percentage
- 1 ", " • :. " ,'l • ~ : .' " . " • " r ... I . , ' . ( , -:' , , .,'"Q ,,·in:a lot of inst,anc~s, on this :welfare reform, · isslJ.e~ ':it" S" cheaper fo'r many mO,thers ',to st'ay hom~' ·Wi:th ~t~ei~' children . \Tar,sus
- Draft; RE: Speech at Georgetown (2 pages) n.d. P5 004. draft Speech Draft; RE: Welfare Reform (4 pages) 05/22/1996 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Michael Waldman OA/Box Number: 14444 FOLDER TITLE: May "96 [President
- of the tremendous need for transportation services, I urge you to use existing funds for this purpose wherever possible. Both the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant established in the 1996 welfare reform law and the Welfare-to-Work grants
- Rico and the younger brother of Puerto Rico's Attorney General. He 3 Jose will assist Rahm, Bruce and Ron on the crime conference. Kathi will meet with Advocacy groups on Friday to discuss the welfare reform plan. Kathi will continue to work
Welfare Reform [4]
- Welfare Reform [4]
- Republican Governors' Association Welfare Reform Session I. Qbjecti'Le. . to have e thorough discussion on the broad outline of welfare reform among the GOP Governors and House and Senate Republican leaders. ') II. lis!.l,es for Discussion A. arock
Testimony [1]
- (1fn.~_ ~ P. 3m , JUlHl-l9% 11:26 TO:244 - 3. REED Testimony Donna E. Shalala secretary of Health and Human Servi~es at Senate Finance Commit~ee Hearing on Medicaid and Welfare Reform June. 13. 1~~6 2 GOOD MORNING: Mr. Chairman
- to enter into any agreement on the debt ceiling that incorporates these anti-child ami anti'senlor pro~ogals and to hold out for real welfare reform that returns parems to work while prolecting g"arantees t+ cash assistance, nutrition, child protection
Financing [2]
- 5.24 0.40 16.83 15.03 . 1:80 B. Enforcement Savings 2.07 2.07 0.00 4.27 .4.27 0.00 C. Extend Expiring Provisions 2.10 2.10 0.00 11,46 11.46 0.00' . Total: Financing Options ·DRAFT 1 Welfare Reform Financing Options Dollars
- ineouslstent with the President's expressed vision for welfare reform. If State A has 1000 work slot!, sod they "'" all filled at the poin! Ms. Smilh reaches her time limit, it is plainly not her rault that there is no available slot. ConceptusllY, denying aid
Comments (Specs) [1]
- to the President ! for Domestic Policy ao·Chairs, Working Group on Welfare Reform, i Family Support and Independence Washington, DC 20500 ! Qear !"1ary Jo, David and Bruce: I ; Thank you for soliciting our comments specifications for the WORK program
- doesn't work ahd nobody likes it -- least of .11 the people who • 2 depend most on it for help -- welfare recipients themselves. So as Conqress debates this issue, we know it won't be about whether or not' we need welfare reform we all aqree
- are not waiting. We are acting now to give the states the flexibility to decide how to reform welfare. My administration has given 38 states the freedom to experiment with 61 welfare reform experiments.^ Under a waiver granted by my administration, Louisiana now
- that is happening. Certainly some of the success is due to a Dooming economy and very low unemployment. But there's also something else going on, which is for the first time most states are taking welfare reform seriously and putting in place impressive programs
[03/27/1999 – 03/29/1999]
- System 1 of4 '- RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Andrea Kane ( CN=Andrea Kane/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 29-MAR-1999 12:51:12.00 SUBJECT: Updated Welfare Reform Accomplishments TO: Beach-Benjamin ( Beach-Benjamin
- hard on these issues, and I also look forward to discussing them with President Zedillo when he visits next week. .... "' . Questions and Answers on Welfare Reform November 6, 1997 Question: You've made reforming welfare a top priority of your
- , communities take responsibility for activity. needs. A shift in mindset is needed to encourage communities to invest their own resources in service provision. • Look at the impact of welfare reform and address the issue of job creation . role
- , and is beginning to involve a number of two-year state colleges. 'Participants From the White House Pauiine Abernathy, DPC & First Lady's Office Miko Gohen, CPG, Edu6a~ion Elizabeth Drye, Chief-of-Staff, DPC Diana Fortuna, DPC, Welfare Reform Implementation
- issues of the real welfare reform t:his And how can we as r.'Iayors make a di:efe~et:ce s l.nce woe may feel the etfl\icts of som"" 0: tha draconia:1 ll'.east.:rcs that il;re going or.? THE PRE:~!DENT; :: think th(l prospects :;0::: real welfare
- .' .... .' ..... , .... ,.~. ... While serving the public policy goal of increasing the number of people with medical insurance and improving public health, the proposed policy would not attract indigent immigrants to the U.S. Since welfare reform, immigrants are generally denied access
Catholic Charities
- Charities USA strongly supports your decision to veto the conference report on welfare reform as pasSed' by Congress this week. . The b.ill would increase the povertY, misery and suffering of the poorest children' and families in. this nation. The bill would
- achievement decades in the making. '^^JaJ^ ^JVJtjfeffy/' CLASS WELFARE TO WOR Goals OverallsTo make the mostpfihe historic opportunity presented by welfare reform by breaking the cycle of dependencyjand truly making welfare what it was meant
- /96 3/18/96 3/19/96 3/20-3/22 3/20/96 3/20-3/22 3/20 3/26 3/26/96 3/26/96 3/26/96 3/26-3/27 3/27-3/28 4/1196 4/1196 . 4/8/96 4/8/96 4/9/96 4/9/96 4/9/96 4/11196 4/15-16 Welfare reform meeting Washington Workshops Meeting Fortuna Meeting
- and welfare reform by Nathan and by Michael S. Dukakis, the former governor of Massachusetts. With President Clinton's pledge to "end welfare as we know it," welfare reform once again is moving up on the national agenda. In Turning Promises into Performance
Budget [4]
- . Welfare Reform 1~ Investillg ill Young Children CA,,"4-.n J) (y'\tl\~ "'t:..JIW 01'\ w,
- the success of PURPOSE: welfare reform on the third anniversary of the new law and to encourage critical efforts to ensure the success of welfare reform in the nation's largest cities. Announcements will be identified (could include new numbers regarding
- , . . Administration, and the more recent .Partnerships For Stronger Families in itiative. 16 • ,Most recently, President ,Clinton asked the Domestic Policy Co'uncil to coordinate implementation of the new welfare reform ,law. Because of its importance
Ellwood, [David]
- the prospects for welfare reform remain confused. Moreover, negotiations are quite far along. Nonetheless, even at this late hour) implore you to take a very close look at the issue of match versus maintenance of effort jf welfare does begin to move. For I
- to free 40 states from federal rules so they can implement welfare reform in their states to demand work, and promote basic American values. 1. 3 million people have already moved off welfare. Just yesterday, I announced new measures to demand that parents
Washington DC - Education
- for this exemption that excludes fewer minorities. Andrea Kane Diana Fortuna 06/10/9801 :30:34 PM Record Type: Record To: Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP cc: Cynthia A. Rice/OPD/EOP, Laura Emmett/WHO/EOP Subject: Civil rights draft guidance on welfare reform Below
- will be the very encouraging developments related to welfare reform this week. In fact, the growing sense that maybe we'll be able to get some work done in this session of Congress. Minimum wage certainly is looking a lot better. Kassebaum-Kennedy discussions
- welfare, it's work; too many Americans exiled from world of work; welfare reform a historic obligation 2. Plan to bring work back into the inner city a. Wage subsidy tax credit b. Use job placement firms to place welfare recipients c. Put them to work
[05/17/1997 – 05/19/1997]
- ; Pledges Transportation Grants to Help Welfare Reform Succeed May 20, 1997 -- 5/18/97 4:00 PM DRAFf Announcements Today, President Clinton announced that XX companies have accepted his State of the Union challenge to forge "a new national effort to marshal
- on Welfare Reform September 23, 1997 Q: Why are you undermining welfare reform by insisting that participants in workfare programs get the protections ofthe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and other employment laws? A: I believe that worker protection
- for this exemption that excludes fewer minorities. Andrea Kane Diana Fortuna 06/10/9801 :30:34 PM Record Type: Record To: Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP cc: Cynthia A. Rice/OPD/EOP, Laura Emmett/WHO/EOP Subject: Civil rights draft guidance on welfare reform Below
Welfare-Performance Bonus
- . The proposed specifications are intended to be included in the first bonus year. They were developed in consultation Association, the American Public Welfare Association, the Legislatures and State representatives. I believe that they in welfare reform
- ROMINGER FROM: CAROL H. RASCO Subject: Welfare Reform A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 26, from 5:00 6:00pm, in OEOB 180, to discuss welfare reform and its current -status. We will also discuss (a) the working session scheduled
- visitation, fewer adoptions, less family preservation efforts and less emancipation preparation for our foster youth. , .i I! 1 •. ~2- '.' .. . •. Fede~a) welfare reform proposals, including changes in AFDC eligibility requirements and capp
- perspectives to the negotiating table and emerge with solid public policy on which there is general agreement. i I I Being part of the internal debates on welfare reform, child abuse and neglect, and ,child, care has provided me with the ability to predict
- SECTION 1. RHORT TITLE. 1'his Act may be cited as the "Welfare Reform anu 5 lkRpollsillility Ad of 1993". 6 7 8 SEC. 2. WORK REQUIRED IN ElCCHANGE FOR AID TO FAMl Ul';S WITH DEPENDENI' Clm.DIlEN. (a) STA1'RS REQUIRED TO [NCr,cDE A G'WBP
Target Lists (House)
- : Suhject: Welfare Reform Targeting Attac,h~c!.pcr your request is a database of information un House r11cmOcrs for usc in , developing legislative strategy for welfare rdonn. The following clements arc induded: REP::; Representative's name PARTY
- , with emphasis on prevention, Self-sufficiency for the indi vidual within a health community is a primary goal. There will be seven areas of concentralion:children and families, the aging, health care, housing and safety, school-linked clinics. welfare reform
- be necessary or appropriate under welfare reform. It should be useful in advance of our meeting tomorrow at 10 on TANF regulations. , • 8-23-96; 9 :23AM •. ACF/SUITE 600~ 94567028;# 51 9 H-ifr PRE~XMIHARY LIST OF REGULATIONS TO BE ISSUED UNDER
Financing [1]
- National security classified information [(a)(I) of the PRA]. P2 Relating to appointment to Federal office [(a)(2) of the PRA]. i .Welfare Reform Financing Options 5 Year Savings ~iIliQns of Dollars 17-May-94. Offset Table· 6/7/9414:41 . Possible
- four years. Welfare Caseloads Even before signing historic welfare reform legislation last August, President Clinton had taken . action to promote welfare reform. During his first three and a half years in office, President Clinton approved 80 welfare
- in welfare reform, challenges remaining, and then about how it had become a political issue when it went to Congress, with demonizing the victim. But, as the bold sentences show, it's possible to see how the reporter could write what she did. Welfare reform
[08/08/1997 – 08/10/1997]
- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .-\lltomated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion August 9, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan RE: DPC Weekly Report 1. Welfare Reform: Council of Economic Advisers' Analysis of Child-Only Cases
- about successes .in welfare reform, challenges remaining, and then about how it had become a political issue when it went to Congress, with demonizing the victim. But, as the bold sentences show, it's possible to see how the reporter could write what she
Welfare Press
- , will make' the next step on welfare reform especially contentious, in New York. The way the stalemate Is resolved here will matter' more than iii. many other states because both the' state and New York City spend a larger proportion of their budgets
Block Grants [1]
- :stNT BY:AEROSPACE BlDG. . ~W,~t~/.J Vest S J?1 ('1~ 2024565557;~13/13 David S. Broder Welfare Fault 'Line . , I " I ., The House 1881 week approved . sweeping welfare-reform legisla tion that would create blOCk grants for state wetfare
- the past four years, we worked with 43 states to launch welfare reform experiments, moving a record 2.25 million people off our nation's welfare rolls. Here in Michigan, a strong economy and your efforts have helped move more than 208,000 people offthe
Welfare Reform [1]
- Welfare Reform [1]
- project seeking waivers for welfare reform. The waivers are based upon a common sense approach to ending the cycle of welfare and hopefully can serve as a model for other states' welfare reform initiatives. The demonstration project includes 42 different
- , sometimes two: But something - low wages, transportation problems, child care - always seemed to get in the way of her getting ahead. With welfare reform came the requirement that able recipients go to work. Last March, Kinslow's caseworker sent her to Keys
Welfare - FLSA etc [5]
- them with others who are paid even less. They'll destroy any possibility that welfare reform can reduce dependency on welfare by leading people into real jobs with real wages. They'll undermine the minimum wage we raised just last yearan increase
Detroit Trip File [5]
- governor. He has been extremely vocal in the national debates ·over the budget~ welfare reform and devolving power to the states and is sharply critical of the Administration on these topics .. He continues to tout Spealcer Gingrich and the agenda qf
Letters [2]
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA4730 OA/Box: File Folder: letters [2J I. paper 2.1euer "The AFDC Program ...", I p (partial) Kristina Leahy 10 POTUS J"C: welfare reform. 3p (partial) Archlvls
- by the President to reach out to the Republicans and lock in their support for a bipartisan national service agenda. -10- UNDERCLASS - WELFARE TO WORK Goals Overall: To make the most of the historic opportunity presented by welfare reform by breaking the cycle
- 6-7431 6-5557 216ROEOB 2090EOB 2160EOB Tax Issues Mark Mazur 5-5147 5-6853 3180EOB Tobacco Elizabeth Drye 6-5573 6-7431 2100EOB Welfare Reform Cynthia Rice Diana Fortuna 6-2846 6-5570 6-7431 6-7431 212ROEOB 212LOEOB February 25
[08/26/1997] [1]
[04/07/1997] [1]
- and who's paying for it? Answer: The Commission will cost an estimated $1.8 million over the next year and be paid for by the Department of Health and Human Services. The members of the Commission will not be paid. WELFARE REFORM: FOOD STAMP WORK
[11/26/1996 – 12/10/1996]
- DATE/TIME:27-NOV-1996 09:27:55.00 SUBJECT: Meeting to Resolve Outstanding Issues on Welfare Reform Technical Amendmen TO: Kathleen M. Turco ( CN=Kathleen M. Turco/OU=OMB/O=EOP @ EOP [ OMB 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Steven M. Mertens ( CN=Steven M. Mertens
Welfare [1]
- and the very early results nom State surveys of recipients and former recipients. Finally, the implications of these findings for Federal and State policy choices are briefly discussed. ~'\:. ~-· i ,.: ~· :'. State Responses to Welfare Reform Welfare
- government -- as the nation's largest employer -- does its fair share to help those on welfare go to work. Earlier today, the President released another piece of evidence showing that welfare reform is working, announcing that welfare caseloads have declined
- with principals beginning November 9. Welfare Reform o Moving Forward Based on our meeting with you, we will be preparing a memorandum outlining cost and financing options. We will also convene a meeting with Treasury, OMB, and HHS on EITC abuse. Crime o COPS
Domestic Policy Council [1]
- .... ,'" .... , ... ,............ ,"', ....... " ...... " ....... , .. , .... , .. ",., ... ," ".", ....... 1 Chapter I Education..... ,"" .: .. ", ......... ," .................... , ..... ,", ........ ,', ........ 8 Chapter 2 Crime and Gun S.fety,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,, ............................; .................. 17 Chapter 3 Welfare Reform
- ~month period around the signing of the welfare law. even though no redpient was affected by the new law during that period.) and Still, it wopld be • mistake to give welfare reform all thHr6dit for caseload changes over the past four yearS. Virtually
- for black women have been dropping , · .. steadily since 1989, they assert that the decline. started before states_. and the federal gov~ent enacted welfare reform measures. . 1: "This is happening at a time when the economy is improVing."}hld Tuesday's
7/10/96 NAACP Charlotte, NC
- to support you on key issues, they strongly urge you to hold the line on affirmative action. Additionally, the organization remain very interested in your views and priorities concerning welfare reform and · heath care. Ill. PARTICIPANTS 7,000 People
- : 1. People need to understand why the President is working on the economy, health care, welfare reform, education and crime. What is at the center of this agenda? 2. The accomplishments will last longer and stand the President in better sted
- issue for me for a long time. I've worked to move people from welfare to work for 15 years now. So the Speaker and I have a lot in common. We both want bold welfare reform. We both think that we need to make people leave welfare after a- specific number
- TABE HEALTH CARE Medicare Trust Fund Memorandum on Children's Health Bill Q&A on Children's Health Bill . Additional Children's Health Q&A's Additional Medicare Qs&As TABF CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM TABG WELFARE Welfare Reform Legislative Proposals
[09/11/1996 – 09/18/1996]
- draft documents that SSA would like to send to the world on various welfare reform topics. (Emily, they were faxed to your attention.) They would like our comments, so please take a look at them when you get them, and let me know what you think. -ARMS
- . ~ 7. Welfare -- Welfare-to-Work Partnership: You will travel to st. Louis on Tuesday to highlight the success of welfare reform and underscore the critical role ofthe private sector. You will join Eli Segal in announcing that over 500 companies have
- (Connecticut), data PHOTOCOPY 'f,.I!"'\''''RITING · t. ,... • I. . . . 5 on jobs was not available, but there was a substantial increase in the number of families leaving welfare because of increased earnings. 17. Welfare Reform -- Conference of Mayors
- my voice mails, Congressman Vento asked Cuomo to send a letter expressing his opinion on Minnesota's policy of reducing a family's TANF grant by $100 if they were also receiving housing assistance. This was included in the state welfare reform law
- members ot the welfare reform working group at a public hearing in California October 7th and Bth. 09/30;93 14:57 t1202 456 7028 DOM. POL ~.... CAROL ~003;005 On Friday, Ootober 1, Mike SChmidt will mSQt with representatives from the Association
- for the House Ways and Means Subcommittee meetings on welfare reform. Marion Berry will meet with the National Cotton Council leadership group from allover the nation to talk about. health care and other issues. He will attend the OMB Farm Bill seminar. Also, he
- . The issues they have fought the liar~est on most recently are the Balanced Budget Amendment, SSI reform under. welfare reform, and the rescission package. They have been actively lobbying against these cuts and reforms on the Hill, and educating
- . I also thank you for the memo from the teacher about Aiberto •.•• I will be thinking about all the Albertos as we continue to work on welfare reform. Please convey my thanks to Lillian for the time she spend in preparing the memo. fe..-/c{l~ Sandy
Working Papers
- February TO, Working Paper Reviewers FROM, Wendell primu~ SUBJECT, Welfare Reform Working Paper 4 - REVISED "Evidence from Employment, Education, and Training Programs: Background Relevant to Welfare Reform" Attached for your final review
Public Service Jobs
- has been positive. As you develop the Administration's welfare reform proposal,' particula.!:ly the, work component',-. I encourage you to involve the Subco~mittee or. Employment and ?rOductivity, which has . jurisdiction over job training
Signing [3]
- JU!;-26-9~ ., FRI 10:27 AM P.02 Potential Effects of Congressional Welfare Reform Legislation on Family Ineomes Sheila Zedlewski Sandra Clark Eric Meier Keith Watson The authors would like to tbank 'Paul JOhnsOb (or outstanding
- remarks by at least suggestin'9. questions. ~: 11 . ~, The follow1'ng is one idea for ladguage to be sent to presenters to gaide their testimony: ' ~ The Harking Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence has been charged
- support enforcement, and supports for families moving from welfare to work. ' . , I , ' . ' ' . . In signing the bill, President Clinton said, "This is not the end of welfare reform, this is the beginning." He went on to say: " , Today. we
- on Welfare Reform., I, . ~, Family ,Support and Independence ' , ~~ashingtori, DC '20500 ~-~ ..' Qear Mary 'Jo, David ana-oBruce: ' _< : ,":., ,- " '! ! I .. Thank you for solI'citing, our comments on the, legislative. epecifications, for. . , . the WORK
- successfully deal with welfare reform until we reduce the amount of teen-age pregnancy in this country." Ron Mincy (The Independent, December 20, 1993, Peter Pringle} Another reasonable voice is that of Ron Mincy of the Ford Foundation in New York. His point
- of Life or Safety under Welfare Reform Legislation AGENCY: Department of Justice. ACTION: Notice. EFFECTIVE DATE: August 23, 1996. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR TO PROVIDE COMMENT CONTACT: Lisalyn R. Jacobs, Counsel, Office of Policy Development
- & Jeremy 28 July 9:00-9:30 Box 17 Tenncare [1] – [3] Unfunded Mandates Urban Policy Veterans’: Agent Orange Violence [1] – [2] Violence in T.V. W. VA/Indiana Consolidated Plan [1] Box 18 W.VA/Indiana Consolidated Plan [1] – [5] Welfare Reform [1] – [5] Box
- ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES • Welfare Reform Update: During the Dec. 1-31 period, USDA approved requests from Alabama, Arkansas, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Louisiana, Rhode Island, and Tennessel! to extend and modify their waivers from the provisions
Financing [3]
- Tier 1 Offsets 6.65 4.62 2.03 24.54 15.36 9.18 Welfare Reform Option 1 6.69 629 0.40 25.64 25.46 0.18 ·1.63 1,63 _ _ ·9.00 9.00 Possible Matching Rate Adjust. Estimates arc ut1rcvicwcd HHS estimates, _ (dollars in billions) 5
Accomplishments '96
- . spending is lower as a share of the economy than in any year since 1979. The President's Balanced Budget includes nearly $300 billion in entitlement savings ($124 billion in Medicare savings, $59 billion from Medicaid. and $40 billion from welfare reform
- that embody this principle, including abstinence-based curricula, welfare reforms that discourage early parenting and require. young mothers tci live at home and stay in school, and tough new of parenthqod to child support enforcement provisions that drive
CHI [Chicago] 8/3/1999
- together across party lines to pass a landmark welfare reform bill. We said that no person could ever make welfare a way of life again ~ that everybody who can work, must work. But we also recognized that millions who had known nothing but years
- from welfare to work -- including increased funding for child care. State strategies are making a real difference in the success of welfare reform, specifically in job placement, child care and transportation. • Law Builds on the Administration's
Father's Employment
- URBAN· INST ITUTE I IBP Mott Brief #2 February 10,1999 Obligating Dads: Getting Low-Income Noncustodial Fathers to Do More for Their Children Under Welfare Reform by Elaine Sorensen In 1996, Congress fundamentally changed government's support system
[11/19/1998 – 11/23/1998]
- is the Administration's position regarding California's policy of paying new residents less in welfare benefits than current residents? A: The Administration's position is that the federal welfare reform statute (PRWORA) is constitutional, and that its residency
- Langton An.datt. at WH. Off.,. of DomOlt., 1'o\.,y To: From: Subject: Date: Pag.l.fl Bruce ReedICathy Mays Michael Langton Update on Goodwill in Welfare Reform Bill July 15, 1996 Monday. July 15.1996 11:16:40 AM 'To: Brue. Rt• .vCathy May. MEMORANDUM
SSI Issues
- if a child no longer qualifies for Medicaid as a disabled person, that child may continue to qualify for Medicaid by meeting another eligibility requirement. o II. The welfare reform law requires SSA to take a different approach to determining childhood
- . WORKGROUPS ~ ~J icS.J r~ ~ ~ 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Health Care Reform Magnolia Room, Upper Level Welfare Reform Poplar, Upper Level .. Long-Term Care Reform Plaza III, Lower Level Housing Reform Plaza II, Lower Level Education Reform Walnut, Upper
- Senate Finance Committee Hearing on NGA’s Medicaid and Welfare Reform Proposals - Shalala Briefing Book, 2/28/96 [National Governors’ Association] [3]
- programs (including CAPTA). States would be required to maintain current law protections and standa~s under the block grant. I I I I I • I Fcb"110ry}2, 1996 (6:40pm) 2 . I , I • SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS Con~crencc Agreement on Welfare Reform wi
Welfare-to-Work Programs [2]
- ? If additional resources are to be spent on welfare reform. it would be important to'seize the opportunity and support innovative cities (possibly paired with States) that want to develop different visions of work-based systems. Each area would apply
Newsclips [4]
- of these times are compatible. Than!< you. c: Tom Kalil/NEC Hi~e Nelson/OSTP Cordially, ; 1-31-34 ; 5;OIAM ; ACF/SUITE 600~ 202 456 7028;# 2/10 WELFARE REFORM MORNING REPORT Monday, January 31, 1994 CONTENTS }lart
- , because it is time to make environmental laws work for average Americans instead of the lawyers. We want welfare reform and health care reform, because ordinary Americans want the opportunity to work, and they deserve the same shot at health care coverage
Schedule July
- citizens. It means a forceful, innovative program to enable those who can take care of themselves to prepare for a changing work world (education reform) and those who cannot take car~ of themselves to find a way to do so (welfare reform) . And it means
Legislative Letters
- of a child support enforcement system as required under the 1988 Family Support Act ~d Welfare Reform. !i :~ As a follow up to our meeting, let me r~iterate ~hatiLis I,am Qoping we caijl each do . t~fu~~~r oUir~":I1i?~n
[08/07/1997 – 10/03/1997]
- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOE http://172.28.l27.30:8082/ARMS/servletigetEmaiIArchive?URL] ATH=/n1cp-llAnns405/who/... 412012009 August 9, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Welfare Reform: Council ofEconomic
OMB-DPC Program Staff [1]
- on it but wanted to get it to you so that there would be time for comments and ironing out inconsistencies between sections. .. . . TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Children 2. Education ..3. Job Training 4. Welfare Reform l~ .. Investing in Young Children
- their benefits in one lump sum payment when they file their' taxes. A partial redress to this delivery problem may be included in the reconciliation bill, and stronger remedies are being examined in the context of welfare reform, but it is likely to prove very
Department of Labor
- in one lump sum payment when they file their taxes. A partial redress to this delivery problem may be included in the reconciliation bill, and stronger remedies are being examined in the context of welfare reform, but it is likely to prove very difficult
[05/15/1999 – 05/17/1999]
- November 21, 1998 Q: What is the Administration's position regarding California's policy of paying new residents less in welfare benefits than current residents? A: The Administration's position is that the federal welfare reform statute (PRWORA
- not to oppose the ruling vigorously, principally because it makes clear that it does not affect the . application of the minimum wage or other worker protections to workfare participants.! 2. Welfare Reform -- GAO Report on Access to Jobs: A GAO report issued
- graduating class. 11. Welfare Reform -- TANF Rule: HHS, OMB, and we have reached consensus on the major issues in the fmal welfare regulation and expect to be able to release it in midApril. While continuing to hold states generally accountable for work
- '.' . «., . discuss the state policies and prognims (both good and bad) that have emerged as a result of welfare reform. You also can expand on the challenge you issued in last week's radio address for "every state to take the money they save from lowering
- that the confirmation hearings will begin in the next couple of weeks. 8. Welfare -- Fair Labor Standards Act: In the wake of Speaker Gingrich's pledge to fix what he called the Administration's effort" to undermine and destroy welfare reform" by applying the minimum
- dropping 7 percent in only seven months. The LA Times carried an article on Thursday noting this caseload "plummet." Twenty two percent ofthe nation's welfare recipients live in California. 6. Welfare -- Studies on Welfare Reform: We have received some
- that we get a good result on this issue in conference. 11. Welfare Reform-- Wellstone Amendment on Work Requirements: As part of its ' passage of the Higher Education Act; the Senate approved an amendment offered by Senator Wellstone, by a vote of 55-43
- and Hispanic communities price responsiveness decreased with age, while among whites, price responsiveness remained steady. 6. Welfare Reform - Medicaid tOO-Hour Rule and Anniversary Event: You are scheduled to participate in an event this week to mark
- for communities across the ~ nation to redeploy almost 10,000 officers. ~)) . ,? 7. Welfare Reform -- New Employment Statistics: The Census Bureau's new statistics on income and poverty show that the Fate Qf employment among former welfare recipients
- . 8. Welfare Reform -- Noncustodial Fathers Study: The Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation released last week the first full-scale study of a program focusing on the non-custodial fathers of children on welfare (the Parents' Fair Share program
East Stroudsburg
- ;',' . ' welfare reform t w i ,cpers could" be faced with higher rates e.' . The goal, of. teen, pregnancy preven .Mr.. Speaker, Republicans take a dif and prices ,for rail services. tiOD efforts ,should be to assist teens to ferentiview. We do not view welfare
DPC File Inventory
- Strategies for· Children and·F Amilies Partnerships for, Working Families / 3/13 Welfare reform meeting Washington Workshops Meeting 3/14/96 3/15/96 Fortuna Meeting on Appointees with disabilities 3/15/96 Mickey Leland Hunger Fellows Visit
- implemented as Delaware strives to bea father and family friendly state. Delaware's welfare reform program has worked to assure that two-parent families are not experiencing a "marriage penalty". Barriers to assistance for two-parent families have been removed
- +0.06 4.57 Cheese $/lb 1.18 -0.02 +0.03 Butter $Ilb 1.40 0.00 +0.59 11.59 -0.40 NA Rice Cotton Milk $/cwt . II. USDA WORK ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES 3 • Presidential Initiative On Welfare Reform • • Welfare Reform Waiver
Welfare-Work Regulation [1]
- : Bruce Reed Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Director of the Domestic Policy Council Radio Address to Announce the Release of the REQUEST: Final Rule Implementing Welfare Reform PURPOSE: To celebrate the success to date of welfare
Welfare-Wellstone Amendment
- to welfare reform was adopted that supporters say helps welfare recipients who want to increase their earning potential by allowing college to count as work for up to two years, but opponents say is a loophole that undermines the work requirements of welfare
Budget Materials [4]
- performance standards and accountability to ensure that the new Fedetal funding creates additional work slots that meet the welfare reform statute's tough work requirements for Food Stamp recipients, particularly by allowing 100 percent of the money
[Miscellaneous Letters] [5]
- SSI, .AFDC, food stamps or Medicaid asa way of financing his welfare reform plan. Immigrants and refugees who receive these benefits need them because they are poor, old,· sick, hungry or qisabled. It is simply unacceptabJe to finance any welfare
- federal budget, I will oppose proposals that undermine these important programs and the people they serve. II House Women's Office Meeting to Discuss Welfare Reform On Oct. 1 , Women's Office organized and coordinated a meeting with key women leaders
- . A final issue if the bill is split involves what issues are considered part of the legal, bill., In particular, splitting off issues involving welfare reform for legal immigrants could be very significant in trying to get an enforcement bill
- base constituency has been extremely, aCtive in energizing their members around the Rescission Bill. In particular. they have' focused on the impact the cuts will have on women and children programs and Welfare :Reform.. , These organizations are quite
Immigration - Legislation
- his state. · middle ground .. Since then others, such as Florida ..,.. , Referring to· a Republican welfare reform proGov. Lawton Chiles, Democrat and : .1:: -~'....;. ~r: INS:~·, posal that would completely eliminate access to a Clinton ally, have
- Welfare Reform Working Group - Public Outreach Activities
- • · , · · , • I ! i Welfare Reform Working Group Public Outreach Activities , PPESEr:1VATIO~ PHO,OCOPy WORKING GROUP ON WELFARE REFORM, I!'AMILY SUPPORT AND INDEPENDENCE MEMORAJI,DUM To: Alexis Hennan, Assistant to the President ~nd
- aemarb 09:15 AM 10:30 AM' - by ."UnO' ,Group clt.aie. TOpio on. - Econo.1c Development and Welfare Reform R8IIIarks by: 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM BIlIWI: 10t45 »I ... TOpio fto. Sanioe Delivery SJat..... ill a RUral lIai:l:ill9 12 :00 PI! Remarks
- ,/ TO: FROM: RE: DATE: David, Wendell, Mary JO, Bruce, Kathi , Howard Don SWIM Impacts on women under 25 March 31, 1994 Questions have been raised regarding the application of SWIM impacts to modeling welfare reform. In particular, the welfare
Illegal Immigrants
- of public benefit.sand ,the, exte~tto which these 'benefits serve as an incentive for immigration,1 In 1996', the Congress took steps toaddress th~se " I ' . concerns through' welfare and i~migFation reform legislation. 'In welfare reform t
- administration v s 'goals for ,welfare ,reform. It IMPACT sets ,J a 24-month' time limit 'for , , benefits to'12, OciO'job- .,' -, ,ready individuals who enter 'a arPlacement" Track,r and rece! v~ help in ' , , job searc~" ~nd. pi,acemen~.,' 'TJ
- This collection consists of Carol Rasco’s Correspondence series containing records related to topics such as health care, welfare reform, housing, employment, persons with disabilities, immigrant benefits, education, women and children, and senior
- such as health care, welfare reform, housing, employment, persons with disabilities, immigrant benefits, education, women and children, and senior citizens. The records include memos, letters, greeting cards, petitions, recommendations, forms, resumes
Fathers-State Activities
- , . there is not a parallel social • Dads don't care al,oUl the wcll· be· that can them of '. Recent in child forcement and welfare. reform shifted financial responsibility away from and back on parents. Ti~e limits and work requirements push welfare recipients iuto
Rollout [1]
- E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 25-May-1994 03:43pm TO: Bruce FROM: Carol H~ Rasco Economic and Domestic SUBJECT: N~ Reed Po~1cy RE: Welfare Reform rollout Mack tells me he has notes at home that are quite complete
New Jersey
- that administrative costs would be counted for third-party contracts, which will make it difficult to recruit non-profit agencies. Without their help, we cannot successfully involve the community in welfare reform. I hope that the White House will take
- federal legislation. Sweeping changes in program rules will be ready for implementation upon passage of federal welfare reform. HRS Economic Services Program -:ME IF28.DOC May 6,1996 : SPONSOR: Senator Jennings and Others . BILL: . CSISB 1662 Page 1
[Welfare Reform Binder] [3]
- [Welfare Reform Binder] [3]
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 038 - Folder 009 [Welfare Reform Binder] [3] Welfare Reform & Immigrants (P.L. 104-193, signed 8122196) Q&A • • • • • • Summary of Changes Most noncitizens are no longer eligible for SSI and Food Stamp benefits
Signing [5]
- , we'll be talking to them in more detail about the improvements wetd like to see, and we hope to get the pest possible bill. 07/16/96 10:44 '82(12 690 5673. HHS-PUBLIC AFFA! Q: eBO and MHS have both warned that the pending welfare reform bills
Caseload [1]
- and Managing Director ~ Welfare Reform, Lockheed " I Martin IMS ' ' , i' I Kristin A. Moore, Executive Director, Child Trends,Inc. , ! Joan M. Reeves, Commissioner, Philadelphia Department ofHumitn Services Gary 1. Stangler, Director, Missouri Department
Issue Group Papers [3]
- paper which· explores ways to increase participation in the EITC advance payment program. As you know, this options paper represents the viewpoints of the 'Malee Work Pay' Issue Group, associated with !be Welfare Reform Task Force. As such, it has
Financing [3]
- , Donna Pavetti, and How,aid Rolston to talk a~out how to score up~ftoht -jcib search and ho~to think abbut participation l~vels in JOBS under welfare reform. Up;" front 'job search -We.identified three models of up-front job" search: 1. Pure applicant job
Evaluations [2]
- 't ;. - ~:\t'l THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April 5, 1999 , . f MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed SUBJECT: SecretaI)' ShalaUl's Report on Welfare Reform Following your recent conversation with Secretary Shalala about welfare
Child Support - Assurance
- ~~""~ ,:"","w'n,'! ",,,j, h", \IJ"jl~:,\ ""', ,I",,,,,",,,, J', J"J,,~,,\, We appreciate the productive discussions that have been held on child support with the Welfare Reform Working Group, and understand that importanl child support reiorm measures
- . Personal record misfile defined in.accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 23, 1996 TO: WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION WORKING GROUP FR: Carol Rasco, Assistant
- in 1994 and enacted as part of the 1996 welfare reform law, helps track parents across state lines and withhold their wages by enabling child support officials to match records of delinquent parents with wage records from throughout the nation
- is not done. Today, there are still between 650,000 and 900,000 Americans living with HIV, and we must continue our efforts to ensure these citizens have access to needed treatments. WELFARE REFORM JULY 16, 1997 Question: You talk often about the success
- ' .' ., .: ~, , . ~ .' '. • " . _", ~" ,J . ~ '. /, , ' RJlIJFSA/NAT'L RSSMBLY ID:202~393-4S17 03 MAR'93- ,13:10 No.002 P.OS . Welfare Reform Panelists: . PauLOfl'ner Profcssl0nal-Staff. Committee'on financc U.S. Senate Washington~ D.C: , Malcolm Lovell, President
- ; welfare ,reforms that discourage' early parenting and require youngmo:thers to live at home and stay in school, and tough new child support enforcement provisions ,that 'drive home the~esponsibility of pafEinthoodto young men, Opportunities for' Youth
- their own ideas. In addition, we provide additional funding for child care and establish a contingency' fund to assist states in cases of economic recession. I again want to thank you for your continued willingness to work '1:0 develop a welfare reform bill
- i g h t t o calm opponents o f h i s u n i v e r s a l h e a l t h care plan by promising t o push 'real welfare reform,' but only a f t e r h i s treasured h e a l t h plan i s w e l l on i t s way through Congress." The Los Angeles Times's John
Congress ’92 – ’93 [1]
- with a cover note to me from Howard Paster. Please note we want to put a draft respon~~ before the President at some time on Monday. Please see that I have a draft in my hands by noon Monday. I realize David and Mary Jo are out today for the welfare reform
[03/20/1998 – 03/23/1998]
- on caseloads and WTW approvals at our weekly welfare reform meeting w/ agencies 3/17. Food Safety -- Possible Event on FORCG: The VP could announce an executive order that formalizes the Foodbome Outbreak Response Coordinating Group (FORCG). The purpose
1996 Weekly Reports [2]
- sent to you in memos you received inLyon~ d~ily WAIVERS Michigan W~lfare -- On Wednesday,Gove:r;nor Engler submitted a new welfare reform waiver to HHS, requesting, "'fast-track" approval in 30 days. The next day,-Republicans in both houses
Welfare - Displacement
- displacement. displacement. ""1'' --- . ---. 5 V ~ c\ \ \ 0 ------ SU"""Toe,- /If"",-J~\r 1,\(.
- Diego beginning 8/22. No Administration representative has been scheduled to make an appearance. Notices on the application process for the $150 million will go out at the end of next week. The Welfare Reform Working Group will hold a day and a half
- of the early accomplishments of the Clinton Administration, and the more recent Partnerships For Stronger Families initiative. • Most recently, President Clinton asked the Domestic Policy Council to coordinate implementation of the new welfare reform law
Republicans [1]
- The National Governors' Association (NGAi La proposing a new welfare reform plan, and Congress has initiated hearings on the governors' proposal, Or.fortunately, this proposal, crafted by NGA bureaGcrata and borrowing signilicant elements from President
Speeches (POTUS)
- i "I,I ' '. , I I , I I , , I Th~ President's Radio Addn:~ss Se-ptemlx:r 16, 1995 . ('..oDd momin~, Lost week) spoke vdtll you about whal I bcbeve must !)(l; done to reform our Nation's broken welfare system. I said Ibat real welfare reform
African Americans
- to voi~ their concerns, ask questions and give suggestions. , 'IV. DiscusSion of the rhetoric of welfare reform Avis LaVelle, AsSistant Secretary for Public Affairs, DHHS ., I l.0'd 1£17l.9£176 01 '" :. , I , 'WORKING GROUP ONWELF~ REFORM, , FAMILY
- have made this vision a reality ~ first, by working with 43 states to help launch innovative welfare experiments, and then, by enacting a welfare reform law that challenged everyone to do far more to lift people from welfare to work. Today, we received
- alive. You in the states have led the way in most of the major reforms of the past few decades -- especially for children and families. As you focus on youth, there is one issue that we must now work together to solve: welfare reform. It is an issue many
- for a home, their education, their training or starting a small business." To that end, your 1994 Welfare Reform proposal included an IDA proposal and the 1996 Welfare Reform law allowed States to use welfare funds to establish IDAs. However, the Federal
- tripkfl. As a result, the vehicle limit has a far mOte restrictive effect On working poor families today than Congress intended when it established the limit 3 Q: How many states have raised their vehicle limib under welfare reform and how mueh have
- that gives structure and dignity to our lives -- was the only way to truly reform welfare. When I became President, that became our nation's guiding principle. We began by granting waivers to 43 states to launch welfare reform experiments that make welfare
Comments (Specs) [2]
- / WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA 4732 OAiBox: File Folder: Comments (Specs) [2] l. memo Archivist: RDS Date: 9/17/04 Michael Stegman (0 Wendell Primus re: HUD's comments on welfare reform
- Welfare Reform Briefing Book, 3/21/94
- . €oftHdentiai Draft ."". Not for Quotation Circulation or Citation Welfare Reform Briefing Book March 21, 1994 2:00pm 1 2 Overview , , , , , I , 3 4 5 6 7 Major Policy Issues Cost and Financing Detailed Description
Minor Mothers
- Fontenot Barbara Selfridge Belle Sawhill ~'t [)ecision needed Please comment -L For your information Fer your request Take necessary action With informational copies for: BS, Il, KP, RB, LC, SD, MR, CE Subject: "Minor Moms" Saver for Welfare Reform
[07/02/1997 – 07/04/1997]
- ) It may be that the President will address fair labor/displacement, etc. issues. As yet, it remains in brackets. (3) As we approach the one year anniversary of the welfare reform law, the President will announce that there are 3 million fewer people
[04/09/1999 – 04/12/1999]
- /OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Here's what I was able to find out about Mayor Guiliani's plans to apply welfare reform requirements to shelter residents. We'll monitor for future developments and keep you updated. Based on a 1981
Financing [2]
- ~",212:194 .. 12:55 '5"202 690 5673 AMORES-HRS IilJOO2!002 TALKING POINTS 2/25/94 WELFARE FINANCING (Contact: Melissa Skolfield, HUS) The A~iniBtr&tion ie co~tte4 to the introduction of a welfare reform plon which will he deficit neutral
Plan (February 1994) [2]
- ,, Bruce ROOd WELFARE REFORM ISSUE PAPER Prepared for February 26, 1994 Meeting of the Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence , Bruce ReOO "LiiNFtnENlb\L DRAFT-For Discussion Only 1">( WELFARE REFORM ISSUE
Federal Government [1]
- President said. Earlier today, the President released another piece of evidence showing that welfare reform. is working, announcing that welfare caseloads have declined .another 250,000, bringing thetotal reduction:to more than~3.6milliorisince he. became
- ; demanding responsibility; and support for families.While Congress debates reform, the President also gave Ohio a waiver to move forward on welfare reform. Our administration has now given 25 states -- half the nation --welfare waivers, more than twice
- important unfinished work for America on job training, health care, welfare reform,- and reforming government. · ' Combined Very convincing . ~ . ~ . . . . . .. . . 29 ' Somewhat -convincing . . . . . . . . 31 60 Somewhat unconvincing . . . . . • 17 Very
- by 1999. This increase is attributable partly to better enforcement of recent improvements in current law, and partly to passage of the welfare reform legislation itself. Under our pIa!":., paternity identification, award establishment
- and the- welfare reform legislation of 1996. . . ~ , WN will not, of course, be indifferent to "the front end" of welfare reform: . motivated; prepared welfare recipients. However, the more WN engages in activities. at the front end, e.g. GED, literacy
District of Columbia
- the waiver was final. " (Reme~ber, ~001jtJ passage of the welfare reform bill means that.1fte welfare programs of all SO IVddV:JI1Hnd-SHH ~L9S 069 "zoz.Q v~:Sl 96/61/60 states and the District will now be governed by their state plan submissions
- with the Administration's other initiatives ~- including its education initiatives, national service, and., welfare reform? 8. Why is this a priority? Why is it more responsive to people's needs then the Contract with America?
Health Care - Uninsured
- for welfare reform projects, When fully implemented. these demonstration projects wiU extend health covcmge to 2,2, mlliioll pmems and children who otherwise would be UJiinsured. Crcllting new insunmce olltiuns. The Prl.!sidcnt also continues to support
Economic Message
- care, Earned Income Tax Credit, health care, Family and Medical Leave, welfare reform, school-to-work, re-employment all fit under an honoring work theme. A Pro-Work theme allows for an organizing agenda that is 7. Job Growth with Low Inflation: &iaJ.a
June Message Schedule
- week, we will focus on the California trip and the week of June 17 devoted to welfare reform proposals. 2
SOTU - Notes/Memo, 1999
- .4edicare and Social Security:· when .J came into office, Medicare aboutto ·go -bankrupt ... , .. - ..,.- .. , .· Now, safe for 15 years. 5. Responsibility and Accountability: fathers, next generation welfare reform, child support from deadbeat dads, welfare
- society together. @ These may not be good examples, but I hope they convey what I am getting at. 1. What holds the President's program together -- job training, welfare reform, health care reform, crime -- is that issues at the center of the lives
Misc. Inaugural
- are trying to achieve with welfare reform. We want to challenge the weak and the strong to work together to build better lives for the parents of today and the children oftomorrow." Racial healing and diversity ... ·· "Standing here in the shadow
Mayors – S.F. Mayor W. Brown
- Office of Economic Development. 415/554-6117. Bracing for Welfare Reform Recent changes in Welfare Refonn law will require San Francisco to fashion-a response that preserves the safety net of services provided to the City's most needy residents, while
- . Over half owed money to mothers on welfare. And the landmark welfare reform legislation I signed last month institutes the most dramatic crackdown yet on child support enforcement. It says to deadbeat parents: pay up, or we'll track you down, garnish
- Administration, we shouldn't get giddy at the prospect any time soon. (Indeed, according to recent news reports, welfare reform is on the Administration's back burner for the time being, as the President tries to keep his "focus" on health care.) "Welfare as we
WTW [Welfare to Work]
- not have to raise your children in poverty. When I took office, we gave 43 states waivers to launch their own efforts to reform welfare. And three years ago, we came together across party lines to pass a landmark welfare reform bill. We said that no person
- [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Mar9]r Waller from PPI called me to say she and Will Marshall have drafted an op-ed praising the success of welfare reform after one year and praising the President. Their communications staff are trying to place it. It does
- IDA approval,' are likely to be unhappy with the regulation. The proposed regulation has ~act on law enforcement-related drug tests. 6. Welfare Reform - Performance Bonuses: We are now nearly ready for you to announce two new nationwide competitions
- & STRUCTURAL WORKGROUP (CLOSED) QUALITY CONTROL DIRECTORS 2:00 pm-4:oo pm (CLOSED) NCSHSA OPENING PLENARY • Measuring state Success in Welfare Reform • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1996 i IMPLEMENTIN~ 4:00 pm-5:30 pm 8:00 a.,,-3:oo pm WELFARE REFORM
- will visit with me ..... 1 seriously doubt 1 will get to do anything with him. ~: Draft NGAINCSLlAPWA CONFERENCE ON ,WELFARE REFORM Carol' H. Rasco September 9, 1996 Thank you, ___. I thank NGA, NCSL, and APWA Jor inviting the Administration
- collection and'our state agency has ~een in the lead nationally, making every effort to increase collections over the years. I . 1 \fashington passe~ W?rkF~rst le~jslation in 1997 to b~ng our sta~e i,nto c~mpliance with fed~ral welfare reform legislation
- of Welfare Reform Census Bureau November 30, 1999 For Further Information: Nancy M. Gordon Chester E. Bowie ~Charles T. Nelson ·301-457-2126 301-457-3,.773 301-457-3183 [email protected] chester.e. [email protected] charles.t.nelson
Welfare-Maryland Event
- and welfare reform are about bringing all Americans to the starting line of this new economy, and then making sure they are ready to run the race. Our number-one priority -- the high threshold of the future we must cross - must be to ensure that all Americans
- make whatever choices are best for their families. j -'A ,- Questions and Answers on Welfare Reform February 3, 1998 Q: There have recently been some reports of growing lines at food pantries. Do you think this is due to welfare reform? A: We
NGA Issues
- servIces. • The Administration should maintain at least FY '99 levels for these programs consIstent with the welfare reform agreement. • If the Administration intends to propose a new Child Care program, they should work with the states to make sure
- and ideological battles that have surrounded this issue far too long. Questions and Answers on Welfare Reform and Jobs January 20, 1998 Q: Even with the good economy, some people are concerned that there won't be enough jobs for all the welfare recipients who
Single Sex Education
- politically nonviable. We will meet with the Democrats next week to discuss how to proceed on this sensitive issue. 8. Welfare Reform- New Federal Child Support Case Registry: HHS is almost ready to put in place a new national database of child support cases
- this· defect of the welfare reform bill. One possible item: start a drive for community schools, schools open more hours a day, more days a week and more: months a year. 2. I wonder why no one translates the abstraction "lower interest rates" into figures
Tax Cuts
- ',:forNational and Community Servic~. ',. ' J Welfare reform (food stamps, ;child nutrition, etc.) ($64.66illi6n), ,I i, ,I ; , I , ,I . -'"" program~' (1~ cuts ,in civil ,service billion), Medicare extenders', ($10,.5, bil~ion)., ", " . I
- [Welfare Reform Legislation] [6]
- growth rate fot acute care ~ . .. Food & ~ prograin estirnati.. 2000 calculated by AsPE staff. :'. . . . , Nu1rition Past were :3.. -,: ( , $2.67~ $4,141 $221 -' ' $389 $283 ($421) ($716) . $18,678 " " STATE 'FLEXIBILITY AND WELFARE REFORM
- ~ such as welfare, reform and' , for Domestic Policy:-where l t d . child 'care policy-I see families as the backbone of our society. My . jj.year. old daughter, Mary Margaret, and my 21-year-old son, Hamp, who , is m~ntally and physically disabled
- of the Clinton Adminsitration's FY 1995 Budget Proposal 3. Welfare Reform 4. Health Care Reform --Timetable --Role for state Commissioners in congressional debate --state council Meeting scheduled for March 7-9 P.V4 JAN 10 '94 14:43 APWA American
- back on track as I still believe that this is a real opportunity for positive, sustainable growth in rural communities. I am also sending you in a separate envelop some material about women and economic development and welfare reform from a program
- • . On the timing of this waiver, ACF,wi'll'probably stress that, although it has been pending since July, the state took it off the table ,for a month or two when everyone thought welfare reform was 'about: to pass.' ' I have invited OMB to the meeting.. Apparently
- , 1995 T1lt w.)' of reckooing is coming! Within the next few weeks: President Cfu,ton wUl be banded the Dmnibub Budget ~o"'citiation Bill IUId Welfare Reform legislation to sJsn. The Pn~jtlellt needs to know we strongly support a Veto of . the!le
- their opposition to Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment). o They are concerned about threats ,to Medicaid funding, especially as part of the welfare reform discussions. o Potential reform issues: insurance reform, kids coverage, etc. o Barriers
Blair Radio Address 2/6/98
- ·stability. We are doing so. You have focussed on education, welfare reform, a new approach to crime. So are we. Together, we are breaking down boundaries of left and right and creating a new politics for the radical centre. But no issue bas been more
- of politics today. But they a're far outweighed by -- ' ' it makes a difference to me that we finally have a president who has introduced welfare reform after other people talked about it. It makes a difference"to me that yesterday the President got to sign
- Golden: I extend my compliment" (0 {he Department for the solid draft regulation on welfare reform that you made available to the public last November. The proposed lUle is thorough. well wriuen. and thoughtful. I find myself in agreement with mOSt
- of those finding fault with welfare reform don't understand the goals. workers. It would be called "slav !try' ty ,jOlon olflcl";" and entlcl~ for !UfCl."l& ille poor into "mental" U\sks lIke Cleaning parks, SUctI jobs, the 1;11,1($ woold romptam, don't
Gang of 14
- a co.oa frameYOR. for CODt1Dnina discussion AmODI the stK oraan1z6tlona represented un the State uul Loea1 'l'uak Yoree 011 Welfare Reform.. While it reflecta the ...atiety of .t&te, co=t1 az:u:l local cODeerna, each lD41T14ul ol'gUliutiou ie ill
Newsclips [2]
- - by welfare reform, At Its annual meeting In Los Angeles later this month. the labor federaHon is expectec to endorse a plan encooraging Its unions to titgir. recruiting some of tbe adults corning of! ~~e welfare rolls.. By some estimates, Liat DumMy CQuld
Clinton Legacy
- or empowJrment, but I think we should at least encourage it.) I : . • • Welfare Reform • Health Care Reform based on individual and corporate responsibility Tough and enforceable Environmental Justice laws Finally, I think that an important legacy
- of Meyer and Rosenbaum (1999, 2000) and Eissa and Liebman (1996). In addition, he finds that employment rates for single mothers increased especially rapidly in States aggressively pursing welfare reform. E.ffects ofEITe on Hours Worked ofSingle Mothers
- was the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and the Director of the Domestic Policy Council. As the President's chief domestic policy advisor, he oversaw a variety of issues including education, crime, welfare reform, tobacco, family policy, health care
- ] [OA/ID 10449] Weekly Report [2] [OA/ID 10449] Welfare Meeting [OA/ID 10454] Welfare Reform [OA/ID 10453] Box 27 Welfare Reform Implementation [1] [OA/ID 10453] Welfare Reform Implementation [2] [OA/ID 10453] Welfare Reform Implementation [3] [OA/ID
America Works
- a meeting with the White House and HHS officials to resolve some problems in the implementation of welfare reform in New York. We believe the success of welfare reform in the country could be endangered j~ these pOlicies are adopted in other Cities. ; l f
- with the White House and HHS officials to resolve some problems in the implementation of welfare reform in New York. We believe the success of welfare reform in the country could be endangered j~ these pOlicies are adopted in other Cities. ; l f Anierica wor~s
- respect. When any other level of government wants to tell us how to do our business with our taxpayers' money, they need to have us at the table as full partners. Enough is enough. 6 NATIONAL lEAGUE OF CITIES NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CmES 7 Welfare Reform
Letters and Correspondence
- might f i n d my a r t i c l e useful as background. Our love to Liz and a l l your progeny - present and future. T - Clinton Library Photocopy illjc(ilinic6 anii Sraiotrat Orangeburg, S . C , Sunday, May 11, 1997, P a g e 3D Is welfare reform
- requirements, comprehensive child support enforcement, and supports for families moving from welfare to work -- including increased funding for child care. State strategies are making a real difference in the success of welfare reform, specifically in job
Waivers - South Dakota
- program can be reliably compared to the state's pre-waiver program. [] We feel that a Single Group Pre-Post Evaluation is essential to the success of South Dakota's welfare reform efforts becam:e restricting Section 1115 Waiver Request program changes
- from prospects for heavy supplies the remainder of the summer. Butter prices dropped on a slowdown in ·demand while cheese prices advanced slightly in a firm market. 4 II. USDA WORK ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES • Welfare Reform Update: During
- Welfare Reform Briefing Book, 3/22/94
- Bruce Reed Welfare Reform Briefing Book March 22. 1994 3:30pm Gaatidlllltial Draft ~ Not for Quotation Circl:llation or Citation AGENDA Timinl'/Poliilcs Major Issues How this ends Welfare Phase-in JOBS program -- Extensions, Exemptions
- The Working Group on Family Support and Independence is charged with developing a welfare reform plan to submit to the Domestic Policy Council by September 3, 1993. That plan will foells on moving people off welfare and out of poverty through increased
Making Work Pay
- of compelling reasons to consider the SSI and SSDI programs in the context of welfare reform. The current structure of these programs in combination with Medicaid makes it impossible for many disabled people to work, so the theme of making work pay resonates
Civil Rights Planning
- -discrimination Act, FY '98 civil rights enforcement budget, FDR memoriaLaffinnative action and personnel. o LCCR makes brief remarks about balancing the budget and the poor. o You ask Ken Apfel to respond. o LCCR makes brief remarks about welfare reform
Amendments [4]
- focus of all welfare reform. Work not welfare is real welfare reform. From the very first day a person applies, the state's welfare systerpshould focus on work and self-support. As soon as someone applies for welfare, th~ state and the recipient should
Domestic Violence
- 10128 draft revised by DPC o MEMORANDUM FOR ERSKINE BOWLES FROM: Jack Lew and Bruce Reed SUBJECT: Domestic Violence Waivers . . We recommend that we oppose any legislative change regarding welfare reform and domestic violence waivers
- (curfews, school uniforms, etc.) education — tax deduction for college tuition; tax credit for community college • V. families -- Family and Medical Leave expansion, Kennedy-Kassebaum, minimum wage, welfare reform America's duty to lead the world
- . UNDERCLASS, CITIES, wELFARE REFORM] . , ... " ..•.. ' , .' .< .. . • . ..." . etc. in low-income and distressed urban and rural communities. this September. BUILDING BLOCKS OF PILLAR DESCRIPTION TIMELINE BENEFITS COSTSIFEASmILITY POLITICAL
[08/27/1997 – 08/29/1997]
- welfare recipients. This welfare reform program was one of the first to provide both rmancial incentives to work and mandatory participation in employment-related activities. This combination appears to be a winning one: the program increased employment
[09/19/1996 – 09/25/1996]
- this, but it increasingly appears that we all need a timeline of key dates for welfare reform. I think we might have a better chance of avoiding problems if we do. I have taken a first and very rough crack at it, and would very much appreciate it if your staff could make
- are to disentangle the money in a v.-ay that supports welfare reform and improved child support performance. A federal funding cut will have the opposite effect. Sometimes, the role and importance of child support in the budget oflow-income families are treated
Child Care Initiative [2]
- Responses to Welfare Reform: Who's Taking Care ofthe Children? Moderator: Judy Woodruff, CNN Panelists: Olivia Golden, Department of Health & Human Services Mark Greenberg, Center for Law and Social Policy David Edie, Wisconsin Department of Workforce
- and websites to allow federal, state and local Government entities to share pertinent information on this initiative. • A cross-cutting Ad Hoc Agency team on Welfare Reform has been established to identifY and discuss issues which impact on DOL programs
- will discuss Parkins/Vocational Education Reauthori~ation and reform of Department of Labor youth Programs. Bill will deliver the keynote speech to a welfare reform conference at Wilkes University. He will also speak to the National' School Boards
L [2]
- think about it ... if we could state by state get all the stakeholders in the implementation of welfare reform in a room, so to speak, as we were at The Children's Cabinet the day I visited and start a similar dialogue on welfare reform and how we really
- principle on which our work is based. Pres. Clinton: 5 major goals outlined for the cabinet/staff at the Camp David Retreat 1. Ec~nomic package 2. Health Care Reform 3. National service 4. Welfare Reform 'j.5. Campaign Finance/Lobbying Reform
- advised you in my memorandum of November 29, 1993, concerning welfare reform, my staff and I have been working on a proposal to dramatically reform our current welfare system. Attached is a concept outline of a program which I believe addresses
- Senate Finance Committee Hearing on NGA’s Medicaid and Welfare Reform Proposals - Shalala Briefing Book, 2/28/96 [National Governors’ Association] [2]
- on an AIDS coordinator and an announcement w i l l be made q u i c k l y . Welfare Reform P r o j e c t : The work group met to d i s c u s s data on c l i e n t s length of s t a y i n the c u r r e n t system, c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of our c u r r e
- cuts and block granting. o Welfare Reform: Women believe that the Congressional welfare reform bill should be vetoed because it will have a strong adverse impact on women. o Choice: Women want to prevent any legislative setbacks to a woman's right
AM [American] Values Study
- of both parties are rushing to cut taxes, voter seem to have other priorities. Welfare Reform: The next edition of the HHS Public Opinion Report will cover the growing number of post election surveys of opinion about welfare reform, but the short story
Drug & Alcohol Abuse [3]
- '., of Ametica FOl.r.oauon SaeretarvfT reaSlJrel {:'ADCA You1h Aovisorv CO"l'lmHtee Our members believe that substance abuse is pervasive in the very issues that are of importance to the President's agenda, including health ~e reform, welfare reform
- paid to the family (URA) Pre-welfare reform assigned support - permanently assigned Post welfare reform (TANF) assigned support . During assistance arrearages p,ermanently assigned Pre-assistance arrearages tern.'porarily assigned during recei t
Childcare-General [2]
- the distribution list at the boHomof this message cc: bee: Subject: Child care Child care regulations and standards The proposed welfare reform regulations will do two things regarding standards: 1) Health and safety standards will apply to more federally
- in Federal assistance programs relating to welfare reform, and Cuban and Haitian entrants and refugees. The conferees intend that ORR comply with the directive in the Senate report regarding the Voluntary Agency Grant program. CHILD CARli: AND DEVELOPMENT
- on children's SSI. When you and I met with Slattery a few weeks ago, he was hoping that he could convince Sen. Dole to leave children's SSI out of the Senate's welfare reform bill, with the intention of having recommendation~ by July. Last Thursday, I
- are the fundamental disagreements between this admini~tr9.tion and Senator: D'ole on welfare reform? HRC: Let me just back up one minute on that, because my husband has a long record on welfare reform. When he was in the National Governors' Association, he
- is under age I, who leaves welfare for a S5.00 an hour job will receive a ·wage supplement of about $2,400 per year. In addition, because of provisions in the 1988 welfare reform bill, she will be able to keep both her Medicaid health insurance and her
Welfare-to-Work Foundation
- and Statistical Background The following are the key components ofthe recent welfare reform legislation. Welfare Le gis!ation Welfare Block Grants to States. The legislation ends the federal entitlement to cash assistance te families with dependent children