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  • that occurred in Austria, Finland and Sweden when those countries joined the EU on January 1, 1995. The announcement came: in the context of ongoing efforts by the United States and the European Union ',: to;conclude an agreement.which would compensate
  • Addressed joint IH(.'Cting of Parliament and visited the Great Barrier Reef November 24­ 25,1996 Philippines Manila, Subie Boy Attended APEC Summit Meeting. November 25­ 26, 1996 Thllilulld Bangkok State Visit. Mareh 20-21, 1997 Finland Helsinki
  • Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland (branching based on EEA reciprocity), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea (some restrictions on purchasing existing firms) L,uxembiJurg, Macau, Malta, Mauritius
  • -7,1994 PresIdent Vigdis Finbogadottir Iceland Met with Prcsid';''Ilt Clinton during a private visit. October 11-13, Prime Minister Anibal Antonio Portugal Working visit. Finland Met with President Clinton during a private 1994 Cavaco e Silva
  • ) classified in the subheadings of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States listed below; and (2) the product of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Sweden
  • .:-------~;-;D:co-n"CIC'A-eC''C::-),------~DeCember 19, 1995 (Nai1ru, Tonga, , Tuvalu) : Finland i M. Osman Siddique (NC) August 9, 1999 ' May 26, 1994 Eric S, Edelman : France Derek Shearer (NC) June 29. 1998 May 8,1993 i
  • negotiations that c.oncluded in 1993. The round resulted in a flzero f.or zer.o" (reciprocal tariff eliminati.on) agreement which included the United States, Canada, Finland, Austria, Singap.ore; Kong, Japan, the European Union, Korea and New Zealand
  • agencies, June 30, 1993: The SLSDC sponsored the first International Canals and Inland Waterways meeting. in London, including participants from Finland, Egypt, Sweden, Hungary, Turkoy, Brnzil and Greece. Primary discussions focused on safety
  • was established in September 1996 as a high-level intergovernmental forum to address environmental protection and sustainable development issues in the Arctic region. Member states included the United States, Canada, Denmark, Finland. Iceland, Norway, Russia
  • an agreemen~ with ,the European Union (EU) the trade effects of the recent EU The will allow continued low-~ariff access for billions of dollars of U, .S. exports to Austria,; Finland and Sweden, the three countries which joined the Europe~n Union (EU
  • from the Ecompensation for the h required of the three new EU members Austria Finland Sweden; 4) vigorous enfQrcing existin trade agreements on textiles an of market access for g action to protect inte and U.S. trade laws In forth his view
  • of the prod'rts, which is to be determined by the HTS number. . I I . . . Products of AJsttia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Ireland, , I I I ,!I I· . Italy, LuxemboUl:g, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
  • ; ,~~:' .;;;:;:(.':., ."" INTERNATIONAL • 41h graders are ranked second in the wQrld in science (behind Korea) • Nine year-olds scored l1lllX)ud in the world in reading ... ". (~ehind Finland) BLACKJWHITE '. The black/white test gap on the math NAEP test has shrun~ from
  • The imposition of 100% duties will apply to products that are both: (1) classified in the subheadings of the Harmonized TariffSchedulelofthe United States listed below; and (2) the product of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, the Federal Republic of Germany
  • tr.c agreements. SSA' 5 agreement purtners were paying similar amounts to individuals who would nol have othefVt'ise qualified, Prior to 1993, SSA had totalization agreement" with 14 countries (Atlstria. Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, haly
  • as possiple, the more welcome the project will be. l I . The E.U. now includes fifteen countries: Austria, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,Luxerhbourg, the Netherlands; Portugal, Spain and Sweden. This list
  • in Helsinki, Finland, includes a deacription of the city with a diacUBeion of general policy and demographic information and a survey on drug misuse. The indicators used to measure the enent of drug misuae include first treatment demand, hospital admissions
  • center of the global econom) Inhibiting its use through high connection fees condemns Japan to lag behind in the development bf electronic commerce. With other countries, from Finland to Korea to Chile, moving aggressiv~ly to meet the challenges
  • , Canada, Finland. Fmnce. Gcnnany, Italy. The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland ;md the United Kingdom), In 1993, two nev) U,S, Social Securily agreements entered into force: the U,S,-Ireland agreement on Septc~ber I and the U,S
  • recent accessions of Sweden, Austria and Finland. We see in'1he success of economic reform and democratization in Central Europe an historic chance to go further. We therefore were proud to lead in expanding NATO, and warmly support the memb(~rship
  • . Currently, the. member countries of the FATF are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Gennany, Greece, Hong Kong (China), Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New 'Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain