This briefing book cover includes a modified copy of the artwork created for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. The image of a woman was created by artist, Coco Masuda. This artwork was widely printed as posters to publicize the…
White cotton/poly x-large t-shirts that read, "Global Alliance for Women's Health, World Conference on Women, Beijing 1995" in red bold text with the globe in the middle.
Photocopies of selected editorials from The New York Times and USA Today concerning Hillary Rodham Clinton's remarks at the United Nations fourth World Conference on Women.
Draft remarks for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women from speechwriter Lissa Muscatine files. This draft includes personal edits made by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers a speech at the Colloquium on Women and Health Safety, sponsored by the World Health Organization in Beijing, China.