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This Mandatory Declassification Review contains the December 1993 Interagency Working Group (IWG) report on Presidential Review Directive 36 (PRD-36, U.S. Policy Toward Central and Eastern Europe).
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains two memorandums of conversation (memcons). The first memcon is between President Clinton and President Lech Walesa of Poland on April 21, 1993. The second memcon is between President Clinton and…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains correspondence between President Clinton and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder from December 1999. The cable discusses the negotiations to assist former Nazi-era slave and forced laborers.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on the 1993 decision to build the International Space Station. A 1993 memo to the National Security Advisor, Anthony Lake, is included.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains a memorandum of conversation (memcon) between President Clinton and Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto of Japan on November 24, 1997.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains a memorandum of conversation (memcon) between President Clinton and Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto of Japan on November 28, 1997.
This declassification review contains a September 1998 memo from the National Security Advisor to President Clinton regarding a NATO ultimatum and a March 1999 meeting memo on military options.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains a telcon between President Clinton and Hashim Thaci, political leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army, on June 20, 1999.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains the Summary of Conclusions for the Principals and Deputies Committee (PC/DC) meetings of the National Security Council (NSC). The topics covered include Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Iraq from 1994 thru…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains two memorandums of conversation (memcons). The first memcon is between President Clinton and President Lech Walesa of Poland on April 21, 1993. The second memcon is between President Clinton and…
Nuclear Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Russia Related to Stockpile Safety and Security and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) Monitoring and Verification (3/4/1996).
Protection Against Unconventional Threats to the Homeland and Americans Overseas (5/22/1998).
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains several documents that were mentioned in Presidential Decision Directive 47 (PDD-47), including a cable from President Clinton to President Boris Yeltsin of Russia on the Comprehensive Test Ban (CTB).
This declassification review contains correspondence between President Clinton and President Boris Yeltsin of Russia from 1997 thru 1999. The cables and letters cover a variety of topics: Iraq, Kosovo, and the release of an American missionary held…
This declassification review contains a memcon between President Clinton and President Boris Yeltsin of Russia on June 20, 1999.
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains memorandums of conversation (memcons) between President Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, from 1995 thru 1998. Also included are briefing memos and talking points from the…
This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on correspondence between President Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. The records include cables and memos in preparation for a January 1998 meeting.

Muscatine-Planned-Parenthood-Column (1).pdf
Email from Lissa Muscatine to Creators Syndicate. This email contains the 1st draft of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's weekly column, "Talking it Over."

Doc 9a - Memo Lake to POTUS August 24, 1995_Page_1.jpg
Memo from Anthony Lake to President Clinton concerning Mrs. Clinton's participation in the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing