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President Clinton's Daily Schedules
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The Dissolution of Yugoslavia
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An Unprecedented Problem: The Clinton Administration and HIV/AIDS in the United States
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Video Recordings of the White House Television Office
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Moving Image
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411 results
President Clinton's Remarks at San Francisco Hilton (1993)
President Clinton at Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation (1997)
50th Anniversary of NATO Summit (1999)
Children's Holiday events at the White House (1993)
President Clinton's Remarks at Roosevelt 50th Event (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks on the Budget for 1999 (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks on Budget Negotiations (1999)
President Clinton's Remarks on the Tobacco Settlement (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks on Gun Control Legislation (1999)
President Clinton at World Trade Organization Luncheon (1999)
Oscar de la Renta greeting President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton (1993)
President Clinton Announcing Community Development Banking and Finance Initiative (1993)
President Clinton's Exchange with Reporters on the Budget (1995)
White House Conference on Mental Health (1999)
President Clinton's Remarks in Edmond, OK (1996)
President Clinton's Signing EO 13145 (2000)
President Clinton's Announcing Medicare Modernization Plan (1999)
President Clinton's Announcing Anticancer Initiatives (1996)
President Clinton's Remarks on Youth and Tobacco (1996)
Harry and Louise Health Care Ads (Clinton Administration)
President Clinton's Remarks on Education Appropriations (1999)
President Clinton's Remarks at Salem Missionary Baptist (1996)
President Clinton's Remarks at Mount Zion Church (1996)
President Clinton's Remarks at Michigan State Univ. (1995)
President Clinton's And Newt Gingrich's Remarks (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks on Terrorist Attack in Saudi Arabia (1996)
President Clinton's Address to the Nation on Iraq (1993)
President Clinton's Remarks Aboard the U.S.S. George Washington (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks at Arts and Humanities Award Presentation (1993)
President Clinton's Remarks at 1st Anniversary of AmeriCorps (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks at Swearing-In of Americorps Members (Oval Office) (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks at Swearing-In of Americorps Members (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks at 5th Anniv. of Americorps (1999)
Welcoming Ceremony for Premier Zhu Rongji w/ President Clinton (1999)
President Clinton's News Conference (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks to Conf. for Native American and Alaskan Native Communities (1999)
President Clinton's Remarks to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (1999)
Arrival Ceremony for PM Atal Behari Vajpayee at the White House (2000)
Maya Angelou Receives Arts & Humanities Award from President Clinton (2000)
President Clinton & Pres. Mitterrand During Toast at Dinner in Paris, France (1994)
President Clinton & Pres. Mitterrand Photo-Op in the Oval Office (1993)
President Clinton's News Conf. with Pres. Mitterrand of France (1993)
President Clinton at Announcement of Proposed Anticrime Legislation (1999)
President Clinton at Heads of State Reception (1995)
President Clinton at Signing of the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks on the Death of PM Rabin (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks Re: The OKC Bombing (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks to White House Conf. on Empowerment Zones (1996)
President Clinton's Remarks to the White House Community Empowerment Conf. (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks on Arrival in Xi'an, China (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks on Voices Against Violence (1999)
President Clinton's Remarks on Loan Guarantees for Mexico (1995)
President Clinton Signs the Religious Restoration Act (1993)
President Clinton's Remarks in Salinas, California (1996)
President Clinton's Remarks at Conf. on Entitlements (1993)
National Campaign to Reduce Teen Pregnancy Announcment (1996)
President Clinton's Remarks at Robert Morris College (1996)
Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994
President Clinton Presenting the Pres. Medal of Freedom (1996)
Hunter Hayes Performing at the White House (1999)
President Clinton Signing the NIH Revitalization Act (1993)
President Clinton Announcing Apparel Industry Partnership (1997)
President Clinton's 58th News Conference (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks on Combating Crime (1999)
President Clinton and PM Blair Press Remarks in Germany (1999)
President Clinton Remarks on the Agreement on Russian Participation in KFOR (1999
President Clinton's Remarks on Banning Assault Weapons (1994)
President Clinton's 176th News Conference (1999)
President Clinton's Remarks on Gun Control Legislation (1999)
President Clinton's Remarks Regarding Columbine HS Shooting (1999)
President Clinton's Remarks at a Peace Officers Memorial Service (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks Announcing the Anti-Crime Initiative (1993)
Nelson Mandela Presented with the Congressional Gold Medal (1998)
President Clinton at African-American Religious Leaders Reception (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks on Electronic Commerce Initiative (1997)
President Clinton's Remarks on Electronic Commerce (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks to Natl. Info. Infrastructure Advisory Council (1996)
President Clinton Signing Telecommunications Act of 1996
President Clinton at Kathleen Brown Dinner (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks on Net Day '96 (1996)
President Clinton Signing Handgun Control Legislation (Brady Bill)
Bosnia Symposium at the Clinton Presidential Library - Oct 1, 2013
President Clinton's Remarks to Tribal Leaders (1994)
President Clinton Presenting the Medal of Honor (1994) ("Black Hawk Down")
President Clinton's Remarks on the Federal Budget (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks on the National Economy (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks on the Economy During a Departure for Capitol Hill (1998)
40th Anniv. of Desegregation of Little Rock Central High (1997)
35th Anniv. of the Voting Rights March in Selma, Alabama (2000)
Signing of NAFTA (1993)
Retirement Ceremony for General Colin Powell (1993)
President Clinton's Statement on Kosovo (1999)
Statement to Press on Military Strikes Against Sudan & Afghanistan (1998)
Statement on Military Strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan (1998)
President Clinton's News Conference on Kosovo & NATO Action (1999)
President Clinton and President Mandela Teleconference (2000)
President Clinton's Remarks on Balkan Peace (1995)
Dem. Natl. Committee's Tribute to President Clinton (2000)
President Clinton with Reporters after Airline Industry Meeting (1993)
President Clinton's Remarks to Boeing Employees (1993)
Alfred Rascon Medal of Honor Ceremony (2000)
President Clinton at Health Care Letters Event (1993)
President Clinton's Address to Congress on Health Care (1993)
Health Care Letters Event at the White House (1993)
President Clinton Signing the Balanced Budget Bill (1997)
2000 Arts & Humanities Awards Presentation
President Clinton's Remarks on Observance of World AIDS Day (1993)
President Clinton at Arrival in Port-au-Prince, Haiti (1995)
President Clinton at Lighting of National Christmas Tree (1993)
President Clinton's Remarks on the Government Shutdown (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks at "Top Cops" Event (1997)
President Clinton's Remarks in Shakopee, Minnesota (2000)
President Clinton's Remarks on Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change (1997)
President Clinton's Remarks at a DNC Dinner (1996)
President Clinton's Remarks in Fort Worth, TX (1996)
President Clinton in Chautauqua, NY (Oct. 1996)
TIME Magazine's 75th Anniversary Celebration (1998)
Medal of Freedom Ceremony (1998)
President Clinton at a Children's Christmas Event (1997)
President Clinton and P.M. Blair Joint Press Conference (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks to the Press on the Peace Process in Bosnia (1997)
President Clinton's Remarks on the Economy & Health Care (1997)
President Clinton's Remarks in Pontiac, Michigan (1996)
President Clinton's Remarks on Military Strikes in Iraq
President Clinton's Remarks on the International Coral Reef Initiative
Joint Press Conference with President Clinton and P.M. Bhutto (1994)
President Clinton's Address to the Nation (1994)
President Clinton Signing the 'Crime Bill' (1994)
President Clinton at the 1995 Radio & TV Correspondents' Association Dinner
President Clinton at Warrior Base in Port au Prince, Haiti (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks on the Retirement Protection Act of 1994
President Clinton's Remarks to Auto Workers at Ford Motor Company (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks on Emissions Standards for Cars and Sport Utility Vehicles
President Clinton's Remarks at a Fundraiser for Rep. Alcee Hastings (1999)
President Clinton's Statement on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
President Clinton at the Access Now for Gay and Lesbian Rights Dinner (1999)
Conference on Progressive Governance for the 21st Century Dinner in Italy
National Medal of Arts & Humanities Awards (1999)
President Clinton's Speech to the Forum of Federation Conference (1999)
President Clinton's Speech in Athens, Greece (1999)
Opening of the "America's Millennium" Celebrations
Remarks to Victims and Survivors of the Genocide in Rwanda
Press Conference Between President Clinton and Chancellor Kohl
The Blues "In Performance at the White House" (1999)
Vancouver Summit Press Conference with Clinton & Yeltsin
President Clinton at the Presidential Medal of Freedom Ceremony (2000)
President Clinton Delivering Remarks on the Economy
President Clinton's Speech on Affirmative Action
President Clinton's Remarks on Sustainable Development
President Clinton's Address to the UN General Assembly
President Clinton's Statement on the Crash of TWA Flight 800
President Clinton at the Presidential Medal of Freedom Ceremony
Buddy the Dog & Socks the Cat
President Clinton's Address to the Nation on Military Strikes in Iraq
Stephen Hawking at the White House with President Clinton
President Clinton & the Youngstown College Football Team
President Clinton's Remarks on Ireland to the Press
President Clinton's Remarks on the Wye River Middle East Peace Talks
1993 Boys Nation Visit to the White House
President Clinton at the Youngstown Ohio 200 Year Celebration
1993 WETA Jazz Festival at the White House (1993)
Asian-American Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Medal Awards
President Clinton Tours the DMZ in South Korea
President Clinton at a Georgetown Class Reunion (Class of 1968)
President Clinton's News Conference on the Deficit
President Clinton During Departure Statement
President Clinton Presenting the Volunteer Action Awards
President Clinton at the Blue Ribbon School Ceremony
Announcement of White House Staff Changes
Signing of Directive on Child Safety Lock Devices on Firearms (1997)
President Clinton & the Motor Voter Bill Signing
President Clinton at a National Nurses Week Event
President Clinton Tours Robben Island (1998)
Press Conference with President Clinton & President Yeltsin
President Clinton Speaking at Waseda University
President Clinton Signing the Line Item Veto
President Clinton Signing Megan's Law
President Clinton Visiting the OEOB
President Clinton's Remarks Before a Meeting with Health Care Advisors
President Clinton Speaking at a Swearing-In of Cabinet Members Event
President Clinton's Speech at Vietnam Natl. Univ.
President Clinton's Univ. of Nebraska Speech - A Foreign Policy for the Global Age
Clinton Presidential Library Design Plans Unveiling
2000 Pageant of Peace Tree Lighting Ceremony
Labor Bill Signing at the OEOB
2001 Citizens' Medal Presentation Ceremony
Tour Through Refugee Camp - FOIA Case # 2011-0463-F
President Clinton Eating at Various Locations - FOIA Case # 2011-0068-F
1996 Presidential Debate in Hartford, CT (1st 1996 debate)
The 1997 Presidential Inauguration of William Jefferson Clinton
The 1993 Presidential Inauguration of William Jefferson Clinton
NAFTA Kick-Off Event at the White House
President Clinton's Remarks at Safe Schools Initiative Event
President Clinton at a Ground Breaking Ceremony in Philadelphia
President Clinton at a White House Religious Leaders Breakfast
President Clinton's Remarks on Hate Crimes Legislation
President Clinton's Remarks to Full Accounting Excavation participants in Vietnam (2000)
President Clinton's Remarks to the Vietnamese Business Coummunity
Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Event
The Electronic Signatures in Global & National Commerce Act Signing
President Clinton's Internet Address - July 2000
President Clinton's Internet Address - June 2000
President Clinton's Remarks on the Digital Divide
President Clinton's Remarks to Task Force Falcon Troops in Kosovo
President Clinton's Remarks to the Citizens of Ferizaj, Kosovo
Little Rock Nine Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony
Address to the Nation on Independent Counsel's Grand Jury Testimony
President Clinton's Remarks on the Fiscal Year 2000 Budget
Toast at State Dinner for Prime Minister Ehud Barak of Israel
State Arrival and Dinner for President Nelson Mandela in 1994
Funeral Service for President Richard Nixon
Signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles
President Clinton's Remarks at Kutztown University
President Clinton's Remarks at California State University at Northridge
President Clinton's Remarks at Sandburg Community College
President Clinton's Remarks at the Cleveland City Club
President Clinton's Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Remarks Commemorating the US Navy's Role in the Normandy Invasion
Remarks Honoring the 1994 US Winter Olympic Athletes
President Clinton's Announcement of White House Staff Changes in 1998
Press Conference Announcement of White House Staff Changes
President Clinton's Announcement of White House Staff Changes in 1994
President Clinton's Announcement of White House Staff Changes in 1993
President Clinton's Remarks at the 1996 Democratic National Convention
President Clinton's Live Address to the Nation on Bosnia
President Clinton's Remarks to the College Press Forum
Press Conference on Tobacco Legislation
Middle East Peace Summit Signing Ceremony (1998)
The 1993 Presidential Inaugural Ball Compilation
The 1997 Presidential Inaugural Ball Compilation
President Clinton Addressing the Press on the USS Cole Attack
President Clinton's PSA on Child Adoption
Remarks at Hickam Air Force Base
Compilation of Marine One Clips
Signing of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency
President Clinton's Remarks at the Saxophone Club Reception
Remarks at the After School Child Care Initiative
President Clinton's Press Statement on Welfare Reform
President Clinton's Address to Troops at Camp Casey
Compilation Clip of President Clinton Jogging
A Message From Harry & Louise
Signing of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
President Clinton Golfing Compilation
President Clinton at Dedication of Airport in Highfill, Arkansas
HR 2400 - Trans Equity Act for the 21st Century Signing
2000 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner
President Clinton's Whistle Stop Event in Bowling Green, Ohio
President Clinton's Remarks at the Grid Iron Dinner
World War II Memorial Site Dedication on The Mall
Apology to Survivors of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
President Clinton's Remarks on Foreign Policy in California
President Clinton's Speech on Responsible Citizenship & the American Community
Press Conference with President Clinton and President Kravchuk
Press Conference with President Clinton and President Shevardnadze
A Discussion with President Clinton in Tokyo, Japan
President's Weekly Radio Address - Oct. 27, 1995
White House Millennium Lecture Series - #8
White House Millennium Lecture Series - #7
White House Millennium Lecture Series - #3
President Clinton Tours the USS Theodore Roosevelt (1993)
1993 White House Easter Egg Roll Event
President Clinton Speaking at the Summer Jobs Conference
President Clinton's Remarks at the Washington Hilton Hotel
Q & A With Students Regarding the Brown V. Board of Education Decision
President's Council on Physical Fitness Announcement
25th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing
President Clinton Signing the Budget Bill
President Clinton Signing REGO
Remarks on New Policy Regarding Homosexuals in the Military
Announcement of Ginsburg as Supreme Court Justice Nominee
President Clinton's Address to the Nation on the Budget Plan
Remarks at an Earth Day Celebration
President Clinton's Remarks to the Community in New Brunswick
Remarks to Silicon Graphics Employees
President Clinton's Remarks in Santa Monica, California
President Clinton Signing the Family Medical & Leave Act
President Clinton's Remarks in New Orleans
President Clinton's Health Care Rally at the White House
President Clinton's Remarks at the 2000 Democratic National Convention
President Clinton's Address to the Nigerian Joint Assembly
Steve Urkel and the Urkel Air Bill (1993)
America's Millennium Evening Celebration for the Year 2000 at the Lincoln Memorial
President Clinton's Press Conference Regarding Homosexuals in the Military
White House Millennium Lecture Series - #6
White House Millennium Lecture Series - #4
White House Millennium Lecture Series - #2 / Stephen Hawking
White House Millennium Lecture Series - #1
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's Remarks to the Fourth Women's Conference in Beijing, China
Announcing the Completion of the First Survey of the Entire Human Genome at the White House
Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's State Funeral Service
President Clinton's Speech at Mason Temple Church
Ceremony Honoring Those Who Died in an Aircraft Tragedy in Croatia at Dover AFB
President Clinton's Final Address to the Nation as President
The 2000 State of the Union (Address to a Joint Session of the Congress)
The 1999 State of the Union (Address to a Joint Session of the Congress)
The 1998 State of the Union (Address to a Joint Session of the Congress)
The 1997 State of the Union (Address to a Joint Session of the Congress)
The 1996 State of the Union (Address to a Joint Session of the Congress)
The 1995 State of the Union (Address to a Joint Session of the Congress)
The 1994 State of the Union (Address to a Joint Session of the Congress)
The 1993 State of the Union (Address to a Joint Session of the Congress)
Photo-Op of President Clinton with Prime Minister Barak and Chairman Arafat at Camp David
President William Jefferson Clinton Greets Pentagon Staffers outside the Pentagon
Tipper Gore's PSA on the Clinton Administration's Health Care Plan
The Final Days White House Correspondents' Dinner Skit
Swearing-In Ceremony of Janet Reno as United States Attorney General
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's PSA on Health Care
President William Jefferson Clinton's Live Address to the Nation on the Economic Program
President Clinton's Press Statement on White House Staff Reorganization
President Clinton's Remarks on PNTR (2000)
President Clinton's Remarks on House of Reps. Action on PNTR (2000)
President Clinton's Remarks to UUNET and MCI Employees (2000)
President Clinton's Remarks on PNTR with China (2000)
President Clinton at Peking University (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks to the National Geographic Society (1998)
President Clinton at Asia Society & the US-China Edu. Foundation Board (1997)
The Clinton First Family Tour the Great Wall of China (1998)
President Clinton's State Arrival in China and News Conference (1998)
President Clinton's Commencement Address at Portland State Univ. (1998)
President Clinton's Address to the Nation on Kosovo (1999)
President Clinton's Statement on Kosovo (1999)
President Clinton's Address to the Nation on Somalia (1993)
President Clinton with US Wrestling Team from '98 Takhti Cup (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks in Londonderry (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks at the Mackie Plant (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks to the People of Armaugh (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks to the Northern Ireland Assembly (1998)
President Clinton's Remarks in Dublin, Ireland (1995)
Clinton's Remarks to White House Conf. on Trade and Investment in Ireland (1995)
Inauguration of George W Bush as President (2001)
President Clinton's Remarks in Jacksonville, Florida (1995)
Burial of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (1994)
35th Anniversary of the Peace Corps (1996)
25th Anniv. Reception for the John F. Kennedy Cntr. for the Performing Arts (1996)
Remarks on the Death of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (1994)
Remarks on Conclusion of Senate Impeachment Trial Results
Remarks at Conclusion of House Impeachment Vote Results
Remarks Prior to House Judiciary Committee Vote on 1st Article of Impeachment
Dedication of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library (1993)
President Clinton at the National Service Bill Signing (1993)
Exchange with Reporters at Dedication of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial (2000)
President Clinton's Remarks to the Tucson, AZ Community (1999)
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library Dedication (1997)
Congressional Medal of Honor to African-American Heroes of WWII (1997)
President Clinton's Remarks on Diabetes Initiatives (1997)
President Clinton at the Safe & Drug-Free Schools Recognition Program (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks at a Veterans' Day Ceremony (1993)
President Clinton Remarks at the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial Service (1995)
Presidential Address Regarding the Bombing in Oklahoma City (1995)
President Clinton and Pres. Zemin Remarks to Press Before a Meeting (1999)
President Clinton and Prem. Rongji at a Press Conference (1999)
President Clinton's Remarks to Business Leaders in China (1998)
President Clinton & Pres. Zemin at Joint Press Conference (1997)
President Clinton's Exchange With Reporters on China (1993)
President Clinton's Remarks to the Columbine High School Community
President Clinton's Remarks on Race Relations at the Univ. of Texas (1995)
President Clinton's Remarks Honoring Gen. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. of the Tuskegee Airmen
President Clinton Presenting the Arts & Humanities Awards (1998)
President Clinton greets Pope John Paul II
President Clinton and Pope John Paul II in Denver, CO
President Clinton's Remarks on Goals 2000 (1994)
Clinton/Gore '92 Campaign Commercial Compilation
The Man From Hope
President Clinton Signing the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994
School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 Signing
President Clinton Signing the Goals 2000 Act (1994)
President Clinton Speaking at the Vila Olimpica da Mangeria School in Brazil (1997)
Presidential Pardon of Henry O. Flipper
Clinton Admin. Health Care Task Force Public Hearings - Part #3
Clinton Admin. Health Care Task Force Public Hearings - Part #2
Clinton Admin. Health Care Task Force Public Hearings - Part #1
The CIA's 50th Anniversary Event (1997)
Remarks to Press Before the Balkan Peace Agreement Signing
Balkan Peace Agreement Signing (1995)
Statement on Bosnian Peace Agreement
50th Anniversary of D-Day Invasion Ceremonies
President Clinton at Various Events During the 50th Anniv. of D-Day in France
President Clinton's Remarks Regarding the 1994-1995 MLB Strike
President Clinton's Remarks to US Army Rangers in Normandy (1994)
President Clinton's Speech at 50th Anniv. of D-Day at US Natl. Cemetery (1994)
Reception for King Hussein and PM Rabin at the State Dept. (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks at Democratic Gov's Assc. Dinner (1995)
President Clinton's Address to the thirteenth Knesset in Jerusalem (1994)
President Clinton at Medal of Freedom Presentation (1994)
Swearing-in of William Cohen as Sec. of Def. (1997)
President Clinton Presenting the Commander in Chief's Trophy to the USAF Academy Falcons
President Clinton Announcing Proposed Anti-Gang and Youth Crime Control Legislation (1996)
Launch of 1996 Paralympic Torch Relay
President Clinton Signing the Safe Drinking Water Act (1996)
President Clinton Speaking at Florida State Democratic Convention (1999)
President Clinton Signing the Immunization Proclamation (1993)
President Clinton Signing the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999
President Clinton's Remarks in Ghana (1998)
President Clinton at the Summit of the Americas (1994)
President Clinton at Toast to the Millennium (1999)
Rememberance of the Berlin Airlift Event (1998)
President Clinton's News Conference on 2nd Term Transition
President Clinton's Remarks in St. Paul, Minnesota (1996)
President Clinton at the Arts & Humanities Awards (1994)
President Clinton's Remarks in Arlington, Ohio (1996)
Maya Angelou's Poem "On the Pulse of Morning"
President Clinton at the Arts in Embassies Event (1996)
President Clinton at the School Reconstruction Event (1996)
President Clinton at an Independence Day Celebration (1996)
President Clinton at Establishment of Grand Staircase Escalante Natl. Monument (1996)
Phone Call from President Clinton to Dallas Cowboys Football Team (1993)
President Clinton Laying a Wreath at the Alfred P. Murrah Building Site (1996)
President Clinton's Trip to Bosnia (1997)
President Clinton's Remarks in Bosnia (1997)