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  • Frederico Perra, Governor Pedro Rosello (P.R.), Chris Edley, DeVal Patrick ADMINISTRATION SURROGATES who can speak about the scope and nature ofthe President's initiative, its timeliness and the process by which it was developed. (Note the overlap between
  • -prop.ged: sustaining our research leadership position; strengthening a business envirotiment that supports private sector research and development; investing in technological infrastructure; and advancing critical technologies, often in partnership
  • OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH AFRICA Gayle Smith, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs White House National Security Council PRESIDENTIAL SPEECHWRITING J. Terry Ed11:10nds, Assistant to the President and Director
  • Reliability Council, Annual Electricity Supply and Demand Reports. So there seems to be some evidence that we're moving from an exponential world into a world that might be classed as one that's more sustainable. Well, you can simplify this thought
  • , III, Council, Princeton Borough David Goldfarb, Council, Princeton Borough Phyllis Marchand, Deputy Mayor, Princeton Township Carl Mayer, Committeeman, Princeton Township 9:40am THE PRESIDENT departs Mercer County Airport, Trenton, New Jersey via
  • development and public information will be needed. Prospects for long-term success in most states are good but will require us to build and sustain broad nationwide support, and continue with aggressive, case-by-case efforts to address any local barriers
  • ·"'•' '· THE METROPOLITAN INITIATIVE Background: • Initiative emerged from the sustainable communities work of the President's Council on Sustainable Development; · • Part of an emerging consensus in support of''forging metropolitan solutions to urban and regional problems
  • prospects of rapid energy development in Caspain Basin. Final push for necessary concessions for NK may require intervention by the President, together with Presidents Y eltsin and Chirac. Prospects for peace are good. Phase II agreement by '98
  • a treatment that will keep people alive. But we're not there yet. So I'm going to spend more money every year I'm President to do more on research and development, to do more on care to try tolengthen the useful lives of people with AIDS. Any of us who've ever
  • Pat Esparza - El Paso, TX Richard Grausman - Careers Through Culinary Arts Monroe Mayes- President, In-Unity Scott Rosenberg - Art Start John Penn- Livingston-McLean County Building Trades Council Carolyn Ringer- North Little Rock, AR LaMont Mitchell
Mayors [3] (Item)
  • tried to do to put capital where it is needed. And now I have asked Vice President Gore to develop a proposal to use our contracting to support businesses that locate themselves in these distressed areas or hire a large percentage of their workers from
  • National Space Council Office of Administration Office of Federal Procurement Policy Office of Management and Budget Office of National Drug Control Policy Office of Policy Development Office of Science and Technology Policy Office of the u.s. Trade
  • and support a sustained effort to reduce teen pregnancy in the United States. The National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Council will be made up of prominent leaders from all sectors of society, including the entertainment, business, religious, civic, education
  • 7/2/96 NCSC [National Council of Senior Citizens] Chicago, IL [1]
  • motorcade en route the Hyatt Hotel [drive time: 10 minutes] 11IE PRESIDENT arrives the Hyatt Hotel Greeters: • el JWy I, Ill% !1:22pm Representative Dick Durbin Representative Ed Pastor Steve Protulis, Executive Director, National Council of Senior
  • are the highlights of the Administration's . .. IDVIAIDS-related actions taken since January 20, 1993. . . AIDS Advisory Council. The President has· created a 30-member Presidential Advisory Council on IllV and AIDS_ to provide him· and his Administration
  • by sustaining my veto and upholding th~ oil import conservation fee. JIMMY CARTER The White House, June 5, 1980. NOTE: On June 5, the House of Representatives voted to override the President's veto, and on June 6, the Senate also voted to override the veto
  • you do every day to improve the lives of the people of our nation and around the world. I'd also like to thank Dr. Hitt and the members of the President's Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS for their work on this critical issue and for suggesting that we
  • 103-322, signed 9/13/94), September 23 Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund Created Meeting an early campaign commitment, the President signed legislation creating the CDFI Fund to support both specialized financial institutions
  • - has been elected and reo.elected to the White House. Hard Work That incredible record didn't just happen. It's due to New Democrats' hard work, under President Clin· ton's leadership. to modernize our party. We developed bold innovations that expanded
  • will introduce the President; and Some of the local organizations receiving the new Welfare -to-Work grants, including the Private Industry Councils from Detroit, Los Angeles County, Philadelphia, and San Francisco, the Corporation for Ohio Applachian Development
  • that sustains their standard of living. 4 DRAFT 2/14 - 2PM The President's G. I. Bill for America's Workers will put more resources and information directly in these workers' hands and his Hope Scholarships proposal will open community college opportunities
  • will be different because ofthis President and this commission in January of next year and twenty years from now (2 days). Commission/Council: Discuss the vehicle's name. Presidential decision: Engage the President in the decision process which requires review
  • :54P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, Senator Glenn, Senator DeWine, distinguished members of our administration involved in science and technology and research and development; to our honorees, their friends and other
New Markets (Item)
  • and Community Renewal initiative. This announcement is the outcome of the commitment President Clinton and Speaker Hastert made in Chicago last Nov. to develop a bipartisan legislative initiative on New Markets and revitalizing impoverished communities this year
  • Lewis Sylvia Mathews Doris Matsui Andrew Mayock Cheryl Mills Minyon Moore Janet Murgia Bob Nash John Podesta Bruce Reed Richard Socarides Doug Sosnick Tracey Thornton Melanne Verveer Ann Walker Rob Weiner March 25, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT
  • ? ~~· • • • • ' :. . ) • . ·.• . :. :'It . • . . . '• . . . . . • ·. •• • .... ' .. :.·: · ....:: .. · ··. ·: ·· ·. conducted in I..os Angeles lind two ·hCpatitia Avaccn;e atudie8 we canducted in.North aJid soilih~: Dakota. :·. ,· There are six institutionalteview boards (lRBs) that review reaearc:h protocols tlui.tire develop iri the vm:ious components of CDC
  • would like us to take. Note: The Vice President will be speaking on June 20 on sustainable development, concentrating on Brownfields. Secretary Slater will be speaking on June 21 on the way in which ISTEA impacts welfare to work. Secretary Herman
  • that will support state and local efforts to develop benchmarks and to implement the steps necessary to achieve them The Summit will begin at 1:00 p.m. on June 6 and end at 11:30 a.m. on June 7. In addition to the President, the NGA has also invited several other
  • National Council of Senior Citizens Medicare, Medicaid [1]
  • ." That was President Lyndon B. Johnson at the signing of the Medicare legislation in July 1965. 2) Prt:sident Lyndon Baines Johnson, June 1966, just before the implementation of the Medicare program, speaking to the National Council of Senior Citizens. 11 Medical care
  • on President Ointon's community economic . development efforts, Ohio will subsidize employment primarily in Administration designated · · · , Enterprise Zones. Ohio~ making work pay. Ohio's waiver permits the state to increase automobile asset limitS
  • Acknowledgments: Dr. Earl Richardson, President; Judge Harry Cole, board chair; Governor Glendening; Mayor Schmoke; elected officials - including city council, which voted to ban cigarette billboards near schools; Reps. Elijah Cummings, Ben Cardin; Sens. Sarbanes
  • ------- - - - - PRESIDENT''S CORNER http://www .naacp. org/about/history .html him at Northern hotels and restaurants, and I voiced my protest. Dr. Moskowitz, with his broad knowledge of conditions among New York's helpless immigrants, aided us in properly interpreting
  • people. This biennial report to the Congress brings together numerous elements of our integrated investment agenda to promote scientific research, catalyze technological innovation, sustain a sound business environment for research and development
  • scxual·ori~tllal.i· 11· ! .,·.:au.,c America necdsyou. And if I become the President' of the Unit~.:d Sl:•ll'·.:' 1· t · • my country to Jinq the best and most gifted and most knQwlcdgc
  • -9770 AUG 19 '96 11:35 FROM ICHU TO 12024566218 PAGE.006/007 FOR IMMEDIATE RET.EASE Contact: Mark Karlin, President of the Illinois Council Against Handgun violence (D) 312/522-3665 (N) 708/256-4309 (P) 800/SKY PAGE, PIN # 573-3060 Dan Kotowski
  • upon request. ·2 . -: · ; I 1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COUNCIL .ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WASHINGTON. D.C. 20503 .:':; .. ..., ·-·. -- June 20, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR T'HE PRESIDENT ~ ~t'A · ...... ~\>~ r\· From: Kathleen A. McGinty
  • ON ECONOMIC GROWTH Presidential Hall · Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building 1:25 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you, Secretary Herman and Council of Economic Advisors Chairman Martin Baily and especially, thank you, Marvin
  • . This program provides new life-prolonging drugs to people with HIV and AIDS. In addition, President Clinton and Vice President Gore convened the National Task Force on AIDS Drug Development, and removed dozens of bureaucratic obstacles to the effective
  • promotes sustainable development. This includes ensuring that trade liberalization takes account of environmental effects and complements policies to ensure clean air, clean water, and protection of our natural heritage, while promoting growth. Trade
  • stuck in my craw, as a policeman who had just been gunned down. So when the President said this was no time for decent people to stand on the sidelines, I knew he was right. I reached out to the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and volunteered
  • ---------THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary Embargoed For ReleaseUntil10:06 A.M. EDT Saturday, July 5, 1997 RADIO ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATION The Oval Office THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. We come together this weekend to celebrate Independence
  • M. Pennybacker President, Ecumenical Development Initiative National and World Councils ofClnaches The llev. Dr. WID L. HerZfeld -{= Bishop R Hartford Brookins Evangelical Lutheran Chmch mAmerica .A1iicaD Methodist Episcopal Church Dr. llon
  • . Y•- o.y ... president or foreign exchange at the changed, suggesting . th~t . he still _The 3~year. bonds price slipped, -P-RI_M_E_RA_TE-.----.""a.-50--.--..:.. 8.50 8.25 .Bank of New·York, said. "In a;sttua- wanted· a strong currency. But he 332
  • American Development Bank. I also want to recognize my good friend Gloria Molina for her leadership, not only in Los Angeles, but across the nation and your President, Antonio Gonzales, who was critical in the fight to pass NAFTA. And I want to wish good
Mayors [4] (Item)
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: · OA/ID Number: 10981 FolderiD: Folder Title: Mayors [4] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 The President's Directive to the Attorney General to develop a National Sexual
  • ON SCIENCE IN THE 21st CENTURY MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE, MARYLAND MAY 18, 1997 Acknowledgments: Dr. Earl Richardson, President; Judge Harry Cole, board chair; Governor Glendening; Mayor Schmoke; elected officials- including city council, which voted
Montana [2] (Item)
  • violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) or'the PRA[ Release would disclose trade secrets or conlidential commercial or linancial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose conlidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Today's announcement that OPEC members will increase production is a positive development. These increases will help sustain worldwide economic · and provide greater balance between oil su n . hile oil prices are projected to fall
  • '·· -· .. -·· . - -·- --- ..,].! CABINET MEETING September 15, 1999 10.:00 a.m. The Roosevelt Room Materials I. Agenda II. President Clinton and Vice President Gore: A Responsible Budget that Puts First Things First, September 15, 1999 III. Why the President Will Veto the Republican
  • economic climate, like a permanent research and development tax credit. We want technology to create jobs and improve the quality of life for American workers. President Clinton and Vice President Gore fought for and, the President signed, a sweeping
  • develop appropriate mechanisms so the momentum generated by the Summit will be sustained. The Summit itself will have three focal points. First; the Presidents and First Ladies will join in the historic call to commitment and to action. Second, local
  • in a succession of management positions, including one in which he played a critical role in developing HP's growing personal computer business. In 1982, Coleman became vice president of development with Activision Inc., a software start-up that evolved
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10986 FolderiD: Folder Title: Summit on America's Future Philadelphia, PA [6] s Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 0 ----- ------- - - - - - - - - - - PRESIDENT
  • you do every day to improve the lives of the people of our nation and around the world. I'd also like to thank Dr. Hitt and the members of the President's Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS for their work on this critical issue and for suggesting that we
  • sustainable future foi all the world's peoples. That's why I am so delighted at the legislative agenda you have chosen to pursue. It is an agenda that is both local and global and, just like the President's agenda, it puts children and families first. You
  • UCSD [University of California at San Diego] – National Council of Churches Christ – Stmt. on Race
  • policy. domestic ar'ld global missionso :· . . . I . ThereforE~'. the Natio11al Council of the Churches of Christ in the UoS.A. commits ltself to befi~ln arid sustain a comprehensive strategy that wUl engage the ·~:omrnitment ~.nd participation
  • is nine times what was spent on each enrolled child. Medicaid pays for half the nation's nursing home costs. (Congressional Quarterly, June 10, 1995) 12 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS Eugene Glover has been President of the National Council
  • National Council of Senior Citizens Medicare, Medicaid [2]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subserics: 10984 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: . National Council of Senior Citizens Medicare, Madicaid [2] Stack: Row: . Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 YOL. • •• No. 39,270
  • MAY 18,1997 Acknowledgments: Dr. Earl Richardson, President; Judge Harry Cole, board chair; Governor Glendening; Mayor Schmoke; elected officials - including city council, which voted to ban cigarette billboards near schools; Reps. Elijah Cummings, Ben
  • Research Room. Measure for Measure In an MBE magazine exclusive interview, President Bill Clinton speaks with Weldon H. Latham about the future of minority Weldon H. Latham business development. hen he took office 1n January 1993, President Bill
  • " Brian Wallace: Cha.i.rmanofthe Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California and President of the 24-Tribe Nevada Indian Environmental Coalition. Primary work: Washoe self-determination and the cultural and historical revitaimrtion ofthe''fahcre Basin
  • ) of the PRA[ 1>5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the !'RAJ 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the !'RAJ C. Closed
  • -on Economic Development and Commerce, Human Resources, and Natural Resources. Through NGA's committees, the Governors examine and develop policy and address key state and national issues. Special task forces often are created to focus gubernatorial attention
  • , MARYLAND MAY 18, 1997 Acknowledgments: Dr. Earl Richardson, President; Judge Harry Cole, board chair; Governor Glendening; Mayor Schmoke; elected officials- including city council, which voted to· ban cigarette billboards near schools; Reps. Elijah Cummings
  • concentrated on another ingredient of that strategy, innovation. Even before he was sworn in as Commerce Secretary, his friend George Fisher, then President of Motorola and now of Kodak, invited him to speak to a leading group of business thinkers, the Council
  • -vehicle accident on county Road 498. Newton Callis, of 1224 West Third in Gentry, died of injuries he sustained when the 1976 Honda mqtorcycle he was driving struck a car head-on as Callis attempted to pass a third vehicle. Hoyt • 1 of3 I 12/8/1999 6
  • education and training, welfare reform, fighting crime, helping families and children, commu.nity and economic development, national services, foreign policy, and affirmative action. Economic Policy. To meet the demands of the new economy; President Clinton
Arkansas [1] (Item)
  • and revenue losses in Blytheville. There was a strong need to attract private sector investment and diversify the area economy. Today, the President announced a $1.2 million EDA grant that the community will use to develop a strategy to convert the air force
  • of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release March 28, 2000 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Today's announcement that OPEC members will increase production is a positive development. These increases will help sustain worldwide economic growth and provide greater
Education (Item)
  • the national educational goals we anticipated that we would have to develop a set of national standards -- not federal government standards, national standards. The councils of mathematics teachers and scienceteachers have done a lot of work on this. A lot
  • Council SUBJECT: 1995-12-18 Statement on budget THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release December 18, 1995 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT The Oval Office 11:40 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everyone. The Republican
  • , Suppot·tive Assistance to Homeless Vetet·ans: President Clinton fought for increased funding to assist communities in developing local, coordinated solutions to break the cycle of homelessness. The Administration more than doubled VA funding of homeless
  • BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF MEDICARE THE U.S. CAPITOL JULY 25, 1995 [Acknowledgements: Vice President Gore for introduction; Eugene Glover, President, National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSC); Larry Smedley, retiring Executive
  • by the President of the United States. Amiually the National Endowment for the Arts helps in the selection process by. soliciting nominations for the Medal from the various arts fields. These nominations, are reviewed by a special committee of the National Council
  • Secretary Brown served on President Clinton's National Economic Council. Domc:Hi.; Policy Coum:il, To.3k Force on He also was an elected member of the Con neil on Foreign Relations. Secretary Brown resided in Washington, D.C., wiLh his wire Almu, a mclliii
  • . As an example, on ~anuary 15, 1997, Vice President Gore announced that Boeing, in concert with government agencies, had .developed a pl
  • , President Clinton signed Ex cutive Order 12900 to support HSls. The HBCU Pr.ogram was de igned to advance the development of human potential, to strengthen the ca acity of historically Black colleges and universities to provide quality ed cation
  • , Paralympian, Vice Chairman, 1996 APOC Board; President's Council of Physical Fitness and Sports Member. Congressman Lewis - will run torch from SW Gate to 17th!Const Randy Snow, a 1996 Paralympic wheelchair athlete and first Torch Relay participant (basketball
  • ? A: This effort responds to the President's Executive Memorandum issued May 24, 1999, directing the Secretary of Labor to allow States the opportunity to develop innovative· ways of using UC to provide partial wage replacement to parents on leave following
  • often take overseas to identify markets, which- through trade and commercial agreements -can help to create jobs and expand economic development. • As part of the trip, President Clinton will announce new commitments and innovative programs developed
  • to address homelessness includes a special focus on homeless veterans. • Targeted. Supportive Funding. The President's budget calls for $1.6 billion to assist communities in developing local, coordinated solutions to break the cycle of homelessnesl:;. VA
Budget 1997 (Item)
  • . This Law Is a Model of Bipartisan Reform. This new law shows that the President and Congress can work together to develop bipartisan solutions to our nation's problems. The President worked closely with Senators Kempthorne and Glenn to create
  • have noted the increasing importance of community and tec:hnic:al c:olleges in our nation's educational system. The President halll called the community college movement one of the most important developments in American education in the last decades
  • of Communications SUBJECT: President Ointon- Central High School Quotes MESSAGE: I am sending you some press clips from coverage of the 30th anniversary of Central High School in Little Rock. We are continuing to search for others and will fax any additional
  • Hall 9:SS am THE PRESIDENT ariives Constitution Hall · R\IBBell Finmore. Chaiiman, Pacific: Basin Bc:onomic: Couuc:il Gary Tooker, IDcoming Chairman, ·Pacific: Basin Economic Council, Chairman and CEO, Motorola Company 10:00 am10:50 am REMARKs
  • Secretary ofthe Treasury Bob Rubin, the Chairman of the National Economic Council Gene Sperling, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors Joe Stiglitz, and the President's Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles. On Tuesday night, President Clinton told
  • TALKING POINTS PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS AT REALTORS The whole effort of the National. Horneownership ~-trategy started at theNAR conference_ih Anaheim in November 1994. At that' time, ·President-Clinton asked Secretary. Cisneros to 'develop· the strategy
  • . Partial Listing of USG Commercial Activities . . . • The President's Special Envoy Dick Sklar has overseen major elements of reconstruction. His primary tasks have included irifrastructure and business development--especially reconstruction
  • , Executive Director, Share Our Strength Harris Wofford, CEO, Corporation for National Service ·Robert K. Goodwin, President & CEO, The Poitns of Light Foundation Dr. Dorothy Height, President, National Council ofNegro Women Ron Kinnamon, Assistant National
  • OF THE 1996 MALCOLM BALDRIGE NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD President Clinton and Commerce Secretary Mickey Kantor today announced the winners of the 1996 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in recognition of their achievements in quality and business performance
  • : · It was a pleasure meeting you during the President's recent visit to Shoreline, Washington, and discussing the challenges of writing speeches. I am forwarding samples of my work to you. They tell me I am an expert in Diversity and Affirmative Action, so most of my
  • . PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON AL SHANKER MEMORIAL SERVICE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY APRIL 9, 1997 Eadie Shanker; Jenny; Adam; Michael; and Carl and his sister, Pearl; other family members, and distinguished guests ... On behalf of the First Lady, I want
  • . Colin Powell will serve as General Chairman. Henry Cisneros, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop~ent, will serve as Vice Chrurrnan. In announcing the Summit, President Clinton said, "Much of the work of America cannot be done by government
  • or placement for adoption of a child. This effort responds to the President's Executive Memorandum issued May 24, 1999, directing the Secretary of Labor to allow States the ·opportunity to develop innovative ways of using UC to support parents taking leave
  • here today but for the work you do every day to improve the lives of the people of our nation and around the world. I'd also like to thank Dr. Hitt and the members of the President's Advisory Council on HIY and AIDS for their work on this critical issue
Smoking (Item)
  • reform could gaiil from a-Republican private sector has developed," says Pa-. Medicare overhaul galls many Democrats meta Bailey, president of the Healthcare and gives them fresh ammunition in their Leadership Council, which is co-heading. fight ag;llnst
  • Committee - 1989 and 1990 Special Assistant to the President for Hospital Merger Planning and Development - 1989-1990 HOSPITAL APPOINTMENTS Chief, Obstetrics and Gynecology Larson Air Force Base Moses Lake, Washington - 1959-1961 Chief, Obstetrics
  • to develop their God-given capacities.- They have to do the rest. Anybody who tells them anything else is lying to them, and they a1ready know that. ' · · As president, I'll see ~hat they get, the same deal everyone should have: play by the rules,_ stay off
  • } The President and his economic team have laid the groundwork by sustaining a remarkably strong economy over the past four years. The economy is growing at a steady rate. Unemployment is low and there is no sign of rising inflation, Almost 12 million jobs have
  • . They were trained to . teach, but they were going to learn and to bridge the gaps of development and custom with sturdy bonds of friendship and compassion. On that day, President Kennedy said, "The future of the Peace Corps really rests with you. If you do
  • that the con· sideration of it may be renewed until the greatest attainable perfection shall be accomplished. Time is wearing away some advantages for forwarding the object, while none better deserves the persevering attention of the public councils. While we
  • BY PRESIDENT WOLlAM JEFFERSON CLINTON NATIONAL GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION- EDUCATION · 'PALISADES, NY ~CH 17, 1996, slJMMIT . Acknowledgements: Governor Thompson; LOUis Gerstner, CEO of IBM; governors and distinguished guests... First of all, i want to applaud
  • of nicotine-containing tobacco products and concludes that products currently marketed contain nicotine at levels sufficient to create and sustain addiction in consumers. August 10, 1995: President Clinton announces the proposed FDA rule to reduce
  • , David Brazelton, and Public· Affairs Di:recto:r, Lori Grant, will join Chun Chong You D, Min, President, Cotlncil of Korean Churches in Maryland, and Dr. F:rank M. Reid, III, Pa.stor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church for the ten day journey
  • BY THE PRESIDENT AT 77TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION Hyatt Regency San Francisco, California 11:45 A.M. PST /.. \ THE PRESIDENT: Thank you ·very much. Thank you, Juliet, and thank you ladies and gentlemen. Your welcome was worth the five
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10982 FolderiD: -Folder Title: 6-5-96 Fulbright 50th [ 1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 ·~~~F.~ ~~'FT D .~ . .;; PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA] 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • HAMPSHIRE JEFFERSON-JACKSON DINNER MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE DECEMBER 8, 1995 [Acknowledgments: Let me start by thanking all of you who have made my visit here so enjoyable. I can go home and tell the President that he's not only loved in Ireland. New
Kaiser (Item)
  • . ONE AMERICA THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary February 4, 1997 For Immediate Release REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS United States Capitol 9:15P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members
Civility [5] (Item)
  • Free Sites: ~areers Co!leg~ Homes ()nline Investing Q[)inion l:>.ll!"~QDal Te~. §tarting a Business Trav_eJ. Wealth of Choices Web Watch Wine Page 2 of7 La Guardia (Nov. 30) consultant and former executive vice president at US Airways Group
  • time to bring a new sense of compassion and a new sense of understanding to our nation," NAACP President Kweisi Mfume said at a news conference. "Few organizations are more ready, willing and able to help create that new climate than the NAACP." He said
  • , the President directed the FBI and other investigative agencies to wage a coordinated war on gangs that involve juveniles in violent crime. The Justice Department has also developed a comprehensive anti-gang strategy that it will submit to Congress later
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA[ 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRA[ C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. PRM
  • . ! i ·. ·...·.·.. ·~~ .··. , ....... ·::· . . . ~Ju_ . ... ·:::· .. ··. ·... -·~· .• -:··. :··.: >:-.. · ·... . ·. . .. ".".'' (WJ C~· ('r~ b~ As;~. r~ /~·~ ~ 0r..-vr~ f-a-( ~ . J ~ UJe_t9. ~ GREER, MAR 0 0 LIS, THE PRESIDENT HAS
  • on the executive branch established by President Truman, as·Director of Defense Mobilization and a member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council, and as Secretary of H~alth, Education, ~nd Welfare. In addition to being an able administrator, Dr
  • /29/99 10:30pm Terry Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKSONINCOMEANDPOVERTYPROGRESSANDTHE SIGNING OF THE CONTINUING RESOLUTION WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING ROOM September 30, 1999 Good morning. Today, I want to talk about two developments affecting
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • ~ of.,the}J.iliveniity of broadene,d' the Hopwood ruling to include able to defend yourself against people lik< .·Te*as ,system;''acting. universicy;;president:' scholarships and other financial aid. · me.'" Pete'i Flawn; and.most.ofthe:othedactiJty: .. Since the 197Qs
  • . profile President of Marshalls Jerry Rossi (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) 004. profile Participant for Domestic Violence Event Mark Wynn (partial) (1 page) 10/02/95 P6/b(6) 005. profile Surivor of Domestic Violence Tana Sherman (partial) (1 page
  • .~ ~~~ ~ . trade prol:flem. ' .. "j\. And so, as President I have developed an economic strategy that on creating jobs and raising incomes, and a social Ystrategy that rewards work, family, responsible parenting, and good citizenship. And it is working. ~focuses
  • , communities and governments to work together to achieve the President's four goals for educational technology: develop effective and engaging software and on-line learning resources as an _integral part of the school curriculum; + provide access to modern
  • and their families, I could not justify~ veto. The economic and health care interests of 3.2 million Americans and .their families are too import·ant to be held hostage·. B~t, STATEMENT PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON SIGNING OF H.R. 831 WASHINGTON, DC . APRIL
  • ) of the PRAI 1'5 Release would disclose conlidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors }a)(5) of the I'RA] 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal priv:tcy }(a)(6) of the I'RA! C. Closed
  • . CLINTON COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS, MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE, MARYLAND MAY 18, 1997 Acknowledgments: Dr. Earl Richardson, President; Judge Harry Cole, board chair; Governor Glendening; Mayor Schmoke; elected officials- including city council, which
  • of quadrupeds. ('Domestic animals are to be i,; ,believed that the elementar-y schools ,wi!l ~e exc·epted.) It, is for such institutions as that. better 'managed by the Governor and Council, (Harvard] over which you· preside so worthily the Commissioners
  • of the President, May 17, 1996 (partial, pp. 4-5) (2 pages) 05/17/96 b(7)(E) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Terry Edmonds OA/Box Number: 10980 FOLDER TITLE: Asian Pacific American Caucus, Washington, D.C. 5-18-95 [1] 2006-0462-F r 591
  • that it is November 19, 1993 their families who invariably sustain them and warm their hearts. In every city and State Thank you so much for that warm weland in . many countries_ worldwide; service come, and thank you, all of you, .for everymen and women proudly note
  • while people here walked away from problem after problem. And I sustained, as President, an agonizing experience when large numbers of people walked away from problems that I asked them to face for shortterm political gain. I will not do that. The status
  • information [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of . personal privacy l(a)(6
  • agencies. Stanley 0. Ikenberry, president of the education council, said he was pleased to see the numbers continue to rise but was worried that minority enrollment was growing at a slower pace than it had in the early 1990s. "The trend lines are beginning
Budget Stuff (Item)
  • • • • • • School construction memo to POTUS by February 20 (NEC) Treasury compiles state-by-state on school construction budget numbers Develop e~!ent for legislative announcement Possible event in Florida with Sen. Graham Call to Executive Director of Council
  • AMERICA'S SCHOOLS ACT OF 1997-- A NEW INiTIATIVE. Since the President announced his school construction initiative last year, his Administration has listened to hundreds of people responsible for school financing in the process of developing the Partnership
  • this · · country down. People once looked at the President and the Congress to bring us together, to solve p~oblems, to make progress. Now, in the face of massive challenges, our government stands-discredited, our people are dis~l.lusioned. There's- a hole in our
  • emergen~y and blocking United Nations Security Council Resolution Haitian government property. To further 944 ofS~pte111ber 29,1994, · · tighten the sanction~·against Haiti; PresideQt I, William J. Clinton, President of the . Bush exercised his statutory
  • the President ami his advisors, or between such advisors Ja)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwananted invasion of personal 11rivacy J(a)(6) of the I'RA) b(l) National security classified information J(b)(I) of the FOIA) b(2) I{elease
  • or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA[ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. I -,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - ,., Draft 3/6/96 12:30 pm REMARKS BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON NET DAY VOLUNTEER RALLY YGNACIO VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL CONCORD, CALIFORNIA MARCH 9
  • any offer Perot's effortS to launch· a third . of assistance. It's not mine to of• .political parcy ·says the· chief fer. It'5.not the policy of. the camstrategist for President Clinton's paign to do that" re.election campaign offered to J:ielp the new
Civility [2] (Item)
  • ?.1.._!:_~ac_h~:t: -~a_lifica 7 tions. ~-·--. __ -; This is t'he- samei feder-al· ·g-·ave·rruneriE--wriicFi 'fiirioecr-tne development of grossly biased standards for history classes, released only a fewweeks . agq ~- The S"e- ·h·.ts tory-·grrt~l
  • traininq and· career This pledge will. be carried out under the direction of the Missouri ' . Women' e Council, a statutory agency under · sections 186.005 · to 186.019 of the Missouri revised statutes, of the Missouri Department of Economic. Development
Race Book [1] (Item)
  • on a handful of specific challenges, such as: What the schools and universities can do to improve understanding of our history and our differences; Public-private partnerships to promote sustained community economic development; Inter-minority discrimination
  • HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary November 22, 1995 For Immediate Release REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THANKSGIVING TURKEY PRESENTATION Rose Garden 2:04P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Rose Garden and Happy Thanksgiving
  • NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECT/TITLE To Terry Edmonds from Fred Siegel re: Sate of the Union Suggestions RESTRICTION 12/21/96 P6/b(6) nd P6/b(6) for the President (partial, p2) ( 1 page) 002. note Handwritten note (partial) (1 page) COLLECTION
  • FOIA Number: 2006-0462-F FOIA MAR~[C~R This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Preside~tial Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin
Civility [1] (Item)
  • , particularly in California. Before this story gets off in a direction that could lead to even greater division between the races, let's, all of us, consider a few things: On October 16, 1995, President Clinton delivered a speech on race in America. He said
Race/OJ [3] (Item)
  • to the complete overthrow of the whole slave system." Four years later, the Civil War erupted. EMANCIPATION AND THE BLACK CODES Two years into the Civil War, on January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive fiat
  • is the president's liaison with the naDeWayne Wickham writes weekly for USA TODAY. tion's governors and mayors; Terry Edmonds, an AfricanAmerican who is Clinton's chief speechwriter, and Eric Uu, the deputy director of the Domestic Policy Council, who is an Asian
  • the House by a veto-proof majority this summer, several Democrats were absent that day and Democratic leaders are confident that they have the votes to sustain the president's veto. :../retrieve? m=84073c1545f2642481432ce60a46calc&docnum=10& fmtstr=FULL
Race/OJ [2] (Item)
  • Young, Former UN Ambassador Father Theodore Hesburgh, Former President Notre Dame University Rabbi David Sapperstein Dr. Dorothy Height, National Council of Negro Women Taylor Branch, Author and Historian NAME ORGANIZATION NUMBER WH CONTACT Jesse
Race Book [2] (Item)
  • and sustain a cultural identity based on common history. They may encourage the sharing of experiences and challenges (especially those related to race), and create a "comfort zone" so minority students then feel confident actively engaging the broader
  • to make your head spin. The truth is, the bottom line for most Americans is not some magic number that hopefully eventually everyone can agree on. The bottom line for most of us consists of a good hard look at how each plan -- the President's
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAJ b(l) National security classified
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10984 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: · 9-13-95 Nat! Family Prtnrshp Evt. Elkridge, MD [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 REMARKS BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON
  • or linancial informution ](a)(4) of the I'RAl PS Release would disclose conlidential udvice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) of the I'RA] 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](u
Journalism (Item)
  • by research. "I think people will see journalists in a different way when they're looking at the memorial," said Peter S. Prichard. a senior vice president of the nonprofit Freedom Forum, which built the monument. ·•We want to call attention to the risks
  • representative in 1956 and his first term as governor in 1962. Two years later, Barry Goldwater's nomination signaled the rise of Republican conservatives--a trend that would lead to Ronald Reagan's presidency and the ascendency of Newt Gingrich. Unlike those
  • {clcasc would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors Ja)(S) of the I' RAJ 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy J(a)(6) of the PRA) C. Closed in accordance
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10984 FolderiD: Folder Title: 2-1-96 National Prayer Breakfast Washington, D.C. [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 VIDEO REMARKS BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM
  • of education at the University ofNorth Carolina at Greensboro. At·the time she analyzed the data, she was vice-president for testing, operations, and research at the Law School Admission Council. Dr. Wightman studied thousands of applications to law schools
  • . Rajwant Singh President Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington The Honorable Earl Pomeroy (ND) Dr. Arnold Keller Executive Director Council of Churches of Greater Washington The Rev. Kwame Osei Reed Potomac Association Minister · Central
  • , president of the Promise Keepers board. The Denver-based organization has set aside $10 million of its $107 million annual budget to plan and hold the free rally . The organization's name refers to promises that the men at the rallies are asked to make
  • seniors' advocate and president of NCSC's D.C. State Council of Senior Citizens] Standing here in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol, we also stand in the light of all of you and so many others who worked so hard to create the great social contract we call
  • DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001 a. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (1 page) 08/23/95 P6/b(6) 00 I b. schedule Schedule of the President (partial, p. 2) (1 page) 08/23/95 b(7)(E) OO!c. schedule Schedule
  • . - -------- ~-- --------~---------------- ------ j)~~-G_h,_ ~~. r' ? . DRAFT ~tJ~~~~ .&-. I OA ~ 2.P.I>f. ~/ztl/'1~~)"1}"- 7 ~ . ;
  • Heather Hurlburt PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS AT WELFARE-TO-WORK TRANSPORTATION EVENT DENVER, COLORADO October 14, 2000 - Acknowledgements: Carmen [TBC, Director ofMi Casa]; Mayor Wellington Webb; Representative Diana DeGette. We have worked very
  • November 16, 1993 The Religious Freedom Restoration Act * The President will sign the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which reverses a 1990 Supreme Court decision that made it easier for states to restrict religious activities. The 1990 case
Race/OJ [1] (Item)
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: · Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10985 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: Race/OJ [ 1]. Stack: · Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 REMARKS BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON 25TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER
  • is important to our countrv's seeuritv. This year ~ve must ~,Jso do more to support democratic renew;J and human rights and sustainable development ,Jl around the world. \Ve will ask Congress to ratify the new GATT ac- Arllllinislmlion of \Vi/limn]. Clinton
  • development financial institutions to infuse our cities with capital. It's very interesting to me--:- I discovered when I became President that we had been funding such efforts all over the world for years in the poorest places in the world, places with far
  • or confidential commercial or tinanciul information [(~1)(4} of tire I'RA[ 1'5 Hclease would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisor·s. or· between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA[ 1'6 J{ele~lse would constitute a clearly unwarranted
  • /14/99] Mr. Smith flips off Washington Sen·. Bob Smith deserts the GOP in the middle of his long-shot bid for the presidency. By Jake Tapper [07/14/99] Free-for-all at Free Republic Lucianne Goldberg, Matt Drudge and other friends abandon the Clinton
  • . ''It was overwhelming. It brought tears to all our eyes.'' Last week Roodman, federation president Kenneth Henderson and member Larry Trachtenberg visited the Roman Catholic church and St. Paul's Episcopal Church to give officials of each a$ 10,000 check. The checks
  • of Colin Powell's running for president. II Viking Penguin 356/Q-81A10661-037 + . I I I I I I I I •+ I I I I I I I I I I lvlrcSSl.qxd 04/16/1997 11:30 Page 9 7 - $ - - WDy Out of Africa + 97 Black ambivalence about the larger society is hardly
  • About Race- AR.eaction to the Events of February 4th ·,. '"2 1 ,, [).._. Tev , As President Clinton wound up his fourth State of the Union address, j.C. Watts, the · ·~· 1 1 only African-American in the GOP, waited to give the Republican response while
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors Ja)(S) of the I'RAI 1'6 R~l~as~ would constitute a cle:trly unwarranted invasion of personal Jlrivacy J(a)(6) of the I' RAJ I' I 1'2 1'3 1'4 b(l) National security classilied
  • ·i>REVENTION··coUNCIL . . . {2Q2) 395-5555 · 736 JACKSON.· PLACE, NW 0 'WASHINGTON, .D.C~ 20503 ~ . fax (202) 395-$67 i . / DATE': _ _ r;--+-=~-.··~~+,...,..',."""--J..:::.._j . NUI\{.BER OF PAGES INCLUDfNG COVER:_--=3=--·-----:-------- ~OM
  • sobriety checkpoint program; 0 A self-sustaining drunk driving prevention program; A program to prevent drivers under age 21 from obtaining alcoholic beverages; and D A mandatory sentence of 48 consecutive hours in jail or not less than 10 days
  • ........ l~.b Executive Office of the President Council on Environmental Quality Date: '") To:/ bc1. br: d te 0 Prepare reply for my signature. 0 0 Please handle. 0 0 \ ~~ /Y . 12) usL" rvtl1_v1 Discuss with me. Reply directly; please send me
  • opportunities." Secretary Brown serves on the President's National Economic Council, the Domestic Policy Council and the Task Force on National Health Care Reform. He also is chairman of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee, the Co-Chair of the U.S.-Russia
  • ---------------------------- "" . ' Draft 4/5/00 12:30 am Sam Afridi if-2)- 00 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON CONFERENCE ON THE NEW ECONOMY THE WHITE HOUSE AprilS, 2000 {_,(; 5[&dwri 1;, Acknowledge: Members of my economic team; Secretary Summers; Secretary Shalala; Secretary Herman
  • , Schoen & Berland Associates N=700 conducted 12/5-12/6 The mood of the country remains positive a month after the election, although resolving who will be President is now seen as the most important issue facing the country in both closed and open-ended
  • V. (Mike) Miller Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke President of City Council Lawrence A. Bell, III City Comptroller John M. Pratt Sheriff John W. Anderson Greeters: 1:40pm THE PRESIDENT departs Fort McHenry Landing Zone via motorcade en route Oriole Park
  • Fax: (202) 456-6704 Legislative Affairs [Formerly Janet Murguia, Deputy Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs] Dawn Chirwa Associate Counsel to the President Tel: (202) 456-7963 Fax: (202) 456-i647 Domestic Policy Council - [001
  • ~ritical military needs, including weapons procurement and modernization, research and development, and, importantly, a much-needed pay raise for our men and women in uniform. I had proposed the first sustained increase in defense spending in a decade
  • TUE 18:43 FAX 17·12 FROH•COMMUNICATION' I D, [4]002 PACE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Today I have signed into law H.R. 2684> the ''Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development. and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000
  • /Office of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17510 FolderiD: Folder Title: Giant Sequoia Nat'!. Mon. 4114/00 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 4- ;J.CJ- co PRESIDENT
  • EXECUTIVE COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. MAY 26, 1995 [Acknowledgements: Secretary Reich for introduction, President Kirkland; and members of the Executive Council. A special thank you to retiring Secretary-Treasurer Tom Donahue for his decades of service
  • Secretary (Jackson Hole, Wyoming) For Immediate Release August 12, 1996 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN ANNOUNCING AGREEMENT TO SAVE NATIONAL PARK FROM MINE DEVELOPMENT Yellowstone National Park Wyoming 11:25 A.M. MDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you
  • to the President for Teen Pregnancy Prevention anq Youth Development, we released the attached document that summarizes administration activity to date in this area. We will be distributing to interested groups ~oming in for a briefing with Dr. Foster next· week
  • (). PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINtON ANNUAL CONVENTION I COMMUNITY ANTI-DRUG COALITIONS OF I I AMERICA 1 WASHINGTON, D.C. ' NOVEMBER 2, 1995 I WJ~~i~~D [Acknowledgements: Jim Copple, CADCA's National 9§~'0/IJ ' ·.f?i . Director; Jim Burke; Marui
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17510 FolderiD: . Folder Title: · Press Conf. 3/29/00 ,, .. -· Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 Final 3/29/00 1:OOpm Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • - but this report finds ·three troubling trends in.the Nation's 200 largest cities. ill: An Urban Agenda for the Future . The President is proposing a second-term urban agenda based on the principles developed in the empowerment zones: bottom-up, flexible
  • so many young people here and to know that this organization is making a strong investment in the nurturing and development of our children. You understand, as the President does, that an investment in our people, especially our children, represents
  • 3, 1996 For Immediate Release REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN RADIO ADDRESS TO THE NATION The Oval Office 10:06 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Today I'm pleased to announce a major step for protecting the health and safety of all Americans
  • ratings system, here's a quick update of what is coming, and what the President's involvement could be: The New Ratings Svstem The TV industry has developed a system similar to the motion picture industry's ratings system, to rate shows by both age
  • -driven solutions that are empowering people, that are spurring long-term, local business development. Every one dollar we invest brings us back $18 in private sector investment. President Clinton has announced that every school in every · Empowerment Zone
  • of the Blind and Chairman of the National Council on Pluralism in America. For additional information, please consult the current edition of Who's Who in America. * * * * K 1! k !:! of DR. ARCHIE L. BUFFKINS Senior Vice President. Broadcasting Maryland
  • of the Blind and Chairman of the National Council on Pluralism in America. For additional information, please consult the current edition of Who's Who in America. * * * * K 1! k !:! of DR. ARCHIE L. BUFFKINS Senior Vice President. Broadcasting Maryland
  • work with the common purpose of assuring opportunity and security for every worker. The President and his economic team have laid the groundwork by sustaining a remarkably strong economy over the past four years. The economy is growing at a steady rate
  • the conditions in which all families can flourish . " President Bill Clinton, State of the Union, 1997 Early in 1997, President Clinton asked Secretary Cuomo and the Department of Housing and Urban Development to look at two questions: (1) As we come
  • and professor at Tufts University. Appointed by President Clinton. she serves on the National Council on the Arts. The Grossman& have three sana. David, Benjamin and Joshua. PRGE:03 P. 004 01/21/1997 11:03 DNC 2027974509 PAGE STEVEN GROSSMAN
  • of Health (NIH), a post the President appointed me to this past August 1. I am particularly pleased that you have taken the time to discuss genetic testing and cancer, an area of immense scientific progress with profound implications for cancer
  • , the Director of the National Institutes ofHealth, and I am pleased to present to your Committee the President's FY1996 budget for the NIH. An overview of the FY96 budget for the Nm The President proposes to increase the Nlli budget by $467 million, or 4.1
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member:· Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10981 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title:. 6/26/96 Church Burnings Prayer Breakfast White House . Stack: s Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 0 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President nn(J his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy J(a)(6) of the I' RAJ C. Closed in accordance i•·ith
  • ." -----The passage of the bill is considered a victory for President Clinton, who has been lobbying senators by telephone for two weeks, hoping that the legislation would clear the Senate before a meeting of top international trade officials on Nov. 30 in Seattle
  • , great President was great with his disability. Thank you all, and God bless you. (Applause.) END 9:46 A.M. CDT FIRST LADY HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON NATIONAL COUNCIL ON THE AGING 1996 ANNUAL CONFERENCE APRIL 26, 1996 (Acknowledgements: Reba Schafer
  • , Inc., 1980-84; Vice Chair, Nobel Peate Pri~e Nominating Commissi'on, 1984-85; Life Member, Presiden~'s tlu~, Unive~sity of San Diego; John F. Kennedy Library Foundation Board; · President's Council, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 19 84-93
  • 14, 2000 Good evening and welcome to the White House. President Kennedy once said that happiness is "the full use of your powers along lines of excellence." The Special Olympics reminds us that every human being has talents to develop and use
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 00 1. schedule Trip book (small): Trip of the President to Chicago, Illinois, July 2, 1996 (22 pages) nd P6/b(6), b(7)(E) 002. note Handwritten note (partial) (1
  • ) of the PRA) . PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed
  • ! bookmarks, baseball capa and other product• Girl Powerl has over 100 private and public partnere, including Girls Inc., the Boya 'Girls ClubB of America. the National 4-H Council, the National A8sociation of County and City R•alth Officials
  • (Council). Nations Bank also has offered a $500,00 reward. • Challenge the States--to use their allocations of HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds through loan guarantees and other means to help local communities rebuild. HUD and Justice
  • between January I, 1995, and January 7, 1997. • The Department ofHousing and Urban Development (HUD) is working closely with the National Council of Churches and the Congress ofNational Black Churches in the rebuilding effort. As a result
  • Secretary For Immediate Release September 24, 1998 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON INCOME AND POVERTY REPORT The Rose Garden . 12:20 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: She was terrific, wasn't she? Let's give heranother hand. I thought she was great. Congressman Cardin
  • parks and things like that? The President: You've got it. And a lot of them just can't afford to do it. And I think what happens there is that's worked out between the mayor, the city council, and the public employees organizations. And they know
  • in twenty years. This is the 18th consecutive . "month that the unemployment rate for adult African Americans has been in the single· digits. (When President Clinton took office in January 1993, the unemployment · rate for African American adults was 12.6
  • of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release February 10, 1997 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE MARYLAND STATE LEGISLATUR State Capitol Annapolis, Maryland 11 :20 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for that wonderful reception. Thank you, Mr. Speaker
  • . ----------------------------------------------~ REBUILDING o The President and the Governors agreed that private fundraising efforts should be commended and supported. They understand that over $2 million has already been raised in the private sector through the efforts of the National Council of Churches
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10981 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: D.A.V. [Disabled American Veterans] 7/28/96 [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 ) PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON 75TH ANNUAL
  • -to-Work CEO Event (5/20) --Welfare-to-work transportation grants. Announce pilot grants to 25 states to develop welfare-to-work transpmtation programs. (The President can also promote his proposal, contained in his NEXTEA bill, to provide $600 million
Mayors [2] (Item)
  • OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: • Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC): Thirteen years after the first enterprise zone legislation was introduced, President Clinton's EZ/EC initiative became law. The initiative challenged communities to develop comprehensive
  • BY THE PRESIDENT TO PARENTS, EDUCATORS, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS STUDENTS AND THE COMMUNITY ON JUVENILE JUSTICE Clark Athletic Center University of Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts 12:22 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Mr. Mayor, Commissioner Evans
  • FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: DONBAER MICHAEL WALDMAN BRUCE REED SUBJECT: COMMENCEMENT SPEECHES This memorandum outlines themes and topics for this spring's commencement addresses. We propose that you do a total of four such speeches-- the three currently scheduled
Vernon Jordan (Item)
  • and private colleges and universities --support the President's proposals. The President of the American Council of Education says: "The Hope tax credit is a giant step in the direction of making the first two years of college a universal benefit
  • " - - - - - - - - ' . l . Revised Final 10/25/99 4:45pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKSONTHEBUDGET THE WHITE HOUSE October 25, 1999 .____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ Good afternoon. Last February, I sent Congress a balanced budget that maintains our
  • . AmeriCorps, National Service Learn and Serve America Nariona! Senior Service Corps 04/~S/97 15:41 '8'202 565 2784 CORP NATL SVC ~002 AMERICORPS GETTING THINGS DONE AmeriCorps- the "domestic Peace Corps"- was established in 1993 by President Clinton
  • the.telati0AS~ipwith-the-~1 the Democratic Leadership Council? THE PRESIDENT: Yes, that's what you were thinking about. Q Okay. PAGE:05 JUL-11~97 16:07 FROM: 4049360904 T0:65709 THE PRESIDENT: That's right. Q You were chair of that? THE PRESIDENT: I
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10984 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: 9-13-95 Natl Family Prtnrshp Evt.Elkridge, MD [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 draft 9/12/95 3:30 pm REMARKS BY PRESIDENT
  • Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUB.JECTrfiTLE RESTRICTION OOia. memo To President Clinton from Benjamin Barber re: summitt (4 pages) 02/26/97 P5 OOib. memo To Sylvia Matthews, Don Baer, Steve Silverman from Benjamin Barber (5 pages) 03/19/97
Ron Brown (Item)
  • already had -- a lot of the governors were for him, and he had a lot of support. Q Now, what about the relationship with the DLC, the Democratic Leadership Council? THE PRESIDENT: Yes, that's what you were thinking about. 0 Okay. THE PRESIDENT: That's
  • . The President's balanced budget plan will expand Head Start to I million children. And this week, the President and the First Lady announced that they will host the first White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning. We also must open more
Carlin, John (Item)
  • Iws~ MEET AND GREET WITH LEADERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAS MONROE ROOM State' Department Staff Contact: ·David Lane ' ' CLoSED PRESS / _ The President will greet the following: · Secretary, Christopher _David Rockefeller. Honorary Chairman
Arkansas [3] (Item)
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Serie~/Staff Terry Edmonds Member: Subseries: 24673 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Arkansas [3] ' l Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 Draft 12/9/99 9:25pm Terry Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subserics: 10988 OA/10 Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: [88th Annual National NAACP Convention 17 July 1997] [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 REVISED Draft 7116/97 2pm PRESIDENT
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10983 FolderiD: Folder Title: 5-7-96 NJ Kick Butts Day [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 .) ' t,, . --.; REMARKS BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON
  • the resources to invest in debt collection, (2) their mission did not include debt collection, and (3) they faced too many restrictions in using the available tools. • On March 22, 1995 the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency, which is composed
  • must only meet the following three objectives: 1. State Strategy: Each state will develop a strategy for enabling every school in the state to meet the four goals that the President has outlined by the dawn of the next century.· These State strategies
  • Remarks to Business Leaders and Council
  • Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release February 27, 1997 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE BUSINESS COUNCIL The Park Hyatt Hotel Washington, D.C. 10:32 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you and good morning. Thank you, Larry. Thank you, Mr
  • : Series/Staff Member: Speechwriting Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Nun1ber: 10986 FolderiD: Folder Title: 4-23-96 Teacher of the Year White House Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON NATIONAL
  • . Lydia Sosa President, National Conference of Puerto Rican Women 202-296-4716 Maria (1) call as heads up one week before. Sammie Moshenberg DC Director, National Council of Jewish Women 202-296~2588 Maria (1) call as heads up one week before
  • NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE 00 I. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (1 page) 02/23/96 P6/b(6) 002. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (1 page) 02/24/96 P6/b(6) 003a. schedule Schedule of the President (partial, p.l) 02/23/96 b(7)(E) 003b. schedule
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/10 Nuniber: 10986 FolderiD: Folder Title: 11-22-95 Turkey Presentation White House (2] Stack: RoW: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 PRESIDENT CLINTON STANDS FIRM FOR A BALANCED
  • violate a Federal statute j(a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • and president, my good friend Millard Fuller is here today and I thank him. I also want to applaud the National Council of Churches for their financial commitment to the rebuilding. And 1 want to thank NationsBank for stepping up to this challenge by committing
  • , ·the Sec'retary of the Army directed the army to President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense, conduct a study to determine. whether African-Arileri- · . and .the National SE;curlty Council. . . can .soldiers had been. overl~~ked the r~co'gilitiori
  • with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. l'l{i\1. Personal record mislile delined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon •·equest. PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON DRUG-FREE COMMUNITIES ACT OF 1997 & TOBACCO SETTLEMENT
  • : ·s _{_ Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 0 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. itinerary SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Re: Satellite Feed to the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities
  • inet cc: Subject: native americans THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Santa Fe, New Mexico) For Immediate Release September 25, 2000 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO NEW MEXICO COORDINATED CAMPAIGN VICTORY 2000 RECEPTION La Fonda Hotel
  • results relating to the effectiveness of these drugs. Please let us know your thoughts on the speech and the direction you would like us to take. Note: The Vice President will be speaking on June 20 on sustainable development, concentrating
  • and development of our children. You understand, as the President does, that an investment in our people, especially our children, represents our best hope for the 21st century. ( 4~c-onri n u e a.-re~ali'e-rsirfp-=i~s"="-c riT'C"i"'a"l-lJEtc~a'u"'s'e-~e Glay,• t
Michigan [1] (Item)
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors )a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA( C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained
  • month, the welfare demonstrations cover over 10 million people, representing over 73 percent of all recipient~. All of the waivers which we have granted build on many of the centrat' principles of President Clinton's vision for welfare refonn, including
  • both FAA and the aviation industry- to prevent accidents," the GAO said. ( The Safer Skies initiative is supposed to reduce commercial aviation accidents 80% by 2007. The program grew out of a commission headed by Vice President Gore after two major
Brady Bill (Item)
  • Hall); 3:50-4:20 pm- Phone and Office; 7:35pm- Depart for G&P Ball (NY) 4. Phone and Office Time Today: 3:50-4:20 pm 5. Speech Calendar: See Attached Thursday, November 30, 2000 SCHEDULE OF THE PRESIDENT FOR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 Draft
  • it, and racist. I'm locking up blacks, but I can't help it." His eyes gleam: "Ask me how many white · ran. He looped through a housing development people I've ever arrested for cocaine smuggling and back to his car. Hill gunned the engine just as Lewis got
  • : "The question of the relation of the States to the federal government is the cardinal question of our constitutional system. At every turn of our national development we have been brought face to face with it." How Governors, together with the President
NGA [1] (Item)
  • and I aren't going to tell them what we saw at the Elementary School Principals convention. (Applause.) Final PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS FOR NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS WASHINGTON, DC JULY 25, 1997
  • December 29, 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT EDMONDS~ FROM: J. TERRY SUBJECT: REVISED DRAFTS OF YOUR MILLENNIUM WEEKEND SPEECHES Attached for your review are revised drafts of your Millennium weekend speeches. They reflect your edits to the National
  • together to identify and implement solutions. AUGUST August 2 Apparel and footwear industry leaders commit to the President of the United States to participate in a voluntary, non-governmental partnership to develop options to assure consumers
  • of it. Director General Moore has dedicated himself and this organization to extending the benefits of trade to the least developed countries and I thank you for that, sir. Here in Seattle, 32 developing nations are moving toward admission to the WTO. EU President
  • 4-18-95 Hart/Teeter Poll Council for Excellence in Government
  • /Office of Origin: Speechwriting S~ries/Staff Terry Edmonds Member: Subseries: 10982 OA/10 Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: 4-18-95 Hart/Teeter Poll Council for Excellence in Government Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: s 0 0 0 Position: 0
  • statute l(a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or bctwccri such advisors [a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy J(a)(6) of the PRA) C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • ~Y HASSEN . r/l 0/ q ~ • ' - 95JUN 12 ·,P5 t 02 I, · ~ftfvl tf.~ (j~. '·' Y!M IJtMJ ' Wmlf /u · ' · ..... ;,. ) WORKING FOR AMERICA'S WORKFORCE ' \ \ . THE PRESIDE~H HAS SEN . . . "l/1 CJ/0./S LiFELONG L£ARNING PAYS OFF: A SURVEY
  • of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 DRAFT PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON RADIO ADDRESS TO THE NATION MARCH 22, 1997 Good morning. I am glad to be back at the microphone this morning. My knee is healing just fine and I have just returned to the White House after
  • a. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (I page) 05/30/96 P6/b(6) 001 b. schedule Schedule of the President (partial) (1 page) 05/30/96 b(7)(E) 00 I c. schedule Schedule of the President (partial) (1 page) 05/29/09 b(7)(E) 00 I d. schedule Schedule
  • of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities; Diane Frankel, Director of the Institute of Museum Services; and members of the Arts and Humanities Councils) I am pleased to have the opportunity today to present the National Medal of Arts and the Charles
  • wheelchair J1 \ ·e !J.c ' basketball and will be in the long jump and potentially the 100 meters, Al Mead, an AK amputee and long jumper who serves on the President's Council on Fitness and will be at the White House, and Peggy Casey, a blind lawn
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA[ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance
  • Terry Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS ON THE RECESS APPOINTMENT OF ROGER GREGORY THE WHITE HOUSE December 27, 2000 Good afternoon. Thirty-nine years ago, the great grandson of a slave became the first African American to serve on the U.S
  • ),~M~W~,.,_.·~E]~J)Ma~I/J/2~S_ __ FROM:____..t~U~'A~Z.JlL....:.·Yti~AL..-:.__ . .-·------- ., ***WAifflfiNd*-• Unauthorized use of these mat~!y is Sdl'Ject .......... ro federal prosecution L. ·' ' May 29, 1996 5:30 ·PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • . The President will be ac:companied on the tour with tm~tne.~~ lr.aders and el~..ctoo otlicials (Mayor's Council of Economic Development Advisors) who helped develop a regional strategy that resulled in the Army Depot succe.~~- . J Draft 4/5/95
  • statute J(a)(3) of the PRAJ Release would disclose trade secrets or confidenti'al commercial or financial information J(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S
  • BOX5 Nat'l Assoc. of Black Journalists Nat'l Assoc. of Realtors NBC Related- 916196 NCSC Chicago, IL National Council of Senior Citizens Nat'l Conf. of State Lgsltrs. Nat'l Dom. Violence Awareness Month NEA Satellite Nat'l Family Partnership Evt. NGA
  • of President Clinton's election to having to fend off questions about his personal finances. The June issue of Emerge will contain a follow-up story with the latest developments. A 'PRETTY TOUGH CUSTOMER' RON BROWN'S FIRST YEAR AT THE COMMERCE DEPARTMENT
  • :: :-:.
  • ... pdi :// .us/2000/9/21/ 12. text ·-) PRESIDENT CLINTON HIGHLIGHTS THE IMPORTANCE OF ENSURING EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE In remarks to the State Bar of Michigan's 65th annual reception, President Clinton will underscore the importance
  • on Standards from Atlantic Monthly, December 1995
NGA [2] (Item)
  • ---------- ·· , I ~----- · I I, ~ Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE 001. note DATE Note to President Clinton from Tracey Brown re: Introduction (2 copies) (2 pages) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) 07/02/97 COLLECTION
  • would disclose conlidenthrl advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRA] 1'6 RclcaSl' would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of pl·rsonal pl'ivacy ](a)(6) of the I'RA] b(l) National security
  • - Americans were one of the most crucial constituent parts of the Clinton coalition in the election of 1992. · o The black share of President Clinton's vote totaled 20 percent or more in 12 of 21 states. With the exception of Carrie Meek's district
  • ) "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) "The presidency is temporary -- but the family is permanent." Yvonne De Gaulle "I looked at child rearing not only as a work of love and duty
  • • Welfare reform is working-- 3 million fewer on rolls than day President took office; 1.2 million fewer since he signed bill into law almost one year ago. • But, we need to assess how we are doing in 4 critical areas: jobs, child care, transportation
  • together business and citizens to wire the schools. You can also challenge states and telephone companies to make access affordable or even free. Every teacher should learn the skills to teach with technology. 2. Challenge the software industry to develop
  • Ceremony President Clinton • · [Welcome and acknowledgments (Secretary Kantor, Members of Congress, Baldrige Foundation, Baldrige family members) to come], • I am honored and delighted to take part in this ceremony and to congratulate and acknowledge
  • create your family tree and see how each branch connects with the nation's history. 3 We developed My History Is America's History with the generous support of many partners. Major contributors include the White House Millennium Council
  • , if it is utilized, to help our schools, teachers and student-; gain more access to up-to-date information in the classroom every duy. • • • Challenge the governors to :»:ork with state public utility commissions to develop affordable rate structures that reach
  • . THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS WASHINGTON, DC . APRIL 27, 1996 PRESID~ Acknowledgments: Art Godi, President of the NAR. .. I am delighted to be here today to talk with you about how we can build on the economic renewal and the homeownership resurgence
  • information J(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAJ
Kentucky (Item)
  • (1990) LAND USE (1987) Acres owned bv tribes and individuals a~d held in trust by the federal government . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Thousands of acres Developed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ,224 Rural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.799 Cropland
  • statute [(a)(3) of the PRA[ Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or 11nancial information ((a)(4) of the PRA] 1'5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S
  • to prevent renal disease · developing culturally-sensitive means to communicate prevention strategies for heart disease, diabetes, etc. /why do we need minority investigators? In principle, much of the work that needs to be done could be done by non-minority
  • , North Carolina) July 10, 1996 For Immediate Release REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE 87TH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE NAACP Charlotte Convention Center Charlotte, North Carolina 12:30 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you very much. President
  • ·~rscrvcd communities, which have helped generate more than $1 billion in private sector investment commitments. Expanding Access to Capitsl through Cnmmunlt-y Development Financial Institutions (CDFI). Proposed and signed into law by the President in 1994
  • . The Race Relations Law Reporter is a non-partisan publication . which.collects and prints legal material which developed as a result of the 1954-55 United States Supreme court segregation decisions. The case began with a privateer's capture of a British
  • : Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 Q Not quite~ 1HE PRESIDENT: Well, let me say I have not yet received the final recommendations from the Justice Department ahd the Counsel's Office. They're working back and forth on that . . As all of you know, I
  • into the room .and proceed to your table located front row center of stage. · Seated at your table will be: Bob Johnson, President of Black Entertainment Television, and his wife Sheila Johnson , William McDaniel, attorney f~r Rep. Harold Ford and his wife
  • use high-speed computers running neural networks to improve quality and reduce wear-and-tear on equipment. In automobile production, networked computers coordinate supply r~lationships, product development, and other aspects of operations, helping
  • ) signed by President Clinton in 1996. This Act significantly changed the welfare system on a national level. It replaced the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program with ~ program of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF
  • . Henry Lyons, a Pastor from St. Petersburg, Florida. Dr. Lyons is a Republican, but has been very supportive of you and the Vice President. At your request, he flew with you to Israel for Prime Minister Rabin's funeral last November. Additionally, he
  • ------ -------------------------- - Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. talking points SUB.JECTffiTLE DATE Re: President Clinton's phone call to Sarah Brady (partial) (1 page) 08/09/96 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • they thought that the people being confronted were getting what they deserved. ~003 DRAFT 4-14-97 . , April , 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: SYLVIA MATHEWS MARIA ECHA VESTE RE: Proposed White House Conference on Hate Crimes /. Background
Montana [1] (Item)
  • or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
Michigan [2] (Item)
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the I'RAI 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the I'RAI C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Si.Ibseries: 10981 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: 7-10-96 Church Arson Prev. Act White Ho.use"[l] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 draft 10:00pm, July 9, 1996 PRESIDENT
  • ) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAJ b(l) National
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10986 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 / ' : ' PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON
Race Book [1] (Item)
  • EdmOn~ PRESIDENT WILLIAM .J. CLINTON OP-Ed - Special to the New York Times MESSAGE TO CONGRESS THE UNFINISHED BUSINESS OF BUU..DING ONE AMERICA January 14,2000 At the beginning of the last century, the great African American scholar and civil rights
  • a tough message on penalties for breaking gun laws; and 5) expand development of "smart gun" technologies. The President today will also unveil new data from the Justice Department indicating that federal firearms prosecutions rose 25 percent from 1998
Cloning (Item)
  • and pundits. President Clinton, citing "serious ethical questions," ordered a federal bioethics panel to report in 90 days on whether the United States should regulate human cloning or ban it. (Britain, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain
  • ~>gic removal and dclt:nrion ol'tbe Ja~ocse =· Reprinted by the JACL-U;gisl~~ive Edtication Commin~ with permission of the LEC-Pacific Southwest District Council, L..os Angeles. C;olifomi"> . II. !\'lot')' = AmeriaJllS lllld resident Ja.panese alien
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors )a)(S) of the I'RA) 1'6 Release would constitute :1 clearly unwarranted invasion of pcrson:1l privacy )(a)(6) of the I'RA) C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed
  • was a price put on the amount of damage the buildings sustained. The fires were almost out, and crews were watching hot spots closely. Parts of some businesses were still smoldering. Three firefighters had suffered hypothermia, and one was cut on the leg while
  • ~-~-------------------- ( I, REMARKS BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON VIA SATELLITE FLORIDA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONVENTION MIAMI, FLORIDA DECEMBER 10, 1995 ·,~~ ( ·[Acknowledgments: Senator Dodd; Terry Brady, State Party Chair; Attorney General Bob Butterworth. I'd
  • ) of the I'RA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy i(a)(6) of the I'RAI C. Closed
  • the entry of the nine black children to Central High School. Little Rock became the scene of a major confrontation between state and federal authorities when President Dwight D. Eisenhower nationalized the Arkansas guardsmen and sent U.S. Army troops
  • Senate President Leonord Boswell Senate Majority Leader Wally Horn House Minority Leader Dave Schrader Bonnie Campbell, Director of the Violence Against Women Office, Deptartment of Justice, and former chair of the Iowa Democratic Party '-- REMARKS
Race Book [4] (Item)
  • FOR JOHN POD EST A GENE SPERLING MARK PENN BRUCE REED MARIA ECHA VES~E :, ~r FROM: TERRY EDMOND ' SUBJECT: DRAFT OF THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TO CONGRESS ON RACE . . With Bruce's indispensab,le help, I have labored this week to produce this first draft
  • sector piece. The President can also challenge and exhort the states to develop a process parallel to federal efforts on prevention and rebuilding.] II. Welcoming Remarks by the Vice President [Marcia Hale is coordinating with OVP regarding
Race Book [2] (Item)
  • of an impoverished developing country. Too many of the people living there were under-employed and underhoused and the financial community had traditionally under-invested in them. When President Reagan visited the area in the 1980s, he compared it to London
  • it. If it ~ ?oes~'t, .I ~ave a responsibility to the American people to telllt 1t l1ke 1t 1s. (. ~~ /. 1 ,u'n£1 tQY\Fet
  • will be there for future generations. Social Security is one of the greatest accomplishments of the generation of President Franklin Roosevelt. For almost 65 years, it has made America a better place. We owe it to his legacy and to future generations to protect
  • of crime and drugs -- creating drug courts, proposing drug testing for Federal arrestees, and seeking tougher penalties for · drug kingpins and peddlers. • In his 1996 State of the Union, President Clinton challenged states to implement . _... k!A . C
Race Book [5] (Item)
  • -conviction DNA testing and access to competent counsel Upon your review and input, we will finalize this message and commence its rollout to coincide with Martin Luther King's birthday. · Thank you. Draft 1/10/01 2:15pm Terry Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of 11crsonal privacy i(a)(6) of the PRAI b(l) National security classified information l(b)(l) of the FOIAI b(2) Release would
  • the communities that have lost churches in these arson attacks to rebuild. Habitat's founder and president, my good friend Millard . Fuller, is here today and I thank him. I want to applaud the National Council of Churches for their financial commitment
  • Mission Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina. In Galatians 6, St. Paul said that while each of us must make our own efforts to sustain ourselves, we are also reminded to "bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Sharing this medal
  • AND CIVIL RIGHTS JULY 10, 1991 This is an open letter to President Bush. I hope he'll hear it and I hope the American people will listen, too. I hope this letter will put the issue of race relations in a broader context than simply the Supreme Court
Race Book [3] (Item)
  • Subgroup/Office of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 24673 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Race Book[3] ' "·• Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON MESSAGE
  • of Origin: SpeechWt-iting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10985 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: 8-9-95 Prgrssv Natl Baptist Cnvntn Charlotte, NC Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 / REMARKS BY PRESIDENT
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: .10982 FolderiD: Folder Title: EITC [Earned Income Tax Credit]/Min. Wage Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS
  • that African American businesses may miss out on a golden opportunity if they ignore tJe Net. "The resistance [to using .the Net] is the same that we heard when Ford. developed the automobile," says Ollie_ Morgan, former president of the National Black Data
  • organization. Representatives from the Chicago Urban League, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the Jewish Community Relations Council and the American Association of University Women of Illinois also are part of the campaign. The current federal hate
  • . President of the Council of Baotis·t Ministers in Detioi t, a good friend . ··of Jesse Jackson, covers civic issues. STATION: SHOW: INTERVIEWER: . CONTACT: TIME: NOTES: WCHB Spencer HayWorth Spencer Hayworth Al Brown. Sat. 5-7 p.m. Live •. Former Lakers
Civility [3] (Item)
  • ;rgeltXJJTI. lnro pracrice." · about AIDS ~tnd teen pregnancy," Garcia Another progr::tm coordinator, Lind:\ -says. ~And my children have lt.:1mNI rn Jutras (F'97) credited the e>ept~riencc with develop their talents and defend thei·nenriching her ll nd
  • overnight,' said Rupert Richardson, president of the organization. 'That rift did not develop overnight. But we can work on it. We can work toward taking self out of the way and doing what's best for this association. This too shall pass. But don't expect
  • as senior writer (see below). • Senior writer. Work directly with president of nation's largest political action committee to develop and disseminate fund raising and political message. Write speeches, remarks and talking points. Write, edit, and design
  • , out of the embers of a terrible war, this university was born to serve a people who had been liberatedliberated from the "peculiar institution" of slavery. Another Johnson-the 17th President of the United States-signed his name to a law establishing
  • students pass algebra. ,.. ·";. ,_,..1 .• ,-:7 "It is the case that more and more states and districts are putting in place mandatory algebra requirements," said Gail Burrill, president-elect of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. "Texas
  • ) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release _would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ({a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National
  • deposited it. .. Every one must act according to the dictates of his own reason, and mine tells me that civil powers alone have been given to the President of the United States, and no authority to direct the religious exercises of his constituents
  • -Medicaid uninsured persons into similar arrangements to reduce the burdens of uncompensated care on various providers. Without this concurrent expansion, some of the lower payment levels for existing Medicaid recipients may not be sustainable. In those
  • . As President, I have worked to 8 '1r · . ~-r~ rebuild community across our country. Americorps. Community development banks. Empowerment zones: All reflect our larger commitment to help people make the most of their lives and to give them the tools
Labor (Item)
  • was meant· to ensure that employers would fund their pension plans and keep their promises to their employees. @ CRITICAL THAT WHATEVER STATEMENT THE PRESIDENT MAKES BLASTING HE ARCHER PACKAGE INCLUDES A CLEAR AND UNAMBIGUOUS REJECTION OF HIS PROPOSAL
  • · Ij · W~en l?istinguiehe
Race Book [3] (Item)
  • A Report to the Advisory Board and Staff The President's Initiative on Race Roben M. Entman Depanment of Communication NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695 919-515-9743 And Barbara Hanson Langford Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Debra
  • of justice and fasting in [saiah 58, alengthy text with hints of complex development. Clearly the issue of fasting was of particular concern for the post-exi Iic community (we shall see this again tl8 ; ·II ! (!) ,..... (!) C\1 ,..... C\1 lSI C\1
  • plan to make Americans more secure and to make sure our skies are safer. After the TWA disaster, the Vice President's commission worked around the clock to develop an action plan for aviation safety. Just a month later, we made nearly every one
  • · · · · · · · · · · ·w· ·:· ·i=>~9·~·I ONE AMERICA IN THE 21ST CENTURY: THE PRESIDENT'S .INITIATIVE ON RACE ''in the end, more than anything else, our world leadership grows out (?f the power qf our exainple here at home, out qf our ability to remain strong as one
Netday (Item)
  • President's GLOBE project gives tomorrow's environmental scientists a chance to interact with the scientists of today. And today I am directing every department and agency in our national govern.ment to develop educational Internet sel"vices targeted to our
  • , providing support for elections and development. Hosted the first White House Conference on Africa in July 1994. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH YOUR COLLEAGUES Ben Johnson Special Assistant to the President OCT-09 96 14:49 FROM
Race [1] (Item)
  • . Department of Housing and Development at (202) 708-0614 Extension 4672. . . •' COMMUNITY 2020: A NEW FUTURE FOR TilE AMERICAN CITY Vice President AI Gore, Honorary Chair Secretary Andrew Cuomo . July 29th, 1997. Seminar · Access, Opportunity, Mobility
  • is our future. Thank you. ### ~-- ROUTING SLIP DATE:lQ__ifl_; FROM: ~1/l 'f>" Y~~ I~ Stephanie Streett and Anne Walley Deputy Assistants to the President and Directors of Scheduling SUBJECT: \J1~0 -b- Re... / Don Baer ~u\ure. Sfuf~ cf- f
  • is funded at $75 million for FY 2000. Providing Incentives to Save. The President signed into law a five-year, $125 million demonstration program for Individual Development Accounts, providing incentives for low income families to save for a first home
  • . In his Morgan State speech, the President discussed the challenges posed by science and technological developments in the new millennium. His speech at UC-San Diego addressed lasting challenges posed by race and diversity in the United States
  • of Housi"g and UrCian Development 1 OF"ICE 01' THE JISSISTANT SECI'!E'TAAY FO~ Pue~IC AI'I'AIJ'l.S Washington, D.C. 20410-4000 !i TELECOPY INFORMATION PAGE ~..:....r..;::;.~_Y_v~y,_'___..;:£~d:;.__~----=:c
  • distressed communities across America. Over 500 commUnities took up the "EZ" challenge, developing comprehensive strategies and forging unprecedented partnerships for community ··renewal that made all applicants winners. • Presid~nt Clinton is committed
Education (Item)
  • in school and a forgotten. This is why President Clinton is· a strong supporter of charter schools with public accountability. The President has asked the Congress in hls new budget to cr~te new ·'venture capital" to encourage the development of charter
  • colleges were private, and restricted. President Lincoln, in his genius, signed the Morrill Land Grant Act in 1862. Iowa was the first State to accept a grant for a college. This was the first Land Grant to admit women. The first to develop what the world
  • 1994, saving taxpayers over $800 million; and • Redeveloping contaminated sites in low-income communities and turning them into useable space, creating jobs and enhancing community development. President Clinton and Vice President Gore Meeting
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds . Subseries: . 17510 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: · Folder Title: President's Public Papers Forwards Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 Foreword to President's Public Papers l/0 1199 - 6
  • Case that we· helped to develop anQ som~ other mformation ·for your review. Many of our-readers · ' say that we are 'the nations, ~umber one. diversitY ~d. multici.dtural magazine. . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .. . . . f
  • ://www. ... era!/ ott:__notices/96/697 http :Ilwww. ucsd. edu/cam pus/general/ ott:__notices/96/697 Official Notices Issue Date: 11/12/96 Following are statements from UC President Richard C. Atkinson and Provost C. Judson King regarding
  • consistently tries to make news with unexpected questions. As a reminder, she asked Mrs. Clinton about the Web Hubbel situation in a recent interview on child development. During the campaign, Couric made news by scoring points against Senator Dole
  • : Speechwriting Series/StaffMember: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17509 FolderiD: Folder Title: Press ·Con f. 10/14/99 [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 Draft 10114/99 ll:OOam PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON
  • , local business development. Every one dollar we invest brings us back $18 in private sector investment. President Clinton has announced that every school in every Empowerment Zone in every part of our nation will be connected to the Information
  • .--------- ------------- ..· Draft 6/19/97 5:00pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON OUTLINE FOR U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS SPEECH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1997 Acknowledgments: Four and a half years ago, we set out to etc. Prepare America forth~ 21st century 4 r;;cotv J B ~ O
  • , President Clinton said Wednesday the anniversary will help Arkansas soothe the scars of history and help the nation move toward a "new racial reality." "This doesn't open old wounds, it heals them," Clinton said in an interview with the Arkansas Democrat
  • of White House support for a National Museum of Afncan American History and Culture, as set out below, we understand that the President's budget calls for $3 million in seed money for a national music museum in DC (near the MCI Center), a pet project
  • , 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR TERRY EDMONDS(\ /) J FROM: JULIE DEMEO ~.._,./ CC: Rahm Emanuel Jeremy Ben-Ami Gaynor McCown Dennis Burke Subject: Background Materials for the NFP Event on 9/13 Attached is a packet of materials for the President's Speech
  • was in jeopardy without his support. Under his leadership, the campaign successfully obtained more than 1 million signatures and qualified for the November 1996 ballot. Connerly is President and Chief Executive Officer of Connerly and Associates Inc., a housing
Tuskegee (Item)
  • , and to the Tuskegee community, and 2) to develop a strategy to redress the damages caused by the Study and to transform its damaging legacy. In his recent apology for the government's role in human radiation experiments (1944-1974), President William J. Clinton
  • history. There are many other points and views that we could identify for the President to consider in his remarks, but the limited time to develop our comments prohibits a more comprehensive set of issues from Indian Country's perspective. Thank you
  • " .. Talking points For September 1-1 Higher Education Events .. ;" Budget Facts: Education Common Ground on The Need to Balance The Budget. The President and the Congress agree: It's time to balance ·the federal budget. They both have plahs to. do
  • ~qt>l PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKSATTOPOFPRESSCONFERENCE THE WHITE HOUSE ;·· In recent days, members of the congressional majority have displayed a reckless partisanship that threatens America's economic well-being and now even our national
  • : To: Record Stephanie A. Cutter/WHO/EOP, Lindsay R. Drewef!WHO/EOP CC: Subject: I faxed this to Loretta. This is pending with Sandy Berger and does not retlecty his input. Please do not circulate. 10/8/99 4:00 am Halperin - PRESIDENT WILLIAM ]EFFERSON
  • . ./ Helping Low-Income Families Invest for the Future. Congress approved the President's request of $25 million for Individual Development Accounts that empower low-income working families to save for a first home, post-secondary education, or to start a new
  • a realiry for disabled veterans. In striving toward this goat, the DA V works closely with the President's Committee on Employment of Persons with Disabilities, the Labor Department, the Office of Personnel Management, other groups of people
  • information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRA
  • . Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS) Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-CA) Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ) Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Message Sent To: Final 4/6/00 11 :30am Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON ONE AMERICA CORPORATE
  • conlidcntial'advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the I' RAJ 1'6 Release would constitute~~ clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy J(a)(6) of the I'RAI C. Closed in acconlancc with restrictions contained
  • :45am Terry Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS ON PATIENTS BILL OF RIGHTS, CTBT, AND JUDGES THE WHITE HOUSE October 6, 1999 This morning I want to talk about three critical issues now pending in Congress. There have been major developments
Resumes (Item)
  • would disclose coutideutial advice between the President nnd his advisors, or between such ndvisors la)(S) of the I' RAJ 1'6 Rclcnse would constitute n cle:trly unwarranted invasion of pct·sott:tl privacy l(a)(6) of the I' RAJ C. Closed in accordance
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10990 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: .. , Folder Title: Misc. Drafts [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 . ,• THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN . . )) l( - 2 '7 -1/1'1 Draft 4/27
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10983 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: . Folder Title: 5-16-96 NAACP Legal Defense Fund Washington, DC Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 I' . ' • i TALKING POINTS PRESIDENT
Mayors [1] (Item)
  • I THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Sec~etary vb 6/9o_J _ For Immediate Release Aptil 26, 199~ - ••• .. :· . '-· . t., •' PRESIDENT REMARKS BY THE . AT THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE RECEPTION . . ' ' ' Franklin Hall
  • research that is president of Creative Technologies undeway within the Columb'!s for Walt Disney Imagineering. You Center's laboratories. · The Columbus Center's "scientific may be familiar with some of his past work-he's designed the sets nucleus
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10985 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: 12/23/95.Radio Adress - Budget Stack: Row: Section: s 0 0 Shelf: . 0 Position: 0 PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON RADIO ADDRESS
  • : Series/Staff Member: . Speechwriting Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10983 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: . 7/10/96 NAACP Charlotte, NC Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 ANATIONAL MONTH OF UNITY, 1996 .... 9Y THE PRESIDENT
  • violate a Federal statute j(a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • ~- -----------------------------------. Draft 03/29/00 1:OOpm Heather Hurlburt PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS AT SELF HELP AUSTIN STREET SENIOR CENTER QUEENS, NEW YORK March 30, 2000 Acknowledgements: Congressman Anthony Weiner; Richard Arronson, CEO of Self Help [what is proper name
  • Scenarios • Scenario 1: Holding Bills Until the End This strategy initially plays very well for the President. A stern message to the Republicans that they should do their job makes 72% more favorable to him. Suppose that President Clinton does not sign
  • for the vVhite House, those who survived the struggle and set up residence in that famous mansion have not found it to be a source of pure joy. President Andrew Jackson described the Presidency as "a situation of dignified slavery." His successor, President
  • -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - 10:45 a.m. "What Historically Black Colleges and Universities Are Doing to Foster Development, Democracy, and Education" Moderator: Mrs. Barbara Wills-Duncan Member President's Board of Advisors on HBCUs Presenters: Ambassador Horace Dawson
  • . Personal record mis11Je defined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will'be reviewed upon request. ·~ '•Ml• ·~. ~... , ~ l ' ' d '. PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON CLINTON-GORE LUNCH DETROIT, MICHIGAN MARCH 4, 1996 Acknowledgments
  • commercial or t1nancial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose contldential advice between the President •tnd his advisors, or between such :tdvisoa·s (a)(S) of the I'RAI 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • to the President on cards, at his request, so he can easily refer to them. t Cheryl Gibson Smith ·Cheryl Gibson Smith is the Director of the Downtown Child Development Center in Atlanta, GA. MS. SMITH: Thank you, President Clinton. I .bring you greetings fro
  • •' . .. I I - I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 00 I. schedule Trip Book of the President to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania April27April28, 1997 (36 pages) 04/27/97 P6/b(6), b(7)(E
  • 09/23/99 9: Oarn dtnonds/ Shesol/ Glastris c4\D£ ;gg SfP 23 AKio:10 ~~~-\
  • with such distinguished public servants as Missouri State Treasurer Bob Holden, U.S. Representative Connie Morella, and of course, our Vice President, Al Gore. You know~ these last few years, I have come . to know AI Gore well. He is a great champion of cities, and I had
Civility [4] (Item)
  • /TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. note Handwritten note (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) 002a. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (1 page) 07/01195 P6/b(6) 002b. schedule Schedule of the President (partial) (1 page) 07/01/95 b(7)(E) 002c. schedule
  • REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT SPECIAL OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONIES Yale Bowl New Haven, Connecticut 9:40 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Let's give her another hand. (Applause.) Thank you, Loretta Clayborne, for that wonderful introduction. And thank you
  • BY THE PRESIDENT FLORIDA STATE LEGISLATURE MARCH 30 1 1995 Governor Chiles, First Lady Rhea Chiles, Li«~utenant Governor MacKay and Ann MacKay, Florida cabinet members, Chief Justice Grimes and honored members of the Florida Supreme Court, Mr. President, Mr
  • a complete overhaul ofHUD and transform it into an engine of empowerment. I am proud to say that he has developed an exciting and thorough plan to make HUD smaller, leaner, and better. We are already seeing real results in the elimination ofwaste, fraud
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10983 FolderiD: Folder Title: 6-8-96 KIIS & Unite Concert Videotaped Message Stack: · s Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 0 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON KllS & UNITE
  • tax relief, "adequate" spending for Medicare, education and the environment -- but provides no way to square them. In effect, Congress and the president have simply agreed to do what they should have been doing months earlier: negotiate in an effort
  • : s 0 0 0 0 ''~···L·' MEMORANDUM TO ANN LEWIS FROM: Ann Walker RE: Racial references I speeches DATE: April 9, 1997 Per your request, here are racial references pertaining to the President made by validators as well as remarks made
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10987 OA/ID Number: . FolderiD: Folder Title: · Women's Economic Leadership Forum Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 Draft 4/4/97 I O:OOam PRESIDENT
  • ) of the PRAI Release would violate a Federal statute l(a)(3) of the PRAI Rl'lease would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or 11nancial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI 1'5 Rl'lease would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
Arkansas [4] (Item)
  • building was built on the site formerly occupied by the state prison. The President might make some humorous analogy about that, perhaps comparing the White House to a prison. Probably shouldn't mention that they should just lock the doors and incarcerate
  • advice between the President ami his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA] 1'6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
Martin Slate (Item)
  • reached a high of nearly $3 billion four years ago. He led the administration's development of the Retirement Protection Act of 1994, landmark legislation giving the agency the tools necessary to address pension underfunding. He brought state of the art
Mammograms (Item)
  • mammograms every year or two to look for breast cancer for women in their 40s. The changed recommendation is intended to save lives and simplify the confusion surrounding mammography guidelines, Dr. Myles P. Cunningham, the society's president, said Sunday
  • Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffiTLE DATE RESTRICTION 00 I. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (partial) (I page) 11/02/95 P6/b(6) 002. memo To Dennis Burke from Jim Copple re: President's Speech at CADCA's Leadership FORUM (partial
Diabetes (Item)
  • that they have diabetes when they develop one of its life-threatening complications. Blindness. Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in people ages 20-74. Each year, from 12,000 to 24,000 people lose their sight because of diabetes. Kidney
  • /29/99 10:05:31 AM Record Type: To: Record Terry Edmonds/WHO/EOP@EOP cc: Subject: latest draft Draft 10/29/99 10:00 am Elliot Diringer PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON RADIO ADDRESS ON ENVIRONMENT AND BUDGET ATLANTA, GEORGIA October 30, 1999 Good
  • expressed by non-governmental organizations concerning implementation, the United States' follow-up efforts include a year-long process to develop a comprehensive implementation plan until the year 2000. President Clinton will establish an Inter-Agency Task
  • .. ·\· . •. \. . ,. . .... . /•~ I .· COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS HARVARD UNIVERSITY HAROLD VARMUS, DIRECTOR, Nlli JUNE 6, 1996 (AS DELIVERED) Mr. President, alumni, graduates, parents, friends: Many members of today's graduating class reacted to the news that I would give this year's
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds . Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10987 FolderlD: Folder Title: Education- Lighthouse Elementary Stack: Row:. Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 DRAFT PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON
  • :30prn Terry Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J.CLINTON RADIO ADDRESS ON S CIAL SECURITY ----------- Good morning. Today I want to talk about what we must do to meet one of the critical challenges of the next century-the aging of America. This week, I sat
Ecumenical (Item)
  • just about everybody was confused. 'When we first set out to develop the President's gllidelines on religion in public schools I met with a group oflitigators. Conservative and liberal, groups as diverse as the National Association of Evangelicals
  • /Office of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edm~::mds Subseries: 10986 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: 2-15-96 Technology Literacy NJ. [1] Stack: s Row: ' 0 Section: · Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 ' Final PRESIDENT
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subserics: OA/ID Number: 10982 FolderiD: · Folder Title: 6-22-95 Dr. Henry Foster Statement (and Op-Ed) Edison, NJ [1] Stack: Row:· Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 STATEMENT BY PRESIDENT
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: '10982 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Federal Workforce Reduction 2/8/96 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON
Personnel (Item)
  • (b)(9) of the FOIAI 1'4 Release would disclose tn1de secrets or confidential commercial or lim111cial infonnation j(a)(4) of the PRAI 1'5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la
  • :30pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM·J. CLINTON STATE-OF-THE-UNION ADDRESS UNITED STATES CAPITOL FEBRUARY 4, 1997 Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice-President, Members of the 105th Congress, distinguished guests: Tonight I present a plan of action to prepare our people
  • for national--i.e., federal--action in the aftermath of the riot. But neither under President George Bush nor President Bill Clinton has there been anything remotely resembling the massive federal aid that President Lyndon B. Johnson marshaled followed
Arkansas [2] (Item)
  • . ... pdi :1/ .us/ 1999/12110/9 .text ,..;_ THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Little Rock, Arkansas) For Immediate Release December 10, 1999 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE LITTLE ROCK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: . 17509 OA/ID Number: FoldcrlD: Folder Title: [Radio Address Social Security]9/24/99 Stack: s 0 Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 ., ,)' Final 9/24/99 5pm Terry Edmonds PRESIDENT
  • PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS FOR KAISER PERMANENTE EVENT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, i997 1) ~p.j~f7~j . .... · . Acknowledgments: Sen. Barbara Boxer; 'Ma'yor Richard Riordan; SBA Admnistrator Aida Alvarez; Dave Lawrence,CEO/Pres
  • FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: MICHAEL WALDMAN TERRY EDMONDS SUBJECT: OUTLINE FOR SPEECH TO THE DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS As you know, on Sunday you are delivering the keynote address to the 75th national convention of the Disabled American Veterans. This 1-million member
Religion (Item)
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: · OA/ID Number: 10985 FolderlD: Folder Title: Religion i .J I Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 ··-·........ DRAFT TALKING POINTS FOR PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON
  • , 2000 WASHINGTON, DC UNITED STATES CAPITOL STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON Final 01/27/00' 7:30pm ': \_ • ·~ ,\ ,~ ·" Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of our founders' dreams. 1 p~ofou~d obligation
  • -1996 18:07 FROM L8USD LEGRL SERUICES NAME TITLE Joanne Stubbs Teacher ~au - T0:65709 TO Parent Charlene Higa Student Melissa Machit Student Bobbie Smith President, Board of Education .-- Shawn Ashley Principal -- sur Chief of Police
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10990 FolderiD: Folder Title: Welfare Reform Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON WELFARE REFORM BILL SIGNING THE WHITE HOUSE
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds ' Subseries: 17510 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Domestic Agenda 3/29/00: Framing Speech Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 Draft 3/24/00 5:30pm Glastris/Edmonds PRESIDENT
  • BY __ PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON_ GLINTON NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF STATE LEGISLATORS THE WlllTE HOUSE FEBRUARY 8, 1996 -:.J c:o .. [Acknowledgements: State Senator Jim Lack (R. , -NY), NCSL President; Representative Michael Box (D. ALA), President Elect
Race [2] (Item)
  • ~~ PRESIDENT WILLI~M J. CLINTON EDUCATION EXCELLENCE PSAs ORIOLES PARK AT CAMDEN YARDS BALTIMORE, MD JULY 2,1997 .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------- - ---- . Y~\E'L - 1- ~
  • Michael Waldman/WHO/EOP, James T. Edmonds/WHO/EOP cc: Subject: Ooompa Loompa Fast your seatbelts, gentlemen. Here's the Microsoft speech. Let me know if you have questions. Prepared Remarks of Vice President AI Gore Microsoft CEO Summit Seattle
  • , in our meeting yesterday, we decided to recommend the following message schedule for the President in the coming weeks: 8/19 Radio Address Crime/Three Strikes 8/26 Radio Address National Parks 75th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage Event 8/309/3 V-J
Bosnia (Item)
  • the Middle East and Northern Ireland. THE AMERICA.N EFFORT IN BOSNIA WILL SAVE LIVES AND IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. - - - - - - - - President Clinton: Working to Preserve Peace In Northern Ireland and In Bosnia "I believe we live in a time of hope
  • ~- the local ethics panels for Federally-sponsored research. • In October, 1995 President Clinton directed agencies to develop plans to improve their oversight of ethics rules. The agencies have completed their review and upgraded protec::tions, and NBAC
  • . chose to have th results later deemed unreliable. lowest three levels, 61 o/c in the lOth . 'Wilson's office is working with the excluded. ' grade!and 68% in grade 4. ' In an effortto guard against that, Legislature on a bill to develop a . But John F
  • , 1996 For Immediate Release REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE RETIREMENT SAVINGS AND SECURITY ACT The Rose Garden 11:23 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you, Sean, and Secretary Rubin. Secretary Bentsen, it's nice
  • '• THE WHITE HOUSE Oftice of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release September 14, 1996 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT 26TH ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS FOUNDATION DINNER Washington Convention Center Washington~ D.C. 9:34 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10985 FolderiD: . Folder Title: 6/22/96 Radio Address Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 ----~---~--- ------ ---------- 6/20/96 4:OOpm PRESIDENT WILLIAM
  • to make this tragic choice. She also spoke about the president's compassion and heroism in vetoing this legislation. Ms. Saporta is in the proqess of developing her own nationwide media roll-out of patients, families, and physicians supporting
  • : · Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 17509 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: CR [Continuing Resolution] 10/30/99 Stack: · Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 Final 09/30/99 1Oam Terry Edmonds PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. ANI) TYPE 001. note SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Suggested Transportation Department's Input for the President's Speech to the National Governors Association (partial) (1 page) 02/05/96 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release July 3, 1996 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Washington Convention Center Washington, DC 2:22 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you for that wonderful welcome. And thank you
  • 0 0 0 0 LUIYJf"l. ~tl1t~ Draft May 30, 1996 noon PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS TO THE LEGISLATURE STATEHOUSE BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA _ May 30, 1996 •• --tOMM. RESEARCH IYI A f !0:2024562239 OJ 0 !J 0
  • BY PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE GALA WASHINGTON, D.C. JUNE 28, 1995 [Senator Dodd, Chairman Fowler, and Truman Arnold]. Thank all of you for your support. You have made this the single most successful DNC finance event ever
  • commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] 1'5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the I'RA[ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • -~'·;· ~.:>.·~ ;;·~·. ).»~' }
  • ; Randall Robinson, executive director of TransAfrica, a lobbying group for Africa and the Caribbean; i\'lichael i\1orrison, president and CEO of INEX Corp.: Charles Smith, church Randall Robinson. leader and dean of student development, Chicago State
  • , 1996 For Immediate Release REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE WOMEN'S LEGAL DEFENSE FUND The Washington Hilton Washington, DC 12:55 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. If I had any sense, I would quit while I'm ahead. (Laughter.) Thank you
  • -----~------------------------------- TOP ------------------------------~------Date: 01/31/97 Time: 17:24 bStatement by President Clinton on Death of Rep. Tejeda To: National Desk Contact: White House Press Office, 202~456-2100 WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 ;u.s. Newswire/ -- The following
  • ) of the PRAJ Rl'lease would vioh1te a Federal statute J(a)(3) of the PRAJ Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or linancial information J(a)(4) of the !'RAJ 1'5 Rl'leasc would disclose confidential advice hetween the President and his
  • HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary_ I . I. For Immediate Release. May 8, 1995 REMARKS BY THE PRE$IDENT UPON DEPARTURE Andrews Air Force Base Maryland· 1:05 P.M. EDT . J I " . i THE PRESIDENT: Before I leave on this trip i want to' say a word
  • . PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS FOR THE LIZ CARPENTER LECTURE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN OCTOBER 16, 1995 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Acknowledgments: [The First Lady spoke in 1993]; President Robert
  • Lee's father passed away six years ago. He never lived to see his son receive the President's nomination to be the highest ranking civil rights official in America. But, I am sure the elder Lee is smiling. His unflinching faith in America is being
  • who had no protection for their most basic rights. _ yto-iftb- ?tO f . rg /llft!lc p ..-.~ And in my life, most of it spent in the South, I have seen time and again the hurtful effects of racism. I was only 11 years old when President Eisenhower
  • closely with me in coming days. 3 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS TO THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS WASHINGTON, D.C. JULY 28, 1995 Acknowledgments: Al Shanker [AFT President]; Ed McElroy [AFT Secretary Treasurer] ; Sandy Feldman [Head
  • DeLauro's attention, will be Rosa's guest at the President 1 s state of the Union Address. Attached is a recent Hartford Courant article on Dr. Zarfos and an op-ed by Rosa describing the problem. , Dr. zarfos is truly a health care hero. After spending seven
  • ~ ~- -~------------------ TITLE OPTIONS America 2000: A Presidential Initiative to Prepare Our Nation for the 21st Centurv . - The President's Initiative on One America for the 21 Century One America: The President's Initiative on Racial Reconciliation (or Relations) One
  • 22, 1996 For Immediate Release REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE SIGNING OF THE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND WORK OPPORTUNITY RECONCILIATION ACT The Rose Garden 11:15 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Lillie, thank
  • openers, 100,000 gold and 200,000 silver commemorative coins to be sold by the U.S. Mint, and video spots of Robinson (created by Spike Lee) to appear on stadium scoreboards. In addition, there will be special events in honor of Robinson. President Bill
NAACP (Item)
  • 7:30pm · PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON 88TH ANNUAL NATIONAL NAACP CONVENTION PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA JULY 17, 1997 / 'I Acknowledgments: Myrlie Evers-Williams; Kweisi Mfume; Mayor Murphy; Sec. Herman; Sec. Slater; I also want to congratulate all
  • , w1t.h m11.ny At.hnto hRr.l.~nnr!f. lg:nalr.ed. and the President proclaimed the of d1ffer1llg language and culture. Some r.arriflrs. wtvo munl Rhldft -by highway ~VfliOht laws. AIJM'" •v~ri')' UO\Itlll\6; bad trA\161& 0¥>11t IN "'"'~.~! ef Ua1 ILII
  • Proclamation on Ko 07-26 ll:20a To: National Desk Contact: White House Press Office, 202-456-2100 WASHINGTON, July 26 /U.s. Newswire/ -- The following was released today by the White House: NATIONAL KOREAN WAR VETERANS ARMISTICE DAY, 1996 BY THE PRESIDENT
  • 0 0 \ ~' STATEMENT BY PRESIDENT .WILLiAM JEFFERSON CLINTON VETO OF H.:it •. 1833 THE WHITE HOUSE APRIL 10, 1996 Good afternoon. I have just met with several courageous women who told me that they want other women to have the same option they had
  • : Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 The ~un :. I\1onday, May 12, 1997 ·: Page 9A I OPINION ~ CoMMENTARY \ The president must take the lead in addressing the race question ASHINGTON- The Army's attempt to confront its problems with sexual harassment
  • Family University Professor in Writing at Long Isla University's Southampton College, who will deliver the keynote address, participating will be Robinson biographer Arnold Rampersad andHowa Golden, Brooklyn Borough President. Notable papers
AIDS (Item)
  • mother to child is not available in the developing world. It is too complicated to provide on a large-scale basis and too costly. It requires that a woman lake AZr tablets for ,. nfher oremancv and receive · T compare it with a·new
  • ). STOP stands for services, training, officers and prosecutors. ~ The grants will be used by tt~ states to train la~ enforcement officers, expand law enforcement and prosecution agencies, develop more effective strategies and programs to prevent
  • complexes will be a new UCSF Medicajl Center at Mission Bay, a long sought-after development project the Mayor secured this year. With the transfer of the Hunter's Point Shipyard from the Navy to the City, fhe-Brown.aaininistration-wiJ'l ~at.entr~r§~activitx
  • ) Better border management. 2) Development of a better system for worksite verification. 3) Benefits eligibility consistent with the goals of immigration policy. 4) Deportation of illegal aliens. 5) Emergency management. 6) Reliable data. 7) Attacking
  • instruments were initially developed ·to measure alcohol in the.breath at concentrations that impair the ability to drive safely. When the instruments were first developed, the common BAC limit for driving while intoxicated was high by today's standards
  • , and the worst feeling to me is confusion." Liberated and inspired, the born-again scholar became determined to help others with similar learning problems. "When he connected with learning," recalls Carolyn Olivier, associate director of professional development