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  • will this commission be successful and not simply another study? 3) What will be different because of this President and this commission in January of next year and twenty years from now (2 days). Commission/Council: Discuss the vehicle's name. Presidential decision
  • are increasingly united ~ and I am proud of the work my Council on Sustainable Development is doing to strengthen that unity. But in the last five years, we have all learned a hard reality: achieving the goals we set for ourselves in Rio will be more difficult
  • [Economic Report of the President, 1997] [1]
  • . CITIES: Provide funding and block grants to improve infrastructure. PARTIAL ACCOMPLISHMENT • CITIES: Create a network of 100 community development bank* to aid low-income entrepteneurs and homeownen. SUBSTANTIAL ACCOMPLISHMENT President Clinton
  • modified crops to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability. Biogen, Inc. For leadership in applying breakthroughs in biology to the development of life-saving and life-enhancing pharmaceutical products designed to treat large, previously
  • lethal materials in FSU; North Korea has frozen its dangerous nuclear program that had been in development for more than a decade; we extended indefinitely the Non Proliferation Treaty to stop the spread of nuclear weapons; and President Clinton
  • finance reform; and WHEREAS, these reports indicate that the President and Attorney General are focusing on two Ohio cases, one of which is the case of Kmse. et. al. v. The Citv nf Cinrinnati. challenging Ordinance No. 240-1995 passed by Council to impose
  • seek. Thank you. Vice President Gore's: Speech Archive | Home Page To comment on this service, send feedback to the Web Development Team. U5/0B/«a INA'l'L tCUMUUlC CUUNCIL 14:21 FAA Forreleaseon delivery 8:25 A.M.CDT (9:25 A.M. EDT) May 6,1999
  • [President's Report on Race]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14450 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [President's Report on Race] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 4 2 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
  • ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Short, Action-Oriented Text Paragraph for Ministerial Declaration Text x. We believe that the multilateral trading system can contribute to the development of electronic commerce and agree that the Geners I Council should establish
  • supports sustainable development and sound labor conditions; and, 7) deepening our partnership with developing countries to enhance their development and integration into the global economy. M i t i g a t i n g Cycles o f Boom and Bust: Our discussion took
  • encouraged overzcalous property development and other speculative forms of investment. The stage was thus set for a sharp deterioration in the quality of bank assets which undermined investor confidence in the ability of east Asian governments to sustain
  • commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • ))) John R. KRUSE; Kruse for Council Committee; Thomas E . Brinkman, Jr.; and Mark W. Miller, PlaintifTs-AppeUees, v. CITY OF CINCINNATT; Roxanne Quails, Councilmember and Mayor of the City of Cincinnati; Dwight Tillery, Councilmember, Tyrone Yates
  • regional development strategies. It could complement efforts by the President's Council on Sustainable Development to help regional coalitions in many metropolitan areas manage growth and address other issues requiring regional cooperation. EXPANDING
  • disinvestment and suburban sprawl are, in many respects, two sides of the same coin. These issues have been highlighted by the report of President's Council on Sustainable Development. In a recent directive, the Vice President asked for an interagency report
Education (Item)
  • for individual development accounts: The welfare law ^ gives Treasury the authority to develop rules that will enable states to help poor people set up savings accounts, which will fulfill one of the President's campaign promises from 1992. Along with our
  • Garden at the White House. Remarks on the President's Council on Sustainable Development June 14, 1993 Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for being here. It has been a year since the Earth summit in Rio. I think you might be interested
  • DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] Speech 10/27/97 [2]
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. draft SUBJECI/ITTLE DATE President William J. Clinton "A New Social Compact for a New Economy" Remarks to the Democratic leadership Council (25 pages) 10/26/97 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION
  • . These announcements are a win-win for the Feds, the states, and our clean water plan. SEPTEMBER President's Council on Sustainable Development - This meeting will be hosted by the Heinz Family Foundation in Pittsburgh. This meeting would provide an excellent forum
  • in the report by the President to the American people. President's Report to the American People: Following the town hall meetings and conference, a report "from the President to the American People" would be developed for you. Participants: The report would
  • PIR [President's Initiative on Race] - Background [1]
  • Board considers the following elements as the most critical in developing a meaningful long-term strategy to advance race relations in the 21st Century: The creation of the President's Council for One America. This year's effort has been vital in laying
  • Council on For [Foreign] Rels. [Relations] [2]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 14458 FolderlD: Folder Title: Council on For [Foreign] Rels [Relations] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 4 5 1 STATEMENT OF DEPUTY
  • jtrnup f p LEXIS-NEXIS member of the Rccd RKcvicr pic group Page 3 Public Papers of the Presidents Thank you, and God bless you a l l . NOTE: The President spoke a t 8:22 p.m. a t the u n i v e r s i t y baseball f i e l d . I n h i s remarks, he r e
  • OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON. D.C. 20410-0001 November 27, 1996 TO: Don Baer FROM : He SUBJECT: Initial Thoughts Concerning President Clinton's Historic Legacy The fact that President Clinton is the last American President
  • [Council on Foreign Relations - 9/14/99]
  • Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTAITH.E RESTRICTION 001. memo Gene Sperling to the President; RE: Speech to the Council on Foreign Relations (I page) 09/12/1998 P5 002. draft Speech Draft; RE: International Economy Council
  • organizations, community groups, private citizens. Vice-President Gore has done a tremendous job of bringing our religious and service organizations together in his Coalition to Sustain Success. And in 1997, my good friend Eli Segal agreed to help rally
  • Issue Archives The Asian Currency Crisis and the IMF Issues Library WHO STANDS> WHERE? Index ' Organization by Issue Glossary In Support of IMF Funding Comm ents Interact The President "The N; B is needed to ensure that sufficient 'V resourc es
  • worldwide If the market is going to be truly global, then it is in our interest that workers right to organize become global as well It is in the interest of developing nations, as well. Next week, I will be the first American president to address
  • (.AM - / -- p g a f ^^T\ OBJECTIVE: Obtain input from and communicate w i t h a broad range of individuals and organizations regarding the President's Initiative on Race, with respect to specific issues as developed by the working groups as well
  • WTO [World Trade Organization]: Additional Pres. [President] Clinton Remarks
  • of Industrial Organizations M E C i m v E COUNCIL 615 Sbfloanth Stical, N.W. Washington, D C 20006
  • [National Council of the Churches of Christ]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14450 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [National Council of the Churches of Christ] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 4 2 2 06/02/97 M N 18:22 FAX 212
  • are suggesting that the crisis could add one half, even one percentage point of GDP to the United States current account deficit this year. Consider the implications of a sustained crisis for California, where about half of last year's exports went to Asia
  • noticed about the Depression 'was that my grandfather's house was lost, about to be sold for taxes'. 16 The New Deal sharpest yearly decline ever in hog prices. In the spring of 1932 Milo Reno, the former president of the Iowa Farmers' Union, launched
  • new lives in peacetime.... Through the GI Bill, 7.8 million veterans received educational benefits, which included schooling at some of the best private universities; and some 8.5 million received an unemployment provision to sustain them until
  • Council on For [Foreign] Rels. [Relations] [1]
Budget 1997 (Item)
  • are Sustainable and Workable. The President's budget cuts non-defense discretionary spending by 9 percent in real terms over five years, while protecting investments in the President's priorities. The spending path is reduced slowly and steadily. Built on Solid
  • . President Clinton has consistently followed this three-part strategy-reducing and finally eliminating chronic budget deficits-making education and training, and research and development top priorities of his second term-and re-establishing America's
  • effort - so the President's economic advisors are working hard to make sure that there is a sensible, bipartisan approach to the process. ACTION: Commitment to Developing an AIDS Vaccine "Remember that every year, every year we move up the discovery
[Expo 2000] (Item)
  • on individuals, local communities, state governments, federal agencies and private sector partners to create millennium programs, the President can set the themes and goals of this momentous time of change. Developing a White House Millennium Plan By late July
  • fairer and more open conditions of trade for U.S. agricultural products; and (7) to promote through multilateral institutions worker rights and sustainable development. These objectives and guidance reflect the President's three primary concerns
  • not support their optimal development and, at worst, may compromise their health and safety ." [New Findings on Children, Families, and Economic Self-Sufficiency, National Research Council, 1995] Pg f ae il CCPROBJ07 The quality of child care matters
  • , engineers) and institutions (e.g. schools, universities, R&D performers), who are intimately involved in various aspects or phases of the innovation process. Indeed a recent report of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisors [1995] noted that public
  • has knocked families backwards. What's the lesson here? Tbe only period of sustained wage growth in the last 17 ycairs came as govemment was cutting taxes and paring back red tape. President CHnton didn't just ignore the lessons of history, he defied
  • to prosperity here. The agreement will foster the development of financial markets, especially in emerging economies, helping to lay the foundation for sustained -4- growth. Many countries had already begun the process of financial sector liberalization
  • ^GREEMENaiMUSTIPROTECT MEDICARE, MEDICA lONltaEIENYmONKIENT^AND TAX FAIRNESS /> •" President Clinton will make the cuts we need to balance the budget, but he refuses to make cuts into our fundamental American values. He will fight the efforts of some Republicans
  • the opportunities of the global economy and raising the living standards of all our people. Only together can we achieve that goal which President Zedillo spoke of in Chicago the other day -the goal of "sustained economic growth....but with a human face". I'd like
  • AT THE DEMOCRATIC BUSINESS COUNCIL LUNCHEON The Harbour Court Hotel Baltimore, Maryland 2:54 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Governor, I'll take that cuff off your hands, if you want me to. Thank you for the introduction. Thank you, Lieutenant
  • , for example in the $100 million President Clinton has proposed in his balanced budget to develop the next generation Internet; * and we have worked to ensure that the Internet continues to develop for the good of every American, unfettered by clumsy
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA) C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • full of promise and of danger. To master the challenge before us, we must focus our efforts on expanding trade, improving investment and capital flows and promoting sustainable development here. And we must do it in the context of our devotion
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security classified information [(bXl) of the FOIA] b(2) Release would
  • PIR [President's Initiative on Race] - Background [2]
  • the Council of Economic Advisors or the President's Council on Physical Fitness regarding which our fellow Board member, Governor William Winter, has already written to you. We will provide additional details in our final written report to you. We recently
  • that has happened today is something I just saw. The president of the Massachusetts Building Trades Council endorsed NAFTA with this letter. It's a real profile in courage. He said— this quote—he said, "No longer can nations afford to build invisible walls
  • DLC [Democratic Leadership Council]
  • of the Democratic Leadership Council; Dr. William Galston, professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Affairs and a former deputy assistant for domestic policy to President Clinton; and Doug Ross, director of the Foundation's scholars' network
  • President. • Yet the plan differs sharply in this regard from the House and Senate tax bills. Each of those bills would provide five times as much in tax cuts to the top 20 percent of the population as to the bottom 60 percent combined when their tax cuts
  • Torres-Gil Carolyn L . Weaver Executive Director; The National Indian Council on Aging, Inc. Senior Fellow, Stanford University; Former US Senator (D-New Jersey) Former President-ACORN University of California Regents' Professor; Former Commissioner
  • continue to expand research and development in the public and private sector. And that is why we must press forward to fight for open and competitive trade. My administration has concluded more than 200 trade agreements, each of which opened someone else's
  • institutions to sustain such development. The institutions that most deeply affect our lives - the family, the workplace, schools, local and federa] govemment, religious and civic associations - do not seem to provide the safety necessary to sustain us
  • has come d o w n , and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot o f credit for that...What's important is that he acknowledged that it was a big problem and did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some
  • 7 Position: Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. memo Bruce Reed, et al. to the President; RE: State of the Union Ideas (7 pages) 11/25/1997 P5 002. memo Bruce Reed, et al
  • authorities or legislative bodies; • Every child has an inherent right to life and States shall ensure, to the maximum extent possibleTchild survival and development. • Children have the right to be heard. The Convention stipulates the following substantive
  • : S 92 4 7 Position: SUNTUM M @ A l 12/04/97 05:48:00 PM Record Type: To: Record See the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: INTERNAL TRANSCRIPT: NY Times interview of the President THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press
  • in the interest of their own economic development. Proliferating and sustaining the American values which characterize open and democratic economics and societies requires that everyone have a fair shot at growth and prosperity if they play by the same, market
  • for possible inclusion in the President's State of the Union messagePlease let us know i f you need any additional information. cc: Tom Kalil, National Economic Council Paul Weinstein, Domestic Policy Council 01/21/98 W D 17:42 FAX E ©003 Office
  • :// ® Clinton punch lines: Where's the wallop?: But the president gets credit for his humor, if not for his jokes By Brian Mcgrory, Globe Staff, 04/04/97 WASHINGTON - The windup was good, anyway
  • [1998 Kansas City Social Security Conference]: The Trip of the President to Kansas City, Missouri and Chicago, Illinois April 7-8, 1998 Staff Copy
  • The President will greet approximately 90 guests for photographs. April 6,1998 (9:50pm) Tuesday, April 7,1998 8:10 9:30 pmpm DEMOCRATIC BUSINESS COUNCIL DINNER TENT Private Residence Staff Contact: Craig Smith Event Coordinator: Aviva Steinberg PRINT POOL
  • continued consideration for such a visit at his convenience. I have workecjl closely with the President over the last ten years on such projects as the Delta Commjssion and the Democratic Leadership Council. I am writing tjhis letter to simply provide a few
  • Train Trip: [The President's Train Trip, August 1996, Staff Copy] [2]
  • officers on the streets. Curfews No curfew. School Uniforms No school Uniforms. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WASHINGTON. D C. 20503 ,August 22, 1996 i MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIjDENT From: Kathleen A. McGinty
  • with the councils of the OAS, with a stronger Alliance for Progress, and with all the men and women of this hemisphere who really believe in liberty and justice for all. Eighth, we must strengthen the ability of free nations everywhere to develop their in- Jan. 8
  • secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) ofthe PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • Development to build a state-of-the-art model home at your research center out in Maryland to showcase many of these innovations. At the same time, we are scouring programs at nearly a dozen federal agencies to make sure we're doing our part. The President
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |aX5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • person's guide to the current rethinking of the role of government in America" (George F. Will). Cass Sunstein: University of Chicago professor of law and political science and member of the President's Advisory Council on Public Interest Obligations
  • was necessary to sustain public credit, to promote economic development, and—in his graphic phrase—"to cement more closely the union of the states," found in a broad construction of the "necessary and proper" clause ample constitutional authorization. Should
  • worker r i g h t s and s u s t a i n a b l e development. Trade Agreements Covered by t h e President's Proposal The President may n e g o t i a t e and b r i n g back t o the Congress f o r f a s t - t r a c k congressional approval and implementation
  • to Carla A. Hills, U.S. Trade Representative; Secretary of Commerce Robert A. Mosbacher; Michael J. Boskin, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; Frederick D. McClure, Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs; and President Carlos Salinas
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14448 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: Kennedy Center Honors Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 4 1 3 PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON KENNEDY CENTER
  • labor held to gather information for each report. Table of Contents Executive Summary I. IL III. i Introduction A. Overview B. International Standards on Child Labor C. Recent International Developments on Child Labor D. Initiatives to Combat Child
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. letter Jane Hunt to President and Mrs. Clinton; RE: Personal [partial] (1 page) 04/04/1996 P6/b(6) 002. memo Julia Moffett to Don Baer; RE: Phone
  • For Immediate Release February 10, 1996 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT UPON DEPARTURE The South Lawn 9:47 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I have a few words to say about yesterday's terrorist bombing in London, as all of us know, and injured scores of people
Race Book (Item)
  • 001. memo DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Christopher Edley and Terry Edmonds to the President; RE: Substantive Outline (1 page) 05/18/1999 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Micheal Waldman OA/Box Number: 14444 FOLDER
  • , this poses both peril and opportunity. The peril is this: The opposition will try to use the recent research on breastfeeding and infant brain development to discredit the proposal. It will argue that the President's proposal is at odds with what the White
  • DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 10/27/1997
  • that will keep the Democratic party the party of the future. st V
  • for President determined to change all that - to restore the American Dream, and prepare our people for the new economy. He put in place a tough economic plan: cutting the deficit, shrinking the government, expanding exports through over 200 trade agreements
  • as "on the right track." It did, however, criticize the Governor, as well as President Bush, for not addressing the sacrifices that would have to be made to make way for new investments. [11/24/91] • December Speech Commenting on the Governor's third
  • and be recognized. (Applause.) It's an honor for me today to be joined by my predecessor, President Bush, who took the major steps in negotiating this North American Free Trade Agreement; President Jimmy Carter, whose vision of hemispherical development gives great
  • Pregnancy by awarding 13 grants totalling $6.5 million over two years. These grants enable communities to develop plans for implementing and evaluating community-wide interventions that are innovative, comprehensive and sustainable. In addition
  • " ' " ' " "' " " ^ ~ ~ ~' " ^ " • — - p REMARKS A S DELIVERED BY VICE PRESIDENT ALBERT GORE, J R . EBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH, ATLANTA DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY / MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1998 ' Today, we honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., and rededicate ourselves to his work
  • is being reborn, and its heart is . . . that same old Harlem Rail Yard. 100 3724 Heyday Ch02/cs 8/13/96 10:55 PM Pa< e 101 PRESIDENT B I L L CLINTON A local community development corporation, a national environmental organization, and two i n
  • • UNCLEAN AIR: Through the Vice President's Council on Competitiveness, the Bush Administration has demanded over 100 changes i n Clean Air Act regulations on pollution permits. One proposal would allow companies to increase pollution beyond amounts allowed
  • benefit. It is felt every single day by millions of the country's most needy aged and disabled individuals who depend on their payment from Social Security. In 1935, when the United States was just moving out of the depths of economic depression, President
  • [League of Cities Research]: [The Trip of the President to University of California - San Diego, 6/14/97]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 14450 FolderlD: Folder Title: [League of Cities Research]: [The Trip of the President to University of California - San Diego, 6/14/97] Stack: Row: Section
  • Government part with its sovereignty or with its control over its power resources, while I am President of the United States. 1 59 C'New Conditions Impose New Requirements upon Government and Those Who Conduct Government." Campaign Address on Progressive
  • Clinton. As earning money for college while workmoves, Truman forged a sustainable the governing party, the president and ing on improving thecountry. The Brady center ground. On civil rights, he chal- the Congressional Democrats were Bill and the Family
  • . Now, that's why yesterday I signed an Executive order—on Friday—creating a National Partnership Council. For the next several months the leaders of Federal employee unions, including John Sturdivant, the president of the American Federation
  • of Christ In the USA Bishop Melvin G. Talbert. President. National Council of the Churches of Christ In the USA HEADS OF NCCC MEMBER DENOMINATIONS & COMMUNIONS The Right Rev. McKinley Young. Bishop. African Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop Cecil Bishop
  • & Practices 10.3 Performance & Effects 10.4 Evaluations & Proposed Reforms n:\masterJ4 D A T 6/27/95 R F: -2- TRANSMITTAL LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT From -- GS & CE? From LP? Attatched is the review that you requested on affirmative action
  • President George Herbert Bush Library Dedication November 6, 1997 [Binder] [2]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14462 OA/ID Number: FoIderlD: Folder Title: President George Herbert Bush Library Dedication November 6, 1997 [Binder][2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 4 6
  • are uncertain and their assertion is invariably contested. These four presidencies are benchmarks in the development of executive power. We see here the emergence in practice of our modem conception of the executive office, and we take the measure of the men who
  • Incentives - Part 1 GUESTS: COREY GOLD, Director, Human Resources Department, Baptist Hospital ofMiami; ANDREA ARENA, President, Two Places At One Time; BARNEY OLMSTEAD, Co-Director, New Ways to Work, San Francisco; JUDSON COBREATH, Edit BYLINE: DAVID MOLPUS
  • [Business Council Speeches]
  • deed of gift. PRM. Personal record misfile defined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. Draft 2/27/97 1:30am PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS TO THE BUSINESS COUNCIL February 27,1997 [Acknowledgments
  • Albright's August 2, 1995, Speech, Washington, D.C. •Background on The President's Interagency Council on Women N. Violence Against Women •The Clinton Administration Acts to Prevent Violence Against Women (A Summary) •Justice Department Statistics
  • Legal Texts News Releases Media Newsroom • 9 • 0 • • Administering WTO trade agreements Forum for trade negotiations Handling trade disputes Monitoring national trade policies Technical assistance and training for developing countries Cooperation
  • was central to America's postwar prosperity. Today, it lies at the center of President Clinton's economic policy. After World War II, the primary concern was with the economic development of a warravaged Europe and Japan. Today our challenge is to integrate
  • . Truman's Presidency, but also f o r the whole complex p i c ture o f events surrounding i t . the The impetus i t provides f o r extending research resources of t h i s great section which has meant so much to the development o f the Nation as a whole
  • to gratefully acknowledge the numerous people who made the development and administration of the Police-Public Contact Survey possible. At the Bureau of the Census, Kathy Creighton, Chief Crime Surveys Branch of the Demographic Surveys Division, Marilyn Monahan
  • ," ernment for damages for President Clinton said. vfatflllons of constnutionaJ During a high coun tenure rights. that spanned eight presidents, • U.S. vs. Eichmen Brennan was a passionate lib(1990): Statute banning flag eral champion, even when
  • Conversion and Reinvestment Commission and toured a community development site at the Oakland Naval Supply Center. He then addressed the community at the Alameda Naval Air Station. In the afternoon, the President returned to Denver, CO, where he participated
  • and make it more easily available to parents. This month, the President and I are convening afirst-everWhite House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning. Our goal is to bring together parents, scientists, policy-makers, educators, business
  • FOR MORE AMERICANS Leading Communities Into the Now Century The Department of Housing and Urban Development's Jlscalyear 2000 budget, as requested by President Clinton, seeks $28 billion for HUD's programs. It Is a $2.5 billion Increase over the FY 1999
  • with the developing world. T lere is a great deal that we can do to open the flow of goods and services. Our aid policies must do more to address population pressures; to support environmentally responsible, sustainable development; to promote more accountable
  • to be a watershed. 4 Al From is president of the Democratic Leadership Council. A NEW FIGHTING FAITH Ambitious Goals for the World's Oldest Political Party BY WILL MARSHALL D emocrats are converging on Chicago with high hopes that Bill Clinton will join
  • President George Herbert Bush Library Dedication November 6, 1997 [Binder] [1]
  • . (Whereupon ensued a sustained floor demonstration by the Delegates, Alternates, and guests, with applause and cheers.) ACCEPTANCE ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE THE HONORABLE GEORGE BUSH VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Thank you. Thank you very, very
  • Marlene A. MacDonald; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) 05/22/1997 P6/b(6) 004. resume Alexander Wohl; RE: Address and phone number [partial[ (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) 005. memo Michael Waldman to the President; RE: Speechwriters (1 page
  • . In accordance with this directive, my Interagency Council on Women is working to develop a strategy to prevent trafficking, providing protections and assistance for trafficking victims, and prosecuting traffickers. In addition, my International Crime Control
  • Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. memo Michael Waldman to the President; RE: Soft-Money Petition Before the FEC (2 pages) 02/28/1997 P5 002. memo John Hilley, Bruce Reed to the President; RE
  • of life; second, a one billion dollar Lands Legacy Initiative to preserve places of natural beauty all across America - from the most remote wilderness to the nearest city park. I thank Vice President Gore for his visionary leadership in helping to develop
  • improve community cohesiveness, which in tum can further reduce crime. Before I ran for President, I traveled across the country and visited different cities where local officials were leading the way in solving some of the nation's most difficult
  • are slipping behind. To create millions of high-wage jobs and smooth our transition from a defense to a peacetime economy, we will rebuild America and develop the world's best communication, transportation, and environmental systems. As a prominent part of our
  • Clinton named the first Presidential Liaison to the gay and lesbian community. • President Clinton appointed openly gay physician Scott Hitt to head the President's Council on HIV/AIDS, along with several other openly gay, lesbian and HIV positive
  • outsiders who some fear may emerge as spoilers. Will conservative commentator Pat Buchanan bolt the Republican Party? And why is consumer advocate Ralph Nader planning to run against President Clinton? We'll ask them both, Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader, two
  • DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] Speech 10/27/97 [1]
  • of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 27, 1997 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Omni ShorehamWashington, D.C. 1:40 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. If you listen closely, you will hear in my annual
  • or financial information |(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 14456 FolderlD: Folder Title: New Deal General Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 4 4 2 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT and THE NEW DEAL A history
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. PRIM
  • Mr. Michael Waldman Assistant to the President and Director of Speechwriting White House - Office of Speechwriting OEOB Room 196 Washington, D.C. 20502 Dear Michael: We want to thank you for taking the time to talk with us last week. As it happens
  • prevail N o i l-:: The Tresident s|)oke at 12:4.3 at the Memorial. In his remarks, he referred to Chaim Herzog, President of Israel, and Harvey M . Meyerhoff. Chairman, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. Remarks on Presenting the American Cancer
  • OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES George Washington SECOND I N A U G U R A L ADDRESS I N T H E CITY OF P H I L A D E L P H I A MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1793 President Washington's second oath of office was taken in the Senate Chamber of Congress Hall
  • was attending the Army-Navy Game in Philadelphia—but on January 7, 1986, he joined President Reagan, Shultz, Weinberger, Casey, Regan, and John Poindexter, the new national-security adviser, at a special meeting of the National Security Council. The question
  • commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • Leadership/Mayors Business Council Members (Breakfast) (Invitation Only) 8:30- 4:00 p.m. Employment and Training Council Annual Meeting 10.00 - 12:00 noon PLENARY SESSION Presiding: DEEDEE CORRADINI Mayor of Salt Lake City President, The United States
  • representing AT&T to the public allowed me to develop contacts outside the company." Within three months, Morgan found a job as chief operating officer for a group of five public relations and communicationsfirms.Today, he's president of the Council of Growing
  • of applause. The new President moved on to his conclusion. "In this dedication of a Nation we humbly ask the blessing of God. May He protect each and every one of us. May He guide me in tlie days to come." Then the flourish of cavalry bugles, and the call
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. memo David Rothkopf to the Presidnet; RE: State of the Union Address (3 pages) 12/23/1997 P5 002. memo Fareed Zakaria to President William Clinton; RE: State
  • May '96: [President Clinton Speeches] [2]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14444 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: May '96: [President Clinton Speeches][2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 11 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet
  • to be "in the nation's service," must make it an age of probability for all Americans. PRESIDENT WILLIAM J . CLINTON RECEPTION WITH HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS AND UNIVERSITY TRUSTEES PRINCETON UNIVERSITY JUNE 4, 1996 Acknowledgments. President Harold Shapiro, Tom
  • Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. speech SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Remarks by the President at Princeton University Commencement Address; RE: Phone number [partial] (1 page) 06/04/1996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • down. Analysis g certainly hang over the economy, it appears to have actually gained strength in the month that the Asian contagion spread to South Korea and concern grew that a worldwide slowdown might be developing. "We have to lift our estimate
  • has landed in the New World," Compton said. Conant inquired, "How were the natives?" And Compton answered, "Very friendly." Well, ladies and gentlemen, that coded message signaled to President Roosevelt that the first demonstration of a sustained
  • : s 92 4 6 3 FORD 1 9 7 6 2 H UJ O 05 a. January 19 Gerald R. Ford, 1976 [19] 19 Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union. January 19, 1976 Reporting Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of the 94th
  • Office of the Press Secretary Internal Transcript May 14, 1996 INTERVIEW OF THE PRESIDENT BY E.J. DIONNE OF THE WASHINGTON POST The Oval Office 5:47 P.M. EDT Q I basically want to talk to you about the second Clinton term. One of the things we were
  • of the Press Secretary Internal Transcript May 14, 1996 INTERVIEW OF THE PRESIDENT BY E.J. DIONNE OF THE WASHINGTON POST The Oval Office 5:47 P.M. EDT Q I basically want to talk to you about the second Clinton term. One of the things we were talking about
  • violate a Federal statute |(aX3) ofthe PRA| Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • the Uruguay Round. Fast-Track Needed to Sustain Momentum Without continued U.S. leadership and fasttrack agreements to assure that the U.S. 05/13/98 0004 WED 13:12 FAX captures a growing share of key export markets, U.S. trade will not be able to grow
  • : it is the capstone ofthe four pillars — computers, connections, teacher development & educational software -- that the President has announced and, with those pillars, it serves as the fulcrumfromwhich our children can use the lever of their new skills to move
  • , 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION FROM: PHIL C A P L A N ^ V SUBJECT: Race Book - Draft Attached is a draft ofthe race book. I'm circulating it for your review and comment; it's important that you read it carefully and thoroughly. The President
  • or financial information |(aX4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(S) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6
Race (Item)
  • statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • in the councils of our country gives you an opportunity of producing it to public consideration, of forcing it into discussion. At first blush it may be rallied as a theoretical speculation; but examination will prove it to be solid and salutary. It would furnish
  • . There are many difficult decisions that confront a president every day, decisions that can keep me up nights agonizing over what is best for America. The decision to veto this bill and, in doing so, preserve the assault weapons ban was not one of them. Just spend
  • & WORLD STATE & LOCAL SPORTS BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY LIFE & STYLE CALENDAR COMMENTARY WEEKLY SECTIONS ORANGE COUNTY SAN FERNANDO VALLEY VENTURA COUNTY of5 • Politics: The president seems both impatient and confident at the prospect of a narrow window
  • [(a)(3) ofthe PRAj P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRAj P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • to New York. This marked the true beginning o f modern submarines." [Asimov's Chronology Of Science And Technology. 413] • 200 Years Ago/1798 - Eli Whitney Invents Interchangeable Parts, A Key To The Development Of The Industrial Revolution. "In 1798
  • . What country did w e fight during the Revolutionary War? 13. Who was the first President of the United States? 14. Who is the President of the United States today? 15. Who is the Vice President of the United States today? 16. Who elects the President
Harman 3/8/98 (Item)
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(S) ofthe PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) ofthe PRA| b(l) National security classified information 1(b)(1) of the FOIA) b(2) Release would
  • in doing that. Thank you very much. END 9:49 P.M. EST THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release November 18, 1997 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO DEMOCRATIC BUSINESS COUNCIL ITT Sheraton Luxury Collection Hotel Washington, D.C
  • to such forms of aid. The war continued on the old footing, without comprehensive plan, developing only the same spasmodic encounters, barren of strategic result, that had marked the course of the earlier ten years' rebellion as well as the present insurrection
  • radical color-blindness on the right and racial quota-mongering on the left? As President Clinton prepares to unveil his conclusions on the subject, it's hard not to sympathize with his polidcal predicament, but hard also not to anticipate his speech
  • ;; liaMMMIMilM^MIllliMllfinMillMMMMamaam l USDA OSEC - - ' ^ ^ ^ ^ •- • • ^ ^ Clinton Administration Accomplishments in Food Safety October, 1997. President announces new initiative to enhance FDA oversight over imported foods and develop guidance on good
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of persona) privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRAJ b(l) National security classified information |(bXl) of the FOIA] b(2
  • : Position: S 92 3 11 3 04 09.-97 12:15 pin PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON REMARKS TO THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWSPAPER EDITORS WASHINGTON, D.C. APRIL 11, 1997 Acknowledyments. I am very pleased to meet once again with the American Society
  • changes. Thia effort is designed to replace a crisis-oriented, problemspecific approach to service delivery with a plan focused on youth development. The plan also establishes a Coordinating Council whose members adviae the mayor's office on an ongoing
Heroes (Item)
  • 001. memo Melanne Verveer to the President; RE: Gallery Seating for the State of the Union (3 pages) 01/20/1998 P5 002. memo Melanne Verveer to the President; RE: Gallery Seating for the State of the Union [duplicate of 001] (3 pages) 01/20/1998
  • councils to what is best, and give them a favorable issue for your peace and prosperity. 6 Inaugural Addresses ofthe Presidents ofthe United States. 1989 3 of 3 01/12/98 19:38:55 Inaugural Addresses ofthe Preside...fferson: Second Inaugural Address
  • Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: As an organization which is concerned with the reduction of firearms violence in the United States, the National Hispanic Council on Aging would like to thank you for your commitment to veto H.R. 956, the misnamed
  • Insisted that Arkansas develop a r e l i e f program of its own to qualify for federal help. Although the atate relief program waa shaky, i t was a start - a start that Arkansas might not have taken on i t s own. 165 A» tha Southern Tenant Farmer'a Union
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed
San Diego (Item)
  • crimes along the border. The U.S. Attorneys along the border formed a Southwest Border Council to develop and coordinate the unified regional investigative strategy to disrupt, dismantle and destroy the Mexican Federation. Representatives from
  • jaa. wje. believe,j that ^ne* (are caW A S H l N t i T d N J April l i — F 6 h |pable of rthelrjj jown j goVernment. lowing in | tftc jteif jo/ President and that no king, nb tjrant. Rooaev'eti'* iddteaii ({t the dedica- dlctator-jcan giivern jfbr thtm
  • May '96: [President Clinton Speeches] [3]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14444 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: May '96: [President Clinton Speeches][3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 3 11 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet
  • , if they are fonned for the proper purposes. Far from being divisive, racial or ethnic student groups may help express and sustain a cultural identity based on common history. They may encourage the sharing of experiences and challenges (especially those related
  • .) But like other developments in the global marketplace, it should lead to a more efficient, competitive company which can draw on the strengths of the two partners. 12/30/98 1.2/30/98 09:33 FAX NATL ECONOMIC COUNCIL i£juuo WED 10:20 F A i ® 8 DRAFT
  • ) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy |(aX6) of the PRA] C. Closed
  • - A Twentieth Century Fund Paper 2. Paying for Presidents - A Twentieth Century Fund Paper 3. Paying for Elections - A Twentieth Century Fund Paper 4. The Curse of American Politics - Ronald Dworkin 5. Citizens Committee 6. General Press Clips 7
  • to ah American's achievement should be his ability, his industry, and 311 [130] June 29 !' : ,1. Public Papers oj the Presidents his character. These rewards for his effort should be determined only by those truly relevant qualities. Our immediate
  • of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release July 18, 1996 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT CEREMONY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS NATION The East Room 1:33 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very, very much. I want to welcome all of you here. And before I begin
  • , the President took credit for every victory which has occurred around the world since he has been president and refused to take responsibility for any problem which has developed here at home since he became president. (Applause.) I agree with him about one
  • Mentoring": Sept 10, 1998. (7) Memorandum for the National Science and Technology Council. "Achieving Greater Diversity Throughout the U.S. Scientific and Technical Work Force" Sept 10, 1998. (8) Remarks by the President at Presentation for Presidential
  • when Ibn Saud, who Roosevelt later said had been wounded nine times in battle, limped aboard, and expressed an interest in the wheelchair in which the president was sitting. Roosevelt presented him with one, and also gave him a C-47 airplane; the king
  • SUBJECT/TITLE DATE 001. draft President William J. Clinton Inaugural Address, 11:15 pm draft (5 pages) January 14, 1997 P5 002. draft President William J. Clinton Inaugural Address, 11:00 pm draft (5 pages) 1/9/97 P5 003. draft President William
  • fashion that Presdient Clinton controlled the DNC's campaign. Whereas the evidence indicates that the President "directed and controlled" the DNC's issue ads — including drafting and editing scripts — there is no evidence that Bob Dole personally had any 3
  • to the President; RE: Speechwriter (1 page) 002a. resume Lowell Weiss; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) 002b. resume June Shih; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) 002c. list RE: Individuals Who Took the Speechwriting Test (1 page
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • Washington Ic on his way to Congress in 1775, on the way to Yorls in 1781, and before his inauguration as President in 1789. J j That night at the inn Francis Scott Key was again alo with his God. During these quiet hours he penned the text of his anthem
  • of Congress: Selling Access, Fomenting Excess April 5,1997 • Volume 55, No. 14 • Pages 761-816 WHAT'S AHEAD CONGRESSIONAL Chairman Andrew I Ian ics Vice Chairman Amlrrw I ' Corlv President and Publisher Kulierl W. Mrny Executive Editor David Ifcipp
  • May '96: [President Clinton Speeches] [4]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14444 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: May '96: [President Clinton Speeches][4] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 11 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet
  • , the commissioner of Social Security, and two outside members (Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees, 1995). Every four years, a quadrennial advisory council is appointed to review these forecasts and to comment on relevant policy issues. In the past, many
  • they imply protectionist objective*. I don't agree We are committedtotrade opening and reject protectionism. We will never 0 6 / 1 4 / 9 8 07^30 FAX NATL E O O I COUNCIL CNMC 13016 endorse an agenda to rob countries, especially developing countries
  • Greenberg to President-Elect Bill Clinton; RE: The Inaugural Address (4 pages) n.d. P5 12/26/1992 Personal Misfile 005. memo 006a. memo George Stephanopoulos to Governor Clinton, Hillary; RE: Inaugural Address (1 page) 01/05/1992 Personal Misfile
  • Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Gene Sperling to the President; RE: Background on Social Security for April 7 Conference (1 page) 04/05/1998 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwrwiting
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| 1 6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of * personal privacy 1(a)(6) ofthe PRA| b(l) National security
  • t a r y (Mason C i t y , Iowa) For Immediate Release February 10, 1996 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO RURAL COMMUNITY N o r t h Iowa Area Community College Mason C i t y , Iowa 5:25 P.M. CST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you v e r y much. Thank you f o r t
  • Commencements 97-98 Crime - misc. Denver G-8 summit Council for Foreign Relations 1998 Detroit Economic Club 1/99 DLC 1998 Califano Drug Report Economics Memo 1998 Education 96-8 EXPO 2000 US Role Fast Track (trade) 1997 FYI Memos to SWs Nathan Glazer articles
  • Release October 5, 1994 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT RECEPTION FOR THE AFRICAN PRIZE FOR LEADERSHIP FOR THE SUSTAINABLE END OF HUNGER Omni Shoreham H o t e l Washington, D. C. 6:56 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so v e r y much f o r t h a t warm
  • as though" President Bill the cold-blooded calculation] that it would-be less Clinton will be able to sustain- his threatened veto. costly to pay court damages for the injured and dead .:' The product liability bill outgrowth of the. than tofixits
  • councils, if a corrupt Executive shall ever i mand a corrupt majority here, (and the statesman must ] beyond the present times of security, and guard against i dangers) may not such a power be wielded to any pu of oppression?" I I Key now subscribed
  • OF THE MILLENNIUM PROGRAM Phone: (202) 395-7200 Fax: (202) 395-7234 T: O P^T^X POE HN: FAX: FROM: G^TTO'V Ellen McCuIloch-Lovell, Deputy Assistant to the President and Advisor to the First Lady on the MiUennium Y Other V v ^ V V \ ^ . Qortc/f DATE: Number
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |aX5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA) C. Closed in accordance
  • Secretary For Immediate Release November 11, 1996 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT VETERAN'S DAY CEREMONY Arlington National Cemetery Washington, D.C. 11:30 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Secretary Brown, for your
  • Center's emergency room was offered provided that the doctor appoint a black successor. "It's a power play," said Royce Esters, former president of the NCAA branch that includes Compton. "Blacks feel like they have marched and marched and the Latinos have
  • , this time in the form of the President Clinton's election-eve pledge to close selected loopholes. "We have played by the rules," he proclaimed. "But I know, and you know, we need to change the rules." Many of the rule changes are warranted, and voters should
  • or financial information [(a)(4) ofthe PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy |(aX6
  • are sometimes unable to adequately scan such dividers. The title from the original document is indicated below. Divider Title: White House Press Release Remarks By The President At Supporters Reception The White House O f f i c e o f the Press S e c r e t
  • and President [ Addiction and Substance Abuse At Columbia University on release of Behind Bars: Substance Abuse and America's Prison Population N a t i o i i a C e n t e r 0 I 1 Three years in the making, this CASAreportis the most penetrating analysis ever
  • , and that is still true. Indeed, congressional leaders and President Bush all seem satisfied with the status quo. Bush routinely granted reappointments to commissioners Joan Aikens and John McGarry for fresh six-year terms. Both were reconfirmed in September 1989
  • played a constructive part in bringing about a new European Treaty. Now, as EU President, we are launching the enlargement negotiations and doing our best to ensure the Euro starts successfully. As for Britain joining the Euro, there must be sustainable
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • U M E N T NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. note Todd to Michael; RE: Clinton Presidency speech (1 page) 03/14/1996 P5 002. memo Don Bear, Michael Waldman to Leon Panetta; RE: NGA Speech and DOT Announcement (1 page) 02/06
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 14536 FoIderlD: Folder Title: CFR [Campaign Finance Reform] - Free TV 1 [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 4 7 2 1. President Clinton
  • the allegations i n the complaint could be sustained. STEWART, J., also concurred in a separate opinion, making i t clear that in his view the merits of the case were not before the Supreme Court. FRANKFURTER, J., with the concurrence of H A R L A N , J
  • shaping some of the most innovative 24 economic development and human investment programs and 25 i n i t i a t i v e s i n the country. Programs l i k e the Michigan ALDERSON REPORTING COMPANV, INC. 1111 FOURTEENTH STREET, N W .. SUITE 400 WASHINGTON
  • or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy |(aX6
  • statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • already do. ^.jt^rt^:!'!;™;:' ''rr sv™^- - < - — STATEMENT OF FORMER MEMBERS OF CONGRESS '•A Wc arc pleased to join former Presidents Bush, Carter and Ford in expressing the hope that the currem Congress enacr ineaninghil hiparcisan campaign finance
  • cenican century. bless you. e at 7:32 p.m. in the ate Capital. In his reird Boswell. president, lorbett, speaker, Iowa Branstad of Iowa; Arstice. Iowa Supreme sman Neal Smith and of William]. Clinton, 1995 I Apr. 26 Hillary and I were so saddened to leam
  • • i •[374 US 203] •SCHOOL DISTRICT OP ABINGTON TOWNSHIP, PENNSYLVANIA, et al.. Appellants, EDWARD LEWIS SCHEMPP et al. (No. 142) WILLIAM J. MURRAY I I I , etc., et al., Petitioners, v JOHN N. CURLETT, President, et al., Individually, and Constituting
  • helping to develop those models in a joint design fashion. I think they exist and I think more will evolve. MR. MAIER: I think so, too, Mr. President. I would say this: I would love to see every company in this country have some piece of employee
  • to telecommunications in developing countries. We hope to realize the goals for a Global Information Infrastructure set out by Vice President Gore in Buenos Aires in 1994. There is significant potential for gain by American-flag companies in these initiatives. Meanwhile
  • of each race. Now, one student — the new president of the student council ~ is challenging the practice, instituted when the school was desegregated in 1970. Alison Williams, 17, said living around the country and overseas with her Air Force family has
  • than 100 Pilgrims, 20 sailors, livestock, provisions and farm tools. The ship carried, too, the essence of ideas around which the new Colonists and all who followed would fashion the nation that gives thanks today. PRESIDENT CLINTON alluded
  • and was The Court released a statement from J u s t i c e Brennan t o n i g h t , saying ''This was a very d i f f i c u l t d e c i s i o n a f t e r almost 34 years of s e r v i c e on the C o u r t . [Text, page 7A.] The choice of a successor presents President
  • . (Sandy) Berger Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Senator Laura D'Andrea Tyson Former Chairman, National Economic Council Former Chairman, I Patrick Buchanan 1996 Republican Presidential Contender Walter F. Mondale Former Vice
  • Security: The Chilean Experience Around the world, industrialized and developing countries alike are reexamining their approaches to public provision of retirement income. Thereformsof one Latin American country in particular have generated a great deal
  • vole for an actual human being (issue advocacy). In |995-9
  • information |(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAJ
  • i v i l rights, i f we're not going to come back to- I've got one point I want to make. 1 Gov. CLINTON: Are you going to t r y to repeal 14B i f you're president? Gov. BROWN: I sure am. JENNINGS: Fourteen-B i s what? Gov. BROWN: To allow states
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) o f t h e PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • h e INS i s t h r e a t e n i n g t o l o w e r i t s s t a n d a r d s t o t h e p o i n t where n a t u r a l i z a t i o n i s no longer a meaningful experience. N a t u r a l i z a t i o n receives l i t t l e sustained a t t e n t i o n f r o m
  • income of the richest 5% of families fell by 9 3%, twice the income loss of middle class families. I'art of this income decline reflects adverse trends that developed in the laic 1980s, preceding the onset of the recession, such as the decline in wages
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) ofthe PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b( I) National security classified information 1(b)(1
  • and Management William H. Barringer, Partner, Willkie Farr & Gallagher — Denis M. Neill, President, Neill and Company, Inc Mark M. Richard, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, accompanied by Joseph E. Garkson, Chief
  • 13, 1943 The Jefferson Memorial was dedicated by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on April 13, 1943. The dedication ceremony, which took place on the 200th Anniversary of Jefferson's birth was marked by the controversy surrounding the construction
  • election year. The breakdown of spending between Network and National Spot television in 1996 is particularly significant, notes Harold Simpson, Vice President, Research and Development for TVB. In 1992, $9.6 million was placed for Clinton in Network
  • r i o u s crime r a t e s f e l l across t h e nation. Clinton's H i s t o r i c Mission President C l i n t o n presides over a s o c i e t y i n t h e t h r o e s o f a r a p i d t e c h n o l o g i c a l and economic t r a n s f o r m a t i o
  • Gene Sperling Sandy Berger Ron Klain Maggie Williams Kitty Higgins Michael Waldman On behalf of Speechwriting, Jonathan Prince has already begun to work on a regular basis with the policy councils to keep in touch with their process as they develop
  • for reform. This should be coupled with executive action as possible and bully-pulpit steps, to keep the President on the "high ground" and position Republican opponents as opposed to reform. Through sustained leadership on this issue, the President can lead
  • AIDS Advisory Council - 7/28/95
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14450 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: AIDS Advisory Council - 7/28/95 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 4 2 2 PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON AIDS
  • the safe and sustainable reuse of industrial and commercial fariiitjeg that ate idle or under-utilized because of toxic contamtnatioa. | Expanding the Brownfields Initiative. The President is announcing new support fax state and local efforts to revitalize
  • of the Census Bureau under Former President Bush said in a letter to Speaker Gingrich, "[OJur social and economic development as a nation will be served best by striving for the most accurate census possible. In every decade, that will be one which combines
  • , the WTO Agreement recognizes the need to protect the environment and to promote sustainable development. A new Committee on Trade and Environment was established to identify the relationship between trade policies, environmental measures and sustainable
  • -of-the-Union themes and overall policy meeting take place with the President (1 hour). For this meeting, the Policy Councils should provide a comprehensive menu of possible items for inclusion, ranging from legislative initiatives to executive actions
  • Business Council 2/27/97
  • . The Business Council Active Members Name Title & Company Paul A. Allaire Chairman & CEO, Xerox Corporation Robert E. Allen Chairman & CEO, AT&T Corporation Ronald W. Allen Chairman, President & CEO, Delta Air Lines, Inc. Rand V. Araskog Chairman
  • of welfare services bv religious and charitable organizations. The President could order HHS to develop and disseminate guidelines outlining how not-for-profit institutions can supplement or even replace state-delivery of certain welfare services
  • four town meetings on different topics that the Administration would help the Commission to develop. Report from the President - One year after the beginning ofthe Commission, the President would deliver a report to the American People. The report could
Budget Binder (Item)
  • in flexible funding. A Strong Research and Development Agenda. The President's budget included an unprecedented commitment to key civilian research. The final budget includes many increases in priority areas: • National Science Foundation: A 7 percent
  • campaign. One of the country's foremost experts on the issue of reducing demand for illegal drugs, Mr. Burke has served as chairman of the President's Drug Advisory Council. Today, Mr. Burke is a board member of CASA—the Center on Addiction and Substance
  • [25] 24 Statement by the President Announcing Agreement To Arbitrate the Railway Labor Dispute. January 26, 1946 I H A V E just received a telegram from the National Mediation Board, reporting on the conclusion of mediation proceedings in Chicago
  • Organizational Listing — Executive Office of the President (orange pages) Office of the Vice President Council of Economic Advisers Council on Environmental Quality Office of Policy Development National Security Council Office of Administration Office
  • disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National security classified
  • of the achievements of President Clinton and brings our party together to support his leadership for four more years. In doing so, this platform celebrates the President's many accomplishments on behalf of hardworking American families. 4 Gov. Zell Miller Families
  • climate, like a permanent research and development tax credit. We want technology to create jobs and improve the quality of life for American workers. President Clinton and Vice President Gore fought for, and the President signed, a sweeping
  • and Clenn Brown secretary, suggested that the President designate a Council of Fine Arts which could exercise advisory functions when railed upon and could also make recommendations on ils own initiative. President Rooscvell replied the same day
  • Committee member Michael E. Porter (Professor, Harvard Business School) helped develop the initial framework for the Index. Council Associate Andree C. Dumermuth produced this year's Index. The report was reviewed by Council President Kent H. Hughes; Council
  • secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [aK5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • with a small minority to oppose the bipartisan V-chip bill. The President announced a breakthrough agreement with the media and entertainment industries to develop a rating system for TV shows similar to the motion picture rating system, so parents can make
  • progress toward the President's goal of developing 3,000 new charter schools by early in the next century. Expanding Access to Educational Technology Bringing Computers to the Classroom. The President's 1997 Budget Agreement with Congress doubles
  • . d) Discrete supporting tasks will be executed by the Initiative Staff, the Advisory Board. White House policy councils, agencies, and outside experts and friends. e) The developing effort on the Report will inform work on speeches and events. 0
  • [Remarks to the Democratic Leadership Council, Washington, D.C., 12/2/98]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14447 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [Remarks to the Democratic Leadership Council, Washington, D.C, 12/2/98] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 4 1 2
  • , the President appointed a 30-member Council to oversee the Conference. In addition, White House and agency staff, and various consultants collected extensive background materials and prepared background papers for the conference itself. The published proceedings
  • in Rochester and serves as a Rochester ward leader. Her daughter was an employee with the Federal Department of Education. Brian McLaughlin in Queens, President of the NYC Central Labor Council, has worked hard to give teeth to the labor movement in New York
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 14458 FolderlD: Folder Title: Child Care Conference 10/23 [1997] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 4 5 1 Draft 4 p.m. 10/22/97 PRESIDENT
  • ( \ ^ ^ t^u^U^ ' ^ ( ^ y W x ^ - c^U^^V President, Democratic Leadership Council 1997 DLC Annual Conference CS O October 27,1997 Washington, DC I want to report to you this morning on the state of the New Democrat movement. Looking back over more than
  • BOWLES SUBJECT: Preparation of Recommendations to the President We made significant progress in developing our strategic plan at our meetings August 14 and 15, 1997. Each group that was assigned responsibility for one or more of the fourteen pillars
  • vaccines for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, AIDS, and malaria. Earlier this year, the President posed a challenge to scientists to develop an AIDS vaccine in the next decade - and we are even closer on a tuberculosis and malaria vaccine
  • Train Trip: [The President's Train Trip, August 1996, Staff Copy] [1]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 14444 FolderlD: Folder Title: Train Trip: [The President's Train Trip, August 1996, Staff Copy] [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 11 2
  • Panels were submitted to the Advisory Council in 1995 and are included in Volume II ofthe Council's report. Highlights Overview C. HIGHLIGHTS Important developments since the 1996 Annua! Report was issued are shown below: . During calendar year 1996
  • capital for lending through the President's Community Development Financial Institutions program. The budget also expands opportunities for homeownership, provides more funds to enforce the Nation's civil rights laws, maintains the Administration's
  • . • Directed investigative research projects, such as reports on the deregulatory work of then-Vice President Dan Quayle's Council on Competitiveness. Supervised research and intern staff. Acted as spokespersonfororganization, presenting positions to the media
  • . Remarks: Secretary Slater will address the Small Railroad and Economic Development Dinner in Minneapolis, MN. Cabinet Daily Activities, June 16-20 pagel UN Event: Ambassador Richardson will attend an event with the Asia Society in NY. USTR Meeting
  • (i.e. ozone), and that this still will allow for environmental protection. Discussion: The Vice President would then lead a discussion, keying off the following questions: 2:05 - 2:10: Where developed countries stand: The EU proposes reducing emissions
  • staff and its role in developing and implementing a scheme to evade the campaign expenditure limits during the President's re-election campaign, the Committee probed into the often-ignored comers of govemment operations to shine light on the impact
  • Glendenning, Lieutenant Governor Kennedy-Townsend, Mr. Mayor, City Council President, other elected officials, Mr. Speaker, Senator Miller, Senator Sarbanes, Congressman Cardin and Congressman Cummings, my great partners, to the Board of Regents, to faculty
  • NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT/TITLE DATE David Rothkopf to the President; RE: State of the Union Address (3 pages) 12/23/1997 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Michael Waldman OA/Box Number: 14459 FOLDER TITLE: LA
  • , and Vice President Al Gore, who will attend a rally at Washington, D C s Hardy Middle School on April 10, to cabinet members, governors, state attorneys general, federal, state and local legislators and small-town mayors and council members, elected
  • , but when it came time to act, he stood with a small minority to oppose the bipartisan Vchip bill. The President announced a breakthrough agreement with the media and entertainment industries to develop a rating system for TV shows similar to the motion
  • Members of Congress so thev can stay behind me, and help elect the Mayor on Tuesday. Thank vou very much. of William J. Clinton. 1993 NoTt The President spoke at 6:47 p.m. from Electric Industries Hall. In his remarks, he referred to Representative
  • is s, t; .r n e e a t f 1, 37- Nine Hundred and Fifty-fourth Press Conference THE PRESIDENT: Oh, no. Oh, no. Q. When did that develop? THE PRESIDENT: That was a matter which was — well, I can't tell you the exact date, but it was always open
  • [Remarks by WJC Prepared for Delivery at Democratic Leadership Council, June 4, 1998]
  • of gift. PRM. Personal record misfile defined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. ......fl PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON Remarks Prepared for Delivery Democratic Leadership Council June 4, 1998
  • in community development financial institutions to leverage private investment in distressed areas and to stimulate economic revitalization. WELFARE-TO-WORK TAX CREDIT As proposed in the President's budget, to help move people from welfare to work, a new 50
  • [League of Cities Research]: CDFI [Community Development Financial Institution]
  • to do in our home state was to create a community development bank and a good-faith fund microenterprise program. Since I became President, we have tried to go national with this micro idea in a very macro way. And again, I say it would not have been
  • of the President to Las Vegas, Nevada, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, California and Albuquerque, New Mexico; RE: Phone numbers, manifests, and USSS (64 pages) 06/911/1996 P6/b(6), b(7)(C), b(7)(E) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting
  • Federal and State government operations, ard the upcoming environmental conference. From Rio to the Capitals: State Strategies for Sustainable Development.) The President. Well, thank you very much. I'd just like to make a couple of comments about what you
  • UCSD Eduardo: For a start, here are t w o anecdotes about students graduating from UCSD this y e a r - t h e y both plan to be at commencement (with their families-you'll note in the stories how important their families are) to hear from President
  • as well as our own United States. We will use the specific authorities designed to widen markets for the raw materials and manufactures of the 759 safe...-" [449] Oct. n Public Papers of the Presidents less developed nations whose economic growth
  • e f f o r t t o develop a p l a n o f a c t i o n and make recommendations t o t h e P r e s i d e n t a f t e r t h e f i r s t o f t h e year. Attachment Critical Foundations Thinking Differently "Our responsibility is to build the world
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security classified information |(b)(l
  • would violate a Federal statute |(aX3) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • [Economic Report of the President, 1997] [2]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14445 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [Economic Report of the President, 1997][2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 3 11 3 Document No. WHITE HOUSE
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14449 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: 8/1997 -Balanced Budget Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 4 2 1 Bill Signing Research 8/4/97 • President
  • of whole genomes of several microbes, pathogens, and archeons. This work is funded by NIH, DOE, and NSF. Understanding the workings of the central nervous system — work funded by NIH leading to significant developments related to Parkinson's disease
  • statute [(a)(3) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • that battle was a condition prior to being able to be reelected President. I felt that if he failed to win that fight, there was no way that he would ever be re-elected. 84 Regarding whether the DNC issue advocacy advertisements would provide any benefit
  • washes, Clinton Library Photocopy THE WHITE H O U S E W A S H IN GTO N July 29. 1997 Eva Kasten Executive Vice President The Advertising Council Inc. 1730 Rhode Island Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Dear Ms. Kasten, Thank you for the material you
  • program. While the workshops have been organized in cooperation with resident councils in local housing developments, churches and civic groups, they recently received a grant to develop a more formalized mechanism for offering the workshops. The Critical
  • stated on the day the President spoke. He also emphasized there is no doubt that we have much work to do in response to the current crisis. This crisis, as I have said, developed over many years, and in my view the world is going to have to work through
  • information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA1
  • 21, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO MARK GEARAN FROM: RUSSELL HORWITZ RE: 1993 Commencement Addresses LOCATION President Clinton gave commencement addresses at the following three schools in 1993: • New Hampshire Technical College, May 22, 1993 • United States
  • suspicion" basis to search the defendant's car. even though the search turned up a large stash of cocaine and heroin. They have pointed out that President Clinton nominated Judge Baer, and that he is typical of the liberal, saft-otKrime candidates President
Good Society (Item)
  • HIRAM EASTLAND ^* EASTLAND LAW OFFICES 101 NORTH STATE STREfir JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 39201 ^/ £V 7 AM ^ AL*^ (lj|ir^5.796i (601) 355-0530 March 18, 1997 VIA FACSIMILE: ^02) 456-2883 Ms. Nancy Hernreich Personal Secretary td the President The White
Civic Renewal (Item)
  • of the presidency - executive order, legislative, bully pulpit -- to promote civic enterprise. Many are culled from PPI's forthcoming book; others are notions that would obviously need considerably more thought and refinement; 1) Set a goal of creating one million
  • , and a second into a traveling newsroom. We slept in cramped quarters, and, as in June, how and when to get our laundry done became something of an obsession. Over time, we developed a pattern for the typical stop. The President would emerge at the back of his
  • of both observation and intuition, plus hard work, careful definition of terms, and clear exposition. In educational theory Wilson was patently McCosh's disciple. When he himself later became President of Princeton, every one of his major lines of policy
Summit (Item)
  • , dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, public health and allied health with public schools, community health centers, community development corporations, and social service agencies. The conference, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health: Building Sustainable
  • to convince the Congress, as President Bush did before we sent troops to the Persian Gulf in 1990 and 1991. This can only be a failed mission, as the executive branch has already declared its willingness to sustain casualties in excess of what we had
  • of the Institute for Community Capacity Building. She is president of the Millvale Residents and Community Council. A self-sufficiency project in Millvale incorporates three components: child-care, landscaping and a food co-op. Project goals include expanding
  • power resources, while I am President of the United States. 139 (["New Conditions Impose New Requirements upon Government and Those Who Conduct Government." Campaign Address on Progressive Government at the Commonwealth Club. San Francisco, Calif
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information |(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • welcome the agreement between Soutykorea and North Korea to pursue a meeting^tween their Presidents. would like to thank President Carter for important role he played in helping to achieve this step. These developments mark not a solution to the problem
  • DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. memo Craig Smith and David Wofford to the President; RE: Kentucky Political Briefing (9 pages) 08/22/1996 P5 002. memo Craig Smith, et al. to the President; RE Michigan Politics (9 pages
  • pushing slimmed-down bill on the Senate floor, simple resistance won't be easy to sustain. Bill could be significantly watereddown in legislative process (perhaps to little more than soft $ ban). No significant budget costs. Free TV time President has
  • departments of the Government, the Advisory Council on Econbmic Security, consisting of informed and public-spirited private citizens and a number of other advisory groups, including a committee on actuarial consultants, a medical advisory board, a dental
  • violate a Federal statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA| Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • (a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l
  • , National Economic Council Patrick Buchanan 1996 Republican Presidential Contender Walter F. Mondale Former Vice President NANCY Kassebaum Baker Former U.S. Senator^ Howard H. Baker, Jr. Former Senator, Former White House Chief of Staff MODERATOR/PANELIST
Don Baer (Item)
  • to develop thematic outline and integrate other material (12/20 - 3 hours) Meeting with President (12/22) to present thematic memo, survey conclusions and notebooks containing Reed policy research and thematic advice from outside thinkers Proposed year-end
FDR Memorial (Item)
  • .htm The FDR Memorial 1 of 3 During the 1930s and early 1940s, Franklin Roosevelt gave considerable thought to his own commemoration. FDR created the first modem presidential library at his home in Hyde Park, New York. Every president since then has
  • indicated that monies raised by the Vice President's calls had been deposited to hard money accounts, had been produced, those notes had been prepared on or prior to April 9. 36 This sequence of events makes clear, then, that at least Sandler and Burson
  • , the President took credit for every victory which has occurred around the world since he has been president and refused to take responsibility for any problem which has developed here at home since he became president. (Applause.) I agree with him about one
  • Governor Faubus for taking the National Guard action he did without consulting or being requested to do so by city officials. Mann repeated the comment today but the council took the action in the wire which they directed be sent to the president
  • Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Don Baer et al. to the President; RE: Commencement Addresses (4 pages) 04/29/1997 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Micheal Waldman OA
  • will build on this success, with a greater commitment to economic development, housing, ^_ homelessness assistance than ever before. That's because our new strategy is workingj WP proved-tKn-the^ttth-Brenx. President Caitei called it "x." President Reagan
Polls [2] (Item)
  • Presidential Actions lyvplch of the following is the best thing President ' Clinton could work on now? Second? & , * Work with Congress to develop a plan to protect Social Security for the future Build support for proposals to improve public school education
  • grants that especially help lower-income students. Says pay 8 less, according to the Bureau % President Clinton. David Merkowitz of the American Council on Education: "Over- of Labor Statistics. In MONEY'S 1996 j higher education I'd give Clinton a solid
  • ^ a triumph won by America as one nation. Fifty years of Democratic and Republican leadersfromPresident Truman to President Bush stood resolute otroiig throughout the Cold War, and b«iit sustaining the world's greatest middle class at home, lifting America
  • with the leadership, and at that point the president may have developed a plan. (END VIDEOTAPE) NOVAK: May have to develop a plan for the president Senator Moynihan, do you think the president is making a mistake by waiting \ until the end of the year? SEN. DANIEL
  • DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. memo Christopher Edley to John Podesta, et al.; RE: The President's Race Report: Crime Section Meeting (2 pages) 02/05/1999 P5 002. email Ann Lewis to Clara Shin; RE: Crime (1 page) 02/01
  • ago, when the House of Representatives became Democratic by a decisive majority. It has now been completed. The Senate about to assemble will also be Democratic. The offices of President and Vice-President have been put into the hands of Democrats
Greenspan (Item)
  • yields increased, steam power was developed, and textile fabrication became more efficient were available work hours freed for the production and consumption of more discretionary goods and services. We manufactured cars and refrigerators and learned how
  • commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • REED MIKE COHEN SUBJECT: Class Size Design Issues Over the past several weeks, we have worked with the Vice President's Office, OMB, and the Education Department to develop recommendations on the design of your class size initiative. This memorandum
  • balanced budget will build on this wiiessTwith a greater con^mitment to economic development, housing, homtlcsaneaa accictamia than ever before, l/ask you to double our Empowerment Zones, spearheaded by Vice President Gore, whhjfo have revitalized wfi
  • . On March 29, President Clinton signed the Small business REGULATORY Enforcement Fairness Act. The act requires all federal agencies to develop policies that emphasize regulatory compliance rather than punishment, according to an SBA statement. The act also
  • INEQUITY AWARENESS DAY, 1996 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION More than three decades after the passage of the Egual Pay Act and T i t l e V I I of the C i v i l Rights Act, women and people of color continue to suffer
  • . draft President William J. Clinton Prepared Remarks Flood Tour Idaho; RE: Phone number [partial] (1 page) 02/14/1996 P6/b(6) 004. memo Gloria Johnson to Gabrielle Bushman; RE: Phone number [partial] (1 page) 02/13/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • United Nations and its ECOSOC (Lconomic and Social Council) in 1946 was to launch preparations for an International Trade Organization—ITO A scries of conferences were held in 1946, I947and 1948 to prepare a draft I T O charter At the same time nations
  • was the culmination of a relationship between Hsia and Vice President Gore that stretches back to 1988 — the year that James Riady, John Huang, Maria Hsia, Eddy Yang, Howard Horn, Fred Hong, and others established the Pacific Leadership Council (PLC) as a 17
  • with developing and collecting statistical data and other informationfroma wide variety of sources to evaluate progress achieved under the Agreement over itsfive-yearduration. Thefirstreport by the Interagency Enforcement Team was released • by the President April
  • represents the performance of a significant governmental duty exercised pursuant to a public law. While the All aspects of the Act are brought President may not insist that such within the Commission's broad adfunctions be delegated to an apministrative
  • (a)(4) ofthe PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) ofthe PRA| C
Fast Track (Item)
  • by the President at the Democratic Leadership Council Remarks by Vice President Al Gore Remarks by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Remarks by Secretary Robert E. Rubin 4. Fast Track Newspaper Editorials 5. Economic Export Data 6. Department of Treasury
  • to preserve places of natural beauty all across America ~ from the most remote wilderness to the nearest city park. I thank Vice President Gore for his visionary leadership in developing this historic proposal. To get the most out of your community, you have
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14461 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: 1996 Acceptance Drafts: Early Predrafts [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: S 92 4 6 Position: Draft #1 8/15/96 Ham PRESIDENT
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. draft President William J. Clinton State ofthe Union Address, 5:20 pm draft (3 pages) 1/21/98 P5 002. draft President William J. Clinton State of the Union
  • royal is running on another aspect. That's the real danger in the inevitably sterile discussion about development; it will take some important hostages down with it. Humanitarian relief will, sadly, sound its own cue; the President evidently knows well
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 14458 FolderlD: Folder Title: Media Access Project Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: S 92 4 5 Position: April 7, 1998 Leslie Moonves President CBS Television
  • Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Michael Lind to President Clinton; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) 01/11/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Michael Waldman OA
  • . If such was the case, Lincoln overplayed his hand. Mr. PRESIDENT and Gentlemen of the Convention. If we couldfirstknow where we are, and whither we are tending, we J»uld then better judge what to do, and how to do it. We are now far into the fifth year, since a policy
  • Release would violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) ofthe PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) ofthe PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • , a wealthy Maryland area real estate 45 developer who is a longtime supporter of Vice President Gore and the DNC, and to the law Berger was very responsive, reciting a list of Administration officials he would contact. Many of these officials subsequently
  • -Thompson. Thank you ladies and gentlemen of the AFL-CIO. Thank you international presidents and all the delegates from central labor councils and state federations. Thank you working men and women of America. With humility and gratitude, I thank every one
  • indicating guests who would attend the Gore luncheon, who among them had agreed to donate money to the DNC, and the amount of each contribution; and (3) Most of the paperwork held at the Temple in preparation for the Vice President's visit, including
  • Oct. 3, 1904, 8: WSJ Oct. 8; 1904, 1).WINTER 1854The President told Cortelyou to publicize Parker's large contributors, especially speculator Thomas Fortune Ryan and banker August Pelmont, "to show that he is profiting by exactly what he denounces
  • on the total amount which could be spent on campaigns for various offices; and (4) limited contributions to $1,000. Congress passed this excellent bill by big majorities. It was signed by President Ford and operated effectively for two years. Along came the U.S
  • to the campaign expenses of any party." Congress heeded the President's call and, in 1907, passed the Tillman Act, the foundation for the federal regulation of campaign finance which developed during this century. Indeed, the Tillman Act is one of the very laws
  • information [(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(A)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. PRM
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. draft President William J. Clinton State of the Union Address, 1:30 PM draft (1 page) 1/24/98 P5 002. draft President William J. Clinton State
  • the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty just two months after President Kennedy signed it. It's been two years since I signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. By acting now, the Senate can make it harder for new nations to develop nuclear arms, and we can end
  • to Bruce describing two HUD initiatives that could be e o announced in the speech. One aspect of the fair housing initiative as proposed would be a directive from the President to tlie Secretary of HUD to develop recommendations on promoting housing
  • commitment to economic development, housing, homelessness assistance than ever before. I ask you to double our Empowerment Zones, spearheaded by Vice President Gore, which have revitalized our cities and rural areas. Empowerment works, and we should bring
  • From to President Clinton; RE: State of the Union Themes (4 pages) 12/26/1995 P5 003. memo Guy Smith to Don Baer; RE: State of the Union Theme and Delivery (I page) 12/21/1995 P5 004. memo Guy Smith to Don Baer; RE: State of the Union Theme
  • of Public Affairs Alan Reuther Legislative Director United Auto Workers Larry Sabato Professor of Govemment University of Virginia Raul Yzaguirre President National Council of La Raza For Immediate Release: Wed., Dec. 11, 1996 MON-EY + P O L I T I C S P E
  • . Interview of Elizabeth Stroud, June 11, 1997. 43 The others were Trade and Development, the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service, and the Import Administration. IEP has since been reorganized and is now called MAC, or 12 beneath him were four deputy
  • engineering companies acquired in Britain and Germany. Says Ulrich Bez, 54, a former Porsche engineer who is vice president for engineering and product development at Daewoo Motor: "It takes at least 15 years to become a leading car player, and Daewoo, while
  • the President knows: it made all the difference for him personally: education. ©DOS 05/29/96 09:25 © • Each year of higher education increases the earnings of a worker by 6-12% every year. • The typical worker with a college degree makes 74% more than
  • . The President has asked the Congress in his new budget to create new "venture capital" to encourage the development of chatter schools. I urge the Congress to respond with enthusiasm. I have visited charter schools, and I am particularly impressed by what
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security
  • is in a deflationary spiral, they real problem—that he can't collect taxThat belief is shared by some Wall hope. National Association of Manufac- es?" asks one Fed official. Street economists who say that withturers President Jerry J. Jasinowski, The economies of Korea
  • sotu99.19 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J . CLINTON STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS UNITED STATES CAPITOL January 19,1999 Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, honored guests, my fellow Americans: Tonightjl have the honor of reporting^on the State
  • PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON ACCEPTANCE SPEECH DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION CHICAGO, ILLINOIS August 29, 1996 Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice-President, fellow Democrats, my fellow Americans: Let me begin by saluting a man who has filled his job and then has
  • i s a l r e a d y scheduled f o r A p r i l 18 as p a r t o f t h e annual Massachusetts P a t r i o t s Day ceremonies which commemorate the b a t t l e . Our o f f i c e i s c o n t i n u i n g t o develop p l a n s . (As you can see from t h e
  • and cultural activities. They are critical components of assuring childrens' readiness to leam: a national educational goal. We are encouraged that for the first time in over twenty years, a President is in the process of developing a child nutrition
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National security
  • into the hardest pressed communities. My balanced budget vvill build on this success, with a greater commitment to economic development, housing, homelessness assistance than ever before. I ask you to double our Empowerment Zones, spearheaded by Vice President Gore
  • efforts by officials of the DNC to reverse National Security Council (NSC) policy regarding Tamraz's access to the President and pressure NSC officials to change their position on the merits of Tamraz's Caspian Sea pipeline scheme. The Tamraz affair also
  • . Fact sheets on Teens and Tobacco and the Clinton/Children's Anti-Tobacco Initiative. 5. Endorsement lettersfromDonna Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Karen Ewing Young, Vice President of Development at Educational Management Group
  • . Mother Theresa/Pope WH Counsel Memos Gary Wills articles High tech ERP 97 MLK memorial Russian speechwriter Minimum. Wage GOP on economy 97 Business Council 97 ASNE Ford's Theatre Kick Butts Day 4/15/97 False Claims Act •vJJJSJRES H E O F SZ ATTACHMFNTSC
  • Phil Caplan and Sean Maloney to the President; RE: State of the Union/Social Security (1 page) 01/23/1998 P5 003. memo Gene Sperling to the President; RE: Social Security process (4 pages) 01/23/1998 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • | Release would violate a Federal statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) o f t h e PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • - January 8, 1964 NYT: "Drop o f $500 M i l l i o n i n Federal Spending Seen by President" " P r e s i d e n t P i t c h e s His Voice Low and Hopes High" "A M o d i f i e d New Deal -- P r e s i d e n t , i n H i s Message, Moves t o Take M i d d l e
  • M T ALSO BY BILL C L I N T O N Putting People First (with Al Gore) •3724 Heyday FM/cs 8/13/96 8:30 PM Page i BETWEEN HOPE AND HISTORY Meeting America's Challenges for the 21 st Century PRESIDENT B I L L C L I N T O N T I M • • 111 I I I B
  • seq.). The plaintiffs also contended that ttief appointment of members of the Federal Election Commission uhd § 437c(aXl)—which provides that two of the six voting memtier appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, tw!o| appointed
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National security classified information [(b)(1
  • . The President knows what to say, but he doesn't grasp what needs to get down. THE FACTS: Over the past three years, the Clinton Administration has made tremendous progress in bringing crime and drug abuse under control. The violent crime and murder rates across
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA) C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. PRM
  • , Mr. President, Justice Nadeau, honorable members of the House and Senate and Executive Council, my fellow citizens: I am thankful for the trust the people of New Hampshire have once again placed in me. And I am equally mindful that the oath I have
  • renewed hope for reforms such as McCain-Feingold. « -j: § £ 5 In general remarks before addressing the Buckley decision, Kennedy bemoaned changed circumstances that "have made the president the fund-raiser-in-chief for his party," and said, "We must
  • Branton among its "Red Hot 100" most promising young Americans. He uent on to become executive Secretary to President Lyndon B. Johnson's Council on Equal Op- porrunfry. and later special assistant to two anomey generals. When in 1987. the National
  • Professor at Australian and New Zealand universities: Harvard University, University, University of Wisconsin, Cornell, University of California, Berkley, and University of Hawaii. American Historical Association (Executive Council, 1959-1962 and 1970-73
  • U M E N T NO. A N D TYPK 001. itinerary SUBJECT/TITLE DATE The Trip of the President to New Orleans, Fort Polk and Alexandria, Louisiana; RE: Phone numbers, manifests, and USSS (31 pages) 03/18/1996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6), b(7)(C), b(7)(E
  • / Slyly i kd[ 199 2 C O N V E N T I O N PROCEEDINGS The Convention welcomes the next President of the United States. Governor Bill Clinton. Pholo byjuonito M Colt, e 1992 Acceptance Speech to the Democratic National Convention by Governor Bill Clinton
  • the President's 1997 budget request, " g r ^ Eisenhower Professional Development: (-$610 million from the President's $610 million request) The House would prevent an estimated 750,000 teachers and other educators from rec9iving professional development to teach
  • F. 2d 857 (1987), ggrt denied, 484 U.S. 850 (1987) reviewed the following advertisement text: DON'T LET HIM DO IT. The President of the United States continues degrading the electoral process and lessening the prestige of the office. It was evident
Ideas (Item)
  • is possible—and not just for Americans but for those distant others who make the goods we buy. The House Democrats' defeat of fast-track trade authority for the President demonstrates that, given the muddled condition of America's party alignments, the liberal
  • , staff members who are suited to, and prepared for, the so, too, do many charter schools develop their own solutions school's program. to their early problems. Based on our observations, a lot of • Instruction: includes problems with curriculum, matethose
  • ., more leadership.) 14. The most important job of the next President is this: to see into the next century, to be able to lead our country into the year 2000. We are blessed to live at the dawn of the new century- the time of the millennium. This new
  • million) Electric utilities pay a fee for each kilowatt hour of nuclear generated electricity they sell. The resulting Nuclear Waste Fund develops storage and permanent disposal facilities for high-level radioactive waste (the first is scheduled to go
  • . The Commission must be out i n front of, not forced into, these issues. Respectfully submitted. Fred wertheimer President, Common Cause 02/04/97 16:20 © 2 0 2 659 3716 C M O CAUSE O MN ( ' ' Common Cause il002 77 1250 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, NW
  • on discoveries of genes for breast cancer and diabetesy We wttTcontinue to bring down the death rate for cancen. 7 ttst e Q igh-s-wi41-be4 -^ bagmning'— but only if we maintain our ;arch sustained commitment to research and development l onight. 1 propose
  • renew our trust in God and go forward without fear and with manly hearts." 130 (["The Country Needs, the Country Demands Bold, Persistent Experimentation/' Address at Oglethorpe University. May 22,1932 President Jacobs, members and friends of Oglethorpe
  • (a)(4) ofthe PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PR A] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA) C
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National security
  • support the President's message. One issue t h a t i s not d e a l t w i t h i n d e t a i l i n the schedule below i s the budget. We should discuss how we want t o develop the budget message and weave i t i n t o the r e s t of the schedule. We w i l l
  • Director of the Office of Policy Development at the White House. Prior to this, she was a Senior Staff Member/Executive Assistant to the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, February 1987- •f the es e president and 1 Service, 1968n the College
  • speech Tuesday President Clinton is preparing to launch what trade supporters have been urging for years: a sustained, long-iarm edbrt to link free trade and global competition to new domestic pro* gram* in education, health care and worker training
  • . On behalf of our Nation, I salute my predecessor. President Bush, for his half-century of service to America. And I thank the millions of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over depression, fascism, and communism. Today, a generation
  • ' Acceptance of the Renomination for the Presidency Senator Robinson, Members of the Democratic Convention, my friends: in every part of the Union. I salute those of other parties, especially those in the Congress of the United States who on so many occasions
  • National Economic Council SUBJECT: Minor SOTU Suggestion Some form of the following might f i t well for the conclusion: "My fellow Americans, three years ago when I ran for President, I said that above a l l I wanted to make sure that the next
  • are sometimes unable to adequately scan such dividers. The title from the original document is indicated below. Divider Title: Tuesday, April 22, 1997 -- STATEMENT OF COMMON CAUSE PRESIDENT ANN MCBRIDE COMMON CLEAN UP CAMPAIGNS NOW •PROJECT JlNDEPCNDENCE
Breast Cancer (Item)
  • ] (1 page) 02/09/1996 P6/b(6) 002. letter To: Governor Wilson; RE: Names [partial] (1 page) 12/05/1997 P6/b(6) 003. letter From: Shelly Blechman; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 01/07/1998 P6/b(6) 004. letter David L. Goodman to The President
  • that the critics have substantial public support. The authors argue that this is a misdiagnosis that could harm the U.S. economy. They urge policymakers to adopt a novel trade adjustment program to help those who have been displaced. Until nOW presidents have had
  • . Mitchell John M. Olin Fellow INTRODUCTION President Bill Clinton last night proposed the biggest tax increase in American history as part of what he claimed is a balanced $493 billion deficit reduction package. Stripped of rhetoric, however, the package
  • infonnation, the researchers wiB 'develop policies and interventions that are expected to aonimize the conditions under which U» use of tobacco products by ehitdreo is initiated or continued/ The reaearchers plan to develop thefirstfocusedreaearcb and policy
  • , as any a t h l e t e o r musician w i l l t e l l you, and sometimes, i t seems t o me, the s i g n i f i c a n c e o f t i m i n g can s l i d e r i g h t past us. President C l i n t o n j o i n e d the ranks o f the t e m p o r a r i l y d i s a b l e
  • at Washington's MayBower Hotel, waiting for the vice president of the United States to make his grand entrance, and trying desperately to do what any sensible person does in anticipation of a sustained piece of oratory by Al Gore: order another cup of coffee
  • i c e o f t h e Press S e c r e t a r y For Immediate Release J u l y 6, 1995 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT BY SATELLITE TO NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION 2:20 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: I want t o thank you f o r your k i n d i n t r o d u c t i o n
  • Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RBR to the President; RE: State of the Union (3 pages) 01/16/1996 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Michael Waldman OA/Box Number: 14460 FOLDER
  • weakness cf dvil aocielks in the developing or paatcomoMnisI world, tbe advanced Western demociscics and above all Ihe Uniled Stalea have typically been laken as modeb lo be emuiated. There If slrildnB evidence, however, thai the vibrancy of Amcricaa civil
  • 2,3,5,7,8,9] (6 pages) 01/16/1996 P5 003. memo Lisa Guide, Mike Gauldin to Don Baer; RE: Secretary Babbitt's recommendations on environmental element to the President's State of the Union Speech (2 pages) 01/19/1996 P5 004. draft Speech Draft; RE
  • . Case Western Reserve Law Review - Time to Develop a Post-Buckley Approach to regulating the Contributions and Expenditures of Political Parties. 1. F E C Twenty Year Report 2. FEC Campaign Laws 3. 1997 Legislative Recomendations 4. Common Cause
  • Reports • •' • • 1. The New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration, edited by James Smith and Barry Edmonston. A. Speeches of President Clinton • 1. Anniversary of Integration: Central High School, September 25, 1997 2. Race
  • by offering killer amendments and phony bills masquerading as reform, voting for the Shays-Meehan bill without amendment is the key test of reform," Common Cause President Ann McBride said. "The Shays-Meehan bill is the only real reform bill with a chance
  • Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECmiTLE RESTRICTION 001. draft President William J. Clinton Address at Little Rock Central High School, 8:30 am draft (17 pages) 9/24/97 P5 002. draft President William J. Clinton Address at Little
  • |(aX3) of the PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information |(aX4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • . President, Mr. Speaker, Members oj the Seventy-seventh Congress: you, the Members of the Seventy-seventh Congress, at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union. I use the word "unprecedented," because at no previous time has American security been
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • the president and Congress to ment from some of the 1,000 adults graded the that 71%publicAmericans nation's schools at wave a magic wand and solve their problems. But they arepolled Rriday through Sunday. C or below. holding officials more accountable
  • to these new 8: * 9 aspect. partnerships which embody neither the uncritical generosity ! 10 ji of our past nor the penurious neglect of the president. The 11 ll principles when hav© guided the governors i n developing the Making America Work Project
  • Sport / Madhouse / Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan and Whitewater Development Company, I n c / and o t h e r s W i l l s , Garry New York Review o f Books (GTRB), v43 n7, p59-67 Apr 18, 1996 ISSN: 0028-7504 JOURNAL CODE: GTRB DOCUMENT TYPE: Book Review
  • : s 92 4 5 3 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 16, 1996 TO: Laura Tyson Don Baer Mibhael Waldman Bruce Reed FROM: Todd S t e r n For your information. MEMORANDUM T O T H E PRESIDENT From: R B R RE: Gov. Bill Weld s "State of the State
POTUS Remarks (Item)
  • hemisphere on a path to growth. NAFTA will reaffirm American leadership. That's why all five former Presidents -- three of whom are here with me today -- support it. N A I TA will be an engine of economic development. That's why forty one governors
  • and Social Security to one that emphasized President Clinton's failings. Voters said they wanted the president punished but not removed from office, and they wanted it done quickly. In Minnesota, voters sent the most perplexing signal by electing former pro
  • was not laid in the gloomy age of Ignorance and Superstition, t" * Honorable the Council and citizens of the first distinction waited on the govat an Epocha when the rights of mankind were better understood and morei jflpral and in terms most affectionate took
  • of schools; Vernal G. Rifle, speaker, Ohio Mouse of Representatives; and Melissa Hagen, high school student council president. Remarks on the Economic Program in Hyde Park, New York Fcbnwnj 19, 1993 Thank you very much, my good friend James Roosevelt, who
  • for a time as High Sheriff; was later the Presiding Justice of the County; and, during his last years, occupied a seat in the Council of Governor Sharpe. He was an active member of Christ Episcopal Church at Chaptico. When he died in 1764, one
  • and check back later to see the responses. predict that there will be 35 million teens by 2010, a population bulge bigger than even the baby boom at its peak. In many ways, these teens are uniquely privileged. They've grown up in a period of sustained
  • Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. memo Todd Stem and Helen Howell to the President; RE: Speech at Free TV Conference (1 page) 03/08/1997 P2, P5, b(6) 002. memo Kathleen Wallman and Michael Waldman
  • of the Press Secretary (University Park, Pennsylvania) For Immediate Release May 10, 1996 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Bryce Jordan Center Pennsylvania State University 3:11 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank
  • a live feed from the front lawn of the Hilton to announce: "CNN has learned the dessert will be mocha puffs in chocolate sauce." him is pool reporter Mark Knoller, who appears to be wearing the President's old loafers. ....And he paid a pretty good
  • responded enthusiastically. The cutting edge of the president's farm program was the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), an agency designed to raise the price of farm products by limiting production. But farmers needed immediate relief, on the one
  • group of police officers to be hired with funding from last year's federal Crime BUI, which included President Clinton's promise to hire 100,000 police of- ficers, j In addition to the 118 that graduated Monday, the Crime Bill will pay for 310 more
  • ,r l , Kit' i"1t{!>' fb$^'' '•~!F'' ti'iySSR v »y^* k{A^Hfi"t"-5J-f* »tf t*if is i^i-wHrJfeflK March 28. Dwight David W hower, who led the Allies to vie in World War I I , and in 1952 elected 34th President of the Ui States, died today
  • and cost him votes." [3/98] "In the Wolford Senatorial campaign President Clinton singled out Rep. Rick Santorum as one who wanted to tamper with the retirement for the elderly. Santorum Clinton said, wants to raise the retirement age to 70 or higher. "Well
  • . Roosevelt Remarks a t t h e d e d i c a t i o n o f t h e F r a n k l i n D. Roosevelt L i b r a r y . June 30, 1941 This is a list of holdings of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. Included are the President's personal and family papers, papers covering
  • the authority to make Commission appointments between the President and Congress. In 1976 Congress enacted new legislation to meet the Court's objections and the current FEC's first full year of operation took place in 1977. Thus, for purposes of this report
  • but overwhelmingly from the still developing world of Asia and Latin America. The are driving a demographic shift so rapid that within the lifetimes of today's teenagers, no one ethnic group ~ including whites of European descent ~ will comprise a majority
  • s p o n s i b i l i t y t o one another, as c i t i z e n s and as a n a t i o n : L e t us n o t be enemies, b u t f r i e n d s . 13 1 — 7 OU ^" ^)-uu^Ji 7/3/95 9:30 p.m. ^ PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON A NEW COMMON GROUND GEORGETOWN
  • [Economic Report of the President, 1997] [3]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14445 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [Economic Report of the President, 1997][3] Stack: Row: 92 Section: Shelf: 11 Position: Document No. WHITE HOUSE STAFFING
Nathan Glazer (Item)
  • read the downfall of what was once a sustaining faith. 5 of 6 05/14/97 13:02:00 Slate - Book Review 2 - May 14, 1997 • Links For an excerpt from Nathan Glazer's We Are All Multiculturalists
  • BILL CLINTON FOR PRESIDENT February 1. 1992 INTRODUCTION Today, many middle-class American families are struggling to hold on. They see businesses close down and good iobs that used to last a litetime disappear. They watch the demise of once vibrant
  • research was conducted, Professor Wightman was Vice President f o r Testing, Operations, and Research, Law School Admission Council, Inc. The opinions expressed i n t h i s A r t i c l e are those of the author and do not n e c e s s a r i l y r e f l e c t
Clips (Item)
  • ) September 4, 1996, Wednesday, SECTION: COMMENT, FIFTH EDITION Pg. A14 LENGTH: 2 08 words HEADLINE: TOBACCO SHOULD BE ILLEGAL BYLINE: The Morning C a l l BODY: To the E d i t o r : America would love t o see tobacco-free c h i l d r e n and President C l i
  • b u r e a u c r a c i e s w i t h t h e i r own and s t a n d a r d s . l i n e troops, What i s s u r p r i s i n g , though, i s t h a t our the l o c a l p o l i c e departments, are culture front- have developed into c l a s s i c b u r e
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14539 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: Talking Pts. [Points] - '95 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 4 8 2 PRESIDENT CLINTON OUTLINES GOALS
  • applicable regulations. -48- Appendix IV - Industry Associations Within 90 days of the effective date of the Act, the tobacco product manufacturers shall disband and dissolve the Council for Tobacco Research, U.S.A. and the Tobacco Institute. In addition
  • 1947, 1960 * ** " I f it weren't for federal regulation and subsidy, Colorado would still be a string of mining camps and Denver just another cow town. The western slates have developed the "free lunch" concept to a state of art!" Stephen Vance Parker
  • , as amended by Order No. 463-71, 36 FR 12212, June 29, 1971] 3 5.305 Exemption under section 3(f) of the A c t The exemption provided by section 3(f) of the Act shall not be available unless the President has, by publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER, des
  • the r i c h e s t s o f t w a r e t h a t w i l l be developed, p a i d f o r by the f e d e r a l government, and p o i n t e d t o t h i s g o a l ; t h a t each c h i l d can l e a r n a t h i s o r her i n d i v i d u a l r a t e . .ETX WNBC
  • to both the right lo speak through symbolic action, and the right not to speak through symbolic action. Furthermore, the speech need nol convey a "narrow, suc20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Pharmacy v. Virginia Cilizcns Consumer Council, Inc., 425
  • l e b r i t y t o businessman, was i n v o l v e d i n every aspect o f p r o d u c t development. A 1997 Nike ad e n t i t l e d "CEO Jordan" sums up the t r a n s i t i o n -- Jordan sheds h i s No. 23 j e r s e y , p u t s on a business s u i t
  • secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • 6221731 TREAS INTL TRADE MEMORANDUM FOR ERSKINE BOWLES RON KLAIN GENE SPERLING MICHAEL WALDMAN FROM: Robert E. Rubin SUBJECT: ElOOl IRS Governance As we move toward the President's announcement on the IRS, and work to focus attention on taxpayer
  • Pena, Governor Pedro Rosello (P.R.), Chris Edley, DeVal Patrick ADMINISTRATION SURROGATES who can speak about the scope and nature of the President's initiative, its timeliness and the process by which it was developed. (Note the overlap between
  • : • • • • • • • Held First-Ever White House Conference on Child Care and White House Conference on Early Child Development and Learning. In April 1 9 9 7 , the President and First Lady held the White House Conference on Early Child Development and Learning to highlight
  • not attain a B average in high school but do so in their first year of college, would be eligible for the Tax Cut in their second year. Second, states that accept the President's challenge to develop a high standard graduation test, could offer passage
  • "Nomination 1912." He waved all ir candidate I cannot be. I "8 > this dinner that President r >, New York. Charles Emory Smith, the ashington Post described as he late President who was \e in the room." Herndon i-ached My Heart." conservative thinking and ng
  • -needed assistance to developing countries — helps to expand opportunities for business around the world. And 1 stated quite frankly that, without your know-how and your resources, many of the objectives of the United Nations would remain elusive. Today, I
  • . Specifically the President has four goals: (1) (2) (3) (4) Provide access to modem computers for all teachers and students; Connect every school in America to the Information Superhighway; Develop effective software in all subject areas, and Give every teacher
Education [2] (Item)
  • by eMendins my ihanlu to President Caner for his kindneis in incroducing me. and for his foresight in creeling ihc U.S. Dcpaitrocni of Education. Many yean ago. when President Caner creaied the Department iherr wis some heaied coiicism. U WM not needed, cnucs
  • statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA| Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRAj PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • clearly state in his briefing leading up to San Diego that the President made and insisted upon a concerted effort to hearfromall sides and voices as he developed his announcement. He had his cabinet meet to discuss this proposal. He ensured that all
  • : THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 22, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: Michael A. Waldman Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Speechwriting FROM: Thurgood Marshall, Jr. Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary Anne McGuire Special Assistant
  • that characterized economic growth in the developed world in this century. One year ago, Vice President launched very important discussions with your government on the environment. President Jiang and I have followed up, looking at ways 9 0 0 SUOTaeDTUnuiuioD DSN
Health Care (Item)
  • . This funding will also support a new AIDS vaccine center which will help fulfill the President's commitment to develop an AIDS vaccine. Increased Funding For The Ryan White Care Act By Over $ 1 5 0 Million. The bill increases funding for the Ryan White Care Act
  • President Johnson's Radio and Television Remarks Upon Signing the Civil Rights Bill July 2, 1964 • President Johnson's statement following the House Approval of Medicare Bill April 8, 1965 • President Johnson's Remarks at the Signing of the Older
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: OA/ID Number: 14446 FolderlD: Folder Title: [State-by-State Figures Nov. 1997][3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: S 92 4 1 Position: PRESIDENT CLINTON'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • with under 100 employees is covered by an employer retirement plan. By contrast, 3 out of every 4 workers in firms with 1,000 or more employees are covered. The President's proposal, developed as part of Vice President Gore's Reinventing Govemment initiative
  • interested to note the plans which the President and Corporation of Harvard University and the student body are making to provide for scholarships and support for refugees of all creeds from Germany. This program appears to be in the best traditions
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14446 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [State-by-State Figures Nov. 1997][2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: s 92 4 1 Position: PRESIDENT CLINTON'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS
  • FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Sylvia Mathews Maria Echaveste DATE: May 21. 1997 RE: Reconciliation Outreach Efforts This memorandum updates you on the outreach efforts for your race initiative and is primarily an information memo. The memo lists the people with whom
Anniversary (Item)
  • Fact: For Harry S Truman, war and cold war posed challenges unprecedented in history. Inaugural Address Biography: During his few weeks as Vice President, Harry S Truman scarcely saw President Roosevelt, and received no briefing on the development
  • , supra note _ , at 8-26; Tom Tyler, Why People Obey the Law (1990). [?] 32 13 President's Book on Race Part IV. 3. Criminal Justice • Draft/January 25, 1999 Build community infrastructure and promote economic development While law enforcement
  • as an American citizen of the world. AMERICANS 6 13 148. Undelivered Address jor Jefferson Day As Minister to France, then as our first Secretary of State and as our third President, Jefferson was instrumental in the establishment of the United States
  • and the Board of Directors of the Center for Policy Alternatives for recognizing my work along with such distinguished public servants as Missouri State Treasurer Bob Holden, U.S. Representative Connie Morella, and of course, our Vice President, Al Gore. You
  • in taking our streets back, taking our children back, reclaiming our families and our future. Thank you. NOTF.: The President spoke at 1 p.m. in the East Boom at the White House. In his remarks, he reCerred to Conner White House Press Secretary James Brady