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  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: Early Childhood Development Conference Background OA/ID Number: 14383 FolderlD: Folder Title: [BRIGHT CONSUMERS, BRIGHT FAMILIES, BRIGHT FUTURES
  • funding f o r academic health centers under the President's Health Security Act. This i s an issue t h a t both the President and h i s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n considered c a r e f u l l y i n f o r m u l a t i n g the Act. The h i s t o r y
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Neera Tanden: Correspondence, Health Care, Violence, Drugs OA/ID Number: 20357 FolderlD: Folder Title: M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Legislative Stack: Row
  • or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6
  • discharge, and persons are able to sustain improvement after leaving treatment. Outpatient Nonmethadone Programs: similar outcomes to therapeutic communities, with positive outcomes related to duration of treatment. 28-day Chemical-Dependency Programs
  • to the President, National Geographic Society) President (Former President, American Red Cross) Secretary (Associate Regional Director, National Park Service) Treasurer (Chairman, Oonmission of Fine Arts) Assistant Treasurer (National Council, Friends
Misc. Health (Item)
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 13532 FolderlD: Folder Title: Misc. Health Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 6 4 2 V November 10, 1998 Ms
  • or residential setting, (iii) restore the functioning of an individual with a diagnosable mental disorder or substance abuse disorder, or (iv) to assist the individual to develop skills necessary for. and to gain access to the support services that the individual
  • (a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l
  • /94 at 03:34EDT **** Florida expects surge of illegals / to sailfromHaiti By Nancy E. Roman THt WKSHINGTOi TIMCS Clinton defends employer mandates Health reform idea a tax saver, he says By J Jennings Moss THJ wiSHtNGTOi TIMES NEW YORK — President
  • up to 10 years before invasive cervical cancer develops. The survival rate of women with cervical cancer detected by Pap smear approaches 100%. The clinical breast exam is performed to screen for breast cancer, the second most common cause of cancer
  • . Inter-Alliance Health Security Fund 14. Budget Development and Enforcement 15. Quality Management and Improvement 16. Information Systems and Administrative Simplification 17. Creating a New Health Workforce OS/D' F WORKING GROUP DRAFT
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION AND THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CONFERENCE MATERIALS RE: HR 2425, MEDICARE PRESERVATION
  • Message • need agreement on criteria we need to meet before we're ready to launch ~ for example, the President should announce his plan publicly only when: - the policy is complete and sufficiently detailed - back-up numbers are adequate and available
  • have been affected by the increase, whereas low wage states, such as Alabama and Mississippi, had as much as 50% of their teenagers earning wages that would be increased by the change. THE PRESIDENT HAS S E EN THE WASHINGTON POST ^ A ^» ^ M Arthur S
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: Waivers Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 8 3 Withdrawal
  • . There are currently negotiations between the Office of Presidential Correspondence, and Margaret A. Williams, Chief of Staff for the F i r s t Lady, concerning the status of the Health Care Mail Intake Center. Pending resolution of t h i s question, we have developed
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 13534 FolderlD: Folder Title: Childhood Immunization Initiative State Profiles - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • Monika Donakowski President and Chief Executive Officer: James J. Pfister; Executive Vice President/Group Publisher: Paul A. Konowitch; Executive Vice President, Development: Barbara M. Pritchard; Vice President/Chief Financial Officer: Thomas W. Ehardt
  • ) ofthe PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(aX4) ofthe PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) ofthe PRA] P6
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library OOCUMKNT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Stan Greenberg to President Bill Clinton, et al., re: Democrats - 1994 (3 pages) 06/13/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office
  • t drugs have gripped small-town America u Thts president's proposed $13-bil]ion as weii. A n w university o Michigan study e f u gt suggests that after years cf decline, the antidrug b d e earmarks nearly twooe use o marijua-ts cocaine a d even LSD
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(S) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRAj b(l) National security
  • commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • e n t i s t s The HCFA 1500 f o r d e n t i s t s • The Universal Drug Claim Form developed by the National Council on P r e s c r i p t i o n Drug Programs f o r pharmacies who submit b i l l s f o r pharmaceutical products An advisory committee
  • | P3 Release would violate a Federal statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Neera Tanden: Correspondence, Health Care, Violence, Drugs OA/ID Number: 20357 FoIderlD: Folder Title: M. Williams Health Files [Folder 1]: Meetings [2] Stack: Row
  • statute [(a)(3) of the PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5
  • statute |(aX3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • elite and the Republicans, to be able to respond to the following questions: -* Is health care reform still a centerpiece of the President's agenda? If so, how do we fashion a new proposal to carry out this policy and political priority? Do we define
  • including recommendations for 24-hour coverage. Califomia Proposition 166 includes a provision authorizing 24-hour medical policies. A number of states have recently passed laws aimed at authorizing and facilitating the development of certain types of 24
  • i f t h Avenue, makes b r i e f welcoming remarks and introduces Stanley Herman, 'President, Council o f Fashion Designers o f America. -Stanley Herman makes remarks and introduces HRC, -HRC makes remarks. -Upon conclusion, HRC departs. PARTICIPANTS
  • to the President for Economic Policy; the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors. The Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development will lead interdepartmental working groups, comprised of government employees, which will gather information
  • of t h e Omnibus Budget R e c o n c i l i a t i o n Act of 1990. OMB's estimate of the pay-as-you-go e f f e c t of t h i s b i l l i s under development. JUL ID: 2b -yt) U-.^l NO.UUi K.U2 EXECirriVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT O f f IC£ OP
  • Providing consumers with information about the quality and cost of health plans. o Working with health care professionals to develop fee schedules for fee-for-service plans, and o Serving as an ombudsman for employers and consumers. The President's
  • • • Some of the centers should be developed to offer "wrap around" services to facilitate the participation of private perinatal providers in caring for the underserved. • c. Administration would be through the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: RISK SELECTION ISSUES UNDER MEDICARE REFORM PROPOSALS (LOOSE) Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: s
  • e i n t h e i r s t a t e . 4. Q. Does t h i s proposal about VA health care f u l f i l l the President's promise t o veterans? A. I t c e r t a i n l y does. The President promised t h a t veterans c u r r e n t l y r e c e i v i n g care from VA
  • conducted in academic health centers. This will enable academic health centers to continue to develop the advanced and highly speciahzed care they provide today, from heart-lung transplants to laser surgery for brain aneurysms. The Health Security Plan
  • in the development of innovative approaches (such as HMOs) to health (19) care financing and delivery. Finally, it has been argued that government control in the (20) health care sector in Canada has resulted in rationing and declining quality. RATIONING
  • and Program Development. Before coming to TTUHSC HealthNet, Steve was president of his own marketing and public affairs consulting business in Fort Worth, with clients including a major multihospital system in North Tsxas. Steve brings to his new position
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12511 FoIderlD: Folder Title: [TESTIMONY ON MEETING THE NEEDS OF LOW INCOME POPULATION IN HEALTH REFORM, NOVEMBER 19, 1993] [1] Stack: Row
  • PHOTOCOPY Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT/TITLE DATE Bob Boorstin to Mrs. Clinton; RE: Transition from Task Force's Plan to President's Plan (2 pages) 04/17/1993 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • McClintosk - il/harmony ch3 HI 1 I 'i The President's Health Care Reform Gives DoD: Readiness Security o t/1 Choice o o t > —• o M. SEAN MCCLINTOCK - AL\PRHS1 CH3 Q i t I < 11 i 1 » The Presidents Health Care Reform m r- Supports Medical
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: NGA MEDICAID PLAN PAPERS (LOOSE) Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 10 1 April 1, 1996
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY - THE ARIZONIA HEALTH CARE COST CONTAINMENT SYSTEM: THIRTEEN YEARS OF MANAGED CARE IN MEDICAID
  • ) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National
  • that are driving virtually cvcrytitate budget into the red. On the contrary, in seeking to contain Medicare cceu, the President and the Congress have succeeded only In shUUng some of those «oets onto the backs «f the *m ploycrs, consunert, and itsiegovcnimcnu who
  • a Federal statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • of patient l e v e l cost accounting systems under development, very substantial additional investment i n new automated system infrastructure w i l l be needed to support the AHP. 4. Managed care For VA f a c i l i t i e s to function e f f e c t i v e l y
  • in sociodemographic patterns of smoking presage a continuing disproportionate burden of illness for the Nation's poor and minority populations. •Thomas Novotny et al reviewed the state of public health control of tobacco in the United States and developed guidelines
  • statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA| Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: Malpractice Bills [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 8 3
  • Target patient population: AIDS patients (see #1 above) . The fraction of AIDS patients developing CMV r e t i n i t i s i s unknown although CMV infection i s very common. Many of these patients have advanced disease and receive therapy for only a few
  • by Henry J. Aaron and William B. Schwartz Confronted with a false choice between the two techniques most commonly advanced for controlling the growth of health care spending—managed competition and a global budget cap—President Bill Clinton has responded
  • Debbie Morris AFRICAN.AMERICAN,WOME N,HEALTH,EDUCATION,CO MMUNITY SERVICE AGING 05/09/93 Resident Council Marrs Nursing Home Louise Romano AGING,SENIORS,NY,HEAL TH,VISIT, h rc/schedule/oIddate.passed AGRICU 03/11/93 U.S. Department
  • those differences. SENATOR JAY ROCKEFELLER ISSUE: Primary care training incentives. S p e c i f i c a l l y , would the President consider having the residency slots allotment done by a state-by-state council, rather than a regional council? I am
  • f i c a l l y , would the President consider having the residency slots allotment done by a state-by-state council, rather than a regional council? I am concerned that individual states should have the authority and not be influenced by factors
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein O/VIl) Number: 12508 FolderlD: Folder Title: ILcxis-Nexis search re: Health Care Bil S. 1446 - unfoldered| Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • in Fargo today differs from previous drafts that have been discussed over the past few weeks. "The President has developed a responsible approach to financing and offers a workable plan for cutting red tape," said Mathem. Dan Hannaher said the official plan
  • Panetta, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Carol Rasco, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Robert Rubin and Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development Ira Magaziner. An interdepartmental working group headed by Ira
  • violate a Federal statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: CAN WE SUCCESSFULLY RESTRUCTURE THE MEDICARE & MEDICAID PROGRAMS? REPORT Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |aXS) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| C. Closed in accordance
  • receive patent protection for new pharmaceutical products. Under federal patent law, a patent holder is granted exclusive rights for a 17year period. Because drugs take a long time to develop and receive approval to market, however, the effective period
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: Fawell/Thomas Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 5 8 3 Withdrawal
  • the development of a twenty-four-hour coverage pilot program. Although the program design is not complete, it appears to allow employers to optfortwenty-four-hour coverage to satisfy workers' compensation requirements. The plan will also contain
  • . "The msy or impact of the bill would have been a chilling effect on continued finandng for resear-ch and development of important new drugs," said Dr. John Petricciani, vice president of Gonetics Institute Inc. of Cambridge. The Senate committee voted 16-1
  • ) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |aX5) of the PRA| P6
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12508 FolderlD: Folder Title: Legislation - Health Care [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: s 58 5 11 Position: 102D CONGRESS
  • is Chainnan, Viacom Entertainment Group) Richard Dreyfuss (Actor) . Jane & Michael Eisner (He is. Chairman, President & CEO of the Walt Disney Company. She is on the board of the National Council for Families and Television) , . Sally, Field (Actress most
  • /wt.regret.insert Irmgard Mende DC,HEALTH,PRIVATE.MEE TING hrc/schedule/wt.regret.insert W m n of Color AIDS Council oe Karen McManus D , E L H W M N A R C hrc/schedule/wt.regret.insert CHAT,OE,FI AN . M R I CAN, P IVATE . AE R M EETING, 01/01/94 HealthRight
  • to develop other programs. These include: • A Health Care Finder in each MTF directs beneficiaries needing care to the most cost-effective source for that care, either military or civilian. At the same time, the Health Care Finder assissts beneficiaries
  • A. Expanding Medicaid to Cover Low Income Individuals B. Medicaid Managed Que Experience C. Barriers to Free Choice of Health Plans D. Development of Health Plans To Serve Low Income Populations E. Subsidies and Patient Cost Sharing F. Protections for Low
  • ' compensation into the broad-based refonns now being developed by Mrs. Clinton and members of the President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform. I think it will be extremely benefidal to discuss workers' compensation in the broader context of national
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 13534 FolderlD: Folder Title: Childhood Immunization Initiative State Profiles - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: THE KAISER COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF MEDICAID: THE "NEW" HEALTH REFORM AND ACCESS TO CARE: THE PROBLEM
  • Meeting With President On Health Reform And Economic Package (9 pages) 02/11/1993 P5 002. memo Chris Jennings and Jennifer Klein to Hillary Rodham Clinton, re: Update on Health Policy Developments (5 pages) 04/07/1995 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed
  • consulted and o f f e r e d numerous o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o give input t o those involved i n developing the President's proposals. And as you know, there has been opportunity f o r a l i v e l y p u b l i c debate on health care reform and the s p e
  • a l s are much stronger and more vocal i n t h e i r support f o r the President's plan. Despite t h e i r cooperation and involvement i n developing t h e Health Security Act, the n a t i o n a l organizations have proven t o be o f l i m i t e d
  • differs from previous drafts that have been discussed over the past f e w weeks. "The President has developed a responsible approach to financing and offers a workable plan for cutting red tape," said Mathem. Dan Hannaher said the official plan contains
  • Medical School Blood Center Edgar G. Engleman CA.HEALTH,SPEECH,CONF ERENCE hrc/schedule/wt.regret.insert San Francisco C A 10/19/93 Northern California Hunan Resource Council Regina Maciula C.ELHUMNBUC AHAT,OE,RN H,CONFERENCE,SPEECH, hrc/schedule
  • of the patient. We need to take more of the guesswork out of medicine. •* • . i « ... Senator Metzenbaum ^ Q. How w i l l the President's proposal p r o t e c t consumers against insurance company predatory p r a c t i c e s , excessive a d m i n i s t r
  • . -2Tndividual Tax Model The Individual Tax Model (ITM) is one of the most powerful tools developed by OTA to aid in estimating changes in Federal receipts. The ITM is a large microdata simulation model. The microdata aspect of the model refers to the fact
  • to health care led a recent presidential commission to ask whether "some mdividuais are systemadcally receiving 'second class' care of inadequate quality" (President's Commission, 1983:75). Moreover, the mounting evidence that factors related to social class
  • and the Inevitability of Bedside Budget Balance" 15. President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research: Recommendations. 16. Welch, H. Gilbert, "Should the Health Care Forest Be Selectively Thinned
  • was completed in ap- ty of Chicago; the Council of Energy Reproximately 13,700 dwelling units to source Tribes, Denver, CO; and Stephen identify the eligible sample, yielding R. Braund and Associates, Anchorage, 1990 responding households in round 1. AK. Data
  • Plan Press Packet September 22,1993 Health Security Plan Press Packet Table of Contents I. The Need For Refonn IL Executive Summary EI. Plan Summary IV. Graphs THE NEED FOR REFORM The United States is a world leader in developing new medical
  • , their employees, and their families." - President Bill Clinton The Health Security Plan Press Packet September 22,1993 Health Security Plan Press Packet Table of Contents I. The Need For Reform II. Executive Summary III. Plan Summary IV. Graphs
  • will help states share information on health plan performance. • Reforms malpractice. The President's proposal will limit lawyers' fees in order to discourage frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits. It will also encourage patients and doctors to use
  • under the Oregon plan than now, the participation in the development of priplan still accepts an inequality that is orities. Public participation is desirable not ideally just. It is more just—perbecause it may yield agreement about haps much more just
  • . You and your colleagues have added an important perspective to the debate. I am personally appreciative of your positive assessment of the President's plan and your commitment to reform. I look forward to working with you in the future. With regards
  • to be used in the 32 project, analyzing ways to improve the accuracy of the UCDS dau collected, and developing 33 criteria to evaluate the success of the project. A complete report on the PRO 'Fourtb Scope of 34 Work, prepared by the Council on Medical
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: | Office of the First Lady: Malpractice - Options Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 5 8 3 HEALTH
  • in benefits. Debate over this component is likely to be a major issue in consideration of the competitive approach. • The Library of Congress IB93008 01-06-93 Most Recent Developments Preliminary versions of President-elect Clinton's health care reform
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001a. memo Harold Ickes to the President, the First Lady, and Leon Panetta, re: Healthcare (1 page) 09/11/1994 P5 001b. paper Current situation regarding
  • are traditionally off the record. The long list of other possible candidates for Christopher's job includes Rep. Lee Hamilton, Democrat of Indiana, who is chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, former Vice President Walter Mondale, currently ambassador
  • drafted model legislation that extensively restricts the pricing, marketing, underwriting, and design of small-group insurance policies. President Bush and key Democrats suppon the enactment of these reforms. A second development, particularly relevant
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12511 FoIderlD: Folder Title: [Health Security Act of 1993: Senior Staff Information Package] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: S 58 6 1
  • would violate a Federal statute |(a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • thoughtful l e t t e r and offer to be of assistance to our effort to reform the health care system. The healthcare task force has completed i t s charge from the President to develop recommendations to improve the delivery of health care in the nation. We
  • Louisvilie KY 11/10/93 Association For Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. Urias H. Beverly KY,HEALTH hrc/schedule/regret Lexington KY 09/09/93 Council On Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation Henry A. Fernandez KY,HEALTH hrc/schedule/regret
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: [Medicare/Medicaid/Health Care Reform Package] [loose material] Stack: Row: Section
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT - BOOK Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: S 58 5 10 Position
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: Malpractice Bills [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 8 3
  • care t o over one t h i r d of Californians. I t " i s intended to give consumers a yardstick when shopping f o r health care" and comes "at a time when President Clinton has touted Kaiser as a cost-effective model" f o r care (Elizabeth Fernandez, 10/2
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • , including Peter Milgrom. I5DS. Allyson Davfti. PhD, Max Schoan. DOS, DrPH. Jam«s Mulvlhill. DMD. Ronald Di Vlcanio, DDS. Kant Naah. PhD. jack O'Donnell, Secretary, Council on Dental Care Programs. Arthur Dugonl, DDS. and Burton Press. DDS. They also thank
  • Services OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL USE OF EMERGENCY ROOMS BY MEDICAID RECIPIENTS Richard P. Kusserow INSPECTOR GENERAL MARCH 1992 E X E C U T I V E SUMMARY PURPOSE This repon describes programs or procedures developed by nine States to control
  • . These principles and recommendations were developed by over 200 tribal leaders at a national Indian health care summit conference held in Washington on March 15-16, 1993. Also attached is a short chronology of consultative events with Indian leaders. 21 From
  • that service. A usage report and newspaper clips are attached. Following that, there were nine radio interviews set up with the six group organizations who attended the Conference Call session with the First Lady at the White House. Lee Swenson. President
  • or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |aXS) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Employee Retirement Income Security Act [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 8 3 T 9
  • | Release would violate a Federal statute |(aX3) of the PRA| Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12508 FolderlD: Folder Title: [HEALTH CARE LEGISLATION 1995] DOLE Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 5 11 1 17
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: Self-Employed Tax Deduction Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 5 8 3
  • will be controlled and money will be freed up for job creation The Wall Street Joumd said that "for many small businesses, saddled with escdding health care costs, President Clinton's health care package comes as an unexpected windfall." Studies show tha the fastest
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: BAZELON CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH LAW - LIMITED ACCESS: HOW THE HEALTH SECURITY ACT AFFECTS PEOPLE WITH MENTAL
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: POTUS - June 5 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 5 8 3 Withdrawal
  • ) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National
  • the current system must join in getting it under control. HOW THE PLAN WORKS How Health Care Reform Will Affect You Our national goal is health security - comprehensive health benefits guaranteed for every American. How will the President's plan work
  • to outpatient care in treatment of MH/SA problems. Current benefit structure has resulted in excess inpatient capacity. Individuals and families face significant financial risks if they develop a serious mental or substance abuse disorder. For these disorders
  • brings to the counsels of the government, h i s experience and h i s perspective, and those of you who know him know that he i s not shy about expressing both. And he has been a very valued member of the President's cabinet. I want to thank the Commander
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: PRIMER ON THE FEDERAL BUDGET, MAY 1995 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 10
  • to the current values framework. Ideally, values should guide the development and implementation of health care policy. But the values that have formed the foundation of our health care system have not served that function. There has been a marked lack
  • with significant guidance from the Vice President's national information infrastructure initiative (Nil). The HSA provided for private sector development of an electronic health information system, guided by federal standards which would be developed
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: NIHCM - STATES AS PAYERS: MANAGED CARE FOR MEDICAID POPULATIONS Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: S 58 5 10
  • and h i s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n considered c a r e f u l l y while developing the Health Security'Act. Under the President's Health Security Act, businesses will have a strong voice in the health care system. Regional health alliances will include
  • £- 6»». 2:45 9:20 am "The Power of New IdeaB" Incoming Officers Presentation 2:66 pm Break-"The Power to Refresh' Carter Bryan, Chairman of the Board "The Power of Program and Inoomo 3:15 pm Thomas Marstand, MD. President Development" - The Breast
  • CITY STATE Washington D C 08/26/94 Ward 1 Democratic State Comnittee Jerry S. Cooper D,ELHVTRNCN CHAT,EEA,O VENTION,SPEECH, hrc/schedule/wt.regret.insert Washington D C 04/19/94 New York State Building and Construction Trades Council Edward
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Stati Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 1251 FoIderlD: Folder Title: [HEALTH REFORM REPORTS: COOPER - BINDER] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 6 1 1 171 1
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: BENEFIT DESIGN - PATIENT COST-SHARING - BOOK Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: s 58 5 10 Position
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 13534 FoIderlD: Folder Title: BINDERS ON STATE HEALTH REFORM Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 6 5 1 06/20/95 15:10
  • and the waiters will not eat the food. Stuart M. Buder Vice President and Director of-Domestic Policy Studies For further information: Robert E. Moffit, "Why Fcd&ral Unions Want to Escape the Clinton Health Plan." Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 953, August
  • IV, the National Health Policy Council (NHPC), a nonprofit educational foundation. Dr. Bruce Trimble - Rheumatologist in Mason City, IA. - Past-president of the Iowa Medical Society (IMS). During his tenure he represented the IMS on the Iowa
  • or explicitly either endorse or reject any of the other organizations' proposed initiatives. We conducted our review in accordance with the Interim Standards for Inspections issued by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency. I* PURSUIT OF Q U A L
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: [ERISA, Employee Retirement Income Security Act] [loose material] [1] Stack: Row
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 1251 FoIderlD: Folder Title: [HEALTH REFORM REPORTS: COOPER - BINDER] [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 6 1 1 103D
  • PURPOSES ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4 sources o f f u n d i n g need t o be developed. I n addition, those Medicare i n d i v i d u a l s d u a l l y e l i g i b l e f o r Medicare and Medicaid have a l a r g e r b e n e f i t package t h a n j u s t
  • ) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| C. Closed
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAj P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA
  • would be developed. Under this option, FEHBP would conform to the health alliance structure and would proceed as the national program falls into place to adapt in various ways to local situations. It would begin regionalization and either initiate
  • American l.unjd Assixriation Administrator - Kederal Issues Joy Silver kpslein Administralur - State Issues Pcicr Fisher SAVING LIVES AND RAISING REVENUE: Counsel Mullhew L. Myers Ashill. Junkin & Myers Legislative Advisory Council American Academy n
  • , who volunteered her services to compile and organize much of the material. Alliance for Health Reform December 1992 ALLIANCE FOR HEALTH REFORM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Honorable John D. Rockefeller IV U.S. Senator Lane Kirkland President AFL-CIO
  • /wt.regret.insert hrc/schedule/wt.3rd.elect hrc/sched3/adams.joetta hrc/scheduIe/wt.datepassed.inser Ontar i o CANADA 10/01/94 Patient & Family Council Parkwood Hospital D. Smith CANADA,WOMEN,HEALTH hrc/schedule/wt.3rd.insert Fontana C A 01/01/95 United
  • of fraud and abuse. A Health Information Advisory Coiranittee comprised of 15 members appointed by the President. Grants w i l l be available for demonstration projects to promote the development and use of electronically integrated c l i n i c a l
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: THE KAISER COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF MEDICAID: CUTTING MEDICAID SPENDING IN RESPONSE TO BUDGET CAPS - REPORT
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12508 FolderlD: Folder Title: Legislation - Health Care [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 5 11 1 MEMORANDUM
  • , ss well as on developments in current ones, and explains how to most effectively use GHI services. The Pulse also provides healtli education information for members. A subscription to the Pulse at an annual cost of $3 is included as part
  • e r groups b e l i e v e t h a t t h e problem of access, c o s t and q u a l i t y must be addressed t o g e t h e r . I n t h a t r e g a r d , we have developed g u i d e l i n e s by which we r e v i e w l e g i s l a t i o n t h a t i s i n t e
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: THE KAISER COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF MEDICAID: DIRECTIONS FOR HEALTH REFORM - REPORT (LOOSE) Stack: Row
  • shutdown, but t h a n k f u l l y we were able t o hold t h i s ceremony because the White House Appropriations B i l l was one of those t h a t was passed and the President signed. But I am happy t o r e p o r t t h a t the e x h i b i t d i d open i n
  • reform, a prospective r i s k adjustment system w i l l be developed. Premiums p a i d t o h e a l t h plans w i l l be adjusted t o r e f l e c t the h e a l t h status of the plan's enrollees. Universal Coverage and Insurance Reform Many o f the r i s
  • of AGING ORGANIZATIONS Horaces. Dears, Chairman May 3, 1993 Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinion Chair President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform The White House 1600 Petmsvlvania Avenue, N. W. Washington, DC 20500 Dear Ms. Clinton: The undersigned
  • B. Reich as well as Director of the Office ot Management and Budget Leon E. Panetta, OMB Deputy Director Alice Rivlin, White House domesticpolicy adviser Carol Rasco, the president's senior adviser for policy development, Ira Magaziner. and the head
  • Dennis C. Poulsen President & Chief Executive Officer Rose Hills Company Bill Press Chair, L.A. County Commission on Insurance Political Commentator - KCOP TV & KFI Radio Val Rodriguez Community Organizer Health Promotions Council Corinne Sanchez
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12504 FolderlD: Folder Title: HEALTH REFORM 1993/1994: BENEFIT ESTIMATES - LOOSE PAPERS [5] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: MEDICAID REFORM: A COMPARISON OF CURRENT LAW, MEDIGRANT AND THE NATIONAL GOVERNOR'S ASSOCIATION MEDICAID REFORM
  • health care reform, and ahead to the future, some clear ideas emerge. President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton deserve tremendous credit for finally bringing the health care crisis, at once a threat to our economy and a very personal concern
  • not been a major focus of those engaged either in the conduct of research or the development of service systems related to A D R D . From the scienUfic perspective, the diversity among A D R D patients of differing ethnic backgrounds a n d cultural settings
  • to the U.S.T.R's Presidential Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. She also serves on the Animal Tracks' Board.) m . PARTICIPANTS Linda Wachner Phyllis Bonanno, Staff Vice President for Intemational Trade Development IV. PRESS PLAN Closed. V
  • accepted from Bob at 456-2338 or Jason at 456-2874. HEALTH CARE MESSAGE STATEMENT Here's how the President's health reform works: Guaranteed private insurance. We want to guarantee private insurance coverage to every American. Comprehensive coverage
  • s SUBJECT: Economic B r i e f i n g T r a n s c r i p t on 10/6 THE WHITE HOUSE O f f i c e o f t h e Press S e c r e t a r y For Immediate Release October 6, 1993 PRESS BRIEFING BY ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR ECONOMIC POLICY BOB RUBIN, COUNCIL
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: SEARCHING FOR SAVINGS IN MEDICARE, DECEMBER 1995 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: S 58 5 10
  • information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) ofthe PRA
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: ANALYSIS OF THE NUMBER OF WORKERS COVERED BY SELFINSURED HEALTH PLANS UNDER THE EMPLOYEE
  • , 1988, 1989, 1990a). Apparently, competitive considerations, notably fears about losing market share, have been at work to sustain this trend. Meanwhile, for select procedures studied by ProPAC, the volume at the average hospital perfonning
  • . But the flaw in the PPO approach is that it allows doctors, ever inventive at finding ways to sustain their incomes, to beat the system by performing more procedures. Says Rebecca Rush, vice president of group marketing in Prudential's southwestern region
  • - BY- STATE HEALTH CARE COVERAGE MARCH 8, 1994 Attached is a comprehensive collection of stories focusing on analysis detailing the state-by-state impact of the President's health care reform proposal. C l i n t o n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Releases
  • : 2 THE WHITE HOUSE O f f i c e o f t h e Press S e c r e t a r y For Immediate Release September 23, 1993 REMARKS OF THE FIRST LADY HEALTH CARE SPEECH AT COMMITTEE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEW YORK CITY MRS. CLINTON: I want t o thank John f o r t
  • included in a bill introduced in the 102nd Congress by Representative Cooper (H.R. 5936). Managed competition may be the centerpiece of President Clinton's proposed health care reforms that will be unveiled later this spring, and i t certainly
  • ) here. — t h e F i r s t Lady and t h e President H i l l a r y C l i n t o n has done an o u t s t a n d i n g j o b on b e h a l f o f t h e American p u b l i c , b r i n g i n g h e a l t h care t o t h e f o r e f r o n t o f l e g i s l a t i o
  • Care Entities are Owned by Referring Physicians The Structure of Ownership or Investment Varies Investment Opportunities are Often Developed by Physicians Themselves Impact of Arrangements on Utilization Patients of Physician Laboratory Owners Received
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12508 FolderlD: Folder Title: [TITLE XI - HEALTH CARE - UNFOLDERED] [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 11 1
  • information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA
  • . The President has always intended that health reform should produce significant deficit reduction during the second five years. If health care uses all Medicare and Medicaid savings and produces no deficit reduction, it will be almost impossible to keep
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • of inadequacy, i n f e r i o r i t y and i n s e c u r i t y . These feelings can be caused by a v a r i e t y of s i t u a t i o n s and events. AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION: President of Extracare Health Services New Jersey State Board C e r t i f i e d Drug
  • that are not possible outside the demonstration. Within the guidelines of demonstration authority and the overall design approach established by the DOD, each service has developed, and is implementing, separate demonstration projects. The first CAM site became
  • , Division of State and Community Systems Development, Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Rockville, Md (Dr Manderscheid). Reprint requests to Room 10C-05, 5600 Fishers Ln, Rockville, MD 20857 (Dr
  • Eligibility B. Community Health Center/Migrant Health Center Eligibility C. Provider Reimbursement D. Infrastructure Development in Underserved Areas E. Financing F. Health I.D. Card and Privacy/Confidentiality Protection G. Educational Campaign
  • services, they are useful in developing health profiles. However, they frequently lack critical patient level information. There is often an absence of validation of many data elements. In addition, while coverage of the elderly in the Medicare program
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: COMMONWEALTH FUND - LITERATURE Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: s 58 5 10 Position: THE COMMONWEALTH FUND
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12504 FolderlD: Folder Title: HEALTH REFORM 1993/1994: BENEFIT ESTIMATES - LOOSE PAPERS [2] Stack: Row: s 58 Section: Shelf: Position
  • Care Cost Containment Council, 1992. 3. Summary Report: "Cleveland Health Quality Choice," April 28, 1993. 4. Press Release and other materials on "Health Care, Performance Indicators for Choosing A Health Care Delivery System," United HealthCare
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12508 FolderlD: Folder Title: [TITLE X I - HEALTH CARE - UNFOLDERED] [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 11 1
  • up and p r e s e n t . The p l a n t h a t i s b e i n g developed has r e s t e d on t h e a d v i c e o f people r e p r e s e n t i n g h o s p i t a l s , o f p h y s i c i a n s , o f b u s i n e s s p e o p l e , o f nurses, of everyone who has
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 13534 FolderlD: Folder Title: Newspaper Clippings Childhood Immunization Initiative 12-1-94 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position
  • industries can work together in developing the pilots, trials, and implementations necessary to enable the full range of benefits to flow to those who are served by the health care industry nationwide. In order torealizethe full potential this technology has
  • AND COMriDENTIAL • Allows any program approved by the A c c r e d i t a t i o n Council f o r Graduate Medical Education t o receive f e d e r a l t r a i n i n g payments regardless o f t r a i n i n g s e t t i n g . • Removes Health Care Finance
  • r t r e f o r m s " and r e g a r d l e s s o f t h e t y p e o f " r e f o r m s " enacted. We developed a c h a r t ( a t t a c h e d as Appendix A) showing t h e percentage o f i n c r e a s e from 1982 t o 1990 i n p e r s o n a l h e a l t h
  • to approximately 7.000 deaths in 1984; > filed in it events d to the ncidence ice 5. Persons over 65 suffered more total adverse and negligent adverse events than any other age group. Persons over 65 had twice the chance of sustaining an adverse event than
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information |(aX4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |aX5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • s t s The HCFA 1500 f o r d e n t i s t s • The Universal Drug Claim Form developed by the National Council on P r e s c r i p t i o n Drug Programs f o r pharmacies who submit b i l l s f o r pharmaceutical products An advisory committee t o
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12504 FolderlD: Folder Title: CHAFEE - WHITE BINDER (103RD CONGRESS 1ST SESSION, S. 1770, CALENDER NO. 338, 1993)[1] Stack: Row: Section
  • that developed countries spend too much on medicine; they argue that this practice increases iatrogenous illness. '' The extreme versions of this argument, constituting a kind of "therapeutic nihilism," have been cogently c r i t i c i z e d . and in this country
  • data bases to develop estimates of the number of nursing home residents who spend-down and qualify for Medicaid coverage of their care. They have also focused on the length of time it takes for persons to deplete their resources and become Medicaid
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 13534 FoIderlD: Folder Title: [INSURANCE REFORM - BACKGROUND DATA: KASSEBAUM-KENNEDY & ADMINISTRATION PROPOSALS] [1] Stack: Row: Section
  • that employers should develop and promulgate access and correction policies voluntarily. Accordingly, the Commission recommends: KcaimtncnJtilion (17): lhat as a mailer of policy an employer should (a) designate clearly: (i) those records about an employee
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12511 FolderlD: Folder Title: [UNFOLDERED HEALTH CARE MATERIALS - NOTEBOOKS, LEGISLATION, ETC.] [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12504 FolderlD: Folder Title: HEALTH REFORM 1993/1994: BENEFIT ESTIMATES - LOOSE PAPERS [6] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: LOOSE MATERIALS RELATING TO MEDICAID Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 10 1 Key Elements
  • . Options and Implications Maintenance of Effort: a. State Medicaid share only with base year selected to exclude or include effects of provider taxes and donations. Short-run and long-run indexing mechanisms would be specified. Developing a current effort
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12511 FoIderlD: Folder Title: [UNFOLDERED HEALTH CARE MATERIALS - NOTEBOOKS, LEGISLATION, ETC.] [4] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12504 FolderlD: Folder Title: HEALTH REFORM 1993/1994: BENEFIT ESTIMATES - LOOSE PAPERS [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58
  • to the courts and the Department of Labor. Consequently, a considerable body of law has developed that discusses the reach of section 3(21). However, no summary currently exists that comprehensively analyzes this important body of law. 3 4 5 3 See Panel
  • ). The remaining missing values were imputed using a "hot deck" statistical procedure developed at the Research Triangle Instirute (lannacchione 1982). Misreporting could have affected our estimates of the number of children. On the one hand, the disabled elden
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: Insurance Reform Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 8 3 Ihe
  • he used f r e e l y t o develop t h e b e s t p o s s i b l e a c t i o n p l a n . The r e s e a r c h base i s o u t l i n e d below: Greenberg Research n a t i o n a l survey focus groups ( I L and CA) S e r v i c e Employees I n t e r n a t i o
  • h t h e board - c o o r d i n a t e low-income a s s i s t a n c e i n a manner d e s c r i b e d by t h e board - be a minimum s i z e The board a l s o develops c r i t e r i a f o r a l l i a n c e s s p e c i f y i n g maximum overhead l e v
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: Justice Opinion Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 5 8 3 U. S
  • of hospitals and office-based physicians were estimated to be 22% of total health care spending in 1983 and 24% in 1989. 7 8 Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council. 6 "How to Resolve the Health Care Crisis: Affordable Protection for All Americans
  • a copy of the speech that President Theodore Roosevelt gave here, because the challenge to sustain democracy continues. It is a challenge that we all must meet every day in our own countries, and I would like to leam from the wisdom of President Roosevelt
  • i o n o f s t a t e h e a l t h care f i n a n c i n g i n i t i a t i v e s t h a t meet d e f i n e d c r i t e r i a . Such amendments could r e a s s u r e s t a t e s t h a t want t o develop b r o a d h e a l t h care access programs. III
  • approach to r e f u s i n g coverage may screening out i n d i v i d u a l s who result in are not a t high r i s k of developing the d i s e a s e (Merlis, 1990). Even i f a person with HIV d i s e a s e were to obtain i n d i v i d u a l insurance, p
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12511 FoIderlD: Folder Title: [UNFOLDERED HEALTH CARE MATERIALS - NOTEBOOKS, LEGISLATION, ETC.] [5] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: THE KAISER COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF MEDICAID: EXPENDITURE CAPS AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF FEDERAL MEDICAID
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12508 FolderlD: Folder Title: [TITLE XI - HEALTH CARE - UNFOLDERED] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 5 11 1
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12511 FolderlD: Folder Title: [UNFOLDERED HEALTH CARE MATERIALS - NOTEBOOKS, LEGISLATION, ETC.] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position
  • information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: THE KAISER COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF MEDICAID: MEDICAID EXPENDITURES AND BENEFICIARIES, NATIONAL AND STATE
  • : Humphrey Taylor, President and CEO Susan Barnett, Research Associate LOUIS HARRIS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 630 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N W YORK 10111 E 212-698-9600 CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Accuracy, Sampling E r r o r , and Other Sources o f E r r o r
  • has been a l l o w e d t o develop i n our h e a l t h care system where we had t h e most h i g h l y s o p h i s t i c a t e d h e a l t h care a v a i l a b l e anywhere i n t h e w o r l d ; so t h a t you c o u l d w i t h g r e a t ease
  • HIV/AIDS Fact Sheet/ HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials and Treatments (Center for Health Promotion National Council of La Raza June 1994)
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Neera Tanden: Misc. Subject Files; Publications; Videos OA/ID Number: 14313 FolderlD: Folder Title: HIV/AIDS FACT SHEET / HIV/AIDS CLINICAL TRIALS AND TREATMENTS
  • Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: Policy Development OA/ID Number: 15414 FolderlD: Folder Title: HEALTHY CHILD CARE AMERICA Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 60 2 4 1 Clinton
  • Health Fact Sheet/Tuberculosis Update (Center for Health Promotion/National Council of La Raza, June 1994)
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Neera Tanden: Misc. Subject Files; Publications; Videos OA/ID Number: 14313 FolderlD: Folder Title: HEALTH FACT SHEET/TUBERCULOSIS UPDATE (CENTER FOR HEALTH
  • HRC Speeches 5/96 - 6/96: [National Council for International Health 5/28]
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Speechwriting Subseries: Laura Schiller: HRC Speeches 9/95 - 11/96, Clinton/Gore Speeches 1996 OA/ID Number: 24622 FolderlD: Folder Title: HRC Speeches 5/96-6/96: [National Council
  • Developing and Disseminating Solutions to Major Health and Population Problems Facing the World
  • , a figure that is comparable with Japan's. The result of the Matlab project strongly suggests that economic and social development is not a prerequisite for fertility reduction, if contraceptive services can be introduced and sustained effectively
  • a state's plan if the Secretary determines that the plan was developed in consultation with individuals with disabilities and their representative*, and meets all the foregoing requirements for elements of a state plan. The Secretary is required to monitor
  • appointed this group - which includes representatives of all relevant ABA entities ~ to develop analyses and proposals on the legal issues relating to healthcare reform, and to establish liaison with the Administration for that purpose. Since you and I
  • at the BRT, NAM and elsewhere. We must move quickly to counter these developments. • We should bring together a group of former junior CEOs who will support our approach for a visible event with the President of First Lady. We could probably assemble 25 CEOs
  • earn too much for Medicaid but too little for private coverage. To help reduce the number of uninsured children, the President's initiative will provide annual grants to states to develop innovative approaches ~ like those initiated in Florida
  • will visit That's just not good enough in a nation that should be the world's leader in providing health care to its citizens. The President's health care reform reflects his belief that children's health is one of the most important moral and economic
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: AHCPR: MEDICAL NECESSITY - A SYMPOSIUM ON POLICY ISSUES, IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES, AND TOUGH CHOICES Stack
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: Early Childhood Development Conference Background OA/ID Number: 14383 FolderlD: Folder Title: Putting Healthy Steps Into Practices - Healthy Steps
  • , • one of the following for dentists: the HCFA 1500, the American Dental Association's 1990 Dental Claim Form, or J-510, • the Universal Drug Claim Form developed by the National Council on Prescription Drug Programs for pharmacies who are submitting
  • , birth defects, childhood diseases, unintentional injuries, and learning and cognitive development. This nation now has. a historic opportunity to change our health care system to make it work for all of us. I hope you will work with the President to make
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Policy Development Subseries: Marge Tarmey OA/ID Number: 10258 FolderlD: Folder Title: EDUCATION DEPARTMENT HEALTH INITIATIVES Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 59 4 7 3 WHILE VOU
  • Child Care Study - NICHD [National Institute of Child Health and Human Development]
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: Policy Development O/Vll) Number: 15412 FolderlD: Folder Title: CHILD CARE STUDY - NICHD [National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
  • of the benefit package to be determined later by a government board. The Clinton approach provides a choice of health care plans and a choice of doctors. Other approaches would mean fewer choices. CMNTOlvPLAiV COMPARISON Thc President's approach is good
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. paper RE: Ultimate Congressional End Game [partial] (2 pages) 01/20/1994 P5 002. memo Ira Magaziner to President Clinton, et al.; RE: Cost Containment (2 pages
  • a b i l i t i e s , and the President's Committee w i l l be f o l l o w i n g developments i n health care reform c l o s e l y . Today, I want t o b r i n g two important items t o your a t t e n t i o n . F i r s t , as you know, j u s t a few weeks
  • care insurance, health care cost control, and the development of a public-private partnership where employers play an important role in sharing i n the responsibility of paying for health reform. The President recognizes the innovation and leadership i
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) ofthe PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [aX5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • Field Meetings now in progress. As you can see from the agenda, the nine regional meetings have three major objectives: 1) to explain and evaluate the President's reform proposal; 2) to recommend four primary advocacy positions; and finally, 3
  • and dentists • The HCFA 1500 for dentists • The Universal Drug Claim Form developed by the National Council on Prescription Drug Programs for pharmacies who submit bills for pharmaceutical products The standard claim form will also serve as a basis
  • 60 3 5 2 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Keene March 15, 1994 Mr. B i l l Gradison President Health Insurance Association of America 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-3998 Dear B i l l : Thank you very much f o r your l e t t e r
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) ofthe PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • centers perform broad community functions that must be sustained in the competitive environment created under health reform. ENSURING SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND RESEARCH MISSIONS The American Health Security Act creates a national pool of funds to support
  • affordable coverage will help them expand even more, leading to more jobs and higher wages. The Wall Street Journal wrote: "For many small businesses, saddled with escalating health care costs, President Clinton's health care package comes as an unexpected
  • i s s u c c e s s f u l l y pursuing your dream of an education. As you know, education i s valued greatly by both the President and me. Education i s e s s e n t i a l to our nation's long-term economic development. We can be a high-growth, high
Health Kids (Item)
  • TYPE ....5... 10... 15... 20... 25... 30...35...40...45..,50...55...60...65 1 advantage of our fine doctors, 2 nurses, and hospitals and can 3 develop into a healthy, 4 5 productive adult. The President's -reform i s r e a l l y 6 quite simple
  • a t i o n , parochialism, and greed. Thomas Jefferson was the f i r s t President t o t a l k about T & W i n d i v i d u a l h e a l t h f n niTn i ii I D i n n imii ii n I M iijum iiifiijjMJiaiiijL r F r a n k l i n Roosevelt hoped that h e
  • it is likely to grow in the fourth quarter; that depends in large part on how many cars and trucks are built in the period. The president of the National Retail Federation. Tracy Mullins. expressed relief that the Fed was holding rates steady for now. But she
  • reform makes sure that every c h i l d gets the r i g h t s t a r t i n l i f e so t h a t he or she can take advantage of our f i n e doctors, nurses and h o s p i t a l s and can develop i n t o healthy, productive adults. The President's reform i s r e
  • developed a computerized medical-record system that performs simple informational tasks by protocol. In a previous study * protocol-generated recommendations provided by this system significantly reduced Lhe physician's error rate. However, that study did
  • , there is evidence across the political spectrum that the pounding the President's plan took means that the President must act decisively to re-identify himself with the issue in a positive way. When asked who should take the lead in developing a health care reform
  • . Earlier this year, the President posed a challenge to scientists to develop an AIDS vaccine in the next decade - and we are even closer on a tuberculosis and malaria vaccine. Tuberculosis and malaria are currently the leading killers worldwide, although
  • from within the system and tailored to a specific market. Burgett & Dietrich, headquartered in 6 Hr.illh S^rrms HI '.VMl Little Rock. Arkansas, works with only large corporations, according to Mic, hael R. Burcham, vice president for development. "We
  • information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA
  • weeks, i n many cases at their own expense. -2I r a Magaziner, the President's senior a d v i s e r f o r p o l i c y development, led what must have been one of the most d i f f i c u l t jobs i n Washington t h i s year. Working a g a i n s t
  • e President's discussions are occurring at the broadest policy levels. Nonetheless, t h e P r e s i d e n t ' s o v e r a l l p o l i c y d i r e c t i o n , a l o n g w i t h our d i s c u s s i o n s w i t h I r a , Judy, and o t h e r s , have a l
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: BENEFIT DESIGN - CLINICAL PREVENTIVE SERVICES - LITERATURE Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 58 5
  • — M i l i t a r y B e n e f i c i a r i e s FEHBP— Federal Employees Medicaid VA Health Care (Veterans) President and Congress Senior C i t i z e n s Single Payer System T r a n s i t i o n t o New Health Care System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HEALTH CARE
  • Director 617-726-2100 January 28, 1994 Ira Magaziner Special Assistant to the President for Policy Development 216 Old Executive Office Building Washington, D. C . 20500 Dear Mr. Magaziner: I write on my own behalf, as well as on behalf of my colleagues
  • ) of the PRA] Release would violate a Federal statute |(aX3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National security classified information |(bXl)of the FOIA| b(2
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of thc PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • ASSOCIATION |. MICHAEL McWILLIAMS Office of the President American Bar Center 750 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois 6()hl 1 Telephone: (312) 988-5109 Fax: (312) 988-5100 Please Reply to: Tydtngs & Rosenberg 2(ith Floor 100 East Pratt Street Baltimore
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • being helpful to the Administration. He expects a tough reelection race next year. Sharp has voted pro-choice. Recent Developments: Following the President's address. Sharp told the AP the plan " i s profoundly important to Hoosiers and represents a most
  • violate a Federal statute |(aX3) of the PRA| Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed
  • Report, April 1993 This is a summary of the Cleveland Health Quality Choice (CHQC) program, a collaborative effort of businesses, hospitals and physicians to develop a system to reliably and objectively measure patient outcomes and patient satisfaction
  • 3 6 2 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Bad Move on Health Care N - OT TOO MANY weeks ago, it seemed as if Congress was about to pass, and the president to sign, a modest bill to help people keep their health insurance while between jobs. Not even
  • to President and Mrs. Clinton from Ralph Nader. 3. Letter to President Clinton from Consumer Federation of America. 4. Memo from Congress Watch. MEMORANDUM TO: Hillary Rodham Clinton Nothing is more central to the task of achieving responsible health care
  • or financial information [(a)(4) ofthe PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6
  • Use Only Not for Public Distribution THE STORY OF HEALTH CARE REFORM AS TOLD BY THE AMERICAN PUBLIC by Madelyn Hochstein President, DYG, Inc. New York, New York Gene Wright Survey Design & Analysis Dept. AARP Research Division THE STORY OF HEALTH
  • developed and promulgated the following principles against which health care reform legislative proposals are evaluated: I. Accesstoaffordable third-party coverage for all Americans with reasonable individual cost-sharing. II. Coverage of disorders
  • 5/No. 6 Tab 6. Hellinger FJ. Forecasts of the costs of medical care for persons with HIV: 1992-1995. Inquiry 1992; 29:356-65. Tab 7. AIDS Action Council- Health Care Reform Statement of Principles. Tab 8. Lambda Legal Defense and Action Fund
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: Policy Development OA/ID Number: 15421 FolderlD: Folder Title: Tamoxifen Briefing Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 60 2 6 2
  • cause managed care plans to limit or deny coverage for services that are important for the healthy growth and development of children. For example, plans may limit access to therapies and other ancillary services for children with less than optimal
  • AND DIFFERENCES PRESIDENT'S PLAN VS. CARDIN'S HR 1398 SIMILARITIES o All citizens have access to portable health insurance, o A national health budget would be established. o Both provide States flexibility to develop payment systems to meet their budget
  • : Name, address, phone number, and personal (3 pages) 09/16/1993 P6/b(6) 003. letter To: President & Mrs. Clinton; RE: Name, address, phone number, and personal (3 pages) n.d. P6/b(6) 004. letter From: Department of Health & Human Services; RE
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE AND HEALTH EXPENDITURE TRENDS D CALIFORNIA, NEW YORK, AND TEXAS, 1994
  • the candor w i t h which people even i n the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n gave her t h e i r advice and reactions t o the plan as i t developed? THE PRESIDENT: You know, I d i d n ' t . But i n retrospect, I guess, I do. And I'm amazed and shocked by t h a t
  • the military health system with national health reform and, if the Secretary determines that coordination is advisable, the Department develops a plan for implementation. The Department of Defense maintains the readiness capabilities of military medical centers
  • : Section: Shelf: Position: S 61 2 2 2 Dimock Community Health Ctr. 5/23/95 FIRST LADY HILLARY R D A CLINTON OHM DIMOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY MAY 23, 1995 TALKING POINTS [Acknowledgements: Jackie Jenkins-Scott, President
  • the problems of crime and violence i n t h e i r own neighborhoods and schools. M i l l i o n s lack the n u t r i t i o n necessary t o ensure proper growth and development. Compounding the problem, about 10 m i l l i o n c l i i l d r e n have nc health
  • will be on adolescents, both in and out of school. Services will include health screening, immunizations, well-child care, health education, mental health counseling, substance abuser services and pregnancy prevention. Other social services will include youth development
  • resources; appoint 8-10 panels. • Months 2-8 - Public hearings, interim reports to the President • Month 9 - Draft final reports • Month 10 &11 - Develop final recomendations and action plan • Month 12 - Presidential report to the nation Year 2 Mobilize
  • and wbo rinuld have mort intensive surveillance, arr difficult to interpret. Further research is needed to address some areas of disagreement and ambiguity . In addition, ne* tools must be developed to help physidans apply preventive guidelines
  • Reform Is as thoughtful as it is thorough. And I should say that it covers much of the ground that our task force is covering as we prepare our recommendation for the President. I think it's amazing that your group and 0 7 group studied such an enormous
  • that premiums in the alliance are higher than outside. The plan would provide for the development of "report cards" for consumers to use to " "• compare the quality of plans. But doesn't give people much power to use the information e f f e c t i v e l y
  • of this Administration, the President convened a Task Force of more than 500 policy experts, physicians and other health professionals to consider this challenge. The result of their work -- and consultations with members of Congress and representatives of different
  • and focus h i s question generally on h e a l t h care and has also been t o the White House. The day a f t e r the President u n v e i l e d the h e a l t h care plan w i t h h i s j o i n t session o f Congress speech, Ron broadcast h i s show from
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • to develop and implement Community Health Information Management Systems. • These systems, based on a Hartford Foundation model, are designed to be used as a means to measure and assess the overall health of a community and quality of its care. Communities
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • , or if there are areas where what we've written seems off-base with the current words and themes you're using, please let me or Christine Heenan know at x2929. In addition, we have attached: - a one-page summary of words and phrases that best summarize the President's
  • is preparing a report on the Rochester system for Congress. Program Called 'a Jewel' "Rochester is a jewel in a sea of health-care despair/ said Stephen Skorcz, a Toronto hospital executive who was president for four years of the Rochester Area Hospitals
  • ? Realistic Medicare savings? Does the plan include price controls? How is reform financed? THE CLINTON PLAN MOST CLOSELY PRESERVES WHAT WORKS IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM The President's proposal builds on what works. Unlike most of the proposals on Capitol Hill
  • ) of the PRA| P3 Release would violate a Federal statute |(aX3) of the PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
  • c a l connections of p o t e n t i a l advisers, government documents show. Many of those who showed up on the l i s t s ended up among the 1,000 or so experts t h a t u l t i m a t e l y helped shape President C l i n t o n ' s i l l - f a t e d h e
  • barrier to their developing a sustained and adequate life in the community. To help them requires a broadly defined approach that includes services in all need areas - from mental health to social services. Furthermore, all care should be provided
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: INSURANCE REFORM PROVISIONS (LOOSE) Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: S 58 5 10 Position: INSURANCE REFORM
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • ( s h o r t - t e r m p r i c e c o n t r o l s do n o t c o u n t ) . Nor was t h e r e a group, t o my knowledge, on l o n g - t e r m c a p i t a l c o n t r o l . T h e r e f o r e t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n has n o t developed o p t i o n s
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |aX5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy |(aX6) of the PRA| b(l) National security classified information |(bXI
  • . The President's proposal will limit lawyers' fees in order to discourage frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits. It will also encourage patients and doctors to use alternative forms of dispute resolution before they end up in court. This will help eliminate
  • . Inappropriate Barriers to Practice will be Removed: • To remove inappropriate barriers to practice, model professional practices statutes for advanced practice nurses and physician assistants will be developed. • Nurses will be able to contribute on the basis
  • — Pagr* 51-69 Liability for Medical Malpractice Patricia M. Danzon P hvsicians and oiher medica! providers are subjeci to a negligence rule of liabihty. To prevail, a plaintiff must show that he or she sustained damages that were caused b> the failure
  • as a prime example of how that i s happening. I t i s i n keeping with the President's agenda for reinventing government, but i t i s not happening by a r b i t r a r i l y slashing and s l i c i n g programs, but by thoughtfully considering how government
  • of inadequate HCFA guidance and oversight. HCFA has not developed instructions for carrier staff who initially receive beneficiary complaints of provider fraud and abuse on how to identify and refer these complaints for investigation. Instead, HCFA requires
  • statute [(a)(3) of the PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(S) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l) National security classified inforniation 1(b)(1
  • ) of the PRA| P3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(aX3) oflhe PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
  • more result from our new Good Morning Amorica-ABC News poll. The question was. What's the moat important Usue for President Clinton and > MORNING AMERICA Show #2113 D Congress to address? Just last month, more of th D»t«: July 10,1W4 polled, 33 percent
  • of President Clinton's $1.4G billion request foi- defense-related voseaifh at the nation's •jjiivewities, including somefeyBotton-aJ'ea colleges, officials said yesterday. Authorities said tho Appropriations subcommittee on defense last week proposed thc cut
  • statute |(aX3) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5
  • Assurance Basic Requirements f o r Q u a l i t y Assurance Programs On-going QA Program QA Methodology Peer Review Systematic Data C o l l e c t i o n Remedial A c t i o n s Methods f o r Developing and Enhancing Q u a l i t y Assurance Programs I n t e r n
  • . The "no-crisis" minimalists won, of course, to an extent that almost no onewould have predicted six months ago; a weary Congress seems eager to move on. But many experts agree with Drew Altman, president of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health care think tank
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [aXS) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security classified information |(bXl) of the FOIA] b(2) Release would
  • system should d e l i v e r e f f e c t i v e care, avoid i n e f f e c t i v e measures and support research t h a t leads t o the discovery and development o f e f f e c t i v e treatment and new approaches. QUALITY: The system should d e l i v e r high
  • Wood Johnson Foundation to study existing litigation procedures and to develop ADR methods for malpractice cases. Under the auspices of that program, the Center has advised litigants in numerous medical malpractice cases on ADR options. This article
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: State Data Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 8 3 riAR-2?-1995
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: [Specifications for a Program of Health Insurance for the Unemployed (HIFTU)] [loose
  • , efficiency must be improved. The huge bureaucracy, which is developed both in and out of government to supervise and assess medical care, must be significantly decreased. Laws, regulations, government and private review organizations and similar entities must
  • of shifts as Medicare fees. The creation of a Medicaid fee schedule would require development of resource-based relative values for services generally not covered by Medicare, such as pediatric surgeries and preventive care. Third, since Medicaid programs
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(S) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • Consortium March, 1993 HEALTHY FUTURES Healthy Futures is a set of principles for health care reform designed to protect the interests of children and adolescents, particularly those from low income families. Healthy Futures was developed by legal services
  • to President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton, re: Where We Are Positioned (4 pages) 10/01/1993 P5 002. memo Patrick Griffin, Susan Brophy, and Steve Ricchetti to the President, re: Plan for Congressional Contact (4 pages) 02/09/1994 P5 003. memo Norm
  • databases. c. Reluctance to rely mainly on information stored electronically without standard, nationwide privacy and confidentiality protections for electronically maintained health care information. d. Costs of developing and implementing automated
  • or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • h and s o c i a l s e r v i c e s and to promote the wide s c a l e development of community-school i n i t i a t i v e s . School-based centers i n a l l p a r t s of the country have shown t h a t they can conduct h e a l t h screening
  • P6/b(6) 002a. letter Kathy Trotter to President-Elect William Clinton; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 12/28/1992 P6/b(6) 002b. envelope Kathym Trotter; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 12/30/1992 P6/b(6) 003. letter John-Paul LeBlanc
  • | P3 Release would violate a Federal statute |(aX3) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: OVERVIEW OF MEDICARE PROVISIONS Stack: Row: S 58 Section: Shelf: 10 Position
  • (a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(l
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • a n c e s and health plans take primary r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r maintaining and improving q u a l i t y . I n a d d i t i o n , t h e National Health Board w i l l develop performancebased l i c e n s i n g standards as a model f o r states t
  • and patient satisfaction. Thesereportcards will hold health plans accountable for meeting high standards. The National Quality Program will help states share information on health plan performance. Reforms malpractice. The President's proposal will limit
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| C. Closed in accordance
  • , the Administration has actively reached out for advice - bringing in more than 1,150 groups to meet personally with the President, the Vice President, the First Lady, Mrs. Gore, Secretary Shalala, Ira Magaziner and others. Congressional Consultation: In developing
  • standards. The National Quality Program will help states share information on health plan performance. • Reforms malpractice. The President's proposal will limit lawyers' fees in order to discourage frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits. It will also
  • . National Demonstration Initiative. The Secretary of the Health and Human Services will develop demonstration programs to test promising dispute resolution mechanisms and to facilitate research on the epidemiology of medical malpractice. 5. Tort Reform
  • accountable for meeting high standards. The National Quality Program w i l l help states share information on health plan performance. * Reforms malpractice. The President's proposal w i l l l i m i t lawyers' fees in order to discourage frivolous medical
  • me know what you think, (the numbers were all given to me by Rick Kronick) Mr. Qinton on Health Care , * T WAS a psMtM « « * the president c m The cost oontannent he proposes is one of the I Wehiedv nuhL He fnmed the M U O and " he wouldfinancethe
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: MEDICARE PROVISIONS OF H.R. 2491, THE BALANCED BUDGET ACT OF 1995 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • The Cooper bill has serious flaws. Had the President proposed the Cooper bill, it would have been dead on arrival. Cooper and the DLC have waged a successful public campaign to convince the press and others that if universal coverage is added to the Cooper
  • commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • F X 202 544-7020 A CONFIDENTIAL - 3 OF 19 Date: July 15, 1994 To: President Bill Clinton (1) Vice President Al Gore (2) Hillary Rodham Clinton (3) Tipper Gore (4) Leon Panetta (5) Mack McLarty (6) George Stephanopoulos (7) David Gergen (8) Harold
  • costs are entirely out-of-pocket (e.g. coverage caps and deductibles) and when benefit coverage i s f i r s t - d o l l a r , but subject to copayments or co-insurance. I. Background Consumer cost sharing i s an important element in developing
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: MEDICARE CHART BOOK, OCTOBER 1995 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 10 1
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: MEDICARE PROVISIONS OF THE HOUSE AND SENATE BUDGET BILLS Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • , Special Project ot Regional and National Significance; SSI, Supplemental Security Income; EPSDT, Earlv and Periodic Screening, Diagnows, and Treatment; ORD Office of Research and Development: SSA, Social Security Adminiatration: NIDRR. Narional Insrirute
  • are developing our strategy now to educate and mobilize our advocates, who come from all walks of life and points on the political spectrum. We plan to share our strategy and materials with other voluntary health agencies and "disease groups" and encourage them
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12508 FolderlD: Folder Title: [Lexis-Nexis search re: Health Care Bill S. 2320 - unfoldered] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • bishops be- doctors who object to performing gan the second phase of their pub- abonions. While President Clinton has enlic campaign against abortion coverage through a grass-roots ef- dorsed covering all reproductive fort targeted at the nation's 58 mil
  • was developed by John Kitzhaber, the former president of the Oregon Senate, who won i n i t i a l approval of the plan i n 1989. Kitzhaber said h i s idea was based on h i s f i r s t h a n d experiences as an emergency room physician i n Douglas County, deep i
  • a Federal statute |(aX3) ofthe PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) ofthe PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors
  • ) ofthe PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6
  • accepted estimates of the undocumented population and their likely representation in estimates of the uninsured, implications and various generalizations will be developed for the consideration of policy makers. METHODOLOGY: The research was conducted
  • ) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA| P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) ofthe PRA] b(l) National
  • t h e forum. FAS 106 and N a t i o n a l H e a l t h Care: S o l u t i o n and Problem. You should note t h a t the t e r m i n a t i o n of r e t i r e e h e a l t h b e n e f i t plans c o u l d a f f e c t t h e development of a n a t i o n a l h
  • and development, and public and environmental health activities. Active duty dependents have first priority for care in the direct care system. Nonactive-duty are entitled to receive care subject to the availability of space, For O f f i c i a l Use Only
  • of debate and experience. I t r e f l e c t s the sense of responsibility that President Franklin Roosevelt called for when he launched the Social Security program in 1933 and recommended that health cajTe be included. I t r e f l e c t s the vision
  • ) of the PRA] P3 Release would violate a Federal statute ((aX3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
  • $1.7 trillion by the year 2000 (or 18.1% of GDP). B. Budgeting in other countries In 1990 the U.S. spent 12.1% of its GDP on health, 59% more than the average (7.6%) across the 24 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • ) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. letter Carolyn Hunt to Hillary Clinton; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 11/29/1992 P6/b(6) 002a. letter Marita Paglianite to President-elect Clinton; RE
  • disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security classified
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security
  • Meeting with the President and HRC on Healthcare, 5/16/93 (Loose)
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Pam Cicetti Subseries: Health Care Materials, 1993 - 1994 OA/ID Number: 12502 FoiderlD: Folder Title: MEETING WITH THE PRESIDENT AND HRC ON HEALTHCARE, 5/16/93 (LOOSE) Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: s
  • Ron Owens from s t a t i o n KGO i n San Francisco. Ron w i l l also be q u i t e f a i r and focus h i s question generally on h e a l t h care and has also been t o the White House. The day a f t e r the President unveiled the h e a l t h care plan w
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRAJ P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12504 FolderlD: Folder Title: CHAFEE - WHITE BINDER (103RD CONGRESS 1ST SESSION, S. 1770, CALENDER NO. 338, 1993)[3] Stack: Row: Section
  • statute [(aX3) of the PRA| Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(aX4) of the PRAJ P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [aX5
  • would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAj P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRAj P6 Release would
  • States the new president has repeatedly stressed this issue as one of the most critical facing society. The health care systems of other nations are cited as attractive models for this country, noting that the current U.S. arrangements exclude the poor
  • CLINTON FROM: John Hart, Deputy Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental A f f a i r s DATE: July 20, 1994 SUBJECT: Washington State and Health Care Reform I. SUMMARY Washington s t a t e i s on the c u t t i n g edge o f h e a l t h care
  • President a that trie United States is-the* only netion jLn the developed world, other than sfuth Africa that does not guarantee health insurance aa a fundamehtal right of a l l citirens. So the-jnext time you hear that our new pldn w i l l htirt small
  • i n t o n Administration health plan begins w i t h the bedrock assumption t h a t a l l Americans must be guaranteed h e a l t h coverage t h a t , i n the President's words, "can never be taken away." /" Such u n i v e r s a l i t y i s more than
  • t r i b u t i o n t o develop a more complete p i c t u r e o f demand. The c a l i b r a t i o n s t e p i s t a k e n once f o r each s t u d y p o p u l a t i o n . The second s t e p i n t h e method i s s i m u l a t i o n o f t h e e f f e c
  • : Section: Shelf: Position: S 60 3 3 2 Senator Metzenbaum f^j Q. How w i l l the President's proposal p r o t e c t consumers against insurance company predatory p r a c t i c e s , excessive a d m i n i s t r a t i v e costs, and high prices
  • s under c o n t r o l . I n f a c t , the President's Health Security Act w i l l cut t h e d e f i c i t by $58 b i l l i o n by t h e year 2000. More i m p o r t a n t , h e a l t h care r e f o r m f u n d a m e n t a l l y lowers t h e growth o f
  • N o t - f o r - P r o f i t H o s p i t a l s ; and L i n d a M i l l e r , President of the Volunteer Trustees of N o t - f o r - P r o f i t Hospitals.] • I ' d l i k e t o t h a n k a l l o f y o u f o r y o u r o n g o i n g commitment and w o
  • the system fundamentally, controlling costs and improving to care while maintaining the high quality and of doctors Americans expect. health all access choice • Controlling Costs: The President's plan will tackle the growth of health care costs
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: THE KAISER COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF MEDICAID: MEDCAID SECTION 1115 DEMONSTRATION WAIVERS: APPROVED
  • , the reimbursement amount for these services under the plan's cost-sharing rules, and savings to the sources of payment for this care under current law (family out-of-pocket, county hospitals, charity care, etc.). The microsimulation approach enables us to develop
  • , w e l l , yes, we are a c h a r i t a b l e c o u n t r y , and t h i s man who i s i n t h e h o s p i t a l w i l l be t a k e n care o f . But why n o t t a k e care o f him b e f o r e t h e problem develops and save us a l l t h e anguish and t
  • 11 2 Cost Estimates: The Process The most open policy making process in history: The President encouraged participation from the American people, all categories of health care providers, the business community, and every level of government. Since
  • : • Abortion is only one service in the package. emphasized at expense of other services. I t should not be • The President and Mrs. CUnton will need to exercise active leadership on this issue. Allowing abortion to be included in the package without
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: KAISER FAMILY: STATE EXPERIENCES WITH COMMUNITY RATING AND RELATED REFORMS Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: s
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 9145 FolderlD: Folder Title: Office of the First Lady: Antitrust Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 58 5 8 3 E X E C U T I V
  • services are reimbursable only when a physician has certified their medical necessity. Falsifications of plans of care. Physicians must develop plans of care for home health services which set forth the types of needed services. • Falsification
  • begins t o move. 'Our b i l l i s t h e c l o s e s t t o the President's of any b i l l out t h e r e . We almost need t o aim f o r a supermajority' t o pass t h e b i l l . ' I f you pass i t by a s l i m margin, there w i l l be massive (public) d i s
  • . Most of the money comesfrompremiums. • Responsibility. Everyone will have to contribute. No morefreerides. • Savings. Squeeze wastefromthe system andreinvestthe money in new benefits. • Sin taxes. President specifically rejected a broad based tax. g
  • because of their high cost. These recipients may represent a subgroup which could most benefit by case management services, or continuing relationship with a primary caregiver, but are unlikely to voluntarily develop such an affiliation. When comparing
  • whether the President l o s t , or I l o s t , or the Republicans or Democrats l o s t t h i s f i r s t b a t t l e . What matters i s whether the American people win or l o s e . I'm reminded now o f an op-ed p i e c e I read i n The New York Times about
  • have not been very active in the tort reform area. For example, there were no significant developments in the areas of attorney fees, periodic payments, or joint and several liability. The general purposes of these statutes are described below
  • is not really "insurance." The American people know that they do not have the health security they deserve. President Clinton is committed to reforming our health system so that every American has peace of mind. The plan the Administration is developing
  • ) ofthe PRAJ P3 Release would violate a Federal statute 1(a)(3) of the PRA| P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or flnancial information [(a)(4) ofthe PRA| P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
  • or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA| PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors |a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • of Chicago, is professor of preventive medicine and director of programs in health management at the (Jniversity of Wisconsin, Madison, School of Medicine. His interest in physician supply began when he was president of the American Medical Student
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: THE KAISER COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF MEDICAID: HEALTH NEEDS AND MEDICAID FINANCING: STATE FACTS Stack: Row
  • basis for a wide range of services (See Tab 1, Chart I-11) For Official Use Only • Because of the uneven development of plans and the influence of commercial insurance companies, health benefit plans have become burdened with complicated coverage
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Jennifer Klein OA/ID Number: 12505 FolderlD: Folder Title: THE KAISER COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF MEDICAID: MEDICAID EXPENDITURES AND BENEFICIARIES: STATE PROFILES
  • Developing and Disseminating Solutions to Major Health and Population Problems Facing the World: [Partnership in Progress]
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Books OA/ID Number: 14723 FolderlD: Folder Title: Developing and Disseminating solutions to major health and population problems facing the World: [Partnership
  • Developing and Disseminating Solutions to Major Health and Population Problems Facing the World: [The Center for Health and Population Research - Strategic Plan to the Year 2000]
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Books OA/ID Number: 14723 FolderlD: Folder Title: Developing and Disseminating solutions to major health and population problems facing the World: [The Center of Health
  • is as important to the prosperity of nations as investing in the development of open markets and trade. The health of women and girls cannot and must not be divorced from progress on other economic and social issues. Scientists, doctors, nurses, community leaders
  • in Southwest Philadelphia, the area which represents MHP's most significant number of violence related injuries. • It is MHP's intention to fortify those violence prevention programs which require additional resources and help develop ways to evaluate other
  • effective HTV education programs and direct services, especially for high-risk segments of the population such as gay/bisexual/transgender communities and youth. 3. Health Provider Development Notwithstanding claims that Asian Americans are overrepresented
  • to develop into a healthy, productive citizen. That is why it is our responsibility as a community of nations to insist that all children receive the health care they need. We have the technology. Vaccinations exist for most of the major childhood diseases
  • which w i l l control costs and be guided by flexible and effective treatment interventions for these disorders. We are hoping for the development of a benefit package that w i l l manage care, not just manage costs. This management of care w i l l
  • such coverage is available). 3. Managed Care Savings We estimated managed care savings under the Health Security Act based upon a recent Lewin-VHI study which estimated utilization differences for enroliees in HMOs and FFS plans. The study was developed using
  • interface and statistical analysis software available to support suchfimctions.However, the following design considerations are recommended for the development of ad hoc data query capabilities for the CHMI Information Repository. • Export Tapes
  • similar variations in hospital admissions, lengths of stay, and specific surgical procedures in many parts of the developed world. ' Virtually all these studies, however, have been limited to a few procedures, to small geographic areas, or to foreign
  • has health care come! Not that the idea of continuous improvement is alien to medicine; self-development, continuous learning, the pursuit of completeness are all familiar themes in medical instruction and history. Yet today we find ourselves almost
  • 21 Implications Technical Advisory Workgroup 23 LU This White Paper was developed as preliminary research and input into the WEDI process. It provides additional background information and forms the basis for many of the recommendations
  • a t e s Agency f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l Development, AIHA has c r e a t e d and s u s t a i n e d r e l a t i o n s h i p s between people who l i v e many thousands o f m i l e s a p a r t b u t who have come t o g e t h e r t o work on i s s u
  • n h e a l t h i n f o r m a t i o n networks. Dr. Koop has been tremendously h e l p f u l i n t h i s endeavor, and every one o f you here today deserve thanks f o r your work i n developing t h i s technology. I n t h e decade ahead, our n a t i o
  • would be specified. Developing a current effort standard could be relatively simple in the short term. Contributions based on current spending would involve little disruption for states in terms of changing their financing burdens. A current effort
  • the plan. Providers under group health plans will be required to accept plan payment as payment in full for Medicaid enrollees. C. Payment for Services Under Medicaid law, States now have considerable freedom to develop their own methods and standards
  • h a t age group. I n p u b l i c housing t h e r a t e s were o f t e n f a r lower. That p u t us somewhere a t t h e bottom o f t h e l i s t o f developing nations. • Americorps v o l u n t e e r s have helped us make a g r e a t d e a l o f p r
  • l i f e t i m e s w i t c h j o b s , move t o a new town illness. be guaranteed h e a l t h s e c u r i t y . w i l l receive a health security comprehensive package o f b e n e f i t s -- even i f you l o s e a j o b , o r c i t y o r develop a s
  • whose parents and caregivers have less than a high school education or whose parents and caregivers are American Indian and Alaska Nadve are at increased risk for developing baby bottle tooth decay (also called nursing caries), a severe form of caries
  • to existing public health programs. A majority of tbe funds are allocated for new programs, including grants for community network development in underserved areas, the prevention of chronic illnesses and the prevention of domestic violence. Claim: Six new
  • s of experiences, women have developed unique p e r s p e c t i v e s on what h e a l t h care i s a l l about. Women a p p r e c i a t e t h e b e n e f i t s o f good h e a l t h care -- and t h e y are p a i n f u l l y aware o f what can go
  • e n t a t i v e s from the 24-member c o u n t r i e s of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) w i l l meet here to d i s c u s s the mutual r e c o g n i t i o n of s a f e t y standards, t e s t i n g and c e r t i f i c
  • d i n g s may not include a l l v a r i a b l e s or describe the model(s) used t o develop the regression analysis. Further, since the p o l i c y focus has, f o r the most p a r t , been on the r o l e t h a t insurance and income have played i n
  • develop m a j o r i t i e s t h a t a r e i n f a v o r o f c e r t a i n p o s i t i o n s and you move f o r w a r d t o implement whatever changes have o c c u r r e d . Q Mrs. C l i n t o n , people used t o t a l k about t h e p o l i t i c a l