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  • to Work Coalition to Sustain Success, the group of civic and religious organizations mentoring welfare recipients which he chairs. As part of the on-going effort to underscore the benefits of the new balanced budget, we plan to have the Vice President
  • of prejudice Jim'Zogby, President, Arab-American Institute Carmen Rivera from the YWCA or Margot Stern Strom from Facing History and Ourselves Linda Chavez or Richard Estrada, syndicated columnists Ben Wattenburg, American Enterprise Institute Claude Steele
  • OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Washington, D.C. 20503-0001 Friday, April 17, 1998 LEGISLATIVE REFERRAL MEMORANDUM TO: Legislative Liaison Officer - See Distribution below James J. Jukes (for) Assistant Director for Legislative
  • ~ ':'"' ---.~ ~ ~ \\.-._. ~ ~ \.....~ ( Pb
  • inmates in the same 2 cell. 3 "(B) EXCLUSION.-The term does not in- 4 clude any contact that is indirect, intermittent, 5 or incidental, and that does not allow an adult 6 inmate physically to harm a juvenile. 7 " ( 5 ) SUSTAINED ORAL
  • the Department of Housing and Urban Development are part of President Clinton's on-going strategy to create safe, affordable housing for those who need it most. Q: What did the President announce in his radio address about housing vouchers and certificates
  • that the Secretary could, in fact, delegate his responsibilities under the Rescissions Act, contrary to plaintiffs' arguments. Oral argument was held on May 10, 1996. DECISIONS IN DISTRICT AND CIRCUIT COURTS: Inland Empire Public Lands Council v. Glickman (9th Cir
  • NL WJC- Kagan Counsel - Box 012 - Folder 002 Timber - Other Litigation: Idaho Sporting Congress Thunderbolt II I; FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR TIlE NINTH CIRCUIT INLAND EMPIRE PuBuc LANDS COUNCIL; THE EcoLOGY CEN1ER
  • , business, and community leaders to develop and implement strategies which will move welfare recipients into sustained and successful careers. Since the law was enacted, we have been working closely with states, localities, non-profits, businesses, religious
  • statute [(a)(3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5
  • 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Welfare-to-Work Legislation Issues 7/1/97 AU/affj8~d R(Jcol'do M H~Mum csnagef!!ent System p on versIOn Administering Agency: Department of Labor should be the administering federal agency, and the local Private Industry Councils (PICs
[10/08/1997] (Item)
  • asking for this meeting or is there someone I can talk to about the general items he'd like to meet with the President about? Or, if you all can let me know the basics, I'll take a stab at it. Thanks. ---------------------- Forwarded by Christa Robinson
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 036 - Folder 017 California Food Stamp Proposal October 2, 1996 Dear: The Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, which the President signed September 30, 1996, makes a significant change to implementation of the food
  • of the claim by the company's president Duane Vaagen. Vaagen 'Bros. requests a contracting officer's decision within 60 days. Enclosures cc: Mr. Duane Vaagen Mr. Fred Ebel SWH\swhk7691 I4I 003 0 7/05/96 .--- . ENRD GEN LIT FR I 16: 52 FAX 2023050506 .lJ
  • and federal organizations involved in developing ADR programs. She is the fonner President of the Society for Professionals in Dispute Resolution, a member of the SPIDR Commission On Qualifications, and has a national arbitration and mediation practice
  • Not Distribute Outside Executiye Office of the President} This Statement of Administration Policy was developed by the Legislative Reference Division (Schroeder), in ronsuItation with Justice (Silas), Education (Somerville), HHS (Wallace), Labor (Taylor
  • of the past. • Citizens will los8 the ability to control the growth and development of their communities. There is a better way. • We need to examine federal laws to change those that unnecessarily burden landowners. * The Administration already
  • (Cooperative PoUce Aulstance Team), and the Trl-County Auto Theft UnIt. It Is hoped that thfs woJ1dn, relationship win conrlnue to communlty-OrienlCd poUclnS In Will Counry and the Clry of Joliet. 15 ,row with the further development of JOLIET POLICE
Militias [1] (Item)
  • secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • paper Phone No. (Partial) (I page) n.d. P61b(6) RESTRICTION COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Elena Kagan ONBox Number: 14367 FOLDER TITLE: Tobacco - Tobacco Settlement: Farmers [1 J 2009- I006-F rc89 RESTRICTION
  • of progress and ensure follow-through to accomplish the recommendations of the Civil Rights Action Team. The information in this report is derived from the detailed project plans, status reports developed and maintained by each action team, and analysis
[02/28/1997] (Item)
  • to disseminate and validate the President's positions on health care. Work toward developing better relationships with the business community to find common ground in health care priorities. Identify opportunities for executive actions independent of legislation
  • ranting of such nan. President, J) (on file with the City would ; AFFECTS LAW 6. Editorial. Economically. Casinos are a Good Bet. CHI. TRIB .• May 24. 1992. § 4. at 2 [hereinafter Casinos are a Good Bet]. 7. Editorial. Daley, Developers Raise the Stakes
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 036 - Folder 019 Verification Systems [1] IMMIGRATION STATUS ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION PROCEDURES USED IN BUD'S SECTION 214 PROGRAMS Section 214 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1980, as amended prohibits
  • resentencing. 60 U. Chi. L. Rev. 725-56 (Spring). SETTLEMENTS See securities. SEX CRIMES See Slavery. SHIPPING See Interstate Commerce. PAGE 871 92 Mich. L. Rev. 1037, *1045 SLAVERY The centrality of the peculiar institution in American legal development
  • -declaring function and its traditional law-fact distinction. nlS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Footnotes- - - n13 See infra Part II (detailing the development of this First Amendment tradition, and its difficulties and confusion) . n14 1 CHILDRESS
  • accounting. Concerns about the administrative impracticality of any rigorous offset rule, as well as equitable objections to this type of credit for shortened lives, ought to sustain an argument that the offset limitation provision of the proposed legislation
  • Development in conjunction wit the Sept. 30 Advisory Board meeting.) The message would be that, consistent with the President's "mend it, don't end it" position, coleges and universities may use affirmative aciton but only where such programs are fully
  • describe framework of mutual interest) 2. Update from the President's Initiative: recent developments In particular, how is the President's Initiative defining its mission and its projected actions and outcomes? 3. Explore possible links between
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA[ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of b(l) National security classified information )(b)(l) ofthe FOIA) an agency )(b)(2) of the FOIA) b(3) Release would
  • ) of the PRAI Ps Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(s) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed
  • STORY AND THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION: A STUDY IN POLITICAL AND LEGAL THOUGHT 183-84 (1971); see also FREYER, supra note 139, at 45-56 (describing the development of a federal common law under Swift); Larry Kramer, The Lawmaking Power of the Federal
  • ] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA] P6
  • and stability for these vulnerable children. Finally, we are developing a national strategic plan to promote the adoption of special needs children. Record: o The Multiethnic Placement Act, which the President signed into law in October 1994, removes barriers
  • that would prohibit the development, implementation, and administration of the tests. This would retreat from the work of raising expectations for students and schools and bring a halt to the President's efforts to help States and parents raise academic
  • of citizens who serve as their sponsors. That sponsor signs an affidavit of support agreeing to help support and sustain the immigrant. Should the immigrant apply for public benefits, agencies must consider, or "deem," the income of the sponsor and his/her
  • (a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice betwcen the President and his advisors, or between such advisors 10)(5
  • of whether or not pursuing would be good. I do believe it would be an excellent way for the President to reach thousands of young people. He could certainly speak from the perspective of a Father and President. Thanks! '---------------------- Forwarded
  • "'Q~,j s March 12, 1998 President William I. Clinton The Whlte House Washington., DC 20500 Deal- President Clinton: The products liability deal negotiated betwec.n the White House and Senator Jay Rock-efeller contradicts in key respects your message
  • SECOND-HAND SMOKE Over the last year, EPA has been working with the Centers for Disease Control, American Medical Association and the Conswner Research Council to develop the first-ever national public service campaign to protect children from
  • payroll tax purposes. It might be appropriate to put to ether a . int OPC NECC-C
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained
  • Records Manage~ent System Hex-DiJmp Conversion . Statement by the President on Tobacco April 28, 1999 9:45 am DRAFT This new report from the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids underscores why I strongly oppose any legislation waiving the federal government's
  • ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) Page 2 of2 ARMS Email System READ: UNKNOWN TO: WEINSTEIN P READ: UNKNOWN WEINSTEIN P @ Al @ CD @ LNGTWY [ UNKNOWN 1 ) (OPD) TEXT: ENERGY Today - the Secretary meets with Council on Sustainable
  • attorneys: • Recognized that Liggett had developed a new cigarette with "major health benefits" but advised that Liggett not market the cigarette because it "may incite accelerated cancer litigation which may, in tum, result in infinite liability
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 036 - Folder 006 Children's SSI Cuts E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 28-0ct-1996 10:54am TO: (See Below) FROM: Diana M. Fortuna Domestic Policy Council SUBJECT: SSA's notice to families
  • information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6
  • ' Q Mr. President, your scholarship proposal notwithstanding, there is still an assault on affirmative action in this country. In my home state of California in the wake of Proposition 209 and last year's vote by the University of California Board
[3/14/1997] (Item)
  • before they start school.DB --President Bill Clinton, State of the Union Address, February 4, 1997 Today, President Clinton issued a statement announcing the date and themes of the White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning
  • Beverly Stripling NoocyLeon JUlioo Malveaux Johnetta Marshall AprilOsjimia Mary Chung President, Women's Legal Defense Fund Chair, Nat't Council of Presidents Committee on Pay Equity President, National Women's Law Center Senior Policy Analyst, NOW/LDEF
[07/30/1998] (Item)
  • American economic development conference TO: Bruce N. Reed ( CN=Bruce N. Reed/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Laura Emmett ( CN=Laura Emmett/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP
[06/16/1999] (Item)
  • HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary June 16, 1999 For Immediate Release DRAFT: STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Nearly a year ago, I committed to working with Senators' Jeffords and Kennedy to pass the Work Incentives Improvement Act. In January, in my
  • position on this? Answer: The President believes legal immigrants who work hard, pay taxes and contribute to American society and fall on hard times through no fault of their own should get medical and other vital assistance when they need it. That's why
  • to have not run the story on the Vice President's announcement of additional ESL funds (which is the last Q&A of the attached) but I understand the VP will still be announcing the policy today in California, along with the legal immigrant benefits story
  • ? As a result of this instrumental orientation, viewpoint discrimination occurs frequently within managerial domains. To give but a few obvious examples: the president may fire cabinet officials who publicly challenge rather than support administration policies
Takings [1] (Item)
  • with the drop in property value or limitatiop on its use said Reigle, whose group claims 16,000 "mom and pop" trend." -, ,"." ,brought on by government regulatiori. .. :::::1' .' members in 50 stateS. " . '. . Raul Yzagulrie; president of the Nationai Council
[06/26/1998] (Item)
  • President will also announce a grant which will enable the Alamo Workforce Development Board to assist 3,180 workers in the greater San Antonio area who will be affected by the reduction-in-force program at Kelly Air Force Base in 1999 and 2000. This grant
  • to the game would probably mean that only the President and a baseball rep. would speak BRIEFLY and then they'd show the PSA. We would recommend, however, that in order to present a full unveiling of the PSAs to the press and allow the other key folks a chance
  • and 1980, Congress amended the Copyright Act for the explicit purpose of providing greater copyright protection to computer programs, in order to stimulate greater innovation. II Since the mid-1980s, both Congress and the President have made sustained
  • . As the commentary quoted above shows, I [*908] took such a prohibition to be implicitly in place under the Fundamental Standard, and President Casper's statement after the invalidation of the policy this last year confirms that to be the case today: "Harassment
Militias [7] (Item)
  • :\common\forms\facsimil.she 141001 THE~WHIT€ HOUSE WASHINGTON ~. / 05J30JQ5 ODAG '8'202 514 Q368 08:45 ._----- .. _._-- MEMORANDUM To: HON. ABNER MIl
  • would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would
  • is a workable" one. n437 Substantively, RFRA purported to restore by statute what Congress took to be the pre-Smith doctrinal structure: n438 substantial burdens on the exercise of religion could not be sustained unless shown to be the least restrictive means
  • ) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (0)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (0)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed
  • of their partners, they are committing domestic violence. 2) Develop a Safety Plan. If you, a relative, a friend, or a neighbor are experiencing domestic violence, think about ways to make yourself safer, including a safe place to go to once you leave your home. 3
  • : gambling letter I agree with your edit. If you send me edited versions, I'll have Correspondence prepare these in final (azure paper, etc.). If you have a handy copy of the memo that went up to President with his comment on it, I'll enclose that'with
  • ' fair market value in order to attract licensees (and to sustain direct development efforts by the Public Health Service where no private licensee steps forward). If licensing fees are expected to fall short of fair market value, supporters of S. 1415
  • ( Dario J. Gomez [ WHO 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN Mindy E. Myers ( CN=Mindy E. Myers/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN TEXT: Last month a bipartisan group of five house members wrote to the President to urge him to appoint a "National Commission of Voter Turnout
  • : UNKNOWN WEINSTEIN P @ Al @ CD @ LNGTWY [ UNKNOWN 1 ) (OPD) TEXT: ENERGY Today - the Secretary meets with Council on Sustainable Development; meets with Hispanic Caucus with the President HHS Today - the Secretary meets with Tobacco industry lawyers
  • (WHO) (OPD) (WHO) (WHO) (WHO) (WHO) (WHO) (WHO) (WHO) (WHO) TEXT: The final vote was 57 Senators voting to override the President's veto, short of the two-thirds needed. 41 voted to sustain the veto. But women's groups are worried
Serbia Suit (Item)
  • for. the sitting in The Hague for a variety of en, whose names were withheld in . sode in a remarkable development in Genter for Constitutional Rights in human rights abuses. As a result, he court documents, came after an in- . 'United States law in recent years
  • COUNCIL, an Oregon corporation, et al., Defendants-Inte~enors-Appellees. Nos. 96-35107 & 96-15132 NORTHWEST FORE:ST RESOURCE COUNCIL, an Oregon corporation, and SCOTT TIMBER CO., an Oregon corporation, Plaintiffs-Appellees, . v. D~T GLICKMAN, In his
  • letter to the President from 19 Sen rs Feinstein, Moseley-Braun, Reid, Boxer, Abraham, DeWine, Bryan, aka, Sarbanes, Mikulski, Bingaman, Santorum, Levin, Johnson, Glenn, Domenici, Specter, Daschle, and one signature I'm still trying to decodel asking us
  • . 1988). The Student Senate at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, passed this regulation, but because the rule was vetoed by the student association president before it could take effect, the court did not rule on its constitutionality. The court's
  • A83C5DCE7ED7AB5B385C5CC272C3FDAFD0290214DF379BOA6F70967EAE01816EAFA565953A644E Automated Records Manage~eni SYSi81 1. Hex-Dump Conversion PRESIDENT CLINTON ANNOUNCES A SERIES OF NEW EFFORTS TO ENROLL UNINSURED CHILDREN IN HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMS February 18, 1998 Today, the President announced the first major state
  • ~ a deficit of $193 billion, ~ ---,B-:Y-Jobn~'-M.-Berry---- : :;:~$:. ~,:::eA= ~!~ WIlbiQplDPaotStaffWriter ~-..;.;.;;.;;;;~~---- President Clinton announced yeS;' terday that the federal budget deficit for the 'fiscal 'year that ended last mon~ was. $164
[05/15/1997] (Item)
  • to convert ARMS_EXT: [ATTACH.D35]MAIL41790643S.116 to ASCII, The following is a HEX DUMP: ) • THE WHITE HOUSE AT WORK Thursday, May 15, 1997 TODAY: PRESIDENT HONORS POLICE KILLED IN LINE OF DUTY Today, President Clinton speaks at the Peace Officers
  • ) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President' and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(5) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (a)(6) of the PRAJ C. Closed
  • concern and respect" n385 - has been a central theme in scholarship about the Equal Protection Clause. n386 My suggestion is.that we might plausibly develop similar notions of "moral irrelevance" for the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses. At the very
  • . President Clinton campaigned for office on a promise to make his cabinet and the rest of his administration look like America. n162 Following his election, the President sought to fulfill his promise partly by making repeated efforts to ensure
  • : Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Elena Kagan OAlBox Number: 14371 FOLDER TITLE: Welfare - Domestic Violence [4] 2009-1006-F jm22 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.C. 2204(8)1 Freedom of Information Act - 15 U.S.C
  • Within six months of enactment of this Act, the Secretary concerned shall, with the assistance of the Council on Environmental Quality, develop expedited procedures to prepare the documentation required for a decision selecting and authorizing a salvage
  • the President's involvement (and veto threat) until the'most strategic time. Option 3 is a quiet engagement approach that places a greater emphasis on engaging the Hill in crafting legislation and a communications strategy for developing a non-big government
  • is developed. , . 0'4130/98 ~001 10:03 TH E: WH ITE: HOUS E: WASHINGTON DOMESTIC POLICY COUNCIL FACSThflLEFOR: __ B~r~~~~~____ ~~~~\~e~n~o~______________ DATE: __-::I'-f+!-"'o""O
  • Please join us for an open house with members of the President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS at our new office. June 15, 1998 6:30 to 8:00 pm 736 Jackson Place Washington, DC 20503 For information, call (202) 456-2437 Message Sent
  • at issue," courts "must sustain the Secretary's approach so long as it is based on a reasonable construction of the statute" Auer v. Robbins, 117 S.Ct. 905, 909 (1997), Quoting Che\Ton US A Inc v. :"atural Resources Defense Council, 467 U.S. 837, 842-43
  • the President announce in the State of the Union address? The President announced that the Department is developing a plan to bring the tobacco industry to court to recover federal expenditures caused by tobacco use. Tobacco-related illnesses cost the taxpayers
  • ..: tc::A4Ar"';l KA.-r-z.EN LvttA"Y March 25, 1999 ,-"",,""'0 NT LEW ,~ Mr. John Podesta Chief of Staff to the President The White House Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. Podesta: When we met some weeks ago with members of the National Committee on Pay
[03/05/1999] (Item)
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance
  • geological or geophysical information concerning wells lIb)(9) of the FOIAI P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
  • equal pay A recent report of the President's Council of Economic "ARMS Email System Page 12 of 13 Advisors found that, although the gap between womenD!,s and menD!,s wages has narrowed substantially since the signing of the EqUal Pay Act in 1963
  • of Judicial Circuit Councils) (on file with Judge Becker); Letter from Chief Judge Breyer to Judge Becker; James Oakes, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Stephen Reinhardt, Circuit Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
  • , **2 Chuang was the chairman, president and chief executive officer of the Golden Pacific National Bank (IIGPNB"). On June 17, 1985, after receiving information from an informant about certain activities at GPNB, the Office of the Comptroller
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) ofthe PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAJ C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • OF OREGON :to NORTHWEST FOREST RESOURCS COUNCIL. an or~gcn" ) ) ) 12 Plainti£f , 13 v. J.4 ,. PLAINTIFF SCOTT TIMBER CO./S DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO EXTEND ) STAY· ) Agriculture, BRUCE·BABBITT, in his capacity as Secretary of Interior, 16
  • into a cohesive political force." See Dallas A. Blanchard, The Anti-Abortion Movement and the Rise of the Religious Right 28 (1994) (noting that " [cjoncerted opposition to abortion beyond the state level did not develop until shortly after" Roe); Laurence H
  • , even if they are generally awarded in tort. One obvious basis for excluding emotional distress is the origin of fraud in the early common law of contract, a body of law developed to protect economic interests. See Dobbs, supra note 189, @ 9.2, at 602
  • the influence of drugs and because they commit crimes to sustain their drug use. Through this directive, the President is ensuring that the criminal justice system will accurately and speedily identify the users of drugs. Once this identification is made
  • ********************************************************************* * * Reprint rights for this copyrighted news article must be obtained by you from the originating news organization. * * ********************************************************************* By LAURAN NEERGAARD WASHINGTON (AP) - Several of President Clinton
  • ~LV REFERTO: D~ U VIA TELECOPIER Abner M. Mikva Counsel to the President Executive Office of the President 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Judge Mikva: Thank you again for your interest in the FCC's tax certificate
  • inquiring about the status of litigation in New Mexico on Indian gaming. Tom Udall, the Attorney General of New Mexico, recently sent the President a letter on this issue and is following up with Harold. I need to know if it is OK to ask the Department
[06/10/1998] (Item)
  • FOR PASSAGE OF EQUAL PAY LEGISLATION AND RELEASES COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS' REPORT ON THE WAGE GAP June 10, 1998 Today the President will commemorate the thirty-fifth anniversary of President Kennedy's signing of the Equal Pay Act and will urge passage
  • Servo Comm'n, 447 U.S. 557 (1980) 39 Chevron U.S.A., Inc. V. Natural Resources Defense Council, 467 U.S. 837 (1984) . 5, 17, 37, 38 Chisholm V. FCC, 538 F.2d 349 (D.C. Cir.), cert. denied, 429 U.S. 890 (1976) 17 Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc., 505
  • in the Thunderbolt Sale area. B. Statutory Framework. -- On July 27, 1995, the President \ signed into law the 1995 Rescissions Act, Pub. L. 104-19. 2001 of that Act sets out a program that directs Section expedited preparation and award of timber
  • during Congressional debate he and other environmentalists felt about the overall logging bill last "betrayed by the President." "It's going to take more than just ',',_,A year, A six-page press release from, . ~ Mr, Gorton last March, for example
  • to spend the tobacco settlement funds. Although the Kentucky legislature is not in session in 1999, legislative leadership has begun work on the issue. No plan has yet been developed, but both Senate President Larry Saunders (D) and House Budget Committee
  • the Constitution, they rely not just on the text but also on the elaborate body of law that has developed, mostly through judicial decisions, over the years. In fact, in the day-to- day practice of constitutional interpretation, in the courts and in general public
  • ) Child welfare programs (non-entitlement) SPENDING OPTIONS: Agreed To Child welfare programs (non-entitlement) Child welfare programs (IV-B: $500 m, 75/25 match) Safe & Drug-Free Schools Safe & Drug-Free Schools ($500 m) Professional development
  • relationships may be sustained so long as they are rational. See,~, Califano v. Jobst, 434 U.S. 47 (1977) (Congress may terminate benefits when recipient marries); see also Zablocki, 434 U.S. at 386-87 & n.12 (discussing distinction) . Our concern is that where
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRA) C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. PRM
  • @EOP [ OMB 1 READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: You will not receive a paper copy of this LRM. Total Pages: LRM ID: IMS328 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Washington, D.C. 20503-0001 Thursday, May 14, 1998 LEGISLATIVE REFERRAL
  • Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984) ......................................... 2,3,5,6,8,9,10,15 Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc., 505 U.S. 504 (1992) .............................. 14 Coyne Beahm, Inc. v. FDA, 966 F. Supp. 1374 (M.D.N.C
  • before. Ten of the Britons uncertainty about whether It poses a major or trivial who developed Creutzfeld-Jakob over the past two years threat to the health of those eating British beef.. had brain pathology that looked different from the For years
  • in the Department of Agriculture, Department of Interior, the Executive Office of the President, and the Council on Environmental Quality, or anywhere else in the executive branch of the government, who are directly and personally responsible for the implementation
  • violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) ofthe PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or Pl National Security Classified Information financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAI President PRA] P6 Release would constitute
  • • Stephen Engstrom Wilson, Engstrom, Corum, Dudley & Coulter 809 West Third Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 • Attorneys for the Appellant President William Jefferson Clinton • APPENDIX • 4. President Clinton's Motion to Set Briefing Schedule, Jones
  • or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l
  • of the law are merely evidence of a legitimate state interest, not reasons to change the standard for evaluating that interest. For her, the First Amendment requires the interest to be compelling to sustain a state law that restricts religious exercise. n44
  • councils would be open to persons of all faiths. The government may no more extract a promise that officeholders will decide questions according to secular philosophies than it could extract a promise of adherence to a religious philosophy. - -End Footnotes
  • Resource Council V. Glickman, No. 17 95-6244 (consolidated with Case Nos. 95-6267, 95-6384). pursuant l8 to the January 10 Order, Judge Hogan declared that certain sales, 19 including the First, Last, Cowboy, Nita and South Nita timber 20 sales
  • in the Senate supplemental bill will foreclose the one opportunity we have under current law to recover a portion of the billions of dollars that federal taxpayers have paid to treat tobacco-related iliness through the Medicaid program. ',- The President has
  • salvage timber sales, 10 should be conducted in accordance with all applica- 11 hIe laws in order to ensure the sustainability of the 12 components and functions of the forests. 13 TITLE I-REPEAL 14 GENCY 15 OF SALE PROGRAM 16 17 18 SALVAGE
  • , 315 (1936). - -End Footnotes- - There is no longer a clear division between what is foreign and what is domestic. The world economy, the world environment, the world AIDS crisis, world arms race -- they affect us all. the President William J. Clinton
  • after a distinguished public career as governor of California and candidate for the vice-presidency. In that career he had exposed his judgment to the public. The public vali[*768] dated his judgments by rewarding him with high office. When he
  • ) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed
  • . new Act eITec of lists of geographical areas not meeting federal air-quality was Imperatt standards under the Clean Alr Act. 146 Courts in five circuits processes to sustained challenges to EPA's action, reJecUng Its "good cause" rules and pre
  • without showing that particular expenditures had been "coordinated" with the candidate. The upshot of these opinions is that it is simply impossible to determine whether this Court will sustain revisions to the campaign finance laws that have the effect
  • information [(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA
  • ) 49S-J101 Direct FDX: (617) 496-6118 LEo Go17'Ll1!lJ PROFUSOR OF LAw . MEMORANDUM LAuRA RoSEN I NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL FROM: ,. ELIZ1'IBETH WARREN DATE: ~ MAy 19, 1998 I'm sure you have heard that the House claims to have ''fixed
  • 8490B22BCA873B344A75C6EC810CE81CE5A565A33DFC47DC4CFFD8AE7B6292710CE7DDA615CB17 E38276894882C4A28C6CFBF35Fl0AF2A0136ED266B2BA2FA4242E8966AF1496D6EOC9DE2DBB6FD OCE237E6132735182667CCDDA40209693DCE66C8ED9DFOEA8E918F4A56F78DC4E00380C291F1A5 • President Clinton's New Transportation Proposal Offers a Clear Choice In just a few
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 046 - Folder 003 Tobacco-Settlement: Legal Issues [2] 10 Lo.c.c..o - TrlTiltIMtMT~,.J.. '1~'-« ~ ~ AMERICAN 4SOCETY® CANCER ~ GOVERNMENT RELATIONS OFFICE September 8, 1997 Mr. Bruce Reed Domestic Policy Council
  • , these reports indicate that the President and Attorney General are focusing on two Ohio cases, one of which is the case of Kruse, et. al. v. The City of Cincinnati, challenging Ordinance No. 240-1 995 passed by Council to impose campaign spending limits
  • or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of Ihe PRAI b(l) Nalional security classified information l(b)(I
Shutdown [7] (Item)
  • movement. (UNION, upcoming.) Col 5: The Federal Aviation Administration is developing a revolutionary new system of air traffic control that would replace aging radar, radio and computer equipment that has been breaking down with increasing frequency
Militias [4] (Item)
  • (b)(9) of the FOJAI P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5
  • : A Genealogy of Pragmatism 4 (1989) ("charting the emergence, development, decline and resurgence of American pragmatism"); Sidney Hook, Pragmatism and the Tragic Sense of Life (1974) (collection of essays about pragmatism) . n177. See, e.g., Fish, Speech
  • - amining board. affiliated c:redentialing board. commission. independent agency~ council or office in the executive branch of state government: all bodies created by the legislatUre in the legislative or judicial branch of state government: any public body
  • (b)(9) of the FOIAI P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or tinancial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose contidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5
[06/20/1997] (Item)
  • or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • to Establishment Clause doctrine have been its dismantling of some of Lemon's mistakes. In Corporation of Presiding Bishop v Amos, n115 the Court removed the most serious doctrinal obstacles to legislative accommodations of religion. For the first time, the court
  • discussion and coordination - identify tough questions and re-examine existing issues or beef up enforcement of current law - goal is to identify three issues by end of this month for concrete next steps • DPC and PIR to develop comprehensive list of policy
  • developed in several Service, BIA, and Attorney General decisions and has been codified in the Service regulations implementing the legalization provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. These decisions and regulations, and section 212
Shutdown [6] (Item)
  • , Presidential Executive Orders are to be considered "applicable law." (Bureau of the Public Debt, 42 FLRA No. 92 (1991» Thus, any provisions imposed by an Executive Order issued by the President would preempt any agreement provisions or bargaining proposals
  • operates within a system of precedent. Even were women present today in the judiciary at appropriate levels, they would be bound by precedent developed by men. In this essay, I focus on the uneasy case for binding judicial review from the perspective
Rohypnol [2] (Item)
  • for cigarettes. s the tobacco Industry playing Brer Rabbit to President Clinton's Brer Fox? The President's assertion that If necessary, the price of cigarettes should rise by $1.50 a pack to deter teen-age smoking evoked bitter denunciations from Big Tobacco
  • , and human technology has developed a great deal, making possible forms of euthanasia that would have been unimaginable when the laws were first enacted. n484 - - - - - - -Footnotesn480. See Quill v. Vacca, 80 F.3d 716, 743 (2d Cir. 1996) concurring
[01/09/1998] (Item)
  • 000000000000630E000000000000000000000000630EOOOOOOOOOO00000000000000630EOOOOOO 000000000000000000630E000000000000000000000000630EOOOO00000000000000000000630E 000000000000000000000000630E00000000000000000000000063OEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO January 9, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan RE: DPC
  • , is the memo from the White House Counsel's Office to the President on the Federal Circuit's decision in Winstar v. United States. Thanks ~ery much for all your help. Please note the last sentence of the memo, which states that OMB is currently looking
  • by the so-called 'core' requirement of standing." n238 A central concern is what Scalia describes the recent rise of the courts as "equal partners" with the legislative and executive branches. In his view, this unfortunate development is related to the law
  • (available Tax Day Message Event to highlight new targeted tax cuts to Americans filing their 1998 taxes) that will make higher education more accessible than ever before. The President will emphasize how these new cuts build on a record of fiscally
  • is that analogical reasoning involves a process in which principles are developed with constant reference to particular cases. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Footnotes- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n24 See BRIAN BARRY, THEORIES OF JUSTICE 264 (1989); Scanlon
  • , 591 n.33 (1980)). Instead, two critical presuppositions had changed between the Founding and 1985 -- first, unlike at the Founding, few felonies were punishable by death anymore, id. at 13-14; second, U[t]he common-law rule developed at a time when
  • : Section: Shelf: Position: v 13 2 10 3 PAGE 932 32 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 159, *186 n114 See Virginia Citizens Consumer Council, 425 U.S. at 762 (holding that commercial speech is not so removed from the exposition of ideas as to completely lack
  • conduct, acts or omissions), those Claims directly or indirectly based on, arising out of or in any way related, in whole or in part, to (A) the use, sale, distribution, manufacture, development, advertising, marketing or health effects of, (B
  • ability to communicate a desired message. In the other, t Professor of Law, The University of Chicago (on leave 1995·96 to serve as Associate Counsel to the President), I am grateful to Mary Becker, David Currie, Richard Epstein, Richard Fallon. Stephen
  • prongs of actor intent and audience understanding "might seem to have extreme consequences- for example, an attempted assassination of the President may well qualify as speech," but emphasizing that this conclusion does not mean the speech
  • Office of the president) This position was developed by LRD (Benton) in consultation with HRD (Matlack/Bond). The Departments of Labor (), Justice (), Commerce (), Transportation (), and Health and Human Services have reviewed the proposed position
  • for Family Support within the Department of Health and Human Services, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall be in addition to any other Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services
  • ·" " .\ - . Roy M. Huhndorf, President Cook Inlet Region, Inc. CIRI Building 2525 C Street P.O. Box 93330 Anchorage, Alaska 99509-3330 Dear Mr. Huhndorf: nus is in reference to your letter of June 4, 1993, cx:ncerning the ~licatiO'lS (BALCI'-930408KE-KF) to assign
  • Amendment issue under the R.A.V. decision. It would clearly be unlawful to exempt from the antitrust laws any agreement to limit criticism of the President. The question then becomes whether a subject matter exemption, limited to violence, is unacceptably
Militias [5] (Item)
  • by President Reagan and employing language nearly identical to that quoted in text). 2 The data in this paragraph concerning state parental consent and notice laws come from studies undertaken by the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League
  • , distribution, manufacture, development, advertising, marketing or health effects of, (B) the exposure to, or (C) research, statements, or warnings regarding, Tobacco Products (including, but not limited to, the Claims asserted in the actions identified
  • be overridden without violating the integrity of the court and the legal system of which it is a part. To sustain this proposition, it is necessary to examine the history and purpose of the public policy exception as it has developed in Anglo-American law
[01/11/1999] (Item)
  • States Holocaust Memorial Museum; (7) Historian of the Department of State; and (8) Three other persons appointed by the President. (b) The Senior Director for Records and Access Management of the National Security Council will serve as the liaison
  • and the intent of the legislatures. Their decision is .consistent with these sources. Patricia C. Camvel, Lauer v. Millville Area School District: The Commonwealth Court Develops the "Persistent Negligence" Standard for Teacher Tenure Appeals, 5 WIDENER J. PUB. L
  • €^ni-,.^^,^-o*Q J t;-.1 (^; u-F; Cu^n I ii EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 21-Apr-1996 08:47pm TO: FROM; Kathleen A. Mccinty CC: Elena Dinah Bear councif on Environmental Quality Kagan SUBJECT: Tongass settlementl The districL court
  • as Associate Counsel to the President). I am grateful to Mary Becker, David Currie, Richard Epstein, Richard Fallon, Stephen Gilles, Dan Kahan, Larry Lessig, Michael McConnell, Mark Ramseyer, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Geoffrey Stone, David Strauss, Cass Sunstein
  • activt' Justices who wi!>hed to sustain the First Amendment claim in Rust (Justices Blackmun and Stevens) rejected the R.J\. V. majority'S broad First Amendment reasoning. though again concurring in the result. Justice O'Connor. who voted with Ihe
Militias [6] (Item)
  • disbanded. Despite this development, anti-federal government and conspiracy-oriented tirades continue to be phoned in by listeners to radio station KHNC in Johnstown, which broadcasts a steady stream of "patriot" programs. In recent weeks some callers have
  • down an award of punitive damages. n12 I suggest that the unanimous supreme Court was probably wrong to uphold the imposition of the death penalty on the basis of an open-ended grant of power from Congress to the President. n13 In several places I
  • ownership." Max Weber associated the rise of capitalism with codes and rule-governed bureaucracies, n5 and while this association did not invariably hold, the reason for it is clear: entrenched patterns of privilege that prevent markets from developing
  • that small business size standards developed by Federal agencies must be based on the average gross revenues of such business over a period of not less than three years.· n, § 222(a), Fifth R&Q, 9 FCC Red at 5608 n.152 (citing Pub. L. No. 102-366, Title
  • commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • of God himself, and here in the council of my country I proclaim that no act of mine shall assist to drag it down and place it on an equality with an inferior race. n481 I He called support for the bill "treason to the white race." n482
  • : 10 Advancement Act of "A..~~"UAL REPORT 0:-; PROGRAM 11 "SEC. 1637. (a) Not later thm May 30 of each year, tbe 12 Commissioner of Social Security shall prepare and deliver are. port annually to the President and the Congress regarding
  • Office of Policy Development Room 266, OEOB Mr. Charles Burson Counsel to the President Room 222, OEOB Mr. Ron Klain Chief of Staff Office of the Vice President Room 260, OEOB Ms. Harriet Rabb General Counsel Room 722A HHH RE: Coyne Beahm, Inc.: Am
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n21. Rosenberger, 18 F.3d at 273 (quoting Letter from Cynthia J. Wi1bricht, Vice President for Student Organizations of the University Student Council, to Ronald W. Rosenberger (Feb. 26, 1991)). n22. Id. University subsidization of the Jewish Law
  • of a challenged state statute is sustained as not in conflict with federal law. Here Southland challenged the California Franchise Investment Law as it was applied to invalidate a contract for arbitration made pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act. Appellees
  • to State agencies in administering the 40 quarters determination. These procedures have been developed in cooperation with SSA. and we are drafting regulations on 40 quarter verification that wtll be based on the guidance outlined in this letter. Until
Rohypnol [1] (Item)
  • in party drug of today," said eus. areas linked to violence. toms Service commissioner to be nominated in August. President Clinton will dis- George Weise. "Wel1;the party "I know they ~ this Junior , Tu~y but it seems pretty suo patch bomb de~on equip
  • ~¥J ~"(OC.d :b
  • arm. ' ;1 U ~ 2~~(DI~;'~o) Building Tradr.~ Council v.' Grtnllon 359 we held that "I wlh t' .' .' ,.. subject. to ~ 7 or ~ 8 orthe [NLRA ~n a,n ac IVlty IS arguably federa.l CIl1/.rtl! must defer to th - I, fh~ !States 011 well all the ~Boardj
[04/16/1998] (Item)
  • the number of miles driven, the legislation would lead to more accidents, highway deaths, congestion, and environmental degradation. To address this problem, CEA developed the per-mile premium option. We believe, however, that we could not sustain support
  • . CollectionfRecord Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: Domestic Policy Council Series/Staff Member: Elena Kagan Subseries: OAIID Number: 14364 FolderlD: Folder Title: NATIVE AMERICAN ISSUES- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Stack: Row
  • AIDS-Advisory Council
  • cc: Sandra Thurman/OPD/EOP, Richard Socarides/WHO/EOP, Sarah A. Bianchi/OPO/EOP, Laura Emmett/WHO/EOP Subject: Upcoming Meeting of the President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS Beginning next Monday, the President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
  • DPC [Domestic Policy Council] - Meetings
  • There will be a meeting of the Domestic Policy Council on Friday, February 14 from 10:30 to II :30 a.m. in the Roosevelt Room. As you recall, at the last cabinet meeting, the Chief of Staff asked each Secretary to review second-term priorities in light of the President's
  • reports. Plan of Action To conduct this study, the National Research Council would form a new committee, titled the Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development. The committee would be composed of up to 12 members who represent
  • development Nurturing and stimulating children in the first years of life actuiill.y help their brains develop and prepare them for the challenges of school and later life. President Clinton is committed to giving America's children the opportunity to live up
  • : Shelf: Position: s 97 3 9 1 f\JO-hv
  • DPC [Domestic Policy Council] - Organization and Budget
  • . b(2) 002b. diagram RE: Office of Policy Development (3 pages) n.d. b(2) 003. diagram RE: Domestic Policy Council (1 page) n.d. b(2) 004. email From: Paul Weinstein To: Bruce Reed; RE: DPC Budget (partial) (\ page) 02/03/1997 P61b(6
Jobs Program (Item)
  • to include adults age 18 to 50 who are no longer eligible for food stamps because they did not satisfy the minimum work requirements under the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. TAX INCENTIVES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: PRESIDENT CLINTON'S CDFI INVESTMENT
  • , 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Jacob J. Le Acting Dire SUBJECT: proposed Ex~=-_ Executive Or SUMMARY: This memorandum forwards for your consideration a . proposed Executive order that was prepared by the White House Council
  • , Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Director, Domestic Policy Council Honorable William Kennard, Chairman, Federal Communications Connnission Students Sbane Cambronero, City Year Staff member and former Americorp member Terrence Gray, Peer
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 274601SS
  • , or considering the proposals in committee. We plan to release the letter sometime this week. 9. Health - Physical Fitness Council: Secretary Shalala recommended to the DPC last week that the Administration transfer responsibility for the President's Council
  • Levine's office at Carnegie 212/207,6314 Newsweek Special Edition - Pat Butler's Office, Washington Post 334,6000 0-3 Poll: THE WHITE HOUSE AT WORK: Thursday, April 17, 1997 TODAY: PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY HOLD EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE
  • for Liberians b/c (1) though the country is doing better, it is not yet fully developed; (2) the economy could not now sustain a "sudden influx of citizens" -- not enough jobs or opportunities; and (3) Liberians living in the U.S. provide remittances to Liberia
  • bill.) We could announce new CCDBG data (see just below) at this signing. New Child Care Data. The President could announce new data of the number of children served with child care assistance through the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG
  • American education. At the Native American economic development conference on August 6, the President signed an executive order on American Indian and Alaska Native education that required an interagency plan with recommendations identifying initiatives
  • will be able to say that the steps we are taking today led us to that great day. " President Bill Clinton December I, 1998 Today, President Clinton is joined by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator
  • ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN TEXT: None of these is totally satisfying, but my bet is that it's only a matter of time before Rahm reads this and asks the President to order us to develop a lawsuit to stop corporate welfare
[01/07/1998] (Item)
  • % of qualified costs, but may not exceed $150,000 per year. The President's budget will include approximately $500 million over five years for these tax credits. PROMOTES EARLY LEARNING AND HEALTHY CHILD DEVELOPMENT Promotes Early Learning. Research shows
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 295524SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ~9S"S=
AIDS-Funding (Item)
  • enningslBruce Reed Sandy Thurman Richard Socarides Broderick Johnson PARTICIPANTS: Secretary Shalala Dr. David Satcher Rep. Maxine Waters Rep. Louis Stokes Denise Stokes, Member of the President's Advisory Council on HIV and AJDS ·Seated on Stage: Sandy
  • DPC [Domestic Policy Council] - Policy Trading Drafts
  • (President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology) report on cdtech. Will m:ommend increasing f\mding for cdtech R&D. \T tM. r.. t-{. ..... _ ~ '-"" L.:.. e1 \)"''1 to (/w- TOBACCO "[W]e must also protect our children by standing finn in our
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 229652SS
  • Bill: The [mal welfare provisions of the budget bill prompted a frontpage New York Times headline declaring "In Budget Bill, President Wins Welfare Battle." First, the bill guarantees Medicaid and SSI benefits to legal immigrants on the rolls in August
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 287439SS
  • . Members of the AIDS Council may raise questions about this issue when they meet with you on December 18. You can respond by indicating strong support for states (like California) that are developing effective alternatives to name-based reporting
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 280990SS
  • to states that combines flexibility with strong accountability mechanisms. Consistent with your general approach on education issues, the bill focuses on ensuring that students meet high standards (both technical and academic) by requiring states to develop
  • , Association for a Better New York -- Mr. Rudin is a leader in real estate management in New York City and sits on a council of corporate leaders that works to improve the quality of life in New York. Rev. Dr. Paul Sherry, President and CEO, United Church
SEPTA Dispute (Item)
  • or financial information (a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between sucb advisors (a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (3)(6
  • the President supports making permanent the Brady waiting period prior to the sale of a handgun? A. Under the Brady Law, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) will take effect on November 30, 1998. NICS will allow access to a fuller set
  • -78) and the land attack destroyer (00-21). The Committee would reduce aircraft carrier development by $90 million, a 47-percent decrease from the President's request, and research funding for the 00-21 next-generation destroyer by $69 million, an 81
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 026 - Folder 004 Counsel: Regulatory Working Group 1994 [1] Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfflTLE RESTRICTION 001. memo Ron Lewis, et al. to the President-Elect re
  • . with teprCSentation from the First Lady's Office. "i
  • Kagan Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy SUBJECT: Interagency Working Group on Early Childhood Development and the White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning: What New Research on the Brain Tells Us About Our
  • , WHITE HOUSE PUBLIC LIAISON OFFICE LOCKHART: Good afternoon, everyone. Before Mike comes out. we wanted to spend a few minutes to talk about the president's initiative on race, which he will give a speech in San Diego on Saturday, as you all know. I'm
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 299538SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ~r~., .:~. '*,." '. 'WI' i d).99S3f ~~ '. ~G-oob-~I :. CopIed '~eed I t
  • . that the President will exercise ultimate authority o\-er-and will accept political accountability for-the actions of all officials within the Executive Branch and the Armed Forces. Cf. Cherron C.S.A. Inc. \-. Satllral Resources Defense Council. Inc .. 467 C.S. 837
  • to a new "get tested" campaign requested by the President's AIDS Council. However, given that we've taking a lot of heat on our prevention funding, this may not be enough to overwhelm our difficult constituency. International USAID estimates
  • DEVELOPMENT Promotes Early Learning. Research shows that children's experiences in the earliest years are critical to their development and future success. The President's proposed Early Learning Fund provides challenge grants to communities (distributed
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 285628SS
  • each year, PHOTOCOPY WJC HANDWRITING Ii I THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN I f - ,,$'-:'l' (f 2 rewarding success and intervening in lowools WI 4. Education -- ESEA Reauthorization: We are working with the Education Department to develop an ESEA
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 042 - Folder 007 Tobacco-Budget • ,f,,(. ~\ =-- " . [fi'ih2. wpd December 9, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED GENE SPERLING SUBJECT: 21 st Century Trust Fund There is growing bipartisan support
[09/30/1998] (Item)
  • 3 Automated Records 'Management Sy,ki Hex-Dump Conversion Protection Act with special safeguards for kids; issued new regulations that improve the safety of fruit and vegetable juices; and created a President's Council on Food Safety which
  • FAMILIES Doubles the Number of Children Receiving Child Care Subsidies to More than Two Million. The President proposes to expand the Child Care and Development Block Grant to help working families struggling to meet the costs of child care. This block
[09/30/1998] (Item)
  • that improve the safety of fruit and vegetable juices; and created a President's Council on Food Safety which will develop a comprehensive food safety strategic plan for federal agencies. Welfare Reform and Community Empowerment: Largest Drop in the Welfare
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 305587SS
  • 84 1 2 3 305"5 g·7 ..s s.. ~ie_J ~ t ClSt1A'l Pob.i!n- /=(-rGC:J6-d--1 '9~ MAV "L"L PM"L:l:jq THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGTON May 21,1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: 'Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Education
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 277623SS
  • 84 1 2 3 . . ~ 77~.;l..3 ..l-~ THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN q-".l-q~ f:G-006-~ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 'MEMORANDUM FOR THE September 11,1998 ~ENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Health Care -- Medicaid
  • to develop similar model legislation and to put in place additional reforms that will allow children to testilY through closed circuit television, limit the number of interviews to which a child can be subjected, and allow children to use testimonial aids
  • , day reporting, electronic monitoring, passing GED, paying child support). If the President Wants, we can s eCllicall design" a program under thiS Initiative that is foclIsed on employing offenders. -- Coerced Abstinence. T e FY 2000 budget will include
  • , Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion EXECUTIVE ORDER PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL ON FOOD SAFETY By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to strengthen efforts
  • of Louisiana Iowa Parent Teacher Association Des Moines. IA Westwego. LA James Allen Ethan Baumfield Black People's Union Interfraternity Council George Washington University Juan Andrade President United Stales Leadership Institute Chicago.IL Wendell
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 290496SS
  • for - N PHOTOCOPY w~c HANDWRITING THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN I-l~-q'l 2 these counterterrorism activities by $1.2 billion. This funding increase will go toward: (1) new research and development of vaccines to protect against biological weapons; (2) a new
  • /13/97 ~ Jose Serrano Carnmmity Forum on Welfare Reform, Bronx, NY 3/24/97 Manhattan Barough President Ruth Messin;Jer Town Hall 2/26/97 Barnard OJllege/Collmlbia University Urban Policy Center Welfare Reform Conference 3/31/97 Council for Senior
  • Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council which represents workers in the area; linked to the non-profit organization, Working Partnerships USA which is working on regional economic development and minority group issues in the San Jose area. Rose Amador is President
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 235671SS
  • key steps in that strategy; we are now developing additional events involving the Vice President, Secretary Riley, and others. We are also urging business leaders and opinion leaders (~, Checker Finn and Diane Ravitch) to help make the case
  • /Cross-Appellant SUKMARY OP '1'HB CASE AND REOUEST POR ORAL ARGUHENT Plaintiff below, and appellee and cross-appellant here, adopts President Clinton's "Summary of the Case and Request For Oral Argument ... Since this case presents novel
  • Survival and Development in Atlanta. The task force is sponsored by such respected organizations as UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the Rockefeller Foundation. Thurman's AIDS-related activities include serving on the Presidential Advisory Council
  • ." When President Clinton took office in January 1993, he signed an Executive Order directing HHS to assess initiatives to promote the testing and licensing ofRU-486. As the result of the Administration's efforts following this directive, the French drug
  • that some of the Hondurans who came to the U. S. during the 1980s share some of the characteristics of those Salvadoran and Guatemalan who also sought the protection of the U.S. during that period. • Thus, we are prepared to work with Congress to develop
  • , •. ' •• ' •. ~-" ••••••••. ' ,,- - ••• - . •••• • . " - •• ··-.·- ••. _·.4'.· ... _. . . ~k ................... 4.4·..c..w. ..... ~._ ......J.:... _ ........ ." '0.,; w._ .• W!M.le.v'l \~- 1"'1:> C.VLvt~1 * National * WOMEN'S ic '* * *" BUSINESS * Council ¥ l' ic DATE: TO: TOTAL PAGES (including cover
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 292024SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ~9;(o~¥ ~L " THE PRESiDENT HAS SEEN ~-I-'t'\ THE WHITE HOUSE ;99 JAN 29 PM6:32 f:G-OOb -c;l-/ WASHINGTON January 30, 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE P IDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Education -- Ed
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 250162SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ~50/b;L ~ ~ r, r&ooG-c:Lj THE: WHITE: HOUSE WASHINGTON January 23, 1998 THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN , - :l..v - q g MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Crime -- Community Prosecutors
  • _ _ _,ACCEPT TODA V'S DATE: 2 _ _ _ ,REGRET _ _ _ PENDING TO: Stephanie Streett Assistant to the President Director of Presidential Scheduling FROM: Bruce Reed Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Director of the Domestic Policy Council
  • in fruits and vegetables, combating antibiotic resistance in food-producing animals, The President's Joint Institute of Food Safety Research will continue developing a strategic plan for conducting and coordinating all federal food safety research efforts
  • of the President's produce initiative. To meet the President's goal that our produce meet the highest health and safety standards, the Departments will develop voluntary Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) guidance for produce
  • . A FOUR-POINT ACTION PLAN FOR RURAL AMERICA 1. EXPANDING THE RURAL ECONOMY THROUGH EXPORTS AND DEVELOPMENT • Implemellting the Wheat Purchase Illitiative. On Saturday, President Clinton took strong steps to help our family farmers by reducing crop
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 281651SS
  • 84 1 2 3 . ,. ._- . F&OOb-d-/ CC'. \/P QTS (. c""~d ~rn.'1l0 ~ (Tu.n,~ ~ ..ho-u-
  • 20510 September 3, 1997 The President The White House Washington, DC 20500 SEP 9 A~ll:32 Dear Mr. President: We are writing to you conccming your pending rccommcndations for the proposed natiODal tobacco sett1c:mcot. As the first President to take
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 237506SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ..... v,. c;( ,-, '07 S0b ~-~ '. F&OOb-d}-/ '97 OCT it PM2: 19 THE WHITE HOUSE THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN lO-,-"l"1 WASHINGTON I~,ed '" October 3, 1997 '~d l(Q..e~ MEMORANDUM FOR THE ~SIDENT (0
  • -sustaining employment and economic independence. Allowable activities include: • Planning, development and implementation of cooperative agreements, including service system planning, and development, planning and creation of core services structures
  • of technology development and deployment. Some of this technology can be used to tackle crime and improve drug interdiction. We believe many of these technologies could be the basis for a White House event featuring the President or Vice President. For example
  • up aggressively on the information superhighway issue that Edwards raised. Conclusion: At the end, Marca Bristo ofthe National Council on Disability praised the President's efforts as being far more than those of his predecessors, and said we
  • Elaine Karmarck, Domestic Policy/Office of the Vice President Diana Fortuna, Domestic Policy Council/White House Thomas Kalil, National Economic Council/White House Bill White, Office of the Public Liaison/White House Lisa Fairhall, Office of Management
  • to highlight the commitment of you and the President to reducing youth smoking and encouraging young people to take charge of their lives and be aware of tobacco advertising and promotions and to work to encourage their friends to be smoke-free. PROGRAM NOTES
  • and enforcement. In view ofthe President's position, the GAO's findings and accepted recommendations, and the cooperative efforts of the Departments of Agriculture and Labor to develop ways to administratively restructure the H-2A program, the Administration
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 260526SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ~. .d.JoD5~ ~~ FG,-OOb-d-1 'cop\e d Reed Ka.QQ{) THE WHITE HOUSE ~u..)les WASHINGTON ~ April 17, 1998 ~SIDENT MEMORANDUM FOR THE FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan RE: THE PRESIDENT HAS SEH! 1.\--2. \ -1\C'f DPC Weekly Report
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 062 - Folder-006 Welfare-Housing Vouchers ~002/009 01/08/99 14:55 FAX Wfa - ~tIU I'i VII vlllA
  • 1999. Since 1997, she has served as Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council. Kagan received a B.A. summa cum laude from Princeton University (1981), a M. Phil. from Oxford University (1983
  • [partial] (I page) 09/22/1997 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Elena Kagan DNSax Number: 14372 FOLDER TITLE: Welfare - Government Hiring [I] 2009-1006-F kel3! RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 225041SS
  • and present you with a recommendation by the end of July. Though Secretary Shalala is chafing at the timetable -- she joked to the press yesterday that "every President I know wants everything done in 30 days" -- we are off to a good start and should be able
  • cases against President John F. Kennedy, involving injuries sustained by delegates to the 1960 Democratic Convention in a car rented by the Kennedy campaign, were ,briefly allowed to go forward, and were then settled. Hills v. Kennedy, No. 757201
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 240752SS
  • , with the support of Rep. Porter and Sens. Specter and Harkin. The provision allowed development of the tests to continue, but prohibited their implementation without congressional authorization. The provision also prohibited the use of the tests for high stakes
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 255493SS
  • ~ -: ( American women undergo unnecessary hysterectomies and more than one million Americans 1-...~ suffer harm as a result of avoidable errors. The Commission will propose the formation of a . 0~.'4v ~QUality Council to develop goals and strategies to improve
  • your commitment to enhancing the development of young children and highlight the Administration's efforts to strengthen families. II. BACKGROUND You and the First Lady will be hosting two panel discussions, the Vice President and Mrs. Gore
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 298485SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ," THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN '3-0l9-QQ ~9~.t.fgS .s~ PGOO(O- C>--/ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON c...o-p .. -=- c\ ~ MEMORANDUM FOR THE FROM: SUBJECT: ~J March 27, 1999 P~ENT Bruce Reed Elena Kagan K:..o..~~ r:?od~ p~ VP tU.c
  • program. However, NASA, not the Department of Defense, is responsible for the development of reusable launch vehicles. The project is being canceled because it was not requested in the President's FY 1998 Budget, and because the Department of Defense has
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 289528SS
  • 84 1 2 3 o
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 300487SS
  • 84 1 2 3 -3cot./Y;7 ~s.- " 'tl-/E PRESIDENT HAS SEEN 4--/~-qq f99 APR 9 PM5:32 F-& odo - c9- , THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~ April 9, 1999 ,f99 APR 9 PM5:24 ~ie'~ ~d MEMORANDUMFORTHEPREJbENT I
  • increases to combat water pollution, protect national parks and other precious lands, restore salmon and other endangered species, and develop clean energy technologies. At the same time, President Clinton forced Congress to drop special-interest riders
  • will be placed in the Domestic Policy Council, the agency primarily responsible for welfare reform. Others will be placed through the Executive Office of the President. Question: Aren't you favoring welfare recipients over everyone else? Answer: We
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 241814SS
  • a compromise on national testing that we worked out with Rep. Goodling. The compromise language allows test development to proceed under NAGB's control with the $16 million we asked for in our FY 1998 budget, but delays pilot testing until October 1998
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 293873SS
  • 84 1 2 3 THE WHITE HOUSE THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN WASH INGTON .) -1"~'1 February 12, 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE IDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Tobacco -- Record Verdict: A jury in San Francisco awarded
  • of fruit and vegetable juices; and created a President's Council on Food Safety which will develop a comprehensive food safety strategic plan for federal agencies. • Held First-Ever White House Conference on Child Care and White House Conference on Early
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 221162SS
  • and (2) retaining FLSA coverage, but allowing states to count additional benefits (Medicaid, child care, housing, etc.) toward the minimum wage. (fj" ~_. "4 . ~/ ~ d(! PHOTOCOPY WJC HANDWRITING ~'\;; ~ THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN 5 ?-{p-C(/ 3. Welfare
[03/16/1999] (Item)
  • official with control of resources for all federal food safety activities." President Clinton created the council to review the report's findings and Page 2 of2 ...ARMS Email System develop a national strategy. The NAS report gave examples
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 249333SS
  • , are controversial among both business and labor. Rather than associate ourselves with the Norwood bill, we recommend keeping up the pressure for federal legislation while encouraging a coalition of moderates to develop an alternative bill that imposes fewer costs
  • , HHS; Nancy-Ann Min DeParte, Admlnlstrator, Health Care FInancing Admlnlstration; and Chris Jennings, Special Assistant to the President for Health Policy Development, I"'Me House Domestic Policy Council. Dr. Hamburg will begin with an overview
  • . The Communications Prerequisite: Fundamental to success is sustaining our communications advantage in all of its forms. This means keeping your approval ratings high so as to maximize your ability to!persuade the American people and thereby drive the issues agenda
  • accomplishment every year: * October,1997. President announces new initiative to enhance FDA oversight over imported foods and to develop guidance on good agricultural and manufacturing practices for fruits and vegetables; to seek legislation to give FDA
  • on Tuesday, October 14, that the President has used his line-item veto authority on the Defense appropriations bill. , ARMS Email System ,~ To help you explain the President's decision to your constituencies, OMB's Jack Lew and Gordon Adams will hold
  • DPC [Domestic Policy Council] - Administrative Goals
  • : • • • • . Increases funding for weapons modernization 40 percent by the year 2000. [Pres. Doc. 1643, 9/3/96] Develop by the year 2000 a defensive system that protects America from the threat of a longrange missile attack by.a rogue state. The President said
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 217180SS
  • up a federal building in Oklahoma City, or to put identifying chemicals in high explosives, the National Research Council says . • • There is no one single measure that can make the nation safe from terrorist bombing," Marye Anne Fox, co-chair
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 303077SS
  • treatment. The PHOTOCOPY W0C HANDWRITING THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN 5-"'-9~ 2 legislation will authorize a new $68 million initiative to: (1) invest in research to detennine the causes of asthma and to develop ways of reducing children's exposure to asthma
  • . QUESTION, They basically agree with the president. Elapsed Time 00,28, Eastern Time 13,44 QUESTION: You're having a board, but you've already decided what you're going that you want these people to support what you ... ECHAVESTE: I think what we're talking
  • to a large extent ignored the Comments and has abandoned the President's commitment to developing strong, self-sufficient minority businesses. The proposed regulations unnecessarily and inappropriately restrict the government's minority business activities
  • and violence in schools, more accountability for results, and better targeting to those schools that need the most Under the President's reauthorization proposal, school districts would be assistance. expected to develop comprehensive plans that, among other
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 286666SS
  • 84 1 2 3 cx8'6(P66 " ~~ ~&OOb-d-1 THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN /2-1-qg THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON . ~ MEMORANDUM FOR THE December 5,1998 ~~ENT FROM: ••. >, >-,,- .,', .- " - Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: .. DPC Weekly Report 1
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 259771SS
  • business partners. Governor Carper, who co-chairs the Partnership's National Advisory Council with Governor Thompson, announced the results of the survey in an interview with NPR on Thursday. The survey found that 79% of the businesses interviewed expect
  • . The Medicare Commission will be working to develop proposals for the overall financing of Medicare. The President's proposed policy will not conflict with the Commission's work in this area. Page 1 of2 ARMS Email System ,,' RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES
  • : Position: S 84 2 11 1 -, THE WHITE HOUSE WASHI NGTON October 5, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: ABNER J. MIKVA ojrl'Counsel to the President a:- ELENA KAGAN Associate Counsel to the President I THROUGH: LEON PANETTA, GEORGE
  • interest we can work something out. What we've handed out is releasable now. After that, I've got Elena Kagan, from the Domestic Policy Council, who is here and available if you have any questions on the study the President talked about today, from Treasury
  • certain that the President has the answer to every question anyone might possibly ask. It took us a year of very detailed work, once we decided to go ahead, to develop the FDA regulations that we currently have, and took a multi-disciplinary team. In my
  • President/General Council, Glock, Inc. Rafael Aguirre-Sacassa, Vice President Marketing, Beretta USA Corporation Johnathan Mossberg, Chief Operating Officer, O.F. Mossberg & Sons George Schneider, President SigArms Tom Conrad, Marketing Manager, Taurus
  • funding. On December 12, 1996, the President announced that the Justice Department had developed drug testing and sanction guidelines to assist states in meeting the new requirements. The guidelines require states to implement a post-conviction program
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 245039SS
  • reform bill you recently signed contains a provision to give a company that has tested a drug for use on children the exclusive right to market that drug for six months. _ 3. Health -- Medicaid AIDS Demonstration: About six months ago, the Vice President
[09/28/1998] (Item)
  • , the President's plan is: • Continuing to develop policies that ensure opportunity and fairness for all Americans. At the recommendation of his Race Advisory Board, the President is focusing on developing policy actions that will enhance educational and economic
  • -sufficiency report is acceptable, although unbearably modest. Maybe it is better to characterize it as unobjectionable as a nonevent; It doesn't really say much of anything. The reason that HHS forwarded it to the President was to comply with the President's
  • diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer's, AIDS, and brain tumors. The President's budget contains a historic upfront investment in biomedical research and, for the first time, proposes a sustained investment in NIH over five years which results in a 50 percent
  • . HOME EDITION Pg. B4 LENGTH, 498 words HEADLINE: Clinton pushes action to curb youth smoking BYLINE: James Rosen, Bee Washington Bureau DATELINE, WASHINGTON BODY, President Clinton warned lawmakers Monday that with congressional election campaigns
  • . As the conferees develop a final version of the bill, your consideration of the Administration's views would be appreciated. The Administration welcomes copgressional efforts to accommodate the President's priorities within the 302(b) allocation. The President's FY
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 251231SS
  • a news conference with conservative groups to call for targeting all new money to stay-at-home parents. In light of Republican sentiment on this issue, we have asked the Treasury Department, which throughout our policy development ''''''process was very
  • with us in the bi-partisan process to develop a real reform package during the next Congress. ·4· D:\TEXT\AUG2S.1.XT Thursday, June 17, 20105:54 PM August 26, 1998 DRAFT MEMORANDUM FOR THE VICE-PRESIDENT FROM:GENE SPERLING ELENA KAGAN SUBJECT:STATUS
[4/16/1997] (Item)
  • in the U.S. The President's five-year balanced budget plan includes $100 million to assist the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) to finish developing content area standards and provide access to the certification process for 100,000
  • to progress in partnerships with industry on improved industrial energy efficiency, development of more efficient autos and trucks, and designs and materials for more efficient buildings. The President's budget requests $36 million for payment to the State
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 227186SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ~ ~ ~~71 8f::,. ~.~ fG-oo~-d-1 '- ._-_._--------,\ THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN '., ~ 1'l-1:t- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~ MEMORANDUM FOR THE July 12,1997 ~SIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED ELENA KAGAN, SUBJECT: DPC WEEKLY REPORT 1
  • . The Sacramento Police Department has developed a model program to deal with hate crimes in the community. Mr. Venegas was the hands-down choice by the Department of Justice as a member oflaw enforcement to introduce the President. DO] reports that Mr. Venegas
  • esteem. Wilson and others noted that a special effort must be made to develop girls in science and math. (Wilson would like the President to officially proclaim April 24th "Take Your Daughters to Work Day" or to send a Presidential message and to host
  • standards; (2) provide teachers with sustained and intensive high-quality professional development in core academic content areas; (3) support new teachers during their first three years in the classroom; and, (4) help ensure that all teachers are proficient
  • on federal criminal civil rights charges for interfering with various federally protected rights of minority VIcttms. Virtually all defendants charged in these cases have been convicted. President Clinton's Justice Department has vigorously prosecuted hate
  • The Hon011lblc Bruce Reed Assistant to the President Director, Office of Policy Development I Tho White House ' Washington. DC 20500 Dear Mr. Reed: The Committee on Government Refonn and Oversight's Civil Service Subeommitteo will conduct an oversillht hcarina
  • Council resolutions. QUESTION: Not to belabor -- not to belabor a quote, but what the president said -- what he has just done is to ensure that the sanctions will be there until the end of time or as long as he lasts. BERGER: Well, that's right, and that's
  • projects in FY 1997; o In response to the President's directive to the Secretary and the Attorney General to assist states in implementing the family violence provisions in PRWORA, we have developed guidance for states, funded new research, and provided
  • United States Senator The Honorable Frank A. LoBiondo Member of Congress **•• PANEL 2: William Jahoda PANEL 3: Paul R. Ashe President National Council on Problem Gambling Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer American Gaming
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 026 - Folder 008 Counsel: Regulatory Working Group 1995 [3] EUJ' URlilli fRX-) EXECUTIVE OFflCE OF THE PRESIDENT washington, O. C. FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET IlA.TE: Ol-May-95 TO: ABNER J. MIKVA SUBJECT: SCIENCE
  • SUBJECT: Redraft TO: Laura Emmett READ: UNKNOWN CN=Laura Emmett/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO ] TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP READ:UNKNOWN [ OPD ] ) TEXT: Revised Draft 8/26/98 8:15am Jordan Tamagni PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON
  • approval process became under assault in the 10Sth Congress. President Clinton threatened to veto a provision that would have prevented the FDA from using govemment funds to test, develop or approve drugs that may induce medical abortion, including RU-486
  • smoking BYLINE: James Rosen, Bee Washington Bureau DATELINE: WASHINGTON BODY: President Clinton warned lawmakers Monday that with congressional election campaigns around the corner, time is running out to pass comprehensive tobacco legislation to curb
  • National Security Council State Defense USUN CIA Treasury JCS Office of the Vice President International Economics Treasury State USTR Commerce USDA Labor Transportation CEA Sunday. January 12. 1997 Fiscal Responsibility--Health Carel Balanced Budget
  • Director Jim King provided the President's Domestic Policy Council with a memo which outlines different options that federal agencies could undertake, including the expansion of exisiting programs to attract entry-level workers. The Domestic Policy Council
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 291224SS
  • 84 1 2 3 THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN I - ;).:s - q '1 d 9 ( OJ.-~ THE WHITE HOUSE f FG-oo'b-cJ-/ WASHINGTON ~ ~,~ /anuary 23,1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE P~IDENT . FROM: ~. Ka..~ Po~ Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly RIWort 1. Health
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 257284SS
  • : In a speech to the PTA on Monday, the Vice President will unveil new Treasury Department statistics demonstrating that your tobacco plan PHOTOCOPY WJC HANDWRITING ?11fC "~:l~;''';'I
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 266492SS
  • and colorectal qpcer. In response to new scientific developments, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is increasing funding for research in this area and these new research efforts wjl! proceed even more quickly if Congress gasses yotlf l'Ioposcd 671'el'bent
  • and Technology Policy Honorable Anthony Lake Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Honorable Kathleen McGinty Chairman Council on Environmental Quality Honorable Joseph E. Stiglitz Chairman Council on Economic Advisers Honorable Jack Quinn
  • , and experts to develop the set of recommendations to be submitted to the President on how best to address criminal justice problems in Indian Country. Clinton Administration's Accomplishments • In addition to seeking increased funding for the Interior
  • , such reporting requirements could divert resources and management attention that would more appropriately be focused on achieving compliance. In addition, the Administration objects to report language that would authorize the Chair of the President's Council
  • , such reporting requirements could divert resources and management attention that would more appropriately be focused on achieving compliance. In addition, the Administration objects to report language that would authorize the Chair of the President's Council
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 294616SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ~r4hlf> THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN 3-d-q9 .!s- j;& 0Cb-~/ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 20, 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRE FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Education - Ed-Flex Bill: Senator Lott intends
  • fRights Consumer Protection-Food Safety Initiative Consumer Protection-Food Safety Appropriatio s Consumer Protection-Food Safety Council Consumer Protection-Food Safety Country of 0 gin -Consumer Protection-Food Safety Enforcement egislation Consumer
Amtrak [2] (Item)
  • .) S:\ WPSHR\LEGCNSL \XYWRJTE\ SURITRAN\ AMTRAUTH.5 32 1 (c) ME:.tBERSHIP.-(l)(A) The Council shall consist 2 of 8 members. appointed by the President, by and with 3 the advise and consent of the Senate. 4 (B) The President shall transInit
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 273802SS
  • 84 1 2 3 DS THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN 'ii-Io-en ... ';;('73 80~ f=GrOOfo-d)·{ THE WHITE HOUSE WASH I NGTON August 7, 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE P FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Health Care -- Patients' Bill
  • sales in compliance with environmental laws. Other provisions, however, are very troublesome. These apply to sales of environmentally sensitive old-growth timber in Oregon and Washington and, in another section, address the President's Northwest Forest
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 220644SS
  • 3 dd-OCoti ~ ~ t=- b-000-d-l < ·'. THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN (rs-qj THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~ MEMORANDUM FOR THE C-&f> >-" ~~ May 31,1997 P~IDENT FROM: I
  • : What did the President announce at the Native American economic development conference? A: The President announced several initiatives aimed at improving economic self-sufficiency, increasing educational opportunities, and providing health care
  • in order to get the Education Department to take steps which the President clearly wanted. 1. Giving NAGB rather than the Education Department authority to develop national tests: In a meeting with national experts shortly after the President's national
  • those individuals who are directly affected by crime, and developed "Operation Ceasefire,"an initiative designed to reduce violent crime by getting guns out of the hands of criminals. On April 14, 1997, President Clinton nominated Mr. Holder
  • on Kassebaum-Kenned y legislation. In President's FY 1998 Budget but not in final budget deal. $2-$4 billion per year. Probably best population to target without substitution problems. Needs better communication strategy to attract broad support. Needs
[06/12/1997] (Item)
  • on the Metropolitan Transit Authority and the Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women. In 1986, she became the Vice President of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement. SUZAN JOHNSON COOK • Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, 40, became the Senior Pastor and Chief
  • American Arts Bill This is a response to an e-mail you sent to Janet Murguia. HR 3049, a bill to provide for the Continuity of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development, was passed by voice
  • at the Department of Justice at the President's request to develop recommendations to tackle this problem. So on Monday ~e will have this conference. It will be organized as follows. We have over 350 people coming from allover the country. A good portion are law
  • statute [(a)(3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA[ P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 051 - Folder-OIl Race-Race Initiative: Promising Practices ONE AMERICA IN THE 2pT CENTURY The President's Initiative on Race The New £recutive Office Building Washington, DC 20503 December, 1997 2021395·/010 Dear
  • : 3/95-12/97: 7/91-3/95: Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Deputy Director, Domestic Policy Council, Executive Office of the President, Washington, D.C. Associate Counsel
[11/06/1997] (Item)
  • systems upgrades; and • to develop better data collection capabilities. The increased funding would be more than a symbolic statement about the President's commitment to civil rights; it would provide the enforcement agencies with badly needed resources
  • of the Treasury, Robert Rubin, are also announcing today their intent to nearly triple the federal funds for the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund. Currently, the CDFI budget is $45 million; the President proposes to raise it to $125 million
  • grants to local school districts to develop innovative truancy prevention programs. • Enforcing Zero Tolerance for Guns in Schools. In October 1994, President Clinton signed into law the Gun-Free Schools Act, and issued a Presidential Directive later
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 287990SS
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 279157SS
  • 84 1 2 3 Ci ~79/57 ~S­ t=:G--oo~ - 0--1 THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN q -~'i -'1 i THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Cs-p"~
  • outlines the Administration's equal pay initiative developed through an NECIDPC process for the Vice President to announce at the event. Your senior advisors, Treasury, Labor, OMB, Commerce, SBA, EEOC, OVP, and the Women's Office unanimously support the new
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 227263SS
  • 1 2 3 ~ 'd-7 ~'=' ~ ~-l-­ f::&-'ooro- ~I - " THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN '7--"-Cf1- July 19, 1997 '97 JUt 19 PM2:0G MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Tobacco
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (a)(6) ofthe PRA] b(1) National security classified information (b)(l) of the FOIA
[02/08/1999] (Item)
  • TO: Dawn L. Smalls ( CN=Dawn L. SmallsjOU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Steve Ricchetti ( CN=Steve RicchettijOU=WHOjO=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN TEXT: Page 2 of4 ,ARMS Email System Draft 2/9/99 4:20pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON
  • of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as Chair of that Council. I. . #. In this ~ontext, we at have developed II Fllir Housing lor the 21st Century initiative whi~h is ready to support the Presid nt's "One America" initiative -- and may be particularly
  • geological or geophysical information concerning wells l(h)(9) of the FOIAI P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
  • OF AMICI CURIAE The law professors named below teach and write about constirutional law. This brief sets forth their considered view from a scholarly perspective on the issue central to this case: whether the office of the Presidency should
  • was the most significant barrier to parents taking advantage of unpaid leave following the birth or adoption ofa child. Today, President Clinton directed the Secretary of Labor to propose new regulations and model state legislation to enable states to develop
[02/19/1999] (Item)
  • disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 252005SS
  • and we believe that we may get more than 70. Should Dr. Satcher be confirmed, this would fill an approximately three year void in the Surgeon General position. We are currently considering recommending a picture of you and/or the Vice President swearing
  • ; attorneys general; federal, state and local legislators; and small-town mayors and council members, President Clinton and Vice President Gore stood up with kids to tackle the tobacco industry's insidious efforts to addict a new generation of smokers. • Media
  • to the President (199596). In addition, she has been a member of the Board of Governors of the Chicago Council of Lawyers and a public member of the Administrative Conference of the United States.
  • unless the objectionable provisions are resolved in a satisfactory manner. As the conferees develop a final version of this important legislation, your consideration of the Administration's views would be appreciated. During February, the President
  • is there now an advisory role? The Department of Commerce is working with the private sector (commercial and public interest representatives) to develop effective selfregulation for privacy protection pursuant to the President's directive of July 1, 1997
  • President look forward to hearing more from this important community. The following individuals attended the meeting: Marca Bristo, National Council on Disability Hon. Tony Coelho, President's Committee on Employment for People With Disabilities Justin Dart
  • -before children reach school age -- are critical to their cognitive, emotional, and physical development. President Clinton is meeting the challenge to improve those years by investing in research, supporting parents and caregivers, and strengthening
  • to come the President will work hard to conclude this unfinished business. The President will also work to build on the achievements of the past year. He will continue to lead the effort to reserve the surplus until we can develop a bipartisan plan
  • role. This is why the President challenges parents to be their child's flI'st and best teacher. And this is why he challenges: • 1 million Americans from all walks of life to volunteer to tutor young children in reading; • employers to develop policies
  • ) of the PRAJ P3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) ofthe PRAJ P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
  • and skills teachers need to help students succeed. We know from the Commission's report that most school districts do not direct their professional development funds in a coherent way toward sustained, standards-based, practical, and useful learning
  • -president of the Charlotte/ Mecklenburg Early Childhood PTA in North Carolina. She, as an employee of a not-for-profit that provides information to parents on early learning, is committed to enhancing childhood development and sees a great opportunity
  • percentage of the population on welfare since 1970. But no one knows why they left, how many found jobs, how many didn't like new work rules, how many got married or how many ran into state-imposed deadlines. The president's Council of Economic Advisers
[12/08/1998] (Item)
  • , such as anthrax. This proposal funds HHS to train epidemic intelligence officers who identify and respond to attacks, develop a mass casualty emergency response system, maintain a stockpile of pharmaceuticals, and develop new vaccines and antibiotics that could
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 063 - Folder-004 Welfare-Mayors " THE WHITE HOUSE WAS'HINGTON TODAY'S DATE: 417197 SCHEDULE PROPOSAL ACCEPT REGRET PENDING TO: Stephanie Streett Director of Scheduling FROM: Marcia Hale Assistant to the President
  • with something they found on ED's website (which probably haadn't been updated for a while) describing the test development schedule, and based on the President's comments last night -- which apparantly had the effect on him we predicted. Not that a different way
  • of the heightened interest to get out our message, shape the debate, and build momentum for enactment of comprehensive tobacco legislation. Mike McCurry, Rahm, and I have developed a plan to give advance details of the President's proposal to the major papers
  • ) • Addressing Latino Tobacco Abuse • National Anti-Drug Campaign • Children's Health Insurance -- Equal Treatment for All Children (RomeroBarcello) 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Velazquez) • Welfare to Work & Minorities 9. PRESIDENT'S RACE INITIATIVE (Serrano
Debate Prep (Item)
  • information (a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (a)(6) of the PRAI C
  • with the President and Congress to obtain the authority to make personnel selections and manage the Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services (FFAS) and Rural Development (RD) mission areas . to ensure accountability down the line, from the Secretary to the State
[08/25/1997] (Item)
  • would like to come to your 4:30 pm standards/communication meeting to see what will be required of our friend, the President, during the next couple of weeks. Okay with you? f' Page 1 of2 ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL
  • . Mathews/wHO/EOP cc: Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP, Christopher C. Jennings/OPD/EOP, William H. White Jr.lWHO/EOP Subject: Upcoming hearing on disability issue Last September, the President met with disability groups to discuss several issues, including
  • . The recommendations are still being developed. THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN ~-,-q'l THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN 3-1-q~ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 5, 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM BruceRee~ CharlesRu~ RE: Police Brutality We wanted to update you on our
[08/26/1997] (Item)
  • . Develop strategy for Medicaid access to drugs before disability. Vice President requested a study from HCFAon the feasibility of a demo. Study expected shortly.. Offers lifesaving drugs earlier -when they are thought to be more beneficial. Reduces
[06/09/1998] (Item)
  • in our future, such as education, health care, research and development, and the environment, because it is not financed by lowering the discretionary THIS HIGHWAY-TRANSIT BILL AGREEMENT ALSO REFLECTS PRESIDENT CLINTON'S PRIORITIES BY: ,(EXPANDING
  • transformation of the agency that will take several years to complete. For the INS transformation to be successful, it must now fulfill four key imperatives: • • • • Develop clear lines of accountability Create customer-oriented service capabilities Build
  • this proposal focuses on those leaving welfare for work, the President's FY99 budget proposal will also help spur private-sector development of more affordable rental housing for all low-income Americans through a 40% increase in the value of the Low-Income
  • # I Issue #2 Issue #3 Issue #4 Issue #5 Issue #6 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ................................................... 17 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fair Housing Grant Programs ....................... 20
[05/19/1999] (Item)
  • 2000, as reported by the House Subcommittee. As the Committee develops its version of the bill, your consideration of the Administration's views would be appreciated. The Administration appreciates the Subcommittee's efforts to accommodate many
[08/25/1997] (Item)
  • , WELFAREREFORM1' .'. . . ..... ;i. . BUILDING BLOCKS OF PILLAR DESCRIPTION TIMELINE BENEFITS COSTSIFEASmILITY POLITICAL RAMIFICATIONS PRESIDENTIAL TIME COMMITMENT Empowerment Zones A program to promote sustainable economic development through strategic
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 277094SS
  • · Position: 3 LOPJE b It( (L D Iu4 ~ 14f\) {!;awL f5 PG- Oab-if/ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 4, 1998 MEMORANDUM F~IDENT FROM: q -~ -91 Bruce Reed Elena'Kagan RE: THE PRESiDENT HAS SEEN DPC Weekly Report 1. Health Care -- FDA
  • of their programs. Rural areas cannot rely on agriculture alone to sustain their economy and quality of life. That is why I have strongly supported increasing the investments in rural development throughout my Administration, and pushed to find innovative solutions
[3/12/1997] (Item)
  • internal personnel rules and practices of P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial informalion [(a)(4) of Ihe PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 253898SS
  • retailers to check the photo identification of anyone under 27 years old. We are preparing an event for you and the Vice President to mark the anniversary by announcing a new FDA ad campaign to call attention to these access restrictions. In addition, ~ I
  • THU 15:51 FAX 05/29/97 REBUILDING • The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is working closely with the National Council of Churches and the congress of National Black Churches in the rebuilding effort. . • As a result
[06/12/1998] (Item)
  • to ASCII, The following is a HEX DUMP: Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion DRAFT: 1:00 PM June 11, 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: GENE SPERLING BRUCE REED SUBJECT: Individual Development Accounts Next Wednesday
[10/01/1998] (Item)
  • • ARMS Email System (Do Not Distribute Outside Executive Office of the President) This Statement of Administration Policy was developed by the Legislative Reference Division (Schroeder), in consultation with the Departments Commerce (Clark
[02/03/1999] (Item)
  • is Elena Kagan, Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, to chat about the budget. Host Elena_Kagan says: Hi, it is great to be here. I'm ready for the first question. Host Chris_MSNBC says
  • in the House in November oflast year. The President also announced the release of a report that provides a roadmap for the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in cooperation with the Secretary of Agriculture and the agricultural community, to develop
  • expect that exporting countries will develop similar practices that address potential food safety problems in their countries for one simple reason: they want to be able to sell food in our market, and they want that food to be safe. We do not know
  • , as modified by Senators McCain and Feingold, for the reasons explained in the attached letter from the President dated September 23, 1997. This bipartisan legislation includes many proposals that have been endorsed by the President since 1992. It will put
  • Hampshire, Florida, Virginia, Hawaii, Alabama, Idaho and Illinois. TAKING EXECUTIVE ACTION ON .08 HAC. President Clinton has already directed Transportation Secretary Slater to work with federal agencies, states, safety groups, and others to develop a plan
[03/13/1998] (Item)
  • ) The chief judge of each judicial circuit shall call and preside at a meeting of the judicial council of the circuit at least twice in each year and at such places as he or she may designate. The council shall consist of an equal number of circuit judges
General [1] (Item)
  • : To: Record See the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: WELFARE IMPLEMENTATION SUBGROUP MEETING MEMORANDUM TO DISTRIBUTION LIST FROM: Jeremy D. Ben-Ami Diana Fortuna Steve Warnath Domestic Policy Council SUBJECT: Welfare Subgroup
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 267380SS
  • that will develop and disseminate uniform standards for high-quality health care. Your Quality Commission recommended establishing this Forum, and you asked the Vice President to oversee the process. In conjunction with this announcement, we are releasing a report
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 238994SS
  • Advisory Council on AIDS have threatened to resign because Secretary Shalala has not used this authority. In light of these developments, we have developed a compromise proposal that would allow a community to u~ federal monies for needle exchange only
[09/29/1997] (Item)
  • consideration. The President has tasked the Domestic Policy Council to coordinate with the affected federal agencies to evaluate carefully the Commission's proposal and other refonn options designed to improve the executive branch's administration ofthe nation's
  • been active in the community and political arena, serving two terms on the Metropolitan Transit Authority and the Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women. In 1986, she became the Vice President of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
  • Attacks President Clinton's Executive Order Banning Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation in the Federal Work Force Washington, D.C. -- The Human Rights Campaign condemned yet another anti-gay resolution passed today by the Southern Baptist Convention
[11/12/1998] (Item)
  • USDA to develop a plan to create an interstate matching system to ensure Food Stamp recipients are not receiving benefits in multiple states; and (3) The President would direct Treasury to collect (through offset of federal payments and other means
  • James Biliv Naw Yoc1c. 'New 'I'\)tk Dear President Clinton: On behalf of the individuals with disabilities and centers for independent living that make up the National Council on Independent Uving, we want to thank you for your continuing efforts
  • communities through the local Resource Conservation and Development Councils. Department of Commerce National Association of Latino Elected Officials. On June 20, Secretary William Daley will speak before the National Association of Latino Elected Officials
  • FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan RE: DPC Weekly Report 1. Welfare: California Caseload Numbers -- New data from California show that caseloads are finally starting to decline there. While nationally caseloads have declined every month since March
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 296860SS
  • 84 1 2 3 ~ . a1b ~~O ~s.. .. . f=G-oob-d-i THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN 3-ls-ct'j THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~ March 13,1999 I I MEMORANDUM FOR THE P~IDENT FROM: , Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: i DPC Weekly Report 1. Education -- Ed
  • regarding the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) policy on home drug test kits. I understand that FDA's approach to reviewing and approving home testing kits, including those for illegal drugs, was developed during the administrations of Presidents
  • trade secrets or confidential or financial information l(b)(4) of the FOIAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • . But the President also recognizes that more needs to be done to achieve this goal. Q. How will Title IX enforcement improve with this Executive Memorandum? A. The Executive Memorandum requires that each federal department and agency develop a rigorous new plan
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 238251SS
  • presumes that we receive the funds and authority to develop the tests under NAGB's control. They differ primarily with respect to the circumstances under which test implementation would be permitted to proceed. Specific proposals -- none of them very
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 262152SS
  • ), and McCain and Hollings. The aim of these negotiations would be to develop an agreed-upon manager's amendment as well as an amendment strategy for the floor. Without these negotiations, we are fearful that (1) Lott will decide not to bring the bill
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 005 - Folder 008 Budget Materials - FY2000 Education Oistrlbution of EO Placeholder and $1.4 Billion Over Passback ~ I ...:c II I Passback Total ·initlatives agreed to with the policy councils . $500 million
  • the details of the initiative and they are about to be finalized. Under the terms of the final agreement, NAR will develop a cultural djversity certification progrQm which will reflect the letter and spirit of the President's One America initiative
  • something soon about steps the President wants to take to direct the FDA to issue better guidance on agricultural practices and good manufacturing practices. And the President will likely have some things to say about legislation that will improve the FDA's
  • 07E27AB2BD46F68B94A580AE844B1ED01F68A5E5093D320951B39F961E2E30CA451212C4238FA2 .~utoma\ed Records Management System l1ex-Dump Conversion June 19, 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan RE: DPC Weekly Report Health Care -- Gore's Family Conference: Next week, the Gores' will be hosting
  • Domestic Policy Council - FG006-21 - 301555SS
  • 84 1 2 3 '" 1="6-oo0-d-\ 'fHE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN ~- ,Q-q1, THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON '~ April 17, 1999 MEMORANDUM FOR THiPdSIDENT FROM: SUBJECT: [ Bruce Reed Elena Kagan DPC Weekly Report 1. Education -- Ed-Flex: In response to your
  • (b)(9) of the FOIAI P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5
  • , or are exposed to domestic violence -- and many of these kids grow up and victimize others themselves. To help break this cycle of violence, the President could announce the availability of $10 million for 15 cities to help launch a new Administration initiative
  • ~ ~_____ c.: Q) - ~-e _ ~ttJ..J- . O~/08/96 ~002/010 17: 32 EXECUTIVE OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 08-Mar-1996 03:46pm TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: Kathleen A. McGinty Martha Foley T J Glauthier Barbara C. Chow Elena Kagan FROM: Dinah Bear Council
  • ~_t_on. Presid:~tial ReCO_rds II -"- - _:=JJ !fsubgrouP/Office of Origin Doomestic Policy Council !IFolder Title II[Adventures of the Disaster Dudes Video ( II I []Street: II II II I 1IIIFirst Name: II IIElena Kagan _ IISubserles -II
  • involves some of the reserve areas (known as "late successional reserve") in the President's forest plan and is in a key watershed designated by the plan, the harvest of this sale unit was anticipated when the forest plan was completed -- i.e., its harvest
  • Of Understanding (MOU) between EEOC and DOL to Cross Train and Collect Damages. The Vice President will urge the Department of Labor and the EEOC to work together to develop a MOU between the EEOC and the Department of Labor to train each other's staff
[03/25/1998] (Item)
  • effectiveness and efficiency in the performance of the core functions of the federal immigration system. The President, also responding to the report of the CIR, asked the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) to "evaluate carefully the [CIR] proposal and other reform
  • welfare recipients in the federal government by the year 2000, an effort to be led by the Vice President (this announcement was the result of a Presidential directive issued 3/8/97 for agencies to develop welfare to work hiring plans). AutomEtcd Records
  • valid" proposals to limit independent expenditures. As we discussed yesterday, I doubt such proposals exist, and I am wary of touting this notion to the President. The memo does not address what seems to me the key issue in developing a strategy
  • opposes H.R. 4578. If the bill were presented to the President in its current form, he would veto it. ** ***** (Do Not Distribute Outside the Executive Office of the President) This Statement of Administration Policy (SAP) was developed by the Legislative
  • program) and agreeing with the recommendation of the Commission on Immigration Reform, the President stated his opposition to a "new guestworker program." However, he also stated that if the crackdown on illegal immigration contributes to labor shortages
[05/16/1997] (Item)
  • . • Another major factor in the caseload declines was the waivers President Clinton granted to 43 states to . allow them to impose tough work requirements and make work pay better than welfare. A recent Council of Economic Advisers analysis found that 31
  • DPC [Domestic Policy Council] - Agency Contact Policy
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 013 - Folder 013 DPC [Domestic Policy Council] Agency Contact Policy °0 •• • Record Type: To: 11/24/98 05 :41 : 10 PM PostMaster Record All WHO Users, All OPO Users, All OVP Users cc: Subject: Contacts With Agencies
  • Order of Police, 202-547-8189 WASHINGTON, June 11 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The president of the nation's largest police organization weighted in with strong support of President Clinton's Juvenile Handgun Directive today. Gilbert G. Gallegos, national
  • regarding the President's Council on Physical Fitness. They will presumably have a response prior to the 2pm briefing by McCurry in NYC, and I will get back to you with that response. Thank you. ... Page 1 of2 • ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE
  • :// This document was prepared by National Crime Prevention Council, Inc., under grant number 95-DD-BX-K003, awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings
[04/08/1999] (Item)
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) ofthe PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAI b(\) National security classified information [(b
Kagan, Elena (Item)
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • in exceptional circumstances would particular language constrain courts from developing what they believed to be sensible solutions to practical problems. For example, White once asked Marshall to change a reference from the nright to travel" to the "right
  • effectiveness. In addition, the review sought to implement the goals of Vice President Gore's National Performance Review (NPR), induding eliminating unnecessary layers of review, delegating decision-making authority to front-line employees, developing
  • of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the Housing, Treasury, and Finance Division developed a post-budget crosscut table of FY 1998 spending for civil rights programs. The President proposed $608.6 million for Federal civil rights programs, a $51.7 million
[11/05/1998] (Item)
  • outreach campaign involving hospitals, health professionals, and managed care organizations; (2) new research and surveillance efforts to understand where and why antibiotic resistance occurs and develop effective responses as well as to develop new
  • of the Mississippi they ring the tills at CVS pharmacies; in Washington, DC, they give manicures at the Just Nails with a Gentleman's Touch salon. They, and several hundred thousand like them (president Clinton's estimate is 1.5m), have left the welfare rolls over
  • : Professor Anne-Marie Slaughter Harvard Law School Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 496-4451 Executive Office of the President, White House, Washington, D.C. 20502 Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Deputy Director, Domestic Policy Council
  • National Research Council (NRC) report, Measuring Poverty: A New Approach. The current official poverty measure dates back to the 1960s, and while it has been an important contributor to public debate and policymaking, the NRC report reflects a broad
  • with the mission to implement the historic report of President Truman's Commission on Civil Rights, To Secure These Rights. Dr. Dorothy Height, former President ofthe National Council of Negro Women, is LCCR's Chairperson and Wade Henderson is the Executive
  • . American citizens should not have to learn the "org chart" of the federal government. Building on the efforts of the Vice President's "reinventing government" activities, the Administration will be developing a series of "one stop shops" that tie together
  • comments on Friday. The bulk of it is similar to our ticket proposal in the President's budget, but it also has a Medicare part, I had a conference call on it today with agencies. On Medicare, we'll say we're nervous about cost and the precedent
  • get 25% cut *No Block Grant I) D:\TEXT\SSIKIDS.S28.XT PRESIDENTS 1997 BUDGET Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:30 AM 2/96$8 BILLION over 5 years *Eligibility for Cash: 2 marked limitations -- 190,000 current recipients dropped *Retain Full Cash
  • school districts do not direct their professional development funds in a coherent way toward sustained, standards-based, practical, and useful learning opportunities for teachers. We need to provide teachers with opportunities to change instructional
  • homes in city-sponsored home ownership developments. "The Housing Department is proud to be asked to take leadership oftbis important new progta!ll and congrcttulates the Mayor and City Council for the vision they bring to finding creative ways
  • . Subject: Invitation (1 page) 11108/1997 Personal Misfile 002. email Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 1110911997 P6/b(6) 003. email Memo re: President's Advisory Board on Race [partial] (4 pages) 11/07/1997 P6/b(6) Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 11109
  • of Chtefs of Police. National Associa,ion of Attorneys General. National Association of Secondary School Principals. National Center for Slate Courts. National Council of Juvenile and Family Coun ~UUJ 4004 Guidln; Principles '--,~. In developing
  • 4/11/97 FINAL DRAFT , ." • • ~. ',} I esNP!SBN'l'IAl. Note to: WE Press Office, Domestic Policy Council From: RES, FDA Public Affairs . BACKGROtJND The President announced the FDA rule to protect children from tobacco in August 1996; the rule
  • . III. PARTICIPANTS Briefing Participants: Bruce Reed Cynthia Rice Doug Sosnik Paul Begala Joe Lockhart Broderick Johnson JeffShesol Event Participants: Governor Mel Carnahan CD-MO) Robert J. Higgins, President and Chief Operating Officer, Fleet
  • will be sources of verification and Federal and State officials need time to develop systems and procedures to minimize the likelihood of inaccurate ineligibility determinations. • In an effort to recognize the challenge of implementing the PRWORA, the President
[03/26/1999] (Item)
  • J. Weinstein Jr./OPD/EOP Subject: Re: civil Rights Coordinating Council Subgroups Reports Those reports seem fine, but these subgroups are supposed to focus on enforcement activities, not developing legislative proposals or communications strategies
  • with accountability (drug testing, compensating victims, day reporting, electronic monitoring, passing GED, paying child support). If ARMS Email System ,. the President wants, we can specifically design a program under this initiative that is focused on employing
  • :04:25.00 SUBJECT: OMB Clearance of President's Crime Bill TO: Bruce N. Reed ( CN=Bruce N. Reed/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD I ) READ:UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD I ) READ:UNKNOWN TO: Michael Deich ( CN=Michael Deich
  • be created by the FDA. Drug development remains highly regulated and requires the closest partnership between government and industry to shorten it. We hope to do just that in 1997," Heimbold added. Alan F. Holmer, PhRMA president, said, according to FDA
  • Education Organizations. Major education organizations support the President's class size initiative, including the American Association of School Administrators (AASA), the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the Council of Chief State School Officers
  • and a new executive council. Sandy Feldman will be re-elected President and Ed McElroy will be re-elected Secretary-Treasurer. Nat LaCour will be elected to a newly created Executive Vice President position. LaCour is also a member of the White House
  • TEXT: I thought this rough draft might give us something to work off of when we do get together. March 4, 1997 Draft communications ideas for early childhood development conference I. Conference goals - Put the weight and authority of the White House
  • (partial) (1 page) 02/1911999 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Elena Kagan ONBox Number: 14366 FOLDER TITLE: Race - Race Initiative - Book [I] 2009-1006-F dbl539 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • on these issues. Mrs. Clinton played an important role in developing the White House Conference on Early Learning and Development and the White House Conference on Child Care. During the policy development process for the child care initiative, the President
  • ) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or belween such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of Freedom oflnformation Act - [5 U.S.c. 552(b») b(l
[09/23/1998] (Item)
  • to function. * * * * * * * * * * (Do Not Distribute Outside Executive Office of the President) This Statement of Administration Policy (SAP) was developed by the Legislative Reference Division (Elmore). White House Counsel (weiner) and white House
  • 7 1 '. NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL 2064 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20504 March 21, 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR TODD STERN FROM: GLYN T. DAVIEty SUBJECT: INS Structural Reform The National Security Council clears with the changes as noted on the attached
  • ) 456-7594 EMPLOYMENT: Associate Counsel to the President 1995-current Professor, University of Chicago Law School 1994-current (Assistant Professor, 1991-94) (On leave, 1995-current) Courses taught: Constitutional Law (Two courses: First Amendment
  • to be more fUll1 7 developed, maybe by the CRWG Council). ~ 2. Increased funding for Justice/Police "Brutality" issues Ithese have been recommended). i 1W.'" 3. Increased funding for Community Relations Service 1$6 m is recommended, $1 mover ' '. FY 1998). 4
[05/08/1998] (Item)
  • to attend the Summit of the Eight. He will hold bilateral meetings with President Chirac and Prime Minister Hashimoto and attend other meetings that are part of the Summit. The Summit will focus on ways to encourage economic growth and development while
  • /0911996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Elena Kagan ONBox Number: 14374 FOLDER TITLE: Internal Memos [1] 2009-I006-F kc136 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.c. 2204(a)) Freedom
  • (a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of b(l) National security classified
  • , gender, or disability. Current federal law does not cover these cases at all. Announcing Public-Private Partnership to Create a Middle-School Program about Tolerance_ The President announced a public-private partnership that will develop a program
  • and school resource officers. [Building on his efforts to crack down on gun traffickers, the President also directed the Secretary of the Treasury, Attorney General, and Secretary of Education to develop a plan to ensure that all firearms recovered on or near
  • with the Vice President. There are numerous studies attempting to determine the degree of wage differences between men and women. A recent brief review of existing studies in the area by the Council of Economic Advisors concludes that while wage differentials
  • Advisers for the President's Initiative on Race l.. i t.
  • , is to transfer some or all ofInterior's law enforcement authority to the better funded Justice Department. On receiving your directive, the Attorney General and Secretary of the Interior will appoint a IS-member committee to develop recommendations on how best
  • prisoners because the policy now is that prisoners get care if they're HIV-positive. (The President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS has been adamant that they believe that there is a difference between policy and practice at some Federal institutions, but we