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64 results

  • S.O.T.U. State of the Union (1996) 1/23/96 [2]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Carolyn Curiel Subseries: 10994 OAIID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: S.O.T.U. State of the Union (1996) 1-23-96 [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 5 7 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
  • [SOTU (State of the Union) 1994]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Carolyn Curiel Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10994 FolderiD: Folder Title: [SOTU (State ofthe Union) 1994] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 5 7 2 SOTU I ~:qqh{ II I 148 Administ1'f4. Jan. 24 I
  • S.O.T.U. State of the Union (1996) 1/23/96 [1]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Carolyn Curiel Subseries: 10994 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: S.O.T.U. State ofthe Union (1996) 1-23-96 [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 5 7 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
  • FAMILIES, ENDING TEEN PREGNANCY January 29, 1996 Today, in a follow-up to the challenge on American families the President presented in his State of the Union address last week, the President will discuss the progress that is being made toward launching
Iowa Trip [3] (Item)
  • on is tomorrow's challenges. For America was built not on promises but on challenges. In my State of the Union address, I said we need to come together to meet 7 challenges that will help our people make the most of their lives. The first challenge I want to talk
Iowa Trip [1] (Item)
  • on is tomorrow's challenges. For America was built not on promises but on challenges. 8 In my State of the Union address, I said we need to come together to meet 7 challenges that will help our people make the most of their lives. The first challenge I want
Challenges (Item)
  • , January 23, 1996, State of the Union A RECORD OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Won Passage of the Most Comprehensive Crime Bill Ever In 1994, after more than six years of gridlock, a bipartisan majority in Congress passed the toughest, smartest Crime Bill
  • Clinton State' of the Union Address January 24, 1995 In his State of the Union Address, President Clinton called for a National Campaign against ~een Pregnancy. This campaign has three key components. 1. Tougher child support enforcement. The President
  • S.O.T.U. State of the Union (1996) 1/23/96 [3]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Carolyn Curiel Subseries: 10994 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: S.O.T.U. State ofthe Union (1996) 1-23-96 [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 5 7 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
  • State of the Union 1995
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Carolyn Curiel Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10994 FolderiD: Folder Title: STATE OF THE UNION 1995 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 5 7 2 Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records Marker
GI Bill (Item)
  • Covenant way should shift ... resources and decision-making from bureaucrats to citizens, injecting choice and competition and individual responsibility into national policy. " -- President Bill Clinton State of the Union Address, 1995 In the new economy
  • '' • • ' : . ·' ,. '·: ... ·,'• I \' \'' ,',1 •;".:. ;' • I: •' •, I ,t,i I J: ' ...·. ., .... j ·, .'I'~ ..•.·' :. ·' : ~ ,_,\, f· : ,• ·.:'. '. ••' ..· : . . . · .. ~,., . .! ~ ·. •.: ' ' .u PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON STATE OF THE UNION
  • THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I would like to talk to you this morning about how we can meet one of the challenges outlined in my State of the Union address: providing greater economic security to Americans who work hard, and especially, how we can ensure
  • to know he's in my hall of fame, too. He's doing a great job for the United States of America. (Applause. ) Last night I had the privilege to deliver the State of the Union address to the United States Congress and to our country. (Applause.) I came here
Olympics [2] (Item)
  • . Dox 700002 Tulsa, Oklo. 74170 Februery 16th 1993 President Bi 11 Clinton 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20500 Deer President Clinton: I am writing after hearing your state of the union address Jest night. Whet a re1ief it is to f1na11y see
Crime (Item)
  • in their communities. That's why in the State of the Union address, I tried to emphasize the role of citizens. When I lived ·at home in Little Rock, we lived in an area that was very mixed in every.way --racially, economically and in terms of the citizens who lived
Torch (Item)
  • State of the Union address, and as people in Michigan demonstrate every day, this new and very different world we are moving into is an age of great possibility. With all my heart I believe as I look out in this sea of younger faces that are here and I
  • · an excellent platform for the· President to reinforce his visio~ and message about America's economic future, as articulated in his State of the Union address. The Baldrige awards celebrate quality -the same kind of quality that the President sought to meet
Women [1] (Item)
  • .................................................................................................................................................. and State of the Union strongofattendance records,Local National Student level accomplishment. school districts would be given President Clinton's State of Loan Default Rate great discretion in the selection the Union Address to Congress on Plummets Sharply
California (Item)
  • for America-including American business. C....orporate leaders must reconsider. 1nis era of government is also a time for corporations to si7..e up their responsibilities to America. As the President noted in his State of the Union address
  • . easily. 7 I j _ _ _ _ __ It should pass •··. When t challenged Congress to pass this bipartisan health reform bill in my State of the Union Address, every member of Congress jumped to their feet and applauded. But now it has stalled. And it turns out
  • in the world into a system that cares for all its people, and pays for all its people, when they need it most, and when it costs us the least. And it won't be the birth of a new bureaucracy. In the State of Hawaii, the only state in the union to guarantee
  • General Statement:· The President challenged everyone in the State of the Union to do their part to help make good 0~ a comprehensive, economic growth strategy that supports our values and allows all Americans to share in such economic growth. That is why
  • .. For fustance, the Census Bureau has just discovered that South Dakota is actually the third most populous state in the Union -- making it now eligible for almost $80 billion dollars in urban development block grants~ ' [California Paper] is here tonight
Olympics [3] (Item)
  • 3 after torch rests in stand - TBD Standing off stage on toe marks: - Mack & Donna McLarty - Mrs. Billy Payne - TBD reps from IOC? - TBD other 34 torchbearers? - Members of. the Cabinet - 2 State of the Union: Col. Lucius Wright and Jennifer Rodgers
  • in my state of the Union message. We cannot turn back on measures that fight crime and violence. I will work with the Congress to find smarter ways to deal with crime; but I absolutely will not allow the assault weapons ban to be repealed. -- The steps
  • these issues. · Health care: In the State of the Union I said I had learned that I bit off more than I could chew last year and we have to reform health care a step at a time. But I haven't forgotten the need to reform health care. Everybody knows we still have
T.V. (Item)
  • year than the feature film industry. It would be impossible to rate it all, he said. So, what happened in the last week or so that made the networks suddenly change their tune? One factor involves network reaction to Mr. Clinton's State of the Union
  • their responsibilities to America .. As . ~e President noted in his .State of the Union address, .employers mus~do their part along.with employees-- sharing with workers the benefits of the good _years, the burdens _of the bad. It is a time for companies
  • . As the President noted in his State of the Union address, employers must do their part along with employees·· sharing with workers the benefits of the good years, noL just the burdens of the bad. It is a time for companies to focus beyond the bottom line
  • and our schools. --President Clinton, January 23, 1996 State of the Union Over the past three years, the Clinton Administration has made ·tremendous progress in bringing crime and drug abuse under control. The violent crime and murder rates across
Pensions (Item)
  • on benefits for certain disabled and low- and middle-income union and state and local government employees. 2. Expanded IRAs --To Increase Coverage and Portability: Deductible IRAs are generally available only to families making under $50,000, and can
  • . The . outer columns of the structure are Doric; the inne~ columns, · Ionic. The .columns total thirty-six, the number of states in the Union at the ~ime. of Lincoln's ·~ssassination. The' names of . these states are engraved in the frieze above the colonn~de
  • THE CLINTON CRUNCH Address by House Majority Leader Dick The Heritage Foundation Washington, D.C. Febnwy 27, 1996 Can you believe that, in his State of the Union Speech. President Clinton actually said ..our economy is the healthiest it bas been
  • . I was then weary, and I remain even more impatient, with those who seek to divide the American people for short-term political gain. (Applause.) In the State of the Union address I gave all of you and fellow Americans a report on where we are, where
  • used to formulate the statement in your State of the Union address in which you stated that immigrants were taking jobs from -citizens. As a person deeply involved in work with immigrants, I would appreciate receiving a response to this letter
Thorn, Rod (Item)
  • with President Clinton who, just the other night in his State of the Union address said, "As we say no to violence, we must give our young people something to say YES to. They need to be free to learn instead of dodging bullets." 7 If they can be given
  • Clinton, State of the Union Address, January 25, 1994 THE CRIME BILL NOW BEFORE CONGRESS THE TIME TOPASS A CRIME BILL IS LONG OVERDUE: Personal security has become the most pressing concern in the everyday lives of million of Americans. From 1960 to 1990
  • . • This program was expanded in 1994. The Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act will provide nearly $500 million to communities and states for a wide variety of violence and drug prevention programs. • In his State of the Union address, the President
Drugs (Item)
Economy (Item)
Budget [1] (Item)
  • life today, you may fairly ask, will my future be secure? This isn't just a domestic question; it's a foreign policy question. For the past 40 years, the United States and the Soviet Union have been engaged in a struggle because the Soviets have chosen
HI-Spanics (Item)
Japan [1] (Item)
  • : KIMBERLY O'NEILL SUBJECT: Talking Points on the California Economy The California economy is the largest State economy in the Union, and among the 10 largest economies in the world. After prospering throughout the 1970s and 1980s, California entered
Budget [2] (Item)
  • puts on other people. Together, we can pass welfare reform and health dare reform that work. I'll say more about what I'll do to work with the new Congress in the State of the Union address in January. ·But here's what I won't do. I won't support ideas
Suffrage (Item)
  • women in all the states of the Union were in the struggle. There was some women in every state who knew nothing about it. But most women in all the states were at least on the periphery of its effort and interest when they were not in the heart
Olympics [1] (Item)