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  • New Markets II Arkansas, Chicago 11/5/99 - New Markets Tour II - Gen. 11/99
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 19947 OAIID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: New Market II Arkansas, Chicago 11/5/99- New Markets Tour II- General 11/99 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 8 2 Withdrawal
  • New Markets 7/99 New Markets - General
  • : Speech writing Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21462 OA/ID Number: FolderiD:· Folder Title: New Markets 7/99 New Markets- General Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 10 2 / I : I I I I I I I I ' Withdrawal
  • New Markets I Anaheim - NAF [National Academy Foundation] 7/8/99 - Drafts Anaheim
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OA/ID Number: 19945 FolderiD: Folder Title: New Markets I Anaheim- NAF [National Academy Foundation] 7/8/99- Drafts Anaheim Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 8 3 Withdrawal
  • New Markets II Arkansas, Chicago 11/5/99 - New Markets Tour - Chicago
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 19947 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: New Market II Arkansas, Chicago 11/5/99- New Market Tour Chicago Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 8 2 .. ~'* lt t l
  • New Markets 7/99 Drafts - East St. Louis
  • Subgroup/Office of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21462 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: New Markets 7/99 Drafts- East St. Louis Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 10 2 Draft 07/02/99 6
  • New Markets II Arkansas, Chicago 11/5/99 - Arkansas Drafts
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OA/ID Number: 19947 FolderiD: Folder Title: New Market II Arkansas, Chicago 11/5/99- Arkansas Drafts Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 8 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21461 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: COMDEX [Computer Dealer's Exhibition] (New Markets) Chicago 4/18/00 Drafts- COMDEX 4/18/00 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 10 3
  • of the admini.stration who are here-- Secretary Summers; Gene Sperling, my National Economic Council, who has done so much to develop the New Markets Initiative; Aida Alvarez of the SBA; and Jack Lew, Director of the Office of Management and Budget. We all know why we're
  • New Markets II Arkansas, Chicago 11/5/99 - Englewood Drafts
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OAIID Number: 19947 FolderiD: Folder Title: New Market II Arkansas, Chicago 1115/99 - Englewood Drafts Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 8 2 . I I I I Withdrawal
  • ".· •• The United States Is Committed To Lowering Trade Barriers & Helping Create New Markets For American Goods & Services At the WTO In Seattle. In his 1999 State of the Union Address last January, President Clinton called for a new round of international trade
  • \to . . ""'~~~~~~w..(S\U.M America's new markets k- our inner cities, rural areas, and . . . Native American reservations. · China - with more ,than a billion people - is the largest new market in the world. · Our administration has negotiated an agreement
  • New Markets 7/99 Drafts - Delta
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21462 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: New Markets 7/99 Drafts -Delta Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 10 2 Draft 07/02/99 10:00am Jeff Shesol · PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • Century Agerida for America's Cities and Suburbs. First, we want to open doors to new investment :.___ $15 · .. · . billion dollars' worth.• As my New Markets Initiative makes clear, the greatest opportunities for investment and ' ' new customers
  • New Markets I Anaheim - NAF [National Academy Foundation] 7/8/99 - New Markets: What's in it for Business?
  • /Office of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OA/ID Number: 19945 FolderiD: Folder Title: New Markets I Anaheim- NAF [National Academy Foundation] 7/8/99- New Markets: What's in it for Business? Stack: Row: Section
  • , help build and repair schools, and boost investments in our new markets, the places that have been left behind in.our prosperity. These are tax cuts we should .all be able to agree on, tax cuts to help America's working families provide for the things
  • . National Association ofTheater Owners 6/18/99 14. US Conference ofMayors Video Feed 6/11/99 · 15. Disabilities Legislation (Kennedy-Jeffords) 6/15/99 16. New Markets I Anaheim- NAF 7/8/99 . 17. DLC National Conversation Baltimore 7/14/99
  • Border.·. We have also called on Congress to fully fund a .· second round of empowerment zones. ~. two weeks · ago, I announced our New Markets Initiative, to build on . . the Vice President's efforts, and your own, and to~t~ lW.a.iu.~~~~~\11 them
  • . Electronic commerce offers developing countries the opportunity to use technology to '~leapfrog" aspects of development and use shortcuts to reach new markets. We have . witnessed electronic commerce successes in small countries (e.g., Finland and Israel
  • - while paying off the debt by 2015, while investing in America's new markets, while providing substantial tax relief. I have . targeted·$250 billion in tax cuts to help families save for retirement, and other cuts to help pay for child care and long-term
  • worked hard to open new markets around the world. But it was clear to us six years ago: some of the greatest emerging new markets for American products are not half-way around the world, but half-way down the block -- in our inner cities and rural
  • . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Nanda Chitre 07/31/2000 92:45:25 PM Record Type: Record To: cc: . Subject: 7/31 Remarks By the President at China: Florida's New Market of Opportunity Event THEWHITE HOUSE Office of the Pres·s Secretary (Tampa, Florida) For Immediate Release July
  • the Tight . . . . \. . ~~~~~,~~\~~~~~~~-'~~ · cltrectisn. ~l:et3 s move forward wtth our hand . · G(~~-\)\~~~~. outstretched. - opening new markets in China, ~ opens new opportunities right here in America. ·We can deepen your roots in the land your
  • 'lie millions of Americans move from welfare to work. In the coming weeks I will have more to say about I my New Opportunity Agenda, more ideas to offer on reforming education, renewing families, closing the · digital divide, opening new markets
  • : Speech writing Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21461 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: COMDEX [Computer Dealer's Exhibition] (New Markets) Chicago 4/18/00 COMDEX 4/18/00 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 10 3
  • divide, opening new markets, expanding access to . . health care and child care - everything that works together to expand opportunity. _ 7 But today I Want to announce an important element of my. plan, one that is emblematic of our overall approach
  • new markets for agriculture, new markets for automobiles, new markets for high-tech equipment, new markets for telecommunications equipment. We will be able for the first time, for example, to sell cars there, or sell auto parts there, without either
  • in the world. It gives many more investments ·to. what we call America's New Markets, from the inner cities to poor rural areas .to Nat'ive American reservations. This b\ldget also offers tax cuts to America's working families to help pay for college or save
  • legislation to expand trade with Africa and the Caribbean Basin. China - with more than a billion people - is the largest new market in the world. Over the last 20 years U.S. exports to China have grown from negligible levels to over $14 billion each year. Our
  • for Col)gress to raise the minimum· wage ... to pass bipartisan New Markets legislation to carry opportunity to every comer of our. country .. ~ to hel~ close the growing digital divide between those who have · the skills and the tools to succeed
  • dedicated himself and this organization to extending the benefits of trade to the least developed countries. Here in Seattle, [at least 38] developing countries are moving toward admission to the WTO, Let's pledge not only to open new markets, but to help
  • arid to make' rules for trade that support our · values. It is nothing more than an international commitment to doing what we're trying to do here with the New Markets agenda and with the empowerment zones. I really believe if we work • it right we can
  • and Medicare, to 1 .. . -'t ·modernizing Medicare with a prescription-drug benefit. We must continue to open new markets at home, in the places our prosper!ty has yet to reach. And we must continue to expand trade abroad~ from China to Africa
Commencements (Item)
  • the digital divide; · . workforce-oriented initiatives; rewarding work and family; ex-offenders and enfranchisement; and related elements of your New Markets and 'On'e America Initiative, including ·the possible release of your race book. · · Location
  • New Markets II Arkansas, Chicago 11/5/99 - POTUS & Bradley County
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OA/ID Number: 19947 FolderiD: Folder Title: New Market II Arkansas, Chicago 11/5/99- POTUS and Bradley County [Arkansas] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 8 2 i i l ; I
  • recovers later this year. There are signs this is happening. · In Europe, for e~ample, soroe are now forecasting that growth might be stronger U1is year, than in the United States. A stronger Europe would boost U.S. exports, and provide new markets for all
  • for· middle-· . class Ainericans.~targeted tax cuts that preserVe our· fiscal discipline; that boost investment in America's New ... Markets, our inner cities,.rural areas, and Native .· American reservations; that help our people to save for retirement
  • generation better off than they were -~ ~ dream that has been called into question in many advanced economies in the last few years. The success of NAFTA, which is generating new jobs and creating new markets from Monterrey to Medicine Hat is the proof
  • New Markets 7/99 Remarks by Johnson [Lyndon] on Development [2]
  • Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21462 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: New Markets 7/99 Remarks by Johnson [Lyndon] on Development [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • for Penmilawfully uses its chip dominance to muscle into · tium lis become ubiquitous new markets-an inquiry . in PCS. ·that" could result in a sepaAnother FTC concern: efrate action. further down forts by. Intel to leverage the road:~:: its processor monopoly
  • Native American co_mmunities -- why that's so important, because these underinvested areas of American have to be seen as new markets -- to go along with keeping the interest rates down, and freeing up the money. If the waters are troubled overseas, we
  • of connected classrooms to rise to 75%. In the historic telecommunications bill I signed two years ago, industry made a commitment to the public at large. In exchange for offering the industry a freer hand to compete in new markets, the industry pledged to help
  • to do that is to find new· markets and new workers. nearly as I c~n tell, there are only two or three options. You can sell more American products · overseas, or you can put people .to work in high unemployment ·: areas in America -- in. the urban
  • ofintemational trade negotiations at the upcoming Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization (WI'O) in Seattle. This Ministerial represents a particularly important opportunity for the global community to further reduce barriers to new market
  • cities and every remote rural area; for our New Markets Initiative and empowerment zones; for an expanded Earned Income Tax. Credit. It is no surprise to anyone who knows him that Bob is still working to strengthen our community development corporation
  • efforts to speed economic recovery in Asia. And he has called on financial institutions to devote more attention to repairing the safety net in emerging economies. In the days ahead, the President will continue to work to open new markets to American goods
  • ; new markets for American products and American workers. When I took office, the deficit for 1998 was projected to be $357 billion, and heading higher. This year, our deficit is projected to be $10 billion, and heading lower. For three decades, six
  • right here in Chicago, to help people in those neighborhoods start their own small businesses. More jobs; more incomes; new markets for Amer~ca right. here at home making welfare reform a reality. (Applause.) Now, folks, you cheered-- and I thank you
  • that to do it we have to have more economic growth at home and more economic growth abroad. Governor Patton invited me to Kentucky's Appalachian Region to push my America New .Markets initiative -- tax credits and loan guarantees to get people to invest
  • challenges now to sort of perfect this Progressive movement is to figure out how to bring those people into the circle of opportunity. I hope very much that before I leave office.the Congress will pass the New Markets Initiative that I worked
  • to be a part of this strong economy. And we must start. right now. · .That's why we're fighting for all the things we heard about this evening--strong schools and modern classrooms for our children-raising the minimum wage-tax incentives to invest in new
  • or which still have higher ~nemployment. And we developed this new markets initiative and proposed more empowerment zones and things of that kind. But the-if we can bridge the digital divide and literally make the Internet accessible to lower income people
  • for American workers and farmers to build a better future for themselves and their families. It opens up vast new markets for U.S goods and services, and I have supreme confidence that America's highly skilled and productive wOrkforce will win substantial new
  • they go to work. No American should have to choose between keeping their health care and going to ~ork. Together, we can do more to extend our prosperity to every American in every community. We should raise the minimum wage. We should pass my New Markets
  • New Markets 7/99 Remarks by Johnson [Lyndon] on Development [1]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21462 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: New Markets 7/99 Remarks by Johnson [Lyndon] on Development [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 10 2 I June 21, 1999 MEMORANDUM
  • , is at the margin of:predictable return on investment, a lot of it is just good, soli~, continuing business investment. Indeed, one of the c,en·tral elements of my strategy to keep this thing going is the so-called New Markets strategy where I want to give more tax
  • to expanding trade, including not just NAFT]:\ and joining the WTO, but 270 other agreements, has helped us not only to find new markets for our products and services, .but by keeping our own markets open has kept inflation down as our economy has grown. The t
  • . Budget Agreement (11116/99) / 12. Harley-Davids.on'-'- York, P~.~ 99) 13. New Markets Tour 1 (7/99) 14. Census Statement (4/1/.99)tr·:'·~ · \. 1 .15. WH 200 h Anniversary (11/9/ ) ./· 16. 2000 Election (1118/00) · ~·.. . · . 17. V.ETO Treasury-Postal
  • then, we faced growing deficits as far as the eye could see. It was a time of economic stagnation and high unemployment. We moved quickly in 1993 to put in place a policy of invest and grow -- cut the deficit, invest in our people, open new markets around
  • . Gerald Ford Congressional Gold Medal 10/27/99 2. New Markets II Arkansas, Chicago 1115/99 3. Undelivered Press Conference Topper- Agenda 12/8/99 4. Egg Safety Radio Address 12/11199 5. Religious Guidelines.,.... Radio Address 12/18/99 6. Millennium
  • this relationship through the prism of our own experience. In the early 1900s; most Americans saw China either through the eyes of traders seeking new markets, or missionaries seeking new converts. .During World War II,· China was our ally. During During Woild War
  • half of all world commerce is conducted by air. Open skies agreements have opened new markets for our carrier~ to compete . And none of air transport's contributions to commerce, to trade, to tourism could happen without airports. N . 3 . 1998 OV
  • to build a new consensus. The President's agenda would expand economic opportunities by opening new markets to American goods and services. And, at the same time, the ·President's agenda for Seattle would help put "a human face" on the global economy