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  • insurers see a potentially lucrative new market in the health plan emerging from the White House. Five big insurers, Aetna, Cigna, Met ropolitan Life, Prudential and Travelers, have formed an alliance to promote the idea of managed competition, which
  • determines when to send the patient to a specialist. A new market of private hospitals and commercial insurers has sprung up for people seeking care outside the NHS; these compete on price and quality and advertise prices for various procedures. THE HEALTH
  • . TTUHSC HealthNet has been scheduled for Tuesday, A p r i l 20th from 12:30 - 1 3 0 p.m., C T . TTUHSC HealthNet Welcomes New Marketing Director..... "ISSUES FOR PRE-HOSPITAL PROVIDERS" IS TOPIC FOR NEXT PEDIATRIC TRAUMA PROGRAM L E T YOUR VOICE Feature
  • -to-grave medical care to all Britons, andfinancesit through general taxation. Each person enrolls with a general practitioner, who determines when to send the patient to a specialist. A new market of private hospitals and commercial insurers has sprung up
  • . It favors consumer choice and private provider competition in allocating health services. The plan (often described as managed competition with global budgets), would provide a new market structure within which competitiofi could work to ensure efficient
  • . This program will be shared with 26 other villages in the region. Educators and clinicians in Health Management Education Partnerships are working together to develop programs to help health care providers adapt to new market economies. The examples are many
  • counties, encouraging HMOs to enter new markets and provide more beneficiaries a choice of plans. It would also phase in a limit for the high payment rate counties, whose rates have been inflated by over-utilization of services in the fee-for-service sector
  • . This proposal would raise payment levels for certain counties, encouraging HMOs to enter new markets and provide more beneficiaries with a choice of plans. It also would limit payments for counties whose rates have been inflated by high service utilization
  • falls short of President Clinton's goal of universal coverage, and seeks to contain costs and expand coverage by such measures as new regulations of the insurance industry, subsidies for low-income people and the creation of new market mecha^ nisms
  • with global budgets), would provide a new market structure within which competition could work to ensure efficient care delivery and control costs. Insurance market reforms (standard benefits, no medical underwriting, community rates) would provide individuals
  • proposal. Q: A: By guaranteeing every American prescription drug coverage, we are providing a huge new market ~ worth billions every year - to biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry in general. We expect that reform will bring more than adequate
  • drug rebate program, provided a huge new market by requiring that every American have drug coverage, created new incentives for the covered Medicare population to purchase Medicare-certified HMO benefits (which are privately administered plans that use
  • Fannie Mae spokesman David Jeffers. Over the years, Fannie Mae's mortgage strategy has spawned a major new market of securities and turned the firm into Wall Street's biggest corporate:client " Fannie Mae is the biggest client of Wall Street outside
  • present them with an additional product and a new market. Simi arly, empbyers, who perhaps have not seen the full benefits of twenty-four-hour coverage or fear that its adoption would cost them in other ways, have also been reserved with their support
  • last week also announced his new export-promotion policy, lifting most of the old cold war restrictions on the export of high-technology goods and computers, which could open new markets worth $ 35 billion a year. And he charted a course to increase US
  • can open large, new markets. II. A Focused Technical Assistance Response to NIS Health Care Needs: The Health Care Partnership In response to the health care needs in the NIS, AIHA has set, as its priorities, a focus on: (1) closing the health care
  • Russia, and Moscow's interest in developing new markets for the sale of conventional arms. At a news conference after their meeting, Mr. Christopher said, "President Clinton sent me to meet today to underscore his strong personal support for the reform
  • didn't ask those kmd of developed new markets and enc:.- ons when I moved in.' hanced the value of the stock. With hen she bought her apanment for the stock trading publicly and the Si million in I960. Wamaco'S heav- subsiantiai reduction in interest
  • n t i v e s w i t h i n a new market so t h a t people w i l l change these kinds of behaviors. They have nothing to do with q u a l i t y . A Medicare p a t i e n t c o s t s three times i n F l o r i d a what i t c o s t s i n Wisconsin. A Medicare
  • about today from the Minister of Education. And your continued access to new markets where not only the ideas but the products of Chile will be joining the world economy. And your future accession to the North American Free Trade Agreement, which
  • n the l a s t 20 months. We can continue giving new markets and new hope to people who work in places l i k e the Bath Iron Works. We know we can stop the shipping of jobs overseas, and we can create new opportunities here at home for small