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107 results

  • ...................................................................... .. America's Private Investment Companies (APIC) ............... .. SBA: New Market venture CapitaL .................................... SBA: SBIC's low- and Moderate-income (lMI) ................. .. Microenterprise Investment Strategy: CDFI PRIME 3
  • , May 11, 1999, the President will travel to Atlanta, Georgia, to participate in a New Markets Initiative event. Deadlines for the President's trip book are as follows: GA Background Memos: DUE MON., MAY 10, AT 2PM Political Memo Cabinet Affairs Hot
[01/19/1999] (Item)
  • Re-employment Initiative Helping Adults Who Lack Basic Skills Welfare Rolls Decline as More Recipients go to Work Additional Welfare-to-Work Assistance New Markets Investments Initiative Empowerment Zones Community Development Financial Institutions
  • needed to keep American agriculture competitive into the 21" century and to · " improve the quality oflife for all Americans, such as research on food safety, new uses for agricultural products, developing new markets for agricultural trade
  • agriculture competitive into the 21" century and to improve the quality oflife for all Americans, such as research on food safety, new uses for agricultural products, developing new markets for agricultural trade, and improving the environment through efforts
  • needs through internal production, develop restorative approaches for neighboring communities, or test new marketing approaches. NIl estimates the cost of this project at $2 million annually. Advocates of work in prisons suggest that, besides producing
[01/14/1999] (Item)
  • in perspective. Economic Development: On top of your Empowerment Zones, the Community Reinvestment Act, the Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) fund, you will announce on Friday the New Markets Initiative, which will dramatically expand capital
  • - KING AM-FM - News - Interview with Kirk Bauermarket of over 600,000 WUSA - Channel 9 - 2/27/97 Local DC CBS affiliate covers DC, Southwest Maryland, NorthEast Virginia market on 5 pm, 6pm, llpm evening news. (market = 607,000) WRC - Channel 7
  • five years for climate change initiatives including credits for the purchase of energy-efficient homes, cars and appliances. Community Empowerment: • New Markets Initiative: a new package of tax credit and loan guarantee incentives will stimulate
[01/13/1999] (Item)
  • AND PRESERVES MEDICARE The Budget Agreement preserves and strengthens the Medicare program, saving $115 billion over jive years and extending the life of the Medicare Trust Fundfor at least ten years. It modernizes Medicare by including new market-oriented
  • communities to create parks and open spaces . Spur private investment in distressed neighborhoods through a new markets initiative . Expand the welfare-to-work housing voucher program. The Republicans have responded with a proposal that puts top priority
[01/28/1999] (Item)
  • with America. together -- we could renew AmericaO,s cities. We set forth in 1993 with a new strategy to create a new economy. Fiscal discipline. Investing in our people. Seeking new markets for our goods abroad. We balanced the budget for the first time in 30
  • will announce on Friday the New Markets Initiative, which will dramatically expand capital investments in our underserved areas. This initiative will include: • A New Market Investment Tax Credit: You will propose a new $1 billion tax credit, which
  • policy of deficit reduction, investing in our people, and opening new markets to American good and services. This plan has helped create 16 million new jobs, generate the first budget surplus in 30 years, and reduce unemployment to its lowest level since
  • , the President will ask us to make our public elementary and secondary schools the best in the world -- by raising standards, raising expectations and raising accountability. • Tearing down trade barriers to open new markets for American products and workers
  • and Suburbs. First, we want to open doors to new markets. As my New Markets Initiative makes clear, the greatest opportunities for investment and new customers are not beyond our shores 0) theyO,re in our own backyard. Second, we intend to keep investing
  • of appropriate research and extension, and the 2 Smith, Stewart. "Farming: It's Declining in the U.S.," Choices. First Quarter 1992. 9SE9P¥ Executive Summary stimulation of new marketing opportunities. As smallfarms andfarmworkers succeed in this nurturing
  • SPEECH: CLINTON-GORE ADMINISTRATION THEMES I. INTRODUCTION II. A MOMENT OF UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY President Clinton's three-part economic strategy -- fiscal responsibility, investing in our people, opening new markets to American goods and services
  • Spurred on by the work at SNL, Colt Manufacturing is taking the lead in developing a marketable childproof gun utilizing radio frequency tags, but Colt is not the only potential player in this new market. Fulton Arms, a Texas manufacturer has developed
  • Sec etc. Maria Echaveste 5:00 Small Business New Markets Initiative Saunders Miller 5:15 International Trade issues Larson 5:30 Adjourn DuVal Amb Fred ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Melissa N
[07/29/1997] (Item)
  • THAT STRENGTHENS AND PRESERVES MEDICARE The Budget Agreement preserves and strengthens the Medicare program, saving $115 billion over five years and extending the life of the Medicare Trust Fund for at least ten years. It modernizes Medicare by including new market
  • have made providing equity capital to new markets a priority with my "New Markets Initiative." This initiative will help Indian Country with initiatives such as tax credits, Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs), and BusinessLINC, which helps link
  • in EZs, ECs and new markets initiative 8. Adult education money to states - 575 mil (up 190 mil) 9. TEA-21 - 27.3 bil (up 1.8 bill 10. Lands Legacy and Livability initiatives. STATE OF THE UNION/PRIORITIES Education. Standards and Accountability
  • and Family section writer. Barbara Whitehead Writer, The Atlantic Scholars: Michael Sandel Ron Tahaki Harvard Professor, political philosopher, public speaker, has participated in debates along side Cornell West on New Markets. University of Berkeley
Mergers (Item)
  • the assets or capabilities to enter a new market or compete more effectively in the existing market. And because rapid technological change often means that it is uncertain which of several competing technologies will prevail, firms may want to merge -- e.g
  • the Administration's community empowerment stra tegy, including passage of the New Markets Initiative, expanding the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, and enactment of XX2PQ XP\ P6Q the Better American Bon s program. ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1
  • ; Budget, Soc Sec etc. Maria Echaveste 5:00 Small Business New Markets Initiative Saunders Miller 5:15 International Trade issues Larson Adjourn 5:30 DuVal Amb Fred ·,ARMS Email System Page 1 of 13 RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR
  • to capitalize on new market-opening opportunities and to improve access to existing markets through enforcement actions. Given these circumstances, the Administration has transmitted a fully-offset $1.7 million budget amendment. We urge the cOnferees to fully
[03/10/1999] (Item)
  • incentives for financing in Indian Country. In the meantime, I have made providing equity capital to new markets a priority with my "New Markets Initiative." This initiative will help Indian Country with initiatives such as tax credits, Small Business
  • , in science and technology, in education and job training, and health care, so that everyone has a chance to reap the rewards of growing prosperity. • And third, we responded to the global nature of the new economy by opening new markets to our goods
  • and security of our Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion people; and opening new markets through tough trade agreements -- that has created so much opportunity for the American people since 1993. ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE
  • for "cherrypicking" the hi gh reimbursement areas or disallow HMOs to enter any new market if they have wi thdrawn in others.) Being proactive could help immunize us against charges we do not care about beneficiaries. X#'-"#'O*O*O*%"D x-Options for responding
[06/05/1998] (Item)
  • Clinton's three-part economic strategy -- cutting the deficit, investing in our people, and opening new markets to American goods and services -- is working for America's families. Since 1993 it has helped bring about: • Over 16 million new jobs. Since
  • by opening new markets to our goods and services. The strategy is clearly working. There is renewed confidence in the American economy. Its stability, its strength, its steady growth are the envy of the world." [Speech to Mortgage Bankers Association, March
[06/25/1998] (Item)
  • reinforce the success of the Administration's economic policy of deficit reduction, investing in our people, and opening new markets to American good and services. This plan has helped create 16 million new 'obs, enerate the first bud et su Ius in 30 ears
  • society, our families, and our democracy. It promotes competition as the key to opening new markets and new opportunities. It will help connect every classroom in America, to the information superhighway by the end of the decade. It will protect consumers
  • section writer. Barbara Whitehead Writer, The Atlantic Scholars: Michael Sandel Ron Tahaki. Harvard Professor, political philosopher, public speaker, has participated in debates along side Cornell West on New Markets. University of Berkeley, Professor
  • ~e~ent Systerr Hex-Dump Conversion l • Enacted important new structural reforms. The BBA also included new market-oriented refonns, such as adding new plan choices including Provider Sponsored Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations
  • and Housing Tax Credit. Make the brownfields tax expensing provision permanent. Create Better America Bonds to allow communities to create parks and open spaces. Spur private investment in distressed neighborhoods through a new markets initiative. Expand
  • through a new markets initiative. _ Expand the welfare-to-work housing voucher progral1).. The Republicans have responded with a proposal that puts top priority on a tax cut which explodes in cost and is targeted away from the middle class. Because the tax
  • to open new markets for American products and workers. The President's plan seeks to renew his negotiating authority to open even more foreign markets to American goods and services. When countries hurt by economic instability are willing to undertake
  • screening.' " • Enacted important new structural reforms. The BBA also inciuded new market-oriented reforms, such as adding new plan choices including Provider Sponsored Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations, prospective payment system reforms
  • Workers Medicaid Buy In -Medicaid is capped in the territories Disabled Workers Tax Credit -Would not apply in Puerto Rico Cigarette Tax -Need language on application to territories Workplace Education Tax Credit, -Would not apply in Puerto Rico New
[03/19/1999] (Item)
  • Economic Development Program: 8(a) bUSiness development program ................................ . , 70) technical assistance program ..... ~ .............................. . SBA: New Market Venture Capital... .................................... . EPA
  • . The compaT~e a~rosp~ce glant ha~ been see~a~ ran ~wo small businesses before entering nies and state agencies have sought each to d.lverslfy smce dwin~hng. Cold fense government a-few years ago. "The cu]· Other out to help mine new markets in one ten~lOns
[09/28/1998] (Item)
  • in New York. These findings are generally encouraging, but support the need for more job creation in distressed areas through your New Markets Initiative. They also underscore the need for your welfare to work transportation and housing vouchers to ensure
  • beyond an enrichment of Borland's shareholders at Lotus' expense, or that the robust innovation and competition already prevalent in this flourishing industry will be "stifled" unless new market entrants are pennitted to copy substantial expression from
[02/08/1999] (Item)
  • . There are other areas in which we have a chance to act and a duty to lead. We should raise the minimum wage. We should insist on what I have called the New Markets Initiative to bring private capital into the inner city, poor rural communities. [Rangel, LaFalce
Press (Item)