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  • extend my sincere appreciation to Chairman M~rtimer Downey and the fifteen other members who provided advice as to the appropriate future Toles and mIssions for our Coast Guard. I also would like to commend the leadership of Secretary Rodney[Slater
  • materials shipment, is found to be in noncompliance wilh applicable regulations. January 29, -1998: DOT began implementation of the Foreign Air Carrier Family SuppO!'t Act. Secretary Slater and Chairman James E. Hall of the National Transportation Safety
  • ) • Safe Communities Year in Review: Taking it to the Streets (January, 1999) • Press Release: "US Transportation Secretary Slater Announces First Rollover Resistance Ratings," (January, 2001) • Regional Community Building Forums: A Summary Report (May
  • States 5 KEY CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY BY U,S, DOT OFFICIALS 2000 Subject/Committee Date Witnesses 1215100 Slater/MQiitons Field Hearing - The Potential for Rtul To Improve Transportation in The Southeast Atlanta.Georgia , Commerce, Science
  • ""9iCtL t',C. 2C590 REMARKS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION AODNEY E, SLATER GARRETT A. MORGAN PROGRAM MAY 30,1997 CLEVELAND, OHIO In January; President Clinton gave a very important speech to the nation, called the State
  • Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater 6 Mission of the U.S. Department ofTransportation 7 Values ofthe U.s. Department of Transportation 8 Changes in Transportation During the Clinton-Gore Administration 10 Overview 19 Safety 19 National
  • Safety, 12 Canadian provinces and territories and officials and inspectors from the Republic of Mexico. More than 56,000 inspe-ctions were conducted at over 250 locations throughout North America. June 16, 1993: Rodney E. Slater was sworn in as the 13U
  • Year in Review: Taking it to the Streets (January. 1999) • Press Release: "US Transportation Secretary Slater Announces First Rollover Resistance Ratings," (January, 2001) • Regional Community Building Forums: A Summary Report (May, 2000
  • "No matter where you live in the world - no matter ifyou live in urban, suburban or roral America - transportation is the tie that binds. " Secretary Slater, July 1997 In 1993, President Clinton and Vice President Gore committed to rebuild America
  • , Tennessee Key Note Speeches and Formal Presentations Table of Contents Welcoming Remarks by Rodney Slater Delta Tourism: Developing our Legacy by Leslie Doggett American Pathways to the Information Superhighway by Leslie Doggett . Closing and Introduction
  • 458x246x24(RGB) C01_1Y2KWitt, Slater conferl 464.2 Kb 2550xI673x24(RGB) 1_3A01_01 ESTAdivalion.jpg 187.0 Kb 1280x960x24(RGB) 1_3A01_0l FEMAWorker.jpg 668.2 Kb 3000x2550x24(RGB) 1_3A01_01 FreeMealSign.jpg 2363.9 Kb 3504x2336x24(RGB) ~ '" ti
  • :~;..:._: "~l,.. be.. a leac ~ck. HII!'_ ... But Slater, .aid of':·i:'U!~ Ile~ ..,tllDrity to oudut tile am~ ~~'M.:~., ... l.q!9I.fp,_,,4PI·~~cc:u. ..... dIial~·,~,".J'9Ulinb.-.y.e,-.tQ•.• ,mau;:Ia;, ~~ ~~ 1tiU
  • forgive you for that. (Laughter.) Secretary Slater, service secretaries and chiefs, Janet, distinguished guests, soldiers and sailors and aimlell, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, ladies and gentlemen, in the chronicle of our country, decisive moments Ilave
  • Technologies, who has helped finance the phone bank that USAID has been operating to field calls from the American public who wish to ' contribute to the relief effort. I Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater, joined by Mack McClarty, is joining us'now from
  • . ,On Thursday, October 19, Under Secretary Jill Long Thompson will give Opening Remarks at the Mississippi Delta Regional Initiative Tourism Development Forum with Secretary Slater, in Memphis, TN. VI. PRESSIMEDIA INQUIRIES. The Dallas Morning News, Wall
  • Aida Alvarez and U.S. Department of Transportation (IlOT) Secretary Rodney E. Slater today signed an agreement that will help small socially and economically disadvantaged firms that want to do business with the government - by streamlining
  • contracts, even though they own 1Ic
  • !American Airlines alliance. An open skies agreement is the necessary condition for i;S (and UK) competition authorities grant antitrust immunity for stlch an alliance, Dep. PM Prescott is scheduled to call Secretary Slater this weekend; our sources indicate
  • fOnims included sessions on diversity and safe, livable and sustainable communities. Secretary Slater attended the forum in Queens, New York and was represented by Modal Administrators, Deputy Administrators or Assistant Secretaries at the other forums
  • the weather and its effect· on farmers in an interview with CNBC, and emergency loans in interviews with the Houston Chronicle and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. • Transportation Summit: Secretary Glickman, along with Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater
  • , Andrew Cuomo, Aida Alvarez, Bill Daley, and Rodney Slater. The purpose of the meeting is to enlist your support for the President's trip in two ways: (1) participate in all or a portion of the trip; (2) enlist the support dfCEOs in going on the trip
  • Slater and Administrator Garvey announced legislation to make the FAA operate more like a business. Specifically, FAA air traffic control services would be centralized in a Perfonnance-Based Organization and services for commercial (not general) aviation
  • say, the process moved Detroit closer to l.enewal." "The process is going to go forward whether we get the federal dollars or not," [John) Slater said. For once, we just all got together and dreamed, and now that we know what needs to be done, we're
  • in which someone is working at least balf~time oUgbt to always be belter off than families who are receiving weXfare in which no one is wormg. If this goal were accepted, there would be four options for achieving it: Oplwn I: Allow (0, require) Slater
  • Janet Reno (Ju~y 19 in Warm springs, Georgia) I seA Actninistrator"Ajda Alvarez (July 20 in Atlanta); DOT Secretary Rodney Slater {July 21 in Washlngton, D.C. and July 29 in Philadelphia); EEOC Chair Ida Castro (Ju:"y 31 in :Jetroit}; DOL Secretary
  • increased 4%. compared to 3.7% during Ille same period last year. (eBA release _.(tached.) YICE PgSIDE!IT'S OEEIeE • Liveablihy Aacnda. Today, the Vice Preaidentjoined Sec. Slater, more than two dozen traffic repcrte" and nearly 150 stote anrllocal
  • . DOT Organizational Charts for 1993 and 2000 • The Garrett A Morgan Technology and Transportation Futures Program Flagship Report, 2000 • Biographies Secretary Rodney E. Slater Secretary Federico Pena Deputy Secretary Mortimer L. Downey Stanford E
  • :::ful frtend I Barry Gordy on their awards. T thank M:::, Iverson and Mr. Steinberg for supporting this important. work. 1: thank Sec~~etary Slater and our SBA Administrator, Aida Alvarez, for being here with me. A:;.d I think Secret.ary Cuomo spoke here