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  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/27/98 [5]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: 17200 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union 1999] 1/27/98 [5] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 2 6 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/99 [3]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17199 FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union] Environment 1/99 [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 92 2 6 3 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/27/98 [3]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17200 FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union 1999] 1/27/98 [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 2 6 2 j ^ - -- / v Record Type: To: v Clara J
  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/27/98 [2]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: 17200 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union 1999] 1/27/98 [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 2 6 2 Draft 1/17/99 4pm sotu99.16 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
Wisconsin (Item)
  • , Mr. Clinton is on Capitol Hill delivering the State of the Union address. At the La Crosse Tribune, the editors watch and decide how they're going to play it. They say it's an easy call based on what they believe matters most to their readers
  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/27/98 [6]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17200 FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union 1999] 1/27/98 [6] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 2 6 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/27/98 [4]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17200 FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union 1999] 1/27/98 [4] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 2 6 2 Draft 1/16/99 2:30pm sotu99.14 PRESIDENT WILLIAM
  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/27/98 [1]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17200 FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union 1999] 1/27/98 [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 2 6 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
  • Post SOTU [Remarks to Citizens of Buffalo] 1/20/1999 [1]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: 17195 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: Post State of the Union [Remarks to the Citizens of Buffalo] 1/20/99 [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 2 5 3 ISSUE OUTLINE 1999
  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/99 [1]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17199 FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union] Environment 1/99 [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 2 6 3 Draft 6/12/98 11:30am Lowell Weiss PRESIDENT
  • Post SOTU [Remarks to Citizens of Buffalo] 1/20/1999 [2]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: 17195 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: Post State of the Union [Remarks to the Citizens of Buffalo] 1/20/99 [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 2 5 3 Withdrawal
Illinois (Item)
  • business and employment. 10. Consideration of possible reductions in basic work periods. Incorporated in the report are dissenting statements by two of the Committee members. 7 Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union. January n , 1962
  • discovery once again. In my State of the Union address two weeks ago, I proposed a 21st Century Research Fund for path-breaking scientific inquiry - the largest funding increase in history for the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes
  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/27/98 [7]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17200 FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union 1999] 1/27/98 [7] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 92 2 6 2 Michael Lind The Party of Hope T H E PARTY O F
  • 1993 sotu We have to recognize that all of our high school graduates need some further education in order to be competitive in this global economy. So we have to establish a partnership between businesses and education and the government
  • State of the Union Address last week, we cannot allow the hum of our prosperity to lull us into complacency. The fact is, many of our industries are facing shortages of skilled workers. In manufacturing, 88 percent of companies are having trouble finding
  • AND PRESCRIPTION DRUGS THE WHITE HOUSE October 25,1999 Acknowledge: introducer Colleen Kaydeen; Sec. Shalala; I would also like to thank all of the advocates here today who are working in support of Medicare reform. Back in January, in my State of the Union Address
  • SOTU [State of the Union] Environ 1/99 [2]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: 17199 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: SOTU [State ofthe Union] Environment 1/99 [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 2 6 3 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
  • efforts nn tbp pill tn un4efflHn©4hmtpproach; the President intends to keep on this successful course. (\ ^ ^ 0 3 First, as you heard in his State of the Union Address, the President will insist on maintaining our fiscal discipline. We believe
  • . That was wrong. I have worked very hard to change it. There is nothing more important to me than getting this govemment-to-govemment relationship right in a way that will allow you to be lifted up. That's why I asked in the State of the Union address
  • Century. First, we must maintain our fiscal discipline. In my State of the Union Address and the budget I released earlier this week, I proposed that we devote the lion's share of the surplus to saving Social Security and Medicare and paying down
  • society for the past six decades, must come first. I was heartened following my State of the Union Address by the broad and public statements of support from the leaders of both parties for saving Social Security first. However, in recent weeks, the senior
  • to worry about the nightmare scenarios depicted in the book 1984. I am determined to put an end to these violations of privacy. That is why I am honoring my State of the Union pledge and using the full authority of this office to create the first
  • A.M. EDT President Clinton, Vice President Gore, and Congressional Democrats Win on the Budget October 14, 1998 Saving Social Security First In his State of the Union address, President Clinton asked a basic question "what should we do
  • , and strengthens our economy. We can do it through the might ofthe marketplace and the power of American ideas. f \ n my State of the Union address, I called for an unprecedented commitment of $6 billion for research and tax incentives to mobilize cutting-edge
  • ]. Last week, in my State of the Union Address, I described my vision for strengthening the nation for the 21st century. I spoke about building an America where everybody has a chance to get ahead with hard work . . . where government provides opportunity
  • maintain our fiscal discipline. In my State of the Union Address and the budget I released earlier this week, I proposed that we devote the lion's share of the surplus to saving Social Security and Medicare and paying down the national debt
  • plans, 1998 and to hold health plans President directed Federal health plans, accountable for decisions that covering 85 million Americans, to harm patients. implement the patients' bill of rights and called upon Congress to act in the State of the Union
  • has worked. Now we must race ahead with this same aggressive strategy to help us meet the great challenges of the 21st Century. First, we must maintain our fiscal discipline. In my State of the Union Address and the budget I released earlier this week
  • maintain our fiscal discipline. In my State of the Union Address and the budget I released earlier this week, I proposed that we devote the lion's share of the surplus to saving Social Security and Medicare and paying down the national debt
  • . (Applause.) I also want to recognize two young women who are here, because they were in the First Lady's gallery at my State of the Union address, members of the Navajo Nation and former volunteers for AmeriCorps, Kristina and Justina Jones. Thank you
  • State of the Union address, President Clinton launched a national debate on how our country should best allocate resources during a remarkable period of prosperity and surpluses. The President's fundamental message is a clear one: w i t h the budget
  • in his State of the Union address, the projected budget surpluses should be reserved pending Social Security reform. Until we address the critical challenge of strengthening the Social Security system and ensuring retirement and disability security
  • education is a critical national security issue for our future, and politics must stop at the schoolhouse door. President Clinton, State of the Union Address, February 4,1997 HIGHLIGHTS: The President's signature on the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations
  • the State ofthe Union Address. Last year in Illinois, an esiiniHled 250,000 families failed to claim some 11300 million owed to lhem tinder thc EITC. More Uun $100 million that could have been relumed to Cliicago rcsidcnUi and back into our economy was Ic 1
  • ^Kaaublie^n i^ueTThkjs an American issue. We must donfjnue to advance the frontiers erf setepce ancftechnology. ki my-State of the Union Address, J spoke of just a few ofthe nascent technologies being developed at research centers like Penn: materials ten
  • SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. draft Draft language for speech, "If we can learn to develop a real sense of creative harmony..." [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) 002. fax Robert Pinsky to Lowell Weiss. Re: State of the Union Passeges [partial
  • prevented Congress from making progress on a national health care program. "The lobbyists, the money, the complacency, the inertia - it's overcome their better judgment," Brown said as he campaigned in the Pittsburgh area for this state's substantial union
  • ; we should honor it and celebrate it. My fellow Americans, every time I prepare for the State of the Union, I approach it with hope and expectation and excitement for our Nation. But tonight is very special, because we stand on the mountain top
  • it indicates quite clearly what we can do here in the United States. The vote here in the state of California, the vote in the state of South Dakota: Here is the most urban state of any of the states of our union, and South Dakota, the most rural state of any
  • , is like twcrdceadoa>fer the rest of us]; Harris Wofford; Linda Chavez- Thompson: introducer Fabiola Tafolla [tah-FOH-ya]. Last week, in my State of the Union Address, I described my vision for strengthening the nation for the 21st century. I spoke about
  • , and expanding trade has worked. Now we must race ahead with this same aggressive strategy to help us meet the great challenges of the 21st Century. First, we must maintain our fiscal discipline. In my State of the Union address and the budget I released
  • t h experts like Cong. Hinojosa -- which you will hear more about in the [State of the Union address? that was Gene's suggestion] coming weeks. Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 002. email SUBJECT/TITLE DATE
  • one million, and to begin a drum beat on the historic expansion of college aid that is now available to all Americans. BACKGROUND Work-study and America Reads. In your 1996 State of the Union address, you challenged Congress "to expand work-study
  • a skills gap. In my upcoming State of the Union Address, I will advance a new training agenda to give the American people the skills they need to compete in the growing global economy. Third, at this time of continued turmoil in the international economy
  • well know, I don't even get this kind of blanket coverage for the State of the Union Address. Many of the participating networks have already pledged to continue airing these PSAs during all different time slots for the remainder of the year. Once
  • care better, safer, and more affordable. Last night, in my State of the Union Address, I asked Congress to reach across party lines to work on this important issue. I am very pleased that today, Senators Chafee, Hatch, Snowe, Roberts, Specter
  • (fone,wecannMkecollegeasunhxrsdmthe21stce^^ theface andfiitureofAmerica.'' President Bill Clinton State ofthe Union Address January 27, 1998 And, myfriends, that will change EXECUTIVE SUMMARY More and more, college is the gateway to the American Dream
  • to succeed in this new era. Well, modern computers, connected by modern networks, are indispensible tools in this modern day. In my State of the Union address two years ago, I challenged the nation to connect every classroom in America to the Internet
  • our past and imagine our future as we come to this new millennium. In the State of the Union address, I announced a public-private partnership to preserve our historic treasures for future generations and to help make them more accessible to more
  • , sisters ~ and, someday, for our daughters. But let me emphasize again that the most important thing we must do for future generations is to strengthen Social Security. Now, I know it is an election year. When I said in my State of the Union Address that I
  • ask you to help our communities build or modernize 5,000 schools. " - President Clinton, State of the Union Address, 1999 TODAY PRESIDENT CLINTON WILL STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF INVESTING IN SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION AND MODERNIZATION Today, at Hiatt Middle
  • long-run financial footing. Social Security process Q: What process is the President proposing for getting Social Security refdrR^accomplished? ' ?r? s A: The President announced in his State of the Union message a three-stage ^ process for making
  • initiative. Through this voluntary program, which Ifirstproposed to the nation in my State of the Union address, we will lend our hand of assistance to community-led waterfront projects that protect natural resources, promote economic revitalization
  • of rights as their first order of business. In November, he endorsed the patients' bill of rights and called on Congress to make it the law of the land. In his State of Union address, he focused the nation on this issue and reiterated his call on Congress
  • State of the Union Address, to end the earnings limit for Social Security retirees between the ages of 65 and 69. To strengthen and modernize Medicare, I propose to implement important reforms and to dedicate more than half the non-Social Security
  • support (1/19/00) 24 hours for parent teacher conf. • extended to federal employees in 19TK lowering threshold • called for it in 99 sotu Kennedy-Dodd Bill Let's pass it. Roadmap... results... Good morning. Today, I would like to speak with you about new
  • children from violence or take our streets back for them and away from guns and drugs and gangs unless we all work together, as Mr. Chery said. In the State of the Union address I challenged our nation to focus on this issue of youth violence
  • word of appreciation on behalf of Hillary and myself for the many kindnesses John Chafee extended to us, and the many opportunities we had to work together. Now - last January, in the State of the Union address, I was able to give the American people
  • . And t h a t ' s g o o d , t o o . (Applause.) But I'd like to reiterate something I said in the State of the Union. Good times are a blessing and they should be enjoyed. But we all know in the nature of humankind and the rhythm of human affairs
  • of punishing the kids for a system that is failing t h e m . And let me just give you one fact - I said this in the State of the Union, but I'm going to say it until I'm convinced every American knows it -- last year, in the International test of Math
  • after his death, than that of any disappeared after apparently embezzling $13 million. This started something like a run onj insured small banks and credit unions, understandably, since the state insurance fund, 1 (of whose board Mollicone was vice
  • the confidence the world badly needs that we are trying to restore. Congress simply must assume its responsibility for our leadership in the economy. In my State of the Union address, I said it was better to prepare for a storm when the skies were clear than when
  • but also with the many thousands joining us via satellite and over the Internet. I must say, I am very impressed: You managed to cover a thousand years in 30 minutes flat. In my State of the Union Address, it took me an hour and 17 minutes to lay out
  • on Military Issues, Is Less Certain on Domestic Ones Senator Has Yet to Turn Vision Into an Agenda By ALISON MITCHELL WASHINGTON. Feb. g - It was telling to hear John McCain proclaim his impatience with President Clinton's last State of the Union iddress
  • call •jjd onand iso/ioa ss, 80 mr OtHce of 4c Press Secretary http^/\VH/SOTU98/addre«.html T H E W H I T E HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary January 27, 1998 For Immediate Release ^ STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS
  • , there's no end to what our kids can do. You see that every day; you know that better than anyone. In my State of the Union address I challenged every state and every school to adopt high national standards and by 1999, to actually test all our 4th graders
  • that I know it won't be easy, because some of our kids won't do all that well at first. If you saw the State of the Union Address, you know that I introduced two students from 20 school districts in northern Illinois who took the Third International Math
  • and travelogue Met Hastert in Chicago, State of the Union Today, we have an agreement Details Not Republican or Democratic: American issue We need to bring this same spirit to China vote One of most important this year... 40 renewal communities, 40 empowerment
  • in support of Medicare reform. Qyt^Jr" Back in January, in my State of the Union Address, I spoke of the geneyations of Americans who had answered their nation's call to greatness in our century - overcomingpepression, bringing down barriers to racial
  • for this legislation in 1996, and he reiterated his call in the 1997 State of the Union. While current law makes it a federaLoffense willfully to_fail to pay ^hilH support fnr a child who lives in another stalfi-JJLrl^^nnt address more serious instances of child
  • patient records, I will honor my State of the Union pledge to do so through executive action. Today, I announce that if need be, I will issue new protections this October. My preference remains that we put in place privacy protections through legislation
  • Hemisphere and in Asia since 1992 have excluded theUnifed States. The_ European Union recently announced its intent to negotiate, by 1999,-a free lO/28-'07 TUE 16:45 FAI 2026473655 OUTREACH UNIT trade agreement with Mercosur, the growing regional bloc
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Lowell Weiss Subseries: 17199 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: Roadless Areas 10/13/99 [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 92 2 6 3 The State of the Union - Environment The United States Capitol
  • Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada Culinary Union, Local 226 (H.E.R.E.) The Culinary Union is one of the fastest growing private sector unions in the country as well
  • in the State of the Union to allow all their parents to be enrolled, as well. If we did that, we could insure about 25 percent of all the uninsured people in America. And keep in mind, we're talking about working people here. We're talking about people that get
  • to Congress reflects that continued commitment. And in my upcoming State of the Union address, I will talk more about what we are doing to keep America on the cutting edge of the scientific and technological advances that are driving the global economy
  • credit unions are regulated by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an independent agency. NCUA's three board members are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. State chartered credit unions are regulated by their state credit
  • for our leadership in the economy. In my State of the Union address, I said it was better to prepare for a storm when the skies were clear than when the clouds were overhead. Well, eight months later, the clouds are closer, and you can nearly hear
  • an Executive Order to end discrimination against parents in the Federal workplace. This Executive order mirrors the "Ending Discrimination Against Parents Act of 1999," bill that the President announced in his 1999 State of the Union address and was introduced
  • programs in their communities. But one of the things that I have found is that often times when a President announces something as he did in the State of the Union and then follows it up with legislation, many Americans think the work is over. I
  • , a far-reaching effort to clean our rivers, our lakes, our coastal waters for our children." President Bill Clinton State of the Union, January 2 7 , 1998 Today, President Clinton announces a Clean Water Action Plan to restore and protect America's waters
  • : To: Record Lowell A. Weiss/WHO/EOP cc: "Murphy, Tara" , "Gomperts, John" Subject: Shiprock event Hi Lowell, Here are some ideas: Recognize Christina and Justina Jones, the President's guests for this year's State
  • not err oftener, perhaps, than the present mode of appointment. In one State of the Union, at least, it has long been tried, and with the most satisfactory success. The judges of Connecticut have been chosen by the people every six months, for nearly two
  • betterjobs and to start new businesses. And, with tax incentives for the companies that clean up abandoned properties, we can bring backjobs to the places that desperately, desperately need them, "—President Clinton, State of the Union, January 23. 1996
  • length in the State of the Union, but we're losing 7,000 acres of green space and farmland every single day. So I have proposed this billion-dollar livability agenda to help you save open space, ease traffic congestion, grow in ways that enhance
  • said in the State of the Union, when I challenged all sectors of our society to help us deal with these problems that must be dealt with one by one, we have to have help everywhere. I am convinced Dr. Foster is the person to galvanize this help and lead
  • Initiative "Our waterways connect our cities together ... rivers are not only the arteries of commerce, they carry the lifeblood of the American story. " Vice President Gore In his 1997 State of the Union Address, President Clinton announced the American
  • , 1997 Remarks on the New Economy at the Baldrige National Quality Awards Ceremony Washington, D.C. December 19, 1997 Medal of Freedom Ceremony The White House January 15, 1998 The State of the Union United States Capitol January 27, 1998 Remarks to AAAS
  • cities, but in small towns. And whenever there has been a dramatic rise in youth crime, it has a terrifying face organized gangs. In my State of the Union address I challenged our country to focus on the problem of youth violence, and I pledged
  • . The American Heritage Rivers Advisory Committee last month recommended 10 designations, and the President added four. In his 1997 State of the Union address, the President announced his American Heritage Rivers Initiative to recognize and reward local efforts
AFL-CIO [1] (Item)
AFL-CIO [2] (Item)
  • in schools that were in fair condition and 11 percent below students in schools in excellent condition. CONGRESS FA/LED TO A C T ON SCHOOL MODERNIZATION. In his State of the Union address, President Clinton called on Congress to address the Nation's urgent
  • today tbe questionreturnsto my mind: if southern workers don't want their own unions, why have states and corporaxions found it so expediew to collaborate in forging measures to thwart the effective pursuit of that aspiration? Lest h be thought thai