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  • what more ·we must do to fulfill that promise - to seize thi"s moment, this chance of a lifetime - and fashion a new . ~ era of opportup.ity for all, responsibility from all, and community of all. Fifteen days fromnow, in my State of the Union
  • that program into the new century. Second, we must do more to invest in our people. Today the income gap is above all a skills gap. 18 In my. upcoming State of the Union Address, I will advance a new training agenda to give the American people the skills
  • national memory - our understanding of who we are, where we came from, and what we want to be. In his State of the union last year, the President proposed and the Congress agreed to fund a $30 million initiative to help save treasures such as the Washington
  • does seem sort· of cold and impersonal. We ought to be looking for ways to soften some of the terms we use in our respective businesses. -!· · For example, "State of the Union." Rigid and formal. Why not just, "How We Doin'?" Scandal? Dust-up. Spin
  • in a generation.~~~\(, lS~~~ . . . 2 .... ···.. ··~~. I, • .'fi • ~ tA.. . '"!t' ' J)~~· - ~-q_q~ Social problems are on the ~llif"·our leadership is unrivaled around the world~ Still, ·as I said in my State of the Union Address
  • leaders are rethinking their cut that would squander our surplus, and are instead moving toward-the kind of-targeted tax cuts proposed in my State of the Union Address. - "1\J.i. ~~llli.\ o..Q.~U.\...~~U.\."' Ev= . . . -Bat even
  • achieved what I asked for in my State of the Union Address: we reserved every penny of our hard-won surplus. Despite the efforts of the congressional majority to squander the surplus on short-term tax cuts, we are instead well-positioned to save Social
  • billion is the largest in history. And it is projected to be only the first of many: as I said in my State ofthe Union Address, America is on course for budget surpluses for the next quarter century. And our estimates, optimistic as they sound, are even
  • established our duty to protect the health of older Americans. In my State of the Union Address this year, I called on Congress to extend that obligation to meet the needs of the changing economy--by allowing people over 62 who have lost their health insurance
  • meets the principles·! set out in my State of the Union. If they send me the bill in its present form, I will sign it. . (pause) OK, any questions? (pause) v No questions? Anyone? WIDE ON EMPTY BRIEFING ROOM Empty except for HELEN THOMAS, who
  • . - The United States is committed to expanding international opportunities for US information technology entrepreneurs through_the development of supportive international trade rules in tpe WTO. In his 1999 State of the Union Address last January, President
  • at the podium. He is comfortable, fluid, very ·much himself. PRESIDENT ... there's bipartisan support for it in the ·· Congress, and 'it meets the principles I set . out in ·my State of the Union.· If they send me the bill in its present form, I will s(gn
  • million baby boomers, we must, as I have said, save Social Security now. 4 We have an unprecedented qpportunity, during this time of profound prosperity, to do just that.· In my State . of the Union Address, I said we should use most of our budget
  • signed into law a strong~ Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; and last year, I pledged to work with Senators Jeffords and Kennedy to pass the Work Incentives Act. In my State of the Union J\ddress last January, I urged the Congress to pass
  • the 1966 State of the Union address, he was visited by a White House physician. The doctor injected him with a red liquid, and he perked up. In the 1990s, of course, we had quadruple espressos from Starbucks.) But over the years, the writers were shunted
  • that even more Americans move from welfare to work. In my State of the Union Address last week, I said we can help another 200,000 Americans move from welfare to .work. To achieve that goal, I propose that we renew the successful Welfare-to-Work program
  • . Eight months ago, in my State of the Union Address, I :asked the Congress to widen the circle of opportunity in America by strengthening our public schools for the 21st Century. I asked them to take two critical steps. I proposed, first, to help loc_al
  • in the State of the Union because I did riot.know for sure that we would' have this money. But I do believe that-everybody who's really analyzed this is concerned abbtit two problems. One is that there are a whole lot of seniors -~ more than half -- who don't
  • historic opportunity to save Social Security and Medicare, and pay down the debt. As I said in my State of the Union Address one month ago, we can make good on that opportunity, while providing tax relief like USA Accounts, and while making targeted tax
  • in Surpluses over the Next 15 Years Among Spending, Tax Cuts, and Debt Reduction? President's Fundamental Solution: Debt Reduction with the Benefits Allocated to Extending Social Security and Medicare. In His State of the Union Address, President Clinton
  • of eongr_e:ssJJ.;iishe~:o_ut;:.witlKexpensT~e~n.ew~~ays:to=~peii(Hhaf~>
  • -Ternreich: As yoti a1'c aware, the President and fhave corresponded on various issues over the last several years. including the State oft he Union and my recent proposal that a Center for the Study and l)romot1on of Racial Unity be established at Ole Miss
  • it is an election year. When I said in my State of the Union Address that I would reject any attempt to spend any surplus until we have saved Social-Security, I knew that the majority in Congress would demand to drain billions from the surplus :-- even before
  • made that proposal in my State of the Union Address last January, I said I wanted it to be a bipartisan proposal. I wanted it to be above politics .. It's just too important. That means that all sides have to work together in good faith. ·And I am very
  • When.I made thai proposal in my State of the Union Address lastJanuary, I said I wanted it to be a bipartisan · ~ U.:l~,,~-~~~~ / ' •· ~~1.)· l-v•·anted it to ee, ~hove politics~ It.?sju:a:=t0o . ~m~ ()._ ~·IJ.A ~ ~ ~~~Mk.~ · impnrtant-. --Tkm tB88R
  • ton S eems L "k e/Y ApprOVe Plan A plan to deal with the growing threat of terrorist attack on American soil. '.' . ~ .. ...l By DAVID E. ROSENBAUM WASHINGTON; Jan. 27- When President Clinton unexpectedly used his State of the Union Message last
  • of global trade negotiati~ons that I called for in my State of the Union Address last January. We have held years; and it is no.coincidence that this half-century has seen the 8 such roundsjin the last most rapid, suFtained economic growth ever recorded
  • families thank you. This is a great and glorious moment for America. Our economy is the strongest in a generation. Social problems are on the mend. Our leadership is unrivaled around the world. Still, as I said in my State of the Union Address
  • of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release · --.ra.nuary 27;r998 ; / [STATE OE THE UNION-ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT Hall of the House United States Capitol 9:12P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of the 105th Congress
  • called for last January, in my State of the Union Address. 4 We have held 8 such the last 50 years, helping trade to grow fifteen-fold worldwide, and it is no coincidence that this period has seen the most rapid, sustained economic growth ever
  • ".· •• The United States Is Committed To Lowering Trade Barriers & Helping Create New Markets For American Goods & Services At the WTO In Seattle. In his 1999 State of the Union Address last January, President Clinton called for a new round of international trade
  • because of the global financi'al trouble. There are a lot of threats to our secririty lurking.out there in nooks and crannies with discord the world over: · And I asked the American people in the State of the Union, andi ask the governors here tonight
  • on this. Students learn more in smaller classes where they get more attention. And as I said in the State of the Union address, we not only need more teachers, we need better teachers. Under the plan we worked out with Congress this week, every teacher hired
  • out in my State of the Union. If they send me the bill in its present form, I will sign it. ~ (pause) OK, any questions? (pause) (annoyed) No questions? Anyone? WIDE ON EMPTY BRIEFING ROOM Empty except for HELEN THOMAS, who is in the front row
  • MUSIC HALL . TUCSON, ARIZONA February 25, 1999 Acknowledgments: Governor Jane Hall TBD; Reps. Ed Pastor and Jim Kolbe; Mayor George Miller TBD; County Executive TBD; senior TBD \ In my State of the Union Address a month ago, I talked about one
  • of this Caucus, Representative Lois Capps, from California. (Applause.) , Let me begin with a point I 'have made over and over to the American people since the State of the Union address. This is a remarkable time for our country.- I look at all these young
  • , as I said in my State of ' . the Union Address, this is not a time for America to rest. i It is a time for us to build--to expand our prosperity, to strengthen our values, and to widen the circle of opportunity. I am here to talk to you about some
  • COUNTY, VIRGINIA. March 1, 2000 Acknowledgments TK One month ago, in my State oftlie Union Address, I said that America had built a new economy: powered by technology, energized by new ideas. It is a transformation every bit as profound as the Industrial
  • - and fashto~a new . ·~~~~ili~\.\ er~~ opportunity for . . . . . ·... all, ,respon~1b1hty from.all, and , . communityofall~)w._~~~~ .... ~)~\.~~~-. ~:.r· . ..· :-·,~ .. ....... ..... · ~·: ~· Fifte.en; 'Clays frontnow,·· State of.the Union
  • it is an election year. When I said in my State of the Union Address that I would reject any attempt to spend any surplus until we have saved Social Security, I knew that the majority in Congress would demand to drain billions from the s~rplus -- even before
  • ··.......--...._, ,--:~ / Record Type: To: --® Leanne A. Shimabukuro 09/02/99 03:10:01 PM Record Jeffrey A. Shesoi/WHO/EOP@EOP cc: Subject: Re' draft radio address on domestic agenda -- comments to Jeff Shesol ASAP 6-2796 ~ Lookin' good! If only the SOTU could be so
  • to be. There are real differences. I'll promise you this: I am going to push this as hard as I can to pass this agreement. Lknow you heard nie talk about this in my State of the Union Address; and in my press conference last .week. I also talked about it in Davos. Last
  • school. That's one of the ideas behind this incredible wave of enthusiasm across the country for school uniforms. When I spoke about school uniforms in my 1996 State of the Union address -- besides making half the kids in America mad at me -- (laughter
  • ; and building a better partnership with the states of our union. Throughout our history, the stronger this partnership, the better the results for our people. In. 1787, our Founding Fathers declared that all new territories had to set aside land for public
  • for it in the Congress, and it meets the principles I set out in my State of the Union. If they send me the bill in its present form, I will sign it. (pause) OK, any questions? (pause) No questions? Anyone? WIDE ON EMPTY BRJEFING ROOM Empty except for HELEN THOMAS, who
  • 6 11 2 I ' I ' . i I II I ' I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. memo For the President and Michael Waldman from Eric Liu. Subject: State of the Union. [partial
  • this opportunity. Earlier this year, in my State of the Union Address, I said we should reserve any surplus until we had sayed Social Security first. We have done so. Congress has put aside the surplus. We should take the next and most important step and save
  • -that includes informal discussion abQut PNTR (Davos, Switzerland) - Barshefsky: Editors' Dinner. (Davos, Switzerland) ·.- Daley: Mtg. w/ Washington Reps ?I . Business Roundtable 27 - POTUS highlights China PNTR vote in the State of the Union Address - Daley
  • restaurants in town quickly changed their sings to read 'OUR HEARTS ARE WITH WESTSIDE'." ( Washington Post 3/25, A 12) C. School Violence Background (from 1994 SOTU Memo, so stats are not the most recent.) School Violence Schools Need Protection * 160,000
  • : Chafee-Harkin -5 principles -lofty appeal **** INTRO -Fed judges and the need to confirm with all deliberate speed; nonpartisan; these are qualified judges; deserve an up or down vote; thanks for support [look at SOTU] -domestic violence Start big
  • favorite hymns- "lfl can help somebody ... Then my living will not be in vain" - and said all Americans should heed the call to serve others. Afterward, Clinton bought three books at a local bookstore and returned to the White House to practice his State
  • opportunity. [Kalil R&D policy TK] Second, to give all Americans the tools they need to succeed, we must ensure universal access to information technology. We are already making great strides toward this goal. In my State of the Union address two years ago, I
  • inflation rate is the lowest in more than 30 years. And the tax burden for the typical middle-income family will be the lowest in more than 20 years. · This Is A Time To Build, Not A Time To Rest. As President Clinton said in his State of the Union
  • in my 1996 State of the Union Address, it was an old idea ' without much new credence. But in the years since, I have been heartened to see an inundation of interest. From New York City to Houston, from Dade County to Chicago; school districts
  • century, I launched a national campaign to lift our standards of education. In my State of the Union Address I called not for a Federal mandate, but for a national commitment to tough, smart standards in education basics: . In June, at the University
  • it will be_ I want know that I. will push as hard as I can to secure agreement as. quickly as possible. I mad~ 'that clear in the State of the Union address, in my press conference, 'at Daves. Last week, I started meeting with members of Congress
  • , responsibility. Today, talk about expanding opportunity New notion of opportunity/ new social contract for working Americans Third Way frame Then and now Role of government Accomplishments/ Agenda SOTU/ budget EITC Minimum wage Child care tax credit Health care
  • to all of them. And that is why we must ensure that every young American has access to the new technologies. We are already making great strides. In my State of the Union address two years ago, I challenged the nation to connect every American classroom
  • .. There's still a lot to be done. A lot of these· teachers we'll hire· will have to hold class in trailers or hallways, or crowded or crumbling classrooms. I proposed in th~ State of the Union a targeted tax cut for school modernization that was fully paid
  • imperfect, but society is, nonetheless, improvable. And in some ways, I think their most important charge to us was to always be about the business of forming a more perfect union. As I said in my State of the Union address, they understood it would never
  • and neighborhoods and communities make the most of their own present and their own future. I said in the State of the Union address that these enormous economic changes -- our movement to an information and technology age, into a global economy -- have created
  • ·TO THE NATION Pasadena, California. THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. In just a few days, I will report to the American people and.the Congress on the State of the Union, and I'll propose new ways to meet _the many challenges of this exciting new century. One
  • to be true, and I've.tried to-·with you, I've tried to, as I said in the ·state of the Union, as always the major credit for anything good that happens in this country belongs to the American people and the people and what they do in their private lives. I
  • that every young American has access to the new technologies. We are already making great strides. In my State of the Union address two years ago, I challenged the nation to connect every American classroom to the Internet by the year 2000. Thanks
  • all like it when the mayors come to town -- we get to talk about real people, real issues and building a real future for America, because that's what you embody. Earlier this week in the State of the Union address I asked the American people
  • of you for making this kind of partnership work and by proving what I said in the State of the Union -- that we have an obligation if we want all Americans to have the opportunities that this new information and technology age offers; we have
  • moments talking about the education of our kids .. As.I said in my State of the Union address, the prosperity the nation now enjoys gives us a.rare opportunity and, .I believe, a profound obrigation -- to do ~ore to ensure the education of all of our
  • SUBJECT: PROPOSED SOTU LANGUAGE ON "THE SENIOR BOOM" "America," wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson, "is the country of young men." Young in years, young in spirit. That was true in Emerson's time, more than a century ago, and it is no less true today. America
  • on Jobs and Trade Day" will include 15 other similar events and more th~m 200 smaller events around the nation. BUILDING A NEW AMERICAN CONSENSUS ON TRADE: In his State ofthe Union address this year, President Clinton stated "I think trade has divided us
  • ; Iranian and Iraqi missile programs· did not imitate the care and systematic approach of the United States and Soviet Union in the Cold War. "They looked for test firing stands, test ftigbts and factory square footage," said one commissioner in criticizing
  • P.M. EST THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary , February ·4, 1997 For Immediate Release REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS United States Capitol 9:15P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members
  • of commitment to education in our future, does not embody the recommendations I made in the State of the Union Address. Today, I ask the Republican leadership to join with the leaders of the other party to get with the Democrats and to work with the White House
  • message Wilson delivered in person. He suffered a paralyzing stroke in 1919. The year that has elapsed since I last stoOd before you to fulfill my constitutional duty to give to the Congress from time to time information on the state of the Union has been
  • , our nation will host a gathering of leaders from government, business, labor and civil society. That meeting of the World Trade Organization will launch a new round of global trade talks that I called for in my State of the Union address last January
  • in the State of the Union challenged the business community to create jobs so· that people can move from welfare to work. The President also announced that the federal government --the nation's largest employer -- is doing its part to make welfare to work
Commencements (Item)
  • ofthis new century. It could fill in the contours of the argument you engaged in your State of the Union Address this year. It might also serve as a pr~minerit pulpit ifwehav~ not yet wo~ the fight for PNTR. Location: Servic·e academy (U.S. Coast Guard
  • with these things." 1995 January President in State of the Union calls on media industry to be more responsible in programming. April 4-May 25 Vice President and Mrs. Gore host a series of dinners in preparation for Family"Conference with academics; technology
  • , and to work with us in a bipartisan manner to meet this vitally important challenge. Thank you. THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary February 4, 1997 For Immediate Release REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS United States
  • . {This is based on the President's call in the 1999 SOTU, which was followed by legislation introduced by Bonior and Kennedy, for a $1 increase over 2 years. This legislation had the first 50 cents increase on September 1, 1999. If people had gotten that increase
  • friend. He is often seen~ Bill Clinton~ ~ a1·1diug his fineir z{i si ~ t~s t)fphl;~ [photo from SOTU] ... or matching his pac@ as they strids, togetfier, acress th'l:t ~ "tJ:o ~hotofrom room l!.~a.J foe\"'4 [cuesombermusic] . r 6- t~-~ ~ F
  • , but for your families. ·You heard Tammy Baldwin talking about that. I can tell you that the baby boom generation is really worried, as I said in the State of the Union, that our retirement will cause undue burden on our 5 of6 3/11/99 11:49 AM http
  • includes CBI, Africatrade, WTO; China. --Premier Zhu Rongji's visit this week reminds us of the importance of our relationship. • Fiscal discipline means facing long-term challenges. The President's plan, articulated in his State of the Union Address, does
  • -that's a 20 percent increase -- but we still need to do more. Now, today I came here to say that in my balanced budget proposal to the Congress, which I will unveil at the State of the Union address, we will have nearly $1.3 billion, an increase of more
  • for Medicaid who's eligible for it. And, again, most of these children live in lower income working families.: They've been .rendered eligible by action of the federal government or by action of the state legislature in Tennessee and the other 49 states in 'our
  • something about our political system. (Laughter.) You want to know why my State of the Union address took so long -- (laughter) -- it's because I evenly divided the things that would make the Democrats clap and the Republicans clap. (Laughter.) And we
  • together." The fortunes of the Republican party stand in stark contrast to the state of the union. For most Americans, this is a remarkable moment in our history, an economic renaissance. Recent economic reports show that inthe first quarter of 1998, our
  • . There's still a lot to be done. A lot of these teachers we'll hire will have to hold class in trailers or hallways, or crowded or crumbling classrooms. I proposed in the State of the Union a targeted tax cut for school modernization that was fully paid
  • in virtually every state in the Union. We've finally got a big drop here in California, which because it didn't come back as quickly as the other states, it didn't have drops as soon. We can make this work., We can make this work. In the budget agreement, we
  • . As I said in my State of the Union Address, we should reserve every penny of the surplus until we· save Social Security for the century. You know, we waited 29 years for this-- to get out of the red ink. It looks to me like we could at least wait
  • 'opportunity for family · ·. ; ) farmers like the Bauers, for states like Minnesota, and, ·indeed, for every state in our union. ~· . ~.t. In less than two weeks, Congress is going to vote on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for America, and decide whether
  • and modern classrooms. We must do both. I regret that the present budget, reported out by the Majority in Congress, does not embody that kind of commitment to education in our future, does not embody the recommendations I made in the State of the Union
  • always helped define us as Americans, and guided our nation forward. Here in the White House we will continue to hold millennium events that showcase the enduring contributions to our lives and to our vision of the future. In his State of the Union
  • every state in the Union. We've finally got a big drop here in California, which because it didn't come back as quickly as the other states, it didn't have drops as soon. We can make this work. We can make this work. In the budget agreement, we got
  • and myself for the many kindnesses John Chafee extended to us and the many opportunities we had to work together. Prescription Drug Benefits Now, last January, in the State of the Union Address, I was able to give the American people a great report on our
  • brevity is the·best recommendation of a speech. 11 So I agree with that-- except when it comes to the State of the Union -- (laughter) -- and Cicero never had to give one of those, so I forgive him. Let me begin by saying that obviously this is the last
  • , saving family papers and photographs , encouraging children to interview their grandparents , volunteering in our communities -- all of these are measures of ourselves as citizens in a democracy . As the President said in h i s State of the Union address
  • because they happen to be poor or from different cultural backgrounds than the majority. That is not true. That is not true. (Applause.} Now, in '98, in the State of the Union address, I asked the American people to focus on the fact that we could
  • . Now, I know you heard me say in the State of the Union, and I've said it 100 times since, we shouldn't spend a penny of that surplus until we save Social Security first. {Applause.) I'm happy that there are both Republican and Democratic members
  • . In the State ofthe Union, I get a whole hour to talk about a single y~ar. ·Even then, I always nin long. Tonight, we are rising as a nation to the mountaintop of the millennium. Behind us we . . can see the great of the American experience. Before
  • union of these United States. Stresses Faith in America The pronoun.cement of the nation's gratitude, to Lincoln by President Harding, borne out to the crowds far beyond the ordinary reaches of human hearing and typifying in that the progress of America