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253 results

  • Beijing - The President's Interagency Council on Women
  • Special Session of the General Assembly for Beijing Plus Five: "Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21'1 Century. " CONTACT INFORMATION Theresa Loar, Director Lidia Soto-Harmon, Deputy Director The President's Interagency Council
  • the U.S. commitments announced at the Conference. The Council will also develop related initiatives to further women's progress and engage in outreach and public education to support the successful implementation of the Conference agreements. The President
  • (National Committee on Pay Equity & Chairperson of the Council of Presidents) Ann Delorey (Church Women United) Ann Zill (Women's Environment and Development Organization) Mim Kelber(Women's Environment and Development Organization) Martha Burk (Center
  • NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUB.IECTffiTLE DATE President's Interagency Council on Women [partial] (3 pages) 11/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Women's Initiative and Outreach OA/Box Number: 24083 FOLDER TITLE: Beij ing+5
  • Beijing Conference: The President's Interagency Council on Women
  • : Women's Init. & Outreach Series/Staff Member: Subscries: OA/ID Number: 24075 FolderiD: Folder Title: Beijing Conference: The President's Interagency Council on Women Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 51 3 7 3 .'•\ Ms. Maria
  • on Women. However, the efforts of these various offices and initiatives are not coordinated, nor even in consistent communication with each other. The one exception is the President's Interagency Council on Women which was established in October 1995
Beijing (Item)
  • ~rnitments announced at the Conference. The council will also develop related initiatives to further women's progress and engage in outreach and public education to support the successful implementation of the Conference agreements. The President said
  • Safe Motherhood - Early Childhood Development [Folder 2]
  • that women are at the center of the development process. As World Bank President James Wolfensohn put it as part of his remarks during the World Bank conference on Safe Motherhood this week: "If you educate a woman, you educate a woman and a family. If you
  • Council for Research 'on Women ! CUNY (365 Fifth·Avenue and 34th Street) Theresa Loar, Director of the President's Interagency Council on Women, will : participate. 9:30- 10:30 AM Women 2000 Economic Empowerment Forum U.S. Custom House (One Bowling Green
  • excellent grassroots methodologies with good banking and shown a businesslike insistence on financial sustainability. '' Jean-Fran~ois Rischard Vice President, Finance and Private Sector Development The World Bank AFRICA NORTH AMERICA Association
  • [WH Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning, April 17, 1997] [1]
  • :', First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: · Nicole Rabner: Early Childhood Development Conference Background OAIID Number: 14383 I FolderiD: I ' Folder Title: [WH CONFERENCE ON EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT
  • for Women's Initiatives and Outreach Secr~tary Donna Shala/a of Health and Human Services and Chair of the President's Interagency Council orr Women •••• Remarks by Beijing Delegates Geraldine Fe"aro -Delegation Vice Chair; U.S. Ambassador to- the U.N. Human
  • to use .. As we go on, some of you will naturally begin to identify. clusters of issues, and clusters of relevant agencies, We expect informal groupings will evolve among you for joint initiatives. · The President's Interagency Council on Women
  • The President's Interagency Council on Women was created by President Clinton, fulfilling one of the commitments of the US government. Its task is to translate the Beijing commitments into public policy at the federal level. The council is also engaged in outreach
  • as the Beijing conference ended, the President established the President's InterAgency Council on Women, which brings together representatives from each 2 federal agency to develop policies that support the advancement of women and girls in the United States
  • in the Caribbean. Monique Thiteux Altschul, Argentina: As a follow-up to the Vital Voices in Latin America, we developed a database which includes lOOO women in Argentina. We are very surprised to find out that 20 of the '1000 women would like to become President
  • in industrialized countries as well. · Increasingly, it is recognized that removal of gender based disparities is a prerequisite for sustainable development. The opportunities given to children today, especially girls, to reach their full potential, will help
  • . .SEP - 4 1996 JAN PIERCY U.S. Executive Director (202) 458-011 0 , August 9, 1996 Members of the U.S. Delegation to Beijing Members of the President's Interagency Council on Women Members of InterAction Dear Colleagues, I thought you would
  • sustainable development; 17. The explicit recognition and reaffirmation of the'right of all women to control all aspects of'their health, in particUlar their own fertility, is basic to their empowerment; 18. Local, national, regional and global peace
  • Engagement Campaign [re: Early Childhood Development]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: Early Childhood Deyelopment Conference.Background OAIID Number: · 14383 l ) FolderiD: Folder Title: ENGAGEMENT CAMPAIGN [RE: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT
  • communities to that invest in women and girls, such as alleviate poverty, develop local economic and educational opportunieconomies, expand the number of ties. By moving these issues to the top educated and healthy citizens, sustain .of the policy agenda
  • on women's issues in the US, was the inspiration behind the Vital Voices movement. Through the President's Inter-agency Council on Women, she has worked with women leaders from around the world to organise three previous Vital Voices Conferences. The fifth
  • The President's Interagency Council on Women July 27, 1999 OBJECTIVE To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the UN Foutth World Conference on Women by highlighting progress made in implementing the 1995 Platform for Action adopted in Beijing; and to begin
  • Beijing: Women - Gender Equality, Development and Peace 2000
  • or Emily Tynes, 2021326-8734 Cell phone: 202/438-9191. Email: [email protected] For regular schedule updates check President's Interagency Council on Women, the U~ S. government task force created to followup on Beijing
  • System Panelists Betty Friedan, Author Dorothy Height, National President, National Council ofNegro Women i0:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Strategy Session: Putting the Agenda Into Action Laura Liswood, Director, Women's Leadership Project Betsy Myers and Linda
  • and concisely·· •. ·. · .· reporting interagency .progress .on implementing the environmental . ' ·recommendations ·back to the President,.s Interagency Council o~ ~Women .. ( .i
  • Early Childhood Development Conference
  • April 8, 1997 PRESIDENT AND MRS. CLINTON TO HOST WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING Washington, DC --President and Mrs. Clinton will host the White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning: What
  • access to information about environmental pollutants and what ··can be done about them has been expanded by the U.S. Government. Support for research on ~he environment has been increased. The President has formed a Council on Sustainable Developmertt
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [4]
  • to President Clinton [partial] (1 page) 2/14/1997 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Nicole Rabner (Domestic Policy Council) ONBox Number: 15633 FOLDER TITLE: Early childhood Development Conference Background
  • The Brain: Early Childhood Development
  • on children don't have any clue about that basic inforr,nation nor what to do with it. As some of you may know, the President and I will host a conference at the White House later this month on early childhood development and learning. Our goal is to help
  • of women are necessary precursors to sustainable development, alleviating poverty, and stabilizing population growth as well as being aims in their own right. There are several key areas where · the 4WCW builds on agreements reached at the ICPD
  • Background The President's Interagency Council on Women was created by President Clinton, fulfilling one of the commitments of the US government. Its task is to translate the Beijing commitments into public policy at the federal level. The council is also
  • oppoti:uni.. · · alleviate poverty, develop local ecOnomies, e~d the number of . ties. By moving these issues to the top educated and healthy citizens, sustain of the policy agenda, the 4WCW can the environment, and strengthen make a difference in the quality
  • . • The President's Interagency Council on Women, chaired by the Secretary of State, leads the development and coordination of the USG's domestic and international policy on this issue. • The Council chairs an interagency working group that includes the Departments
  • a Federal statute l(a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information !(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors
  • Head Start: Early Childhood Development
  • . " Former President George Bush Development (CED) recommends that tne nation expand the Head "We know that the Hearl Stan program works. It allows Start program until every eligible disadvan1aged youth to stan elementary school on a level child has
  • • , The Council is working with the State Departme~t Special Repres~ntative on International Religious Freedom, Bob Seiple to develop n network with prominent Muslim activists and intellectuals as well as women's organizations and associations to better inform U.S
  • between women and will serve as a model for future conferences in other regions. Vital Voices of the Americas Conference Fall1998 (location TBD) • The Inter-American Development Bank, USAID, The President's Interagency Council on Women and U.S. and Latin
Beijing (Item)
  • Critical Areas of Concern America's Commitment lllri The United Nations ~ Women's Conference Women 2000 • Beijing Plus Five The Ptes:idenfs lntE>.rageft(:y Council on Wotnei\ Women 2000: Beijing p'Jus Five 12 Critical Areas of Concern Poverty Develop
  • , Inc.; Vice Chair, President's Export Council Lynn Curler, Senior Vice President, The Kamber Group / Felice D. Gaer, Direccor, Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights of the American Jewish Committee Adrienne Germain, Vice
  • to improve the lives of women and girls in a wide range of areas; At the. June 2000 meeting, as chair of the President's interagency Council on Wome·n, now-Se~r'etary of State Albright will outline significant progress in six of the severt areas
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [3]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [3] ·I Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • that "the women's movement in this country has raised questions about the role of World Bank, IMF and other international organizations in development.... The Western organizations are busy with those issues which can only undermine our society and nation." In Latin
  • statute J(a)(J) of the PRAJ Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S
  • leadership, her courage, and most of all, her friendship. And I am delighted that she has agreed to serve as the new chair for the President's Interagency Council on Women. ( We all know that there _are countless responsibilities facing our new Secretary
  • 10 1 ,. 04/1"6/99 FRI 13:28 FAX 202 647 5337 PICW ~001 rlrvl~ v~~~ The President's Interagency Council on Women First Lady Hillary Hodham Clinlon Hont~rary Chair TO: • Secretary()[ State Madeleine K. 1\lbrighL Chair • Secretary of Heallh
  • Background - Early Childhood Development [2]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: First Lady's Press Office Subseries: Lissa Muscatine: Subject Files . OA/ID Number: 20080 FolderiD: Folder Title: BACKGROUND -EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT [2] Stack: Row: Section: ·shelf: Position: s
  • of infonnation. Governments, international institutions and NGOs - all of us must join forces to fight this scourge. On a wider front and in order to attain this objective, detennined efforts to achieve equitable, sustainable economic development, peace
  • ECDC [Early Childhood Development Conference] Final Report
  • , and in the process they are illuminating early brain development-a phenomenon of such elegance, complexity, and precision that it surely ranks as one of the wqrld ~ s great wonders. Today, President Clintpn is making researchers''fmdingS usable and practical for all
  • above Govt see above Govt see above Govt see· above Govt see above Govt see. above President of the Council for Equality of Opportunity L. Vreven Cabinet, Ministry of .Foreign Affairs Reginald.Moreel~· Secretary of State for Development Aid
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAJ b(l) National security classified information ((b)(l) of the FOIAJ b(2) Release would
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [5]
  • to President Clinton [partial] (1 page) 2/12/1997 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Nicole Rabner (Domestic Policy Council) OA/Box Number: 15633 FOLDER TITLE: Early Childhood Development Conference Background [loose
  • statute [(a)(J) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S
  • and Publishing Director, Ladies' Home Journal Elizabeth J. Coleman, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO, Maidenform, Inc.: Vice Chair, President's Export Council Lynn Cutler, Senior Vice President, The Kamber Group Felice D. Gaer, Director, Jacob Blausteen
  • Refugee Office are all aw~ that the President's InleJ."agCD~;y Council is working to brir1g this issne to the altention of the public and that you serve as the honorary Chair of the l.ntcragency Council. We were mo~t pleased that it was established
  • in Sustainable Development Florence, Italy - October 4-7; 1999 . . , . I Thematic Working Group 4- Culture and National Millennium Commissions . Fortezza da Basso : Palazzina Lorenese Bronzino Room October 6, 1999 '' Culture and the N ational.Millennium
  • of the President's Interagencx Council on Women, will participate. ' Page 2 9:30- 10:30 AM Women 2000 Economic Empowerment Forum U.S. Custom House (One Bowling Green- near Battery Par~), State Streetentrance Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers will give remarks. 10
  • disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute
  • Ambassador Madeleine Albright announced seven commitments to advance the lives of women and girls by the US government in a wide range of areas. At the June 2000 meeting, as chair of the President's interagency Council on Women, now-Secretary of State
  • , Law & Development and the Women's Human Rights Award 1996 Recipients Asma M. Abdel Halim Researcher Khartoum, Sudan (Currently in US) Nancy Duff Campbell Co-President, National Womens Law Center Washington, DC 5454 Wisconsin Avenue, Chevy Chase
  • the world. Little wonder that the Summit's major agenda items are: Enhancing social integration; alleviating poverty and expanding productive employment. The theme of sustainable development that .is key to the summit's concern is more than a global issue
  • Service Corps of Retired Exe.c:utive volunteers and approximately 1,000 small bus~­ ness development c:entetloeations? • assumed a leadership role in the President's . Welfare-to·Work Initiative by encouraging entrepreneurship and linking small businesses
Vital Voices (Item)
  • and disintegrating social networks in developing countries, Central Europe, and the former Soviet Union. North America is a growing destination point for trafficking victims. U.S. Government Response The President's Interagency Council on Women established a senior
  • and other U~N. officials of'-piNoo.•- public Interest NGOshave noted, the involvement ofNGOs in is es.sential to their credibility. making decisions on the environment. Even governments, eager for the cachet sustainable development. human rights ot greater
  • but of citizens around the world regardless of gender. I thank her for her leadership, her courage, and most of all, her friendship. And I am delighted that she has agreed to serve as the new chair for the President's Interagency Council on Women. We all know
  • ~Ghali and other U.N. officials o('"PJNCO.•- public lntere4tt NGOs ~ have noted, the involvement ofNGOa in ia essential to their credibility. making decisions on the environment, Even governments, eager for the cachet sustainable development. human rights
  • ) P3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA)· PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
  • to sustainable development world wide. These funders ?' have found that given the tools of opportunity -- access to credit, political participation and legal rights -- women make good decisions about their lives (they don't need to be told how many children
  • violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAr PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • . Tel: (202) 833-8990, fax: (202) 833-8988, E-Mail: usnsa-oea({ Americals Commitment The United Nations Women Is Conference· Women 2000 • Beijing Plus Five The President's Interagency Council on Women February 17, 2000 Agenda 2:00PM-3
  • · of Catholics suppo:rt contraceptive family planning. They recognize that global access to 'contraception and ' the empowerment of wmyen are central ingredients in achieving sustainable development ap.d J:noderating population growth in our world. · As 'the. ad
  • of the history of Ukraine, and -with great flair. with saxophcne solos. It the. cultural and religious developments was pure delight! . ;;;[ !\ . thlll the guides were telling him abo.ut I · I.was witfl'the president afterWards, think that says a lot tOO
  • the Participation of Women in Political and Economic Decision-Making: • Please move Vital Voices so that it appears first under this category. . I 06/15/99 TUE 10:35 FAX 202 647 5337 _,_,_, Ann Lewis PICW ~001 The President's Interagency Council on Women
  • hope to become." Hillary Rodham Clinton ·~·· - WHITE HOUSE MILLENNIUM COUNCIL Honor the P~JSt-Imagine the Future WHITE HOUSE MILLENNIUM COUNCIL The President and Mrs. Clinton created the White House Millennium Council in 1997 to give every
  • a range of actions and established the President's Council as the coordinating body for domestic and international policy; and 3) It adopted a three-part strategy consisting of: 0 prevention, 0 prosecm;jon and enforcement against traffickers, and 0
  • [Binder] Early Childhood Development - Make Universal Newborn Hearing Screening the Standard of Care
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Shirley Sagawa Subseries: Education Binders OA/ID Number: 24262 FolderiD: Folder Title: . ' [Binder] Early Childhood Development- Make Universal Newborn Hearing Screening the Standard of Care ' I
Vital Voices (Item)
  • is to launch a dialogue among women on sustainable development in Southeast Europe and to promote . the role.of NGOs in civil society~ Your speech is the central event of the conference. Developing and strengthening civil society and the i~stitutions~ including
  • Background - Early Childhood Development [1]
  • is the current Preside~t of the Carnegie Foundation, he's a psycholgist [?],he startJd his career at the National InstitUte of Child Health and Development. .He has seryed on . . the fdculties •of premier universities in ournation. He has been a leader
  • violate a Federal statute ](a)(3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ](a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • Association (YWCA), the National Council of Black Women, the National Federation of Business and Professional Women, and, more recently, the National Organization for Women, have served as training grounds for women in politics, leadership development
  • by governments and international organization in n,chieving the goals of the U.N. Decade for Women, 1976-85 during the first 5 ·years of that decade and to develop plo.ns iUll strategies for improving the situation of women worldwide durin1 the remainder
  • Association (YWCA), the National Council of Black Women, the National Federation of Business and Professional Women, and, more recently, the National Organization for Women, have served as training grounds for women in politics, leadership development
  • 10/14/2014Early Childhood Development #1: Early Childhood Development [5]
  • to review, later. . . v Dr. David Hamburg is the current President of the Carnegie Foundation, he's a psycholgist [?],he started his career at the National Institute of Child Health and Development. He has served on the faculties ofpremier universities
  • 10/14/2014Early Childhood Development #2: Early Childhood Development [1]
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Early Childhood Development Issue Binders OA/ID Number: 19012 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT #2: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT [1] Stack: Row
  • of Russia Ekaterina F. Lakhova. Deputy of the State Duma. Leader of the Movement "Women of Russia" ·Elena Potapova. Deputy Mayor of Vladimir. Department of Prospective Development and Foreign Affairs, Vladimir City Council · i The economic and political
  • congratulated him on the agreement -- President Kuchma on the agreement between the United States (Ukraine) and NATO. Secondly, I reaffirmed our determination, which I ' was stated again at Denver, . to help Ukraine deal with the closure of Chernobyl and develop
  • to the Conference's co-sponsor, the Inter~Ainericari Development Bank.:.._ and its president, Enrique Iglesias [Ih-GLAY-see-us]. He has done so much to place the women of this hemisphere at the very center of the bank's development policies-- and I've had the pleasure
  • to Washington, Fannie Cheung, Chairperson of the EEOC in Hong Kong, came in to discuss initiatives to improve the status of women in China. She was interested in the President's Interagency Council on Women as a model for a central government mechanism in China
Vital Voices (Item)
  • 49 Ballsmill Road Nl Assembly UUP Lower North Belfast Community Council Womens Resource and Development Agency Womens Tee SIPTU 6o?- .,.;·. . .! Campbell Campbell· Canning Cannon ~rlin (~ Carlin Carr Carragher Carruthers Carruthers Carson
  • levels of decision making, integrating gender concerns and perspectives in sustainable development policies, is emphasized. The Platform acknowledges that women have often played leadership roles in promoting an environmental ethic and points out
  • . In addition, the President designated the_Ambassador to the United Nations, and the director of the Environmental Protection Agency and chair of the Council of Economic Advisors to his cabinet -- all women. During the first year of the Clinton administration
  • White House Conference on Early Childhood Development [2]
  • message, one supported in great detail by a report being issued today by the President's Council of Economic Advisors. If we, as a nation, commit ourselves now to modest investments in the sound development of our children, including especially our very
  • ." Pending devolution the British Government .has committed Itself to pursuing policies for "sustained economic growth and stability In . N. Ireland and for promoting soclallnduslon, Including In particular community development and the advancementofwomen
  • ) of the PRAJ PJ Release would violate a Federal statute ((a)(J) of the PRA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information J(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President
  • . The original colors again decorated the facade; five rooms, restrooms, and the main entrance were ready for visitors. At a ceremony celebrating the first phase of the restoration, President Calder?n Sol said: "The National Palace is linked to the development
  • FAX (+43-1) 31339-2168 OR2908 . ~~ MESSAGE FROM MADELEINE K. ALBRIGHT SECRETARY OF STATE USA The work that you are doing is crucial to the development of strong, sustainable democracies in Central and Eastern Europe. You meet as Europe
  • fax Centre of Information on the Council of Europe in Ukraine Olexandr Mykolayovych Pavlychenko, Director Kiev, 3 Kostyolna Str. Cid [email protected] 228-7979 United Nations Mission in Ukraine Pedro Pablo Villanueva, UN President Coordinator
  • access to the Internet Websites for each organisation Linking centres together in a common network Strategic Planning for long-term sustainability Projects in Progress: o Ford Motor Company (US) and Focus HOPE (US): A community development corporation
  • convinced that today's friend could be tomorrow's client. A lesson leamed from the old boy network. Mary Yerrick is President ofPfimetime Solutions, Inc., a marketing communications and business development firm in Bethesda, Maryland. She can be reached
Vital Voices (Item)
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRAJ C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed
  • or nation's population, sustainable development and the environment, in short the whole socioeconomic development process. The US wants to come out of Beijing with a world commitment to primary education for girls and a commitment to invest in education
  • with the weapons of equality and justice the right for women to develop all her skills and draw from the history of nations the part pertaining to human beings gifted \\itb heart and thought Ofelia Machado Bonet~ President of National Women's Cotm.cil Professor
  • Vital Voices in Belfast 9/2/1998: President's Interagency Council on Women
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Speechwriting Subseries: Laura Schiller: Events, Awards, Lectures 9/98 OA/ID Number: 24628 FolderiD: Folder Title: Vital Voices in ~elfast 9/2/1998: President's Interagency Council on Women Stack: Row
  • be offset by the need for fewer prisons and drug treatment centres. · Mrs. Clinton, who along with President Clinton Thursday hosts a White · House conference on early childhood development, promoted broad-based efforts to aid infants and youngsters
  • of Women Voters, have conducted seminars on topics such as sexual harassment, domestic violence, and legislative regulation of women's ngfirs. 141002 07/01/97 Tlm 17:39 FAX. 2026475337 PIACW . ~.001 ' .The President's Interagency Council on Women
  • and healthy citizens, sustain make a difference in the quality of life the environment, and strengthen for women and families around the families. Educating girls and women is world. The 4WCW will adopt a one of the best development decisions romprehensive
  • development and sustainability of Russia's many new NGOs. The program will be implemented by Russian and American' NGO partners and experts under the leadership of World Learning, a U,.s. NGO with over five years' experience · implementing NGO programs
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [12]
  • Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subset:ies: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [12] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s
  • , especially Brian Atwood, Margaret Lycette, Susie Clay and the entire U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). All over the world, I have seen the fruits of the Girls and Women's Education Initiative and your other efforts to put a quality education
  • by several of the candidates: The President's failure to develop strategies in advance to avert the crisis, or minimize its impact, now leaves few available policy options. On Afghanistan, substance contradicts tone. The rhetoric of the candidates is often
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [13]
  • Reading Council extends sincere gratitude and appreciation for your support. v . Sincerely, .,., ( c_~fr
  • Development Summit proceeded yesterday 1n an · atmosphere of 'sustainable confusion'.... Hillary Clinton's speech was characterized by a strong, involved tone.... Hillary did not utter a single word about her health plan, rejected by-the U.S. Congress
  • of the. President's economic initiatives. .. Micro-enterprise development. Special Advisor Lyons is working with leaders of 'the Northern Ireland business/banking, community and government sectors to establish a self-sustainable private financial vehicle
  • Embassy/Skopje ·-~·-·· No -H < • W¥ -- The F.Y.R. of Serufimovske Ivana President of the Youth Council of Macedonia The F.'I'.R. Teuta Arifi Lecturer Unlver<y St. Cyrllius and Methadius No VasilevaMarlr:.ovska Verica Hadzi Director
  • the the March 30th event a success. Lidia Soto-Harmon Deputy Director President's Interagency Council on Women 1 -'. BEIJING + 5 HOST COMMITTEE Dear Friends . The Beijing + 5 Host Committee, an· ad hoc group of diverse NGOs and !ndividuals who support
  • of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) was signed by President Jimmy Carter and submitted to the Senate in 1978. At that time, however, only a fairly superficial analysis of the Treaty was conducted and no effort was made to "develop precise
  • -president of the Forum of African Voluntary Development Organizations, and board member of PACT and the Earth Council. In 1996 ChiefBisi was awarded the. Africa Prize for.Lead~rship by the Hunger Project . Chair asks Chief Bisi Oguleye to make het
  • of flexible personnel programs to help employees balance work and family needs. In 1985, Congress permanently authorized the use of flexible and compressed work schedules; in 1990, the President's Council on Management Improvement initiated a Government-wide
  • Brain Awareness Week, March 17-23, 1997 (Early Childhood Development)
  • Records First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member:· Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: 1997 Childcare Conference OAJID Number: 15631 FolderiD: Folder Title: BRAIN AWARENESS WEEK, MARCH 17-23, 1997 (EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT) : I
  • Early Childhood Development: OJJDP Briefs/Newsletters
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office . Series/Staff Member: Shirley Sagawa Subseries: Misc. Subject Files OAIID Number: 17349 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT:'-- OJJDP BRIEFS/NEWSLETTERS Stack: Section: Shelf: Position: s \ Row
  • "that women's equality is a prerequisite for development.'.' · ' But he also reported that the gap between the salaries of men and women is widening, that women continue to be denied inheritance rights, that violence against women is increasing despite
  • and promote remedial action. Women the world over are prepared to be full partners in sustainable development, but they need access to education and health care; they·need access to credit; and they need equality under the law. Releasing the productive
  • for legislating violence against women Leader: Patricia Olamendi and Ruth Bowe-Darville Notetaker: Thomas Olson Action Plan: General legislation throughout Latin America and Caribbean area against violence, develop mechanisms for the implementation of laws, access
Beijing Clips (Item)
  • .~ eignt.:~~-: ~: ~ ~ \~iol!., ·NaY3i!0-:Y:aus;~(t~ ~-::: :·: .:;.. ~~J;,mlJil~Y.'\ ~ .. co,qr~jiJtg .··~:,Pal~~-.v.(ho,.,~,president of ~. _' .;- -·. ~.: -~~g:~p~, ~ ~s_ident 6f ·-.:. ~ _·..~~~~ -J0~$·. Navarro-·,.·l · . :-~er;>~,srud, the Y,atieaJt's
  • financial institutions dedicated to community development through financial support, technical assistance and training to micro-lenders. It will also identify and di~seminate information on best-practice microenterprise assistance. President Clinton has
  • from Northern Ireland and others from the United States, Europe and the Republic of Ireland.. It \\·ill inct'ude a big event in d1e Waterfront Hall, together with working groups on different issues. Tbemes- Bridge Building:. To build sustainable
  • at different junctures in our development stages. 41 lf we each don't t;lave to recreate the wht!eJ, we gather momentum just t)y picking up information along the way.•• Copyright 0 1999 CNN America, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVeD: bttp://
  • AGAINST DELIVERY \ ' ' 2 namely, that "Human beings are at the centre of the concern for sustainable development". Today, more than ever our task is to move from aspiration to action. We must see that what has been affirmed at the universal level_
  • Position: 59 7 5 3 06/19/97 'J'HU 13:5.Developing Nations- AFL-CIO Approaches and Programs Women are a motive force in the process of economic globalization. The women that are overwhelmingly involved
  • they make -- and that will be true at this conference as well. I know you will help us move from words to deeds, from rhetoric to action. The President established an Interagency Women's Council to ensure that we bring the lessons from here home. Look
  • Early Childhood Development [Folder 1]
  • : into sustainable businesses. . ' Microenterprise development organizations across the country say that training and education are the most basic and important needs for microentrepreneurs. Skills in recordkeeping, marketing, financial management and computers
  • Early Childhood Development #1: Early Childhood Development [3]
  • will become more importan~. •.· . ·. ' ; You and the Vice President had a successful meeting with media leaders in February . which resulted in the industry's .agreement to develop a ratings system that will be . compatible with the v-chip
  • Early Childhood Development Studies
  • Presidential Records First Lady's Office Domestic Policy Council (Nicole Rabner: Policy Development) OA/Box Number: 15416 FOLDER TITLE: Early Childhood Development StUdies 2006-0 198-F wr725 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44,U.S.C. 2204
  • by United States universities and industries who visit. The office reports from China on science and technology activities, China's strategies to achieve sustainable development and protect biodiversity, China's strategies to meet goals established
  • .· For the IRA, the growing arsenal pos~d a logistical problem in . Ireland, where it is illegal to own even a pistol, much less a surface-to-air missile. And so the IRA developed methods of hiding its weapons. Most of the caches were. set up in the republic
  • FROM: PAGE:01 ·The President's Int ragency Council .on Women Telephone (2·02)4 6-7350 • Fax (202)456-7357 Date;~~ AY1 I lJleA ?toLl}k "Df=--~-----:1-~_........______ To: From~SfA I . I· ·Fax Number: _ _ __ ' Number of Pages (Including Cover
  • w.ould violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) ofthe PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets ~r confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between, the President and his advisors
  • tbey shared two cookeiS ~md·l\Yo h:illel.s for a rent of £27 per week! Although tbe Dungannon Urban DisLricl Council had built at least 194 houses since tbl! Second World War, allocaticms comistently went to newly mllrried proleStanL oouples !llld in 58
  • Remarks by Secretary Albright 11:45 AM No-host lunch, Diplomatic Dining Room, 8th Floor .·1 The President's Interagency Council on \Nomen January 1999 The First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Honorary Chair Secretary of State, Madeleine K Albright
  • Beijing +5 [binder]: The President's Interagency Council on Women
  • : Women's Init. & Outreach Series/Staff Member: Subseries: OA/ID Number: . 24083 FolderiD: Folder Title: Beijing+ 5 [Binder]: The President's Interagency Council on Women Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 51 3 10 2 ·- The President's
  • with NGO's in these efforts. · . • There is some discussion of having an interactive video-satellite which will enable NGO representatives to participate without traveling all over the world. e The President's Interagency Council on Women was created
  • ~~~~-' . .. . ···.·- ,~-~-""·"~'~"-•"••-••-·--~--~---''"---·•~•=•·•· ··••c•.d.J2~ MAY-16 96 11:38 FROM: TO: 2024567357 PAGE:02 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON JlaJ' 7, 1'9' XEKORAJIDUII J'OR I 8BCRBTUY OOJOIA. SJI.JU.AU J'ROJ11 Baro14 Xokea@ I I have reviewed the ou~line for the President's Interagency council
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [17]
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [17] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • Safe Motherhood - Early Childhood Development [Folder 1]
  • The goal: to reduce the number of deaths of childbirth and other pregnancy-related causes in a sustainable manner. .,..... Helping People Help Themselves Toward Self-Sufficiency FIGO efforts focused on regions within eight developing countries with high
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [11]
  • . letter R. Culver to President Clinton [partial] (1 page) 2/8/1997 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Nicole Rabner (Domestic Policy Council) OA/Box Number: 15633 FOLDER TITLE: Early Childhood Development Conference
  • benefit women and thus contribute to sustainable development. They are also encouraged to increase the number of women in high-level positions, increase staff training in gender analysis and institute policies and guidelines to ensure full consideration
  • are 'critical to their well-being and that of their families as well _as to the cqnsolidation of de~cracy; 16. Eradication of poverty based on sustained economic growth, social development, environmental protection and social justice requires the involvement
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [10]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: · Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [10] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [6]
  • Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabnt;r OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [6] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: ·S
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [9]
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [9] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • I Am Your Child: The First Years Last Forever, 4/16/97 (Early Childhood Development)
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council · Nicole Rabner: 1997 Childcare Conference Subseries: OAIID Number: 15631 FolderiD: Folder Title: I AM YOUR CHILD: THE FIRST YEARS LAST FpREVER, 4/16/97 (EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT
  • [WH Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning, April 17, 1997] [2]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: Early Childhood Development Conference Background OAIID Number: 14383 FolderiD: Folder Title: . . · [WH CONFERENCE ON EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT
  • 10/14/2014Early Childhood Development #1: Early Childhood Development [4]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Early Childhood Development Issue Binders OA/ID Number: 19012 FolderiD: . . 'Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT #1: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT [4] Stack: Row
  • Early Childhood Development: Early Childhood Development
  • . It was this convergence of research and its impact on daily life that made hosting the White house Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning, along with the President, such an exciting opportunity. We were able to show, what this gathering knows so well
  • ." • The President's Interagency Council on Women is charged with coordinating the implementation of the Platform for Action adopted at Beijing, inclt1ding the U.S. commitments announced there. It also develops related initiatives to further women's progress
  • of travel L./ .41! Ol v 09/27/99 MON.14:25 FAX 202 647 5337 141001 PICW The President's Interagency Council on Women First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton Honorary Chair • Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright · • Chair Secretary of Health
  • pay has here Wednesday by leaders of the Council of dropped precipitously. The only women who get the Presidents, which is made up of heads of 80 major same compensation as men are either top progressive women's organizations and think tanks
Beijing +5 (Item)
  • the meetings have been getting in regional and local papers. There is going to be an event unveiling U.S. Commitments on March 22, 2000-sponsored by the President's Interagency Council on Women. Ann Lewis conducted a briefing with the Women's Caucus. She also
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [8]
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [8] . Stack: s Row: Section
  • on violence against women. 4 ~009 · 02/11/00 FRI 15:43 FAX 202 647 5337 .PICW lgj010 India Anita Gupta Ms. Anita Gupta is Vice President arJ.d Director of Corporate Affairs for Citibank N.A., India. She has been responsible for developing
  • 10/14/2014Early Childhood Development #2: Early Childhood Development [5]
  • , President, U.S. National Council of ·Jewish Women,· makes welcoming remarks .and ··introduces Avima. Lombard,. Founder . .and Diiector, HIPPY International . .' . - -~ .. . Avima Lombard makes· remarks.· and introduces Mrs. Netanyahu. ·.· Mrs. Netanyahu
  • session coordinated by the President's Interagency Council on Women 9:00- 12:00 p.m. I Training Session: Strategic Planning for Mahng aDifference Politics hosted by The National Democratic ~stitute for International·. Development (NDI) Trainer: Janelle
  • Early Childhood Development
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Shirley Sagawa Subseries: . Education and Youth 23242 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: · Early Childhood Development Stack: s Row: Section: Shelf: Position: · 4 9 1 I ... J
  • , it will be the countless girls and women who are victims who will lose. We must not let them down. Sincerely, Melanne Verveer Chief of Staff to the First Lady r~vn u.s. THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE Senior Coordinator for Women's Issues & The President's Interagency Council
  • ) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRAJ C. Closed
  • moved beyond the president's impeachment and to showcase their unity at a time when majority Republicans are laboring to develop tax and · spending plans as part of their budget. According to an outline made available in advance, the elements
  • Bureau Fourth World Conference on Women Beijing, Chino · 4-15 September 1995 FACT SHEET, SEPTEMBER 1 993 What: The Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace Where: Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [2]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: . ' . EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE B:ACKGROUND [Loose Material] [2] ~ Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • HRC Drafts and Transcripts April 1997: 4-17 WH Conference on Early Childhood Development
  • supported in ·great detail by a report being issued today by the President's Council of Economic Advisors. Ifwe, as a: nation, commit ourselves now to. modest investments in the sound development of our children, including especially our very youngest
  • Press Info/Releases - Early Childhood Development
  • - -- . - - _- -_ -. - - - - - - .- . __ - -- _-. - -· -. - -_ -- - _. __-- "i - -.- _· . _·. . . - .· . . . .-. Today, the President and First Lady an~ hosting The White Bouse Olnference on Early Childhood. · · Development 4nd Learning: What Nmv Research on the Brain. Tells Us About Our· Youngest
  • in tenns of sustainability over the long term. The United Nations Confm-cnce on Environment and Development identified women as key actors in the managcm!Jnt and protection of natural resources, particularly in rural areas. 7. There has been renewed
  • of University Women. Abigail Havens, Assistant to l\Is. Weddington. Dorothy Height, President, National Council of Negro ·women. Barbara Herz, Senior Adviser for Humnu Hesources, lutcrnntional Development Cooperation Agency. Ruth J. Hinerfeld, President, League
  • Avance: Family Support and Education Programs, 1993 (Early Childhood Development)
  • DEVELOPMENT) Stack: s Row: Section: 1. Shelf: Position: 11 3 CE 301 South Frio San Antonio, Texas 78207 CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY UNIT: OVERVIEW IN PARENTING Family Support & Education Programs Gloria G. Rodriguez, Ph.D. President and CEO 301
  • Interagency Council on Women First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton Honorary Chalr. • Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright Chair • Secretary :or Health and Human Services Donna Shalala, Immediate: Past ChaJr DATE: t/,u1 /i ~idfaiet/ 7f-- dna k_o, l:T
  • , and Municipal Affairs Commit..: jaroslava Moserova tee in 1972 and 1973. She also served Dr. Moserova is Vice President of the on the Legislative Council, on the ProCzech Senate and serves as the President bate Code Commission, and on the Ariof the Czech UNESCO
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [14]
  • Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Ra_bner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE
  • , antitrafficking initiatives as well as by regiohal cooperation. ~ The directive grant to the President's Interagency Council on Women, chaired by the Secretary of State,. the lead development and coordination of the USG's domestic arid international policy
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [16]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [16] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
Beijing List (Item)
  • . Mary A. Grefe, President, American Association of University Women. Abigail Havens, Assistant to Ms. Weddington. Dorothy Height, President, National Council of Negro Women. Barbara Herz, Senior Ad1·iser for Humau Hesources, International Development
  • Saga Hotel Music: Chris Poole, flute 13:00 Vital Voices Round Table, hosted by Melanne Verveer, Chief of Staff to the First Lady of the United States of America and Theresa Loar, Director of the President's Interagency Council for Women, U.S.A
  • the Government of Iceland in co-operation with the Government of the. United States and the Nordic Council of Ministers will host a conference on Women and Democracy in Reykjavik. First Lady ofthe United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton will address the conference
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [1]
  • First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic ·Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OAIID Number: 15633 . I FolderiD: Folder Title: .EARLYCHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material) [1) Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [7]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OA/ID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [7] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position
  • Achievement: Early Childhood Development
  • /Office of Origini First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Speechwriting Subseries: Noa Meyer: Misc. Subject Files ' OAIID Number: · 17213 FolderiD: Folder Title: ACHIEVEMENT: --EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • Smart Start, 1996 (Early Childhood Development)
  • Subgroup/Office of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: 1997 Childcare Conference 15631 . OAIID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: SMART START, 1996 (EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT) Stack
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA( P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRA( C. Closed in accordance
  • Early Childhood Development #1: Early Childhood Development [1]
  • , Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the First Lady Box 6: Issue Binders Archived from OEOB 100 by Tania Sbapiro~Barr on Dec. 8, 2000 Early Childhood Development # 1 - Early Childhood Development Early Childhood Development #2 - Early Childhood
  • Avance: Family Support and Education Programs, 1997 (Early Childhood Development)
  • maintains its headquarters in San Antonio, Texas. Information mcy be requested from: Gloria G. Rodriguez, Ph.D. President/CEO Carmen P. Cortez, M.A. Vice President of Program Services and Development For information regarding services and publications
Beijing (Item)
  • of Hong Kong public agencies and senior civil servants of Macao government, three times a year, 20 participants each time. The position of the President of NSA is held concurrently by the leader of the State Council (the first President was State Councilor
  • ·with the President in observation of International Women's Day, and we wanted: to preview that event with you· here now and have a discussion with you-- something that we'll not have an opportunity to do this afternoon. And, as you know, I'm very honored to have
  • and President of the Ghana Manufacturers Association. She is the chair of the Sustainable End of Hunger 1 Foundation and on the board of the International Federation of Business Women. Noeleen Heyzer is the Director of Unifein, a post she has held
  • prostitution" rather than simply "prostitution," thus placing women in the position of having to prove whether their prostitution was coerced or not. The administration's position in Vienna this year was spearheaded by the President's Interagency Council
  • 10/14/2014Early Childhood Development #2: Early Childhood Development [2]
  • of Origin.: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Early Childhood Development Issue Binders OA/ID Number: 19012 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT #2: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT [2] Stack: Row
  • Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters [HIPPY], 1993 (Early Childhood Development)
  • Families and Work Institute President HIPPY USA Board of Trustees· SusanBredekamp Director of Professional Development National Association for the Education of Young Children Jeanne Brooks-Gunn Virginia & Leonard Marx Professor Teachers College Columbia
  • at the United Nations to develop a Convention on organized crime. President Clinton and Prime Minister Prodi agreed that these joint actions would form an important element of our future bilateral law enforcement and political cooperation. # # # Message Sent
  • Press Clips - Early Childhood Development
  • Paul Park, Minn., says she read to her child, Jessica, even before Jessica was born. .. I was told that even To help parents understand children's reading progress, the Council for Educational Develop-· ment and Research (CEDAR) has outlined
  • Early Childhood Development Conference Background [Loose Material] [15]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner OAIID Number: 15633 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND [Loose Material] [15] Stack:· Row: Section: Shelf: s 60
  • 10/14/2014Early Childhood Development #2: Early Childhood Development [3]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Early Childhood Development Issue Binders OA/ID Number: 19012 FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT #2: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT [3] Stack: Row: Section
  • York; and Afaf Mahfouz, CONGO President Louise Frechette, U.N. Deputy SecretaryGeneral Angela King, U.N. Assistant Secretary-General, Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women Rose Odera, Chairperson of the Preparatory Committee New
  • .. ., . •'· :.; ... . L,.5-7~ ; . ! ·. ·. •. . . -··. '' ~ , ..• " I ~ ....... THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION Office at the United Nations · Anglican Consultative Council President: The Archbishop or Cantertlury Chairman: The Revd Canon Colin Craston Anglican Observer
  • abuses. As a first step, it is important to be clear on the definition of trafficking in women, as the characterization of the issue will determine the strategies to combat the problem and protect the victims. The President's Interagency Council on Women
  • on the definition of trafficking in women, as the characterization of the issue will determine the strategies to combat the problem and protect the victims. The President's lnter~gency Council on Women, chaired by the Secretary of State, leadsthe.
  • , OR THE MEDIA, ON AUSTRALIA'S INITIATIVES IN ~MPROVING THE P~SITION OF WOMEN DOMESTICALLY AND I.NTERNAT~ONALLY. ) . The President's 'Interagency Council on \Vomen Telephone (202)456-7350 • Fax (202)456-7357 , / ) . · 11 " f._ . . . _.. /J .._, ..t
  • 10/14/2014Early Childhood Development #2: Early Childhood Development [4]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Early Childhood Development Issue Binders OA/ID Number: 19012 FolderiD: .. Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT #2: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT [4] Stack: Row: Section
  • and girls is as important to the prosperity of nations as investing in the development of open markets and trade. The health of women and girls cannot and must not be divorced from progress on other economic and social issues. Scientists, doctors, nurses
  • statute ((a)(3) of the PRAJ P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors Ja)(S
  • , the InterAmerican Development Bank. Now we have heard from the President, who is our great friend. Who I believe said again today how committed the bank is to all these projects. I have had the great honor of working with the bank and I've seen how hard he has
  • Height, President, National Council of Negro Women. ; · Barbara Herz, Senior Ad1·iser for Humau Hesources, Intcrnatimial De1·eiopment . Cooperation Agency. l· · Ruth J. Hinerfeld, President, League.of Women Voters. ; · Arthur H. Hughes; Counselor
  • to thank my friend and your president, Father O'Donovan, for his introduction, for his leadership, for his many contributions. Not only here to this university but to the much broader American community as well. I am delighted to be here with others, from
  • , the President will start off the discussion here, and with those of you on the Internet, moderated by our White House Millennium Council Director, Ellen Lovell. Now, let us look at the first theme, "Women as Volunteers and Reformers." (Applause.) (A video
  • Early Childhood Development [Folder 2]
  • Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: First Lady's Press Office Subseries: Lissa Muscatine: Subject Files OA/ID Number: · 20080 . FolderiD: Folder Title: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT [Folder 2] · Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 59 2 9
  • that the seeds of peace, cmce planted, can grow. I was pleased to learn that the first reception the Ministers held together was at Stormont in honor of the women delegates from this conference. And to Lord Mayor, the Belfast City Council and the entire city
  • support, witbin QCilllltrics •nd [ b~tweeu counttica. The United State& govcrall1Cnt. 1arsely tbrougll tbD Aprtt for IDternatioaal Development, will c:Ontinue. to support a broad :range of programs tbat prcwide graats, traiuin& and techntcal asslstanca
  • . as As a first step, it is important to be clear on the definition of trafficking in women, as the characterization of the issue will determine the strategies to combat the· problem and protect the victims. The President's h1lerqgency Council on Women, chaired
  • ((a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of the PRAJ C
  • informati.on l(a)(4) of the PRAl PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAI
  • [Book - Zero to Three: National Center for Clinical Infant Programs] (Early Childhood Development)
  • : . First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: . Nicole Rabner: 1'997 Childcare Conference OAIID Number: 15631 FolderiD: Folder Title: . . 1 • . [BOOK- ZERO TO THREE: NATIONAL CENTER FOR CLINICAL INFANT PROGRAMS
  • [The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives] (Early Childhood Development)
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: 1997 Childcare C~nference OAIID Number: 15631 \ FolderiD: ~': Folder Title: [The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (Early Childhood Development
  • Book: The 10 Greatest Gifts I Give My Children; by: Steven Vannoy (Early Childhood Development)
  • , First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner:. 1997 Childcare Conference ·. OA/ID Number: 15631 FolderiD: Folder Title: BOOK: THE 10 GREATEST GIFTS I GIVE MY CHILDREN; BY: STEVEN VANNOY (EARLY
  • For Immediate Release July 24, 1998 FACT SHEET Vital Voices of the Americas: Women in Democracy The U.S. Government and the Inter-American Development Bank will co-sponsor the "Vital Voices of the Americas: Women in Democracy" conference on October 1-3
  • as their projects developed and were successful. T ostan believes this confidence and experience will help the women to sustain their activities and become better businesswomen in the future. At the end of the 8 months,. each village will have increased its start-up
  • in developed countries. Although they comprise 50 percent of the world's enfranchised population, women hold no more than II percent of the seats in national legislatures. In 34 percent of all governments there are no women in the executive council which
  • National Security Council Eric Schwartz Director Human Rights, Refugees, and Humanitarian Affairs National Security Council OEB, Room 302 The White House Washington, D.C. 20506 phone: 202-395-3737 fax: 202-395-1199 Agency for International Development
  • and Social Development Madeleine K. Albright Secretary of State Women's Legal Defense Fund Luncheon June 13,1997 Janet Reno Attorney General Interfaith Breakfast U.S. Senate Hart Office Building October 11, 1996 Closing remarks f The President
  • Jordan/Childhood Development: Early Childhood Development
  • Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Eric Massey- Subseries: Misc. Subject Files OAIID Number: 17216 FolderiD: Folder Title: JORDAN/CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT: --EARLY CHILDHOOD
  • NAEYC [National Association for the Education of Young Children], Marilyn Smith, April 1997 (Early Childhood Development)
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Meniber: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: Nicole Rabner: 1997 Childcare Conference · OAIID Number: 15631 ,. FolderiD: Folder Title: NAEYC [NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG CHrr.DREN], MARILYN
  • Spinal Chord: Early Childhood Development
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Subject Files: South Asia- State Appropriations OA/ID Number: 20053 FolderiD: Folder Title: SPINAL CHORD: Early Childhood Development Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position
  • in emerging democracies. As chief of the Financial Division in the National Planning Office for the President of Colombia, Ms. Castillo has worked tirelessly to develop pattnerships between the public and private sector to strengthen the social and economic
  • PHO'fOCO\'Y pRESERV.&.:nON y\lO'fOCOf"\' yRES£RY !\·noN PHOTOCOPY !'RESERVATION I,\ . . " ... the rru1l);berofpeople in extreme poverty (living on. . -.lessthnn$la-f!ny):.:[isj ).2 billian. '' -·_World Development ~~dicatqrs, 2000 . The World mmk
  • hosted by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). She will outline the progress that governments, non-governmental organiza~ions and the private sector have made in improving the status of women and girls since 1995. Following her remarks
  • the community of creditor nations. This week, the Czech Republic, I Hungary, and Poland were invited to join NATO. Today, my husband, President Clinton, is in Poland and Romania to reiterate America's support for democracy's progress. But democracy has always
  • statute J(a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclo'sc trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRAJ P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President .and his advisors, or between such advisors
  • such as the · U.N. conference on Social Development~ where just last week in Copenhagen, I was proud to announce a·new USAID grant to promote girls' ·education around the gl,obe.. · · r .• We wanted also .to thank those of you in the foundation community for your
  • Heart Start (Early Childhood Development)
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Domestic Policy Council Subseries: · Nicole Rabner: 199,7 Childcare Conference OA/ID Number: 15631 FolderiD: Folder Title: HEART START (EARLY CHU,DHOODDEVELOPMENT) Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • is tl)e child ,borri in, a refugee camp, the rape victim and •the women whose' I sons and husbands haV'e disa,ppeared , . , and there are all too many of ' those. . \ In 1996, President Clinton and. 1 have rcded~cated ourselves to the · task
  • tmfety and econon1ic development initiatives. While memhers of the General Assembly, the fiscal yei\r bog . Glendening s.1i1 porticularly House Speaker Casper R. Taylor Jr. (O·Allegony), continue to endorse a tax cut state's $179 milli the shortfall in th
  • of women and girls. Tomorrow, I will attend a gathering of the United Nations Development F~~d for Women. There, the discussion will focus on local -- and highly succe:ssful -- prograr.ts that give hard-working wonen access to credit so they can improve
  • based not-for-profit cultural and educational exchange organization, we coordinated a "Trafficking of Women" Conference in New Jersey/New York. White slavery rings have thrived on the exploitation of women from developing countries for years. Rising
  • Early Childhood Development #1: Early Childhood Development [2]
  • The White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning, April 1997
  • Early Childhood Development - Reading: Every Child A Reader Report
  • HRC Drafts and Transcripts January 1997: 1-10 Early Childhood Development Event, Georgetown Medical Center
  • The White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning (Morning and Afternoon Sessions) [2]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Books OA/ID Number: 17929 FolderiD: Folder Title: THE WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING (MORNING AND AFTERNOON SESSIONS) [2] Stack: Row
  • Head Start II: Early Childhood Development [1]
  • of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Subject Files: H OAIID Number: 20035 · FolderiD: Folder Title: HEAD START ll: Early Childhood Development Stack: s I Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 59 7 7 3
  • Head Start II: Early Childhood Development [2]
  • : First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: OA/ID Number:. 20035 FolderiD: Folder Title: HEAD START II: Early Childhood Development [2] Stack: s Row: Section: Shelf: Position: Clinton Presidential Records Digital
  • The White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning (Morning and Afternoon Sessions) [1]
  • . of Origin: First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne V erveer Subseries: Books OAIID Number: 17929 . ( FolderiD: · Folder Title: THE WHITEHOU~E CONFERENCE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING.(MORNING AND AFTERNOON SESSIONS) Stack
  • White House Conference on Early Childhood Development [1]
  • :. First Lady's Office Series/Staff Member: Melanne Verveer Subseries: Misc. Subject Files OA/ID Number: 20363 FolderiD: Folder Title: WIDTE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 59 7 8
  • the pleasure of announcing a United states initiative to expand girls' and women's education in the developing world. The issues addressed at this summit: are issues that women around the world face every day in their kitchens, at their children's bedsides
  • would be deeply honored if you wouid consider giving the · keynote speech on September 5 during Part Two of the pienary series.· We. hope that your presentation will identify strategic impact points that will help Forum participants develop action plans
  • of ftcedom. ed hope. I heard women's voices in Estouia wbcD. I 'Yi<ed • dioie that Is tho first ii:l that county to ofl'c.r a broad range of health sorYlcea for women. I heard them in Romania when I met with teachers who arc developing a 'llCW pedagcS)I