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  • -. . ;:..,.... ~, ' '. ',{'" 1,':. ::. ': < ," ,x..;,:,> '~').: In this memorandum. I w' iclldin•.th.•. ~~.I think you ought to take in your State of 'he Union address. an approach th ri1l>pC.",.ilI'.4q,.;' frame the debate fer the neXt two year, and solidify your
  • is releasing an evaluation of several Social Security refonn proposals, inct'uding the Administration's. GAO Comptroller General Walker testified before the Senate Finance Committee on the President's State of the Union proposal in February. t By GAO's
  • 'could bring .the incoming freshmen"to the White House tor a speech on reforin. 8 , -,~. . • . January pre-SOTU. The weeks before the State of the Union should include .• series of' events designed to underscore and foreshadow the reform and change
  • to m.I-27) needs • fundamental rewrite or it will undernLine lhe rea! centerpiece of the President's education agenda, which he laid out in the State ofthe Union. The authors seem intent on minimizing the President's sweeping ESEA proposals­ which
  • to Treasury. However, this could crcatc debt finalleing problems for Treasury. • • ,. THE CASE FOR INVESTING PART OF THE UNIFIED SURPLUSES IN EQUITIES ,' • [n his State ofthe Union Address. the President propesed that 62 percent of the unified budget
  • - Almost settled. Only issue is FAA fees. Commerce ­ Almost settled. Only jssu~ is e*commercc. r-..'f'.:····~'>;. ..,'~ , DECEMBER "'.' . , Wed Tue Sat 10 11 ElMLMandatory MOD Fri 9 SUD POTUS to ARK POTUS in FL 18 Thur SOTU memos
  • NEC – State of the Union & Policy Options [4]
  • a brief description ofnew ideas we are considering for the State ofthe Union. Some work has been done on fleshing them ou~ but many need additional work and further vetting through the interagency process. Most ofthese ideas involve increased spending
  • of the Union 1998; or· To release a partial plan or a process pian in the State of the Union, and wait Wltil the post-electioniState of the Union 1999 period to take any further action. Scenario 1: Speclflcfull package in lIre SUzie oftIre Union 19911 Pre
  • »ARTMENT NEWS • Secretary Amplifies State Of The Union Message And Food Safety Initiative: On Jan. 28, Secretary'Glickman amplified the President's State of the Union message and the Administration's food safety initiative with an address
  • discussion following yesterday's education strategy meeting, you will find attached strategy plans for each of the education initiatives proposed by the President in his State of the Union address. Let's discuss them this weekend. We should have
  • November 5, 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Gene Sperling Elena Kagan Sally Katzen SUBJECT: State orthe Union/Budget Ideas This memorimdwn provides a brief description of new ideas we are considering for the State
  • COpy DEPARTMENTS OF VEtERANS AFFAIRS AND HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND INDEPENDENT AGENCIES APPROPRlATlONSB~19~ I -Jm.y > 1997.--Comnnued to the Commitlbe of tht Whole HOI1H on tM State or the Union and onJered to Ix prb:lUd Mr. LEwIs, from
  • NEC – State of the Union & Policy Options [2]
  • deal" period could be the State of the Union 1998; March/April 1998; or post-electionlState of the Union 1999. Within these three different scenarios, there ;Ire still many decisions to make about which elements would be useful (the scenarios do have
  • domestically and internationally. The memo a.1oo previews other policies and ways to use the bully puipit to fight child labor, which we hope would be part of an action plan to be announced early next year, perhaps as part of the State of the Union, You should
  • outward process to get Social Security rcform accomplished, It may he hest to think about this in three stages; first, the 1998 State of the Union; second, action we can take during 1998 prior to the election; and third, action we can take in 1999. rn each
  • trade agenda with China. Thank you for your· valuable assisJce. - - . .. Any discussion of trade with Asia must begin with the issue of the I .. .., . .' current financial crisis. As the President said in his State of the Union message
  • ': Weekly Report Cabinet Affairs 1/19195, 6:15 p,m, PRESIDENTIA l INITIA TIVF-S Trip to Newport News Following the President's State of the Union address. I will travel to Southern Virginia to visit a high school and the Department's Continuous Electron
  • NEC – State of the Union & Policy Options [6]
  • ', 27 J Administration vf 'William l For 209 vears it has been the President's duty to repoft to you on the state of the Union. Because of the hard work and high purpose of the American people. these are good times for America. \Ve have more than 14
  • Financial Institutions (CDFI) To Fund. PROGRESS ON TilE NEW MARKETS INITIATIVE: In his State of the Union, President Clinton proposed to bring more private investment to all areas of the United States. The President and Congressional Leaders have agreed
  • In his State of the Union address President Clinton emphasized the cenl"al task of addressing the solvency of the Socia! Security program. He stated his view that any budget surplus: shoulci not be :Ise:i in allY \vay until we HS ave Social Security First
  • to be redeemed to cover the difference until the assets of the combined funds are exhausted in 2037. At that time, revenues will support only about 72 percent of benefits due, In both his 1999 and 2000 State of the Union addresses. the Prc..liidenl proposed plans
  • on mutual obligation. Th"t principle guided Clinton's domestic policy throughout his yearn in office. It was a progressive roadmap for the future, he explained in the 1995 State of the Union Address, "a new set of underStandings for how we can equip Our
  • NEC – State of the Union & Policy Options [1]
  • SUllJECT: Facts in the State of the Onion Despite the fact that several newspapers assigned people to scrutinize the statistic:;. in your State of tbe Union. we have not seen a single article or analysis that fOcused primarily on challenging
  • NEC – State of the Union & Policy Options [5]
  • momcntum on these issues. HUD's success - ~nd the agency's agenda hi the yetlr ahead - can be a major contributor 10 the President's legacy. or Page 1 As you begin preparing for the State of the Union, I would strongly urge you to include· either
  • . Its mandate was to provide advice and recommendations about the nature and scope ofhroadcasters' public interest obligations - including, but not limited to. free air time. To advance frce air time you asked the FCC in your 1998 State of the Union
  • Day, uf SelVice in January. , ,. Third~ upon Congress's return early next year, we wou1d press a Congressional strategy - starting with a strong statement and req~est for ~~ur reauthorization in the State of the Union address. .. target i
  • -Through: The major event would begin a process that would be re-emphasizcd, broadened. deepened and validated. The national vision could be re-emphasized in the State of the Union, throughout 1996. and in the second Clinton~Gore ·tenn, It could
  • NEC – State of the Union & Policy Options [3]
  • RELEASES FOR NOVEMBER 1998 November 4, 1998 98-98 USTR Barshefsky Announces Result of Bulgaria's Special 301 Out-of Cycle Review November 9, 1998 98-99 United States and European Union Conclude Joint Action Plan for the Transatlantic Economic
  • through," he said. '. -:linton·called for improving food safety in his State of the Union address Tuesday. And on Monday, .the Agriculture De~artment ~egan a new system it hopes dill prevent contamination in processinq plant~. But Glickman said he
  • Beneficiaries. Maintain Fiscal Discipline. ,. .. . State or tltig Union .Q: Win the President present a p.laD in his State of tile URioD address this year? A: • The State of the Union speech is clearly an important vehicle for addressing crucial
  • -20, Secretary Glickman will attend meetings of the , Conference on Biotechnology in The Hague, Netherlands; On Thursday, January 27, Secretary Glickman will accompany you during your State of the Union address. ' V. SUB-CABINET SCHEDULE. From
  • or a major COLA cut as their plan suggests• • You still believe that the best foundation for securing Socia' Security on a bipartisan basis is the framework you set out in your State of the Union address: relying on fiscal discipline to strengthen
  • negotiations on the new Code effectively ended, the United States and European Union had only agreed to cov~!r central government procurement. and to continue working towards completing a bigger agreement including subcentral governments and utilities
  • number for the honor roll/committee is fifty to one hundred college presidents by the time of a State of the Union announcement. We believe we must involve the Steering Committee in determining the exact commitment necessary to be added to the Committee
  • Olivos; Switzerland .~ January 29, 1999 Good afternoon and thank you all. I am pleased to be here withMinister Marchi, Minister Insalza, Secretary Machimura and Sir Leon. .; Last week, in his State of the Union address, President Clinton proposed
  • nation, we're losing-- in the President '"s State of the Union a couple of years ago, he said, "We're losing 7,000 acres a day to development". 00:44:20:27 Seven thousand acres of farms, woodlands, wood lots and so on to development. The city of Atl
  • a handful of men who supported them. (Laughter. ) 04/10/2000 .) -"",,~.' • .. • . ./ In·his State of the Union addr~s. President Clinton called for concerted intemano~i
  • , floods, and historically low prices have made these lime...· very badfor the farmers. We must work together 10 strengthen/he farm safety net, invest in land conservation, aUd .creaN: some new rnarkefs. ,. President Bill Clinton 2000 State of the Union
  • has become a national public policy issue that is at the top of the \Vhite Hl1Use and Congressional agendas. President Clinton made ensuring the program's long~range solvency an issue in his 1998 State of the Union Address, and throughout that year
  • ), VA senior management, labor unions, and state directors of veterans affairs, all in order to seek to identify VA strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. On the basis of the Office's coordination, the Secretary presented the fifth annual
  • the State of the Union to put' forward an ambitious agenda for a second term, This memorandum outlines a series of cbellenges - 10 students, teachers, schools, parents, busin~ and communities.. We need your guidance on these new ideas and any others you
  • , and remained true to its promise. 4 ,'. . . December 7, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed SUBJECT: Weekly Report -- New Ideas , Here is a brief update on some of the long-tenn ide.. under development for the State of the Union
  • . At that timc, revcnues will suppoi1only about 72 percent of bcneJils due, In bOlh his 1999 and 2000 State of the Union addresses, the President proposed plans to deal with the long term financing Issues facing Social Security. His 2000 plan would extend
  • . President has rr.ade child support a cornerstone of welfare reform. He has forcefully described the i~portance of child s~pport enforcement on numerous occasions, including both State of, the Union Addresses. On February 27. he signed an Executive Order
  • wage worker who worked full-time, year~round, earned less than $11,000 a year - below the poverty line for a family of two. In his 1999 State of the Union Addresses, President CHnton called for increasing the minimum wage by an additional $1 to $6.1 5
  • will attend the State of the Union address. • From January 21 -23, Secretary Glickman will attend Green Week events in Germany. • On January 25, Secretary Glickman will meet with Russian officials regarding aid programs to Russia, in Moscow. • On January
  • as Agriculture Secretary quality of every American life, every day, which is why USDA's work is very much a p effort to improve public health by supporting cutting~edge science. In his State of the Union, the President talked in detail about the s'tunning
  • • Page 4 ofn The President's Call to Action '111is is why President Clinto11 1 in his State of the Union speechl gave us a bold vision of what American .education can become. From helping our children to master the oosics -- to better teaching
  • destcuction and t~e missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line.' {Applause, t Thank you. Now, back to the r:'!omem::, Last week in my State of the Union Address, when I spoke abouc what we had to do to strengthen Americi.'l fOr the 21st centu:ty
  • that occurred in Austria, Finland and Sweden when those countries joined the EU on January 1, 1995. The announcement came: in the context of ongoing efforts by the United States and the European Union ',: to;conclude an agreement.which would compensate
  • (202) 395-3230 UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN UNION REACH AGREEMENT ON GLOBAL ELECTRONIC COMMERCE u.s. and European officials reached'agreement at the U.S.-EU Summit on guidelines for future work on trade in global electronic commerce (GEC) that includes
  • a community empowerment strategy that could be unveiled in the FY 1997 BU~get and the State of the Union. It has become, increasingly apparent that such a strategy, if it is to be meaningful and effective, should extend reinvention to the federal government's
  • , Januaiy 7. 1998; Remarks by the Presidenl I'll Housatonic Community Technical College, Bridgeport. cr . MllfCb, 10, 1998. ~omestic Poliey Council. "A Nation Transfonned"; White House Office of Press Secretary, "Background MatWals on 2000 State of Union
  • that the Department has slated and continues to aSSert that choict: is a major theme of the reauthoril..ation. In the context of the President's State of the Union sp(""'ech, Democratic support, and public sentiment, the staffer urged that the Department is presenting
  • hope to move that bill expeditiously. In additioa. I expect the Comniittee to pick up where it left otflast year 00 disaster io.suranCc reform and would DOte that the Preside'at in his State-of..tbo-Union Address caned for the creation of American
  • and Affordable In his State of the Union addresa, the Prestdcnt challenged ConlJfVSs to enact insur· ance reforms to enable more Americans to maintain health insurance covuage when they change jobs, and stop insurance campa~ nies from denying coverage. far p
  • with economic income b.etween $30,000 and $50,000 would translate into I a monthly tax increase of 19 rather th month (the figure used in the State of the Union address), • '. While changes to the distribution table woJld be minimal, reducing the food stamp
  • sutplus I The fourth landmark event in the fiscal policy area during President Clinton's Administration was his commitmentt in his State ofthe Union address in eirJy 1999, to "save Social Security first
  • Promoting President's Proposals USDA officials are participating in the post-State of the Union Fly-Out to highlight the President's proposal for a Middle Class Bill of Rights and an Education and Job Training Tax Deduction. On January 27, I be in San Diego
  • helping a cancer patient. As the Pre,ident noted in the State of the Union add. .., ... "the challeoge begiru at he:n" . . with parents talking to their children openly and firmly; · Then we must implement a long-term comprebensive pilUl that goes
  • a pillar of U.S. foreIgn policy during the Clinton administration. In his State of the Union address on 25 January 1994, President Clinton declared, "U1timately, the best strategy to ensure our security and to build a durable: peace is to support
  • schools, every clussroom in Amcricn must be connected to the !cach~rs," -- President Clinton, State of the Union Address, January 23, 1996 information superhighway, with computers and good software, and well-trained TonA Y, I'RF:SIIJENT CLINTON
  • , and the mcdia. Heightened attention given to Social Security public policy issues during this time period, especially around the issue of solvency l.1fte-r President Clinton's 1998 State of the Union Address, guaranteed thut the Agency's voice would be heard
[Energy] (Item)
  • ," January 22, 1993 O'Leary is swom in as Secretary of Energy, February 17, 1993 President Clinton reveals his economic recovery plan in his State of the Union message, The plan consists of a short-term "job inveslment" economic stimulus package, a long
  • that the European Union member states will respect the recom'mendations developed by the lTU for 3G systcms and offer licenses on a technology-neutral and non-discriminatory basis. Finally, NTIA has been an active and longstanding advocate for refonn
  • Washington, D.C. 20508 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Saturday, February 1, 1997 97-06 Contact: Jay Ziegler Kirsten Powers Christine Wilkas (202) 395-3230 MIRA Negotations to Continue Between U.S. and EU Despite strong efforts by the European Union and the United
  • , and pharmacehticals. The agreements allow products or processes to be assessed for conformity (i.e. testing, insbection, and certification) in the United States to European Union standards, and vice v~rsa. til After entry into force, the agreements be phased
  • the WTO in late 1997 by the United States .' '.. and the European Union. In response to the Appellate Body's decision on Korean liquor taxes, United States Trade -;. , . . . Representative Cha~Jene B,arshefsky stated: "The Appellate Body reaffinns
  • . By the lime we have fini.l-hcd, the Federal hrm:allcracy will he at fls lmrest point in 30 years. " President Bill Clinton 1994 State of the Union Address "We want to fry 10 josler a dijJerenl altitude within the U~'1)A hureaucrat,y, to transition it from
  • work during the Clinton-Gore Administration, summarizing our progress as we enter the new century and the new millennium. This has been a remarkable moment in time. As President Clinton said in his 2000 State of the Union address, "Never before have we
  • Park Service, Fish Wildlife Service, and Bureau of Land Management reserves. Interior officials could also travel10 gate"yay C'ommunities near the newly proposed Nalional Park Service wilderness and areas thal the PH'sidtm announced in his State
  • quality/capacity building • Comprehensive School Reform • Public School Choi0e • . Support for )Jigh performing schools .. •• Extended learning time • If you had to pick themes for the next reauthorization to be included in the State
  • to Speaker Gingrich simply advancing your request for a clean debt limit. This call should be brief and it should not be used to negotiate details of this legislation. Debt Limit Discussion • Working hard on State of the Union Address, so I won't take much
  • -10 o Countries in Transition ·19 -20 -26 -30 IMF Total ·82 -56 ·63 Sum ot ACo". United States Europe;an Union Japan Other Industrial Countries Asian NIEs KClrea . Hong !
  • The will start with where the Adm~nistration has been on healt.hreform, summarizing previously proposed cuts in medicare and medicaid, our FY96 budget proposals, ~tatements in the State of the Union, and recent internal delibera'tions. OBRA93 included
  • proposals that we did not discuss in our budget meetings with you last week. We need decisions prior to Christmas in order to complete the work necessary for the budget to be printed and released sbortly after your State of the Union address. OVERVIEW
  • Press Conferences/Statements On January 24, I was interviewed by the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the Red River Radio Network, a Louisiana National Public Radio affiliate, regarding the President's State of thc~ Union address. The USDA Sub-cabinet also
  • to mobilize significant, high profile private sector commitment. 4. Platfonn for New State of the Union Initiatives: While we have not decided on our new budget initiatives yet, we are currently pl~ning on pushing a couple of significant New Market I Close
  • : The changing demographics demand that every American :::>o;:on .in the new century be a healthy and productive marnber of our '""orkfor(~. " ,'. I 'rherefore your entire 2000 State of the Union Address ought to .focus on: the U.S. investment in the health
  • as soon as possible. And work with, Congress to extend the General Syste~ of Preferences, the I Caribbean Basin Initiative and win fast-track authori:ty as the President , , ' I requested in his State of the Union address last January. I f Fast
  • , in speech to Superhighway Summit in California, lays out' administration goals for telecommunications reform and articulates new goal of connecting every classroom and library to the (nfernet. \ • 1994 State of the Union, President reiterates
  • . Gore, in a buoyant mood and sipping tea, expanded on some ofClintol1's points and defended the telccom 1m\'. Some of his comments: A wired nalion In the State of the Union, Clinton talked of wiring every chlssroom. lihrary and hospital to the Interne
  • ""9iCtL t',C. 2C590 REMARKS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION AODNEY E, SLATER GARRETT A. MORGAN PROGRAM MAY 30,1997 CLEVELAND, OHIO In January; President Clinton gave a very important speech to the nation, called the State
  • ' Donnell reports that Chairman Moynihan feels "trapped" by the President's demand that any bill would have to include universal coverage to obtain the President's support. When he brandished a pen at his state of the. Union address and said he would veto
  • requested for its education techhology initiatives ~- as articulated by the President in the state of the Union address-- including $250 ~illion for the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund, to be91n to provida essential ~timulus to states to, help make-every
  • and the public about the consequences of Congressional legislative proposals to alter nutrition programs for children, for States, and for the food and agriculture communities. .... '~' In his 1995 State of the Union address, the President identified school
  • , Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council are also members. ,. , 73 · DRAFT (Working): 2/10100 8 pm year, for the first time, five GCC member states (Bahrain, Kuwait
  • (ll1S to end failing schools ~md giVing parents 1'Cpo:;t canis on public sehoob, The administr:ll~Ull w:l! send lcgislatio:l ie) Congress next :mmlh to cmry out the vision cXjl:;esseu inlhe State or the' Union ,lr.kll:e:>s t.\.J, n.'quin: ,slalt:s lh
  • which public school llteir ciriJdren ~ill allend: and 10 lei teachers form new schoois wirh (J charter fhey can keep only if they do a good job." ?residl:nt Bill Clinton. State of the Union Address. January 23. r996 l. AS GOVERNOR, BILL CLli\'TON
  • often we dealt with countries in Africa and in other parts of the world based more on how they stood in (he struggle between the United States and the SoViet Union than how they the struggle for their own people's a~pirations to live up
  • cattle gro'Yfi with bovine growth hormone. In both of these cases, WTO dispute settlement panels and the Appellate Body have ruled in favor of the United States. The European Union has an obligation to respect WTO panel resu~ts, and we will insist
  • me say we 1':1ust step up our efforts to treat and prevent mental illness, No .American should ever be afraid ~~ ever -- to address this disease," - President Clinton in his State of the Union Address, January 19, 1999 While trying to eradicate
  • administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and under secretary for oceans and atmosphere at the U.S. Department of Commerce. In this position, Dr. Baker oversees more than 12,500 people at 375 locations in every state in the union
  • Modernization Are Included In This Year's Budget. In his 1998 State of the Union Address, President Clinton said, "My balanced budget will help to hire 100,000 new teachers ... to reduce class size in the ist. 2nd, and 3rd grades to an average of 18 students