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  • 06:21 AM ET '~~:' , trial offers " :, " I · , " , Clinton wants $2.7B to insure kids R~ds ,. of collectibles , I Search ® the site 0 the Web ""-"--'161> POWERED e,y4"WJ Inside News Nationline Washington World Politics
  • (3 pages) nd P2 003. list Candidates- FDA Commissioner (6 pages) nd P2 004. memo Bob Nash to porus re:FDA Commissioner Search Update (2 pages) 6/10/97 P2 005. memo Bob Nash to POTUS re: FDA Commissioner Search Update (2 pages) 5128
  • receive health care, Food Stamps,~elp in collecting child support, and child care assistance if she needs it. Protecting Children. This new law is better for children than the two bills President Clinton vetoed. It maintains the national nutritional safety
Nursing Homes (Item)
  • home." Except that Creekside is paying for its lack of cru:e. Bessie Seday, for example, collected a $862,500 settlement last December stemming from the infected bedsores she contracted while living at Creekside. Rhoda Johnson, Ila Swan's mother, lived
Diabetes [3] (Item)
  • Progrnm Directors (ASTCDPD) conducted a national survey of state and territorial health agef!cies; this survey updates a similar survey that collected data for FY 1989 (3,11 ). This report summarilOs the survey findings for 1994, which indicate
  • by the 8 indiv~dual 9 request the search QI,nd exchange of criminal, 10 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 authorizing the facility t6 !ecords; It (III) provide in person a'copy of the, individual's' fingerprints; and U(IV) provide any other identification
  • is the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. ' Title: Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. 124 Description
  • reporting improves patient safety. Before we expand data collection activities we need to analyze existing state systems to detennine the most effective use of finite resources. . "The AMA appreciates President Clinton's statement of support
  • at these things, the main reason people decide to work from 62 to 65, in many cases, is health care. Q (Off mike.) SEN. GRAMM: No, I'm talking about trying to take the best of both systems. I'm talking about a mandatory system where we would collect it through
Human Genome (Item)
  • genome freely available when it is finished, probably this summer. Celera plans to patent some genes,but its principal business plan is~to operate a database ofthe human and other genomes, charging fees for use of the . programs that search and analyze
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. release SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE "AI Gore's Agenda to Combat Cancer in the 21st Century" (4 pages) nd . RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAlBox Number: 23753 Box 12 FOLDER TITLE: Increase in NIH Funding for Biomedical Research [1] gf28 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • ) Regulation Title! Description Statutory .Effective Date Budget Savings Status (SIN/C*) Home Health Condition· Collection of data (OASIS) PREVIOUSLY PART OF HCFA·3819·FC. BEING DEVELOPED AS SEPARATE RULE. OASIS REGULAnON UNDER DEVELOPMENT. DRAIT
  • disparities, support medical training for minorities and others, and improve the study and collection of data regarding minorities and other populations. . This important legislation builds on the work of my Administration, particularly the efforts
  • grant iinmediately and no state will receive more than their block grant allocation in FY 1997. Most penalties against states, and the new data collection requirements "shall not take effect with respect to a State until, and shall apply only
  • in order to make im­ provements. RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION 5.1 A, nationwide mandatory reporti~g. system should be established that provides for the collection of standardized information by state governments about adverse events that result in death
  • December 1995 and January 1997, Oregon has collected over $7 millio.h in premiums from its expanded eligibility group of approximately 75,000 households. (CBO estimates no savings without , . 2, enforcement provision) HHS Position: Oppose. HCFA opposes
  • · I II I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter w/attachment DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE 8/2/94 Pharmaceutical Pricing Information (2 pages) RESTRICTION P41b(4) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • receive health care, Food Stamps, help in collecting child support, and child care assistance if she needs it. Protecting Children. This new law is better for children than the two bills President Clinton vetoed. It maintains the national nutritional
  • that it is appropriate to delay pediatric studies until sufficient data are collected in adults, or if imposition of the requirement )\'ould delay the availability of a new drug for adults. The requirement can also be waived if FDA finds, among other things
AIDS [11] (Item)
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Staff contact numbers redacted (1 page) 5/18/97 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris
  • ) A negligent or intentional- 1
  • , especially for our award~winning Nursing Home Compare website, which allows consumers to search by zip code or facility name for data on arCh facility's care and safety record, staffing levels, number and types of residents, faciJity ownership
Diabetes [2] (Item)
  • as in whites;' The greatest difference seen in Nt-US was among people aged 65 to 74. Figure 1 details these;1991-92l\IHIS statis­ tics. Statistics collected in 1993 indicate that in this age group, 17.4 percent of black • Americans had diagnosed diabetes, com­
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy 'Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAiBox Number: 23753 FOLDER TITLE: Preventing Medical Errors [5] gfl48 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information
  • it? Who protects it? What happens if they don't? It all depends on the states you live in. Every day, our private health information is being collected, analyzed and stored with fewer federal safeguards than our video store records. Let me be frank
  • ; / • The appropriate regulatory authority should'review the health ,plan's grievance and , appeals procedures to ensure that they are fair and that appropriate procedures have been followed. Health plans, should collect da~aand issue periodic reports to the regulatory
  • . • ., Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. • _I U.~~:\Department of Justice Wa~hihgton,. D.C
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Staff Chris Jennings (SubjectFile) ONBox Number: 23753 Box 13 FOLDER TITLE: Increase in nIH Funding for Biomedical Research [2] gf29 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204
  • for work because they believe their job search would be in vain. Hispanic workers -- persons who identify themselves as Mexican. Puerto Rican. Cuban. Central or South American. or of other Hispanic origin or desce~t -- comprise one of the Nation's fastest
  • Divestii~re , SupPorts ..epealofthis section. -Medicaid Requires States to show that ttieir State-designed No provision. Management M~icaid' management systems meet outcome..b3sed Information· performance standards and would permit the collection
  • ,combinations, or to the ' wrong patients.. . ,The 10M study concludes that the nation's health care system lags behind airlines, the nuclear industry and other parts of the country that ~ have long collected information about accidents--:-and gleaned from
  • , and other lowincome populations that are least capable ofqbtaining health coverage on their own. Focusing the search for common ground on low-wage workers and other low-income populations not only makes good ;policy sense, it makes political sense as well
  • the marketplace and the efforts of the various exi~ting quality oversight entities. Activities. To achieve its objectives, the Forum will need to: • develop a comprehensive plan for implementing qualitymeasureinent, data collection, and reporting standards
  • . It lays the foundation for Medicare of the 21,st century by restructuring payment systems, offering more choices for managed care, shifting to collective bidding, encouraging prevention and offering I consumers more information. ' . . . . . Below
  • of the informa'tion collection provie3:ions are shown. below with; an estimate of the annual reporting and recordkeeping burden. Included in the estimate 1S the time for reviewing instructions/ searching existing datas6urces/ gathering arid maintaining the needed
  • ~ to workers in between jobs, so that they do not have to forgo their health insurance while they are searching for a new job It is important to note that firms with fewer than 20 workers do not have to provide COBRA to their former workers. For these workers
  • of articles 01\ the subjects of agin~ home care, management, and the power of caring. He is also the author or editor of several books, including Profiles in CRring: Advoaztes for the Elderly (1991); Faces of Caring: A Search for the 100 Most Caring People
  • ) , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAiBox Number: 23756 Box 8 FOLDER TITLE: Fighting Republicans on Coverage [3] gfl7 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.c. 2204(a)[ Freedom
  • differences. First, large employers cover only their own employees. These employees are unlikely to drop coverage unless they leave the employer. In contrast, MEWAs cover multiple employers who can leave the arrangement at any time in search of a better deal
  • , Cortgress· has' been willing to makeinciease and· by prioritizingar~search agenda exceptions so th(itfederalactivities can be I/by p6te~tialpayoffsin enrolleeJealthanq .
  • scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room .. • b I .\ t s . A Serious Public Health Problem AT-A-GLANCE 1996
AIDS [10] (Item)
  • or additional information is needed tol 'permit safe and effective use. Pediatric studies could be delayed until sufficient data were collected in adults. The AIDS community strongly supports this initiative. However, there are some at the Department who
  • an affidavit with the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and forgo reimburserpent from Medicare for all Medicare patients for 2 years. • Allow Medicare to collect only "the minimum information" necessary from physicians to assure that the program
  • . Publications have not been scanned in their ~ntirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. ',' ' " " ~ ':::' '; 'Fuli 1994; , ',,:"'::":""",1 ~I
  • in between jobs, so that they do not have .to forgo their health insurance while they are searching for a new job. It is ) important to note that firms with fewer than 20 workers do not have to provide COBRA to their foriner workers. For these workers
AIDS [4] (Item)
  • , and effective prevention efforts are still crucially important, as is the search for a vaccine. The trends in AIDS death rates are uneven across racial and ethnic groups. In October 1998, , President Clinton declared HIV/AIDS to be a severe and ongoing health
  • . I-p.77:"'78 Bxplanation of Change Decrease weeks of job search which may be counted as work from 12 weeks to 4 weeks. States with unemployment rates above the . national average may count up to 12 weeks of job search .. . Increase age of child
  • Director Stephen H. Koslow, Ph.D. 1 Division of Clinical and -Treatment Research Acting Director Jane A. Steinberg. Ph.D. I ----f. National Mental Health Advisory Council -, f I ! Division of Epid imiology and Services R ~search
  • informed decisions. Bill Summary & Status Bill Summary & Status for tire 106tlr Congress , . =====~===~==~="c========== ========_..=,---=-_._-_.=.- =---=== NEW SEARCH I HOME I HELP I ABOUT
  • would allow physicians to obtain private contracts from beneficiaries whereby the beneficiary would agree to pay whatever the physician charged (Le., waive balance billing limits) and agree not to submit a bill to or collect anything from Medicare
  • ~teps to minimize delay in implementation,of the' prospective 'payment: system. (RefDlire HCFA to accelerate data collection, efforts - based on the OASIS 'patient a~Se6Bmeat instrument - necessary ~o develop tbe case-JiI.:i.X system at the heart OI
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. survey DATE SUBJECTrflTLE 4/28/00 Survey- Prescription Drug Benefit (16 pages) RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo w/attach DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Prescription Drug Appeal ~ Polictical Fund Raising Letter (7 pages) 9/13/99 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton
  • performed by the government's Peer Review Organizations (aka "IQROs"), and the potential for even greater duplication exists now that our accreditation processes are moving towards the routine collection and incorporation of comparable perfonnance data
Children [2] (Item)
  • ) per respon~, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resOurces, gather theldata needed, and complete and review tlie, information collection." H you have any, co~entS concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s
  • . Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or' visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. MEDICAID COMPROMISE NEW GENERALFLEXIBIUTY PROVISIONS
  • ~ power, necessary to investigate all matters regarding tobacco policy and public health. Research Policy • The collection and anaJysis uf comprehensive data on tobacco use, behavior, attirudes (at national, regional, state, and locallcvels) should
  • Syndrome (FAS) Developmental Disabilities Branch, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention Section, DBDDD. NCEH, G
Fraud (Item)
  • . Each hospital action results hi collection of fraudulent payments, interest and damages and (2) a compliance agreement and training requirements for hospital billing personnel.. As ofDecember 1996, approximately $33 million has been recovered
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Gene Sperling to POTUS re: Medicare High Income Premium: Pros and Cons (3 pages) 12123/96 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *'* *'* * * * * * * * * * Page 2 DATE:' OCTOBER 29, 1997 CLIENT: KMIGDAIL LIBRARY: TOPNWS FILE: 2WEEK YOUR SEARCH REQUEST IS: COMMISSION ON CONSUMER PROTECTION NUMBER OF STORIES. FOUND WITH YOUR REQUEST THROUGH: LEVEL .1... 8 .J /. Page 3 3RD STORY of Levell printed
  • the agency's resources. Without ad~ regulatory oversight., tmethical providers could billMedicare while also collecting (rom. directly-contracted patients. . of • I , I' , , , . , ' , " . , • -. '. ' , Although,the unpactofH.R.. 2497
  • for January 18 or 19. Developing recorrlmerutations for unifonn data collection in FAS surveillance and research Designing an alcohol exposure study using the 1988 NMIHS and the 1991 Follow.Up Study Preparing anicles iwhich address a variety of Issues
  • or person may seek. to collect from the individual (nr financially responsible relative) payment of an amount for services that: (I) arc not included in rhe paymel\{ ratc; and (ii) are needed or requested by the individual. the attcnding physiciall. ur [ht
  • I , i II I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. briefing paper SUBJECTITITLE DATE RESTRICTION Medical Information (6 pages) 7116/96 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • as an administrative marker by t~e William 1. Clinton,Presidentlal Library Staff. This marker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search
  • . It could include PSAs and other national-based efforts (such as the President or the Secretary launching healthy heart walks in major cities) as well community-based efforts based on successful outreach models (such as "Search Your Heart"-- a church-based
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. briefing paper SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE Democratic Leadership Meeting and Statement on Medicare and Prescription Drug Coverage (6 pages) 5/24/00 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTfflTLE DATE RESTRICTION Memo with attachment Re: Dr. Richard J. Boxer (3 pages) 4/7/97 P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • beneficiaries to pay $5.00 per visit out·of their pockets beginning with the very first home care visit up to a maximum of $760. PI:esident Clinton and the Administration are 01\ I:ecord In opposition to copayments: a>. because they cost more to collect than
  • . -:~.' .... , ' ;. . :'~'"~./''' ...... '" .:.;.' • In.1997, blood-clotting disorders will cost the Nation's economy $64 billion, and other blood diseases will cost $10 billion (p. 44). • In 1989, 13 million units ofblood were collected from almost 9 million donors (not .. shown). • In 1989
  • Commission Names (3 pages) 4/20/97 P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OA/Box Number: 23744 FOLDER TITLE: Quality Commission- Appointees' Background [4] gf52 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
Cancer [6] (Item)
  • to quality, and to collect data to verify that the plan, in fact, is providing care that meets objective quality standards. I Patients will: be guaranteed full infonnation about plan coverage, appeal rights, access to primary'care doctors and other
  • Gayle. "Individually and collectively, businesses and the workforce have an impact on nearly every aspect of community life. Because of their commitment to the community; businesses should be valuable allies in the campaign to educate the public about
  • support. Krigorous evaluation is . . beingconductecl on data collected from 'all 10 siteS : . . natio~vilde.:~:~i;.,·· .... : .. ,:. . ::;·.·~?i:···
  • . Specifically, ,examples of the types of expansions of effort that could be enabled by the e~tablishment of Lhe PHTF will be provided in the context of their impact on the ability of the NIH collectively to combat tobacco-relaLed diseases. . in While
  • (b) LIMITATION ON COLLECtION AND DISCLOSURE Oil GENETIC lOINFORMATION.--Sectioll 702 of such Act {29 U.S.C. 1182) io amended 11 12 13 14 by after SUbSBctiop (b) the U(c) WITH RESPECT TO tollnw~ng new subsection: COLLECTION
Cancer [1] (Item)
  • "; /anddiagiWstlcprocedures.commurucationskills,guidlf Surveillance . lines for screening, data. collection and reporting re­ Su.rveillance activities are necessary to effectively !)quirements, and the stnmgthening of clinical s~ ,. -_. "--~ ;~ 000:::\ ~- --~~ .~--~-----.-~--. '1 fm'·1
  • Social Security numbers redacted (1 page) 11119/96 P61b(6) 003. memo Memo with attachment re: Liver Transplants (3 pages) l2/6/96 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAiBox
  • of the thrift from 1981·84, collecting a fee cif $300 a month during , at least part of that period. ' . Hyde has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. David H. Baris, the executive director of. the American Association of Bank Directors, said that thc RTC's
  • Protection and Quality in Health Care (2 pages) 10/4196 P2 004. list Nominations to Serve on the Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry (as of November 4, 1996) (5 pages) 1114/96 P2 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • ?rl 05:8 17JN8-95: bttp:/ 05:8 17JN8-95: THIS SEARCH THIS OOCUMENT THIS CR ISSUE GO TO Next Hi.t Prev Hi.t Hi.t Forward Back Best Secti.ons Doc Contents Next Document Prev Document Di.gest New CR
  • . , , " ,;, I This marker identifies the place of a publication. .. "' ,-'''',. , " ' . . , Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton
  • for discrimination in health insurance or in the workplace, and ~e need for informed conserit when DNA samples collected for one purPose might be used for another in future years. Therapies to reverse, arrest, or retard cognitive impairments .also qhallenge
  • . To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. 7kwffn/d~ BOB WATSON VICE PRESIDENT, GENERAL MANAGER .~ 'EXECUTIVE OFFICE YANKEE STADIUM BRONX, NEW YORK 10451 (718) 293·4300
  • , and predicts, with'a:renewedtommitrnent to education ~dr~search, , ,this do Wnturnco'uld be ~cceleratect'significantly ... " .','; " " ';", '" ',', .,. .., ,.' "This d~cli~e in canc~rde~th rates has'come aboutoy Our steady;' but Wlcoc;>rdinated
  • . As Congress debates various legislative proposals in search. of a workable federal legislative solution, we would like to reiterate the basic principles that underlie HIAA's support of federal standards governing patient health information confidentiality. We
  • . But under no c/rcum.tence. ahoiJld II drug be wIthheld from the market after Itha. , been found to beaafe and effective for either adults or children. , We need to get Pharmaceutical companle. are 'eadlngthe way in the search for cure. for the diseases
  • IN THE CASE OF CHILD SUP­ Improving the social security card appllca- lowing new section: PORT COLLECTIONS.-The provisions of section tion process. "ASSURING COVERAGE FOR CERTAI:S LOW- , 406(h) (as in erred on July 16, 1996) shall (2) ELEMENTS OF STUDY
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter DATE SUBJECTrflTLE Letter with attachments: The Gore Prescription Drug Coverage Plan for Seniors (16 pages) 9119100 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION
  • ." Ask questions, give answers an'd telI'other readers what you kiIow. Join Abuzz, a new kriowledge network from The New York Times. , Homel Site Index I Site Search I Forums I Archives I Marketplace uick News I Pa~ One Plus I International I NationallN
Children [1] (Item)
  • • • · • • • • • Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Minimum Wage Increase Ensuring Equal Pay Housing Vouchers forH~rd:Prcssed Working Families Homeless Initiative Millions Move from Welfare to Work New Initiatives to Collect More Child Support New Fathers Work
  • /98, states ins co denied transplant, after stem cell collection (Healthsource. Lymphoma ,because his marrowwas clean; they Provident) said he was in remission so they wouldn't apr. \~ 4: 6/18 need to refer out to aHy, ck wi Sheldon. Pending: ,fu sch
  • . This marker identifies the place of a publication. ..........I .......~.... . i~~~~~MMNmMm".WM.m.Ji""""W"""~.""""~M"" Publ ications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publicatioh please search
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUBJECTfflTLE DATE 8/4/97 Suggested Invitation List for Diabetes Event Social Security Numbers Redacted (1 page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • hospitals and 83 percent ofphysicians who treat Medicare patients accept Medicare's, payment rates, meaning that they may collect nothing from patients beyond the cost­ sharing requirements imposed by Medicare. In particular, these "participating" providers
  • Foundation. Additionally, Shaklee provided seed money to help fund the compelling documentary, Rachel's Daughter's: Searching for the Causes of Breast Cancer which aired on HBO six times during October. Taking an original approach to exploring the broad
AIDS [6] (Item)
  • number for people to call that would help link them to quality services around the country. It could also help link people to volunteers or others where those services are located, as many caregivers are long-distance. Finally, it could collect
  • publicatioh please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Librar~'s Research Room. I , I I I ! - - The Kaiser Commission on THE FUTURE OF MEDICAID AComparison of the Medicaid Provisions in the House and Senate Versions of the Balanced
  • in complaint registration, investigation, audit, and prosecution. o Alabama Office of Attorney General: $232, 700 The grant will help train investigators to do computer search and seizures and use other modem techniques for health care fraud prosecution
  • states to Work with cOmniunities. schools, the priYl1te sector to tailor infonnation systems, job search assistance. and on-me-job' tre.ining to meet looal goals. M.ost federal rules dictating procedures will be wiped out., ' GOOD INFORMATION TO GUIDE
  • non';'CODlr :,uproviders to accept as payment from the beneficiary no more than the ami:nm they could collect if a beneficiary were enrolled in traditional Medic:';:: => require minimum >kdicare Choice/Plus plan enrollment = prohibit benefici
  • states didn't have existing registries and some of those in the other 40 states may have been inadequately supported. Clientele: When the registry is fully operational in 50 states, it will collect incidence data on 93 % of the population. Funding: 1993
Cancer [3] (Item)
  • Institute· National Institutes of Health Questions and Answers About the Pap Test I ' I 1. What is a Pap test? The Pap test (sometimes called a Pap smear) 'is a way to e.x.amine cells collected from the cervix and v~gina. This test can show
  • mk slw Pt 6/4/98, states ins co denied Pt 2 prepare appeal ftr & fx 2 Kelly Wells @ transplant, after stem cell collection Hlthsource/prov by fx in am; cq 2 me; snd'g (Healthsource. Lymphoma because his marrow was clean; they ovemite benefits bk
  • Needless to say, the HMO industry hates my cases, dismissing them as "anecdotal". HMO executives, puffed up with righteous indignation, declared months ago that they would start collecting positive managed care stories. Well, what exactly is a "positive
  • and palliative , • care for the terminally and chronically ill in several ways. First, it calls on the Department of : Health and Human Services to collect and .' disseminate available protocols and guidelines on , palliative care to make these more widely known
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Draft Memorandum- Needle Exchange (5 pages) 10/23/96 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: ' Clinton Presidential Records Domestic policy Council Chris
  • individuals. The group will leverage the collective buyinq power of the participating organizations to ensure that our beneficiaries' needs are met and to eliminate unnecessary duplication of individual quality improvement and accountability efforts. We expect
AIDS [7] (Item)
  • ~~~;-·''~~~'th~t€~anSiO~WbUld help 44,000" ';,;rent;accon:nng(io Ahe';cen~' fo(~ :emphasized that they woUld, ~ontinue,:, to 114,000 HIV.infected',Americans. , ' ;':!~bisease;COntrOf mid PreVentloJ)" But " ,to Search ,for other' ways ,:tQ:usethe
  • 80 50 40 .30 20 10 ,,,.8 1953 1958 1963 1008 . EBRl ~ Benefit .&:search Institute 6 3 , Retirees, Ages 55-64, Percentage with Retiree .Health Benefits and Percentage Uninsured 1988-1996 50% 45% 43.3% 43.4% r--­ 40% 42.3
  • reductions in welfare caseloads. 9 Leighton Ku .and Brian Bruen. "Tho Continuing Decline in Medicaid Coverage," The Urban Institute, Dec. IqQ\}, Families USA, "Go Directly to Work, Do Not Collect Health Insurance: Low Income Parents Los" ~ Medicaid," June
  • to be' repaired and there i s , "(6) fob' search, a.nd job, readiness assistwork in hospitals; . ,',' ance: . ., . It.-was no less than Franklin Delano ' "('b cpmmunity service programs;' , Roosevelt who said it best. He said if "(8) edUcational training
  • affordable. . . . Still, we know that we must never stop searching for thebest means of prevention, the most accurate diagnostic tools, the most effective and humane treatments -- and, someday soon, a cure. To that end, there are several steps we must take
  • with the best outreach programs had the most success in boosting the number of people covered. States like Indiana, Ohio and Maine have done a great job, and I hope other states will look to them for leadership. I also hope that every working parent searching
HRC Campaign (Item)
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. entire folder DATE SUBJECTfflTLE nd HRC Campaign Materials (51 pages) RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • I II I I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 01. entire folder SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE 1992 Clinton Gore 1992 Campaign position Papers (61 pages) RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • I I II I : Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 01. entire folder DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 1996 Clinton-Gore '96 Campaign Materials (77 pages) RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • I i i II I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 01. list SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE Lists- Clinton/Gore 96 Health Action Team (87 pages) nd RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • . Upon payment, the providt;r will disp~e the drug and submit a claim showiq the.beneficiary payment, I . 9. Thc provider will be reimbursed for the ;subsidyamoWlt. l , ., ". 10. The State will bill the drug to. • collect
  • Withdrawal/Redaction' Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. entire folder DATE SUBJECTfflTLE nd Gore 2000 Campaign Materials (73 pages) RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. entire folder DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Gore 2000 Campaign Materials (62 pages) nd RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Staff
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. entire folder DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Gore 2000 Campaign Materials (63 pages) nd RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. entire folder DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Gore 2000 Campaign Materials (63 pages) nd RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. entire folder DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Dr. Jane Henney - Outline for Confirmation Strategy (56 pages) nd RESTRICTION P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. entire folder DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE Satcher Nomonation Legislative Plan (68 pages) nd RESTRICTION P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT 1'0'0. AI'o'DTYPE 001. briefing paper DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Dr. David Satcher, Candidate for Assistant Secrteatry for Health and Surgeon General (62 pages) nd RESTRICTION P2 COLLECTION
  • RESTRICTION P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAiBox Number: 23758 FOLDER TITLE: Satcher Confirmation [5] gf59 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom
  • ) nd P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) , OAJBox Number: 23744 FOLDER TITLE: Quality Commission -Appointees' Background [2] gfSO RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C
  • collected in 1993. ' SdJ.te-specific savings figures are attached. In addition: • Average annual drug Jpenditures per Medicaid recipient were $333.50 in 1993, but decreased $59, lor 18 Percent, to $274.37 after drug manufacturer rebates were subtracted (see
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 01. briefing paper DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Political Pros and Cons of Supporting Premium Support (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • Medicaid programs. Not only are collections and enforcement actions at an all-time high, but much greater amounts are being returned to the Medicare Trust Fund. During 1997: • • • • ' $1.087 billion was collected in criminal fines, civil judgments
  • Washington t D.C~ 20503 Re: Data Collection Dear Ms. Winston: As you requested t we have explored potenti'al sources and types of data that the Justice Department could provide regarding race in the United States. What follows is an outline of the available
  • of "up to $100 a day" to "up to $110 a day", reflecting the fact the civil monetary amount under ERISA section 502(c)( 1) has been increased to take in-Fiation into account, as required by the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996,13 clarifications
  • • Paid for by premiums as well as anti-fraud and overpayment reforms. Premium payments from people benefitting from the buy-in cover virtually all of the costs of the new option. Any short-fall- due mostly to the delay in the post-65 premium collection
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. briefing paper SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE RESTRICTION Options for Responding to Last Week's Decision by Many HMO's to Pull Out of Medicare (2 pages) nd P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • would be on a sliding­ scale basis b. 3. Individual worker contributions for their net share of the premium would be collected by the employer through payroll deductions An eligible indivi~ual would be defined to include any individual who
  • - Medicare (7 pages) 9/23/96 Personal Misfile 05. paper Recommended Town Hall Events (4 pages) 0/6/96 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAlBox Number: 23756 Box 6 FOLDER
  • P2 009. list Candidates for Advisory Commission (1 page) nd P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Cjhris Jennings (Subject File) OAlBox Number: 23753 FOLDER TITLE: Preventing Medical Erors [6] gfl49 RESTRICTION
  • to be effective generally as of the later of: 180 days after the date of adoption of a final rule, or the first day of the first plan year beginning on or after July 1, 1999. A special effective date for collectively bargained plans notsubject to section 302(c)(5
  • Misfile 006. release "Dole's $548 Billion Economic Plan Will Require Even Greater & More Damaging Medicare Cuts" (13 pages) nd Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAiBox
  • offenders for families and the public. • Continuing Development of Minimum Data Sets. In Jilne1998, HCF A began collecting info~ation on resident care through a national automated data system, known as a Minimum Data Set.. This information will be analyzed
  • , ' " I , ' I " I , o I , , Jnnu~1 EreqY!i!ncyof Data ColleCtion: " ' 'I ' , I, , 8dministrative Dats! Sources: \(endorReports o , o , Surv~y D£lta: EmplOyerS' (MS~-eligibleS and Comparisons)" Employees (MSA I ' , selectors
  • of the project, .includingland, and the Trust Fund Board would be able to institute additional terms and conditions The· Trust Fund Board would determine· a reasonable loan. insurance premium to be charged for loan guarantees and would be authorized to collect
  • Lynn A. Jennings to Chris Jennings and Peggy A. Clark Re: Blue CrosslBlue Shield Names (1 page) 1/31/97 P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAiBox Number: 23744 FOLDER TITLE: Quality
  • the appropriate forms with an SSA employee at the local SSA office. SSA does not envision all three of; these models starting at exactly the . same time. Federal information ! collection clearance procedures. training. logistical details and mutu"!-l convenience
  • ) 7/23/96 Personal Misfile 1992 Clinton-Gore Camapign Materials (42 pages) 1992 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Plocy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OA/Box Number: 23756 Box 6 FOLDER TITLE: Clinton-Gore
  • future grant awards for those States which do not agree to settlement' negotiations andlor those States which continue to collect impermissible taxes.. . . . , . , of . ' ' HCFA and OOC are currently working with the Department Justice to determine
  • -to-Work Housing Vouchers IncrCftlSing Child Support Collections Falling Welfare Caseloads Business Welfare-to-Work Commitments Health Care • . Consumer Bill of Rights & Genetic Screening Protections e Providing New Options for Americans Ages 55 to 65
  • , , consumer protection and the availability of needed services. Through a series of public meetings, it "will collect and evaluate information and develop recommendations on improving quality in the health care system. The Commission Will be co-chaired
  • took office. • The African-American poverty rate dropped to 29 percent in 1995 -- its lowest level since data was collected. • The Administration has approved than $2 billion in Small Business Administration loans to Asian Americans. The time
  • to obtain federal matchingfunds for Medicaid \,Ve have a responsibility to make sure that state taxes collected from healith care providers and then used to generate federal matching funds for Medicaid are levied in a way that is fair and equitable among all
  • of their employees. It could collect and distribute health insurance premiums but would not be an insurer (bear risk) itself. Its board would include both employer and employee representatives of small businesses, but could not include service providers, health
  • on a cooperative basis for purposes other than providing medical care. They must alSo be pennanent entities with the active support of their members and collect dues or contributions that are not conditioned. on health status. [703]' Do MEHPs Have the Sam
  • problems identified by the report. The Corrective Action Plan will take steps to make sure that: Medicate payments are ad~quately validated; that the collection of Part B premiums, which are paid to 'HCFA from'Social Security, are properly audIted
  • . o Exploring the organizational factors (at facility, network, community and State levels) that aid or impede the successful development and implementation oftelemedicine systems. o Developing, testing, and refining data collection instruments
  • ). Written comments on the information collection provisions should be submitted by (insert date 30days after date of pUblication in the FEDERAL REGISTER). For further information ofthe agency's implementation plan, see section VII of this document
  • . The 'legislation will apply the prohibitions and requirements to each covered entity, as appropriate, based on the nature of the role such entities perform in connection with workplace activities . . ·'J DRAFT: 9/26/97 D. May not collect; purchase
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. briefing paper DATE SUBJECTfflTLE David Satcher, Candidate for Assistant Secretary of Health and Surgeon General (14 pages) nd RESTRICTION P2 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • on in November. Proponents said that they collected the 1.2 signatures to qualify for the ballot rather easily. One recent poll shows 68% are in favor of the initiative. Another one shows that 54% are in favor, 32% oppose. A tobacco tax ballot initiative has
  • Information 10 promole informec choice 10/15/98 CBS EHP J Drass 61354 G N Workplans in place; system chg. assess. in process; reviewing comments on fact sheats; plan comparison data update on target procedures: prep & mailing Collection, accumulalion
  • assist", 7 an~e 8 this part as a result of­ under the State program' funded under "(i) increased earnings from employ­ 9 10 ment; "(ii) the collection or increased eollec-" 11 12 ' tion of child or spousal support; 13 01" H(iii
  • technology vendors . identify d()mainexperts and input staff to. build the GIS' 3. Develop 10 to 20 conceptual plates for HII Consortium. 4. Survey Data: . ' . ' A ppropriate data will be collected, .analyzed and synthesized. The Koop Institute's private
  • ~) , Resume (4 pages) I Mary Jane England to Chris Jennings re: Appointment of Chris I Qucram (2 pages) I 4/18/97 P61b(6) nd P61b(6) 4/15/97 P2 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAlBox
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE Attendees- White House Conference on Mental Health Social Security Numbers Redacted (13 pages) 6/6/99 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • their pro rata share, as determined by the Secretary, of estirriated costs related to enrollment and' dissemination of information and certain counseling antl assistance programs. The Secretary is authorized to collect user fees but such fe6s are limited
Asthma (Item)
  • million units of blood were : collect~d from almost 9 million donors' (not " shown). " .' In 1989, approximately 20 million units of •blood products were transfused to 4 million . : patients (not shown). . t N ®006 _ oI '/ 2 8/9- N,HLBI
  • bipartisan agreement on the amendments'to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. We' are particularly grateful for the provision, that directs the General Accounting Office to conduct a study and report to ' Congress on the effect of the OASIS data collection
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAiBox Number: 23744 FOLDER TITLE: Quality Commission [1] Gary Foulk gf47 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom
  • In 191M. houMhoId dIIIta reIIec:t . . ~ of alnlfor ........ of . . Ctnwt Pap.AIon &.n.r questiomlli". Md collection mtIIhodoIogyMd ... notdirecUycomperable wtlhdala for BIgInning In 1880. thIM ... ~1COIJIOI"'880 ~ popUalio!l c:onIJoia. ~UIted
  • ; provide comparative information to beneficiaries regarding the plans in their areas; transmit information about beneficiaries' plan selections and corresponding premium obligations to the Social Security Administration to permit premium collection
  • of §11~5 waivers generally proceeds ,as follows: Initial Review. About a month after the State submits its proposal, ORD collects questio~'u;) from HHS and OMB and . ". 1. ' . forwards them to the State. '-'2'. >. ,. Fact::Findii£i
  • to be impermissible will have an opportunity to provide new·information that could preclude an audit. In the case of an audit, auditors will conduct on-site examinations to determine the total revenue collected from each health care related tax program HCF
  • Part B premium) will avoid the necessity for a separate billing process, but will not make it easier to determine the correct amount to collect. It will also be necessary to identify and notify eli­ gible individuals. This will be complicated
  • 65+. Does not apply to multiple employer arrangements with multi-employer collective bargaining agreements. Managed Carel Medicare + Choice Managed care organizations must maintain records of individual enrollee drug expenses. Any expense
  • , and that they understood John's reasoning but. didn't necessarily agree with it. CBO raised the issue of the decision on the Line Item Veto authority and indicated that they believed it would increase the likelihood that HCF A would actually try to collect disallowances
  • Withdraw~l/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library I DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE RESTRICTION I 001. note I Bruce Lindsey to POTUS i re: Letter from David Matter (1 page) I 2/97 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • National Oairns History (NCR) File. We then ;collected. Medicare reiinburs~ment ·rates for specific drugs frolll contracted carriers. Lastly, we analyzed wholesale paces from drug wholesalers and groupl purchas~orgailizations.· , , MediCare Allowance Dpla
  • rate rules ----­ ·-·---for·PSOS------ ---. Risk adjustment factors (OSP~ collection of encounter data fran M+C Payment plans(CHPPIPOI); reporting requirements -----­ ... Plan Statei'llent OfcajJacHy (all M +C Plan characteristics plans); reporting
  • in that it ensured that states will automatically get increased federal support should enrollment unexpectedly increase (such as in an economic downturn.) However, their provision to allow states to lower their state matching dollars and still collect the same amount
  • can be' maintained wbDe aUowing FDA to focus resourres on hlgber risk.cteviceB • Collect user fees for medical device reviews Impact: Speed up device reviews using program similar to one already achieving success for dl'1ll reviews • Expand
Cancer [2] (Item)
  • for her to receive a Pap test at the same time). i The National Cancer Institute The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has implemented several outreach programs including: I * Tracking cancer rates in minority populations: NCI supports the collection
  • tax revenues colleCted by the federal government, leaving nothing for national defense, roads; or education. We cannot stand by and let this happen. We formed this Centrist Coalition because we believe a balanced budget is possible only if Democrats
  • coverage for families losing cash assistance due to collection of child ' support However, limits 12-month Medicaid transitional coverage for families losing cash assistance due to eamings to those-with incomes below the povertY line. Senate Sill
  • 14.0 34.0 IHS - Program Level IHS - B~et Avtlwrity Collections " Hospitals and Clinics Contract Health Services Contract SuppOrt Costs 5 1,1$0.1 816.0 191.1 683.0 96.0 11$.4 18.0 1$.3 5.0 103.5 1,1$0.1 816.0 191.1 683.0 96.0 11$.4 0.0 1$.3 5.0
Diabetes [1] (Item)
  • the collection of informp\ive families from· different populations and ,ethnic groups. It is . important that. initi~ results that suggest linkage or association of regions of the genome with diabetes be extended to,and confirmed in, additional informative
  • . ,I The data collected for the report cover~ fiscal year (FY) 1996.; in 1997, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) mandated that fiscal intermediaries (FIs) use the HCF-A Customer Infonnation System as a fraud detection tooL
  • to imprbve the collection of certain mental health records. Under federal law, persons who hav~ been committed to a mental institution or were adjudicated as mentally "defective" are ndt permitted to possess a firearm. Currently, however, many restricted
  • decrease in outlays. I RECEIPTS Actual FY 1996 receipts were $1,452.8 billion, $0.6 billion lower than theMSR estimate. Lower-than-expected collections of excise taxes and miscellaneous receipts, partially offset .. by higher-than-expected collections
  • goals previously .stated, the Secretary requires the OPlN to collect and report indicator data on outcomes, and to compare altemativepoliCies ag~inst I estimated or projected outcomes. It is primarily against these indicators that the Secretary
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTrrITLE 001. memo Jennings to FLOTUS Re: Medicaid and Tennesse Information/Trustees' Quadrennial Recommendation (2 pages) 4/13/95 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION
  • an audit. In the case of an audit, auditors will conduct on-site examinations to determine the total revenue collected from each health care related tax I , program HCFA determ.ined to be out of compliance. This will help HCFA determine the amount e(lch
  • would ,be limited to a sliding-scale schedule. An attorney who represents a plaintiff in a medical malpractice action on a contingency fee basis would not be permitted to charge, demand, receive or collect more than a specified percentage of the total
  • Background on Arkansas Children's Health Plan (2 pages) 9/24/97 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAiBox Number: 23746 Box 14 FOLDER TITLE: Insurance Coverage Expansion [1] g02 RESTRICTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE HR 1180, Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 Event Social Security numbers redacted (I page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • equivalent I '1;~ to 100 per centum of the amount of additional excise taxes ;i ,I ' r18 collected ~s a result of the amendments made by this sec­ 'i 19 tion. The amounts appropriated by the preceding sentence ',} 'I 2:0 shall be transferred from time
  • to include performance indicators relevant ~o the Medicare population. ~ o Encounter Data. Quality assurance systems utilizing performance indicators requires that managed care plans collect comparable, encount~r data. However, due to the nature
  • . -counterdetailing fees ' , -information collection fees -market share movement payments -disease management fees -intervention cost participation . 3. They make false statements to manufacturers and customers in order to obtain reba~es and retain them.(lie-:-up, lie
  • Support Payments would Include spej,ding on the Temporary Assistance for NeedV Families Block Grant, administrative costs for child support enforcement. the Child Care Block Grant, and net federal saVings from child support collections'. bf Food Stamps
  • of-the premium would be collected by the employer through payroll withholding .D. Individuals that elect to be covered undei a spouse's health insurance plan would be obligated to pay the difference between individual and family coverage, in that employers
  • Equitable's right to amend the plan or its terms at any time. Pabst Brewing Company, Inc. v. Corrao (1997) Pabst Brewing Company had promised to provide coverage to its retired employees as part of the collectively bargained agreement
  • ~oblem with permittinq the promotion of off Fe6-lq-l~~c j l2;~~ FROM TO • . label uses is that not all off label uses are Gafe and effective. The only way to Jtnowwhich ones are .safe arid effective. is to collect and analyze the data supporting
  • ' :", , , " , detractors as quite the opposite. , ', " staff I am extremely pr,oud that a third' of the UNOS Board comprises patients. donors. and fanuly inembers like Jean Ann or'me. oUr collective voice is a powerful force in UNOS -- more than any such body I' have
  • quality assurance program for services provided to its MedicarePlus enrollees. The program has to: (1) stress health outcomes and provide for the collection. analysis. and reporting of data that will permit measurement of outcomes and other indices
  • as guidance regarding application of health care fraud and abuse sanctions. Section 1128E of the Social Security Act directs the Secretary of HHS to establish a national health care fraud and abuse data collection program for the reporting of final adverse
  • , California Busines1s Roundtable·,~. ,",
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffITLE 001. letter Tom Loranger to Chris Jennings re: Biden Amendment (3 pages) 9/24/96 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • would allow VA to collect outstanding VA loan guaranty debts by Federal salary offset or Federal income tax offset. Currently VA is prohibited from using non-VA Federal offsets to satisfy debts unless the debtor consents in writing, or if a court has
Children [3] (Item)
  • determination, premium., , , , collection, transmission of premium and enrollment information to health plans, ' administration of the fusurance Purchasing Credits, and printing and mailing of application I ' materials. i In addition, an application
  • Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OA/Box Number: 23756 Box 6 FOLDER TITLE: Clinton-Gore Campaign Materials [1] gf6 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.c. 2204
  • pays fer a home health visit, but HCFA . I I r ! I doesn't ask whether the visit lasted for 15 minutes or an hour. Sharon explained that this is not data that HCFA currently collects, but agreed that it would be good information to have. I I
  • premium collections since about one-third of the initial costs at ages 62-64 would not be paid by enrollees Utiti! after age 65, rather than year-by·year as the costs are incurred. 3 , • Although the premiums would be detennined on the basis ofthe
  • information to beneficiaries regarding the plans in their areas; transmit information about beneficiaries' plan selections and corresponding premium obligations to the Social Security Administration to pennit premium collection as occurs today with Medicare
  • ~vl0 plans raises the possibility that the op,=n-ended plans wilJ left with co-op collects i'nforma­ tion on inpat!eht med­ ical di:;,gno,es as well as the higher risks, An employe1'­ demographic character­ practical way to address risk dilter­
  • of civil rights laws, broader dissemination of best pra~tices'and'improved data collection.' As another example, the initiative has identified more than ISO promising practices -- national and community-based programs that are working to bridge racial
  • . 1 ' Medicaid: I . Collects a provider tax which HCFA has diknowed. and a provider tax ($11.3 million) which it is probable . I that.HCFA would disallow., Submitted 1115 waiver concep paper to exJaoo eligibility and benefits for women and children
  • calling. But it's hard to imagine a worse way of going about it than the proposal Mr. Reiner and his allies have just qualified for the .November ballot. This is a measure that will collect $ 700 million annually through a tax that hits hardest on who can
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTrrlTLE 001. briefing paper Meeting With Senate Finance Democrats (6 pages) 7/16/99 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • PHASE IN*** COMBINATIONS: HIGH·INCOME & HOME HEALTH • CBO preliminary estimates of "HCFA Collection 1 BBA set-up", 5/1/97 •• Estimates based on CBO preliminary estimates (adds "Middle collections" for Blue Dog Home Health) ••• Administration staff
  • organization providers the right to participat~ in State Medicaid managed care networks integrates rrUs into Qtanaged care delivery systems and recognizes their unique health delivery role. ' ,0 Modify Quality Assurance with new data collection authority
  • of Americans. . < As wesLaIld at the brink of the new millennium, it is 'our collective responsibility to restore our nation's fiscal strength while maintaining our compassion. A viable Medicaid program will help us meet that challenge. . American Association
  • of impermissible taxes. There is no precise estimate of how much money is at stake since audits must be performed to determine the exact amount of revenue collected from impermissible health care related taxes. However, based on initial estimates through March 1997
  • of a felony. HCF A would deny these applicants a billing number. . • Second, the Secretary would be authorized to collect a fee for all Medicare and Medicaid applicants when they apply for enrollment or re-enrollment. If an application is denied, a six
  • , including their type of health insurance, income, and tax status; 4 (2) obtained data from the KPMG 1998 Annual Survey of Employer~Sponsored Health Benefits to estimate employer premium contrtbutionsj and (3) collected data on. single and family health
  • -duty diamond tiara is tOO showy, says Wang, unless you're marrying into ro) Wang is also putting her stamp 01) t~e wedding party. Wang is outfitting the six little gi' Vendela's wedding and has just launchea a bridesmaid collection, with dresses
  • . The Administration' has in­ creased its estimates for' receipts by siz~ able amounts for 1997 and·1998; and by smaller amount in subsequent years. The increases are largely due to revised eco­ nomic proj~ctions and unexpectedly high collections of individual income
  • at 25 percent of program spending, then $20 billion of the S80 billion fucrease would be collected from. beneficiaty payments of an additional $8.90 per month in Part B premiums in '1988 (rising. to $10.60 by 2002). Medicaid would pay the increase
  • ,er ,FDA control. ,The agency should test, this option with lower risk devices and then consider the results before extending third·party evaluations for implantable devices and drugs. It wO)J.ld seem sensible to collect user fees for ptemarket review
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter DATE SUBJECTrrITLE 12/3/96 letter to Chris Jennings from Walter K. Graham re: liver allocation policy (3 pages) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • and interpretations. I Information collected from triplicate or electronic prescriptions might also be analyzed to identify questionable prescribing practices, which could be used to guide education of physicians and pharmacists about effective and appr~priate use
  • ment, and molecules, d~ta Although chemists have collected a great deal on the strength, energy, polarization, rearrage­ sta~ility of the various bonds of these artificial an~icipated or unanticipated biodegradation may sub­ sequently be followed
  • . The high lapse rate allows insurance companies to use premiums collected from lapsed policies and premiums from ,still in-effect policies to pay claims. Therefore, a lower lapse rate WIll mean higher premiums for new purchasers of , LTC insurance
  • , or charity. Medicaid amounted to about 40% of gross patient revenues for this group of institutions in FY1997, according to data collected by the National Association of Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI), while bad debt and charity
  • WithdrawalVRedaction Sheet Clinron Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. briefing paper DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 7/21/97 Briefing Paper - Various Topics (I page) RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris
  • statJs its pt.lIpose and provides for periodic meetings on at least an annual basis, I I . (5) the associati6n collects dues or contributions from its members on a periodic. basis, without conditioning such dues or contributions on the basis of health
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECT/TITLE Colorado Forum 1997 Trip to Washington Social Security numbers redacted (1 page) 4114/97 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • not to '~ubmit a claim to Medicare for the sernces. The beneficiarY .' I' " . . would be obligated to pay the entire bill·pocket, without 'collecting any money that Medicare would have. paid, even though the beneficiarY has full Medicare coverage. Under
  • determining in good 9 10 faith that the individual is in financial 11 need; 12 "(II) fails to collect coinsurance or 13 deductible amounts after making reasonable 14 collection efforts; or 15 "(III) provides for any permissible 16 waiver
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. resume DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE Resume - Donald Mark Berwick, M.D. Social Security number redacted (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • nationwide and to help guide strategies and policy. This new study will collect information on mental illness, including the prevalence and duration of mental illness as well as the types oftreatment that are mostcommonly used. NIMH will also announce
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCVMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter DATE SVBJECTrrlTLE Lorraine Lewis to Frank W. Hunger Re: FEHB and Suits Against the Tobacco Industry (3 pages) 10/16/98 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . federal matching funds based on the inflated . payments it has made to the providers. As. a result, the state collects additional federal money without contributing any state fundsL. The federal Medicaid funds gathered through these· schemes can be used
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. draft DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE Draft- Health Coverage Ideas for Budget (7 pages) 12/10/99 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Councii Chris
  • in April 1993. Beneficiaries were T
Diabetes [2] (Item)
  • I ' : I II I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 8/6/97 Attendees for Diabetes Event; Social Security Numbers Redacted (8 pages) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • or $20.00. In some cases it probably' will not be cost effective to collect a coinsurance. 6) A New Income-Related Premium for Higher Income Medicare Beneficiaries Currerr:Jy the Part B premium is intended to approximate 25 percent of Part B costs
  • oQtains Office of Management and Budget approval for § 121.6(c), which contains information collection requirements. Comments on this final rule are invited. To ensure consideration, comments must be u received. by (insert date 60 days after date
  • COLLECTION: . Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAiBox Number: 23744 FOLDER TITLE: Quality Commission [5] gf48 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 U.S.C. 2204(a») Freedom oflnformation Act - [5
Heart Disease (Item)
  • , or other environmental facto'rs. Another goal is to find out whether such distInctions, in rum, lead to Black-white differences in other CVD risk factors such as high blood pressure and blood lipid levels. The inlrial phase of data collection on physical
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. release DATE SUBJECTfflTLE "Comparison of Gore and Bradley Health Proposals" (18 pages) nd RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • there reporting of inforwation 1) to support the study and 2) permit the implementation of a constraint on the number of accounts available. Such a constraint may be necessary to allow until sufficient information to be collected and analyzed
Diabetes [1] (Item)
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic policy Council Chris Jennings (Subject File) OAIBox Number: 23756 Box 7 FOLDER TITLE: Diabetes [1] gf15 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 V.S.c. 2204(a») Freedom of Information Act - [5
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Social Security number redacted (1 page) 6/10/98 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Chris
  • in relevant methodologies. To collect the data for the development ofthe practice expense relative value units, HCFA contracted with Abt Associates. Direct expenses . To gather information on direct expenses, Abt convened 15 clinical practice expert paneJs
  • to add in language to improve the quality and rele\ ance of the information the States collect and report to the Federal govemment {for examplf3/we don't know the number of QMBs by State or the amo:mt of Federal Medicaid funds spent on managed care
  • plans would ircur costs of 59 cents to $2.17 a mont'! for each insured person becaUSE of the requirement to collect and dis::lose information about the. quality of care. And it said health plans (ould provide patients new rights d appeal for a maximum
  • the plan that is certified by HHS as impartial. QualitylUR The proposals would require some ~r all of the following: • Require plans to establish an internal quality assurance program • Require plans to collect and report standard data on care
  • agencies who have I FY 1999: $106 million jurisdiction of civil rights enforcement. Funds will be used for activities su~h as alternative dispute resolution, increased compliance targeting, improved technology I Five Year: N/A and data collection
  • . Appropriations bill, Congress agreed. to finance higher levels of spending for education, for the environment, and for crime programs by approving mandatory savings such as debt collection and housing reform and by reducing the FEMA Disaster Relief account
  • )propose new measures to collect more child support from parents who can afford to pay; 3) restore the child-support pass-through and revise outdated rules to ensure mothers and children re~eive more of the support the father pays; and 4) promote efforts
  • community works hard to baiance the needs of e~ch type of hospital in our collective public advocacy a'genda. The entire audience would be personally touched ,by the First lady's remarks if she Would balance her address to equally recognize each
  • ,tudystates; ,except California .. :In three of the study states (Pennsylvania, Utah, and Washington), BCBS ,plans held:aUe~st60 percent.of the 1995 (see Table 14) .. Collectively, Washington's four BCBS plans, held 77 percent of the market; as many
  • population through managed care providers. Thirteen additional states are in the early states of developing a forinal managed care program for Medicaid patients. ' c : In 'addition to contacting the various Medicaid offices, UPMC ' also collected data from
  • on October 9,1996). .(. Medicare-Medicaid Coverage Data Bank RepeaL Under current law (section 1144 of the Social Security Act), the Secretary is required; effective January 1, 1994, to establish a data bank to collect information from employers regarding
  • 1tuough 2015, For mQlt ottbe PIOII1oM·S blstOlY~ and m:pcmditun:a have been me=e VIIY close topther, iltuIUatiDa the P'Y"'JOQ-ta nature orR[ fittarldng. '!be taus collected each yell' are iD.teaded to be roushlY su.Ii~ to ~r that ~s costs. Surphll
  • Counteradvertising: In an event focusing on counteradvertising, the President could direct HHS to: (1) designate the :CDC's Media Campaign Resource Center as a National Clearinghouse on Tobacco Counterad,:,ertising; (2) collect and disseminate a package of the top-10
  • from 10010 cap; establishes separate outreach cap of 3% of benefits; 'requires states to use portion of remaining lOOAl cap to improve datil· . systems, collection and reporting activities. .' . " " . '.!.: ',- . Subtotal, Uses of Funds
  • a realistic assessment Qf the time frames needed to d~op and adeq'uRtely test the 1I1Odi:ficd system's ability to collect accurate plan enrollment infor.rna1ion from the local department of social selYices oftieer., aDd to track aDd reccllcile capitariol'l
  • and 1992 are not strictly comparable with data collected after 1992. I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I The proportion of all retirees having RHBs declined from 44% in 1988 to 34% in 1994. 18 This represents a decline of 23% in just a six year
  • to administrative simplification, the interrelationship with, and effect upon, state laws addressing data collection and confidentiality of health information should be clear and state flexibility retained. • The legislation should clearly set forth the types
  • to detect breast cancer early. According to data collected in 1993, about 54 percent ofw9men age 65 and over had a mammogram in the previous two years, as compared to 65 percent for women age 50-64, and 60 percent for women age 40-49. , ., Since 1991
  • and infonnation collection requirements that are included in the per ca.pita proposal. States could also object to provider payment requirements. • Quality of Cart and Accountability AMY.1 External QuaJit): Review Under current law, States are required
  • and to collect s:ss!ssed nnes faster. ,The expectation is that the more expeditious resolution of appeals will heighten the deterrent effe t o ' . . It is too early to assess the \ ,e ect 0 e a 00 ding on the nmnber of pending appeals because the new iLStaff
  • to exchange with the INS the information that they are currently authorized to collect. In sum, nothing in the welfare law changes current reporting requirements or restrictions with respect to unqualified or qualified. aliens seeking he~th care and benefits
  • all Medicare managed care plans use the option of reducing premiums as the first level of additionai benefits. (Plans also "waive" premium amounts they could otherwise collect. The waiver ,of premiums is supposed to be financed from non-Medicare
  • disciosed. Many policyholders sue when the company decides the~' aren't cO\'ered for "pre\iously ex­ isting conditions." the Journal found. but few collect. Most just slink a\\'a~' at the prospect of still more legal bills, . What about peopie \\'ho ha\'e
  • for their invaluable assistance and diligence in collecting, verifying, and formulating the information to bring this document to fruition. We would also like to acknowledge the many individuals who provided advice on the selection of indicators and presentation