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21 results

  • governed Enterprise Community in the country. It was created in J 994 with a $6 million grant provided jointly by the federal and state governments. The empowerment zone program has the same objectives, Tozzi said. "There's just moreinoney that comes
  • !. retention oflong:-term welfare recipients. This credit complements the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, which expands eligible businesses to include those who hire young adults living in Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. In FY 1999, the President
  • -- maybe, and maybe it starts two weeks from yesterday; but either two weeks from yesterday or today -- we're having our annual Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community national convention that the Vice President hosts, and we're doing it in South Texas
  • -, ... , - . -... --.----~--.-.--"" --:- ~---;---- ""~ ~ - * -----~~- - . - - - - - - - - .. ---"'-----_.. =----.,..-;----,..---- ---- . - ~~ _ _ _ _, _____ ~ ... -, ......... _ . _ _ ~ -...: ..... ..-. ~ ... ~--..- ---~.~~----.--',.--- ~- , ... -..-,-."- .-. .. . .". ',,-.---.~--. .... --.-~.-- -.'_..... --. - .-.--,~-- .. -'----.~~.-----~~----'.------,-.~ ....... ":""'-~~-~~-........ ,............ ~----.----~--;.----," . -+~.- - -~-.-------, ...:_'-­ " - - - - - " " " ' _.... -,,- _________ 1""
  • incentives for nine empowerment zones and 95 enterprise communities. Over 500 communities submitted applications for these 104 designations. The final designations were announced in December 1994. To build upon the success of this program, and to mobilize
  • . Lead Entity for the Kentucky Highlands Empowerment Zone) B. Arizona MultiBank Communitv Development Corporation· (To-be-Formed New LMI SBIC, COFI) C. North Carolina - Economic Opportunities Fund (To-be-Formed \-5 New SBICs) D. Mississippi Delta
  • . ./ Additional Funding for Empowerment Zones: The budget provides $55 million in funding for Urban Empowerment Zones and $15 million for Rural Enterprise Zones and Enterprise Communities . ./- Continuing To Build a Network Of Community Development Banks Across
  • and niore than 100 Enterprise Communities that are creating new jobs, new opportunities and stronger communities. The FY99 budget included $60 million in flexible discretionary funding for the next round of Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities
  • and Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Communities to post or distribute this information. The Secretary of I~terior shall, among other proposed actions: -Develop and distribute culturally relevant referral information to Native American families through the Bureau
  • : more thandDubling the New Markets Tax Credit to spur $15 billion dollars in new inve$tment in community , development in economically distressed areas; expanded Empowerment Zone Tax Incentives to' ' extend, and improve economic growth in the 31 existing
  • of Youth Development and four middle schools will implement the Learning Centers for Learning Communities initiative in the Bayview, 'Hunters Point, Mission and Visitacion Valley Enterprise Communities. This effort will expand after-school, weekend
  • Enterprise Communities announced in January. The FY 2000 Budget proposes mandatory funding for ten years: $150 million a year for urban EZs .and Strategic Planning Communities; $10 million a year for rural EZs; and $5 million a year for rural ECs
  • ) • The Department of Labor, through the Employment and Training Administration, will provide $1.25 billion over five years to increase long-term employment of youth aged 14­ 21 who live in Empowerment Zones, Enterprise Communities and High-Poverty areas
  • that operates or initiates a program in an empowennent zone, a.n enterprise community. a ,school district where at least 50 percentofthe students are eligible to participate in the school .. Senate Finance Demo.Cratic Tax: Package- July 18,1999