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  • Empowerment Zones
  • . Hemarks on Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities January 17, 1994 you expect it of partnership, ght of the idea ~ we've got to of William]. · I want to thank Arland for reminding us all that we can make a difference in people's lives
  • for children; • Fighting for full funding for the Women, Infants, and Children Program (WI C); SEP-10 96 09:11 2024964848 FROM:1 PRGE:04 T0:94565709 • Creating nine Economic Empowerment Zones and 95 Enterprise Communities. The President has also
  • to direct resources to high-poverty areas, including Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities, to provide comprehensive services designed to increase employment and school completion rates for disadvantaged youth. The President's FY99 budget included
  • ) and Enterprise Communities (EC). Thirteen years after the first federal enterprise zone legislation was introduced, Pre~ident Clinton's Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Community initiative became law. The Clinton Administration annom1ced 105 winners - nine urban
  • million next year, and continue to increase it each year thereafter. ,, -- AUG-30-96 07:21 From: T-030 P.OZ/02 Job-OSZ • Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Communities. In his current balanced budget, President Clinton proposed a second round
  • and Regulatory Improvement Act, we're steering billions of dollars in private investment to the places people need it the most. And very soon, we'll announce the winners of our empowerment zones and enterprise communities. We're helping Americans to rebuild
  • were all designated Enterprise Communities in December, 1994 and were awarded $3 million each to create more jobs, housing, and economic opportunity for area residents. COMBATTING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: • 392 New Immigration Agents: INS has added 392 new
  • ACCOMPLISHMENT President Clinton proposed and signed into law legislation for empowerment zones in August 1993 that will award $3.8 billion to 104 empowerment zones and enterprise communities. President Clinton announced in December 1994 which communities
  • to be empowerment zones or enterprise communities. We have seen some remarkable transformations in those communities. Here in Cleveland, dozens of new businesses are moving into or expanding in the city zone. One of them is Bearings, a Fortune 1000 company
  • up in the previous 12 years combined. October 14, 1996 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPEARHEADING URBAN RENEWAL EFFORTS: $125 Million to Los Angeles: Los Angeles was designated a Supplemental Empowerment Zone
  • like yours the United States gives greater economic incentives for new investment to diversify the economy. One of the things that I have asked the Congress to do in my balanced budget plan is to more than double the number of empowerment zones
  • child care when both parents participate in JOIN. AUG.20.1996 3:37PM HTGN CITY HALL HUNTINGTON ENTERPRISE COMMUNITY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Huntington West Virginia Housing Authority * 7 low income households attained home-ownership thru HOPE 3 * 20 public
  • : $3 Million tp Mane/tester: Manchester was designated an Enterprise Community in December, 1994 and was awarded $3 million to create more jobs, housing, and economic opportunit)• for area residents. PROTECTING ACCESS TO HEALTH C.ARE: Acce.u to Health