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14 results

  • and the Congress to authorize and to fund such a Technology Learning Challenge ("TLC") in Title III of ESEA. This challenge will be' modelled after the successful community and economic Empowerment Zone challenge that you launched last year. In the TLC, the federal
  • THE LOW-INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT: By permanently extending the low-income housing tax credit and expanding its availability in the 104 empowerment zones and enterprise communities that will be designated, the bill increases opportunities for low-income
  • neighborhoods i n urban and r u r a l areas. Empowerment Zones: D r a m a t i c a l l y d i f f e r e n t from development p r o p o s a l s f o r d i s t r e s s e d communities o f f e r e d by p r e v i o u s Democratic and Republican A d m i n i s t r a t i
  • h i s must be part of r e t h i n k i n g the federal government's a b i l i t y to respond t o the needs of a l l comiuuniLieti across a l l Departments and programs. This i s a major focus and purpose of President Clinton's Empowerment Zone
  • p o l i t i c a l persecution o r having other v a l i d claims." ENTERPRISE ZONES — A USA Today e d i t o r i a l m i l d l y endorses "Empowerment zones," s a y i n g , " F o l l o w i n g communities' leads may be a way t o make e n t e r p r i s
  • enterprise communities, in which businesses would be given tax " ; .In^htivMAM The budget .package .would reduce spencfttg |^ a t ^ $ ^ b9i«ii°i T-Herei are; some of ;the;^hdpa^ SPENDING CUTS Cut Medicare payments, incfudng a fi&ni%i^^ reimbursements