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Empowerment Zones
- Empowerment Zones
- .,> . 'jI ' Performance Reports·· Executive Summaries 1995-1996 o Empowe"!'erlt Zone tEl) '. ,0 , 0 Supplemental Empowerment Zone (SEZ) Enhanced Ente
- Empowerment Zones-Sustainable Communities
- biodiversity, and providing recreational opportunities, are objectives that matter to them. They have also shown that, through plans such as this, environmental and economic goals for the region can be ,harmonized. Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities
- . . , • Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. The.FY 2000 Budget proposes mandatory funding for ten years: $150 million a year for urban EZs and Strategic Planning Communities; $10 million a year for rural EZs; and $5 million a year for rural ECs
Budget 1997 [4]
- targeted to higher education to make college more affordable for America's families. v A Welfare-to-Work tax credit to help long-term welfare recipients get jobs. V" . Establishes additional Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. President Clinton
- Empowerment Zones and EnterPrise,Coffimunitl~s and expanding access to capital. .'. , " . 'c-. ,: " ' " !> ... " . ft#wl(It;Sk~ rAe 0''1\ fir::5hlrreI'l~~ C ~ Paul J. Weinstein Jr. 09/16/98 04:2,2:33 PM •••••••••••••••• Record Type:' To: 'Record
Race Initiatives
- which acknowledges th~ enormous help which financial institutions have, and can, play in rebuilding distressed communities. Also, with Vice President Gore's leadership, we have enacted two rounds of Empowerment Zones, which are helping to bring growth
Budget 1997 [3]
- and . the Retired and Senior Volunteer Pro almost all were reading at their appro gram, the Foster Grandparent Program, priategrade level by the end of the year, and the Senior Companion Program, ena-. bling nearly 600,000 older Americans to Empowerment Zones (EZs
- .: -First-Time Homebuyer Tax:Credit. Th~ 1997 tax law put in place a $5,000 tax credit for firsf-time homebuyers in the District of Columbia. To boost homeownership . ( , I' in Empowerment Zones, we could propose allowing any first-time homebuyer
Budget 1997 [1]
- to raise their kids .. $35 billion of tax cuts targeted to higher education to make college more affordable A Welfare-to-Work tax credit to help long-term welfare recipients get jobs. Establishes additional Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities
- /training opportunities, on-site after-school child care and construction of child care and youth centers. The Ounce of Prevention Program enhances efforts already underway in,Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Communities with summer and after-s~hool education
- the. ·chance to setve their country and help solve problems at the local level while earnIng money for college. Th~ budget proposes to create more Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities that offer tai incentives and direct spending to encourage the kind
Budget-1999 Appropriations
- , which is an essential component of the Administration's Empewerment. Zones/Enterprise Communities initiative. We urge .the House to provide. full~nding as' requested.. The Administration has strong concerns with the inadequate funding levels
Disability-OPM-Model Plan VI
- growing with continued low inflation and low unemployffient, we must draw on the untapped potential of our people. That's why I launched our Enterprise Zone and Enterprise Community Initiative six and a half years ago, under the leadership of Vice